Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 23, 1898, Image 3

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WEDESDIT. FEB. 23, 18f.
anhaeription, $1JJ0 per annum tf PI1
Trmnit dTBrtUOTaonU inserted at 60
. ht Inch for each Insertion.
Trlijlent buataeM notice to local coU
' in eeata V for lnMrtlon-
Dednctionf wlU be mde to thae aeatrtaff,
i, vertlw by the yew, half o quarter
Have your sale bills printed at
this office.
Wheat in Chicago sold at $ 1.08
last r riday.
Dr. Acklcy has been quite ill the
put ten days.
Andrew C Allison is on a business
trip to Tyrone,
Politics should cot make bad
friends of people.
Religion should not make bad
friends of people.
Senator Hertzler was in town on
Saturday afternoon.
The American Mechanics enjoyed
a parade on tne una.
Samuel Stoner, Esq., of Altoona,
gpsnt i riaay in town.
E. E. Noble, of Esst Waterford is
opening a mine of ocre.
Wheat in Chicago on Saturday sold
for a dollar ana nine cents.
Lancaster, Pa., has a Democratic
Mayor elected by one majority.
Dr. Wm. Banks bought a horse of
Joseph Honk, of W alker township.
Miss Girty Sbott is horns on va
cation from music studies at Boston.
Wait for the report of committee
to investigate tne .waine a explosion
War The animalism of man
turned loose to plunder and murder.
Nfckoda, Perry county, has two in
habitants, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Baker.
Mrs. Stein, of Tyrone, visited Mr.
James Simons and family last week.'
R-v. Mr. Fjha bought a horse of
J. L. Groainger, in .Miford town
" Mr. Wm. Van. Serengeur of
Honey GrGTe, is prostrate with paralysis.
Siono raiwn, John G- Hackenber
ger, has been on the sick list this
Miss Sallie Parker gave a tea for a
number of her friends last Friday
JJfiss Harriet Jackman after a two
week's visit at homo has returned to
G W. Heck of the riversida res
traunt is visiting ia' Philadelphia a
number of days.
Miss Catharine Diehl has returned
from .i Jong visit to friends in New
Haveuf Connecticut.
Mrs. Jl-iry. Jacobs is visiting her
brother, Mr. Caleb North, and family
in Washington, D. C. .
It is estimated that there are ten
thousind bushels of cioverssed for
" sale in Juniata county.
Two Johnstown Cambria coonty
women aro getting ready to go to
the Klondyke gold field.
Ior trouble, work till tired, then
leep, when rested go to work. Work
is a remedy for trouble.
Locomotive whistling in the Al
toona yard is prohibited exoept in
caves of absolute necessity.
H. B Benninger, paid Selinsgrove
a visit some days ago. Called on
Editor Lumbard and got a puff.
William Gray bill has changed the
- date of his sale from March. - 1st, to
March 3rd, in Fayette township
A lunch basket social will be held
in the Arch Rock school house, do
Friday evening. All are invited.
Miss Pearl Brannon and .Miss
Bertha Otta, of Lewistown, spent
several days last week in this place.
Butcher Solomon Sieber is in a
precarious state of health. His son
Frank Sieber has charge of the busi
ness. The interment of the body of Miss
Frances E. Willard will take place at
Evan6toD, Ulinoip, rext Thursday,
Feb. 24.
Ex-county commissioner Wm. Van
8werengen died at his home, at
Honey Grove, o a the 21st inst , aged
80 years.
Miss Jane Loudon, and sisters
Tillie and liny, attended an evening
party at Mr. Hazlett s in Lewistowu
last Friday.
Oranges raised in California are
sold by people in the grocery busi
ness and have a taste different from
the Florid orange.
W. D. Bollinger, of Millerstcwn,
has been appointed subdivision fore
man in the narrows, between Mifflin
town and Lewistown.
Skating and sledding for child, en
was gr od on Friday afternoon, that's
the kind cf a day it was, rain frcze
as soon as it touched the ground.
The Shakespere reading circle met
at the Lome of Mrs. T. V. Irwin on
Monday evening. Henry the Fourth
engaged the attention of the circle.
"he carpet factory is being remod-
led, and will soon be at work again
all of which adds cheer to the expec
- tations of those who were thrown out
V of work by the fire.
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Robison,
have issued invitations for the cele
bration of the fifteenth anniversary
of their marriage, on Tuesday even
ing, March 1st., 1898.
A puff from a small coal stove set
the carpet farctory in this town on
fire, and a puff from a large engine,
in a battle ship like the Maine, wonld
just as easily cause an explosion.
The Spanish war ship Vizcava ''
now on a friendlv -'
The farmers innt.irnf tnr Jnniafa
nnty, will meet at Mexico, Feb. 28,
and March 1st, and at Academia
marcn aro, and 4th.
The camel f af ir.n. .t..i
has resumed work, having had the'
uiBgc none io it Dy tne recent fire,
repaired. Harley and Eaoffman are
the proprietors of the concern.
-A board of inonirv haa hoon an.
panted by the Wftuhin
me It to invc eti rate and nnnri m th
cause of the explosion of the "man of
t a - . . . . .
war uaaine in tne harbor of Havana,
Many towns are adnrMnr and
enforcing the curfew ordinance,
which compells children under 15
years, w oe at Dome at 9 o clock in
the eveniner in summer, and 8 oV-li
in the winter.
Bloom field Times. February 18th:
Erb Shatto, of Buffalo township,
was arrested for shooting a wild tur
key on Sunday, and Wednesday eve
ning he paid a fine of $25 for that
The auditors of Cumberland coun
ty, doubtless have made a good job,
if t .king time ia an index of good
work. They were five weeks and a
day at the auditing, and they charged
tne county five hundred dollars.
William Varns, bought the Sheriff
fowls, farm at administrators sale,
last week for four tkousand nine hun
dred and eighteen dollars. The
property is located along the river
roaa oetween tnis town and I'ort
The newspapers are the greatest
of educators. Information regard
ing every department of life passes
through a newspaper some - time
during a year. If you are living with
out a newspaper, you are starving
your family intellectually.
Miss Minnie Bishop, aged 17 years
died of consumption at the home of
her father Jucb Bishop, in Milfard
township, on the evening of the 18th
net. Interment in the Presbyterian
cemetery, at .Mifflin town. Funeral
attendance was rendered by S. S.
It has been chronicled, that sub
division railroad foreman, York, died
of pneumonia, at hia home along the
railroad in the Narrows, and that h:s
death was speedily followed by the
death of his wife by pneumonia and a
complication cf diseases and now it is
the unpleasant task to cbrome'e the
dsalh of Mrs. Dana, mother of Mrs.
York. Sad, sad, ind-ed. Mav hs
who rules tho universe protect from
harm the youiig family thus deprived
of all parental protection.
Huntingdon Gl be, Fb. 17. Mr.
Shallenbsrger, of Juniata county, on
Tuesday, 15th icst , purchased at
the Court House tho timber tract on
the farm of W. H. Breuneman.
Miss Jennie Hawk, an accom
plished youag ltdy of Mifiliotown,
who has been spending the past few
weeks very pleasantly with her cousin
Miss Annie Lower, of No. 221 Wash
ington street was called Looae on
Wednesday on account of the amicus
illnets of her mother. Miss Hawk
while here made many new acquaint
ances who were Eorry to see L cr
Photographs advancing in pries.
Tike Notice on and after April 1st,
1898, my pries for our best Cabinet
Photographs will be 3 00 pr dozsc,
until then April 1st, I will make and
sell tickets for tbesa sume pbolo
graphs for 150 per doz-n. I have
ordered 5,000 il the highest style
cards, printed i.i gold to supply this
work, our effjrtsin low priced woik
bas not been appreciated, therefore
we are obliged to return to our old
price $3.00 per dozen. Tickets sold 1
will be good at any time presented,
this is your last and only cbasco to
get high priced work at half price.
Don't come in after the time and say
you didn't see this add, it will be too
late. Respectfully.
Joseph Hiss.
The bl'tddf r was created for one
purpose, namely, a receptacle for ths
uriDe, and as such it is not liable to
any form of diseasa except by one of
two ways. The first way is from im
perfect action of the kidneys. The
second way is from careless local
treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy
kidneys is the chief cause of bladder
troubles. So the womb, like the
bladder, was created for one purpose,
and if not doctored too much is not
liable t weakness or disease, except
in rare cases. It is situated back of
and very close to the bladder, there
fore aoy pain, disease or inconveni
euca manifested in the kidneys, back,
blander or urinary pass :ge is often
by mistako, attributed to fomal
weakness or womb trouble cf some
sort. The trier is easily inac? ai'd
may ba easily avoided, find out
correctly, set your urine aside for
twenty four hour?; u sediment or sst
tling iudica'es kiJiiey or bladder
trouble. TLo mild ar.d tha extraor
dinary effect of Dr. Kilmei's Swamp
Root, the great kidney, and bladder
remedy is soon realized. If you need
a me diciue, you should have the best.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents
and one dollar. Yon may Lave a sain
pie bottle and pbatuphlct bottle both
sent free by mail, upon receipt of
tw cent sittings to cover cost of post
age on the bottle. Mention the Jcx-
iata Sestisel and It.-:i rBLicAH acd
tend your addrtss to Dr. K lmer St
Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Notic it httreby given that an applica
tion will be mad to tha Governor Ol fann-
sjlvania on Tuesday the Utli, day of
March, 1898, by J. S. Graybill, A. J. Sana
man, H. J. Shallenberiter, E. E. Smith and
Bvnry L. Smith and others nnder tb act
of Assembly entitlnd "An Act to proviie
for the incorporation and regulation of
certain corporations," approve! April S9,
1874, and the supplements thereto, for the
charter of an intended torpora;ion to be
called The Juniata Telephone and Tele-
grapa company, the character and object
of which is to establish a telephone and
telegraph line in Snyder and Juniata coon.
- in Parry and Mifflin
The undersigned, offers hia home
stead farm, in Monroe township,
about three quarter of a mile from
Evendale, at private sale. The farm
consists of 100 acres more or leas, all
clear land excepting about 5 acres,
which ia in timber. The improve
ments are a good frame house, frame
bank barn, wagon shed, hog pen,
spring house, the spring never fails.
There is also a well of never failing
water at fho house, church, school
honse, store and mill conveniently
near. There is a peach orchard of
800 trees on the farm.
Addie 8 a, Bat.thasIb Litter,
Evendale, Juniata Co., Pa.
Jan. 5, '98, tm.
To authorize the Juniata Telephone
and Telegraph company to erect and
maintain poles for telephone lines in
the Borough of Mifflin to wd, Juniata
county, Pennsylvania.
Whereas. The Juniata Telephone
and Telegraph company has applied
to the authorities of the Borough of
Jlifflintown, Pen Da , for permission
to erect poles and run wires on the
sam-3 over or under the streets, lanes
and alleys of said Borough, as pro
vided by the 4th Section, of an act,
entitled, "An act to provide for the
incorporation and regulation of cer
tain. corporations," as amended by an
act approved 25th of June 1885.
Therefore, be it ordained aud en
acted, by tho Chief Burgess and Town
Council of the Borough of Mifflin
tewn, Penna., and it is hereby ordain
ed and enacted by the authority of
the same.
Section 1. That the Juniata Tele
phone and Telegraph Company, its
(successors or assigns, its or tneir
agents, servants and employees are
permitted to erect and maintain in
the streets, lance, and alleys of the
Borough of Mifflintown, Penna., and
over and under the same, a line or
)ins of poles and wires with all such
necessary and usuil fixtures there
for as may be necessary for the suc
cessful prosecution of a telephone or
signal business by means of electri
city. Section, 2 That the poles shall
be recsonablv straight and with the
fixtures S3 to be erected shall be
put in a safe and substantial manner
and shall be ad neat in appearance ss
maybe, and ba located by the street
commit tes or the Btreet commission,
under their direction in such mtnner
as not to obstruct said streets, lanes,
and alley?, in their ordinary and cus
tomery use and shall be erected,
maintained, anu cared for at thocosi
and charge of said company. It is
understood, that tho polls shall bs
shaved acd painted by the said com
pany. The streets nnd alleys to be
used for the lice shall bo designated
by- Council at time of construction.
Ordaiced and enacted into an ordi -nance,
this seventh day vt February
A. D , 1S9S.
Attest, J. Howard Neelv, Fer J Meyers,
Secretary. President.
J. H. Sweger,
Chief Burgess.
Approved Feb. 7, 1898.
To authorize the Juniata Telephone
and Telegraph company to erect and
maintain poles for telephone lines in
the Borough ol Patterson, Juniata
county, Pennsylvania.
Whereas. The Juniata Telephone
and Telegraph company has applied
to the authorities of the Borough of
Patte: son, Penna , for permission to
erect poles and run wires on the
samo over or under the streets, lanes
and alleys of said Borough, as pro
vided by the 4th Section, of an act,
entitled, "An act to provide for the
incorporation and regulation of cer
tain corporations," as amended by an
act approved 25th of J une, 1885.
Therefore, be it ordained and en
acted, by the Chief Burgess and Town
Council of the borough of Patterson,
Penua., and it is hereby ordained
and enacted by the authority of the
Section 1. That the Juniata Tele
phone and Telegraph Company, its
successors cr assigns, its or their
agents, servants and employees are
permitted to erect and maintain in
the street?, lanes and alleys of the
Borough of Patterson, Penna., and
over and under the sam, a line or
lines of poles and wires with all such
necessary ntd usual fixtures there
for as may be necessary for the sue
cesful prosecution of a telephone or
signal business by means of electri
city. Section 2. That the poles shall be
reasonably straight and with the fix
tures so to be erected shall be put in
a safe and substantial manner and
shall be as ren, in appearance as may
be, and be located by the street com
mittee or the street commission, un
der their direction in such manner
as not to obstruct said streets, Ianee
and alleys, in their ordinary custom
ery use acd shall be erected, main
tained and cared for at the cost and
charge of said com pauy . It is under
stood, that the polis shall be shaved
and painted by the said company.
The streets aud alleys to be usee! for
the line shall be designated by Coun
cil at time of construction. Provided
that tho work of construction be
commencad and completed within
six months from the date, this ordi
nance shall go into effect.
Section 3. It is hereby understood
that the President of the Town
Council, shall be permitted to use
the said Telephone service for Bor
ough business. Ordained and en
acted into an ordinance, this fifth
teenth day of February, A. D., 1898.
Secretary. D. A. MOIST,
JACOB WISE, President.
Chief Burgess.
Approved Feb. 15, 1898.
Court convened at 9 o'clock a.
on Tuesday the 22nd inst.
All accounts of Administrators,
Executors, Guardians and Assignees
confirmed. There being no excep
tion. ""
. Id the case of Margaret A. Rohrer
John Harkinson vs. James
Sheriff's interpleader.
" -"ntiff,
T wm apointed
gnardian of minor children of Mary
Jane Brannen.
In the estate of Georre Waldsmith,
amendment of return to order of
In the estate of James Bussel, de
ceased, return to order of sale of real
estate made. Real estate sold to
Mrs. Jennie McManaigal for $511.00.
In the estate of Mary Ann Coder,
deceased, return to order of mortgage
made. Real estate being mort
gaged for $295.00.
A. s. Raffensberger was appointed
guardian of Edith Shearer and David
M. Shearer and Sadie C. Shearer.
In the estate of E'izabethFulkrode
deceased, rule on heirs to accept or
refuse to accept the real eatate at the
appraised valuation.
Foster Harrison York, minor child
of Lewis York, (who with his wife
recently died of pneumonia,) in the
narrows was adopted by William H
Leanh and Mary S. Leach. The
child to adopt the name of Foster
Harrison JLieacu.
In the estato of Luke .Works, de
ceased, retnrn to order of sale made.
Property sold to John Rhoadea for
In the cane of Byron L. Shuman
vs. Sarah A. Jloyer, exceptions to
plaintm s bill of cost filed.
B. F Buicbfield, Esq., filed his
report as audiior in the estate of
Elizabeth Leonard deceased.
Upon application Clark W Wright
was granted soldiers license.
It. Brown Berrier vs. Lillian Bar
rier. Subpoena in divorce awarded.
John Molzer committee of Ermina
Brant a lunatic was discharged from
his duties and responsibilities as
committee and John Hart man was
appointed to act as committee.
In the estate of Mary A. Clouser,
deceased, return to order of sale of
real estate made. Property sold to
William Piper for the sum of
$750 00.
Return of committee appointed to
examine the books and papers in the
office of the retiring Register and
Recorder Aosan B. Will, made. The
report of the committee is that the
books and papers and office are all in
proper shape.
Iu the CB'.ate of David Fowles, de
ceased, return to order of ' sale
of real estate as follows. Tract
No. 2, to Miry J. Bossart, for
$300.00; No. 3, to W. B. Dbtra f or
$8G,00; No. 4, to L." B. Banks for
$11 00; No. 1, tho farm in Walker
township, 193 acres to W. S. V-trne
Tor ?4U08 00.
Denny M. STarshail was appoint J 1
guardian of Mary B. Me Williams a
minor child of Mary C. Jlc Williams,
In the assigned estate of J. W;
Milliken, Lbs assignee was ordered to
recouvev the propertytCTtbe-as&'gnor
J. W. Milliken.
The following applications for
licenses to seil liquor were granted:
William Zeigler, Key stone Hotel,
Patterson: .Samuel Leach, Hotel
Ashton, Pattersoi; Harry E Hayes,
Patterson Ht use, Pattcr-or; R. B.
Nixou, Jacobs House, Mifflintown ;
S. B. Murray. National House, Mif
flintowi.; P J. Eickle, Rictfield; W. i
H. Sliaefftr, Oriental; SusquehanDa
The following application was re
fmed: Samuel Hetrick, Hotel Bru-
uakc-r, Thompscntown.
In the estate of Isaac McAlister,
deceased, writ of partition awarded,
and Wilberforce Schweyer appointed
guardian ad litem.
Solomon Fortney was appointed to
fill the office of constable in Tusca
rora township, vice W. H. Hiccbaugh
Collioson Barner vs. The Iron
City -Vutual Fire Insurance company,
llulo to show causa why costs of con
tinuance should not be paid. Ar
gued by counsel and. held under con
sideration. Henry Hower vs. The Susquehan
na Mutual Fire Insurance company.
Appeal from Protho notary's decision
in plantifF s bill c f cos?.
Mills L. Fry'waa divorced from bi3
wife Annie J. Fry.
Comuionwealth vs John Keane.
Rule on defendant to show cause
why the appeal should not be strick
en from the record. Argued and
held under consideration.
In the matter of the rule at in
stance of overseers of poor, of Miflbn
town borough on Piiilip Bishop, to
show cause why he should not pay
for the maintenance of his daughter
Flora Huffman and her child. Ar
gued and held under consideration
David K. Ulrica was appointed
Constable in Monroe township, vice
Samuel Graybill resigned.
Republican Cousity Primary
Election and Convention.
The Republican county committee
met iu Zeigler's hotel in Patterson,
on Saturday, ond fixed the time for
holding the primary election on Sat
urday, April 9, 1898, and the time
for the meeting of the convention of
return judges, Monday, April 11,
1898, at Mifflintown.
sirrusiows grain mark ins
M riLire. Feb. 28 lf
TThat . 92
C'ttt in car .... ..... so
fitS .... .... . 22
Ro 82
CIo ere?d $2 te $36
Huttcr 18
EgR ....".".."." .".'.WW 13
Ham.... j2
Suoutfer... 12
J,,,r .. .............. 8
Sides. 7
Timothy secl.... .......... .V..Vl.40
F as seed.... "go
Bran 70
Chop 85,, '9 jfc.
Middlings.... 9q
Ground Iu w Salt...... ..... ... "ft
American Sat 60c
Philadelphia 'JiBirrs, Feb. 21st,
1898 - Wheat $1 q3; corn 35c; oats 33c
hay $7.60 to $12 a ton; turkeys 10 to
11; ducks 9c; geese 8c; butter 12 to
26c; eggs 12 to 15c; apples $2.75 to
$4.00; potatoes 70 to 80c a bushel;
beef cattle 4 to 6Jc; sheep 3 to 6c;
hogs 4 to 6c; veal calves 5 to 7c,
milch cowu $20 to $40; live hens 8c.
Huntingdon Globe: At Carlin,
fifteen miks south of Holfidavsburg
on Sunday, February 15, a solid lime
stone hill 175 feet high, 100 feet long
t ad 125 feet dtep, moved from its
base and went crashing into the val
ley below. There were 160,000 tons
of loose rock in the avalanche, and
the thunderous noise was heard for
many miles. .
Saved from the
No organs are of greater importance to the human body than the Kidneys.
Their duty is to sift and strain the poisonous and waste matter from the blood,
and if they fail to do this, the trouble shows in the nervous system, and even ia
the brain. Your life is at stake when there are pains in the small of your back
when you are compelled to get up at night to urinate when the passing of water
causes scalding pain when there is a sediment in the urine in the vessel, or
When it appears white or milky. When so afflicted, you can conquer the trouble
with Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, the greatest medicine that
civilization has ever known for curing Kidney,
Bladder, Blood and Liver Diseases.
James Lcttice, of Canajoharie, N. Y., tells of
his wonderful cure: " Some years ago I was attacked
with pains in my back
and sides that were
fearful. I could not con
trol my kidneys, and
what came from me was
filled with mucus and blood.
An Albany doctor was to
perform an operation upon
me, and said my home doctor -
could take care of me after. I
saw an advertisement of Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy, which seemed to fit my
case, so I decided to try that before I
submitted to the operation. I began
its use. When I had taken about
two bottles the flow from the bladder grew cleaner, and the pain stopped, and in
a short time I was saved from the surgeon's knife, and am now well."
Favorite Remedy also cures Eczema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia
and Constipation. For Female Troubles it is unequaled. It is sold for $i.oo a
bottle at all drug stores.
CjtJnl Rftf f !A FlAA T In order that sufferers may be convinced of
3tti2fiIV WltlX 1 1 tt 1 the curative virtues of Favorite Remedy,
a free sample bottle will be sent, prepaid, to those who send their full postoffice
address to the Da. David Kknnedv Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. It is necessary
to say that you saw the advertisement in this paper if you wish to take advantage
of this genuine and liberal offer. Send today.
the r.ccumulation of stock causes a loss tc the store, but a
money saving for the scores of buyers who attend these tre
Watch and read with interest. Profit by our advice and j
respond promptly. First selections are the bsst selections lor
on same kinds of goods. The limited quantity will likely be
consumed by the immense crowd of buyers in a short time.
You all remember our former great bargain sales. This one
will eclipse any previous sales. To begin with,
oJ piece
j of cood calicoes w rib 5o a yard, at 3Jo a jard.
" ledico and Simpson back calicoes wort
go iiiUj ana
50 " " eilver gray and fancy turkey TeiiTlh.!S' l -Extra
quality fine white gi od, Satin stripes. Njin.ook Plaid, Victoria lawns,
and Inuia lin?n (worth double ) at 6c, 7c, 8, 9 lOo.
36 inch wide fine qua' it unbleached niuflio 10 yards for 38c.
86 " 44 extra quality " 10 yards for 45o.
36 " extra heavy like Appleton A ; at 5c a yd. 10 yds- for 49c.
37 " Appleton A., mnslii at 10 yards fot 54c.
36 " fine bleached dqukHo at 10 yar.ln for 49a.
86 " ' ' " at 10 yards for 65o
36 " bleached Hill best muslin 10 yards for 58a
86 " " heavier bousdale muslin at 7c a yard
' 36 " " fine Gambia and Lonsdale cambric at 8c acd 9 a.
Elegant aproa gingtiais at 3Jo and 4a a yarJ.
Best Lancaster ginghams at 41o.
Best quality dress ginghams at 5Jo and 6 J a.
Good quality heavy crast 8 yards for 10c.
Large sice towels at 5o a piece.
Extra large bath towels tarkisb at 12c.
Heavy twilled bed tioking worth 15s, at 9c.
Other good bed ticking at 7 in and 8.1c
1,000 yards of Hamburg edgings at grestly redused prices.
Good pants goods at 12o and 15s.
Also the finest grrdes of wool and wcrstsd ruitings, f? men and bos wear.
E-4 6-4 8-49-4 1C-4 unbleached sbeMicg at 9, 10, 12o etc
Childrens handkerchiefs 3 for 5o
Mens fine unlaundrien sbirts at 39s.
Childrens bib overalls at 25c.
2 yards of table oil cloth for 25e.
Spring rollci window shade? at lGc
Elegant table hnnen at 20 and 25c.
Limit: Not over 30 yards to one person.
- NOT-E: No premium card n above goods.
35 ladies and children! eoats and capes at great sacrifice.
Large selsctioos of corsets at 35c, 39c, and 49c, ete.
Special redactions in home carpets lograic9, Tapestry, brussels and
Velvet carpets.
All dress goads, silks and trimings at greatly rednoed prices.
For this special sale including all new styles of Spirrg pattern.
Fine quality of dress goods at lOo and 15c, 17c, 19c, 25c and 29c.
5000 pair of font were for men, ladies boe and children at reduced
prices. $2.00 ladies bhoes for $1.25. '
We doa't attempt a description of this vast assortment figures, will
indioate the actual comparison of worth tailing price facts, our reputation for
reliable qualities is sufficient to guarantee that you will find everything as
represented. Every counter is full of bargains. Sale will continue until
Mareb 26th.
103 to 109 Bridge street, AifTKntown, Pa.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1897.
Special Invitation rIo rlltt Iublw
Te attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
li will be
Who nave money to invest to
It ia truly marvelous to See -
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so den't f jil
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
- - - - r .
oimpaoo dsck ca:icoes worm ic, at -itc
examine the Stock of GoocLf for
s Knife
imlk vign rgr m
Ill order to close out the balance
of our winter stock, we will sell all our heavy clothing, iiicluo
ing men's, boy 'a and children's overcoats at a special reduct ion.
WE ALSO HAVE a lot of mens, boy s atid childrens suite
that we are closing out at exactly one half the price they wcr
formerly sold for.
that nearly all the sizes have been sold, and we are closing
them out at one half former prices,
there may be only one size left in o
pattern, and in order to make room
make this unprecedent offer.
THESE GOODS cannot last
long, so if in need of a suit for your
self or boy, don't let this opportu
nity pass.
aud HouseFurnishing
rrs f
. , ,V i"nd. The full life of the alore al- $
Things are never dull tiere; revci ..t. nun-kin "
ways bas a cheerful weiccme for all comers, and frtioprEi"! are .
in favor of the Greet Values to be found in our new ' '
IVeat, Stylish,
a.- g v - ' ' .itr..
Port Royal, l'a., Feb 18, '98
We the ccntcil of the EviDtelicai
Lutheran Cbwcb, of Poit Roycl,
have carr-fuliy inquired into the
slanderous report circulated against
our Paslor, Kev. II S Gilbert, and
we have at a special meeting thor
oughly examined all the witnesses
who could givo us any inforin:itiou
regarding the matter. And we have
fourid that there is not even tbe leatt
foundation for finch a report, bnt
that it is the work of t Ve poseip's j
idle brfin. And we believe that this!
rumor Las been circulated for the !
purpose of ir j'jring onr earnest aDd
faithful pastor, our c:rgregf.tioa,
and the work of the minister in gen
eral; it ia a virtual fulfillment of tha
scriptures: '"The tongue is an
unruly evil, full of deadly poison."
and we unhesitatingly come to the
unanimous conclusion hot our Pas
tor is entirely innocent cf the rumor
that has been circulated egaiest him
And we filso tako great pleasure iu
stating that we have entire confidence
in him as a gextltman, acd cs u
Minister of the Gospel, and trust
that he will be willing to bear tbis
persecution cf evil doers, and tbat he
will remain with us, end labor a-i
earnestly ia I bo futuro R3 be has
done in ih-i pnsN to tbe benefit and
blcfieiEs of onr church.
John Hehtzler, ?r ,
Eldei e, G F. Goodman,
John Visfh4CT,
Geo. P. McCoxneli..
Elliot Gronisgeh,
Decors, G. Ii. M. Kepler,
John A. TioHua,
William Haines,
frem Llnteitenc.
It is said C. C. Hal), chemist for
the TJoion Steel Company, at AWxai.
der, Indiana, aecideritwlly diFcovrred
a process, of making whito ci:;!icd
wool from lim9lone. Tho l'ni'hti o
wool cantot become saturated with
water and cannot be be burned with
Sifcc-Li Gr:ppe bra b.en previ
in tfvs cunsiiiy, tber- b t. b. . r
tound butOLH iSpecili'. Dr. liucujii -ma'
"77-. Fvt .aU -by all cru;.
gista, 22c
T3i TT
A Specially Scleoted
!i Ranges, Ccck, Purlor t
Horss Blankets and I
LAMFS, large and sm?
Corns in and lock arot
make yen feel at home.
gs.We have the Irgtt
Stcre in the county.
our :n.a
fay Loaned at In
ILHyIATA valle
OF Ml Fft'l.i5ITv
Stockholders IndividT
W. C. Fomeruy. Jos.,
Joan K;rfrler, Jim
Robert K. Partor, Louia
T. V. Irwio.
George A. Ktpner, Ann
Jos?ph Kottirock, P.
I. F.. A-ki-iBia, ' R. f
C. r'0!Di!roy, J.
John Iforti's-r, oroaislIS
ChariKt-eScFdaT', T. V
John Sf. Biuir, Josi
V. V. M. Prnneli, Kob
Pm-1 S. finrhr.-ci;, Lev:
M. N. Sti-rretr, Wa
Jnn.es ii. Healing, fl. j
H. T. ll-. Jf.
Bamutl Schlegnl. .
Tlnee per conf. ii.t.-rer.u
cer Bca-ea of dogit.
IMng to patent t Protect ye
51 ion wIth. Write
BURN CO., Patoot Atif
O. O.. for their Sljoo prti.