trtaehl :bs. r nana if paid t MM la adTaae. ta taaartad at fo ramab taaertlo. ta InAal suil- ft aaaaj par Ha for aeh huartfam. etlCM wfflbotsadotothdeslrlnft- uaur or qaartor i T raw I L SHORT LOCALS 4 ;:ttv . ..i" - 1 era wwu an - :: " sr i ftf Ami 1898V wvtio eroo ia Mint 'a Vft" this year. 1 j Viwmore, tWa long I tti4jttn ba hero. 1 l ;3 national jx (I i wjos a trip to Liewiatown and back on Tuesday erasing. a, great deal of hanmnaan for Tin a a elf and friends, ia often found in the simplest way. by keeping one's month shnL On Thursday at 2.30 p. rn-, the L. E. A'a. of this place will play Lewis town base ball clob on the home grounds east of Mifflin. "It ia said lhat the name Klondike is the Indian name "Trondak," mean ins "plenty of fish" from the fact that the river is a famous salmon stream." The editor of an exchange in an nouncing the birth of a new baby at his home says: "We wouldn't take $10,000 for this one. nor n-iva twn cents for another. The old Presbyterian church at th north end of Main street, was not sold on Saturday. The owners would not allow it to go at the figures bid for it, namely six hundred and twen ty dollars. game at n is over till 'drug on even. tsicto. re ad on tL on. winter time in the Klondyke 4eld, whiaky freezes. sa Emma Bobison, ofrDanville. jting relatives in town. Methodiit and Lutheran hers are off on vacation e river has been too muddy the 10 days for bass fishing. Sue Kereenabe, of Harrisburg, - Vuest of Miss Mary Kulp I Sheerer of Mifflin county' town on business last week. summer is on the home stretch' the last month of the sea- jL Esther McKinley has return- ae from West Chester Normal - ', 'ht. O. C. Gortner, returned last ,sy from a business trip to West inia. irs. Fred Walker, of Philadelphia , .iaiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jwera. . -Chess and Harry Todd visited I 1 1 mxt m I , I - 1 m uiuvuer y. lOJJ ox mis place, 1 recently. J The new tariff bill will give the f I irernment enough revenue to meet I ' : (expenses. Jfavrles Kearns of Mifflin county, ' le from there to Mifflin on Sunday his wheel. diss Belle Derr, ha returned nne from a prolonged visit to 'ladelphia. Cook of Harrisburg, Bpent -j 1 . 1 - . 1 T 1 buuj wiui ins uroiuer-in-iaw iiuuu Hcllobaugh, Jr. The ITewton Hamilton camp meet ing, will soon be claimiog the atten tion of many people. m 3 a m at a a ue goia scones irom AiasKa are nly equalled by the stories of cold from the same country. iffis Harriet Jackman after visit ing ner parents in tins town returned to Pittsburg on Sunday. nere is a talk of Governor Hast " d(ra'enlerrn3 the ilaiflf a candidate br United States Senate. The Democratic primary election hrougbout the county on Saturday, warmlv contested election. iSavid Hackenberger of near town, bought a farm dinner bell at the bundery sale on Saturday forenoon. Maabeck & Nelson have bought a lot on which to build a residence in the Schweier addition in the east end. ' People looked at the partial eclipse of the sun by the moon last Thursday between the hours of 8 a. at. and 10 J The Beaver Springs, Snyder Co. kerald say: N. R. Middlesworth used to cradle eight acres of grain in i Tda ; body turn out on Thursday .nsFathe ball game, between the jfjristown club and the L. E. Atkin don club. 1 The Hullidaysburor Register, men bni that Edward B. Clark of Holli lysburg, has gone to the Alaskan fid field. 1 Isn't it queer, when a country be ! tomes civilized, there have to be po- ace ana soiaiers. r or au e&iuupio look at Alaska. Governor Hastings' carriage and spring wagon, passad through this -jwn on the way to Bellefonte, last , Aiday merning. Eight boys rode from Lewistown nn bicvcles to this town on Monday mnrninar. arrivincr here about half past eight o'clock. Alas! the State fish breeder's occu nation is erone, because the Legisla- tore refused to appropriate money to pay the officers in charge. a lorrrn tnrnedo. that when ex- ninAoA. cracks like a musket, is car " O-by many bicycle riders to fright- dogs, tnat come l tuem uu iuo oad. The Snyder county papers report large Sunday colored camp meetings, j!f dozen colored people conauci th truwtinc. and a thousand or r white people as spectators ' Hearers. and Digging for gold where the ground freezeb 10 to 30 feet deep, and where t).. man ia not seen in many days in -.nk whera nrovisions must iJknohl 1000 miles, must be Tftrj work. if5, mrt of the corn fields in this t tha mnntv are as spotted as a otm and it is too late in the Mm fn Aven think of changing the Thr will be soots without - eorn to the end of the season. yrha Red Rock United Presbyter abbath School, will hold their . fMfival on the school boase the eve of August 14. All good citizens and friends of the a hh.ti. HaHooI work are invited to . find. fienator Quay is going to sail upon I. i.n blue sea from California to - k a..VlH Talands. and thenee to , . atrslia, and not coma home till t AprSL Heaxpwsts to start in 5Umbr, so it baa been announced Last Tuesday evenin? a comnanv of both vounnr ftnd 0a aiie(i home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pennell in honor of their guest Miss Rachel McBride, of Berwick. An enjoyable time was spent by all. The Stewards of the United Evan gelical church of Patterson, will hold an open air festival on the vacant lot of Maubeck and Nelson opposite the mill on Friday and Saturday even ings, Aug, 13th and 14th, 1897. Subscribe for the Sentinel akd Republican, a paper that contains choice reading matter, full of inform tion that does the reader good, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing find places in its columns. tf. Governor Histings riding in a two. horse bu-jgy, unexpectedly arrived in town about 10 o'clock A. M., oa Sit urday, on his way to Bellefonte. Af ter a call on Colonel Robison, he re sumed his way with the expectation of taking dinner at Lewistown. "Sills Hinkle, a son of the million aire President of the Poughkeepsie Electrio Railroad Company, is heav ing coal as a stoker in the employ of the Company at $1.50 a day. He is a Harvard graduate, and took the present place voluntarily in order to learn the business thorougly." Bdcksell University, John How. ard Harris, President; College, with fonr courses of study leading to de grees; Academy a preparatory school; Ladies Institute, a refined boarding scnooi; inusic school, for both sexes; and Art Studio. For catalogue, ad dress the Registrar. Wm. C. Gretz inger, Lewisburg, Pa. tf. On Saturday the L. E. Atkinson base ball club of thi3 place, went by carriages to ickesburg, erry county, and played a game with the club of that place. It was an interesting game which resulted in a victory for the Li. Hi. A. team. Score 7 to 3. I The Mifflin boys claim the best olj treatment by he Ickesburg people. The Ai.nual imrvest Home Pic-nic will be held Saturday Aug. 7tb, next on the Presbytia TWihnrch grounds bulh of McAlisttrvxRe. ' Speaking is expected, lima and string music. Base ball clubs from Middleburar, MifflintowB and McAlisterville will play adjoining the grove. Refresh ments to be had on the grounds. List of letters remaining in the post office at Patterson, Pa., uncalled for a! tbe close of business on Sat urday evening, July ?1. 1897. Mies Carolyn Mathers, Sirs. Minnie Long, Mrs. J. W. Cleveland, F. Harrison, H. W. L6avergood, 'James Uaffeny, Emil Scliwac, Mariadtonia Raguana, Gyores Polyera, Michele Angles For-case. Pittsburg Commercial. Mrs. O'- Reily. Say, Mrs. O'Rorick, you were not to the O'Reily ball last night Mrs. O Konck. Indeed and 1 was - nt. Mrs. O'Reily did'nt invite me, but niver mmd, I m troing to give a ball and niver an O'Riley shall come near. I'll show them how to even up on the ba!l business, and she took a sniff at her frntlling bottle. Someone writiojr on the banana says: It is said that a good banana when baked iu its skin twenty min utes until it is soft aud bursts open makes a fu'l meal. Three banana?, weighing one pound, are equal in nourishment to twenty-six pounds of bread baked Bananas shouid never be eaten raw. They are full of ani mal germs and of tape worm. Baked bananas are the ideal food for ner. vous people and brain workers. Lean persons who eat baked bananas gain flesh. James Henry, a colored bachelor, 104 years of age, has a No 1 melon patch, at Enoxville, Tennessee. Miss Emily Boynton, colored, ased 97 years, captivated the old bachelor and hia thrifty melon patch, and per sonal charms captivated Emily and on last Friday, July 30, they determ ined to join hands in matrimony. A preacher was called iu and they were married, which yejififigthfr old" say ing "that there never was a goose so errav, but that some honest gander came that way and took her for his mate. About one o'clock, P. M., on Sun day, the fire whistle alarmed the town. It was ' the burning of the farm bouse on the Mather s Island. It is believed the fire originated from the chimney from the cooking of din ner. rSoys on the oiimintown siae oi the river first saw the flames in the roof and save the alarm. The house was a long building, a story and i half high with a massive stone chim ney to each end. It was built more than a century ago. The air was drawing strongly from the north west, and that kept the sparks from firing the barn. The Patterson fire enirine was rnn to Uub side of the river to the fording opposite the burning house and a line of hose was stretched across the river ana stream of water was played on the embers till all danger to the barn was removed. The .tenant Mr. Varnes was not able to get the household ef. fects from the upstairs, and the down-stairs goods were hustled out mnch after the fashion that prevails amidst the excitement of a fire. He bad an insurance on the goods There was an insurance on the house A generation ago tbe Island was known aa Bell's Island. Those who have no faith in the statement of Astronomers, were amaz ed at their own lack of knowledge. when they looked upon the partial eclipse of the sun last Thursday. Those who were ready to plow for wheat found the ground in first rate condition after the late rain. Their ground will have time to settle and get itself in condition to produce a profitable crop. The late drougth caused the ap ples to drop in great quantities and prevented those remaining on the trees from growing to their full size or the size that they do grow to when there is enough moisture to round them out. The Pannebaker Island Harvest Home, will take place next Saturdav. Speech making, ball p'ayiug and mu sic and social conversation with your friends, and dinner will constitute the chief features of the occasion. The dinner will have to be paid for at the rate of 25c for each person. Dr. B. F. Ackley of this place re cently received a letter from Ohio, stating that bin brother James D. Ackley had died in a hospital. He was confined there about a year, be ing very helpless. James was an old soldier in the war against rebellion and formerly lived in this county. At the Musical College, Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa., none but the best methods are used, so that to day it is recognized as one of tbe fore most schools of music in tbe country. $33 will pay for a term of six weeks, instruction and board. Fall term will begin Aug. 30. For catalogues address, Hens? B. Moter, tf. Director. Buy your hunting dog and have them acquainted before the hunting season opens. I have the following to offer, guaranteed thoroughly brok en cn their game and reliable. Fox hounds, rabbit hounds, beagles, set ters and pointers; also some fine Newfoundlands, spaniels, collies, fox and bull terriers; fancy poultry and pigeons; Belgium and German hares; prices low. J. Howard Taylor, Ang.27,ly. West Chester, Pa. A man in Huntingdon the other day became visibly drunk, but be was not in the stage of drunkenness that lays a roan off his legs. He however, was drur.k enough to mistake things, and mistook a funeral procession for a political procession, and fell into line and enjoyed himself immensely on the way to the grave yard, but when the procession gathered around the grave, a streak of the truth, gleamed in upon the liquor befud dled brain of the intoxicated man, and in an instant he was transformed from a gy parader to a crying mourner. Truly truth is stranger than fiction. Carlisle Herald: For the freak of a lightning stroke this beats them all. J During Monday afternoon's thunder Jetorm, lightning played a queer prank at the Henderson dairy farm of town. A discharge of electricity from the clouds stru;k the lightning rod on the eastern end of the barn and followed it to the level of the groua Instead of "gronnd lug, or beTtoondactea the earth, the electricity the 20 inch stone wall of the barn? burrowed beneath a board-walk in the cow stable and killing one of the cows. JLven then tbe lightning s force had not been expended, for it entered the ground and after travel ling almost the entire length of the barn, a distance of about 70 feel, emerged from the earth, penetrated Black grappled with his assailant, bat could not hold him. People com ing on the road appeared on the scene and the murderer ran away. Great excitement prevailed in Altoona and Hollidaysburg, and a graat turn out of men took place to search the woods and farms, for the man, who tried to kill Black for his money. It is needless to say that a stranger ask ing for a seat in a wagon or buggy driving in Blair county will be ans wered with an emphatic, no. Mrs. Jacob S toner, who lives north of town, encountered a large bla ck snake on Shade mountain one day last week. She had gone to the mountain to pick berries. Her hus band is a great admirer of dogs and she took his three dogs with her when she went for berries. AUof a sud den there was a great commotion among the dogs. She drew near to learn the cause of the dogs running around in a circle barking furiously. The sight almost chilled her blood. The dogs had found the largest black snake she had ever seen. She could not even guess its length, but it was as thick as a tin-cup, and while she was almost transfixed with horror at the sight of such a large snake, she was quickly brought to her senses by the snake making a quick forward swinging motion to catch a dog iu its coil. The dog fell over himself to get out of the way, and the snake struck a second dog in such a way that he yelled as if hurt or badly scared. By this time Mrs. Stoner was sufficiently recovered to run and she ran away. The dogs were scar ed and ran following her with their tails down like so many whipped curs, and the snake still lives to give some other person a scare. Charles Cleok, of Fermanagh town ship was severely hurt on Monday by the upsetting of his buggy. He was on on his way to town with a basket of eggs and other produce, and a basket full of dishes that had been used at a festival in White Hall shool house on Saturday evening. At the intersection of Lost Creek Valley road with the road that leads down th9 hill to Cuba Mills, his beast suddenly turned and upset the buggy. He was pitched with such lores and in such a singular way that he landed in front of the horse. In his efforts to stop the animal he was knocked down and tramped up on his abomen. The horse was off in an instant in the direction of home Charles borrowed a horse from Dunn a at Uuba Mills, and started in pursuit. He overtook the animal iimed into a narrow space at white Hall school house. The buggy lay scattered between that place and where the upset first took place .When Charles over took tbe nmaway horse he was sick and was compelled to lie down at David Sieber's place several hours before he could pursue his iourcev homeward. No bones were broken but the tramp of his ab domen was a narrow escape irom a worse injury in most cases than a broken bone. He has been quite ill since. THE ONLY True Blood Purifier prominently in the public eye to- dav is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefore get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. BARGIAN DAYS ! BARGAIN DAYS, AT SCHOTT'S STORES. Com m dicing Thursday, August 5th and continue until Saturday evening August 28th. Coeds bought during this Bargain days are better invest ments, than Government bonds. Your wants, be they small or great can be satisfied for little money. m At 64c worth 90c, 10 yards of hill yard wide bleached muslin; At 49c worth 65c 10 yarJs of yard wide bleached muslin; At 55c worth 80c, 10 yards of better bleached muslin. At 35o worth 50c, 10 yards of unbleached muslin; At 4oc worth bOc, IU yards of better unbleached muslin; At 50c worth 70c, 10 yards of fine unbleaahed muslin. At 57c worth 75c, 10 yards of best yard wids Appleton A muslin; At 35c worth 50c; 2 yards of turkey red table cloth; At 45c worth 70c; 2 yards of imported turkey red table cloth; At 55c worth 90c, 2 yards of extra quality fancy table cloth; At 4c worth i oc, l yards ol hne bleached union table cloth; At 10c worth 15c, 3 yards of good cotton crost; At 25c worth 35c, 4 yards of linnen crost toweling- Lidirs underwear, pood valaea at 5 10 and 15 ccnti. Vcd fivcrsbirta at 25, 35 and 45 rents. Mens good Semlees stockings, 5 pair for 25 cents Ladies good hlaek HtockiofR, 5 pair for 25 cent. Children black stocking, 5 pair for 25 cents. 5 yards of Best Lancaster giogl arcs for 24 cents 5 yards of other good ginghams for 18c and 20 cents. A GRRAT BARGAIN. Rags front a catpet factory at 25a a piece worth 65 cents A dress pattern of 8 yards all wool Henrietta for $2 00 worth $3 00 . Dress goods bargains, all over tba store, and selling will be vary lively, among tbe silks, muslin, underwear, shirt waists, laoes, ribbons carpets and laee curtains GREAT BARGAIN IN LADIES' MEN'S AND CAILDREN'S SHOES Plenty of Remnsnta, odds and enda must ge at any prioe. Parasols and Suoshadea for 50e, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Same oorsats will closed out a, 25 oents. 3 oakes of gcod sjap for 5 cuts. 42 rows of good American pins for 5 eenss. 10 yards of good Caliooes for 48o. Clearance sale of Summer dress foods at and half price. 21 inch turkey red handkerchiefs, 7 for 25 cents. 24 inch best red handkerchiefs, 5 for 25 cents; No premium tickets with calicoes, mualio and ginghams. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa. No Special COUNTERS for Shelf Worn GOODS, All Summer Clothing at Cost. Selling Now for ins. Barsra H0LL0BAUGH & SON. To pcTWCS number of words of tbe phrase, Patent Attorney Wedderburn." For particulars address the National Recorder, Washington, D. (J. Oct ,l 97 SHED. 1897. MIXLIKERY. the 20-inch stone wall at the west side of the barn and knocked a wooden trough away. A branch of the stroke left the ligbtniDg rod, followed up the spout ing and tore some shingles from the roof of the bam. The most remark able part about the barn being struck was that not the slightest evidence of any burning was to be seen. The cow which was killed bad been purchased only last Saturday at a cost of $35. It's calf standing be side was unharmed as ' were also 24 more head of cattle and the dairy wagon horse, which were in the same stable. Some one stole the Democratic, Fermanagh township ballot box last Saturday evening. 1 nomas boloun was the judge, who held the Demo cratic Primary election in the after noon. The box m which the Prim - ary Election votes were deposited, was a paper box tnat bad done ser vice as a shoe box, which is tittly sig nificant of the kick the unterrified brethren are now engaged in over the theft of the box. Of course there was no money in the box for the par ty that stole it. Tbe motive doubt lees was to know how certain of the brethren bad voted. This thing of curiosity when carried too far is a dangerous thing as ia evidenced by the doctrine that all the human fam ily suffer by mother Eve's curiosity, that prompted her to eat of the for bidden fruit. How the race has suf fered since Eve's curiosity came to the light of day, and how tbe Fer managh township ballot box looter will suffer if found out is hard to tell. Judging from the amount of talk in dulged in the punishment will be to the extent of the law, made and pro vided for such cases. Judge of Elec tion Sulouff had charge of the box, and temporarily while he partook of supper at the Murray House, depos ited it with bis satchel and some other baggage under the office coun ter of tbe botel. W ho bad been keep ing an eye on his movements and knew where be placed tbe box, be says he does not know, suffice it to say, when he came to look for the bal lot box, it,was not there, and all search that has since been instituted has failed to reveal it. A strange man the other day asked permission to rido with C. M. Black, who was on his way from Altoona to his home in Fredericksburg, Blair county. Black had $117 in his pock et the result of the sale of produce in Altoona. The stranger was given a seat in the wagon, and while engaged in conversation drew a revolver and shot Black in the back of the head and necK. tie aid not know be was shot, but understood from the feel ing in his head that the stranger had done something to him. He grap pled with the murderer. Tbe horses ran and in the tumult, both Black and the &trancer were thrown out Good news for you. Hats for 5, 10, 15, 17, 19 and 25c. Some better grades also, Trimmed Hats for 35, 40. 50, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $i.50. All goods reduced at 4t. M. A. Diehl's The Best after Dinner Pill- pre-dis- Hood's Pills aid digestion, vent that feelin.? of fullness or tress and gently, yet effectively, as sist in the assimlation and digestion of food. They do not gripe or pain, and they do not weaken the body. On the contrajy, they have a strength ening and stimulating effect. They rouse the liver, prevent sickness and cure sick headache. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless and may be used safely by delicate women and children. Through Steeping Car Service between Plltbbura; and At lantic City via Pennsylva nia Railroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany announces that a through sleeping car service between Pitts burg and Atlantic City has been es tablished on train leaving Pittsburg at 4 30 p. m. daily, arriving at Atlan tic City at 6.30 a. m , and returning on train leaving leaving Atlantic City at 8.35 p. m., daily, arriving at Pitts burg at 8.30 A. 51. Connections are also made at Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, with trains leaving Pittsburg at 8.00 a. m. and 8.10 p. m. daily, and re' turning', with trains leaving Atlantic Atlantic Citv at 7-50 a. m. and 4.45 D. m. daily. This is the only all-rail route to tbe seashore. 4t. New Principal rr Buckaell Infttltute. Special Invitation To The Iublu To attend the Attractive Sale oi Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE ST0GK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOX S AND CHJ LDKEN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN GRANITE ENAMELED- WARES is as far ahead of other Enameled ware as china is ahead of clay. THIS WEEK REDUCED prices have given a fresh impetus to the sale of this unequaled ware and placed it within reacts of jJttr smallest purse. AT OUR FIGURED IT IS CHEAPER TH TIN WARE Eleven and one.balf inch wash basin, 20c; reduced fron t Twelve and one-halt inch " " -be, reduced iromt Two quart Coffee boiler, 40c i educed Irom bUc -Fourteen quart dish pan COc; reduced from 90c. One Pint Drinking cups 10c; reduced from 15c. AT- KH.M'OLIN'tIC HAVE TOU MOKET TO DEPOSIT ? THE HBST V'e warn the readers of this journal that we do not authorize the of so-callai traveling optical our use ol specialists Miss Eveline Stanton will take etir'Q of the fiacknell Ladies Insti tute as Principal and of the College Women as Doan, at the opening of the Sohool year, September 16. Jmiss Stanton graduated from Bucknell College with the class of 1?90, taking Ixigh rank in her class, and receiving the prize in mathemat ics. She then became Lady Princi pal of Keystone Academy, achieving great success a3 a teacher and as an executive. After three years of service she re signed to pursue graduate work in the University of Chicago. Her special ty was in English and Philosophy and her standing was the higiest possible. It may be added that while in the Univtrsity, she was collabora tor in preparing a critical edition of Browning for publication. In 1895 Miss Stanton became Pre ceptress of the North western State Normal, which position she held when elected Principal of BuckneA Insti lutt. nnms in advcrtiserjeuts Our advice to all persons who have defectivi eyesight .,.,i,. M-L-iJts uml pedlars ot Spectac'es. KD'iaaeipnw. y a QUEEN & CO.,TlJe Opticians, lOIO Chestnut St., Pb- Thurston'spiLLS Ar pfrfor health Jewel . oe dilree but infal I. hie to relife. When eytf thing lse DM fallfd to bri- yon relist for neauiuiha. bil lousn. w. rtoiMch ana llr complAintfl 11 ARK yf . K 1I I.IJi. It mail S Kl SAW r.llllAHDEHSiHE5 A wonderful improvement It: Krirlton Fj-et: -itl (;iHnrk. Rica mottono.'Ciirrlm-tlf nuii--.e 1: l aanyolhtr In Upmarket. I''rirjinl i:t'U. cxuainxall theref-J gearing to s'uiij PiUi tul L.- big; (rent ravine ia pwrr nnil vry. J 4rniBlnmraniiforLLrceCataloffi:eunil r!rew A'm. rta Harrow Hr Hake. 'ul:i'rnt. r, ara llatrin,laeltrni,eti .'... !. U.UKVII afcDHOMUOU.irrs ;:.. . 1 S bnt skin deep. There are thousands of lad vi wao Delve re?aa. lui'iiuisimiguw .orilud the jialm ol beauty were it not for a j-o-v poimilexton. To ail saca we rtooxnmood OH KEBR.VS VX)LA CREAM as possessing the. niuiitics ttut qulctiy cnance tue bc et.. ni fiorid completion tooue of natural hr'.- nna nnKletnishnl btiftntV. It carta Oi!i trccklta. Block Heads, Blotcbcs, 2ual J-i Tan, Piranlea, and all imperfections tf t.: K in. It if. w t a eostncUe but a euro, jei li be! u-r fnr thi t 41t tahie than DOwdcr. h?M I't if.-JBisU!, or wnt patTiS i:pon rccr7t oi tt. c iiiauiabu. iowk, . fRAZER AXLE UREASE BEST IS THE TroM.. ltarwvarine Qualities an aaanrpaeaed, acAoan? euuaatmc two Doxea cr BCTO";ur nriia. ?ir? aJiHiil or baat. urUF.T IH k. OfcJ lilS K. TORS ALE BT DEALERS GENERALLY. IV ARE YOU A BORROWER -CALL. AT MFFLINiOWK, TA. FOUR PER CEN T INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATED, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. PMSYLVAKIA COLLEGE, CETTTSBrBC, PA Founded In 1S33. LarK FacnUr Two ln'1 conrees of study Classical an Scientific, Special courses In all depart numii. Ohservatorv. Laboratoriea and new Gymnasium. Seam beat. Libraries, 22,000 volumes. Expenses low. Depart ment of HygieDe and Physical Cullnre In charge of an experienced physician. Ac cessible by frequent railroad trains. Locft--'-tion on the BATTLEFIELD of Grttysbnr rnnht pleasanf and healthy. PREfT 4TORY DEPARTMENT. N ate buildings, for boys and yonng nr. paring for business or College, nndeif ial care or tbe Principal aad three j ants, residing with students 1- Fall term opens September 6', Catalogues, address H. W. MCKKldtW. Pr . or REV. O. G. KLIKG Oetltysburg, Pf Garfield TeassL irmCOiir.Upt.UOU, hf:ini"ji ttn-.ui "''i." v V Its Seunple true. .Ar.viKiJ'JF.ACo.,3lJ ..uM- n'?3Sic&He3.d?.shC' SO YEARS X?Eit!GI.O" H L .SaRT TRACE JUNIATA VALLEY MM. OF niFFLMTOWH, PA. Stockholders Individually Liable- JOSEPH BOTHKOCK, PrtnJnt. T. VAN IKWIN, Cm A5AKXS, DcStC!, C&fVRIC:rT3 ie. Anyone penlna a Aeteh nd description may quickly ascertain, free, wtietuer an i'lrentiou probably patentable. Communtrotlmis strictly CODfldeutlitl. Oltleat ajzaacy forsecuriiix p&tims In America. We bave a Washington oKic. Patents tnk?n through. Munn & Co. reofciTO special notice in tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tMatrtlfnlly Illustrated, lanrr-st circulation, ot any aciantitlc Journal, weekly, term l':.(in a yepr i i.nuBix luouina. specimen copies antiim book ON i-ATEXTS aent free. Andreas MUNN & CO., 31 Itraaawar. New Yarlu OIBECTOBS. V W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothfock, V Jolm Uertalsr, Jostah L. Barton, Kohert K. Parker, Loula K. Atkinson. T.V.Irwin. STOCKHOLDkag : ' Goorjte A. Kepner, Annie M. Sheli.. Jose ph Kclhrock, P. W. Manbeck, E. Atkluacn, i-araer, W. O. po:neroy, J. Holmes Irwin , John Uertz'.cr, Jerome N. Thompson, rharlntiePnvder. T. V. Irwin. John If. Blair. Joslab L Barton. K. M. M. Peonull, Robert H. Patterno,1 Paronol S. Rothit-ck, Levi Light, M.N. Sturrett. Wm. Swarta. 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