1 Ik V J SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFT-.TVTV.VV WJ5DIKS1AT, OCT. 27, 1897. TERV8. -iMcriptIon, 1JS0 per annum If pajd 1 li 1rin-a: S2.00 If not Mid In aaTanceT-TZ0 Transient vtvartUemtnta In sorted at 60 Cents psr Inch for sach Insertion. ' TranslerR bnalnens notices tn local ool- nn, 10 cents per line ror eacn nsereon. Deductions will be made to those desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. SHORT LOCALS. B;g raiD. Quiet politics. A bijjrhr river. .-Growing grain. Uneasy, the candidates.' Wild geese southward fly. Short, the Dew corn crop. Djn't bet on the election. The eleo' ion next Tuesday. ' Growing, the British navy. Higher, the price of wheat, riutid larger the U. S. Navy. Oae more month of autumn. Good, McCahan's shingle mill Coming, the brick of red shale. The campaign draws to a close. The cannery excitement is over. Bank cslery with earth to bleach it Many wild turkeys have been shot The Institute is casting its shadow. Yellow fever rages in New Orleans' A good deal of corn has been husk ed. Farmers made the roads that are here. The big rain boomed the late wheat. Republicans are all ready for the election. 60lbs L-.rd Cns, 30 cents a Mc Clintic's. 8w. England is building one hundred war shins. The political whirligig goe3 rouud und round. Partridges near town have nearly all been shot. Tuo Thanksgiving turkey is feast ed these days. S,indv was communion day in the Lufiiflran church. Lutt Ed. Bartley has the s'eekest look- gjjfable in town. Pupils smile over the coming of In stitute week vacation. There aa thunder morning about 5 a. m. liet Fridav Art embarrassing situation for flfUies, getting a new hat. the There are several weddings loom- ing up for the hear future. Eighteen hundred and ninely-sev- en is growing old, very old. r- v. j yjao. t ,1 go Ju3go?kr--far' ad about this town this summer. Politics is quiet, but there will ba Borne voting done next Tuesday. The newnst thiog to eat w an arti , ficial oyster mado i n Paris, P ranee. Edward T. Anker shot a wild turk . y on Shade mountain last Thursday. TIiev. A S. Fasic preached ia the Sfetbodist church on Sunday evening. Millerstown, Perry county psoplo, will noon be drinking mountain water. Twenty women preached in twen ty churches in Baltimore last Sun day. Tbe storm this week ha been rall ed the equinoctial storm a month be hind time. "' Tn the Congregational churches in Kansas, women remove their bats and bonnets. 0 Mrs. Emmons and children have returned from a visit to her parents Nm Pittsburg. Banker E. S. Parker of Washing ton, D. C, was in this section of the county on Saturday. Mrs Krick and children who have ss""1een visiting her parents in Berks connty, has returned. The river which was uncommonly low, has been raised considerably by the rain since Monday. wneat soia last I' ridav in jNsw York at 98c; in Chicago at 94a; in St Louis at $1; in Philadelphia at 97c. Wrs. Lawrence Warner and two children of npriinhuro nre visiting Mrs. James Horning on S'xth street There are more pol-itoes in Juni ata ounty thin were expected, but with all th it potatoes are not plenty. List Mor.div, Frank Perlaski of Shamokin. kicked his wife out of k?d. becans'e their new born bby is not a boy. It has ben resolved by the Stata fjapitol building commission to pro ceed immediately with the erection of a new State house. Jess9 Sarvis a veteran telegraoh operator and newspaper correspond ent of Washington, D. C, was in town last Saturday. All who heard the sacred concert by the male quartett in the Metho dist church on Saturday and Sunday evenings were pleased. Banker Jackson a partner of Gov ernor Hastings died in a hospital in Philadelphia last Friday after an op eration for kidney trouble. Mr. ard Jdr$. Logan -Wiles of New port mourn for their six months old infant that was smothered in the bed clothes last Thursday nigbt. There are a few deer hunters in Jnniata, and they are putting their affairs in shape so as to get off for a hnnt for their favorite game. There was no preaching in the Presbyterian church on Sunday be- r .rse trie mmis'er was in attendance apon Synod at Chimbersburg. Recently Thomas Sulouff of Fer managh, shot a sea gull along the riv er. The tempestous weather along j the coast drove the gulls inland. There was a refreshing rain on the 21st that did the wheat a great deal of good. - -- The springs and streams have been filled by the recent rains. Now will the winter come. Stewart E. Shover of Patterson wears a smile. . It is a boy that has come to his house. Ed. Raymer of this place spent a day or so in Mifflin county last week for the purpose of hunting. If the Chicago sausage business has declined, the demand for pig skin foot-ball is as great as ever. Old maids and young maids are ap preciated in the Klondyke. They are worth their weight in gold. - "jrothonotary W. H. Zeidere and family have bqf n visiting in the east end of the county the past week. There are many applicants for all of the Government positions. Few can be chosen for there are few pos itions to fill. There have been several black squir rels shot in the woods neir town. They are something new in the squir rel line here. It is the increase or doubling of the pensioner's a Ho wanes, that keeps the government pension fund or tax from getting less. The Beaver Snyder County Herald save: James Goes bought a horse from Vf. H. Kline. Consideration, one hundred cents. The mail carriers on the local tes say their wacros or salary is . mi ii not large enougn. ine sm:i routes are ell sub contracts. The price of sausage donbless will be raised since Luetgark was not coi victed of cooking his wife in a saus age boiler in Chicago. The Presbyterian Synod of Central Pennsylvania that convened at Car lisle last week, calls for a stricter ob servance of the Sabbath. Philip Tumulty of Jers9y City, has to pay Mies Joanna Murphy five thou sand dollars for breach of promise That's the verdict of the jury. Some Snyder county men are now gathering their first crop of Para garaon chestnuts a Russian chest nut that weighs an ounce eacu. The Indian 13 not considered smart 1 intellect uu'iy, but when it is proposed to civilize him, ho save: ,Ub! Ub! iv ilization means teach Indian foot ball." The wali of the Sulouff stsb'o on Chorry street between 2ad and 3rd streets occupied by John B.-rgy for livery purposes is being put ia a sta'e of repair. Young: m-in get at something to pi?, no matter what just bo it is hon- est work, ami stscK to it, ansl every one whoss respect is worth having wiil respect yon. "Humph!" said the Indian bravo, contemptuously. "Pala face eay red man savage. Take his bucks east, civiUzi him, edacate him. Teach him foot-ball Ugh!" Wm. Christ of Newport, Perry Co., was bitten on tbe back of bis right hand by a solder on the 3rd day of October. For a week his hand was aseless and is not yet well. England has turned her back on bi-metr.lism just as was expected by people who understood something of the amount of gold bainng obliga tions that are owing the E-'hVu. The capture and imprisonment of car jumpers by the railroad company has di'oininlied the number of tramps in the Valley of the Juniata. Tiiey must be taking some other route. The latest from the travellers to the Kion-lyk- overtnken on the mono tains above the timber line is that those who had money were offering a thousand dollars for a cord of wood. Republican measures have put new life into th busines of the country, and from every buiiif' 3 center coms the report the times are bettrr, and McKinlev has bern in offio only six months. In November it will be two hun dred and seventy-four years since the Plymouth Pilgrims instituted the Thanksgiving dinner. The oyster, which the Indian taught them to eat was served at that dinner. Several nights ago Jacob. John and Jim Stoner and C. E. Cork ins secured a large coon on the ridge north of town. The coon was '.reed by a dog and when shook off after one of the party nad cuimbnd uo, was killed by the canine. Charles Corkins of Fermanagh claims that the othfr night about 9 o'clriok lie her.rd the squalling of a number of wild cats not far from his p!a?R. The cais wsro ao hear! by David SioVr a neigh ber of 'Jr. Crk ios, wberenpoD he hastily went ii'.o the house. There was a wreck of a nnmbir of beef carrying cir3 on Sunday cv?d iog near Ryde station, Mifflin county. Travel was interrupted on the rail road several hours. The construc tion trnin men nt, this place were call ed on to help clear the traik of the wrecked cars. Lat,t Friday, the Iowa Supreme Court, rendered an important decis ion wherein it is declared that con tracts for grain where the intention is merely a speculation on tho chances of the rise or fall of thi market and no delivery is intended, are gambling contracts and void. Last week one day Harry Homing of Fermanagh township in company with other railroad toon found a large possum with its bead crushed on the railroad track a short distance from MI station. The possum had been run over by a train of cars while attempting to cross the track. The cannery company having learn ed by a recent decision of the Su pre me Court tbe pro rata amount each one is to pay began last Satur day to liquidate the indebtedness that caused the law-suit The amount that each of the eighteen directors have to pay is fonr hundred sixty three dollars. It was an unfortunate enterprise financially, but worst of all it destroyed a great deal of the con fidence that had so happily existed among the membership. ' Fine felt, dress sailors 48cta, nt Mrs. Ickis' millinery., 3t Ladies, for stylish op to date Fair and Winter Millinery, visit Mrs. Ickis'. Her prices are the lowest. Selection basL 3t - "I gee the late Mr. Pullman cut off two of his sens without a penny." "Yes; it appears tnt they insisted on a life even more luxurious than their father's car." Charles A. Dana, editor of the New York Sun, died on the 17th inst., ag ed 79 vears He was an able writer and capable business man. There are taffy editors and vinegar editors. Mr. Dana belonged to the Utter. Wild turkeys nave been plenty in 5ft parls of central Pennsylvania, wii'cn is proven Dy tua re :ort in newspapers of the shooting of the palatable fowl in every county in tbe central highland districts of the com monwealth. Rabbit shooting may be indulged in after the 1st of November. Pitv poor rabbit, but then if the rabbits were not disp sed of they would be so numerous in a few hundred years, that there would be no room for any other living thing on this earth. Four aged men' of Reading, Pa., whose age ranges from 86 to 89 years, have signed a compact to at tend each other's funerals in a bar rouche, leading the procession. When the funeral of the last man takes place, a drum corps is to furnish mu sic. . The Wayne County Nebraska Re publican of October 20 says: Farm ers report corn "as yielding all the W3V from 20 to 45 bushels per acre, and they generally do not believe tho yield for the county will average mnch, I. any over 25 bushel to the acre. During the sicred concert service in the Metho list church on Sunday evening the announcement was made that "all wood train railroad men in the ooDgregation should immediately report at the railroad to help clear a wreck that had taken place on the ; road. The Mexico Spy and Waterford Advocate, has been transferred to Millerstown and there issued under the Damn of "The Millerstown Journ al." It is hoped that Mr. Smith the proprietor may find that a congenial and profitable piaca in which to pitch his journalistic tent. The Lutheran congregation held a ai?eting on Saturday to onslder the question of building a new church. Thb vote Btood 17 for a new church. 28 a-jainst a new church. A larjrn number of tha congregation did not vote A committee was appointed to further consider the question. An electric light company in the towu of Hamilton. O do, his petition ed tho court for the appr.ictmetit r-f a iteeivsr, alleging th? t the town through the mismanagement of the town council is in a btate of insolv encj; is in a bankrupt conditiou and cannot pay its bilh and debts. Seliusgrove Tribune, October 22 Our town teamster I. B Romig on Wedneday last, harried 106 busheU of wheat oa one load with his two mules from the canal to Schnuro's mill. This we consider a big load for two head, and we doubt wheth er there is another team ia thtso dig gins that could do it. More rain on Monday which is scarcely worth mentioning, for it is an "observation that everyone ha3 male, nil yet it is worthy of the closest ob.iervati'in for npon such ob servations and records wade far anil wl'Te by tho press we.ith.er calcula tions are made and inforoiaiioii if eent from one part of the couutry to mother .Mother "Nott, Willy, you told me a falsehood. Do you ktiow wuat happens to little biya who toll false-1 uood?? Willy (sheepishly) ' No!" Mother "Why a big black lu-.m with only ona eye in the centre of h:s forehead comes along and flies with him up to the moon and makes hlra pick sticks for the balance of his life Now, you will never tell a falseSood again, will you? It is awful wicked!" Puck. On Sunday morning shortly after daylight a passeDger train at a place about 2 miles from Garrison, York State, ran down an embankment into the Hudson river. The engine' r and firemen canuot tell what happened. They were drowned. It Is believed 1 he wall of the road along the river pave way. It was an arvful p-usgo Tho express car, the smoker, the day car and three of the six sleepers went over. Thirty pooplo that were killed or drowned were gotton out of ths wrecked and eubuierged cars. Lcwistown Gazette, O 'tcber 21et. Our commnsily was shocked on Tuesday evening, wbc-n 'bo n .ws reached this pl:ic?, annouit-iuy the death of Joseph M. Flcm'i;', an eld and highly respected citizen, who died quite suddenly at his home in Ei3t Menno tit. 5 30 o'clock of paral ysis of Iho heart. The deceased was engaged in feeding a threshing mi chine, when some one saw hira fa!!, but he was powerless and b -fore a physician uonld be summoaed tho vi tal tipark had fled. Mr. Fleraiag was born and raised in this county, hia parents being among the early set tlers, and from his boyhood d.iys w?.a employed in fanning. He was aged 63 years, 6moe. and 12 days. Newport News, October 21 si: W. H. H. Kraft died suddsnly at bis homo iu Howe township, last Friday morning. He had been in town and was sit ting on the front porch reading a newspaper (The News) while waiting for Mrs. Kraft to make her toilet pre pratory to them both going to tha funeral of Lewis Jones, who died nearby ou the 13th ins. Mrs. Phil ip Zeigler was sitting on the porch with him and noticing some involun tary movement of his lipa and body, c illed to Mrs. Kra;'t that there was something wrong with "Harry " Meanwhile his papfir had fallen to his side and he sank down in his chair as tbe vital spark fled without a strug gle. Dr. Orris, his physician was sent for, but Mr. Kraft was beyond human aid. The doctor said Mr. Kraft died of heart disease and that the heart's action evidently ceased as quickly as a flash. The double-barrelled muzzle load ing rifle used with such deadly effect by the Modoo Chief Captain jack of a few years ago, has just been found. The name of tbe maker ofthe rifle, John Shuler of Liverpool, Pa., is en graved on the barrel. Huntingdon Journal, October 21: A large bear has been committing bavoo among the Centre and Hunt ingdon county farmers on both sides of Tussey mountain near Monroe furnace. Last week it killed a large calf that was among a lot of cattle herded by Wm. Harbster. . . Rev. P. S. Gibson of ?tt. Gibson Baptist church, N. J., was sued by Miss Lacv Swan of his congregation for some serious offense. He was re quired to give three hundred dollars to answer at court. The preacher turned thr tables and sued the young woman for slander and wants a thou sand dollars damage. Jacob Stoner and Wm. Lauver cit izens of Fermanagh township were out coon hunting to Shade mountain one nigbt last wees. TnMr dog ' treej two eooaB both of which thy succeeded in getting. S. Boyd Mur ray of tho National House bought one of the savory animals to make it the central dish of a feast. The coon when dressed for the table weighed 11 pounds. The world is bo better if toe ac counts of murders, suicides, thievery and other depraved acts are to ba taken into consideration, and .they must be taken into consideration for they are here present every day. If the people have so loosened their views on tho old time doctrine of the personality of a davil will look about them they can be convinced in short time of tho personal influence of a devil. It is queer beyond comprehension that convicts in the Pittsburg peni tentiary should be able to make conn terfeit silver coins and circulate tbem in tho city of Pittaburg. How can such things bet ' Who can explain it? Thore is grim humor in the revela tion of the fact that ttie western pen itenUary has been converted in measure into a counterfeiters' den by convicts who are serving a term of imprisonment there Bioomfield Democrat, Oeiober 20 Ilecry Kraft, a prominent citizen of Hoivc tovvcibip, suddenly passed from life to deatu oa Inst Friday of ternoon. As a school director he had just rsiurned from a visit to one of the schools, and was bitting on the p ;rch of bis residence and seemed to be in hia usual condition of health but Lis Lead was se6a to drop and he fell forward dead. He was aged about 55 yoars. A wife survive b hiai. Hallowe'en, the tira'; when many a bc-au and lassie will etnd by the stove and place two oraics of c ;rn on a Lut gruldie, naming one t'raiu for the beau and one grain for the 'aseie, and if the heat drives the grains to spurt in opposite direuti ins a sspar ation bttwetn the parties is to follow sooner or later, bui if the heat drives the grains eo that they bump ag-tins eaco oiher :t is takoa to mean that they are to be married. Fanny to tion that has come d iwn from form er generations Luitart the Chicago sausAgs raak er, who lives on the north side iu Chi cagi, which is the ramoy aristocracy part of Chicago, wis released from prison Inst Friday on the vsrdiet of the disag.-f.eaie-it cf the jury that tried him for tho murder of his w'.ie. He xas caargiid with having dispos ed of her by boiling i 1 a saujae bo'"h-r. Saustge citing ia Chitsgo has not b.ra to fretly indulged i'l, since the charge against Luetgari, f:r murdering his wife. Tho j:i y Ois agrrcd. Nina f ivoreu a v?rd ct of gudtv, and t;reo favored a ver-.lict of not guilty. After tha verdict or ra'l -er the disagreement of the jury, L"ut girt made a sworn BtatMisut to i-s-portt-.rs of Chiuaijo newspapers in wh.eb. he Bays he is an inroc.snt roar. That he d;d not kill Lis wife fi-.d does not know whe.ra s'10 is, and foelsmre she wiil return. fy ERVOUS Troubles arc due to impoverished blood. Hood's Sar- sapanila is Purifier and thi One True Blood NERVE TONIC. SALE REGISTER. November 10, Chark-s Ciirkins will soli at his place of residence, 3 miles north east of MilHnlown in Fer managh township at 11 o'clock a m , one Alderuey cow, farm implements 0" all Kiods, a lot of nice cbickone, and tbo farm cf 25 ceres with a com fortable house, out-buildiugs aad spring water. Iihc:mJat!rn Cured tn a Cay. ' Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism aud Nauru Igia radically curts ia 1 to 3 cbtys. Ita :ictioa u)0)i tho system is r. markable and mysterious. It removes p.t ci co the cmse r.nd the dis-;i-3 iia:ci-"ii.atcly ilieappenre. The firnt iiosi gr!itlv iwifrfit"-: 75 coots. Sold by L. Backs & Co , Drnarcrists, MiSlir-towc. April 198 Echoes from the Klondyke- In n leticr from l.Le Lindfrcnsnn a uewsj aper writer 8iys: Tha1. there is a chaod on the Dyeu trail Thou sands of people are struggling hope hsyoa with damaged outiits nnd thousands wiih no outfits, clothes, food or shelter be.itU g beck against the elorm trying to reach Dyea. For eleven days tho storm has reged, the wind blowing a gale and the rainf ill irgin t irrents. To the 800 or 900 people cooped up between the moan tin lnkep, hih abors tbe timber lino, the ptst has been a night-mare. Bak ing powder ia held at $5 per p.- und; berso fhoa nails being 25 cents f ach. One man at Crater Like wen1, back over the trail and ga'htted up 500 nails from tho h-:ofs of dfctul horses and sold tho lot to oce man l'or $65. A stick of dry wood tbeaize of a man's arm a dd readily for $4, and green wood sold at the rate cf $1,000 a cord. Blood and Norves are very close ly related. Keep the blood rich, pure aud healthy, with Hood's Sarsaparilla and you will have no nervousness. Hood's Pills are best after-dinner pills,aid digestion, preventconstipation BARGAIN DAYS! - BARGAIN DATS! at Schott's Stores. Commencing Saturday, October 9th tod continue until Saturday evening October 30th. - Bargains open tbe Flood Gates of in Bsareh of brightening of values in useful merchandise to give the people Detteraod better bargains. That Is Jack Frost is here, underwear vou high neck, long sleeves, heavily fleeced, clear white or half bleaohed at 25cts pants to match. Ladies ribbed vosts, heavily fleeced for 18c; wool ribbed vests for 50ots; Ladies eombination suits bJeta. A heavier combination suit of underwear for oOcts, worth too. V nil. dren Combination suit of underwear for 25c, worth 40c; Ladies' medicated Bed Lambs Wool Vests and Pants for 85t Is or $1 50 per two. Men's nr. uerwear for 25a, 39o and 50c, and a natural wool underwear for men at 65o or shirt and drawers for SI. 25. Buys' over-shirts for 21o and 25cts Mens and Boy's silk over-stitched snspen '.era for lOcts a pair, value 20c. 5 pair men's t hose, seamless for 25c: 3 pair extra heavy half hose for 25c; Ladies' fast black hose, extra qnality for 10c a pair; French and German importe.! black boea. Hermsdorf Dye for 20ots and 25o; extra quality woolen hose for ladies and Dress Goods, Si k. &s. I Fancy Matalasa s uitii gs in two toned effects for 60ct, worth 75cts a yd. All Wool Fancy Novelties &Dd two toned dress goods at 25cts, worth 38a. 36 inch all-wool Serges and Henriettas at inch wido rrench serges aiid alt silk finisbed Henriettas and stylish suitings, worth 75o for 50ots a jard Fancy figured silks in stylish, medium color ings, ppleD'd designs at 29 and 45o. Elegant Roman striped silks, d ,rk ground with bght stripes at 89e, $1.00 and $1.20.. Gigantic salea of Fall and Winter Jackets, Capes and Wraps! For Ladios wear elegant seal plub, rain proof .lined throughout with Lat in and llliBd.'mer f-i!k, edged with Thibet fur for $3.93, $5 90, $6.90, .7.90 and $8 9 ). For Ladies' Nobby Fall Jackets in fine wool Kersey Cloth and Bugle Effect, Matlastoe Bugle and Meek, bine and light colorings, lined with satin for 2 50, 3.90, 5 , 6., 7 90. 9 and 10 00 dollars. Girls snd Children's Jacket in Beaver and Novelty Scotch Goods, f.-hiouable braided, new cape effect, Empire cr tight fitting back sizos, 4 to 14 years, for 1.75, 2 50 d.yU. SHWES FOR ALL! Low prices and good sloes make a wonderfully etrong combination. Nothing ia so quickly appreciated as a really good shoe, sold cheap. This is what wo are doing: Rubber Boots, Felt Boots, Men's Calf Shoes andOil Grain Shoes, the Best Assortment we ever bad will be sold at speeially low pncfs. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH. For extra heavy, union, Ingrain Carpets 25cts a jard. Striped Carpets for 12icts, 15o and 18cts, and very fine assortment of heme made Carpets, wcol and cotton stiipes. Brus?cl and Tapestry Carpets at specially low prices. Table Oil Cloth f:r 25ote. Blankets, Flannels, Linens. There are good reasons why experienced and economical (-hoppers buy their goods at our stores. We sell the best makes, brands nnd weaves for much less money than any other dry goods store in Jnniata county. Blenkcts for 50cts a pair to $5 f(.r tho best California Wool Factory Home Made Blacked. White Shaker Flannels for 5c, 9c and 15c; Red snd white wool blanEets for 15. 16, 2lo and 25c. 10 yards of 36 inch muslin, bleached for 50o, 60c 69c. 1 yard wide nn bleaehed muslin for 45 and 50c, 55c and 60c. Canton Flannel for 5c. Gc, 6&c, 7c and 7Jc. Heavy fleeced towcIiDge, 6 yards for 25c to the heaviest and Russian crash. Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, gloves, handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Laces at specially low and extra reduced prioee. SGIIOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge Street, Mifflintown. Pa. 1805, ESTABLISHED. 1897. Sueeifii Invitation rlo rJPhe thlk To attend the Attractive Kale of Clothing that goes ou daily )rom THE IMMENSE ST0GK -OF D. W. HARLSY It WHI 1)3 TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who cave monev to inve&t to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE J of Smts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fill to give him a call if in need of Clothing, "ST W. H IS MIFFLINTOWN PA. -sjh s:it We win: the readers of tlild journal we do not aui:i:-rb:e ese of our r.auij ia ailverliseinenU cf so-cali-J tr.wi;':: opticju speeiali'.'-ts. Our advice to all persons v.-ho Lave t.efcciiv sytalr;hz : " A.vuli trsvclirz specialists and pc&ws ot Spi-sfatJcs. QUGEN & CQ.,Tl!e Gi Jiciar:3,IIO Chestnut 5t., P!:.ride!p:ii&. 'i.aauiyct.r.',-- I.."! porlerf ofAccnralc nnd ncnM.lfnl Str.tacle?i n.it 'y? Glsak3 Our Tl-'e iyliit JVluulior tcut ou receipt of fiveaxu;- vosuiu t.t .1. inct!laaatrllia. lf tha test ii ! r- - Prevention is better than cure. Keep your blood pure, your appetite good and your digestion perfect by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla, gentle, efficient. mi CDtlastirff t'Ao bijscd ot fovotler brand. Nc effected hr heaC C? ET I Kk.i;l FOR B AI.E I'.Y D LrHaGEyERAIJ,Y. tfT.' AAftnrlorf ill aro the enrpa riv TTrwxl'a ! Sarsaparilla and yet it is only because ' as the one true blood purifier, it makes I pure, rich, healthy, life-giving blood. 1 Hood's Pills for the liver bowels, act easily, yet promptly. 4 Vslne. We aro forever reaching oat c-ur pemetent ambition. need. We have ladies' ribbed vest, ot underwear at 38cts a en it, wcr.b children's hose for 6, 9, 10, I2ots; children at extra low prices. 29c, worth 45j. Fine all wool, 45 ARLEY Tbcrstcn's PILLS Arc porfpet health jeweli. n1 erknuwnto dijlrt-sa but Infal libl to relti'Vtt. When Cvry-tbingr-ltc hika failed to brir.j '! relief for b;rada h j. til loudness, etorr.Ai'U autl livn i-omplaint3 1"A.':K YOi'K DKimaiST fiir'riH KST 'i r i4.-kuiLe YS bit skin deer. ThfreCTethoTisr.ntljof 1h'1 I vho haveresulnr featuivs and wot1 It lo rtrUed the palm of bcau'.y wcta it not i"or a ) c-"nrlexon. To all mra we rocorr.inend l:cCrtA'8 VIOLA CREAM aa r-da-'iwing tucw. r-.-nitics thiit quitxiy checjie tbe it tail . t .'-i fiorid comTMCioii tooceoi nalurul li-ult f- .i nnblcnitiiHed l.eauty. It cures Oil FUin, I t-rckles. Blade Heads Ii'.otrbcs, Sujhvirj, iuTi, FimplcH, and ll iTiipt-rirctioriS ol ll.B Hia. Hit not h cosmetic but a cure, yei is rt hi for Urn t ilet tnble lhau powder. tk.M t r 1 .Ui'Sista. or sent wt paid upon receipt oi Q C SI .TNB & CO. TbUOp. ff. . FALL & WIISTTER CLOTHIJSTGr 1897." MOSEYrSAVtNG JvREIDTJCED TOA SCIENCE. - Bargains as sure as to-morrow's Sunrisa. We have the stock to pUaa the many and to save ths money of all who oome. There is virtue in the values, beauty in the styles and power in the lev prices' of our Clothing. We set all doubts to flight, for there is no doubt as to tbe qnality; a doubt as to tbe wear; no doubt as to the fit; co doubt as to the style; no doakt as to the variety, and last but not least, there can be nd" doubt as to tbe eeedingly low pnoe of our men's, boy's and cbi.' dren's clothing; Hots, Caps and Gents' furnish ing ijiootls. WE HAVE A STOCK in perfect touch WITH FASHION'S REQUIREtVlEINTS. At prices all can afford. All we ask is a trial. Don't bo frightened by tbe crj of High Tariff prices as our Goods were bought at tbe Old Prices, and we propose to sell tbem at tbe Qld Prices We will take pleasure in showing you through our line. Whether. ym buy or not, you will be treated courtously. H0LL0BAUGH & SON, CLOTHIERS, 116 lVl STREET, PATTERSON, PENNA. McCLINTIC'S HARDWARE and iIouscFiiriiishincjr S TORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O cOo O THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things arc r.ever dull here; ni ver stupid. The full life of the store al ways has a cheerful welcome for all comers, and t hoppers are quick to decide in favor of the Great Values to be found in our now Neat, Stylish, Itimthtg STORE. K. H. M'CLINTIC, EiVE IflU WEI TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A H0HR0WEK I j -CALL. AT Tg F1SST &.TL , MIKFMA'iOWK, J"A. B OXJR PER CEN T IlSTTIiRKBT FA1D 0M TIME CERTIFICATE, Money Leaned at Lowest Bates, w as B. 1 u,,3;jw . tvubu.jt.y fC, VfASSI SSIk 'J; certain, free. whetUer aTul?"m , ii ta L vb agency foraecunrur naTooii special notice In the ree''0 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, JKiok oil FATiOTS gent free. AUuresa MUNN A CO., 361 Broadway, New Yerk. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tub Editor: Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the ahOTe-nnme J diec&Ao. By its timely use thousands of hupclefu' cs haTe ben permaaeatly cured. I shall be l.-:' to send tso Wiles of uiy remedy FBKS to a .. v-ir rejdnra who have conanmption it they a-ii'.; re tneir Etpma and P. O. address, ltfui. . ; fit's T.liCU':. M-C.lalPearlSi.. N i A Specially Selected Stoek ef iHanges, Cook, Parlor and Shep Slnvps Horse Blankets and Lap Robes. LAMPS, large and small. Oouio in and look around. We'll make ou fenl at home. We have tbo largest Stock and Store in the county. OTJTi TV AMIS GUARANTEES QUALITY. MIFFLINTOWN. PEMSYLViUIA COLLEGE, GETTY!RrRC, PA. Founded In 13S. Large Faculty Two fu'l courses ol study Classical aud SciectiUc, Fpccial courses in all depart. moDts. Obscivafory, Laboratories and new HyHiDaMuni. Sfeam beat. Librariea, 22,000 vclt'mc s. I'spenses low. Depart, mint of Hvgiene acft Physical Culture to cbarge of an experienced pf;FSlciari. Ac ceesiblo by frequent railroad (rains. L-OC" tion on the BATTLKKIELD ol Gettvsbnrf , moht plcaearf and healthy. PREPAR ATORY DEPARTMENT, in stpat Ue I'nii'd'nps, ft-r boys and young men pre paring for busiresx or College, under spec ial care of the Principal and ibree assist, acts, residing with students in Ibe building. Fall term opens September Gth, 1895. For Catalogues, add res H. V. MCKNIGHT, D. D., President, or KEY. O. G. KLINGEK, A. M., Principal Oetttysburg, Pa. JUMATA VALLEY BAK. OFMIFILIHTOWB, PA. StookholderB Indiyidrially Liable- JOSSPH KOTHHOCK. Pretidenl. T. VAN IRW IN, rCathut DICBLTOaS. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothrock, John Hertsler, Josiah L. Barton, Robert K. Parker, Louis K. Atkinson T. V. Irwin. srocKBOLDias : George A. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley, Joseph Boibroct, P. W. Man bock, I.. E. Atkiusen, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomcroy, J. Holmes Irwin John Hertzler, Jerome K. Thompson, inariorieMnyaor, 1 . v. Irwin. John M. Blair, F. M. M. Pennell, Samuels. Rothrock, M. N. Sterrett, James G. Heading, B. W. Ilfisps. Samuel Schlegel. Josiah L Barton. Robert F. Patterson. Levi Light, Wm. 8 wart. H. J. Shollecbergar M. E. Schlegel. Three and Fonr per cent, interest will Is , paid on cei -ilicates of deposit. .'an 23, 1897 M WANTED-AN IDEA thing to patent? Protect yonr ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDBK BL'RN A CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington. U. C. for their $1U0 prize offer. r J . tv.