Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 11, 1897, Image 2

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    .; ... .
TIN EL cV. upi)tDi if;
1 nt; UDillAi I
u. r. S C II W EIEE,
DirB abd raorzuToa.
1 he present Congics has 16 con
tested cases on file.
Tif e gold men have the upper hand
of tha silver men in Uexico, and aro
bUj 'ing them by the gold standard.
CiiAiitMAN Given of the gold Demo
crat'" State Committee, Bays the gold
siiUiard Democrats will Dot follow
tht. Garman silver Democrats, carry
iiy the Bryan Chicngo banner.
-Ir'nalf tie r. peris of tbo richness
.;' v.-.vly found jjnM field, in Alaska
a' ! JVitish America are true gold will
aft-u and that may induce the butid
I, ; 1. rs to demand something fjenrcer
V- jn ;,'"ld ks piy. How will diamonds
i,. ilt iLeni.
Tur. ponsion roll at the beginning
,,: fl:e vear numbered PS3.52S, that
ru. it close to a million. If they
ii:id tLe Pennsylvania mi litia that
,A i vol a short or long term on the
--.'U tlu million mark would be
r..-iched, bat flora this on the roll will
be decreased rapidly by the grim
r ibtles aoldic-r dentfy During the
p.v;t year 31,)0 pensioners died.
Gai.va.v, the silver meu'b chairmen
n,l Giver, the gold men's chairman
of the democratic state committee,
e.ich c:rry a chip on their hat for
the other to keeck i ff. If they can
dodge a li;?ht they'd do it, but as
C! u man s:iys, he'll not go to Given,
mid Given isaj s, he'll not go to Gar
i:.rn, what are they going to do
about it. Given helped to defeat
the- (iarman party last year.
Last fall the gold democrats
vculd not support Bryan, and this
vear their s!ute chairman drc'ares
that they wil! not support a stote
ticket on a silver platform, The sil
- r democrats aro studying whether
: aev shail drop tbo silver questioii or
drop the gold members. In addition
to the coin tjuesiion is the question
of endorsing Editor Swallow for
State Treasurer. A number of them
war.t Swallow placed on their ticket
fr state treasurer.
By 9 scries ol n lay sta'i.ms 2 or 10
miles apart, tbo North Pole can be
reached easily. By provisioning and
making eomf'ii'r.bla each station as
buil. there w.jul I be liltlo danger,
to the men engaged in such an ex
pedition. How nany men and how
muob money would bo required to
make su;h an expj.liiion, smjos is
another question, but that is the way
to get to the North Pole.
.foA'.'i .'n .Vn.i.r.B, is bound for the
Alaskin gold field, to write for cer
tain newspapers. He's the man to
up the r..iu!) w with a pi
t Cl
"old at th
1, under 10 to 40
of ice and snow ;'t
Glorious rainbo w
l October to May,
glorious pot c t
gold. Tho hap;,icrt gjld rainbow
chaser ever known in tLu town was
a man namod Bowers, who, when he
got drunk wont to his cellar and dng
for gold. Oa which occasion ha filled
all the crocks and caas and tab:
within reach with clay dug from the
cellar. Ho immaginod the clay was
gold- G .till, gold, glorious rainbow
Davii Eu.swop.Tn Bates of Chicago,
was caught last week when he mar
ried his eighth wife. The wives are
all living and none of them have been
divorced. Tbo fieility with which
people may lead double lives in cities
ia revealed iu his c::so Lv the fact
that he was mari io l in a church from
which tho sound of hh wedding
march was heard in (he homo of ooo
of his wsvr.'i, end an. ,:, noj j,-v
tlwt it was the sound cf music to
which her rako of a l:u.;bt;v .1 v7.im
marchiog to the a!t-.:r to bs married
to another woman. If the law would
permit, it would be a good thing to
hao.l him over to tho eight, women,
who lie has so RystemUi-ally and
criully deceived. Thry would give
him a preparatory roasting for the
r 'asting days to com-j.
Governor Hastings Bedstead
In Governor Ilasting's recent jonr
y up the valley of the Juniata ho
sr- nt
mgi.t :.t Vjwporf. P. rrv
county, it was nut Ins first night iu
Perry county, as io evidenced by
what the. New Port News Says, .is
folios: The Governor recalled his
rec. i.t lishiug cxpi-rience in tho up
per i ii I Perry county, witha -reat
dm! of Picasu;-e. He aci hi ; p-utv
were quarb-rtd at ;4 priw.if hoi.e,
an.i the Lo f, when l:o light, d th.-m
t ) I e.i, ii'.i. rijed llii, i-tliwa.r
he a;. ! tLe -j rt'ftssor" would occn;v
the b :;: lOOIti ill tho house .I liiee,
ttret-g, downy coite-h with (-ph ud.'d
w-ir- springs but the. governor in
sisting upon sleeping alone the ''pro-fe-rs-.r
' hail t L,; juiAide-d with an
other place to sleep. As subsequent
events proved, it was lucky that two
d;d not occupy the governor's bed.
The govt vuor was pretty well worn
out with the daj'a li-jhing and this
bi ig li b eaiiiest opportuuit y he pro.
ceeiL-.i io atretch oat hi.'; .stalwart Gi
foot foiui over cs miicu of Perry,
county ua was then iX)Soib!e. His
f.'et, totichi'tl an-1 down Went the foot
of th bed. Ilia frieiidn and his h-j-i ,
fJ.-iU-' .'?! tip toe t-j th-; spi:-o bi i
room and thegoernoi-,LiariL;g ti,c-.. i
'nj.ng. pietended that he was a
s'.e. j-. Ti:cy peered in a!, the iW
and at tLo chief executive of the j
great state i Poniisylvania wa I ii g
on 1 iu iucliLt d plne and snoring f b
snore of the tired and unluck fisher !
ij ! lf ;t had Veetn ft
ilowerr Led of t-M?. ho w.'.i net Jis-
Ia Lib
iinccuEC'CHs sicking hr
tired ntitarvs it-wet rcutoror, bahiiyjif
Bleep, some
tuiitiaie dar:r ; ibo night he
turned ov
ver a.jd then the bead of the
bed wfckt down with a crash thai
arou?ed one-ball Ibo yopulaiion .of.
tbo township. But tLo povcruor
slept ou,tiotwithstandit!g the second
msh of at xicu3 but silent inquirers
to his bedroom, who w.-re relieved to
learn that there had not been an
earthquake, and that only tho big
and mighly governor Lad fallen a
foot or two without apparently know
ing that he was not peacefully dream
ing in bis substantial bed oa Front
Special Reduced Ra! Excur
sion to the Oc8:ti Grcve
Canipmcot jur via
For the benefit of thi'3-J desii-ing
to visit Ootaa Gror! (Aibary Park)
during the great camp meeting, tho
Peuheyivacia Ibalroud Company will,
on August 25, Ecil xcur&ion tickets
to that point frotii s'.utio.is named
below at tbo very low rates quoted.
These tickets wili be good for pas
sage to Philadelphia on train named
below, thence oa regular trains leav
ing Broad Street Staiioa at 3.30 and
4.05 p. m. that day to Ocoan Grova
(Asbury Park).-
$S 00
7 75
7 35
7 35
7 25
7 10
7 00
7 00
C 75
6 50
6 00
5 50
5 25
5 25
5 00
4 fiO
4 50
Aitoof.a. .. .Leave. 7.15
BJiwood 7.30
Tyrone 7.13
Spruco Creek. . . . S Oo
Petersburg 8 17
Ilmdiugdon 8M0
Mill Creek 8.41
MapMon . . 8.47
Jlt. Union S.5 J
N.iwt.oB Hamiiton. S.5S
A. M.
L:wistown Juuc.
Port IloyaT.
ThompsontowD. .
10 22
10 54
J Millerstown .
.Newport. . . .
Duncaunon . .
Man eviilo . . .
Harrisburg Arive 11.25 " )
Harrisburg Leave 11 40 " ) 4 50
Philadelphia Are 3.00 P. M.
Tickets will be good for return
passage oa regular traits until Sep
tember 2nd, inclusive, aad will per
mit cf stop-eff at PMadulphia with
in limit.
Fill r bottle or common g'ass with
urine and lot, it stand twenty four
hours: a sed:mr.nt or' setti ng indi
cates an unhealthy condition of the
kidneys. When uriue stains linen it
is c videnee of kidM-y trouble. Too
frequent desire to urinate or pain in
the back is alno convincing proof that
the kidneys find bladder iro oat of
what to no.
There is comfort in the knowledge
so often expressed, that Dr Kilmei'b
Ssramp Roof, the erroat kidney rem
edy fulfils every wish in relieving pain
iu the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary pass
ages. Itcorrec's inability to hold
urine and eedding pain in passing it,
or bad elects following nso of liquor,
wine or bei r, and over comes that un
plcasnnt necessity of being compelled
to get r.p ie ;cy i::r.C3 during the
night ff uiitate. Tho mild and the
extraordinary effect of Swamp Boot
is soon reisiizcii. it stands tue uiga
est for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If Jju neol
a uirdicivo you should have the best.
Sold 1 y drugs
and one dollar
t.. price fifty cents
You mr y have a sain
plo brittle and pl.amphlet bottle both
sent freo by mail. Mention the Ji s
iaTa Sen-tintx xi) IiEM iiucAN and
seed your address to Dr. Kilmer Si
Co.. Cinghamcon, N. Y. The pro
prietors of this paper guarantee tho
genuineness of this offer. jly.
The Yellowstone National -Park is
unquestionably the most interesting
region on the globe, for within it is
displayed tho Greatest eollection of
nature's manifold wonders. Indeed,
this l.i jiintain bound plateau, bi;.r'i
up on the summit of the overir.sting
Ilockios, is a veritable play-ground
for the world's gtaut forcan. To stand
and gaz-j uroa them'in all their mnrv
eloas matdfesfafions, the groat gey
se-r npheavnls, the tierce steam blast?,
the terrible leap of the river, and the
awful cmoD, is a revelation an exper
ience t o be had at no other point on
tbo earth.
The porsonaliv conducted tour of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
which U-svcS New York on Septem
ber 2, affords the -most satisfactory
means of visiting this wonderland
and viewing its marvelous fealurc3.
Tourists will travel by special train
of Pullman smoking, dining, eloep
ing, and observation cars in each di
rection. Eight days will be spent in
the Park. .Stops wili also be n;ade
returning at St. Paul and Ci icago.
Tho round trip rate, $235 from New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Ya!.ir.gton, 52.50 from Pittsbrrg,
covers all necessary expenses.
F"r detailed itineraries r.nd full i i
v i-o t.e'act agents,
11 Bro.-.dwjv. Now
J.v.ir,!.-t XgfT:!
York, or cd l:es G.v. W. Ucyd, i
s;stant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Statior, Philadelphia.
REm Ci: KATES TO fi nf.
IJEIts' I'll Jt: IT vIIl
I 1!' Oll.'JVt:, t IA IE.1 L
V iVH UtlldSUVD.
For the accommodation of persons
desiring to a: tend tLds interesting
picnic and exhibition, the Pennsyl
vania Ik'.iliotu: Company will seb (x
cursion tickets on August 21, 23, 24,
25, 2o and 27, good to return until
August 30, inclusive, at rate of one
ftu e for the reun l trip, from princ'pal
;.t.t;.u:s bt-tsvucfi LVt Liberty an .1
Bryn .Mav.r or. t ho Northern Cents al
I la
ik.-i.may noiti: ot and mcluuling Lain -
. i r , , ,,;U1 ,
iioort'iarjon in regard to train
-ervic ami rr-oeihe ra'es
should be made to ticket agents. 2o.
mtin LaJ a $50 trail pup, he wouid
loo Is niter i'., and jjot let :fc ruu
uround at r.ikt all cwr t iwn. liai
Le hoa a boy it ia ibftcrout. II. is
turmd loeso at a teaier tge to go to
the devi!, and poopl
people wonder wbbie
the great army of (ramps, bums,
loafers, dead boa's, gamblers and
drunkards corao from each decade.
They aro garminated from p jre seed,
gathered from onr homea nad sown
broad-cast on our streets and alleys.
It may be that your boy is making a
growth, in this direction. At all
evenis tho bay ought to bo given an
equ il showing with the bull pnp.
PVofensor John Fred Mobler of
Dickinson College, Car!:sl.', whilo on
a irip on a bicycle through this coun
ty, was highly pleased with tha sight
of she upper salina rock exposure
s)pg rue rock souto of tho station at
this place. He came to town and
wa.ited to obtiin an instrument from
artist Hess to take a picture of the
rock. The business of the hour did
r.ot suit Mr. Hess to allow his instru
ments to leave his rooms. So tho
next bast thing wai done. Ifr. Hesa
promked to take a negative for 3fr.
Holder at the first time ho coald
spare for out-dojr vork. Tho next
day the negative was taken and for
warded to Carlisle. Tha negative
'jewed nicely tho anticlinal and sjn
clinal arches in the rock, but does
not show the colors of strata, which
may bo done in the future when pho
tographic art l:a3 bet-n so perfected
ss to reveal colors in the objects tak
en. After a picture has been taken
from the negative it would be great
ly enhanced if red and green and
light buff colored tints could be
tornhad on the layers of rock, just,
where they aro t'nfed with such col
ors. The tints could be put on the
picture by patient and skillful work
frcra th-'s side cf the river by an ar
tist facing tho reck exposure with
the picture on on easel.
TwHe-lfly Excursions to Old
I'olot Coat fort, JSorlolU. and
Tlrxiafa Geacli via Pennsyl
vania Hallroad.
The Pennsylvania It dlioad Com
pany h!s arranged for two twelve-
day txcursions to tho above named
points, to leave Pittsburg, August, 12
and 21. Hound trip tickets via Phil
adelpbia and th Cape Charles route,
cood gting only on trains leaving
Pittsburg at 8.55 A. M., 4.30 and S.
10 P. 31.; via Baltimore and tho Bay
Line or the Ohesspeake and Rich
mond Steamboat Line, cood going
only on trains leaving Pittsburg at
8.00 A. M. and 8.10 P. M , will be
sold at rate of $12.00 foni Pittsburg,
v.ast...Liioorty, Uniontown. Conne's
villfi and Scotfdale.
These tickets will bo good to re
turn at any time within twelve days,
and will h? valid for retnrn passage
on any rcntlar train except the Penn
sylrania Limited.
For detailed information address
or apply to ThoS. E. Watt, Passen
crer Asfent, Weekrn District, SCO
Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Reduced IlateH via Pennnylrav
nla Railroad Tor Mount
Krctna Farmers' Encatup
nieat. From August IS to 20, inclusive,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell, for the above occasion,
round trip tiokeis to Mount Gretna
and re? arn at rule of one fare fur the
round trip, from principal stations be
tween East Liberty and Bryn
Ma-vr. or. tho Northern Catril 14tii
way north of au - inc'.iidiug Lnther
viih'. and oa tl-.e Philadelphia and
rrit? Riilrond Diviwi-m. Th-se tick
ets will be v-did f r return., passage,
nnli! August 2o, inclusive.
For informal iop. in regard to train
service and specific rafts application
should bo made to ticket agents. al8.
Toua to Tirr: vor.r.: via n - sn.vAxi.v
Yisiting Watkinc Glen, Niagara
Falls, Thousand Island?, Q.ibtc,
JfontrerJ, Au Sable Chasm, Lake
Champlain and Lake George, Sarato
ga and the Highlands of the Hudson.
Leave Philadelphia by special train,
August 17. The tour will be in
charge of one of the Company's tour
ist agents. An experienced chaperon
will also accompanv tho party, hav
ing especiid charge of unescorted
Tho rate of 100 from New York,
Brooklyn. Newark, Tree ten, Phila
delphia, LluiTinLiirg, Baltimore and
Washington, covers railway rnd boat
faro for the entire round trip, parlor
car seats, meals en route, hotel enter
tainment, transfer charges, carriage
hire in f;-.ct every item of nccessary
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or
any additional information, address
Tonrist Agent, Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, 1196 Broadway, New
York; 800 Fulton Street, Brooklyn;
or Goo. W. Bjyd, Assistant General
PasseDger Agent, Broad Street Sta
tion, Philadelphia. 2t.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com -pany
will run n senes of ton-day ex
cursions to Niagara Fibs, le'uving
PLiladtiphia, Biltiiiuie and Yis:i
ington oa July 22, August 5 and 19,
and September 4 aad 16. An exper
ienced tourist agent and chaperon
accompany each excursion.
Excursion tickets, good for return
passage on any regular train, excl-u
sive of limited express trains, within
t?n days, wiii bo sold at f 10 from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing
ton, and all points on the Delaware
Division; J-J.70 from Lancaster; $S.G0
from Altoor.a and Harrisburg: $8.25
from V.'ilkclbarre; 55.80 from Wiit
iamsport; nr.d at proportionate rates
from other points. A stop-over will
be allowed P.t R iflUlo, Rochester, and
Watkius returning.
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will be run
with each excursion.
For furiher information apply to
nearest ticket airent or address Geo
1 w T1 i 4,-, i i , t,
I H. jj..iyl. Assistant General Passen-
tioier h!'tnmrB-MA VEltl donbio
cxtnot bABliAPARlIXA. 60c evarywhe...
?00 tilt EX 4HAf
To persons who make the gieati st
number of words of the phrase,
' Patent " Attorney Wedderburn."
For particulars addross the Natiouui
Recordsr, Washington, D. C
- . -
The no30 is very apt to fre kie,
even when no othfr part of the face
ia effected iu tho same way. Tl.rss
littla brown spots can bi removed by
putting rn the nosa chis lottonr Lem
on jaic3, 3 ounce?; vinegar, 1 ouro ;
rosiwattr, 1 ounce; Jamacia rum, 1
ounce. Apply IMS Wliu a sponge
sever d times a day.
Frank Guss, eged about 48 yeaie,
residing near Bed Bank school house
ia Milford township, diel suddenly
on yeasterdny, Aagnst 10;b, of heart
trouble, be onterod his bouse r1kuI
noon, and Fpoki of hot feeling well,
andlaid nown on the lounge in the
r ;o:n, and died there in a siiort time.
ift in my lmiiy di-eatns ejf lnfuui-y
A volt. ao henrd In tul West "ionc ago,"
Sovf rising B.vcttt nod i-'.:r. then tsott and
In rfHiUnj? tones of wirtitlrtw ineludy.
All tlii-ourh rav chlliilxvi tang that hurpy
Which fiituItT vrevr, iu yuutU oanioon )!,
Yet ii-Uei J 4'. hon, wcry of life'8 rioo,
I board li ! Jp ., vlii l vuU my he-art rW"i.
Ttir from tltil t:H;py home, vnt not nluno,
1 Ti-uiwU-r, tn'itrii) in my he-urt time Hong, .
ftimli HnK:rrf, sumtIiiw mo rruQ ewry
I ovt-i- bi-nr lid l:l, f jniiUur tone.
Manlia A. Kirtdor In Sow York Ilonio Jour
Why Amrrlran MtiMfM Are TemptMl to
Wel Stolid Kuffliahinen.
Why doia the Ainericuu girl marry
tho Byltivn? Had iho auy adequate jus-tilie-atiou?
Do yoa eupjiose it puys her.
aid can sue-h a choice on her part to
deft idcd on largo grounds us promotive
of the preatcst good of the greatest
number? Is it a fact, as had beeu fltp
pui;t!y sngKested, that she moves to
Eaghiod to t!ft country life because w
havo no gool roads hero yet. or, on tho
contrary, can tt bo demonstrated that
one reawou onr oouutry roads nro so bad
is (but tho American girl cannot abide
tho rocutry ami promptly carries ber
man otr to tov.u at the curliest moment
that sees his emloavors blessed with
tho necessary income? Is It her fault
that couutry interests tend too much to
fall to tho euro of u residuum that is
too poor to K't away, or has the coun
try lift not mut-.ii to do one way or tho
other with her British propensities?
To bo honest, there are other con
ceivable reasons for marrying an Enjf
lish (;i utleuiaa besides his conntry
uiuds. llu may bo a charming gittitlo
nian th.'V are said to he eo once in
awhili- who cuu win a wife by plain,
personul courtship, uudwhom any wom
an would bo justified in marryiuu on
general principle and witliont speeiiic
excuses, or ha may Lo a good "uv r
ag" sort cf uiau vhose advanfci;e
ovt r nis tnerictui nrotlier is a niurnir
. f - l. . 1 .
cx m&i ur eiiiJiim'iiiiu ur jjhiu uuijulii-
uncc. 1 nave known Auieneau women
who ventured to assert that tho feuii
nine"eye tfvUxl luoreinihe typo of
main liumau thnt treads tlio paveiociif a
t.f Piccaoiily cud Pull Midi than in the
conn mporuneous iiede-striaus of Fifth
avuntio au.i Eroalway.
Or mayb-j it is his sapt riur stolidity
that electrifies in the Briton. It is to
bo feared that there is truth in that tale
Mr. Kiiilin.'j or somebody was telling
of how rhlefjuat:o inerehauts cf the
ea"t hud r.jse.)v--':l ;Lt W.M.y..?o
be;!t the; 'Auicricui v, as simply to put
him oli und let, fci;u feet hiineelf reek
less. t-'tol'Mity is not quite tho same tia
repii.se, but 10 irsons wlio are- euiTuring
from an aeut' dearth of r-j.ti it mey
aipal as a tolrabio suhs-itute, so that
one can imagine uu American inaid,
worn with thy restless aspirations of
her hifjh pre.sMiro couutryuicu, turniiig
with ciocere relief to pillow her fair
youns h- ail iijfii a Lnsom behind vhich
"larked vo threat cf heart failuro.
North Ain'ric:i!i B'lvicrw.
A Sp:,rroev Irlt!t& Iort3U.
M. Ju'iTic'aud, u naturalist of Ninit?,
France, ("ivts, in La iiev no t'eieotiliejiie,
tin li.tcie?tii;s la roioit e.f the uiusicul
ueocmplisl.m. cf a i:paritiv ia his
ctdletioa t.f living- birds. IIo captured
the sjvavrow soon nftt r it had L;vn
haf.-f.i il and fed it by hand u:?til it
could care Ji.r itself. Then be placed it
in u (tig.-.' containing n e.liaHlneh, a peM
Ilnfh nr.ti t-.vo cauaiiep. After a tieio
tho ppairov." h-arn tl to warble lihe the
finelies end to tillllike the eanariea, the
imitations H'ir.i so perfect as to deceive
tbe ear. In ;n intr M. Miuparni is hc
cu."ton:t:l to hr-p a Lox-of crickets u?ar
his biideiii-H. Two days nf ; r the
eiiekcts I11.il I placed nenr the eiifjo
contaiuiny the spin row tho htter begun
to'iiuit-ii'j 5heir ery, interniiiiKli'ig it
wilh ito eciiffs. Kvon after tho eriekots
bail l.-it'nUen lit ad tbe fpunew len.'tiu
bred its li'tkjon und cuiitiuut'd to i: puat
their iry. None cf tho ether bir;lj at
tempted, to iittitare) tho ctiekets. Singu
larly ei,o-.is'.i, tho rparrcw r-ever utters
tho peculiar squalling cry of its own
species, liaviim Uj ii rcuiovul from its
nest ttK) i-arly, apparently, to have
kaintxl it.
Orstn1a Ifeailaettcs.
Dr. Lees tcltl one muue-ing story about
Otshii ct Blaydou Hall, wliich showed
tho latter as a very tdiuplo man. Orgi
ni, at one time, complained every
roe riling of his head. "I 'ave on bad
headache, " ho used to say at breakfast
fjMra. Cov,-cn. One nih Joseph Cow
cu ei. tfH.-ted a strong smell of gas pro-rce-tlinj;
tKim Ornitii's room. He went
to co what, was the matter aud found
tho t'lplanation of Orshii's bad heod
aches. Tbe lxiotii was qaito dark, anil
tho gas had net been turned off. " Whut
d!tl you do with tho gas?" arke-d Cow
en. 'T.!i:W hiia out," said Orsini, wbo
had never weuu a cs burner before. Tbo
houdixhes then Closed, They wt re ef
fectti:illy cured some moutl.s later ot
the Instance e.f the emperor of tho
French. WcNtiui uster Gaat t tt
Very Komaiatlc
"Vu;iu't that riiiuautic?" said the
elderly mai'Vii br,ar'.i;r.
"Wasn't what romantic?" grosvled
tL't; bachelor bourd.r,'as there was no
cne eluo at the table to pay Ktt.iDtiou to
the lady's tmestiou.
"Here is a stovy of a raaa who put
down bis wife's name in his tax list and
valncd her at fl, 000,000."
"Huh! I'll bH h.! is figuring on let
ting the taxes go delinquent and having
Ler sold. " Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Within the lat decade the population
cf Eurnpo has increased by about 80,
CCO.OOO, of rhom Russia contributed
12,610,000 and Fiauce only 67,000.
The Austriaus are great hinoke'rs.
Tbo daily consumption of mutches in
th:;t country is 20 for each inhabitant.
Good upwh for tnn Hto t.-.r 1
10, 15, 17, 19 and 25?.. Soma bifor
grades also. Tri
4.0. 50. 7jv ' i m i ot . in
Ail COods rrd--ii 1 at
Jt. ' J M. A. Diehl.
Through Sleeping far Service
between I'ltl.bur? aad At
lantic city via Pensayiva
nia Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany announces that a through
sleeping car servi'a between Pitta.
burg and Atlantic City bns been i s
Ublished on train leaving Pittsburg
at 4-30 p. ro. daily, arriving at Atlan
tic City at 6 30 a in , and returning
on train leaving leaving Atlantic City
at 8.35 p. m., daily, arriving at Pitts
burg et 8.30 A. M.
Connections are also made at
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
with trains leaving Pittsburg at 8.00
a. m. and 8.10 p. m. daily, and re
turning, with trains leaving Atlantic
Atlantic City at 7 50 a. in. and 4.45
p. m. daily. "
This is the only all-rail route to
the seashore. 4f.
Wonderful nic the cures by Hood's
Sarsaparilla and yet it is only because
as the one true blood pin itier, it makes
pure, rich, healthy, life-giving blood.
Hood's Pills for the liver and
bowels, act easily, yet promptly. 25c.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Cewnii.-hiunf rs wili roceivo soaled propos.
al lor tho painting of the inaido of the
Court riouso np to August 17lh, 189".
Specilicatiors for the aarao can 1,9 seen at
tho Commissioners' Olfije.
By order of Commisiiioncrs.
H. C. KrmcE,
Aug. 8rd, 1897.
Wherean. the Hon. JEREMIAH LYONS
President Jndpe of the Court or Common
Pleas, for tha Forty-Kirat Judicial District,
composed of the comitie s of J,ini:iti nd
1 erry, aniline Uonoral,lo w"M SWAKTZ
".""l W; , N- RTEBRETT, ' AMorire
Jnrteea of tha aaid court of Com-non Pleas
or Juniata eountv. hv pocent diilv issue!
and to me directP(j for holrtin? a Court of
Over and Terminer and Renoial Jail R.iliv
ery, andGen-ral Quarter Session of the
Teace at Mitllintown. on tho
Notice ia hrrvbt Gtvrw. to tho Coronor
Justices of the Peace and Constable of tho
County of JnDUta. thit thov he then and
there in the,r proper tvron, at 10 o'clock
io the forenoon ofm-M dir. -it their rec
ords, ipipiiKitions. examinations and Over
rememherances. to do those thine thit to
their offices respectfully ,pprt.iin. kr
thote that are bonn.1 hv recognisance to
prosecute against the prisoners ruk ar or
mvH3fPtheJ:iilorrMcouptv, ho then
and there to prosecute acainst them as
"hall he Just.
Bv an Act cf " AssnMv passed the
jlh dy of Jfav. IST.t. it nn.lo the dutv of
Jnstices of tho Pesi e of the seven! cenn-
t:-s ot this t.orDnionr-lth. to rcfarn t. the
, iK-rfe or the Conrt o'' Oua-ter Sessions or
I K . . - .
: ri-enecTive cnnn'ies, i The rK!Oirniz-
ances entered inf., before them by anv per-
son or oeraons ch&rTed with the Commia
sion of anv crime. ' r m t
mar he ended lil'l tt, 3TV llOt llkvl:
he ended M'1 tt, .jre
1 hi- e the eonJt4l!'ernnr4
rlavs hi re the 0001(41, jmnl pf the
sion ofVse Court frf- tTTTj "toy-r-J1;;
r.-turuaiii,. r.'srMr-riwaiv. ann in sm
where rceeg-eiianc.s sro entered Into 1ms
'""."" commencement; ,
te sessmn to whieil thev are msd" return -
able, the .Md Justices are o re'nn, the
same m he same n.an.erjHj.Jf W-Act
..... nm neenr...st
st MiHIintowp the" 4th day of
AiiTust in the year of our Lor, ope
thousand eight hundred and ninely. seven. I
James P. Cammum, Sheriff.
Shfr'ff's Office. I
MifTiintown Pa. A-igust 4th, lPf7
Bv virtim of an orHcr ol sa e Issued oi;t
of tho Orphans' Court ot Juniata County,
the iindnigond. Administrator of ho es
tate of Sameel A. Thomas, lute of Fcrman
oph township, deceased, wiU offer at public
sale cn Trsct No. 1. in Fermanagh town
ship, nlioal one ini!o west of Oakland Mills,
about 1 (.'clock. P tf . on
SATURDAY. AUGU-'T 14, 18!7.
the following described Knal Estate, to wit:
Tract No. 1. A tract of lind situifo ia
Ferruanngh township, Juniata conntv, Pa.,
bounded on the north by a public road; on
the cvit by binds of Da?il Ba.-hore; on the
south by lands of David Hashore, and on
the w,.Rt t,y hnds of David Bashor. W. II.
II. Kreider and Ur. .. Banks, containing
and bovine thereon erected a two story
''rame Dwelling Uouse, almost new. good
Frame Rank Barn and other out-buildings.
On this tract there is a
pbacii oscnAKD r.r oven 3,500 trees,
all of which aro bearinir and in good condi
tion. The crop from this orchard tbis year
will go to the pnrchascir.
Tract No. 2. A tract of lind situate' in
the same township, hounded o- the north
by lands ol Solomon Bash-rc,- on the esst
bv a public road and lauds formerly of Al
cn Koppenhtftfur; cn the south by a jublic
road and lands of Solomon Bishorc, and
on the west bv lands of Solomon Bt ashor
and John Michael, containing
On this trac thre is a
all bearing ar.d in pood condition. The crop
from this orchard this year will go to the
Teems cr S alb. Te-n per cent, of the
purchase money to be paid on day of sale;
Thirty per cent, on the continuation of the
sale by the court (which will be on the
First Afocday of September), when deed
wiil be delivered and possession given, sab
ject to the rights of tho tenant now on the
laud, thiity per cent, on April 1, 18C8, nnd
the remaning 30 p-:r ceo'.'cn Sep'r J, 1898,
the last 2 payments to beV.ecnred by judg
ment and to boar interest froiu tbe con
firmation of the sale by the ccur.
Cuarles TV. F.OuK,
I Wheat 1
&f and
Og rrow best when planted with Pure SS
""nr . A leriilizer that al-
"rr v.-hvs ttrimrn a erop. h!-hvs im
proves the soil. Hold Jireet to fur
eierr C.v.ikJ icr tun. No u;;euts. 2-"
; Har.i pies free.
f York ChemiMl Works, York, Pa. --'S,
'T i?t.3 AS,)
tf r. cf st j ,
1 inls 1 catltr i.
9 S B
tion a: id Jernit? fotui u f'rmri.t vrA ftrtr:fy in
tho sttnnrli. Then follow siirilit-s. .iraiclw.
tnsovMva, nervousnesa. iiuii.
If cot relieved. h.i.ou$ fever
or D.ooci poistniiig. iiuuti b
roi'ne t!ie liver, rure heastielie, dizziness, enn
t:j Mt!n. t 2r. tn nts. fckild ty all dniprists.
lueoiily 1'iUs to Utke with liooc's Sarsax-illa.
Ttii rmeftr ba been prepared by the Povf-rrmi
".t&awi,e'uixU unoorhis tlkTCi-'tiou by t'-ie -
XOtfSC 5EO. CO., Chicago, H:.
S .'t hf Drusnits ct SI per Dattlo. C for V.
I -ii zcSeiC.Sl.'ja. Ii liottlcs for
The undersigned persons have acsociatctl
themseves toceth'ir lor tho protoction of
Willow Run Trout stream in Lack te-wn.
ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are
strickly forlurtde'ii not (o trespass npoo the
land or stream or the said parties to Ssh
as the stream has baeu stocked with trout
Persons violating this noico, wit! ha pros
ecutiMl according to law.
R. U. PalUirson,
T. H. Caruthers, J. P.
Rob'! A. Woodside,
W. I). ysl!s,
Frank Vawn,
Dyson Vswn.
April 23, 1895.
The nnde-r;ened persona have formed an
Association for the protection of their re
spective propertied. A'.l persons aro here
by notified not to trespass on tbo lands ol
tho undersigned (or tho purpose of hunting
gathering riits, duping timber or throwing
down le-ECfs or finnr t!inier in any way
whatever. Any violation ot too above no
tice will b-J donit with according to law.
John Miehai',
VVi'iliam PnRer.bergor,
(lide'on Siehcr,
Bcasbor lc Zook,
Mary A. Prubaker,
Joseph Kothroctt,
John I3y!T,
PaniJul Boll.
Septon.hrr5 18S5.
Itso'a r..Tnrdy for ratarrh la the
ftet. Idlest to The. RDil Cheooct.
oWl by U'tvjrfit or cnt by mall,
Doc 1 . T. aUdccliine, v. utoo. rv-
I hebest ofle-r ior 8u!e' a valusb'e prop
crty, sittuted in F'rrcin3(4b township, -J
miles r.orlh. cast cf Mifllintown, con!ainin
25 Acr. s. more t.r le?8. i acres of wood
lcd. T'i'3 balinco cleared end in pcod
str.tfi of cii':iva::oa. Buildings crdiniry,
tet ia goer! repair. A food spring i.-l aeve-r
laiuug travel .rater ccarby. This j.roperty
alo coutains 1150 ixjach trees and "ubo be-r-
rv t.iantr: HO vi i treos, he-r-iiles olher
fruit. The above property is riveted near
VX'bi'c I?all e..ioal house ia aid townisLip.
for lr.rtlier iiforrcsiia address.
. CVAJtLKS Consiss.-
-9-5J. ..yilMiutown Pa.
, un.lt.lsi:l3 , ilvIn bsca rcS'orcd to
1 1 . ..n. .,.! .,..
. !SV V,D(r'a.T.5et!oa, and
U9rur.-.d uJ.te.J-t.fi, ia at.sious
, . . ; f bI,ar?r;, ,-
i nc ,,- v 11i,,sa wh-i desire it. ho
wiil c!i -erfa!:y sead (-' e of rhais) a copy
ot tho pre?cs i.jtia U'.e-i, which they wiil
Mini a sure euro lor ('i. .iiin; oi, ?!;hiii,
Catarrh, Hrc.nc.ntii a'! t'.iroat nd lur.R
Staladu. II,! hop 's all suifrer' will try
hi i'L-o.eJy . :is it irt :r.. a'.iiai,'..'. Tl.c.e
eiritii; tbo pOiC.ii'tun, nict will cost tiieni
tottiing, and niay pre, e a blessing, will
piesFo iilress,
KEY". KDWASD A. WILSON, rr....k!yn,
Now York. Sep. 9, 'S.
ti" have CbLo iKu BiiiiiD rr. .
froMrf n Sata j- il.iftltrn Tr- Tt.
Pvei-y Iruvoifi- uultj liaTo a bottle f it in his NkOJHt
Every Sufferer iriSZSgr-g
Adihniaflul.-ra .'.iorinir', iiarru.'-a,rir.tj. ti-ttcixwi
In !Jh!v o.- Limii, STif? Julute or Mjuiu.-t, wit! Cua Is
this olJ An)vn.' n-Iicf ft ml sixtMv cum, llan?3i)f'
Vtw SM-TvrwVru. ri .V.s ft-.tjv i mII, 8 b-trVj.
Infests the hluoei of htiiiianity. It
appears in varied forms, but is forced
to yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
purities and vitalizes the blood and
cures all such diseases. Iteati this:
" Iu Septeir, tier, K94, 1 m&Je a misstep and
injured my uakie. Very c.ooa afterwards,
A Sore
two Inches across formed find ia walking
to favor il I sprained my ankle. The sore
became worse; I could not put my boot
on snd I thought I should have to give up
at every fctep. I could not pet any relief
nnd br.d to stop work. I read of a cure of
i siniiiar eae by Hood's Sar-,a,.iniiia tnd
concluded to try it. Relore I had taken
all ol two boitk-rt the pore bad healed ar.d
the- iireino; hud Rons down. My
Is no-.v w- :l srii I bave been greatly bene
fited otherwise. I have increased in
wc!f.-ht and am in I utter health. 1 cannot
say enough in praise cf Hood'n .Sarsapa
rilla." JIns. H. EL-VKi;, o. lierv, let, Me.
- Thie and other similax cured prove that
k a
xhn Oi Tru.'
n.w! l'linl).
I. I!.-.. '
" AlIdniKlsts. $1.
Co., I. e'll. Mas.
, jj-.j t..-.f l.e.t r.:.:i lyeatliartlc
S tlilS uail uver slliuulaut. He-
ih W
Lopts B. Axifntsot. F. at. V. F iu
Orrics On Mam street, in place of rest-
deiiee of Louis K.
Atkmson, Ksq., south
Bridge street.
uncollecting and CoovevsncinK oromot:
iy attended to.
"Collections and all legal busi
ness promptly attended to.
have formed a partnerehin for the practici
of Medicine and their collatteral branches.
OMico at old stand, corner of Third and Or
ane streets, Hill! in town, Pa. One or both
ol them will bo found at their office at all
times, unless otherwise professionally en
gaged. April 1st, I0U6.
?. DERR,
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental
College. Office at old established lo
oatiun, Bridge Street, opposite Court
House, -b'ifiliDtown, Fa.
LkJ3 Crown and Bridge work;
Painloss Extraotion.
All work guaranteed.
Tuscarora Valley Railroad.
A. at.
P. M.
Blair's Mills Lv.
Leonard's Grove
Hops Farm
East Waterford
Honey Grove
Fort Bigbam
Pleasant View '.
Seven Pines
Spruce Hill
Old Port
Port Royal Ar.
2 00
7 51 2 06
7 58i
8 05
8 12
2 13
2 20
2 27
8 25
8 35
8 47
8 48
8 55
9 00
19 06
9 10
3 lo
3 29
3 31
9 14
9 16
9 18
3 33
3 35
9 20
9 25
9 30
3 40
J 45
Trains Nos. I and 2 connect at Prt Koval
with Way Passenger and Stshore Exp ress
on P. It. ii., and Nos. 3 and 4 with Miil east
Port Koval
Old Port
Spruce Hill
Seven Piius. . . .
Pleasant View.. .
Fort Ilipham
Honey Grove. . .
East Waterford.
lioEs Fariu
Leonard's Grove
A. M.
0.0 10 30i5 20
1.3.10 35 3 25
2 8 io 40 5 30
3.7 10 42 o 32
4.410 44 5 34
5-Oiin 4G5 SC
6.310 50 5 -10
7.2;i0 545 44
9 0;il 03 5 50
.110.011 05 5 55
S12.0 U i G 01
'I4.0!ll 18 6 08
J 15.i:il 25 6 15
.17.5jll 35 6 25
.120.5 11 48 6 36
. ! 22.0!l2 55 6 45
i 24.0 12 02 6 52
... j 25.512 09 6 59
Ar.j27.0jl2 15 7 05
Blairjs Mills.
Trains Nos. 2 and 3 connect with Stage
Line at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doyles.
burg and Dry Run.
Tho following schedule wont Into effect
Nov. 16, 1896, and the trains will be rnn as
p. m
4 30
4 36
4 89
3 41
4 45
4 46
4 51
4 54
4 66
4 69
a. m
9 06
9 09
9 11
9 14
9 15
9 19
9 22
9 24
9 2T
Leave Arrive a. m p. ni
Dnncannon 7 64 2 28
King's Mill 7 49
Sulphur Springs 7 46
"Corman Siding 7 41
2 23
2 20
8 18
2 16
2 13
2 08
2 65
2 03
2 00
I 41
1 36
1 81
1 28
1 25
1 20
1 18
1 15
aioDtobello Park 7 41
7 40
Groen Park
Montour June
7 36
7 33
7 31
7 28
7 23
7 09
7 04
7 01
6 68
6 61
6 48
6 33
5 10 10 43
6 16 9 49
5 21 9 64
5 24 9 67
6 27 10 05
6 82 10 07
5 84 10 17
6 37 10 30
6 02 10 35
p. ru a. in
6 28
2 60
-TTTive L.eave a. m p m
a i .
Train leaves Bloomfield at 6.68 a. m.,
and arrives at Landisburg at 6.28 a. m.
Train leaves Landisburg at 6.08 p. m., and
arrives at Bloomfield at 6.40 p. m.
All stations marked () aro flae stations.
at which trains will comu to a full top on
Cbas. H.
8. H. Bbck,
nil CyXittT rT."'!i:. rzn ho '
Krt-ativ tii'iruusetl in Krowtt I
aad va. le by the ue of
: ! y
Wa Phosphate
. 'I . 'Z, '
vj-u i'ifxl nu,K (tie iHtirM som nt a ar.a pro
live, bold dirtti t fariatrs.
1' '
AL V. CRK5, .
Oa an-I after MondaT, My 17
1897, (rains will rnn as follows:
Way Passenger, leave Philadelphia at
4 30 a.-m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m; Doncan-
non 8 85 a. ro; New Port 9 05 a. m; Mil
lerstown 915 a. m; Dnrword 9 21 . mi
Thompson town 9 26 a. m; Van Dyke 9 8
a. in; Tuscarora 9 36 a. m; Kexico 9 40 a.
m; Port Royal 9 44 a. m: Mini in 9 06 a.
m: Denholm 9 65 a. m; Lew is town 10 13
nt McVevtown 10 88 a. in; Newtoa
Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union II OS
a. in; Huntingdon 11 83 p. ro; Tyrone IZ zo .
p. m; Altoona 1 00 p. m; Pittsburg 6 60 p. rn.
Mail leave Philadelphia at 7.V0 a. m.:
Harrisburg at 10.65 a. m.; Mifflin 12.18 p.
Lewisiown IZ 37 p. m.,- Hunlincdon I .-
87 p. m.; Tvroce 2.20 p. ra ; Altoona '2 66.
m.; Pittsburg 7.00 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Htrria-'
burg at 6 00 p. m; Dnncannon 6 84 p. mi
Newport 6 02 p. m; 3filIerstown 6 1 1 p. m:
Thompsontown 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 80
Mexico 6 33 p. m; Port Royal 6 38
p. tn; Milllin C 43 p. mj Den holm 6 49 p. m;
Lewistown 7 07 p. tn; AfcVeytowu 7 SO p.
m: Newton Hamilton 7 50 p. m: Hunting.
don 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona.
9 a-j p. m-
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at
1! 20 p. m; Uarrisburz 3 10 a. rn; Msrrs-
v ' le 8 24 a. ni; Duncannon 3 38 a. m; New
poit 3 59 a. m, Port Royal 4 81 a. m; Mif
Hin 4 37 a. tu; Lewistown 4 68 a. m; Mo
Y'e town 6 20 a. m; Huntingdon 6 Oi a.
mj Tyrone 6 65 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. si
Pittsburg 12 10 p. ni.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4
35 p.m; Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m; Newport
11 Ut p. m; Mimin 11 Q p. m; Lewistown-
12 55 a. mj Huntingdon, 12 65 a. m.; Tyrone.
1 32 a ra; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 80
Fast Lina leaves Philadelphia at 12 2S p.
; Harrrisbnrg 3 50 p. m; Duncanon 4 15.
p. ro; Newport 4 85 p. ra; Mifflin 6 07 p. ra.
Liewisiown o zi p. in; Mount Union 6 Us p.
ro; Huntingdon 6 27 p. m; Tyrone 7 01 p.
ro; Altoona 7 10 p. ro; PitUburg 11 30
p. ui.
Iluutingdon Accommodation leave Al.
tooDa at 10 60 p. in; Tyrone 11 17 p. m..
arrives at Huntingdon 11.65 p.m. and be.
conies Hirrioburg Accommodation, leav.
ing Hunting-Jon at 6 .10 a. iw; Newton Ham
ilton 5 55 a. ro; McVeylowo 6 12 a. m;
Lewtslovrn b 32 a. ni; Mitflin 6 61 a. m;
Port Royal 6 50 a. m; Mexico 6 69 a. m;
Thompson town 7 12 a. m; Milleratown 7 21
a. m; Newport 7 30 a. m; Duncannon 7 67
a rr; Harrisburg 8 30 a. m.
Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 8 80 a m;
Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyroue 7 48 a m; Bunt-"
ingdon 8 30 a ro; McVevtown 9 15 a m;
Lewistown 9 35 a m; Mitflin 9 66 a m;.
Port Royal 9 69 a ro; Thompsontown 10 14 "
Milleratown 10 22 am; Newport 10 82 a m;
Duncannon 10 54 a mj Mary sville 1107 a
m; Harrisburg 11 25 a m; Philadelphia 8 00
p m.
Main Line Express leavea Pittsburg at.
8 00 a. m; Altoona 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12
03 p. m; Hunlinplon 12 35 p. ta; Lew la
town 1 33 p. ni; Mifflin 1 60 p. mj Harris
burg 3 10 p.m; Baltimore 6 00 p. ro; Wash
ington 7 15 p. m; Philadelphia 6 23 p. au,
New York 9 30 p. tu
Mail leaves Altoona at 2 10 p. m, Tyrone
2 45 p. in, Huntingdon 3 28 p. m; Newton.
Hamilton 3 58 p. rn; McVeytown 4 20 p. mi
Lewistown 4 45 p. a; Mifflin 5 10 p. m.
Port Royal 5 15 p. m; Mexico 6 20 p. mi
Thompsontown 5 33 p. m; Milleratown 513
p. m; Newport 5 54 p. tn; Dnncannon 6 23
p. in; Harrisburg 7 (JO p. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p.
ru; Altoona 6 05 p. tn; Tyrone 0 37 p mi
Huntingdon 7 2(1 p.m; McVevtown 8 04 p.
mj Lewistown 8 20 p m; JSflfllin 8 47 p ni
Port Royal 8 52 p. ni; Millerstown 9 16 p.
ni; Newport 9 2d p. m; Duncannon 9 50 p.
in; Ibirri-dmrg 10 20 p. m.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsbu r at
4 30 p. rn; Al-oona 9 05 p. m; Tyrone 9 88
p. m; Huntihgdon 10 12 p. m; Mount Dn.
ion 10 32 p. tu; Lowistown 11 16 p. m; Mff.
Hin 1 1 87 p. m; Harrisburg 1 00 a. ro; Phil
saeinna 4 8'J New York-7 88 a. ra. . .
f I.F W KTn w nj nivrairvai I
pTnF- pive Suntury fOr.egTstowc''aJ,"l'i?:
a. n-te h 2 45 p. tu ; jTMilroy 6 8-im. .
nT w . .. . ... . l. . . .
lv..o-m. ana 3 io p. m., woelr aai-.
Trains leave fir Bcllefbnta and Lock
Haven at 8 10 a. la., 12 30 cr.d 7 16 p. m.
leave Lock Haven for Tyrone 0.65 p,"
m. and 4 15 p. to.
Trains leave Tjrone for Cle-arlleld and
Curwensviile t 8 '.0 a. ro., 3.16 and 7 2P
p iu.. leave Curwensvillu for Tyrone at 9.16
a. ni., 3 45 p ni., and 7 00 p. n.
For, rales, maps, etc., call en Ticket.
Agcntr, or address, Tbos E. Watt, P.
A. W. I)., 300 Fifth Avenue, Pittal
burp, Pa.
J. Ii. Hutchison, J. E. Wcop,
Geu'l Manager. Geu'l Pass. Agts
I 1 ley Kailroad t'ompar.y. Time tabla
of passenger trams, ia effect oa Monday.
May 18lh, lKWi.
ward. East
ward. P If A
4 VX
3 5
3 sa
3 41
5 811
3 ia
Newpt it
6 06 10 X5!
8 S
Buffalo Bridge ! 6 OK 16 88
8 2
Juniata Furnace
6 12 10 42 8 2.5
; 6 1ft J 45 8 20
j 6 25 HI 62. 8 16
1 6 TL il 01 8 II
Wat-r Plug
Bloomfield Junct'n,
6 31 11 19; 8 0c
Va'Ioy Koad
6 39 11 09 8 00
6 61 11 21 7 46
Green Park
6 51 II 24 7 401
Fort Kobe-sou
7 05 11 35
7 1111 41
7 1511 45
7 21 11 61
7 27 11 67
7 So! 12 05
7 41 12 11
7 841 g 04
7 26i 2 6
7 U 2 4ft
Center ..,
Cisna's Kua .......
Andorsonburg .....
Moul t I'l. -saut ...
New O ruiant'n ..,
7 151 2 4i
7 10
7 03
6 i8
6 60
7 46-12 15
D. GKING, l'resident md Manager
K.. Milleb, General Agent.
Rick HoAdnrhe and relieve all the (roubl ImI
dent to a bilious ttato of tlie syrtpm. auoh M
li7inwiB. Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress After
eating. Pain In tlm S.!n. &rr Win It? their tnoC
reiuarkiible siiccest has been shovn in curltAg
Headaob. jot Carter's 1,vttlx Lttvr PrLIA
are equally valnahlc iu Constat Ion, curias
and prevent mt this annoying complaint. whlS
they also correct a'l disorders of the stomaelk
stimulate the liv-ur and regrulato tba hnwtlj
Even if tbev only cured
Ache they would be almost prlcelwa to ttMMfr
who sutTer from this distrewinr eoniplaliatf
but fortunately their goodness does siot nd
hre, and those who once try them will Una
these little pills valuable In so many ways that
they will not be Trilling to do without tbMW
But after all tuck bead
is the bane of so many Uvea that her ( wnsjm
we make our great boast. Our pilla curs 41 .
while others tin not.
Cartfr's Little Lira Pills are very sasM
onn very easy to raae. enro or vo ptila m
a dose. They are strictly vefocjble aad
noi gripe or purge, mn oy rneir gentle
please all who use them. In vials at S6
fire fur $1 . Sold everrwhem, or seat by
UF1 Ulb. LblTh
- Mn",
3t 'Sf
'i ' ' .
wwarr i wuf fsqarw t - - I i'Im1 Jj