? MiyPLIKTOWN. S. F. SOU W EIER, ne aid riopiiTOB. .Tite Spanish Minister, at Washing ' ; n made a bad break for himself. In wrote a letfor to a friend ia Hava na, Cuba. The letter fell in to the hands of Cuban rebltsa and wai sent to Wa ?h ; "tgton. Ia the letter President Mc unroy ia c!ied a "low politician.'' Aftor the exposure of the letter there ires only one tbiov for the minister Ki3a, aud that was to resijn from the micistry, whic'j he promptly did. There ia no danger on that account if the authoritiea at Washington are level headed for tie ruinister'a opin iu wj n.jt iirecte.l by the Spasiab government. Thu raini-ter Hi-fca for himself and when Lis dw ftarleej was discovered he quickly ittjp?d our. of re.cb. of responsibility t and became a private citizen j Eiifc ! sill-! says th Altoona Trib- f .'A Jb.b. ruary 9: Third section of fas? lice east this Eiorciog wa mule span to New York. Silk trains from , the Orient pass to eastern marts over 1 the .rennsylvaDia about once a month ' nowaday. Tfce New England girl is noihing' i n; i factory girl, luisw the w.iy if a siak'inent uiadt; at Bedford iiass- SnTtttrfeTIY puts it. la a caQvasj i araon? ail the mauy tail! girls out of work in Bedfuid, not ctio could be found who was both competent and willing to become a domestic eervact " Tht.j know lit t!o or utiiiDg cf houee work, such ss otbi-rs are trained to do. For ientratioiis the New Bed ford jjiild Lave been biought up .- simply to toii in factories. It is a common trick of the New York merchant! trade to et:irop American goods with a for i;rn tradtt mark, no as to cutch custoru- r wbo want to buy goods thet were mad in England and other foreign lands. So when Coiigresmen;Diagley, appeared in Congress the ether day with anew bat, ik-iD of his democrats brothrea looked ins'de of the tiie and found a London Ba i:p on it. Then the fun began. They shouted "The Great American protectionist bus bought Liaiself a foreign hat." "Oil codsis taucy what a jewel.'' They were hav ing a good deal of fua st Dicgtay's expetse, when the New Yoik dealer ., Id to give it up by telling, that tha ball was made ia the United States an I w: was marked Lotidon so ss to sell tofort-igu customers. Diugley had not nolised tte foreign (stamp. A report prevails, that the Luther an preacber at Port R.oyu.1 and a handsome youn? woman of that town, huvc nes'icittcd in c wavthat is not lecomicg thefr etaDding io society. Itihoj.ed ttjersporianny o e and all k- uit ae. "Evil to bia wbo evil iiiketb", ia a gord old taying that $SZ&x with profit to -jd to otbtis. People aia presumed to be innocent until ifccj have been proven gnilty. There is entirely t;o mich uckin 1 talk going on about people in tb'.s acd otLt r comujunitit s- Too many peo pla talk ever utrairs tint they kuo.v little about. It v.ouM bo an cifense to report the things that are feaid about ihc Port Royal parties and the ' Church authorities who are eu gaged in si'iiEg the ease will doublets epare to m?ai!3 to ftod out the truth and pnuisb 'iC gui'.iy. If jou Lear a v.roDg thiiig eboat ycur teighbor t u't repeat it uniees you know it to h true. Things tre diffrrent now. Time was, when the IMgrim fatherf; the Q.if'ker f-tthors, tbo M-niion:te futh esa the Covenant fathers uiarle set tltments in tbi ("untiy, when they were the con'tvling elemect there r.vi no amusomeot raore djstas(cfu! to thrn than catd p?aing. They brouft t'jfir dislike of i- !rom Ea ropf, whore they said card piaying bad bteu ibveLted to R.ruse certain insane tii-giy pereonagts, ar.d I hen V.ot been adopted by ths ganibliug .tcrriiy as t':e game by which they uM carry on g.-'iiMirg without asy physical esriion. Thry alwats 83 Bociated the game with old eatar, acd wben tboy csme upon a party p!yiitg cards they looked under tbc t.i.We f'if s n's'.ii of the Devil. Now it is different, numbers of tbe church t'..it. tr.c tele iaticrs foanaed are ciiiors ti c forf ujoKt card players a social gct.leringp, aud tome of them temk all other tmd of amaseoient ib fitupiJ. when compred to card play- itg. Thirgs are different cow. ECEIPTS am EXPENDITURES COtJNTYOF JUNIATA, From January Is, IS97, to January 3rJ, lS98,incisi'te. To the Honorable, the Juilett or the Cour of Common Pleas of Juniata county. Vne iMidersiL'ucd Auditors elected and sworn according to law, to examine, audit ami scltle the account of the Com missioners, SheriiTand treasurer, of the County of Juniata, for the vcar ending December 31, isi)?, met for that purpose in tlie Auditors' Ottice. in Miltilintown, on Monday, being the third dav of Jan uary, 1SV1 and toiind the same account as follows, to wit. 1S97. W. W. Landis, Treasurer rn. Jan. 1. To balance from CK. last year. . $6.1M 07 To outsta.i'g taxes county 16,36!) 10 " outtand'g taxes state l,0rH23 Taxes -ied in 1897 county 23,011 87 " " state 2,227 47 To additional assessment county. 100 59 " " " state 2 12 "5 per cent added county 329 31 " " " blate 20 94 " overpaid taxes, 1997, state and county 103 22 " cai-h returned by col lector Spruce Hill town ship on account of error 29 28 " cash from sale of bonds 12,010 00 " returned to auditors, Jan. 12, 1S97 3 60 " " from SherilFs lines and jury fees. 64 00 " couniy'sof liquor licen ses 156 75 " va-ih fromWalkertown ship for kepiug Susan , Kauilma 68 25 " cash from onunittee of Charles Ramsey 91 00 "cash from Fayette town ship for keeping Maud . Gill. . 85 21 cttsh from S. B. Loudon -.talance three fourths 88 50 8,303 60 108 70 28 04 Total $71,485 85 Jan. 1st, 1898. To balance from last year 13,993 36 1897. W. W. Laudis, Treas urer, Jan. 1st, 1897 CR. December 31, I5y overpaid tax as 1S97- $ 1 47 " orders paid 1896 2S0 07 " " " 1897 41,686 42 " outstand'g taxes countv 14,570 77 " " " state 954 70 " balan -e in Treasurer's hands , 13,993 36 t-1,483 85 Jan. 1st, 1897. W. W. Iandis, Treas- iner, Dog Tax ik. To balance from last year 0S8 64 " outstanding tax 677 A3 " additional assessment 8 50 " live per cent added 13 79 " taxert levied, 1897 511 50 " overpaid taxes 9 09 ' cash returned by collector Kpruceliill township on account of error 2Tt 1,80930 Jan. 1, 189S. To balance from last year 967 45 1897. W. W.T.andis, Treasurer, Uojr Tax ca. Dec. 31, By overpaid taxes Jan. 1, 1897 47 " orders paid " 1S93 6 50 " " " 1S'.)7 2-53 a5 " taxes outstanding 581 83 I Dec. 31, balance in treas urers hands 907 45 1 '809 30 Januarv 1st, 1S97. J. P. Calhoun, Sheritr. Fines and jurv fees col lected 1897. Pit. 214 00 214 (JO January 1st, 189S. To balance due county December 31, 1S98 J. P. Calhoun, sheritr Dei-enitier 31. By cash paid to treis- urer " bahtni-e due cuuutv 150 00 t'H. 64 00 1 50 Oil 214 00 Outstanding Taxes Decemir 31, 1897. il !4iir liitrictj f'aiitiitvr f I.. v ! iswi i 1. K. Cmuse, Tuscarora, S (15 1S95 J. O. Brown, Beale. 31 6:5 " S. H. Kollimiu, Mitiiititown. 121 33 " V. 1!. McCnliau. Milford. 515 51 " A. 1. Kerstctter, Susquehanna 9 yy " . ii. JJruuaKer, l hoiupou town. " J. Barton, Tusi-arora. ISfW J. O. Brown, Beaie, 99 32 28 i 1S4 (10 219 17 2!1 9 34 Oti 674 94 40 37 444 94 J. F. Speece, Delaware. Jacob Forrv, Oreeiiwood. J. E. Trego, la-k. S. 11. Kolliuau, Mitllintown W. B. .McCahau, Milford. W. S. Niemond, Monroe. H. M. lscii!rsr, Patterson. M.S. E.-b, SIrui-e Hill. 294 CO A. ! lveistetter Siist(uehanua249 37 W. II. lirubaker, Thompson- town. L. C. Calhoun, Turbctt. J. B. Barton, Tusbarora. W. II. Kurtz, Walker. 12 17 1K1 03 534 26 (M 61 637 79 2J8 00 1001 62 702 32 435 2S 402 G4 374 16 1465 40 258 10 510 78 318 26 1897 J. II. Lvrn. Beale, " t. ripicher, Delaware " Fred AUubau.uti, Fayette. " John Stoner, Fermanagh " Jacob Forry, Greenwood, " iainuel Leonard. Lack. " S. II. Roilnitiii, MitHintown. " J-L. Groninger, Milford. " V. S. Neimond, Monroe. " W. V. Crininiel, Patterson. " tt. Ij. Kepner, Port Rovul. " Silas Beers, Spruce Hill. . 893 46 " A. I). Kerstettcr, Siiscjuchann 585,38 " W. JI. lirubaker, Thompson- town. 17 2 (i. W. Boyer, Turbett. 543 77 James Iotuion, Tuscarora. 7S0 64 Blair Heterkk, Walker, 1,202 50 Total 14,570 77 Outstanding Taxas, December 31, 18i)7. Collectors. Districts. State Tax. 1893. H. F. Crouse, Tuscarora. 93 75 CO 49 82 11 Hii 8 33 1 36 3 50 45 30 7 90 27 00 47 77 4 76 ! 93 J!4 59 8 54 1S95. J. O. Brown. Beale. " S. H. Rollnian, Mifflintown. " W. B. McCahan, Milford. "A. D. Kcrstetter, Sufxjuebauna. " W. B. lirubaker, Tlioinpson towii. " J. B. Barton, Tuscarora. 1890. J. O. Brown; Beale. " J. F. Spcce, Delaware. " Jacob Forry, Greenwood. " J. E. Treo, Lack. " S. 14. Kolliiiuti, Milllintowu. " W. B. McCahan, Milford. " V. S. Neiiiiond, Monroe. " H. M. Isenlierg, Patterson. " M. S. Esh, Spruce Hill, " A. D. Kcrstetter, Susquehanna, " W. II. Brubaker, Thomson town. " L. V. Calhoun, Turbett. " J. B. Barton, Tuscarora. " W. H. Kurtz; Walker. 1897. J. II. Dein, Beale. 5 73 49 31 1 00 20 OS 18 OS 47 17 22 40 11 15 72 58 25 26 ', S. Spicker, Delaware. " Fred Alktbaugh, Fayette. John Stoner, Fermanagh. " Jacob Forry, Greenwood. " Samuel Leonard, Lack. " S.H. Kollman, Mifflintown, " J. L. (troningtr, Milford. " V. H. Niemond, Monroe. " V. W. CrimtiK-l, Patterson. " G. T. Kepner, Port Royal. " Silas Beers, Snriu-e Hill. 39 26 15 00 17 74 27 44 32 8H " A. D. Kersteller, Susquehanna 65 C3 . rt. i.ruumer, liiompsou town. 09 " . W. ISoyer, Turbett. " James Loudon, Tuc:irora. 85 99 " Blair Heterick, Walker. 20 42 954 Collectors. Districts. Dog Tax 1S93. 1 1. V. 'rouse,' Tuscarora. 18!5. J. O. Brown, Beale. 5 00 " S. II. Kollman, Mitllintown. 8 41 " W. B. McCahan, .Milford. 7 00 " A. A. Jteirstetter, Susuehanna. " W. B. Brubaker, Thoiupson- town. 2 89 " J. B. Barton, Tus-arora. 3 40 189(5. J. O. Brown, Beale. 0 04 " J. F. Speece, Delaware. 4 98 " Jacob Forry, Greenwood.. 18 62 " J. E. I rego, Iack. 29 66 -; S. II. Kollman, Mifnintowii. " W. B. McCahan, Milford. 6 22 " . S. Neimond, Monroe. 8 6: " H. M. Iseriberg, Patterson. 20 81 " M. S- Esh, Spruce Hill. 19 92 " A. D. Keistetter, Susquehanna 18 79 " W. H. lirubaker, Thompson town. 4.54 " L. C. Calhoun, Turneet. 8 49 " J. B. Barton, Tuscarora. 34 78 " W. H. Kurtz, Walker. 6 75 1897. J. H. Dent, Beale. 28 94 " S. Spicher, Delaware. 14 00 "Fred Allabaugh, Fayette. 26 46 " John Stoner, Fermanagh, 16 75 " Jacob Farrj-, Greenwood, 22 82 " Samuel Leonard, Lack, 51 25 " S. H. Rollman, Mifflintown, 6 75 " J. L. Groninger, Milford, 32 47 " W. S. Neimond. Monroe, 19 00 " W. W. Crimmell, Patterson, 15 75 " G. T. Kepner, Port Royal, 5 75 " Silas Beers, Spruce Hill, 22 75 " A. C. Kerstetter, Susquehanna, 2-5 09 " W. H. 15rubaker,Thompsontown,7 30 " G. W. Boyer, Turbett, 13 47 James Loudon, Tuscarora. 34 80 " Blair Hetrick, Walker, 25 00 581 83 Overpaid Taxes December 31, 1897. Collectors. Districts. County tax. 1895.J. B. Barton, Tuscarora, ' 84 00 84 00 county bouse. 1 state tax returned to county, two years. ' cawh from Huntingdon county, to error coun ty line surveying ' safe of plank and soforth Collectors. . Districts. State tax. ' IRfW .1 R Rirtnn Tnamrnra 1' 74 1896.A.C. Kcrgtetter.Busquehanna. 2 49 1896, Li. C. Calhoun, Turbctt, . 4 00 19 22 CoUerlors. Districts. Dog tax. 1895, A.C. Kerstetter.Susquehanna, 8 03 1896, 8. H. Kollman, Mifflintown, 1 06 909 All of which is respectfully submitted. T. K. Beaver,- : 1 V. W. Dimru, Couutyr Auditors. II. II. Hartman, Mitllintown, January 7, 1893. Mifflintown, Pa. January 14, 1898. STATEMENT OF ORDEKS DRAWN by the County Commissioners of Juni ata county on the Treasurer thereof from the 4th day of January 1S97, to tha 31st dav of December 1897 inclusive, as j taken from tbe records in the Commirt- CONSTABLES AND JUSTICES FEES. Courts costs in Gilliford case $ 9 69 Courts costs in John Kolaskl 1 25 Total $10 94 COM MON W E A LTIT W ITNES3 ES. FeViruarv Term Court.1897 f 42S 97 April Term Court, 1SSJ7 . 2iT 37 September Term Court, 1897 K8 S9 December Terra Court, 1897 2-54 77 Costs in lunacy cases, 1897 140 83 Total $1206 33 COLLECTORS COMMISSIONS. EX ONERATIONS A XI) A BATE MENTS. H. F. C 'rouse's bondsmen, 1893 $ 13 13 Samuel II. Kollman etal, 1895 670 44 Meno S. Esh etal, 1896 686 89 Samuel Leonard etal, 1897 1128: Total S 2498 82 COURTS AND JURORS PAY. Grand and Petit jurors Feb.i term 1897 " S 592 24 Jos. H. Curuiuiugs reporter, 144 50 H. W. Knisely, court crier 15 00 H. W. Knisely, argument court 5 00 Jurors Argument court, Feb. 24th and 20th 34 32 II. W. Knisely, argument court 2 50 Grand am! Petit jurors, April term 1897 541 44 Jos. II. Cummings reporter 54 00 H. W. Knisely, court crier 15 00 H. W. Knisely, argument courts 2 50 Grand and Petit jurors, Sept. term 1S!7 .503 96 Jos. H. CutniniiiKs, reporter. 105 34 I. W. Knisely, court crier 15 00 H. W. Knisely, argument courts 5 00 Grand and Petit jurors, Dec. term 1897 397 24 Jos. II. Cummiags, reporter 60 60 II. W. Knisely, court crier 10 00 Total, 32503.04 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. MiHlintown water company S Wm. L. Stutts, Janitor Wm. O. Puti'enberger, woxl for furnaces V. W. Noble, hose for jail Jos. W. Stimmel etal, for insur ance on Court House and jail S. S. Ruble, furniture for jail Geo. Stutts, work on gas ma chine I. 1). Musser, pearline for scrub bing J. Howard Neely, Secy., rent for water plugs, 1S&5 'and 1890 D. L. Seilier, papering jail Hiram Smith, nodding court house yard Wm. L. Stutts, extra work around public grounds Reuben Reynolds, work on pave ments and court house steps J. H. Strayer and Hafftey and Stroyer, repairing ' court house roof and etc., ' II. C. McClellau. copper sheeting for court house tower Noah Smith paintingconrtyard fence HalTley and Strayer painting ootside of court house Etka and Son, plastering in court house Guss & Seiter, paint for outside of court house Wm. J. Wagner, repairing tow er clock Jas. W. Hamilton, inspecting painting J. L. Beers A Son, pillars for Grand jury room H. D. Funk, slating base of tow er and putting ceiling in , audience room W. N. Sterrett, coal for jail 100 00 144 00 1 50 7 00 413 40 10 30 60 60 00 260 6 75 15fi0 36 35 53 43 60 32 38 00 197 00 41 75 300 80 21 90 25 50 19 45 490 45 17 12 6 50 2S3 00 35 00 Emil Schott. niattincr for court room Myers and Nixon, painting in- siue oi court house as jer specifications S. P. Robinson, for painting in side of court house not in specifications E. C. Troxell man's:., wirinir court bouse, furnishing electrolier and other fix tures C. Troxell man'g., electric light sen-ice 182 63 45 m 53 61 E K. H. Met -Untie, easolcne and hardware James J. Horning, for work and material in court house Total f 2S91 68 ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWS AND DAMAGES. Jos. Sellers, bridge view f 6 40 Mrs. Lew Thompson, etal, dam ages 15 00 J. A. iiartin etal. bridge views 40 60 W. H. Zeiders. orllcial fees Wm. H. Groninj-'er, road views B. F. Burchficld. etal 9 20 43 60 52 60 C. Yoder 13 20 Hugh L. McMeen, etal 14 20 Total $ 194 SO CONSTABLES RETURNS TO COURT, 1897. Samuel Graybill, etal $ 282 Total $ 282 58 ASSESSING AND REGISTERING. Wm. B. Zimmerman, etal for 1S97. 868 19 C. D. Singer, Thompsontowu, forl8!8. Jas. M. Crawford, Tuscarora 1898 T. J. Brown. Greenwood. " W. H. Light, Susquehanna. " G. B. M. Kepler, Port Royal " O. C. DiHeiiderfer, Fermanagh" W. S. Weimer, Turbett. " S. S. Book, Spruce Hill. " Wm. B. Zimmerman, Beale. " W. J. Zeidcrs, Patterson. Jos. B. Tha iclier, Lack. " Samuel 11. Kiuzer. Fayette. " HermaiiOpple, Black Log. " 16 36 67 S3 37 80 69 35 45 69 76 63 41 44 50 13 53 59 69 12 78 33 10 00 Total 1481 92 TRAMPS UNDERACT, 1885 W. S. North, agent tickets for Irani ps. 3 45 S. S. Ruble burrial of tramp. H. S. Scboll, treasurer, lot in cemetery. J. H. Derr, nurse. 10 00 400 400 21 45 Total BURRIAL OF INDIGENT SOL DIERS. Burrial of David Gross.of Fay ette township " " James Wildmau. Walker " " " David Zeiders, Walk er Tombs for indignant sildiers 35 85 32 47 149 SCALPS. Warren Aughey, etal Total COUNTY PRISON. James P. Calhoun, taking pris oners to the Penitentiary 98 39 James P. Calhoun, for clothing, beduing ana washing for prisoners James P. Calhoun, boarding prisoners Total BONDS PAID 1897. H. L. McMeen etal 10915 00 Total 10915 00 INTERESTS PAID ON BONDS. B. F. Schweier, etal 5427 66 Total 5427 66 PRINTING AND STATIONERY. J . C. Dirum printing and fur nishing blanks for com missioners, Protbonotary and Rcgistersoriices, bind ing books, furnishing school registers. Harry E. Bousall printing and stationery Wm. J Jackmau, printing and stationery B F Schweier, printing wra M Allison, printing Sun printing Co, Blank for 1898 Mary J Hunt, stationery 17081 125 85 Total BRIDGES wm A Milliken Concord nar rows bridge wm L Stutts, Milllintowu river bridge D B Beits? " river bridge wm O Puflenlierger " " James J Horning " Lyman Aughey Plank" ' Jonathan Ryner Cuba bridge II J Shellcnberger plank cuba bridge D L Seiber, cuba bridge G II M wischaup, old Port Roy al bridge plank Hertzler heirs ." " " S li weimer " " " II P Clark " " " Iesher aud Merideth plank for Th'ompsontowii tridgc j Louden slater material and work " " " w H Moore plank " " D II Kumlerger work " w H Brubaker " " " H J Shellcnberger plank ' J B Fry work " " " A w Seiber plank " " Joseph Still work on McClures bridge S F IJudwil work on Ludwigs hi idge w D walls plank for McClures and Ludwig bridges. S. E. Horning Zooks bridge Samuel Brandt Iocust Grove bridge. Maube'k and Nelson plank for Basin hi idge. 38 10 4 50 i:n 6 50 200 so'oo 11 15 42 48 83 57 110 00 2 9S 15 00 8 77 40 00 29 44 40 90 27 2-1 24 12 15 74 10 00 SS 23 10 00 15 00 70 86 1 00 1 00 86 48 716 54 21 45 7 40 32 28 29 06 10 87 14 01 L. A Jno. Dimm plank and work Dimmsviue bridge. Rice work on Waterloo bridge. R. II. Patterson, plank I. G. Knight Crosbroads bridge Perry Nipple, Nipples bridge. James A Shelley " " Total K?l 41 COMMISSIONERS OFFICE. I D. D. Putrentierger comm. 78 days. 273 00 " traveling expenses .36 00 Rhincsiuith comm. 82 days. 287 00 " travelinn expenses 74 05 Jerry Iudenslager comm. 89 ways. 311 50 " traveling expenses 97 25 Hugh C. Rhine clerk to comm. 600 00 Robert McMeen solicitor to comm's. 40 00 wm. 1 liheiibcrger lias salarv not drawn. 64 00 D. Rbinesnith " 61 05 Loiidenslauer has overdrawn but repaid which will D show in 18!;9 audit. Total 238 25 1828 50 PUBLIC OFFICES. w. Taiidis treasurer salary. 400 00 H. Zeiders Proth. official feen. 130 40 Jacob A Davis Deputy Recorder 68 00 Anson B. will Rccordes fees. 19 00 w. G. Johnson A Co., books for Proth's. office. 17 50 J. Van Uler pens for office. 4 50 Mary J. Hunt ' " " 3 12 Mount Holly C!o., lcgnl Cap and stationary. 19 12 C. Dimm, blank liooks. 9 50 wm. li. Kojiman unoKstor iteg- istcrs otlice. . 37 45 wm. .Mann v i o., ijooks ror Prothnotarv'8 otlice. 16 00 Marv J. Hunt Stationionary. 7 50 II. II. Hartman etal auditors 9000 wm. M. Allison auditing Prothonotary's and Regis ter and Recorder oflices. 20 00 Total 842 09 GENERAL AND SPRING ELEC TIONS. John Paniiebakerclcclion house rtnt Patterson. 15 00 J. O. Burns election officers February election. 381 36 Samuel Emery etal election ollicers November election 420 34 J. C. Dimm printing election pioclamation. 36 00 w. J. Jackman " " 36 00 Harry Bonsall " " " 36 00 B. F. Schweier " " " s 00 wm. M. Allison " ' " so 00 w. J. Jackman, pnntins elec- Procltimation, 1896. 90 00 J. C. Dimm, priiiting ballots 44 40 S. C. Graham c!e;tion hou3 rent Greenwood. 5 00 Jacob Iiauver " " Milford '4 00 A. B. Evans " " i felaware 4 00 B. P. lark " " Beale. 2 00 8. M. Beale " " Tuscarora 4 00 C. M. Brackbill " Tpruce Hill 2 00 J. P. Ilefleltingcr keeping books 2 50 li. K. Huloit election house rent I'crmanagh. 12 00 Joseph IMnes " " Fayette. 4 (to E. E. Smith keeping liooks " 200 j. B. Buchanan Black Log 4 00 jennie inompson room rent walKer. 20 00 L. C. Calhoun " " Turbett 4 00 1. JN. uruDD " Thompson- town, s 00 II. C. Book " Port Royal 10 00 Constables attending Feb. and ' General elections and oth- expeuses. 202 69 . Total 1421 29 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS, To western Penitentiary 530 21 James McCauley trimming trees 27 00 L. Banks medical attendance at Ja. 5 00 j. V. Dimm for blank receipts 2 50 S. S. Ruble, furniture for Treas urer's room. 13 00 Andrew Cnswell attending in jured man. 1 00 J. 11. Jrwiu, wild cat scalps. 4 00 lo Huntuigdon Reformatory 186 84 james P. Calhoun drawing jury ' and serving notices. . 75.80 G. w. Berger repairs to fence. 4 65 E. ir. werner Comui's facsimiles. " 8 00 w. . Arbogast lamp 8. B. Murray, boarding jurors. w. S. North state tax on bonds. 35 400 35515 40 90 25 00 1 00 w. S North commission on 001 State tax aud ete Man beck and Nelson la vim? " 00 pavement. Banks Calhoun haulin&r ashes 00 1 R. B. Nixon boarding jurors. 00 1 james McCauley for 7 shade trees S 25 7 00 1 F. w. Noble work on jail sewer 00 Cbas. Renninger hauling. 19 35 92 93 658 40 849 72 125 62 92 35 96 25 5 00 1 50 617 33 D. Panuebaker lawn mower. 7 05 jno. Hayes stimulent for injured man 75 j. C. Dimm tax registers 14 88 Mount uolly printing A., As- sessment transcripts 124 50 Jas. w. namilton oaths on state ' ' report. 1 00 li ugh C. Rhine commission on state tax. 222 96 w. S. North agent ticket for tramp. 1 04 w. h. Zeiders Proth.- coroners inouest. - 18 62 job. w. Stimmel treas. Agricul tural society. 100 00 wm. M. Allison notices of coun ty line survey. - 3 00 wm. FurTenberger pres. expen ses to commissioners con vention at Getteysburg , 25 88 nugh C. Rhine expnses in se curing voting places and incident ials. 4.50 james P. Calhoun taklngout r fish baskets. zi 11 XI lVIurohnll mnntv institutes expenses ' 179 50 Mary J. mint stenographic paper 8 00 B. F. Crazier etal clerk to jury 'commissioners. 7 50 Lewis Degan jury comm's salary 40 00 Samuel D. watt " " " . 40 00 Hugh C. Rhine clerk to jury com missions. 40 00 H. D. Funk plumbing. 12 77 K. H. McClin tic hardware 5 97 state tax paid 1896 2199 21 " " 1897 2208 21 Paid to narrisburg state lunatic Hospital. 406 75 " " wernersville " 7 79 itarry E. Bon sail postage and box rent. 18 62 s E. Kiuzer expressage. 4 50 wm. ir. Groninger etal county line survey. . .. . 590 90 Total RECAPITULATION. Constahles'and justices Fees. Commonwealth witnesses Collectors common abatement aud exonerations. Courts and jurors pay 7652 18 10 94 1200 33 2498 S2 2503 64 2891 68 Public buildings and grounds. Road and bridge views aud daiu- azes. 194SO Constables returns to court. 282 58 Assessing and registering. 1481 92 Tramps under act of 1885. 21 45 Burrial of indigent mrldiers. J149 00 scalps. -- 118 75 Countv Prison. 849 72 Bonds" paid. 10915 00 Interest paid on Bonds. 5427 66 Printing aud stationery. 617 38 Bridges. 831 41 'ommi-wioners' office. 1828 50 Public ottlces. 842 09 General and spring elections. 1421 29 Miscellaneous payments. 7652 18 Total 41815 14 LIABILITIES OF COUNTY. Outstanding county Ixiudrf. $130624 00 Outstanding county orders. 160 50 Total 136784 50 assskts of rorsTY. Outstanding countv tax. " state " Riirplus sheep funds. Cash in hands of Treasurer. Bills due juuiata county. 14570 77 954 76 767 85 13993 36 645 13 Total 30931 87 T I Liabilities over assets, $105852 63 we the undersigned commissioners of Juniata county, in compliance with the law do publish the foregoing statement of tbe receipts and expenditures of the county afo.esaid for the year ending Dec. 31, 1897, as found on thej books of this otlice. . WILLIAM PUFFENBERGEK, DAVini). RHINESMITH, -f - JEREMIAH IXlCDIWSLAflKB. County commissioners. Attest ' c( Hfoii C. riiixk. clerk. commissioners office, Mifflintown, Pa., jauuary 14, 1898. A DaiNISTRATOE'S NOTICE. Notice ia berebr gi'en tbat letters of Ad- miuixratioo bava beer granted to the on- deraijrnrd upon the a' tale of Warib B.u k, let wf Fayette tnwntbip, Janiata connly, la., dt-ci-aeed. Anyone indfbtrd to Kaid (Mate ia rrqueab-d to make prompt )tv- n-et;t aud thoae Laving claims or demand to preaent then) property authenticated to thb unduraigned fcr avttlement. . CHABLBa W. Book. Ja.l2'9S. Adiuinidtrator. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR KEPKESEN TATIVE DELEGATE. Mr. Editoi: Aa Ibe tut Rap blican St:i; Conveatioa will be a mat iajpurtaot our in tbe aonala of PrnnaylTaaia kepubli- caaif in dtiuandinj tho Iest, most piudeot ana moi aiMniorestra action on ita part, tba Kcpuhlicans of eacb county abould bo reprrstnted by n. of their ablest, mlest and mot rxp.rienc.d raraabera. In view of tbat obligati- n permit me to recommcod for election at our eniuinf Friuiary meet ir.jis Hj. Loti E. Atkisios, of MifHin- own, who Olia that bill I believe will bo satislkCtorj to tbe eutire party. A KEFUBLICAN. Milford township, Jan. 4 lb9B. FOR RtPRESENTATIVE DELEGATE. I htrt by announce tba i.amo of Robert Ft. Fatten en, of Pern Mil's, Jnnialacoaaty, Pa., as a candidate (or delegate to the next Suto Convention, subject to the rnlos and U3cs of the Ropcblican party of Juuiata County. FAYETTK. Jan. 24, '99. ASSEMBLY. Arcdcmia, Pa. I respectfully announce tnr aelf as a can didal lor nomination for tbe office of Kep rtn utaiivr, to reprrat Janiata co. nty in tffe L.rg!nlatare t Fennsylvrnia, aubject to iber Irs and usages of tba Rmblican party of Juniata. 11 not nominated 1 agree to seaport the nomine, of tbn partr. It nominated atd elected,! agree to pro. lect and advance tlie Intercast of Joniaia county as tailhfulij ss I can T. K.BEAVER. ASSEMBLY. Ha. Eiitob: Pleaae announce that 1 am candidate for tbe office of Repreapnatrve, to represent Jno ata county in tbe Legi-la-tnrc, nhect to Republican rules and usages and if nominated and elected pledge m; self In favor of economy, honesty and rvlorm In the Stste government. I also premise to abide by tbe result of the pri mary election. E. O. SBxarrEK, Fob. 8, 1893. (Mental. FOR CONGRESS. Mb. EtiToa: As the time ia acuta ap proaching for tbe nominal ion of a candidate to represent the IHih Uongreaaional District in CongrL-,it behooves the Repwhhcans of Juuiata io oe conaicerinj: wbom they will toppoit lor tbat position. Permit me to suggest that we cannot do bo; ter than snp- po:t our present able, manly and repntable representative, Hon. Tbad. M. Hahon, of Cbatubetsburg. During his past two term he ba been in close touch with the p- ople oi mo oiairici, always anve to their inter .its, and aealoua and active in advanrioe tbe sine, By his past expenence he is bet ter -bl ta seive them than ever, and as. so fur as I can learn, Juniata baa no candidate or ter own, shecanutdo better than nnani nior.t'iy auport Mr. Hah on for re-election. A JMUTi BlPCIUCK. Jan. 24 1898. 4 COUNTY CH.'IUM AN. ' I hereby aunmince mjrBll as a candidate for the Chairman of the Republican county committee, and in case of my .lection ledge niytelf to work for tb. best ikter eat of the Republican party. H- C. McCLKLLAN. Jan. 2 , '98. . PER FECT "id permanent are the cures by Hood'a SarMparilU, be 10 caow it mikes pare, rich, healthy, Ufa and heavltb-giTinf OLOOD. Lorn E. ATKntos. F. 5f. V. FtnKii. I A.TKISSOX . PEMMEIX, ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, SUFJXINTOWN, PA. Ornt'E On Mala ttreot, hi pi nee of resi dnee of Louii B. Atkineoa, Ktq., (oath Bridfo etroet. fOct2tt,lS92 Q3Coll9ctlnj and Coaveyueloc prom ly attended to. VTILBERFORCE SCHWETES, Attorney-at-Law. C9"Collections and all legal busi cess promptly atfeuped to. OFFICE IN CODRT HOUSE. BB.D.M.Ct&wroaB, DB. !4BWnf H.CKAirrOKu R. D. M. CRAWFORD k. SON, bav formed a partnership for the pranf .t: of Medicine and tbair collateral brancli. OSica st eld atund, oorawr of Thini and Or aag itreote, Mifflintown, Pa. One or both of tbcm will be found at their o,ce at all nice, anieaa tberwne rrofeMionally en- gayei. April tut, 1886. P. DERR, PRACTICAL. DENTIST. t -adnate of the Philadelphia Dental 0; ge. Umoe at old estabhsbed Io cation. Bridge Street, opposite Court Houss, jViifliotown, Pa. IF" Crowa and Bridge work; PainUss Extraction. All work guartBteed. t PENNSYLVANIA? RAILROAD On and after Monday, Nov. 29, 1897, trains will ran as follows: WESTWARD. Way FBBsenirer. leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. tn; Harrisbnrg 8 00 a. n; Dnncan- non 8 85 a. m; Xew Port 9 05 a. m; Mil- Irrsrown 9 15 a. m; Durword 9 21 1 TDomranntown 9 Zfl a. m; Van Drke 9 83 a. m: Tnscirora 9 36 a. m; Kerioo 9 40 a, m; Port Royal 9 4 4 a. m: Miltlin 9 60 a mj Uechoim 8 55a.m; Lew io town 18 13 a u.f McVeytown 10 S8 a. 10; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union 11 06 . id; Huntingdon 11 S3 p. ta; Tyrona 12 20 p. ni; Altoona 1 W p. m; Pittsburg 5'J p. m U:i 1 Dt.ILJ.t-L!. -. ... jinn xaitai iiiiutiiiiia ml .uv a. m ntiri.uii( ni i4.n m.j mi I. in J 11 n V . . on .. in., wbiiiihh 1 ou p. m.; nantingdon 2.. i v. m.; xyroui- z.zu p. n ; Altoona 8.45 p. m.; nttshcre 3 oO r. m. aiM'uDz n.uitiuiuuimt:on leaves H 'rriif- Mirr at 5 00 p. to; D'jncannon 5 81 i. tn Newport 6 0 p. ai; Jfiilrstown 8 II p. m- inw)omon5 3l p m; Towjm'i 8 so p. nij Mexico o K.i p. ui; Port Koyl 6 Zi v. m; itriin e 4d p. m; :eniol.ij 6 4!) p. wi; i.;atown i u p. m; .WcVevtown 7 80 v u, nmmu iiumiifoa 4 on p. m: Huntine. don 8 20 p. m; Tyrono 9 S2 p. i; Altoona v so p. ni- racinc Mi-rKs-a iea7is rbiladvlpfaia at J' 2Up. m; larn!?nrx 3 10 a. m; Jini-tn. ::! 8 'L a. ni; Uuncannoa 8 88 a. m; Kew. put S 59 a. ni, Port Ruvnl 4 il a. m; 31 if. flin 4 87 a. d; I.eviatown 4 68 a. in; Sij. tit-wuu m. if; nuniiDa.n b 03 . ni; l ytone t) a. ni; Aiiooua 7 40 a. ai ntif-ourg is ID r. m. Oyttrr Fx press Iraves Pbiladelih!a at 4 85 p ir.; Haniburj at 18 2J p. iu; Kawport 11 Co p. m; Hiltlio 1M p. k; Lewiatown ll.CS a. m; Hunticgdou 12 65 a. in.; Tront 1 32 a ni; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 30 a. m. Ft Lino leaves Philtdulphia at 12 25 p, m; Uarmaborg S & p. at; Duoeanoa 4 15 p. n; po4 85 p. re; Mifflin 6 07 p. n Lewiatown 6 2i p. tat Uoaat Union S n; nunungaon zi p.-au . r -wll. yon m; Altoona 7 40 p. a; F p. ni. K AST WARD. Altoona Accommodation leavra toona at 6.00 a. m; t Tyrone G.25 i arrirea at fluulinsdon 11.55 a. Al . m. J-t Ham- HanliKgrtdB at 5 58 a. tr; IVewton iltcn 6 li a. m; McVeylown 6 39 Lewiatowa 7.00 a. m; Mifflin 7 20 ' a. ni; Port Royal 7.25 a. m; Mexico 7 30 a. ia; Thompsnntown 7 41 a. m; Millorstowo 7 oi a. m; Newport 8 00 a. m; Duncaanon 8.24 a an; Harrisburg 8 55 a. m. Sra Shore leaves Pittubnrg I 80 a m; Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 4 a m; Kunt ti;dcn 8 3D a,; UcWrtown 9 1") a m; Lewitowo9 35 a id; Miftiia 9 5 a ni Port iioyal 9 69 a m; Thempsont.wn 10 11; Milleristown 10 22 am; Newport 1082 a m; Duncannon 10 54 a m; Marysvillo 1 1 7 i ni; Harrisbnrg 11 25 a m; Philadelphia 3 00 p m. Ma'B Line Express leaves Pitburg at ft (K a. n ; Altooni 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12 08 p. m; Hnntinfrdon 12 35 p. .; Lewis town 1 iJ3 p. in; MilHin I 5 p. m; Harris burp 8 10 p. ie; Ealtimore 6 00 p. m; Wah ington 7 15 p. m; Philadelphia 6 23 p. m; New York 9 30 p. m Mail leaves Altooua at 2 05, p.m. Tyrone 2 85 p. tn, Huntingdon 3 17 p. ni; Newton Hamilton 8 47 p. ru; McVeytown 4 20 p. m; LewUtxwn 4 83 p. at; Wifilia 4 65 p. m. Port Royal 6 OH p. ; Afexico 5 20 p. m; Thorupsnniosn 5 18 p. m; Willerctowu 5 2S p. m; Newport 6 37 p. m; Duncannen tt 08 p. m; ilurrisburg 6 45 p. m. Kail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p in; Altoona 6 05 p. n; Tyione t 87 p. m; Huntingdon 7 20 p. ra; McVeytown 8 4 p. tn; Lewintown 8 25 p tn; MMu 8 47 p m; Port Royal 8 52 p. tu; Millerctcwn 9 16 p. m; Ii-wp)rt 9 2i p. ro; Duncannoa 9 60 p. id; Hrriaburg 10 20 p. in. Philadelphia Bxpr'st leaves Pittsburg a! 4 80 p. ru; Ailoona 9 05 p. in; Tyrone 9 33 p. di; Huntingdon JO 12 p. ro; Mount Un ion 10 32 p. m; Lewistown 1 1 IB p. m; Mil. Hin 11 37 p. m; Harrisbnrg 1 00 a. raj Phil ad.lphia 4 80 New York 7 33 a. m. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Trairs for sunbnry at 7 8'. a. ru. and S 05 p. u., leave Sunbury for Lewis town 10 05 a. ni. and 2 45 p. m.; lor Milrov 6 85 a. m. 10.20 a. in. aud 3 10 p. ni., week Jays TYRONE DIVISION. Tiaina leave for Bclleloute and Lock Haven at & 10 a. m., 12 30 and 7 15 p. m , leave Lock Haven for Tyrone 8.5a p, ni. and 4 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. R. Traits leave Tyrone for Ckartifld and Curwensriae ai 8 20 a. ra., 8.15 and 7 21 ; p m.. leavj Curwensvi.'lc tor Tyronsat 9.16 a. m., J 4 j p ta., and 7 10 p. m. For, rates, maps, etc., call on Ticket Agent-, or address, Thos. E. Watt, P. A. W. jj., 360 Fifth Avenwe, Pitts burg, Pa. J. B. Hutchison, J. R. Wood, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agt APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE. The following is a correct list of all per sera wbo have 01d petitions lor retail liquor license in tbe otbee of tbe Court of Quarter Sessions, ot Juniata county, and oi pieces lor wbicq in. appucationa are made. Robert B. Nixon, Jacobs Hons. Jlifllin- Uwn. S. B. Murray, National House, Ifitilin town. Samuel Leach, Hotel Ashton, Patterson. William Zsigler, K.jaton. Hotel, Patter, son. . Harry E. Hayes, Patterson House, Patter son. Samuel Hetrick, Thompaontowo Hotel, i Dompsoutown. William H. Shtaffer, Frymoy.r House, Susquehanna t.wosbip. P. J. Bickel, Monroe House, Richfield. i ne court win sit in tne uourt House ia Mifflintown, to hear petitiona for license, on lucsaay, rebruary 22, 1898, commen cing at 9 o'clock a. m. Remonstrances or pel it ions against ta. granting of liens. must be id writing and tiled with the Clerk f th. Court, on or before tb. Saturday be fore the day ot hearing. W. H. Zamaas, Clerk. Office Clerk, Quarter Sessions, Mifflintown, Pa., Feb. 1, 1898. WONDERFUL are the enraa by Hood's Saraaparilla, and yet tbejr j are iLnple and naturmL Hood'a ukM mi us cloco. A GBEAT REVOLUTION JM PmCES. The greatest Sacrifice Sale ever known in Juuiata county. The Remainder of our winter stock consisting of men'a nd boys overcoats, men's and boys will be soli regardless of cost. NOW IS YOUR to buy winter goods at MEYERS WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL CLOTHING HOUSE, and save dollars GREATEST CHANCE EVER OFFERED by any house to furniture buyers. Preparatory to receiving and placing oa sale oar Spring stock, we will inaugurate a FLO 0B CLEARING. in the furniture department that will eclipse anything of the kind ever attempted. IT HAS ALWAYS been our rule never to do things by halves When we cut, we cut deep-eut clear through to the marrow. Every piece of furniture now in our stock is marked at a price from to SO per cent less than the corres ponding goods are obtainable else where. Yet in spite of this fact, we have concluded to oifer cash (Lis counts of from $3 to 50 per g?.it for a limited time only. AVE DE3L.I EXjrMSTITXJRE FEEE OF CHARGE. FERD MEYERS, TBE LEADING CLOTUIER, FURNITURE AND tBOUS , FURNIiHI.VCJ GOODS, 115 AND 117 BRIDGE STREET, JIIFFLIXTOWN," PSNS'A. Tnsoarora Valley Railroad. EASTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SUMDAr. No.l No.3 29. Ia. il. p. m. Blair's Mills.. It 7 40 2 CO Waterloo 7 45 2 05 Leonard's Groxe 7 50 Ross Farm (7 57 2 17 Perulapk S Q?, I '23 East Watei ford jS 15 2 35 Heckman jS 25 2 45 Hotiev Grove t3 30 2 50 Fort Bighara 8 37 2 57 Warble 8 45 3 05 Plessart View 8 49 1 09 SeTen Pines S 55 3 15 Spruce Hill S 58 3 18 Grabam's 9 05 3 25 Stewart 9 07 3 27 Freedom 9 10 3 30 Turbett .- 9 13 3 33 Old Port 9 18 3 38 Port Royal Ar. 9 25 3 45 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port K oyal with Way Psneer and Seashore Exp ress on P. E. R., and Nog. 3 and i with Mill east WESTWARD. STATIONS. No.?. So.4 DAILY, EXCEPT SUSDAT. A. if, Port tfoyal Old Tort Turbett , Freedom , Stewart Grabam's Spruce Hill Seven Pines Pleasant View. . . . Warble Fort Bif. hani HoDey Grove. . . . Keckman East Waterford.. Pcrulnck Koss Farm Leonard's Grove. Waterloo . 0 010 30 1.3;10 2 810 3.7:10 4.410 5.010 6.310 7.211 9.011 37! 425 455 AS',5 505 57j5 005 065 10i5 185 2o 32 35 41 45 53 10.0 12.0 14.0 25 6 00 30i6 05 15.1 i -. 40;6 52i6 20.5 22.0 58 6 33 05 6 40 24.0 25.5 27.0 10 Blair's Hills Ar. 15 Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's Hills with Concord, Doyle.burg Dry Run, Moisville, Ni-elyton, Shade Gap, Shade Valley and Qoahorn Station Stage Lines. J. C. MOORHEAD, SupruUntUnt. MOORHEAD, Pnndmt. r. s. vutuable iinotL an horror aaea nut free as anr ad-1rw poor patlauts can alao obitr 1 wtninut ma w aaarfa. Tbla remadvhaa tMennrsDared by ta BTar?r iitr Koaais. ot Fart Warn. Ina. ataea VSH. a.: auv prenand aadarhla diraoUoa br Hi KONIC MEO.CO., Chicago, III. 80U br Draa-ciaaa a SI per Bwttlev Mlorhi CAra-eaUM.Sl.7K. sBatllaifct . Get a gwod Prr by wbaeriMag far the suits, Gents Furnishing Good OPPORTUNITY, RAILROAD TIME TABLC. PERBTCOHTI Pq' ROAO. l ne folio w Nov. 10, 1896, sn er year; tbey follows: p. ra 4 80 4 86 4 39 8 41 4 45 4 4 4 51 4 64 4 68 4 59 a. ta 900 6 I'd 9 ra 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 i - . . - f Arrive Punrannon J 61 ' 44 'King's Mill Sulphur Springs 7 44 'Corman Siding 7 4 2 2 20 3 18 2 15 1 18 208 2 85 2 03 2 00 41 1 84 1 31 1 28 1 25 I 20 1 18 1 IS. 2 50 Aonieoeiio futi 7 41 Weaver 7 40 7 S 7 S3 78! 7 28 7 28 7 09 7 04 7 01 6 68 51 48 8 89 Roddy 'Hoffman Royer Vnhrinfiv 9 2T 6 10 10 43 Blocmfleld 6 16 9 49 Tresfclei 5 21 9 54 , 'Nellgon ' 6 24 957 'Dnni's 5 27 10 08 Elliotsbnre 5 8210(7 Bcrnhsi.,!'. 6 84 10 17 -Groen Put 6 Z7 10 30 -Montour June 6 62 10 35 LandisLury 6 2 -i P. a C. m ' Arr r . ""to a. ot p ra . r-..H nmnainrir! at 5 53 nd arnvee at Lai.disbnr at C.2J s. ro., 01. i.Q(lKUiirg at 6.08 p. m., and rritts ai uioomneld at 6.-' p. nj, AH stations marked () are II g at which trains will cornu to a lu'i signal. ' itions slop Oft Chas. n. Smilet, President. S. 13. Bear, Sua. jEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL '1 ley Railroad Company. Time tab's STATIONS. V."et wam. Kast wart. 1 i r I'm Newpr-it BufTalo Bridge.!!" Juniata Furnace ... Vr ahneta tTlvau Wat-r P!,ifr BicomSeM Junct'n. Va'leyBoid Klliotrancrg Green Pars ....... Lovsvi'lc ......... Port Kuueden Center Cit.Da'a Bun Andersonbnrg ..... B,:'a Mount Pleasant ... New Gerniant'n ... A II 6 05 10 35 n nu in 00 8 31 8 27 8 23 6 12 10 42 15 KJ 45 6 25 10 62; 20 8 16 8 11 8 oe 2- 11 01 6 81 11 09 6 89 11 C3 8 51 11 21 6 64 11 24 7 6ill 85 7 11111 41 7 15:il 45 7 21 11 61 7 27; 11 67 7 S "i 12 05 7 4112 11 8 TO 7 451 ' -10 . K4 7s; 7U 7 10 7 03 6 f$ 8 60 7 45 12 15 D. GR1NG, President autl Mauaga h.. Millkb, General Agant. 15 27 ci saoTJtf puf nJoiTTij t:iucatlTji rwnino!JD -X JiA9 J(!Ofj 45 50 d2im qii ;daii puv .tuoaM eisiSua j?gso xf kih. - iiEilCIl & DROSSSQLD'S A w&nderUl Improvement In T''rtrtlon la end Cls-Bnrk. Back motion otOHr' ilmautk.H ianyother In tbe mancet. rrirtioa luirh Vel, -auAlnr aU the fHM! tainc l atHixi iu u liiiti back i lnp: crrat aavina in swwer ant wear. Cata ;uv-a and prteea frex. Abn (rtla Harrows, 'ItivKtors, Cora Fluatera, hellers, eUk rri.tifm thi tMtpT. tlEKl H Sc IBOMtMI.D, Bt rra Talk, ra k w n t rt r. S . r 4 on -8 67 8 S3 60 8 46 8 41 5 88 8 82 8 15 8 10 8 04 26 2 4 2 41 2 46 2 88 2 24 2 20