J' . - ... ' 1B, J AL AMITY. jity overtook the TJni on tbe 16th icst., e of her eight battle ships id the bottom of the sea. .itcd States "man of war," c-at between two and three m dollars and carrying a crew ,0 men nod 2G officers was sunk srcxpksion in SG feet if water, ue harbor of Havana, Cuba, re she bud been sent to make a idly gov - iii men t call A power aitle ship of Spam, called the y, is now in tbe harbor of York, making a friendly govern call to the United States. So s tavn many of the people of York O.ty become, cvr tbe n question and over the explo of the Maiue, that tbe Mayor of TWrk, Las a number of tu boats rd around the Spanish war to keep away ieitablo people cfftriiijr insult by word or i. Tbe explosion of tbe Aiueri attle abip JVain-, took place at on Tuesday tvjninjj, Februaiy Two hutdred and forty six meD teir lives by Ibe txplosw ; in umber were twj c fhcerf; fifiv wore injured. The X!-'-:s:oi Iaee nea. lha front end of the niltr the deck upon which f the men tlept Ouiy two i are miesiug. The officers rs are near the hind part cf tbe id that is Ibe resson so few are t the dead and missing. The of the explosion broke glass in ws u the city, and blew down -:.e and telegraph poles on lhe iijioe iay eff tbe city )ut three times tbe lei'jjth of Tun ton d river bridge. A man of war, lay ncir the and after the explo.-iou rti.t o give fuch csfcisisLte as given.- Such a disaster un inary circumstances would profound sensation, but nn slrained relations between ltry and Spain, it created a iff inenf, particularly among le. Many people declared, Spanish man of war. or the s!i fort Lad set off a torpedo i Maine. They never for a onsidered the possibility of F8 on tbe ship, or tho posi ppontsneous combustion, a tbeir way a war with Id now be on. Tbe Mc ministration accept the ist as it stands and will gh examination satisfy he country as to whether was exploded by inside itside foe. Such a course is the jusFone. tutu play lhe ord tj play the Cuba. It cannot o war under txist ts. It would be no to take Cuba from . business interests of d the higher interests of rt end well being of the Jly of the United S.at. r of the people of the lot be thrown aside to e desire for war. A g investigation into the 1 up to the disaster has oot by the Mr-Kin ley , and the Spanish seconding tbe move gation. The Spanish as sent regrets to d seems to ha deeply disnsterous occurence, ueral of 40 of the ace at Havana, on the e military and all tbe h the people gentr "io funeral process tee hours in passing War will not follow , even if the inyesti at some r-ubordinate . 1 "h g&vernioent ex i arbine under tbe l an event Spain 'y the enlightened world to punish tbe tbe United States for the loss of the images for the Iofs ?se ou boaad of tbe the XT Sentinel and that contains 'ill of fnfofru good, and seal news that nd places ia tf. I'EXDITCItKS iJ.NIATA, 7, to January lusive. t" of the Cour iiiata county. uditors elected iaw, to examine, unt of the Coni ' reasivver, of the . year ending for that iiirxse in Millllintown, 'lird day of Jan ie same account mer un. "1111 6.194 07 :y 16,3-59 10 Ue 1,099 23 oty 29,011 87 ate 2,227 47 ent 100 59 ate 2 12 nty 329 31 ate 10 94 197, 103 22 nl-ivn- r 29 28 nds 12,010 00 ors, 3 60 ines 64 00 en- 1-56 75 wn an OS 25 of 91 00 wn aud 85 21 on lis county houKe. .88 50 " Mate tax returned to county, two years. " cash from Huutinedun 3,305 60 ..county, to errojf coun ty line surveying 108 70 "saleofplankaiidsoforth 28 04 Total Jan. 1st, 1898. To lialanee from last $71,480 85 year 13.993 30 1897. Y. XX. Inndis, Treas urer, Jan. 1st, 1897 1 fcx-em tier 3 1 , I ly overpjiid tax as 1897 ' orders jutid 1890 " " " 1897 "iuttanU'g tnxe count v state " l.ulance in Treasurer's lianiln fit. ? - 1 280 41, am 14,570 954 13,993 i,4fb Jan. 1st, 1897. W. XV. L urer, lf?Tax i:t. iu iiaiuii-e troiu hist year " outstanding tax " additional assessment " live or cent added " tnxes levied, 1S97 " overjiaid tuxes " cash returned liy cille-tor Spruce Hill township on account f error S8 64 577 53 8 50 13 79 511 50 909 1,80930 Jan. I, 1S98. To balan.re from last year 907 45 1897. W. W.ItiiKlis, Treasurer, IXr Tax ck. Ie-. 31, Hy over a ill taxes Jan. 1, 1897 47 " orders jaid " lsitf! 6 1897 25H 0.-1 taxes outstanding 581 83 Dee. SI, lialanee in treas urers hands. 907 4.5 1 '809 30 Januarylst, 1W)7. .1. 1. Calhoun, Sheriir. Fines and jury fees col lected IHS17. Kit. il4 00 .'14 00 January lst,'lv.8. To lialanee due county Decemlier 3i, 18!8 J. 1 Calhoun, sherif I)ecemler 31. liy cash paid to treas urer halui-ce dtiw comiiv 150 00 ;4 no 150 ( 214 00 Outstamiin;; Taxes Det.'niiier 31, 1S97 Co! Ie tms, Districts, County Tax 18SW J I. t-. ( rou.-v, I usi-'inira, ?!)5 05 iv.n j. . ISrowii, ISeale. ."IKS " S. II. Kollman, MilHiutowii. 121 3;? " W. 4$. McCahan, Milford. 515 51 " A. I). Keistetter, Siisijuehanna 9 99 " N. 15. Hruliaker, Thomiison- towiv. " J. H. liarton, Tus,-arora. lS!Mi J. o. iirow n. Itade, " J. F. Sjieece, Delaware. . " Jaco!. Forry, i ti.envmKl. ' J. K. Tres, Lack. " S. II. Itiilliuan, Milltintown. " V. I!. McCahan, Milford. " V. S. Xienioinl, Monroe. " 11. M. Isenlicix, Patterson. " -M.S. Ksh, SIruce Hill. 99 32 2S ( 134 00 219 17 291 95 31 0i 674 94 40 37 444 ! 294 00 -V J Kerstetter Snsiaiehanna " W. II. Itruhaker, Thoiiiisou town. M9 37 12 17 1j. C. Caniotni. Tur'iett. 161 03 J. Is. Itartoii, Titsiiarnr :!4 21 " W. II. Kv.Xir-VC.Tir 68 61 rS:7 J. i I. Dcrn. Heale, " S. Stiicher, Dela.v.-.re " Fred Allaliau-.M). Fayette. " John Stoner, Fenuanali " Jacob Forry, (ireenwood, Samuel Leonard, Lack. " S. II. Kolhfian. MiMlintown " J- L. (ironim-er, Milford. " W. S. Xeimond, Monroe. " V. W. Ciiinmel, Patterm. " O. L. Kepner, Port Itoval. "Silas lscers. Snruce Hill. 637 79 226 (Ml 1001 62 702 32 435 28 402 64 374 16 146-5 40 258 16 510 78 318 20 8!W 46 A. I). Kerstetter, St!w,uehaim 58-5,:iS XV. 1'. Jrui,a ker, Thonijisou- town. 172 26 i. XV. I lover, Turliett. James .union, Tuscarora. ISIair Heterick, Walker, Total 543 77 7S0 64 ,202 50 14,570 ; Outstanding Taxas, Decemlier 31, 1897 Collec-ors. Districts. State Tiv !-.-.. 11. r. rouse, 1 uscarora. 185t5. J. O. IJrown, i!eale. " S. H. oilman, Mitlliiitown " XV. K. McCahan, Milford. "A. D. Kerstetter. Siisiiehaniia II I.- t ... 93 75 ) 49 82 II 33 8 S3 1 30 " . 1.. i.run::Ker, J hoi inilpsoii- town. " J. I!. ISartoii Tuscarora. 1896. J. (). liiown" Jeiil 3 -50 45 30 7 90 27 00 47 77 4 76 9 9:5 34 59 8 54 " J. F. Sic-e, Delaware. " Jacob Forry, Jreenwood. " J. E. Trego, Lack. " S. II. Kollman, Milllintown. " W. 15. McCahan, M.lford. " . S. Xeimond, Monroe. " II. M. Isenlierg, Patterson. " M.S. Ksh, Spruce Hill, " A. D. Kerstetter, Suwiuehani " W. II. ISrubaker, 'I'hompson town. " L. C. Calhoun, Turbett. " J. II. Itartoii, Tuscarora. " XV. II. Kurtz: Walker. 1897. J. H. Dern, Iteale. '. S. Spicker, Delaware. " Freil Allabaiigh, Favette. " John Stoner, Fermanagh. " Jacob Forry, (ireenwood. " Samuel liConard, Lack. " S.H. Kollman. .Milllintown, " J. L. (ironiuger, Milford. " S. Xieinoml, Monroe. ' W. W. Crimmel. Patterson. " O. T. Kepner, Port Koval. " Silas 15teis, Spruce Hill. 49 31 1 00 20 68 18 08 47 17 22 40 11 1-5 72 -58 25 26 39 20 15 09 17 74 27 44 86 ;- . , K,ers,c,,t;r, Susf,uehanna 5-5 03 "W.II. Ihuliaker, Thoniiison- town. 33 09 (J. XV. Hover, Turliett. James Loudon, Tuscarora Hlair Heterick, Walker. 8-5 99 20 42 9-54 j Collectors. Districts. Iog Tax. I 1893. H. y. Crouse. Tuscarora. 1895. J. . Hrown, lieale. .5(H) " S. II. liollnian, .Mitlliiitown. 8 41 W. 15. McCahan, Milford. 700 " A. A. Koirstetter, Susquehanna. " W. 15. Itruhaker, Thonmson- town. " J. I. Hartoii, Tuscarora. 18!Mi. J. (). Hrown, ISeale. " .1. F. Speece, Delaware. " Jacob Forrv, (JreenwiKid. " J. K. Trego, Lack. ' S. II. Kollman, Mitlliiitown. " W. li. McCahan, Milford. " W. S. Xeimond, .Monroe. " H. M. Isenlierg, Patterson. " .M. S Ksh. Sinu.-e Hill. 2 89 3 46 0 04 4 98 18 62 29 60 fi k 8 62 20 31 19 '.a . .; ,vtlflcIier, .susipiehauna 18 79 V . 11. Itruhaker. Thomnson- town. " L. C. Calhoun, Turneet. " J. H. Itartoii, Tusi arora " W. H. Kurtz, Walker. 1897. J. 11. Dem, Heale. " S. Sjiii her, Delaware. 4.54 8 49 34 78 6 75 28 94 14 00 26 40 16 75 22 82 51 25 5 75 32 47 19 00 15 75 r red Allatiaugh, Favette. John Stoner. Femiatmirh " Jai-ib Farry, Green wimmI. faniuel lonurd, Lack S- j1- Kollman, MilHintown, J. L. (ironinger, Milford, " W. S. Xeimond, Monroe, !! Ww- t'rimmell, Fattersou, (t. 1. Kenner. Fort Km-nl " Silas Iteers, Spruce Hiil, ' 22 75 !! V; 1,erf't-tter, Susquehanna, 25 09 )) v ,.'.rujaker.Thompsoiitown,7 30 (.. W . Itoyer, Turbett, 13 47 james ixhiuoii, l uscarora " lilair Hetrick, Walker, 34 80 25 00 581 83 Overpaid Taxes December 31. 1897 TTD-....Tni'ls- County tax. """i- ' uscarora, m on - 8100' 1 C'olIex-tors.'X Jt. Htatetax. uscarora. ; . 12 73 j 1805, J. B. L ! 189B,A.C. tter.SuHfiuenaiHia, 2 1890, L. t Calhoun, Turbett, 4 oo 19 Collectors. Districts. Doir tax 1895, A.O. Kerxtetter.Susriuehauna, 8 189(!, 8. H. Kollnian,.Mifll.ntovn, 1 - 909 All of which is respectfully submitted. 1 i . .ex. icjiver. 47 W. W. Dimni. County Auditors. 071 H. H. Hartman.- 42 77 7(i ! Millliiitowii, January 7, 1898, .Miillnitown, Pa. January 14, 1898, STAT KM EXT OF OHDKKS DRAWS by the County Commissioners. rf Juni 3(5 ata county on the Treaurr thereof from the 4th day of January 1897. to mrfw t,,. ' 81?t dav of lfe tler 1897 liiclusive, as iiiuis, i reas-j taken from the records in the Commis sioners ofnee. COXSTAHLKS AXI) JTSTICHS KKKS. ourts sts in Uilliford case 9 9 CourtM owts in John Kolaski 1 Total rl0 ( l)MMOXW KA LTI f WITX KSS KS. Fe.'iniarj- Term Court.1897 $ 4lS 223 April Term Court. 1897 Sej item her Term Court, 1897 Decemlier Term Court, 1897 Costs in Junacy cases, 1897 15H 39 354',77 140 83 Total fl-ior, 83 COM,F.(TOI?S COMMISSION'S. EX OX Kit ATH )XS AXD AHATE MEXTS. H. F. 'rouse's iMmdsmen, 1893 $ 13 13 Samuel H. Roll man etal, 189-5 670 44 Meno S. Fh etal, 1S90 (iS6 89 Siimuel I onard'etal, 1897 1 128 36 Total $ 2498 82 conns AXD jikohs pa v. (iraud niul Petit jurors Feb.Menu 1897 f 592 24 144 50 15 OO Jos. H. Ctmiminirs re)orter, H. V. Knisely, court crier 11. . Kmselv. anriinipiit court 5 00 Jurors Arjrument court, Feb. 24th and 25th II. W. Knisely. argument court Crandnnd Petit jurors. April term 34 32 2 50 1897 541 44 Jos. II. Cummings rejiorter 54 00 H. V. Knisely, court crier 15 00 II. W. Knisely, argument courts - 2 50 (mud and Petit jurors, Sept. term 1897 5ttt90 Jos. H. Cuniiniugs, reporter. 10-5 34 II. XV. Knisely, court crier 15 00 H. W. Knisely, argument court. 5 (K( (irand and Petit jurirs, Dec. term 1897 397 24 60 60 ' 10(H) 2503 61 AXD Jos. 11. Cumiiiings, reporter H. W. Knisely, iiiurt crier Total, ITHLIC HFILDIXOS (iKOl XDS. MiUlintou 11 water company $ 100 00 m. ii. guilts, janitor Win. ). Putreiilierger, wood for furnaces F. XV. Xoble, hose for jail Jos. W. Stimmel etal, for insur ance 011 Court House and jail S. S. lUihle, furniture for jail (ieo. Stutts, work' on gas ma chine I. D. Musser, jiearline forscruli hiiig 144 00 1 .50 7 00 413 40 10 30 00 J. Howard Xeelv. : irT rent ,:;189.5and for WMtcr '!inr, 1 l.V.xi i0 00 2 60 D. L. Seilier, paltering jail Hiram Smith, sodding court house yard Wm. L. Stutts. extra work around public grounds Iteulien Reynolds, work on pave nients and court house ste)s J. H. St raver and Hafftev and Strayer, repairing WUrt house rcHif and et., II. C. McCIellsn.copjier sheeting for court house tower Xoah Smith paintingcourt vard fence Haftley and Strayer painting outside of court house Etka and Son, plastering in court house (fuss & Seilier, paint for outside of court house Wm. J. Wagner, repairing tow er clock 15 60 36 :55 53 43 00 32 38 00 197 00 41 75 300 SO 21 90 25 50 19 45 490 4 5 17 12 6 .50 283 00 35 00 Jas. W. Hamilton naiiitiiiir '.'inspecting J. L. Iteers & Son, pillars for (rand jury room H. I). Funk, slating base of tow er and putting ceiling in audience room XV. X. Sterrett, coal for jail Kinil Schott, matting for court room Myers and Xixon, painting in side of court house as iier SK1-ilillltillMS S. P. Itnbinsou. for li:lintincr !, side of court house not in siiecifications E. C. Troxell man'g., wiring court house, furnishiujr electrolier anil other fix tures E. C. Troxell nian'g., electric light service K. If. Mc( 'lintic. ?.-sol.ne .! hardware James J. Horning, for work and material 111 court house Total a.. All AXI) lU'IW'K VIEWS AXI) DAMAGES. .10s. sellers, hnu-'e vieu- !? 6 40 Mrs. IiewTlioiiinsoii. etal. dam. aires J. A. Martin etal, bridge views V. II. Zeiders. ntlicinl fwa 15 00 40 60 9 20 43 (iO 52 60 13 20 14 20 Win. II. ( ironiinrer. road vii M. K. I5u rcb field, etal '. Yotler Hujfli 1j. Mt-Meeii, eta! Total CONSTABLES $ 194 80 RETUUXS TO COCKT, 1S97. Saniuel (iraybill, etal ? 282 .S Total $ 282 58 ASSESSING AND REGISTERING. Wni. 1$. Zimmerman, etal for Wi8 1!) C. D. Singer. Thoiiinsontou-ii for 1898. 16 H(i 67 : 37 79 30 69 35 45 59 76 63 74 41 44 50 13 53 59 69 12 78 33 10 00 Jas. M. Craw ford, Tuscarora 1S98 T. .1. I!rivn. GreeinvoiMl. 44 W. It. Lijjht, Siisiieliaiina. 44 (J. B. M. Kepler. Port Roval 44 O. C. DiiTenderfer, Fermanagh 44 . eimer, lurtiett. 44 S. S. ISook, Sjiruce Hill. 44 Wni. B. Zimmerman, Beale. 44 W. J. Zeiders. Patterson. 44 Jos. B. Thatcher. Lack. 44 Samuel II. Kinzer. Favette. 44 Herman Opple, Black" Log. 44 Total 1481 92 Tit AMI'S rXDERACT, 1885 S. North, agent tickets for W iranips. 8 45 10 00 4 00 4 00 S. S. Ruble burrial of tramp. II. S. Scholl, treasurer, lot in cemeterv. J. 11. Derr, nurse. Total UUKIilALOK 21 4--J INDIGENT SOL DIERS. Burrial of David Gross of Fay ette townnhip " " James Wildman, Walker " ' " " David Zeiders. Walk 35 00 85 00 32 00 47 00 er " . Tombs for iudigiiant Mldiers ' 149 Total. 182 ti8 4-ym 53.61 221 22 2H!11 W SCALPS. Warren Aughey, etal " Total . COUXTY PRISON. James P. Calhoun, taking prls - oners to the Penitentiary James P. Calhoun, for clothing, bedding and washing for prisoners James P. Calhoun, boarding prisoners Total"" BOXDS PAID 1897. 49 118 98 92 22 Oil 00 658 849 ' ILL. McMeeu etal 10915 lota! 10915 IXTEKESTS PAID OX ItOXDS the li. F. Schweier, etal ,?27 lotal 5427 PRINTING AND STATIONERY. J. C. Dimni printing and fur nishing blanks for com missioners, Pmtbonotarv andRegistersofrlces, bind ing . IxKiks, furnishing 69 25 94 scnooi registers. Harry E. Itonsall printing and stationery Wm. J Jackman, printing and stationery B FShweier, printing wm M Allison, printing 97 37 Sun printing Co. Itlank for 1890 Mary J Hunt, stationery Total RRIDGKS 617 wm A Milliken Concord nar rows bridge 88 10 4 50 1 41 . 50 2'00 8000 11 15 42 48 33 57 1 10 00 2 98 15 00 8 77 40 00 25)44 40 96 27 25 wm L Stutts, Milllintown river bridge D B Reitz river bridire win O Putrenlienrer " " James j Homing " " Lyman Aughey lMnnk " " Jonathan KynerCuha bridge ti j .neiieniierger plank cuba bridge 1) L Seilier. euba bridire ( It M w isehaup, old Port Itoy- ai bridge plank Hertzler heirs " " S R weimer " 44 44 II P Clark 44 44 44 lusher and Merideth plank for rhompsoutown bridge Loudeuslager material and work 44 44 44 w II Moore plank 44 44 1 H Humlwrger work 44 w H Itruhaker 44 44 44 24 12 15 74 10(H) 3823 10(H) 15 00 70 86 1 (HI 1 (H) 36 48 H J Sliellenberger plank J It Fry work 44 44 44 A w Seilier plank 44 44 Joseph Still work on McCIures bridge S F Ludwid work 011 Ludwigs bridge w I) walls plank for McCIures and Lud wig bridges. S. E. Horning Zooks bridge Samuel Itraudt Locust Grove bridge. Manlieck and Nelson plank for Rasin bridge. HO 54 21 45 L. A. Dimni plank and work Dimmsville bridge. Jno. Rice work on Waterloo bridge. R. H. Patterson, plank 4 I. (i. Knight 'ns.srort?tri,,',i-- 7 40 . 1 !CrfySipiile, Nipples bridge! 10 87 James A Shellev 4 44 14 01 Total 8X1 41 t'OMM ISSIOXKI tS t ) KFI V K. 1. Putlenlierjier comm. 78 tlavs. 273 no m IN) traveliiiR exjienses I). I). Rhiiiesmith comm. 8: day. 44 44 traveling expenses Jerry Ixiudenslager comm. 89 days. -'- traveling exenses Hugh C. Rhine clerk to conini. Robert McMeen solicitor to ! conim's. win. Piiflenliergcr has salary not drawn. D. D. Rhinesnilh 44 44 J. lmdenslager has overdrawn but repaid which will show in 18!!) audit. " 287 00 74 05 311 50 97 25 600 (Ml 40 00 64 00 81 0.' 238 : Total 1828 50 ITBLIC OFFICES. w. w. Landis treasurer salarv. 400 (Ki w. II. Zeiders Proth. omcialfees. 130 40 Jacob A Davis Deputy Recorder 68 (HI Anson B. M ill Recordes fees. 19 tin w. G. Johnson A Co., Iiooks for Proth's. oltii-e. 17 50 J. Van I'ler jiens for otlices. 4 .50 Mary J. Hunt ' 44 4 j Mount Holly Co., Iegal Cap and stationary. 1 J. C. Dimni, hlank'liookM. 950 wm. II. Rollman Inxiksfor Reg isters ittice. 37 4.-; win. Mann & Co., hooks for ProthonotaryVottice. 16 00 Mary J. Hunt Statioiiionary. 7 50 H. H. Hartmaii etal auditors 90(H) win. M. Allison auditing Prothouotary's and Regis ter and Rmirder offices. 20 00 Total W2 09 (iferXKRAL AND SPRING ELEC TIONS. John rannel.ake:kvfion house rent 1'atterson. J. O. Burns election otliccrs February election. Samuel Emery etal election ollii-ersXovcinber election J. C. Dimni irinting election Jiroclamation. ackmaii 44 44 44 Harry Itonsall 44 44 4 It. F. Schweier 44 44 44 win. M. Allison 44 44 44 w. J. Jackman, printing elec- Proclamation, 1H!H. J. C. Dimni, printing ballots S. (.'. Graham election hoi!KC rent Greenwood. Jaiuli Ijniver 44 44 Milford A. B. Evans 44 44 Delaware B. P. Clark 44 Beale. S. M. Iteale 44 44 Tuscarora C. M. Brackbill 44 TpruceHill J. P. Hellellinger keeping Iiooks I). K. Sulofl' election house rent Fennanagh. Joseph Pines 44 44 Fayette. E. E. Smith keeping lunik's 44 j. li. Buchanan 44 Black Log Jennie Thompson room rent walker. Ii. C. Calhoun 44 44 Turbett I. N. Grubb 4 44 Thonipsnn town. H. C. Bk 44 44 Port Royal Constables amending Feb. and General elections and oth- exjienses. l-i (X) 4M 34 m (M 8 00 300 :i oo 30 00 90 00 44 40 5 00 '4 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 50 12 00 4"00 200 4 00 20 00 4 00 8 00 10 00 202 09 Total 1421 29 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS. To western Penitentiary James MeCauley trimming trees L. Hanks medical attendance at jail. j. (.'. Dimm for blank receipts 8. 8. Kuble, furniture for Treas urer's room. Andrew C'riswell attending In jured man. J. II. Irwin, wild cat scalps. To Huntingdon lieformatorr 530 21 27 00 500 ' 250 1.3 00 1 00 400 180 84 75 80 4 65 300 S 8.5 400 8oo 15 40 90 25 00 1 00 325 7 00 6 10 19 So James P. Calhoun drawing jury and serving notices. G. w. Berger repairs to fence. E. H. werner Conini's facsimiles. w. S. Arbogast lamp 8. B. Murray, boarding jurors. w. 8. North state tax on bonds. w. 8 North commission on State tax and ete Man beck and Nelson laying pavement. Banks Calhoun hauling ashes It. B. Nixon boarding jurors. James MeCauley for 7 shade trees F. w. Noble work on jail sewer - OONL'has. Benninger hauling. k- j."'' fma lArtiiii ii i,ltlln,M,.M ,, i, 170 81 125 85 125 02 92 35 96 25 5 00 1 50 j D. Pannebaksr lawn mower. ' 11fl. Jno. nayes Btimulent for Injured 118 40 1 man 705 75 14 88 124 50 100 222 96 104 18 02 75 89 93 J. J. iJiinm tax registers Mount Holly printing A., " As sessment transcripts " Jas. w. Hamilton oaths on state report. HughC. Rhine commission on state tax. w. 8. North agent ticket for tramp. . h. Aeiuers i-roth. coroners inquest. 401 jos. w. Stimmel treas. Agricul tural society. wm. M. Allison notices of coun ty line survey. wm. Puflenberger Pres. expen ses to commissioners con vention at Uetteysburg Hugh C. Rhine expnses in se curing voting places and incidentials. James P. Calhoun takingout lish baskets. D. M. Marshall county institutes expenses Mary J. Hunt stenographic paper It. F. Crozieretal clerk to jury commissioners. liew is Degan jurv conim's salary saniuel D. watt 44 44 44 Hugh C. Rhine clerk to jury -om missions. 11. D. Funk plumbing. K. ir. McClintic hardware 100 3 25 4 21 00 00 60 66 179 50 300 '7 40 - 4o;oo 40 00 12 5 2199 2208 466 7 18 4 590 state tax paid 1896 180- Paid to iiarrisburg state lunatic iiosjiital. " 44 wemersville 44 narry K Itonsall postage and Ikix rent, s E. Kinzer expressage. wm. 11. Groninger etal countv line survey. 38 Total RECAPITULATION. ( onstables and justices Fees. Commonwealth witnesses Collectors common abatement and exonerations. Courts and jurors pay Public buildimrs and crroio.Hu 76-52 18 10 94 1200 33 2498 R2 2503 64 2891 68 Road and bridge views and dam aires. 194 80 28258 1481 92 - 21 45 149 00 118 75 8-19 72 10915 00 5427 66 61738 831 41 1S28 50 84209 1421 29 7652 18 Constables returns t nuirt Assessing and registering. ' miiii uiiaer act or 1885. Burrial of indiireiit wldlm seal ps. County Prison. iJonds paid. Interest paid on Bonds. Printinsr and Ktiitimer- It rid ires. Commissioners' oflii-e Public offices. (ieneml and spring elections. Miscellaneous payments. Total 41845 4 LIAWMTIKs OF; CorXTY. Outstaiidinir eonntv Nunl-i. $13W24 00 nitHtaiulmp.iiHintv irlers. lfiO.M Total ASKSKTS OK"(rXTV. Outstanding eountv tax " state surnlux'sheep fiinils. Cash in hamls if Treamirer. Hills due .mnistta county. Total i:5784 50 14570 77 ft.4 76 707 K-i 1390. 36 645 13 . I . .... . f 10.)S.-)2 63 we the undersigned commissioners of Juniata county, hi compliance with the iaw un puiuisn tne rnregoing statement of the receipts and expenditure of the -ouiity afo.esaid for the vear ending De. 31. 1897, as found on the Iiooks of this ptrice. Vl I.I.I AM HI-KFKNRKKOKK, 1AVII I. KIIIXKSMITII, J Kit KM I A II UH'I IKXfil.AO KR. County commissioners. Attest mwi : khixi. clerk. commissioners office, Mifrlintown, Pa , January 14, 1898. t mtjii.. DUINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. Natice ia apr.hv i,.a !..,. r . a minisfration have hean frantad to the on ders!TiM npnn the e-tate ef Martha Kor.k i..ri r arena rownitiip. Juniata connty r., arcesnea. Anyone indebted to said estate is req netted to "make prompt pv ment and those havinc; claims er demands io presrnr inra properly authenticated to in nndersifned for attlmnt. CsueLts W. Book, Jan.12'98. Adniinistrstor. ANNOUNCEIIEMTS. TO THE REPUBLICANS OF JCJTIATA COUNTY. Te- t e republicans of Juniata Con. ty : I was induced to permit mv Bain to be unea aa acanu'date for delegate to the state convent ten bv the imaort lltliltjtAl At friends, who assured me tha' I would not be oppoeed by any one i i the cooatv. As opposition to tnv candidacy has linu 1 .c.uju uu as i nave no disposition to entar into a contest within tha umr r hereby withdraw sa a eacdiHat u thanks are tendered to the many Reimbli'- -.-II. who nan given no aaanrances of sepporr. , - lovu -g atcixsoh . rORJREPRESENTATIVE DELEGATE. I Hereby anaoonce the name of Robert H. PaUerten, of Peru Mills. Jnnistacouaty, VI ..... .. i .. mm a cacaiaate ;er aeie-;te to the next State Convention, subject to the rules snd usges ol the Republican par'y of Jnniati County. PAYETTE. J. 24, '93. ASSEMBLY. Acadrmia, Pa. I respectfully anaounce my self as a can didate for nomination for tbe office of Rep- ...,.r, ,u loprtmi jnoiju coi.nty in ine L,e(jisiatnre er Fennsylvrnia, subject to tbar les and nsaxes ol tbe RepubMcaa party of Juniata. If not nominated 1 agree u oL'nri me Douimea ei tne paitv. If nemiaated ad elected, I agree t pro Teci ana attvanco the interest of Jnniaia caiioty as laithtully as I can T. K. BEAVER. a ASSEMBLY. Ma. Emtob: Pleaae announce that 1 nia a candidate lor the ffice or Rvprescnative, to represent Jun.ata eonntv in the Leri.la- tnre, aubjct to Republican rules and nsages aiiu ii nonnnaiea ana elected pledge mv aeii in lavor or eceocmy, honesty and roform in the State government. I also premise to abide by the result of the pri mary election. E. Q. SacArrca, Fob. 8, 1898. Oiiantal. FOR CONGRESS. Mb. Eorriia: As the time is strain an. prouching for the nemination of a candidate to represent the 18tb Congressional District in Congress, it behooves the Repabltcans of Jnniata to be considering whom thev will surpott for that position. Permit me to tiggest that wo cannot do bo'tcr than sap. pott our present able, manly and reputable reprfSf nutire, Hon Thad. If. Malion. of Cbambetsbarg. During his past two terms be has ben in close touch with tbe p ople oi me uisirici, always aiiye te their inter est s, and sealous and active in advancing the tame, By bis past expeiionce he is bet ter ablo to serve them than ever, and as. so fsr aa I can learn, Juniata has bo candidate of ter own, thecanotdo bttter than nnaci nionsly support Mr. Mabou for re-eleciion. A JOB LT A RbFDBLICAB. Jan. 24 ISfS. COUTY Cn . TU MAN. I hereby acnour.ee mji.. ii a- a candidate for tbe Chairman of tbe Urpublicao county committee, and in case of my election pledge mytelf to work for the best inter ests of tbe Republican party. H- C. McCLKLLAN. Jan. 25, 9. PERFECT - permanent are the cores by Hood's Saraaparilla, be cause it makes pare, rich, healthy, life and heaJtb-giriiig BLOOD. Lovta E. Ateimmi. ' F. U. U. Pzbsbu. ATKinson pehmbll, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MlPFLUITOWNi PA. OvtiOB On Main atreet, ta place of ril - aence or iionis s. AtKintoa, Bsq., tonf Bridge street. f Oct 28, 1892 Uncollecting and OoBTOyaneing prompt !y attended to. iriLBCR FORCE ICHWETER, Attomey-at-Law. iCJoIlections and tU legal busi ness promptly attenped to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DI.D.llXBAWraaD, DB. DUWII Mxiiwrois JH. V. If. CRAWFORD SOU-, 00 00 88 50 31 nave lormea a putnerrbip for the Drastic r t. 1 . ... - 01 raicioetnaiDtir coiiatteral braoenns. Office at old stand, corner of Third and Or- ang itrceti, Hifflintowa, Pa. One or both ol them will be round at their office at ail times, unless otherwise profeuionllr en- 50 00 April 1st, 1895. UP. DERR, 77 97 21 21 75 79 62 50 90 PRACTICAL. DENTIST. o -aduate of tbe Pbiladelphia Dental . o; ge. umoe at old esUblished lo cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court noma, JlfiffltDiown, Pa. 37" Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA? BAILKOAD. On and after Monday, Not. 1897, trains wtfl ran as follows: WESTWARD. 29, Way Paaaencer. leave Philadelphia at '""i narrwonrg o w a. n Dancan DuaaaB. m; new rort 9 05 a. in; Mil- irnrawa ill l, m; Llarword 9 21 a. m. Thomrvaontowii 9 23 a. m; Van Drka 9 . m; Tnncarora 9 36 a. m; Kexici 9 40 m, ronimjii li.n: Mifflin 9 60 a ui; uroini v oo a. to; LewiMows 10 IS a. T'i JicveytoWB 10 88 a. m: V tn aamiuon uwi. m; Nonnt Union a. m; Hnntinedon 11 33 p. m; Tyrone p. m; Altoona 1 00 p. mj Pitt abarsS S) IJJSI ,.p Z, Hert leaves Philatlelphia at 7.00 . rt ....... iu., aimia III n m iMlctA.n 1 1 A , . nirriNnnrr it i i x . . u.oa - . . . .... . w y. uj.j nuniinrilon 2. i". iim.ip,n. Altoona 8.45 y. ui., I liui'urj o OW p. m. A 1 1 mi n . 4 j.cn mm ml :.. , n . .MUt,uu leaves tl irris. rannowp. m; JJiincannon 5 81 n m. Newport 8 02 p. m; Jfiilerstown 11 p.m ..i.p.,muii oil" m: riiMirura an tSiSr.V LakiiIam 7 HT - rVu?4p ; Altoona mi; ixewion tiamilton 7 oil p. m uon o p. 01; Tyrone 9 82 p, 9 85 p. ni racmc Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 till r, m. n.M.1.... , i . . Dr. ' "":""'' ui; Marts. i.io o it a. m; inincannon 3 3S a. ni; Now- ptii o on a. m, rort Koval 4 81 a. m; Jtif. nic oi a. m; L.ewistown 4 58 a. m- U c "" " . m; Huntingdon 6 08 m; Tyrone 6 65 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. Pitfsbnrjr 12 10 ptv iL-.i- rf 7 . .. . a. , r-xjircsa leaves rnuadelplila at 4 od p.m; uarririDnrg at 19 20 p. to; Newport 11 06 p. m; MilHin 1H m; Lewi.lown 11.1 8 a. m; Hantiopdon 12 65 a. m.; Tvron i o. a m, AUOODa . VU m; Pittaburg 6 r an une leaves rhiladelphia at 12 25 , "i p. m; unncanon 4 15 p. m; N.wport 4 85 p. n; Mifflin 5 U7 p. m Lewis-own 6 2 p. id; llouat Umoa C 68 p m HnAliniMlnn . O? M, . svu4i p. jyrooa in! r m. A Iaah. T 111 . . . 1 i -v p. in; rituoara 11 30 p. ru. KASTWAKD. uoodb Accommnnation leaves Al toona ai o.uu a. ra; Tyrone 0.25 a. m. a. iinniiui:g 11.00 a. m . llnnliBA. .A C CU - ... m. ",, " ivi wewtou Hani iltoo6i2a- an; aicVeylown 6 89 a m T.Avi.lnvA 7 IUI . . A, ... - . X? . ta , . n f ... ' iv,,Aiii i.ai.m; Mexico 7 30a. m inomp-ontowB . 41 a. m; Millerstowo 7 59 m. m; newpori p uo a. to; Duncan Don 8 24 a oi; narrihourg b oo a. m. C C 1 1 v. . . . . ... uiiviq inrrn niiisonrf sou a ni; - I f1"00' m; Tyrone 7 48 a n; Hnnt i 'ftao " 3CVvtewn 14 a m: Lewistown 9 35 a in; MilHin t 55 a n. Port Royal 9 S9 a oi; TbemDsontowa :n 11. Millerstown 10 22 aw; Newport 10 32 a m: Dnncannon 10 64 i m; Marvavili 11 S7 n m; Uarrisburg 11 25 a mj Philadolpbia 3 00 p Ol . . : t : . . nam bin- express leaves rittsburg at s w a. n; auoona 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12 03 p. m; Huntipgdon 12 35 p. m; Lewis town I 33 p. m; Mifliin 1 60 p. m; Harris burg 8 10 p. so; Baltimore 00 p. m; Wash : Tie. nuii. . . i-.s...u , in . mj runaueipnia o Z3 p. nr k x wra. it ou p. ns Mail leaves Altoona at 2 85 p. ni, Tyrone I b5 p. tn, Huntingdon 3 17 p. ui; Newton Hamilton 8 47 p. m; McVeytowo 4 2C p. m: LCAiiimn oo jj. ag; .wimio 03 B. IU. ron Koyal o oo p. an; Afexico 5 20 n. ms Thompaontown 5 18 p. m; Millerctewn 6 28 p. ra; Newport 6 87 p. m; Doncannen 6 68 p. m; Harrisburg 8 45 p. m. Kail Expres leaves Pittsburg at 1 Of p. m; Aiioona o ud p. m; Tyrone 8 p. mj liuniingaon t zup. m; ue veytowa s U4 p. m; Lewistowa 8 28 p m; Jbfifflin 8 47 p. ni; rort Koyai a oc p. ni; MiueretowB is p. m; Newport 9 26 p. m; Puncannon 9 50 p. ni; HarrUburg 10 20 p. m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg at 4 30 p. ni; Altnooa 9 05 p. m; Tyrone 9 3 i p. ni; Rnntingdon 10 12 p. m; Muuat Un ion 10 82 p. ni; Lewijtown 11 16 p. m; Mil. flin 11 87 p. ni; Iiarrisburg 1 00 a. ni; Pbil adelpbia 4 30 New York 7 83 a. m. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Traics for Minbury at 7 3 ' a. ui. and 3 05 p. m., leave Sunbury for Lewistowa 10 05 a. tn, and 2 45 p. m.; for Milroy 6 35 a. m. 10.20 a. ni. and 3 10 p. m., week Jays. TYRONE iIVlION. Trains leave for Beilefonte and Lock Haven at t 10 a. m., 12 30 and 7 15 p. m., leave Lock liavtm for Tyrone 8.55 p, ru. urn! 4 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. R. Trains lesve Tyrone for CleartioM and Cnrwensville at 8 20 a. na., 8.15 and 7 2C; p m.. leave Curwensville tor Tyrone at 9.16 a. m , 6 45 p m., and 7 00 p. to. For, rates, maps, etc., call on Ticket Agent, or addresn, Thos. E. Watt. P A. W. D., 860 Fifth Arenue, Pittsl borp, Pa. J. B. Hutchison, J. R. Wood, Gen'l Manager. Gen'J Paos. Agt LEGAL, pROTHON ATARY'S NOTICE. notice it herebv given that the follow. ingacconnt has been died in the Prothon- aiary omce, in naiaU conuty, and the same win be presented for confirmation ana allowance to the Court of Common neaa ot asm county, on Tnesdav tho 22nd day of February, A. D., 1891, when and wnere all persons interested may attend if lliey i hint proper. 7he second and intended final ac cunt or John Motier, Committee of Eriulna Brandt, a lunatic Prothoaatary's office, XV. H. Zridebs, Mifflintown, Pa., Proth'y Jan. 24. l3L-. DMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. Ettutt f ElixmUlh Ma trader, dtctmttd. Letters of A minis ratios ob the above estate bavicg been graatcd to tbe under, signed, all persons iadebted te the said es tate are requested to make pavment. and those having claims to present the same ithout delay, to Calvih B. Maoeddbb Mexico, Juniata Co., Pa. Administrator Or his attorney, Joan J. Pattbbsob, Jr., fiffl into vn, Jnniata Co., P. THE ONLY True Blood Purlflar prominently in the public eye to day is Hood's Saraaparilla. Therefore get Hood's and ONLtt HOOE3. A CHEAT REVOLUTION IU PRICES. The greatest Sacrifice Sale ever known in Juniata county. The Remainder of our winter stock consisting of men's Mid boys overcoats, men's and boys suits. Gents Furnishing Good will be soli regardless of cost. "NOW IS YOUR to buy winter goods at MEYERS WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL CLOTHING HOUSE, and save dollars GREATEST CHANCE EVER OFFERED by any house to furniture buyers. Preparatory to receiving and placing on sale oar Sprinj? stock, we will inaugurate a- LD0R C the furniture in the furniture department thui will eclipse anything of the kind ever attempted. IT HAS ALWAYS been our rule never to do things by halves. When we cut, we cut deei--cut 83 L I o 1. ...n . . rr I a. C I CU T t II I 0 11 tl Everv piece of furniture now in our stock is marked at a price tvoin 25 to 50 per cent less than the eorres- noudiiig goods are obtainable else where. Yet in spite of this fact, we have concluded to offer cash dis- of from 33 1 I for a limited time I 'WlH DELIVER I U HJSr iTlTJlE FEE I OF iCIHEA.1 FERD MEYERS. TBE. LEADING CLOTHIER, KURNITURE gANDtF.HOUSB URNISHlWff 80 GOODS, 115 AND 117 BRIDGE STREET, FAYETTE NOTES. O-klaud Jtfills, Pa., Feb. 21, '98 Mr. Wesley Auckcr, of Perry coun- was here selling unit treee. Henry Keller ia clerking for W. C. Thomas. The Waterloo orchestra was pres ent at William Valentine's social. Thev furnished soma fine music at.d tbtn wect home. We regret ta learn that Sir. O. C. Diffendeifer is now cenficed to bis bed with rheumatism wo hops tbnt he may hava a speedy rccovtry. V m. H. Shivery of Chester com.? ty, is visiting Mrs. Mary Sjivsry, . ia Slim Valley. Nelson Jantev, of Phi!adelr)b;a. is hero at Banks WilsoaV, Le will ro main here ab out two -weeks be has been in poor hea't'i and ha3 ctjme to the country fi r recovery. What has become of oar Mclistir- ville loading milk hauler. Wa liar i that he wect to Mifflin with 50 I Lib , of milk. Miss Annie D.ffenderfrr, of Bi j Bus, visited among friecds in Oak land one day last week Our westhpr prophet Mr. IIi-ii. B. F. Trego, predicts sleighing this week. Banks Sieber and sister Flo, of -AifiiintowD, spent last Monday eve ning very pleasantly at Maurice Leonards. Oar friend Kurlz Heckman has been appointed by the school board of Fayette lo assist ia ht-lping L S. Kinz-r to toac'a tha oakUnd school. Mr. H., is an earorst and diligent stndent, a profound thinker and an able teacher. Quite an honor K. David Musser ppent Wednesday at Mount Pleasant at Euoch Sin Uen- bergers. Mr. Elmer Basbore, of McAIietcr- ville, visTtcd friends in Jiifflin eountv lat week. Walter Jtfusser, of Dig Euu, 6pent part of last Thursday with the writer. Csll agitin. We are glad to note that our dem ocratic candidate for tho i.ffii-e of supervisor was defeated at the tire lion on Tuesdav. That is tho vrv it goes whta a supervisor doas not' ai tend to his business. At the literary on Friday t-vtjnirj'r the following officers were elected: Prof Roy Eaynolds, of Slim V.dJey. president; vice, W. V. Shirk,; s?cre- ary, Miss M innie Lieonard; assistant secretary, Nsttie Ctouser; treasurer, G. B. Bjush; critic, Hod. B. F. Trepo. Mr. W. C McMeen, of Pittsbnrf, has co.ne home to bis mother, Mrs. James McMeen. He will remain here and farm for O. W. McAlister in the spring. An interesting social was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Valentine on Thursday evening. It was comprised of people from Slim Valley and McAlisterville. Mr. D. S. arttrswas the auctioneer and suc ceeded finely, realizing $19.00 from the sale of refreshments. In the small hours of the morning we all returned home feeling that Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Valentine had succeeded in giving us an evening of great and trne pleasure. Our friend J. M. Musser has an uncle who waa born near Coivestoga Lancaster county. Pa., in the year 1803 he is now a resident of Rosland Adams Co., Nebraska. He has reached the age of 95 years and is in good health and walks on mile to ehareb OPPORTUNITY, LEAH! H m m to the marrow. to 50 Ai only. v MIFFLIXTOWN PENV'A RAILROAD TIME TAKLB. pERRT COFVTr RAILROAD. The following schedule went Ib'o eflsc Nov. 16, 1S96, and the tra-us will ba riia as follows; v. ta 4 30 4 80 4 89 3 41 4 45 4 4 4 51 4 ft 4 56 4 5! a. m 9(H) 8 to" 919 911 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 8 24 9 2T Leave Arrive a. ra, Dnncaonnn 7 o4 King's JIill 7 49 Sulphur Sp'injrs 7 iC Corman Sidfnr 7 4 4 03 2S -'20 2 If 2 lf 2 1 2M ZiiS 2 1.3 'J ( ; 11 1 aa 1 81 1 2S 1 i5 1 luoD'i'oei'o Park 7 41 "VVeaver 7 40 Rddy 7 8a noffman 7 S3 Royer 7 31 Mahanoy 7 gg Bloomflc Id 7 23 Tresski 7 og Xellson 7 84 Dnm'g 7 oi EHiotsbiirtr o i.g Bernbeivl'n e 51 Groen PrU e 4s 6 10 10 43 5 10 9 49 5 21 9 ft 5 24 9 57 6 27 10 05 6 32 10 t 7 6 34 10 17 6 87 10 SO 6 02 10 35 p. ru a. tn 1 IS 1 15 - 1- r ni., IaJ. aiontoiir Jnna 6 83 Landibt urv f, 23 Arrive Leavn . 1 Tnin leaves BIoomfteM at 5.r,i e. 'U'l nrrives at Landisoorg at C.ZJ a Train learos Lan lisbtirg Ht .03 p". m ' arrives et Bloom'ield ai G.4 ) y. All stations marked () ar? Uie s: i at wbicfc trains will coma to i t-i:! si.,o signal. Cnas. n. Shu.iv, Prisidcul. S. II. Bica, JSt.pt, VIEWPORT AND SflESMAK' I" ley Railroad Company. xlfni VAL Iitbl'j trancngi-r trains, in eneot May 18th. 189G. P M A Newr-rt Buffalo Bridge..! Juniata Furnace .. W abneta STlvao Wat-r rii: Blc.oinhH .'anct'n Vn'iry Br.l Elliott.hn.-j Green Perk , LojsviHp ....... Kort K .l;. .on Center CUna's Rao Andcrsonbnrg .... BLtia A It 6 05 10 S5 ? 8C i nr r ?. t it .1 C 08 16 3M 27 . 6 12 10 42' 8 23 6 16.10 451 8 2C I n 25 10 62 t 4,: 8 1! R IMl or, 6 22 11 01 6 31 11 0.' 6 39 11 0'.). 61,11 ilj 7-15 e 15 54 11 24 : 40, fi in 05 11 85! "S4 ? 01 t : 2 it i 2 g -1 7 lilt 41 20 T If. 7 K 7 10 7 Ofc 6); f 6(- 1 15 11 45 ' 21:11 61 7 27111 67 7 85112 05 7 4112 11 7 45il2 15 Mount I'leisatit . . New Germant'n ... D. GKIXG, Prudent and Ma- ag C. K.. Miller, General Apeui. FARQUKAH Variable Friction Feed tl. i A - nl "'":- r-.-,T' .-V C.' 1:. Ajax Csnfer Crank En.u Bapld, accurate, strong and vliupl. wtrn lnr c-.ipAirir.v. ;ni. si'la or wht.'ia. ru ...,f anclsnfc. ."(o !',, ,,,.,-r WoIIat bur ek r , ... totcl. Alau a .:.; . ,M aericuitnml t:aiii..n-... g.nti:'!y. Ha) :-r.v-. a aniHilftv. 9a.h. .1 t. CatKlutfue and pi h tn A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., York, Pa. HKSH St DROSilOOL vr IT nf-i rx. MimuiTTui uupruveiiirit in rvicttott i f-(itf-il:rk. liMckmoltonoK'nTTl-.tA.-i t'w :v any other In rncni:wkpt, v,rf,,in u.r , .auiny tll Ibe fedl Kiuriiie; ( 1 rtitnil it:.l wl.i-.. int:: Ffrnt aaviBX ill .-fr osid ln-. kf:?n- t-.r.ti picAiA ii-UAf. a'.'m. jr:,ta i.ilT:mt,r?. 'e? 'Instcs, ltt::it-T... . xe-. ;i t u.'o.ntai.D, miv., v' STATIONS. West- I rv(. j 3 j 1 I 2i " 1 r. iw bt.-b-.t r--. Bali