Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 16, 1898, Image 3
REPUBLICAN iDlKHOVT, FEB. 16, 18J. TE B VS.1 I Jih:;:itioc, ?1.50 por annum if palJ ,jivace; $'2.00 if not paM In advance. fr&cslsnt adveTttsemaata ls'erted at 50 I asti P Inch for eeh tnort".oa. Transient Daslnw notice In local ooi- Incu 15 cen pr line for eoh Insertion. Iwdactieaa will be made to those Aectrin B rfrertisa by the yew, half or qurt-r I COC IT r COMMITTEE MEET MO. The R?Dublican County Committee cf Juniata county, are hereby re quested to meet at Zeigler'a Hotel, in l'atctron, at 1 o clock p. m., on &TCRDA.Y, FEBRUARY 19, 1898, the purpose of fixing a time for io hold-B? of the primary election, id 8U3ti otner business that may be foagbt before the committee. H. C. McClxllak. ?eb. 12, 18S. Chairman. SHORT LOCALS. Lent season berrins this Wedoes- da v. Hav your sale bille printed at b-.g cmce. Miss Hughes, of Altoona, is visit ng A'iss Jem Trimbel. Mia Bes3 Groningtr is visiting ieti.Oa ia Philadelphia. Thrss vho are in health do not ap prsivftfe what a blessing it is. .Afosl of tbe public sa's this year re oil the trcst b:-j9 of tbe river. Tight sh.ies di.tnrb th : '.lirculaiion f ths b-nlr, engender colds and htr dlSCRSCd. Tt.c tiits aro belter than they ere ons year ajjo. One year ago ovp'snd was in office. " D. Jj. isnrks Las two live alleija- .9 ftlvur lucres Ion , iu4'. were ristt to hiin from Fieri ia. D. M. Ilick&alai'gh, of ITiilers town, brwht a horse cf James Williams, cf near this town. w Vi m. Guih'ird ar.d J. IL Neely, ea?h bought nice driving horses from X. J. Mlddagh last week. Mr. Jerome Price arid sister Alice of U-.iiT.Lftra, Milllin co::r.ty, attended e Wilson party last Tuuradiy eve- w; rl Keirna and sister Lizzie, of canity, SD'nt part of last week w;;L Mr. Joseph Rothrock's famiif . Ia tbo morringa ffoad inaov peo pie c incot hear a call to get up if the j cali is 'at more than 3 fc6t 7 inches ' from UK. ! V - ' He d:ed like a hero." "Yes: few men would clasp tbe Jhand cf tbu attecdiDg physician at .''"jjiCii'iTd moment. siCre ere 7000 pension ftnnaN in " ' "j:tep, and ever 40,000 obtaining 7 pen- e vi8 4. Aucker. -io tn quarterly meeting of the juciata Vn!:t?y Editorial Association, wiil be h-r-ld at tbe Bruoawick lljtel, Tlmting l ou, Friday, February 18ih, 1898. The letters nncallled for ia the Mitil-r.fon post office f ;r tbe week closing Ft-.h. 12, whi-8 for Miss Mary Man.gp, D. F. Hafaay, Mr. D. H. Schootle, Mr. Saia Adams. ecsy ? k u C-'li ACS. KIDNE.Y.STOMACH ' AND LiVER TROUOL .3. "Tbe Juniata H'.irsjand mule pro tection 'Company w;b meet in tee Court, Hi. use, on February 26. at 2 o doe p. v., to transact business, and revive eji members. IluiiflrcJs of f-Lnd flies from the rivf r bft: k were c bfvi ved on houses along thi river front k the 10th iast. QCite a number wera unoa.G. W. Keek's restaurant building. The vfcw woman has taken to jumplrg and riding on freight trains, aa vrae ; rov-u by one that was cap tr.rtd cii a train last Friday moruiug, ni this station, by train maetc-r S. B. Ciaritr. On tbe eighth inst., while W. H. Bari-'.uy v.-as at work in bis smith chop nt l'eed's Gap, death's unbid-d'-n :icd uuweicome nusJer-ger cf.mt and e!:iimfd bim; be fell t the flji.r and tpircd slmost inbtantly. WANTED By an old esablisb ed hon:-e, a ican to take charge of and bii-k after tbir business iu iLir section. Si;!ary $C(I0, with coia n.issicti. C'jb'u etcuriiy r.-qiiitd Aai':o Basinefp, c-aro Sentixel. An ua pc'Hf!-u!ed revival itif-efiug is in I'rort's in t!ie Fit UniUd Fvai;-.;!!c.l L-hurcb, ia Cattlc, IV, tbi-t.t Lundrcd and tl.iity people have been c -nverttd. Rv. 21. F. Foosel iD ii :s the pitac'uur of tbe congrega tion. liie-ioare mtn iu almost every com; ty i-l tbe stats who aro getting r-: dy !o go to theKlondjke country, aud ther- are mary there uho are longingly wiitinr for the eocoinjr of spring Uiro so that they may be able to get out of that cuuntry. Thomas V. Cooper, has announced mu!;f:t a canduiate lor Governor on the Ropubliean ticket on the plat form i f '"Business equably." With no o'-sparagement to any other can didaie f(r tho noaiiuation, Cooper if norum?ttd can rally the party to victorious result in November. Conductor Fred Baldwin, former ly J L'ort Royal, bad an srm broken ' li.v.lij station in f.fflin countv, last w ek. His train No 20 stopped at tii,: et ft) inn. lie stepped on an ad j'o.uir track and was almost caught Ira freigbt train going west. The 1 - por of a car struck an arm and jke it above the elbow. iBy Its Record of remarkable cures I x id's Sarsaparilla has become the 'So true blood purifier prominently in tfie public eye. Cet only Hood's. sod'S Pills are the best family HI . (vvaLwai medicine. ac. Subscribe for the Sumner. awn Republican, a paper that contain choice reading matter, full of inform- tton that does the reader Rood, and in addition to that all local news that art worth publishing find places in its columns. tf. David Huffman was employed by T. Van Irwia one day last week to take the snow and ice from his house i oof. David put np a ladder, mount .d it placed one kneettn the roof and Lad the other foot on a round of the ladder, wben the ladder slipped on ice below precipitating him to the pavement By the fall his left wrist was badly strained, requiring medi cal attention. .rnotograpbs advancing in price. Take Notice on and after April 1st, 1898, my price for our best Cabinet Photographs will be 3 00 per dozen, until then April 1st, I will make end sell tickets frr these same photo graphs for 1.50 per dozen. I have ordered 5,000 of the highest style card, printed in gold to supply this work, our efforts in low priced work i'us nut been appreciated, therefore we are obliged to return to our old price $3.00 per dozen. Tickets sold will be good at any time presented, this is yonc last slid only chance to trot high priced work at half price. Don't come in after the time and say yon didn t see this add, it will be too late. Respectfully. Joseph Hess. The social event of the seasoD, was the celebration of the 28th anniver sary of the marriage of Mr. and airs. George Wilson, at their borne, in Patterson, ou toe evening of tbe 10th iust, Between one and two hundred guests, were present, some from Dauphin, Perry, Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Blair counties. One daughter, Miss Maude Wilson, graces the fam ily bone, and she with her father aid mother received the guests. Mies Susanna Rothrock of New Port stood with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, and daughter, during the reception. F. M. M. Pennell, Esq., made a speech appropriate to the anniversary and the social occasion. Refreshments were served and time psssed rspidly ficaidst the agreeable sunouudings and it was midnight before tbe com pany realized it. All were highly delighted with the occasion. Day light found a number of the guests wide awake in their homes, they not having slept, but lived over and over as the niht passed the agreeable scenes and social incidents of the oc casion. Tbe Squire, and .Urs. Wil son, and their amiable daughter, have the best wishes cf every individual member of tbe company and i il wish Mr. and Sirs. Wilton a lontj life to celebrate many cint:ij aoiuversaries of their prosperous aad happy mar ried life. B!comfield Times. R-v. Edward R. Miller, a former resident cf Dun cacnon.is ia jail iuLincas'er cbaigod with adultery. For some time past Rev. JUiller has hadebargo of the fleck at tho Rescue Mission in Lancaster, and while be was ministering to the spiritual wants of . the unfortunates jwbo came the Mission, be was also .ing aUeniioEs cf another kind , u Mrs. Eimira Bretz, the wife of .nry Brelz, of New Cumberland. He finally induced the woman to leave her husband and children on tbe pretext of going to visit her mother, but instead of doing so she came to Larcaster county and for efcveral weeks had been living with Miihr end his wife, at Millers ville. Mr. Brelz, the husband dissovered bit wife's iufideiity, bad a warrant issued for the arrest of boib her and her ministerial lover. They were taken into custody at Lancaster one night last week as they stepped from a train on the Reading Railroad, and locked np. At a tearing bfore an aldeiman on Friday both were remanded for trial on tl e charge of adultery and iu default of bail were committed to jail. Miller bos a wife and family. Tbe Rescue Mission now has another superintendent and is sgain doing business at, the old stand, but its pious members are not over-working tberosflves to "refcue" their former 'shining ligbt." Rheumatism Cured In a Day. 1 Mvstic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tbe system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes et crce the cau.-e and the disease immediately disappears. The tirst dose greatly benefits: 75 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co , Druggists, Mifflintown. April 1, '98. FARM FOR SALE. Tie undersigned, offers bis borne stead farm, in Monroe township. about three quarters if a mile from Evenrfale, at private sUe. The farm consists of 100 acres more or Je, all clear landexcepting about 5 acres, wuicn is in iiruopr. ino lrnorov. rueois Me a gr.od f;am.'- house, frame bank burr. wgon s'jtt', hog pen, spricjj house, tbe spring never fails. There is also a well of never failincr water at the house, church, school bonse, storti aiid mill conveniently near. There ia a peach orchard of 800 trees on tbe form. Addiess, BalthasEr Lauver, Evendale, Juniata Cc., Pa. Jan. 5, '98, m. Tbe Presb terians held their third sociable in the lecture room on Tues day eveninsr At the election on Tuesday Reuben Reynolds, D., was elected judjo of election; Will L. Hoopes, R., and William Criswoll, D., were elected inspectors; F. M. M. Pennell, R , and H. S. Scholl, D., were elected school directors; Cornelius McClellan R., was elected assessor; William Hawk, D., was elected overseer of the poor; L D. Musser, D., M. E. Stoner, D , were elected town council; J. T. Sieber, R., was elected auditor. Tbe officers elected in Fermanagh township, on Monday, are John Riter, R., judge of election; H. O. Moyer, R , Wm. Shiyely, D., inspec tors; John Fry, D , and Jacob Lauver D., school directors; O. C. Diffen derfer, , assessor; Wellington Smith, D., overseer of poor; S. Gross, D , C. Michael D., road supervisors; Irwin Bashor, R., auditor. COURT PROCEEDINGS- Continued from last week. In tbe case of Lottie Sherlock and, Lydia Beale vs. G. W. Psnnebaker. Feigned Issue. Sheriff's interplead r trial. After tbe plantiff had in troduced their evidence, judgement was entered for plaintiffs. Henry W. Berger ts. John Mich ael, Appeal from J. P. Triad and verdict for plaintiff for $44.41. B. L. Shuman vs. Afrs. Sarah Moyer. Appeal from J. P. Tried aud verdict for plaintiff for $19.73. Charles Fike and Newton G. Landis who plead guilty to the charge of forgery, and Richard John son who plead guilty to the charge of burglary were all sentenced by the Court to the Reformatory at Hunt ingdon. Jacob Howard who plead guilty to the charge of forn cation and bas tardy upon oath of Bessie ' J. Sher lock, was given the usual sentence and in default of payment is now boarding with Sheriff Stoner. Com. vs. Daniel Mode, charge for nication and bastardy. Mary J. Burns prosecutrix. Continued. Com. vs. Peter Stewart, charge false pretense on oath of A. T. Cav eny. Sett'ed. Com. vs. Arthur B. Rowe, charge fornication and bastardy. Contin ued. In the matter of tbe exclusion of Arkeel and Smith vs. J. L. Weiser. Executions set aside upon the ap plication of tbe defendant Will L Hoopes, Esq., was appoint ed a commissioner to take testimony in the divorce proceedings between Miles L. Fry, and Annie J. Fry. In the divoreo proceedings between B. F. Junkin and Martha W. Junk in, Subpoena awarded. Iu tbe matter of tbe appeal of the Directors of the Poor of Cumberland county from an order of removal of Philip A. Smith and bis wife from tbe Wulktr township poor district to Cumberland county. The court filed an opinion dismissing tbe appeal and ordering cash to be paid by the Cumberland county Poor Authorities Oa Tuesday afternoon Hon. Mar tin Bell, President Judge of Blair county occupied iho bench to hear argument i.i lias roatt.r of the ap plication of Levi Goshen to be dis charged from jail where he has been for more than a year. Goshen was placed in jail for contempt of court, in not paying over to the proper parties the moneys Le had received' as adminisirat or of tbe estate of bis father Henry Goshen deceased' Tho Court after hearing a brief argument made au order that if Goshen would furnish security iu tbo sum cf $300 to not leavo the jurisdiction of tba court, he should be discharged from ja.il. It was underetood that be was to pay the sum of 10.00 per month to bis bondsmen wbo lost so heavily by b:s defalcation. Ia case he does not pay $10.00 per month he will again be committed to jail. Gos-hen raised the security called for and was discharged from jail on Friday eve ninr. v. "i adjourned nntil 10 o'clock, a. m , oa. the 22nd inst. AH ORDtSASCE- To autboriza tbe Juniata Telephone aud Telegraph company to erect and maintain poles for telephone lines in tbe Borough of Mifflintown, Juniata county, Pennsylvania. Whereas. The Juniata Telephone and Telegraph company bss applied to tbe authorities of tbe Borough of Jtfifflintown, Penna, for permission to erect poles and run wires on the same over or under tbo streets, lanes and alleys of std Borough, as pro vided by the 4th Section, of an act, entitled, "An net to provide for the incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations," as amended by an act approved 25th of June 1885. Therefore, be it ordained and en acted, by (he Chief Burgess and Town Council of tbe Bnrough of Mifilin towD, Pcnna., and it is hereby ordain ed mid enacted by tbe authority of tbe same. Section 1. That tbe Juniata Tele phone end Telegraph Company, its successors or assigns, its or their agents, servants and employees are permitted to erect and rcaintaia in tbe streets, lanes, and a'levs of tue Borough of MitHiatown, Penna , and over and under the same, a line or lines of poles and wires with all such necessary and usual nsture there for as may b necessary for the sji cessful prosecution of a telephone or signal business by means of electri city. Sectioc, 2. That the poles shall be reasonably straight and with the fixtures so to ba erected shbll be put in a safe and substantial manner and shall be as neat in appearance us maybe, aud bo located by tbe street committee cr tbe 6treet commission, under their direction in such ru inner as not to obstruct said streets, lanes, acd alleys, in th&ir ordiairy and cus tomeryuso and thall be erected, maintained, and cared for at the cost and cbargo of said company It is undei stood, that tho polls shall be shaved and painted by tbe said com pany. The streets and alleys to ba used for tho line shall be designated by Council at time of construction, Ordained and enacted into an ordi nance, this seventh day of February A. D., 1898. Attest, J. Howard Neely, Ftr J Meyers, Secretary. Preoident. J. H. Sweger, Chief Burgess. ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for one purpose, namely, a teceptaclo for tbo urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment cf other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urino from unhealthy kidneys is the chief causa of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the bladder, wan created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, there fore any pain, disease or inconveni ence manifested in tbe kidneys, back, blander or urinary passtge is often, by Mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort The error is easily made and may be easily avoided. To find oat correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hour.1; a sediment or set tling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and tbe extraor dinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney, and "bladder remedy is soon realized. If yon need a medicine you should have tbe best. Sold by druggist, price fifty cents and one dollar Yon may have a sam pie bottle and phainphlet bottle both sent free by mail. Mention tbe Jun iata SiHTnuii akd Rxpcblicax 'and send your address to Dr. Kilmer k. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. PUBLIC SALES. March 25 D. B. Me Williams, in Beale township, household goods, cat tle, farm machinery, grain, hay. , Mar. 18. Mrs. D. Richeson, Hon ey Grove, house goods, farm imple ments, horses, cattle. .Mar. 10. J F. Armstrong, War ble, house, cattle, bogs, farm imple ments. Mar. 15. William Showem, Peru Lack, house goods, cows, young cattle, farm implements. Mar. 15. Geo. M. Robison, near Patterson, horses, cows, young cattle and farm implements. Mar. 17. Christ Tyson, Walker township, horses, cattle, bogs, farm implements. Feb. ir Henry Suioff will sell in Fermanagh township, horses, cattle, bogs and farm machinery. March 3. J. W. Milliken, in Tus carora township, will sell 70 acres of land, horse, cattle, hogs, farm ma cbiuery. March 5, Mrs. Elizabeth Frank bouse wiil sell near Jons town a lot of live stock. Mar. 16. W. 8. Rice, Spruce Hill horse, cattle, farm implements. Mar. 23. J. P. Earnest, Gilford townbip, horses, cows, hogf chick ens, farm implements. Mjr. 22. S. S. Beers, Sprue Hill township, farm implements, horses, cows, young cattle. Mar. 24 Ctarles Foltz, Turbett township, horses, cows, youag cattle, shoals, farm implements. Mar. 1. William GraybiL', in Me- Alisterville, horses, cattle and farm mple ments - JVfarcb 2'.). C. W. Book, adminis trator of Martba Book, in Fayette township, household goods. Marti. 20. -Goorge May, of Aca dsmia, hone?, cuitle, hogs, farm uia cbiuery, hay corn fodder, end corn. Feb. 22 M. W. Swartz, will sll at public sak, in Fermanagh town ehip, to miles east of MiHintown. horses, cows and farmirg imple ments. U. H. Snyder, Auctioneer. FLORIDA. PersAaally-Cauducted Tour via Pennsylvania Railroad. Ooo must appreciate tho advan tages of modern railway travel wben he can leave the land of blizzards one day and find himself in tbe - land of flowers the next. To do this tske the Pennsylvania Railroad tour to Jacksonville, which will leave New York and Pniladel pbia by special train of Pullman Palace Cars Tuesday, February 22, allowing two weeks in Florida. Ex cursion ticket?, including railway transportation, Pullman accommo dations (one bertu,) ana msa's en route in both directions while travel ing on the special traiu, will bo sold at tbe following rates: New York, $50.00; Philadelphia, $48.00; Cinaa daigua, $52 85; Erie. $54.85, Wilkes- barre, $50.35; Pittsburg, $53 00; and at proportionate rates from other points. For ti :kets, itineraries, and full in formation apply to ticket agenis Tourist Agent, 1196 Broadway, New York; or address Geo. W. Boyd, As sistsnt General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia MIFFLIDirOWIf UK A IN JiAiKKia Mnri.nrrowa. Feb. 10 it! 8 ii.-i . . . tlr.n in i:r, 'r. , Kre Clowi-so-d , 88 30 82 .. $2 to 2 60 18 13 12 12 8 7 tuo 60 70 ..85c tm 90c 90 75 60c Kir.trr Kgt-' Ilau:.... Shou.drr Laid . . Sides. Timothy seed...... Jp- seed Sran Chop Miildlingf.... Groaal in Bait. American Salt.... Philadelphia .Markets. Feb. 15tb, lSOS.- Wheat $1.01; corn33c; oats 32c; buy $7.50 to $12 a ton; turkeys 10 to lie; ducks 9c; geese 8c; butter 14 to 2Cc; egs 12 to 14c: apples $2.75 to S4.C0; potatoes 75 to 83(5 a bushel; sweet potatoes 30 to 75; onions 90 to 95c; beef cattle 3J to 5c; bogs 2.J to 4c; veal calves $6 to $6.50; sheep $3 $4.90. LEGAL. N OT1CE OF IXCORPOUA- TIO!t. Notica i beieby giron that nn applica tion will be made to the Governor Of Pma ayliania on Tuesday the 16tb, (lav of March, 183S, by J S. Grybil1, A.J. Sns mm, D. J. Sha Uriiterger, E. K. Ssaith and Ucnr; L. Smith and others nndar th. aet of Aembly aatitltKl -An Act to provi le for tbe incorporation and rayiLtion of c.rtaiu corporations," approve! April 29, 1874, and tbe supplements thnrato, for tbe chartvrofan iatecd.d eorpuratiou to be called The Jnnuta Telephone and Tele graph Company, the character and object of which is to establish a telephone and telegraph line in Sayder and Juniata conn, ties with connections in Perry and Mifflin conntirt, aid for tbes purpose to have, possoss ajd enjey all the rights, beneUU and privileges ot aaid Aet of Assembly nod the supplements thereto. Atkixsoh fc PaassLL, - Solicitors. MARRIED: Bknner Kauftman. On the 8th inst., at tbe borne of the brides par ents, in Fayette township, by Bev. Wiliitui Grarl ill. Jacob J. Benncr an 3 Leah Kauflmau. Pashebakeb MoCahak. On the 9th inst . at. Waterloo, by Rev. John F. Diener. William A Pannebaker and Maggie M. McCaban. How to Prolong Life - No man or woman can hope to live long if the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs are diseased. Disorders of that kind should never be neglected. Don't delay in finding out your condition. You can tell as well as a physician. Put some urine in a glass or bottle, and let it Btand a day and night. A sediment at tbe bottom is a sure sign that you have Kidney disease:' Other certain signs are pains in the small of tho back a desire to make water often, especially at night a scalding sensation in passing it and if urine stains linen there is no doubt that the disease is present. There is a cure for Kidney and Bladder Diseases. It is Dr. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy. It has been for thirty years, and Is today, the greatest and best medicine known for these troubles. Mr. William W. Adams. cor. Jenerson Avenue and Clifton Street, Roches ter, N. Y., says: '"Three years ago I was taken with Kidney disease very badly ; at times I was completely prostrat ed ; in fact, was so bad that a day was set for the doc tors to perform an operation upon me. Upon that day I com menced the use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and it was not long before I was entirely cured, and I have had no return of the trouble since. My weight has increased, and I never was so well as I am now. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy saved my life." - Favorite Remedy acts directly upon the Kidneys, Liver and Blood. In cases of Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Ulcers, Old Sores, Blood Poisoning, Bright's Disease and Female Troubles it has made cures after all other treat ments failed. It is sold for $i.oo a bottle at drug stores. A teaspoon ful is a dose. SnmniA PtrrlA Proof Send your full postofHce address to the Dr. David 34JIJIC DUUIC riCC I Kennedy Corporation, Rondout. N. Y., and mention t&is peper, and a sample bottle of favorite Remedy will be sent free. Every sufferer can depend upon the genuineness of this offer, and should send at once. WELL SCHOTT'S BARGAIN DAYS. Commencing January 15, unci con tinue during January. We start our b'g Bargain Sales lor the 3 ear 1898, so that you will appreciate our special efforts in- giving greater bar gain than ever before. NEVER WAS THERE A BETTER OPPORTUNITY THAN NOW. ' STUDY EACH PARTICULAR ITEM. 65 cnt mens slf acting Rubbers Lr 2ao. 35 eent Ladies rubbers for 18c. 45 cents youth heavy rubbers fur 2fe. $1.00 ladies and boys buckle artics for 60c. 45 cent ladies epriog beel rubbers for 25c. $2 00 men flt boots with heavy overs for $1.25. Golden Rule, bigb lumberman' with Red CroM, felt wool boots, wai ranted to wear thre wiatwr, for $2.65. '.' $2.00 Ladies dress ihotg, button or lace for SI. 25. $3.50 Mens tbrse soled winter drei sboes for $2 75. 15 cent patnt leather polish at 8c. .1. - 25 cent cottbiontioo lxxnet polish for 10c. 20 yards extra fine quality cf yellow muslin for $1.50. - 20 yrrds of fine bleecbed mnslin for $1.00 18 yards of Appleton A., bent yallowinurlin for (1.00. 17 yards of best Hill, fine bleached inntlia $1.0;). 20 yards of good gingham for 75c. 10 yards of heavy shirting Cheviot, for 75c. 10 yards of good oating flannel for 50c. 10 ytrds of obsff tioking at 65o, 85o and 06c. 3 eases of good toiled seap for on. Amsionia at 5e a bottle or 6 bott'es for 25c. Great reduction m Fancy Dress Goods, Novelties, Dress Cloth, Henriettas and Serges. 5000 YARDS OF CARPETS, at special low rates. A Fancy Ingrain moth proof carpet lor 25c, wears like iron A home made, xery nice striped carpet lor 20c. Rag carpets, home made at 25c to 29c 2 yard wide English oil cloth, you can use both sides, at 36c square yard. Mens Tanitary fleeced iron' glad warm underwear at 46c a piece. GREATLY. lt&DUUJlD PRICES O FACTORY BLANKETS. Ladies under skirt at 25c, OJNE HALF, OJNE HALF, Prices on Ladies and Children's Jackets coats and Capes, now is your money saving opportunities. SCHOTT'S 103 to 109 Bridge 1865, ESTABLISHED, 1897. Special Invitation rlo rlVie Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF i. W. HARLEY. It 10 THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN V. It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE A of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f il to give him a cali if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEYSS rxs - n 135 BEGUN IS DONE, STORES, STORES, street, Mifflintown, Pa. will be examine the Stock of Goods for SPECIAL BARGAIN l IU CLOTHING. In order to close out the balance of our winter stock, we will sell all our heavy clothing, induct ing men's, boy's and children's overcoats at a special reduction. WE ALSO HAVE a lot of mens, boys and childrens suits that we are closing out at exactly one half the price they were formerly sold for. THESE SUITS ARE SOME that nearly all the sizes have been sold, and we are closing: them out at one half former prices, IN MANY OF THESE there may be only one size left in a pattern, and in order to make room for OUR SPRING LINE we make this un precedent offer. THESE GOOD& ciuinot last loner, so if in need of a suit for your self or boy, don't let this opportu nity pass. HOLLO SAUGH & SON, 116 HMIjST STREET, PATTERSON, PENNA. McGLXNTXO'S HARDWARE and House-Furnishing STORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O- - oOo THAT'S WHY, YOU LIKE IT. Things are never dull here; rever stupid. Tbe full life of the stors al wsjs has a cheerful welcome for all comets, and stoppers are quick to decide in favor of tbe Great Vilurs to be found in our new Neat, Stylish, Inviting STORE aV K. H. M'CUNTIG, HAVE 100 "MOM TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER CALI' A1 TUB ATI FIRST m MI KFLIJf t'OW flj , r. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST l'AID ON TIME CERTlFICATLb, Hcney Leaned at Lowest Rates. pROTHONATARY'S NOTICE. Notice is herebv given that the follow, ing account has been filed in tbe Prothrn atary office, in .'uniata county, and the same will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Court of Common Pleas uf said county, on Tuesday ttio 22nd day of F-bimiy. a". D., 189, "hen and here tl' j rr n interested rusy aiUnd if tin v ihn.k j roper. Th- Kercad and intended final e mf ?' John MotJW?r, Cum:i.itle ot Ermloa Brardt, a lurerte thonatary's office, V. H. Zrinicrs, N;miBar, Pa., Proiti'v. Jaa. 24. 19'. 8. A DM IN IS TEA TOR'S NOTICE. Etlatt of Elixubtlh Matruder, itetumi. Letters of A mints ratios on the shove estate having been graartcd to tbe under, aigned. all persons indebted to tbe said es tate are requested to make payment, and these baviig claims to present the urun without delay, to Calvin B. Magrudeb. Ktiico. Jnoiata Co., Pa. administrator j Or his attorney, Jons J. PattR Jr., vim oiowd, umaia ii',, r. GREAT SALES prove the great merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because it accomplishes GREAT CURES. Citars all Kinarv. Stomach AMP UVER TROMBUS. - -O , A Specially Selected Stoek of Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Shop Stoves. Horse Klaekets and Lap Robes. LAMPS, large and small- Come in and iook around. We'll make 5011 feel at borne. We have tbe largest Sleek an 4 Store in ths county. OTTTi NAME GUARANTEES QUALITY. MIFFLINTOWN. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, GETTI SBI'RC, PA. Founded in 1S32. bar Faculty Two lu'l eonnea ot ftudj Classical ani Scientific, P peeiarcnurt.es in all depart uientc. Otwervalory, La'ncrateries and new Utirmsoircril. Shave, t eat. 'Vtf1, issaj;i 22,000 vclr.mi s. ExpenM' lew. L'cpsrt-n-i nt of Hygiene and I'hj sical Cultcie iu charge r.f n e;piri-rcet jiLy.iTei.-ii. Ae ctFsiMe 1 v (' oi nt ruilroa'1 trmi.s. Loca tion on ll.'r PATTLKFIKLD Gi itwlure, in. !),'. 8-:; r M.-i lualthy. PREl'.tM 4TORY EEIAKT9IEVr. m st par tie lt!i(tinf!s, lor boys sn.1 jeung men pre paritg lor tiUKii't!"" or College, under spec ial care cf tbe I'rircipal and tlree atsist antc, reeidirg witli btudents in the building. Pall term pens September 6U., 1895. For Catitlogues, address II. W. MCKNIGHT. U. P., President, or P.KV. O. G. KLINGEK, A. tl., Principal Ootttyaburg, Px- JUKIATA VALLEY BA.NK. OF MIFFM3TOWS, PA. StonkbolderB Individually Liable. JOSEPH BOTHHOCK. Prttidevt. T. VAN IRWIN," Cjt DIKCCTOBS. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothrock, John liwfan'r, Kobert K. Pr.Tter, T. V. Irwin. Jostaii L. Barton, Louia B. Atkinson. err;saoLWiB9 : George A. Keener, Aunie. M. ir'htlleT, JosTh Rotbroefe, P. fat. beck, L. Y. AtkiL-8':!, R. K. Parker, VI". C Po'neroy, J. Holmes Ir" n Jobn Hrtz!er. Jaroma.'N. Thomrson, CharlotteSnydor, T. V. Irwin. John M. BU If, F. M. M. i enne!?, ?amui!S. Kin'iuct, M. N. S'i rrett, Ja-nes G. Jlea-iing, 8. H'-rjt. SamutJ Schlegdl. Joslah L fcrtii, Robert H. Piliw, Levi Light, Wm. S warts. F. J. Sbe:'enbe-ger if. E. Scbl.-gel. rh-ee per e!r. interest will D paid on cer tca't s of deposit. fjan 23, 168 WANTED-AN IDEA jimiS InstopntentT Protect ycor Ida ; they j.ay n von wealth. Write JO OH WDUH. BUktX OO., 1-aUct Attoraava, WatUnaasv It. O.. (or tKelr SI JCO prtx offar. MIFFLINTOWN FJl. J, 7 r