Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 01, 1897, Image 3

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sentinel Republican
WFMfnATf JSEIW, 1897.
nh,u..rtvtlo, t1Ji0
--iTX-t iifA-:iir. -.V "
Mnju I3 enu lise for een" inSna." "
Ctd3Ctiona will ba mulain ?,...,
toJTertiae by the yew, Half o,
Cat cloverseed this week.
. Rothrock baa been i 11 r, hfl mtif
"iw Uarrie JJarr is visiting in Pbil-
Silver bullion stil Las a downward
-Tort Royal Fair begins on the 15th
of September.
Dr. Holmun and family hav mov
ed to Patterson.
A rmmber of farmera are eiwinj
wheat this week.
Twenty-four electric lights will bo
placed in the court room.
---Driitt Crawford is home from
Philadelphia on business.
Misee bis calling fhf one who
sleeps too lon in the morning.
R-Uroa'.l men are plecinn their
track in condition for inspection.
. Miss Corn Baird of Lewistown is
the guest of ilias Louie McClelian.
Tho Teachers' County Institute be"
jjgins or the 22ad Isy of November.
For a No. 1 dinner mine host Mill-
iken'u table at Blair's Mills cannot be
' fonnilatiou of the Manbeok
dwelling house at the east en-3 is well
undf r way.
Loudon To-.?d and wife spent a
number of diva at Atlantic City last
James Parker is re-modelintj Lia
house at the corner of Third anl
Cherry Sis.
" Daniel Bmupjardner of 7iiitllin coun
ty, picked 100 q iarts of huckle-ber-ries
this year.
Jaias J. Horning bourht fiva Ints
in the Djfy extension and will buiM
a dwelling l.ouso.
Oxrl F. Fi-ippns.-.hale is the mem
ber of f.3 R?pubiicau State Cornrait
tee for Juniata county.
squirrel season oens on the
loth day of 0;;t-ber and closes on
the 13th day of Dacember.
Mr. J. 11. Vaurhan of Lick, recent
ly sold his f'irni in Horso Vallay to a
PM'tv U'om Wst Virer'nia.
3irs. joiiq raum ol v likeStJHTTTTris
visitincr her parents iu this town, Mr.
and -Wrs. Joseph Rothrock.
Mioa host William Mi'.likon at Ho
tel Blair, Bias's -Vills, knows, how
to get up a number one dinner."
"t-t'. . Calv'iu and "Mrs. Th'oniaa
Barlley of Altoona, vidited at the
honia of Mrs. Sirah Bart ley, recant'y.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Ford of Phila
delphia, have boen t'iW:ests of Al
bert H,:ckoij border's fuily the past
week. n
"The B-jthhiheia Iron Company
has been awarded a Government con
tract for five big gun Arriages at
$28,500 each." f
A '.k1 mrcy peJyle frooi this
place alteii'led the Leonard grove
picuic. Jud-e Lydiis and others
made speechts.
ir - tj T,xt . -r T - . : .
Alia UMhiiy jjfjn ui i;i, ejjt3:ti rt cou
t .3 t i r T . i
ple of itoys witu lr. iom huaver s
family, recently.
Mie Esther McKinley started on
Tuesday fr West ClieKter w-wro she
will resume her studies in the West
Chester Normal School.
Carriage maker Sch:dl shipped 3
bngies last Frid-ty to customers in
Path Valley. Tbo bu-rcies were ship
ped by rail to Blair's Mills.
Members of the United Brethren
Church, wi)l hol'3 a buh meetiof; in
N. A Luken's wno:ls in Walker town
ship, beginning September 4.
Iatellec'.ual dr.ikneas reign3 su
premo in the fam'lv that does not
take a no-vspaper. S.ibseribo for the
JcNivrx Sk.vtinei. ant Reitb:.u'an.
Wm. Alison, Jr.. has returnad
from a trip to B'.ntk Li.f Valley, and
he speaks in tl c highest terms of the
hospitality of Mr. Opple and family.
Eel fishers are on the look-out for
the down stream goiur eel. How
does the eel know a month before ice
time that it should get out of shallow
'Five women have been enrolled
by the New Yr.rk eolh je of veterin
ary sui'i-ous v. i'i ix view of taking a
regular ccar iu tLeiiwtuuUoo aud
Mrs. 3t K. How? and sister
Miss Mm tiia tiiegrieu of Marysville,
. Perry county, f ieut n day last week
with Mr. Howe's mother and sisters
on Cherry street.
Uncle Sim does not discriminate
on the long rnil short haul of miil
matter. He;il take a letter or news
paper to Aitoora or California for the
(tame postage rate.
John E. Sbeoffer of Fhilipstburg,
after spending a week with relatives
in the eastern part of the county, and
several days iu town wilh his friend
photographer Hess.
Mrs. .Van' C. McWilliams, wife of
Mr. Duvid B. Me Williams, died at
their home in Beale township, on
Thursday, Angust 19, aged 57 years,
10 months and 15 days.
-Wiss Rebecca Parker of Lewistown
was a visitor last week, at the home
"of her rncle and annt Mr. and Mrs.
Southard Parker and uncle and aunt
Mr. and drs. Robert SfcMeen.
Last Friday evening Miss Beesio
in honor of her cousins MIsfcs Eta
ma Rcbison, Millie Milliken and
brother Percy Burchfield. All pres
y ent were pleased and delighted and
' full of praise for the manner in which
the young ladies entertained their
X!k of hard times. Look at the
Huntingdon people are pleased
with the Acetylene light.
The Lawistown council forbids the
riding of bicycles at a faster rate
than 6 miles an hour in town. Pen.
alty not less than $1 and not more
thin 10.
Fi..st in many sections stopped tho
development of the ooju crop luat
week in the northwest It is now a
fore gone conclusion that the com
crop this year, will not be nearly as
large as lust year.
Next week will be court week, and
will be a first rateopportnnity to drop
in and payjsubscription. We hope then
to see a good many people, who take
the Sentinel and Republican, the best
paper in Juniata county.
Sugar beet raising has been exper
iinentod with in Perry county this
year. They can raise the beets and
are now having an analysis made to
find out whether there is sugar
enough in them to justify their cul
ture. Subscribe for the Suntinel and
Republican, a paper that contains
choice reading matter, full of inform
tiou that does the reader good, and
in addition to that all local news that
aro worth publishing find places in
its coluuics. tf.
Jeweller Swegar of Main street
has in his oossession a living alliga
tor from Florida waters. The reptile
or animal is a youDg one a foot and
a half lonr. Mr. Sweger feeds it on
fresh meat of which it is fond. It is
a cariosity here.
An awfully thrilling scene took
place at a funeral at Alexandria near
Altoona. Biran days ago, when Calvin
Neff a robust roan aged about 40
years fell dead across the coffin of a
deceased friend that they were put
ting in the grave.
Miis Minnie Gortner and Mis8
Fisher of Selinsgrove, spent from
Tuesday to Saturday with Prof.O. C.
Gortuer, Miss Gortuer's brother.
The youug ladies came by wheel from
Selinsgrove to JUcAlistervill-i and
from the latter place to Vifflintowu
by stage.
Mrs. Granville Patterson of Wash
ington, aft.r a visit of several weeks
at the home of her neice Mrs. Wil
bcrforce Sahweyer went to Lewistown
last wjek an 1 thence to Ashland,
Schuylkill county, there to visit her
son, and frO!U th.-re will return to
Everyone about Miftiintown has a
recollection of Bruce Alexander. The
Lewistown Gazette says of him:
Bruce Alexander lost his cow. She
strayed away over to the Big Valley
and up to White Halt where ho found
her. She was away for three weeks.
She still gives some milk.
The Democratic bosses of Harris-
burg, havo adopted a system of civil
service that is accept lble to them
selves, if it is obnoxious to the rank
and fife. They have decided 5n city
committee, that the present commit
teemen shall remain in offica not for
ever, but for six years or until in
BftvtxELL UjnvEasrrr, John How.
ard Harris, President; College, with
four courses of study leading to de
gree?; Academy a preparatory school;
Ladies' Institute, a rofined boarding
school; Music School, for both sexes;
and Art Studio. For catalogue, ad
dresi the Registrar. Wm. C. Gretz
iiiger, Liwisbarg, Ta. tf.
There ere no courts i-i the Kion-
I dyke go! 1 field, and the man who
stea.s 19 killed on the spot if caught
there, and if not caught iu the act, he.
is followed and Liiled wherever found.
Probably oace iu awhile au innocent
man is suspected and killed. Such
will remain the state of society there
nutil courts will have b.?en establish
ed. "Miss Susan B. Anthony when ask
ed reccnily to tell of her lova affairs,
said: I never had auy worth telling,
for there was not a bit of romance
ahont auy of my affairs. I always
said, hk t the old maid, that the man
I waited would not have me, and
those that wanted me were so bad
that the devil himself would not havo
Buy your hunting dog and have
them acipiaiotcd before the hunticg
seasm opens. I have the following
to olTor, t;U.rvinteed thoroughly brok
en on their g.nuo and reliable. Fox
hounds, rabbit hounds, beagles, set
ters and p' .inters; also some fine
Nev,fou:idii!id3, spaniels, collies, fox
and bull terriers; fancy poultry and
pigeoas; Belgium and German hares;
prices low. J. Howard Taylor.
Ang.27,iy. West Chester, Ta.
Oa the 2J?rd day of this present
August, 1897, the body of Cap. Hen
ry Arkwright was found at Mount
Blank, Europe. He lost his life in
an ice slide in 1806. thirty-one years
ago. Everything about his person
that was not at the time of the acci
dent destroyed was found preserved.
Even a handkerchief in a pocket of
his coai with his name on it was in a
perfect state. He was found 9000
feet from where he died 31 ye:.rs ago.
Ex Sheriff David Fowles died on
Monday morning at his home a mile
and a half south of this town, aged
about C5 years. He had been ser
ioosly aftlicted a number of years with
a complication of diseases that baf
fled tbo skill of doctors, but his sud
den taking off was not looked for by
his friends. He was in town on Sat
urday, and his fru-nds never dream
ed that they would within so short a
time be shocked by a notice of his
death. He was a kiud father and au
obliging neighbor.
When Cleveland was running for
tho Presidency, one of the points for
Democratic orators to talk about was
dollar whest. They said elect Cleve
land and wheat wil! go to a dollar a
bushel. But it did nt. If it had gone
io that price, they would have claim
ed it as the result of a Democratic
President. Now since the election of
McKinley wheat has gone to a dollar,
and Democratic leaders are all in a
flurry trying to make it appear that
toe election of a Republican Presi
dent had nothing whatever to do with
the iidvance in the price of wheat.
It is queer that the argument of their
own making will not work for other
Miss Alice Todd of Pittsburg, is
home visiting her parents.
Chaa. Stone of Washington, D. C,
is visiting Samuel Strayer'a.
The Blaine aud the L. E. A' will
cross bats on Saturday afternoon.
Miss Aonie Heck after several
weeks visit to Latrobe is home again.
Miss Emma Watts has returned
; from a visit to friends in Harrris
Miss Martha Paaick has returned
home after visiting relatives in Al
toona. Ho! fer fresh groceries at John
Etka's new store on Washington
BsrtHinkle and Horm Browand
caught 18 bass from tho river on
Messrs. Stiles Gilliford and Wm.
Mann of Altoona are guests of Eigar
Seven freight oar loads of peaches
were sold and shipped from this sta
tion on Monday.
Rev. David Beale of Philadelphia,
has been visiting friends 'in Juniata
within the past week.
Miss Jlfary North started ou Tues
day for Ann Arbor, Mich., where she
will visit her friend Miss Moore.
The letters remaining uncalled for
in the Mifftintown Post Office are for
Chas. M. Leonard, Rachel Willabee.
Mrs. Hannah Kerchner and daugh
ter of Sunbnry are visiting the fami
ly of Mr. Henry Berger in this town.
Mrs. Kerchner is a sister of Mr. Bsr
ger. Reuben Auker is the happiest man
on Washington street since Snnday
morning, August 30, at which time
his wife made him a present of a nice
big boy baby.
Jtfr. and Mrs. John Lamer and
daughters and Miss Lucy Parker left
Ballard farm on Tuesday for Atlantic
City, from whence they will go to
their borne in Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Rye Bell of -Vfilroy is now a
guost of Mrs. J unie Marks in Patter
son, and Jtfisses Florence and E'ath
era Jackson of Altoona. were also
guests in the earlier part of the week.
Oil Saturday Mr. Emil Schott and
daughter Miss Gertrude will start for
New York from where after spending
a few days they will go to Boston,
wh2re Miss Gertrude will enter the
New England Conservatory of music
as a student.
School vacation days are about ov
er, and the average pupil is not hap
py, but probably happier than are
the tax payers, who have the school
bills to pay. The pupils are not trou
bled wilh tax bills now. Their turu
will come when tney grow to be men
and women, and have the care of
property and 6tite laid on their
On the evening of the 25th of Aug
ust, W. T. Rounsley of Millerstown,
was found between to railroad tracks
near the freight wara house fatally
injured. He had been to visit an un
cle nearby and was struck by a
freight, at least so it is believed. His
6kull was fractured in several places,
and bis brain wa? exposed at the
back part of his head- His left hand
was cut off above the wrist. He died
at 10 o'cloek on Thursday morning.
He was a bright young man, the
principal of the Millerstown public
The Democratic State Convention
at Reading has been making the fur
fly. among the brethren. Chairman
Garman with a large following have
been trying to put Wm. F. Harrity
outside of the party organization for
being a gold bug Democrat last fall,
and Harritv's friends have been kick
ing against Garman's tactics and be
tween them the fur flys so thick that
it is hard to tell which is which.
When one of them says, "I'm a pure
Democrat and you are not." The re
ply is, "You are another." Kepler
of Juniata county voted with Cuair
man Garman to oust Harrity.
To persons who make the gieatest
number of words of the phrase,
"Patent Attorney WedJerburn."
For particulars address the National
R9corder, Washing ton, D. C
OAA 97
Good news for you. Hats for 5,
10, 15, 17, 19 and 25c. Some better
grades also, Trimmed Hats for 35,
40. 50, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, 8150.
All goods reduced at
4t. M. A. Diehl's
At the Musical College, Freebure,
Snyder county, Pa., none but the
best methods are used, so that to day
it is recognized as one of the fore
most prhools of music in tho country.
$33 win pay for n term of six weeks,
insl ruction and board. Fall term will
becrin Aug. 30.
For catalogues address,
Henev B. Movek,
tf. Dtredor.
Liilen. On Sept 22d, 1897, I will
make one fiue Cabinet Photograph,
absolutely free of charge to all who
bring babies in on this day Septem
ber 22nd
Also during this month September,
I will sell tickets entitling the holder
to 1 dozen Cabinet Photoes for $1.
Sit tieg good until Christmas. Don't
fail to buy your ticket in this month,
if you want the reduced price.
Sep. 1 "97 -lm Joseph Hess.
ROAD. The last two ten-day excursions of
the present season to Niagara Falls
via the Pennsylvania Railroad will
leave Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Washington on September 4 and 16.
An experienced tourist agent and
chaperon accompany each excursion.
Excursion tickets good for return
passage on any regular train, exclu
sive of limited express trains, within
ten days, will be sold at S10 from
! Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash.
ington, and all points on - the Dela
ware Division: $9.70 from Lancaster;
$8.60 from Altoona and Harrisburg;
$8.25 from Wilkesbarre; $5 80 from
Williannpor! ; and at proportionate
rates from other points. A stop-over
will be allowed at Buffalo, Rochester,
and Watkios returning.
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will be run with
each excursion.
Iu conuection with excursion of
September 4, excursion tickets will
be sold September 7, 8, and 9, from
Niagara Falls to Toronto via Lewis
town and steamer, at rate of $1.50
for the round trip, on account of the
Victorian Era Exposition and Indus
trial Fair, to be held at Toronto, Aug
ust 30 to September 11, 1897.
t or further information apply to
nearest ticket agent, or address Geo.
W. Boyd, Assistant General Passen
ger Agent, Broad Street Station,
PE R FECT and permanent are the
cures by Hood's Sorcaparilla, be
cause it makes pure, rich, healthy,
life and health-giving BLOOD.
Republican State Convention.
The Republican State Convention
met at Harrisburg on the 26th inst.,
to nominate a candidate for State
Treasurer and a candidate for Audi
tor General. It was a quiet Conven
tion. James S. Beacom of Westmore
land county and John W. Crawford
of Allegheny county were nominated
for State Treasurer and when the
vote was called Beacom had 316 votes
and Crawford had 40 votes. Bea
com was declared the nominee of the
Convention for State Treasurer.
Levi G. McCauley of Chester Co.,
was the only candidate before the
Convention for the office of Auditor
General, and he was nominated by
the candidates.
James S. Beacom of Greessburg,
the nominee for State Treasurer, was
born in Westmoreland county, Da-
camber 9, 1853. He is a son of Rev.
Dr. H. C. Beacom, a Methodist Epis
copal minister. Mr. Beacom was
graduated from WashiDgton and Jef
ferson College in 1880. After leav
ing college he was principal of the
Blairsville Academy, and while there
was editor and proprietor of the
Blairsville Enterprise, a Republican
Journal. He continued iu his posi
tion until 1884. While acting as stu
dent and editor, he persued a course
of study iu law, and was admitted to
the bar of Westmoreland county in
January 1834.
He was elected as a member of the
House of Representatives in Novem
ber 1880. He was a candidate for
Congress mau-at-Large at the State
Convention of 1896. lie was a dele-gats-at
Largo at the National Repub
lican Convention, which met in St.
Louis in June, 1896.
L3vi G. McCau'ey of West Chester,
the nominee for Auditor General, was
born in Cliestr r county, September
2, 1837, and was educated in the
pu blic schools and at Abington Cen
ter and Wyoming Seminary. He was
a practical mt chanical engineer prior
to the loss of his right arm in the
Ciyil War. When the war broke out
McCauley was mustered into the
State Secvice, June 13, 1861, as First
Sergeant and was on duty with his
Company every day until November
20, 1861. Oa that day ho was pro
moted to First Lieutenant of Com
pany C. It was at the battle of
Charles City Cross Reads that Major
McCauley lost his right arm, the el
bow having bacn shattered by a rifle
He rej lined hi3 legiment notwith
standing his condition in . January,
1863. ne was promoted to Captain
of his Company in February follow
ing. Discharged, January 30, 18f6
the rt&sou, service no longer requir
ed. Ever since the close of tho war
Muj r .IfcCauley has been an active
Republican worker. He was elected
Register of Wills of Chester county
in the fall of 1869. He was Chair
man of tho Republican C immitteo of
that county for four years, from 1886
to 1890. Ho was a delegate to the
last three State Conventions that
nominated the Governor, and has fre
quently been a delegate to other State
The Sales of Hood's Sarsnparilla
are the largest in the world because
the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla are
V onderful, perfect, permanent.
Hood's Pills are the best family
cathartic and li ver medicine. 25c.
FkaxkIIouke Ai.i.f.n. Ou the 4th
day of A ugust, by Rav. J. B. Brenne-
man at 1'ort itoyai, William K. r rank
house and Libbie A. Allen.
Boos Maogkk. On the 24th day
of Angust by Rev. J. B. Brenneman
at Port Royal, Hayes R. Book and
Myrtle J. Mauger.
Stoner McElbath. On the 26th
day of August by Squire J. Frank
Patterson at Mifflintown, James F.
Stoner and Agnes E. McElrath.
Bousom Bell. On the 24th inst.,
at the Lutheran parsonage, by Rev.
W. II. Fahs, Louis Bousum snd Nora
Bell, both of this place.
Collar Todd. On the 12th inst.,
at the residence of Rev. J. D. Beale,
in Philadelphia, W. H. Collar of Al
toona and Annie Partbene Todd of
The Best after Dinner Pill.
Hood's Pills aid digestion, pre
vent that feeling of fullness or dis
tress and gently, yet effectively, as
sist in the assimlation and digestion
of food. They do not gripe or pain,
ana they do not weaken the body.
On the con tr say, they have a strength-
tnirg and stimulating effect. They
rouse thu liver, prevent sickness and
cure sick headache. Hood's Pills arcs
purely vegetable", perfectly harmless
and may be used safely by delicate
women and children.
IT IPQCATtS CsjafcU Ckfin.
V-'yt-'ca d.ii.a ii.mi .tk a k-;. r ? -
The country is jubilant over dollar wheat and the prospeet of its eontin.
Higher Prioes are nromised on everything. Sinoe our Fall and Winter
Goods were purchased there has been an
the Lin. But these are Tour Stores
for you so long as tho goods last.
WJfi ARK NOW READY FOR FALL TRADE as we were sever ready
before. Everything new. piok and span, and tho assortment is vp to high
water-mark, and it is wise for jou to come early.
White Blankets and Gray Blankets
Heavier Blankets for 75a and $1.00
All wool FaetOM Blankets, finest
white and fancy borders pink and white
-. . L - J
i iuo uiu jriues
First glimpses at the new dress goods, representing the newett atyles for
early Fall Wear.
.Ladies' Costume School Drasiea.
Attractive Styles and charming qualities.
Colored Brocade Epringle at 14o; 25o to 50o.
Silk aod Wool Novelty Mixtures at 25o, 50o and 75e.
Black JaCOUard and rrav Jacnnarda. all wr.nl in R d;frran !;! -i
. - O J 1
45o and 50o.
Silk Lustre Mohair and fancy figured Mohair for 50o and 75c.
Black and colored Sergas and Henriettas, fico imported fanoy goods at
S3o; worth 50a.
Plain black cloth all wool at 25o.
A fine black all wool serge, 44 inch and 50 ioob, at 45o, 60c and 65o.
DoineUlo Drosa Goods in mixtures fannv nnlnri
Calicoes for 4)o a yard. Ginghams Sle,
Best qualities m dark colorings for
Red Flannels, all wool for 15c.
Canton Flannels for 5o, 6o and
S I LK S .
Now Fanoy Taffotys, Brooades, New
vtaisia, ureases and inicmiogs at uniformly low prices.
Bargains in Carpets and Rugs:
Tho knowledge of our Continual Working to have bouse.keepers money
on Carpets purchased has gooeferta far and wiie. Carpets for 12Ao, 15o,25o
They will eost you mora by asd by.
Fall and Winter Wraps.
Pniak Tiuil H.'llr r?.n.l
r-- -- pv.. ,c goniug
man you win oua mem later on.
Women's Fine Dress Shoes for 90o
Button and Lace Shoes in all fashionable Leathers and every new shape
at lowest prioes.
103 to 109 Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa.
1865, ESTABLISHED, 1897.
Special Invitation To The iublu
To attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the W'onderfully Low Prices.
.His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
We warn the readers of this journal that we do not authorize the
use of our name in adveruseuieuta of so-called traveling optical
specialists. Our advice to all persons who have defectivi eyesight :
Arr.id traveling specialists and pctlirs ot SpcctocJes.
QUEEN & CO., The Opticians, IO IO Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Manufacturers and Importer of Accarale
OurKjre tUgltt Monitor sent on
fcact Wi'Mavli.a. .1 u.?
Prevention is better than cure.
Keep your blood pure, your appetite
good and your ingestion perfect by
taking Hood' Sursaparilla.
Hood's Pills act harmoniously with
Hood's Sarsaparilla, gentle, efficient.
Tteicvcrlaw Qualities are fmsnn.ased, actcnVf?
CQtlantinv two boxes of any other bntTid. Nob
effects by heat. tiTOCT Tli E GKXCIS E.
Wonderful are the cures by Hood's
Sarsaparilla and yet it is only because
as the one true blood purifier, it makes
pure, rich, healthy, lite-giving blood.
Hood's Pillsfor the liver and
bowels, act easily, yet promptly. 25a.
advance in Prioea. nearlv all alonv
and the benefit of the old prioes in here
for 49ots a pair.
a pair.
of i.nra nnl. rd ttirnnV
red and whitt red and
f -
4, 4e.
Satin Effeots and Plin Silks for
t 3 i
uupscKeu nu prioes are lower now
a Pair.
mml Bcaatlfnl Spectacles ni Ve CUaaaMa
receipt ot live 2-cent TosUiKe st pa.
Thurston's PILLS
Am Terfrt health jewel. nw
erkcownio liaUt& bat-intal
11M W relieve. When vjrpy
tUtuffeiiw has failed to bring
you relief for headache, bif-
ousnesa, stomach awl liver
eoinotainU tV ASK YOI'K
1:U1HU3T for TMC KffTOBt
flU. Ky mail etau
13 bntsldn deep. There rethonn.l3of 9.ii: t
1 who cava regular features ana would be no
eorded the palm of beauty were it not for tm i
eomplrzion. To all such We recommend TDR.
HEaV8 VIOLA CREAM aa poiaessing tlies
qualities that quick ijrchoncc the mo;t sallow
and florid completion to one of natural lifalt?'-
ana nnDietntcuea Dainty, u cunauny ctiu
Ftvckles, liluck Bunds, Klotoc-j, SuuIjCi
Tan, fimpW and !1 Imperfections of tt
3in. It if n't acxJmelic bat a euro, yoi is v
lr lor thu telle table than powder. Sold I :
-.utftisU, or fce.it pt etpaid upon receipt oi
C GJirtiiw 4 CO- Tata. ?
tow Eyes, .4
No Special
for Shelf Worn
All Summer Clothing Selling
Cost. Now for
WARE is a? fat ahead of othe
Enameled ware as china is ahead
of clay.
prices have given a fresh impetus
to the sale of this unequaled ware
and placed it within reach of the
smallest purse.
Eleven and one.balf inch wash basin, 2(!c; reduced irom 30c.
Twelve and one-Lai 1 inch " " 25?4 reduced irom 40c.
Two quart Coffee toiler, 40c reduced from GOc.
Fourteen quart dish pan 60c; reduced from 90c.
One Pint Drinking cups 10c; reduced from 15c.
MonEy LoanEd at Lowest Bates.
Garfield Tag si
a Sample free. GAaiuuJT.Cu.,Jl!' A.insU.. '
ztW Mary's
Anyone MndlTu n iktf nh nd dcHpticn may
quickly ucertatQ. free, whether tn inftj'tion ii
probably ptttentitble. CfmmitntcHtiODg tnctl;
eunfMential. Oldat, a.?ucj foraeouritifr toi.uf
in AmTicm. We have S iiphmjitoa ffic
Patents taken tlirouMti Munn A Co. xcoelTC
special uotice in the
beaatlfullr lllostratc.1, lamwt circulation of
any scientific vural, weckir. tarma friu.) u jeerj
fl..V) six months. Specimen cuplra and lLiiia
Book ox Patents tent free. Adiireaa
3S1 Broadway, Net, York.
Consumption Surely Cured,
Xo Taa Eanoa: Hcaaa inform your iaU :
ihnt I ban a pcalttva raiaadjr fur tha abore lumer'
i-"ae. By its timely use tfaousands ot bijiL-ii
air. kc been permanently cared. 1 snail be (':.
mid twabottlea of my raaiady C&BE to2".,
roz nadsra who bar etmanraptlon if tbiy
i tbei.- liprw, and P. a addiw. lu .i .
tviir I.a.JcUM.lt.a.laliail8t.. ( i
Founded In 1K34. IrR Facnlty
Two Ini courted ol study Classical an I
Scieutific, pecizl course in til deport
ments. Observatory, Laboratories voA
new GvHioasium. S'eam heat. Libraries,
2'J,000 Tolomea. Expenses low. Drpart
mett of Uygieuo and Physical Culture in
cbnrpf of n experienced physician. Ac
cessible by frequent railroad trains. Loca
tion co th BATTLEFiKLD oretvabnrR,
ni(.t.t plrssanl and healtt-v PRU'AB
ate buidings, lor boya and younft men pre
paring for business or College, nndnr spec
ial care of tbe principal and three assist.
uDtf, resdibg with btudents in the building.
Kail term c.pons September 6th, 1896. For
Catalogues, address
or REV. O. G. K LINGER, A.M.,
Oetttysburg, Pa.
Stockholders Individually Liable
W. C. Pomeroy,
John Hnrtular,
Robert E. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
Joseph Rithrock,
Josiab L. Bortoa,
Louis E. Atkinson-
George A. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Rothrock, P. W. Mantvck,
I . E. A'kiutoa, R. F.. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holaei Irwl
,Ti.,n Tijrtzler, Jerome PJ . Thompson.
Charlotte Pnyder,
John V. Blair,
F. M. V. recn. ll,
S-mnl S. Rothrock,
M. M. Sferrett,
James G. Heading,
S. W. Hespa.
T. V. Irwin.
Josista L Barton,
Robert K. Patterff tj,
Levi Light.
Wm. Swsrti.
H. J. ShelleL'jerj t
M. K.-8chlcel.
I ?amuil Scblegel.
""hre ard Four per cent. interuM will re
a'(I on cm '.ideates of deposit.
fjari 23, 1897 !
uiANTrn-AM inriiwotui
nil sWa ni'v i mi of i
thins to patent? Protact yonr fcima ; they an .. v
brine you wealth. Write JOHN WXDIH.IU
BbKN & CO., l utent Attorneys, auoingtu,
U. for their 1UU prize otter.
! :