Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 02, 1898, Image 2

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- v.l?FLlNTOwy. '
; r ct V 1, i ti li,
s-iiTSs. aS r.-o:-iI;'!.
The Apartucst House I Breaking Vp
American Ilome.
I bare lio mind to barrow Bp tho
luicils cf ay rcadsra with any explica
te u of tho miseries and mysteries that
confront tlio averaga housr keeper in tho
daily ii-.nim.-m.nce of a simple but com
fortable existence for ber family. As for
herself, an existence ct all seems a
struggle which at times shewoald glad
ly give over. One might deSno a bero
iun as the average American woman
who doefl ber own housekeeping. Bat
scute hiutof the nnnatnral and unhappy
state cf affairs existing at present may
be deduced from the consideration of
two economic facts.
Tirst, woman is by natnre a homo
founder and a homcmaker. This is not
intended as an assertion of personal be
lief, hnt as a statement of scientific fact.
Ir was woman net man who opened
tlia indnstrial world. It was woman
who mado the first rude dwellings and
drr-sscd tkins and wove .textiles for
clothing-. It was woman and net man
who mada the first fire- and the first
utensils for cooking and the first milo
tools for indot-trial ends. All her activi
ties clustered about tlio hearth and nsin
ri to the borne. If the woman and
h'work bad not reacted cponeacb oth
er fj tb;:t today women thonld te by
nature bcmmiakers and home lovers,
thcro are still depths for the k:iti.-is
to sound ia the working of heredity and
of natural stleetitu.
And yet here is my second fact tho
enoru'ous .iks cf tt.or;e and brick rapid
ly filing the choice plots of ground ia
our laifre cine:; r.ud t-huttiug out tho
lit-lst cf benven with their g;blid tops
aie mute if iiotniapuificent witnesses to
tiiy fort thnr the inv?' trifut of CP.Mtfil
io all di'aiust the perpetuation cf the
eepairatu home. The shrewd incdcru in-vt-Ftor
is willing to pet hundreds cf
thousands aguinht hundreds cf dollars
thrt (for his lifetime at least) women
are going to prefer the case of the apart
ment hotel to tho separate bcu.sn with
its privacy, its own table, and a!:;s
its own service. Helen Watttr.son
Weedy in ."Scribncr's.
Xhey Karly.Talte Life Scrion!y Vulese at
a Funeral.
"Tho 'i Viennese is a jolly, good
natured, shiftless creature," writes Ed
ward A. Kleiner, di.--cus::ing "Austria
Rnu hlfr Tronliics" in The Woman's
l-fi-ifim f !il t.;n. !. Tl
"Ko people Oil tho earth are so joll
t.t so rail;- utd so much amiuul. Co to
thn X'lattr, tho lurpot puMic park in
Lurc-rie, and from 101) dilTereat ber
gardens comes the neiio cf tootiiii: brass
lauds and stunning ftet ::ir.l beating
drums. Jleny go rounds twing old and
yi.uag, and rtiii-c museums and music
aijs ure full of peopl as tluy uro
empty of It; un-y. (jo to the theateis on
any liifriit nml yon will find tiitri
crowdrtl by an tntiiusiaitic audience,
the galleries tilled by noisy t-tudeuls rnd
v.oiliim; pi'.ls. Tho court theaters:,
which nro.-cnt only legitimate dramas
and c ccras, have ulo their nniui-rccs
devotees. Ho to th'j coffee koiwxs, cf
vbicli tbcio is one en evtry censer, sad
ycu will f nd them full, c:-;:cci:;Hy i:i
tho aftcniocii, with mcicbants with
t heir noses :u the iscvitpssiitfrss tvl cleri:s
sir;-,;)!" their J-Iuch;i an-.1. eMict is y.v,- l:-
tbeir cicai'd cud cuii. pn.siiiuy " i
'fgn-hi.Slid'T youths. At nlgl.-t ttc-.
loSr.clxesewJ'c0 the rciuitzttcs eX
the lor.tr tkm'cut. - . I . ? :et ucu
the Vi-jraer-? rerior., n!'!-:? is hi P-j J
fcu..il, r.ud I cpi.OEe thi tT. ii cct oi 1
that be maiiEyes to get in:. jet
bo is tu;-i!y extited, r.nd citLcr-jI; I.'.ycl
and l 'v; al bi rood I i"a"
tjnickly turn into a fieiy pa.-.sit.u, sad it !
Vieuncsc riot a serious raar.cr for the J
p. lire. ' I
Kali I i.:sr Iirk-.
It is now 80 years siiicc tir Wa'.t.r j
Rakish lived iu Ireland, but, uccordiiij
to fc ii Jubu Pci.o of Heuuts.-y i:,a::y
traces nf his re.-i:leuco there can still br
!i. j'ho richly perfumed yc-llo'V v.ail
rlowers thut ho i.r :;y!it to Irehsl'd fro:.:
tlio Aziies aim t!.u Affau ch' Try am
still found v here ho lirrt plijuted thtm,
by the IJIuekwater.
Some cedars he brought to CV.rk are
to this day trowing ct ii ; !:iee called
Tiyio. The four vou'-iuUe yeiv trees, the
branches cf which have twined and in
termingled into u stit ot ;.r.inmer bouse
tbatcb, are pointed oat us hning shel
tered Raleigh when he l:r.-t smoked to
bacco in his Youghul garden. In that
garden be also planted tobacco. A few
steps farther cm, where the town wall
of the thirteenth century surrounds the
garden of the warden's house, is tho fa
mous spot where the first Irish potato
was planted Ly him. Chicago Record.
Cinsai- - Cnildron.
- The Cingalese children are said to
be moro i.eautiful than those cf auy
other race ':u the four continents, ai;d
tome, of the litflo girls, even cf the veiy
lowest ciiKtc, are irresistibly pretty as
they run before you in tho streets to
beg. They try out in the sweetest and
m-s.t plaintive cf voices, touching the
stomach to signify hunger in a way that
would be av. Uward and vulgar in any
other being, but in them it is so win
romo that before you know it you sacri
fice a rupee to the bad etiuse of encour
aging them iu begging knowing quite
well that all they want is a good oppor
tunity to pick your pocket fe.r more.
Ooe of the lsleftningfi of Work.
"Oh, I guess it's a good thing I have
to work so hard !" said a brooding per
ie.il. "Why:" said the othe-r.
"I don't have so much tinio to think,"
said tho first. New York Sun.
The If trrrliiir.
A medical authority ou the virtues of
varieus kinds of food declares that the
herring gives the muscles elasticity,
tho body strength and the brain vigor
and is not flesh forming. Pittsbarg
The 1-atal Spot.
"And where was the man stabbed?"
BAv d the excited lawyer of a physician.
'Tho man was stabbed about an inch
uud a hid ; to tho left of the medial line
and about an inch above the umbilicus, "
was the reply.
"Oh, yes, I understand now. But I
thought it was near the town haU."
London Fun.
The Bank of England employs about
11,000 men and has a salary list, in
cluding pensions, of about $1500,000
per annum.
Russian koumiss is made of mare's
milk and kept in smoked out leather
The next transit of Venus occurs in
3004. - :
Fires Set n the Urine Turtle to Sep"
rmt the Booy Layers of the House la
Which He Uves A Business That
Struck an Observer as Heartless.
There are many articles of daily and
hourly use constantly passing before
our eyes and through our hands about
the production of which we know com
paratively little or nothing. An inter
esting example of this ia tortoise shell,
from which combs and hairpins are
made, besides a multitude of trinkets
for the dressing table, the desk and
the pocket. Fierce cruEadcs here been
instituted in recent years against the
slaughter of birds for tho procurement
of their plumage for bat trimmings,
and yet I venture to say that the proc
ess of procuring tortoise shell is a cru
elty to animal lifo which far exceeds
that to which birds are subjected.
In the eighties I happened to be down
in lilueflelds, on that awful Mosquito
coast, and at the invitation of one
Manuel Latona, who was the owner and
captain of a small schooner, went with
him to the cay El Roncador for tortoise
shell. This cay gets its uamo (which in
English would be the Snorcr) from the
exceedingly angry surf, which can be
beard for a lcng distance breaking over
the reefs. This is the cay on which a
couple of years back the historic old
ship Kearearge was wrecked and bat
tered to pieces. El Roncador is nothing
more or less than a typical coral is
land, such as ia focuu throughout tho
southern seas, three-quarters of a mile
long, perhaps, and not mora than a
quarter of a luiio across its widest part.
Surrounding tiso island is a reef, inside
of which thu wati:r is smooth and rath
er shallow, and at the bottom of this
6ballow water there grows a peculiar
kind of sea grass which ia a dainty
food for tho turtle tribes. There ia also
found on the top cf the water inside the
reef a sort cf tu;r.ll blubber fii-b, callfd :
iu SprtjisL cecriJC?, cr thimble fish,
vl Jch is p j baps the greatest delicacy
cf the entire turtle menu.
The turtle whoso shell is valued ia
commerce is a small species known as
tho hawk bill. There are other varie
ties which come to El Roncador to
spawn, but they ere i:ot molested. Dur
ing the night the turtles trawl up on
the shore to lay their tggs, each ftmr.lo
depc.f i! on i.n iivciiit-e i'beut 70. To
do this tluy dig holes iu llie tund about
two feet deep aud aficr lcyitg the eggs
cover them ever so deftly thut it is al
most impcsiuble fur a novice to find
them. The.-e eggs are really delicious
when rousted, but the turtle fishers are
caref ul not to destroy thoso they do not
take for food, so as to promote as much
as possible tho increase cf this valuable
sea reptile. At night the fishejs conceal
hcmsflve.a nlo the shrre r.s well cs
poibiijle, aud v lieu thu turtles Ouiie. up
out cf the Water cu the beach they rash
forth cud turn them over cu their bi.rhs
with iron hooks, leaving them secure in
this position until morning.
The tortoise shell cf commerce is not,
as is generally believed, the horny cover
ing or shell proper of the turtle; it is
the scales which cover tho shield. Thet
scales are 13 in number, 8 of them be
ing flat and the other o somewhat curved.
Four of those that aro flat are quito
lar;ro, sometimes being as much as 12
inches long and 7 inches bread, near'y
transparent and beautifully variegated
in color with red, yeilow, white end
daik brown clouds, which give the ef
fects so fully brought cut when the shell
ia properly polished. A turtle cf aver
age size will furnish about eight pounds
of tl'.Que lamina?, or scales, each piece
Leiug from r.n eighth to a quarter of an
inch in thickness.
It in the method by which theso scales
are lcGJcned which is tho repulsive part
cf the business. The turtles ere not
kiiled. : that would lead to tbeir ex
it'Lininaticu iu a very few years. After
capturing them the fishers wait for day
light to complete the work. The turtles
are turned over again in their natural
position aud fattci.ed finely to the
ground by means cf pegs. Then a bunch
of dried le:vcs or eta grass is sdip1
evenly over tue back cf the turtle and
set tit're. The Lef t ij ntt great enough
to injure ibe shil, merely causing it to
sepuiate the joints. A large blade, very
similar in shapo to a chemist's spainla,
is then inserted horizontally between
tho luraiuse, which arc gently pritd
from tho back. Great care must Le tak
en not to iujure the shell by too much
heat, and yet it is not forced off until it
is fully prepared for separation by a
suSItiei.t amount of warmth.
The operation, as one may readily
imagine, is the extreme cf cruelty, and
muuv turtles do not survive it. Most of
them do live, however, aud thrive, aud
in time grow a new covering, just as
a man will grow a new linger nail iu
place of one l.e might loa The pecul
iarity of the second growth of shell,
though, is that instead cf reproducing
tho crigim.1 n umber of 13 segments it is
restored in one solid piece.
To see the operation of taking the
shell from the living tr.rtle once is
about all a man of northern breeding
Wiuts of it, and if the helpless reptiles
had the power of voicing tbeir suffer
ings under it their cries would tell of
as heiu tles3 a business as man has yet
engaged in. New York Pest.
Isupuseible In Bin Case.
Hungry Higgins I see the paper says
we oughtn't to never begin a jeiurney
before breakfast.
Weary Watkins Roes it have auy
advice for us blokes that has to make a
journey to find the breakfast? Indian
apolis Journal.
The most scientific forester in Europe
says that the eldest trees in northern
Europo arc tho pines of Norway and
tiweden, and that these aro not known
to live moro than 570 yeaTS. Germany's
oldest oaks lived only a little more than
800 years.
lie Could Head Hands.
Colonel Fok;r I decline to play with
you in the game, sir.
Major Aloberly Why, colonel, doyr.u
mean to insult me?
Colonel Poker No, no, no. I mean
that you aro too well posted in the .cxi
eucc cf palmistry. Louie-viHo Courier
Journal. Sweet Sympathy.
Mrs. Dasher There's a terrible roan
f al about me hi the papers.
Mrs. Flasher I wonder how they got
hold of it? Brooklyn Life.
By Its Record of remarkable cures
Hood's Sarsaparilla has become tho
one tfiie blood purifier prominently ia
the public eye. Get only Hood s.
Hood's Pills are the best fainil
-'0i.ivt'.c iiud liver medicine. SZ-c.
tDr. David Kennedy's
WONDERFUL aro the cures by
Hood's Sarsaparilhi, and yet they
we simple ana natural. Hood's oATSs
parilJa makes PURE BLQOi
Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise, .
In the County of Juniata, for fAa year
lbys, w appraised by tie Aler
cantile Appraiser.-
D. Yv liar ley, clothier. 13
V. K. fnvder, furniture. 13
F. Y. Xoble, flour and feed 14
K. If. McCIintie, hardware. 13
j. J. Gilson, groceries. 14
J. Howe, groceries. 14
li. Ranks fc Co., drugs. 14
if. Ij. Wagner, merchant. 14
1. 1). Musser, groceries. 14
I), l'aiinebaker, hardware. - 13
Y. 11. Rollman, jeweler. 14
J. II. Simons, harness. 14
Kerd Meyers, clot h'g, furuit'e.13
M. P. Crawford, dings 14
b'mil Schoit, merchant. 11
JuT'inta Valley Rank. 8
.- ie.v.1! t KlUrf, merchant 13
Hoy li. Showers, pool & billiards
$10. 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 CO
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
15 00
:;o oo
10 oo
40 00
7 00
John Etka, groceries. 14
George ISossart. witting house 8
E. E. McMeen, mcre-liaiit. 11
Gush tSei ber, hardware 11
W. II. Ranks & Co., drugs. 14
I tinkle it Son, merchants. 14
Hollobiuich & Son. clothiers 13
!? 1 j 00
Id 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 CO
12 50
7 00
10 00
7 00
5 00
Joseph Penneil, merchant. 13
in. m. jeale, merchant Id
T. J. Middagh, merchant. 14
Howard Kirk, tobacco. 14
W. 1'. i-Vhlegcl, implements 1!
George Goshen, groceries. 14
M. T. IiiLibs, grcK-eiie:;. 14
Ma:i'ack& Nelson, grain, coal 12
Mercantile Association. 14
North and Son, grain and coal 13
Y'm. Nniskivel, groceries. 14
Hiram McDonald, eating houses
'T. V. I dmin, men hunt .14
rs. E. RannelsACo. merch't 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
20 00
7 00
7 00
7 CO
7 0-)
7 00
(!. il. M. Cepler. clothier. 14
J. C. Sartaiu, g:wer:es. 14
Port Royal Rank. - 10
A. J. IVttit, merchant. 14
S. R. ilitxhoar, hardware. 14
H. G. Crozier, groceries. I t
A. Ii. Htvkermun, drill's. 14
G. T. Kepner, coal lumber. 14
M. i;. Schkga!, Merchant. 13
E. S. Slratib, Merchant. 13
J 10 00
10 00
10 00
T. S. Thompson, grain & coal 13
J. C. M'xccl.ead coal, hinilerl4
7 00
12 00
G. U. M. W isciiaupeoal, grain 12
I . E. Harris, n.c-rcliar.t. 14
! I. R. RoWisiHi i Rro., mereh'i 14
T. K. 1 leaver, niercliaiit. 13
i 700
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
.1. V. Riiuer, merchant. It
John P. Keliey, merchant. 14
S--o(t Leach, merchant gicericsll
E. J. Ileokerdoin. merchant 14
J. L. baitou, mere liant. 13
Miiimel Mowery, men-hast 14
Y. P. Conn, merchant. 11
ii. II. Patterson, mereliant. 13
J'd:'i Vauiihun, merchant. 14
i? 7 00
10 00
7 (HI
7 00
7 00
7 00
R. J. Canipbc-II, niercliaiit. 14
William Sliowers, merchant. 14
J. li. Henry, merchant. 14
John T. Work, merchant. 14
A. C. Harris, Men-hunt. 14
E. E. Noble. mi.!t!jar.t. 14
Y. H. Ro!ji.-on, merchant. 14
H. S. Thonison, uieichant. 14
Thomas Harkisou, merchant 14
il, S. Henry, juerchai't, 1-1
R. S. Moist, merchai-t. 14
E. in. Haldemau, merchant. 14
Rlair lletiick. tiain and coal 14
W. H. Eickiiian, meitdumt. 11
W. W. Diiiim, uierchabt. 14
Nelssjn G. Siuitli. mci-eliant. 14
C. I. Winey & Son, nitrchaiitsl:!
Samuel Schle'iel. merchant. 13
E. V. Hanis, men iiant. 14
7 00
7 W)
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
S10 00
10 00
7 00
J. T
Dimm & Rromerebpnt 14
II. it. i'.eale, ineichanl. 14 7
K. i. Siiei'li'ei' n-ortliant. 13 7
K. H. I!l:ine, r.:Ci-l::;iii. 14 7
J. 111. IX:itz, nierc-h:r:t. 14 ? 7
(Sniyliill (iarnian At 'o.TiicrchV12 1
S. (Jrayhili. nter h:iit. 14 7
M. 1-3. 'iiayhill, nit-rciiuiit. 14 7
V. S. Brown, iiieichaiit. IS
II. ('. Saiisman. niercliaiit. 14
J. A. Yurkers, niercliaiit. 18
K. K. Smith, niercliaiit. IS
A. J. SaiiKnian, meix-liant. IS
Jac-oli Winey, bardwaie and
t'roc-c-i ies. 14
10 00
, 7 00
' 10 00
10 00
7 CO
(i. W. Ileek, eating Ikiukc. 8 f 5 (O
XumIi lltTt.kr, nieieluiiit. 15 $10 to
'i'lie licenses alnive v ill m due and
payaMe to the 'ounty Treasurer on and
te-r . iay 1st. lsn (.
An apiical will be held in the Couutv
I'oniuiiHsioiu'r's Otlh-e in the Borough
of MiflHintowu, on TIIUBSDAY.
larcli 3rd. lSt)S, let ween the hours of
10 o'clock, a. ni., and 4 o'c-lwk, p. ni.,
when unci where all Dersous fee!i:e
thcniselves airrieved may attend it they
think projier.
t .iven uiHler my hand this first dav
of Kchruarv, A. I)., 1.H.
Mercaltile Appraiser.
Mitllintown, Pa.,
l-'eh. 1, IWH.
Lert In the 1-nrcU. .
Simnltanccmtly a young Cornish lady
lind three fcnitcrs, representing the
church, the anny aud tho navy. The
reverend gentleman had a great advan
tage! over his rival, being always "on
tLosjict." Ucfirriiig to his iivuU in
ccTivcrsation with the lady on one ceca
sit;n, he made tho highly interesting ob-f.-rvation
thut there were "laud rats and
t-;ite-r rate."
"And cn-rr.ls, " retorted the lady.
Ncc.ilc.s to ?iiy tho parson had to look
iscrki.ro f,r a wife. London News,
stulkjng llcnoan ley.
The GocrhLr., wi;h his catlike facil
ity for taking cover, aided by his small
eise and Lirf dlenihhonud persistence
in following an evasive foe, has always
been tm aimoynuco to the stalwart Pa
th an.
On one ccxauiou tw o Goorkha scouts
were told tlf to drive away two Af
ghans who, from a neighboring sum
mit, were "sniping" at a passing col
umn. The column reached its camp aft
er midnight, and when roll was called
the two Goorkhas were missing.
Their comrades mourned them for m
few hours, but at daybreak the two
turned up, very tired, very hungry and
very thirsty, but radiant.
"We got them both," they said.
Few men but Goorkhas would have
enjoyed the sport of stalking enemies in
their own country until they "got
them both. "Pearson's Weekly.
The bladder was created' for .ot!
rtllrtinCA no mot, o rnrti.nt!rtla l.ii. lit-.
urine, and aa BUcb. lt ! Tot hablo to ! in,,.rtioQ have bZt gr.B.sd to th on
any form of disease except by one vt ;Ur!trl upon the a-uie f Martb Book,
tvo ways. . The first way is from im-' of Fareira towbsblp, Jonista coooty,
perfect action of the kiclrevs. The ' ced. Anrooo indebted to said
second wav ia from .rp,.a WrI
econii way 13 irom careitas local
trcatmeut of other dit-eaes.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy
kidneys ia the chitf cause cf bladder
troubles So tho womb, liie tha
bla.l.tr, was created for one purpose,
aurl if cot doctored too much ia rot
liable to weakness or disease, except
in rare casta It is situated back of
ami very close to the bladder, there
fore any pain, disease or iticonveDi-
ence manifested in the kidneys, back,
b aoett-r or urinary passa is often , or Asatmwy entitled An Act to proviie
by mistabo, btir-buled" to femal I ,or ,b 'c'Porion and iegMltif.n of
weess orwomb trouble of Borne j miXr S
sort, ibe Urcr IS taaily made ai d charter of n intended torporaiion to be
mey be east'j avo:ded. To find out ' cal-ad The Juniata Trlrpliooe and Tele
Corrtctly, BCt JOttr urine a8ide for eraPh Company, tho rhoracter and ut.jtct
twenty four Lour; a sed:mntT.r stt- i?1; ,"obll:h lep!bono and
.!- - -j , . , , I telegraph I'ce in nnjoer ami Ju:ii.ta conn,
tlu-g inelieates tidtey cr bladder tto. will. enneeti.H in Perry and H,m!o
trouble. Tlie mild and the t-slraor- counting, and for thee purposes to nave,
disary iff.ct of Dr. Kilmei's Swamp-' PfSS-sf " '"joy all ihe rights, benefits
Roof, the great kidaey, and blatider
remedy is eoon rei.iized. If you ceei
m-d cit.e joa should have the btst.
Soid by cirugijitit'", price fifty cnte
arid oii9 dollar. You may Lare-a sata
pie botl! and pbamphlel bottle Loth
sent free by mail, upon receipt cf '
tw r ct aiatngs to coer cost of post-
g i on ico bott.'o.
alt tit:on tbe Jun-
iaTa sentinel axd Eepcblican arid
'i d rcur address U Dr. KJrutr &
Co., Binehamton, N Y.
Special Ten Day Excursion
v a PnutjStai:la Railroad.
Sford ca opuorlnt-ilv to visit
Wa&bitigtoa hiltj Ce-rgresfl is in
Sffsiec, tlio l'enneylvania Riilroad
Ctnipacy Las crratged for a Bttifcs'of
io-.v rate ten day cxe-nisicns to Ibe
iNticr.al Uapil. (o jeave 1M! si urs'.
Marck 17, April 14, acd Msy 12. i
Round Irip tickets will be ,ee:J a1.
rat; 8 quettd bt-low, geod goirjf: on
ppcei-il train icdicaied, cr on truio
io 4, Icavma- lMtsbur at 8 10 m
and carrying tbrouj;h
. u a
s!cip:ntr cars '
to Vit.sL:i)
top, let lire IDC, tickets
will be good on arv regular train
cxc( pt tbe Pecns"ivariia Limited'
Ti.., :.i. ii "l i i
rbse tickets w-d nteo t-c good Jo
slop t il et caltiir.oro within the:r
tiroir. Special tn;it of Ihrcush par-
ier vr uci-i o.'Rer wui ce run or
ihe foiluwing tcl.ttlu!.:
Trs.i.i 'caves.
....1140 A'. M.
...fll52 '
....12 C3F. M
12.33 "
9 25 A. K.
Bell wood
llur, iiugdoi! .
Mount Uoiou
7 35
7 35
7 25
G 65
G C5
6 35
5 CO
. ..112 54 F. M.
Lfiwislowu Jueic't... 1.33
'.1 illm 11.50
X wporl VI 21
Dut.catiDon i2 44
Wtf.cbirjgtou, r.rrivi 17.15
5 25
4 GO
4 20
l I'tseageis wui usa regular
!rfiil,h in WV.ciIm r; irt rn
'(" Str lis onlv on notice (o Bstct
Should tLe number tf raesefgcisl
cct be UGiScielit to warrant the rui j
.e o. a upf ct-ii traip, ilo compat'y
n s -i vi a the right to carry par'.iii
pvcle in this txcursiou on regular
ir; i-j.
Tickeis on r a!n in Pi'thburp; et
TJjucn Ticket Offico, 3o0 Fif : h Avec
if, nr.d Union U alien, and at a-1
h'n'io: 8 mtmioKed above- For fu-1
ii f. rmatien fpply to agents cr T1j( m
s E. Watt, Fasstrgir Agnt
t-?E Ditlrict, Fifth Avei.uu arid Smith.
.Held Street, Pittsburg.
To authorize tbe Juniata Telephone
and Telegraph comjMny to erect end
maintain poles f:r telephone lines in
ihe Borough el Pttei8on, Juniata
coucty, PtiiMsylvaiia.
WhtTtBB. Tt e Juriata Tfleplif.nr
hi. d Tt-legrflph company l as appl.ed
t the RuthoritK a c f tbe Beriuli of
Ptit'e'iseiii, Penca , for pi-ruiissu-u to
crtct polf s aud run wires on the
-r.iuc over or under the streets, lanefr
;:r.d iiej. s of said Borough, ns pro
vided by the 4lli Sec:iorj, of an act,
entitled, "An act to provide for th
ifctrporaii in ard regulation of cut
tio corporations," as amended l.y hii
act approved 25l.'i of June1, 1885.
Therefore, bt it t.rciaiubd and en-acte-d,
by ti e Ctiief Bnrgtfs and Toc
Council of the Lore.u .-.'i cf Patterec-n,
rVnua-, and it is hi it by ord-ii.-jei
H''d et iu-te! : iy tlio tiuicoii'y of the
Section 1. That the Juniata Tele
phone and Telegraph Company, its
Kuccef.sc r; or as-s-ic?, lis or tLtir
nfp, Etivants and employees ere
permuted to erect aud maintain in
the- sttei-t, l-ti.es aud alloys of tbe
15oreiUf;h of Patterson, PeLna., and
over cud under tha wmt, a line or
lives i f p-les and wires with nil bucL
neces-a:y ar-d uauul (ixtureu there
for as may be neccssiry for the buc
c- sful prosecution of a telephone or
signal bueiueBS by rneana of electri
city. Section 2. That the poles shall be
rea?ocab!y straight and with the iix
tures so to be erecte d shall be put in
a safe and substantial manner and
shall be as ntta. in appearance as m.y
be, and be located by tbe street c.jui
inittee or the street coixiru'8-iion, un
der their direction in such manner
as not to obstruct said streets, Juries
aud alleys, in tLeir ordinary cus.oin
cry use and shall be erected, main
tained and cared for at the cost and
charge of said company. It is under
stood, that the poles shall be shaved
and painted by the said company.
The streets and alleys to be used for
the line shall be desiccated by Coun
cil at time of construction. Provided
that the work of - obstruction be
cuinmencdd and completed within
six mouths from the dte, this ordi
nance t-ball go into effect.
Section 3. It is hereby understood
that the President of tbe Town
Council, shall be permitted to use
the said Telephone service for Bor
ough business. Ordaiced and en
acted into an ordinance, this iifih
teenth day of February, A. D., 1898.
Secretary. D. A. MOIST,
JACOB WISE, President.
' Chief Burgess.
Approved Feb. 15, 1898.
ii m
Uot a good paper tv subscribing ior tbe j
"l"'"1 a prmp: py
, d t..rilr Armd,
! rocnt aud tboae havioK claims or demand
to prent tbem properly authenticated to
the onderiif ned tor aettlement.
; Cha(ls W. Book,
JaD.12'99. AdtninUtrator.
Notice it boieby liven lhat an aiDlci
tion will be mads to the Governor of Pann-
rylania on Im-iiay tUe 15th, Klay of
; March, 1898, byj S. Graybill, A, J. Saus
1 nmn. H J Sha lnhr. V. V c:u ...
j Pmrj L. Smith sod oihers nndr th act
nd privileges ot said Act ot Assembly and
inv uppioinonift inerece.
To t e rri nb'leann of Juniata Csmitv:
1 1 wss manual to permit my navaa to be
ojed ii a cir.4 ar tr de!:it to tho
; a'jte cenventtoa by tho imserlii! iiies 01'
j friends, bo aa&urt-d we tba. I wotil I not
j bf oppor-J by r.ny ono i tht connty. As
j opposition to niv C':dniacy l.ns a:nco de
; vrioped Mi.d as 1 have to d:sp.).i.i(.n to
er.l.r into a contrt i;liin tho tarty, I
. Iirn-by wi-.fcdraw us a cardidat. My
! thai ks ro ter.aurd to the ciany Kt-pulih-:r.sl.o
kavo gi-t:i me as.-e.ractes o'
' snppur Loi'is E. Atkissoh,
I fcen by aniio -oee lhf i.amo of lioiiert
11. l'st:eroc, of Peru Mil , Jur.ijlaco.inty,
!'., s a cai.d !ln (or delegate to the ua.tt
Sttt Ci.nveutit n, subject to tho ruin mil
ursgrs of tlio Ki-Db!!can jfy r Ju:i!ti
1 Count v
Pa YE I 7'E.
A.i.ints, Pj.
. 1 r,-cctfolly anto tcc ay ms an a can
.r iue cmce oi KeP
r-1' I'Uti'.i', id n perfctne jimiiia c nty iq
tlie L- si.vat'i e ol Pennavivroia. sublet in
:hr ' n ord usaiiffs ol the Rooubican
I1"''-' ol 'Junia'-t. It rot Bonici'tt; I a rea
i '""'n0'.' Ibeic"l';'i';1' " ; v '''.
It rcmiiiatiMi a---u t-lucten, I are t pro-
; !ec, .I:d aev et. in:c,, ..r Ja.fiaia
! tonnty as f.-iithfui'v a I c..
! T. K. IE AVER.
J.'b. Ei'ITOE.- l'!ras niiuur; lhaj 1 am
' a t'.tcitiJi'e fur th-.- i lBco e-f lirprncnitive,
to r-pieer.t Jnn a .1 cu'.inty in tin Lei li
; turi-, ml -ct toR-pub'ican rulc-iand iifjts
di iifniiTistra ana :tt-iei pliaju in
!f in cr of ecoRcruy, fconi
y aiid
rcdvip. isi the tt.itM rcvrrr.n:eri:. I
pr( tn 8; to ahitltc by tin rt'suit c-t t?:o
: 11 Kry t-It ctiou.
E. G. SneArfER,
Mb. Klit.k: As lii I ras is agji.i Hp.
, prach'rK for tLe ncuih.utiur. of a car.d idjto
! 10 icfK-sctt Uiel8 h Cccjirfkricnil Jiisrri-.'t
. in Crng'O-a. it be-hnntia the Kt-rti'ul.cut c of
I Jutiia'a 10 b rt.t:t!cr;nj whom thvr wi'l
Mi( pet I" r ih&t pteitio.'. P riuil Bie to
pcit cur jii-tit ie ms!!yaTrt r.j.vtaVc
rejrnfu:ni-c, Ht-n TtaJ. i.', Milicn, ol
riiggrai il.i we caiiiiox ro to irr :inn sup'
Ctamti ril'tirg. lluiire bio ta t two -ternis
l,e I ( ben iu ch-st tii'.ch with the p op!e
ol t' c cti-;r:c, iiias alive t tlv.ir i jler
and sxicua and activ- in i.iiv.r.'-hg
the f iPi", Bv b:p ptt expe e'i c he b b.-i-
teribio t ffive. lten: v.ia er- r, at a a. so
ftr art I can Ir nm, Jur.ia'a hs no ca: dida e
i.! 1 er . n. rhv enni I f it b. it. r II ai unar.i
mens y tupjort Sir. ti.tf.u lor r.-.icc ion.
... . . -
.v.,, . .i.k.vj.,.
Jsn.2l 1838.
tftt'MT t HaIKM.N.
i icrcl y amour et: mv- l' a ac t-.i.!Oa!o
for the CI:ain.Hn ! tl.u ii- libli. an routilv
ernmrtre, nrd in rfe t.i i.,y i . c turn
iledce nijwlf tn wt-rii f-T the le t inter
ests of the Kcp:li!:ci:i pi:ty.
li- C. ycCI.Ei.LA3f.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anrone spn.lln j a sketch and tleterintinn rosy
cnloklr ncertnin our oplnmn rca w -t l"-r an
Inrentloil is probHblT paten-ahlo. roniiiiunlea
tlons.:rtc:lSTona iC!itiul. MandiKon I'ntruts
son: free. OKIest ngrnor for st-wnrs luaeiits.
l'tnts taken tbn-.ueh Wui-n eo. rocclre
tveritU tftte, without chnnro, ia iUo
Scientific Hf?.?r.e5i., .
A hnndsornelT lllnstrntert wefltlr. rrBt cjr
culntiun of any srieimtlc Journut. Icrms.i a
pnr: four months, f L SoU by all newsdealers.
MilNN & Co.36,Brosd"i"' New York
Branch Office, S3 F Et.. Wishing lun, D. &
Ja-i. 2 , B.
No. 1 Cur-en Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Infants' Diseases.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 Cures Neuralgia.
No. 9 " Headache.
No. lO " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Delayed Periods.
No. 12 " Leucorrhea.
No. 13 Cures Croup.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. IB " Rheumatism.
No. 16 ' Malaria.
No. 10 " Catarrh.
No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough
No. 21 " Asthma.
No. 2 4 " General Debility.
No. 26 " Sea-Sickness.
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility.
No. SO " Urinary Diseases
No. 32 Heart Disease.
No. 34 " Sore Throat.
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Dr. IIc-MPiiEEYs' Homeopathic SJlantjal
of DiBEisEa Mailed Free.
fSmnll bottles of plasant pellcta, fit the rest
pocket. SoM by rirugirists. or sent prepaid upon
receipt of price, 25 cents, exectit Xos. 2ri. and 83
are made $1.00 Rizo only. Humphrey' Atedi
oiue Cumpauy, 111 William St., New York.
FdrPOea External or Internal, Blind or Bleedtnct
Flstulaln Ano: Itching or Bleedlti'- of tns Keitnis,.
The roller Is Immediate the c . rtaln.
FRIOB, 60 CTS. TRli. bXZr. 83 CT
ioM -7 PrnsffiM, OC Milt pool pmti s topt oi prto.
Blood and Swerves are very close
ly related. Keep the hlexiil rich, pure
and houlthy, with liooel'd S&rsap&rilla
aiid you will have eo norvoucness.
Ktod'8 Pitts aro best fter-diuner j
piliFjiid digestion, t.-i-eveutcoaiUpatioa
Lom B. Aranso. T. M.M. Piaiu..
Orrios On Main street, ia place of resi
dence of Louis B. Atkinson, Bsq., south
Bridge street. fOct26,I892
Z7"CollectiBK and Conveyancing prom pi
ly attended to.
ti9Collections and all legal busi
ness promptly attenptid to.
bao formed a partnership for the practice
of Msdicino and tbeir collatteral branches.
Office at old stand, corner of Third and Or
anus streets, Mifflintowo, Pa. One or both
ol thorn will be found at tbeir office at all
timed, unless otherwise professionally en
gafed. April 1st, 1896.
. iduate of the Philadelphia Dental
0". gt. Office at old established lo
cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court
House, wWifflmtowB, Pa.
Crown and Bridge work;
Painless Ex traction.
All work guaranteed.
Oa and after Monday, Nov. 29,
1897, fraina will mn as follow.:
TVay Passenger. Ixare Pbiltdelphia al
4 30 a. m; Harrisbarjr 8 00 a. m; Duncan
non8 85a. m; New Port 9 05 a. ro; Mil
lerstown 9 15 a. m; Darword 9 21 a. m;
Thominntown 9 2i5 a. m; Van D?ke 9 83
a. rn: Timcarora 9 36 a. m; Kexico 9 40 a.
n i, ... i nil. .......
mi; run au u a. di: mini m a oil a.
m; Ufcho'nj 9S5a.n; l.swisioa-Q 10 13
S rr; McVevtown 10 38 a. m; Newton
(iaimlton 11 00 a. "m; Mount Union II 06
a. m; nantincdnn II 23 p. m; Tyrone 12 20
p. in; Altoona I W p. ta; Vutibargi 50 p. m.
Mail leaves Phiiaflelphia at 7X0 a. ro
IT...iA... .1 Tl JJ . . if. m ,
iiniMniFi.iK " m. ui., rtillllin I H n
m., LewisTowr 1 30 p. ra.; HontiniT'loD 2..
i'J p. m.i Tvrr.e Z.2U p. m ; A!toona 8.45
p. id.; rntsrurg M ao p. m.
Alexins Accommodation leaves U .rris
bnrs at 5 00 p. ro; D'incannon 5 gt n. ni-
Newp-irt 6 02 p. r.i; Afiilerstnnrn !i 1 1 n. m-
j TliT sonrown 8 21 p ra; Tasc.irrv .-j 6 30
y. ni; juatoosi m; i-ort Kovil 6 3y
p. ra; SliflHn 6 43 p. m; PenlioPn 6 49 p. hi;
Lewiritown 7 07 p. n:; XVeytown 7 30 p
ni; N ton Hamilton 7 50 p. m; IT i;u 1 itr
.Ir.n 8 20 p. s-.; Tyruj 9 02 p. re; Altooci
5 85 p. tn-
Piiolfic Es;..ps Philadelphia at
20 p. m; Hanisburr 3 10 a. ta; Mirrs.
v:le8 21s. ni; Dun.iniion 8 8! a. ru; N-j't-peit
3 59 a. a.-, Port Jt,iv.; 4 3t a. in; Mil'
rlic 4 37 a. ro; I.eis?(,iin 4 5S a. m; Mo
Ve'un5 20 a. n1; Hiiutingdon 6 03 a.
wt Tyrone B c,o a. ru: Altooca 7 40 a.
. ! Pil?inr l- 10 n u.
Oyster fciprcss leaves PhiUilylpbia at 4
85 p.fci; H iniburK at 10 2t p. ro; Kswpor;
)1 06 p. m; MilHin 11 40 p. m; Lewistowc
11.F8 a. m; Luntirfrdon 12 65 a. m.; Tvron
1 32 a ni; Altoona 2 00 a. ra; Pittsborg 6 30
a. in.
Fa-'t Line liarea Philadelphia at 12 25 y.
re; Hjrrristiiiry i 5 p. in; Duncanoa 4 1-3
p. n; Newport 4 35 p. m; Mifflin 5 7 p. ra.
l.ewistown 6 2 p. iu; Mount Uu3 0 t3 p.
m; Huntingdon 27 p. oi; Tyrone 7 6t 'j.
n; Ai;u 7 10 p. m; Fituburj 11 iu
p. ni.
Al occa Accoiuinoi'ulioo leaves AI
tccua at 6.00 a. in; . Tyrone 6.25 s. m.
arrivta at Huclicsdnn 11.55 a. m.i
liUDliapili B at 6 58 s. ir; litwtna II am
i!tc 6 22 a. hi; Mc Vc-yioirn 6 89 a. ni;
Lcvriftown 7.(K) a. ni; K-ltlin 7 20 a m:
i y a t rt at .
rorl rtoyai i.to n. m; Mexico 7 30 a. ra;
i Tuompoctota 7 41 a. m; Millerittown 7 60
! n,i Newport 8 00 a. tr.r Duucasnon 8 24
j mi Harrii-btirg t 55 a m.
snore ie.iva riiimuiirf 3tl a n-.-
Aitoona 7 15 am; Tyrone 7 48 a m; Ilunt-
irroon b s a i, ; jwc eviearn p a m;
a-iKtnwn 9 a in Uilftin e .
porr Koval 9 69 a to; Tl.ompsontswn 10 U
, ij!e,sfwn 0 22 am; Newport 10 82 a r-
nr-cnnon 10 64 a ni : . arvaviila 1107 -.
D ; tiarri.-burg 11 2) a tn; rbiladulphia 8 CO
l- UI.
Wain Line Esprfs leaves Pi;tburg a:
8 It) a. ns Allodia II 40 a. n; Tyrone 12
03 p. m; Hnntinjr-lon 12 35 j. in; Lewis
town 1 S3 p. in; MilMin 1 5U p. m; Hrm
Lure S 10 p. Hi; Baltimore li till B. in; Vtl
ingtem 7 16 p. ni; Fhi a le-'pbia 6 23 p. w.
Kew York SK0 p. ro
M til le-iivea Altoona at 2 03 p. ru, Tyron
" Ro p. lfl. Hnntiiiprtor. 3 17 p ro; N en-tun
l!a:i.:'.lnn 3 47 p. in; VcVfytown 4 C p. tu;
l.paisii.wo 4 33 p. a:; MiilJin 4 55 y. ra.
l:rt K05 ai 5 CO p. k-.j Mexico 6 SO p. ni;
1 hompsiiutrr.vn 5 18 p m; Millert-towD S 28
p. ta; Ncvrp .r; 5 37 p. m; Oancauuwn 6 (,'8
p. in; FUrrisliiirj; G 43 p. m.
Mail Espftss Ivaves I'irtsburg at 1 09 p
in; Altoona 6 05 p. ni; Tyrone t 87 p in;
litintinjrioQ 7 2'J p. iu; SicVeytowa 8 01 p.
ii-; Li-n istown 8 20 p m; AdRllu 8 47 p iu;
Tort K.yal 8 62 p. in; liilk-rst&iva 9 16 p
n.; hevipott 9 2(i p. ci; l'uncanuon V 50 p.
n:-, i'.:irriburg ID '21 p. ra.
Pliilarle-lpliM Kspross leaves rittalmrj; a!
4 SO p m; AI'oodj 9 05 p. in; Tyr.!i 9 3i
p. ni: Hniitlngd-iii 10 12 p. m; Mount Ua.
icn 10 P2 p. m; I.-r i.-town 11 16 p. ni; Mil.
tiin 11 37 p. ni; Hjrrisburg 1 00 a. no; Fail
adelpl-ia 4 00 New YorU 7 33 a. tn.
Trains le:r Munburv at 7 3'. a. iu. au i S P5
p. ni., U-av Saul.tiry for Lt-wistuwn 10 05
u. ni. unci 2 45 p. ui.; tor Milroy 0 35 a. ui.
lt'.CO a. m. aurt 3 10 p. in., wmk iay-i.
Trains leave tor Ee!ie-lonte and Lock
Haven at c 10 a. ci., 12 20 and 7 1-5 p. to ,
letve lock tiavon ior jyroua B.oa p,
ni. and 4 Id p. in.
Trains lesvo Tjrono tor Cle-arne-ld and
Curwensvillo at 8 i0 a. in.. 8.15 aud 7 2( ;
p m., le-iiV; Curwt-nsvillo lor Tyrone at 9.15
a. in., 3 4 p ns., and 7 00 p. ni.
For, rate.-, maps, etc., cail on Ticket
Agentf,or addreN.-i, Ilo-j Jbi. stt, 1'
A. VV. I., 300 Fifth Avenue, -Fitu.
1'Urp, Fa.
J. ii. Hutchison, J. R. Wood,
Oeu'l Manager. Ueo'l Pass. Agt
Estate f Elitmbtth Mutruder, dtnastd.
l.tte-rsof A oiinia raiion oa the ubove
estata having been granted to the uader.
aigned. all parsons indebted ta tha aald ea-
iate are requested to make ptyineiit, and
Hume having claims to priisost the haaao
wilboul delay, to
Calvin B. Uaorudki
Vexicn, Juniata Co., Pa. AdaiiniBtrator
O. hii attorney. Join J. Pattebiok, Jr.,
MifQintown, Juniata Co- P.i.
THE ONLY True Blood Purifier
prominently in the public eye to
day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefore
get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S.
pr-pavid Favorite
Tbe one shjs cure for J
Tbe Sidneys, liver and Blood
in Hood's Ciursaparilla, which gives
them pure blood, a pood appetite and
new and needed STRENGTH.
The greatest Sacrifice Sale ever
known in Juniata county.
The Remainder of our winter stock consisting of men's and
boys overcoats, men's and bovs suits On fa Fumiahincr (lanAa
will be sola regardless of cost.
to buy winter goods at MEYERS WHOLESALE AND RE
TAIL CLOTHING HOUSE, and save dollars
OFFERED by any house to
furniture buyers.
Prenaratorv to receiving anrl niacin
stock, we will inaugurate a
in the furniture department that
will eclipse ; anything of the kind
ever attempted.
IT HAS ALWAYS been our
rule never. to do things by halves.
When we cut, we cut deep -cut
clear throuoh to the marrow.
Every piece of furniture now in our
stock is marked at a price from 25
to 5 per cent less than the corres
ponding goods are obtainable else
where. Yet in spite cf this fact,
we have concluded to offer cash dio
counts of from US to 5 per At
for a, limited time
goods, 115 and 117 bridge street,
TtiBcarora Valley Railroad.
No.l No.3
A.-M. P. M.
Blair's Mills Lv 7 40 2 On
Waterloo . 7 45 2 05
Leonard'. Grove 7 50 2 10
Ross Firm 7 57 2 17
Perulack 8 03 1 23
East Water ford S 15 I 35
Hc-ckman 8 25 2 45
HcneT Grove 8 30 2 50
Fort ikam 3 37 2 57
Werble 8 45 3 05
Plcasar t Viu wv S 4S( 3 09
Ssv-is Pine-s 8 55 3 15
Soruoa Hill S 5- 1 18
Grali.ims 0 05 3 25
Stt-wait ) 07 3 27
Freedom 9 10 30
Turhett d 13 3 33
OIdPe.i t 9 18 3 38
Port Eoval Ar 9 25 3 45
Trains Vn, f .tiH 9iAnn.ff ilf Pnrf Rftv.it
with Way P.iss-mer and Seish'iM ExnreHS
on P. R. K., and No-. 3 and 4 with Miil east
Port Koyal
Old Tort
TurKtt ."
Sovon Pins
Plfat-atil. View
Ferl. T5ilitm
Hoiipy Grove
Heck man
Ei'.st Walerford . . . .
Pe-t uinck
ltoss Fnrn
Lf-onard's Grove...
Blair's Mills Ar,
2 810
42 5
45 5
48 5 23
nolo 25
6 3 10
7.2 11
9 011
10.0 11
12.0 U
25.5 12
57 5
18;. 53
25'6 00
30,8 05
40:G 15
52' 27
ES 6 33
05 fi 40
106 45
15 6 50
Triina Nos. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's
MilTa with Concord, Doyle.burg Dry Run,
No?svi;ie, Neelyton, Shade (iup, Shade
Valley and (iot-born Station Starve Lines.
Superintendent .
-A Valuable Book ra rJerv.-'
li.eiie sent fre to any ctt : .
am.1 poor padeota can a io c:.-.
Uiia medicine free of cliarsa.
1 Uiml
Hitfi rfloodyhaa benjprepared by the Bovcroo-:-;r
KocuiR. of Fort Warn, lad. etnoo ISiC fcj
. nut- prcp&rca nndar hia directlom ay tim
tiCflillG MED. CO.. Chicago, lii.
oU by Drncgista at SI per Bottto. 0 for
rce SIM. S1.7S. aBatttoalbrU.
HOOD'S Sarsaparilla haa over and
over again proved by ita con.
when all other preparations failed, that
a m toe Une True BLOOD Fnrifiar.
mifflintown, psW.
The following achednla wn lt. -- .
Nov. 10, 1896. and tb train. .Ill k- JL.Y
foliows: "
o. m
4 86
4 39
8 41
4 45
4 44
4 51
4 54
' 4 68
Lear Arrive a.
DnneepDon 7 54
King'a Mill 7 49
Sulphur Sprinrn
"CorroaBSkltnt 744
9 00
9f -9
9 14
9 15
9 19
9 22
9 24
9 2'
i -
i r
108 20
I 41
1 28
1 U
1 29
1 18
1 18-1U
HwHiuurug rrnrK 7 41
nr .
" caver
Groen Prk
Montour Jnno
7 40
7 83
7 81
7 28
7 01
A 9
4 59
5 10 10 43
5 16 9 49
5 21 9 14
6 24 9 f.7
5 27 10 05
5 82 10 I 7
5 4 10 17
6 87 10 30
6 1'2 10 85
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Leave a. m
irain leaves BloornHeld at 5.53
' ""' A.naj30ar at 6.23
""laocirg at o.u p. m.. and
arrives at BloomflHM .i c ah fl
All stations marked i9 a- H- ..t;.
Chas. H. Smilit,
S. 0. Bw,.
1 j m. iiae taoie
ward. Bast,
Newr.- it
A If
6 05 10 85
6 08 It 86
Buflalo Bridge
Juniata jtnmace ...
6 1210 42!
6 1510jl
6 25 10 6"
6 22 11 011
6 81111 Of1
6 8911 09
6 61,11 21 i
8 28
ahneta .........
vFatr Ping
Bloomrield Junct'n.
Va ley Kr.d
Elliot tatior;
Green Part
Fort Kohe.,8
Cisna'a Kun
Andersonburg .....
Mount Pleasant
New Germant'n ...
8 88
7 45
6 54111 24
7 05 11 85
T Hill 41
7 15 11 45
7 21 11 51
7 27!ll 67
7 85112 06
7 4ll2 11
t 84
7 26
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7 1
7 10
7 03
7 4512 16
D. GRING, President and Manager
C. K.. Miller, General Agent.
i? J Ir) 'fn haa twnakini imw
"a rA ft i usi atniiuaia I
I trijrf pew snSonrjr
fi;uaui4ilai t"L')3M
H.:pUBltJ ONV aipofl
XJ JsA3 taltq JJ1Pf
.Mi.irib.tejf oj atipuw
U'jaiS a!).OliM JO BI!
ao fcMiiiu'j 'AiiairdvJ
3:i2u3 vfi?A$ jsB33 xvf
w TT'zrvGi-
A wonderful Improvement In Friction Fee4a and
(;laUnck. Back motion ol Carringe 3 tiatea ui fan
any other In the market. Friction ('latch Feed,
i-kiiiinc all the tent gearing to Maud m while baUt.
ins: creat earinc ia povrr end wear. Cala
i.-itne aud prlcs fren. AM Marias Uamwa.
CdlriratorB, Cara Plaatera, rihellers. Me.
fntiim IAm poptr.
rlEKCll a
I v.
p x
8 67
8 10
2 4t
2 4