Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 25, 1898, Image 3

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fj. i. r. .. . . . .
rEDXESlAY, MAY 25, 1808.
Con "toss.
Tf a r 31. JI.x'iov,
of Franklin tounty.
E. (J. Slll-Wl" KKIi
A. U. Evans.
II. F. Wn.i.ARU.
Mrs- Xevin li:s --one to Atlantic
J:i!-i,! I);; vis is home from a visit
to V;k;iiisrtu, I. C,
Mrs. .McMeeii has returned from
a viit to Philadelphia.
Tiie ruttied skirt Tor wouiens'
dresses apiiu iKK'oiiiin fashiou
al.Ie. .SjUiio i::li'it Futton, of Lewis
town, v.-as in town several houi-s on
- , - .aw iuv u ui uic UMUUIUU V 111 11 Ull'U
Ir lZ?ta T k- 'n FaV yU ,.25 i he lived aml oue of the W of his
P r cent. Iieid his Hurra r.c in ft.;- .i ... i
. - - ut,v nun yeiienmon
T , Last Thursday May. IS), Doctor
Ihe Epwoi th Lea.ie, with a Orth representing the management
dele-rate representation of !.!!' of the IVnusvlviiniii siato T nn .fm
in the M. E. i-hnreh on Tiinsriav
afternoon. Sessions to day, "Wed
nesday May 25, in the forenoon,
afternoon and evening
are convened in this Hospital at Ilarrisburir. defied the
The first session was held ! order of Judge Lyons' court of the
41st judicial district, in refusing
to receive an indigent patient regu
larly committed for treatment, and
'Keedsville people swnn the 1 1.;ittl)n against S. Clayton Stoner
stars and stripes 400 ieet"l)i"L.t- r,tl of Jnina,a ''"ty. The
from a wire stretched across from 't'so1liat ,roEgt about a defiance
oneneakof .k.l's'ynnnt,:,, t :r lhc order of the court above
etl er peak of the same mountain i110'101 tlirciupTi the send
ige.' Th wire between the peaks nR -f Ipworth G. XuL-ely to the
1.-0) feet The fla is 2ii ftK.t ; '''fP1 "F' a petition the father
wide, 42 feet longand was made by ! ue ?oung manjust inennonwi
the women of L'eedsvillc j.Iudge Lyons apponiJI, I lenek
" ! I-peuschade, Sr.. V,. h JJarchJield
Last Friday night in I-omin, -' Es..,., and Dr, W. II. Jlsinks a com
Ohio, they heard that Sampson 'mission in lunacy. The commia-
had defeated the Spanish fleet, and'siou reji ted him iusane, the court.
ate graves, the cedowa -Vain street
to Court House square, a'- d deeor
ute mooome :t.
nei -win lonow tne exercises
pertaiti-g to the raising of the
A choir of sirgers will rejder
patriotic selections.
The iliftli- towu LUi d will lead
the parade a- d furcish music.
Addresses ill be made by Dr.
W II. Rodgers, M'illerforce
fschweyer, Esq., J. Howard Xeely,
Es(., and others.
The public are cordially invited
to be piese t.
C J: t'l.KLL.VX,
Comma-der Post Xo.134, G A E.
Commissio ers of Ju c iata cou-.ty.
aved from the S
forthwith they formed a pnx-ession ! coiif-rmctl the report and ordered i to,,K-I,,PrK,n-and
began a triumphal march. A that he be confined in tiie hospital ! W. H. TV.l is dr.
norsein ahosocart frightened and) above mentioned. In pnrsuaij'-e 'for war
filled with mucus and blood.
Mav 23 ISflS An Albany doctor was to
John Kennedy is very low with ! perfori P Ja
i ttm anil d M V.
argeon's Knife
H0LL0BAU&H & ouim,
Our spring line of men's, boy's
compelled to get op at night to urinate-when the passing of wtr jnCl ChlldrenS ClOthinS MtS CP
lg pain when there is a sediment in the urine in the vessel, or I - . ... '
No organs are of greater importance to the human body than the Kidney.
Their duty is to sift and strain the poisonous and waste matter from the blood,
and if they fail to do this, the trouble shows in the nervous system, and evenja
the brain. Your life is at stake when there are pains in the small of your back
When yoa are
causes sralflin
When it appears white or milky. When so afflicted, you can conquer the trouble I il f Q PGntS lUmiSnin0 OOGS
with Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, the greatest medicine that I " t O
civilization has ever known lor curing Kidney,
Bladder, Dlood and Liver Diseases.
James Lettice, of Canajoharie, N. Y., tells of
his wonderful cure: "Some years ago I was attached
with pains in my back
and sides that were
fearful. I could not
trol my kidneys,
whet came from
Snails have ruined the
O niton
plants i'i Lycoming, and
coini: :es.
Th.' Sii-ii.ut'i-giil will put on the
aii;i navy bm-kle for the sum
mer weftr.
'a'.cn will deliver a
Sunday evening u
i:ev. .Vr
lcctiirc :ie:.
i lass '!'.
AVr.i. Crawford, of Tyrone, vis
ited relatives in this place several
days recently.
S;:r.r.!l f Stoner. of Altoona,
visiteil leiaiives in the vicinity of
this j.!a c receently.
'i-s Ilhi- csmitli has made her
liusbaud the happiest Commission
er i-: Ju i:sta ii ia a ).v.
ran aw-ay, kill one man and wound- jof the decree of court theShcritTof fn, Samuel Kline, rrank Summer
ed another. Juniata couiuy, pro-eeded to Har-1 JU" and others. They drill on
The force of 10 men on the srb- i lis1),'r" with the patient, and t;ok i lot of Araminta Campbell. 3Iolly
division of the Middle division have ' hi!a to the h(v'l, into the re-ep- j Parsons and .-Viss Pollen f'arry the
been red;.cel to ; men, and the:llou roo,1!- Lli" P:H'rs ot the
hours of work have K-en reduced ,;iut v,ere taken to Doctor Oiiu
to ft hoitiv, -vith two davs oif evcrv and 1)0 examined them. The Doc
vrek. The time of the balli.st t','r llu" (':U,:e lo sw; 1,ie !i'ii!T i
train inr-n I.:k h. i.w.wi r...., it'l,! rei cplion room. 'I he Doctor
11 to 10 hours. j had sent a telegram to the Shcrill';
, , pre-, ions to h is goi n to I lamsburg !
A. K ..jlcClure. of the .'hila.lel-1 i..f i, ,-.,-i,i A w. .;. ,. n.',J
me, and said my home doctor
could take care of me after. I
rilling SO:ue men! saw an advertisement of Dr.
John Kirk, Finley Par- David Kennedy's Favorlt
Remedy, which .seemed to fit my
Mrs. Cm!!, and two children, .'vi'
Ilarrisburg are visiting the fam- j M hect of
ilv ofj.-hti f;,.-bai:gh Jr. loi' thoiwst.
'.i-e, o! tne -'inia iei- ii,;if l-- i.. fi..1
pbi.i Tim has been selected to ! patient," and when he appeared in!
uem er lac orauon a the laj iuj ot the reception room of ihe hospital
the corner stone of the Xew Capi- j he asked the Sheriff "What do von
tol at irainsburg. A better so-, expect to do with the patient."
lectiou could not have been made. ! The Sheriif said -L expect lo leave
(Tolonel McClme is iiiteiloficallv ! him hi.i-e imW niMsi.r.u of i!.
one of the most capable and versa- ! n?cr f c-ourt." The D.K-tor re-1
tile men in the United States. j fused lo receive him, oiloring as a 1
i ..... 7 - - - :
i reason, l liat t r.e i)i;ioe is tiul. J lie .
Sheriff reiti-atett that he had an j
order of eoiut io leave him there.!
The Doctor told the Sherirt that if j
he ie-'t him, he would turn him;
oni, and if any damage fouies, he'
vvo-ild hold him i lie Sheriif re.-:pou- i
sii)!e. The Sheriff sji id, "I'll leave!
him and y-.;ti can't hold iue respon- j
jsir.ie. Mieriii ,t-ncr, t.ien i-ro-t
Ttuts in the place tf those dc- i emied to leave, the Doebu- f.Uov.--
stroyed by (ire are being erected on'tni him, and i.:oir;!Cie;l an attend- j
the Xewton Ilamilt-.n eamo meet-; ant to t;,ke the patient out of the
ing grounds Oue of the atlraclive hnspiial. the atteudaat led Knise'.v j
features to the town of Xe.vtoii to ii.e door. The SLeiiiV siarteil
Ifamikoii was the dam in the river. ; down the drive way. D.K-ior Oi th !
The dam ie broken and the bea-:fi- fold the raiicr.t to follow the
water there is a t'lin .' Siu-jiit'. The patient remained !
; v itli the Docl or. The Din-tor fob!
ine snips oi .trRitis kinds. m
the American local service in Cu-!
Ikh: waters numbers (5!) odd. The
Sp.iiiish are getting their third!
licet of war ships ready. There
must soon be a .start in the war-
like line, and when the work haij
once begun, the shock will 1-e ter-!
ri-i". i
ai:d rally o-ie and h!I
lliiie said U W.
r'oiis of .liics w'lio foii;lt withLej,
Or with Sl:oiiii:i!i to thcta.
Ii!a . J :i j:atli for lil.t.y,
(.;athe:'iis in rc-!siiss.s miyht.
JJiue hikI uruy
Tiaiiii.i In- justice for the fi?ht.
a id g i.v
"ow for f.jlom d.a v the sword.
There isa man you all know we!',
i n 1'eru i; lit- does dwell,
I-'joiii town to t :)wn live tinier a week
A nil hn!f t he . i mc t he nu.'s asi-jt-ji.
John Vaaghen sji.vh, lie cT ni'tste why,
The young !:id is let come nixli,
For he's jiiHt like old l'risham Voting
All beity and ton;;ue.
Th-- Indies say ire is jaito a sioit,
VIit-:i he t.T oil his fly coat.
I'ji a id riown the ct'vet lie ; ,
. Just likea f:;i' :ni:-h fiery fhow.
Oh Annie dc r. jir-t look here,
I ft.i h y '.i soi.tcih n-r mv:.-;,
C.rCy ti ll nad c. -ilv ioo-e,
CUiuly eirg, e.iouqh to set a goose.
- M
- . rr Tut c .vs i
con- v i;c i-i-r5S.?S if f
me was - A -
May 15:5, "S)S.
We make the clothing business o
study hd have m'ad it a success.
J Young men don't go wy to get
J wht they want they come to us for
htsor ny thing in the gents fur-
We hnve half our SPKING stock
addUer grew cleaner, and the pain stopped, and ia ! SOl d b V t ll C ti ITl C Ul OSt ClOtllierS gCt
he Burgeon's knife, and am now well." I i 1 a . . .1,
Liicii miv ni.. a yuuiig 1 1 i wiiu
wants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't
want to wait until the 4th of July
Tor it
Our line this season surpasses all
our former efforts in style, quality,
quantity, finish and price.
1 he early bird catches the worm.
11G ArAirs STTnS'KT,
its osc. When I had taken about
two botflos the flow from tbe bl;
a short time I was saved from the
Favorite Remedy also cures Eczema, Scrofula, Rhewnatism, Dyspepsia
and Constipation. For I-'cmalo Troubles it is unequaled. It U sold for i.oo a
bottle at all drurj stores.
535?'$ Ft'M:?' Fpi1 T In order that sufferers may be convinced of
W th. curative virtues of Favorite Resacdy,
ft frea sample bottlo will bo sent, prepaid, to thoss who send their full postoflice
address to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. It is necessary
to say that you saw the advertisement ia this puper if you wish to take advantage
of this genuine and liberal o2or, Eend today.
Oakland Mil!,
On P;-iiii'(I;-.y ni;;.t May 22, iiis
Lizzie llci kiiiiiii, d iii'diler of V.r
and Vn (;-orge Het-kinan, died at
lu-r hitic alioiit one mile Kl;o'e
Van Wirt ; ;e! ultont 11
Commencing Thursday BJay lS,
and csitiisiie until BatiBriluy eve.
11 o us 'Furnishing
died! Iiente:ii:nt I Seam of tiie IJo-r.ihii-!;".lld,
j H1"n.V lVt-rniied :'. i!Ui:l;fr of
1 iiivn in iiii.s i-.i.:i;i ;:i:' -.i ('!:. .
. 1 Vi.l.l-
ei ioan I
i- i li this tovn lire J.'5h
i:;kcr, "l;iei:o !Uwh.
rov.'.i'.id. M-.'i-r Si:ver,
lAi-ihur Lender, V.'illiai:
V."ii'i:.;n Kw.ui fi!:;tisto!ie
at Lis lio,ii -at Huv. aiV.en. Kn
on i :ie ; oi .'.i;iy, ;;.) I ye:us
Li'i!Jen:-.r. fk'um it-eniited
yoiu: lite:- loi- fie eav :f!r secvieo
on tiie c-e,iin;i i.-ftbe V.itii. in this
pla e.
It i- ': e:):iii)ioii reinark, ,:TIie' ieorg;e (insiiard, Walhire
da?ip vo ttl-t-r we ::re h:i ir,-- is j lroin J'a-tcrsou lirnee
like i lie veatlier before tbe : .Tames I'aiinelciker, Frank
A.i.'e lo;M, ol iittsluur.
ami ber sister Mrs Collier, of Al
to;v.r.:. .ire vi.-i.'iny their parents in
Patterson.. L'r. :in! Yrs. Tm1u.
Tb aiiilei- ;i:i
iii tnir i i':p ui M'n.fl .. .
in li!s rjihiarv Turrri-m
years. !
jnter-iieiu in tbe L-.t Cree; t'enie-! m
lory ni Tiusdav. The bere:n ed ' 9 II E 3 (. 5-.
iieii inte!i-.i'r:i!lv or f;,.,,,iv ni-.; iVi. iois n,
eeidently .shouldered him, to ' T l,v i.r t '. fo,th-. ,.,.1,.,.,;i,- i
ieri;i ier.I:e.i, 'r.uv.- i,is tiit-ir r.i.l ),, ,.f !; o ! & n tuf Stein
!v:oI tiie ISlieriii' more than a htm
dre.i foet r.nd tl
rtiiiel: I;e
ill tio j :;-tor
111 lie- IlO-.-i.' :
i;..i ,
i i-;o i oiiit M;ijint;. i..
O It. i.l r.i ii. i fAt.'.ifn . ! .....n j. '
. I ' .....1 lilill.il l.lli.lliV ri JIIIIT,
storui of tli it bind er.livei;ed the
early niorninjr boiirs of the 20-h.
The !: :,r i.ole was s v. f-.-essf-.il ly
mi-i.i in the t'.o'r'i House :ird on
th-- evei-in" of the 10th. The iia;-;
i-:siie;- will t ike ia -e on Decora-tio.iDa.
i err
"Andrew l;;:i:ks, !";., is a itieiu-Ik-L'
of the iO'iil I't-lilisyly-iliin "Uci -
ment now on iis way t- the I'-iii-ippiiie
Island. Andy bim iiiiisiy
wanu frieiids here in tho t-ire'.e of
1 his :uo nt enee. find tiu-L' bearl-
wifii bini
re to t be
lifiier fhlo of lie pl-..-:e, in ;ho in
terest of hi-.m.-iMiy pt at e ;-.id
tbe I li
tU;ll w;
then re'i-.'r::ei, tbe
ou n iU't-iiru 'oilov.c;
liospiiiil. All tb.it
i.l)'ut iio-!i. Abont
the Siierii!- was on bis way
milroitd station to take
ii.uiy Lloyd foriiH-ii-' of;
Sketch of th
this v.J'ey h?s aecepted a T.os'iion ! - -arj & rr A "JT i' irv
in the ri-ited States Xavv' alon-'neS8 G! II A ISlCjfA li &J' A
ha(1 qnick SyJO)is of the
'plieti, 'r.uv.
Tbe IKk i .t
itienl .f bis
iiiiii to the
, ,,K I-i.icc.the tv..u.l as a elerk to handle
1- !, "1, " : ar'iirs vA :i baiiiisome sabirv of ?Ci)
'i' aanor.Ui, oid'e nil hoM-ir for an
it train to ' 0:!Vl:ni! lo-
eoaie noine. V7ii:-er iinain v in
s in Flo?.- ?;! him ;nnl tr-L! him. a . ,!..a l he. rt .1 , .1. r. Iteil-
'You are wanted at the J-'avor's
o;i;ee." 'Ike;
is the t run hi e
"ueri if asked. -'What
": Tiie olri; er said
- iU. .Sv.-ai.
at her home in Te:;is ilollow,
AValker tow ship, -, .Snrd.-y. I-i
tei uie ! ;:t Lis-ust ihi'i ty.i WVri-s
,r;::aent for Ci
ine L.ian-.I.-.
try on ;
i( la-va
iiy i.u.l
mr.-it 5"r !
Sr-aiii:-r.i e
blov. il
d'.-iv be ll
v-, in tb.
peace ;
a p-,vr-'
i r.teres!
al st:p:
f t:
S CO.Iil-
i'lil! iii
nii-e poi into tro-.iiile lor
'iHinitijr ihat patieat at tbe i:s
pital."' The Sheriff went to the
! 'nyor's oiliee. Tl:e flavor said,
j --A very seriov-s eharge has been
preferred a;-;:-5 i:st yon." The
j ebarje ws n it ir.'-lalod a:J tbe
i K-'.erill enlcnvl bis own bail, tonp
i ;.e:-r at tie.1 Ma. ior's oiia-e ar :5 p.
On : aiurday tbe! ;t!i. .Vr.
ry I.eaer, ol Ie;r Losh I'un met1
with .in luiidcnt while tryin-r to
biteb. up a team in the wa-;i;o. the:
side ii-ii -e kit ked hiin in tile nrin-
ary raid b remajned nneonsious !
ii-.d re-udiess. oi al! medieal skill!
lvalues wo are guying.
,Oo O
v. r.
.:-:e.-. al-oi-.t tiie iiiiii to
," wliile Harry i.. on
( ateh it. J:;i rv v as
Avb;it 'o von think
the :.!
do ve,
. aoali .
Lot )ii, ;;.p.r:iid:ird
Iki ?, ?.Fol'i aii men
i e.
.'lo.e :-.
the SKniXK.
i,t. I i'orre misl iic-Tl
use iiisiifflniiv
e v. iieu lie
;e wi:li
In !o;i
Ui.i'L "ii
.i to
:r. n
:e in
a. en rridnv "l.'rtv '2i. He
there at tbe .ppoiaie I lime. Tiie
:;.- r sbiieii that Doetor Orth had
T ct?' there a!.-: wanted a eiiaii;:al
vrairant issred, la:t it bnd not
I.-ee:i -ssreil, all the inii rn-atiott
t iu-re was verbal. Hoeh.r Orrh
iid m i appear, ami tbe Sheriff
-;;ae luone. Tbe hospital is full
or it is no rt f'Tii, sun! it is said s
aud lovinjj hands could do for
his relief bis spirit passed into the
jcre::t beyond he wis need 17
years, bis re-mains were laid t: rest
in t!ie .'ew port eemefery on "ed
ii.s:':',v ofl;;.'' week lie was a
laiuii. i ir.eaiier o: Tiie (lerin-ju
1000 Summer vels for; ladies .it 5 and 0 lor 25c,
500 Summer vests for children at 4c,
Larger s-zes a trifle more.
100 mens balbsigan shirts and drawers at 25 ;.
4000 yards of dark ginghams 5 yards for 19c.
2000 yards bleach fine muslin 10 yards for 4So.
400l) jards unbleached fine muslin 10 yards for 44c.
1000 yards of unbleached heavy muslin 10 yards for 49c
1000 yards of henriettas 30 inches wide at 21c.
Tl::iir" :ir "-' Vf-r (bjil "t'er": t -: T.-r ni. The full Hi'r of ti c store
tt :4 it-.-f a l.. r-! ft;l T"-c!!--ti.-e r ul! c-itt-rs, ia,il i toppers ti quiek to d-.ciie-in
Vavur of iKe droat W.-xs to be found in c-nr ui-w
Ikiplisl eli-u-eii and
1'ev SiMi.ni 1 si nd i.i.vni
eic-.il mu near! ielt
Iber of
belter V"e I
ilV tO I
rp"1!. ' . 6T-J . 3,
tl e be.vav.Ml iaiaily and friends in ; a IHI GSSIi(irei3 WCfT iit VOrV SOW IH'ICC
ibis llK-.s-N.ii bear of, rial I I.. . J
Ladies wrappers at 10, 7&c,
imO 1.00. .
Mess's, ladies and ehiSih en shoes
in all the he.t shape. at specially
j rices.
Don't forsret the
. C. IJashor, a '.Mddlebnr-r,
t!:o b.nr.t "f bis mother and
iinbi v eM-nin-.c i:i lawn.
'.vhether i:
: he t
; Tiii-et
day 2iid". ne
tbe lv.ra.ii.er .!' tieie
lli.- -.i: S;.;ie eoaveni ion i
t iiarrisbaiiv The i s !
ID. lav,
! wn
be in at ieih'!i-e.
is li.'. iit v:
ire :i tbiu
of Jeiierson , ihie-.'.
''is. Sb.iic, mid ibiiiiiter
Sioi;e. of lbM'fnlo, X" V State
yiMtiii:r ttie family
Wtdih'h. .Vrs. Klanc sind 1;r
'fi bbib an 1-rntber and sister.
Ti.- finical of the 0 year obi
daiiubler i-f Samuel 15. nnd Aliee
Ken biier. of Ueale township, took
)!-. e o.i the L'L'nd inst., iiitenneiit
in St. Paul's Lutheran eeineteiy.
On the I'.'th inst., Jaiiies M.
('!;iiiiiiin;s. a fanner liviivr uoitr
Ilelviilere,' X. J., while plowing
ing was struck and k;'lc;l by a
bolt of lightning, the Lorses were
S' he lettei-s unealled l'-r in the
Viftlintown post oitiee, for tbe
w eek closing Monday May I?.'?, were
for. Mrs. "ary A. viller, Miss
Fannie -Voser, llnhhi IxMnird,
e ir in (Jiioa.
. ils:in. .
ia ''.':''! j nt :v
lt-1 aU-i-t I in.
" nvj.ht in AU-hiin in
uber i:-)i'.se. by an
wire. Some ehiblre
i a ! -1
prdient laasfl :e n politieal
to get in there :.s it is -o:.'';.
If it is fail
and in their
tbe stak- sh..sbl take;
';'-! tor tl; t.'-;wi ier.ts, if it is not full ! j..
, ! there siuni!.! be a th.tn?e in tbejl-.
,:-.' ' f :i':'J i:i:i!ia'i!i; 'it sn.bieul'-. WJ.eii the 1 k
ir-nii ! j j (.,,.:s, . t ...,nv,...K ;.,.! .
" '- , esiiarion
l.inui! i ..( n-i
c cf ra-i
by wi.iyn
0 I' t.t
i.e'. Ti.c
U L.i:--
it across tie eiertnc
" wire. The ibibli'en in.
t v.lu-ie 1 he wire tor.i hii
''''t iii.siituted.
iieed .
de l.nn;li
should be
SiK4i?EXfJ SKSl'f CE3STE3-.HI.iL.
Itcdutei! fiatc-vini lniitjl-Ti-iO;i
For the-l.'ea.diiij:, Fa., Ses'.jtii-
'eiiteiinial .lubiles, June ." to
tbe Pennsylvania I.'aili-aad (..m-
jiany will sell exeinsion tickets j
troin suttioiis en us unes in tiie
r i-.T.'- h' : :
j:-.t..r Ci
S V ' '" M. :
.v'l ''.! ' la
. O io v.t.i- is sin nb ci-.r, ba' 3 i!. i3
su!i::f:-.c; vr;-. y'Vi il VkilU the rsrht.
T; ': c 1 ff. i f li'il i, lr, bat not
to'i !:--.ci, fti-d cm i ft" one er.is1; tLcc,
Neat, Stylish,
1 i
"TT- - & nv
commcncincr of
in'.-- iim i -: er
leaves :1 a tree in front ol ilson si
hooe. that sparks eaiae from tiie'
contact of leaf anil wire, then thoyj
look sticks and struck tbe wirel
c..,aw. l. ,.,.. ...i, r..,.n. .. i,.. .- I
l . VI i lllr.t IN Ulllll IMI Ml A (!llil
er of sparks. The crowd of chil
dren jrnw larire and noisy ami
V.il3;n went o;d of the
house to drive the noisy children
away. IJc- laid hold of the wire.
Tbe shook knocked him .-i"ainstc
his sister, Svlvia, and sl-.e to! vaHispeeiSic rates and i-onditions apply
t-.in;-: oil ilown. The voun.' ,-, I to Ticket Agents.
lav like dead: the "wire wis This celebration promises t- be FU.
v. iom l oil 'from his hand : he v. as ' Iie Kie-itest events ill the wc
f;ui I v i;'. ! u rr..;.l 'ii;:ui.'.
Wr-cu l.iri.d l-.-ois feui.'til, cut &
h v.rv ib n ntul pr- c.-.-d wi-b
H o -t I', i i ).:: I to ral Rj"T
.ion ; ii..) p-p. r, sll cb i t:.;-ti
pb-Cv.- ! bc: r-ai.:y b f.a-o lo.vinff it.
A"-bir v. :r is io n leaf of
1 a-Tioi.'ia
.'i, l!it oiic ciiii work
iaio n baH. Iiu'j tlio
i 1. j ' n il u 1 . rill-. 1- fin LilD
ant reinrn a( reauei-ii rates, ror, ;.i! i.w.. r.,. ...iW r tl. .!;f.d;li
b t tl to .i i ?
G '. Il ' 'i ric.i
iit in lh I h' iI
tt.,i f n. 1, 4 . .n,.i;i.,
'UllU ! J U lin I cLIl I.i IU H. '.Ill . il-; I f I-., i .. Tiu
tec in- ti s n:ea ru the out-iae
I -d ii ut hi a tk-iiii furf.iee ' is (
i.taviL- lii3i!! r-;:uiVi; II19 dirt
r re.'u-ivi.;
IV i-.:-..-C I-",
curried into the house and died in ! -ity?s his,"!''-' -y,!1,ljiy, Wednc-s- A
fr.'sbei up the pspsr
Mv$. Lid her
l'res!vf eriaa i-eniererv iu
t'lvu, on Tuesday afternoon
his u e'.e Hp.;ii-c
Carie rdc-Lnnghlin,
1',ws- 1 the home ot
At Xewt.-mhaniilton, oh IheJl'tli CSi-.orr "Vi so 1.
insi., ,!oi.ii Dysait, a .10 year oldj Af,er gt.nei.;ii tiecli.ie of sever
Ih.v f.-!! into a bin of wheat Ihi'l ! a years John Xotzer died at hi
was bein-r run into a car. 1 be uoy j Li;i!t; ip 3rt:;i,.0 .iL.ia(.. t.;,:.ntv
V'tliin- ' will he speL-bi! days. The eele-
is to m.i-io a sft
short time. Interment in t he ' day, :;ml Thursday, June , 8, and j doa-.b o;i:--,i:-h l.r-.n fi ar n'"xi"d
:itll. t ;. . VYi'-l i-n K'ltl t-corgu
l ' ki'v. Tbu i-spcr c us bo
lab'...- witn is 11 . ia t' e oraiSi.
uiib'i .1 iioc tberii are gt-poss spois
i ' vrt-r b-iy i-m:'.is !ir s a ppbr
j...,,,, i Iirati.ni will e'otie with a grand ; !.-
masked carnival on i-.-autrOav Miriit
the tbe t ronirh through 'which
wheat, wi's run into the ear.
The ships on blockade duty at
Cuban forts, are cautious about
rushing in to catch every small
craft that shows itself in the har
bor. They a-e retting np to tbe
tricks of the Spaniards to lure our
shirs under the lire of their forts
Joseph Strode died at his home
at Strode's Mills, Miflliu county on
the lth day of May. He was
axe.l years, and w;ls post master
a' longer period of time, than any
maa in the United States. He was
post master at Strode's Mills 55
The Prohibition State Conven
tion at Harrisburg, on tbe I'.Mh
inst., nominated Dr. Silas C. Swal
low for (Joveruor, K. C. Xieliols,
igeu ;U years, lie was a name
of Ferry count j , but came to Juni
ata eo'.iioy when quite a yonu'r
man and tirst engaged in farming
in "Walker townshii) where he lx-
canie nossessed of a valuable farm ! music.
1 I ..1.1 Ill I .. I IT'Mi
foive ScU.evei, t". o.. Jolia J. I'uslc-i-
The eiii.eiia i:" iiliad tow nsliip and
vieiniiy will ookk a Hag at ltoi-1; villi-,
near the JJoinuh of Patterson, i'a.,
on Mciuoi iiil Iay, iIond:iy, May 30th.
IS; tit 10 o'clock u. 111.
'f'iie Mi'foiil eoruet haiid will furnish
Fl Ii
! p
by inberitiime. He dealt exten
sively in cattle, was siore keeper
10 years at Mexico, which he made
his place of residence in 1S57. Ik
was aiileasant intr-lligent, c.ipable,
religious man. He v,as Jiairried to
Miss Margaret Tyson, of Jnniat'i
county. They have four daugh
ters, Fli.a J., Mrs. Henry Kloss,
residing iu Mexico; Mtitilila, Mis.
Dr . S Funk, residing in Har
risburg; Victoria, Mrs Dr.'(J. V.
Arnold, residing in Cleveland,
Ohio ; Miss Alwilda, residing at
home. Interment on Sat unlay at
Center, a church property that he
has leeu a contributor to from the
In tbe
of "Wilkesbarre, tor Laeuteuani itays 01 111s earn mannooo
ftrtroriirir ' S. W. Dixou. of Her- days of his activity Mr.
wick, Jr. Secretary of Internal was a man of worth and influence,
Ah"iirs 'and as the days come and roll by
PIERVOUS Troubles are due to' into toy of the past, men search
II ,mo"r"l d blood. Hood's Sar- out the pillars of every com. niinuy
. s. .1.-. t...... Kimvi then Mr.Motzer will be remem-
purificr and NERVE TONIC. bered and spoken of as one of the Presbyterian cemetery a-d decor-
son, Jr., .1. 1 imuM -Neely uuuotiiei:
Tbe i.u!!ie are (oidi.-illv invitttl
attcml. M.-o. W. Wilson,
Ednua.il binilsuy, President.
V. It. WIk. V,. P. HuniH, Itobert
Pi.ni:ti.:.kw, Harry T. Wise, John A.
I.ea-.-b. C'liuries'lV.iap.
Memorial Day Kverclses and
riayr (ialxlitg-.
Tbe (J. A. K. I'ost a d the Com
missio ers of Ju-iata eon ty will
u ite a v.'eiuorul Day exercises a d
Hag raisbg t the Court House
Viillintow, , Fa., o 1 i!o-day, .Uay
i(!th, l!SJ)s, at 5 o'clock, p ni
The Post a-, dull civil orders, the
Su- day schools a d all citi.e s who
desire to join will form promptly
at 5 o'eliH-k o 1 Und street, pro
ceed to the Luthera cemetery a- d
decorate graes, the ce to the
tillii- ?.
W:. :. ; '
i'u .- ii i-
can I. m
by in.-, tv,
I i; - tb7,.j
F n hot iron cvr it.
r mar be 'needed itvorr l
0 r-por is bo r;'-.
n-Rre (?is iiu:a vitiiih
i: -: i-.'i f. r. :a;v;u, they
v.- i lock 'M r. 'ill rs UOW
if v..t-r o-'r.c puiti'.e.
-.!i: nb'i trace I firs.
B V, J J
Trade Marks
Copvrjghts Ac.
AnyoaA sprrttne a nketrh end rtoorlrtl"n may
jnl-jilw atrtni'! onr onittli.n froo whether a
iiiTfiui i t r-rohflMy p.itcntWa. OTr.rriunti
tlonflhtri tty-oiirtJantia. Ilmidbookon PtnU
Bent fit p. "i lt Mrotirv fur fM-iinnir patentn.
Patent- taten tlirouzb Slunn Co. rocelTO
ijifiial ruAixe, withoui cliHtyo, ia th
Saemsfic iitsencaiL
A hin(?soirclr Itlntitratod wftetly.
cr.lHtion 01 nny pcientinc JoumaL
.11 r- mnPthfl Kl. Ht-Jl tV all
WM S Co.36,Bro,,i"a'- New York
I -arrest Hr
Tormi. H a
by all TiewsdCHJera.
1 L',: .
1 C'lhfa
IC-3 to 109 Kridge street, Aiffl ntoinii, I'a.
A & m
A Sn.-cial'y SoiPStcd 5tk of
&Fat:ef8, C?ok, Parlor cad Shop
Hcr? lilankats anil Lap P-be.
LA MVS, !ar;-n rd s-aa!l.
Conic in a n I ioi k br..uoJ. W'H
teak? you fcf.I s.t I on-.'".
We bsvc U;.i tct'k "ii
Store m t:-c county.
Gi-l a fen
Spht.'k;.!. 1.
I'::)-.' 1 v Ktt:riiil.K
or ttu
':SEVET i Y-EVLiN"-(-'
77" i 1-'.', Euntfs-l-r.-.ys' fsuious
Sj.E-c.fic f. r Mia cxitp. cf Grip re.l
Colds r.r.il tl:o rrevc-nJioa'f Pinuuio
nia. All drujrcis ts, l
m s ? 2
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on dai'iy
irom 1 . '
IT 2.
Itv. nj ;J
ho Have money to invest to exaiiiin; tbe Stock el Goods lor
It ia truly marvsleus to &e
T H E B E A U T I F U l' S T Y L E i
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, bo daa't lil
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
D: W. - ir AR.LE
c o
Ktil-.C.T: V..4 f.
a vent-r
cljok f- rcif1'!)' p-.i-.itir. full ..f inftirru
ti.'ii Shfd dan ,' rradt-r q rnd
in additi.-n lo fi i.f a!i lr(al arwafba'
sre itoi t!i publkLiii fiud p'nctfi in
it? ccluiiii:s. tf.
mm imnwrnv
X , L MS
iiiii. .
paid ox iiftfi: aruncAiEb,
Iiifc.sis the blood of litiniaiiily. II !
appears in varied forms, but is forced
to yii.-!d to Hood's Sareapiu-illa, whioh !
purities and vit-iiies tlio b!.d ::id
cares all sucli uca.sea. lu-mt tm-j;
" Iu September, 139-1, 1 made a misstep and
injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards,
two inches ncrotn loroied nnd in walking
to favor it I sy. rained my eiiK-la. Tiie sore
Lccan.e worae; I could not put my bjot
on Bi-.d I thougiii. I should have to give up
at every step. I could not gat any relief
and had to stop work. 1 read of a cure of
9. similar case by Hood's barsa,ari:la and
concluded to try il. Before I had taken
all of two buttles the Eore had he&lcd and
the swelling had gone down. My
ia now well and I have been greatly bena
uted otherwise. . I hare increased in
weight and am iii better health. I ennnot
ay enough in praise of Hood's Sursapa-.
rilla." Mils. II. BlAKt, So. Berwick, J.Te.
This and other ainiitar curc-3 prove that
m Icassd at Imti Mil
v x
f-.tcrkhcldfrs Ir.dividr.sliy Liable-
JOSyVH KOTBIIOCJK, ricti4ei.t.
Fonwroy, Josr-.h Eothrccii,
.loiia lii-rirvr,
Hol'(.-t E. ?:rir,
r. V. IrSMB.
Jos..h I Barton,
Louis If. Atkiaso.'i
neo-ec A. KeLuer, .n:i:- i
fciryl. K'-t'lifi.cfe,
I . E. .A-; 9-.iy
W. C. i'i- uarfV,
lohn n..,- r.Vr,
1'OKrioi f'e Snv i-.
I M. h:,ir,
f . V . 1 . I'-.i'i.'!
Samuel -i 't.:
j M. N. S'jrrM,
i Jamts G. i'i- -li.iig,
' S-aoitit-l St-lj't-roi.
P. v K3t:te;!:
it. t. rarfc-T,
J. flo'ini-;i "-w n
J'.-to-l- U. Tiiii.-jii.son.
1 . V. Irwio.
J i-iil. I. a.rtuo.
K'.ln-rt p. fViMrrw'..,
cu, f.HVi Llg'jt,
v. hi. 9,
f7. J. berge
M. K. Schl. gt '.
i'i :i!f:n cf ie;-v-t:t.
1 fad,-
Trw i'i "'i !'-:r:::.J
Ml tr!i::lU.
-y.uiJtopeuxit? l'rotoi;tyii.ri'lui k;. Q,?
K0-JCi S Villi ,uU SUiauIuut. gPf &Vr W4J