IT V 521 3 TiNEL & REPUBLICAN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1398. TERMS. r.'wortrtlon, M per ennnm if pW tWacce; $2.00 tf not pM in adranc. Transient sdvertlssTneate taeerted at 60 easts per Inch for eaob lnserttoa. Transient business notice to local col nnvi. 10 cnt par line for each Insertion. Deductions wUl be aaade to those desiring to adrortlM by the Year, half or qaartrr HOVT LCCJLS. Count Bismark, o( Germany, is 83 years old. Paul Holloway paid bia friends in towa a visit last week. Trout catching season opens next Friday the 15th of April. The business of this town did not top to observe Good Friday. Cloyd Heck, of Altoona is home to see bis mother who is quite ill. WANTED Three bushels of Blue Victor potatoes, call at this office. Miss Maty Patterson has returned from a visit to Washington Lf. C. Those stylish two toned sailors 83c, at Mrs- Ickes' millinery store. Thsre is a falling off of ocean travd on account of the war scare. The Easter storm was long and gave a great back set to vegetation. Spain has played the barbarian ver since she came across the At lantic. Rev. Andrew Parker, of Reeds- ville, visited relatives in this place on Friday. Ed-rar Barchfield is at home from princston college during the Easter vacation. Tbe P. R. R. Company are making arrangements to do away with grad crossings. The Er.sttr storm last week in the state of turned the peach buds b'.ack. Wom-JU don't ride bikes" on side, addle?, why should they ride horses on side saddles. Les'io Allison, of Tjrone, spent several days of last week with his parents ia this phce. Miss Blanch McGaw, of Port Royal, died of consumption on the lltb, present month. The EasUr storm in Enstf rn PeEn sy'.v.inin destroyed the peach crop. So fruit growers say. 3ude"Grier nas sold the Bloora flald. Perry counfv Academy to Mr. William Harper for ?6 00. C'.othing merchant Harley is in tit city buying' a stock of new cloth ing to suit all tastes and prices. The onion scow did not fi'jd many onions in tbe ground to freshen, most of the garden is yet to make. Hautingdon county people say, St'ine culI has been found near .Waddensville, Huntingdon county. There seem to be no end to the hen parties according to newspaper report from ail points of the com pass. Delav net! Dslay not! but Presi dent McKialev'a message to con gress was delay more than two j weeks. Mrs. Pomeror, of Port Royal, gave a tea lat Thursday afternoon to whiflh a number of JVifflintown ladies were invited. Beaver Herald, April 7. Mr. Man beck, of, brother of E. S. Man beck, of this place, was in town one day list reek. Mrs Ickts' .tfillinery, Patterson, Pa , has tho largest stock, greatest R8?ortniftt, most exclusive 6tylee, and her prices way btrlow others. Rev. M. L. Drnm, who preaehed for the Methedist congregation of Mifllintown a few years ago, died suddenly at Wilkesbarre, last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs Edward Lesher and little son, of Renova, ara visiting at the home f Mrs. Lesher's parents Mr. and Mrs. S. U. Rollnian of this piacn. A fire in Tokio, Japaa, buriit the houKts along 15 Btrbti, destroyed 1,111 houses, end nmde 11,100 peo ple homeless. The fire started in a theater. Rev. Mr. Decker, of Lewistown. preached in the Presbyterian church in this place, at the preparatory communion service last Thursday evening. An Atchison widower gives as his excuse for wanting to marry again ' that be wants scmetLiog to take his mind off grieving for his first wife. Atchison Globe. A report from theKlondyke region says, Andrea the baloonist has been beard from. in . Alaska. When the great deep givs up its dead, An dree's report will ba read. Miss Beatrice Rsjnolds, of Califor nia, a student of Bryn Mawr, Pa-, school, spent a dav of her Easter va cation, with Miss Mary and Miss Margaret Laird in this town. The Chicago Limited recently ran frm Altoona to flarrisburg a dis tance of 132 miles m 126 minutes. It ran from Mifflin to Harrisburg a distance of 49 miles in 47 minutes. Th teWranh bad prepared the people about towns to look for Pres- ident nciviuiey a Df""" message on the 6th of April, but the message failed to appear day. T,u;r,t MKinlev's message on the Spanish trouble was not sent to ii rn t Via fith inst. as it was expected to bo. The whole country A nw ill a fill f OA of ciDectancT on W9 V" 1 " r thnt day. John E. Miller, of AUoona, who - finding that he is amply able to gain a livelihood, has sent his pension certificate, which was granted a year tho npnaion bnrean for can- RgV, VJ r eilatio. XThe stable on the Middah driving ornnnd south of town wii de V . - i l rr T M Ut. Go to Mtyere for your cloth in crL. ana iurmture be will save you 25 percent. Read bis Bargains in this paper. If you happen to drop soot on the carpet daring your spring house cleaning, cover it thickly with salt, ana it may be swept up without blackening tho carpet. A festival and supper will lie held at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hawk, on Cierry street, on Sitardav evening, April 16. Snpper at 6 o'clock. Proceeds for M. E. Church. Mr. Haldeiutn, of Thorn psontowu, represented Juniata county ia the convention, recently held in Harris -tnrg, for the purpose of organizing the Pennsylvania Dairy Union. Sev euteeu counties were represented. Mrs Jane Allen died at the home of hfr husband, on the Moorehead farm at Port Royal, on the 8th inst. aged 68 years, 5 months and 22 days. Interment by funeral director Snyder, of this place, at Academia, on Susday. Mrs. John Lapp, who attended the funeral of her sister in Philadel phia, after spending Sunday and Monday with the families of her brother-in-laws Samuel Lipp and J. H. 8imons, started to her home in Tcpeks, Kantas, on Tuesday. "Arrs Curtly, how is it that your husband never tries to frighten you by declaring that he will go to war?" "He tried it and I began telling the neighbors that he was determined to enlist. He bogged me to desist, and now there isn't a word of war talk is him," Detroit Free Press. Cloyd Brubeker, a cf Iissc Brubaker, of Milford township, was stricken with paralysis at Har risburg some days ago and taken to his home in Altoona where he re mains in a precarious state, his life being despaired ef . G B. M. Wisahaupt one of the rnoFt enterprising business men iu the county, will give a grand parade beaded by a band of music in - Port Royal, April 16, next Saturday of Deejring binders, mowers and hay rakes. Under the patronage of the Span ish government Columbus discovered America 406 ye.trj ago, and then un der the claim of the right of discovery and under the right of conquest sho took possession of Cuba, South America and Mexico, and the south ern part of what is now the United States. Fonr persons united with the Pres! yterian church on Sunday, namnly, Miss Girtrude Jackman, on cerf ifioate from the .Presbyterian church in Allegheny, Mrs Gushard, wife of John Gushard, deceased, on certificate from the Miffliutown Luth eran church, and Mr. and Wra. James Kyie. Corsul General Lee, left Havana. Cuba had Unit sensation at Havana, exce NAVAL VARF ARE. Saved from the Snrgeon'sKnife The .naval warfare of to day is not conducted as naval warfare was con ducted in the past. The skill of the best mechanics and inventors has been employed to make the upper part of battle ships strong by en casing them in heavy iron plates, and uL1 that has lead to the employment of the most skillful workmen and in ventors to produce the heaviest can non to shoot through the heavy plates that have been fastened on battle ships. There has been a race between the heavy plates and heavy cannon. The plates are .believed to be a set off to the'heavy cannon, and inventors have looked for some easier place than the top of a ship to get in an effective blow. They have been giving attention to the construction of machines to explode under ships, and there strike the wooden part of vessels and in that way blow the vessel to pieces. To that end in ventive talent has been employed to make diving boats to carry explo sives which if set off under a ship,! No organs are of greater importance to the human body than the Kidney. Their duty is to sift and strain the poisonous and waste matter from the blood, and if they fail to do this, the trouble slibws in the nervous system, and even ia the brain. Your life ia at stake when there are pains in the small of your back When yon are compelled to get np at night to urinate when the passing of water causes scalding pain when there is a sediment in the urine in the vessel, er when it appears white or milky. When so afflicted, you can conquer the trouble with Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, the greatest medicine that civilization has ever known for curing Kidney, Bladder, Blood and Liver Diseases. James Lettice, of Canajoharie, N. Y., tella of his wonderful cure: "Some years ago I was attacked with pains in my back and sides that were fearful. I could not con trol my kidneys, and come from me was filled with mucus and blood. An Albany doctor Was to perform an operation upon me, and said my home doctor could take care of me after. I saw an advertisement of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, which seemed to fit my case, so I decided to try that before I submitted to the operation. I began its nse. When I had taken about two bottles the flow from the bladder grew cleaner, and the pain stopped, and in a short time I was saved from the surgeon's knife, and am now welL" Favorite Remedy also cures Eczema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Constipation. For Female Troubles it is unequaled. It is sold for ti-oo a bottlQ at all drus: stores, In order that sufferers may be convinced of the curative virtues of Favorite Remedy, a free sample bottle will be sent, prepaid, to those who send their full postoffico address to the Da. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. It is necessary to say that you saw the advertisement in this paper if yon wish to take advantage of this genuine and liberal offer. Send today. Ssmpse Bouse tree I L4LE CHALLENGE OF SPRING GOODS AT SGHOTT'S STORES procla sellincr. The eatue annual trade victory, The powerful mat ion to the multitudes, of bargain giving;, nd vast fViio 1RQS Snrirxr ilrtts tnl,ric t Inn.- nricpa rn nnw flll destroys the vessel. A number of. imported, from my recent visit to iwton, New York, and Phii diving boats have been invented, adelp"a- , o ii' "ur K1"63' casn telling store filled to overflowing, with the but a state or war must taKe place; choicest new spring goods. before it'Can be knOWn tO a Certain-' We have been making great preparation lor this spring business ity how the diving boats can be; and ,cc lhe grett mving in our fpot ca8h vtm 0l W0rled. The tOrpedO diver Or;buyin?and selling. You all know our m ...ods our i ii j ,i a j ii 1 great success shows that ou approve othem, plunger that IS the mOSt eXCeptablej Novelty and plain .ilk. for waW, nd whole dre. to the American board of examinersiSr.!- , on Sunday. The Spaniards! Called tile Holland. It IS eXDeCteO ! stripes, lousine checks, black armure and satin ucks plain the bad taste to jeer him. The . il-, r i black taffety and brocades, black silks. t.d Mates now witnout rePre,a lver is capable or destroy-1 . - ation at Havana, except such , ....-" . . - nT m v - t t i-. v-n i r t- r "STSo 5iinS a wnole tleet ot warships, hoi- b 1 1 Libii u K t b uuuub, fA!nP' s CW HI" nirtlirP OT TiIP Your first thouebt in seeine our dress cood exhibit would be, what a American Submarine I orpedo boat Holland. H0LL0BAUGH & SGw, A H EAD; OF ALL COMPETITORS. Our spring line of men's, boys and childrens' clothing, hats, caps ARE NOW IN. We make the clothing business a study and have made it a success Young men don't go away to get what they want they come to us for NOBBY SUITS, LATE STYLE hats or any thing in the gents fur nishing line. We have half our SPRING stock sold by the time most clothiers get their line in. A young man who wants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't want to wait until the 4th of July for it. Our line this season surpasses all our former efforts in style, quality, quantity, finish and price. "The early bird catches the worm." HOLLOBAUGH & SON'S, 116 lTlsT STREET, PATTERSON, PENNA. over time the be- vfhom General Lee turned affairs of the effiee for tbe in. Skn Atlanta man said to an old negro iL other day: "Well, Ben, it looks lika war, and I understand tbev're goiig to put ths negroes right in front!" "Dat.'ll be all ripht. sub," he replied. "Ef dey puts 'em in d renr de white folks 'ud run ever 'em en till Vm, so I danno but wbet they'd be safer right ia front." Atlanta Constitution. E. G. SbeafTer's store at Oriental was burglarized esme nights ajjo. The thieves entrd by a window that Vfas boarded up on tho inside. They pried off the boards and open ed tbe wiDdow and stepped in. It was the only window that was not connected with a burglar alarm. Postage stamps, cigars, tobacco and an assortment of other things wars stolen. fit 13 a good thing to ba t-conomi-cal, it is tb ecr.nomy of men that makss it possible to keep up the rjnblio schools, and to take care of the paupjrs, and keep up the roa'?s, and all public eflairs. Jiut economy may b tretcliod. as it was by the Kentucky houss keeper, who stopped his clock every ciut at bed tuae, so as (o 6ave tbe wear and tear of the c'cck. Tbe ntxt most economical msn licara ot, nvsa in jew xora. He recentiv went to an undertaker's. chose a coffin, bargained for its low est, price, purchased it, thea returned home and committed suicide. that bv fire about 7 Jr. Thn'i-Kdav evening;. Causa of not known. Possibly the fira origin td thrngh tbe oarlMnM (xapps or boya, fira of FAYETTE MOTES. Oakland .Vills, Pa., April 11, 98. Mr. J. A. McMeen purchased t span of mules from J. L. Mueser. Ttlr. Boy Rsyuold. of Slim Valley viHitod at Annie Diffendafer s on Sunday of last week. Mrs. Jamts Mc.Wscu returned homo from Philadelphia last week Miss Pearl fchulmfffciord who is on the sick list N skiilfallr attended by Dr. A. J. Fisher. Xfr. Fisher Kauffman who was m Montgomery the past four years: returned to Juniata county and cir culated among relatives and friends in thin acetion. but exoects to leave for Illinois in tho near future. Mr K. in a fine Tounar man and we are sorry to part with him. ,w. A. and Nelson Lsiter who were spending four weeks in Ohio and Illinois and several otbar Woatorn States returned borne on Saturday they report they had an tocrnnt tim.i out there and they think the west is the placa to go to live, Jbut employment is scarce, on. I?. F.Treeo tecured employ .k) at. Harrisburg. w are sorry to -f ;th mn Mr. T.. and we miss you since you are gone. giris. AfJa. 'PrnpH Diffendafer was called from Hnntingdon Normal -.i-nni n the bed side of bar mother who wason the sick list on Saturday m, Tua Thomas was in Mifflin county canvassing books last weak, Mr. Ira Anker of Evendale. was here with hia litde grain'separator. Anv one in need of a cookie killer, give him a call. Our farmers are making prepara tiope to ow oata. Se do the ara particular by choice, ingrain carpets SUB?IAFINE TORPEDO BOAT PLUNGER Tba Plnnger is commonly called the Holland submarine boat. She was bnlll at Baltimore and ooit $160,000. Her displacement is 163 tons and her speed 8 knots. Sbe only carries torpedoes and is an experiment ia submarine war fare. Captain Sampson is commander of the United States fleet at Kev West. His flag ship is the New York. From that formidable cruis er he will direct the naval fight in Cuban waters. 1 his is a picture of the flag ship New York. I grsat variety they tiavs ! IT IS TRUE TO. You are sure to nod jmt tho dress goods you Lavs in aiind. We safeguarded ourselves by not getting too many of one styla. 50 styles of foreign and domestie drees frbrics, every oaa a tempting value. We sell for 124, 14, 20, 25, 35, 45, 50, 60, and 75 coats. WASTE FABRICS. Taev Fairly whisper thoughts f warm days of cummer. Percales' tspbyrs, Ginghams, organdies and batistes, for 71 to 9, 124 to 15o. NEW CARPETS AND MATTING, OURSTQrK OF CARPET and niattiDg worthy tbe Iresbest styles lor tbe season. Striped carpets 12 to 20-j; borne mada rag crpets and for 25c, 30o. 300, 4Uo, oUc. Tapestry and Brussels carpet for 60c, Tbe, 85o and 50. Mattiog for 12c, 15c, 20o, and 25o. MEN'S AND LADIES SHOES.- Tbe best shoes mada in America, values that are greater than any other store will offer you. Special pmrchase of misses and cl ildrtn shoe., they in elude all tbe leading styles now worn. CAPES, AND CURTAINS, Ladies silk o:pes, oloth capes, dress sad shirt waists, wrappers and fancy dre s skirts. We can suit any taste and G: any figure. LACE CURTAINS, cheuila curtains, window shades and poles, oil' cloth and rugs at very low prioes. 10,000 roles of wall paper, special fiae parlor pattern, at lowest prices possible. We have bargains for every body. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge street, Afiffl'ntown, Pa. ARMORED CRUISER NEW YORK. Tbe New York is smaller bnt faster than the Brooklyn, knots, ber displacement 6,200 toas, aud she cost 3, 000, 000. inch and twelve 4 Inoh guns and 16 guns of smaller caliber. Ber speed la tt She carries six I McOMNTIO'S HARDWARE and HousePuniishing STORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O- -oOo- -0 THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things are rever dull here; r6ver stupid. The ruirlife o' tbe store al-ws(- hi.s a cheerful wMoime fur all comers, and shoppers are quick to decide in favor of (he Great Values to be found iu oar new Neat, Stylish, Inviting STORE 1865, ESTABLIS Ef E D. 1897. Special Invitation To The Public- To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY " It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who fiave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE'J of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so den't f jil to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY MIFFLIN TO WTN A Speoially Selected Stock or Rsoges, Csok, - Parlor and Shop Stoves. Ilorso Blankets and Lap Robes. LAMPS, larpe and small. Come iu and look around. We'll make you feel at borne. We bave tbe largest Stock and Store in tbe county. OUR NAME GUARANTEES QUALITY. K. H, M'CLINTIC, MIFFLINTOWN Get a good j..pc ly fubscrih'a? lor ibe Sestisfl ass KlUBlICA!. 'SEVENTY-SEVEN,,-(77.") 77" is Dr. ISumpLreys' famous Specific for tbo cr4ro cf Grip and Colds, end tbo prevf ntion'of Ptcumo nia. All druggiets, 25. Subscribe for tbe Sextinel Ann Republican, a paper that cfntsins choice reading matter, full of inform tion Ibat does the readsr mn.t, ftsd in add;tim to that ail local newt) that are wort b publishing find places in it? colurnts. tf. SciroffoSa Infests the blood of humanity. It appears in varied forms, but is forced to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which purifies and vitalizes the blood and cures all such diseases. Read this: "In September, 1594, 1 made a misstep and Injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, A Sore two inches across formed and in walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. Tbe sore became worse; I could not pnt my boot on and I thought I should bave to give up at every step. I could not get any relief and had to stop work. I read of a cure of r. similar cue by Hood's Sarsaparilla and concluded to try it. Before I bad taken all of two bottles the sore had healed and the swelling had gone down. My Foot ia now well and I bave been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased in weight and am in better health. I cannot say enough in praise of Hood's Sarsa pa rtita." Mrs. H. Blacz, So. Berwick, Me. This and other similar cures prove that Inloodi Sarsaparilla I :t!i? O:- Tni f-l'i wl I'isr'fi.T. .Ml i!ni-;:it. M. P,v. -I - r. !. .V Co.. l.r-'.;-i!, MifU, ,r i i .it:.r,:tl!i:irtic r..l titer HAVE YOU MONEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A BORROWER I -R1LLAT-S T88 FIE8T MIFFLIN i'OWB, PA. FOUR PER CENT T"NTrrU"TJTrom PAID OK TIME CERTIFICATE:,, Sscsey Leaned at Lowest Hates. JUNIATA VALLEY BaKk. OPMIflMHoWJI, PA. Stor.kholdsr8 Indiyidually Li&blfr J03KHH ROTH ROCK. Prtndtnt. T. VAN IRWUrCWbe DIBECTOKS. W. C. I'omoroy, Joseph Rothrock, Jot.n Hertiler, Josiab L. Barton, Robert B. Parkor, Louis R. Afktesoc T. V. Irwin. STOCKHOLDEBS : George A. Kepner, Annie M. Sbelloj-, Joseph Rothrock, P. W. Kacbeek, L. E. Atklt-a-ia, R. E. Parker, W. C. Touieroy, J. Hoi met Irwin Job a Hertiler, JVome,'N. Thompson, viiarioiiennTnw, x. v. Irwin. Joha M. Bbir, f. 51. M. PennKll, Samuel r(. Rothiock, M. N. Sterrett, Jaoies G. H-adingr, Samntl St lilerol. Josiah L Bsrtsn. Kobort H. Pattereori Levi Light, Wm. Swr;, ff. J. ShellenherfSt M. E. Scblegel. Three pur cent, ir.trru.-t will bi via oa eei iflcas f deposit. i;ian 2?. 18! n WANTED-AN IDEAh5 thing to patent t ProtaotroarMeaa: taMa Bring yoo wealth. Write JOHN tiSJUmZ BDKN4 CO., Patent Attorneys, Washingta Lf. ttir iumr $i,th; pruK uuw.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers