SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN fTMT.TVTOWV WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1898. TE VMS. Hn-irlptlon, $1.59 pr amata if paid alvance: $2.00 If aot paid tn advance. Transient advertisement insetted at 60 MBtt per Inch for Meh Insertion. Transient frailness notloog la local co m, 10 eraU par Una for emch Insertion. Deductions will be mad to those desiring to advertise by the year, kalf or quarter year. SHORT LOCJiLS. Threare 208,749 railroad bridges In the United States. It rained on the 15 th and trout libers were disconsolate. Miss Alice Cleveland, of Lewis towD, spent Sunday in this place. Mr. Williamson Yan Ormer of Fay tte township is is in poor health.. WANTED Three bushels of Blue Victor potatoes, call at this office. A well plumaged ostrich yields two tnousand dollars worth of feathers. Thosa stylish two toned sailors 88c, at Mrs. Ickes' millinery store. Liswislown is recruiting two mili tary companies for the Spanish war. The Ilanticgdon Lutheran Church took in 18 new members on Sunday. A professional trout fisher says eloudy days are the best for trout nsincg. The organ grinder, and the bill poster, and the agent have come with the advent of spring. An1: Joseph Rjthrock's health has o improved that he i3 able t7 go out of Lis house on short walks, Mi.-s Maggie Miller, and .Miss Magig Toner, of Lewistown, spent 8u-?dj afternoon in this place. I j Mifflia county, a plank walk is being laid from Mech-inicsvillo to Belleville, by private subscription. Gecrge Jacobs fell down the hay hole in the stable of his grand father James North and broke his left arm. The last of the Easter storm passed by last Friday, the weather has ben of the growing kind ever since. Dr, E. W. Conrad, editor of the Lutheran Observer, died in Fhila delpUia, on Easter Sunday, aged 82 years. The men who sowed their oats during the fine weather in March, wiil have heavy oats when the grain rirecs. Hon. John WanBmaker,ha8 offered to raise a regiment and go to tbe front to fight Spain if war is de clared. The Republicans of Mifllin county will hold their primary election May 21, and their county convention oa May 21. F-oight jumping cost one New Port lid $5 last week and another $5 91 Toe railroad company are after the boys. The April freeze in 1897 was greater tbdn the April freeze of 1S9S, and with all that what a large peach crop in 1897. R3V. Mr. Rhoads, a Sunday School worker, preached in the Presbyter ian church on Sunday evening, on the subject of the Bible. Mrs. Ickes' .Millinery, .Patterson, Pa, lias the largest stuck, greatest as-crtment, most exclusive styles, and her prices way belo-sr otliere. "Do you think you will be able to stand the climate in Cuba V 'I onght to. I've been smoking Cabin cigaretts for six mouths." Tbe commissioners of Clinton county have appointed two woods five detectives whose du'y is to find out the parties who pet woods on firr. ' What cause Love we for war with Sptir. afir ali?" '--y! Why, confound it! Hav'nt we made elaborate preparations for a fi?h.f" Th!) Lntheran Congregation -n-joyed an Eafcter service on Sunday acd Sunday tvering; one of the grot features of the occasion waj the music. Viiiiam Hertzler Jr., is getting airing Saely in the business of rais ic. military company, having al ready 70 men enrolled all anxious for a" brush with Ppain. T break a band, place a boy or mnu 10 or 12 feet away in front of the musiciaris and there let him suck altiujn. Ha'Ji knock tbe inu3ic in five minutes higher than a kite. tie (going to war) Swear that you will never love another, dearett II.s new bride Isn't that a little bit unreasonable, Carry, when I have a posptet of biconjing a widow so soon ? Beaver Herald April 14 Jamb Howell tapped a sugar mnple free and took seven wooden buekrta .ill or about 21 gallons of sap, from thl one tree per day, for three days ir. succession, last week, When one man r.lti fn otw? A kill another man that is murder. When one nation plans to and does invaae an otber nation and kills its inhabitants by thousands that is war, what is the difference bstween mur der and war? In tbe Lower House of Congress, last week when the Spavish Cuban question was before tbe bouse same of tbe members became so war like that iu addition to bad language that they usd, they hurled books at each others heads. A two-Uffced hoc ant into the M rs r- n J5. church last 8andav moraine, the result being that the carpet was sat urate a ana covered witn tobacco juice. We warn parents to keep their hogs at home. Newton Hamil ton ttatenman. The Juniata conference of tbe synod cf Central Pennsylvania of tho Evangelieal Lutheran Church will bold its spring session in the Luth eran chnrch of Liverpool. Perrv county, May 2,-4, 1898 The opeu ing sermon will be preached by Rev. J. M Axe. A circus manager has tendered 25 elephants to the secretary of war, to be used in Cuba against the Span iards. He says the elephants all are trained to haying shooting done froEi their backs. What a splendid Target an elephant would make for the enemy to shoot at. , Jlosea Fry, who lives a mile north of Middleburg, Snyder county, was asked by his wife to bring her a peck of corn into the hous9. He did not bring the core, but be walked out cf tbe house and remained away so long that search was made for him. He was found dbad hanging by Lis neck to a stiap in tho barn. Pity the unfortunate man. 'Some days ago, Samuel Kinser, wh.-le crossing tbe river bridge dis cov-rd a fire b!azin between the pUnk of the floor on the tecood spaa from the MifHlictown side. Ho in formed rostaurantcr Goorge IJcrk, and they both hastened there with water and pat out the fire. A hole of considerable size was burnt in the floor, which Commissioner's clerk, Rhine had repaired. From the Indianapolis Journal. "Are you tbe society editor?" ask ed tho huge woman, who seemed to fill the room. ''No, madam," said the one ad - . ... ares sea. " am only toe court re-reporter." "Really T I am surpnsea. But perhaps you will do. Tour paper said in lie account of ibe aft air at my house that floral decorations 'lent beauty to the scene.' I wish you would have yojr paper etste that t!:e floral beauty was not lent. Every thing was paid for. Photographs advancicg in pi ice Take Notice on and after April 1st, 1S38, my price for our best Cabinet Photographs wiil be 3.00 per dozen, until then April 1st, I will make and sell tickets f r these B.ime photo graphs for 1 oO per dozen. I - have ordered 5,000 tf the highest etyle cards, printed in gold to supply this work, our efforts in low priced work has not been appreciated, therefore we are obliged to return to our old price $3.00 per dozen. Tickets sold will be good ut sny time presented, this is your last and only chaice to get high priced work at half price. Don't come in alter the time and say jou didn't set. this add, it will le too late. ltespectfulh-. Jostpii Iltss. Mrs. Eohraim Runnels, of Poi t R .yal died unexpectedly at the beni of her husband ill Port Royal on tho evening id the 14ih about 9 o'clock. Ineir uwe.iJ.Ejr house adjoins thsir store. Mrs. Reynolds was in the istore when sbo suddenly ftit aaa toki lie son Darwin of her iii feeling and then went into iha h.'iuse laid down on a lounge, and there died before her maid could give tut A'arm. Htr funeral to k place on Saturday. Etv. Mr. Campbell of tbtt Prthbj t-1 i iu church, was the officiating minister, assisted by Rev. JMc. Brenin-'nHii- i f tbe Mei.bodUt church, lulr-i lufiit ;u the Church Hid Cemetery. If Mrs. Rannela had lived till ;txt Outober she would hava been 72 years of age. Mr Adam Sponhour, of Fayette townEhip, is a brother, ar.d Mrs. Slomou S;.' ber, of Fermai'Otih tovcshij, a sister, Mrs. Ephriiim tsit-ber, of near Cary, Ohio, is also a sif-U-r. FARM FOR SALE. Tbo uridersised, offers his Lome stead furm, in Monroe township, about three quarters of a milo from Evendale, at private sle. Tho farm consists of 100 acres more or less, ad clear land excepting about 5 acres, which is in timber. Tbe lmDrov?.- tnenls are a good frame house, Irani! hank barn, wagon shed, hog pi!, spring hous?, tho sprirg never fails Tnre is also a 'well of never failiu;; water at the Lou, church, scho ' house, store and mill cocvenieiit.v nrar. Tbere is a peach i-ithurd 800 trees on the f irm. A4dief, BalthasEr LinvER, .Evendale, Juniati Co., P. Jan. 5, 9S, 4m ships in the squadron are the Brook lyn, the Massachusetts, the Minne apolis, the Texas, and the Columbia. This is a picture of the Brooklyn, Commodore schley's flag ship. ARMORED CRUISER BROOKLYN, The Brooklyn is the navy's greatest cruiser. Her speed is 20 knots, ber displacement 9,271 tons, and she cost about $8,000,000. She carries eight 8 men, twelve 5 inch and 20 smaller gang. NAVAL WARFARE. The President's message last week asking Congress to give him ' the right to use the land and naval forces of the United States, to secure permanent on the Island of Cuba. The Lower House of Congress on Wednesday, April 13, passed a reso lution granting the power that the the President asked. On the after noon of that day, the American war -ships, The Flying Squadron under Commodore Schley sailed south ward from Fortress Monroe. The Where did Commodore Schley go witn tne Mying bquadronr' was ask ed. Answer. Washington, Baltimore, and every other place that had learned of the departure of the Flying Squadron, were on a strain to know whence it had gone. On Friday, after an ab sence of 48 hours it returned to Nor folk. It had been out to sea ma neuvering. The flag ship, Brooklyn crew beat all the others of the Squadron in the response of its men upon a call to quarters. In 4 min utes after the call every man was in place ready for action, and its shoot ing at mark was the best. The navy is being prepared for an attack on Havana, and a fight with Spanish war ships in Cuban waters. When the Cuban waters have been cleared of Spanish war vessels, the land troops will be sent across to Cuba to batt e with the 200,000 Spanish army on the island. To that end United States troops are now being concentrated in four large camps, one at Chickamauga, one at New Or leans, one at Mobile, and one at Tampa. Twenty thousand troopsare assembling. There should be 100, 000 thousand 2:0 to Cuba instead of 20,000. There had better be too many go to Cuba than too few, if any are to go. ihe Government seems to be alive to the fact that the impending war after Cuba has been taken, must needs be a war on the sea. The island in the sea across the ocean to ward Spain must all be taken if the war is prolonged and it will take a powerful navy to do. that. Many a brave ship will have to go to the bottom before that has been accom plished. The Spanish have their worst language at their tongues end andsaythey will blow ship and crew to hell before they will allow yankees to board them, an equally vile lang uaged American commander says, we'll pack hell so full of Spaniards that the Spanish language will be the only language spoken in hell for years to come. That is vulgar naval warfare bluster but it indicates a spirit that means war for quite awhile once it is commenced. The ocean will swarm with Span ish privateers that will capture our merchant ships. It will take a large and powerful navy tocliase and Catch the Spanish privateers. But if we can capture their coaling stations oh the islands of the Atlantic ocean, they must Stay on the other side. Stone coal in the coming war is almost as valuable as gunpowder. Why not be well? If you are suffering with any disease of the Kidneys, Bladder or Urinary Organs, Dr. David Kennedy' favorite Remedy will make you well again. It has cured cases that bordered on the miraculous. It quickly cures men and women of inability to hold urine, and they are not compelled to get up often and make water at night. It removes the scalding- sensation is passing it, and, when taken according to directions, it invariably cures pains in the small of the back. Favorite Remedy not only cures Stone in the Bladder and Bright'a Disease, but prevents them from developing. One case is that of John T. Null, of son North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. In 18S9 he began jpv l uucr luuescnDaoie miseries irom atone in toe Bladder. An eminent physician said a surgical operation was necessary. If unsuccessful it meant death, and Mr. Neill put off the evil day as long as possible. While in this frame of mind he heard of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and bought it. Before he had finished the third bottle the gravel was completely dissolved and his sufferings were at an end. Favorite Remedy is a perfect Blood and' Nerve medicine. It restores the liver to a healthy condition, cures the worst cases of Constipation, and all diseases peculiar to females. It cures Scrof ula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism. Your druggist will sell you a regular full-sized" bottle for $1.00. Sample Bottle Free. Those sufferers who wish to try Favorite Remedy before buying should send their full pestoffice address to the Dr. David Kennedy Cor poration, Roadout, N. Y., and mention this paper. A free sample bottle will be sent them prepaid, together with full directions for using. This is a genuine offer, and all our reauers can aepena upon u. T CHALLENGE SALE OF SPRING GOODS AT H0LL0B AUU H & buiu, - A HEADOF ALL COMPETITORS- Our spring line of men's, boy's and childrens' clothing, hats, caps and gents furnishing goods ARE NOW IN. We make the clothing business a study and have ' made it a success. Young men don't go away to get what they want they come to us for NOBBY SUITS, LATE STYLE hats or any thing in the gents fur nishing line. We have half our SPRING stock sold by the time most clothiers get their line in. A voung man who Iwants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't want to wait until the 4th of July for it Our line this season surpasses all our former efforts in style, quality, quantity, finish and price. "The early bird catches the worm." HULLOBAUGH & SON7S, 116 ArA STREET, PATTEKS0N, PENiNA. McQLXNTXC'S HARDWARE THJS STORE SETS THE PACE. O- dOo- -O THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things are rever dull bere; never stupid. The fulllife of ths store al wajs hes a cbeetful weteioe for all comers, and shoppers ale quiek to socise in favor of the Great Values to be found in our new Neat, Stylish, Inviting SGHOTT'S STORES, The fame annual trade victory, The powerful procla mation to the multitudes, of bargain giving, end vast gelling. Chic 1898 Spring drtf-B fabricp, at low prices are now all imported, from my recent visit to Boston, New York, and Phil- adelnfiiu. Oiircreat cash telling store filled to overflowing with the atl" ."OUSC-1? UrillSlling choicest new spring goods. We have been making great preparation lor this spring . I il OUSineSS. KaS re; JtaV Come and see the great saving in our ppot cash svtem oi buying and selling. You all know our n .-.ods our great success shows that you approve of them, JSovelty and plain silks ior waists and whole dresses. Over 2,000 yards of silk to select from, in prices from 25c, to dDc, to dye, to I00, in taflety stripes, taffety checbs, Lousine stripes, Iousine checks, black arm u re and satin cucks plain black taffety and brocades, black silks. STYLISH DRESS GOODS, Your first thought in seeing our dress cood exhibit would be. wbat a great variety they nave ! IT IS TRUE TO. You are sure to find just tbe dress goods jou have in mind. We safe guarded ourselves bv not cottinc too cany of one stjle. 50 etyles of foreign and doinestie dren frbrics, every ons a tempting value. We sell for 124, 14, 20, 25, 35, 45, 50, 60, and 75 coots. WASTE FABRICS. They Fairly whisper thoughts of warm days of rummer. Percales rephyrs, Ginghams, organdies and batistes, for 71 to 9, 12i to 15c. NEW CARPETS AND MATTING, OUR STOCK OF CARPET and Batting arc patticular by choice, worthy tbe freshest styles for tbe season. Stripe.) carpets 12 to 20o ; home made rag cirpeta and ingrain carpets for 25o, 30e. 35c, 40o, 50c. Tapestry and Brussels carpet for 60o, 7bc, 85o and 50o. Mattin for 12c, 15c, 20o, and 25a. MEN'S. AND LADIES SHOES. Tbe best shoes made in America, values that are greater than any otber store will offer you. Special purchase of misses and cl.ildren shoes, they in clude all the leading styles now worn. . CAPES, AND CURTAINS, Ladies si'.k oipes, oloth capes, dress and shirt waists, wrappers and fancy dre's skirts. We can suit any taste and fi: any figure. LACE CURTAINS, cbenilo curtains, window shades and poles, oil oloth and rugs at very low prices. 10,000 roles of wall paper, speeial fine parlor pattern, at lowest prices possible. We have bargains for every body. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge street, Afifflintown, Pa. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1897. Special Invitation To Hie Pubtii To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY, It will be . TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS2 Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE J of Suits and. Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing, ' D. W. H A R L E Y TORE A Specially Selected Stoak of Ranges, Cook, Parlor and 8bop Stoves. Ilbrse Blankets and Lap LAMPS, large and small. Come in and look around make yen feel at borne. We bave th largeat Stock Store in tbe connty. OTJI! ItwrE GUARANTEES QUALITY. Kobei. We'll and K. H. M'CLINTIC, MIFFLINTOWN Get a good par-e ly fubscribiaR lor the ,:SEVENTY-SEVEN"-("77.") "77" is Dr. numpLrtys' famous Specific for tbo care of Grip and Colds, and the preveiihoii.of Ftcunio nia. All druggists, 25c. Subscribe for the Sesxiszl axd Republic as, a paper that contains choice reacting matter, fail of inform tion that does the readi-r roo, and in addition to tbut ail local news that are worth publishing find places in U? coiutui.s. tf. Scrotfyla Infests the blood of humanity. It appears iu varied forms, but is forced to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which purifies and vitalizes the blood and cures all such diseases. Head thia: " In September, 1394, 1 made a misstep and injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, A So ire two inches across formed and in walking te favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore became worse; I could not put my boot on and I thought I should have to fire up at every step. I could not get any relief and had to stop work. I read of a cure of a similar case by Hood's Sarsaparilla and concluded to try it. Before I had taken all of two bottles tbe sore had healed and the swelling had gone down. My Foot lOFFLIMTOffN IVA- is now well and I bave been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased in weight and am in better health. I cannot aay enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Mas. H. Blake, Bo. Berwick, Me. This and other similar cures prove that LMlood', Sarsaparilla Is the Oiv3 Tnte Wood PnrHVr. AH rigpiU. 9L ' Ii ?;: l"?! r'y V.. Law!!, Mats. HAFEIQU MONEY TO DEPOSIT ? AKE YOU A BORROWER 1 o f -CiLLAT-i MlrTLWTOWN, PA. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATE icney Leaned at Lowest Rates. EG JUNIATA VALLEY BA1VK OF MIFFLIN TOWN, PA. Stockholders Individually Liable)- JOSEPH BOTH ROCK, Prtndnt. T. VAN IBirWOuAus OIBKCTOBS, W. C. Pomeroy, John Bertiier, Kobort B. Parkor, T. V. Irwin. Joseph Rothrock, Josiab L. Barton, Louis B. Atkiosoa. STocaaoLssas : Geoge A. Kepner, Annie M. Sholle Joseph Botbrock, P. W. Hanbeck, L. E. A'kii.son, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pouinroy, J. Holmes Irwin John IlorUlor, JeromeN. Tborapbcu, Obrlitie!nyder, T. V. Irwin. John M., Josiab L Barton, K. B. . PenuMll, Rob-rt K. Prtraa amnol s. Hntinrk, M. N. Sterrett, James 6. 11ead;ng, Samml Schlegi-L Levi Light, Wm. 8wriz. H. J. Shellenbergs I H. B. Schlrgel. i - ., ; l?st family c:itliartic tlOOU S PillS uuUUverstuuuLuit. 2uO fbree per ceat. intereKt will Dtpaid oi cei .ficetrs of deposit. UlANTrn-AM inr1 Wboataim venis tmm nil v -s or aoaae i thins; to natant 1 Proteot yoor ideas ; the Wlrur too wealth. Write JOHN WTSE BOON A CO., Patent Attorneys, Washngtesv D. Cm for their IU800 prlaa offer. ft r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers