SF.NTIKELfr REPUBLICAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 189S. . B. F. SCflWEIEU," kd:tob, axb rtoraiiroB. Tiik low ships of war aio all top Levy aoil hen 'm-y take to ram' niisy each olbtr there is to telling Lost many of tbern may tarn up side down, and go to the bottom in a s'aort time. John Wakamakib r has annoanced Limeelf as a candidate for GoYernor. Oiler republican candidate?, C. W Stop.-, of Wairen county, and W. A. Stone, of AKeghecy county are also in the field for the nomination. Tire fifty million dollars appropria tci unanimously by Congrats for the Cib:m crisis, does not mean war, but it a s'aorg telf rdiant act that is dieaies tLe a'limdsnt resources of the tiil.'un acd that war aha'luotcoajeby env t.ttof tLe republic, but if it dosz coins tbiit anjj'Io provicion is here to iLL-iintain tbo dignity and position tLat this government is entitled tc FARM Eli' INSTITUTE, AT MEXICO. Fanners Icsti'ufe held in ti e U-i' ted Prtsbterian churcb, et Mexico. ra.Fcbiuary 28, ncd .March 1st, 1698. Quite a Lumber of farmerb 6nd ctbfrs a'tecded the Sret eeesioD, the institule was duly organized by electing Iho following t fiiicere, for Bcreir7, T- K Wote: Presi.Jeui, Klwia Lwvis; Vice President S, EUIr Hetrick. The Institute was opeted by prayer by Ksv. Ga thrie. The address of Welcome was deliv tred br Mr. Gu thrie! in an abU and intelligent manner. One of the leadinc tbouehts in bis remarks was "How to protect the country church," that this was ouo ci tue great prob lems, the gentleman epoko highly of teioperanc?, of a higer standard in agriculture, and that the men do ing the work were in a secso under bondage, even down to the last cen tnry, but that now thiegs Lave changed, acd that men avail them stlvea of the opportunities accessible to all liCfpooKe by Col. J. A. Wood ward who said in substance, that el most ell men take up their calling in order to develop thtir physical, raorq! and intellectual powers, and that practice is always preceded by theory. Dr. Martin in speaking on - tbe Forage Crop urged the farmers to mire, or grow ensilage corn for feediDg stock. He said there were one hundred million cows in this country and that it cost fifty two " million dollars a year to keep them. That thtre can be forty tots of en silage grown to tbe acre at a cost of thirty live cents per acre, including all expentes and rent of land etc. E. Da vis gave the results of a certain gentlrn an, who invested three thou fin Lid dollais in a farm, on which be k.-pt a certain number of cowt, and by careful and judicious macege ment, realized ten per cent on bis investment. One of tbe principal instructors eUirued there was &t WNgM iP this ensilage question, t.L J -t iLi-ii Ltfcdu.g tbo mcbt cn ccuiagemcct were overlooked. A recitation by Misa Minnie Leon srd, tLtitlcd "Captain Toung's Thankfgivin," was well rendered. Ibe qutetion box, bemg cno of tbe iuiertbtiDg features cf the Institute. "What is the proper education for tbu country children, by 13. !. bbu man, was a Fplc ndid poper, showing how tho greatness of great men in lUi-: surer), and the beginning of vice wms in iouth, nd that nothing brl good literature f-hou!d be placed be ore th child. .Vr. Wellington Smith, "On what the farmer ought to know," was logical from kegini icg to end, show i)g conclunvely whore the farmer nt-.iid, Lis ir ability to protect his interests ULder exihtiug condition!, and that without a (borough orgsni zatioD, and a combined effort be cat) never extricate himself. A. S. Sbellenberger, "How to pur chase fertilizers," said there was a saving of one-naif, by jwrchaeing them and mix yourself, ana recom mended farmers to do bo. "The feeding and hikniigtment of dairy cowp, by Dr. Martin, who had 27 years experience, was a lesson for every feinier. '-Lime and its constituent elements," by Dr. Armsby from State College, showing the differ ence of value in limestone, fcaid that much that is called lime is really not lime. ' The bright side of life," by Dr. MsrtiD. ''Possil iliiies of the country homo" by Hiss Einran Sieber, w-as a master ful production, the subjtci, nialtnr of tho puptr proved to the satisfaction cf eery intelligent mind that great care acd deep thought was exercised to depict before the mind, that the the possibilities of a country home, far txceed those of a city home, tak ing into consideration the surround ings. A frw comments in reference to these farmers institutes may possibly be in order, the prejudice existing wit'i some of oar peonli that thsee meetings are purely grange gatherings is simply a mistake, those who wish any information in refer ence to this matter, will find that ttere wss an urgent demand for higher attainments for those follow ing the pursuit of agriculture, both in a social and intellectual point of view, and in order to aid then in tbe attainment of this much needed knowledge, how the farmer mar im- pt-r v on the methods of scientific fanning, aud what would be tbe best and safest, and cheapest coarse to pursue, and seeing and feeling this need amorg farmers, it was consid ered pruaent, by eur State govern ment, to appropriate money for the express purpose of giving 'the agri cultural cluss on opportun'ty to meet, for the purpose of raising to a higher standard the farmers calling. It is poi-sible, I admit, that the honest piupote of this, as well as that cf oti.tr it stitutions, can be abused. but, (illow me to csk any intelligent mac ibis question, especially those who seem to be somewhat prejudiced. Wl.eie there are opportunities tlaced before yoc, whereby, if yon evaii tout sell of them, your condition financially is improved, and will vir tually cost you nothing, where is jour excuse. It is true, you can get along wttnost going to sucn places for your information, but it is doubt ful whether you can call yourself in dependent, without some operating outside influences, because ail we have came through, or by outside fore. To atttin to a higher degree in in; 1 lectual attainments, is not intended to retard our progress, or prosperity in life, but, on tbe other hand, it is intended to better our condition socially, mentally and morally. If. It. Bashobe, Secretary. PBEACHEES' AT A DANCE. A splendid rebounding juke is re corded at Eaobnoster, ilo. The worldly young men at that place got up a dance and extended an invita tion to every m:n Jeter in town. Near ly a'l the ministers attended, and ia the midst of the revelry Ittv, Frank Rjsstl, of the Cumberland Presby terian Church, and Rev. F. H Brigham, of the Methodist Episccpa' Chuixi', b&id they w?re thre by special invitation and asked the privilege of occupying a part of the time. Kev. Mr. Kus-iei read a chapter in the Bible acd Rt. Mr. Brigham offered prayer, the set vices c-ceupjiog about thirty mioutes. Drinciug waa then resnmed, bus evidently not rclisLed as it had been before tiie eeivicea. Th-3 party a j'jurne i with out completing their programme, at a much earlier Lour than Lad been anticipated. FARM FOll SALE. 'ft? order.-igsc:!, offers lis Lcicc etfed farm, in Monroe township, ubcut three quai tors of a miie from Evendale, at priv.iie sile. Tbe 'arm consists of 100 acres more cr les-a, aH clear land excepting about 5 acres, which is in timber. The imnrovw mcnts sie a g od frame house, frame baLk bbiu. wagon shed, hog pu:, spi it g Lonsf, tbe spring rcver fnila. There is also a well of never failing water at the hout-p, church, school house, store aud mill conveniently near. There is a peach orchard of 800 ti ees on tbe firm. Addiesp, Balthaseb LAUvrn, Evendale, Juniata Co., Pa. Jan. 5, '98, tm. vTASKI5iGTe.V& BlLTDlOItt Special Ten nay Exi:urioii via Pcnugylranla Railroad- To afTord an opportunity to visit Washington while CoDgreaa is ir 688ion, the Pennsylvania liailroad Company has arranged for a sciies ol low rate t6n day excursions to the National Capital, to leave Pittsbur?, Marck 17, April 14, and May 12. Roncd trip tickets will be sold at rates quoted below, good going oi, special train indicated, cr on train ir j T. i i t o i a and carrying through sicepfng cars to Washington, returning, tickets will be good on any regular traiu exctpt the Pennsylvania Limited; These tickets will also be gojd to stop off at Baltimore within their limit. Special troin of through p.ir loi Cnis and eoaches will be run or. tbe fo'lowirg 'jVcdaV: Tram leaves. Alicona 11.40 A. M. Bellwood f 11.52 " Tyrone 12 03 P. M Huntingdon 12 35 " Bedford 9.25 A. M. Mount Union fl2.54 P. M. Bates 7 35 7 35 7 25 6 65 G C5 6 33 5 CO 5 25 Lrtwietown Judc'I... 1.33 M:flliu fl.50 X :wport 12.24 Duij cannon f2 44 4 60 I 20 WasbingtoD, arrivei7.15 ' I'sfcsengers will uaa vgu'r-r train through to Washington. " f " Stops only on notice to agent. Should the number c f Passengers not be enmcif-nt to warrant tho run oing of a special traia, the company reserves the right to carry partici pants m this excursion on regular train. Tickets on sale in PitUburp; at Union Ticket Office, 3C0 Fifih Aven ue, and Union Station, end at e'A statioLS mentioned above- For full information apply to agents or Thom as E. Watt, Passenger Agent West trnDietrict, Fifth Avenue and Smilh fld Street, Pittsburg. ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for one purpose, namelr, a receptacle for t ta urine, aud as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by oce of two war p. Tbe first way is from im perfect action of the kidceys. The second way is from careless local treatment of otbfer die easrs. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy mire frcm unhealthy kidneys is the chief cauae of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blidder, was crea?d for one purpose, ard if not doctored too much is no! liable lo weakness or uieess?, excopt in rare caEeu. It is situated back of and very clof.e to the bladder, there fore any pain, disease or inconveni ence manifested in the kidney?, back, b'under er urinary pass-e i3 often by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of sotuo sort. The error is easily made aDd may be easily avoided. To find ont correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraor dinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Boot, tbe great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon rexlized. if yon need medicine yon should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar Xoh may havea sam pie bottle and pliaraphlet bottle both sent free by mail, upon receipt of tw cent stnmgs to cover cost of post age on the bottle. Mention the Jun iata. Sentinel and Bepublican and wad your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. LA GRIPPE. Since L Grippe L.ss been piev&' lent in this country, there has been found but one Specific. Dr. Humph leys' "77". For sale by ail drug gists, 22c. - LEQJL. OTICE IN PAKTITION. i i I IN THE ORPHANS COURT OF . ! JUNIATA COUNTY. Tn f h mot tor tt 'i a . . c . v. 1 m ext;it of W'illinni Itoi-ri.n i i: I icr, jaie or rayette townbip, deceased n... ii r . r . ... . . i jicuoth j. iiiciiiRier, widow; A. Franklin McCul'v. Ffimr .- ' - ) V I.I 11V.UI1 Tyrone, Pa. ; I. Elliot MeAlixter, l)oflre', . ... , ihhj Ax-.-iiisiicr, jicviis- temlle, Pa. ; Minnie Martin, Miffiiu tnwii. Pa. : and l.ivv-.f 11 i;t.i Willie ii. iic.Vlister, and Saruh Elliel M('A!lHltr. whiiw im-irli.it. .,,1 li i. Wilberforce Ht hweyer, of MitlUu- 4........ I .. T.- J 1 - r . - . . . I '"i'a- ju. ivenv, ..Miners-; w , m. , utninc j.. .T(miani, r?rruce . , .iiai.v it. jio.ver, walnut, Pa. ; John E. Jamimm, Swales, Pa.; David M. Jamison, Ambov, liliiiois ; I.tR-ian W. Jamisc n, Kat Paw Paw, Illinois ; Isaaac M. Jamison, Hwales, Pa. ; Jennie K. (iushurt I'.nrkpi In diana : Clara If. Jamisnn Hwalra P Clara M. Moore. Canin Hill. Pa. :' Julia' Caswell, Mount Joy, Pa. ; Iiouis E. Fos ter, iYana)t iry, mo. ; William JSell. Stutiensvillc. Ohio ; 'J honnw Hell, Kn Klewood, Chicago, Illinois ; Marv Hell, Sewickley, Pa. K.nilv liell, Sewieklev, Pa. ; James Bell, Pittsburgh, Pa" ; Mary M. C-reenaw.i-.iK , iVjcii.i Vista, Pa. ; Ella Jtell .ea( r;.st, West New ton, Pa. ; Laura Hell Mi. Vlintnr. W'pst X'w. ton, Pa. ; T. M. T. P.ell, JJuena Vista, Pa. ; Mary Hell, Allhen v, Pa. ; Ar thur W. Bell, Allegheny. Pa. ; l:rshall Heil. Alltheiiy, Pa. ; Elizabeth Bx-imv, .tiKKiieii.t, i a. ; .viariaiine levvitt, Fre-no, Fresno Co., 'al. ; Warren Mc CuIUxh. Milan, Sullivan Co., Mo.; Elis::ijeth Hewitt, liejrer, state of Mis souri ; Sharon McC'ulloch, Ifejrer, Mis- SOIil'C I HDll til .-ill (,;l:r Tvrqilim inloi-- ested in said estate. lake notiie that on the 7th dav of Feliruarv. 1S!K th Oi-i.l.m.u a,'rt a.f Juniaia county, awarded an iiKjuert to umivu iniiit!on anu vaiuaiion or certain real cstateof the said William Harrison McAlister, deceased, consisting of eight certain mesKitgcs and tenements and tracts of l.-ind f.11 .ltiiit in ship of Fayette, in the county of Jnni- i.i tin. i i-ennsyivaiiia, to wit. Tract No. 1, being the mansion house and prciu!e of deceased bounded on the north by tra- t No. 2, hereinafter des.Tiied: on the south lv nubile high way and lands of John C Tf.vsfcttfir .v.i tha east by landMof Elialteth Iteckman: and on tbe west by public hiirhwav and lands of B.C. McAlister and lands of Samuel Watts; containing two (-2) ai res more or less, ami havim; thereon erected a brick dweiiiti;; house, frame oarn oiner ouiutill(liu!H. Tract No. 2. A lot of I'timn.) I.imulnl on the north by an alley : on the south bv tract No. 1. ilcs. ril Mfl flllilf - fill till. east by tract No. 1 ; and having on tbe west, a front of lifty feet or there abouts on Public hiprhwav leading south from thevillaeeof McAlistervil! ((III- tainin; forty (40) jieiches more or less, and having erected thereon a large brick dweliini' liii::s. fr.-ini i.urH other outbiiiMings. - ' lr: t -o. 3. A lot or pan-el of land Icuiuied on the north by public road or Main street leading east and wot tlsrouli the village of McAlisterville: on the south iiv an allev : on i!ha c-.tlix' lot of Henrietta Sieber: and on the west by an cllevand lundsof I-'alwutH H'ion.j- and liitvimrpnu-fuil ttiin.wi rr....... dwelling houses, frame stable and other oiii'-unuiMfis. Tract No. 4. A l.-a:-tof arable land being lieid, lKiiiilel on the north bv publH! highway si:d la; ids of E. I.. Jam ison : Oil the HOIlth bv l;m: . i;..rn- I,.t owned by J, N. VanOrmer anil oth ers, and containing ten acres more or less. Tract No. 5. A fnirn 1 UI1 ll'IfU'T till north by lands of Peter Koontst's heirs ; on the south by lands of Isfae M. Jam ison, andHenrietta Sieber; on the east bv miblic road ami biiwl-i of T.,n. r Jamison and William H. Knouse ; and on tne west by public road and lands of Henretta Sieber, and "containing forty-, two (4 acres and oiic hundred aiid thirty two (1;;) pen hes and allowance, having erefiel tbercoii fntnie barn cud house, Tract No. 6. Farm bouedpd on lb. north and east by public luhwra-; on' i ne sontn i.iy lands of Stuck's heirs ; and on the west by laud of Jacob V. Shelley ; ana containing twenty acres and forty three perches, having erected theron'a bribk mansion house, frame store kec ing stand, frame bam and other buiki- ines Tract No. 7. A tract of land and farm hounded on the north by lands of C. i. Shellenlierger; on the south by lands of Joseph ;. bong. Mid William" II, Ihm nels ; on the east by land of Isaac !Ien ner; and on the west by lands of Jonah Dunn; containing forty-fhur acres and ninety-nine lurches, there being erected I hereon a stone dwelling house, frame barn and other buildings. Tract No. S. A tract of woodland, Uumdcd on th'; north and ta.,! bv i-snds of IScuiumin St m-k's heirs: on the south by lands of John F.hrenzeller ; and o:i the west by lauds of William H. i!an nels ; and containing two acres and one hundred and three perches. The said inquest will be held on the premises of the Mansion house, said house I eir.g on tract No. 1, above de scril.ed, on Fill DAV THE NINTH DAV OF APIS I L, A. D.. I'itiS, AT ft O'CLOCK, A. M., at which time and place vou are requested to attend if vou t hink proter. S. CLAVTON STONKH. SherifTs oflii-e, Sherii'". Milllintow n, Pa., March f), 1S9S. MIFFLINTOWN, MARCH 16 Viicst 92 C.rrn in err .... ..... 80 22 R e 3J Cloverre'-d $2 to $2 60 FiWtr 16 Frcs Ilaiu.... St:on'il-r r.a.-d . . Sl-tm Yinrmtbr seed, F a-, fc-c-d. .. . , Kn Chop. ... . . . ., it diiling.... tiroamt !u -Americans a' t, .. MS ... 12 .. 12 ... ... 7 rl.JJ . . ;i .. 70 to 9!),-. .... 93 .. o .. UCc .85 Salt. I'HILAIllLrHlA V.UIKF.Ts. Mar. latll, 1893 - Vb a'$l .00; corn 34-; rats Sir; bu::c-r 12 to 25c; c(;s 9 lo 10 '; po t?t'a 75 to 80(5 buhu?; th:a' i;s 7 to 10c; lVrsrisvlvsr.i t foba . 7 i 1' 12, 17, 40. 6t)c; Ktra tierri.H 25 to 50o a qunrf, ft cattle 3A Cc; bocs to 4-; choice Iambs 3. 70 to $5.70; veal calve $6 to 6.50. FoKnr Baows. On tliel-3;b icst i-y R-v J. Lendi-, Frarc is A. Fi rry, at'd Rebecca E. Browu, bo.h cf Ne kodu, Perry couotf, Pa: Dbessles Ei.se.s3Ek O i the 8th ir.st., by Rv. .J.jLn Lnodif, V.r. .VcLael.v. Drsesltr, .. Miss Kaie E'tfsstr, both of 'ofukmu?, this Ciuoly. . The Sales of Hood's Sarsaparillp are the largest in the world because the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla are wonderful, perfect, permanent. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. 2oc SAfONDSRFUL are the cares by Hood'd Sui-eapariliu, and yet they are simple and iictural. Hood's Sane parilia makes PURE OLOOD. jJEHCANTILE APPRAISERS, - -LIST OP DEALERS A?!D VENDEUS, OF Foreign and Domestic Mer-: chandise, ' In ikt Ccunty of Juniaia, for th-i year 1898, as approistdby tie Mer . canhle Appraiser. MIFFEINMOWN. Class. D. V. Harley, clothier. . 13 W. V. Snyder, furniture. 13 F. AV. Noble, tlour and feed 14 K. H. McClintic, hardware. 13 J. ('. Uilsn, groceries. 14 J. Howe, groceries. 14 Ij. Hanks & Co., drug. 14 II. L. Wagner, iiteri-iiant. 14 1 . 1). Musxer, gnn'eries. 14 1). Pannebaker, hardware. 13 V. If. lloilmaii, jeweler. 14 J. H. Simons, harness. 14 Ferd Meyers, cloth's, funiit'e.13 M. F. Crawford, drills 14 Emil Schott, n:er hHtit. 11 Juniata Valley liank. 8 Stewart Kllismerchant 13 Roy JJ. Showers, pool billiards John Etka, groceries. 14 George Uossart. eatting house 8 PATTERSON. Rate.! ?10. (X) 7 Ou 5 00 Clas. E. E. McMeen, merchant. 11 tis Seiber, hardware 11 W. II. Hanks & Co., drugs. 14 Uinkle A Sou, merchants. 14 HoIlohauKh & Son, clothiers 13 Joseph Pennell, merchant. 13 Win. M. Hcate, merchant 13 T. J. Midtlagb, merchant. 14 Howard Kirk, tobacco. 14 W. E. Schickel, iniplements 14 Jeorge !o:-hen, groceries. 14 M. T. Hilibs, groceries. 14 Manliei-k it Nelson, grain, coal 12 Mercantile Association. 14 North and Son. grain and coal 13 Will. Nankive!, groceries. 14 Jlirani McDonald, eating houses PORT ROYAL. Class. M. C. Dimni, men-hant 14 Mrs. E. KannclsA Co. mercli't 14 U. It. M. Kepler, clothier. 14 J. C. Sartain, grtK-eries. 14 Port Roval Rank. 10 A. J. Pettit, merchant. 14 S. II. iiashoar, liardware. 14 11. (j. Crozier, gioceries. 14 A. 1!. Heckerman, drugs. 14 Ci. T. Keener, coal i- lumber. 14 TI IOM PSONTO WN. M. E. Schlegal, Merchant. 13 E. S. Strauh, Merchant. 13 T. S. Thomifioii, grain coal 13 MILK()RI). J. C. Moorehead coal, himlerl4 (J. It. M. Wisehaupco-id. grain 12 LEALK - K. E. Harris, merchant. 14 H. R. Rohison Jc I.'ro., ni-.'rcb't 14 T. K. Reaver, merchant. 13 J. W. l.riner, merchant. 14 John 1. Keiley, merchant. 14 ' Scott Eeach, inerebaut grceriesl4 SPRLCE 1IJLL. E. J. Heckerdosn, men bant 14 J. Ij. J'artou, merv htiiit. 13 Samuel ?.loweiy, niwbnst. 14 W. JJ. Colin, nierchatit. 14 LACK. R. H. Patterso'i, mercl-.ant. 13 John Vuughan, luerchant. 14 R. J. Campbell, merchant. 14 William Showers, merchant. 14 TCSCAROIIA. J. P.. Henrv, merchant. 14 Rate. 1 $1" Ot) j 15 00! 7 00! 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 12, '50 7 00 10 00 7 00 o 00 i;aie. j 7 00 7 00 ' 7 Ort' 7 (S) 20 tK) ' 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 John T. Work, merchant. 14 A. C. lis, .;erclwiit. 11 K. E. Noble, merchant. 14 W. II. Rol.i.-:oi merchant. 14 II. S. Thompson, merchant. 14 Thomas ! larkison. merchant 14 H. S. Henry, merchant. 14 WALKER. 7 (;0 00 roo R. S. MoiVt, merchant. 14 ? E. m. Itaideman, merchant. 14 i'.lair Hetrick, grain and coal 14 W. H. Eickman, merchant. 14 W. W. Dimm, merchant. 14 Nelson (. Smith, merchant. 14 DELAWARE. 00 00 ' 00 (X 00 00 ('.. Winey & Son, merchautsl3 Samuel Schiegel, merchant. 13 E. V. Harris, merchant. 14 GREENWOOD. J. T. Dimm it Rro., merchant 14 SUSQUEHANNA. H. R. Reale, merchant. 14 E. (S. Sheaiter' merchant. 13 E. S. Rhine, merchant. 14 flow 10 00 7 t-0 00 7 00 7 K 7 "HI MONPOK. J. in. Deitz, men-bant. 14 ' tirayi.ilHiarmun vH'o.merch'sd2 1: S. S. Grayhiil, merchant. 14 00 !50 00 00 M. S. Oraybill, merchant. 14 FAYETTE. W. S. IJrmvn, merchant. 13 H. C. Sausman, merchant. 14 J. A. Varkers, merchant. 13 E. E. Smith, merchant. 13 A. J. Sausman, merchant. 13 Jacoli Winey, hardware &xd grccrie.. 1 4 FEi'.MANAGII. G. W. Heck, eating house. 8 $10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 , I0 $ 0 00 TUKBE'i'T. Noah Hertzler, merchant. 13 ?10 CO The licenses above .will ba due and payable to the Cotmtv Treaiurer on and after May lt, IStH. An a))eal will be held in the County Commissioner's Olliee in the liorouir'h of Mittllintowii, on THURSDAV, March Srd, 1S98, lietv.ven the hours of 10 o'clock, a. ro., and 4 o'clock, j. m., when and where all jrsons feeling theni.-ielves agrieved may attend it thev think" projier. Given under my band this lirst day of Kehruarv, A. D., 1K0S. "WILLIAM HANKS, Mercaltile Appraiser. Milllintown, Pa., Feb. 1, 1S!W. LOW K TES TO RALTIDfOitE ask. w.tsiiiitGrns lal Cxrurioii via Peua- 83 1 van t Uallroad. On Thurruday, March 17, the IViitiFyltrtiniii Ildilcoad C.mpaav w;ii run tha i tcoud t f its prast-Lt serlta of iow rate rnio i stHirHi..ri8 to Ba'ti uii re on 1 WTssbin;tt n. yjecial train cirrying through poller csrs and c.?aci:' wiii !-avrt l'itti,urr 8 00 X. M. Tickets wLl i l.-fo be yood on train No. 4. leaving Pittsburg nt. 8.10 P. M . cirryiry through t-leepers to SV hhlngtou Rjnnd trip tick to, Cood to return wiibiu trn. clays and good to 8'op off ot Bti'.timore, wii'. be sold at. very low rateg. Apply to tiet t Hgti.ta, or Thrs. R Wi t, PaEsengfr Agent, W-.sftrn DiBtrict, Pittsburg. Consumption Sureif Cured.. lo Twm EmxTOB: Please Inform your i -. :i-tt I hara a positive rouicdy for the aboYa-ua..,:! ;:--u3. By its tlmaly nae thonmsda of hciu!e.7 !i3n? hare been permanently cured. I shall bo gt.iC u. send two bottles of my reaedj VBKB to an .- ' i"" raada who hara eoneampUoa If tjiay i vC r'f. tbcif ExpreM and P. O. addraea. V,r:- -(uliv XiaUMOCM. U. a. 181 l V TIRED MOTHERS find help in Hood's tsarsaiMiriUa, which gives tbern pure blood, good appetite and aa neeaea VTREhCTHi - DMINISTBATOR'9 notice. Ketice is kureby giren tbat letters of A(l- i minMtratioa bave ban granted to tbe tin J denignrd npea lb? e tjto f Murtba Book, ; I lie of Fayette tnwnifeip, Juniata county, I deceased. Aujoue indebted to said I relate ia request-! to - cika prompt pay ment and those having claims or deaiau'l to present theni properly authenticated to the unaernigntd lor aettlaruent. Chailis Y. Book, " Jn.l2.'98. . Admiiilbtrator. i-jVrOTICE OF I.1CORPORA- Notic is beieby given that an aor.tici , tion will he nwto to the Governor of Pnu- 10 00 hVHania on lu?6ilav the loth, day or 7 00 ; Mm h. 1898, by J. S. Grayhill, A. J. Sans 10 00 j man, IS. J. Sha.lenbergcr. E. E. Smith acd 7 00 , Itrnry L. Smith ami others under th act " 7 00 'f Assembly cntitlnd "An Act to provile 7 00 Tor tbe incorporation and regulation ot 7 00 . ci-rtain corporation!!," approve! April L9, 7 00 j 1874, acd the snppIcaioDts thereto, lor the 10 00 charter of an intecded corporation to be 7 00 called The Juniata Telwphone and Tele 7 00 ' graph Company, tbe character aod otji-ct 10 00 of wbieb ia to enUb'.i.sh a telephone aud 7 00 ' ttb'graph line in Snyder and Juiiiita conn. 15 00 ' Iies witD connections in Perry and Mirtl:n 30 00 conntii s, and fur theg purposes to have, 10 00 , poses and erjoy all the rights, benefits 40 00 j "" prb'ilego ot aaid Act of Assembly and uv cuipii-ujoiiin lui-reio. ArKiasoa &. Piknku, Solici'orf. I ANNOUNdJUENTS. FOR CONGRESS. Ma. Eiiitos: As tbe time is agzia ap proaching for the nomination of a candidate to represent the 18th Congresf ionl District in Conctc-fSf it bahoovrs the Kepulilicana of Juniata to be cocnldrririe whom thrv wi.l j oo : f uppo: t l r that position. P. rmit Die to 7 po iii'ggst that we caiinot o bc'ttr lb:i snp 7 00 ' PCI' baT f'e: t b!. manly s-d rpntaii!e - ' rfrrstn;ttivc,Ilon. Thd. M. Jjil.on, ot l nauilierM urg. jviurirg tis rat two terms he tat bi?n in clone touch with the p opio of t! e district, always alive to th. i.- niicr ejt?, aod svilous and actiw in ndr.n. i the orac, By fiin f att e.p9 ier.ee ho i bt t tcrtib!') to foivg tiirm than ever, and a, so rail can irarn, Juniaia li.is do candidate t of t cr onn, th canotdo b ttrr tLu:i un.iLi- : niy;:s'y tupjoil .Vr. aabi.n ler rt jleriiou. A JUNIATA KeITBLICAR. . : ":ns. 1.1-i Ut'MCANS OF JUNIATA COUNTY. To t republican "f Jani'iti Gnn!: I was induced to p riuit m' tu.a) lo le used s a cird da'o f'.ir dt:.-ist to the unto convention by tbo ircp'irni.:i:ies of Irirsda, bo atsurd me tha: I uculj not Im- opposed h- uy ouo i . ilrt county. As cppnMtion to my emdldacy has s n;j du vrloped and as I Live i:0 di.-po.--i:ioii to $10 00 t ciinr into a contest within th" party, X 10 00 , hcrrt.y niiLdruw as a cat didate. .My 10 00 ; thai ks arc tenaer.d to tho many lupubli I Cues a ho bavo given tue Assurances ol " ' sttport. l.ocis K. Atkivsom. S.7 0 , , . 1250 foh uP;:si;srATiVK ole jatk. j Thereby an'i";Tiirfi tho i.a:no of J? ?Lfrt II.. l'iii.er-oii, if Finn Mil c, JnniatacouBty, $ 7 00 ; Yi.. as a cL;i-.die !or rt-'eate to the nest 7 00 Sjte Co.ven:i..n, niljji'oi to tho nilos and 10 00 n.-dgrs of tbe Rvnr.blicfcn p-t'v rf Juniuti 7 00 Ccuntv. " FAYETTE. " 7 00 j Jan. 21, '9?. ' 00 :F0n BKPSFSE.NTA IVE DE'-S'.i AT E . ; Aia.EniroB. I'lt-c-s nnrout co William $ 7 00 1 IJ. Orpr i:ii. r. nf Tmbctt !u.!iuip. a a 10 00 ' c.mdi!a:e for Delec-t'e l.t :!j next ti--p:ib 7 00 ( lican Stato couviji n. 7 00; MANY E1 U8LICAS3. j tmch 15, 838. jjoooj ass:-:viblt. 7 00 ! adi-niia, P. 7 00 ' 1 respectfully acritioccti tcy te!i as p. can j (jo 'bdato lor ttoiaiiiati'ja Ijr tbe oltiee of K?p i ri'sentiive, to r-p:tei;r j i.iii ,t:i co n'.y in the Lrgisiatii.e tt Pucnsyivr. ia, a'jbjoyt to 5 7 00jthr !es und vaajscs i t! o R-j ub'ican 7 ttO party ot Juniata. If not uMiiictt'cti 1 a :rce 7 00 t-j ruppert tUo lo:i::c n ct x'.i t r-,r!"-7 (X j I.' command a1 d !ctti-d, I ej-cii to pro. 7 00 i iect acd advance tl.e iu'ciesti of Juuiaia county as laiiLful'r as I CJr. T. K. MJAVES. ASSEiUbY. li.ir"E: Pipsse cr.nonro.: that 1 am a candidate for the ollioe of iti'pieienalivc, to it present Jun'.ati coaufy in i,o Le;i la-iur.-, sol'p-ct to Rtpubticm ru!esar.d Ufa.'s and it ni minittd unit eli'i tivl p'.tdj;.; iu solf ill favnr of econi nif, l omsty and rr'nrni in the Stt cove.-ntucn:. I also jr. m"s . ti abide by the result of t!io pri mary election. E. O. Siuaifrr, Fh. 8, lSn8. UiifctLl. UlUXtV I'll MKVAK. I t eiet.y arnenrcr. resell ai n candid ite for the Clisiiman c l ti e Rf' uli'tran count v reiMniitvc, and in niu ot my eierticn jlcdet- my eSf tn orl: fur the jot"iiitrr ests cf the Hc(utlicin paity. H- C. J'cCLEl LAN. Jai. 2"., v8. COU TY' CI! AIR VAN. Mc Vi-trrx ilitf, l a , ."J i:cU 1 j '9S. 1 liirrtby.tniii unco nie:t a " cai.diiiate or tt -e o i:i ,ii of Cha r.i:;ci ot t e JI-pu'i-'icnn ci.untv Cacituitter, ol Ji;r.: ita cm'.n'y :o le v-c-.d for Ap it 'K RjVS K-fj't A T.snibt.l.VtJiJ''OR0. i j itte t'.viiislrp. HUMPHREYS' N " . 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4; " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leucorrhea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 10 " Catarrh. No. 0 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 ' Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Dn. IIcsrpHBETs' HouEoraTnic Maxtjai, of Dlse.vses JIah.ed Fbek. Small hottles of pleanant pe'-'ct. fit the vest poeL-t. Sold by drue-?i.vtm or writ prepaid upon receipt of price. 25 conts. except Nos. 2H, and 8 are made $1.00 size only. Humphreys' Medi cine Cuinpauy, 111 Williura St., New York. HUMPHREYS' WITCH. HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." PorPtlea-Kiternnl nr Internal, Blind or BleedteBi Fbitntuin Ano: lu-tlm,- Utoedloic of tbe hentnm. Tbe relief I lmmedutv-tbe cure certain. FBIOE, 60 OT8. THIAL SIZE, 25 CTX - 0olS jf Drucclats,w era! po-plil o neeip4 of ertae. idirauu' mukcik, in l is wiau at., asw leak THE ONUV True Blood Purifier prominently in the V'":-ic eye to day is Hood's Sarsnpani-.L. Tlicit'fcn otUooas aiul OfJLY HOOD'S. DR.DAV1D Byorite Tjv Loots . Ateissok. F. H. H. r ekkkix. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Otwic.k On Main street, in place of rest- donee of Louis B. Atkinson, Baq., south Bridge street. - fOct26.1S92 Uncollecting and CoBveysnctng pronir'' ly attended to. WILDER FORCE SCOWETER, Attorney-at-Law. "Collections and all legal busi cess promptly attenped to. OFFICE IN COURT HOJJSE. DK.D.Jf .OtAVIOZO, DK. DAB WIS B.OIiVrOEC J-R. D. M. CSAWFOED & SON, bare formed a partnership for tbe practice of Medicine and their collatteral branches. OSce at old stand, corner of Third and Or ange streetdi Mitflintown, Pa. One or both ot them U1 be I'onnd at their o;l'ce at all times, notrss otherwise profosioBly es gated. April 1st, 1896. PRACTICAL. DENTIST. ; -aduate of the Philadelphia Dental 'o! ge. Office at old established lo cation, Bridg Street, opposite Court Honae, JlifSmlowB, Pa. XT' Crown and Bridgo work; PainloM Exlraetioa. All work guaranteed. 'PENNSYLVANIA EAILHOAD- Oa and after Monday-, N-jt. 2D, 1897, 'raius will run aS follows: WESTVTARD. Way PSRenptr, !eav-s Philadelphia at 4 30a.ic; Hurriehmg 8 00 a. m; Dtinon noa8Si.mj New Tort 9 05 . m; Uil i .)..... 11 l . t . I .t--5;jwu .y ij . t'irw.r.T V 1 0. j; Thomr'nnton 9 2.1 a. in; Van Dvh 9 Si a. m; Tu-crnra 9 31 s. roj Vexico 9 40 a. m; Tort Royal 9 44 a. m: MiMlin 9 CO a. m; pFchnlm 9 55 a. n ; Lowistoivn IB 13 n-j McV-yfowa 10 38 s. bi: Nrwtnn Hamilton II 00 a. rj; Mount Union II OS 0. m; n.in'.ippd .n 11 3 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. tn; A'!ooni 1 iU p. ro; Pitt,.Virs;. 50 p. m M ;il leaves PiiiUde'i.hia at 7.( 0 s. m Rariisbure at 11.4 ! a. m.j Mifilin 111 p m., Lewiron 1 30 p. m.; Ilnntinicdon 2 29 p. m.; Tyr.ite 2.20 p. m ; Alteon 8 45 p. in. PitUburg 8 SO p. m. Altoona Accoinraod.ttion leavos K irris burc at o 01 p. in; Dancaonon o Ji I f.. m. Newp.rt 6 02 p. m; Afilleratowo 8 1 1 p. m Ttorri B.ontowii B ill p ni; Tikc t'.ira ft an j p. m; Mexico 6 S i p. iu; Port Kovl 6 33 p. 111, iMiiiiin o p. mi Llen'iol n G 49 p. nv Lew;toKn 7 l7 p. ni; .VeVejtoirn 7 30 p m; Newton tiatni'ion 7 50 p. ni; fluatine don 8 20 p. m; Tjr.me 9 P2 p. m; A'toon 9 35 p. m- rciric Express lc,7es Philadelphia at ): 20 p. ni; Harri-.biirj 3 10 . tn; K:ir-8. tUo 8 24 a. 111; niir.tMnnon3 3ta.ru; Nut--pi ?t 3 51 . m. Port V.n 4 :tl a. m; Mif tiir 1 37a. nt; l.britnn 4 0" a. m; Uc Veion5 21) a. ir; linntlnirdon 6 01 a 1 rr; Tyrone G 35 a. 01; Altoon 7 40 . j ! YUtttimg 12 1') p. m. ' j Ojftt-r I'zprc-ia luares Phi's!?!j.-hl.i at 4 85 p.n.; K iiiit.i;rg at 10 2-" p. m; Kewron I 11 0-i p. tn; Wiffiin mo r. ,. LewiKfown ! ll.f 8 a. n:; Ku:itir.?:!on 12 55 a. rn.; Tvront I 1 a n-i Altoona 2 CO a. ir; Pittsburg S SO I a. r.i. Ft Line l.-cvi-s PLitadelpliii at 12 25 p. m: Htfrrribnrg S 59 p. m; Oiincsmo 4 13 p. tn; Nrwpnr: 4 b p. rr; Mifliin 5 t-7 p. in. Ltwdtoo n 6 2 v. c: iloiir.f it. mm K CJ j o:; Hiintiiigdun 6 27 p. m; Tvror.e 7 tt f I ra; Altoona 7 10 p. o; Pittabarg 1130 j P- " ) KAST.TAKD. j M .oni:( Accomffifirtaiion leuyrs Al 1 toona at 6.ti0 a. ni; Tyrone 5.2-5 a. ni. jarrivra at Huriinrdon 11.55 a.' m.; I Hutif.BRd.in at 6 08 a. ir; Kt-wton Iltni ji;tOB0i2a. w; ilcVoj lown 6 S'i a. m; I Ltnrwlowt: 7.00 a. tn; Hiffliii 7 20 a. ni; I Ti rt Royal 7.-J5 ir; Mrx'co 7 30 a. m; J Tl.ompfontrwn 7 4i a. m; M;!!nrstown 7 50 j a. ni; Newport 8 CO a. Diincaunon t.21 , a m; HarriGburg 8 53 a m. I a Shore lr.r.(-s Pitttsbisrg 2 30 a tn; j Altoona 7 15 a m; Tt-o::b 7 4 a rn; Ilunt i: rilor 8 S' a u ; Vt:Vi ilo.vn 9 15 a jc; l.t Wigtown. S S" a iu: Ai lJiin 9 55 a m I port lii.yal 9 AS a u.; TI.itpsnnton:i i) n j Mtile-.st -n 10 22 am; ft e port 10 82 a m; ! Dnrratmi'ii I't 54 a in; Varrscille 1 (.j j j n.; Urribr.rr 11 25 a ni; PhUadol, jia 3 0t !pi. Vnin Lir.i' Ksprtsi leaves Pittsburg ai ; 8 IiO a. n-; Altoona 11 4H . m; Tyrono 12 j 03 f . n;; Mwiit r pti-.n 12 S5 jt, ni; Lewis toD 1 33 p. ni; U:iia 1 iW p. iU; Harris j bury 3 10 p. n.; Bjlt:!nori? a tm ni; Wash I icton 7 15 p. m; phi a lclphia ti 23 p. m; i Nevr Torit 9 SO p. ra ''"il ieavt-s AltoiMii at 2 t5 p. nj, TTr.-n-1 2 ho p. ti. Hl.rtir..ioi- 3 17 p m; Nipt:ir iJamill.-ti 3 47 p. V:-VvtoB 4 20 p. 111; , i.-tii.st..i! 4 33 p s-; V Hlin 4 65 p. m. I Port Roya" 5 00 p. I.:; .Vosicn 6 20 p. m: ! Thoni!""in;o vu 3 ifi i 1,:; Milu ri-t.i vi 3 28 p. m; ewp.i!t 5 K7 p. in; Daiicmnon 6 68 p. r.i; tLtrrisfcurg (5 4-3 . ni. Vei! K!.p iHi;'.-s Pi't-b irj at 1 yg p ni; Aoi-'-.a 05 p. n:; Tytune ti 37 p m Hii:i'ir''i.a 7 2u p. ni; JicVryto.rn 1 p. n-; l.t R isioivn ! 2-J p 11.; JM ttlin 8 47 p :u; Vr.ri ii- vai rt 52 p. m; H ii!i-rsti.wn 9 !G c I ia T 1 v ; ott V 2 i p. 1:.; Itur-catinua 9 50 y. . n; K -rri i nt- K 2.1 p. 1:1. 1 I'ti:! v!i i V. , Kr .r s-4 l.-jv-s Pii;:;a c a: 4 8'J p m: Al oo.m 'J i5 p."n:; Vvrstso 9 -ii p. ni; !:ui gd.in to 12 p. tn; .Vmii.i IJn. ion 1" 32 i.-. il; I,:Ki-:;w,i 11 ii? p. m; Mil. t! in 11 37 p. p.i; -Rnrrisb 1 00 a. m; Ph;! 6dcli;!.!a4 JO Duw ( 33 a. m. 1 '.VI rTOVT X in. l-iOX. Tr:iL ft r Mi! b:irv 6. 7 3.1 a. m. av i 05 p. th., I. tv:! Sutsl.n: lor I.f;t!.ma 10 05 a. D find 2 45 p. m ; tor Jlilrov 6 33 a. m. 10.20 a. tn. end o 10 p. ni., wet-k l&y. TYP.OSE 1J1V1 ION. Tr:.iPH Itravc tor Belltfcclu aud Lock flavi n at 8 1C a. w., 12"30 ohd 7 15 p. ro., leave Lock ilivtn tor Tyrone 8.65 p, ni. and 4 15 p. n. TYKONE AND Cl.r: A it i- l EL! R. K. 'trams leal- 'trctie Iit t.'IfarnVkl acd UCurttt-nsvi'l-.i b 10 a m.. S.'.Osn t 7 2'; p iu.. Iii;ve Ca : nsvi-i' lor Tyrjiwat 9.15 a. m , " 1 i p ni , End 7 rt' p. ni. FiT, ra'ii-., mup3, etc., rail on Ticket - Agent , r.r addrefs, Tlioi" K. Wutt, 1. A. V. IK, Fltib AvctJUf, i'ittr. Lurp, Pa. J. 15. llfTCUISON, J. Li. Wood, Geo'l Maoaj;er. tjeu'i Pass. Agt LEGAL. X) li IN Ii 7 1; A TOZ'S KOTICE. Ktlaie of KlizuLelh Alagrudtr, dectaserf. l. Hero ut A' mm ruiion on ike cbuve eetatu having been grar.tvd to the - uadrr. HKDi.'il. all p rsj ii." lnd'-bteJ ta tbo aatd es tate art- n qucsitd to ni.:Ke payruc-r t, and thoiiK hav'i-g c!.tiuM to profoi.t tho came witlifiii: d;!:y, to Calvin li. Haorcder Ilex co. Jun-ata .. Pa. Adminisrrator O.- hi- at:o:i.y. Jou.x J. PiTTtan is, Jr., f ti! H:i ti, Juuiata Co- Pa. Trade Marks Designs fYTl Copyrights &c Anyone nd!nff a nketch and 4esciiptKn may quickly ascertain our opinion free wn-tner an invention i probahly patentable. Corinnmhit tionsstrictlrconadentUU. Handoo!ton Patents ent free. Dlrlest sxtmcy for Becurntp patents. Ptitents taken through Uunn & Co. Kwlte special not-c5, wunoox ennrpe, tn tee Scientific Jlnertcdii. A handsomely flrastiBted weeklT. jLanrest cir culation of any wttenttnc lonmaX Terms. $3 a r. jLanrest eta J. Terms. $3 i ill newadeaien y"ir ; roar ntmuu, 91. euia uj tu newatieajera. f.:uo&no.33i NewYort Branch Omee. X W Bt, Waahlnetoo, 1 viA14. 50 YEARS' A CHEAT REVOiUTIOW m PRICES. ' The greatest Sacrifice Sale ever known in Juuiata county. .The Remainder of our winter etock consisting of men's and boys overcoats, men's and boys, suits, Gents Furnishing Goods will be sol i regardless of cost. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY, to buy winter Koods at MEYERS WHOLESALE AND RE- -r - . - - . ,x .-r. i , 1 111 TAIL CLUTmiNU HUUiSJi, GREATEST CHANCE EVER OFFERED by any house to furniture buyers. Preparatory to receiving and placing on sale our Spring stock, we will inaugurate a FLD0E CLEAR! N C. in the furniture department that will eclipse anything of the kind ever attempted. IT HAS ALWAYS been our rule never to do things by halves. When we cut, we cut deep- cut clear through to the marrow. Every piece of furniture now in our slock is marked at n price from 5 to 5 per cent less than the corres ponding goods are obtainable else where. Yet in spite of this fact, we have concluded to olfer cash dis counts of from IIS to 50 per at for a limited time only. . WK DELIVER lUKNlTUin FREE OFiCHAliGE. FER0 MEYERS, TBE LEADIXG CLOTHIER, FCRISITURK ANDll.nOUSH FCRNISHINO G OODS, 115 AND 117 BRIDGE STRKET, MIFFLIXTO WN, PENN'A. Tascarofa V?Jley Eailroadv scmaaojE is effect' moxdaT, sov. 29, 18S7. EASTWARD. STATIONS. PAJLY, EXCEPT SUMDAY. iNo.1 No.3 A. M p. jj. Blairs Milln Iv Waterloo Leonnru's Grovo Roes F .ria Porulacii East Wati-ifor-J Tftcknuui 7 40 7 45 2 00 2 05 2 10 7 50 7 57r2 17 8 03 S 15 8 25 8 SO 8 37 8 45 8 40 S 55 3 5S 2 53 2 35 2 45 2 50 2 57 3 05 3 09 3 15 3 IS 3 25 3 27 3 30 3 33 Honey Grove Fori. JJirrham Warble v Plea 83 "I View. Sevm Pines Spine-. Hi!! Grafc ii isj's Slewcrt..-. Fiiedcm Turhttt OMPort Poit Eoyal Ac. v) 05 3 07 9 10 3-13 9 18 i 38 3 43 Trains Nor. 1 and 2conriHct at Port Royal vi:h Way Passenger and Seashore Espn-sn on P. li. U., and Nos. 3 and 4 with Mii! east rTrSTWARD. STATIONS. DAU.T, EXCEPT SCNDAY. No.2 NTo.4 A. M. P. M. Port Itoyal ..... Old Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Graham's Spiuce Hi:l Siveu Pics Pifiasntit View Warble Fort Biphsm Honey Grove Keckiaavi E rot Water ford . . . . PeruWk lioss Ftirm Ltoiiard'B Grove. . . Waterloo Bliiir's MiiiB Ar. 0 010 1.310 2 8!10 3.7 10 4.410 5.o!io 6.310 7.2jll 9.011 30 5 05 37j5 12 425 17 45;5 20 4815 23 COjS 57 15 cop 0G5 lOio 181-5 25 32 35 41 45 53 10.0 12.0 14.0 15.1 17.5 20.5 25j6 00 30 16 05 40 6 15 52 6 27 CS G 33 05 C 40 10 (5 45 15 C 50 22.0 24.012 25.5112 27.0:12 Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's Mills with Concord, Doyle.burg Dry Run, Wosaville, Neeljton, Shade Gap, Shade Valley and (loebero Station Stage Lines J. C. MOORHEAD, Superintendent. T.t ti. ;:0ORUEAD, President. irf'ft. "fctablfc Kaon en T7cr.-'k a t la i tkls uiedlcUic free of ehurir .'Sa rncdy has been crepared h? th. . i,lti.a.ea undorllU diWuoa Ss Ox i:CJ4lC MED. CO.. Chicago, Ii5. p -'. ly Drassists ct SI ver Bottle. BfbfC ..-t.c 51m. St.75. 6 Bottle for 89. UOOD'S Sarsaparilla has oreraad over again proved by iu can. It to tbe Cut Tn CLOODPrtS. ana save aouars , RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pEBBY COFVTr RAILROAD. The following schedule went Infe effect Nov. 16, 1896, and the trains will be rn m follows; r. m a. m Leave Arrive a. a n m T30 9(M Dancannon 7 54 4 36 9( 6 King's Mill 7 43 2 Ja 9 9(9 ;3ulphn,8prlnc74e 2 20 8 41 9 11 "Corraan 8idine 7 4t 3 la 4 45 9 14 BIontebeIloPark7 4I a is 4 46 9 15 'Weaver 7 40 t 4 51 9 1!) R.Hjdy 7 I V 4 64 9 2-' noffman 733 2 f 4 66 9 24 .Royer 5S 4 69 9 2- '.Vahanor 7 2 K 6 10 10 43 Bloomfleld 7 fa , 2? :vT7s,e 'S li -iKSr 77o? 11?; 5 27 1005 Elliotsbnre 6 68 I! 6 84 1017 'GroenP uk fi 4H 1 1 5 S7 10 20 -Montour Vnnc B tl 1 ik 6 02 10 35 Landi0 J P.mu.n, Arrive iSiwV B " -n. arrives at Landisharg at k.L m' Cms. C. Smiist, Presidcnl. s. n. bsok, Sapt. TOLiM VAL STATIOys. West-ward. East ward. 2 4 AX p M 8 86 4 00 i 27 3 67 23 t 6 8 20 8 50 16 3 4 811 3 41 8 08 8 88 8 00 8 82 7 45 8 15 ? 10 t 10 ' 84 3 04 7 26 SH 7 Ifi 2 49 7 15 2 45 7 10 240 7 03 2 88 68 2 24 60 2 20 1 Newr--1 1 . Buffalo Bridge Juniata furnace"" nahoota Watr Pin . F;lcomtiel. Jm'ci'a, a.VvKoi Ellir.tihhiiry. Gr?en I'rk.""" I.ovsri!i(i " Fort Rob.a".""" CeDier " Cisoa'a Rnn """" Anderaouburff Mount Pliaut ... few Germani'n . 6 06 10 85 6 08 10 RH 1210 42 B 15; 10 45 6 25 10 62 8 2-2 11 111 6 8111 09 6 89,11 09 61 11 21 6 64 11 24 7 05;il B6 7 ll:il 41 7 15!11 45 ' 21 11 61 7 27:1167 " 35 12 05 7 4112 11 7 46!l2 16 i. fj RING, President and Manager K.. Miileb, General Acent. FAROUHAR. a9 Qax-Gsaler CraRk Engine rpifl, acenrwe. Btrong and rtmpl-. with tors. Bll:s or whrels. fifrpr.-. anrt.re. No Fartuta, woller ban erer ex ploded. Aleo manfla.-u gner.lly. Buy Vrec, A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., YorkJaI 1i I & 3 ti A wonderf al UnnroTemvnt ! t " -" - 7".";--'t4 V "f V t. r -.i L3 J - . - -