THE DAYS THAT USED TO BE. tt nw gtng yon a wong- of tbe rollicking dnj-s. The days that sard to be, Wflea the years were veiled in a misty haae To which we would gladly flee. TV hen all was bright to oar youth fal f sse. No intricate wiiidiuKS, no donbtfnl And on each lip a sods of praise That you were alive and ma. No crosa to sub tain and no sorrow to bear. In the dfivs that used to be. No deed too prcat for tiB to dare When we rmle onr grandpa's knee. No harrowing doubt, no chilling care. No soul bowed down beneath deepairj Then life wn happy and life was fair, "Twas happy for you and me. Those gladsome days we live over again. Those days that used to be. When life was ail pleasure without any pain, A jnjfiil mystery. We haiW with delipht each shower of rain. For we knew that the sunlight wonld come affnin. Ns grave iu our hearts where lost hope was Iain; Then you were content and me. Press on, brave heart, through all your woes And think of the used to be. For there'll come a time when you'll con quer all f"e. And nil lifp's misery. When the soul is done with Ita earthly throes. And into the haven it gladly goes Then once amin. a every one knows. You'll surely he happy and me. Boston Poht. BOUGHT AND SOLD. "Cnn It be po--iMe?" The words were spoken !c an undertone, with a quick gHH f"i- br. a: 11, ncd then the lnrly btuod very si 111. looking down on the disorder'.! linr.iiM- and the letters that lay on t';e lop. Little bundles of muslin and dimity, alternating with knots of faded riblion and old lace, were scattered all around, for t:.e!r owner had been searching n inline t!:r-m for an old embroidery pat tern; and si die hiid come suddenly upon t:ie !:!. ket of old letters she had stow i-i avtny I her more than two yeai-s i. .' rt. The 1 rers were written by Mrs. Kleirlnc's old si.-boolmate. Amy Norris. and -he ,ot'r girlish h:i ml writing spoke to her heart a whliper faint and ten der fro:;i the ol lea time. I'.'nr Amy! She had been married three y,ars beore, and her station !u life was far le!ow- tlmt of Mrs. Flem ing's: ten the lady's eyes grew dim, as i.h' lisfaiiciu.i the ribbon which, for tnoyi-ars, had held toire-t her those half dozen epls.l.". - Amy's otv.-t faee seamed leaning up c!"e to hers oin e more, and she raw the old brk-k houses, with their sloping r.mfs. where they had lived in the days that uv.t:M 'ever come buck again. Il'i. as 'lie h. ket fell from the loos en, i! rM'V'OM. it di-w-lospd two other lot- OUR BOYS AND GIRLS and festered la kcr frond e& as ah Bag there!' wife, loved by her husband as be loved his borsea. Ma does, and his honsea; loved, btit cttitj because her beauty and her g-raxo wees, the crown ing glory, tbe calerest ornamemt. ef that magnificent bom which was bis soul's delight, The lady looked arotmd her fctztrrlona , Qoain Sariaaa ea4 Cnte Data or ins and Prlatad Hare for All Other Lit- THIS IS THEIR DEPARTMENT OF THE PAPER. chamber that morulas- with a atnktnT heart. The marble wash stand, thf damask curtains, the haAdeonae ear pets, looking like a world of Damascus rosea, scattered ever a bed e-f snow,' were worthy the wMa f a asUlaeaaJre. Tost And vet the nitstreas ef all this ! wealth, sitMngln ber chamber, mtr I Jurt one mon ku" "r good-night, mured to herself, "I wish he had never 4d ten T mT t0 m d" found me In the old red brick house Ln-yM-y?n ma pi!.futwtk 10 hapny! I wish I stood . . j i Oawa So Bead. A Brave Uttle Oirl. one more kiss for good-night. a. where I was so happy! I wish I stood 1 this very morning in the kitchen of ! the little cottage we were to have, and j that, In a plain cotton dress, I was pre paring your dinner, my Harryr "Please, ma'am," and the en-trance ol her maid was a harsh Interruption to j the lady's monolgne; "air. Fleming j . afraid As I was last night; yen'll see. Cause I'm going to be papa's brave Uttle maid. As he told me 1 ought to be. But tbe shadows won't seem so dark. mamma. If you'll klsa me a little bit more; J a. T lla.eV.Ksa. at aval It at at has just sent home the new drab and ( J"Q """" , , . . . where yon are pina o. .or ia party next i-ueew, , If ym onjT ,hnt thr aeor. nis!i-' ! For if I can hear you talking, I think Ah me! those old letters! If she had j it will make me so sleepy, maybe, never read them! That party! if sh That I'll ge to sleep just as qniek as a had never gone to It! wink, . . ' I And forget to to cry like a baby. Ton needn't be laughing, my mamma dear. t.-r n t J '.' . and rhe-e im. and In to Mrs. i-'i ie ih..-;iit ),: in !,' :led th.'iu cnlled forth the exr'.a usht the sudden pale tiling's face, i-ose letters were all !.ii; ago -that she hud on that terrible night w siie burk-d away all the patit. But no'v si'. mw how it was; in her hanTe and a:.2!iW:i she bad Pil.-tnken the !: t-te:-. and l.i!nie,l two of Amy's in-ster.d. There was no one of all Mrs. FU til ing's ;..inirers to see her as she sioo.i by I he n;:en drawer, her little flujrei iiinvin; i-ai essiiily over those two lt-t.-js; jiini it seemed almost a pity, for hardly eveThad sljrrlooked more beau- was so much unstudied grace lu her attitude, so much mournful pa; ::.. In !:er youug face; and yet it w as not b"st the world should read the K-.ory that until that hour had been ,1 up and laid away in "Yon have not forgotten me, Laura) I read It In your blue yea to-night." Harry At wood's voice had loet non of ita old depth, as he leaned down his handsome head to Mrs. Fleming's as they stood together In an alcove of tbe conservatory. Most of the company had left, for It was late, and they were quite secure from observation. Mr. Fleming was -ll.rner s Ttonnd Table not a jealous husband, and he was ; quite content that others should admin Dr. Jnnker'a Escape. bis wife, so that be possessed her. i Dr. Junker, the llusslan explorer, who I While you're hugging me np so tight; f ou think I am crying to keep yon here. You, and I guess the light. Please kiss me good-night once more, mamma; ! I could scarcely my promise keep, tf you'd only stay with me Just as yen "r. And kiss me till I go to sleep. TRUMPET CALLS. ania Bora 8onnd. Warning Kota to the Uaredeeaned. The bead Is more a skepti than tbe heart. Salv a 1 1 o n la more than a mor al reformation. Onr pastor Is an angel; we so rarely see him. He Insults, his nobler self, who mocks at prayer. Only the boor thinks It unman ly to say "thank yon." Utilize even the thorns In yonr path, but not for a pillow. . That man has built on the sand whose religion is all in his head. Monopoly throws gold dust In the eyes of politicians, to blind them. - The man who can learn from his own blunders may always be In school. Any demagogue can talk patriotism, but it takes a man to live It and vote it. Tbe way to the pit Is filled with peo ple who are going to turn back at the next corner. BONES OF GIANT INDIANS. It was understood that Mr. Atwood and Mrs. Fleming were old friends, so they had nothing to fear from a pro longed tete-a-tete. They had suddenly, uuexepected'y, mot at the party, and tbe heart of either was not changetl. Harr Atwood had become a success ful lawyer now. and the world honor ed him. He had forgiven Laura ions ago. for he had beard she was more "sinned agrtinM than sinning." "Harry Mr. Atwood, I mean I am very glad to meet you and find you looking so well." The lady's voice was courteous and calm; but her fingers trembled as they played with the carved points of ber Ivory fan. "Call me Harry, Laura, for the sake of old times," said be, "and look up to uie once, and say you have not forgot ten them. Oh. I.auia. I have thought how the bright star of this evening's festival once rose over my heart, and then went down for ever. We cannot stay here much loDger. Will you not grant me an Interview to-morrow nijtht a private one in your own house?" "I cannot, Harry," he replied; "dj not ask me. I am the wife of another noiv." "And what harm could there be In out walking together for half an hour In your garden?" said Harry. "Your j husband would not object to. this, for I j have watched the man narrowly to- ; uitrht, and know him well. You could I not refuse so siiiiple a request to the I veriest acquaintance. We have had ' did not see a white person for years while he was studying the natives and natural history of the Upper Mobangl- Makua River, made use of an Ingenious expedient to got to the coast on his way home in ISMl. He could not descend the Nile, for the Mabdlsta blocked the i . way. He could not follow the beaten road by way of Victoria Nyanaa, for the Waganda and other tribes had been killing whites, and if they did not mur der Junker they would at least detain Prehistoric Men Seven Feet Tall Who Once Lived la What Is Maryland. There has been received at the Mary land Academy of Sciences the skele ton of an Indian seven feet tall. It was discovered near Antletam ten days ago. There are now skeletons of three pow erful Indians at the academy, wno at one time In their wildness roamed over the State of Maryland armed with such Instruments as nature gave them, or their limited skill taught them to make. Two of these skeletons belonged to In dividuals evidently of gigantic slae. The vertebrae and bones of the legs are nearly as thick as those of a horse, and the length of the long bones exception al. The skulls are of fine proportions, ample, and with walls of moderate thickness, but of great strength, and stiffened behind by a powerful occipi tal ridge. The curves of the forehead are moderate and not retreating, sug gesting Intelligence, and connected Xinnilftratf onY from nVnf opa. That we Mve la an age of wander la proved by the bar statement of figures with regard to the Immigration from Europe to this country daring the pres ent century. Statistics previous ta 1820 were not kept, bnt It la eatrmated that betwoen 1789 and the last named year the Immigration from Europe to the United States did not exceed 300, 000. In 1820 the OoTernment began a yatarnsrtto eoltocHoa of data with re gard to immigration, and from that time to the close of 1WA 17,844.001 peo ple came from Europe and wars wel comed on onr shores. These Ignrea do not Include the Immigration to British America, to Mexico, Central or South America, bnt solely to tbe -United States. The smallest number of Immi grants during recent years was 177,830 In 1879, the largest 623,084 In 1802; In 1896 the Immigration was 843,267. No such movement of population has ever been known In history. The migration of the German nations over the terri tory of the Roman empire did not com prise more than 4,000,000 of people and covered 400 years; the exodns of the Jews from Egypt was with 600,000 able-bodied men. or counting five to each family, about 8,000,000 of people. Compared with the exodns from En rope tbe depopulation of Goshen was s trifle. I him as a Drlsoner. Arab traders would not take him in their caravans for fear w!th Jaw8 of moderate development. they would lose the friendship of tbe native chiefs along the road. At last the doc-tor went to one of the traders with this proposol: "You cannot take me with you as a friend," be said, "but you can take mo ns a slave. Look at this." And Dr. Junker showed the trader an order written in Arabic and signed by a well knowu firm in Zanzibar, authorizing the doctor to make any arrangements he desired with the Arabs of Central Africa, and the firm would honor his drafts. "Now," continued Ir. Junker, "I have CThronle Ithenmatlsm From thg Industrial Keiat, Jackson, ificK The subject of this sketch is fifty-six years of age, and actively engaged in tirra ing. When seventeen years old ha hart his shoulder and a fe years after eommeneed to have rheumatio pains la it. On taking a slight oold or the least strain, sometimes without any apparent eanse whatever, the trouble would start and he would suffer the most exoruolating pains. He suffered for over thirty yean, and the last deeade has suffered so rauoh that he was anable to do any work. To this the fre quent ooonrreaees of dizxy spells were add. ad, making him almost a helpless invalid. The locality from which these skele tons came Is In Frederick County, near Antletam Creek. It was formerly sup posed to have been the battleground of two tribes of Indians, the Catawbus and the Delawares. Tradition has handed down the statement that be- 1 tween the years 1730 and 1780 the Ca- tawbas overtook a band of Delawares i at the mouth of the Antletam, and In ' tbe battle that ensued the Delawares ' were completely annihilated. So the tradition goes, but according to Dr. ' Philip Ii. Uhler, president of the Mary-' laud Academy of Science and provost written out a contract, and If you will ; of the Feabody Institute, a careful ex klgu It with me I shall reach the coast, i amination of this locality has failed to It provides that when you deliver me alive at Zanzibar the sum of $1,500 lAustrian thaiers) will be paid to you 1 y this firm. You cannot take me with you as a traveler or a friend, and you! must, tuerefore, take me as a slave." I The bargain was made on this basis. I In passing through the hostile tribes nianv wniKs together. Lura, down by tne wnite man was representee, to oe a the old Uill! nnd past the meadow pond. slave who had been purchased from a Will you refuse me one now?" j nejn-o tribe further north. As a slave He looked down on the fair face, and he passed muster even at the court of he saw that tears were on It. and he ; cruel King Mwnngn knew what the answer would be before to pass on in peace with his supposed establish evidences of a battle at that point, although numerous spear and arrow heads have been taken from the soil there. It Is of great Interest, however, to no tice that the locality was, at an earlier date before the coming of the white man occupied as a village site by In- 1 , A. , ,... ' , . The Drying Proceas for Vegetables. C - . V I and a half to seven feet in height. The rv tu soars or wkatbbs. He tried the best physicians bnt without being benefited and has nsed several speclfto rheumatic oures, bnt was not helped. About one year and six months ago he read in this paper of a ease somewhat similar to hts which was oured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and concluded to try this remedy. After taking the first box he felt some what better, and after using three boxes, tbe pains entirely disappeared, the dissl ness left him and he has now for over at year been entirely free from all his former trouble and enjoys better health than he has had siiioe his boyhood. He Is load in his praises of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and will gladly corroborate the above statements. Hispost ofHoe address is Loreoao Neeley, Horton, Jackson County, Michigan. All the elements neaassary to give new lUe aad rlahness to the blood and restore shattered nerves are contained, In a ooa deosed form, in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. All druggists sell them. Pf-v. niGTAFfB Thousands have) been i cured promptly of NEURALGIA BY - ' BICYCLES AND 8AVING& OLDEST RAILWAY MAN. Hew Bank Depeetta Have Beaa Affected hw the Farcaaae ef Wheels. I met the president of a prosperous savings bank In one of the minor cities of the Middle West on s railroad train yesterday, and we fell to talking about the ever-increasing popularity of the bicycle. "Every one understands, of course, he said, "that the use of the wheel has corns to be well nigh universal, and that minions on the back of millions of dollars must be Invested In the silent steeds, but you can hardly realize to what an extent they are used unless you are placed In a position somewhat like mine. In a small town, like the one In which I lire, the savings bank men may easily become personally ac quainted with practically every depos itor, and I make It a point to take fan advantage of that circumstance. Con sequently I am often advised concern ing tbe financial affairs of onr deposit ors, which, though intrinsically small, are of vast Importance to them. This makes It all right for ma to Queettoa depositors now snd then about their savings. "Early last spring I noticed that a number of mechanics who had ieng been in the habit of making regular de posits and who I supposed had steady employment became decidedly Irregu lar In their visits to be bank. Others stopped depositing altogether, and still others, who continued to deposit regu larly, put In less each time than for merly. Naturally, I began te make In quiries, and more than three-osarters of those I spoke to confessed that their surplus money was being used to meet Installment payments on bicycles. In stead of finding Its way to the savings banks. I suppose our bank's deposits must have fallen off seme thousands ef dollars from this reuse, though I I haven't taken the trouble to make a ' careful estimate. In the whole coun try installment payments for bicycles must hare decreased the total savings banks' receipts by very large amounts, though, of course, there have probably been compensatory deposits from work men In bicycle shops In towns where such establishments are located." De troit Correspondence of the Boston Commercial. He Is a it was given. "You may come, Harry,' she said. ! master. Harper's Round Table. illi.l rt. S ie -.! !- ; The I runni! fc-ri had not 'i'tfn his writing for two nnd yet low natural it looked! oi l. '; a'-e!'iil cr.pitals. the f r e, i'.in l, ail had a language for wt:;. tii-.v a:id l let !! tii ' wrllte i!nf. bt-t by the post-mark were, and when i-a -tire flrst, o teml"r ie hu learned that she itxnif to be married to another ; - -..-t. wild are! reproachful, after- ue.i.i: Mow "he had loved that man! How the Tt." Ill-1 . : wen Ii is! rami' lwtek to tell her of It! ' , I red l'ri k house how it loomed ! (1 - rant ierspe.-tive, amid the i ':t.:t- r niarl.ts. when she eat un- i old ) ..i-'c o all (frown over with ; !!- and he ar there too! !-r. lot and hidghtest and desir ;.ll tood up. in that world of old !!. 'lie new home which they i '1 be a little white cottar e. window hiiuils and a small n:. Ilo-.v she had dreamed d. of the flower border run- .:. -reps! .;.y loving wife she ex iu that dear little cottage : every moruirie throujrh a That walk in the dim moonlight upon Mr. Fleming's beautiful grounds was followed by many another, for the first steps In tbe forbidden w ay are usually pleasant ones. Poor Mrs Fleming! She meant no wrong; and then she loved Harry, al though she tried to conoeel this from him: but when be talked of the past, I In those low, tenler tone of his, ber j ti ars would come: she could not help it. One evening It must have been more than a week after their first meeting Harry told Mr. Fleming that his heart was unobanxed; that the old love still lived there a sweet but mourning memory. ! "Oh, Han;. '. don't, dou t! You forget; I am bis wile!" murmured the young creature, as she bowed her pale face on her hands. Then the lawyer drew bin arm around her waist. Just as he had done In the days that were gone, and saUl, "Yon belonged to me first, Laura! Our souls were married before you evrr took that false oath at the altar!" He whispered to ber of a flight to softer skies of a home fairer than the one tbey had dreamed of in their youth of a life that should be one long poem of love. That time she fled from him with a wild shriek of fear and horror. They did not meet again for many nights. If during that time she bad only remembered the prayer of her child hood, "Lead us not Into temptatlob!" But she wn so yonnz; and then that 1 and was allowrd I . - .. - - - j" Wock-a-Ujre-BhT" in Africa. mmdi Knn AO U 1 1 1.1.- I Li iCT3 ll.V U C tT U-.tgVVTO , M . . ! I'ornla may now be numbered the dry- Ck UL ra(ra0 KI VatoKloa IILa nn. The manner of burial "VZ lV? 1 I hopper of the cutting machine, where I rotating knife blades cut them up Into slices a quarter of an inch thick. After the State. like this: The flesh waa deeded from the bones, some pi which were then cbtrrf-1 T small bonea of the face W'UJ J" being sliced the tubers are slightly sul- the grave was alo placed pottery, a hured ,n a wooden chamber. Here tomahawk and the other weapons be- alscrImlnatlon must b U8ed. If longing to the Indians. No stone mark- they are BUlphuTed mlctl pota- ed the grave, and no beads or wampum toe9 wU1 ta4rte of 1:he funiei. lf ut. were buried with the skeleton. But Ue not ,nU. uvtrr an low rarcu w as neapeu up into a small oblong mound, along which other similar mounds extended for many feet. The overflow of a neigh boring river at this point had almost destroyed tbe burial area, so that only three of these small elevations were recognizable at the time of excavation. Baltimore American. So I!ic." How big is my baby? So bij;! So bijf is baby. Lift your little arms to show, my baby, how you growl Ko Mi;! So bisr i" baby. Hew big is my baby? So bij! So big is baby. Stretching up his rosy hands. Tall and straight my baby stands. So big! So big is baby. Kindergarten Review. Harry ili''-s iliitrrv -K'l n i up . l-'ter : t. ehold duties- ' affection waa the one blossom her life had cherished in the midst of Its ster ile grandeur. One night she was standing on the tep of her mansion, for she had just taken leave of ome guests, when Har ry Atwood suddenly sprang before ber. I do not know what was said by eith er party, but there were frantic ges tures and wild appeals on one side, and i little later Mrs. Fleming was walking '. only afford to keep one ..Me a f ; ernoons, when the . d. with Its snowy cloth, t'.l I us on a white muslin i Ui-.l white musllm, and is :n her eitris, and she and wait for him at the Wruns Time for Dnst. Bobby had been to church and was very much Impressed by the minister raying that man was made of dust. "Mamma," be exclaimed, after a thoughtful silence, "waa I made of (iiiBt, too?" "Yes. Bobby," she replied. "Well," said the youngster, "I don't t-ee how It happened. My birthday eoiues In January ,and there ain't no dust then." Chicago News. Strange Things Pneumatic This is the age of things pneumatic. A St. Louis man has Invented a rubber ' cloak which can be transformed into a : mattress by blowing It up. Everything is blown up nowadays. A patent has been granted for a kind of cap which, ' being blown up, may be made to serve ' as a pillow at night or as a life pre- i ; server in case of shipwreck. This Is a most convenient thing to travel with; j on the ocean. There Is also a life pre- Brrer eoitrL. xent?r iimu any oi lutfp, however. Is a peculiar buoyant fabric dovised by a Oerm.m. It Is interwovoa with the quills of geese or other birds and Is Intended for wearing apparel or for linings. So light Is it that a person on a voyage. If clad In a suit or dress of it, may be sure of floating In case of disaster or falling overboard. among ner garueu snaoows wren tiar- worded like this ry Atwood. i .-send without delay fifty rata to the L'tlea mine." : sit. with d .. "in -idsoine face would licht ame round the corner aurl m (,f her, and a moment i-'tig arm wou'd be around i:nl ids low, dpep, "My dar , !" woitid be the sweetest i h"'.d I'i- her. And. as that -ti.- pin ure came up to pon tile proud. e!e;;p. nt Mrs. f; her head on her hnnds i'k. a child. i through the fashionable world for her i i .t her fingers on the let- i beauty and her rank had made Mrs. One Use for Rats. One day not long ago a San Francis o hardware company received an order from a great wine-owning company Interesting Mexican Rain. " An American who has recently visit- ed the ancient deserted City of Uxmal, i Mexico, says the Governor's palace is ' tbe most Interesting ruin in America, i It rises on a broad triple terrace, and eiubracee court upon court, rows of mighty pillars, and long stretches of empty halls. One of the pyramids is surmounted by a temple, and another is 3X feet long, 200 feet wide and 70 feet j high, with a platform 75 feet square on top. The whole city Is pronounced a majestic picture of desolation. septic property, and bacteria attracted by the starch will develop. A little sulphuring is absolutely necessary to preserve the color of the vegetables to some extent, and to prevent decay. The next transition of the fruit Is to the evaporator, a sort of small Ferris wheel, consisting of a brick oven with glaaa windows. This Is revolved close to hot pipes for a few hours. When this stage Is paosed the potatoes resem ble dry chips, and It takes 6 or 7 pounds of the fresh to make one poutiC of the dried. Onious are so pungent that bac teria do not take kindly to them. They are, therefore, only slightly sulphured before drying. The drying process shrivels them so much that It takes twenty parts of fresh onions to make one of the dried. Tbe sight of the tears of the employes whose eyes are smart ing from the fumes tf the onions un der preparation Is almost pathetic. Car rots dry In tbe ratio of one part of dried te nine parts of fresh vegetable. The Industry has proved very profita ble, as the dried fruit is. In demand all over the country, and especially In the mining districts. It is not unlikely that further improvements may soon be made in the drying process. It has been suggested that steam be employ ed. In such case, the starch In the po tatoes would be partly cooked and ster ilized, and after this the tubers could be evaporated as before. In this way the potatoes could be rid of sulphur, well dried, and yet be capable of being quickly soaked, and there would be no chance for bacteria to develop. Value or Cuban Coins. The silver peso of Cuba Is equal to cents of United States money and the gold doubloon is equal to (5.017. ' We see no reason why the spirit of mortal should be proud, unless he owns a coal mine. "Has your Shakspeare society started In yet. Mtea Jones?" "Yes. We mot st Mrs. Wiggles' yesterday. Miaa Matilda Hoblneon read a moat delightful paper on the the Influence of Rosalind on Dress Reform. Bazar. Bass I suppose you think I'm a fool? Cass That's what troubles me. If your supposition is correct, then you Character and Wonderfnl Mensery. The aides sftUwas- snaa sn New ftTn- gland lf not In the country is Water man Brown, who, though 80 years eld. Is still employed at Woburn, Mass., as gats tender, having been employed by the Lowell road sixty-six years. He lost an arm In an accident while firing on the read In 1850. He is eccentric and Is so renowned as a collector of curiosities that people all over New England send htm presents of qttuer things. Among the curiosities he has Is a bit of the first rail laid on the Lew ell road In 1834. He has a model of the Stephenson, the first locomotive, aad he owns the drst engine bell ever roas He has 4C0 circus tickets ia a trunk. They were given to him In tbe last thirty years and he never used them. It was ealy a few weeks age that Mr. Brown received a small box con taining a solid silver elephant, ar ranged with a pin to" fasten It to his lapaL Ia the box was a note, unmis takably written by a woman. He was told the other day that there would be an assistant te help him soon and that then whoever was In charge must be there every minute right at tbe gate. "Railroading Is getting too nice for me," he said. "I have to be here from 5 tu the morning to 11 at night and Sundays. I can eat my din ner h) Just seven minutes. I have my cap right by tbe chair where I can get It and the house ia right ever there side -of the track." His memory, especially concerning the history of tbe road. Is wonderful. He said: "I guees people don't knew that the Boston and Lowell railroad was built more te carry freight tbaa for passen gers. You see H was this way: Iu 1834, I guess It was, two men were driving arouad in a buggy. They were looking ever the ground with ti Idea to build fifty-foot macadam road from Boston to Lowell, to team cotton over. The old canal wouldn't accom modate all of it even then. Well, just about that time they got wind of the engine Stephensou bad made and they turned to that Instead of their mac adam road. But I raa the first gravel train, yes (laughing), you can say that I ran tbe flrst gravel train on the road with oxen." Chicago Chronicle. NAPOLEON'S LAST WORDS. 'Whom Dylan" Thong-nts of the Maa Europe Feared. On his death bed Napoleon expressed hts conviction that England would eud like the proud republic of Venice. With perfect composure, he gave his last directions "I desire that you will take my heart, put It la spirits of wine and carry It to Parma to tay dear Maria Louise; you will tell ber that I never caused te love her, and relate to ber every particular respecting my death j tol." Hariem Life. upon mis mweraoie ana areary rocc. Elderly coquette (seutlujaulaRl) Tes, my dear Mr. Assessor, loe perceive. Fllegende Blatter. Friend Ton are so dreadfully cross eyed, I don't see how you can shoot straight. Cross-eyed svortamau I firs both barrels at once. Boston Traveler. "In London," said the returned tons. 1st. boastfully, "I appeared at eourV "How much was the finer" queried bis cynical friend. Philadelphia Norsk American. Latest from tbe xntelrhreaee sfBsw "Oh, Bridget! I told you to notice when the apples boiled ever." "Sure I did. mum. It was a quarter past sievea."" Brooklyn 14,. "Why has Splasher Darned his pfctass 'British DeerT' " "He was afraid som one would say that American dev doa't have legs Hite those of his dees Chicago Record. Inquisitive tourist (in Oklahoma Pardon me, sir. but are you a married maa? Baldy Scrodd (the stage driver, Nope; I had my hair scoured off la a Banlfttorm. Puck. . "Next time I'm going out to Beverly's I'm going to take a camp stool with me." "What forr "Lest time I went I sat dowa on a little thing that turned out to be a tea-table." Puck. "What did you think of tbe great horse show. Miss Gotham 7' "I think that tbe presence of the horses detract ed very materially from the cblef at tractions of the entertainment." "It seems strange thai he could plun der a great corporation like that for years without being found out." "WelL you see, the corporation was prettf busy itself." Chicago Journal. John Doe I wonder what caused Gobang to collapse? I am told he Is suffering from nervous prostration, Richard Roe Yes. He sat down in a gaaie of pokr with a man who stutter ed. Puok. "Golf," remarked the young man wJm Is wearisomely blase, "is one of the very few games that da not fatigue me." "What la the reason for thai?" "I never teamed to play It." Wash ington Star. Bostonlan Is this friend that you wish to bring to dinner much of a ra conteur? Chicago man Blamed if I know; but say, you'll die laughin' if we can get him to teilln' stories. Cleve land Leader. "I am afraid that actors sometimes deceive us about the salaries they get," remarked lhe mild-mannered citizen, "Xo," replied the keen observer; "they may think they do, but they don't, WashlngXon Star. "Won't you play something, Mul lins?" asked Kilduff, motioning toward the piano. "I hardly like to while CoL Gore is here."" "Is he severe in his criticisms?" "Yes; and be carries a b4s - are a nun renoer, sihi usna jvu ( you wlH leU mother and family can not be a fool; aad rt-weU. you that the .t Smoleoa expired in the oiiucnKiBu.-Dwi iLuKiijii. i most dDlorable state, deoriv "She Is a tery busineee-likt, woman," piled the other; lag nature." Am turn it but I admire a cling- "Then you ought to see her some time when she Is trying to hold on to a dollar. Washington Star. Mrs. Hashletgh My husband used ts say that I made the beat coffee In tbe world. The dyspeptic boarder Oh! I wouMa't dream of questioning that, madam; but there's a vast difference between making and creating coffee. Puck. "You will be sorry for the way you have neglected me when I am silent In the tomb." said Mrs. Peck; "think of that." "My dear." said Mr. Peck, as iunoceatly as he could, "I can not imag ine such a thing." Indianapolis Jour naL "7nhlng. a -----1 m hlms fti'"t("ul"5l, ana mat ne i -hed with his dying biftath to alT' uie reigning families of Europe, the" horror and op probrium of his death." The second codicil of his will con tained the direction which was after ward compiled with:. "It Is my wish that my ashes may repose on the banks of tbe Seine, In the midst of the French people whom I love so well." On the 5th of May, 1821, he who had for years kept all Europe in a state of feverish excitement, terminated his earthly oareer. After lying In state two days, the body was deposited In a coffin com posed flrst of tin lined with white satin, which having been soldered, was in closed In another of mahogany, a third of lead, and the whole in a fourth of mahogany secured with Iron screws. After the eeremony, an enormous stouo CO :nrius in America, i wa3 lowered over the body, resting on s, but in yieles. Sal- . Btone WJji BO t0 escape the cotUn. Pres. M. Klnlry Vs. Frn Stiver. A battle of giants is going to take plac i ms summer on av,uuu not in ttlk or votes above, and ho offers a price for the big-! n the 12th of May Louls-Fhllllppe gest potato vield. also $4cu in gold for commanded that the ashes of Napoleon siiitubie name for his t orn (17 inrh s long) ! conveyed to France. In his com and oat prodigies. Only Seedsmen in . - tt,i. America growing grasses, clovers and ! mnnlcation be said: "Henceforth farm seeds and sidling potatoes at $1. . To j France, alone, will possess all that re a barrel. The editor urg s you to try mains of Napoleon; bis tomb, like his tS,, , r.. S. c. . I fame, will belong to none but his conn- 10 jonn A. r-alzer Seed to.. l.a Crosf Wis., for 11 new farm seed samples, worth fiu.w to get a start, and their big cata logue. A.C.4 Kansas spends $5,000,000 annually for education, has 12, (X O trained teachers in service, and has endowed the work wilh $20,000,000. This was repeated for several even ings, until one midnight a closed car riage rolled hfstiiy away from tbe pri vate entrance of Mr. Fleming's grounds, goue! What There was consternation at once. What could it mean? Was It a Joke? if It wasn't, bow was a hardware corn- The next day his wife was , pany t0 gt,t fifty rats? an electrical thrill it sent n ii-rvous. timid ghitice r. im- the ladv's heart ....--i T'.in; f-i:t- w;i doing wrong .!' tejw '! had i.o right to read them; :i I it whi be::.-:- !o iuy them in the ;r i " yonder, wii the tire was Ipm) 'i i.;) to tol l ;:,ciu in Its long, re-.l ie can't be any harm In reading ii. jii u t-r." she whispered, for ber eon- needed a narcotic; "It Is so long i un. ;::el we shall never meet azain." I Fleming '-..-m. I e;: iiertrT. Iim wild, ive and tl oi.irh nil. . .; mi mui e. Hurry.' ' let !er in ;:'.! me'.tintf a way, and they at you hud grown cold and 1 I thought I must. too. If ;; m1 only euiiie tbe week he v.iM not have been what I opened tbe letters tiT.ot tell how they i ; l i -ulnrly the l-t frantic re;u oac'.u-s, :e suiTering so ap- ii to blame as you she murmured, as her lap. "Our pron- I'ieming Its es-iieelal Idol. She knew little of tbe censure and i orn that were heaped on her head In : : e quiet of that Italian home te which he was borne by tbe man who loved her only too well. The world said Mrs. Fleming was l'.appy there, but It was false. No woman can ever be happy who makes memory a remorse and love a crime. But, dear me, how I used to smile when everybody made a parenthesis of pity In their anathemas on Mrs. Flem l:i "Her poor husband and parents! My heart r.ches for them." And, sitting very quiet and listening, I thought, al v "'Vjli, the one baught and the others sold her; and so they had their reward." Saturday Evening Post. j But It was a serious order, and that . night a dor.en or more men went into ; the basement of the store and prepared ja rat banquet of cheese and bacon In : one of the rooms. When the rnts. bis un' little, came inside the door was Uttietly closed and the rats were ' trapped. Then they were boxed up and .ut away. Hats are needed In the mines to eat tip refuse food or other matter that would decompose, and the great TJtlca mine's previous colony was suffocated n a recent Are. That is why the Kan Francisco firm received its queer order tnd promptly filled it. The Question "And," continued the physician, as he was about to leave, "eat only what agrees with you." "But, doctor, bow am I to know whether it agrees with me until after I eat It?' Yonkers Statesman. A man's idea of tough luck is to play cards with a woman and win every time, when there Is nothing at stake. A". And ti:i n she Soaked around that ele--.:vl chamber, and thought what she v.:i-- r w-a wife. Iwiught and sold an. I !-aii! for. in gold and lands and earthly iaudeur. . How the thought bume& The I. arn st Spiders. In the jungles of Sumatra the largest spiders are found. Some of the larger KH'('imens measure eight inches across the back, and have seventeen Inches of leg-sjread. Wheo a boy gets his first watch he Is never satisfied until he can prove that some of the parts are missing. There are i.'.OW publications in North America which print advertisements. Impatient. "Tommy," said a mother to her six-fenr-old hopeful, "you must not In terrupt me when I am talking to tbe ladies; lf Isn't good manners. You must wait till we get through and then you can talk." "But, mamma," re torted the youthful observer, "you never get through, and my talk won't kaep." "Did you tell that young man not to call here any more?" asked Mabel's father, severely. "N no." "Why not?" "I didn't thiuk that it was necessary. I don't see bow he could call any more now. He calls seven times a week." Washington Star. "I am told," remarked Miss Cayenne. "that you said some very clever things Ideas. The Mugwumps. Little four-year-old Maggie's fath.r had the mumps, when one of her little playmates came in to visit her. "Why, Maggie!" exclaimed the little miss, "what's the matter with your papa's facer " "Taln't Jlat no matter 'tall." replied Maggie. "He's only dot the mugwumps In his Jawsea." ovonlmr " "Yas." mulled Willis WIshlngton; "It is very discouraging." i "What Is?" "The surprised manner In ; which everybody ia Ulkiag about It." ' Washington Star. "How can I get an article In your j paper?" asked a correspondent of a Western Journal. "It all depends on the article you want to get Into our paper," , replied tbe editor; "if the article it small In bulk, like a hair brush or a tea-' Let us be thankful when we eat Though skies be sad and murky Tlmt though we still love turksy meat, We do not live In Turkey. Atlanta Constitution. Codger Funny that such a quiet, do mestic sort of a chap as you should re- : main a bachelor. Didn't you ever think :. of marrying? Solus Yes; perhaps that Is the reason I never married. Boston I Transcript. Strawber "Dr. Probe has been treat , Ing my rheumatism for the past six j months." Slugerly "Are you any bet ; ter?" Strawber "I should say so. ! When he came with his bill yesterday, I was able to run like a deer." Har per's Bazar. Mrs. Prattle (to her visitor) Have you heard of the splendid catch Miss Swiftly has made? She Is engaged to a nobleman, the baron of of (to her i husband) What is he baron of, my Brooklyn Life. Success Is a toboggan slide; It's mighty slippery, brother. Yon scarcely reach one end before You're hustling for the other. Washington Star. "If 1 give your friend a place," said the banker, "he will have to give a bond. I suppose you will go On?" "Bond? exclaimed the other man. "Why, he can be trusted with uncounted mill Ions." "Yes; but all the money we bare caddy, spread the paper out upon the s counted." Indianapolis Journal. floor, and placing the article in the cen-, , nItM, . . K-fc- ter, wrap it up by carefully folding the edges over It, and tie with a string. This will keep the article from slipping out of the paper. If, oaths other band, the article is an English bath-tub or a clothes-horse, you would better sot try It at alL" Bazar- sentence Is pronounced against you? asked the Judge. "Ths only thing I'm klckuV about," answered the convicted burglar, "Is beln' idea tilled by a man that kept bis bead under the bed clothes the whois time. That s wrong." The grand total circulation of the public lications which print advertisements in I could not rat alona- wlthont Pluo'a Pnra for Congumrition. Itslway cures. Mrs. E. C. I try." At 11 o'clock Dec. 16 the first can non was heard announcing that tbe re mains of the Emperor had reached French ground. Amid the vast assem blage the body was borne by twenty four seamen to Its last resting-place in the Hotel des Invalldes. So closed the eventful career of tbe great Napoleon, whose memory can only perish with the records of the world. There are 60 different kinds of wood grown in Arkansas. C nre Guaranteed bv DR. J. B. MATER 1011 AHCH T, I HILa.. l'A. tin at inn: no operation or delay Iron) bnainm. Consultation tree. Kndonieniensi of pbyiiclane. ladiei and tronilnent dtiieiu. bend lor cucuUc UUic bourn A. II. lot P. M. How' This T Weoffer One Hundred Dull r- Reward for . iiijra eot cawrrii mat canon b: cared by I Hall's Catarrh Cuie. F. J. Chmet no.. P. ni Tnlrtr n We, the undersigned, have known F.J. t'he- Missouri has the greatest bodies of lead ore in the world. hew Mar Tob.icco I be Best. Smoke Siedge Cigarettes. The bonded debt of Nebraska is less than 21 cents per capita. Mrs. Winilowt Soothing Byrup for children teeibins.nofceut the aum, reducing inaamma Uon.i.1 paia. cures win 1 colic. 25c a bottle. There are 9,000,000 acres of original for ests in West Virginia. Fits permane'itlr cured. No (ltn or nervous ne alter flrst dav's use ot Dr Kline's Great Nerve Krstorer. $2 trial bottle aud treatise free. Da. K. H Kli.nk, Ltd , Ml Arch bt, FbiU. fa. Omaha claims to be the third largest packing centre in the world. To Care a Oold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail Drag-gists rsfana money U it fails to cure. Ho, The supply of granite in Missouri is be lieved to be without limit. FREE I Inventor's Talent Onld Any Drug Store or U'Mara Co op. I at office Wash., D. C. The coal output of West Virginia for 1897 amounted to 13,500,000 tons. The agricultural products of Kansas for 1897 amounted to $230,410,143- Over 60,000 oil wells have been sunk in the United States. The progress in steam engineering com menced in 1859. lost -i,t trite ex Coosa. Byrnp. TasteeOood. TJi Sots by Ornaatf. ney 'or the la-t 15 years, and believe h'm pe -feitly tonor-ible in all buHiiiesn tt nn-u-tnina and financially able to cxrrr out any obliga tion m de bv their firm. Wbst & Tkuax, Whohtale Draggia'a, Toledo, Oh o. Wai.diho. Kiss-as A Marvin, WholesaU Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. Hull g Catarrh due is taken inlernaily, net inn dirrtly upon the blood and mui-ous sur ieces of til syfltem. P. io , 76 pe bottle. Sold by all D ngKista. Testimonials free. flail's Family Pills are the bent. There are 5,583.46 miles of railroad in Nebraska. Nebraska has 393 State banks and 113 national banks. Brother Sonteit VStiU Brother Stir email, will they raise your salary an other year? Brother Stlremup Weil, I. " mow"about) another year; they- ..:lt4lnlshed rUlMf.i TO. ill U yet. BtaAoisvue) 'MCes. lea Weeks Tor Tea Cents ! ntrenre as it msy sppwr. that bi familv peper.- Ihe IIXUKTKATiSD WEEKLY BESTlSEX. of L'ener, CkiJ.-.rmdo, (fonnded will be sent tea, Celtics trial for Juc; clnbs of six Uxr. U for 1. by- 1 ufler tolWy tu Introduce the paper. Cold Tints ret wilh Krrky Mountain gems are crrea. fiee as lireuilnms. Iatett mining news and iilustra. lions of iirand st enery a-h week, also true stories . love nd adventure. Address as aboe and mm. tun tkl j ai er. Write to-oey. pos a?e stamps taken tUCtlMttltlitttUtHNH Pl FOR 14 CENTS 91 Ki'Or lPur. l3.rKdi.k, 5 iOW:!ft J pf. sP".ni I"'p. t.njw i n,q Wswiih to esialUI.ON nv ses tomers, and hflaoeottar ISO lj ioc lie Lsttues, lo IM Ua beads, Ue Wertk SI. ft, far 14 seats. A Wo IS pkf s. worth SI Ot, n will mail ya free, tog-'hsr with ear s-raat Plant and Seed Catalocae upoa recaijpt of thi notice and Tic. Wiatafa. W invite yoor trad aad know when jroo oaca try Kalser'a seafl, yon will nmr a el nor with- onr inera. rntaistl at l.Ov Hhl.G'stalogaloeeic uAa4 lu a. siurt Sim .. 1.4 runs!, wis. IHeMHMUHItlMIMNl tlS'-iCjuf t " Onra Victoria Latu A Urf.'Jf I Klondyke Melon, 2!fi'Lt 1 " .Ioi7.boint Oaina. 2 awL-iy " Brililaat flower m FOR FIFTY YEARS MRS eMie, lARSI I ws i WINSLOW SOOTHING SYRUP ha bevn wd by milMoniiof moth ft fortfcelr children while for over Fifty Y3an It aooilios tbe child, softens the gum, allays all patn, curttH wipl oullc, ud la tb Milt remedv fr dinirhrpav. Twenty-fl to Gents a Bottle. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY" Fine dinging Cnnarrs, Mocking Bfrfa. Talking Parrots and all other Fanep Cage Birds, line Bred Fowls, Fane Fieeona, GOLDFISH and Glohea. Ths Jartfest and hest selected stock of first class Goods at low prices; send tor Catar lofnca. Birds can be delivered to ail parts safely by express. H.sV. VSHLE. 319 Market St., 4 M. Sth St PhUadr'rM. Pa. PATENTS Attnrney-t-Law and SoUcitcj 'attson K.Ct'lemaa. ?f 1'aTvQ'f.. -2 ! PROFITABLE SPEGUllTIGN I CERTIIRT1 I JsV YOU BVaitPOSIaT U1IB lit. W "-pt 100 and upward, pnarantee M pjr rent, yearly, lay 9 per eiit. quarif rlv. and guan anteo all rtept.sitors pint los. M l-.KI.I It W HKKi.l IIt It ot in (i.t, Hit Itrunrfwuy. IS. j PENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIa JOHN W. MORRIS, WASHINGTON. But Lata PiinciaU aaalatr IT. S. eaalaa stoaaZ jra. Im ka mt, I adjudwatja alaUaa. aatr. aaafZ TO- PUBLISHERSand printers Tbe Central Newspapar Union, LU 6i4 CHESTNUT ST.. Philadelphia, Furnishes Machine Composition In English ana German. FOR NEWSPAPERS, BOOKS. MAGAZINES, PAMPHLETS, LEGAL UJJU ,lo 15. ETC.'' Also Photo-Engraving, Line and Half Tone work. Printing ia Blac'r. aad in Colors, Quickly at Seasonable Eat a 3. "A Handful of Dirt May bs a Houseful of Snams Keep Tour House Clean With SAPOLIO i i V V llTi""f-'