Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 21, 1897, Image 3

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n I f
3r !U
in Jtrmb; $2.00 irnot pi'-! !a n-Wani-.
Transient sdvertisener.t3" Ir.-oneS 6t 50
esnta par lech for cash Insertion.
Transient bninM ncileos !n le-eal col
wan, 10 cent p.- liau fr.r each Icsartion.
BsdcctloM will be nrvle to tossa derlnir
to aAyerHsa by the year, fciif cr quarter
Tue oats crop is promising.
The Maryland peach crop is a large
The oata crop in Miffli-i county is
an average cats crop.
Mias Evans, of Philadelphia, is" vis
iting Mi Kate Mathers.
John U. Haoilton visito i Mr. and
Mrs. S. SLowt-is last week.
The J jiiita enmity peach is a Iaia
ono, ripwiirg ia September.
-Irtaris Showers of Altoona ia visit
ing his parents in this pluco
How fortunate arc tho peoplo viho
look ,t tbe bright side of life.
liuttalu's ohlt st liian died at
age of 107 years, tic other day.
ir.Mias KuLle of Lewistovm is visit
ing Mrs. Sclilagel in Patterson.
Miss Easeba Grabb cf Liverpool,
is the guest of Mrs. Jamee North.
The Uount Union chair factory
has shnt down for the time being. .
Miss Ma, v PaMerson is home from
a visit to her parents in Lancaster.
Extensive gold fhlJs and oil basins
have brea recently foncd in Alaska.
It taks thirteen days to ship fruit
from California to London, England.
X" Vivid Bf&ls, I). D., of Philadel
phia i3 visiting in town and coauty.
For prickly heat make writer s'.icht- 1
1 1.- . 1 -. . . . . . i
ly bupperv wita sooa ana i.ath with
Women did a largo percentage of
the h.Tveat work in Kansas this sea
Zcb. Welzler'a horse broke a leg
or the 19th inst. Tho Piiirnal was
ttisa Grave Loudon L;n returned
froiii r yra'rr-rt-cd vi to Pb;!adl
phia. Clnyd Ucckcf PhUv.V,r.1l?n Prwn
a ETiicl-r r of days in f his i!:i?y ro
cer.Uy. "-Uss Nettie Siaysrr cf this p!aH is
vifaitir." a r.umbrr of xtnr-h
at 3iar'
Charles K:ri:-r.
irjg his tnc'licr, p.'
r :s vi-nt-lelativc-s
I oilier
in t"-.vn.
II v. JTr. Fah&, Lniharau
at tuja plac.., h'is entered
yflW- rt Fas'iobakor lias
lot Cf
peac'a 1mx--3 for side at hi3 place in
A St. Louis man weigl.i
poririds curried a womarj that wjflis i
2i t - ..l.li,. j
The Ohio democrats in nomma-.ing
a state ticket declared for silver and
gold 18 io 1.
The FaETiobakcr Island Jlirv-.-st
Horaa will !; L'dd on Stuardav, Aa-ur-t
7, 1S:7.
Cbark: Roaaaar, of Pittcb.irj, rn
opntnr, is vi-skirg t!.& jfayiij family
in P-dfers'r.
Misi V,.iv- FisieV of A.oorsi, is
visit:n7 the f-...-ii:y.f J. li. M Todd
ir, P . i .
y A doff?. ;asi
aio:t t:' mf
SlBg If! !:
jr? r.'or:;
war.i c.iL'ii ic.nn.
V.'aif.cr Iliil -t Kverctt, Pa., spent.
S-ttordsv nnd Sunday with his ochool
friend I'kilo Bank?.
Onree-i adopted confaMnco re
port on the tsrliY on Monday by a
v to of 185 to 118.
The game here 0:1 Saturday with
the Huntingdon 9 scored 16 io 9 in
favor of Huntingdon.
O ie by cut., Republican post m-.s-ters
aro beirf: appointed to v&rio'.xs
offices in the county.
A bci.i.et j roof cloth has betu ii -vented
end tested in Ci:'ccgo by lire
inventor of tho clodb.
The Lutheran Sunday School en
joyed a picnic to Schmittic's park o:
the 15th, present month.
Briti'.i doctors predict a trem.a
dous i crease in hetfri dita!-s on aJ5
count of bi'-ycto riding.
Alu ost every town in the Jucista
Val:5.T bas pb installment of fresh sir
c1?'' 'r.T from N jv." Yo-rk.
Rv. W. S. Oa,bo :ri of TmcoI.i. II!..
vi&iicd iiis cinyir SS,riff J i'al-!
fh; -.!-- ...-:!-.- I
vill.-. -d-lsndH h-, ChrMi-Bad.v
or Coi:ven:i.'n m .jar. t raiWiscs.
Isaan E?kr. piy.?, ho bas not givn
up !be d'ggi'ig fvr coal near t'le
Dur.krr church north of Van Wert.
There i3 a iull in tin tn'.li'.'g cf big
fish Elorii'.s, which is probably owing
to th big fi?i li haviugbfpa ca-iglit.
Thore is yst a good d';al cf wrv.-at
BMridir.g on sbock in f:e.Jut. Tho
flea-.on being late from the start :o
thr- finish.
Tbo State fish hatcheries are. elop
ed because the Legislature did n--.t
appropriate mcmey to keep t'jekateh
ery running.
Elections, the coming fall will bg
held for Governor and other Sict?
officitls in Virginia, Iowa, Oaio,
Win. Bell and Kilo Beaity of Mif
flin cotmty, circnlnted among their
friends in this town and county, sev
eral days last week.
The peach crop in the vicinity of
"Washington, New Jersey, is a plenti.
ful one. The peaclip? are dow being
put upon the market.
Get good ffyei y snbsrr'Wnir for tba
SESTiari, Ann RitprBLic1.
A Harvest Home Picsic will be
held on the Presbyterian cbnroh
grounds south- cf McAliaterville, Sat
urday, August 7, 1897."
A fonr davs encampment of the J.
V. Y. A., will be held at McCture bv
a9 nun bury v Lswistown railroad,
oegijuiDg beptember 6, next.
Miss Edith Whitmsr, 2nd daugh
ter of Jacob Whitmer of Fayette
tovrisbip, died of typhoid fever oa
Monday, agbd about 18 years.
Robert Eevnolds and wife of Har-
rieb lrg and grand daughter Bessie
Warner, have been visiting among
friend3 in this town and vicinitv.
If it ivere possible to unsex people,
it would be a goad thing to do in
soma cases, and then put pants on
the women and pettiecafe on the mt-nJ
Charles W. Book, administrator of
Samuel A. Thoma, deceased, will
sell farm and peach orchards near
Oakland Mills on the 14th of August.
2T:ecn Mussina of Williamsport is
staying villi his Kibter lira. O. C.
Gortner, while Professor Gortner is
attending to business affair dn Vir
ginia. Editor Swallow offers ?1,000 re
gard for evidanco that will lead to
tho conviciiou of the paitiep, who set
Pre to the S:a!o Cipiicl at Hirris
Last season the potatoe crop in
tlid county was too plentiful. Tho
crop could not be disposed of for love
or money. This year the crop is a
bbort one.
Two girls in Wilmington Dela
ware, are held under oue hundred
dollars each to answer the charge of
assault by tramping .on au other
girls corns.
J. II. RjJgera has bought the
James T. Sherlock farm near Walnut
P. O., for $ 7,500. It is a tip-top farm.
Ljng since it was known cs thi
Swars farm.
Alias Maggie Eider hts retained
from a protracted visit among friends
in v extern Siates. She is acaom-
aaied by Ler cousin Mim Jencio
More, of Illinois.
Tuo Chambersburg Repository of
July 14, mentions that Misti Cariie
Kala uf ShaJygrovp, fell forty feet
from r cherrrv tree, but was iiot ftr
ionfcly injnrcd.
Mary Baker, of Cass Cor.aty, V ,
celcbraicd Iut 0(5:!-, buthdxy by
-ii -ii hit- ibo wh"t teld and Und"-
f.r;tn?h Hii-avr.s io furukii fc-u-veuirs
to Lr relatives.
i'w JjHwihtowu board ! lwAlh
!v i."itjjncd, hcKtue iiio ton-rs
isounc-d vculd !ot approve iL:-ir .'H,3
of i,v,tH, and etiii the hcaiHi of tttn
pe-.-pie of I.t'.'.-is'o.YU rc-'nains g-o .1.
J.'?a Kiaslcc n! Van DjL-, Fa.
i i'o of Company C, lut Pa. Cavu-ry,
1 r j born rrii-ited uu inoreaso of n.'ti-.-o:.
v.iih'$113 80 backpay, tbrJ.ih
tiio ucy of Wia. Fry, .Uaxico, Pa.
ra despite t')2 nr.rrative of iialxi-'f
bi snake. Thy picnic people beiiev;
Uio su'.ko ii; dead and that it as tie
iaat of its kiod, and hence thero 13 no
Wood and Miss Fannie
Erjad r,f jjj ,
Uts - Ceiiej'
ar visitors, av-d Mr.
Fred Johnson and
rorey fcteel, r,t Jfhi!a-..elprua are
boarders at lVta. Gasa, iu MilfJrd
E.wi'd Wif5 Ob, j.rof!aor,
cooic lias fauen ani Lr
jken her cAte
bow! i;
one;! You t--! l !wr win
to fxpe
st:e br'ik?
Frv:C PfV
more.-!-1) .J
.r. Porry Co.,
was hi
1 CD
',f -1
lay ev.:r.inf. h-w
black 3if.!ii. 7
i'i;i 'Vi! ! lu:'i .'. 1;
i'.ti ;;'. -c"l 1
1 tin-.' I'li ES
that man ;
Mr. Ki'e Er.tnin. r, thiw ch-l-.don
ar.l airttt-rs. Misc-p Grace and
D-ll V,Triht oi Phikdslphia, are
spending (he pumninr with their pa-
rents Sir. and Mrs. Clarksoa Vrright
in Paittrfion.
Tia D.inp:.ia coanty court after
finding Dr . Swall-s-r. guilty cf libel
iag John C. Drdanty, Superintend
o.nt (d Pubiic Buddings and Grounds,
sentcrcid him to pay a fine cf five
hiindred dollars
A new ceiling for the Court House
audiouco chamber ha.-, 1-e.en contract
ed i,r with II. D. Funk of IVteraon
for .'?312. Tho prerenl ceiling i i
plaster has become ddngeroup. The
new coiling is to be of wood.
A v.toi nazwid Andree on3 two com
panion?, all ie-rced enough to know
better, started for Norway on tie
11th day of July io a balloon to tind
the North Polo. Ii will ba a sur
prise, if they are ever heard from.
Robert McMccr., Esq., had his
wheat hauled t-j tht barn last week,
ar.d there threshed as it came from
the Sold. The, ttraw was stored in
the barn, straight from the threfiktr
i"!ri,w r.
1'he wlioal -aaa good.
Last Word.-sy
Mrs. ISor.rott
it'iitcr ana .-ars.
ll)!Ije vi j
0. Gilson v, here Mrs.
FraiT T.-iil v.sit soma- time, Mrs.
Bei-aDt rnd l:,'.igi.ter only spndhij
a fi?w d.iys.
The Slxtixel & Repi'umcan take
pleac.".!!- in r.cknowkdging the ro-c.-h-'t
: t a crd of invitation to the
3rd Annual outing of Ihe Altoor.a Ty
pographionl Uuiori No. 210 at RLo
dodondeou Purk, L'ovdsvide Satur
diy, Jrdv 24, IS'JT.
Since the 10i.h of last Fel-.ruary,
cattle dealers vV. F. ilair.es and M.
T. Diiimover bouglit ai.d skinned
from iJeavertown, Snyder county,
200 cows, 25 fat. steers nsd 90 calves,
paTinjr U'.e
s the farmeis for t:e same, five
ttjou&ar.d six
five de'lnr?.
hundred ar.d twenty
Oa the night of ice 12th inst.,
some ona set on fin-' tbe large dwell
ir.g hous-': on li o DcIIuii' farm on the
edgo cf tho wilds .of Lkking Crock
V-dlr-y. The light of the fire was sea
bv 1 eople in Ibis town, but it was
several dpys before information could
be obtained of tho wherealouls of
tho fire. The property belonged to
Cloyd Horning. The hwise was un
occupied. Hunteis and fishers in that
etction will miss tiie house.
Lewistown Gazette: George He6a
caught a tterman carp in the river a
little below the watch box, Saturday,
that moatured twenty-one inohes in
length, was twenty iches in circum
ference and weighed 12 pounds.
Editor John Speddy of PortRoyaL
was-ia town on uriaay wun nts
match team of gray horsos and hand
some carriage. He ha one of the
nicest turn-outs in the county.. A
drive around town aa he gave us, hai
almost awakened a desire for a two
horse team and cirriae
Gold, gold, in great quantities in
Alaska, but it takes a game man to
go there and get it, and not all the
game men who go, succeed. If there
is much gold there, as reported, gold
will not rule as high as now, "in the
swset by and by." ' '
Robert, the bri:M ex vear old son
of K. II. and Isabella MeCiintie, be
came ill with throat trouble, on the
lllh inst., and on the wording of the
14tb , died. He was an only son and
his sudden illnass and unexpected
de'ich was a hard stroke on his pa
re its. Ic f ei :n :i t in the Presbv ierian
cemetery on lac. 17th of present
month. '
At the Musical College, Froeburg,
Snydor county, P i , none but the
best methods are need, so that to day
it is recognized as one of the fore
mopt pchools of music in the country.
$33 will pay for a term of six weeks,
instruction and board. Full term will
begin Aug. 30.
For catalogues address,
Hexkv B. Moyer,
tf. Director.
Two grains of wheat that got into
the boot of Henry B. Wisuer of near
Sohwouksvillo, Pa, while ho was
iiVig wheat made two little
sores in the instep of hi right
foot, and soon so inflamed his foot
and kg, that the limb was amputated
six ixjches above the knee, to save his
life from b'o d poisoning.
The motion for a new trial in the
case of Dr. Swallow, convicted of li
beling John C. Delancy, Superintend
ent of Public Buildings and grounds
at Harnsburg, was over-ruled by the
Dauphin county court. The case will
be carried up to tho higher court.
Subscribe for tbo Sestinet. and
Rei-hbcIcax, a paper . that contains
c!u:oe rejding maiter, full of inform
lion that does the reader good, and
in addition ks that all local news that
are worth publishing find places in
it ColuUil:S. tf.
TLn e'iy dailv iapfcrs lat week
were teeii-iir.jr v. iih long articles about
a yoliiisal diliereactt that ihev naid !
had sprung up bftween Governor
UaL-t:n-,3 ana h.-nator I2u.iv on ac
count of some bill that Qiviy wanted
Hastings t." eir., r.n-1 the Governor
would nut do it.
Bn:KEr.r. Uxivebsjt
T , TT
John ITow-
srd Ti'nrvi'!, Preside :t; O-dlcgo, with
f r.r course:! of Eiudy leading to de
gito; Academy a prf-pavai-;ry school:
ra::i.-s' Institute, a refined boarding
insic School, for bith sexes;
Homer Bcndci's nhimnc-v took fire
last Friday afternoon, but asid3 from
a scare of his family and a socty
aincll iu that section of the town, no
harm was done. Samuel Rollman
pvemptly get out h;3 hoao to work
1 1-1 1 e ?t i -
and bv a liberal use of -Aucedoma
. - ... . . - ,
from sparks from Cm e'eimney.
.Air. John Mu-sser of Walker town
ship, threshed bis wheat crop iast
wcf:k. and had suna (.f the vhc-.-.t con -
VCJlO'-l t.t'
and then into, :
bread uiinn-diU-I".
The bnlawco
of the vvbeat that he did not
n.-iid f'.r home consumption the 00m
iug year and f.ir the coming fall
s.:ad;n;i, ht. r.oid. It was quick work,
j wheat was good.
'1 he demand tVr wooden shoes is
on the- ir-'treitse in tire west. It 'se-iid
tbe awkwardness of wearing wooden
shoes soon passes away. They do
not become p-vnrated with moisture
like leather shoee. They arc said to
bo comfortable and warm in winter
and out wear two and three pair of;
leather shoes. Western people ay
the days of wooden shoes for Amcii
cius are bore.
Buy your hunting 'lugs and have
them acquainted before the hunting
season opens. I have the following
to offer, gnaranteed thoroughly brok
en on their game and reliable. Fox
hounds, i&bbit hounds, beagles, sst
ters and pointers; also some fine
Newfoundlands, spaniels, collies, fox
and bull terriers; fancy poultry and
pigeons; Bslginm and Gorman hares:
prices low. J. Howaiit Taylor,
Ang.27.ly. West Chester, Pa.
Many people rssrmbled at Beavcr
towD, Snyder county, during the late
wheat cottiog to witness tbe cutting
of wbeit by the primitive cjcle. A
number of the old man of that p irt
of the country assembled toshow the
present generation how wheat waa
tut two gfri'crntiCEs ago. It is siid
that the skill f.nd cunr.ing of the cyc
lers' bands w: ro not lost in lha ysars
that interrcntid, from disuse since
Hi.-ir boyh;r-d days,
'.1 ;:e
! ud to cycle fei'iili-
A. .. V .r.ebre-unor, mf rohaui-,
e.d 52 yocrs, aon of licv. John Wina
brrnnt-r, founder of the Wint-bren-
ninn religion ras taken out of jadon
Saturday fit Beatrice, Neb , and strip
ped, tarred and feathered and recloth
ed and again put in jaii by the mob.
He was put to jail on information of
wife, for having bru'.al'y beaten
his step-daughter. The girl ilfidfrom
his house two weeks ago !o Denver,
doliu Tyson of Mifflintown has
trapped many wild c:ts arid black
bcare, but if he does rot lock out,
John P. Swops nf Huntingdon Co.,
may yet beat him. The llaiitingdon
county trapper hunts thc.r dens, and
by getting his trap 3 among tbo wild
animals, has tbe r.dvaulage of a trap
por like Tyson, who docs not hunt
the beasts in their docs. Swope
says: Tbe big wild c.i- dcu on the
Warriors Ridge, between Filmore Pi
per's aud L;-c nder.s, had right, wild
cata ia if, two old ones and six young
ones about half grown. I caught
seven near the den and an old heona
at a rabbit's hole about 50 yards
away from the den.
ttteni .vired rtt p.aaie
and Art. Srud o. For cata o-u, ad- tt iio .
I 3 ., T, . 1XT ,? A . tion3, $S to $10 pei term: single
drt S-,theR5pstrar Wm. C. Gretz-1 40 d b
ingcr, LewisbnriT, Pa. tf. j trains afJ f;. B
The Detor Jfrs. " Brown " has
sent for me to go and see her boy,
and I must go at once. His Wife
What is the matter with the boj?
The Doctor I don't know, bnt lire.
Brown has a book on "What To Do
Before the Doctor . Gomes,' and , I
must hurry up before she does it
aiidVal Record.
acob Auckcr was severely hurt
laid off work all last week bv a
steer.. He and William Cleck went
to Rev. Soloman Sieber's place near
Thouipsontown to get tho steer that
W. H. Saasman had bought The
purpose was to butcher the animrl
at Sausman's place The steer did
not take kindly to having a rope put
around its horns. The restriction of
its disposition to go as you please,
made it stubborn and hard to dr .ve,
but with all that the two men got
along with it tobrab'y well till in the
neighborhood of tha Evans mill.
There the beast cut a Texas steer ca
per, and dashod around like a cabled
baloon in a ptorm, and in the flurry
got a swing on Auc!tor's rope with
such force that he was jerked off bis
feet and landed cn his stomach on a
stump. It was thought he would di e
He-is recovering.
Perry County Advocate: A bolt of
lightning struck a shock of wheat on
David Reader's farm, Centre town
ship, Tuesday of lest week. The
shock was burnt up. " There
has been "a great deal of stealing
going on in this valley of late. One
of our farmers missed sheaves of
wheat, and a close watch was kept,
which resulted in the capture of the
thief, who confessed. We hope he
may pet the full extent of the law.
Mrs. Jas. Jtfurphy died sud
denly at her home, in Newport, Sun
day morning, July 11th. She had
told her daughter what to prepare for
brrakf.ist, and asked her husband,
who had just arisen whether he
thoiiirLt she heard kcr. The hus
band replied and turning to look at
his wife discovered that she had pass
ed away in an instant. '
Good news for you. Hats for 5,
10, 15, 17, 19 nod 253. Some betler
grades also, Trimmed Hats for 35,
40. 50, 75c, $1.00, $L25, $i 50.
All goods reduced at
4ti M. A. Diehx's.
Camp Meeting.
The Juniata Valley Camp-.Wc-ting
at Newton Hamilton, will onc-n Aut
! ust 10 and closo August 20. It is a
pleasant place to spend a day or liia
-.iii-ie tmu. luo rengicus st-mees
make it doubly altrai-tive to re'.igious-
I v i:tC: to eu people. I he rtiigionsex
crcis.K will bj in chargs of Rov. J. B.
Ki-wmeiaua of Port li yai. The rcu
ftic will bo in charge of TJr. 33. S.
T , t TT Til : ,f
:4 - r'iiiy 4 JUrt.'liStMlu;. Alio I.I !t t) 1.1
. 1
it:j.i'H I'jj. 111.' uuu iiovu Mairtt uum
been reduced to $3 and will only bo
rented together. Boarding per term,
$t5.50; boardinpr per day, SO cents;
single meal, 30c; children under 12
! at t!:e ground es'try day
-. , L , T
1 For the annual meet of the League
, , . , , nl ., ,
01 Ainericar. v. heelmen at Piiiladel-
phis. Anjnst 4 to 7, the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company will sell spec
ial tickets from all puiji:"3 011 its sys
toiii to Phiiadelchia and returu at
! rate of a c-ictrld fare for the round
'rip: No r.iic Iftfs thau twenty-five
j cents Tickets v. id be sold and will
be ;ood going on August 3 and 4,
find good 10 roiurn until August 9,
1S97, inclusive.
Great Oraagcru' I'lcaic for
T!if; geai Gi angers' Picnic for
1897, will be 1 c'd at Willi ras' Grove,
Pa , August 2:$ to 2Sth. From in
quiries and cm t fiic! 3 received, the
display of farm n-achinery end im
plement:3, clao if horticultural and
live stock, prouiines ti txe?ed any ex
kibilitn yet held. Tho camp will be
fully up to the standard, all tho old
as well aa many new cottagt-rs have
already ergaged quart-t rs. On the
platform promiacnt Agriculturists
and Statesmen as we.ll cs political
stamp speaker, wid givo their vie.va
cf the. condition t f affair.". The fi
cancial questtc-n vill ba ably discus
ecd. In the evening illustrated kc
tures. the Cuban War, tho Turko
Oreciau War and no'ed countries cf
the wi rid; ai?o concerts by some of
tha b-st talent in the country wtU en
teitaiu these in attendance. Hlf
rates on a'd railroads. For circulars
trivig fuller information, write to R.
EL Thomaa, General Manager, Mc-cha-icfabarg.
G. .1
It. E!tC A M EWT.
For the National Entrapment ot
the Grcnd Army of the Republic, at
Buffalo, August 23, the Pennsylvania
Kaii.-osd Ct.mpany, will sell special
tickets from all points on its system
to Buffalo and rctr.fin at rale of asin-
!0 fare for the round trbo. TLece
tick-its will be sold end wili bo go ;d
g-jiug on Augiis! i:i to 20, ana gco-i
to re.lu:n m.i earlier than August 24
uc r later than Aug ust 83, 1897. 2i
usirtin iiketiiri: cami-
illKF.TIXti. SJ J".
For tbo Ucit! BrflJiren CJiru
iuccl:nx at Mt. G; tuw, Ta., August
3 io 12, 1S97, tho I'onneyivaaia IlaiS
rcaJ CoiDpany tsi-il excursion
tickeis from tl'. j oints on i;i s;8tm
cast of Piltsbui'f nd Erio, nn l west
of r.cd iseludiag PliiiiiJt iphia, li.iit.
Grtilca Rtitl return &t retluccd rates.
TLesc tkk:-ia will l.e sold Aug jst 1
to August 12, ir.clusivc, ooil to it.
twru uutil Au-jus!. 20, 1S97, irjc'usive.
Fcr f peciCo rale, coii-uti.ii.s, &e., sp
ply to I'ocrtibt ttckut nyt-J-'t.
Wonderful are the cures by Hood's
Snrffnpnrilla and yet it is only because
as th i::i.' true blood puritier, it malics
pure, nUi, healthy, life-giving blood.
Hood's Pills for the liver and!
bowel, net easily, yet iironiiitly. S5c.
VHt;l. liil'f Vf.ifr.l Cl.f.-.i rtLU'In.
- . ' if :
Wanlti rlros itoo(1 sell raridlv. and no wonder, when the
prices are understood, raw wol
higher, our stylish woolen dress goods will be lower.
Dress goods for 10, 12j, 15, 20 and '25c.
10 yards of Elvin Suitings for 75 cents; only half price.
1500 yards of 3 kinds ef wash goods, that are remarkable.
Imported Dimities for ar.d one nail to vc, worm io cents.
Scotish lawns for 4 cents worth 6 cents.
Lappet and organdies for 12a and 15 cents, worth 25 cents.
GINGHAMS, we are selling for 1 cents, worth 15c
Other dress ginahams for 5Jct 6c, and 7 cents.
Choice lots of wUh goods for'Sc Gc 7c and 8c; challies 10
yards for 25 cents.
Lace and Embroidery boxes are being emptied; lot of 2f.c
embroideries fcr 15 cents.
18 cent embroideries for 10 cents
12-i cent embroideries f'o6i cents.
Butter color laces, thst were 25c, fcr 10c Mid 15c
Lace Curtain?, Curtain Stuff of all kinds are sold at such
low prices, if 3rou can use any, we are determined to give you
low prices,
Shelf emptying is going on here, not only the quantities
being sold but the goods at the low prices will be a ;reat In
ducement for jou to buy
Large Assortments of carpets and oil clef!), at reduction
Large Assortment of shoes at low price?, and whm we say
low prices we mean it. S
Shirt waists, Skirts, tea gowns and wrappers, all are sold at
reduction sale price?.
103 to 109 DrMjsre vStret-t, MifUintown, Pa.
1865, BSTABLIS.HKD. 1807.
gpefrial invitation To 2' PuMk
To attend the Attractive Sale of Ci- dl.it'; th;t t.s n daily
9& l "SV W
It will be
Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock cf Gx.Ja for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits -and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Lew Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f lil
ve him a call if in need cf Clothing.
to givt
mifflin town iP-A..
iv O V.V.
"sa cf cui
1 s.
Ov.r r.-lvicc to al-
QUIZHN a CO., TJic 0plic:a,i9,iaio C!;esi-ui it-, 1IW-iu.
I'acu.'rlM?- T'l f.pcr:.- ' A.t auJ IlruinS.'n: ipe;t.-y i:! OIham
;ur K;-c ctsi.i :.i..iKr avui. on receipt of 4.3Mi'.
rt thing rli ttsut tailed to brit.'ji i
1.1. t .n .t.,.t.A V..fll l-m-
nuD.-si, siom.ca uitxi ;,
t-.Mnoi.ti:U I-.SK YOVh
l.itt.-'i'iltrr fcr TH!!KITKt!
i'll.trft. By uaAii A cou;
per pckiurc
Tr-w;v. F.-tV7.
itnavwr IWla tr cnrw-MANNEKS donbic
eztsaok KAKAP AK11XA. SOc Ti.-rrw'acvo
under the new tariff, will be
Si : 2" V C
Of - -
r:-t;'.i v.-h-. l;-:-.
: .(. s'. 2
0; .i! .'1 ie piud lrauiy m i z ii l.ot i.'rsii t
--ir.c. T-.ti! ?.-.fii v.'e i -o-.r'tn;1!! J CB
:v(l'Z V:OLA Cr.tAC a-i i.-..iif ti
1: till -::p.i - i.'-i to f.ao ci t;:.:i:pr.I h' .
r.i;. i.:i!W... i i-C's- !t c j.'.-s Ci':;. rSM-.i.
KrcS.i.s Knelt lr., li,-i.-U-3, Sua1-.i-i.
.:. i'fn-.'.'.'f. V.d '.: rr.vciioi-s ;.' t.:
it. .f. a.jt :.ia.,-.!.v.y?;v -el
.-: - 'j; t. :Vt ' ! :iji.i ; tv.'r' ?(;.:;
jU 6tttn l.---t Ti.i t up..-i r,.A;;.t .' " v.
S, C fc'il iSiJ t CO.. Tltc.'. -3
lss cri cs:
,7 ?: r t
K:sr s im;'v.'ssjs1
dan! ty braU f'ii f.T 1 : fit- i. t 5.
n..SAlfl CeaI
vs ?i -- - iVv'
M) Special
for Shelf Worn
G.0 0DS.
AH Summer
WARE is as far ahead of other
Enameled ware as china is ahead
of clay.
prices have gives a fresh m.pctus
to the sale of this iinecjnafcd ware
and placed ii within reach of the
smallest purse.
Eleven and one. half inch wah basin, 20c; reduced from 30c.
Twelve and enc-haif inch " " ,25c, reduced lrom 40c.
Two quart Coil'eo boiler, -40c rck;;id from COc.
Fourteen quart dish pan CO-.; reduced from 90c.
One Tint Drinking cups 10c; reduced from 15c.
KM. M'OlillM T1U7S
have ion mim deposit?
BArf K,
' S'.IFFLTN'lV.WK, l i.
Kcasy Loaned at Lowest Rates.
3 ;rrr
flit:..; . Sn-. .-
tt -1 .:ri-i., frc. .'.;:.t! -r ii.vir.i jc ia
til A-i.-fic. V,b I:hvo u ViftHT,-iod j.Gcf;
ISit'.rs tnkrtn 'vouu bluett & Co. ructiiva
ftpeciul uct.ee i:t t;;c
tw.r.nfl'-i!l- Mlu-tmtwl. lnrct cirmlation cf
nuy fH.-datlflc r..roal, wik'r, te.-r-i- :i y.-p,
risu mi.nthr. cpe. :u:hd ixi..l-s and iL: xo
1uuk os 1'ati:-it8 Best Irce. A idreaa
MUMiM 4 CO.,
361 Ilrondwav, New Yarlu
Consumption Suro!jr C irsri.
T Thi Enrrca: MfAoe tn'orm yota r.rvlcri
ill. I iiart a p-wntive reui?dy fcr thn abva-Ei-.
ly its t-.rrely na tboneiK''t3 orb .-.W.
c'-.- i:-.Vi. w u pcr;ur..ciUy curel. 5 jt.all
l soul bu'.-a or lay rm.oly tu
vi'- rc.lt.ra vto have cr,iiAunipti(..n it tii.' -i;
e.viti rm uacU Kxnn-w aud P. O. fc.uin.-fi8. !:.-:t- :
lui-;. . x..Muci l.il.C..lill6!at..N i.
Founded In IS.fi. Largo Faculty
Two fn'l courses ol ttudy Classical and
Sc'cntilic, P pecial courses In all depart
mirjlK. Observatory, Laboratories and
new (5T,B)T38i'im. Seam heat. ' Libraries,
2l!,000 volumes. Extnses low. DeparU
uint of Uygiene and I'hysical Culture io
charce of an experifcucod physician. Ao
repsiMe hy frequent railroad trains. Loca
tion on tho BATTLKKJKLD ol Gettysburg,
most plesfan ar.d healthy. PREPAR
ate biiiWing-s, tor boys and yo'iDR rnenpre
piirir.g lor bunii'i'M" or College, under spec
ial "are of th Triucip-! and three assist.
i ante, residing with students in the building.
' Fall term opors September 5tb, 18. For
j Catalogues, address
H. W. MUKiMUUl, U. I'.,
or REV. O. G. K LINGER, A. at.,
Qetttysburg, Pa.
StorkholderB Individually Liable-
JOS"i'II EOTHRCCK. Prttidtnt.
T. VAN IRWIN, Ctukttt
W. C. Porcero. Joseph Rotbrock,
J-jb'l tldTtliT,
Jostah L. HartOD,
Louis E. Atkinsoi,
R;w.rT K. Pi-rtier,
T. V. Irwin.
KrocxHoLDEas :
r,e-.-pe A. Key.ver, Annie M. Shollny,
Jr.--. vh Rot! rot I. V. MaLt-eck,
!.. !:. A.ikinscu, R. E. Parker,
W. C". I'o'.nroy, J. Holmos Irwin
.l.iii Hrt.:er, Jorftuie, N. Thompson,
.lui'D M. B!ir,
F. M. S. Peonejl,
Hannitl S. H.ithfick,
M. N. Sterre.tt,
jatr.es G. n ending,
b. VV. lieii'..
Samuel Scblepe!.
T. V. Irwin.
Josi".h L Barton,
Rr.hcrtH. Patterson,
Levi Light,
Win. B warts.
II. J. Sheltenberger
M. K. Scblegel.
Threo ai.d V'-. '-.r per cent, ir terost will ba .
void on :! .!':itisof d.-posit.
'ian 23, 18J7 tl
HLTlvN"tfc CO., Patent Attorneys, WaabinfrlOBA
1 li. C-. lor tbwr Jlsuu ptuo oflc?. -
i i
i I
! I