Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 18, 1897, Image 2

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. . - . . i i m n.,, .-.-nf- --- r m-tfi -it.--"ft-JTr .ttttt- . . 1 . , mm aawcaaaaavaawa - -
aorroa tsa rort:;f.
Tin: Maryland Steel Company bare
contracted to deliver 7,554 tons of
steel raiU at Caicu: ta, India, for $23.
50ct:? a ton.
Tim Populists of Ohio, nominated
General Keep Off The Grass Coxey,
for Governor. The convention was
held at Columbus. The police were
called in to stop a free fiht that
was stert.d anwag the debates.
liEiDUT.j, of tho cavtbquiroia India
in June, aro now coming in. So far
o heard fi-u.u six thousand peopl
...1. A I . " ' " , .
I'jai moir lives ana mere wits a cor-
raj'.vndicg dta' ruction of pror
A' ct.klh quak", id said to be au
ft tj r-r.jdiico a v.-'Icauo.
As far as
h:f.rd frotu im vol-jfttio whs
not pro-
Jilt a number of larcj cracks
!ri,urf-a were ra-tdo iu the earth
i i , - .
Lurouu wnicn mua ana suua was
fcc ittere I over ths countay.
It- . .
andeei: ana an inrea comrunic-ns
who sailed away ia a b.illoon oa tho
nth day of July, to find tho north
pole, have not been heard from. In
all probability they are gone never to
bo heard from. They havo probably
beon frozen as stiff as pokcio, or
drowned these many days. Fame
and notoriety goad men on to hard
laborious work and often to rash acts,
but for rashness, Andree's balloon
act mast stand at tho boa 1 of the list.
They are cot yet done with duel
inn; in Europe. Oa Sunday in France
nt 5 o clock in the morning a durl
took place. The trouble was about
something that had been said abaut
the Italian coMitrs. Tho Cmnt of
Turin took np what he declared was
un insult to tho Italian army. JPrinca
Henri cf Orleans was hi3 antagonist.
They fought five rounds with swords.
H&uri v;gj wounded twico in th?
shoulder and once ia the abdomen
Tho doctors say that had tho abdom
en wound been a hslf innli rlnnnor
u u rr., 1
great rejoicing in Italy wherever the
telegraph announced the result on
Sunday evening.
Tua striking coal m;ners organize
into large compauies and rncrch from
oae mine to tho olhr.r, t ) indues
miners to quit work, acd to prevoat
others fram going t? work- They
employ all tho means that they know
eicptiug fore?, to kp other men
from taking the pVicas, they havo va
cated. Within t.":u pas: wek, nine
ostrj havo boon complaining to the
coaris agaiust the trespass of the
marcLiug companies of strikers. Tha
mino owners havs been asking tho'
II. tm iiin- to the piazza and asttfi
tnir low. ;Iio Brituii.. l i
..-,.ssi,v t'tftperty owned
to oi-rse who petitioned for ti.e ia
j'nction. m -
No Use for tho Hume Girls.
liridgepon, Conn., Angust 13.
Willia.'a Waller, a yoanj railroad
clerk, lvcentiy ent a circular letter
to iaiLisfci'3 ia the suburban towan.
a.-kmg I hew to assist him cecur-in-T
a lifi- partner. r.Iany of the
clergymen paid little attention to the
eoircuiioation, wuilo ethers took n
se; ;.r view if it
lii e-mcluJ'.-s his latter by spying
.'i i'. L-i is widely acquainted, bat that
l.o does riot o.ire for a single girl liv
iiiK in this city, because tbay are
pale, ill-formed, aud all inclined to
b consumptives. Tl;e few who are
not classified in thi la-t category are
characterized by the writer as being
"golden butterflies."
Waller's letter has : roused the ire
of the girls of Bridgeport, r.nd their
friends will incke it warm for the
Steam Grain Cutter and Thresher-
A despatch from California, sayi-:
Farm.-rs are going to Stockton, for
milus to see iho biggest grain har
vester in the world at w lk on Rob
erts Island in li e K:iu Joaquin River,
neartiint ei'y. TI.3 iaachino turns
out three sixly pound sacks of wheat
every miuute. The muchiee has a cat
ting line of fifty two f.:et, and it also
threshes and sacks the grain. In
r-ne rut: anjund a 5,0'0 aero field it
will turn mi hundreds of sack of
w'lent ready for 'eEi'Ltt. The coet
of harvf-ting lias been reduced to a
minimum by tl.ia machino and tho
number of d.ijs consume I in getting
a large fi jl.l reaily f ..r market will bo
about half that of the regular bar
yosting. Eight or ten ni.;n handlo
ite.isily whila it is turning out from
1,."00 to 1,S00 sseks a day of ten
hoars aad twteping 100 seres of
.nincar.n. At present it is work-
in the ccaviest wlieat ever grown
a mat coBiy. ljje gram
.islands has always been trdl
rai.k growth, but this year
much uii.:h heavier thau
on tue
and of
it was
in pRst
f-nsou. ir ii'iiii-uity lias betn ex-p-.iietiix
I in L.:rts';ii-r, a the trac
T , - . .
.n -.g!i."-. v.i.'ch was l.ui't
: eciully f r t-.e mnehiiie. rmshr-ii i
tLroji;h i h- t'.:iek grain with about
tl;y sn.in c.f that an ordinary en-
f.':n- w.;,ii ..isw
country road.
a wagon over a
Tlie l'an)l vanln Railroad'
Popular Excursions to
ine eaiire.
Tho Inst evursi in if the soason
v s r..'ts-t 21. A MH-risl train of
:i.t : ;: ' -irs at. 1 day roach s
.'iv P.r'd.ug in '.IviT') m-!i-1
' i"- nt '.1 A. M., crriving at
i.: ;,', V. M . uj -r. stop f..-
4 ill
tl ill
tif -ii r . . .- i:;..
Mpi iii; -'o i. M
h , r .ichin.,' I'iiiht
, i.'.d striving at At-
n.i'ic I ., v i It.'.- I) -iuwiir-r.r..l-.
r if... :d S 111 p. M ,
Ii;v. r
t! .- rr fr..m Pittsburg to th.:
bLori via th nlv a'l rail rout
fcltven hours and fort? five minutes.
Passengers may alsi spend the nigbi
in Philadelphia, and proceed to the
shore. Ly anv regular tram from
Market Street Whr.rf or Broad Street
Station the following day. Stop over
will also be allowed at Philadelphia
on the Rolcg trip, within time limit,
if tickets r.re den .wiled with aent at
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
immediately oa arrival at that point.
Tickets will be sold from the stations
at the rates named below:
Rate Train loaves
BUwood $8 00 12 46
TTvrone 7 6 12 56
Cural erland 7 50 8 15
8 00
. 7 6
. 7 50
. 7 50
. 7 25
P. M
P. M.
A. M.
Hyr d nan 7 50 8 40 "
Bedford 7 25 9.25 "
Huatin?don 7 10 1 26 P. II.
Mount UuioD 6 75 fl44 "
Lowietowa Junc't 6 00 2 20 "
STifnin 5 5G f2 37 "
Newport 5 CO f 3 09 "
Duncancon 4 CO f3 27 '
Pbilaaolphia Ar'e G.25
Athintic City ... 8 40 "
"I" stop-; on notice to aenl or con
ductor. Tickets will also good on regu
lar trains lffavin- l'iitsbnrg at 4 30
and 8 10 P. M., both of which will
carry sleeping car3 through to Allan
tic City.
For detailed information in regard
to ratf.js and tiais of tniaj apply to
tiekot agents, or -Wr. Thomai E.
M'att, Dis'rit Pitssenger Agent,
Sheriff Cilbouu
will sell in the
Jacobs House, at MdHiatown, Sep
tember 3, 1897, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
A farm of 2.3.') acres, two story
house and bank bara and out bnild
ings, in Tuearora township, as the
property of Jiiuiea Loudon.
A house and lot in E-tst wattrford,
as tho property of Jame3 Loadon.
Eight acrep, log housa and stable
in Delaware tcwahip as the property
of Dai via C. Miller and B. W. Pag.i.
A farm of 73 acres, with log stable
ia Walker township, a3 Ui3 property
cf Snmuel A. Tyson.
A. one acre lot with log house and
out buildings ia Walker township, as
the property of David S. Zsiders and
Jacob If. Miller.
A farm of 79 aires frame house
back bara out buildings in Lnck
1 ' J
Five acres timber land on moun
tain in Lick township, as tho property
of R. W. Pardons.
A house and lot in Port Royal, as
the propei ty cf J. O. Nay lor.
Two acres with h"u?e and out
buildings, in Fermanagh township,
as the property of A. J. Wileraan.
A fiirm of 250 acrs, with build-
iptp, soi.i as tue property ot Joenia-
iiiiu .Moore.
Reduced Rated via pennsvlra
nla Railroad for Mount
Gretna Farmers' Encamp
ment. From August 16 to 20, inclrtsive,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Compmy
"'ill Fell, for the above occaaica,"
round trip tickets to Mount, Gretna
and return at rate of one fare for tht
round trip, from principal stations be
tween East Liberty ' and Bryn
Mawr, on the Northern Central Rail
way north of an including Luther
vi'ile, and on the Philadelphia and
Erie Railroad Division. Theso tick
ets will be valid for return passage,
until August 23. inclusive.
For information in regard to tram
service and speciSc rates application
should bo made to ticket agents. al8.
Twelve-Oar Excursion to Old
Point rnmfiirl, SorfolR. and
Virginia Beach via Pennsyl
vania Railroad-
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany 1ms arranged for two twelve
day excursions to the above named
points, to leave Pittsburg, August 12
and 21. Round trip tickets via Phil
adelphia and the Cape Charles route,
yood goincr nnlv on train leaving
Pitlsburjr at 8 55 A. M., 4.30 and 8.
10 P. M.; via Baltimore and the Bay
Line or the Chesapeake and Rich
mond Steamboat Line, rrood goincr
only on trains leaving Pittsburg at
8.00 A. M. and 8 10 P. .'.. will be
onld at r de of 12.00 from Pittsburer,
East Liberty, Uiooutown, Connels
viile and Snottdnl".
Tliepe tickets will be good to re
turn at any time within twelve dayp,
and will he vaUa tor return passage
on any regular train except thoPenn
sylvauia Limited.
For detailed information address
or apply to Thos. E. Watt, Passen
ger Asrent, Western District, 360
Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg Pa.
Special Reduced Rate Excur
sion to toe Ocean Grove
Campineetlna via
For the benefit of those desiring
to visit Ocean Grcvo (Asbury Park)
during the great camp meeting, the
Pennsylvania R-iilroad C'jmpsny will,
on Angu-,t 25, so'l xcursion tickets
to that point from stations named
belo.v at the very low rates quoted.
f .:tse tickets will be good for
sage to l iuiaet;.;p!)u oa tram na:
below, tl ence oa rermlsr trains loav
irg Broal Sircet Station a!, 3.30 and
4.05 p. iu- that day Ocoan Grova
iAshury Park):
Trars j
Lkavfs Rate !
c. 7.15 A. M. $8 0'J
. 7.30 7 75
. 7.48 ' 7 35
. 8 05 7 35
.817 " 7 25
. 8.30 " 7 10
. 8.41 " 7 00
. 8.47 " 7 00
. 8.5: " C75
i. 8.:.8 50
. 9.15 " G 25
.9 35 " G00
. 9.55 " 5 65
. 9 59 5 50
10.14 " 5 25
10.22 ' 5 25
10 32 " 5 00
10 54 " 4(i0
1107 " 4 50,
11.25 ')
1140 f 4 50
3 00 P. M. I
' Altoona. . . .Lravi
Sprue j Creek
Ilrtrtiitgdon. . . . ,
M.lplelou. . .... .
Jrlt. Ft i n
Newton Hamilton
L. wistown Julc.
M 111 in
Pert Koyal
Tt:rm;s.iitown. .
X'-v;. nt
Mar", sviile
Harrisburg Arive
Itirrislnir.' L' avo
l'uil.ah iphiu Ar'
Tickets will tH
pojd for retari:
piSJige on r eg alar trains until Sep-
tember 2nd, inclusive, and will per-
rait of stop off at Philadelphia with
in limit.
Througli Bleeping Car Service
between Plttdburir and At
lantic City Tla Penasjlva
nia Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany announces that a through
sleeping car service between Pitts
burg and Atlantic City has been ts
tr.hlished on train leaving Pittsburg
at 4 30 p. ro. daily, arriving at Atlan
tic City at 6.30 a. m , and returning
on train leaving leaving Atlantic City
at 8.35 p. ra., daily, arriving at Pitts
burg at 8 30 A. M.
Connections ere also made at
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
with trft-ns leaving Pittsburg at 8.00
a. ra. and 8 10 p m. daily, and re
turninr, with trains leiviog Atlantic
Atlantic City at 7 50 a. m. and 4 45
p. m. daily.
This is the only all-rail rout9 to
the seashore. 4t.
To persona who make the gieatest
number of words of the phrase,
"Patent Attorney Weddcrburn."
For particulars address the National
Recorder, Washington, D. C.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany will run a series of ten -day ex
cursions to Niagara Falls, leaving
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash
ington on July 22, August 5 and 19,
and September 4 aad 16. An exper
ienced tourist agent and ohaperon
accompmy each excursion.
Excursion tickets, good for return
passage on any regular train, exclu
sivo of limited express trains, within
ten days, will bo sold at $10 from
Pbilidoiphia, Baltimore, Washing
ton, and ail poiats on the Delaware
Division; $9.70 from Lancaster; $8 60
from Altoona and Harrisburg; $8 25
from Wilkesbarre; $5.80 from Wilt
iamspnrt; and at proportionate rates
from other points- A stop over will
be allowed at Buffalo, Rochester, and
Watkins returning.
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will be run
with each excursion.
For further information apply to
nearest ticket agent or address Geo
W. Boyd, Assistant General Passen
ger Agent; Broad Street Station,
Philadelphia. al9.
Mr. Nicola Teal a is one of the
brightest of our men devoted to
scientific discovery. Hi has made
many exnnrsons into tue uuknown
domain of science, and hia suaceas as
nn explorer is conceded. He has
now announced that his greatest dis
covery enables biai to create a dis
turbance ofCs earthVr-i'vrgo of el
ectricity r.V'- ' and noted
tbraug.!r-iE33 )!. eo-th. H . ex
pects to utilizo::" this d'.acovys - to
trausmit messages throughout tho
habitable globe without wires. That
wa suppose, is one of the feats many
electricians have talked about for
jears, but wuiea las not yet been
performed. Tesl-j has perfected ap
paratus that in operation produces all
the phenomena of a thuuder storm
and, as he alleges, imparts a vibra
tory impulse to tho earth's electric
charge, llr. Tesla ha3 been very
reticent utj to this time, end the pub
lic has been roady to hear great
thngs from him. But W9 can hardly
think that he has a machine that can
mobilize the electrical charge of the
earth, except as a ptbbjo dropped in
mid ocean is suppoNCy to affect the
entire surface of iht! sea by its tri
lling dUplacemeRft. It is possible
that t( legraplywithout wires is about
to be nddelto the worders of the
age, bnt it is not probable that a man
can impart an impulse from Philadel
pbia.to Hong K mg. That is a feat
to talk about, but not a feat to be
done out of hand. At the same time
it is dangerous to eay that auything
is impossible in an age which is nltra-
nhenomenal iu discovery and inven
tion North American.
Some who have studied the now
game law make the following points:
Hunting or shooting oa Sunday is
punishable by $25 fine
Song birds shall not bo killed nor
their nests or eggs destroyed. Penal
ty. $10.
Gimo birds mny be from October
15 to December 15, and woodcock
may bo shot during July. Penalty,
$25 for each bird out of season.
Deer may be shot during Novem
ber only, and never while in water.
Dog hunting may be killed by any
body without recourse. Penalty $100
for each offense
Trap hunting is illegal and game
or birds so taken cannot be purchas
ed. Penally, for deer, etc , $100 for
each nnima', and $2o for each b.rd.
No person or transportation com
pany shall have in possession any
game whose killing ia probibite !.
One person can kill in one day only
j fen pheasant.', or 15 quail, or ten
i woodcock, cr two wild turkeys, or
two elver ia en .2 3.ae.u. Atua;y,
from $50 to $100 for each offnnso.
Rabbits may be killed from No
vember 1 to December, 1G, inclusive.
Penalty, $10 for each rabbit or squir
rel. Rabbits may not bo had in po
ssession out of season. Penalty,
$25 for each rabbit killed or taken
with ferrota. Ownership of ferret is
evidence of guilt.
Only puns may be used in kiliitg
game. Penalty $50.
Penalty $50 for each nest or egg
of game bird destroyed.
Pcsstssion of any game, fresh skin,
birds Dr eggs is prima facia evidence
of guilt.
Suits mast be entered within one
year from time of offence. One half
of fine g;ts to informer. Fines may
be served out in prison, at the rale of
a day fjr each dollar imposed.
ine average eonamon cr crops s-i
retorted by the department of Agri
cultural at Washington, I). O., up to
August nrbt fays: Corn 84 2; spring
heat, 86 7 spring rye, 89.8 oats 86.0
barlej87.5; buckwheat 94 9; tobacco
78 7; Irish potatoes 77.9. Tbei cor.-
dition of
cam 84.2 is 1.3 points higher
than loat month, 11 8 points lower
than oa AugU3t 1st, 1896, and three
poiats lower than the August average
for tho last ten years.
The average condition of oats is
86, as compared with 87 5 last month
and 77 3 on August 1, 1896. Tao
consolidated returns iudiotte Lhat
about 10 per cent of the oats crop of
last year is BtUl on hand. -The aver
age condition of barley is 88.5 as
sgiinst 88 5 on Jul? 1 and 82 9 on
August 1. 1S96. The ares in buck
wheat is 4.8 per cent less than Lif t
rear, and the condition is Vi 'J, as
Cvtspawd with 98 at the correspond
incr r9:io 1 last year.
The condition of tobacco, taking
the country as a wholo, in practical;;
unchanged, the consolidated returns
Indicating 78.7 p;r cout of a full crop,
as compared with 78.5 uer cent, last
month and 86.5 ter cent on August
1 1S96.
The condition of the apple rrop is
in the main very unfavorable. Ohio
and Michigan have little mora than
one third of a full crop. Panusylva-
slightly under.
There are few sections of the coun
try that do not report a failare.
more cr less marked, in the peach
tour to The north via pennSvlvaniA
Visiting Watkins Glen, Niagara
Falls, Thoustnd Islands, Quebec,
Montreal, Au Sablo Chasm, Lake
Champlr.in and Lake George, Sara
ga and the Highlands of the Hudson
Leave Philadelphia by special tram,
August 17. The tour will be in
charge of one of the Company's tour
ist agents. An experienced chaperon
will also accompany the party, hav
ing .especial charge of unescorted
Tho rate of $109 from Now York,
Brooklyn, Newark, Trenton, Phila
delphia, Harrisburg, Baltimoro and
Washington, covers railway and boat
fare foi the entire round trip, parlor
car seats, meals en route, hotel enter
tammest, transfer cnargep, carriage
hire in fact every item of necessary
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or
bdv additional information, address
Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, 1196 Broadway, New
York; 860 Fulton Street, Brooklyn
or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent. Broad Street Sta
tioD, Philadelphia. 2t
The Yellowstone National Park i
unquestionably the most interestic
region on the globe, fgr wifuin' it is
displayed the crratest collection of !
nature's manifold wonders. Indeed,
this mountain-bound plateau, high ,
up on the summit of the everlasting
Rockies, is a veritable play. ground
for the world's giant forces. To stand
and gaze upon them'in all their marv
elous manifestations, the great gey
ser nphavftitrt'ae er&9 bteam blasts,
the terrible leap of title river, and the
awful canon, is a revelation an exper
ience to be had i.t no other point on
the cirth.
The personally conducted tour of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
which lesves New York on Septem
ber 2, nffords the most satisfactory
means of visiting this wonderland
und viewing its marvelous features.
Touiisl8 will travel by special train
of Pullman smoking, dining, sleep
ing, and observation cars in each di
rection. Eight days will be spent in
the Park. Stops will also be made
returning nt St. Paul and Chicago
1 be round trip rate, 52do from .New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Washington, 230 from Pittsburg,
covers all necessary expenses.
For detailed itineraries and full iu
formation apply to ticket agents,
Tourist Ajrent, 1196 Broadway, New
York, or address Geo. W. Boyd, As
sistant Genoral Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
MirriaxTOWs, Aug. 18, 1W7.
W hftit , .... SO
I'-.ru in wr. ... ...... .... ..... 23
R;e..." 82
CloV'rri .... ....
Euiter Vi
EgRS it
Ham 12
Sliouider. 12
Lad 2
Sides 7
Timothr seed t'J.tO
Fax seed CO
Bran 65
Chop 85c to 90c
Middling HO
Ground via . Salt 1.00
American Salt.... ...... ."6s to 80c
pHLLADixrniA Markets, August 17,
1897 Wheat 95e; Corn 32c; Oats
26e; Eggs 13c; Butter 10 to 20c; live
chickens, hens 10c; roosters 0 to 7c;
spring chickens 9 to 11c; cheese G, 7
and Sc; sugars 4 to 5o a lb; .Vary
lncp peaches $1.25 to $1.50 a basket
potatoes 35 lo 40c a bjskett sy$et
potatuta 3o to 40- a basket; tipples
per barrel at 75c to $2 59; hay mix-id,
6 to $S 50; timothy $S to 13; Ponn
sylvaoia tebjccn. fillers 10 to 14c;
broad leaf 10 to 14c; Havana run
ning lull 12 to 15?.
The Sales of Hood's Sarshparilk
are the largest in the world because
the cures by Hood's SarMqmrilla are
wonderful, lierfect, permanent.
Hood's Pills are the best family
cathartic and liver mediiUnc. 25c.
Stono Yafoot. On tiie 11th
int., at Port Royal, by R v. II. J.
'i.ibert, H-u-ry Stoug and Ptarl F.
PERFECT anil permanent are the
cures by Mood's Sursaparilla, be
cause it makes pure. rich, healthy,
life and health-giving BLOOD
Wonderful are the cures by Hood's
SarsiipnrilUi and yet It l only because)
as the one true hUxxl tuiritier. it makes
pure, rich, healthy, life-giving blootL
Hood's PillstW l!w liver and
boweU, . t eaily, yet promptly, tic
Fill a bottle or cinimon glass with
urine and let it stand twenty tour
hours; asedimfent or Battling indi
cates an unhealthy cmdition of the
kidneys. When urine stains linen it
isevideneeof kidney trouble, loo
fr quent desire to urinate or pain in
i h hack ia a'BO couvincing proof that
the kidneys and bladder are out ol
There is comfort in the knowledge
so often expressed, that Dr. JiUoner s
Swamp Root, the great kidney rem
e,1 fulfil every wish in relieving pain
. J . . . ,- 1.1-u . ..
in the bacSr, moneys, nver, uhuuh
and every part of the urinary pass
ages. It corrects iuability to hold
urine and scalding pain in passing it,
or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and over comes that un
pleasant necessity of being compelled
to get up many times during the
night to urinate. The mikl and the
extraordinary effect of Swamp Root
is soon realized. It stands tno uigu
eet for its. wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need
a mndicino you should have the best
Sold by druggists pneo &:ty cents
and od e dollar You may have a sarrt
pie bottle and phamphlet bottle both
sent free by mail. Mention the Jcn
iaTa Sestinel and Republican and
send vour address to Dr. Kilmer &
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The pro
prietors of this paper guarantee the
genuineness of tnis oner. jiy.
Bun vour hunting dogs and hav9
them acquainted before the hunting
season onons X nave tno iouowiuij
to offer, ruaranteert ttiorougmy proa
... , , ,
en on their fame and reliable. Fox
hounds, rabbit hounds, beagles, so-
ters and pointers: also some fine
Newfoundlands, spaniels, collies, fox
and bull terriers; fancy poultry and
pigeons; Belgium and German bares;
prices low. J. Howard aaylor.
Ang.27,ly. West Uuester, fa.
For tho accommodation of persons
desiring to attend this interesting
picnic and exhibition, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets on August 21, 23, 24,
25, 2G and 27, good to return until
Angnst 30, inclusive, at rate of one
fare for the round trip, from principal
stations between East Liberty and
Bryn Mawr oa the Northern Central
Railway north of and including Luth
erville. and on the Philadelphia
Erie R tilroad Division.-
For information in regard to train
Bervica and specific rates application
rl-onld be made to ticket ajrsnts. u25.
One hundred ycais ogo John
Christian Webber, of Holland, uisin-
htrrited an only bod, because ha
martk-d against tho wishes id bis
father. Tho young man and wife
and children came to America. The
father died, but before he died he
hied a will, putting; Irs estate in trjist
with the Holland 'government, mat
the money with interest should be
returned to his saas heirs in the
third treceraticn. There are a num
ber of heirs in schuyikili Hven, Pa.,
and they are taking steps to secure
the fortuve which is said to amount
to several millions dollars. There
are Weavers in Jauiata county, bat
whether tho Weavers and Webbers
ara of tho same people is nut known
Tha .inM in France between an
Ilalina Mocd and a French blood,
has awakened a great deal of talk or
the subject of du jling and comments
on what goou'or bad may cr does arise
from such encounters. As the old
lady eaid h could fiud something
good to say about even old 6ixc.
He, 6he declared, is the most patient
of workers. So something good may
bo said of dueling. Men who are
held to an account with a probable
loes of life, are cot ept to tell uukiud
things about thair neighbors. Prince
Henri, who was severely wounded
last Sunday ia the duel in France
with Count Turin, will hereafter be
more eareful what he says about
Italians. When a man knows that a
mean, slurring remark about some
one may cost bict bis life, bVJl like
ly be brainy enough to not make
such remarks
Whereas, the Hon. JEREMIAH LTOXS,
President Judge of the Court of itommon
Pleas, for the Forty-First Judicial Disti-ict,
composed of the counties of Juniata and
Perry, and the HonoraHes Wil. 8WAKTZ
and W. N. STERRETT. Associate
Judges of the said court of Common Pleas
of Juniata connty, by precept duly issued
and to me directed for holding a Court of
Oyer and Terminer and Gneial Jail Deliv
ery, and General Quarter Sessions of tho
Fesce at Miitiintown, on the
Notice is heskbt am, to tbe Coronor
Justices of the Peace and Constables of tbe
Connty of Jnaiata, thst they be then and
J there in their proper p'jons, at 10 o'clock
in me torenoon oi saiu uav, wu moir rec
ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer
rememberances, to do those things that to
their ofl'ces respectfully appertain, and
those that are bound by rocogniiance to
prosecute against the priviners tint are or
tnsy be in tbe Jail of raid county, be then
and thero to prosecute against thetu as
shall be jnst.
By an Act of th-i Assembly pissed tho
6th day of May, 1X54, it mtdo the duty of
Justices of the Peace of the several conn
ties of this fommonw alth, to return lo tbe
Clerfc of the Court of Quarter Sessions of
the respective counties, all the recognis
ances entered Into before them by any pr
soo or persons charged with tbe Commis
sion of any crime, except snrh cases as
may be ended before a J notice of the
Peace, nnder existing laws, at least ten
dayj before the commencement rf the ses
siou of tlie Court to wh'cb they ara made
returnable respectirelv, and in all cases
where recognisances are entered Into less
than ten days before the commencem-nt of
the session lo which they are made return
able, the said Justices are to return tbe
same in the same ir.snner as if said Act
had not lcen passed.
Piled at Miitiintown the', 4th day o'
A nn us t in tbe year of onr Lord, one
thousand eight huodrd and ninety-seren,
James P. Calhois, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Olncs.
MiftliniowB Pa. August )th, 1H'j7
Gel a food pai-er ly subscribing for tbe
! Stsrisii. ad karcaucAB.
Ouaes fully hail Uie sickness in the world. It
retains the digested food too lone in the bowels
and produces bi::ousaessw torpid liver, taal-
gestioa, bad fciste. voak.nl
tongue, sick kt'-itku-iie, in
somnia, etc Hood's Pills
cure constipation and all its
resultt, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All dmgsist.
Prepared by a I. Ilood & Co.. Lowell. Mass.
Tte only Pili3 to take vi ilh Uooj's Sarsayarill.
i C;-inhl Iconic an T?ervot
iHWimM mui free 10 any ac-men.
. 0Ua pauecui iw vu
! this Hivdicine Ires of cliarse.
T-is tKmo-lT hss bsen prepared by the Heverenfl
... vnr.ni. nt Fort Wavne. lnd. wucuIsawh:
laaov prci;2.-t J under ! olrecuoa bj tno
K.OK!C rV'.ED.CO.. Chicago,
-rVrziii-U r.l Si Icr liottlo. CtbrSS.
f.-.vcoSi!.Sl-?3. aitottloatbr Sw.
The nnders!srned persons have assocUted
thtmiseives togethor for tho protection ot
Willow Run Trout str;ara in Lack town,
ship, .'uniat Co., Pa. All persons are
strickly forbidden not to trespass npon the
Isnd or stream of the said parties to fish
as the stream h.i3 been stocked with trout
Persons violating this noise, will be pros
ecuted according to law.
K. H. Patterson,
T. H. Caruthors, J. P.
Kob't A. Woodsidu,
W. D. Walls,
Frank Yawn,
Dyson Yawn.
April 28, 1S95.
The imilersiirrii d persons have formed an
Association for tho protection of their re
snectiro properties. Ail persons are here-
hv notiiied not to trespass on tho lands ol
tho undersigned tor tlie purpose of hunting
gathering nuts, chtping timber or throwing
down teuces or firing timber in any way
whatever. Any vioiation ot the above no
tice will be dealt with according to law.
John Michnl,
William PatTenberger,
(lideon Sieber,
re-hor & Zoot,
Mar; A. Drabser,
Joseph Roth ioc,
John fiyler,
Famacl Bell.
Stpteti!r 5 1885.
Pisos Rmd1t for
Cstsrrh hi tne pi
i, and Cheapest. I I
1KC Esslrae to Cm,
Bold by Dnmctsts orsxut by nsU.
Efts. . T. BazeiUua, Warran, Fa.
I sitBEBT offer tor ss.e a valuab'o prop
rrtv, situtte.d in F-rtnsnssli te.wnship, 21
mil.-s coi ih. east ot Mitllictown, containing
2"i Acns, m:re. or les. lucres of wood
aA. The t alanco cleared and in grod
state ot raliivatk'H. Buildincs orflinnry,
tut in good repair. A food spring of ncvr
failing gravel water nearby. This property
also contains 250 poich trees and 2000 ber
iv piantf; 80 applu trees, liesides other
frnit. The aliovc property is sitcatert near
While Bail school house in said townthip.
For further lufoiuiation address.
eJ9-Wj. . ' St-.!flinton, Pa.
The undersiioi hyini btvm restored to
health by eiinpfe meanij, after suffering stv-
ersl years wit.n severe iutij an.-c'.;nn, and
that dreai: diKease contim'fon, is aiixious
to niskc kr.own to his follow tnTf rt-rs Ibe
means of core. To tho;e win d-.isire it, he
wi!! i:hc:rfn!:y send (tree of oh:irrs) a copy
o tliii prescriptio: Hi d. wliieii thyy will
find a ure crre li.r Cossnmption, Jslhtr.a,
Catarrh, Bronchitis and nil throat and lung
Miliarias, bu hopes all suip-'tor will try
bif. remedy, r.s it is i!i sli:l!e. Thovo de-
hiring ttie j refC. iptii.n. uhicil Hi t ost thetu
nothing, and nur Lroe a luesMng, will
piease address,
Kew oik. SSep. 3, JWi.
JIa OmSKAL sat ZXTD2XAL vaif'
Jrppf on Sugar, Chlidrm X.fr Tf.
Bvvry TrTtr aboald have a bottle of it in hii McM,
Every Sufferer XFSZ
ena fltBadacbe, tMphtbnia, C-mnrh, iMai-rh, lirDuetiW,
AMhma, Cholera MorbuA, lHaurhii1IrrirM"i, SurKMMk
In biKly or Urnr, Stiff JoinU or Ktraloa, will HouJE
this old Amxtyno relief ani woeedj ci-ra. PaumahtwW
tree. HoA ewrywhrrt. Prio ?!., br mail, e boUVm,
filireai palO. &. 1- S. JOUMmN OX. Ikix. ItUi.
Infests the blood of humanity. It
appears in varied forms, but is forced
to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
purities and vitalizes the blood and
cures all such diseases. Read this:
"In September, 1391, 1 made a misstep and
Injured ruy aukle. Very aooa afterwards,
two iuches across formed and lu walking
to favor il I sprained my ankle. The sore
became worse; I could Dot put my boot
on aad I thought I should have to give up
at every step. I could not get any relict
and had to stop work. I read of a cure of
a, similar case by Hood's Sardcparilla and
concluded to try it. Before I bad taken
all ot two bottles the sore had healed and
tbe swelling had gono down. If y
to now w-ii and I Lave bovii r; jliy bene
nted otlierwi.se. I have increased in
weight and am in better health. I cannot
say enough ia praise of Hood's n-&apa-rilia."
Mas. II. BiAEit, So. I rv, :;k, Me.
This and other similar cures prove that
1. 1 the On True l.wl rurlS-r. A II druggist . tL
-..i.r..l , y '.t t tt..t A .. I..O.-1U
.. . . .. Uf l- -X l.mt'l rathartM
I lUUU S tVllli ud UkCf StUMIlUllI t
U U &P
laiifejKS Uffi AU. ttSt MUS. t I
Best voivth byrpp. rafcepOood,
Louis E. Atkhisob. F. M. X. Ffksll.
Owe K On liatn street, in place of roe!-
dence of Louis H. Atkinson, Bsq., sontb
BrldRe street. fOct 28, 1SS
nyCollectlnr sod Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
BiSr-Collections and all legal busi
ness promptly attended to.
ra j.M.cAwroED, oa. dab wis h.csawiosd
have formed a partnership for the practice
of Medicine and their collatterat 6rancr.es
Oilice at old stand, corner of Third and Or
aree streets. Miitiintown, Pa. One or both
ot them will be found at their oilice at
times, unless otherwise profesbionully i
April 1st, 18US.
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental
Colleee. Office at old established lo
cation. Bridge Street, opposite Conrt
House, JMifflintown, fa.
tt" Crown and Bridge work;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
Tnscarora Valley Eailroad.
Nol No.3
A. SI. P. M.
Blair's Mills Lv. 7 45 2 00
Waterloo 7 51 2 06
Leonard's Grove 7 58 2 13
Ross Farm 8 05 2 20
Perulack 8 12 2 27
East Waterford 8 25 2 40
Heckman 8 35 2 50 j
Honey Grove 8 47 2 57
Fort Bigham 8 48 3 03
Werble 8 55 3 10
Pleasant View 9 00 3 15
Seven Pines 9 06 3 21
Spruce Hill . 9 10125
Graham V. r .T....'. 9 14 3 29
Stewart 9 16 3 31
Freedom 9 18 3 33
Turbett 9 20 3 35
Old Port 9 25 3 40
Port Royal Ar. 9 30 3 45
Trains Noi. 1 and 2 connect st Port Royal
with Way Passenger and Soshore Expres3
on P. 11. Ii., arid Nob. 8 and 4 with ttU east
Port Roval
Old Port
Spruce Hiil
Seven Pines
Pleasant View
Fort Bigham
Honey Grove
East Waterford...
Ross Farm
Leonard's Grove..
0.0 19 30 5 20
1.3,10 355 25
2 8 10 40 5 30
3.710 42 5 32
4.4,10 445 34
5.0110 46:5 36
6 3110 50 5 40
7.2,10 54 5 44
9.0'll 03 5 50
lO.Ojll 055
12.011 116
14-0,11 186
lS.ljll 25;g
17.5jll 35 6
20.5:11 486
22.0!l2 55 6
02 6 52
25.5,12 09 6
Blair's Mills.
27.012 15j7
Trains Nos. 2 and 3 connect with Stage
Line at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doy lea
burg and Dry Run.
Tbe folio wine schedule WADt Intra
Nov. 16, 1896, and tlie trains will bo run as
p. m
4 80
4 86
4 39
8 41
4 45
4 48
4 61
4 64
4 56
4 69
a. m
9 11
9 14
9 15
9 19
9 22
9 24
9 2
Leave Arrive, a. nt
Dnncannon 7 64
King's Hill 7 49
Sulphur Springs 7 46
Corman Siding 7 4 4
p. m
2 28
2 23
2 20
8 18
Montebello Park 7 41
Weaver 7 40 2 1:1
Roddy 7 86 2 08
Hoffman - 7 83 2 65
Royer 7 81 2 03
-xabanoy 7 28 2 00
6 10 10 43
isioomtleld 7 23 1 41
6 16 9 49
5 21 9 64
6 24 9 67
5 27 10 05
6 82 10 l;7
6 84 10 17
6 37 10 30
6 02 10 86
-iressier 7 09 1 Jo
-nensoo 7 04 1 81
-unra'g 7 01 1 28
fclllotsburg 6 68 1 25
Bernheisl's 6 61 1 20
Groen Pwk 6 48 1 18
Montour June 6 83 1 15
uanuisourg 0 28 2 50
p. m a. ra Arrive Leave
m p m
rata leave BloomHe! j at 6.63
Tram Ivavea Landisburg at 6.08 p. m., and
i o ai DiiNnuma at o.i'J p. m
All stations marked ( are nag aUtions,
at whtct tratna wiU come to a full Stop on
8. H.
W . . .....
I.- S 1 . S. ,,.,. hd.,a
M 1
O.IAI C.JwAMa. SWHliriS, N. ,
Ota and after Monday, May 17,
1897, trains will run as follows:
Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at
80 a. m; Itarriatinrg 8 00 a. m; Dun can
non 8 85 a. tn; New Port a 05 . m; aiii
lerstown 9 15 a. ra; Durword 21 a. ro;
Thompsontowu 9 2rt a. m; Van ly ss
a. m: Tnscarora 9 36 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a.
m- Port Royal 9 44 a. m: Mifflin 9 06 a.
Oenhoim a oa a. ro; lwiu. iw
n I McVeytowa 10 88 a. m; Newton
Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Unioa II w
ro; Huntingdon II oif p. m; Tyrone 12 m
m; Altoona 1 W p. n; PittsburgS 60 p. m
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7.00 s. m.j
Hanishnrir at 10 65 a. m.; Mifflin 12.18 p.
Lewistown 12 87 p. m.; Huntingdon 1..
87 p. m.; Tvrone 2.20 p. m ; Altoona 2.66
m.; rittsburg 7 uu p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Hirria-
mrg at 6 00 p. re; D'mcannon S 84 p. m;
Newport 0 02 p. an; Afilterstown 6 II p.m;
Thoropsontown 1 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 SO
m; JWHXico 6 33 p. m; rort Koyai o
m; Mifflin 6 43 p. m; Denholai 6 49 p. m;
Lewistown 7 07 p. m; AfcVeytown 7 80 p
m: Newton Hamt'ton 7 60 p. m; Hnnting.
don 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona
0 35 p. rn-
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at
V 20 p. m; Harrisburt 3 10 a. m; Marys.
le 3 24 a. m; lluncannon 3 3sa.ni; n
pctt 8 69 a. mi Port Koyal 4 1 a. m; Mif
flin 4 37 a. m; Lewistown 4 68 a. m; Mc
Vetown6 20 a. m; Huntingdon (01 a,
Tvrone 6 55 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. n
Pittsburg 12 10 p. m.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4
35 p m; Harrisburg at 10 2i) p. m; Newport
1 0G p. ni; Mifflin 11 i p. m; Lewistown
12 55 a. m; Huntingdon 12 65 a. m.; Trone
132 am; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 80
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p.
m; Ilarrnsnnrg s 011 p. ro; puncsnon 4 ia
p. m; iNewpon ao p. 01; .wimin a vi p.m.
Lewistown a zi p. m; siouni union o wo p.
ro; Huntingdon 6 27 p. n; Tyrone 7 04 p
m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 11 30
p. m.
Huntingdon Accommodation leave AU
tcona at 10 i-0 p. m; Tyrone 11 17 p. m.
arrives at Huntingdon 11.56 p.m. and be.
comes Hrisburg Accommodation, leav
ing Huntingdon at 5 80 a. n; Newton Ham
ilton b 65 a. m; McVeytown 12 a. rot
Lewistown 0 32 a. m; Mifflin 6 61 a. mi
Port Royal 6 51) s. in; Mexico 6 59 a. in;
Thompsontown 7 12 a. m; Millorstown 7 21
m; Newport 7 su a. ro; unncannoa 67
a nr; Harrisburg a ou a. m.
Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 8 30 a m;
Altoona 7 15 am; Tyrone 7 48 a m; Hunt,
legdon 8 80 a m; McVcvtown 9 15 1 n;
LewiBtown 9 35 a m; Mifflin 9 66 a ta
Port Royal 9 69 a m; Thompsontown 10 14;
Millerstown 10 22 a m; Newpnrt 10 32 a m;
Duncannon 10 64 a m; Marysvillo 11 07 a
m; Harrisburg 11 25 a ni; Philadelphia 8 09
p m.
Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at
8 00 a. ro; Altoona 1 1 40 a. nt; Tyrone 12
03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 35 p. nt; Lewis
town 1 33 p. m; Mittliu 1 60 p. m; Harris
burg 3 10r..m: Baltimore C 00 p. m; Wash
ington 7 lo p. in; rni:aaeipnia o z-i p. m;
Now York 9 30 p. m .
Kin leaves -.ns S: 2-Jt p.3, Tyrona '
2 45 p. to, rtustingdon 3 28 p. m; Newton
Hamilton 3 6s p. n; Jic Veytown 4 zp. m;
Lewistown 4 6 p. si; Miltiin 6 10 p. m.
Port Koyal 5 16 p. m; .Mexico 6 20 p. do;
Thompsontown 5 33 p. m; MiHeiMwn S1J
p. a; K?wp.rt 5 51 p. m; Daannon 6 23
p. m; Hairuourg I tu p. ra.
B!ail Express letves Pitlsbitrg at 1 00 p.
ro; Altocr.a 6 05 p. in; Tyrone (3! p n;
Huntingdon 7 20 p. ru; McVeytown 8 01 p.
tp; Lewistown 8 26 p m; -Vlliin 8 47 pm;
Port R'.ya! 8 it'.', p. m; SatllcrBte-wa 9 16 p.
n; Newport i' 2G p. ta; Pitncannoa 9 60 p.
ro; Hi-rrishnrg 10 20 p. ra.
Philadelphia Express leaves Tittsburs at
4 80 p. m; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tyrone 9 89
p. m; Honliiigdoo 10 12 p. m; Mount Ua.
ion 10 32 p. n; Lewistown 11 10 p. m; Uif.
flin 11 37 p. m; Harrisburg 1 0vmi Phil
adelphia 4 80 NewYorh73,
Trains for SnuburT at 7 8;1 a. ni. and 8 IS
p. n., leave Suchury for Lv'town 10 06
a. m, snd 2 45 p. m ; for Milrov C So a. ra,
10.20 . w, and 8 10 p. m., week days.
tyrom: DIV1-ICN.
Traits lesve d-r De'iefotite and Lock
IlHTen at t- 10 a. m., 12 CO Bed 7 15 p. n.,
lesve LiKtk IJaven for Tyrone 8.65 y,
ni. end 4 15 p. m.
Trams lesve Tirana tor Clenrlirld and
Curwensville st 8 "JO a n:.. 3.15 and 7 2Pj
p m., leave Ccrwensrillu (or Traiioat 9.16
a. 111., 3 45 p in., nd 7 t-0 p. rn.
For, rate?, c aps, etc., call onTioket
Agent-, or ddref, lues E. Watt, P.
A. W. 1)., 3C0 Fifth Avenue, Pitts,
burp, Pa.
J. B. Hutchison,
Gen'l Manager
.I.E. Wcoi,
Oun'l Pass. Agt.
1 v ley Kni'road Company. Timo labia
ot passencer tra.n3, ia
May 18th. ISfti.
effoct oa Uonriay-,
ward. ir r
r M ' A M I A H
p a
4 oa
8 67
3 53
tt hn
BuBV.o Bridge..,
Jurists Furnace .
W lineU
Wat-r Flng
Blcouitield Junct'
Valley Koart
Green Park
Fort Kobesou ...
Center .........
Cisna's Ron
Andersocbnrg ...
Blain .. . ......
ali'iii.i 1' 1 . unt .
New G. : L. aat'n .
6 Oo 50 35: 8 80
6 0 111 SHi 8 27
6 -2 10 42i 8 23
6 lb '. 45 8 2i:
6 25 i 62
6 2i ii M
Ull 8 46
8 Hi 8 41
6 31 11 0a! 8 Or
8 38
8 82
3 1&
1 10
2 6a
2 49
2 45
2 40
1 38
2 21
2 29
0 39 11 CS! 8 00 j
6 6111 2l! 7 4;-'
6 61 11 24! 7 4lj;
7 n.i it ari
7 84
7 U ll 41
7 26
7 W
7 16
7 IP:
7 03'
6 60
7 15 11 45
7 21 11 61!
7 27 11 67
7 85 12 05
7 41 12 11:
7 45 12 15
D. GRING, President tnd Mar.agor
K.. 11u.lkb, Geuerai Afeat.
Kick Hcitu.-hisn.! n-tt-re all the Irot'et. ind
d.-nt u, a i.ili-.u rtu'o oT t. (vBtrl.i. nueh ra
Uin.fi.... I in.wiurvru.. ln,irv- a,tr
eautiit. I'.-m in tlie S..I... A.e While tli.ar mu(
renuu-kai.U. suces has been sho-vu iu curai
Hoadarh... vl Oartkr's l.m i 1.1
art, equally vxHnMe in Cnnsiipailon. eurioj
and ;n;vriiiuij; thin annoTinceorci.lalnt. whlia
thej- ilin eorf-ft all disufilers of tlis stomach,
sUmuLito tiia hirer aad rea-ulai UiB boweav
Ivon U they only cured
Ache tiler would be almrt pi In lass to boaa
who suiTer fn.tn tills distreaatnir eomplalotr
but fortunately their roorinns don nVt ad
IH-re, ami thn who one try theui wlH Sad
these little piiU valiiaUl in ao many ways tbat
aftaU'1 to d ""hou'
Ib the hane of ao many lives that her la whaBB)
w make otir rreat buaat. Our uiUs cm It
Whll other lio B.IS.
CiBTaw's Lim Ursa Pillb are very smal
?d T1 SSL10 u,i or fo rslli mate
ad.a. Tfr an strictly rrt.iItV andE
SETl Ti'"-. ."M"r r"" eOal
CAim KJTIS1 CO, Hr Tork
hi! EL Sailhi