Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 11, 1897, Image 3

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J. -
1 r
v .r-tortptton. tl.tvi ivw nnam tf mH
vt-ran-.e : 2.00 lf not unM to adTanee.
womnfr-aamii nuoneo at tn
Transient bnshxws notices In local eo
a. 10 cents Una for each Insertion.
Dclur.tior.i will be nude to these desiring
advertise by the year, half or (jairt-r
t-? Gi4fcprises are being put up.
The political kettle bsgins to boil.
-lfx-Slieriff Walls was in town on
Philo Binka took a trip to Bell
recently. i.lar Barcbfield is among rela
tes m Aitoona.
It is saiil, bald headed man do nor
get consumption.
is visiting at
Tier borne in Eaaton.
C D. llarkel, of East Salem, spent
part of Sunday in town.
George rarker, Esq . of Media, i
a ma native place on vacation.
A local woatber prop'iot predicts a
cxl autumn with early frosts.
M:a3 E bth White, of Harrisbarg.
is the uest of Mias ITury Kulp.
Forty-five drops ol water is aLout
istaoJ'ird teaspoon ful of water.
Tie streams in tlie Alaskan gold
! freeze over early ia October.
(Frank Warner caught, a pound
carp from the river the other day.
The- coal strike iu tho LiturueiiotH
coal fiM has not"yet boen settled.
mi t t- r - . .
auo xiKiian iuouna imrwst homo
..... j '.'ii-.M - '.j , xaiiai i. .
A. B. Wi1.-k.tj, of ILirrisburg, is
paying his friend Tom Patterson a
visit. '
"Robert NixoD, Jr., of Devon, Pa ,
visited relatives in this place last
Mra Win. Iletrick, of Harrisburg,
spent Tuesday with Joseph Kothrocl5
. table spjoofnl of copperas to a
t of water for chickons keeps oil'
- ;"Isaac Etka is again about to re
sume the digging for stone coal at
Van Wert.
yi--;j j'lrs. jzra 1 jrtr is on a snort
yjT 'vTeisrio her future home in Washing
ton, v. yj.
.jMrs. Dougla, of IJarrisburg, it
visiting her sister Mrs. Wm. Baale in
J Patterson.
The lovers of eel3 are laying their
j plan.? to pat up eel d.-tms in the river
and creeks.
Vlri. Eiizal)cih Grier, of Aitoona,
la a visitor at tho home of her eister
Mrs. J urray.
Mr. and Blrs. Jessie Howe, of Har
."ei.vke, where there is perpet
ice Hawaii, where therein per-
,-etual waiintb
jf&Ehe Methodist Sunday School en
joyed a picnic in Sshweier's woods
last Thursday.
J. J. Mrtl ;y, a student at Theology
nrcsclied in the Pattfrson church ot: 1
Sundav evrring
Jobn (xrnvluih -lr , wiio iiaq
bee r:
aaistiser bis fatb.r in Iiuicas!
or, is
home on
Iiev. A. N. Raven is taking a
Hon, ari.t will nor. prr-acn tin m
dayjSeptrm her .
Indiana county school teachers arc
.. mhl 2S dollars a month and luust
rd themselves.
. Tenrh dealers siv tho pracli crop
in tho Un'tel States is 25 per cent
less tbfwi a full r-ron.
Misses J'ili and Nellie Reynold:
of Harrisburg are visiting fi iends r.nd
relatives in the county.
Tho Autnmn is bore and tiino for
another run of big fish stories is ct
band before eel running time.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Ilawu, and two
children, cf narrisburcr, are visiting
the Marts family iu Patterson.
Tho railroads hauled 53.000 peo
ple into Atlantic City on Saturday
and Sunday, from Philadelphia.
Camp-meeting at Newton Hamil
ton, opened yesterelay, Tuesday, the
10th inst., to continue 10 days.
Tbe victim of circumstances often
turns out to be one who is to lazy to
take aelvantage of opportunities.
Mrs. Cnrless Duel, of Philadelphia,
is spending some weeks with bor
. parents Mr. nnd Mrs. John Etka.
t i ' Tbe Government mail service is
- preparing to send mail to the new
gold field in Alaska once a month.
Hugh M. Beaver, aged 21 years,
-von of Governor Beaver, died at Belle
j fonte on the 21th day of August.
f - A gossip never repeats a good rc
C pert. A good report of a neighbor
makes them sick with envy and jeal
ousy. Miss Jean Irwin, of Newport, was
a visitor at thq home of bor aunts,
Misses Sallie and Maud Irvin over
Charles Stover sol. I tho rr.terp.ris
ing bakery to Mr.Lobaugb, cf Centra
Hall, and ho and his family moved
to Evansburg.
Tbe letters uncalled for in the
Mifflintown post office on Satu relay,
August 9. were for Mies Elpic Snook
anet Mr. Henry Yecum.
Mies Geitrude Sieber who lia.
been visiting Air. and 3Irs. JoEopa
Rothrock, returned to her borne i.;
Gettysburg on Wednesday.
The gold fever for the cold chnir-.ti
of Alaska, Las arouseel a good t'e:.!
talk ebnnt tbe gold lelt iu Virgh.i..
and North and South Carolina.
The Juniata Valley Editorial Asso"
ciation will start on a week's tx?'jr
s:on to Southern Pines, North (hro.
lina. on the 4th dav of October.
The Methodist people Lad a pleas
aai day for their picnio in Sehweier'e
woods near town.
Don't make lemrtnade in tin vessels,
-t-iie acid of tbe lemon forms a poison
by contact with tbe tin.
A number of peopla from this place
attended the Pannebaker Island bar.
vest home on Saturday.
A dram of Bmokelesa gun-powder
is said to be a' good deal stronger
thaa the common powder.
II orses by the thousand roam in
the uncultivated portions of Oregon
cf no use to their owners.
There were 16 uiarri-ige lieor.0c-s
issued from the Tlollidaysburg court
Louse during the month of July.
A rich woman in Paris has four
teen roi'Jion bottles cf champagne in
her wine vaults in tbs giddiest city
in the world.
-Vr. and Mrs. Jermr.n Parker, Mrs
Charles McCoy, as 1 Mary McCoy, of
Lowihtown, spi-nt MoudaV afternoon
with friends iu to-n.
Thn Lowis'.owa and L. E. A ;f
Mifllintowij, played a g:i-no of ba!? at
this place la.st Thursday. Score, 7 to
4 in favor of the L. E. As-
Tho up.to dato fur;ai is pushing
his plowing so n.?: to );avr. thfi g-onud
settled as mu;;U us possible f.jr iscm-1
iog turn-, which ia not far away.
Pett-r Stewart who had a i:;g
broken on the pavement on Main
Str'c not kiE.'T since is rJ-wut agsin
looking afrtr his i'.:uib;riag intcrtsU..
Vt.i ( ish&r 1 ciorkoii in tho Pan
nebakor I s rd .n. t- store last week in
tho pliieo of B-jyii Pia-kur, who was
campirig out with other joung tuen
for a tiruo.
Tho Jci; ta Vtiiiry Editorial A-.SD-ciation
will tuke a trip to S sulhtrn
Pines Xorth Carolina, iu Oct-ber. It
will be a nice trip to tak, and will
consntvo c wet-k.
V.'iili im C Grciziuger, Ph. li. Keg
isf.rar cf Bucknc !i Univ. rsitr, was ia
the Vallev r.f tho Janiiita last Thurs
d.iy, and ppnt several hours in this
town JK-twer.r tiu:ri2.
Mr. Theodore Ileistand and wife ci
Lancaster, Pa., stopped oil' between
trains last Thursday, to see Mr. Jos
eph I less and wi;"o. Mrs. Htietand
i3 a sister of 3Ir. Hoe.
The Klondyke gold region is f ivor
ed with four montLH cf sucim-jr,
May. June, .Tr.ly. Jugust. In ihoec
four months the frost is not all
thawed, out of the ground.
Mrs. Mary Bo linger, of .Ui'Irs"
town, lVriy ou;.t, (. :d .taid
daugl;t;r r.-ii : L--.f.ra liic-e-, of Hum
melstowr, Dauphin county, arc visit
ing friends in this place.
Ed vard Warner, ageel about 57
yctrs, c'ied st h's Iicia-.j in this piaca j
allO a. iu., on Tuesday, of a long
and painfirl internal illness that b.af
3cd the disgnoaia of doct a.
Not half the pooj.lo bs-loi-g to tl-.c
church. TLe lack of social, spiritual
and religious harmony and fellow
ship among church m.-unbers ia defc
rinientrJ to church advaccemfnt.
llrsj'Crranviile Patterson, "Brsd Mip
Rye rt-tot, of Wu.5hir.gk':,. i. C.
wh hafvo & vliilcj; for sincjUi
in this srt-&rsifiterPTCr&.cct
with their nice, Mrs. V S.hwejr
Wallace Fiaig, of Lir.k Kavea,
aged 18 years, wc insUr.tiy kiili.d on
S:itarii.y fnr.r;oon l.y tr.avwseel ci a
loaded wagon iast,int; ewer his iu-a 1.
His f;(hei and iroi; .".r stiw l;iui
.3 75 .
rtvi-i:- .-
i(l Tl'lTM-
-.!.-ir-, iv. ) be a liui-anco. Wiro
serfs;-? 1 are -'.aceel atonnd i:o'o.i
rr.'-h 3:: tv saK iho Me-lona fnu 1 tlio
raid." cf rr.bl.v-is.
D'f f--,5-oi a wive- clothes iii.e to
ventr h-.n-3-.. It msy Irisg von fit
ihock in t!.- f .nn of n h.Vi
'it;--, and srsc-u a visitor :io
a-t lituuai. ''Xji'-ri-nce is
j icasn. t or profitcbi:.
e-f il.r'.'
neithv ;
Ne-r.i- Jt.hi:Fordur', Clirto'i coun'y
Fri. 'r.v, Mrs S;ra-i3l Jobnon in
hnv-P.'f.' r rov-lvc" ".cc .!e nt'ill v !:?-:I.ur::-5'ic.
The hn1' pas.':d tbror.h
th ti-:'.d' bead, v l o fet.-.ri.lin.c;
ut ti:t knee, ks'Ih.g ir. instauiiy.
The Mooreher.d phesphat': ut:i-.i
p.n 1 pV-osph-iic mill is turnhig nal
ferf iiizer ii-.nk-rial !.y tho iaa?itity.
You l-iili' I'UV ti.'.. i lk'-V 'h..t'i; J ..c l
you c-tn buy iho p;of pbatc cheuj-ca'-ly
treatrid e;.u:';r of which is good.
Kuhs-ribp for the- StsfTrxi'i. axd
liCiMin;cA-. a TMip-T that csnd tinj
choi.v :"(ol:? -r i!.cr, f.t!! of miori-!
tion thiii due :-: li"? render g K-.i, h-i 1
iii ad;:i'i-n to t'r.f a'i Icrrl n;w!li!1
pre. wr-i putdsthiiig 2nd piicuo ir.
it,- i-olu:uts. tf.
A refreshing raiu set iu about S
o'clock on Tuesday morning. It was
grt-s'.tly necileiei ir. this part of the
country. All vegetation had a drearv
apnctrt-i'co except, the woods T;,o
tair. bas put a bf-.tier face en vt f-tca
Mi-si. Gticr. wife of A. J. Grier, ele
ceascel, of Altoonr, is visiting frittr.rls
in ihiiS roi-.n. A gencratie.n ago e:te
and lior hushind lived in tiiIii-to '. a.
Mr. Grier was a newspaper man aud
bin camo wrs a hous -Uou'd w. rd in
Juniatii county.
A portion of Hnctingelon county
w3 visited by ft vieMent storm on
Monday e.tning, doing daToge to
b-jildiugs, fences and orchards. At
Mount Union tho school bouse r.ud
ot.Lior buildings were demoli3Lod
Fu'l reports a-e cot yet in.
Since the- passage of tbe new scalp
lav. buctrrs are on ti e war pater t
scr.ip the c-cnc'nji fri l-.y fox that
dnri"f; the P?.t wo ynrs bad its
own w';v. Tve fT wii? won dr wht
has suddenly broken loos9 t;?t ev?ry
tirti-r-in the for?;, "f a n.-a b try
to O'feh :t-
TiK'.e wis f time when the Per
svlvaira P.nihT'id Cc-pr.uy' stop;
its trains at ery fen--e corner wheje
oot, "-c(,rMfiir , nrri famil;
owed theiasolves fo. j VVj., ?: Mft,Qr n.u;
stor onlv at Ior; jr.N.r- 1
pi?sentcrs sh
trin. It :s
trains elo r.ot stor only
vals, at stations W and 100 rai-n
iiprt. Oibevs sti-p nro frron' t'y,
ai.d orbfss at every regularly a--pointed
atatk-n. whore p.iP?t-i,?erF
'ire to g e-cr ,rc., b-it tb dr.r 1
the fe-t'c: corner passenger on iu
lVnnsv is numbered with the p&st.
Noah Baby, an in mate of tbe Pis-
catawney, New Brunswick, N. J.,
poor house, is 125 years old. Re
cently be received his second sight,
which gave him such a nervous
shock, that he fell sick and was in
bed several days.
If Isaac Etka succeesd in unearth
ing stone coal at Van Wert ho will
be the means of making Juniata a
stoue coal mining county, for if ooal
is found at Van Wert it may be
fouml in a nnmber of other places in
this county.
Tax-collectors had better look at
the rw law on tho point of giving
tas re-ce-pts for occupation anel poll
tax They are not allowed to give a
receipt for such tax, cscept to the
person tixod or on an order from the
person taxed tbi' -. and .so i3 by
the order authorized to pay tLc tax.
The mine prep men operating iu
Sha le m:untair?, with bead quarters
in this town, tjuletly folded their
tents, and between the going down
of the Sun on JUonky ovening, and
tbe rising cf tho Sun on Tuesday
mori-ir;' h -f- fir other scenes of la
bor. Andreee and his baloon has not
yet been bo.-ud from. They started
on Sunday, July 11th. Not even the
carrkr pigeons tht accompanied
thorn havabeen heard from. Several
pigsous were reported as having rc
turned but the reports were not cor
rect. The pigeons found camo from
another source
Solinsgrove Tribune, August G.
Vv'hilo sc-ina men wero fishing at Mun
ey daw on Thursdiy of hist week,
they found -a lard can, which when
opened vid found to cor.taiu the
bouv vi a nicely dressed baby. A
poat-!ucrt, m osamiratiau revealed
tbe fact that the child had bseu about
thr.va el.iys old.
The wexid ceiling m tbe main room
in tbe Court Houre, appears better
thin mns; people anticipated. How
tlie change t".f.y fof t the sounding
L,u..iiiks of t: rooui can not bo
kuoAii unt il fater the room has been
pr- intied for business- The chang
0111 harlytuake the sounding qualities
woisj than they were
There is a3 much and more in
farming now than there was in the
da3 waen grass was cut with the
scythe, and grain was cut with the
cradle, ana threshed with the nail.
There is a great deal less hard work
on tho f-.inn now and a great deal
iu?re du-cuntent, because tho eslra
veg.inee of the times have multiplied
the wants of tbe people
Br koi.i. Usr.EJ.siTV, Jcbo IIovv
ard Harris, President; College, with
four courses of sLudy leading to ";e
srci&i Acael.'i!.- a j rcparatory school;
Ladiea' Institute, a refiuad boarding
Echoel; Mii3ie School, for both sexei;
and Art Si.udiu. F..r catalogu.-, ad
dress tho Registrar. Wm. O. Grttz
iuger, L'cwisixtrg, Pa. tf.
The sensation cf last week s coiut
iu Perry c-maty. was found ia a peti
tion for divorce, in which the peti
tioner among other things set forth
that hia wife tried to poison him by
administering paris green in his
coffee. Tiie discovery of the jndson
btforr.-djinkiug tlV coffee frtiratod
t'.e purncro t-f the poison. V-
Se-.hcol Diree-.tors Joseph Ck-aif-ns,
- r4 - ;l;?jQI,roy, -Wartia Delaney,
Michr.oi Wi.o'if bTSi
Tb.T-ai I Dr.vlin, of BlytL'c torn-
fii;,.. ;-..-.iTivife;ii eouaty, wvi iu-
ui'li r;cV.tly of ir.lsdeui-jiaaor in of
iic, an-l cl! s-r'Sf.nr-rd by Judge
Be.-.?' j; I to s:t tii'vftH j!iuriers3cai
aci i ..al, fs.v.pt Dcv'.if, who-c sen-
... , ..i .
ilS l-:l"
rd cc
'no imr.dred ami htt.v itar -ipo
(5 ,r.r., P,-.i::vr, s'-t'ed i.i Codoru?
r-wtiship, York county, Pa. last
Sarmh-v, A't:(nf,L 7, 17, three
tuousHiid ci bis descendenta and
t.lo?i; ti bited by juarrioge bold a T
eI o:r.- ii
i'il-.rd th" ninwc for tlie
o:.i.f. I-Vmily papers were
ieiT.vn i".o
l-.';:'.1, ail-1 tuidiesse wr.ra e.,-!lv.-lto
by nK'inlK'r; of the family.
At the Music? College, Fi-eburg,
::,Vilor county. Pa . none b'-.t tfi
b,t Lr---!..-V:ire us-.'e'. o t'ir.t f day
it r-.c .;-:'.. 1 w f'r.r. of tbe fort
inoct itch' ol f'r TnU'iIf; in tbe s-ouutry.
.:'.:! u-T'i nv fo a t"n of i" weeks.
bi-r'rTJrti av.d -:.r 1. Fall term will!
beT;n " v.,;'. .'VI.
For c.ntaloj,Tf sl'resf,
iir.Mil- K MoYLK,
if Director,
O'j Si-ure'iav the rcmaiua f Ry-j
lo.v.id Joes sou e.1 una Jor.es, v,crt
trdee-? i-nvi tin lieirie of his granrl
:.:viL-itr Mrs Hr-rshbc: ger, wife of D..
L'-er.L-i lb -el berg'.r, deceased, of Miv
s'.i'Un'H" to ?.b;t-luft fr.vn-ice, fVin
ir,. (oui.i", for ititctrmcnt The bid
with Li- p-ir---;:':: had boeii on a visit
to his graud-mothcr. Ho. died of
Lvs'. Thursday S.tmnel I-cr. aged
alxut lit years, was placed in the
bar.'lw of Ike co-iciy authority for
!oi"!;'ii:c-iif .jr. jail. Hois a lltbre-v.-at;dHav3
lie is from Naw York. Il:s
ofl'-'i s-'j t'.ir.i of riding or. a freight
train off which he fell near Durword
station. Itt V1-.S considtrably hurt
rd.ont tbe- body, and his right' arm
was lovercly bruised.
A Cumhr-rh'.L-d. county man figured
that ho had walked three huudic.J
miles in cultivating his corn. Ho vr.a
amvzed at t he amount of musclar ex
ettiou rttpuired to w-uk a fiald of
corn ef the size of his corn-field. He
wr.s disgusted and declared that be
vfla doing too much leg work. He
sold hi? lann csjt si-nrc
raovea to
!CVrli:-ie, and sinre then be has watk-
t-;ve uw., u-.
A number cf pt-ople from tbs plrce
are taking a vacation at Watcrfor-.t
?: rejuvsitating tlieraselvf-s in tho
-01-.ro '.rating air of that locality.
1.n-.: tlvie. there are ediU-r Bon-
; '.1 r 1 ' l' .milv, Mr. Ci ick aLdtamily,
U-::.'!: !0!K-!i, - ;:;S Ja'-e l'i'lj.
1 if
-.r Vic rtl Divis. Dr. !wd
e ri'V lor.i
and fiirai'y, Marttn
family, Ausou h.
.1 tamuy, Carl
The X Pwiyb have been brought in
to esc to e::?iuii:e custom bouse bag-g-'.:.'f.
Ia ti:-? use cf tbe rus au ex
?'.:it-i-.?"iii. is ftoi!ita:ed. 1: is no
l-.i-. rer twcosfctirv to ypu truuh.-, va-!;.-.
nnd parens. The rays arc turn
;' oil a..d tflo of-tests are- s.-en If
smuggled goods are seen, the owner
falls under the penalty of the law.
The X Rays are used - to examine
travellers' clothes- The oconpation
of the smuggler on ocean steamers
will thus be broken up.
Buy your hunting dog and have
them acquainted before the hunting
season opens. I have the following
to offer, guaranteed thoroughly brok
en on thetr game and reliable. Fox
hounds, rabbit hounds, beagles, set
ters and pointers; also some fine
Newfoundlands, spaniels, collies, fox
and bull terriers; fancy pemltry and
pigeons; Belgium and German hares;
prices low. J. Howaeu Taylor,
Ang.27,ly. ' West Chester, Pa.
The Spanish prime minister of
State Castillo, was assassinated by
an Anarchist on Sunday when Cas
till3 was coming out of a bath bouse
at a wr.tering place where he had
gone to recruit his health. Three
pistol shots accomplished the desdly
work, two in the bead and one in the
body. Of course the fool that com
mitted the murder will be choaked
to.d-;ath. By screwing an iron collar
around the neck is tho method of ex
ecution in Spain.
The Bloomfit-ld Tiivw.R sum- Sipvarol
farmers ia Savillo have had thou-
norses water lonnclered, and J.homp
son Shnll llfia ft cow ti:f, tiiia Iimm- rn
the back track for some tima with
water founder. The mean
est mn VOn C.in finI lir19 in ml vrl
. - ' - - ' .J lvi. iru
ley; a short time ago he returned
iiuui mo ntiu at noon, ana seeing
chicke-ns scratching out h:s potatoes,
ho said, " I'll fix 'era," so that night he
and his tpousa rallied forth with
lantern and sharp knife to the chick
en house where his fowls were taking
their epjie-.t slumber and cut off all
their too nails cloao up to the toe,
causing them to bleed profusely.
Perry County Pre-eman, August 4:
-About 9 ei.clock Thursday1" ni'crhf.
Frank Mr.rphy, who farms tho Bailey
hoincritepd in Miller township, was
bitten on the imiev fino-nr rf hia rirrlit
hand by a Vbnoninous snake, while
in tne act of picking tip some corn
iu tho COrncrib. TilH ninrl.t wna ,inr1r
and he bad no light, and therefore
did not see tho snaks. Living five
miles from a doctor, a solid dose of
"nome rcmedv. was ouicklv admin
istered in tbe shape of almost a pint
of whiskey, and then Thomas Holmes
drove Frank to loan, n-boi-n hia n?itr.
sie-.ian finished him up with orthodox
Now comes the report, that there
is a region m Inssy mountain, in
Bedford cuuntr. r.ht. ia r.a r-oli i
gold, almo.it, as the far away Klon
dyke arctic fdd region. So may it
bo. Tbe T'lS- V raount-i-n rm roiV
is said to be worth COO dollars a ton
From this dlstanrn MiHlntmcn
Tuay mountain looks like a moun
tain 01 waeiaa conglomerate and 31e
dina sauel stone in which gold is not
found. The quartz oebbles in the
Oneida mnv contain n. snerk of o-nld
hers f id there but it hm never bec-i
found in pr.yirg fpantity. If the Q-
nei ia m lusrfj-mountaia contains goiii
m paying quantities. Juniata county
mav be rich ia erold. If thnro i fold
in Tnasy snojSTrie' rtakia. " ir. a
cifilt or J5-7h thvr Jmtar.ln fiat
has Voeiwl by Vnt vptca;.llblrfion
with golA r:.ni-Tja'?5Sr'tz iroci tie
far down gold region. ' ' -
virrusrnwH maks'kxs.
XirrnsTown, Anp. 11, 18:7.
lti-iiN fJ-VS i.iViS
'I v :
. 78 to
!l 12
1 li
Co.- fi ....
hr.:i 'l..r
T:n:i)?hy (.,;!.
Fit 6i:'f1 ......
Ori.n-.vl !u :
Aiiier:an Ha't.
$1.-11 Laii'liti
75e to HOe
Piii:.Ai)Ki.tuA XIakkets, August 10.
18i)7. Wheat 8t. to S7o: corn ?oe;
bed ..atthi i to 5c; bulls and fat
caws 2 to 3Ac; bogs 3 lo -lie: sheep
2.50 to ?3: veal c.rlYes .o.73 ao $C
23c, live chickens, hens Oc; roosters
batier 10 to 21c; eggs 12 U. 13c;
sugyrs 3 to 5c: potatoes 23 to SOc;
a basket; 6wI-ct potaiees $2 50 Lo $3.
'2."o: soo.iirn jent;iie3 culls 40 to 50c
go .-si reaches $1.50 to t 21 a h,nfket;
fr:!; is 7,"-: to ?1.23 n e:sc; pir.6 a;i
pl: to $15 per hundreei: t.'anto-lo;.-ea
o to 40o for half bushel; pears
1 t 3 a barrel: Pennsylvania to
bace 10 to 14c for fillers" and the
P'-.mo prie for broad lesf; Flavana
running lota 12 to 15c; Sumatra 2oc
tc ?l 7" a nouael.
Bi.KRiER VAroifnr. On tho 1st
ic:t.,-,it. Scyocb. Perry, Co., bv B-v.
JeHi:'!i Eby, H. B- Berrien and Tiliie
B. Vanghen.
XiriERMAN Caluoux On tho ev
rdng of the fith hist., ct the home of
the bride's parents in this town, by
Iiev. U. S. Gilbert, Banks A. Zim
merman ar.el Catherine Calhoun.
".Vi5f7rf. (ia" the "a'tliii of July
U:97. near V.-,n Dke. Mis. Elitobeth
Ze;c!' r, aod 10 years. 5mos and 12
Comikox. On the 26tl of July,
1807, near Van Wert, George, son of
Wihr.m. and Jirs. Cohlron.
Si-knskk. -On the 29th n!t, i.t her
home in ThompporJown, Mrs. Sraii
Spr-nser, pged 42 yr rrs. Mrs. Spen
ser died of consumption.
TMS ONLY True Blood Tut-iSer
prt-rninontly in tlie public eye to
dnv is I food's Saraparil!a. Th. i efora
ifetllJodV and ONLY HOOD'S.
The Uett after Itinucr Pill.
Hood's Fills aid elige-fation, pre
vent t.hi.t, feeling cf fullness or dib
tres a;.d gently, yet effectively, as
sus-t- in the assimlation and eligestion
of food. They do not gripe or pain,
and tuny elo net weaken the body.
On the cotdr.'uy, they have a strsngth-
1 rj: snd stimulating ffft-ct. They
rouse ti. liver, prevent sickness jo:d
cir.- s'cL; headache. Hood's liis are
piic !? vegetable, perfectly i ainness
and may be used safely by delicate
v .:ei. aud child ctii
jm -
Commencing Thursday, August
5th and continue untiS Saturday
evcoiiig August 28th.
Coeds bought during thjs lUrgain days ure better invest
nieiits, than Government bonds.
Your wants, be they small ux great can be .-utisfied for littl
At 64c worth 00c, 10 yards of bill ynrd wide bleached muslin;
At 49c worth C5c 10 yar-ts of yard wide hb ached niujin;
At 5 -o(woit.h 80o, 10 yards of bettor hlonr-heel muslin
At 35c worth 'Oc, 10 yards of :nblcLed muslin;
At 4Gc wertL COc. 10 yard of bettor nnb.'eached muf-liu;
At 50c worth 70c, 10 yard of fine ur.MeaaheJ muplin.
At 57c worth 75c, 10 yards of fcot yard wid- Appleton A
At 30c worth 50c; 2 yards ot turkfty red tabb cloth;
At 45c worth 70c; li yards of nnpor,d turkey red table cloth;
At 55c worth UOc, 2 yards ot extra quality fancy table cloth;
At 48c worth 75c. 2 yards of fine bleached union table cloth;
At 10c worth 15c, 3 yards of good cotton crest;
At 25c worth 35c, 4 yards of liuntni crost towelmg-
b.ii; . uu'b'.r Aj.tr, i.o;: va!p t 5, 1.1 tvA l.' i t; "
lezie lucrsliu t ' lo, '.iii ami 45 i-ent.
?..' en-; good Se-a'oi'?f!i Mtm-hiugH, ft pair fors2.5 p.-.-it.-.
L.ii.'.-i goMtl b!:ic nfoo&iin'.". 5 f.? 'J t .orts
Children tdaok aceckir-gs, ft pair j'er 25 r; uti
5 jitiIs nf Ueit banoasitcr giogl tas for 21 cents
o yirJs of otber gooJ gnuhixni f- lSound 20 oti.ft.
Kuts frciu k ca:pet factory ut 25 j r. pii.ee n" ill '.' nuts .
A eiresa pattern tf S yards ill wcol llciirictta for $-2 00 worth $3.00
Dre.-s goods bsreains, all over tbe str.ro, and sullies will ho very lively,
among the silk, lunsiin, undrwear,
lace curtains.
Plenty of lle-uiiiautd, e-ddn and etds must 0 ar ar.y pries.
Famsols and Suashades for 50, 75o, Jl.Co fud 1 ib.
Same corsets wili closed nut a, 25 cents
3 cakes of pood s-.'Bp tor 5 cents.
12 row of good Aiuencaa jtins for 5 cen8.
10 yards of good CaSinor-a for 4So.
CloiraB ! of Sumtstfr tr(ss -"n.- ..t ; u;;d l-.ti j-riee-.
21 i&cb turkey red bacukprchitf-. 7 for 2i ec-ots.
2 inch best red handkerohief'.". 5 for 25 ecu's:
No proniiuia tickets with calii'oe?, tuusliu utd gtuLfttti-i.
Oil Oil o
103 to 109 Bridge Street, MiSiintown, Jfa.
1805, ID S T A ti
H&jveiat Jiiititaihii
To Httud the Attractive Sa!o ot
It will lie
Who Xt.'tve money to iuvest U oxiunine the Si.--
It w truly i;;i;r-elou3 to
Hia prices leave all Con..eiui'- in the lotr, ho don't iiil
to Rive hint a call if in need of Ciothut.
" vwrn tlie rodders cf tL!s jovriinl the: we elo r.ot a-atlKrize tiie
cse of cur name iu adveriuemeut-. of so-calleJ. travel "u optical
pp-Ki-alls. Our advice to alt persons who have def.-ctM eyesiglit:
Av,M travcUvg .spe-cu i-.ts o.' p-iU.ir: of Wpt-cfn-Ji.
QUEEN & CO., Tie Optician:-, !Oi'i Chestnut St., Phadelpbi.
V:inn'.tur,T :inl IitiLi'terii of At.enmlr
Our SSy e SipUt Munttor ht-nl on
W If A V
A wnii.lc.fiil It: i :.-. -'i
(-iiisi.i- hit l! l.-'l r '. - '
u.e: .-.vir. ,..-; i .
I i.l-il l'iiiliTN, V.-llv f ' J. -
Infills $Mlml ES!M
.- ?.hi-.. vi 1 1 5 but .u.?.' , s sr!-.'-."i -Vi.".1-----V--i
E-Xr?' J" h: '.,'J'1!J"ilL ir.'.:.,l riTnt (vhfo". Thnv r-r. taonscnisof -.'.!,:
shirt w.tist.!, lacs, ritdi.os carpets and
L I 8 12 E D. 1 81)7.
- l6tfeing - th&t poea on dai-y
5 1m
- 34 V
k of Good? for
E Y.
ki Brciirui Ttr-'i'
ruco.pt ultve 2-ct.u yjs.uii.i ot . . us.
I rs t.nt":
1 i.)bfraxri.
tirul 'vooW te -
' .-.-,1, .1 !.;.- i iilr.i. t
U.i'At'S tl. 1 v !'.. w: - l.'l'-'- W
j-ii i i -r. f-. ,;:ii- i'E U"'.!i?ia ho.!'.'
W'llri v"i T-O'v it C -tr'-i OV.V, :i.
;r..i. i : : :-."..u-.
7,:. !:: .,. : . i '". : . .' ' 3 i t--smu.
.ir j' ii -Uu lA-.ieup, ytviB''
: r tor ih.? ; !Li- i.:.!- .-. i yiwdz. t-.-i'l j
W.ib-'iaa. ..i ;.! V i ' - .i.03 rLCfil.t .f
ii. C olTl.iiil CO., Teicc. r.
?-s ;?- r s
1 i Sl 'I ..it. V.'tJilt.D.
i.-;e-.'iFhe..t. -(..:! iiii..i.."iliau
. E--.0- -- i.-'c-f.-.-f rvU.IT. I
4" : .
No Special
for Shelf Worn
ill Summer
at Cost.
WARE is a 3 Tar aSiead of other
Enameled ware as china is ahead
of clay.
prices have given a fresh impetus
to the sale of this uncqiialed ware
aud placed it withia reach of the
smallest purse.
ill i
E!evei; afid-ra:e. half inch wli hnsin, 20c; reduced from 30c.
Twelve iiti-1 (re"-lrrl; nidi-- 'i- . -rc, reduced horn 40c.
Two (u:aii Coffee bc-iler, Hie j educed frcn: fiOe:. "" - - -Fourteen
rjvttrt riish jir.r COc; reduced from 90c.
One Pint Drinking et'jf 10c; reduced from 15c. .
A at: VOL A K0UK0WER ?
:.ka. AT
- MIFF!, I 'MD'.VN, PA.
Mcaey Loaned at Lowest Bates,
':'-. vi ,.,iK'-.v.-.iai..,.-.
f-G EASS"'
-itSivi.-.--." v-v
Annn!n lln nk'f.f !, t.tk! rtT!,i-n iru-y
Qun.k; u.vrtin. fixe, v.-in-iuei- uu iiiif.ti.Mi ia
i,u:ijei.t'a!. t!-..-t r.jr j.Ari. f.,rp-. nm.a ; i -.ij I
in AiiKir.ja. v -. I. ;i-o a v, vui .1 ,m I
nt.i T.-ik..:i brou;-u Mut.l. 4 Co. rtn. Hto !
PC3.-1 i...ti
"alful:T iiluvfrit ., lureft cir':ul..t.
i?OOH OS I'A-.
tii-c. AdJi-csa
f."Jj 4 CO.,
iUl Drondwnv, New York.
Cc-r.ntJr'irJtior! Surely Cure.
To Tb EimB: PImto Inform your t..-l1
li-.t I '.v. a ;8itKe roir.euy for tlie abovo-r.n.n.-:-.
.I.-.. iM f:mey u tbonaands of ho-i-5-
. : i'-:i';n-.r:iy enrod. iFkilll.-..
- i- : . h ,! :iU? ; v riijo-ay Fr.r. V- . .
. i " t- " 'vl l. o. '!!r-r.. ::. -i
:. .- C lit ttviisi. .
& P t'i i M rt -li ! VV. C. Putneroy,
Clothing Selling
Founded In l3tl. Large Faculty
Two lu'l e'ourtes of study Classical an4
ScH.ntitic, P pecinl course's in all depart.
m"t8. Obnervalory, Laboratories and
r.w Uyn.pahiuni. Siam heat. Libraries,
22,000 volnmes. Expenses low. Depart.
! uivnt l Hygiene and Physical Culture ia
I ct.argir ol an exiwrii-nced physician. Ac
- ( ex.sililtv by Irquent railroad trains. Loca
i tior on th KATTI.KF1K.LI Gettysburg,
'in. st s.;iti and httaltbv. FREPAH
i AHiitt ntPAUTJICSiT. in cpr-
atu Lui;i;nj?f, for boys and young men pre.
paring (or busini ss or College, under spec
; ::l euro oi the principal and three assist
cr.tv rtpidioi; with students in the building.
Kull turin openH September 6th, 1895. For
Catalogues, eddrfg!'
or UEV. O. G. KLIMGEK, A. M.,
Oetttydhnrf, Pa.
Stockholders Individnally Liable-
Joseph Rothrock,
Josiah L. Barton
Louis E. Atkinson.
Gcorjre A- Kepner, Annie M. Shelley
j!sli" KorcrocK, V. . Mai. beck,
1 . K. itiBO?i, R. E. Parker,
o'auroj , j . iioinios Irwin
r....r. T'rrt7'.i'r. Jerome' N. ThamuM
T. V. Irwin.
Jvi.'i !V?. 131a. r,
r. M. V. fci.ne-.i,
?hC!tie!S. Rothnk,
V. J. St'.TTOtt,
Jnn."S G. Heading,
S. VT. H.-np--.
Samuel Schlcgel.
Jcsiab L Barton,
Robert O. PatteraOD,
Levi Light,
Wm. Hvartz.
II. J. Shellenlverger
M. K. Schlrgol.
.-o end Four per cent, interest will ba
j;J ,-;C cei 'il cated ol di'ioit.
fjan 23, 1897 M
thin? to patent? Protect yonrldeas jthey ma
' hrir.g rnn wealth. Write JOHN WbDDSB.
1 I:U.SN'& ".. PutL-nt Attorneys, Waahlnstocv
U. C. for their f l.tsoO pmo oiler.
' J
rA i '