Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 18, 1898, Image 3

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    "..' "- V 3
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id "
sentinel &:repcblican
WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1398.
JiNtcrlption, tl.Vt pr r.nni if pa'd
n vlvaace; $2.01 If oo 1M1 In 4vb.-..
Transient adverttsnaicuta ttuertad at 60
eon's par inch for ooh lnrtloa.
Tranient boinii notions Ions col
umn, 10 cent ptw lino for each Insertion.
Dndaattona will be made to these desirlnc
to rlTaTtise by the year, half or quart.-r
Manv bullies have been named
Send 10 to 15 thousand troops to
occupy the Philippine islands.
It takes five bushels of wheat to
bread a hearty eating man a year.
Democrat ie editors formed a
state association at Harrisburg last
week .
The increase of crime among the
colored people of the south is
The Centre Hall grangers will
hold their encampment September
12 to 17.
Dr. Atkinson is to deliver
the ,
oration on Memorial Day at New
ton Hamilton.
The state of Washingteu, Ore
gon, California have a poor w heat
crop this year.
Subrribe for the Jcxiata Sentinel
Hanks Hambright, of Yeager
town, visited among relatives and
friends in this valley.
The Juniata Valley editorial As
sociation will meet at Mapleton vA
11. .Jo a. i.i.. next l ridav.
Mrs. Jackson, wife of William
J:icksim deceased, of ltooii: is
visit inu -'friends in Mi flllintown. i
Thomas C. Parker, of Atlantic j !wl f, k',,1 to sei ve-
City, visited friends and ralatives Willi:lill Ifenrv M'ertz, ami sev
in town severstl days last week. onai (,ther young men w ere sealed !
The article for a National I'm-! on the grass playing cards, about;
versify will appear in next issue of
the Skxtixki, ami IIkitw.hwx.
Coiiirresss is discussing the new
l.ill In i"iwi 1 11 iw 1 wi mill- '
Kl I'lll H' l.ll.'T. .lulling 1. .
ion dollars to pay war expenses.
Spain lias 2S! Lieutenant (iencr
als, enough generals of that rank
for all the armies in Christendom.
Mrs. Kcpncr is ijnite ill with a!
congestive fever, at the "home of
son-in-law, John Hollobaugii,
Cro to Sltyers for vour
and turniturrt n win tav vcu
p-r ctnt. Raid fcia Birnalrjs ia this
Professor iortner and Wallace
7err, visitetl camp (Jrelna on Sat
urday. The Juniata boys were
then well.
Ivditor Cloyd I'annebaker, o
the Coal port Standard, spent sev
eral days with his parents in town
last wet
Congress proposes to change in- !
angulation .lay from March 4, to
May I, and have the change go in-!
to eiVect Mav I, l'.MM. '
Mi-s. Junkin of Tort I loyal, J
-while on the way to the train to go ;
to New Port, on the 1 7 Ii inst . had
a stroke of paralysis, and sank to ,
the pavement and expired in a few
niiiintcs nl 10 ;t in
-'Liifk follows Dev.t.v every-;
where.'. ' " i
'Whiil's up now J" j
"i.iM.k !;ow far away he is from !
the i;e:.ple who woi-l.l' temler him !
iKiiiiiiu-ts r ciitioiisMi.il ihi- liK.. '' :
Jeoie K.
ion railroad
iilidi is-!
:it I::rts-i
1. ni -, i'a.. with wife an.l sou
Galon, spent several hours in town
last l-'riilav
their wav
with friemls, while on i
to Hurnhain, MiMin
)n Tuesday ttftei iiixin when the
troops were ;;oin.i; up the valley on
their way south, a hard 1ae en:ef
er was thrown out of a ear window. :
It was din-Jed to Captain :e
Clellan, uml was from his son liar- j
Kliza Kinkade, whos;
inaden name was Jl'iss Kliza Key-'
noius loi'ii in .liiin'ata county al
mosi a century s.;o, died :tt the
home of her son Joseph Kinkade,
of I'-trlville, Illinois, on the lJJth
ilayof.Vay 1S!)S, agM U2 years.
The Spanish call the Americans
shop keepers and pi;j stickers.
The name shop keeper indicates
that a larjre percentage f the
An:eri"in people lake to keeping
store, and the name iig sticker
means the A merit an farmer with
his pork diet.
Who next ! First came the Cu
bans wanting the Americans to
inaketheiii free, -then came the
Manillians, then the Porto Kuans
and now comes the Irish appealing
to the I'nited States to free Ire
land from British misrule and ex
cessive taxation.
Four prisoners in one cell in
Sunbtiry .jail, cut a hole through
the outside wall of their room ami
that let thein into the jail yard,
the wall of which they climbed
over on a rope ladder. The ladder
was found a mile from the.jail. but
the prisoners were not with it.
Seeonil Kegiinent, company F.
First Pirignge, is the military or
ganization, that Harry K. Ellis,
Homer .Noble, and Charles Ander
son of this place connected them
selves with at Mt. Gretna last
week. Company K. is a company
made up chiefly of Philadelphians.
Information front Lower Califer
nia indicate that ex-Sheriff James
Kelley's two sons, and three sons
of Captain Xurce, all Juniata
1mvs have .joined the army of vol
unteers in the Sjanish war. It is
lielieved that the fioys from Cali
fornia will lie sent to the .Philip
pine Islands.
IDERFUL ore tiie cnre by j
mm nimnie and natural. Hood's Sara
J&UVU . ... ..-(..-- - -. , J J
pwiUa makes PURE BLOOP.
f William McDonald, of letter
so, lost his left hand one evening
last w eek while in the act of board
ing a freight train at Lewistown.
Only a few days before that, Fred
J. DellulV, of Patterson had the
front part of his right foot crushed
and his right hip disjointed while
jumping freight cars.
Congress is wrestling w ith the
new tax bill. The soldiers in the
lield have to be paid and the muni
tions of war have to le paid, and
the people w ho pay it are those
w ho stay at home, work and carry
on business. The reason the Span
ish are such poor sold iers is found
in the fact that the industrial and
business habits of the Spaniards at
home are poor.
The Spanish torpedo Wat de
stroyer cruising oil" (iibralter was
blow n to pieces by the bursting of
her boilers or coal bunkers, one
day last week. She was 11)2 feet
long, 25 feet w ide, carried -158
tons, and drew 7 feet of w ater, and
was a swift boat, steaming at the
rale of 22 miles an hour. She had
a crew of 55 men.
Pare weeds, rich in medicinal !
properties are exhibiting them-
selves in the green plot around the I
Court House, and here and there
41. -,,..... ;.1,... 41.,.:- l n
jii ui'iinnniiu iiii-ir uraui). 1 1 j
.-vim iV wniie mm u.e i onri The Following Committees have
House and Court yard janitor is i,oen appointed 'to decorate graves
studying medicinal botany and for hu rukm cemetery. Comrades A.
that reason he refrains from giving! j. Voist, J. K. liobison, D. Tau
the above mentioned plants a clean ! llt.b;iker, J. L. North,
low down clip w ith the mower. j To furnish spruce for Monument
Undertaker Snyder has fitted up Comrades JS.'oses Pannebuker ami
a handsome cabinet of nix cases Henry Penny.
with coffins of that many different To furnish flowers all comrades
styles. And thev who seek a cask- of the v.ar and all people,
et for a deceased friend or rel.i- T; liirk gloves comrades Harry
five can sit ou a chair and make j Knisely, !eo. Wilson and W. 11.
.1 selection to suit their t::sie and i McXitt.
i miiw it ; iiw. i.i.wf ,.,.,,...,:..,,( i
'arrangement by which to select
' fniic: -:l ceieineiitv :!iil u i.i lli . i
visit to see even ifvou li.sve no!
even it von
. p. m., on the afternoon of .May
one hundred and twenty yards'
from a stone quarry at W'apsyj
station near Altoona, when a blast
was set off. A .! pound stone
from the blast dropped among the
boys, and struck Wert "stud broke
his bac'
The voung man died in
abo;:t four hours.
John Caum. son
Catim, of llarrisbiirg.
of Edw
is on the In
diana, one of Commodore Sampson's
fleet that boiiibaroed the rorto
Ivico. John Ca urn's luoiher was
., ,....
I il i IO II II I W LI jlll, !-." I K II
Wright, before her marriage to
Mr. Kdward Caum. Her father
was John Wright, late of this
town decided. Miss lJlaiich
Wright of Washington street is an
aunt of the yor.ng man Caum. she
is also an aunt of Lieutenant Amos
Martin of the Kegular armv ,
i now preparing to land on Cuba, j
j thus Juniata county has represen-1
j tatives in the Navy and A nay of,
the I'nited States at all the iocs. I !
plrc.es along the breaking line of!
the Spanish empire, at Manilla,!
Cuba :'ind IVito IMco. I
. , . ;
Ihe hfth regiment l ennsylvania .
y:lt ioiial Jtiard left t irefnaat!
., Tuesd;:y and pasM-d up (lie
Juniata Valicy'on their v,:;y to
( 'iiickaniaug;!. They passed this
station between : and f o'clock in :
(In-;:!!on; :.n :;:nv .f:pl? were
:-' station l. f-ee i lie tntiu of 1:1
(-urs ri:;:-s Mlier tr.-ims pt'.sseil
v. iili olht r rej;ii!.ents When tiie
"'' regiment v. iii-h is Jnnhtta
Vtiiley jvKii:tfni yr.'.vd I he siati n
n nuiiiiier (.1 iiitru i;:es nu i-.eis
v ere tl: ii:wn oil, everyone of v. hieh
liati s. iiitt !i i iiir writlen n it To
i... ..... .-,.!.. . .i i ; ri ; ni . .,-1, .
,,)llnl v. luekainan-:!, si-ne!.
vix()I, .-alho;;!!. MeClellan. Kliis
. , .tlti i. i,i-!f,l.-i wfili.-n nit i!
I ''ilemeipber the .Vaine, and to
I If 1 with the"pani;iiils Aiany
1 cr.scker; were broken by the fall
and the writing thus spoiled
I The Court House was crowded
last 1 HUrsuay evening to witness
the commencement exercises and
graduation of seven High
s hooi
pupils. The exercises were inter
esting, ami the addresses entertain
ing. I-jjch one of the graduating
class made an address and every
one was liberally applauded by the
chipping of hands. The graduates
Lola 31. i!:uley, Wallace 1). Ierr,
Anna -SI. Craig. I-iura M. Noble,
AldaM. Wi'.Iett, Lottie K. Sehott,
Petty W. "Mayer. Knth Aneker
gave the response for class of ''!.
Isabelle Met 'Untie for class of 1 !(.
Tlse forum deli veran-es of class ":!.
anil l'.'OO when their time comes,
w ill be to tiie front as was abun
dantly proven by the representa
tive of those classes on the plat-:
form last Tlitirsdr.y night. The!
Patterson orchestra was highly ap- j
plauded. The invocation was by
l'ev. A. N. Haven. Tiie ndduss
by Oden C. (iortner, Principal of
the school. The presentation of
diplomas by I r. L. I'. Walley,
and the benediction by Kev. SY.
H. Fahs. The schools went wild
over the patriotic music played by
the orchesta, and the audience
rose to its feet and joined in sing
ing national songs. The gradu
ates lined on the plalt'oni ami a
large percentage of the audience,
passed by shaking hands and ex
pressing congratulation. .
The Keystone IJoiler Company
of Huntingdon, are desirous of
moving their plant to this town.
They can secure a plot of seven
acres of ground alongside of the
railroad, near the station at this
place. A number of business men
held a imeting t divise ways and
means to raise .l.i,()i)' that the
company want to bring their plant
to this town. Mr. II. AV. Jaeobs
of the lxiiler company, is know n to
a good many people in this town,
they ha ing made his acquaintance
w hen he was engaged in placing in
a sewer in a numlier of the streets.
The citizens'who have been pro-
4 41.
enterprise are almn-
dantlvableto start the factory.
They are business men, lawyers,
bankers and men of means. The
plant it is said will start with forty
men employed. That many more
men employed in the town would
le a great help to the business.
The store keepers w ould lie beni
litted, the butchers and bakers,
the w ater company and the elec
tric light company, the men who
have the houses to rent, the banks
would lie lenetitted and wheu so
many are leuefitted the benefits
lieeome general. Xow having put
the hand to the plow it is hoped
that they may not turn back, but
go on with the work to the estab
lishment of a business that may
prove to le a thing of joy and
profit to the projectors and owners.
Post 134, (i. A. II., Mimintowu,
Pa., May 10, 181KS.
Comrades of the Past and all
comrades of the w ar are requested
to assemble at headquarters on
Sundav Mav2iJh, at lO'o'clock a.
in., to attend m :i
ImkIv Memorial
services in the M. E. church.
t VkTnr:i.-lf"4 it tlie PoKt ;mi) nil
....... ,.r, ,.f iim v-u.. ,,..,,...,,..1
to asSemble at headquarters at 5
vi,.l- r m. M:iv :50tli. to decor-
ate graves, and participate in
- - '
jMeaiorial duv exercises.
lo nsaiie wreatns lir uionument
Comrades W. F. Snyder, John
Paillielwker and Jos. Landis.
All organizations d.esiriu
participate, tire most cordially
vited to assemble on bridge street
opposite Court House square at " j
o'clock p. m., where they will he
assigned places in the of march.
Jy Command of
C. -Vi Ci.r.t.r.AN
V. II. lon;i:i:s, Commander.
Adit. .
rx ti 1 1-: o 1 1 pi i a x.s ( i ) u f :t ) i
i In the niiitti-r of the i;:n:ion of tlioj
real estate of YVi!li:ni ilarri: on Me A lis
ttr, kite f J-'ayeUtf tow usiiip, decea.-ett.
' To f'elx.N-c.i J. Vn AINior, widow: A.;
'Franklin McCuKy, i!t:;iier, Caiiioun
Co., Mici.'jian ; ilami'ton !Aiisttr,
Tyrone, l'a. ; K. Kiliot .".ii-Alister, f'od.uo.
j Xfl,iask:i : i'.mi'.y liieA'isier, .McAIss-,
terville. 'a. : .Minnie Martin, Miitliu-;
town. l'a. ami Av:.e i!. .o-Ai;ster,
Willie I!. McAIteter, and Sarah Kllie
McAlisier. hov guardian ml. litem is
W ill e!foii"j Sell w ever, I-'so., tif Milllin-;
town, l'a. ; Kit waul .M. K'eliy, Mi!ler-j
town, l a. ; Jennie h. loahain, ;-.jiritee
t ilili. Pa. : Marv L. Mover. Walnut.
l'a. ; John K. Jamison, Swales, l'a. ;i
David?.!. Jam'soii, sVnii.oy. Illinois ;
I.r.'-iati V. Jamison, Kast Paw Paw, .
i Illinois; Is-aac M. Jamison, Sv.ales,
Pa, ; Jennie K. (msliait, lUuket, In
dia!!:; ; Clara M. Jatui ::m. Swales, Pa. ;
Clara M. Moore. Cump Jiill, l'a. ; Julia
Caiell. Mo-int Jov, Pa. : !ouis II I'os
ter, Can-:-- ily.'.Mo. : Vi!i:an lt-il.
Stu'.;ens i!!e, !;:, : Thomas Hell, Kn
.uicwoihI. Chicago, i liiiit'N ; Mary Hell,
S e i k!ey. Pa. : Kiuiiy I 'ell. Swviekley,
l'a. ; James iieil, Pittsliurfrli, i'a.,
.iarv M, (.ite:ii,waii!t , liueiia Vista,
Pa. ; K.I la I-e'i Si .neri.-t. West Xev. ton;
; IV.. ; Laura !
ton, J'a. ; T. M. T.
Pa. : M:o-v IVi!. A I
, timr W. boil, A I ie? I
I'l-11, AI'.s v, i'a.
: A!k-lon.v. IV. :
! Js"ixi:!. Fto'i'o ';..
; Cu!i;--i:. Mil-Li,
i F.lizal.etli Lex.itr, i
AiiMt-r. V.'ot New
?: :i. Nuclei Vi-ia,
ivpljsty, J'a. ; Ar
sL'iiy. l'a. ; .'.!.'.il.ail
; Klixai.-el'i Dtnnv,
M:i:!:il!:ii; Pcwit't,
;!. : Warren Mi--iiiiivai!
( 'o., ? to. ;
ti-i'or. slaie of .Mis-
soiiri ; h'lia.'oii .Mi
neure ; um to a'l o
tiil. ;!;, Ii..cr, ilis
t!:er j-i'rii'.s iiitcr-
CSiCU "II !-:!;u tI;:iO.
' S. ( !:i ton Sl;iior, liit:!i r-'htri!!', of
, Juniata anility, fttstls prvetinK t;s fol
! !os : l'"rl of you is hereby ik tilled
thi-.t tit :m Ori'iains Court lield ou the
j "7tli l:iy of A jail. A. I.. is's, ::t Mil-
liiiitowu, I'a,, in titivl the County,
: ati.rwaid, the iviwt of the ini:i.ot in
; ! I i t ! ; i ;m
! viiltuttion of the rv;: e-
i tateof the w
! and a n.le v
:ifl tlt-;t.''!tnt was coul'.i JwA
. an prunicd utmn at! tiie
1 heirs interested in tl;e ie;'.l estate whii h
i the said V ili;Mii I lai li.-ou IvIcAlisler
died, sietd. sit lutlt? in I'ayotlo town
j Fhi, in saiil founiy of .itiniuta, to ai-
i i.(k:irtfi :!:t-n ('iMiit :t ,Ii!'lltil( iv 1 1 . l'.-i..
j 'i i rD. ths: Hill DA V OF
JI at o'clock . in., and accept
or refuse tiie nverai tracts at the viilna
tion nu'.de th'eiti'f i" at a higher price,
:-;d also to !::v canre why, if th.e rnul
real estate I e not accepted, it should
not he rold I. y order of I lie couit.
The real c tale wan Vidiitd and ap
1'raistdas :'o5tows :
Tract No. i, at l.'wi).(K; tract No. 2,
at s'll.'T.VCn ; Itact No. , at J ;
trai t No. 4. ."ill.t iiii ; trai t No. .", at
Stn."(::'. ; tract No. 0, at slsi(iS.H:j. ;
tract No! 7, at sico.ywi ; tract No. S, at
Sheii ifs oiticv, Shcriir.
MiflHi.towii, l a., May 1!', i!-!fS.
Notice is l.e:e':.v eiven th.at nil aj.iili
cation v. iii he made i the 'ovcriior of
Pennsylvania, on Tue.-dav the 17th t'ay
of .Mav, A. I-'-. tWf.S; l.v'f! S. "ooi!iead,
.!. C. ;.!(:rh:d. Win. Kiaft l-.S. Csit
Iin ar.i! C;:rl K. Ksi-eiiscl:;:iii; and others,
under tlto a;-t of assembly tntitied An
Act to provide lor tiie incoiimra-
ntion j.'.d reiiiation of cettahi rorenr
at ions'" app tovtrl A.nvil l:!)lli 1ST , and
tiie suppk-iuents tl:erelo. for the char
ter of an intended col poralion to he
ciiiled llieTnsv-aroni FertilizerConipiiiiy.
the cliaracter ami ohject of which
is tlu' maim factiire of fertilizer" and
iiiyie'lieiits, in Juniata County, Penn
sylvania, a:i d for these pini-oscs to
tii have, i.:s ftKinidenjcy ail the rights
henclil -t and pisvi'tcs ;!' s-aii! i: t of as
sdnl'lv ami the : iippkmcnts thereto.
A. Sl liOLL,
Aj tii If, i-H. Solicitor.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone ccndlnj; anketrh mid drcriTtion may
quickly iiswrtiitn our opinion trco whet ht-r an
invention in prohnbly putentnhla. rnmiiinni
UitnsKtrlctiy witiddeniitU- ll!mdtooktn Pntents
sent frpe. Oliet atzcnvj fir ncfninns rwientft.
lrttnt!i tiUn tbrt.nth Munn & to. receive
gperitU notice, withiaL chnrt'e, in the .
Scientific American
A hanrtwimelr lllotniIl wepklr. Ijiirct rtT
rulHtlim of nnr ncientlBc trania . 1 ijrni. J.i a
TP ir four months, f L riold or ail newsdealer.
MUNN &Co.36,B' New York
Biascb Office. tt F Bt, WaahiUkluu, U. U
Lovii S. Atkissox. F. II. M. Fbikbu.
Orrics On Main street, in place of resi
dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Bsq., south
Bridge street. . 10ct2ti, 1892
C3rCollectlng and ConTeyancing pro v pi
ly attended to.
"Collections and all legal busi
ness promptly ntterped to.
hsvfl formed a partnership for the practice
of Mtviicine and their collateral brtnehos.
Ofhce at old stnnd, corner of Third and Or
ange streets, Jliffhntown, Pa. One or both
ol tbem will be t'onnd at their oltice at all
tirocK, nnless otherwise professionally en-
P April Ht, 18W5.
adnate of the Philadelpbia Detital
'o': fe. Offico at old established lo
cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court
Houso, JMifflintowD, Fa.
iCF" Crown and Bridge work;
Faiuloss Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
Oa and after Monday, Nov. 29,
1897, trains will ran as follows:
Way PassfiDfter, leaves Philadelphia at
4 80 a. rn; Uarrisbitrc 8 00 a. m; Duncan-
non8S5n.ro; Near Port 9 05 a. ro; Mii
leratown 9 15 a. m; Parword 9 21 a. ro;
ThoDipeotitown 9 2ii a. m; Van Dyko 9 83
a. m; Tuscarora 9 30 a. ruj Koxico 9 40 a.
ar. Port Roy a! 0 4 4.1. ni: Miltlin 9 60 a.
m; D:uho!m 9 55 a. rt; Lew is town 10 13
a- m; McVeytown 10 38 a. m; Nrwton
Htttnilton 11 00 a. ro; Mount Union II C6
a. m; Huntinpdon 11 33 p. in; Tyrone 12 20
p. ro; Altoona 1C0 p. m; Pittsburg 5 50 p. m.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7.00 a. m.-
llanisbur at lt.4 a. in.; Mifllin 1.11 p
m., Lewiktown 1 30 p. m.; llnntinRilon 2.
29 p. m-i Txrotie 2.20 p. m ; Altoona 3.45
p. in.; Pittsourif 8 30 p. tn.
Altoona A rcommoilation leaves IT irris
burg at 5 00 p. ru; Uuneannon 5 31 p. ni;
Newport 6 0'- p. in; A'illorstown 6 II p. m;
Thotrpsontown 6 21 p. n.j Tuso.arora 6 30
p. in; Mexico C 33 p. m; Port Koyal 6 38
p. m; iiiRlin fi 43 p. ni; Pnholm 649 p. m;
Lcwistown 7 t'7 p. rn; AfcVeytown 7 30 p
m; Newton Hamilton 7 50 p. m; Hunting
don 8 20 p. ru; Tyrone 9 02 p. n; Altoona
9 3" p. m-
t'acilie Exurrss leaves Philadelphia at j
7" 20 p. m; K.irri.ibnr 3 10 . m; Mnrrs. !
i,.lc a. in; Jiincnnnon 3 33 a. ni: Now.
pi-t 3 59 n.
, Port Hov.il 4 31
tli-.i 4 :
1 a. I:';
Lt:tt ihtown 4 58
in; Mc-
k town 5 20 a. in;
Iliiutir.R.lon 6 OS a.
111; Tyrone t 65 a, m;
.-iloonn 1 i l a. !n; '
l'ittsn-irs 12 10 p. m.
ujfli-r txprt ps ;t-avf fhiiaaelpoTa
at 4 ;
35 p.n;; Harrist ure at 10 ') p. m; Nawport
tl Oil p. lu; M-lllia II At) p. m; I.cwistown !
ll.f 8 a. in; L'untippdon 12 65 a. m.; TriTic i
1 32 a ni; Altyoua 2 00 a. ni; Fittbtmrg 6 SO '
a. in. ;
Fst L'ipc leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. j
m: Harrrisl.nrg 3 5 p. ni; DuncHima 4 1 3 !
p. m; Kt-wport 4 'i'- p. m; ililfliu 0 l7 p. in.
Lewislonn 6 27 p. mj Mount Uuion ij US p. j
m; Hmitingdnii 6 27 p. rn; Tyrone 7 (JI :
I Uj; Altoona 7 10 p. m; Pittsburg 11 3'i j
p. in.
Al.COD.J Accommoilation leaves Al
toona at 5.00 i. m; Tjrone 5.25 a. ro.
ar.-ivts at HuMingdon 11.56 a. m.;
Hnnlii.p.hm at 5 5S a. n; Newton Hani
ilton 6 i2 a. ro; McVeytown 6 39 a. m;
I,ewifown 7.00 a. n:: Vitfin 7 20 a m:
I Port Rvn! 7.26 a. m; Mexico 7 30 a. m:
Ti'.ompv.ntowa 7 41 a. m; Millorstown 7 50
a. Di; Newport H 00 a. n'; Duncamioa 8.21
a a'; yarrishurg S 55 a. ru.
Sea S liortj tc-accs Pitttshnrj 3 30 a m;
Aitoocn 7 li a ni; Tyroue 7 48 m; Kunt
Ingdon 8 CO a d.; KcVrvtown 0 15 a ' m;
Lew:stov.n 9 35 a m; Mifflin 9 55 a m
t'c-rt Koyal ! ",o n;; Th.onipiontown 10 11;
Miilo.-Mown 10 22 n in: Ncvri;(.rl 10, ';2 n m;
Du'.cunnon 10 iii a m; Mirvsvi.lo It u7 i
ei; Uarrisbiir;.' 11 25 a in; I'hilj'l.'ti.Ma 3 00
p 3i.
iiaai Line Ikpres.1! leaves pii'sbmtr at
S (M h. u.; A'ioona 11 40 a. m; Tyrune 12
03 p. in; lluiitiliplon 12 35 p, m; Lewis
town 1 ii p. m; Mi.1l in 1 50 p. ni; Harris
burp 3 10 p. nx; ftaltiinor: 6 00 p. in; Waah
i'ljtton 7 15 p. m; Philadelphia b 23 p. ru;
f"iv York 9 30 p. m
Kii Jeaves Altoona at 2 05 p.m. Tyron;
2 35 . in, ITuntinttop 3 17 p. ni; Newton
ltj'Diltcn 3 47 p. Ci; McVeytown 4 20 p. ui;
l.ewistowa 4 33 p. ai; Mifilin 4 5i p. in.
Port Kjyai 5 CO p. m; A'exico 5 20 p. m;
Tboinp?ontown 5 18 p. ni; Millurt-totvo 5 28
p. m; Newport 5 37 p. in; Dnncannon 6 08
p. m; "Jorrisburg ti 45 p. m.
JJaii Kxpri 's leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p
in; Altoona 6 0 p. ra; Tyrone 6 37 p. mj
Iiiintinp'on 7 M p. ni; McVeytown S 04 p.
c ; Lewistown 8 20 p n; AiRiin 8 47 p ni;
Port Scy.i! 8 52 p. m; Millerstcwn 9 Hi p.
in; Newport V 2S p. ui; iuucanr.(,n 9 50 p.
in; H irrUbur;; 10 20 p. m.
Fliil;t!pbi.i Exprwss leaves Pittslnirji at
4 30 p. ni; Alioona 9 05 p. ni; Tyrone 9 3 i
p. ni; Miiul'.cgdon 10 12 p. ui; Mount Uu.
ion 10 2 p. id; Lewi.-town 11 10 p. ni; Mil
Cm 51 37 p. m; llarrisbiirg 1 00 a. m; Phil
adeipbia 4 30 Now York 7 33 a. in.
Trail! for Mriibury at 7 3'.i a. in. aad 3 05
p. m., leave Sunbury tor Lewistowu 10 05
a. in, and 2 45 p. in.; lor Milroy 6 35 a. in.
10.20 a. ni. and 3 10 p. m., week days.
Trains leave for Bellefunte and Lock
IV.'Vm at 8 10 a. m., 12 30 or.d 7 15 p. m ,
leave Lwk Haven lor Tyron3 8.65 p,
in. Mid 4 15 p, ni.
Touns lefcVH Tjrone Itr Clearfield and
Cum ensvillo ut 8 20 a. m., 8.15 and 7 2( ;
p ni.. leavs Cmwensville tor Tyrone at 9.15
a. in., 3 4" p m , and 7 CO p. m.
For, ratt s, maps, etc., call ou Ticket
Agent-, or address, Tbos. E. Watt, I.
A. VV. 1)., 3G0 Fifth Avenue, Pitts,
burp, Pa.
J. ii. Hutchison, J. R. Wood,
Geu'l MaDsger. Uen'l Pass. Agt
p IU )T1 U ) X )T A I : "' 'S XOT I ( ' K.
X'otice i hertliv tjiven that the fol
lowing :u-iiuiitrt liave Ik.1;!! tiled in the
olliceof the I'rothonataiy, of Juniata
county, and the same wiil he prenented
for I'onl'aniation and allowance to the
(.'ourt of Common Fleas, of sjiid county,
on J nesday the 14tu day of June, A. J)
1S!H, when and where all iierwons in
terested may nttend if they think iro-
1. The first and finul account of
JameH II, Kunk, conimittee of Mary
Arbuckle, late f Tuscarora township,
de -eased.
2. The first and final account of
David Muser, assignee of Michael
Shelly, of Delaware township.
1'rotko.iotarv's ottk-e, Prothonotary.
Mim'mtown, Pa.,
May lt, 198.
Great Cures proved by thousands
of testimonials show that Hood's Sar
6apai'illa possesses power lo purify,
vitalize and enrich the blood.
Hood's Pill3 Kre the only pills to
tken with Ili's SarKruarilla.
lift V Jl-i i
"v--- a:hs? iivtR ";-.O0KLCS.
How to Prolong Life
No man or woman can hope to live long if the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary
Organs are diseased. Disorders of that kind should never be neglected. Don't
delay in finding out your condition. You can tell as -well as a physician. Put
some urine in a glass or bottle, a'nd let it stand a day and night. A sediment at
the bottom is a sure sign that you have Kidney
disease. Other certain signs are pains in the small1
of the back a desire to make water often, especially
at night a scalding sensation in passing it and if
urine stains linen there is no doubt that
is present.
There is a cure for Kidney and
Diseases. It is Dr. David Kennedy's
Remedy. It has been for thirty years, and
is today, the greatest and best medicine
known for these troubles.
Mr. William "W. Adams,
cor. Jefferson Avenue and
Clifton Street, Roches
ter, N. Y., says:
" Three years aero
I was taken with Kidney
disease very badly ; at times
I was completely prostrat
ed ; in fact, was so bad that
a day was set for the doc
tors to perform au operation
upon me. Upon that day I com
menced the use of Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy, and it was not long before I was entirely cured, and I have had
no return of the trouble since. My weight has increased, and I never was so
well as I am now. Dr. Davit! Kennedy's Favorite Remedy saved my life."
Favorite Remedy acts directly upon the Kidneys, Liver and Blood. In cases
of Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Ulcers, Old Sores, Blood Poisoning,
Bright's Disease and. Female Troubles it has made cures after all other treat
ments failed. It is sold for Si.oo a bottle at drujr stores. A teaspoonful is a dose.
Sample Bottle Free !
Send your
mention this paper, and a sample bottle of Favorite Remedy will be sent free. Every
sufferer can depeud upon the genuineness of this o:Ter, and should send at once.
Commencing Thursday May 1
and continue until
An outline Sketch of the
a ad quick Synopsis of the
values we are giving.
1000 Summer vests for ladies at 5 and G for 2oc,
5G0 Summer vests for children at 4c.
Larger sizes a trifle more.
100 mens balbsigan shirts and drawers at 25c.
4000 yards of dark ginghams 5 yards for 19c.
2000 yards bleach fine muslin 10 yards for 48c.
4000 yards unbleached fine muslin 10 yards for 44c.
1000 yards of unbleached heavy muslin 10 yards for 49c.
1000 yards of henriettas 3G inches wide at 21c.
Thin Summer goods for ladies,
and children weer aft very low price
Childrens made, up dresses at 5Jc
Ladies wrappers ait -Oil, 75c,
ami 81.00.
Men's, ladies and ehihfren shoes
iu all the best shapes at specially
Sow prices.
Don't forget the commencing
BAi&GAIiV DAYS, May IS, at
103 to IG9 Uridge
1865, ESTABLISHED. 3897.
iSptclai Invitation
To attend the Attractive Sale
It wiU bo
Who cave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Srrts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f iil
to give him a call if in need of Clothing. j
F TIT 11 4 D T D IN
v. vv, 11 a n Lj pj 1
the disease
Favorite If
full postoffice address to the Dr. David
Corporation, Rondout, N. Y., and
vc, '
street, A,':ffl iitonn, Pa.
rTo Hie
of Clothing that goes on
7 S?
r- y;. -aArvuif i it ar - --a-r-? v r
HOLLOBAUuH &Sttfti,-
Our spring line of men's, boy's
and childrens' clothing, hts, cops
and gents" furnishing goods
We make the clothing business a
istudy nd hve mde it a success,
j Young men don't go wy to get
iwhat theywnt they come to us for
hts or ny thing in the gents fur-
I nishing line.
I We have hnlf our SPRING stock
Isold bv the time most clothiers get
i their line in. A young man who
wants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't
want to wait until the 4th of July
for it.
Our line this season surpasses all
our former efforts in style, quality,
quantity, finish and price.
"The early bird catches the worm."
u i u i R3 o us e-F u rn ish
m A
- oOo
Things are rever 3ull here; lever flnptd. The full Jife of the store al
was Its a chceiful welcome for all odiums, and sboppcra are quick to d.oide
in favor of the Great Values to be found in our new
Neat, Stylish,
Got a good pape
Sehtisei. Ar. iir?
1 y subscribing
"SEVEN! Y-SKVENB-("77.")
'77" is Dr, iiuini'ljicyK" famous
Specific f;r the enre of Grip utid
Colds. aul the prtvnticpof Pucunio
uia. All druggists, 2oc.
Subsoribe for I bo Sentixet. and
KeitelIcan, a paper that contains
cboift- rending malttr, fuil of inform
ti' ti th.-:t docs tbe render t'od, and
ia addition to flint nil local nt-wslhat
&re woi th publishing find plants in
ite ecluiut.s. If-
Infests the blood of humanity. It
appears in varied forms, but is foreed
to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, whieh
purifies and vitalizes the blood and
cures all sueli diseases. Head this:
"In September, 1S94, 1 made a misstep and
injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards,
A Sore
two inches across formed and in walking
to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore
became worse; I could not put my boot
on and I thought I should have to give up
at every aten. I could not tret any relief
and had to stop work. I read of a cure of 1
f similar case by Hood's Sarsaparilla and
concluded to try it. Before I had taken
all of two bottles the sore had healed and
the swelling had gona down. My
is now well and I have been greatly bene
ilted otherwise. I , have increased in
weight and am in better health. I cannot
say enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla." Mas. H. Blake, So. Berwick, Me.
This and other similar cures prove that
I. tVOr: Tn
-ci l-'ir C-r.
All.lniui'ish. SI.
., . 11. M,!.!l.
. I. .-.it :.m iv.''.:..irtio
it j Mul iiver stiuiubuit. sac
i n g
2 :t .-"Wii
A Sn.
cully Selected Stoek of
Cock, Ptrlor and Shop
Horse Blankets and Lap Ruben.
LAMI S, larre and small.
Come in and look around. We'll
make you feel at bcnie.
We have the largest Stock and
Store in the county.
Money Loaned at Lowest Rates.
Stockholders Individually Liable-
W. C. roni6roy,
John Ilertzler,
Robert K. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
Joseph Rothoct,
Josiah L. Barton,
Louis E. Atkinson
George A. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Kothrock, P. W. Mar. beck,
L. E. A'ki'ssnn, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Touieroy, J. Holmes Irtrin
John llsrtiler, orome, N. Thompson,
CharlotteSnvdar, T. V. Irwin.
John M. Blair, Josiah L Bdrtsn,
. M. W. Pnn.:ll, Robert H. Pjtr. i.
PamnolS. Itr.thi.k,
Levi Light,
M. N. Sterretf,
wm. SwarU.
il. J. She!lenherg
AI. K. Schlrgel.
James G. fleading,
Baniiu l S Ii'-gel.
Thiee -r c.eitf. ir.rorOKt will p jaid oa
cei ;(!ca'fs ir deposit.
fiari 2.'. i8!-8 w
Mngtopateut? Protect your ideas : they may
TiW yon wealth. Write JOHN WXDDBB.
nu KM M cii., fatent Attorneys, Waatungtoa.
I 1. C. for tielr Jl.'SHI prize offer.
d '
it '
4 f