Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 23, 1898, Image 3

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    H -
subscription, $1.50 pw annum U paid
. !,n-! sz.ro ir not para m
Transient advertisement inserted t 60
aents per Inch for each Insertion.
Transient traslneas notice In local eot
in nnnta dot line for each Insertion.
iwdutlou will be made to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or qnartor
MfDubllcan County Prlaary
Election and Convention.
Th Rpn-jblicaa county committee
ot in Z.-itfler's hotel in Patterson,
on Saturday, and fixed the time for
VnUinff the Drimary election on Sat-
r, --- - ,
arday, Apiil J, aRa lno. "mu
for the meeting of the convention of
return judges, Monday, April 11,
1898, at Mitllintown.
Mrs. Caroline Keilar. of Port Royal,
is aeriously ill.
L-re assortment of Children car
riages at Snyder's. .
James North is attending United
States Court at Scracton.
Mrs. Rebecca Nevin is visiting her
aister Mrs. Robert McJueen.
Mrs F. M. M. Pennell will give
card party oa Thursday eveniDg.
John Biry has a nice 5 year old
1800 pjund horss. Percheron stock.
George Wagner, of Huntingdon,
visited relatives in this place last
week. v
R'cliard Cramer, of Patti3on,
peut stvtral days recently in Pitts
burg. Squire Robert Pal ton, Iiewistown'
spent Sunday with his friends in . this
ProthoDotary Zsidcrs has returned
after a week's visit in the eastern part
of the county.
There wjs a rattle de-baag storm
of thuoder, lightning and raia on
Saturday evening.
Wbon you war.t to buy a biby car
me go to W. F. Snyder, bo Las just
got a new stock in.
Mias Ma; ion Schol' has returced
from a protracted visit to friends in
Richmond Virgin a.
Go to Meyers -for your clothing
and farcitura b will sav-i yu 25
per cent. Raid his Bargains in this
77" is Dr. Humphreys' famous
Specific for the care of Grip and
Colde, and the preventionof Pneumo
ma. All druggists, 25c.
Subscribe for the SzirrinEL aud
Republican, a paper that contains
choice reading matter, full of inform
ticn Ihiit does the reader good, and
in ad Jition to that all local news that
are worth publishing find places in
it? columns. tf.
Dr. David Kennedys
favorite Remedy
For some dava past K. H. McKlin
t:c Limb bad an imitation bicycle end
rider displayed in one of tbe lirge
front wiodows of his hardware store.
The wheel and rider were all made
ont of various kinds of hardware
through tbe ingeneity of the clerk
Hi. It. lvavncr. Many persons stop
ped on their way by the window to
observe the novelty.
On the 12th inst., David C, son of
Samuel Q tay. died at the home of
Lis father, in Patterson, of a comph
cation of diseases. Durio his sick
ness the boy vomited up on different
days pieces of cotton, which ho evi
dently chewed and swallowed instead
of spiitinc out. It is believed that
the cotton led to the sickness aud
death of the boy. He was aged 5
years, 11 nunibs and 12 days-
Adam Zerb. residing near Sober,
Centre county, recently felled a white
pine tree that was 5 feet end five
inches across the Btunap. It meas
ured 90 feet from butt to furks of
tbe limbs and t-tood 1761 feet in
heis-hih. The free was sorted
U.rnnehout. From it ho seenred
9,000 shaved shingles worth $90,
sawed lumber that sold f jr $32, and
four cords of wood worth $G. Tlmt
made a total of $158 from a single
tree. Bellfonte Paper
The Juniata Valley Editorial Asao
ciation lost a valued member by the -death
of Hugh Lindsey, editor of the
rr i j a - TTT 1 1
auuuDguuu J-tuiy ana oeoi neeuj
Mews. At s social meeting . of the
Association, a committee was ap
pointed, who reported tbe following
Resolved, That in the death of
Hugh Lindsay this association has
lost one of its most active and useful
members and the profession of jour
nalism an honorable, conscientious
devotee, whose departure we sincere
ly mourn. Throughout his entire
newspaper experience of nearly
thirty years Mr. Lindsay was a skill
ed member of the craft, a man of
unremitting energy, of decided abil
ity, both intuitive and cultivated,
and exemplified in his daily life such
admirable traits ol character s are
worthy the emulation of u- ail. In
the business affairs psilaiuin to this
association, as well as in nevvbpaper
work generally, Mr. Liindsay was
wise in counsel, levelheaded in form
ing conclusions, nelplul to ins con
temporaries, and honorable beyond
the shadow of varience in bis metn
ods. His unvarying brotherly kind
ne8, affability, acd unpretentious
yet noble Christian life we shall al
ways Lola in grateful remembrance.
Resolved, l h it as a mark of re
spect to his memory wa attend tbe
funeral of deceased in a body.
Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions be furnished to the be
reaved widow, with our tender of
sympathy ; that tbey be entered up
on the minutes cf tbe association,
and that proofs of the same be cent
ti the newspapers through tbe Jam
ata valley for publication.
Howard E. Butz,
I. N. SworE,
S. E. Fleming,
George Suuom,
W. W. Trout,
Gentlemen of the Jmrr
For the Keynlnr April Term.
People Believe what they read
1 a It - - LJ.. ...... .....Til.. Tl.i... t-iimir
it ; n honest medicine, aud that it 6atly impressed with Bacons call
Johu Biccni, alias John Lshnl
called on x sheriff Calhoun, at the
l uI, one day last week. Inere are
other paople that the Sheriff woul
prefer to nave call on bim. tie was
In Knoxvile, Tenn., a drummer
ry.-ivd a I aaJkerchitf at a girl. He
wjts arrested and lined fiva dollars.
John Garman, the Hih Priebt of
the Pennsylvania Democracy, spctt
sever.il LoTirs in town on Saturday.
The republican primaiy election in
Lancasttr county resulted in favor of
Matthew Sr.unlfy Quav, for Uuiied
States Senate.
Mms Hannah Hoover, of Liwis
towu, visited Mrs. Wilberforce
Sch-.vcyer ii this town, -from Satur
day till .Von day.
.. Gs-.rg3 Birtley and family cf Pitts
burg attended the funeral of his
mother Mrs. Sarah R. Bartley, in
this pit 2e last Thursday.
DaId Anderson reports the cap
ture of a 4 poo id and 4 ounce carp
seversl days ago. It ii one of the
first ones caught this month.
Mrs. George McMeen, of Port Rry
al, died on Suouay morning tbe 20th
'Inst., of pneuuionia. Her husband
and four children survive Ler un
timely death..
O; the 8.452 votes polled inBlair
couuty on Saturday, Matthew Stanley
Quay, rtceived 5,497 for "United
Spates Senate, so he is Blair countj's
choire for re election.
The children of -Vr. Henry W.
Berber. ;ave a sociable, at the home
of their parents on Sixth street, in
houor of the 64th biith day of their
mot !n r on Tuesday evening.
A cumber of wheat fields in the
e-ist r:a l of the coaay ate not prom
ising in R'.penraoce, however, it is
st'li f r!y in the reason lo saywaij
the v.'fctat crop m-jy amovnt t j.
M;ke Phai d'ye link ava th job
to free Cub'i?
Pat B;gob, OTm against it. T'::o
foci est jury of Arutriky is to fre
awido' Ireland.
Mis. Old, Wife of TTi!l;am Ord
difd at the home of her husband in
Mif-iid township, on Sunday aged
tVxuit 05 yeais. Ioterment in th
l'resb'vt'Tian Cemeterv on Tuesdiv.
Mi--cU 22nd.
WANTED. By an eld establish
ed bouse, a man to take charge o
anl look alter their business in thin
ssetion. Salary $600, with com
mission. Cash security required
Addre-.s, Business, care Sentinel.
. Tup lLiwer plot fardners,for the
railroiid s?atiors along tbo rjut of
the m-iin line will soon be at work
arranging, Kfisortinjr and pUntirg
flowers tti.-it ore to p!easc the eye of
the tiavilc r as he goes riding on a
Veina pje, aged 1 year, 1 month
and 19 days, dkd of pneumonia, at
tho home cf ht r father, on the Roth-
rock f u lp, n mile and a half east of
town, lest Thursday. Interment in
the Presbjtttiun cemetery on Sun
day. A good deal of plowing was done
for oats last week, and many hoped
the fine weather might centime, so
that cats sowing rcisht orce again
.-o done in March, but the snow on
.Monday it is feared has blighted the
great expectations of last week.
- Mr Espenscbadt had apiece of tbe
abaudomd turn pike removed from
& field on Lis farm, while tbe work of
' removing was going on they found a
Vjiest of 30 . empt y scabs eggs. The
Viake crop in that vicinity tbe com
Lig summer must of necessitr" he
,' The same old story is told in the
death of Elmer Henry, of Newton
Hamilton. Last Friday with his
brother William, he got on a coal
train at Ryde station. In attempt
to set oft at Maplefon He wa
; drown in such a way that his head
was crashed into a pnlpy condition
by th wheels of lhe cars.
7SCH RED BLOOD i thefoon-
m da' ion of good health. That is why
Uood'n SarsRpnrilla, the One True
Bio! Purluer, gives HEALTH.
cures. Get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood's Piils cure all liver ills, re
lieve constipation assist digestion. 25c.
The remains of Cornelius Bartley
wero raised from tbe grava in tho
Union Cenif.tery last Friday aid rd
interedm the Presbyterian Cune'.ory
alongside of tbo body i.f his wife
whose fur.er.ii took place the daj pre
vious. Mr. Hartley's funeral took
place 24 yeais ago. Previous to the
death of Mrs. Bartley, his wife, she
lequested their children tj bury her
in the Prcebjtenan Cemeteiy. and
then raise the remains cf their father
and place them bv the side of his
wife, their mother, which wai done
by funeral director Snyder.
GREAT SALES prove the great
merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because it
accomplishes GREAT CURES.
Photographs advancicg in price.
Take Nofice on and after April Is-,
1898, my price for our best Cabinet
Photographs will be 3 00 psr dozen,
until then April 1st, I will make and
sell tickets IV.r these same pholo
graphs for 1.50 per dczrn. I have
ordered 5,000 cf the highest style
cards, printed in gold to supply this
work, our (ffjrtsin low priced work
has not been appreciated, there foie
we are obliged to return to our old
price $3.00 per dczen. Tickets sold
will be good at any timo presented,
this is jour lat end only chance to
get high rrictd work at half price.
Don't- cooie in after the time and say
you didn't see this add, it will bo too
late. Respectfully,
Joseph Hiss.
The men who went to their back
yards aud chopped off tbo heads of
their nice Spanish chickens, and who
tbr. w away their nice Spanish onions
because of the barbarity of the Span
iiird.i in Cuba are wonderinjr whnt
they shou'd do over the case of
tbe shootit g cf Baker, the South
Carolina coloied postings er who was
buiued out of house and tome at J
o'clock in the morning, tiod shot
dead, Irs wife an 1 infant rh Id
aa-i other members of the fam
ily were cbased about in tbe woods
like rabbit 8. Tiicre are r.o Sjuth Car
olina thickets scattered throughout
the county, aiid uo South Carolina
onions to take vengeance on, but all
tbe same it proves that baibirity ia
not cenfiued to Spaiu.
The Bedford correspondent of the
Hopcwt-ll Ttlephone rt latf s the fol
lowing : Here is a bit of news tbe kind
of which l.'iis never befoie happened J
in Bedford county, if not in the S:ate. I
A youcg man by the caroe of Stayer
is teaching a fchool in Wocdbjry
township, close to Henrietta. Theie
has not beeu a pupil in his school for
three weeks, be has been five months
teaching and was ergaged for six
months. He gots to school mvh
morning and stays thero until the
closing period ia tbe afternoon aud
snys he will continue to do so uutil
tbu six months are up, if not a pupil
comes. He will thin hold the town
ship for his salary, as he says he m
carrying out his contract." This is
certainly quite a novel case.
Last Friday, Enos Hnlderaan, was
coming to town, driving his horse
hitched to a one horse Dear born
wagon He expected to take home
with him a load of boards. When
unexpectedly, while coming down the
Pike bill on the North farm,
the sp'iced coupling pole broke.
The Lir d pai i f the wagon dropped,
and the front put tilted and in tbe
clatter of it all the borso look fright
and stiirted down hill as if makiDg
a mad charge upon atroop of Spanish
horsemen at the bottom of the hilL
Mr. Haldeman held onto the lines to
the pike bridgp, and there be was
compelled to let goon account of the
rough sleding. The horse came
through town at a run and ran out
on tLe McAlistervilleroad as far as to
henry Sieber's place. There he was
caught, with tbe front part of the
wagon all right. There was little
broken excepting the coupling pole.
Those who saw tbe runaway through
town say the borse kept the middle-
of the road and ran more like in a
race than a horse in a runaway.
PERFECT and permanent are the
cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, to
cause Mt makes pare rich, healthy,
!Ue and health-giving BLOOD.
and had a mind to arrest bim for
vagrancy. Ha bad good reason to
be impressed with the call for Bacon
Lad tbrcaleted tho sheriff two. yea
ocro lost September, when Calhoun
took him tJ tbi Waatira Peni
tentiary under a sentence of court,
for assisting Frank Evans and Joseph
Wett to break out of the Mifllintown
tail. When Bacon called upon th
sheriff last week, Calhoun though
that perhaps, he had come to shoot
him as he had threatened to d , but
if he called for tbat purpose he did
not attempt any violence. The ccn
versa'.iou however was not of the kind
that tho Sheriff is fond of, and as
Sutriff Stoner cams upon tho scene
and ordertd B:eo.-j to leave,! there
was an end of the call. Bacoi has
been seen about Judge Lyon's hous
several times fcioce he called on ex
Sac-riff Calhoun, and he has been
seen ia oilier parts of this community,
some times with company, though
when at Judge Lyon's place he was
alone. He cnie to be sent to tho
nenilentiarv in a peculiar wav. Ti ia
X -J A J - .
wrll lrnrvwn in tliiQ r.)nnntrr tlmf !
several years ago, that the two men
then in jail charged with the robbery
of the Htrtzler store, at Port Royal,
broke jail, or rather they skillfully
sawed tff enough of bars of their
prison room window to ullow them
to escape. When their escape wa3
made kuowu to Sheriff Calhoun, Le
hastened to the railroad, thinking,
that perhaps, he might there capture
the escaped Frank Evans and Joseph
Weat, btfore they had time to board
a freight tnin and get away. While
the Sheriff was searching a freight
train of box cars he came across 5
man crouched iu tho corner of a c-ir.
He immediately put him under arrest
and charged him with being the man
who had brought money to the j til
for Evaus and West. He also held
him for assisting tbe escape of Evans
acd West. Baeon employed lawyers
Keller acd Patterson to defend him,
but when the trial took pined he took
charge of the case himself aud put
bis lawyers on tbe witness staud ni.d
they testified that be was not the
man. The Sheriff icdentilied him as
the man who had brought money to
the jail for Evans acid West, he in
demitifd him by a blue mark along
tbe bide of his nose, a mark such as
is made by an explosion of powder.
Baoots f-scape fro: a the meshes vt tho
Uw seemed essured up to that time
upon the testimony of the lawyers,
when all of a sudden the aspect of
the cane v: as turned against him by
tbe District; Attorney, present
ing, a piece of a towel as evidence.
It was mute material stuff for evi
dence but it spoke more tellingly than
words. When the cell of Evans and
West was visited after their escape a
part of a strange towel wes found in
the cell and from its appearance i',
was indicated that the saws and tools
that they used in cutting the bars
bad been sent, up in that towl. but
where was the match piece of the
towel f that was an importaut inquiry.
In tbe five ruiout'8 time that the
District Attorney hid to presect tbe
case to the jury he presented the
mitcb piece of the towel foucd in the
cell. He presented the other piece,
and the other piece the Sheriff found
en John Bacon when he arrested him
in the box car at tbe railroad. That
towel sent Bacon to the Penitentiary.
The towel was the connecting link
between Bacon, Evans and West, one
end of the towel in the empty cell of
the escaped prisoners and the other
end of tbe towel in Bacon's pocket.
Alter, James T. , Port Royal.
Benner, A. A , W alker.
Castles. Wm. S. Greenwood.
Campbell, George, Baule.
Davis, Luke, Thompsontown.
Degeu, C. I , Fayette.
Detra, James G., Wa'ker.
Eichman, Peter, Fayette.
Hoops, Howard, Delaware.
UutcnicBon, J. W , Milford.
Heck man, George, Walker.
Harris, Gaorge, Milford.
Kidd, Jamea, Tuscarora.
Kerstetter, J. D., Susquehanna.
Lauverj- Philip, Susquehanna.
McClellan, H. C, iiifllintown.
Pattirson, James S., Tuscarora.
Kc-o 1, Robert S., Tuscarora.
Shelleuberger, Jacob B , Monroe.
Smith, Andrew, Delaware,
Spicher, A. G-, Susquehanna.
Tvson, Harry, Mifflintown.
Wisehaupt Jaoob, Spruce Hill.
Wrh Anson is., Mitllintown.
Adams, Atou S., Walker.
Bender, D.ivid, Spruce HilL
Book, J. H-, Walker.
Bear, Melto, Fayette.
Brown, John, fayette.
Besshoie, .Batiks, Fermacagu.
Barrymcn, A. R , Beale.
Dirom, A. P., Delaware.
Davis, George, Fermanagh.
Dobbs". Ralph E , Tuscarora.
Dysinger, John, Vaker.
Earntst, S. B , Spruce Hill.
Galhgher, Wm. H , Lack.
Grouinger, James N , Turbett.
Hart, John Fayette.
Hutchinson, James, Tuscarora.
Henry. John B., Lsck.
Hendtr.on, J. A , Port Rjyal.
Hou'z, Jackson, layette,
Jenkins, John R., Mi ford.
Koons, Stewart A., Turbett.
Leister, Jacob, Fermanagh.
Lauver, lua-ak, Lock.
McMeen, Elliot, Turbett.
McMeen, Ueorge, Port Royal.
Musser, John L., Fayette.
Veloy, John B., Patterson.
Maney, James B., Port Royal.
Moore head, T. S., Lick.
O'Neill, John, WVker.
Ro'oison, Robert, Lack.
Sieber, H. W., Fermanagh.
Spicher, David. Delaware.
Stouffer, Batiks D , W.ilkcr.
Shoa-sra. Frederic!:, Walker.
Teni.irj, Jobr., Fayette.
VuLOrmer, Frank, Fayette.
Varnes, Jcsopb, Delaware.
Woodward, L. A., Greenwood.
Z H'k, Lawronee, Fermanagh.
Dr. Dartd Kennedy Favorite Remedy frequently cures several
members of a family. While It is considered by many to be a Kidney and
Bladder Medicine, it is just as certain to cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Rheu
matism, Scrofula and Eczema. This is because it first puts the Kidneys -in
a M tm Ml
the blood.
and suffered
took Dr.
healthy condition, so they can sift all impurities from
Healthy blood practically means a completely healthy
Here is a letter from Mrs. Capt. Pete Rack, of
N. Y. : " My husband was troubled with his kidneys,
fearfully with shooting pains through his back. He
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and
is now well and strong. Although
seventy years of age, he is as hearty as
a man many years younger. I was so
troubled with Dyspepsia that it was
painful for me to walk.
My food did me no good, .-
as my stomach could
not digest it. Somebody
recommended Favorite
Remed, y to mc.and after
taking two bottles of it
I was completely cured,
and am feeling splendid
sow. We botn attriDute
our good health to Favorite Remedy."
It is prescribed with unfailing success for Nerve
Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it is a specific
It has cured many that were beyond the aid of other
medicine. Ask vour druggist for it, and insist upon getting it. Don't take
substitute. It will cost you $t.oo for a regular full-sized bottle.
If you want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send your full post- ' f Of
office add' ess to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, KonQout, in. y., ana
men I 'ion this fcptr. They will send you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid.
This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful medicine it is.
Our spring line of men's, boy's
and childrens' clothing, hats; caps
and gents furnishing goods
We make the clothing business a
study and have made it a success.
Youn men. don't so away to get
what they want they come to us for
hats or any thing in the gents fur
nishing line.
We have half our SPRING stock
sold by the time most clothiers get
their line in. A vouns: man who
jwants a SUIT FOR EASTER, don't
;want to wait until the 4th of July
Frank Stadelman and Mrs. Emma
Stabb, of Ackron, Ohio, eloped and
went to Cleveland, Ohio, representing
themselves as man and wife, but they
got tired of their new relation
ship to each other, and she said we'll
die together, let ns take something.
"She took carbolic acid and he took
morphine. Then they turned on the
gass and retired. The dose of mor
phine he took was a light one and his
nerve never failed him. He arose and
fled from the hotel; tbe woman died.
She had left a husband at Ackron.
Stadelman wan pat under arrest.
Orsie Remedy
Oakland JUills, Pa., March. 21, 98.
Prof. li N. Jamison, of Slim Valley,
is clerking for H C. Sausman at
Mr. Howard Zent, of Vo Wer.
and Mr. Haven Lnkens, of Salem,
were here among the ladies on Sun
day evciiii'g.
Miss Fannie SoeilenbergtT, visited
at H B. S-iellenbergor's on Saturdiy
acd Sunda .
Mr. P. Sailer, of ClenrfiVid, was in
our midst some days ago. Call
tigam b
Mr. S. N. Kerlin moved his family
from Colyer, Center county, to Ma
hontang Susquehanna townehip.
A one year child of Mr. and Mrs-
Samuel Bencer. died of Cronp, March
19, in Siim Valley. Interment in the
Lutheran Cemetery, above McAlL-ter
ville on Tuesday, March 22.
U. A. JiuBstr and sister made a
business trip to Selinsgrove on Thurs
Miss Mary Hickman, and Susanna
KauflmM, visited among friends at
JU. Pleasant on Sunday.
We learn that Hon. B. F. Trego,
ia related to President McKinley, it
is quae nn honor to be related to the
Mias Lt'z&'.Q Sailliugfcrd, of Stony
Eatter, spent a v.ctk with her uicle
at Jencho Mills.
Rumor says, that Kurtz Heckinan,
one of Fayette's best school teachers
cxp3Cts to stjrt a summer school
here at Oakland. We wish him sue
We are glad to note thnt Mr. Nor
man Watts, wbo was cocfioed to his
b?d with a broken leg, the past 4
wetk, ia able to be up.
W fci-at 88
iVrn in car .... ..... 80
Oam 22
Rve 82
ClovorMH'd $2 to (2 50
Batter 16
Erc 1)8
Ham 12
Slionlder. ....................... 12
li'd..... .. . R
Sides. 7
Timothy seed.............. ....$1.40
Pax seed 0
Bran ' , "0
Chop 85c te tMXj
Middling jo
Ground Ala n Salt...... ........ 5
American Salt 60c
Philadelphia -Markets, Mar. 22th,
1898.-Wheat 99c; corn 35c; oats 34c;
butler 12 to 25c; eggs 9 to 10.-; po
tatoes 70 to 80c a bushel; chickens 7
to 10c; Pennsylvania tobacco 7 to 10,
average lot 12, 17c; straw berries 10 to
35c a quart, fat cattle 3J to 5c; hogs
2J to 5e; sheep 3 to 5Jc; veal calves
$6 to to $6.50; apples $2.35 to $3.50
a ban eh cucumbers $3 a crate; cab
bage $1.75 s hundred heads; lettuce
$2 to $4.50 a barrel; Florida beets
$3 to $4; cloverseed 4 to 5c a pound
Rhodes Mcdoxald On the 15th
inst., at Port Royal by Rev.H. S. Gil
bert Henry Rhodes and Miss Nannie
B. McDonald.
Wiolman Edb.i. On the 17th
inst., by Rev T. C. Strock, Jefferson
Wildman and Mary Kuhn.
WagNeb On last Thursday at
Port Royal, .Mrs. Wm. A. Wagner,
of dropsy, aged about 59 years.
Favorite Remedy
A. T I
the accumulation cf etock causes a lofs to tbe store, but a
money paving for the scores of buyers who attend these tre-
Wntob nnrl rpnrl with intprpst Profit, hv OUT advice and I
respond promptly. First selections are tfce best selections for;
on same kinds of goods. The limited quantity will likely be!
J consumed by the immense crowd of buj'ers in a short time.
loualL rememoer or tormer great oargamsaies. ruia uue
will eclipse any previous hales. To begin with,
50 piece, tf good calicoes w;i th 5s a yarj, at 3 Jo a ard.
100 " " Icdigo B!u3 and Simpsoa back calioocs worth 7o, at 4lo.
50 " " silver gray acd Lncy turkey red worih 7o, at 5o.
Extra quality fine ahite giods, Salin stripe?. Niinsook PJaid.-, Victoria Uwds
&nd India linfn (trcrth doubl.. ) at 6e, 7e, 8j, 9o, 10c.
36 itch wide fine qua'itj uobleacbed niulia 10 jards fcr 38e.
36 " eitra quality " 10 jards for 45o.
36 " " extra heivy like Appletoo A ; at 5s a yd. 10 jds. for49e
37 " Appleton A., luusln at 10 yrds fot 54o.
- 36 " fiDe bleacbcd mus'.in at 10 yards for 49o.
26 " " finer ' " at 10 ards for 55o
36 bletehed IliM test muslio 10 ;ards for 58o
36 " heavier bousua'.e musliu at la a yard
36 " " fine Cambrio and Lousdale cambric at 8o and 9Jc. L
Elegant apron gingLains at 3e &nd 4c a yari.
Best Lancaster giDgbainsat 4i0.
Best quality dress gicgbatns at oo and 61c
Good quality heavy crash 3 yards for 10c.
Large size towels at 5e a piece.
Kxlra large bath towcla turkish at 12c.
Heavy twilled bed ticking worth 15c, at 9o.
Other good bed ticking at 7lc and 8'c.
1,000 yards of Hamburg edgings at greatly reduced prices.
Good pants goods at 12o tnd 15e.
Also the finest grades of wool and worsted suitings, fo; men acd boys wear.
5 46-4 8-4 9-4 1. '-4 unbleached sheeting at 9, 10, 12io eto.
Cbildrtns handkerchiefs 3 fur 5o
Mem fine uilauadried shirts at 39:.
Children bib overalls it 25a.
2 yards of table oil cloth for 25c.
prio rollci window shades at lOe
Elegant table Iinncn at 20 and 25s.
Limit: Not over 30 yards lo one person.
MOTIt-'E: No premium card ci above goods.
35 ladies and childrens coats and capes at great sacrifice.
Large stlscticns of ccrscts at 35c, 39c, acd 49c, ete.
Special reductions in home made carpets Ingrains, Tapestry, brussels
and Velvet carpMs.
All dress good, silks and (Timings at greatly reduced prices.
For this special sale including all ne.v styles of Sptrog pattern.
Fine quality of dresa goods at 10c and 15o, 17c, l9o, 25o and 29o.
5000 pair of foot were for men, Udies bo s and childrai at red uoed
prices. $2.00 ladies fchocs for l 25.
We don't attempt a description tf this vast assortment figures, will
indicate the actual comparison of worth tsllmg price facts, our reputation for
reliable qualities is cufficieut to guarentee that you will find everything as
represented. Every counter is lull of bargains. Sale will continue until
March 26tb.
103 to 109 Bridge street, Wiflbntown, Pa.
Our line this season surpasses ail
our former efforts in style, quality,
quantity, finish and price.
"The early bird catches the worm."
mid EIouc5'Fiirmsliticr
atoro al-
n.:nT4 .re r.f vr .lull here: r.ever stuiud. The full 'lifo of the
ways b28 a cheerful welcome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to decide
in fivor of tbe Ore at Valys to bo found in our new
Neat, Stylish,
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1897.
Special Invitation To Thx Vuhlif
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on
ft will be
Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It ia truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
rv Wl XT 4 D T I? 7 !
u. vv. ri a h Pi i n
K. 11 M
A Specially Splected Stoek of
Kacges, Ccck, Parlor aud Shop
Hoif Blankets and Lap Kbs.
LAMI'S, largo and small.
Come in and look around. We'll
make cu feel at home.
We have tho largest Stock ani
Store in the conntv.
SJarcJ 23 D. B. WcWil!iams, in
Bealo towiithip, houscLoKl gii-odp, cat
tit?, farm luacb'nry, giai:', bay.
Mar. -21. Ccaik-a Fu:(z, Tuibt-tt
towKship, horsi-r, ccwp, yt'Vog cattle,
slioats, fKim ia.plcrnei.is.
March 20 C W EoJr, adminis
Iralor cf Mait'ua Book, in Fayette
townsbip, Louseho:' goods.
ilhicli 29 -Go .r; Jr.sj, cf Aoa
deic:a, lior. cr, ca:t!, bops, farm nia
cin ct-ry, boy corn foddi r, &vd corn.
Infests the blood of humanity. It
appears in varied forms, but is forced
to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
purifies and vitalizes the blood and
cures all such diseases, ltcad this:
" In September, 1S94, 1 made a misstep and
Injurtd my ankle. Very soon afterwards,
A Sore
two Inches across formed and in walking
to faTOr it I sprained my ankle. The sore
became worse; I could not put my boot
on and I thought I should have to give up
at every step. I could not get any relict
and had to stop work. I read of n cure of
p. similar case by Hood's Sarsaparilla and
concluded to try it. Before I had taken
all of two bottles the sore had healed and
the swelling had gone down. My
-C.LI. AT j
is now well and I have been greatly bene
ilted otherwise. I have increased in
weight and am in better health. I cannot
say enough in praise of flood's Sarsapa
rilla." Mrs. H. Blake, So. Berwick, Me.
This and other similar cures prove thnt
aim,Ilf"j'OWN, VA.
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Stockholders Individually Liable-
W. C. Pomaroy, Joseph Rothroci,
John Hertiier, Jomah L. Barton,
Robert K. Parker, Louis K. AtkiDo,
T. V. f rwin.
f;eo--ge A. Kfpner, Annie V. Shelley
Joseph Kolhrock, p. W. Marbeck,
L. K. A'kl'json, R. K. pir!tt.r,
W. C. Poiueroy, J. H. 'mes Irwin
John Hortrler, JyrorooN. Tuompson
Charlotte Snyder, T. V. Irwin.
John M. Biair, Josiab L Brt.m,
f . M. Penntill, Robert U. Patterson
.:imnci Kotlireck.
i flu TSBfe. .tOBS. dTiJI ifiS '
! fca av -&&r -ssy srH i&
M. N. Sterrett.
JoniPS G. Heading,
Kasiutl Schiegnl.
Levi Light,
Wm. Swarts.
H. J. SheiieMiergtr
M. K. Schl. gel
J ' Ceo pfr c!;f. interest wilt t paid on
I cei .r!ca'rs of doposit.
; r.isn 23, 198
th Tr
"A-vl i;nrin--r. All .Ir.tteto. SL j WANTEDAN I DEA ,"1
- t. .. ,v , ;.-.n-;;. ?l-i'. ' .jng to patcntT Protect, your Moob ithe;
IV 1 3
- i 3 u tin d
Ulr ...
A CO.. Patent Attsimaim- W. nn
U. C. lor their nrize otter.