Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 10, 1897, Image 2

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V7KI)SCIMV, KOY. 10. 1837-
bd:tgs asd riOMii.ti.
The .Maryland Legislature i3 Ro'
pnh'ic.in by 17 votes.
Tjis Prince of Wales, Qten Vic
lorin's son was sued fur a claim of
tbree hundred thousand dollar, a
claim crowing out of a sale by asher
iff, but the queer thing about the.
case in the action of the Prince. He
asks that proceedings against him be
squashed on the ground that the al
legations wfro nothing more than a
f'ivuljua and vexVious tissue of non
serife. He made an sfEJavit to that
Edisox's latent, greatest invention
is a machine to separate iron from
siid fnd diit that is mined with it.
Tiit ere is pulverized or crushed fine
au 1 r iri down a chute. Along the
b of the cbute are magnets that
at t: a it the particles of iron to the
eile whi'e the dirt an 1 dust slides
dowa to the bottom of the cbute. A
simple uncbine but it required an
E'.liFon to discover it. Great things
are nil plain and simple after tbey
are understood, but it takes smart
p -ople to ";iad them out."
If an account of the shocking gun
shot accidents were kept every day
during the bun ting season, a large
volume would bo filled. Oa the day
of the unfortunate gun shot accident
at E ist Salem, Juniata county, No
vember 8t.h, there were other shoot
ing accidents. At Shenandoah Win.
Smith nged 28 years died of lock jiw
caused by a revolver shot through
his right hand. At Pottstown, Pa ,
on the same day ITazekiah Carson,
died from the effects of a gun shot
wound, he was aged 70 years. At
Ephrata, Lancaster countj Jacob
dams aged 20 years, accidentally
shot off his chin and greater part of
his face; be had the stock of his gun
resting on the ground and by some
means it was discharged. Oa the
'sitae diy Samuel Hoover and Elijah
Ilessltr of Reading, went hunting,
while walking in the road toward the
hnctincr "round, Hessler's gun was
lijcbarged. He was carrying it un
dsr bis arm. Hoover was a few feet
in advance of Ilossler. The contents
of the gun passed through Hoover's
body. He lived only a sbort time.
Hessler is almost frantic with grief.
Progr.imme of the Thirty first an
nvnl session of the Teachers' Insti-'-te
of Juniata county, to be held in
3 Court House, Mifflintown, Pa.,
ivember 22 to 2tt, 1887, inclusive.
londay. Prof. L. E. McGinnes,
erintetdent of Schools, Steelton,
ir.dav, Prof. Ij. E McGinnes,
William Mowrv, Hyde Palk,
cbusetts; Dr. George W. Hull,
Vormnl School, -WillersviHe, Pa.
esday. Prof. L. E. McGinnes,
ar Mp-vry, Dr. George W.
i. Green, i State Nor-
-t. Oh V&.
'a.. i Mowrv,
Prof. 1 . - lyron .
King, Presicu.. School of
Oratory, Pittsburg,
Friday, Dr. WUha
Mo wry,
Bvron W. King.
Oil TburHday afternoon a joint
Vueetinir of Teachers and Directors
will be held in the court room, where
adc'resseB of special interest to both
will be delivered by prominent edu
e.itors'- Directors are at liberty to
propose topics for discussion. All
the directors aro cordially invited,
and it is iioptd that if all aro not
present, each district will be repre
sent d. Directors win please report
to t!J Sccratbiry, as we wish to keep a
record of all those Directors who at
tend the institute.
Monday, Lecture, "Tbe Mightiest
Man," Re'v. H. S. Gi.'bert, B. E., B. S.,
Port Royal, Pa.
Tuesday, Concert, "Ariel Ladies'
Sextette," (Smith Sisters,) Margaret
Smith, Impersonator.
Wednesday, Lecture, "Making It,"
Trof. F. H. Green, West Chester, Pa.
Thursday, Recitations and Imper
sonations. Byron W. King, A. M ,
Ph. D., Pittsburg, Pa.
Friday. Lecture, "Ibe Suollvgcs
ter in Pc.'.'.tics." Hon. H. W. J. Ham,
Southern Orator and Humorist.
Rates of Admission.
Course tickets witli reserved seats
for concert .1.00. Single admission,
Monday evening, 10 cents; Tuesday
evening, 50 cents; Wednesday even
ing, 20 cents; Thursday evening, 35
CDts; Friday evening, 25 cams.
'. :iiirb' enrolling fee, $1.00. The
evening cuteruiniuents will be free
to directors wishing to attend. Tick
ets mny le had by calling on the
Tickets to entertainments will be
on sale at Banks' and Rodgera' drug
stores by Monday, November 15.
E F. Brent, Enrolling Secretary,
will be in the court room by 9 o'clock
a. u , on Monday, and teachers will
receive their tickets when they en
roll. Address of Welcome. Monday af
ternoon, by Rev. J. H. Mortimer.
Ref ponse by Prof. J. E. Niemond.
Teacher J. M. Burris will have
charge of the music.
D. M. Marshall,
County Superintendent
Winter Excursion Ticket
the Pennsylvania
On November 1 the Pennsylvania
"Riilroad Company, will place on sale
at its principal ticket offices excur
sion tickets to all prominent Winter
resorts in New Jersey, Virginia,
North and South Carolina, Georgia,
.Florida and Cuba. The tickets will
be -" usual low rates,-with
iturn '
q cvn
lilienraatisra Cured In-a Day.
' Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mvsterious. It
removes at ence the cause
and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits: 75 cents.
Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist?,
Mifflintown. April 1, '98.
Pennaylraai Day at Calcka
naauffa Battlefield, Novem
ber IS.
For Pennsylvania Day at Cbicka
mauga Battlefield, Chattanooga,
Tenu., November 15, 1897, when the
monuments marking the m ivements
of Pennsvlvania troops in that crest
battle will be dedicated, the Pennsyl '
vania Railroad Company will sell ex- j
cnrsion tickets from all points on its
line in Pennsylvania at the extremely
low rate of one cent a mile, sbort-hue
distance, tickets to be sold November
9 to 13, good to leave Chattanooga,
returning until November 23. 1897.
T;t.l T;ttt,- ;n K oM
going and.returningvfa same .route,
ion, returning viaNasbville and Louis
vilie, or vice vena. 2t.
IerseaaiiyCeadacted Tours
via Pennsylvania Rallraad.
beasox or 1897 8.
The Personally Conducted Tourist
System of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company is the highest perfection
yet attained in railway travel; it af
fords all the comforts and convenien
ces of modern railway equipment,
and at the same time eliminates all
anxiety and anDDyanc inseparably
connected with individual travel.
For the season of '97 and 98 it
has arranged for the fol!owing tours:
California: Four tours, leaving
New York, Philadelphia, and Pitts-
burp, January 27, February 16, and
March 19. 'With tbe fxception oi
tlie first party going and the last re
turning; all of tbtso parties will
travel by the "Golden Gate Special"
between New York and California,
stopping at interesting points en
route. Florida. Four tours to Jackson
ville will leave Xw York and PuuV
dilphia January 25, February 8 acd
22, and March 8. The first three
admit of a .sojourn of two weeks in
the "Flowery State. Tickets for the
fourth tour will be good to return by
regular trains until May 31, 1898.
Tickets for the rbove tours will be
sold from a'l principal e t it iocs on
tbe Pennsylvania Riilrcad.
For datailtd itineraries, giving
rates and full information, address
Thos. E. Watt, Passenger Agent
Western District, Pittsburg, Po.; E.
S. Horrar, Divi;on Ticket A?ect,
Willismsport, Pa ; or Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger A.seut,
Philadelphia 2t.
Subscribe for the Sentinel akd
Republican, a paper that contains
choice reading matter, full of in for lo
tion that does the reader
vTadditTJn to that ail local news that
are worth publishing find places in
its columns. tf.
GREAT SALES prove the great
merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because it
accomplishes GREAT CURES.
Good news for you. Hats for 5,
10, 15, 17, 19 and 25a. Some better
grades also. Trimmed Hats for 35,
40. 50, 75c., $1.00, M.2-5, i oU.
All goods reduced at
4t. M. A. jjiehl s
Pannla Relieve whnt tlicv rend
about Hood's Sarsaparilla. They know
it. U an honest medicine, and that it
cuVes. (Jet Hood' and only Hood's.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, re
lieve' constipation assu-t digestion. 20c.
Fill a fiottle or common glass with
urice and let it stand twenty four
hours: a sediment or settling indi
cates an unhealthy condition of tbe
kidneys. When urine staios linen it
is evidenee of x kidney trouble. Too
frtqueut desire to urinate or pain in
tbe back is also convincing proor turn
the kidnevs and bladder are out of
There is comfort i.i the knowledge
yo often expressed, tuat Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the great kidney r m
edy fulfils every wish in relieving pait
in tbe back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary pass
ages, li correct iuability to hold
urine and tedding pain in passing it,
or bad effect fo'lowing use of liquor,
wine or beer) and over comes that no
pleasant necessity of being compelled
to get np mac'T times during-, the
night to urinateV The mild and the
extraordinary effect of Swamp Root
is soon realized. It stands tbe high
est for its wonderful cures of tbe
most distressing cases. If you neea
a medicine you should have the best
Sold by druggists, prictf fifty cents
and one dollar Yoh maybaveasam
pie bottle and pbainphlet bottle both
sent free by mail. Mention the Jra
iata Sentinel and Republican and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer &
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The pro
prietors of this paper guarantee the
genuineness of this offer. jly.
Patience is a most necessary 4oalin -cation
for business. Many a man would
rather you heard bis story than granted
his request You must seem to hear
the unreasonable demands of the petu
lant unmoved and the tedious details
of the dull uutired. That is the least
price that a man mnst pay for a high
station. New York Ledger.
Warming pans containing perfume are
now used to heat tbe beds of guests at
English country houses.
- - - 'BSvaoe is h.
Tli Duratlom of Life Yarlea Aewordhas; Se)
Among tbo long lived in the animal
kingdom we may mention birds, fish
! reptiles, although even in -the lower
animals the duration of life varies im
mensely, according to the specii.8. Of
fibh, the carp are especially long lived,
v Among birds, some of the parrot spe
cies are supposed to live over 100 yearn.
The swan, the raven, the eagle, are also
credited with great length of life.
In the niamniaHa, the elephant at
tains the greatest age. It grows for 25
to SO years and is said to live from 100
to 150 years and even longer. We have
no accurate means ox ascertaining tne
whale's age. A lion is said .jhave lived
70 years in the Tower, but there is no er
idence that he attains anything like that
age in the natural state. Forty years la
recorded by naturalists as the extreme
age. The camel may attain the age of
60. It eats little and drinks less. The
hono is comparatively a short lived ani
mal, bat it is a well known fact that
. when he does little work and posses the
gnatier ku b u& his uuj 'a
in pasture he
may attain to abont
40 rears of life.
hut when a horse is hard worked and
' fed, moreover, upon beans, oats and
'ner ossifying foods his days are much
i shorter.
In the vegetable kingdom the yew at-
orange trees at Home, planted respec
tively by St. Dominic and Thomas
Aqninas, aro said to be from 600 to 600
years old, and there are records of trop
ical trees that, counting by their rings.
are supposed to have attained the age
of 800 to 1,000 years. Nineteenth Ccn
Mixed English.
American and English tourists who
visited Ischl, in Austria, recently were
confronted with the following notice on
a signboard over the door of one of the
boetelrios of the place, "To the gentlo-
Dians EuglaudYrj and Aniericancrs, here
you become asses. " Upon inquiry it
was learned that tbo purport of tbo sin
gular sign was that the proprietor of tbo
place bad donkeys to let which were
1 nstd for excursions into the neighboring
monutaiua A much traveled cobbler,
who professed to be aLle to master the
English laugiuiKC, was responsible for
tbe uuitiue wording of tbe sign. He bad
translated tbo German sentence, "An
die Hcrrcu Knglander and Amerikaner,
bier bekouinit ibr Esel, " tbo latter four
words meaning
j a-1
here you can , hire
by Coddlinc, bat by Becoming Able
to Endure Nccciwary Exposure.
It is not always sufficient to point
ont a danger. It is often of even greater
importance to show bow tbe danger
may bo averted. Most people properly
recognize a cold as avoidable and think
they are greatly to bo commended for
the prudence they exercise in protecting
themselves, bnt if they did but know it
tbcv are really doing all they can to
make themselves susceptible to colds by
weakening their resisting powers.
A ueruian professor once wroto a
long treatise, with a learned title, cn
how to avoid catching cold. After trac
ing tbe history of colds from tbe earliest
ages, studying their causes and symp
toms and cataloguing tbe remedies
which have been used by the most emi
nent physicians of all times he conclud
ed with a sbort chapter on prevention.
His plan was to inure the back of
the neck to drafts by having some one
direct a current of air npon it ui a
dlows tbree times rlav.
Too Hi. .or had iuu correct
idC. dl"
tbong'i its tiracticaV application was
clumsy and he was a long time in reach
ing it Ibe best and only way to escape
colds is to meet the causes that produce
them and not to run from them.
Let the body bo banleued by a cold
sponge bath or even a cold plunge, fol
lowed by brisk rubbing with a
"scratchy" towel, every morning. Let
the clothing be adapted to the season,
though iil-ways as light as possible, but
keep tbe uck uncovered no turned up
coat collar, no muffler, no boo. Never
let the temperature in the bouse rise
above 70 degrees in the winter Air
every room systematically every day,
no matter what the outdoor temperature
may be Always have fresh air in tbo
bedroom. There is nothing poisonous iu
"night air, " popular belief to the con
trary notwithstanding.
Iu a word, don't bo always afraid of
catching cold, don't coddlo, but meet
cold and yet and changes of tempera
ture like a man, or rather like a horse,
and you will then run a better chance
of being as strong as a horse.
Of course you must strengthen your
armor w here it is wcr.k, but if you rec
ognize iu yourself a weak place, a "cold
spot," don't cover it up with more
clothes, bnt toughen it and toughen
your entire body nntil it is one homo
geneous resistant whole Youth's Com
Always Baa a Sharper If
Real Bargains.
The sign which caught Mrs. Dawson's
eye read: "Suits $20. Positively the
Last Week. Regular Price $30. "
Mrs. Dawson had the womanly love
for a bargain. She had often spent 10
cents' car fare to secure some lovely
treasure that was marked down from
$1 to 98 cents just for that day. She
was more than provoked that Dawson,
who was with her, did not grow enthu
siastic. "You know you need a suit," said
Mrs. Dawson. ""Why not order it now
and save $10."
Dawson was certain the suits would
be as cheap next week, but his wife re
fused to move ou and dragged the help
less man into the store. The polite
clerk assured them that it was the bar
gain of the century and that this week
was positively the last
With mental protests, but with out-
Vkard calm, Dawson, like clay in the
hands of the potter, allowed himself to
be measured. Then he left a deposit
He called in four days and took the
suit hway.
"There," exclaimed Mrs. Dawson, in
triumph, when her husband appeared
arrayed in his new suit, "you never
had a better fit nor a more becoming
pattern. Jnst think how much money
your wife saved for you by being on the
lookout for n bargain!"
. Mr. Dawson preserved a dignified si
lence and waited patiently for his bet
ter half to get her hat on straight pre
porafory to accompanying him to the
MrsA Dawson awaited with impa
tience the passing of the store where
she had saved mouy tor ncr nusDanu
Bhe wanted to call fis attention to tht
fact again tiiat he 'ght remain prop
erly thankf n
With all 1 f Tian Mrs.
Dawson was ,-
n was tell '
Tbe story of a young woman who
wound up her letter to a friend with,
"P. S. I forgot to tell you 1 was mar
ried, " is matched, says the London Tel
egraph. Miss Kate of Belfast re
cently consented to adopt the name of a
gentleman friend, and so they were
married. She is in Dublin now and is
stopping at tbe Oresham hotel The
other day she made some purchases.
and in going home she said, "Yon may
end them home for me Mia Kate
, Uresham hotel. "
She had reached the sidewalk before
she recollected that she bad given her
maiden name With admirable wit she
stepped back and said to the clerk, "Ob,
by the way. send tbnt package to Miss
Kate , care of Mrs. , Uresham
hotel. " and she swept ont of the store
rs if she had been married 16 years
Swordsvomea Aknjad.
8omo day it will be tbe wom u of
foreign countries who will defend their
nation's honor after the Freuch-Itali:...
style recently witnessed. Women of tho
upper classes in France and Spain are
generally expert sword swonien. They
are taught to fence as carefully and ac
curately as their brothers, and there are
numerous schools in the two countries
where young women are taught not on
ly to fence, but to baudle the broad
In some of the Nevada canyons in se
vere weather the jack rabbits freeze to
death", huddled together in clusters,
vainly trying to get a little warmth ont
of oue another. Then the Washoe and
Piute tmtian hunters break them off in
punches and flood the market with
ih em.
Altar Beacblac 40 Tbey tonally Retaw
or Kaler Another Occupation.
"Did you ever notice," said a Vetera
tonsorial artist, who had shaved New
Haveners since 1873, to a New Haven
Register man, "that you only see a few
old barbers?"
"Why is it?"
"There are a good many reasons, "
answered the veteran knight at tbs)
blade. "I suppose the chief one is that
a barber's hand becomes unsteady after
he gets to be about 40 years old and he
has to give up A good many tnrbers
drink hard, and that makes their nerves
and hands unfit for service, and tbey
retire before they ent their customers
throats. Still, I will say that in all mj
experience of 87 years I never saw a
man badly cut by a barber, not even by
on accident for which the barber was
not responsible. "
"What becomes of the barbers after
tbey retire?"
"Ob, some of them go to the poor-
house, " he replied, with a twinkle in
his eye, "and somo of them, who have
saved their wages, buy lif'lo places and
live on them, perhaps running a farm.
Some of them, of course, go into other
business, perhaps bookselling or else be
come insurance agents. I have heard of
barbers who gave up the business and
became butchers. This isn't such a wide
difference from their former business
(what are you laughing at?) as it might
seem. No, I don't mean that they learn
to carve people or even to skin them in
the barber business, bnt they learn how
to handle a blade skillfully and they
make first class meat cutters. "
Plpo Made or a Seal's Tusk.
A pipe made out of a seal's tusk was
s""- at the Weare office recently. The
stem is nearly a foot long and is
quaintly illustrated with representa
tions of life under the arctic circle.
The artist was an Indian, and the
little sketches in India ink show up
very well against the ivory background..
There is a reindeer about to fall un
der the arrow of an archer. There is a
sledge drawn by dogs. Fir trees, tepees,
a fishing scene, where the captives are
being brought to shore in a net, are all
true to life
Another ornament of the same char
acter is a pair of walrus tusks, with de
lineations of other Alaskan scenes, with
the fox and the white polar bear in evi
dence; also an Eskimo leveling a gun at
the latter.
It is said that to add to the terrors of
overland travel in the long winter
mouths the larger wild animals are of
ten driven by hunger to attack the trails
men, and packs of ferocious wolves will
besiege a camp for days, attacking the
horses and reindeer as well as the dogs.
More than one caravan has been done to
death in this maimer, as tbe whitened
bones strewn along the tracks show.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
TJsnally Keeds a Breadwinner.
The young fellow who worries ex
cecdingly in fear that he cannot find a
wife, or rather a girl whom he wants
to make his wife, who is a good cook.
Is usually the one who after tbe mar
riage fails to provide the wifo in the
case with anything to cook. Scrauton
The golden wedding of ex-Govern
or Kobert w. urnas ami who was
celebrated at their country home, in
Brownville, Neb., Oct 29. They were
married in Cincinnati Oct. 29, 1845,
and removod to Nehrxska in 1850.
Notice is hcrehy eiven that letters of Ad
ministration have ben gran'e-1 to tbe un
rlcrficno ! upon tbn estate of W. Harrison
McAlistcr, late of Fartte township, Juniata
count. Ha., deceased. Anvone indebted
to said estate is requested to make prompt
payment and those having claims or de
mands to present tbem proper! v authenti
cate! to tbe undersigned for settlement.
Kobibt K. Moocc,
Nov. 10, 6t. Administrator.
Tbe undersigned persons have associated
themsefvea together for the protection ol
Willow Bun Tront stream In Lack town,
ship, .nniata Co., Pa. All prsons are
strictly forbidden not to t reaps ks npon tbe
land or stream of the said p-irties to fish
ss the stream has been stocked with tront
Persons violatin this notice, will be pros
ecuted according to law.
K. H. Patterson,
T. H. Caruthers, J. P.
Rob't A. Woodiiide,
W. D. Walls,
Frank Vawn,
Dyson Yawn.
April 28, 189S.
Tbe nndersignrd persons have formed an
Association for tne protection of their re
spective properties. All persona ara here
by Tf titled not to trespass on the lauds of
th lersigned lor tbe purpose of hunting
oats, chiping timber or throwing
?es or firing timber in auy way
Any violation ot tbe above no-
lt with according to law.
hn Michel,
" Titer,
l r'n 'AMs
l UAI II wkn WQt
When ron take Hood's fills. Tbe bis, old-fash.
sugarxeoated pills, which tear you all to
pltVes. are no in It with Hood's. Easy to take
mid easy to operate.
ol Hood's PKJS. which are
ud to date In Aery resOrct.
Safe, certain arid sure. An
druggists. 25c C. I. flood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Louis K. Atkhsob. T.U.U. Fist m.
Orrios Oa Mam street, is flac of rest,
denee of Louis B. Atkinson, Bl-, oatk
Bridge street. fOct 26. 1893
QyCollecting and Coaveyaaelag preaip
ly atl ended to.
Collections snd all legal bui
ness promptly attended to.
have formed a partnership for the prt-.f'ct
ol Medicine and their collateral branch's.
Ollice at old stand, corner of Third and Or
ange streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or both
ol them will be found at their ofKce at all
times, unless otherwise proferaionx'ly en
gaged. April 1st, 1896.
' 'adnste of the Philadelphia Dental
) ce. Office at old established lo
cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court
House, JuithtntowD, Pa.
15s" Crown snd Bridge work;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
Infests the blood of humanity. It
appears in varied forms, hut is forced
to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
purities and vitalizes the blood i"d
cures all such diseases. IJcad tins:
" In September, ISM, I made misstep and
injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards,
A Sore
two inches across formed and in walking
to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore
became worse; I could not put my boot
on and I thought I should have to give up
at every step. I could not get any relief
and isd to Btop work. I read of a cure of
p similar case by Hood's Sarsaparilla and
concluded to try it. Before I had taken
all of two bottles tbe sore had healed and
the swelling had gone down. My
Is now well and I have been greatly bene
fited otherwise. I have increased in
weight and am in better health. I cannot
say enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla." Mis. H. Blakk, So. Berwick, Me.
This snd other similar cares prove that
I.: the One True niood Purifier. All dnignrst. ft.
Fi.jwre-1 i.nly jr I. IIm1 '.. I-.iw.ll. JIM.
, "'e best family cathartic
nOOCl S rlllS nud liver stimulant. JSe
Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad.
ministration havebeen granted to tbe un
dersigned npon tbe estate of Henry 3. Burns,
late of Fay el te township, Juniata county,
Pa., deceased. Anyone indebted to said
estate is requested to make prompt pay
ment and those having claims or demands
to present them properly authenticated to
the undersigned tor settlement.
Csablis A. Bubhs,
Oet.27.Ct. Administrator.
Ettmtt f Ckarltt A. Thompson, decerned.
Notice is hereby given lha letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of Charles A.
Thompson, late of Walker townstip, Jnni
ata County, Pa., deceased, have been grant
ed in due lorm of law to the undersigned.
residing at Keiico, Juniata County, Pa.
All persons knowing themselves to be in
debted to said estate are hereby requested
to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will pleaso present I tbem
properly authenticated tor settlement.
Jekmik Thompson,
Admin utratrix.
Mifflmtown, Pa., Oct. 29, 1897.
Whereas, the Hon. JEREMIAH LYONS,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas, for the Forty-First Judicml Dis'.ic .
corupoiied of the counties of Juniaia and
Perry, snd tbe Honorables WM. SWAKTZ
and W. N. 8TEKRETT, Associate
Judges of tbe said conrt ot Common Pleas
of Juniata county, bv orecept dalv isme-1
and to me directed Mr bold' lg a Cou-t or
Oyer and Terminer and Gene' il Ja'l Deliv
ery, and General Quarter Seasons of the
Peace st Mifflintown. on the
NoTica is bbbkbt oivsif. to the Coronor
Justices of tbe Peace and Constables of the
Connty of Juniata, that tbey be then and
there in tbeir proper persons, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, wih their rec
ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer
rememberances, to do thoso things that to
their oflices respectfully appertain, snd
those that are bound by recognisance to
prosecute against tbe prisoners that are or
may be in the Jail of taid county, be tben
and there to prosecute against them as
shall be jnst.
By an Act of the Assetnb'v ! pissed the
6tb day of May, 1854. it m id the duty of
Justices of tho Pesce ot the several conn
ties of this Commonwealth, to return to the
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Seas ions of
the respective counties, all the recognis
ances entered into before them by any per
son or persons charged with the Commis
sion of any crime, except such cases as
may be ended before a Justice of the
Peace, under existing laws, at least ten
days before tbe commencement of tbe ses
sion of tbe Court to which tbey are made
returnable respectively, and in all cases
where recognisances are entered into Ims
than ten days before the commencement of
tbe session to which thoy are made return
able, the said Justices are to return the
same in the same manner as if said Act
bad not been passed.
at Uifflintiwn, the' 4th dsy of
'of our Lord, one
- ed and ninety -seven.
"omr, Sheriff.
nn n
Oa and after Monday, May 17
1897, trains will mn as follows:
Way Passenger, lesves Philadelphia at
I 80 a. m: Barrisburg 8 00 a. ro; Duncan-
son 8 85 a. m; New Port 9 05 a. m; Mil
terstowB 9 15 s. m: Dnrword 9 21 a. m;
Thompsnntown 9 26 a m; Van Dyke 9 88
s. tn; Tuscarora 9 36 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a.
m: Port Rot si 9 44 a. m: Mini in 9 06 a.
m: Denholra 9 66a.m; Lewistowa 10 IS
a n; McVeytown 10 88 a. m; Newton
Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Monnt Union II 08
a. m; Huntingdon 11 88 p. m; Tyrone 12 20
p. m; Altoona 1 00 p. m; Pittsburg 5 60 p.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7.00 a.
Hamsbnrg at 1U 09 a. m.: Mimin 1 2. IB p.
m., Lewistowa 12 87 p. m.; Huntingdon 1..
87 p. m.; Tvrone 2.20 p. m j Altoona 2.65
p. ro.; Pittsburg 7.00 p. m
Altoona Accommodation leaves H irris-
burg at 6 00 p. m; Dnneannon 5 84 p. m;
Newport 6 02 p. m; Klllerstown 6 11 p. m;
Thotnpsontown 6 21 p mj Tuscarora 6 80
p. m; Mexico 6 83 p. m; Port Koysl 6 88
p. m; Mini in 6 48 p. ro; Denholtn 6 49 p. m;
Lewistowa 7 07 p. tn; AfcVeytowo 7 80 p
ro; Newton Hamilton 7 60 p. m; Hunting,
don 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona
9 85 p. m-
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia st
1) 20 p. m; Harrisbur 8 10 a. m; Mans,
v' le 8 24 a. m; Duncannon 8 38 a. nu New.
pot 3 A9 a. m, Port Koval 4 31 a. m; Mrf-
flip 4 37 a. m; Lcwistown 4 68 a. m; Mc
towa 6 20 a. m; Huntingdon 6 0S a,
Tyrone 6 65 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. a:
Pit.. !" 12 10 p. m.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4
85 p.m.'.Harrisburg at 10 20 p. ro; Newport
11 06 p. m Mifflin 11 40 p. ra; Lewistown
12 66 a. m; Huntingdon' 12 55 a. ra.; Tyrone.
1 82 a dV; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 30
a. m. '
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p.
m; Hanriabnrg 3 60 p. m; Duncanon 4 16
p. m; Newport 4 86 p. m; Mifflin 6 07 p. m.
Lewistown 5 27 p. m; Mount Union 6 08 p.
m; Huntingdon 6 27 p. ro; Tyrone 7 Ot p
m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 1 1 30
p. m.
Huntingdon Accommodation leaves A!
tr.ona st 10 60 p. m; Tyrons 1 1 17- p. m.;
arrives t Huntingdon 11.56 p.m. and be.
comes Hirrisburg Accommodation, leav.
ing Huntingdon at .5 80 a. n; Newton Ham
ilton b 55 a. tn; McVeytown 6 12 s. m;
Lewistown 6 32 a. m; Mifflin 6 51 a. m;
Port Royal 6 6G a. m; Mexico 6 59 a. m;
Thompson ?own 7 12 a. m; Millerstown 7 21
a. ro; Newport 7 80 s. tn; Duncannon 7 67
a m; Harrisburg 8 ?0 a. m.
Sea Shore leave Pitttshnrg 8 30 a m;
Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 48 t tn; Hunt
ingdon 8 30 a mj McVevtown 9 15 a m;
Lewistown 9 35 a m: Mifflin 9 65 a m
Port Koval 9 69 a m; Thompsontown 10 14;
Millerstown 10 22 am; Newport 10 32 a m;
Dnneannon 10 51 a m; Marysvillo 11 07 i
m; Harrixbnrg 11 25 a m; Philadelphia 3 00
p m.
Ma n Lino Exprest leaves Pittsburg at
8 00 a. m; Altoona 11 40 a. ru; Tyrone 12
03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 35 p. m; Lewis
town 1 33 p. m; Milflin 1 60 p. m; Harris
burg 3 10 p. m; Baltimore 6 00 p. m; Wash
ington -7 15 p. m; Philadelphia 6 23 p. m;
New Tork9o0 p. m
Miil leaves Altoona at 2 10 p. ni, Tyrone
2 45 p. u, Huntingdon 3 28 p m; Newton
Hamilton 3 58 p. m; McVeytown 4 20 p. m;
Lewistown 4 45 p. m; Mifflin 5 10 p. ra.
Port Royal 5 15 p. tn; iUexico 6 20 p. m;
Thompsontown 5 33 p. m; Millerstown 5 43
p. m; Newport 5 51 p. m; Dnneannon 6 23
p. m; Harrisburg 7 00 p. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p
m.'oona 6 05- p. m; Tyrone 6 37 p. m;
Hnnti :gdon 7 20 p. ru; McVeytown 8 04 p.
rr; Lewistown 8 26 p m; .Mifflin 8 47 pm:
Por; Royal 8 52 tp. m; Millerstown 9 If) p
m; Nt 'port 9 2(f p. m; Duncannon 9 60 p.
m; Htrrishurg 11 20 p. m.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg at
4 30 p ra; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tyrone 9 83
p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p. m; Mount Un.
ion 10 82 p. ra; Iewistown 11 IS p. m; Mtf.
Hin 11 37 p. m; Uarrisbnrg 1 00 a. m; Phil
adelpl.ia 4 30 Near York 7 83 a. ra.
Trains for snnbury at 7 3'. a. m. and 8 16
p. m.. leave SunOury lor Lewistown 10 06
a. m. and 2 45 p.; ru ; tor Milrov 8 35 a. m.
10 20 a. ra. and 3 10 p. m., week days.
Trans leave tor Bellelonte and Lock
Hetcd. at 8 10 a. a.. 12 30 ar.d 7 15 p. m ,
leave Lock Uavi;n lor Tyrone 8.55 p,
m. and 4 15 p. m. I
Trains leave Tyrone for ClearSeld and
Curwensville at 8 20 a. m., 8.15 and 7 2T;
p m., leave Cmwi:usvile lor Tyrone at 9.16
a. m., .J 4 p in., and 7 00 p. m.
Fot, rates, ma ps, etc., call on Ticket
Ageols or sddrea", Tbos E. Watt, P.
A. W. 1)., 360 Fifih Avenue, Pitts.
bnrg. Pa.
J. B. Hutchison,,
J. R. Wood,
Gcn'l Pass. Agt.
(Jeu'l Manager,
VsriaS e Friction Fetid
Ajax Center Crank Engine
EapiJ ncr urate, fitrcvae anfT Rlmpl. with large
r-.i ivicHy, r.num un
Hills or whotln. Strong
niulnnfe. N Pnrnhnr
Iloilrr bn cvrr ex
pirteif. Also stiindarrt
aKtirultirrfcl inijiletuntR
CPfrPmllr. Hiy Piwes
a aperiwlty. Fend for
Qrtalogiie and prioea to
L B. FARQUHAK CO.. Ltd., York, Pa.
9 i'i.i,W-rtWS-3
A woiiilfrfitl iniprovi-iiii tit n Fritli.n S-'ir4l4 firi
tijs-Huch. !clc DutUliof Carriage :t Isitit'waHlit.t
M.-nyoilirr :u t!ieniMrki.t. FrirtifcM Clufl t'cciS
CHliyllif; nil tlifrtfl Kelllh ie mul Mill n hitO Kirlc
Uii'l emit :viit In powt-r nn'i -n.r. tVr.il
tnl. iu!Hn).4 U't !aiLeCut.i!o:;"f hi:,: ! Ala,
ij.riittf ihtrvons, cl:is ICnUt. f 'i.!:;vn.ors
i'llflir. J-lifll, r.fl:. A' Mfi...i It. ; i-t,;.
UKM'II ADOOUtiltUKSUrs. Vurk. k'm.
1 1 IVER
Sick Headache and relieive all the troubles ind
deat to a bilious state At the system, such as
Dizziness. Nausea. DroVsiness, Distress after
satins'. Pain In the Side. Ac While their moat
remarkable success baa been shown In curing;
Reads, the. vet Ciktei'j I.ittlx Lrvca Pius
are equulv valuable in Constipation, curinc
and pniveiitine this annoying complaint, whus
they also eirmt all diaerders of the stomach,
stimukite-'Oe liver and, rsculaM tha bowels.
sven IT mrfPTwm
Ache they would b almost pricalass to tbess
who miffer from tb.i dtstiiaslna complaint:
but fortunately then" aoodnsM doss ant ead
heee.' maA thamm who w t,"V them WUl And
e. little pUM value r. so many ways mm
- will not fee willlnaT to do without than,
; rter au stcs aeea
i tie
is the bane of so many Uvea I
we make our greas boaaV
Our puis curs II
wnue outers rw not.
ClAKTca'alarrLB tmm Pius ara very stnaC
sad very easy to take. One or fo pills mass
a dose. They are strictly vegeubleaad de
DC it rripe or porge, but by their (renue acttar
pUsue all who um them. In vials otSSeentf
Ave for fl. Sold ererrwhem, or sear- bj naaV
. CAim aroiajri ca, v TnV
VA ,v!- c
hat her
... . . r t 1 1 ,.
decreed tbsttnsrsii season o. soouid witness the mnl.t a.'a luZ ' .
in Men's wesring sppsrei. in nothing this ao sppsrenTt 7- Vr , 8 i
Boy. Snits. Subdued pstterns and sedste sh.des S 1L J" Mhen '
fLteh sffects in neh colorines. "fce,8eded by fancy
Onr line 01 nne ir c.. fiV
.nit. the merohsnt tailors ste selling
. r . c irkn .mi it win
BJSAOUn.o w"t o p.essure tor jon to call and rx
smine it. It is Isrge sdspted to every personsl demand; lit i. Tsrisd-eslon-lsted
to suit every taste; it i, coniplete-taking within it9 lee0pe tbe beBt ni
latest tbst tbe world s insrket sfford. If y0n are in se.rchf of re isble sr
ticl. come to us; if you believe thai ; the jadgment of .n experienced merobsnt
is worth sny thing. Tieit our stores; if yon fee! tbat it is w cfth while ssvi
trustworthy values, msks your ssleotions from goods bought with esr
sold on representations of merit tbst never fail. nr new stock is t
comparison wiu -
reinforced by reoent advantageous purohsse-, and now presents create!
dueements to the publio thsn ever before Jnst think of genuine Hocksn
Suits for $6 50 Bannock burn and Tweed Suits for S6.50-xtra fine Cbef
and Cassimere suits for $6 50 first elass Clay Worsted and Diagonal tf
lor (Oi, xvoneot iuw cnu uipi
are in a position, owing to onr nnusuall
them before von at $6.50. If yen're a
better, beoausa these suits will meet and even exceed your highest exp0ta,
tions, not only in quality, but in style and fit as well $l.St for yonr onoiesvC''
from $7-50 Men's strictly all-wool Unmot snd rlaid Suits. I
This is a veritable bonansa for young men to dress in stylish clothes at .
eost that is next to notbing. All the latest pattern., shades and materials ar "
in the assortment, and every suit is made, trimmed and fits ' as well as an
$10-59 uit. Your oboioe for $5 50. :
Boys' Junior Suits in neat checks, brown or bl ick and deep sailor
collsr Hercules braid trimming, north $3.06, for only
Boys' double breasted cheviet suits, green and brown designs horougnly
mas snd trimmed, size' Tslue, st only
Boys' double breasted sbort pants suits, in brown and tan, cvs-plaid
Cheviot, new designs, durably lined, sizes 8-15; worth $1, on'y . Ci
650 Men's New Styles in Orerooats. from 82-5 ) to 3(5 OJ. 560
Overeoati New Styles, prices from $1.25 to $3 50. 410 Children s Ore
prices from $1.50 to $5 50 Call and
Hats, Caps and Gent's furnishing Uoods, all iNcw (joo.lf, and our price!
lower than any in Jnniata county.
Next to our Mammoth Clothing House we have opened
next store above onr present stors where yon can bu7 Furniture and il
FurnisbingiGoods for less money than ever were sold in Juniata connty.
reoeived'ear loads of Furniture direct from the largest manufjcturies in Ai
ica, and paid spot cash for every article we bought An inspection of
stock will convince you that we can save you 25 per cent.
Tuscarora Valley Railroad.
M.P. M.
Blair's Mills ,
45 2 00
5112 06
58 2 13
05 2 20
Leonard's Grove
Ross Farm
East WaterforJ
Heckman 8 3
Honey Grove
Fort Bigham
18 47;
8 48;
i8 5Ei
3 10
3 15
3 21
3 25
3 29
3 31
3 33
3 35
3 40
3 45
P!ea8art View
Seven Pipes ." .
Snrnco Hill
Old Port
Port Boyal Ar
Trains Nob. I and 2 connect a' Port Koval
with Way Passenger and Saashora Express
on r. K. R., and Nos.;3 and 4 witb Mi l east
M. I P. M.
Port oyal
Old Port
30 5 20
35 5 25
40 5 30
42 5 32
44 5 34
46 5 36
50 5 40
54 5 44
03 5 50
05 5 55
11 6 01
18 6 08
25 6 15
35 6 25
48,6 36
55 6 45
02,6 52
09 6 T9
2 810
3.7 10
6 3110
20 511
iruoe Hi'l
Seven Pines
Pleasant View
Fort Bigham
Honey Grove
East Waterford
Boss Farm.
Leonard's Grove...
Blair'B Mills Ar
Trains Nos. 2 snd 8 connect witb Stage
Line at Blair's Hills for Concord, Doyi.
burg and Drj Run.
A Taioablo Book sat Ifervut-
IU nria .mi sent ft la aav sdilm-
and poor patients can also obtai:
tills aaaaicine tree as enarce.
nu tamadvhaa been meusied artba Bevsnn-
Paatsr Konus. ot Won Warn, lad, stnoe liRC aat
.r. nov prepared under Ms dlrectloa br tbe
KOCNIC MEO. CO.. Chicago, III.
SoUbyDnixaistsaSaiperBotU. sbrSS.
tmmHim.mi.1&. ainssti SsratV
Gat a good paper by subscribing- for the
. "wsw-
are superior in many resnssls I tnh
st 20 snd 9!i 1 'eBpsss.-to
i i -- oiuvs. up
c.jj.ua your ideas to see it.
at S6 50 This li .i l-
y W orsted and Diagonal i' i
fwhere for less than $10, bnf I
Tsntageons purchase, to i
cular and stylisb drebser, aU'wJ
seo onr grand line of New Style
Riii.Rntn Tin v. Tini.K. s
The foTloi-in? schedule wont Into effect
Nov. 1H, 18;if, and the traias will bo run as
follows; j
s. mi Leave Arrive a..
' 4r von vuhUfibM , o
136 9 06 'King s Mill 7 4
3 z
2 20
S 18
2 IS
2 18
2 08
t 41
1 86
I 81
1 28
1 26
1 20
1 18
1 16
p m
4 3J
3 41
4 46
4 4H
4 61
4 M
4 Off
4 69
9 11
9 IS
9 19
9 22
9 24
9 2'
Sn'phnr Sprlnp 7 46
"Curtrwn S-ii-ag 7 4 I
MontalM-Hn pa,j 7 4
'Gwa I'irls
Montour Jnnc
7 86
7 S3
7 28
7 23
7 09
7 04
7 01
r, sk
6 48
6 33
5 10 10 43
6 la 9 49
6 21 9 64
5 24 9 87
5 27 10 06
5 32 1" 7
6 84 10 17
6 S7 10 30
G 02 10 35
j. m a. ra
Lnud iblrnrs-
6 2M
Train leaves Blnom.lcM at 6.53 a.
nnn arrives nr litinnniire sr a. i.
T .i:!i !civ ! I its it s.l3 j, -in., and
arrive at Kloomfi -lil a; C in ji. 111.
A'! stations uinrkiil j) iri? I! ij s'ations,
st wliiot tr.i:ns w.l! cu :im ti a f.iil srop on
t'nss. H. Sjht.it, IT. Kfck,
Prtfsidenl. Supt.
I v Ipv Railroad t'ompsny. Timn table
or passpner trains, in ufTuct on Monday,
May 18th. 1806.
Newr- it
BoHalo Rridirft
Juniata Furnace ...
W jhneta .........
Svlvao ,
Wat-r Pliig
Blnomtielfl Jnnrt'n,
Vslli'V l!o:.
K' 11. .r r-i.i.r .
Gre-ti I'uri.
l ovi' .-
Fort Kwh.-soii
Cisna's H-i .......
Audersnchurg .
Mount P!e-Jsnt . ..
New Germmii'ii ...
l. C RING, President ind Uanarnr
O. K.. .Villeb, G-ner.il Acetii.
ITU t'hetnot St,
Tenth Tssa,
nd all tha
Th! maximnmc4siimlMsstthmbriaBamof
SritoArclrcvter, THE. W- PAUtS. Fi
.ANY (
Tar OmSkTil. ssl IznaVAl ns.As
3 r -i
very Traveler ikonld have a bt"
Every Sufferer
eosa Beadaehe. rspMberls,
in Badv ar Umbs. StlC
EoA Aaadyne reuet
Sold e wy wre. I
ess paid. K. i.Ja"
Wen- j East
wsrri. j wsrd.
"T7T j 2 4
pmamIam r m
6 05 10 35 8 80 400
6 09 10 38 8 27 8 67
; 6 12 10 42. 8 23 3 68
I 6 l r, 10 46: 8 2i 8 60
' 6 2" 10 62 8 16 3 46
' 6 2'J 11 01 8 ll 8 41
6 31 11 0: 8 08 8 88
6 3911 09i 8 00! 882
I 51 11 21. 7 4o 8 16
i 6 54.11 24, 7 40 8 10
! 7 05 11 35 7 34 8 04
i 7 II II 41 j 7 28 2 66
1 7 li 11 45 7 ls 2 49
j 7 21 11 6i 7 15 2,46
1 7 27,11 67 1 7 10 2 40
I 7 35 12 05, 7 03 2 88
I 7 4112 lli 6 68 224
j 7 45 12 15! 6 60 2 30