SJRNTINELA. KKPHKL10AN MiyFLINTOWN. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 20. 1897. rt. P. SC HV EIER, cniTo amd opir!. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET State Treasurer James S. Beacom. . Auditor General Levi C. McCauley. Republican County Ticket. Register and Recorder Anson B. Will. Sheriff Samuel Lapp. Jury Commissioner. Samu el Au rand. It is said tn ecclesiastical class, that is the cbarch people iu Spain, b?lkve thet Cuba is lout So Spain, au1 they waat the war cl ted. A bueweky combiue in Luzerne an ? for three other counties with brewery proprty worth two hun 1j e J thousand dollars propose to is- sue ten million dollars b.ietU and stock. Tiiat is the watering process to enrich the trust. There should be a ltw to prevent such swindling. Eliminating the Black Race Certain men are now writing their views on the question of the future of the colored rice in the United States, and they are emphatic in their declaration that the question has none of tho ug!y features that some of the old tima observ rs and students described. " They now say that the colored ra?o will be absorb ed by the white raco by amalgams tiod. That the negro will become white by mixture with white blood fc l Lfy ouy ttist taere are not r.y jvcr.'l million as luaiiy blick people in the south as when the wir closed. The mixture of the r-ices Las produc ed lighter colored people that will go on and on till the colored race will be entire'y lost by absorp tion in tho white rce, all of which may be so, but tie advance metit of tht theory has brought "forth tho statement of others, that the black race ca-inot be b'.eachod out of exist ence. That every onco in awhile a Mack uiaa will be born and his pa rents not haviDg the pedigree of tho family wiil be pf-rph-xod to know whrj he cam 3 from. To prove tho lattet position they go 60 far as to eay that the three different colored eons of Noah were simply tli9 crop ing out of three different rae?s that had been blen led ia tho blood of Noah or ths blool of NoaYd wife. An Aututuu Weddlug. Alcoona Tribune, October 13: A delighful home we lding tcok place last evening at the residenca of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Swoyer, 1318 Sixth avenue. It was the occasion of the marriage of their clJest daugh ter, Miss Jeannette to Mr. James A. Owin of this city. Promptly at 8 o'clock to the entracciDg drains of Mndbls3)hn"s wadding march, play. ed by .Afi6j Dora-1! McCarthy, the brid .1 parly, preceded by the little flowi r girl Miss Vernon Gwin, w! o was dressed in pink organdie atd carrying n bcsk&t of pick and white chrysanthemums, entered the hand somely decorated parlors. Rev. II. II. SLik-s, pisir.r cf the Socond Pres byterian church, performed the im pressive rirg ceremony, and then, after tendering conratu!utions, tho guests, comprising only the relatives of the young pjome, partook of a tahteful luneheoD, served by corps of waiters. The bride was beautiful ly diessed in white silk, trimmed in lace and pearls, f nd carried white chrysanthemums. 10 tb. bride end groom are well kno n iu Altiona rocih! circlee, and heir nianv fiiends ioin in wellwisVs; on.l .rtn.-ralii! The frrooa is P . - vvujjw"" - r J trusted employee cf the Pennsylva nia railroad company in Mr. C. T. Witberow's office. .Vr. and Mrs. Gwin left on St. Louis Express for a western wedding journey of two weeks. Among those present at the nup tials from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Duncan of Baltimore; Miss A. E Schweier of WifHin; -'rfr. ana Mis T. IT. Myers, Philadelphia; Mrs. J. A. Dowdy, Philadelphia. The bride received a very Urge number of beautiful presets, con-Bit-tir of cut glass, china, furniture and linen. The newly married cou ple will wait for a tisao before going to house-keeping. FIRE AT T31E ACADEMY. On Sunday morning between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock the west end building cf Professor Dysinger's Academy at the east end of town was desttoyed bj fire. Loss five thou , sand dollars. Insurance on building and contents, such as library, school ' apparatus and furnace, is three thou sand, seven hundred dollars. The building was large, 48 feet" by 40, frame cased with brick, three stories bifrh and 70 feet east stands its twin building, which is the boarding bonne vith commodious rooms for lodging students. The twin build ing fortunately escaped the conflag ration. The music department anil recitation rcoms wero all in the budd ing that was burnt. The professor had successfully conducted an Acad- omv four vears in the old Presbyter iau church at the north end of Main S Most of the furniture of that Aoademv was stored in the new Ac ademy and of course was all burned with the building. In a word not a thing wis saved from the flames, for fire was discovered the flames were cominir ont of the win dows. Clarence Hench a student from Perrv count v first discovereil the lire. Jast whnt aroused him from sleep he could not tell, but when he opened his eyes it was light as day in the room in which he slept, which was one with a window opening to ward the west, and in full view of the building on fire. He gave he alarm and aroused Professor Dysinger. An excrement such as mast needs take place under euch circumstances in a school took place there, xhe young man Hench speedily started to town to sound the alarm, and his cries ol fir..! fire! aroused the people and soon the fire whistles startled th9 j whole community. The fire depart- meet acted promptly and came and -I ran a uubs irom ine water mils' una - t . , i . i . , I f ,,u t u.. ; toDlate. The building bad tumbled " 7 , and if the bore bad U en there earlier it would nave teen or no avail, was not pressure enough to There throw the water ten feet from the end cf the nozzle when the water was first turn - ed on. There was a creneral complaint of the'inefficieucv of the pressure of tbe water, and it is a matter that should be investigated. All are in-1 terested in knowing whv the water I fails at a critical time. Tne Water is paid for by the tax payers and it is their business and right to know through their agents the town cjuu cilf, why there is a failure of water service, Ht a time when a water ser vice for lire purpose is most needed. The plant has not sufficient capaciiy or is mismanaged or perhaps cuouh privy ppigo s are open at right o weaken the pressure. The building, tw in to the one destroyed, 6t teds 70rt away, and wou!d Lave been burned if a stror g breeze had not blown t. e greater force cf tet oH in a iou n eas'eily direction. Property hoi' ers whose farm buildings are located iu the direction that barnirg shingles took, were kept bu3V protecting their houses a'td barn? from tho shower of sparts ttat fell. The punt was bl:s- iere-J oa the twm budding ana inr window panes on the side rest ih: Gre were cracked. A numb.r of poo pie sav thev heard a report like the discharge cf a musket about the tinia the fire alarm was given. John Fry who was on tho Cedar Sprzpg road, on the hill between the home of Mr. Ab raham Moist and Mr. Kur'z Kauff man, going from towa where h-3 bal attended a sick horse of D. B. Kitz, beard a noiso like the crack cf a gun, seemingly in the direction cf town. He turned and looked and suoh iuM. Fhiars rt li--? w-.rc r 3ul of tho windows of t!ie fi secoad stories of the east end of the burning building. TLoso about tht Aciidrmy, however, say th'-y hear? nc such noise. Th'! tois3 reay Lsva The colq9 from soma olter p. ace. fire as far as known wa3 fi-st econ b? Hench and Prof. DysiDgor nn 1 Fry, and fro u what they all ear, it wis then principally raging arounl and about find abjvj ths locality c f the fu;naoe rooTO. The furnioo wis I c-U-d iu s vit fi'r? f;it bvbw t'c 1 v tl of tL jirtr bti-iy Akt, and hn.l r. substati-d brick wall oa a 1 sides a: d a rock bottom floor. The f arcaw and its attncbineiita were to supply the two bv.ildings with fetcsm htat A c?a! fire was put iut3 the f irn icr at 5 o'clock ou Saturday evei icg n warm tie rooms in anticipation i f -j cool Sandaj morcirg, a"i S-s-'ij moii:iag k&3 fuii! (Vjgh for v-t coals. A wooden s' air-way fro .-a north side of tuo Luildio.r lfcd" d ;w--. into the furnace pit, but fir c -.Oitgh away to be ont of dai g-.r fro -a the furnaer, bat unforf urate'.y a :.firrow woodt n sUiirwiiy led frcia tbo Jo. tr floor down into and aloi g the rrull' si !e of tho pit not rjoie t'lau three feet aw? fr ora the Jurtiace. If tht ita:i7 ay h?d Tly bc"n of iror. TLc brisk bretZa thai untxpeclodly ra ud duiiner the night canstd a f-;org in '.ao tvtfi .ca- xaaana.t c.i iijji furnace sot the steps that c.,ctemoV'2,?0rtWe,ili,t,7 with the lower elory 3 or cn tire ar the des'.ruc.ion of the tu'ddiog folio .v-' ed as a matt- r of ccurf p,l!of Licb ii discoura, coi'jut to Prof. Dj'ager oa Lii It fine is a hon d th:;.'. h ! nil lov;-nra-re t!.at pls- t. Th a c i-tiru i-.C'j of rLe; c pre-iocted '1)3 educaii rJ greatest i.-conve;!:erc ' of ti e in t;y inconveniences that tto fira lu'8 er- lai iled is the lack of meaca oi 'Af.rm. ir-ir lb" bu'IJirg that '.v;:s tioycd. It Vf .3 bai t w about or cb;mces. The oi ly chiiii for the bike honsj au-.l i :!hcn. coli WratLer is not jet her ths probability U a newfurcr.c : v i i TLc -v 2. C'U'd bo pnt iato the p'nes of tl;. oM and the pit roof.d ovr and in cc '.La! ano 0J j !oi,'e lue v cor.v.u't; fiofiicu frUecvfs tro."i iuj 'i iu-j foitane. Tho ttuden's a'l slif u!d stand b7 tie Professor and th. ir ;r. reuls should s'end by 1 im. It is by adversity that c: and ttvicvb esc liii-d, and the boys an 1 glil-s L:' come up to the help of a tta-hir friend in the hour of his ?e-c d's-Irei-s will find ibir r? war 1. In vi l be bku bread cast upon lli wjt. rs !o return after many d.iye, duul.iy'.d. LET "WIFEY" SHOP FOR YOU . . . ., She Alway Bu Sharper Now For Keal Bargain. The sign which caught Mrs. Dawson's eye read: "Suits $20. Positively tho Last Week. Regular Price .30." Mrs. Dawson had the womanly love J for a bargain, fcho had often spent 10 I ' ...... fum f - epmw firmiA lnvelv ixma v ... ....v -" " 1 - . treasure that was marked down from $1 to 08 cents just for that day. She was more than provoked that Dawson, who was with her, did not grow enthu siastic. "You know you need a suit," said Mrs. Dawson. "Why not order it now and save $10." Dawson was certain the suits would be as cheap next week, but his wife re fused to move on and dragged the help less man into tho store. The polite clerk assured them that it was the bar gain of the century and that this week was positively the last. With mental protests, but with out ward calm, Dawson, like clay in the hands of the potter, allowed himself to bo measured. Then ho left a deposit He called in four days and took the suit away. "There," exclaimed Mrs. Dawson, in triumph, when her husband appeared arrayed in his new suit, "yon never had a better fit nor a more becoming pattern. Just think how much money your wife saved for yon by being on tho lookout for a bargain! Mr. Dawson preserved a dignified si lence and waited patiently for his bet ter half to get her hat on straight pre paratory to accompanying him to the city. Mrs. Dawson awaited with impa tience the jiassingof tho store whe-re she had saved money for her husband She wanted to call his attention to the, fact again that ho might remain prop erly thankful. With all tho faith of a woman Mrs. Dawson was convinced that the sales man was telling the truth when he as sured her it was tho last week of the $20 sale. She looked for the window, aud her faith was rewarded. It had been the last week. The sign now ret.d, "Any Suit In This Window .13. " Chicago YOUNG MEN'S CHANCES. Best Aaue tm 8ncc Are round Ou. j ..BnldjleaB a iea are not favorable to young men," t. p,iwi w n.,i, i n-n... r.,u.' Home Journal, advisimr votmt? men about to begin their careers against go- ( ing to the big cities. "It is said," he , continues, "that competition develops . men. It does unquestionably. But to , ""P h present competition as it ex 1 uu nuwn cuu xur a vast ivmouns oi experience, xnat experience a man must have back of, him before he j can enter the competing arena. But j how can I better acquire that experience j tlian wuere tbere is constant need of it? xiow Detcer, my young friend? By serv ing a long apprenticeship in some city smaller than the greatest '. The large cities are today poor places in which to ream the rudiments of business com petition, lor wnne tne young man is learning tho experienced man swallows him up. 'But that is experience,' per sists the young man. It is, but a more severe kind than there is need of a kind which, once indulged in, does not leave a pleasant remembrance. Compe tition in a smaller city may be just as keen proportionately; but, what is all important to the young man starting out, the risks aro not so great, the ex perience is not apt to bo so costly should he fail to succeed. It is a true saying that a man before he succeeds in business must expect to measure his height on the ground a time or two. But it is not necessary that in his first knockdown he should be knocked out "But there is another and more im portant fact which the young man away .from the largo cities does not realize. It is that the number of possi ble positions in the largo cities is not increasing, despite tho reiterated asser tions constantly made to the contrary. The very opposite is the truth. Various causes explain this higher taxes, high er prices of lots, or lack of building room, labor strikes and lower cost of production. The manufacturing iiitcr- positions, since only in rare instances does the executive branch of a business call for n larger number of employees than docs the manufacturing side. Strango as tho change of current may seem, it is nevertheless a fact that the young man who today leaves a good sized city of actual manufacturing ad vantages turns his back on what iu a few years will be one of the industrial beehives of America. " Patience is a i::ot n-j.-csscry qnalili catiou for business Many a man vrcild rather you hia;U his story than granted his request You n:u.-:t secai to hear the unreasonable deciuncls cf the pt tu ti:it uim:ove,l end the UJicuj details of the dull untin-d. That is the hast prico that a man must pay for a high station. 2?cv York Ledger. -Warming pans ccntai'iing aro now ctcd to heat tho beds of gueuts at English country bouses The public debt cf Franco is the Inr i'cst in the world and amounts to about ify.oto.uco.cco m IVur-tks cf tho world's supply of t loves cciat a fro:n Zanzibar and Pemba, Africa. The Grcaleat Ride la (1 1 tit or y. comprising WaLicp;on, Id ho and C-r-'-'-ifcj t; arfl f0 j paved ,-r--r-4jti a bv otii raaa. He bad th c ":raro 1 heroism to rida on ciul-j uiek f r thro' tln:uia 1 nii.'f. T e- r: ?e was lhri! ing, tin. tri.i's hardships wi v.doup, the result a J .ri.iii one. The who'e i-tjry, beau tiful v illustrated will be givrn in the Njera'.er issuj of The Lvl'cs' librae J. urnal, und- r the t'A'r, "Wbfn Dr. Wtiioian Added TLre-j Stars (o Oar F a-' the c'.cpirjr aj.l most iii!-i'9?-iy icU rcsfirg ariiclc :.: the J .uru.-.i's :.'.i"Ct"ful f erics of ''Great Personal Ere'.tt." The first w.-men to ores the Iijckies figure in the ttoi y, which pn-v; s beyond a d hiV. thaf. they ,ro c ded Fremon, tie "Patt fi oV.i-,'' by Fine felt eir sj sailers 4Sctr, cl Mr3. Ickis' miilir.eiy. 3t Ladii s. for stylish np !o date Fall and Winter Sti'.linery, visit Mrs. Ickis. fl r prices the lowest. Sn'ection KlicuMiatiam Cured in a Day. ' Mystic Cure" f r llheuoaatieni a nl Ncnrrdgia lodically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system 13 remarkable anil roysteriduf. It r- movts nt cr ce the cuo and the disease immediately di-ap;p:!r!. The rfrft dosH greatly benefit.--: 7-i cents. Soi.l by L. Bank3 & Co., Diigsisip, M hiin'owa. April J, "J8 AM RIMED; Gbonixger Vc Teex. On Oato ber J3tb, by Rev. 11. M. Campbell, Wm. A. Groniusfr and Sariih B. 31c -Meen, both of Turbett township. MirrusTOWM, Oct- 20, 1897 MTrLiNTO'VN Get AIM Wh -at U ARK SIS -.. 87 30 . .. 20 32 .'. $2 to $250 12 11 12 1-' i-rn in ear ! It e Clo erseid. .... ...... Ku'ter Kgea ll.ini ....... Sliou der Lad...... .. Side 7 Tiinuthv std....... ........ ....( 1.40 Fax seed 00 Bran 70 Chop 85c to 90j M (Idlings.... ,r 90 Ground Iu i Salt "5 AmericanSait.... ............. 60c rmLADEi.PiiiA JIarkets. Whea 95c; com 32 to 33c; oats 28'; live bens 9c; apricg chickens 7 to 8c; bat ter 12 to 25c; epvs 14 to 17c; cheese 6 to 9Jc; apples $1.50 to $3.50 a bar re!; pears $1 50 to $2.50 a barrel; quiuces $3 to $2.50 n barrel; white potatoes 50 to 65c a busb; sweet po tatoes 12 to 30cts a basket; oi.ions 60 to 70cts a busL; cabbago $1.75 to $2.50 for 100 heads. Pennsylvania to bacco Jillers 10 to 14"; Havana run king lots 12 to 15c; Ohio fillers 4 to 9( ; running lots 8 to 12c; Kentucky leaf, common 3 to 5?, fine 11 to 13c; Havana iu band, common fillers 85 to 9t)c; Sumatra, spotted $1 25 to $1.75; Hay $7.50 to $12 50. Eact Liberty Cattle. Balls, stasrs and cows at 2 to 3o; beuf cattle 3 to 5c; hogs 2e to 4Jc; sheep $2.75 to 4.30. .!l3'ji"g , ing toward the smaller cities and awnv rt an' ! from the centers. And this means fewer LEGAL. OOD IkVt TBI COMlfOSirCLTa jgLECTION PROCLAMATION. WI1KREA3, by an act of G eneral As tembly of the "Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled An act to regulate the Domination and election of public efficera approved the lOtti day of June 1893. It is mole the duty of the nborift" of every coun ty within the Commonwealth to give not t'ce of any general election to be he!.l thriL'in to enumerate tho officers to be circled and give a list of all the noniina tions tnade as provided iu aforementieneit ct o( Assembly, designate the 'place! at which the elections are to be hcM, and give DMtico tbatcertaiu pe nous holding certain otiices of profit or trust are incapable of bitldin? or exercising at the same time the oftiic or appointment of Judge, In spector or Cleri of any election of this Commonwealth. Therefore, I, James 1. Calboua, Ili(;h Shi-rilfor the County ot JiiDiaat, do hereby make known and gave ihU Public Notice lo th i electors ol the county ol' Juniata that ou TUESDAY, SOTEMBER 3, is9r. it bjirg the flrat Tuesday after the firs uuy ii n.oaif: a wi:l ba held in the s.-reral election ditrict iu cum connty. at wnich t in.- v,n. in o oaiiot lor tne loilowin. n.m. ,.-,- u person lor ma othco ol State Troas- arer. One v.enon for the offico of Andiiar Otn- era1. Uue person lor the ofilsa of RAvUter ami r!.i- i .i. . , . o - - wiifc vi nit, iTpiians eJour. :ne parson Tor ibo olBci ol Sheriff. On person f. r t.e otlije of Jury Com nittonr. . I also hereby make known and eive no tice, that the places for holdfW thrt nforo. said General Election in tho oughs and townships within lh pnuntv nt juu.aui, Mrs as ioiiows, to wit : 1 he ireemeaof the borouirh of Mifflinfown are to bold their election in the room known S tae Urpbans' Court room in the Court House, In said borough. ine ireemen of the townshm of Femun. sgn are to hold their election in th u.ldine known as toe waro-bouso of Mau. beck & Nelson, in said townahin. The froemeji ol tho townshin of Walker aro io ooia ineir eiection Iu the oiflco of 9 w-rvbouj b:'lorcins: to Cb- r'es A. 1 imnipion. The freemen of the township of DcUwaro are to hold their election at Smith's School House, iu said township. The freemen of the borough of Thomp sontown are to hold their election at tho School flojse in said borough. The freemen of the township of Green wood are to hold their election at the bouso known as the Saven 3t-r Hotel, in said township. Tho freemen of the township of Monroe are to bold their election at the School Uouse in Kichtield, in said township. Tiie freemen of the totvnsh ip of Susque hunua are to hold their election' in tbo !.ous. known as Frymoyer's Hotel, in slid ewuship. The freemen of the township of Fayette aro to hold their election at the School Ilowso in UcAlistervillc, in said township. The freenwn of tho borough Patterson are to bold their election at the Hook and Ladder House in said borough. Tho freemen of the uorough of Port Royal are to hold their election at the School Uouse in said borough. The freemen of tne township of Milford are to hold their election at Locust Grove School House, in said township. Th freemen of the twii3hip of Spruce Uill are to hold their election at Spruce Hill School House, in av.-t township. Tho lrecmcn of the township ol Turbett are to kold their election at the Church Uill School House, in said township. . The freemen of the township jf Be ale aro to hold their election at tho School House at Academia, in said township. The Ireemen of the township of Tu scar ora, except that portion of it lying uorth-west-ward of the summit of the Shade mountain, are to hoitt their election at tne acuoot IIr--tsaraieC ullof.u'i M ills.jn said shin. " ' ' The freemen of tho township of Lack, ex. I cept mat portion ei u ijm? noriu-wrsi- warl of tt o summit oi tuu i.aae mountain, are lo held their election at the Lack School Uou e in said township. Tlie'reemn o: so nlucli of tba towushipa of Lack and Tuscirora as lie north-we.'t of the summit of the Shade mountain are to bn'. tbeir election at Lauver'a School Uou.-o in taid diittic-. E-JtP The election is to be opened at 9 o'ClOCil in tho forenoon, and shall continue without intermission or adjourn ment, and is not to bs closed before 7 O-CtOCU in the evening. I a'so hereby make known and give no tice, "that the inspectors and judges shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the election in tho district at which they respectively belong, bsforo 7 o'clock in the morning of Tuesday, November 3, 1S90, and each said inspector shall appoint cne clerk, v. ho shall be a qualified voter of such district. I also hereby make known and give no tice, that -crery person excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or annointinvnt of profit or trust under the government or tho United States, or or this State, or or any city or incorporated district whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be einplovcel under legislative, execu tive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature and of the srlect or common council of any city, or coinmnsioners of any incorporated district, ia by Uv, incapi'ole of holding or exerciaine; at the anno time the otline or appointment of judge, inspector or cftrk of any election in t his Commonwealth, and that no inspector, julge, or other, offi cer of any such election shall bu eligible to any office to be then voted for," except j tbat of -n ei- ctioi olhcor. I Pennsylvania . - PENNSYLVANIA. orricB or the 1 SECRETARY OF TRC COMMOFWEAI.TH J Darrisbnrg, October 19tb, 1897. This will certify tbat the fc lowing is ' Ihrt Official List ot tho name of parties or policies reprrsonted by all candidates whose nomination certificates r papers hive been filed in this ofliss and which have not been fonnd and declared to be invalid as provided in Hection 0 of the Act of Juno 10, A. D.ri994, " who ara to be voted for ia the state at large and in the county of Juniota. at the ensuing elec tion, November t, 1897. REPUBLICAN State Treasurer. James S. ltercum. Auditor Gen Levi (I. UcCauicy. DEMOCRATIC State Treasurer. M. E. ISrown. Auditor ti eral. Walter E. Ritter. I'ltouiniTio.v State Treasurer. Silas C. Swallow. Auditor General. William W. Latrope. SOCIALIST LABOR. State Treasurer. William H. Thompson. Auditor General J Mablon Barnes. LIBERTY. State Treasurer. Amos Steelsmith. Auditor General. James C. Hogan. IHDEFE.1DEHT. 8 tate Treasurer. William K. Thompson. In tiitimoxt whereof, I have hereunto I set my band and cansed the Seal of the Secre tary's office to be affixed this 19tb day of October, A. D. 1897, JAMES E. BAKNETT, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. To the Sheriff, County of Juniata, Mifflin town, Pa. Pennsylvania t , orrtci or th cocrrr commaioa- - KB Of JtmiATA COPUTT, 6TATB C PKHRSTLVASIi , t ma win ceriiiT ? tne rollowinft l tho im:isi iisi oi ine names nt ana parties or policies represent!-.! xf all candidates whose nomination certiflcatea or papara have keen filed in this office, and wh'ch have not een fonnd and daclered to bo invalid as provid ed in section 9 of Act of June 10, A. D., 1893, and who are to bv voted for in the conntv of Jnniata, Register and Recorder and Clerk of the Orphans' Court, Sheriff, Jury Commissioner, at the enrming election. REGISTER AMD RECORDER. AD CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT. Vote for one.l REPUBLICAN. Anson B. Will. DEMOCRATIC . (ieorg B. Cramer. PROHIBITION. W. frank Castles. SHERIFF. fVotefor one-l REPUBLICAN Samuel Lapp. DEMOCRATIC. S. Clayton 8 toner. PROHIBITION. Samuel W. vyyckorT. JURY COMMISSIONER.! Vote for ene.l REPUBLICAN. Simiifl Anrand. DRMOCRATIC. Alexander UcClnr6. PROHIBITION. Ohas. H. Webster. In Testimony hereof we have hereunto et our hands and caused the seal of the county of Juniata to be affixed this 12;h day or October, A. I)., 1897. WILLIAM PDFFENBERQER, JT O DAVID D. RHINESMITII, Jll. 0. JEREMIAH LOUDENSLAGER County Committiouert. To tho Sheriffof Juniata coonty, Pa. Given under my hsnJ at my ofSso in Mif- Hintown, thii 12th dar of Ocfober, in the year ol our Lord, one thousand eight bun dred and ninety i-vcn and of the Indepen dence of the Uui:d States, tbe one bun dr.'d and twenty-first. Jaues P. Caluock, ShenfPs Office. Mifflintown, J Saenjf. October 12, 1S97, J Subscribe for tha Ssektinei. and RepcbUcai. a liapcr tbat contdina choice rcailinj in-liter, fall of infar-u tion that rcaJi-r ir'0.1, iiud in ad liliun to t'-:-it all local uowstiiat are worth publi .hin-j GitJ li'acts ia its CfiulBI.8. If. WONDERFUL arc the cures by ilooU s b:t: sui)ai ii;a, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's Sarsa parilla uaukea PURE BLOOD. MILMXEaV. Good news t-.-r vou. H.ifs for 5, 10, 15, 17, 19 and 25.5. S itae better grades alnt, Trimmed Hats for 33, 40. 50, 75c, 5100, $1.25, gi 50. :Ui go 's ndueaJ at. 4t. II. A. Piehl's. -m- BIcod and Kcrves are very closo- Iv rcl.-itt-d. Kcci) tiie blood rich, pure and healthy, with Hood's Sarwiparilla and you will have no nervousness. Hood's Piiis are best after-dinner pills, aid digestion, preventcoustipatioo H0WT0FfND0UT. Fill a boule or c cranio:! q;'&a witli htar.el twenty four trine end lnt it AViV uT Ft u'.ilici. r-tr cies an untiea.tnv c n jn;titi oi te ki-Jnf-y. hf-a iinje Ptatri hnc-n it is evideneo cf kidce-y troub'e. Too frtqaebt tlaiirc to urinate tr paia in the back is aNo cor. v'n-.iing proof tb-:t Ike kidnt-js and i!iuld?r un ont cf order. WEI AT TO DO. Thc9 isco-jif.-rt i-i thu kr.otiei1ir so of lea fx..r s.-s-id, :Ls-fc Dr. Kil.uui's Swamp Iior.1, tbe great kidn'V rem etlv fulfils tveiy w r.'iiii relit-vir.g pain in the bar!r. kidaorP, !ivcr, bliisliU-r a;d eve ry pait of lLc uiii.aiy pas 0r:s. Ic tvritclK ie.-.;biiil y to lio!d arl'-e r.iid -c !:' C in ia pr-sdi g it, or bad flfiCt-s folio Si3g ne t.f Kqu-jr, witie or beer, ar.u ever cmcs tbst un pleasant neees&ily cf Leinp; comp 1'ctl to tret up :;i:iry twines daring ibc nigLt !o uucale. The mi'd and tbe es'raordii.-.ry eflict, eif S.vamp I'oct is s.ion rehl'z-eel. It siands Iho ldp'a est for its wccderfjl cures of the most distiessin,; ci3C3. If ycu need a mdicitje yoa slum'.d huvo the btst. Sold by di-u,'gist, price fifty c nts ftci eioiiar aou may eavt s aui pie bottle and'.ef. b.)lt'e both sont free by mail. Mention tho Jcs iata Sentinel and Ef.pi-bi.ican- a-ad s-et d voar address to Dr. K;lni:r & Co., 'CiBb'iuiton. N- T. The pro Drietors of ;his caoer miarautee the genuine-ncFs oi tt'is c-ner. i!y- LEGAL. SSIGNEE'3 SALE. Tbe undi-rsipred Af sipn t tif Mich-.el Shell-y of Do aware towmh'p. wi'l sofl on the premises of the said Asa-simr, liirt-e miles worth. cast of Thompsontown at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Public Sale, on OCTOBER 26,1897, horses, cows, young cattle, household turn, itare and farming inip!eniert. Al.o at lle same tini and pUco A FAR JO 123 ACRES, wi'h Log House, Frame Bars and out building'. Tbi'ty rMT-z are in tiiob.r. we'l set witli chi-stput and oak. Th) f rm land is in a good stare ruliw.itioi. Two acres are planted t rif b rrie.x. Ther.s aro 300 paach ire s on th p- mie. Tiit-ro is a never lailing si ring of water ut the houae. TEKJ15 OF SALE. Ten per cent, of puict aie money to be pid on day of sale; one-ba'f f he balance on coiilirraatinn ol tbo sale by the court (Dec-.mber 21-st): bal. ance on April 1st, 18'J, whon deed will bo delivered. David Hi'S'in, AJ-ipTice. O:.ltl:iod 'li.l-1, S.-pleinoer SSili, ItVi. Scott's EmuloioD HYPOPHOSPMITEt. 0 is used andL ettdcreed by Phytl cifiuw because it is the besU Itisthrsa times asafBaadoui as plain CoilivsrCiL Vs far cuperls; ia ftE other so-called Sraslsioas. &ia a perfect EaralElcnldo88 acttspa' rate or cnangs. Is ia wonderful as z &ssh proiieer. It is the best rensdy for Consamyticm, Scrofula, Bronchitis, wasting s eases, Chronic Congas and Colds, Sold bv all Drfzgfflsts. COTT A. tfOWNE. Cbemtsts, N.V- I asy to Take " asy to Operate Are features pecnluu to Hood's Pills. Small in size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man sa:l : You never know you hare taken a pill till It is all over.- 2fe. C. I. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. Pills Ths only pills to take with Hood's SarsapariUa. A Ytnabto Book mn Tfertrm I DItohms scut fze to aar &ddrt aod lioor pailentB Csvn l$o oornu. tt uils luediclue tree or cnarse. T? it r-:mirliM been Trerared bvthe KerToni i'.-j-r Koeci?, ot Fort Wayne, Lnd hi ne a.-c" J j prcpaxtsa uucuir ulruirecuoa Dy tuo j;3.:C MED. CO.. Chicago, t!I. r-jl J "or Ini?t.ts at t per Bottle. 6forK;. f.4S!AS.I.75. C Rottlosfar 89. CAUTION. TRESSPASS NOTICE. ' The undersigned persons have associated themseres together for the protection ol Willow Rnn Trout stream in Lack town ship, .uniati Co., Fa. All persona are stricKly forbidden not to trespass npon the land or stream of the sai i parties to Hsh as the stream has been stocked with trout Persons violating this noice, will bo pros rented according to law. R. U. Patteraon, T. H. Carmhera, J. P. Rob't A. TVoodside, i W. D. Wall, Frank Vawn, ' Dyson Vawn. April 23, 1893. TRESPASS NOTICE. Tho nndcrsigntd persons have formed an Association for tha protection of their re spective properties. All persons aro here by notiBtd not to trespass oa the lands of ibo undersigned for the purpose of hunting gathering nuts, rbiping timber or throwing down It-cess or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation ot tho above no tice will be dealt with according to law. John Micbssl, William Puhonbi-rger, Gideon Sieber, Beashor A. ZooV, ; - Mary A. Sruhaktr, Joseph Eo!hrock, Juhn Byler, Pumiiol Bc'l. Ecr-ictcbt-r 6 1H05- rito-s TInnedr for Catarrh to tha Pes-, Etflcst to Um, and Cheapest. Sold by lraglau or wnt bj mall. Kc . T. Hmeitlao, 'Warren, 1'. . I deredt offir :or eale a i!uih' prop erty, situated in Firn-.anaph township, 'Z mil: s north-east cf Miftliiitown, o.ntainin 5 Acns, m-iro or lefs. 1 acres of wood land. Tbe l-alance cleared and in ft'-od state f cultivation. liiilldinis ordinary, but in good n-pair. A tood sprini; o' never taiiinz pravel wattr nearby. Tb'S property also contains 25') peach trees and 2H0 ber ry plants; ! npplo trees, betiies other frnit. Tbe above property is situated near White Kali school house io ta d townsbiu. f or further iclonuati n addrcsa. CUASLES CORSINS, .29-'W. Miftliiitown, Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho undersiiei hivia? bsen icstored to health by simple means, after sutterin sev eral Tears with severe lune afTection, and that dread disease consumption, is ar.xiana to make kcown to bis fellow sufferers tho will chcerfal'i- send (fr. e of charts) a copy cf'fhe prescrip lioa ul, which they will find a suro enre for Cousnmpiou, 1sfhma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat fend Inpg ila'.udus. lie hopes all aulTjrori will fry his remedy, as ii is iavalnwb'e. Thoeo rie Miing tbe prrf.c.ip:ir.n, ii:ch will cost I'jem nothing, ar.d miy jroe a blessing, nili plt-ace address, KEV. EDV7AHI) A. WILSON, hroohly:., New York. Sep 9, 'L'0. )vrar VSmstl tsi imSTAX B?a.V SENRATION AFTER GENERAT!C-W- ij niva us-d a-;c blesd it. ia-He Trppt on Star, Children Tsre Tf. Pvrj Travuler slum LI Eato ft bottle cf it In tii: BateWJ. Every Sufferer SK'SlSSr AflChma. cholera Morlms,riaiTln-ft,lAnM.n, Sorana In Bxlr or Mmla, StifT Joint or Strain, will UntS !! this will Anodrnp rt-liet anil Miely corn. PaxpmS trad Hold e.rry w'mtm. re. mpc si cih. bv mwi, n iw. ScrofySa. Infests the blood of humanity. It appears in varied forms, hut is forced to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which purifies and vitalizes the blood and cures all such diseases. Itcad this: "In September, I made a mibstep and injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, or two inches across formed and in walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore became worse; I could not put my boot on and I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not get any relief and had to stop work. I read of a cure of r. similar case by Hood's SarsaparilU and concluded to try it. Before I had taken all ot two bottles the sore bad healed and the swelling had gone down. My is now well and I have been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased in weight and am in better health. I cannot say enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Mrs. II. Blake, So. Berwick, Me. This and other similar cures prove that Hood ( Sarsaparilla I.i the One True Klood Purifier. All druggists. (1. PieiMre-l on!v lv C. I. Hooil A Co, Luwall, Mau. ths I'est family cathartic nOOU S i'l 15 "nd Uver stimulant. 28c By Its Record of remarkable cures Iloutfs iNirsapariilu. has become the oue true blood purifier prominently in the public eye. Get only Hood s. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. 25c. InlOOdS is 2 A Loot. K. Aramso,. F. Jf . K. Yzx ATKUVSOn Jk PElfffELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LA. W, aUFfLINTOWN, FA. OrriCK On Main street, in place of rest deuce of Louis K. Atkinson, Baq., sonth Bridge street. rOct26,1892 ttCollecttng tad Conreyanctng prom ,i ly attended to. WILDER FORCE SCIIWETER, Attorney-at-Law. ' Jt'Collrctions and all legal busi ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DB .D-M .CRAWFORD, Da. OABWIW MXSAWFOID jr-H. D. M. CRAWFORD &. SON, have formed a partnership for. the practice of Medicine and their collateral branches. Office at old stand, corner of Third and Or ange streets, MifUmtown, Pa. One or both ot them will be found at tbeir office at all times, unless otherwise professionally en gaged. April 1st, 1895. J-P.DERR, PRACTICAL DENTIST. (1 -adoite of the Philadelphia Dental Joii ge. office at old established lo cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court Houbo, Jfiffliotown, Fa. U Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. 'All work guaranteed. Tnscarora Valley Bailroad. SCHEDULE Dt EFFECT MONDAY, MAY 1S9G. 18, EASTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SUMDAT. No.l No.3 M. 45 P. M. 2 00 Blair's Milla Lv. Waterloo 512 582 06 13 20 27 40 50 57 03 10 15 21 Leonard's Grove Roes Farm 8 05 2 8 12 2 Perulack East Waterford Heckmnn 8 25!2 8 35 8 47 Honey Grove. . . . Fort Bigliam . Warble Ple83act View Seven Pines Spruce Hill 8 48 8 55 9 00 9 0G 10 3 25 3 20 Graham's 14 Stewart Freedom 16 18 31 33 35 40 45 Turbett 20 25 30 OidPe.rt Port Hoyal Ar. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal" with Way Passenger and Saash-ire Express on f. K. K., and Nos. 3 and 4 with Mill eaat WESTWARD. o o a IS s "T . STATIONS. No.2No.4 DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. M. P. M. Port lloyal Old Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Graham's Spruce Hi!I Seven Pinxs Pleasant View Warble Fort Bipbam Honey Grove Heekroan Ea.jt Waterford Perulack IJoss Farm : Leonard's Grove Waterloo Blair's Mills Ar. 0.0 10 30;5 20 1.310 35'5 25 2.8 10 40:5 30 3.7:10 42i5 32 4 410 44 5 34 5.0110 4615 HO C.310 50 5 7.210 54 5 9.0,11 035 10.0:11 05 5 i2.o;n 14.011 116 IS 6 256 350 486 15.1 17.5 20.5 22.012 55 6 45 124.0.12 02,6 52 25.5,12 09 6 59 27.012 157 05 Trains Nos. 2 and 3 connect with Stave Line at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doyle, burg and Dry Run. J. O. MOORHEAD, Superintendent. MOORHEAD, President. T. S. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. JERRY COFNTY RAILROAD. Tbe following schedule went Into effect Nov. 16, 1S96, and the trains will be run as follows: p. m 4 30 4 SO 4 3'J 3 41 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 4 SO 4 69 a. m 900 9 06 9 09 9 11 9 14 915 9 19 9 22 9 24 9 2T Leave Arrive a. in p. m Dnncaonon 7 54 2 28 Kine's Mill 7 49 2 23 Snlphur Springs 7 46 2 20 Gorman Siding 7 44 3 18 Uontebello Park 7 41 2 15 Weaver 7 40 2 13 Roddy 7 86 2 08 Hoffman 7 33 2 65 Royer 7 81 2 03 Mabanoy 7 28 2 00 BloomBeld 7 23 I 41 Tressler 7 09 1 86 Nellson 7 04 1 81 Dum's 7 01 1 28 Elltotsburg 6 58 1 25 Bernheisl's 6 51 1 20 Groen Pwk 6 48 1 18 Montour June 6 88 1 15 Landisburg 6 28 2 60 5 10 10 43 6 16 9 49 5 21 9 64 6 24 9 67 5 27 10 05 5 82 10 07 6 34 10 17 6 87 10 80 6 02 10 86 p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m Train leaves Bloomtiold at 6.53 a. and arrives at Landisburg at 6.28 i Train leaves Landisburg at 6.08 p. m arrives at Bloomtiold at 6.40 p. m. m m. and All stations marked () are Bag stations, at which trains will come to a full 'stop on signal. Cbas. H. Shut, S. H. Bcck, President. Snpt A wondifiil Improvement In Friction Feeds and l.ia-llarit. Kacicxnoiicnoi earruLKfc;s iiint i.aisu.! asiiny other tn tbe market. Fiic1iun-H(cbFeerI causae nil tliefeed KtatrltiK to bland atill w Wile ljic' ir: a-rrnt MTinc la power nn4 wenr. tcmi 4 c-Tits I :i stunn for larie CalAloffiie and prh-t'S A!n, t inrmer narrows, f say KnUfs i uuivniorH. I i iirnl,laurers.Sbellersetc. Mmtion this iHtft r UUKClt . VHOSLtHiXAimUrrM York. Fa. f PEHNSYLVANIA RAILE0 ATv On and af ter Monday. JJay IT 1897, rains will rnn as follows: WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m; Barrisburg 8 00 a. mi Duncan-. non8 35a. m; New Port 9 05 n; Ml-...' lerstown 9 15 a. m; Dnrword 921 . mi Thompsontown 9 2H a. m; Tan lvke 9 S3 a. m; Tnscarora 9 36 c. tn; Kexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a. m: Mifllin 9 06 a. m; Dcnttnlin 9 55 a. m; Lewistown 10 13 a. n; McVeytown 10 88 a. m; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union II 08 a. tn; Huntingdon 11 33 p. no; Tyrone 12 20 p. tn; Altoona ICO p. m; Pittsburg 5 60 p. m. Hail leaves Philadelphia at 7.00 a. . tn.; Hanisbnrg at 10 55 a. m.; Mifflin 12.18 p. m., Lewistown 12 37 p. m.; Huntingdon 1. 87 p. m.; Tyrone 2.20 p. m ; Altoona 2.66. p. n; Pittsburg 7.00 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves H irris bnrg at 6 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 84 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; ifillerstown 6 11 p. m; Thompsontown 6 21 p m; Tuscarora 6 80 p. m; Mexico 6 S3 p. na; Port Roval 88 p. m; Mifflin 6 43 p. m; Denholtn 6 49 p. m; Lewistown 7 07 p. m; McVeytown 7 30 p. m; Newton Hamilton 7 60 p. m; Hunting! don 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 85 p. m- Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 1' 20 p. m; Harrisburt 3 10 a. m; Marrs v' le 3 24 a. m; Duncannon 3 38 a. ni; New ptit 3 59 a. m. Port Roval 4 81 a. m; Mil", nio 4 37 a. m; Lewistown 4 58 a. m; Mo Ve town 5 20 a. m; Hnntingdon 6 03 a, m; Tyrone 6 55 a. in; Altoona 7 40 a. aai Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 35 p.m; Hariixburg at 10 20 p. m; Newport 11 06 p. m; Mifflin 11 40 p. m; Lewistown 12 55 a. m; Huntingdon.12 65 a. m.; Trone 1 82 a m; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 30 a. m. Fast Lice leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m; Harrrisbnrg 3 50 p. m; Dnncanon 4 15 p. m; Newport 4 35 p. m; Mifllin 5 07 p. ro. Lewistown 6 27 p. in; Mount Union 6 08 p. na; Huntingdon 6 27 p. m; Tyrone 7 04 p m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 11 30 p. m. EASTWARD. HuutiDgdon Accommodation leaves AI- -toona at 10 60 p. tn; - Tyrone 11 17 p. m t arrives at Huntingdon 11.55 p.m. and be., comes Harriburg Accommodation, leav. ing Huntingdon at 5 30 a. n; Newton Ham ilton 6 55 a. m; McVeytown 6 12 a. mj Lewistown 6 32 a. m; Mifllin 6 61 a. mt Port Royal 6 5C a. m; Mexico 6 59 a. ro; Thompsontown 7 12 a. m; Millers town 7 21 a. nc; Newport 7 30 a. m; Duncannon 7 67' a m; narrihburg 8 30 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 3 30 a mj Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 48 a m; Hunt ingdon 8 30 a m; McVeytown 9 15 a m; Lewistown 9 35 a m; Mifflin 9 55 a m; Port Royal 9 69 a m; Thompsontown 10 14; Millorstown 10 22 a in; Newport 10 32 a m; Duncannon 10 64 a m; Marvsville 11 07 id; Harrisburg 11 25 a m; Philadelphia 3 00 p m. Main Lino Express leaves Pittsburg at 8.00 a. m; Altoona 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12 r " -"I "-p. " . f. au, uwwia town I 33 p. m; MilHin 1 60 p. m; Harris burg 3 10 p. ni; Baltimore 6 00 p. m; Wash ington 7 15 p. ni; Philadelphia 6 23 p. mj New York 9 30 p. m Mail leaves Altoona at 2 10 p.m, Tyrone 2 45 p. in, Huntingdon 3 28 p. m; Newton Hamilton 3 68 p. ci; McVeytown 4 2Cp. m; Lewistown 4 45 p. tn; Mifflin 6 10 p. m. Port Royal 6 15 p.m; .Mexico 6 20 p.n.;"" Thompsontown 5 33 p. ni; Millerstown 5 43 p. m; Newport 5 51 p. m; Dnacannon 6 23 p. m; Harrisburg 7 00 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p. ro: Aliooca 6 05 p. m; Tyrone 6 37 p, tn; Huntingdon 7 20 p. ni; McVeytown 8 04 pj ro; Lewistown 8 26 p ni; Afifllin 8 47 p mj Port Royal 8 52 p.m; Millerstown 9 16 p.. nr.; Kewpcrt 9 26 p. m; Duncannon 9 50 p. m; H.-.rrijburg 10 20 p. m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg at 4 80 p. ra; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tvroae 9 33 p. ni; Huntingdon 10 12 p. m; Mount Un. ion 10 82 p. in; Lewistown 11 16 p. m; Klf. Bin 11 37 p. m; Harrisburg 1 00 a. m; Phil adelphia 4 80 New York 7 33 a. m. i-l vti-to wit iiyrAitai m , V . Trains for tsunbnrv at 7 80 a. m.andS 16. ' m leave Suoiiury for Lewistown 10 06 m. and 2 45 P. ra.: lor Milrov 6 35 a m 10.20 a. m. and 3 10 p. m., week days. IIKUHE 11VI-HN. Trains l-ave for Bellefonte and Lock Raven st 10 a. m., 12 30 aBd 7 J6 p. m.. leave Lock Haven for Tyrone 8.55 r. . and 4 15 p. ni. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. R. Trams leave Tyrone for Clearfield and Curwensville at 8 "JO a', ra.. 3.15 and 7 V, m., leavi Ctuwcu.sriHo tor Tyrone at 9.15. in., 3 4i p m., and 7 00 p. m. For, rates, maps, eto., call on Ticket Agf-Dtc, or address. Tlios E. Watt. P. A. W. D., DCO Fifth Avenue. Pitta. burp, 1'a. J. K. Hutchison. J. R. Woon. Gen'l 3Isnafer. Gen'l Pass. Agt, VfEWPOrtT AND SHERMAN'S VAL I 1 Icy Rsiiroa.1 Compativ. Time table of passenger trains, in effect on Monday. May 18th, 1?GG. STATIONS. Wcst wsrfl. East ward. 1 A P M 4 00 3 57 Z 6.1 3 60 3 46 8 41 8 38. 8 82 8 15 8 11 8 04 266 2 49. 245. 2 40--2 8a. 2 24 . 2 30. Newr-'it 6 05 10 S5 8 80 Buffalo Bridge 6 OK 11) 38 6 12 10 42. 6 15 li. 45, 6 25 10 .' 2 6 V2 11 01 6 81 11 09 6 39 11 09 6 61 11 21 8 27 8 23 Juniata Furnace ... Wabncta Svlvau ...... .... 8 20, 8 16, 8 11: a nt! Wat-r Plug Blcomfield Junct'n, Valley Road 8 00 Elliot tbbcr? 7 45 Green Park 6 64 11 24 7 05 11 35 7 11 11 41 7 40 Loysville Fort Robeson 7 34 7 26 7 1fi 7 16 Center Cisna's Ran ....... 7 15 11 45! 7 2111 61 7 27111 57 Andersonhnre ..... B'uin Mouilt pit - -.;.,t . ., New Germaui'n ... 7 10 7 85 12 05 7 03 7 41 12 11 6 68 6 60 7 45112 15 D. GRING, President ind Manager C. K. Miu-xr, General Agent. CARTERS UPrrrLE 1 iVER I PILLS. 23 CURIE Sick rieadacheand relieve all the troubles inci dent to a bili.ius state of the system, such aa Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after eatiug, l'ain in tne Side, &c. While their most rem&rk&ble success has been ahorn in curing Headache, yet Carter's T.rrruc Liver Piua. are equally valual.le in Constipation, curing; and preventing this annoy ine complaint, while, they also corrvet all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate tbe bowala. Even it they only cured LHlEAiD) Ache they would be almost price leas to SMsja, who suffer from this distressinc complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not enA here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable Iu so many ways that taey wui not oe wuung to ao witnoni i out aner au sick oeaa ACtHilS Is the bane of so many Uvea that here it whsffs we make our great boast. Our pills curs It while others clo not, Cbter's Lii-tlb Liver Pills areverjsmaB and very easy to take. One or pio pilai mate dose. Tbey are strictly veitulile and o not gripe or purge, but by their gentle actlos please all who use them. In vials at s&ecakB five for ft. Sold everywhere, or sent by maft C&STX2 msucqti CO., tlr Tot BE Uficu. Ibilfch