& "T ' " - r- '- ' HI.".'J".. , Uiyyip;; i.nu JtU PImm ( - w''W,WeetWBwpaW,,. of 17FLI N TO ".V N . - WElWEsDAY, JULY 21. IS:7. B. F. S C H W E I E R EBITOB ASD rBOPKIITOK. A report prevailed last week that Japan and Spain would unite in de claiing war nuiatt I he Uuiied States ia case this Government annexes Ha waii. Governor Ilattioga Las notified tbe State Department at Ilarrisburg', tbat be will not tsin appropriation bills for payment of accounts of the late Legislature1, unless the accounts are itcin'z-:d. 1!h will not sign l-ill lor 1'jtlip accounts. Tiiuee street cirs vtrc hiM up in Chicago and I lie c-uulnctor ami pass enters robbed on three el:ff-reut days liKt wee-k. If street and highway robb-ries ontiiim to multiply as they l:f.;.: b 'j?. :a''!i will bo required t j;- -b.-nf. f.rranl and (ale care of tL- r::Ivr-s as thev d'd ia MiJdle Age tiu.;s. Bituminous coal miners in tlio west and vestur J part of this State are in inavy place; on h strike. At Giliiz'p, I'.i , 4') mirc-rs' wives mobbed a miner who o'ltinned to mine when the ot'ieis strii'.-k. Most ol tho weeun Ws.ro b.-rein womr-ti. Tho '.vomer hftTO be3i arrested. Dn TiioMvs IV.vti.i.'of Loi Aajelcfj CJ.il i ' raia, def:ts li.-ca-iea. He baa found the "elixir of . Jif." He pm c j re any el:seise, if rot to far adviaa, ed, and cir f rtif t!:e body aaiost eli-icas.-, so pays. (jo1 elsctor, troctd; harry tvowj the rsni-sdy, the worlei has bean !i;jkinu' for tlio elixer ceiitut it's, ever smr-e A I un and I've lost a kuowledj.-i of the laws of life. Frai.k McLjubliD, publisher of JJClure's Piiila ielphia Tin's, d.ed at his home iu i'hi!al(.l-ii.i,i, at 1 o'clock on the rucruinp; ef Jcly 14, IS'JT, r'od 70 y: ars. As a success f il publisher and artistic printer, he hi i no superior, llowasa c.ipib'e busio'ss uinn and a m-m of iutrliee't nil foroo ami chf;a"tor, and if th-:-Times does not grea'.ly mis? him, it v:!i 1 on scc.'Uat of tho ini:r.'tn r ' l.ia ;.ni;n upon i's m:'.:i.it:m, nt, t!ia Guabiea it to go i-n in its p.reer if hs hiijiself stoo.I j:lrt at the heb-j. Ir the rocLs hi the Klondyke r- -R-ion in A!i-!;a aud !ic A of tie stre :r.is there, r:.j.t.i: Kf-ar the q-:sn til y i. : i -.-.R'. 'ivLpiii-h'-rj :.-o;l) ..-iMlf indi-s-. i v.iil not bo tortf. i:if --oi't :J?.i b.'vcr ri.KjsM.iii s i i ;,' :e !..;. n : rtl:rd j.nd lir.-i.'.'s I'l it I ...:iou of r.5uki;j: JiiiTtsi-lf Prf idei:t w.li uRve d:sapj.".rcd rj fhc m'-t i f :io;w. !: tit ii -in;v tl c: j'orts fi-.;m may - n A fur the j-nrpo-f: of desi: o'-'..pation .( Brvfn, t: t'-rrpew of t .i'liK! i;; caou :: iVs it ci.ur to thr.t. icd---!.todt ol in.: woild. Ihi. (ifo:-i:-;- w.:f-. c! J Cict'iMor.-;: 3v:tc-r':!., ?. :'. ICY l.;f tli.ro i. c r.cvx th-- 1". lL-orv ni'.::'ui;f. Iu tLo crly iwira-.r ehc z-Cj ov.t of be-itUh, but I ltd fa'.y n--:' - A. Ol! .Moij.I'iy she vss w" t : :. r.bn? -.'l?.C0 l-.T'd IM-'tO.'k t.-T i c'.r.:uy i:teai --'tJuin;'iy in rih 2-id Sv'.-rtiy f.di borar.-U! ill ;;ra,?;i i! lyextk till :ii 1 o'cl.-vk, wl'ca she l:au. Shu v s.! im ( "C. iuphiry woman, a mtnubiirt-f.tlie Pre'.fcytwisn church. A Lus!and: Toit daogiiii-r.s ar.A r, con most ktn!y fe! tLo I bcrt-avomeat. Gror.iii;;!- was aged about (10 .y.'.m-. Interiiirit in LViou ceme tery on Thursday. The sfricltst fret of the Jews are rov ii mournicg fur the d..-srurio:i of ii e Temple it'. J-r;jrialero. 1827 ye..d r. ,-m, iiy (L io:w!i g.-.r.fv-il Ti t ... The J . .,-, cn n-vouat of the .1-. , iKlion of the Temple aod ti e : disporsivon aro fasting and r f-.tiuirj'; from pkasure 21 djyg. Thy aaai vertary of the obstrvance of that im portsnt evect beau on the 1S:!j of Juiy. It is a ioug time to taovirr 1827-ycavs. Thy s rictest of tha Jews :;.) hopeful to-ii ia the Bwset hv and liy, they will iig.iin bo Xit'iurah'zod at Jerasalt-m, which r.vbt; a six is located on Shem'a fatm. Slicm," tie II:blj etudent remembers was o.e of Konli's sons, and cams through the flood on Noah's b'g ship. Tug Klondyke region in Alaska along the British border Lan turned out to be rich in gold. It h 1000 miles af-rcss the country from Seattle Wfshi.-.glon State ami "by rivi-r navi ; gatii'U :til00 mih s. From Scv.tie, a pani'Dgor ticket by ecr,amer is $150. " to 200. Soiii: miners returned bas-e I..'; I'-iyli ay $200,000, washed on', dif il'g the past ysar. The countiy is very cold. The miners dig tlio fr. ca gronr.il an aar.d daring th.j win tr, j.ut i;i i.i'o.-i, r.iid when tb? su:. m r eomra vruh t:io a ir. dii i.. The ERjryt-ts of g ;l 1 bivugh. to Sat t.'e, i;;i:i d do n from the s:z-j of a 'hickeu's -gg to tiiat of a pea and piu'u hrt.-d S. jtt!e people are wild with gold f .vjr, sr.d busincsi w eg !.?ck'.l. Th.; slightest chancu of get tog rich in a Tears time has mads tV:m a!oio-,i 'old crazy. On tbe 13:h inst., Anthony Will iiime, colored, ctugLt Miss Koce Cj! 1:i;s, whit?, in a strip of woods near her home at West 1VW,. Teun-sfee, ravished a;:d iiitird.rc-1 her. Five ht'tnirsd ri'-: hu-ited the ritiml two dnyr, :sd r.!..;;.ts. Tt-.-y found him on the- lrtb ins'.., took Lou to loan, tramped him to death on th street, r.h'd his body fall of holes and thee uiadii a u:.'5 iu tho street nod kept it up till his carcas3 w.is buret to ashes. i.e rtiiic.iv lor suca executions is for the u spective Legislatn-es to pass, erch, a !aw. mukiog the outrage of the person of a woman a hnngablo cf fence. Womankind mut bs protect t d from io6ihefs of fiendish trien. If the courts aro wot em-powered by acts of Assembly to hang sucii fi.-nda as WjJiiums, tiiey will be killed much af ter the mar ocr adopted at West Poiot. A man going to the new gold field ir Alaska must be provided: First with a willmgnesp and capability of doing band-work. If he can work and will work for othess, he can get, employment. Second, if he has a fat purse he can go there, and if he can not dig gold, he can easily return. Third, :f he lias money enough to i b;:y t he il'.ur t f three bn-sbJa of wliea', wbicb will hi?t6ne rain a year; mocey eDcngli to buy two hundred pounds of pork, which will last a yeer, and i srjppSy of sugar, coffee, &&, for o:.v.i man one yer, and then money esou-rh to havo all that transported ed 100J inile3 ou IndisEs' backs or a horseback, then he can litro in the new gold AAA one jear and per hnp9 make fortune. It takes a game mas to go into the new gold fiald. Men are going by scores. liuek, Fate, FnmJtneo, call what you may seme peoplo go through iifo smoothly. Ev.-'i-y thins they touch or have to do with comes out all right. Others aro the reverse. Everything trey touch dwindles into uotbioj; n ss. So it i.i with housts and bonds and flii;s aod lonoiaptivet-. Who C:-:i ej i;iu t? Is it ia the mannge mftit, id it lack, is it fate, is it Prov idence. Oii'y last Wednesday, July 14, an il'aslra'.ton on this joint was had on (be nilroad a short distance coith of the Pennsylvania Il.-.iiro.id vhtd or s'utioD. Tfco mishap over look ncite -"l. an entrine oiult in the Juniata' shops in 1S93. At 3 48 on the laorirng ol the 14th instant f t! e locomotive was enteriDg thallar risburg e?ation at abc.ut a 10 m'lo ralf, drawing s;x day coache?, four PutlraariP. a bajf-jnge and express ear from Erie. At tbe cross switch at .A.!ar! et street, fie locomolive left Ihe traou. ihe y-Qiy vvheels turned cross-wise and up-set the locomotive, carrying under it engineer Harry Mi!!r and his er.n George Miller and f'r mm John II Kvaia. The ecgi neer crawled from under the wreck without f ; i. but Lia son George was kiilcd. TVmfiu ll-im hid his right foot so badly crushed r.s to rtfiaira ampu tion. . (r-'orge Miller was only 11 rears oM atl UaA j-.is1; com9 from Sunbnry where ho had secured the position as freight brakeman. He arrirried about G m Eti s ago. The eDp.iue that did ad t jint ugly work ran into a rock slide rear Georgetown on the North Central about a year ago au 1 pitched ever the embunk'-uert with tha suae rgi :ieor. Rai'rcadors who arc supersti tious lock wit.ii threat suspicion on lo comotive 2017. I.OW ilATr: EMTESjoV-i ViA ITSXSyLVASIA R.vu i:on. The IVniisylvaiiiii Iiaihoal Com Pioy wiH fin a f lies of len-d:iy ex cursions to Ni-;g:ra l"jiI-, h aving Pbiiadc'pb: Bdiimo? and Wssh iojdfn on Jn'y 22, Aag'tt o ar.d 10, and St'ptonJ.;-r i aa l IS. An rxpr i'ittffJ fc'ijrif t fii r.t end ci;apt-roi: .io'.oa:pny tnch e.e'!r.-icn. Eicuiion tU'kets, good for relurn ;a?s:igi.. on any rf-guh-.i' train, cxc'.u sic- of limit "tl express t:.;inR, within t-.n day?, vi!i ha sold r.t 10 from I'Lii-ideiphi.!, BiJtimort-, VvV.shir.g ton, and sll points on !L.e D.l.v'varc 'Oivi::i.?n: $3.70 from L.iijaster; $S.0'J Ir -ci .V 'i '!v-:i.t aid lJ:irrib'irj;; ?S 25 :rom Wiikesbarrt? 80 i'ram Wxll- rf; a:.d at ; m ot'-is r points tionaty raU s i :1 at .p over v t-r -'Vt-a at l-a.i uo, U ;cut 3tr. su-.l V.:!!;:r.s r- turning. A speci-d tr.da of Piroman j.arl or c:-r: and :l-iy coaclis wili ba run wi;h each fxcursioa. For forih'.r iufurm v.lon apply to :'- i:ost ticket agent or a l lr-rss Goo V. Soy-'t, AsciHi -.tjt Gor.tral i'sseen Age?.!; Bio.il Si.rH.-t Station, i'bilJ. IpLia. al). iiijonrxcd Court. An adjourned Arpum.'.'utCouit was held in the Oiphar.-a Court Room on last Friday, the 10'h iast. Iu the jmit-tr of ths exceptions to the Aud-tir'3 vepirt in the estate of J. P. McWiiliam?, deec-asbd, ntdcion of Court tiled, (sustaining e.-eptioup, p.D:! report r-ft-rre.l back to the Au-t itor to be ainocdtid iu accord with opinio j. In tho e.btate of G;o. W. Smdb, dticeassd, order to s!l real estate, mj.le. Italo grarde.l ta S-imatl Brant at instacce of Jdeob Bi'f.u .p, to show cause- why appointment as guardiaa of lliaerva B. Bishop, bhoakl not bs revoked. The C .uit filed an opinion dis chn.ging the ruie to e'jow cnuso why judgment should not ba opened in the ca?e Mary A. KaurTianu V3 Abraham Kauffmau. Ia tho matter of the e-xcepti ws to Ihe bond liled in the nppaal to tbe Superior Coart in tho esse of Henry Hewer vs. Svisepuehaiina Firo Isur ancts Company, opinion fils-1 C)atai:s ing cxeentiocs. Petition f jr issue in 3 jcniTa inter pleader, Jiibn H. Ilidgers vs. G:Vrge .'.av atul Elizibcth Mar, filed. In tue trr-nass dsn of Slirv E Bard-,11 vs. Ja-ccs A. Bardell, A B. Evans was appointed artiat to sarvey an-l make drafts of certain real estate in dispute. In the estate cf Strati T. .Ttimison, dr-ceas'jd, ia the mittor of tha ruie to show cause why appraiscmeet of rr.a! estate should not be stt aside, after argument hold under consideration by tho court. V. II. GtoTiiogrr, Jacob Bare and William II. Long, were appointed viewvrs to vacate and aunul nn open one 1 road across Black Leg litonn mouotaia iu Lick township. W. H. Gror.ingcr, J. W. McCahau and D. B. McWilliatn-s, were appoint f.d v'.Bwers to view aci lay out a road in Tascarenu and Lick townships. E0W TO FISD CUT. Fill a bott'-.i or common glass with iniiio and let it stand tsventy-ftjur Irmv. a sediment or settling inili- cares an unhealthy condition of tha kidneys. When urine stsias linen it ise.'ideneecf kidney trouble. Too fr:ciient desire to vriuatei or pain in the back is also convincing proof that t':e Liduevs nnd b'adilcr ara ont of or.l.r. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in tho knowledge so often txprcFsad, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney rem edy fulfils every wish in rs'ievingpain in the back, kidneys, iiver, bladder anel every part of the urinary pass ages. It corrects inability to hold nrine and BCldmg pain in passing it, or bad effect followmgr.se of liquor, wir e or beer, and over comes that un pleasant necessity of being compelled to get np many times during the night to urinate. Tbe mild and tbe ex'raordinnry effect of f-Jwamp Root ii sona redizd. . It siftcds the high -4 est for its wonderful cures of the : atoet distressing e.ises. If you need j s nudicir.e you should have the best j Sold by druggist, price fifty c&nts- and "tie dollar You may have a sam j pl3 bottle and pu.nnphle!. bottle both j sent free by mail Mention the Jcs- j iata Sestisix and I?ErfBLicA! and j et na your naaress 10 vr. jvumer Co., Binghamton, N- Y. The pro prietors of :his paper guarantee the g. nui acr.ess of this offer. - jly. Through Stcepl ug Car Service between Plttuburs; and At lantic City via Fenmitjlva nia Railroad. The Pt rjnsylvat.ii Railroad Cm-1 pary ann ouac'3 that a through j sleeping csr wrvi e recwe n l uts burg ma Atlantic City h.iB been ts iabl:shed ors train leaving Pittsburg at 4 30 p. ra. daily, arrivirg at Atlan tic C.ty at G.S0 b. m , and returning on train leaving leaving Atlantic Ci!y at S.o.j p. in , dai'r, arriving at Pitts burg at 8 30 A. .U. Coont-ctiocs are also made at Br-'Rd Street Station, Philadelpbin, with trains leaving Pittsburg at S.00 a. m. and 8 10 p. m. daily, and re turning, with trains leaving Atlantic Atlantic City at 7 50 a. n and 4 45 p. in. daily This is ! bo oily all-rail route to tbo seisbcre. 4t. The Kest after Ulnner Pill. Hocd'8 Pills a;d digestion, pre vent that fteling of fullness or dis tress aod gently, yet effectively, n6 sist in tLe assini'ati-n an l digeatin of food. They do not gripo or pain, and (hey do not weaken I ho body. Oil the contr uy, they hive a strength ening and stimulating effect. They rouse the liver, prevent sickness end enre sick headache. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless and may be used safely by delicate women and childrea. DELISIITFl'ii SUMMER TOIKS. two tour 8 to the north via rrxxavL- VAXM RATLRO.U) l-r the convenience ef these who seek the m;.at attractive way of spend ing a Summer holiday, tbo Pennsyl vania Kiilroad Company has arrang ed two dclightfnl tours to Ihe North, nader the personally conducted tou' . ist pyfctcm, July 27 and August 17. The poitits included in the itinerary sod the country traversed abont in u--:ttt!o's beaatits. No matter how much miy bo e-spected, erne cennot be disappointed in Waikins Glen, Msii'-'tira IW-?, Thousr-nd Is'and, O u i)?o. M'otrea, Au Sdjio Cbssm, li;kes C'.: mp'ain and George, S -r r trgi-r th-3 Highlands cf the H'.vLou. i'.Ath to.ir will bo in charge of ere of !i:o co-iipaa'ti tor.risi agent?, P3 S scd by r.n Cipc-rier.c.-d Ift-iy as eh!p iron. heBo cspc-ci.i! chargo v. ill be anesiroric-d hidie.s Th r-ite f $l!)tl from Nw Y'oik. Sroo'i'yn, Newa4, Treiiioc, Pliilir-.h-'jihi?, Ils.-lsbitrg, Baltimore a id Washington covers rr.ilwiy and boat fa'-e for the entise round (rip, parlor cir Sf-a's, meals cn route, hotel enter t .inmenf, tiansfer charges, carriage hi tv. in fact, e-.very itom cf necessary For detailed i:"rerftry, ic.kaf!", or s,;y additional information, ad-lress Te u t Acrtnt, P nr svl vania Railroi 1 Co-tip tnr.'lI'.-G BrondVav, 2ew Yrk: S(0 Falton Street, Bro-.-V.yp; or G so. W. Bvvd, Assistant General Passen ger Agon Broad SL Station, Phila delphia. j27. The Sales of Hood's S.irsr.parir-p arc tlic largest in the world bei-.uise the ures by Hooel's Sarsaparilla ar-5 wonderful, pei-fect, permanent. t Hood's Pills are the best family cat hiirtic and liver meeliiine. 2oc. . ;. . N 1 . ) W N it A MKXTS. MiFrLiSTOws, July 2', 15)7. v:f TLtNTOVTiT !!.!' MA5JS h"".t ' ;7i in ear 4 - 2'J K-e C!nverf A ....... B-.rt.-r E(!'S Hnu Slimi'iltT. y.ni ...... , vilcs Timothy ged P a-: s?cil Bran tlho) Middlings Groand in Salt. American Salt.... 12 9 12 12 7 ...'."" .".'-!. 0 60 9 ,.$1.20 a hnndrrd 1 10 1.1)0 sc to 8c PincA Delphi a Markets, Juiy 19tb, 181)7 Wheat 78 to 79.-; orn 2'J to 30c; oats 24 to 25c: chickens 7 to 14c; butter 10 to 20o; eirgs 10:; sugars 4J to 50; c!ov,;i'3i:td ?i.43: mi'ik ev8 S29 to f 40i hogs 4 to 5o; sheep 2 to 5: ; beef cattle 4 t oc; S uthern po t?toi3 at 20too0cls a basket; psaches 50c! s to $1.25 a bmki t. MARRIED: Zimumas Horne-(. On ihe loth i.inf., at ?.Ii;!lioiowi, by Rtv W. H. Fahs, Milton If. Zimmerman of Akron, O. nnd Tiilio M. Horning of Sliliord township, Juniata Co., Pa. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla has over and over again proved by its cures, when all other preparations failed, that it is the One True BLOOD Purifier. ISetic-vi-fl la Klihpr 3Iuda "Why tlicm't they have that baptlz iiuj out at tiro creek the other tlay?" "It rainetl furiously while they were on their way oat, nu.t be-foro tliey got half way there th man who xtat going to be buitiKCl sulci lio was not preju diced iu favor of either nuwre, anil he believed it woulihi't t-c ncr-i s-aiy to fie any furthtr with thy ceremony. " Uhi cac. Tribune. Tho new yaclit for tho e-rapeior of Russia is a bout of o, 200 tons displace ment. Her l.'tiijt!i is S70 feet, breaelth 50 feet 8 inches uul depth 88 feet 6 inches. She bus been fitted with en gines of 10,000 horsepower and is val ced at 480,000. Tbe only opium permitted to be used by the British Pharmacopoeia is obtain ed from Asia Minor. In 1873 "Yesso, Japan, suffered from a firo which destroyed lu.uuo nonses and left over 1,000,000 persona hotne less. The first nuhlio echocls were opened in 1645 in )iv.sachnetts. Fair Ansa l'&s Tcacaa' N'ierw. bat Slus Oun of tui'sti men who came in from ! the country and has climbed from the bottom of the ladder to- the top lilies to tell a etory on his wife, whose second beauty is crowned by a mass of silken hair ae white as cotton. "We both lived on a farm then,", he says. "Anus waa an orphau and brongbt np by a strict old uncle, who was a dea con. She was pretty and bright, bnfc bo prim and straitluced - that she Vould cancticn nothing to which the tleacon hiuisr-lf ohjecteel, and no old Covenanter ever drew the lines more closely than he did. "Iext to Anna my affections were centered on a colt that was good to look at and devcleiped a wonderful speed and ganioness that ppeke of aristocratic de scent. I told this to no one but Anna, and it was with great difficulty that I induced her to rii'o one Sunday with me to a camp meeting behind a leal trotter. "CJoiug to the meeting I regulated the colt's pace to fait the day and the occasion, and he was as sedate as tbe deacou himself. The only girl of tho neighborhood who pretended to rival Anna in beauty was there with a young fellow who prided himself on having the fastest horses in the county.' Toward sundown she told Anna that we had bet ter start home early. They would re quire much lest) time tuul would prob ably pess us ou tho way. That made, me mad tuul I thought I detected an un wonted fire In her eyes. We were jog ging hoiueward as decorously as we had gone, talking solemnly as we should, when there was a rush pust us, a cloud of dust aud a mocking laugh that budc ns 'gotidby.' My colt was prancing ami pulling like a tugboat. I was bound to pleaso icy girl, grinding as it was. " 'Let 'er gol' came between her red lips and whito set teeth just ca a girl of tho period would say 'Let 'er go, Gal lagher. ' "That was enough. Fences aud trees flew tho ether way. Blood told, cud the colt seemfid on wings. Wbe-u we were note nnel nose, Anna was so excite d that she wanted to take tho icins fe:r fear I couldn't win the Sunday nice. But. tho gallant colt shot us through ahead. It wasu't long till Anna wore a littlo jew elry and tolerated cards to tho exte nt of playing 'eld .maiel.' ' St. Louis Re public. WINDFALLS FOR GAMINS. Two lHvlh CHtt KeitoiroU on Iulr of Brllit Voym. Quite rrccntly the pretty wifo of a prospeious manufacturer was l'.xiking iuto a coufect ioner's window when a barefooted lud of ubont 10 cexilly walk ed up to her ami placed his lagged tirm through he-is. "Ercco:V3 this liberty, mnui," he said, with e:omical ceremony, "lint I ain't get u mother o my own, au I fools lone ly. Will ye kiss mc?" For a moment the lady was too n3 touished to spi ak, but the right of the dirty face turned so auducieiui-ly rp to hers drove away her imligmitiou. Much to the amuscnicut cf the piFi'r3 by she kissed the lad souu-lly, asked hici where lie lived and dismissed l iiii with a f;"A- ce.pH-is. Hut that was net the end of the little incident, for soma vce iis cfter the ley wi.s limited np Ly the lady's hcehnud and prerrutcd wiih 1G0 "payiin lit for ti:u kiss taken in front of the e-oi:feetioiic-r's window," tho lady s:iM. A good natr.ied rjcntlcmcn who is very stout, r.nd ca that cccouut does not caro to stoop, once dioppecl his brier pipe iu the" middle e.f a Lusy street. The pipe v.us a greet favorite cf his, but he dare-el not ran the ri--k cf beudiu;; down, ami i.fttr gazing rvgielfuliy ct his fnlleu tiasuro he decided to a bun don it. Befr-re !o cot-let do fo, hcwcTi-r, a littlo stree t tu.ib pjT his plight, and, rnnuing forward, pickcl up tho pipe and restored it te him. The tje-nrieiuau stireel nt tho toy without speiiking for awhile, auel then pulled a handful ef gold out of his pockot "Tako this, kiddie, and be careful how you ppeaid it," he E-.iid. "Mind al eo that whatever yen do with it yon arc net to spend it on hutt.-r scotch, for that's the stall that maiic rue fat." llo then wulked away, leaving the astonished urebin in pesssion cf a winelfull amonnting to over 30. Lon don Tele-graph. A11of:tti(.-r Too H'lso. The engage el girl was thoroughly modern in her ideas, while the girl who was not engaged wus given to olel fash ioned romanticism. "Tell mc all about it," said the girl who was not engaged. "Oh, tin re isn't ninth to tell," an swered the engaged girl. "I suppose the niethed e.f procedure is abont tho same iu all cases." "I presume;, " sairl the girl who was not engaged dreamily, "tint he looked soulfully into your eyes uuel aked yon if yeiu loved hiai?" "Net a Lit cf it," returned the cu gaged girl e;iiiekly. "lie was altogether too wise, to .u-k any such que stiem us that. Ho merely Ksh. -.l uie if I 'el many him." CbiiMgo IV-st. Hid Choice. An Irishman iu Franco was chal lenged by a Frenchman to fight a duel, to which he readily consented, ami sug gested shillalahs. "That won't ehi," said tho second. "As tho cluillengid p:rty yon have tho right to chocs.; tho arms, but chivulry demunels that you should ele-cielo npon a weapou with which Frenchmen uro fa miliar. " "Is that so?" retuine-d the Irishniau. "Then, bejrorra, we'll fuig'.it wiel guil lotine's." Lendoii Tit-Bits. It is said by philei)egist.s that there are 13 original European language's the Greek, Lutiu, Ucrman, Slavonic, Welsh, Biscityan, Irish, Alb;ini:i:, Tar tarian, IDyiiuu, Jazy-iau, Cbuuciu and Finnic. ' SINCE SISTER'S GOT A BEAU. Tboro'e qtiito a chonpe around at hocno, and nil is now aereno Where once upon a time war raged and troubles I had seen. Tho reason this la brought about to you I mean to show. It'a ail becaueo a man comes here, and he is sister's beau. I elon't know how she captured him, but he romcs here lunt til, sumo. And for far that ho will stay away I will not j.lve Ids name. Beit I only hopo he'll alwuya comu; I real ly lovo him bo. For everything Is now so nice sine sla te i-8 tot a beau. I can spin my top In tho parlor and gen erally have my way. Yesterday a boy e-ut loose my kite, and sis louf-ht one today. She also gave, me marbles and took me to a show. I feel so happy now to say that sister's ot a beau. The roostein and the chickens all seem to be so proud. And the cata upon the bock yard fence at niKbt sing extra loud; The birds up fn the tree tops their happl- n.-ss do show. And tliis has all been brought about since sister's irot ft be-au. I hope some one will make him come; I only wish I could. Yes. there's two bits a week I get for keeping mu In wood. I'll give this money to this man sis calls him Mr. Jix- Because I'm hnvintr too good a time for s!s to lose th.-tl beau. A. e-. I'liclps in New Orleans Kcttyune. V -'HinitnitnrtntHMtimMiinHHitnHiinnfniitniinit wneat and Grass : . -as irrow best when planted with Pnrt 3S ?c Banc Dub A fr'. ilizer that al- 'v brine a crop, alws lru 1H provf the coil. Sold Jireet to far- merf fJT.Irt ptr too. No ngeuta. 9 i 1-uniplen IVee. 3S York Chemical Works, York, Pa. 2 i' icyat;- Mit-r ' is il-'v V ij rfi'l W-f. ,. t it 5' 1 '5 .. -, if i. .- ? l : t t; fti-L ti FEU !'0 . ' i r. c U MTu. VI !t .::if.i ' i CO ClKC-tVMTCK.NX ' &nd n.i ot.ior corpna can ami va ie by Uie t; Phosphate j t RcIi rich him! !'M Siaid for 1'rl. l l ftf YORK CHEMJCAL WCUS LEG.1l.. DMINISTRATOR'S SALE VALUABLE KEAL ESTATE! I!v virtue of an order of sa'e issued out of tbo Orphsns' Court ol' Jncia'.a County, tho undersigned, Administrator of tha es tte of Samuel A. Tbon.-a, lato of Ferniar. rh township, deceased, will olfer at public sale or Tract I, m r erman?gh town ship, ihoiit ono niilo west cf tlahland Mills, tibeut 1 o'clock, P. M.. on SATURDAY, AUGL'sT 14, 189 tho fcllowiae descr'.br i Koai Et:ete, to wit: Tract Mo. I. A tr.n.-l of bind silu.ite in Peiniar.s'h towr.sbi;., Jinnita counly, Pa., ' bounded or. the north by a i'inlic rocd; en illieeest by bnels ot Da.-id Iiashorr; on the south by lin'iS of David B.isliore, and on j .'-.e wrst tv hiiavis of DaTid Ilashoro, W. H. I U. Kreid-r and Dr.' L. f!nnk, c.-ctainln' rORIT-TWO acres, notes or les, aud having "'-.preen srecred a two story ' rame Dwel'tnp Ilonf c, a'uiost new. pood Frarr.-i Bcnk Fain nu-t otbt-r otsI buiMii-gs. On tbis tract th-10 is a . 17ACH OKCUAni) C? OVKE 3,5t0 TREES, all ef tvbieh are bi-aring and in good condi tion. The crop from this orchard tt.is yeor will go to tbe purobpr. " - Tract Mo. 2. A tract of land situate in the s;nio township, bounded o i the north by hinds of Scloraon -Bcshr-re; ou tho east by a public road and lands form-.-riy ol A! cu Kopf enbcller; on the south by a public road and Unds ef Solomon Bisl.ere, and on '.he weft by lands e( Solomon l.aehore and John Uichael, con'rininir SEVEKTEEI ACBErl. MORB t-B LESS. On this tract thr-e is a peacii ctcmnD ot t bout 400 ibfes, all bearing aod in good condition. The crop Irom this orcbsrd this yesr wiil go to the pm rbaser. Tr.aas CF SiLR. Ten p cent, of the p.'iTcha(.e money to bo p.iid on d ly cf aUi Thiity per cent, on the e-or.lirmnti, n of the c i!e by the court (which will be on Ihe First Monday of bt-p'ember), whn deed will bo delivered and po-s-ission ciren, s::b ject to tho rights of the tenant now on tbo "land, thirty pjr cent, on April 1, 1"?:H, and the remairinz 80 perctnt. oaSep'r 1, IS','8, ths East 2 p lunnts to be secured by jit p tocnt and to bear irt-rrst fre.ni tie con llrmalion of the s?le by the court. Charles W. Book, Administrator. CHINS AND THE MAN. Dow Your Jaw Give Yon Away ltcfoisa Von SM-Ok? Protruding chins characterize men aud women of the get there type. Suc cessful peoplo usually curry their chins thrurt forwnrei, with eromprcssexl lips. This thin, if h-savy, with broad rami and swelling niascie-ters, indicates fight ing blood. A retreating chin shows lur k of force, mentally, morally and physically; usu ally of the yielding sort; soon discour r.ged; desires protection; small exec utive fe.rce. - Tbo de-velopmcnt of other fui-ultie-s of tew makes up for this defect. A small, well loamhtl chin, with mobile and reel cushion of flesh upon it, iudiciitcs a pleasure loving owner; if dimpieel, all the more so, for dimpled chins belong to coquettes. Peoplo with elimples love to be ptrttod and loved; like aeluiiration anil praise; generally fickle. Usually this chin is healthy, re cuperative and long livcel. Broud eh ins signify nobleness and lurge dignity, unless verlicidly thin, whe-u, if with it there be tbin lips of bloodless kind, you fiud cruelty. Semare chins with little flesh deneito firuiue'MH and executive ability. Tliese make good haters. Drunkards usually have a circular lino about their chins. Slovens have wrinkles abont their chins. Long, thin chins are poetical, unsta ble and eteliciite in constitution. Such people are subject to bowel derange ments. If thin through tho angles cf tho mouth, teK, they are prone to tuber culejsis; generally short liveel. Medium chins with a suggestive bi furcation ia the center, with small monneis ef tK'di on either side, charac terize gene-rosily, impulsiveness, cheery m.tures. The same sized chins, with a dab of fle-sh just under tho center of tbo lower lip, indicate meanness, sel fishness, brutality. IS'. B. No one feature cjiu be taken In judging tdinrueter. Often tlevclop meut of other faculties of mind or fea ture entirely governs. In. each case take tbo "totulity of indications" before judging. St. Louis Clinique. Uufamiliar Houk In Oklahoma. A committee cf Quakers appeai-ed Jao fore tho Okjahoma legislature the other day and asked for the abolition of capi fcJ punishment. One of them started in to read from the New Testament, when a.baeikwootls member interrupted liim with the remark that he "needn't hrino- any of them eastern law buoksiu here." PMlivtalnhiu Pre'SS. mm T4- W - Jy&r HQs til-e bilfoiKutrcu, dyspepsia, fceadnsbo, eonsn pKtion, sour stomach, iiulifetion are promptly cured by II'wi"a Till Tliey do their work s'.ly ami tlioroiil.17. East after ilnii.cr pills. ae-:!i. All ilrn;rs:sts. Preri-.ri-il 1-v C I. 3Tooe1 & Co., Lowell. Muss. The ei-.ly P'li to take vri'Ji Iloml's 8ars:iiril!ii. 53Ti:iii tn FiSF litis. t eV. -ji binio. -rja eioud. Oeel in ti -a. will w aroainti . -iRb'e tio?Ic cn TTf-rvtr-v ;si:4Ne- wiit free 10 any sa-.' ;t,b tills lueilu me frcs or cliurce. Sh: rcair-clvo?3 been prerMel fcr tltfi lieverrnc K'.f r lin-aiK. of I'crt Wnyuo. iud p.De XJSi. Rl Uru-wvr-Ji.fcr&daiidorlUsdiTwtiuii brU.c friPCrilQ MEl?. CO.. Chicago, lis. hr Bra: at SI per Cottle. C for SC. f.ir-jStc,1.75. CUottioarsO- ..CAtTIO!. TRESSrASS NOTICE. The nndtrsizne'd rersons have associated themscves toeethor lor tho brotwtion of Wi'.Iow Ran Tront btroara in f.ack town. ehip, Juniata Co., Fa.. All persona are utrii klv forbidden not to trespass npon . the land or stream of the aii.l parties to fish as the fctream has btion 8tr;cked with trout Persons violating this noico, w ill b.! pros ecnted accbrding to law. R. H. Patternon, T. H. Caruthi rs, J. P. Kob't A. W-00dide, W. D. Walls. Prank Vawn, Dvsoo Vawn. AprU 23, ISO"... " TRESPASS KOTItE. The nndersigni d persons have formed an Association for the rrotoction ef then re spective propertit.s. All persons are here-t-v notitied nert totre.-pass on the lands of the ue.iiersi(tned lor the p'fpose of hunting plthcring nuts, rhipinj timber or throwing down le-ncos or firing tnuWer in any way whatever. Anv violation ot tbo arovo no tice will be doalt witii aceontin to law. John Mxha.!, V'i!iiam Polleoberger, Gideon Sieher, Pi-i-bor & Ze.oii. Mary A. P.ru!ake:r, rej R!t!iKe&, John Fiyler, PaoiuerCeil. Septemher 5 l.'ii-i. Pbo's Ec-anrdy for Catarrh Is the Best, F.Ks!t-6t to and ChcppB.i. iS3 SoM by lfrtweiita cr sent Lyman, gii tuc fc. T. Uuciiiuj, Warrui, Pa. I kebibt Oitr or sale a' xa.iiab .: prop- ortv, si'is-e'ed m r crmanaca township, IfJ ini!-s DOilh-east t f Miltlirtown, coclaiiiins 2S er. fl, more cr I?-s. 1 acre's tf wood l.iiiu. The bnlatce clesred and in good fla!e el cr.i,.lvaii.".ii. Bt'.'.ldlr.fs on!:n:irv, tut pood repsir. A food spring o revt tKiiii i" pravB! water Pt-firhy. Tf -. property aUo rei-.itair.s 2o"J reb tree-s and 2I--WJ bor ly plants; CO apple (rcss, l-i-t!-lt3 oihe- inn. I cc fir-ovc rretf.rty is sona eel l car Whi'e! HhII school house in i-ald towncMp. For fnitln-r iLfoimation a-l.lrcss. CHABt.ES CoREiKS. fJ-T-e. Jii-liiniowc, 3'a. TO CGSSliMPTlVKS." The nndersiael h ivmj bean leslortd to bea'lh by eimpje moans, after snlJering ecv oral rears witln severe ianjt affection, and thct dresd disc&sc ronjainjiiun, i anxiou tn make kr.osn to bis Iciiow sua'ercis th means of cure. To ebose who desire it, he will e-h'-enal'y serd (fr. e of churls) a cr.i.-y cl tbe j r!.-!:ri.t!oa used, which tijey viii llr.d a snre euro for- CcnstiinpHv. .Iillima, Catarrh, Bronchitis and !i!l liiro.vl jnd lung Nalwiirs. Il-i i:op,-s u!I siifH.". e. wi'l try hi6 repir.iy. r.s it is ir.xahiabld. Thos de sirin.; ito trcecipj. n, bieh willeej: ibem notbirg, slid my troie a blesfinp, will p-easo address, ir.ro . uiirdKu.s. niusu.i, rironK'yn, New York. -Ss-p. 9, 'St. , ANY I GN3AriON AFTER GENERATKX, OQ HAVE taCB ASO ELESSBO IT. .V Jtroppnt on Sti'ar, ChtMrrtt Tore Tt. ffT.7y Travel--r buou id iuive a butU ul it in tiui sMoi,. Every Sufferer jSSwST'S -rpfjsHeadwhn, niphtberiji,CiTi,li.,tturth, Hiurk-it. Achilla, CheiN-ra Worlniti, liiurhaHs,L&nieucMi, S rvi- in Bu.1 thin ol. or Limtxi, nnir joint or ifmtns, win ht.; o Amiivne nll r.nj ppeody runs. I!iitC tls.. Solfl vn'ry Ujnji paid. Ki. . s. iOII.NoO-N r- Ci... UvUUK. turn Infests the blooil ef Immunity. It appears in varied forms, but is forceel to yielel to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which pui'ilies anil vitalizes the blood auel cures all Puch eliseases. Kea.l this! "In Septeraber, 1S94, 1 made a misstep and Injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, ore two inches across formed nnd in walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore became worse; I could not put my boot on aud I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not get any relief and had to stop work. I read rf a cure ol p. similar case by Hood's Sarsaparilla and concluded to try it. Before I bad taken all ot two bottbjs the sore had healed aud the swelling had gone down. My PSSS ss 3s Is now well and I have been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have inci-e-ied in weight and am in better health. I cannot say enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Mrs. II. Blake, So. Berwick, Ho. This and other similar cures prove that o Sarsaparilla I.l the Or-! True Blooil Purifier. AH ilriicMrists. $1. Piepirc-t cn'.y :-t C I. Ibs.nl A !'., I.owl!, I:ia. t. til.' I st fHiieiyeaihartio llOOU S rlilS uud aver siiuiuUut. 20o H do d s DeeH K1 r nf u mmj jgiiilTs Iiotm B. Atxoisos. - F. M.M. Tntxti. JlTKINSOX k. PR1NELL, ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, MtPFLINTOWN, PA. Oyrrox On Main street. In place of rw'- der.ee of Loais B. Atkhuua, Esq., Boalh Bridge street- rOct26,1892 uncollecting and ConTeyaselBC prom:- ly attended to. . ' . . friLBER FORCE SCIMTEYER, Attorney-at-Law. B"Collections and all legal busi ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DE.n.X.CtAWf 3RD, DR. DARWTH MXRAWTORD jTK. D. M. QSAWFOED . SON", have formed a partnership for the practice of MetliciDO and their collatteral branches Oltice at old stand, corner of Third and Or- anpe streets, Uiflltntown, Pa. One or bote ot them will be found at their office at al! times, unless otherwise professionally en gaged.. April 1st, 13HO. H. P. DERR. PRACTICAL DENTIST. Graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental College. Otnoe at old established la cation, ondge street, opposite Court House, JiifflmtowD, Pa. KF Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. Tnscarora Valley Bailroad. SCUEDOXE IN EFFECT MOXnAT, MAT 1896. 18, EASTWARD. STATIONS. No l No.3 D4ILY, EXCEPT SlTMnAY. A. M. P. M. Blair's Mills Lv 7 45 2 00 Waterloo 7 51 2 00 Leonard's Grove 7 C8 2 13 Roes Farm 8 05 2 20 Perulftok S 12 2 27 East "VVatcrforel S 25 2 40 Heckman 8 35 2 50 Honey Grove 8 47 2 57 Fort BjLarn 8 48 3 03 Werble.' 8 55 3 10 Pleaeanl View.. '.) 00 3 15 Seven Pines.: 0 CO 3 21 Spruce Hill 9 10 3 25 Graham, a 9 14 15 29 Stewart 9 10 3 31 Frc eJorn 9 18 3 33 Tarbett 9 20 3 35 OMPoit 9 25 3 40 Toil Ar. 9 30 3 4-5 Trains fcV.s. 1 and 2 connect r.t Port Royal with Way Passenger and Seashore Express on P. It. K., and Nos. i! and 4 with Mill eas ffESTHTAIlD. TAirXONS. DAILV, EXCEPT 6CTNDAT. A. M. ! Port Koval. O'ul Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Griiham's , Spruce Hill Sven Pines Pleasant View Yv'arble Fort Bipham.,. Honey Grove Heckman East Waterforel . . . . Perulack P.OS3 Farm Leonarel'B Grove... Waterloo Blair's Mills Ar. 0.0 10 30 1.3,18 35 5 2.8,10 10 5 3.7 10 42:5 4.410 44 3 5.010 46 5 fi.310 50,5 7.210 54 5 44 9.011 03 5 50 lO.Ojll 05;5 55 12.0;ll 116 01 14.0:11 18 6 08 15.1 11 25 6 15 17.511 35 0 25 20.511 48 6 36 22.012 55 6 45 24.012 02 6 52 25.512 09 6 59 27.0 12 157 05 Trains Nos. 2 and S connect with Str ! bine at Blair's Hills for Concord, D'jylei- burg and Dry Ran. J. C. MOORHEAD, Superintendent. T. S. MOORHEAD, Prcsiileni. RAILROAD TIME TAHLS. pF.RRY COUVTr RAILROAD. Tbe followinj schedule went Into eli'ect Nov. 1, 11496, and the trains will be run as follows: p. m 4 80 4 30 4 39 3 41 4 45 4 43 4 51 4 64 4 56 4 59 a. m 900 9 06 9 09 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 9 2 7 Leave Arrive a. m Duncannon 7 54 King's Mill 7 49 Sulphur Springs 7 46 "Corman Siding 7 41 p. m 2 2S 2 23 2 20 3 18 2 15 2 13 2 08 2 65 2 03 2 00 141 1 36 I 81 1 28 1 25 I 20 1 18 1 15 2 50 Montebe'.lo Park 7 41 Weaver 7 40 Roddy 7 86 floffman 7 33 Rover 7 31 Mahanov 7 28 5 10 10 43 Bloomfield 7 23 5 16 9 49 'Treseler 7 09 6 21 9 84 -Nellson 7 04 6 24 9 57 Duiu's 7 01 5 27 10 05 Elliotsburg 6 68 6 32 10 07 Bernheisl's 6 61 6 84 10 17 "Groen Park 6 48 6 87 10 30 'Montour June 8 33 6 02 10 35 Landisburg 6 28 p. m a. in Arrive Leave a. m p m Train leaves Bloomfield at 6.53 a. m., and arrives at Landisburg at 6.23 a. m. Train leaves Landisbnrg at 6.08 p. nr., and arrives at Bloomtluld al 6.40 p. ra. All stations marked () are flag stations, at which trains will como tc full stop on signal. Chas. H. Smilet, 8. H. Bb, President. Supt. .&.'t jiafcfccnj. w I a AW KULLu'EHOiHES A wonrtM fnl improvement kr. Frinun I'ci'ft and (ir-Bnck Fau-k motion of Hrrin.:.-'! tin:-.-: U,i Auny oiherln the market. Frirtiun iutrh VfMlt r-uisiiitt; M theffl gtrinB l ntil Mill w u;:v- t vk ft rent wvin tn vtwtr nnd T-pr- r-rl IcertUiiiitttJiniiisfurlar-zeC'iatHioaeiaM i-r.t-r- A.-m. nriii HnrruwH liny IUUps 'ii!ivar.-s orn l1nm-r-4, Shpl4r) etc. Mrntivn ttitni. PENNSYLVANIA. KilLBOJD- On and after Monday. Maj 17, 1897, trains will run as follows! WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at SO a. m- Harrishnrir 8" 00 a. BR DnDCaa- non 8 85 a. m; New Port 9 Oft a. mi lU-"-sk a. mi MU-Ti-s ." , Dyke U hi xieo t0. iXJ Hla t W ..- " f lerstown 9 15 a. m: uarwaro ThomrsontowD 9 2d a. m; Vaa in; Tnscarora 9 So a. m; exico !..-! P...I a A A m Uifliin m Denholm 9 55 a . w: Lejriatowa 6 It M t McVcytown 108. a. to; scw Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mouat Unioa li w -a. n; Huntingdon 11 33 p. ro; Tyrone 12 m; Altoona 1 00 p. m; rittsburgo ov p. Pittsburg Kxpreaa leaves PM1 .. delphia at .8.30 a. m.i Harrnburg a ;.. 1.45 a. m.; Mitllia IZ.Oa p. iiili" 1.10 p. m.; Ilnniingdon 2 01 m.; Tyro 2.40 p. m ; Altoona 8.10 p. nJ.L-Fi,toBnrKrt, 7 01 p. m. - i!tf Altoivna Accommodation leaves -Hirrls- bnrg at 6 00 p. m; pancannoo 6 84 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; JUiUerstowa 8 11p m; Thouipsontown 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 HU , , m: Jiexico 6 83 P. m; rori noyai w o p. m; Mifllin 6 43 p. m; Denholm f 49 p. so; Lew;stown 7 l7 p. m; AfcVeytewn imp m; Newton Hamilton 7 60 p. m; Hnating. don S 20 p. ro; Tyrone 9 S2 p. m; Alteoaa 9 35 p. m- Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at Ii 20 p. ni: Uarrisbur 3 L0 a. m; Mar ra le 8 24 a. in; Duncannon 8 83 a. nn New- pe it 3 S9 a. m, Port Royal 4 81 a. m; Hlf flic 4 37 a. m; Lewistown 4 OS a. m; ale- Vet town 5 20 a. m; Hnntiogdva S a. Tyrone 6 55 a. m: Altoona 7 40 a. a5 Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 35 pin; Harriabnre at 10 24 p. ra; Newport 11 06 p. n; MiWia 11 40 p. ra; Lawistewn . 12 55 a. m; HantmgdonjlZ 60 a. m.; Tyrone 1 32 a m; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 80 a. ro. I Fast Lice leaves Philadelphia at 12 6 p. m; Harmsenrg 4 ow p. m; unncanoa lo p. m; Newport 4 35 p. ni; Mifflin 5 07 p.m. Lew istown 6 27 p. tn; Mount Union 6 OS p. m; Jiuntingdon e 27 p. w; Tyrone 7 VI p ro; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 11 i9 ... p. m. EASTWARD, m on Accooimodatioa loares Al- E g 0 p. m; Tyrone 11 17 p. i$ J UEtiocdo 11.65 p. ro. and b- 7 Huuingdon toona at 10 uiwta at Uuutioccoa 11.66 p, cemes Hrri.burg Accommedativn, lear- ing uunnrguon ae o au a. n; piewtsn tiam iltcnaooa. m; Mcveylwn 12 a. Lewistewn 0 32 a. m; MiMia 6 61 a. m; Pert Rayal 0 66 a. n; Mexico C 69 a. m; Thompsontown 7 12 a. ra; Millerstowa 7 21 a. ni; Newport 7 SO a. ro; Vancaoaea 7 67 a re; 13 irrisburg V 30 A. m. Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 8 80 a m; Altoona 7 15 a in; Tyrano 7 48 a n; Hunt ingdon 8 SU a a;; UcVeytown 9 15 a m; Ltwidfown 9 35 a m; Midi in 9 65 a m; Port Rnyal 9 6 a in; TliowpsonUwa 10 14; M illerstwn 10 22 a in; Newport 1912 a ra; Duncannon 10 64 a tc; Miryavilie 11 07 a n; llarrisbnrg 11 25 a ni; Philadelphia S 0 p iu. Main Line lixprcs? leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. re; Altoona 11 4 a. ni; Tyrone 12 03 J. in; Uuuts.n:rdon 12 35 p. m; Lewis town 1 33 p. ni; MiiTlin 1 6(j p. m; Harris burg 3 10 p. ni; Balliinora 6 CO p. m; Wash ingten 7 16 p. ni; Philadelphia 6 23 p. m; New York 9 SO p. m t Kil leaves Altoona at 2 10 p. ni, Tyrone 2 45 p. hi, Huntingdon 3 '29 p. m; Newton Hamilton 3 68 p. m; McVeytown 4 20 p. m; ! ewictown 4 45 p. r; MhHia 5 10 p. m. Port Royal 5 15 p. ni; ilfexico 5 20 p. m; Thonipsootown 5 33 p. in; Viileratowa Hi3m p. m; Ncvpart 5 51 p. m; Poncinnon t 23 p. m; Harrisbur? 7 CO p. a. Vail Express' leaves Pittsburg at 1 (r9 p. n; Ailaona 6 05 p. mj Tyrone 8 37 p. m; Huntingdon 7 20 p. m; McVeytown 04 p. m; Le.wistuwn 8 25 p m; .tfiin 8 47 p m; Port licyal h hi p. m; Miilcrstewn 9 16 p. m; Ncwpt-rt 9 2ii p. ni; IUDCnn"oa 9 50 p. m; Harrisburg 10 20 p. m. Philadelphia Express iaves Pittsbnrg at 1 80 p. id; Altoona 9 05 p. ri; Tvrone 9 39 p. in; Huntingdon 10 12 p. n-.; Mount Un ion 10 22 p. ni; L?wistnwn 11 11 x. ra; Mif. din 11 37 p. tn; Uarrishurg 1 00 a. m; Phil adelphia 4 30 New Tork 7 33 a. m. LEVTISTOWN D1VISION.-- Tto'a s for sunhurv at 7 3'. a. m. and IS UirrgiiT.hi.1li. nr a. n, anu p. m.; lor alHrov 0 3 10.20 a. in. and 3 10 p. m., week Jays TYRONE DVl ION. Trams leave for PeMefcnte and Lock Haver at 10 a. ra., 12 30 d 7 15 p. leave Lek Haven 'or Tyrone 8.56 p, xo. and 4 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEAR FIELD S. B.T Trains leave Tyrone for Clearfield and Curwensviile at 8 20 a. m., 8.15 and 7 2f ; p. ra., les.-.-ii Curwensviile lor Tyrone at 9.15 a. in., 3 45 p. iu., and 7 W p. m. For, rafts, maps, etc., call on Ticket Agent, or address. Tiios K. Watt, P. A. W. D., 300 FiiiU Avci ue, Pitts burp, Pa. J. 1". HbTcmsoN, J. P.. '-, Gen'i Manager. Geu'l Pass. Agt. .r-w. w : .-.:.- . . r---x-.- VJEWPOST Nil SiiKEMAN'-. VAL 1 ley Railroad t'ompanv. Tima table cf passenger trans, in effect tin Monday, aiay jcin, ibmj a.lm. L U .J East " war-l. i 2 4 AM P K 8 80 4 no 27 8 67 23, g 6S 20 8 60 16 8 46 K11 141 8 98 8 88 80 S3 ' 45 8 16 7 40 S10 7 34 8 04 7 26 S 68 7 Ifi 2 49 7 15 2 46 7 10 2 40 7 93 2 33 68 2 24 6 s 2 20 STATIONS. Wtst warfl I P If A Newport Buil'alo Bridge... Juniata Furnace . W Abnr.ta Sylvan Wat -r Ping Bloomfield Juuct" Valley Road Eiliottsburg Green Park Loysville , Fort Robeson Center Cisna's Rm Andersouhnr? . . . Biain Moieit ri,--. -.i . New (ierniaoiV . 6 05' 10 .15 6 08 10 3S 6 12 10 4-. 6 15 If 45 6 25 I 52 6 22 li f., 6 3i ii :: 6 39 11 tw 6 61 11 21 6 5111 24 7 05 11 35 7 11 11 41 7 15,11 45 7 21 11 61 7 27 11 67 7 35il2 05 7 41 12 11 7 45J2 15 D. GRING, President an4 Manager K.. Millks, General Agont. CARTERS llVER a-sCTrwrstS3 URE Sick Uead.ih.1 and relieve all Hh. troubles inct dnt to a hilimM staio of the system. tlxh u Dizziness. X:iuea. Drawsiucss.' liistreas after eating, l'.-.i-i in th.i Side. &m While their most reuiarkablo siicces has been shown in curing Headache, yot Oau'. eu's Lirm Lirrs Piua are eejualiv vnlnaliie in Conatipatton. auring and prevent lot; this atinoring complaHit. whli int?y aiso c.rr.s-i aii aisoi der ol tti I stiniulato the iiver and regulate toa bowela. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless Co those. who BiilTer from this dimi laHiia- complaint: but forrnnatelv their coodnesa does not end hre, and tfc'wa who onee try them wiH nod these little pills valuable In so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. Bat after all sick head AGD-3IE la the bane or so many lives tbat' here la wherl we make our areat boast. Our puis cure tt while others do not. ' Cartkr's Lima Liven Pilus are very small ami very easy to take. One or f o pins mate a dose. They ara strictly ve"i.ible and da not gripe or purge, but by their gentle actios please all who use them. In rials at 15 cents; five for f 1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by naaV CAirts Eiii:an co., vtw rat. MR Ssilh h&ftu mm if : iVr 2 t .2 IVisJI Z3 aTMklltaaV A'v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers