Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 20, 1898, Image 2
' T r ..... " " ' -'" in l w ,m , By Tl I D I AT M s X II J -A" o mi J BO 1 i tr. 3 A I V17FLINTOWN. WEDNESDAY, APRTL 20. 189P. B. K. SUHWElJiR, - aDlTOa. aid rroraiiroa. WHAT WILL THE DENT DO ? PRES1- WILL HE PUT THE NAVI AND AEMY IN MOTION- President McKinlej-, on the lltli day of April, saat a m8aage to Cocgrtsp, aek'iig f.r nlargf:d powers to grapple with the Cuban question. He asked for the power of armed in tervention. On the 13:h of April, the Lower House of Cong;c63 took Lira at his word and passed the fol lowing resolution. "lttsolved, That the President i hrtby iafhorized and directed to iuicivcue at once to stop the war in Cuba to the erd aud vith the pur poBb of stearic permanent peace and order there and establidhiitfr- by the free aotiCu of ' the President thereof t instable and independent JTCV'ernmeat of their on in the isiund of Cubit ; and the President is Leieby authorized and empowtred to use tho land a'id nnval forces of the ULited States to execute the ' iwse of this resolution." On St . .day April 16, The Senate took up the Cttban question, but did not agree with ; he house. This is what the Satiate psssed by a vote of 07 yeas to 21 nays. Eeeolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. .First, That the people of the Is land of Cuba are and of right ought to be free and independent, and thai, ths government of the United States hereby recognizes the Republic of Cuba as the tiua and lawful gov ernment of that island. becond. lhat it is the duty of the United S: .'ps tu demand, and the Goverprcenfc of tho United States does hereby demand, that the Government of Spain at onco relin. quisb its authority and goverment in the Island of Cuba and withdiaw its land and naval forces from Cuban waters. Third, That the President cf the United States be, and he hereby is " directed and empowered to use the entire land and naval forces of the United States and to call into the - actual service of the United States the militia of the several States, to each extent as may be necessary to carry these resolutions into effect. Fourth, That the United States hereby disclaim any disposition or intention to txercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over said is land, except for the pacification thereof, and assert its determination when that is accomplished to leave the government and control of the island to its people. Ou Monday ihe 18tb, The Senate and House stiuggledall day to come to an agreement and after a number of joint conferences, agreed at half past 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning, to tho second, to the third, and to the Fourth resolutions passed by the Seoate on Saturday tho 16th. So that all of the Senate's resolution were adopted or concured in except ing the First resolution end that was made to read : First, That the people of the hla,id of Cuba of right ought to be free a,ul independent. That is then tho ult'mutum of the Senate and the House. They have taken the President at his word. He in his late message declared to con gress that he had exhausted all dip lomatic efforts to end the trouble, and failed, and asked Congress to empower him t use the army and to eutrce a stable of permanent peace on the island of Cuba, Congress has responded, and ha3 given him the power, now what will the President do? Will he take time or will he simply notify Spain by telegram, and if she does not forthwith declare her purpose to withdraw her army from Cuba, and her navy from Cuban waters, will he put the United States navy and army in motion. In all prol ability Jte President will sign the resolutions this Wednesday, April 20, ai.il then will come the tug of war. The fighting Spaniards, declare that within a month, the Spanish flag will float over Texas, New Or leans, Mobile, Charleston. It is the old story of a boy going through a grave yard whistling to keep up his courage. WHES-tho United States Govern' mtiit wants more troops, it will call on the Governors of the states, and the State Governors will call for vol unteers. The national guards of the si alts, in all probability will be auiopg the first to respond. THIEVES CAUGHT. Bloomfield Advocate, April Ctb. Wisler Laddice, aqred 23 yeare, a mm of family ; John and Irvin Roller, aged 19 and 17 vears, respec tively, all of Duncannon, now rests in confinement in the county jail charged with robbery to which they save conlesaea. Duncannon for some moths past hsiii been ibf.ted with thievea who have been comuiittiBg bold and fre quent robberies. Cars have been forcd open and looted, houses have been entered and ransacked, chicken coop? Lave been raided and gardens pillaged. List Thursday night the store of John Kennedy was entered and robbed of goods valued at $35. A resident in retusniDg from work late in the evening noticed thrae suspi cions characters about and meog nized them. After the robbery he notified -Mr. Kennedy of the fact and on Friday a search warrant was issued for Wisttr Liddick's house and the house of John and Irvin Roller. The con stable and others proceeded to Iiid d ck's house and found Liddick and the Roller boys there. When the search began the three took to their heels, ran across the river and up the mountain aod evaded capture In Liddick's house and thj borne of the Roller boys was found a grat quantity cf stolen goods which had been taken from cars th6y had bro ken into, and from the different stores and private residences of the neighborhood. Goods of almost all description were found and iudenti ficd, and later distributed ta their rightful owners. Sunday mornin, about six o'clock J all threg f Jjj sooused came home to procure clothing. They were seen and (he authorities notified, who gave chnse and their capture speedilv followed. They were taken I to the lockup, and when confronted with evidences of tneir crime made a fuil acknowledgement of their mis doings, iocriinintiliog several others who wi I doubtless be arrested. Oae pre sou was arr s ed who ciearly es tablished his innocence. TLe trio, in default of $2,000 bail in each case, were held and after spending: Sunday aod Monday in (he borough lockup were brought to this place, handcuffed, by Detective Bower, of the P.R. R. Co., and Con stable Geo. ilonmiller. The boy?, after confessing to their guilt, suid tbat they had stolen their way to and from Wiliiamsport and were almost frozen in their travels. They say that they desire to be tried at tbi3 term of court aod rective their sdi tetce wltboul delay. ONE OF TWO WAYS. The blidtr was created for one purpose, namely, a receptacle for tho uriLe, and as euch it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF C A IT S E. Unhealthy u.'ine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the bladder, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, there fore any pain, disease or inconveni ence manifested in tha kidneys, back, b.'auder or urinary pass ige is often by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hour?; a sediment or set tling indicates kidney . or bladder trouble. The mild and tho extraor dinary effect rf Dr. Kilmei's Swamp- Ront, the great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine yon should have the best. bold by druggists, price fifty cents and one del. ar. Yon mavhaveasam pie bottle and phatnpblet bottlo both sent free by mail, upon receipt of 3 tw cent starogs to cover cost of post age on the bottle. Mention the Jux iata Sestinel and Republican and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. FAYETTE NOTES. Oakland JWille, Pa., April 18, 98. Messers Rosa Baehore and I. H. Sefferd epent Sanday with friends at Fremont, Snyder county. Mr- Preston Headiner of Reeds ville, viaitcd his brother Dr. I. G. Heading last week. lira. ilinnieKaulTman.snrJdaugh ter, of Tyrone, are spending Borne time atr. EJiunnd J.imia jd's who is in a precarious condition of health. hliit, Pearl Reuner the popular mnsic ttai-ber of McAlisterville, was here instructing Miss Emma Char ttrs i:i music lessons. P. ii. Eichraan, of Sunday evecing rery T. K. Heckmana. Rumors say that Swales spent pleasantly at Sirs, leave Martin for nor cf her KauiT.'uau expects to home in Ohio for tho benefit health on TutsJay. Mr. Edward Lyons has cpeced a barber shop in McAlisterville any person ia ceed of hair cut or shaved give liim a call. Some of our young boys aro try ing to raise a mustache but the sprouts are ycing. Mits Emma BtD'-.tr, of Goodville, was sewing at Joa. Siebers last week. Eli Graybill and wife of Eist Sa lem, visited at H. B. Shelleubergers on Sunday. B. Ooluren and Frank Lukens, of Yau M7ert were here among the laclits cn Sunday evening. Call agtin Boys. Mr. John Smedley th champion I peach hole digger, dug 420 holes from M.mday till Wednesday eve ning for Samuel Gingerich. Who can beat that. David Shotesberger and Miss Hopple spent Sunday evecing very pleasantly at G. W. McAlisters Call again. Mr. John Binbaker, of Miffhntown spent Sunday with friends in this valley. J. there must be some at traction in this valley. Some of our farmers are almost done sowing oats. Miss Maud Meyers is employed at Jacob bausmans. Mis. James Watte, of Walker township, is spending some time at the home of her mother in Slim Val ley for tho benefit of h:r health. Mr. John Sieber, and daughter Saiiii, of Fermanagh township, spent Tuteday with Mr. Keis&r's in Dela ware towDship. CVRFEfT. ORDINANCE, Every town has faailis tht tl low their children to run aa animals do. They are aa ill mannered as pig", and almost a. ignorant in every way, and when such a lot of acimsls get together on a street or pavement in a town in evening or day animal manners and performance may be expected at any time. Such is the case in every town tbat is not large enough to employ a police foice sufficient to keep tha animals in decent behavior. So intolerant has the conduct of the human animals become in many towns, that to save the animals from utter depravity, and to protect the deceucy of the communities it has been deemed best to xe-eaact old Curfew laws, tbat certain people at certain hours mutt be (-ff the streets of the town. Tho town council cf Lewistown at its lut meeting passed a curfew law J.ha nrst section declares that ro person under sixteen years of ae shall be allowed to be upon the streets after nice o'clock in the eve nicer f.om A'arch 1, to September 1, aod rot after eight o clock frcxr. &ep tember 1, to March 1, unless accom panied by parents or guardiaos, or on legitimate errands for their par ents, under a penalty of five dollars for each effense, the person to stand committed until fine is paid. The second section imposes a fine of ten dollars upon parents who fail to com ply with the provisions of the first section. The third section empow ers tli9 police to make arrests with out warrant under this ordinance. TRATELIM'S TIRESOME. We had a fashionable wedding at the home of one of our oldest famil ies latt Thursday. George Alley married Katie, the daughter of Col. "Andib" Frew. The wedding was held etrly in the morning, as the happy couple wished to take a wed ding tour over tha N. & S. V., Rail road to Newport. The marriace was performed at C.30 a. ru., by Squire Brown. Af;-:r a sumptous breakfast of enufagc, buckwheat cakes aud paribaus, trie bridal coudIh departed on the early train for Nawport, re turning ou tin uooa train the next day. The i ridegroom looked happy and the bride Landsoine. She is so handsome it is said she can mash potatoes by just looking at them. Tlie next day after the weddiDg George was in the store, and, after sittiog behind tue etovo about two hours, evidently in deep thought, he rose, stretched himssif and remarked "Traveling tiresome !'' Perry coun ty Freeman. Kipllne; and DeKoven Unite. Reginald DeKovoa and Sir Arthur Sullivan have both beeu commission ed by The Ladies Home Journal to give a musical setting- to Radyard Kipling's great '"Recessional"' poem written for the Queen's Jubilee. DtKoven has finished bis setting of the poem as a hymn with chorus and solo, and the composition will be published in its entiTtty in a forth coniing issue of The Ladies' Home Journal. STREET IDLERS. The people of Paiucah, Ky., have determined to break up etrect loafing and street rowdjim, with that pur pose in view the town council adop ted a stringent idls-rs ordiDacce end a curfew law, and under such rules and regulations Thursdar. March 3, eight negroes and three white men were caupht and all whipped forced to leave the town. and A MEDICAL. BOOK A medical book with the full de fcription of all diseases and the r treatment, by F. Humphrey, M. D , mailed free on request. Humphrey's Jlfedicite Co.. Cor. William & John Streets, New York. KIFKLINTOWN UHAI;,' MARKKAS MI FFL I KTO VX, APRIL 20, 189S vh-t 92 '. -r in hi 30 '-", 22 Re 82 Clo. ,-r-- -d $2 to $2 GO Bmter !6 Kpcs of Hsm 2 SLmu'drr 2 I.a ti . ft Sile 7 Timothy aeed 1.40 Fas seed fiO Brun 70 Chop 85c te 90c Middlings , 90 Ground In Salt...... .... , ... 75 American Sa t 60c Philadelphia -Markets, April 19tb, 189S- Wheat $1.00; corn 34c; oats 34c butter 15 to 27c; f ?gs 9 to 10c; po p.itoes 75 to 80c a bushel; ehiclo ns 8 to 13c; duck 12c; beef cattlet 3J to 5c; hogs 2 J to 4c; sheep bent 4 to 5 Stewart. Greenasalt Oa the 7th irst., at MfUiutowiv by Erv, John H. Mortimer, Thomas C. Stewart and Margaret M. Greena wait. Porter Heikes. Oa the fifth ir.8t , at Lowistown, by R9V. M. S. Crosnmnn, John I. Porter, and Jen nie H. Heikcs, both of Milford town ship, JuDiata county,; Pa. Nipple Farleman. Oa the 8th icst,, at Mifflintown, bv Rev. W. H. Fahs, Charles E. Nipple and Clara E. Erleman. " Go to Meyers for your clothing and furniture he will save you 25 per cent. Read his Bargaks in this paper. L. F. Rinthsrt, of Eellefiower, III , gave W. H. Zeiders, his brother in law au unexpected surprise by call ing on Wednesday evening and hav ing again on Thursday morning. He has not been home for fifteen years. Prevention is better than cure. Keep your blood pure, your appetite good and your digestion perfect by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla, gentle, efficient. CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH . ANO UVKR TROUBLES. LEQJL. jyOTICE IN PARTITION. IN THE ORPHANS COURT OF JUNIATA COUNTY. IutheniatterofthfilMiriiti.nl r ihr- reul estate of William Harrison MeAlis-j ter, late of Fayette township, deceased. To Rebecca J. McAlister, widow; A. hranklm MeC'ully, Homer. Calhoun Co., Michigan: Hamilton McAlister. town. Pa. and Lizzie 15. McAlister, ' Willie IJ. McAlister, and Sarah Ellie McA lister, v ho?e guardian ad. litem is V Uberforce Sehwever. Esq.. of Mifflin-1 town, Pa. ; Edward M. Kelly, Millers-' iiMi V ' e e, Jranam pruee t i ' , , '; . uo-4 er . " alul. Pa. ; John E. Jamison, Hwales, Pa. ; ic via M Jamison, Amijoy, Illinois; IiiiciauW . Jamison .East Paw Paw, ip -rone, r. ; u. billot McAllster. Dodge, ebraska; Emily McAlister, McAlis terville. Pa. ; Minnie Martin. MilHiir- luinom , jb.saac ji. Jamison, rswaies, i Act to provide for the incorpor- Pa, ; Jennie E. (iushart, Uurket, In- Rtion and regulation of certain corpor diana ; Clara M. Jami.km. Swales, Pa. ; t:..n nnnmvod Amil 29th 1874. and J ,r V, ""WvCampHiil, Pa : Julia ; the supplements thereto, for the ehai Ca.s.ell, Mount Joy, Pa. ; Louis E. h- ;lerof if, intended corpo.atlou lo be ter, Kansas City. Mo. ; llliam 15ell. t5iuoenvii e, umo i nomas lsen, r.n- glewoud, Chicago, Illinois ; Mary Iiell, hewickley.ra. ; Kmily Itell, Hewickley, Pa. : James Bell, Pittsburgh. Pa.. Marv M, (ireenawault , Buena Vista, Pa.; Ella UellSeacriMt, West Newton; Pa. ; Laura Bell McAlister, West New ton, Pa. ; T. M. T. Bell, JUiena Vista, Pa. ; Mary Bell, Allegheny, Pa. ; Ar thur W. Bell, Allegheny, Pa. ; Marshall Bell, Allegheny, Pa. ; Elizaljeth Denny, Allegheny, Pa. ; Madaline Dewitt, Frewio, Fresno Co., Cal. : Warren Mc-Ciilloi-h, Milan, Sullivan .'o., Mo. ; Elizabeth Dewitt, Beger, state of Mis souri ; Sharon McCulloch, Iteger, Mis- I sou re ; and to all other persons inter ested in said estate. Take notice that on the 7th day of! February, 1898, the Orphans Court of. Juniata county, awarded an inquest to make partition and valuation of certain real estate of the said William Harrison McAlister, deceased, consisting of eight certain messages and tenements and tracts of land all situate in the town ship of Fayette, in the county of Juni ata and stateof Pennsylvania, to wit. Tract No. 1, being the mansion house and premises of deceased bounded on the north by tract No. 2, hereinafter described; on the south by public high way and lands of John C. Ilostetter ; on the east by landsof Elizabeth Heckman; and on the west by public highway and lanus oi is. j. iucAiisier anu limils or Samuel Watts; containing two (2) acres more or less, and having thereon erected a brick dwelling house, frame barn other outbuildings. Tract No. 2. A lot of ground bounded on the north by an alley ; on the son 111 by tract No. 1, described above; on the east by tract No. 1 ; and having on the west, a front of fifty feet or there-" about on Public highway leading south from the village of McAlisterville con taining forty (40) perches more or less, and having erected thereon a large brick dwelling house, frame barn, and other outbuildings. Tract No. 3. A lot or parr-el of land Ivounded on the north by public road or Main street leading east and west through the village of McAlisterville; on the south by an alley ; ou the east by lot of I fenrietta Sielier : and on the west by an alley and landsof Edward Hinies; and having erected thereon two frame dwelling houses, frame stable and other outbuildings. Tract No. 4. A tract of arable land being field, bounded on the north by public highway and landsof E. L. Jam ison ; on the south by lime quarry lots owned by J, N. VauOnuer anil oth ers, and containing ten acres more or less. Tract No. o. A farm, liounded on the north by lands of Peter Kxntz's heirs ; on the south by lands of Issac M. Jam ison, andllenrietta Sielier ; on the east by public road and lands- of Isaac M. Jamison and William H. K House ; and on the west : l.y j.ublio road and lands of t i,.,.irli ,r,r thirty two (IK) perches and allowance having erected thereon frame larn and house. Tract No. 6. Fann liounded on the north and east by public highway; on the south by lands of Stuck's heiii ; and on the west by laud of Jacob Y. Shelley; and containing twenty acres and forty- inree percnes, navitifr erei-teu t heron a bribk mansion house, frame store keep- hip stand, frame barn and other build inirs. Tract Xo. 7. A tract of land and farm bounded 011 the north by lands of V. U. Shelleiilerfrer; on the south by lands of Joseph (J. Im), and William H, Kan nels; on the east by land of Isaac 15en ner; and on the west by lands of Jonah Dunn; containing forty-four acres' and ninety-nine perches, there lein erected thereon a stone dwelling house, frame barn and other buildings. Tract No. 8. A tract of woodland, bounded on the north and east-by lands of JSenjamin Stuck's heirs; on the south by lands of John Khrenzeller ; and 011 the west by lands of William H. Kan nels; and containing two acres and one hundred and three erches. The said inquest will be held 011 the premises of the Mansion house, said house being 011 tract Xo. 1, above de scribed, on THURSDAY THE TWEXTY-FIHST DAY OF APRIL, A. D., I SOS, AT 9, O'CLOCK, A. M., at v hich time and place you are requested to attend if you think proper. S. CLAYTON STOXF.R. Sheritrs oflice, Sheriff. MifHintov.11, Pa., March 9, 1S98. lOURT PROCLAMATION. Vyl.crca. ttie llr.n. JERHVIAH LYON' s President Judf k! the Court of Common Pleas, for the Forty-Kirst Jiirtici ii Diatrict, composed ol the connti.-s of .laniat.i pd Ptrrv, and the IIot.orahie WM SWAKTZ and W. N. STEHRETT. As.wi.te JixiZfs of thj anid court ol Common ploos ol J unials county, hy prwfpt duly issued and to mc direct oil for h.l lin; 1 Con;t of (.iyer and Terminer and Genct.il Jail Doliv ery, and ener;l Quarter Sessions of tho Peace at Miftlintown, on thtj FOUkTH MONDAY OF APKIt, 18'.'8, BEING THE TWENTY FIFTH DAY OK THE MONTH. Notice la hekkbt given, to theCoronor Justices of the Peace and Constable of the Coupty ol Jnoiats, thit they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their rec ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer remeniberances, to do those things that to their ofl'ces respectfully appertain, and those that are hound by recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or uir.y be io the Jail of raid county, be then and there to prosecute against them as rball be just. By an Act tf the Assembly I passed the 6th day of May, 1854, it mide'the dnty of Justices of tho Peace ot the several coun ties of this Comraoiiw.alth, to return to the CU-tfc of the Court of Qilhrter Sessions of the respective counties, all the recognis ances entered into before them by any per son or peruDs charged with the Comtuis sion of any crime, except such cases as may be ended before a Justice of the Peace, under existing laws, at least ten dajs belore tbo couiu enct-ment i f the ses sion ot the Court to wbsch they are made returnable respectively, and in all cases where recognizances are entered into lbss than ten days before the commencement of tl'e tension to which they are made return able, the said Justices are to return the same in the ume manner as if said Act bad not been passed. Dated at Mifflintown. the 80:h day or March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety. eight. S. ClATToa Stciu, Sheriff Sheriffs Office, Mifflintown, Pa., March 30io, 1898. . favorite Memedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH' AND LIVER TROUBLES DUINISTRATOB'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby g iren lht tetters of A-l-ri.i:iiTtioB have ben grnrel to tho nil !.. i..t n ik i jt i i.f Uartha Book. ..,. r Jntii.t counlv. . icad. Anv:- indebted to said mats is r-qnetad to mnk prompt pty inent and those having ciitiiua or demand to present them property aa:bcnticaledto thb undersigned tor settlement. Cbarlis W. Book, Jan.12'98. Administrator. . .T NOTICE UF lJM.XlKlTJltAii. r " -!cii i howSv oivn that an annli- eation v. ill be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on Tuesday the 17th uay of May, A. IV, 1898, by I . 8. Aioorneaa, j. c. luoore'.iead. Wm. Kraft Ii. 8. Otit n and Carl F. Esiienschade and others, under the art of assembly entitled An .; theTuscarora FmiiizerCompany, the character and object of which is f . manufacture of fertilizers Rnd inffredieiits. in Juniata County. Pennsylvania, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights lienefits and privileges of said act of as sembly and the supplements tnereto A. G. SCHOLL, Solicitor. HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 Cures Fever. 2 " . Worms. 3 " Infants' Diseases. 4 Diarrhea. 7 " Coughs. 8 Cures Neuralgia. 9 " Headache. 1 0 " Dyspepsia. 11 " Delayed Periods. 12 " Leucorrhea. 1 3 Cures Croup. 14 " Skin Diseases. 15 " Rheumatism. 16 " Malaria. 19 " Catarrh. i No. I No I JNO' No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. No. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. 27 " Kidney Diseases. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Dr. IIcuphkets' Hoiieopathic Manual or Diseases Mailed Feee. Small bottles of pleaxant pellets, fit the Teat Docket. Sold br druratsta. or Mnt Drenaid udoi receipt of price,. 25 ceuts, except Noa. 38. and 88 are made $1 00 size only, UuuiphrejV Aledi cine Company. Ill William St., New York. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." ForPIIea External or Internal, Blind or Fleedtnff s 1Molln Ano: Itching or Blfdln- of the Keotnm. The relief la Immediate the core certain. man, to oxs. trial bizb. ts era. Id JJ Dra!Ma,av wmt port M'a a tM4 ftiom, avtav, ui m l ta maiai at., nw leas TSH0UGH THE WAR- Lewistown Dally New s, April 1 1. Tiuth is stiariger thaii fciion. The reroibieceEi es if Thcmas Hum- I mrl of Valiev at ret t. -are mot inter- i8tir,. Ue sei vtd in tbe army of tl'e Union for 3 jears. H ears, ii regt lBtnt was tt-e 2li3, l'cDnt-ylva'i lit-l!-8, the celebrated "Duck Tail" repi uient, the prtde of tl: State. He nns ia the tiifct sue! hist cf the three daysligLt at Gel Ufcburg. lie viae clo.-e by when Gen. llyiah'w was hilled aud the eccoiid day was in the wheat field. Thtro was int a rei moct did more dukperate fijihtiug those tLree days tLau the "Buck Tai a " That regiment wut io 560 stioi g atid bad 01, ly 76 availb'e men left Kisc impiny consisted of C7 men, when the n.l: w s called, there it-runic ed one lieutenant and teven privates. But lho etrangst of r'I Mr. Huaiuael was struck four times wilheut reciivlD a serious wound ia tlat buttle. Once the Lj'.let ivas diverted not by a pack of cards, but by a small wheisiooe in his troubt-r's pocket. At Spotsjlv:i nia Court House he was Berioucly vroundod, it was thought mortally but he had loo much vitality to eac cumb. A BIGHTS. Huntingdon Globe, April 14. Mrs. Collins, widow of the late M. G Coilics, Laving rectntly taken pos stesion of the farm of liev. B. E Collins heirs in Shirlpy towcship, a fee- days ago gave a practical domoc straiion of woman's rights, enpetin duced by the following casus belli. The Sallillo Telephone Cj , in or der to connect Shirleysburjr with the tn&iu line running through Hill Val ley, planted a pole in front cf the Cnhns turtnfion. A Rhort distance from the house stands a vory preity pine tree, whose limbs intetfeied wiili the wirts. Tte linemen pro eeeded to trim away tome of the iinibf; when Mis. ColletiS eppeartd on ihe scene, and ordered the men to step The linemen paid no at tention tobcr decuaad.i, and kept, on trimming', when tarning away, she 6aid : '"Well, IM show you that I can do some chopping, '.oo." GoiDg b ck to Ihe house, she got an axe and a taw, and in les,? than twenty minutes the telephone pole and wire came down with a crash. LA 6BIPrE Since Li Grippe Lhs been preva lent in this country, there has been found but one Specific, Dr. Humph reys' "77". For sale by all drug gists, 22c CATCHIHfi FROCK. Huntingdon Journal April 7. John S. Kelly of onr town gives an unique method of captuiing fiogs; in an experience be had in West brook's pond cne night last fall. He rjlactd a dank iu tbe middU of Vestbrook's pond on which be had four light. -d candles, in the course of two hou 1 the plank wa- c full of frops it was with diffieuliy, he got it 10 shore with the frogs on it. GREAT SALES prove the great merit ot Hood' Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because it accomplishes GREAT CURES. Subscribe for Ihe Jukiaia Sotisii AUD RkPUBUCAV. Loon S. Ateibsob. r. m. . mm mm W 13 tf ATKIS809I fc PBMBi'l'i ATTOltNEYS - AT - LAW, MIFFLIN TOWNi FA. Orrioa On Mala street, la plaea of resi dence of Lonis K. Atkinsoa, ssq-i , so" Bridge street. fuczo,i nar-ColleetfagaadOoBTeyaBClng prompi ty attended to. ITILBERFORCE ICBWEIEB, Attorney-at-Law. OrCollections and all legal busi ness promptly attenped to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. BB.D.K .CmAWTOKD, DR. DiRWIS IJHWIOID D1 K. D. U. CRAWFOBD . SON, have formed a partnership for the pracfee of Medicine and their collateral branches. ORice at old stand, corner of Third and Ur- mtrmntu- HilHintovn. Pa.- One or DOtr ni them will be found at their omce at all times, unleaa otherwise professionally c gaged. April 1st, 1895. PRACTICAL DEMTIST - iduate of the Philadelphia Dental ?ol.. ce. Ofioe at old established le eation, Bridge Street, opposite Hoose; Jtfifflintowa, Pa. 35"" Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. Court PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD On and after Monday, Nov. 29, 1897, trains will run as follows: -WESTWAKD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 3D a. in; Harrisbnru a 00 a. mj Duncan non8ia. 10; New Port 9 05 a. m; Mil- trrstown 9 15 a. m; Onrword 9 21 a. m Thompaontoirn 9 28 a. m; Van Dyka 9 83 a. m; TiiMCarnra 9 34 a. m; Kexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a. in: MitHin 9 60 a m; Deahnhn 9 55 a. tr; Lewistown 10 13 a. ) Hcvertown 10 38 a. an; Nrwton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Unien II 06 a. m; Huntingdon 11 33 p. tn; Tyrena 12 20 p. to; Altoona 100 p. m; Pittsburg 5 60 p. m. Mail 'eaves Philadelphia at 7.0 a. m.; Harrisburzstll.44a.nl.; Miffl.n 1.11 p' m., Lewistown I 30 p. m.; ynntiajrilon 2.. 29 p. m.; Tyrone 2.20 p. m ; Altoona 8.45 p. in.; PiitHbnrg 8 08 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves f ma nure at 5 00 p. m; D'incannon 5 84 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. ni; JSilleMtown 6 11 p. m; Thotcpsontown 8 21 p m; THscrara 0 J.) p. ni; A-xico 6 S3 p. m; Port Koral 6 S3 r. m; Milil in 6 43 p. m; Den 1 vol, m S 49 p. .; Lewistown 7 07 p. tn; AcVeyfown 7 30 p m; Newton Harui'lou 7 50 p. mj H'.Ming don 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 "2 p. m; Altooni 9 35 p. in Pacific Exr.res leaves Philadelphia al J"- 20 p. m; Rariis.b;ir 3 10 a. m;".Vars. riile 8 21 a. ni; Dunrar.non 3 8 a. ni; A'e pttt 8 59 a. m, Port Uwvt! 4 1 a. in; M-r-Hir 4 87 a. t; LeKioii 4 55 a. tn; 11c Vei'i6 20 a. m; Huatinedmi 6 0S a. m; Tyrone 6 55 a. ni; Altoona 7 40 a. M; Pitthbi-.rs 12 10 p. ni. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 85 p.m; Hsnisl.urjt at 10 24 p. m; Rewport II Otj p. nii MiHlhi 11 4V p. m; Lewistown ll.f 8 a. oi; Huntingdon 12 65 a. m.; Tront 1 32 a ni; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 30 a. m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. ra; HurrrUbnrj 3 5) p. at; Duncanoa 4 15 p. n; N. r't 4 85 p. m; Miftlin 6 V7p. m. Lewiatown 6 21 p. in; Mount Ur.:on 6 08 p. 111; Huntingdon 6 27 p. m; Tyrone 7 64 r ni; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 11 30 p. m. KASTIVAKD. Al.ooonJ Accommodation leaves Al toona at 6.00 a. ia; i Tyrone 5.25 a. m. arrivca at HuMingdon 11.56 a. m. Huntingdon at 6 58 a. ; liievtoo HJm ilton 6 22 a. n; McVevlown 189 a. n; Lewistown 7.00 a. m; MiSiin 7.29 a. ni; Port Royal 7.25 a. m; Mexico 7 30 a. mj Tbeniptontown 7 41 a. m; Millerstown 7 5a a. n.; Newport 8 00 a. mj; Dujioaiinon 8.21 a ai; Harrisburg V 55 a. m. Sra S hore leaves Pitttshnr? 130 a m; Altoona 7 15 a ni; Tyrone 7 4 a ia; Hunt-tnj-rton 8 SO a tr; .'JcVi'Vinwa 9 15 a in; Lewistown 9 85 a in: U;ttln 9 65 a m Port Ueial 9 59 a m; Thonpsontown 10 H; Millerstown 10 22 a us; Newport 19 32 a m; Dnncannnn 10 64 a ni; .Marysvilla lie? 1 ni; Harricburg 11 25 a u; Pliiladuli hia 3 00 p m. Main Line Express leaves Pittubtirg ai 8 00 a. n; A!tooua 11 4H a. r; Tyrone 12 03 p. ni; Hui.tirpiori 12 So p. ni; Lewis town 1 ii p. ni; .Vittiiu 1 uH p. hi; Harris burg 8 10 p. m; Bait. more IS 00 p. ni; Wash inpiun 7 15 p. ni; Plii aile.'puia 6 23 p. ni. New York 9;;o p. m Mnil leaves Altoona at 2 5 p. m, Tyrone 2 So r.a, huntintioci 3 17 p tii; NeKtun Hamilton 3 47 p. ni; McVeytowa 4 20 p. tu; l.ewitnwn 4 83 p. i; Mifflin 4 65 p. at. Port Royal 5 00 p. m; A'exico 5 20 p. m: Thonipsontovii 5 18 p. in; Uillertwn 5 28 p. m; Newjiort 5 37 p. ni; Duccannou 6 G3 p. ra; Harris. aire: 6 45 p. ni. Kuii Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p tn; Allooim 6 05 p.m; Tyrone 6 37 p. ra; Hunt in.'rifn 7 20 p. ni; MuVeytown 8 04 p. m; LewiMowa 8 2 p ni; JiiifHin 8 47 p ru, Port Rys! 8 52 p. 111; Mi'lerEtewn 9 16 p m; Ntwijiort 8 26 p. Oi; Duncannon 9 50 p m; Hiriiiluirg 10 20 p. m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pittubnrg i 4 30 p. ni; Al.oo.: 9 05 p. hi; Tyrone 9 Si p. ni; HunlH'gti.m 10 12 p. ni; Mount Lin. ion 10 32 . in; Lett L-tjwn 11 16 p. in; Mil. (tin 11 S7 p. 111; IF.irr'sbnrj 1 OH a. uiy ftil a.l!hia 4 30 Now York 7 33 a. tu. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Traits for buabnry at 7 8'.' a. ui. and 05 p. tti., U-ave Su:.t?ury tor t.iwiMuwn 10 06 a. and 2 45. p. iu.; lor Uilrov 6 85 a. m. 10.20 a. ni. and 3 IU p. in., week Jays. 1TKONE D1V1 ION. TraiDS leave lor BelMonte atd Lock Havt-o at t 10 a- u., 12 30 aid 7 15 p. m., leavo Lock Hvtn lor Tyrona 8.65 p, ru. and 4 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEARKIELD ft. R. Trains leave Tyrone tr Clearfield and Curweusviile ai 8 20 a. ra.. 8.16 and 7 2 ; p tu.. leave Curwvnsville ror Tyroucat 9.1a a. in , 8 45 p m , and 7 10 p. ni. , For, rau-e, maps, etc., call 00 Ticket Agent"for address, TLos. K. Watr, P. A. W. L., 360 Fifth Avenue, Fitts. burg, Pa. J. 15. Hutchison, J. R. Wood, Gen'i Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agt LEGAL, DMlNISTRA TOR'S NOTICE. Etlatt tf Etisabtth llagrudtr, jtaaied. Lttirrsof A' mititstraiioa on tbe above estate bat ing been granted to tha under signed, all pcrscES indebted la tha said es tate are requested to ma fee payment, and thuse baring claims to preseat tbe same without delay, to Calyik B. Uaobddkb Mexico, Juniata Co., i'a. Administrator Or hi attorney, Johh J. FArrrasoa, Jr., f fit ntown, Juniata Co" Pa. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Thdc Marks Dcsions COPYRIOMTS AC Anyone aeading a ketcb ana description may minkiT ucartmln onr opinion fraa whether aa InTention in probably patentable. Communica tions strictly eonfldentUL Handbook on Patents sent free, oldest asency for ecunuapati PatenU taken thronch Mann it Co. 1 recelTa special notu. without cnsnie. in tbe Scientific Hrctricati A handsomely llrawtreted weekly, unrest en ealetion of any sclenune Journal. Terms. S3 (ear : four months, 1L. Bold by all newsdeatara, Branca OtHoe. m W 8U. Wasnlagton. D.C. V 1 GRAND NEW STOCK OF A SPRING CLOTHING A 1 M E Y E R ' S . to serve the people with the grandest and largest stock of clothing ever produced in Juniata countv. We have bought thousands of dollars wortnoi eiouu .nu fUnta furnishing at the lowest cash prices. Uents iarnisninE matAneA us in our effort to The people ot tniscouutjr serre them with the beit and serrc mcu " 1 uer. 1 ,L ,nnNTiniisbi which we extend sold more gooas man "j our heartiest thanks. The men's splendid suits ac . - -v to behold The dress wear snits all spring fashions at f6.50, I7.M I, and 8 50 and up to $15. exhibit every pletng and rehab e kind. Boys knee pant suits are on sale at jl.50, f A S3 ; f4 Mens elegant all wool covert overcoats at $6.50 and 90, ?4. luwiscicb mnh favored bv 87.50, and all clay worsteoe buiw i Es aTa'nced fashions, all at 84 50. Boys at 82 50 remain now on saie. IN HATS, the new styles are all in. Handsome shapes, in all the newest brown colorings at 79c, 89c, and 81.48. Boys and childrens novelties for spring Eton and Golf Caps and faws, 25c, 48c, and 69c. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Fancy bosom shirts at 48c. Triple Rolled sleeve buttons at 25c. Fancy plain hemstitched handkerchiefs 5c, Extra elastic suspenders 15c 87.35 warranted pure wool and worth $15 00. Ibis eller stands without a precedent in the trade, and is due only to a u;f; f .irmimsfances which for the time being have VUIUUlunviuu v made the question of cost and value a matter ot secondary con sideration. Every man whether tall or short, slim or stout can be fitted from this line. A MESSAGE FROM lHh FURNI TURE STORE. fins 4nin If nra Gfnr linn nr nnmnlaints to make. Business may be dull at other furniture floors devotea to nign graue luriinuic io a.cv uuuiunug men. trade from morning till night. We are appreciated and that is all we can wish. We have a grand array of special furni ture values, that will tax our selling and delivery capacity to lis uimwat iiuiii. GOODS DELIVERED stowed n us in the past, and promising to guard their interest in the future as their champion of low price. We remain - trTTnn mTTTT "V FERD MEYERS, 115 AND 117 BBIDGE STREET, "MIFFLINTOWN, PBNN'A. Tnscarora Valley Railroad. 8CSTBDCLB IJ EFFECT MOTOAT, NOV. 29, 1897. EASTWARD. STATIONS. . No.l No.3 DAILY, EXCEPT SUMDAT. Jf A. M P. M. Blair s Mills Lv 7 40 2 00 Waterloo . 7 45 2 05 Leonard'- Grove 7 E0 2 10 Ross Frm 7 57 2 17 Perulack S 03 hi S3 East Waterford S 15 2 35 lieckixian 8 25.2 45 Honev Grove 8 30 2 50 Fort Bigharn 8 37 2 57 Warbl 8 45 3 05 Measar-t View 8 4i 3 09 Seven Pines 8 55 3 15 Spruce Hiil 8 58 3 18 Graham's 9 05 3 25 Stewart 9 07 3 27 Freedom 9 10 3 30 Tnrbett 9 13 3 33 Old Port 9 18 3 38 Port Royal Ar. 9 25 3 45 rams us. i anu z connect at fort Hoy el with Way Passenger and Sea-hare Express An P R U 9 1 j :.u u-. . n : r . , n . . j vo. u uu wiiu jnu east WESTWARD. STATIONS. . DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. No.2 No.4 A. Port Koval M. ,P. 305 375 425 45 5 48,5 50'5 67,5 00,5 M. 05 12 17 20 23 25 32 35 41 45 53 00 0010 Old Port 1.3 ie 28110 3.710 4.410 5.0110 6.310 7.2111 Turbett Freedom Stewart Grabam's. ....... Spruce Hill Seven Pine a Pleasant View Warble Fort Bigham Honey Grove Heckroan 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 15.1 11 06,5 105 185 2516 30 6 05 406 15 62 6 27 586 33 05 6 40 106 45 1516 59 East Waterford 17.5 20.5 22.0 Perulack Kosa Farm Leonard's Grove. .. 24.0 25.51 12 Waterloo 12 Blair's Mills Ar 27.012 .I 2 'nd connect at Blair's Mills with Concord, Doylet-bara Drj Rnn Nosaville, NeeljtOB, Shade Gap, Shade Vallay and Qasharn SUtion Staea Lines J. C. MOORHEAD, Superintendent T. S. MOORHEAD, Pruulent. pljeaaea sent fra toanfiS"; and CM. n..i- . . J ... . - . . 1 wi..-.:. i i aiso chttl. .im,rtm(,- Berroi. prepared under bis alreotliV by ie ilONIC MED. CO Chicago, 111. ZS.A br DmEaiats at mi per BottlaL fTbrSf C-!nSIs,M5. ABatUaateBsV MOOD'S SaVsapwfllA e,... Onr aoatn a i .. 1 yParatioiM faltoryiV , B" : TZ- cheapest clothing. jrth. Kannr vear of our clotninjt r ' wnnrlerfall wool suits at 86. Young men, stores, but our immense three AND SET DP ON PREMISES. RAILROAD TINE TABLE. pERET COTJVTr RAILROAD. The following ached nie went Into effect Nov. 16, 18, and the trains win fee run aa followg.- D. m 4 30 4 8f 4 39 8 41 4 45 4 4H 4 51 4 64 4 56 a. tn 900 S C6 9 f9 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 91 Leave Arrive a. n DnneDnon 7 4 King's Mill 7 49 "Snlphur Springs 7 it "Corman S id mg 7 4 1 P- na 2 2 S 2 2 2f 8 18 2 15 2 13 208 285 2 03 2 0 141 1 88 181 1 28 1 25 1 28 1 18 1 1& 2 50 am tn., m. and MODtebPllo Fark 7 41 Weaver 749 Roddy Hoffman Royer Mabanny Bldo infield Trcaaler Neilsoa Diim'e Hlliotgbure Bernheisl's Groen Pvk 'Monfonr Jnno 7 8S 7 88 7 81 72S 7 23 709 704 7 91 58 C 61 49 6 83 4 59 5 10 19 43 6 IB 9 49 5 21 9 54 6 24 9 57 5 27 10 05 6 82 10 17 6 84 10 17 6 87 10 80 6 02 10 35 uandisburg 6 28 p. m a. ra Arrive t ..... Tra-Q leaves BioomKoid at 6 63 a snd arrives at Landisbure; at 8.28 i Train leaves Landisbnrg at 6.08 n. m arrive, at Bloomfield al 6 40 n m at whir-hrl0 ' ""I.1 ,r -tationa. Cha. n. Snotr, President. S. H. Bki, Scat. JEWPORT AND SRCBUihx! w.t !ey SanTOtd Compaay. Time Uble STATIONS. West ward. East wart. - -I L A 6 05 19 851 6 08 88 12 19 42 8 15 10 45 26 10 62 r u 4 00 8 67 8 68 8 50 8 48 8 41 8 88 8 82 8 16 8 10 8 04 2M 2 49 2 46 2 40 2 88 2 24 2 20 8 S0 Juniata lynrnaco ... ahneta Svlvan ... Wat-r Ping""" "'" BloomKeld JuncV'n! ley Road Kllinttth.. 8 27 8 23 8 28 8 16 8 II 2JU01I 6 81 11 9 89 11 9 611121 6 64 11 24 7 05; 11 85 T 11 11 41 8 08 809 7 45 ? 10 4 84 7 26 Green Park.!" Fort Robe sob . Center "" Cisna'a Rnn"." 7 15! 11 45 7 1 7 1 ' 2111 61 " 27 11 57 n uuursoDDrartZ . ...." Mount Pleasant .. New Germant'n ... 7 10 t 85, 12 05 7 03 668 7 4112 11 4512 15 68 C KD'nGrINGA Pre8i,elt Manafor Mn.LBB, General Aitent. FARQUHAR vznabls Friction Feed SAH EllLLi and Ajax Center firsnk Fno-i - . . ... kjiitoiHe . simple, wttn large allls or wheels. St roe andsafe. Ne Fare liar ll.l I L . leaed. Also standenl agricultural Implement. generally. Stay Prewn 1 a specialty. Send lc . .uuoju, ua prices l ilFM8UHAR CO., Ltd., York, Pa HEKCII Qt DR0S5SSLSFS A wonderfiTi iT. ' tk.a i S U V 6tX caisiJJlJj; Krlrt!oiiritn.l fcr-O. ;nr: rZ;i T "Trmff toat-mit ny-'. v.i-:u .' . .-o T't fn- iim . i . n ill NtTinif In nnwor. A , . .i.m .! ,v naMncia, tssft: V; X avwu