Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 30, 1898, Image 2
T 1 "- mi M j , . iiiiiiini i ..-linn hi us... . ,V . .."..'...''.... .s eaaa Ff ac ave ;wi""' SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN W1FFL1NTOWN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 13! 8. F. 8UEWB1JS It, COlTOft. ABO rtOPBIJirOB. The Kpaniish government, has snt lo Washington, the report of the cpaL-ifch Naval Ccmmi&sicn on the explofcion cf American battle ship Alamc. They declare that the ex plosion was sot from without but from within the Maine. A war with Spain mar last one year to eight or ten years, when nat iocs co to cracking each other's heads, there is no telling when they can quit A fire rears war would be a boom for diver, All the gold and silver the country can produce will in such an unfortunate state cf affairs be required to float the paper issue Cuba is no pood to Spain, only as a place for a 4ot of office seekers. Spain would be a great deal better without the island and if it were not for Spanish pride the island would scon be disposed of. If it were cot for Spauith pride it would be given over to the Cubans. The inland would be to good to the TJuited Sialcp. as it stands to day u is some good, to tariff the stuff they send to the United Sat-s,but when annexed it would'ni pay expenses. Th taval officers, from Key West bearing the report of tba Naval Board of Icquiry into the matterof the explo sion of the battle ship .Aaine, in tte harbor of Havana, Cuba, on the night of February 15, arrived in Washington at 9.35 on the night of the 24th of March. Tha crowd at the station was so denes that the Board cf Inquiry got off the train bo fore reaching the station. The crowd was disappointed in not getting a sight of them.' Is case ol i war with Spain, Cuba would become United States property by tho right of conquest, but Cuba is not worth a war. The miEery to tbe American peop'f, and the loss in every way, and the genual back set that would follow as a consequence could not be compensated by the acquisition of Cuba- Tho Halted Steti s, at this time, hs.vu too many of the bad foreign element to con trols witbeut addirg that of Cuba A few merchants and importers, and the sugar trust pecplc, with a sprink ling of worthless adventurers would be the only beneficiaries of a war, that would be wide spread in its evil ii flaence. It is reported. that-the State Au thority has appointed fish wcrder.c to travel up and down the J aniats river to . prevent "unlawful fishing. Wby does not " the State Authority bring mit'aga;ntt the corporations in this- commonwealth who empty "(tuffs', into the streams ou which theit works are located, and in that way depopulate whole streams of eveiy living fish. Ptople are inter ested io respecting the laws even if the laws are not what they should be, but it is so clearly a farcical game to bunt down the poor ft-Hows that catch f'sh when they please in the little ttreaiut", and ttverence punish the rich corpoiations that openly violate the law by killing the fish whcie sale, not for the purpose of eating tbe fish but for other business purposf a. QriLTT but not caught in the act is about the verdict of the court of the Court of Inquiry into tho case of the explosion of tiie American battle a'iip Maine, oi the loth of February, Js9sj !?1 t-h? harbor of H.tvaaa, Cuba, j i r, ... , , The Naval Court of inquiry reported , , ., . t- i , ia.t wk 0 Presort McR.nUj and at 2 o'clock on tie iOtti cf March the President authorizod tie slate msnt io be made that the report bad bet-n icviewed by the President and bis cabinet and that the finding of the court is that the battle ship Maine was blown up by a powerful floating under wuler mine. The un der wnter floating mice or torpedo or whatever it was, made the first repcrt and that set off two of the magazines jn the Msii'io, and tho fioe ship was a wreck The report ays it cannot fix responsibility upon any one for tbe xploeion. On Monday, President MeKinley sent a messaga to Congress with the report of the court of In cmiry. The message recites th9 fact of tbe Maine going tt Havana, its ex plosion, and the statement of the court of Inquiry, but does not fix th responsibility of tho explosion. Tbe jingoes in Congress are angry ba cause tbfc President did not go be yond the report and fix the respon ibility on the Spaniards. The President immediately had the report of the Court oi icquiry sent to the Spanish government. REDUCED RATES TO WAfcU AKU BALTIMORE Special Ten-Day Excanloa via PeaaaylTanla Rail road. T.'be last two low rate ten-day tx cursions from Western Pemisjlvtnia ta Waahington via tho PeunsvlvaEia Railroad will if ran on April li, ani Jtfay 12. Bound trip tickets wi.'I be gold at rates quoted below, good goiog in special train indicated, or a barrier stronger on train No. 4, leaving Pittsburg at 8.10 P. W., and carrying through sleeping cars to Washington ; return ing, tickets will be good on any regu lar tram except the Pennsylvania Limited. These tickets will aUo be good to stop off at Baltimore within their limit. - Special train of through parlor cars and coaches will be run on the following schedule: Train leaves Kate. Altoona ...11.40 A. M. ..f 11.52 " ...12.03 P. M. ...12.35 " ..f 9.25 A.M. . . 112.54 P. M. 7 35 7 S3 7 25 Bell wood..., Tyrone . . .-. Huntingdon Bedford Mount Union . . . . Lewistown Junc't Mifflin... Newport Duncaccon 6 25 6 65 6 35 5 60 5 25 4 60 4-20 . 1.33 " .fl.50 .2 24 .12.44 Wasbington, Arrive. 7.15 .... Passengers will use regular train through to Washington. f " Stops only on notice to agent. Should the number of Passengers not bo sufficient to warrant the run ning of a special train, the company restives the right to carry partici pants on this excursion on regular train. Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at Union Ticket Office, 360 Fifth Ave nue, and Union Station, and at all stations mentioned above. For fall information apply to azents or Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District, Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street, Pittsburg. OEESOS ITEMS. Mr. John Resinger is quite sick. . A large party was held at tho home of Mr. George, May, Friday March 25th, the elegant refreshments and fine music, the number of cnltured people and the signs of festivity ten ded to make this meeting a most en joyable 6 veil t. Saturday, March 26tb, 1898 tbe literary entertainment given by the Tuscarora Literary society was a per fect success. The honae was crowded. The Spy of Gettysburg was the Btar of the evening, Tbe sctne was laid at Gettysburg. Tbe blue and grey, the northern and southern lad:?, darkiep, PtEusylvonia dutchmen, and 11 the characters of tho place were acted to the pink of perfection. The salutes of officers called back wcr seep cs from many veteran 8 experience. Every act was app'.auded. The able recitations and fine music were well enough for any occasion. Everyone wanted Professor Culp to have the entertainment over again. He an nounced that it would be held r.gin on Siturday, Aril 2. At the lato en tertainment nearly ha'f the people were standing. Every one will be accomodated with seats at the com ing entertainment. Const Drake. March 28, '98. FATETTE MOTES. Oakland JUills, Pa., Maroh. 27, 98. Arother racket in this vicinity. John Shcllenberger has purchased the J. JL Hubert farm in Slim Valley. Eliaa Barnes, died at his borne near Cocolamus on Monday, March 21. Interment took place in tho U. B. cemetery at East Salem, Wednes day, March 23,. Aged about 30 years. MLjs Frances Diffandaffsr left for Uuctipgdon county. Mr. Chas Leonard who was clerk ing iu a large feed Etore for his grand father in the state of Tennes3ae is home on a vacation. Mr. George Snyder had a stroke of apoplexy and is in a critical con di'ion. As our old reporter has rc- signed we Lcpe that our new reporter wi'l be es prompt as the old band. Mrs. David Musser visited at Hoary Sheilenberger's on Thursday. Ten thousand til hundred and fifty two murders were committed in Ihe United States last year, some thing over one hundred in England and Swales. In what other country of Ihe worid is there greater need -cf human moral education than ours. Miss Frances Difftnderftr and El sie Weller and Ellen Thomas and Kurtz Heck man left for Huntingdon college ou -Monday. j Mr. Gross moved his family into o-uaua cuei;y ana sister reari, , , .. , m, ,. . K;rla Vallav, yitU-d omr.njr rc-Litiv A Ltrc !jU gun(J - S-uaucl Shei'.y and sister Pearl, of e David Suoofler movd Lis family nto Jlr. Jacob PLjrk s house in bum Valley. Hon. Jacob Fike sold a fino horse to D. E. Spicher for $90 on Wednes day. Miss Maggie Valentine is working for Jerome Gicgtrich in MeAlister il!e. A certain young laa oi near Thompsontown was here among the ladies the ether Sunday evewng and got lost, he had 1 1 ask tho road to Tboiayeontowr, now he says that he will not come any more. Mr. I. D. Fogalman, of Van Wert, and Miss Nettie Auker, af Evendale, sre employed at Mr. David Bashore's for the summer. The Lost Creek Sunday School was organized on Sunday, superin tendent o. D. Kauffman, assistant Mr. Detra, socrelary TL B. Shellen D'jrger, iressurer j. jk. jJineser. May it bo a success tins summer. FARM FOR SALE. Tbe uudereigued, offers his home etead farm, in Monroe township, about three quarters of a mile from Evetulal, at priv-tte sale. The farm consists of 100 acres more or leas, all clear land excepting about 5 acres, which is in timber. Tbe improve ments are a good fram-a house, frame back barn, wagon shed, hog pen, spring houae, the spring never fails. There is also a well of never failing water at tho house, church, school house, store and mill conveniently near. There is a peuca orchaid of 800 trees on the farm. Addicsp, Baltbases Lautkb, Ever.da!e, Juniata Cc., Pa. Jen. 5, '98, 4m taao nrlaeo wi alS or TwajriVa. -a, W--..--r ...awairaT AFTER EI68TEEM TEARS COtTBTIJie. Blading, March 25. This after noon Miss Sophia Gehringer employ ed counsel and brought an action in assumpsit against Daniel Mayer, of this city. This is an action for breach cf promise of marriage, and damages are claimed to 4he amount of $5000. Aliss Gehringer alleges that Mayer paid attention to ber for l ha last eight etn years, affd promises, but Has not fulfilled his promises. ma .tl,f. nn avprl . one aiao cwima- that on sfaveral oc casions the marriage day was decided upon, but that he always bad s-ino excuse. The parties are well known people. EARLY LIGIITSISCt. . Altoona Tribune, March 24. The residence of H. L. Burkhard, along the Dry Gap road 1 miles above the city, was burned to the ground early yesterday morning after being struck by lightning. Mr. Burkhard and his family were all in bed when the house was struck. They knw noth ing of tfie occasion vntil tbuy were driven from their beds by tae smoke. Nothing but a few articles of apparel were saved. A sharp fUsh of light ning was observed to strike the bouse before the fire broke out by some of the neighbors. Tho dwelling was valued at about $600. It was mortgaged to the Pennsylvania Building and .Loan association for $509, and that society had it covered by an insurance policy cf$500. coivstabl.es milage. An opinion handed down from the Superior Court recently, in the case of William Price a cons'able, against the county of Lancaeter, The ques tions raised were, first, aan a constat ! bla legally claim circular milage for executing a warrant and serving the subpoena, and, second, can he recov er fifty cents for Enbpocrnaing each witness Judo . Wickbaic, who wrote the oninion in the case, decided that Ihe plaintiff is on'y entitled to bo paid mileage one way at the rate ;.-f ten cents a mile, acd that for st-r ving a 8ul'50eca the eonst&b'e may for each person named in the prccrss end actually eerved, legally charge fifty cents. The court sa:d : "To hold that the ifScer shall be given only the ev.ne fee in every cose for set ving the parties named in the subpoena would produce inequality and injustice, and often subject him lo the temptation to shirk the full performance of his duly. Practically he serve3 the writ every time he reads it to a witness. The trouble and labor is tbe same es if he has a separate subpoena for each person named." In this case judg ment was entrred for the plaintfff aid against the county. ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for one purpose, namely, a receptclo for the urine, and as such it is cut liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. Tho first way is from im perfect action of the kidceys. The second way is from careless local treatmect cf olbtr diseases. C II I E I' C A IT S E. Unhealthy urice from unhealthy kidcejs is tha chief cause of bladder troubles. So tbe womb, like the bladder, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much ia not liable to weakness or discos, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, there fore any pain, disease nr inconveni ence manifested in the kidneys, bark, blander or uriBary pa.s tga is often by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb troublo of some sort. The error is easily made and mny be easily avoided. To find cnt correctly, set ycur mice nsido for twenty four Lours; a sediment or set tling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraor dinary effect of Dr. Kilmet'a Snarcp Root, the great kidnpy, and 'bladder remedy is soon realized. If yon need a mtdiciue yon should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. Yon may have a earn pie bottle and phatnphlet bottle both ssnt free by mail, upon receipt cf tw cent stamgs to cover cost of p"st 8ga on the hottlo. Mention the Jun iata Sestinel ano Eepuhlican and seid your addrts3 to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingbamton, N. Y. MiFFLIXTOWJf, MARCH 80, 1898 88 Cora in oar K-c Clo troO.d. ., Butter FRfi;" Ham.. Shoulder. . . Lard . Sides . Timothy seed...... F'ai seed. ......... Bran...... ........ Chop....: M. (Idling.. Ground lu -i Salt. Americans a: t.... 86 22 32 .. $2 to $2 50 16 u )2 , 12 , 8 7 ..-....(1.40 60 70 ..85c to 90o 80 55 60c rHn.DtxPHiA MtiZKKts, Mar. 28tb, 1893.-Wheat 99c;corn34c; oats 33?; butter 12 to 25c: eg8 9 to lOe; po- tatoe 75 to 80c a bushel; chick.-es 7 to 10c; duck efgs 20c; gooso eggs 50c a i.;ZiS; due La 12c; tuikoys 9 to 11c; tallow 3e; fst cattle 3J to 5c; hor-s 5 to 6c; sheep 3 to 5c; veal calves 5 to 7o; wvrs $20 to $45. MARRIED: EiCKENBaUGH ClSNEY. Oo the 8th itst., tit Ccncord, Franklin county, Pa , by Rt,T. Frances E. Purcell, Samuel Beckenbauli and Blanch Cisnev. Fry Liter. Ob the 20th inst., by Jacob Forry, J. P., Uiks S. Fry, and Ada a .Liter. Ebuner Snydeb Oj the 24th iustbyKev.S S. Gravbill, Charles M. Benner, ard Annie E. Snvder. DIED: Gazette On the 24th inst., in Turbett township, Mrs. Kasiah Ga zette, Kged 57 years, 8 months. In terment at Church Hill, on Sunday, Dy iunerat airector nyder.j Bcbks. On the 20th inst Cccolamttf", Mr. Eliss G. Burn 30 vtr, 1 month and 19 days. " j i jyOTICE IN PARTITION. IN THE OKPHANS COURT OF ' JUNIATA COUNTY. In the matter of the cuiiHion of the reul estate of William Hairi-:i Mt-Alie-ier, late of Fayette tov.-nship, deceased. To Rebecca J. MeAlister, widow; A. Franklin McCully, Homer, Calhoun C!o., Michigan; Hamilton MeAlister, Tyrone, Pa. ; R. Elliot MeAlister, Dodie, ftebraaka; .truily MeAii.ster, AicAIib- ftervUle, Pa. ; Minnie Martin, I Pa. ;. and Lizzie B. JN Mifrliu- town. Pa. ; and Lizzie B. MeAlister, Willie B. MeAlister, and Sarah Ellie MeAlister, whose euardv.ii ad. litem is Wilberforce 8ohwever, Kf., of Mittlin town, Pa. Edward M. Kelly, Mille 3 town, Pa. ; Jennie E. Graham, Spruce Hill, Pa. ; Mary L. Mover, Walnut, Pa. ; John E. Jamison, Swales, Pa. ; David M. Jamison, Am boy, Illinois ; Iiuciau V. Jamison, East Paw Paw, Illinois ; Imaac M. f Jamison, Swales, Pa, ; Jennie E. .(Jushart, Ilurket, In diana ; Clara M. Jamison, Kwales, Pa. ; Clara M. Moore, Camp Hill, Pa. : Julia Cas!ill, Mount Joy, Pa. ; Loui E. Fos ter, Kansas City, Mo. ; William Bell. Stubensville. Ohio ; Thomas Bell, Kn glewood, Chicago, Illinois ; Maty Bel). Sewk-kley, Pa. ; Emily Bell, tewk-kley, Pa. ; James Bell, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Mary M, Uresnawault , Buena Vista, Pa. ; Ella Bell Seacrist, West New ton, Pa. ; Laura Bell MeAlister, West New ton, Pa. ; T. M. T. Bell, Buena Vista, Pa. ; Mary Boll, Allegheny, Pa. ; Ar thur W. Bell, Allegheny, Pa. ; Marshall Bell, Allegheny, Pa. ; Elizabeth Denny, Allegheny, Pa. ; Madaline Dewitt, Fresno, Fresno Co., Cal. ; Warren Me- Culloch, Milan, Sullivan (k., Mo, Elizabeth Dewitt, Iterier, state of Mis- soun ; huaron AleC'ulloch, ltexer, Mia- soure and to all other persons intr- - w. ...... laKe notice mat on tne 7tn aay or February, 1898, the Orphans Court of Juniata county, awarded an inquest to make partition and valuation of certain real estate of the siiUl William Harrison MeAlister, deceased, consisting of eight certain messages and tenements and tracts of laud nl situate in the town ship of Fayette, in tbe county of Juni ata and stateof Pennsylvania, to wit. Tract Ko. 1, being the mansion bouse and premises of deceased bounded on the north by. tract Xo. 2, hereinafter described; on the south by public high way and land$ of John C. liostetter ; on the east by landsof Kliza!eth He'kman; and on the west by public highway and lands of II. C. MeAlister and lands of Samuel Watts ; containing two (2) acres more or les, and having thereon erected a brick dwelling house, franiQ b:tin other outbuildings. Tract 'o. 2. A lot-ot' giound bounded on the north by an alley ; on the sonth by tract Xo. V, described alHve ; ou the east by tract Xo. 1 ; and having on the west, a front of fifty feet or there abouts on Public highway leading south Irom the village of McAlisterville con taining forty (-HI) perches more or less, r.nd having erected tliereon a large brick dwelling house, frame bain, and other outbuildings. Tiact No. 8. A lot or parcel of land luiuded on the north by public road or Main street lending east and west through the village of McAlisteiviile; on the south by an alley ; on the east by lot of. Henrietta Sieler ; and on the west by an alley and landsof Kd ward 1 limes; and having erected thereon two frame dwelling houses, frame stable and other outbuildings. Tract Xo. 4. Atraetof arable land being field, bounded on tbe north by public highway and landsof E. Li. Jam ison ; on the south by lime quarry lots owned by- J, X. A anOnner and oth ers, and containing ten acres more or less. . Tract Xo. 5. A farm, lioundcd on the north by lands of Peter Koontz's heirs ; oti the south by lands of Issue if. Jam ison, andllenrietta Sieber; on the east by public road and lands of Isaac M. Jamison and William II. Knouse ; and on the west by public road and lands of llenretta -ieljer, audcoi:lauiing forty two (42) acres and one hundred aiid thirty two(l:2) perches and allowance, having erected thereon frame barn and house. Tiact Xo. 6. Farm bounded on the north and east by public highway; on the south by landsof Stuck 's heirs ; and on the west by land of Jacob Y. (Shelley; and containing twenty actes and forty Ihtve jerches, having erecied t heron "a brit.k mansion house, frame store keep ing stand, frame barn and other build ings Tract Xo. 7. A tract of land and farm bounded on the north by lands of ('. i. Shellenberger; on tbe ninth by landsof Joseph (t. Ijong, and William' II, ltan ne!s ; on the cast by land of Isaac 15er ner; and on the west by landsof Jonah Dunn; containing forty-four acres aril ni.iet.v-nine perches, there being elected i hereon a stone dwelling house, frame bam and other buildings. Tract Xo. 8. A tract of woodland, bounded on the north and east by lands of IJen.iamin truck's heirs ; on the south by lands of John Khrenzelier ; and on the west by lands of William H. ilan nels ; and containing two acres and one hundred and three perches. The said inquest will tier held on tbe iireniises of the Mansion house, said louse being on tract Xo. 1, above de scri'jed, ou TItl'RSDAY TIIE TWEXTY-FIUST DAY OF APRIL, A. 1)., I89S, AT 9, O'CLOCK, A. M., at which time and I place you are requested to attend if you think proper. 8. CLAYTON STOXKR. SherifTs office, Sheriff. Milllintown, Ph., March 0, 1S09. c OUKT FUOCLAMATION. Wl.croM, tl.e Hon. JEREMIAH LYONS, PresMeDt Jiitlgi" of tho Court of Common 1'ieih, for tho Forty-First Judicial Dist.ict, composed of th coimti-8 of Jnntata and I'irry, ar.d the HnnoraUcs WM. SWAKTZ and W. N. STEURETr, Asjociute Ju1scs of th said court of Common Pie as of JuuuU county, y p-.-T?pt dulv issued and to mo (iirtcted for I: (Ming a Court of Dyer acd Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, and General Quarter 3csiou9 of th? Pc.;ce at Millilntown, on tlio FOURTH MONDAY OF APRIL, 18H8, BEING THE T WENT IT-FIFTH DAY OF THE MONTH. Noticb ia berkbt otvKM, to theCoronor Justicea of tlio Peace and Constables of tht) County of Juniata, that they bo Own and there in thir proper persons, at 10 o'clock in me ion-noon oi e.n i aay, with their rec ords, inqnioiiiniis, exauiinatluns and Oyer vi mcmberances, to ilo those things that to their ofl'c.es respectfully appertain, and thone that are bound by recognizance to prosecute aguir.st tbe prisonors that are or may bo io the Jail of raid county, li then aim mere to prosecute against tboin a shall be just. By an Act ef the Assembly J pissed the 8th day of May, 1854, it andw'tbe duty or Justices of tho Peace of the several coun ties of this Cotnmoiiwi alth, to return lo the Ckii of ibe Court of Quaiter Sessions of the respective counties, all tbe recogniz ance enterel into before them by any per son or persons charged with the Commis sion of any crime, except surb cases as may be ended belore a Justice of the Peace, under existing laws, at least tea days before tbe commencement cf tbo ses sion of the Court to which they are made returnable respectively, and in all caaes where recognizaccea are entered into itsa than ten days before the commencement of the session to which they are made return able, tbe said Justice are to return tbe sum in tbe fume manner as if aaid Act had not been pasted. Dated at Hiffliutown, the 80 t day of Marco, in the year of oar Lord, oco thousand eight Land red and ninety eight. S. Ciattoh Stchm, Sheriff" Sheriff a Office, Mifflintown, Pa., M-ircb 80in, 1898. & Tv . A-J'V . asr.5;avzS ?ijnrKt!VS 8. a-td &avurfiL? iiEaitur ' CUBES AU KIDNEY. STOMACH -SO LSVER TROVBtSS). t . ' i " - I M . DlUNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ketice U hereby gi fen that letters of Ad mioi.tratiove been Rraawd to the oo- Ut of rayette town.bip, JanUU county, ft., iTtewiM. Aii;l ioocomm . : K&MnA.fmii a malts nromDt PJ" meat and those bavio(t claimf or demanos . . .k. nM.n..r'v anlhantlcatea to W piCIOUl lUtW ymvfvw'j th UDdersigncd for ettlemoot. Cbablbi W. Book, Jan.l2-'98. Adminitrtor. TTOTICE OF INCORPORA TION. ill Notice i beieby firea that o applici in h mriH to the Roveroor of Pen a ..u.nk nn Tnesdav the 15tb. day of M.rrh 189H. bv J. S. Gravbill. A. J. Sau man. H J. Sha.leDbereer. E. E. Smith aod Mnrv I.. Smith and others under tb act r AtnhlantitlndAn Act to croviie for tha ln-or miration and reeilation of rartain eormrationa." aDDrovei April 29, 1874, and tbe opplmeDU inareio, lor u. charter of an intended corporation to be caltad The Jnniata Telephone and Tele- graph Company, the character and object ofwhiah ia to establish a telephone and lelceraDh line in Snyder and Juniata couu ties with connections in Perry and Mifflin conntiea. and for these purpose to have, Donses and aniov all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and tae supplements tnerete. ATKIItOS at PlNBELt, Solicitors, ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CONGRESS. V a Knrrni! Kit the time ia azain op ! Broachin for the nomination ofacandidate to renreaent the 18th Contreaional Diatrict f Coogreaa, it beboorri tbe Repablicana of IaulMia IU tVliBIU1Illll( " U,,UI uc. l! uncort tor that volition. Permit na to kureest that we cannot do hotter than sap nort eur sreaent able, manly aud reputable rf-crrsenutive. Hon. Triad. M. Mahon, of Cbamberabarg. During hia past two terra he baa been iu cloae touch with the people of tbe district, alnars alive to their inter eata, and zentous and active in advancing tbe time, By bia past expe.ieecelie ia bet ter tbln to serve thcra than ver, and as. so (ar as I can learn, Junia.'a has no candidate of ter own, ahecanotdo brtter tbaa unaui mor.slv uj i'ort Mr. Mahon for re aleclioo. A JlllUTi Kepdbucax. Jan. 24 1889. FOR SEPRESENTATIVE DELEGATK. I hereby aaoounce tbe name of Robert H. Pitterieo, of Pe.-u HiV.a, Jutiiatacouatjr, Fa., as a candidate lor detegate to the next Siate Convention, subject U the rule and u.osgrg of tho Republican party or JnniaU Couiitv. FaYETTE. Jan. 24, '93. FOU REPSESE.VTA"'IVE DELEGATE. Sin. Ediior. I'leaBe uruoUDCtt William H. GrociuKr, of Turbctt tovvusbip. as a ! candidate lor Delega'e to the next Kepub Uccd State convention. MANY EEPCBL1CANS. tfarch 15, J8J8. ASSEMBLY. Aratiemia, Pj. I res; octfn!ly announce my tctf as a can d'date tor Domioatiun for the ollicu of liep reeeuUtivr, to represent Juniata county in the Legislature of Penasytvrnia, aubjsct to tbe r ls and usages of the Republican party of Juniata. It not nominatetl 1 arce to anpport tbe Gomince of tbe patty. I! nominated aad elected, I agree to pro tect and advance the interest of Juuiaia counlv as faithfully as I can. T. K. BEAVER. 'r ASSEMBLY. Kk. Kmtob: Pleafce annunnce that 1 am a Candida e for tbe office of Represenative, to represent Juniata cuunty ia the Legida 'ture, aubict to Kcpnbiicaa rules and usage and if nominated and elected pledge ru -self in favor of economr, honesty and reform in the State govemaient. I also pierai84 to abide by tbe result of the pri mary election. E. i. SHA?rca, FoS. 8, 1893. (Mental. tOU.MY CIlAiaUAN'. I I creby ar nouncc mysell at a candidate for the Cfcuiiroin of tLe Rj.ublican county cominiltro, and io caee of my election (lrdge niytelf to work for tiio leit inter ekts of tho Republican party. H- C. JIcCLELI, N. Jan. 2-., '53. COUNTY CUAIRIdAN. McAIUterrillo, " . March 15 '9S. 1 hereby. announce myie!) as a candidate for tl.e position ot Ch:rrnau of t e H pub lican county Canmiitiec, of Juniata county o I votfd for Ap'il , 1S38. Rifp't A. T. snii.LINOSKORD. r'ayettc taunsbip. HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Be 1 Cures Fever. 2 " Worms. 3 " Infants' Diseases. 4 " Diarrhea. 7 " Coughs. 8 Cures Neuralgia. 9 " Headache. 1 0 " Dyspepsia. 11 " Delayed Periods. 12 " Leucorrhea. 13 Cures Croup. 14 " Skin Diseases. 13 " Rheumatism. 16 " Malaria. 19 " Catarrh. 20 Cures Whooping Cough 21 " Asthma. 24 " General Debility. 26 " Sea-Sickness. 27 " Kidney Diseases. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. 30 " Urinary Diseases 32 " Heart Disease. 34 " Sore Throat. 77 " Colds and Grip. , HvMPEHETS HOMEOPATHIO HaKTJAL or Dheases IIailkd Free. Bmail bottles of pleasant pellet, fit the vest pocket. Sold by drujrtrists, or sent prepaid upon receipt of price. 25 cents, except Nos. W. and 8S are made J1.00 size only. Humphreys1 Medi cine Company. Ill William St, New York. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." jtorPSeeExteroal or Internal, Blind or Bleedinat Futala In Ano: Itchlnaor Bleedlsc of tba Wewn The reuet la u&medlato tbe cure certain. 7BI0E, SO OTS. TRIAL SIZE. 23 OTaV RoM Ly DrD(lsu, xt-ild oa raMipt rtt acajTHaata'avBfo..iiiaiiawihMM .aawiaaat Wonderful are the cares by IIood'9 Sarsaparilla and yet it is only because ss the one true blood purirter, it makes pure, neb, beaitliy, life-gtviiig blood, Hood's Pills for the liver and bovrals, a-A eaeilv . yet woca&ilY. 25a THE ONLY "True Blood Purifler proininenUy in the public eye to day is Hood's Sarsapari lla. Thereforo get Hood's und ONLY HOOD'S. pR-DAviD ffavorite The one s-irc cure- for Tbe Fjdney5, liver and Blood Blood and Nerves are very close ly related. Keep the blood rich, pure and healthy, with Iloou s fcarsapanJla and you will have no nervousness. Hcod'S Pills axe best after-dinner piUs,aid digestion, prevent constipafios 3 1L m w Pwnau. ATTORNEYS-AT - LAW, IflFFLINTOWN, FA. rw-CoUocttBgaadOoavoyaaowi P"-" y tteadea to. Attorney-at-Lair. . .CollecUonsand .U legal ru- ness prompUy attenped to. OFFICE IN CODBT BOua. ZZZ: ,.B.HxAwroao,Ba.BAwi J-JS.D. ii.CRAwroED.su,.. hare formed a partnership for the of Medicine and their cllatter-; J"-. office at old ti, comer o. -- h SeLTMim times, unleaa otherwia profeaaionally en 7 .. . . r on gaged. April 1st, 1896. J P. DERR, FBACTICAI. OEJITHT- i. -aduat of the Philadelphia Danul :. ge. Office at old established tion. Bridge Street, opposite Conrt Jo; eat ion. House. ifflintowB, Fa. i)y Crown and Bridgo work; rainless Extraction. - All work gnaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA RAILE0AD- On and after Monday, Not. 29, 1897, irains will run as follows: westward. War Paasenger. leaTe Philadelphia at 4 80 a. m; Harrisborg 8 (M) a. ; Dancan - non s 85 i m; New Port 90s m; Mil- I m ana. Lewutow. mm m; jrewfcMi Union II OS BiS cTeSo",V97p8 i'ioD7 5o p. m: nniltiB Tyran 992 P' A,tK,n Pacific Express !eves Philadelphia at 31 20 p. m; Harrisbur 3 10 a. m: Harts. T lile 8 24 a. m; Duncannon 3 88 a. ni; Ne- ptt S 59 a. m, Port Royal 4 81 a. m; Stir flic 4 87 a. n); I.ewiatown 4 55 a. m; Mc vepwao i a. m; niinitccaon 0 03 a. m; Tvrone 6 55 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. si Pitisbarg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Fiiihdelrjhia at 4 85 p.m; Hartibt-are at 19 20 p. m; Newport 11 OS p. m; Uittlin 11 4V p. m; Lewiatown 11.1:8 a. rc; Huntingdon 12 65 a.m.; Tyron 1 82 a Bi; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittabnrg 6 80 a. a. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p m; BarrrisbnrK 3 au p. ta; Dancanoa 4 15 p. no,- Newport 4 15 p. ro; Mifflin 6 07 D. n Lewiatown & 21 p. in; lionet Uaisa S p, in; nuuiiujuuo a i.i p. q; rvrena I ! p m; aiiwui an p. m; rituaurf 11 iV p. m. EAST If A KD. Ai:oona ACcomiEodation leaves Al toona at 6.00 a. ra; Tyrone 6.25 a. ni arrives at Huntingdon 11 55 a. m UtintiBCdoB at 6 58 a. n: Newton Ham. iltoa 6 22 a. sr.; McVeytown 89 m Lewiatown 7.00 a. m; Mifflin 7.20 a. m Port Keyal 7.25 a. m; Mexico 7 80 a.' ni; Ttompontown i tl . ta; Mdlerstown 7 60 a. m; Mrwpoit 8 00 a. k; Duueasnoa 8.24 a n; Ham?burg & 6j a. m. oca sfi iwvts miisenrj; a a ni: llionna 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 45 a m; Hunt- B It ltlr ii.juun o u j-ttivioa si ! a nj; i-i:iswd u a m; Mitnia oo a an Port Ktyal 9 59 a as; TbsatpsohUwa 10 14; Millerstnwn 10 22 am; Newport 10 82 a m; Duncannon 10 54 a m; Marysvilla 11 07 a m; tlarri'Durg 1 1 25 a n; Philadelphia 3 00 p m. Main i.ine nxprtss leaves filtabure at uu a. w; Altoona U 4U a. ra; Tyrone 12 Udp. m; HB-.tirrr-lon 12 35 p. n; Lewis town 1 33 p. m; MitHin 1 0 p. m; Harris burg 8 10 p.ai; Baltimore 00 p. m; Wash : .. 7 1 C ijl: 1 . ii p. m, r niianeipnia o a p. xn ne 1 orK so p. ta M ill iesrea Aliooua at 2 05 p. ni, Tyrone 2 &5 p. 10, Huntingdon 3 17 p. ni; Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. m; McVeytowa 4 20 p. m- icnimii.il t 00 sc; .mmm a OO P Bl Vt . o 1 r r.i . . .. ' " 1 m. iw.-oi u y. ni; jueziCO O 20 p. m- Thonipjontjvu 5 18 p. m; Millerotewn 5 28 p. m; Newport 5 87 p. ni; Dancannon 8 08 p. m; itamsDur: B 4o p. ra. Unii Vvn.uud 1 . r: .1 . . juwii uavi i- . 4 uuuurz a 1 oa d . . : . .. a nc ..1 .. r iu. aiiwui o v j p. iu, trune a 0 p m uuikiuc'iuu 1 i y. 111; Mt ? eviOWn W4 T n; Lewiatown 8 21 p rc; .Mifflin 8 47 n m- (I I .. I u CO I 11 . . 1 wt 011111 c .j. (i. in; nuiersicwn IS p m; Newport 9 26 p. ru; Duncannon 9 iO p. m; IlHrriibtirg 10 20 p. m. PliiUitelpbia Express leaves Pittsbti'i; at 4 SO p. rc; Ai.oona 9 0T p. m; Tyrone 9 33 p. ni; i.uancgaon w t p. m; Mount Un. ion iv p. m; lit.-wu.towa II 1Q p. m; Mil w.a 1101 p. ro; u..rritDurg 1 00 a. m; Phil aaif ma 4 mew rorS 7 83 a. w. LEWISTOWN DIVISION lraire lor sucbary &t 7 3'. a. ni. aud 8 0-3 Usvu Sutibury for Lewiatown 10 06 n. aim t w p. ro ; tor Ullrov 6 35 a n. iv.au a. ui. nn 3 iu p. in., week Java TYKOE D1V1 ION. 1 rains leave ,;r Bellerunte and Ini-t o-" ai o ju a. ra., is 3u aed 7 15 n. m icava i.ocR uavtn tor Tyrone 8.60 m. and 4 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEAKr'ISLD R. R. lra:ns leave Tyrone tor Clarilt-lii Curwensville ar 8 20 a. na.. 8.1S 7 -ic. p m.. leavi Curwuntvi io tor Ttrouaat 9 la ui.,o u ji ui., ana 4 w p. ia. i?or, rates, mam, etc.. call onTint.t Agent--, or address, Tboa. E. VVtt, p. a. v. v., 8W tilth AveuHe, Piug. tmr?, I'a. J. is. Hutchison, J. R Wood. wen I Manager. Oen'l Pass. A2t LEGAL. DVINISTKATXJS'S MOTICE. Estate Elizabeth Magrder, JeamteJ, nutrsoi ai ministration on the estate having been granted to the under irsoBs maemed ts the said es- laie are request ea t make payruent, and those baviug claims to without delay, to presort the same . . . . CALVIH B. liAOKVDS ex:co, Juniata Uo.. Pa Aitmin;.i. .... Or hi? attorney, John J. Pattiso. Jr . n.ui mown, juuiata to- Pa. BO YEAR8 EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Debiqmk CevvaiAiiT. a. . -. " . Mil. S1.'!. V'S" okmct for rmlrSI !v". mroDcn Mann A Co. mmIm tvciMl notice, without it. i-. Scientinc JlCwilcait A handflAniriv row. ! . . eolation of anv seienuae ton rw: four montiM. AL fialdi j. oaaownneiT urustntad weekhr T.i 1 1 1 GRAND NEW STOCK OF SPRING CLOTHING AT ME YER ' S , Wp are now- ready to serve the . ..rUU rh rrranHft Find tarnrcuH. efnrk Ot C OtniHK r .rr : - n - JUI1WU1 tUUiiiT. have fought thousands oi dollars worm oi ciotnmg ni ruf- fnrnishine at the lowest cash prices . . xi,:a mintv have sustained us m our tfforta t. "rdoh,. clothing fiQOT ka. rwpn the banner Vear of Our cWL. Tfie yer Oi i jpnartment and we nave . . i t'loi thanlffl. Our wv The men's splenaia buim f behold The dres wear ami bf"6 o.oo, 7 50 and 8 50 and up to $15. exhibit every pleasing and Pliable kind. Bojs knee pant suits are on sale at $1.50, $2 g 4 Mens elegant all wool covert orercoats at f b.50 and j ' ' ii ciav WOrsteds suiti at $10 are much favored by $7.&U, ana au w j j Mens advanced fashions, all at $4 50. Boy at $z.ov rmam uuw u otc. IN HATS, the new styles are all in. Handsome shape, in all the newest brown colorings at 79c, 89c. and 81.48. Beys and cniWrens novees wr Bprmg Jton d Coif Caps and taws, zoc, MEN'S FURNISHINGS. I . nii-J fileve buttons at 1 XriVl , , .. j " i r " u -nHkerchiefs 5c, Extra elastic suspenders 15c. I $7.35 warranter! pure wooi ana worm fw.u. inia offer D wifhout a precedent in the trade, and is due only to a combination of circumstances j tue question oi cost ana I 'ulut: 1 X..4.1 sideration. xvery mu wxiemcx w Biout, h fitted from this line. A MESSAGE FROM THE FURNI- TUKbblUKb. Our furniture store has no complaints to make. Business mav be dull at other furniture stores, but our immense thret florin devoted to hiizh grade furniture is kept humming with trade from morning till night. JB .11 we can wish. We have ture values, that will tax our its utmost limit. GOODS DELIVERED AND SET Ul ON PREMISES Thanking our many friends for their patronage they be- towed on us in the past, and .1 - inthe future as their champion YOURS TRULY, FERD MEYERS, 116 AND 117 BRIDGE STREET, HlFFLINTOvf N, PKNN'A. Tnscarora Yalley Eailroad. SCHIDtJU IX KFFECT MOKDAT, NOT. 4V, 1897. EASTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, XXCEPT BUMDAY. No.l A. M 11. 00 05 10 Blaifs Mi!l8... ....Lv 7 40 Waterloo Leonard' Grove 7 45 7 50 Roes Farm 7 57 2 17 Perulack East Water ford 8 03 S 15 2 23 35 45 50 57 05 09 Heckman. ............ 8 25 Hony Grove 8 30 8 37! Fort Bigbeta Wsrble Pleasant View 8 45 8 49 8 55 Stvtn Piues 15 18 25 27 SO 33 Spruce Hill Graham's Stevrert Freedom Turbett Old Port 38 Port Royal... . . .Ar. 45 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Rnul with Way Passenjrer and Seashore Express uu r. a. a., ana n os. b ana with Miil east WESTWARD. STATIONS. No.2 No.4 DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. A. M Port Koyal.... Old Port 00 10 30 1.310 37;5 12 Turbett 2 8 10 4215.17 3.7 10 4515 20 4.410 48 5 23 Freedom , Stewart Graham's , Spruce Hill. .-. Seven Pins... Pleasant View. 5.A10 6.310 7.211 50 57 00 06 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 11 11 U Warble 10 ) 5 45 Fort Bicrhnm Honey GroTo! 18:5 53 25,6 00 30 6 05 11 Heckman 15.1 11 East Waterford Perulack Hobs Farm Leonard's Grove..! Waterloo 17.5 11 406 15 20.5 11 52 6 27 22.0 11 68 24.0 25.5 27.0 12 05 12 10 16 40 6 45 Bhur'8 Mills..... Ar. 12 15 6 iruD.noi,7 mil X .-i H I AT . jk Mtlls with Concord, Doylekburg Da Run. KosavilU, Neelytoa, Shade Oap, Shade Valley and Qosbern Station Stage Lines J. a MOORHEAD, Sttpertmltmdtmi. MOORHEAD, Pruidetd. - T. utu bu i 1 oi?i Tbis raroMlv k amrjtaw D HMK.H.A ftV.a . KONQ MED.COChKgO, 111. IslOOCa Savsanariii. i. " ovjer proved bT itTZT? CVCI JmuULCU in AoA ' rMaU : r , "uuo via which we t.d , . . . , j. ?u "-v """nuu wool suite at $6. Young men. 4c, ana oc. Fancy Dosom shirts at 48c ZOO. JJanCT plain Hem8t tohaJ 1 J aVW Vlk aTlf 1 m t - which for the time being hare vaiue a maiier i seconaary con- tl df J . . We are appreciated and th a grand array ot special furni. selling and delivery capacity to promising to guard their inttrest f 1 - rv of low price. VTe remain, RAILROAD TIME TABLI. pERRT COTJNTT RAILROAD. The following- ached nle west lit afact Not. 16. 1896, and the trains will an... follows: p. m 4 80 4 86 4 89 841 4 45 4 44 4 61 4 64 466 4 69 a. m Leave Arrive a. 9 OU 9P6 9 09 911 9 14 915 9 19 9 22 Dancannon 7 64 J a Kmc 's Mill 7 4 1 Sulphur Springs 7 46 'Corman Sidior 7 44 I 111 III tit III Itt IK II 141 IN 111 19 121 124 111 III Montebeilo Park 7 4 Weaver 744 7M 7M 7 81 728 728 709 704 7 41 168 4 PI 48 I SI Roddy Hoffman Rover Mabanov Bloomfield Ti easier Nellson Duni'i ElllotsbarK Bernheisl's Groen Prk Montour Juno 9 24 9 2T 5 10 10 48 6 16 9 49 6 21 9 51 6 24 9 67 5 27 10 05 6 82 10 17 6 84 10 17 6 87 10 SO 6 02 10 85 p. m a. m Landisbur; 6 2S Arrive Leave a. at a a Tnin l-ave BloomrleM at 6.63 a. a, and arrives at Landisl.nrp at S.2J a. B. Train leaves Landishnrg at 6.0i p. ., lad arrives at Bloomfield at 6.40 p. m. AH stations marked ) are 0 ig statisn, at whtch trains will come to a full step at ignal. Cbas. H. Sanur, p. h. Bess, President. Sift NEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S TAX ley Railroad Company. Time ta or passenger trains, ia effect aa Moodiv, May 18th. 1896. STATIONS. West ward. Esl wtrl. 1 0510 85 II Buflalo Bridge. Jnniat, j 08 188 171 1 17 12,10 42! 231 IV 1510 45; aoneia . . Sylvan 6 25 , 10 62 16 l 111 IN BloomHeM Junct'n! Va'lev Roari Elliottaburg Green Park . Loyaville ... Port Kobesva ." Center ... China's Ran".."" AndersoQbarg ....1 u'11 X Mount Pie,.,,,,, ... New Germaot'n ... 22:1161 6 8lill 09 6 89 11 09 61,1121 111 08! H!SJ US I at Ci1 11 24 IV Ik m f 1 1 7 05 Til 11 85 . 14 11 41 13, 7 15! 1145 25 32 35 41 7 21 7 27 11 61 11 67 7 10 t mc .v. 12 06 701 7 41 12 11 U 7 4612 16 Ml D. GRING, President and Usual" a- UruBK, General Arent. FARQUHAR sSSffe. and . vpMabtnsa J 59 AJu Cwtsr Cr&nk BPM. aocanrt, Btronc and slmpl. wit aVBSkw. rana4t aC '.. ilMCllT. mi.. 1. Mea. Aim .1 aarlcultnaal Imp! spsdaitr. I.l.FA2;i;2JaC0.,Ltd.fYsi wmshui hekcu & onorcc SAl7r.1IUt::D ENGFfti A wonderful Im..., ""S wants." 'omTd BrtSL1". wer an.1 wr. fjr aula or vbttli bot ' andaats. Vie Faraaaw l4lr hma ever 5 . r 1 a lovers o.u-'"' .- .-.jMAttMo' .L - 1 fja-HaiiW-