Lir--'yseiXixr - r 1 1 r i h n n , , , ,. . m w , ,j v .m , . . 114.... iiti,J " ' " ----- SENTINEL & UEFOliLICAN yiyFUNTQUN. WEDSESIUT. JUNE 24, IS'' B. F. S C H W EIER id:tob asp raoriiirot- Phesidext HcKimxt e?rnest;y ad vocates in his mesne to the Stiuato, the annexation of tho H waiian Is lands. Governor Hastings has frg-ic.l tha bill that requires a!i unnaturalized employed foreigners in tbo State to pay a tax of tare? cents a diy. The money thus received Tos into the Tr?a.-;uries of t!i3 various counties of the State. Half of the fund goes for th9 general excesses of tho counties. The other half goes t tne School fund on the basis of tha number of schools. Dm has dropped silver and sn-" sw.alisiu is to bo tho vat bai.tla cry in IMl'.c-e. That means that goy ernoieut fcu.-.,l own nil pub'irs worus, railroad, telegraphs, &?. IX b.4 don't ece tha would b aloof step to the compltta owrwsbip or dictatorship ovit tbe people, body, soul nu-.i bieecheH, a state of r.ffairs, which, if lie is properly understood, he doea not wi-iii to set brought about. Ose explosion of powder or dyna mite ia tbe proper place is sufficient la wreck tbe bfst built structure that has ta'cen yeara of toil ant great fx ponse to erect. So with the business affairs of this nation one lov tariff lawenacled by the ClevcHnd ndmin islratk'n has wrecked ike raanufac turing business to such a decree that time will b:? require d lo get oHYu's to where they were btf-iro tiio elecion of Mr. Cleveland to tho Presidential chair. E. V. Debs proposes that a color-j of people, who believe aa be believep, skull colonize in Washington Slate, and there condaci, tli-3 colony on tije plan of governrueiit th-et th:y pro fees to believe in. That is the rij-ht course to pursue. Be practical, or ganize a system cf government in ac cordance with their view, aiid if it ba a good system and can be man cgsd alonjj lines that they aelvoe.ite, it will commend itself sud become a model for the whole nation. The ejueerest incensistrry in iho speeches and writings of tbe utteju! ers of the Cleveland-Wilson tariff la-v is that their favorable advocacy does not correspond with the ni.fivor.eblo results. They ndvocato ibo Clevo land-Wilson tariff 'a.v r-3 jnfc tbii thing for thn good cf iho country i ie .. e a . ik. 1 1 . d in running the gowiMOst fifty million dollars behind its If it were not lor the setioua fioan- . , .... . , - , ., cial condition m which tho JX-mcc- ratic National legislation has put the country it would be fit only to Uuj.',h at. Bat it is 8 serious tcV.ter to dia- turb tbo finances of a country to each distress is brought about v Dkbs proposes to stirt a coVper wr:ysi i ;- ihcis h ri. i mh i w ii :!..-: . i ative system of Government ""'J'-tsh- ington State. That's tJ ometbim fiir ilimaj!v.oc rncir?- tftnipia. f; along the lice-of their tLeorien. If they can do things among themselves better (ban is being done in society at lar;;e, it will not be long in rtc cornmor.ding itself to tho American people. But his tbrat against ia ierftrenco ilees net sound well. If ha nr-d other agitators will just go to work and attenel to their own busi ncss, and prove to the world what a gooel t::ir.g they huv?, they will not be interfered with, but great will be the ruoh to (heir rank?. Tire annexation of Ibvvaii is a great ejnesMon. It is tho first step in the direction of territorial acouisitioii ba- vond the limits of tha North Amen- can continent, anil viewed from thatjef tbe servi sflil I-niir.f if tho l-.a.-ri r. ni m rr nf u JlillOt's Ledj new foreign policy. Tho iipginoing ; of .1 policy of abaorptiou of out ! ing j, that oveul.uaily wiil result in ! tbe absorption of Engi.-ir-d, Scotland I and Ireland. The consuination cf tho absorption cf the three lait named countries, ni'ey be a considerable, elis taac-i in th iatire, but in a'l proba bility will take plaoe wit'iin Ihu 100 , years to come. .'Vor itnprobable ; things than that L.ivo i-ekc-ii placo in the history e;f citin.-ia. When will have taken pbico, Lmiloti will have lost bcr power the c omDiei cial find fiiiancial c?r :er of tbo world anel tho mnnfaetn:i:jg csta'olish meut.s of Er.'iand will be 1:1 India, and India will be more EugHa'i tha'i England. Such ure the National probabilities tbst cjs may read among the movements cf the American and British peep!o. So then President ilcRinley may ro tbo ages o bisteiry as the Protiidju!. of the He pjbli, who first ioa'ig'.ua'cd a .l icy of :.-'ii'iwitio:i of foreign lev cry .sjagle Fire ror the Kt-uod Trip to PhtlHaijiIiia via PeitDylfanla Itullroad on Account of lbs a iioaai 5aegrcrfesJ. The Pennsvlvania Riilroad an Bounces that for the eighteenth. Ni tional S.imge-afest, to oc uehl in Phila.b-lfhia. June 21st to 2-lt.h. 1S:7 it will ssll excrtrfiion tickets io Phila- tlelphi-t from c)t points oa its line June 19th to 23 1 inelnsive, good to return until June 2G h, 1897, inclu. sivc. at a sinirle fare for the round trip. No rate, hewover, v.Ll be re duced to les-s than fifty cents. , M . .1 False Swearing for Pension- Lst wefk in thj United Stiles District Court in New Jersey Sirs. Hannah Hubbert alias Slocnn of Long Branch, was sentenced to serve one year in tbe Monmouth county jail ami to pay a fino of $600. Mrs. Slocn.n had pleaded guilty to three iadic'mnts of perjury. Her specific offenL.e was the receiving through this perjury of $(00 in pynaion mou ev as a soldier's widow after sbo hail married a second time. While Mrs Sk.cii.n pleadod guilty, she sought to fvejisa her action by the claim that the second marriage was sever legal ly sulemnizcd. The woman is 60 years o'd. 1 MOSOTONttUS LIVES. FOLLOWED BYTKO LIGHTHC WHO TEND THE (USES. Jaatlfitlon an-I Remuneration Rega lalina Which Most L' Observed to the Letter Provi-Io-ia M.-vIo For the Com fort of Tiirso ITufal K-?rvnts. A lighthouse keeper is appointed by the secretary of tiio treasury on the rrc omiucadatioa of tho li;.1.tbcue board, cud &t tit receives ouly an acting ap pointment. At the cud i f three mouths, if lie passes examination Ly tbe 11a vnl cHicrr v, ho i ibe inspector of tbo district, he re; circs a fell vpiioiutmeiit; it ha does net pes", bo i.s dropped from the s;rvico. A fcco'fr rnvti Le able to I read a:;l writ, k;-. i u ou'li.1;, sail and pnU a boat ui-il h.ivo er.iap.-i. idCtbaiiic al ability to mako tbn weeuvy miner rep sirs about tbe iti.sicn a-.i kiv it ic oriier. I'horo i.s only cup pr::flo ci keep er r-'cogni si !y law, bat the ccstom of tbe s'Tvice ba.i't'ivir'.od the kf-cprs into r.itlttc iit frrailps. with (lif;-rcr.t pay and dutka aud with proaiotiou from cua vrb to another. A Dan mtT be ap pointed to the He-.Tioe end a--'acd to a particular Ktitticn, l-nt be way bo moved at a:iy time if rrccict-l or if the. inter ests cf the f.ivi ; dejuaiul it. At i-ts-tions r qaintig tat kcope-r a re tired Ko:'.f:iiiii)i i-.iaa, with a f-:iuily, ii r.snal ly 1. cti'il, and hi pciu-ra! laeu V the 'iil.:rinft cbifs are niu:-'t wante d. AS rta tio! 8 wb re there is a fes signal one of th" :.--ist'i::tt jh a ::iau w:ho lsns : en j;i:ie( r n tire :ie ami in Ritne-t.tms Cl a marbinist. Keepers 5'lUt o p-.iid cn on avera;?'; ?oo n y fiXHj n year, r.i.t imnuuiuu .-. -o paid tary frcia ?lco to $1,000 a yelr, atcovdii.-fc to the ;iporlauce 'f t'-'-' tion i-.:id "tbe n::ii:;i:t of service render ed. Il.u i-rincipal beeper at Mine.t'a Lcd.m lil:t, just outside of I'csti i:, re ceives $!,0tt'J a year for bis ti rvici s, and this f;;ri;bh.v5 the caly in.-tauce where tho pay of a 1: -ep r iz :-prciiicd by law. rj"!-.!i k-"f;-e-rs vho Jiv r.t isolated l:h;hou.-:e:i :ul e.a t!;o cllKhore livrht sbitw lead u very n:(;:;:-toii:r.-s life, ben- ar. r.i.t imu.iimai ken only by ti.t. flight ef pc.-ii!r? ve and tho ijiitiiiee'y viic ef t!:j Ii!irh; supply bo:.t. ThsVe l.eepers get c.-ii'sider about two v.c k. i:: three m IcaT rMh!', 1 . r faiuili in! v.bieb !iii;e tL; y viit tin : on icl! j-.:;v. A liyhti.on.-U! e.u r.ti ;u : uvu re; ia m l!1 Ptatva cs a 1-bUbip, ex'-cps that it eat: u.;t be bic.vii away and tho keeper j',od not !"avo it ex-.-pt vh n they are r.?- j !v-v pre'. d, it". tir'.i u:i.'"..t (ffiro np o: : their j.ue!i !J nej' tr f.ivt'.icr !'; elovetw, Lat j; ca.' tha ii;'it.i and ou i ::o fr.rnirlH i fniuibes. Lai! l:.-b:b-:u.-o bc-.rd i t cf all its ' t:: :;:o f-'i ::cs.: ,-l:o :. ,:t the i-ob:e. i i il--erv 1 o kc. ,-p ti-. b?r.5 i-d v i pcr. 1 it r is 1. ft :;i aud i:: t ).!. 1 literr, r .;? ie Id v:;: msiiii::-. ames eij ' ;K"et:-y, v. itii kU. This or fte.ticii fer ; ri : fai ;ip!e il ; tranrferrfii l. ai.ocher :'.;;: in by i:ti sietor on Ms quarterly vi.n. xhwe ere ' . . ,-.;. laiioii, t:'.c-;i .u its i;.:.e i n.ti .i-.- i .?;, ttM(J ,y t.)t!jr jnai,ie,.n iutei-Jiuuce, the tc "(,rs cf j.. .c;i;,. v., :t, tI;rv ttra .,r. nj,,-!,. Pen, a!r;n5 :300 volnTj:os a year, Kccpen are foibi-.In ii o eujtape i:i any bc-iiuc vHeh wilt prevent their preseucu i:t their,na or iutcrftta wit'J th:! l'-11 r:V.i !i:..:;ce of U:r dctics. JJ;:l-;.- have useful and prolikiblo rami!ia which they orrzj the Ut.itious, wbilo w'Twen justices cf f:a vyot our fellow. tha ides. In cme c.-scs thejjwbicli foruiobed with food aud rr.iiiin:'. OtdilS station? have burns fumtshed for cattle and horscK, ciid bo.?ts 1:10 ''.irnitibcd ail st-itions imiere:.: i-.lo by Ii'-iti." Tlif! tli:--:ipliwt cf tbe service has brv.a always ri:jfd, tts Lelitt': -; a tcrvice wla-re Ecslieuco cr U'.: icucy may mcaii tlie lo. s t i toacy live 3 a:d mui b valneMe property. Disi'.i:-.--.'! v:: ftu-t.y fcHcws ia caee- where a beeper i.l foetid intoxi cated and w-iero be ahra bis l:;-::.-c to i go oat. Kernel. :. tra;-:e.t to c e.:;::b-r the c.:ro tf the l:g'-t and t'lo lig'itboase pi "pert any 1 ail per.jiii coiisideraii'.i;' c.Tid ii i rare ind'.s wbeu tb-y fail to re .7.2 this bit i ideal. Thorn have I v.i a number cf i ! s!i:nc( 3 illu.-t rating the ospiit do coip -iio-.v tho keepers c I the light first built went down with tho light and died at tbeir pot:-i, bow one kcemr saved his lens and let his family look out for them selves, cud instances where they have save-d public p.roix-ity and lost their own. Fortunately the service i.s net ham pered by any qocstion of politics, and this f let, coupled wilh tiio excellent discipline maintained, accounts for the fine class 0 mcu now in the service men who t:d;e hu bom st pride iu their work, and whoso int makes tbo ef ficiency of the service what it is. It is I unfortunate that tho navy has 110 retir ing laws for its seamen which would allow men after 20, 25 cr 30 years' serv ice, depending on tbe physical condi- I Hon of tho man, to be retired and placed ia tbe lighthouse service for tho reet of their lives. A valuable clars of men would thus be addi d, aud the na tion would bo paying a debt which now goes unpaid. Philadelphia Ledger. Warrior ncd Vniform. "Who is that rather ph-.inly dressed man with tbo iron gray hair sitting ia that bos?" "That is Colonel Blank. Ho is luiold campaigner who bus wen considerable celebrity as r.11 Indian fighter." "I have heard cf him. Who is that fiuice leaking man iu tlie gorgeous uni form, with epaulets, cocked hat and gold braid?" "That's Colonel vaa Cleave." "Whom has he ever fought?" "Mosquiteics. " Chicago Tribune. Color Blindness. The term color blindness implies an entire absence of tbe color sense, and there are a few persons who are in this condition, but it also includes all the forms of partial color blindness in wbich tbe perception cf ono of the fundamental colors red, green aud violet is wauting, and which aro known as red blindness, green bliud- nets and violet blindness. The line be tween theso various kinds of color blind ness and a perfect perception of colors is not sharply drawn, so that a large number of pe rsons have what is called a feeble color sense, whioh falls short of actual color blindness. There is no doubt that color blindness in its vari ous forms is much more common than is generally supposed, and it is more common among the imperfectly than tho well educated classes, and it is, cu riously enough, still nioro common among Jews and Quakers, probably from hereditary caases. It is t 'ii times mom lrequent among males than ic maks iu tbe general population, bnt among Quakers it is nearly tho sanm in both sexes, in the 1 tiou -1-18 per ceur, cr every 25, are color LliJ Ledger. --V-:- I ,n I Vk I Ir. I MONASTERIES OF METEORA. ! Ao Kxtracrdiasry Rcrne on the Maeedo- clan Frontier. ' -Dctween tbe enrvo of tbo Macedo nian frontier of tlie mountains of Kbaa sia aud the open town of Kalabnka, which terminates tbe long western plain of Tbessaly, lie tbo monasteries cf Metcora. A casual glance gives tho idea of tbe whole space being occupied by lines of bare bills, bnt on a nearer inspection a curious amphitheater ia found, carved out anions the moun tains, aud this is occupied by a most estraord'nary collection of rocks, on which are perched, liko storks' nests j or tba turban oil a Turkish tombstone, j tbe aerial monasteries of Meteora. Ia j one place a bugo monolith is found lit- j crally crowned with buildings, cs in tho ; casa cf the nouarftery of AH S.-ftnts, popclarly known asHacrlos Barlaam; in t anctber a prcup of jagped recks will have one point capped by a nioimstery, ' as is soeu in t-t. Kicbolaa Tbo most t striking feature about these monaster- 5 ies is tho method by which they are ' reached, cither by looso ladders hanging outHida the perpendicular rocks cr by being wound up by means of a windlass in a not at tbe end of a rope, century me.nasteries, but what lune-S this one cf especial interest is that tlie rope is said to bo tbe longest used for the purpojc 340 feet The ladders to this jiionastery are not so diftienlt to climb as some, bnt inasmuch as they pull out c-vjiy time jou grip them and oscillato frightfully it is pleasanter to risk the net. Tbo monastery of Ilaglos Nikolaos appeared to bo in a totally dilapidated condition and entirely deserted when we visited ileti-ora, while the ladders, which rise from a neighboring peak and hang from the buro rook, are impractica ble. All these motmsteties aro under tho archimandrite, a man of command ing presence and saintly cumitetiauce. Tho village cf Kastraki is jammed in between the curt r rook.! of this cuiions amphitheater, aud in tho e.lit cf this voebv wall at tbe bce-k of the vilhigu f.tiuds a most peeuliar honrg! ss loob- iu;i monolith. Tbe rcc on either side I nto perfor;:tt d ViUSi wtuich in the f'..uit cuth centr.rv were iiiiiabited by ihe ) p'ikf.of tit. Anthony. -iiondon i:'c-;tr::tcd cv.s. GRANT AS A PEACEMAKER. With InQn'te Tirt Fcn:!a UTileTi Ariw Atnncif Ilia OiBct-ra. AfetT the capture cf Vick.-bnr Lor.-in I cbe'? a prcte.iti.-ut and b.'a::tifcl resi de:!.-: fe.r bin liee.'.e.parters, and (.e:ii al -iv.i'bcroii e!;'.so tbo hiiuic, and a 'nnr.rrei tnreatcuea to involve uais.i ar- I and ivips i !;d gave tI;o suneriov oflic-rs ! I gieat concern, aecerding lo tbe Cfcica- j i go Iiitar Ocean. l!oth J.icPi:i rni I.;vs.:ii cameei tho cio to t-ieaerai i Grant. lH-J beai.l tbe s-hein s of cuci), i ai.d his tuC c:IU--rs looked with oi-ifray ! at bis qt.;--t, bashful way of li.dcnhs.i ! '.t.. ',-r:,:iirr .fih fiiliM (!e::r.l ft.r tlie reflating rebels. It.ia gle'.v- red tudil Grant, twait.g taM Fbrrsoo. .iid: "I sua sorry to li.!at tango your ilai!3, Renord, l et I have junt written P cn order te u. :t-.i-;u Kin ui impr.-riaiit exj-.ed f -r-l'l'i' cf fn-1 i- time Sfratcjy cf bis mauenve cf bis der isio-i. tbo fairacs-i "ti uibio" Cflt-,o. Fills will t..!:c except iou The Vi-ssar to Dr. rurkbxir-:t's exp:. : ion, "female i college. une ot tneir rjees tveats eii ! that sebjeet. They bad a "feuiale" cel j lege once, but if tbvro is a feundo col j lego still it goes by another name. Tho ! change celebrated in veise: An institution enco tln-re vi.- Of luiiininir aad of Unowle'V-; Whieii !aid ujion it h;i:h 1. i front A 'VasHar IVimdu t''..i!e' ." Tie liialdte.iii fair ouuM ai.t eajoy Tin ir l.rt ml ard li?ilU nnd porrldcc. For graven cn Ihc ti'ri.N nr.d fim:uh Va-s Vtt'.r Feaiuli' e-o II. ?o." Trn In, la, 1! Ti iv 1h, In. l.i! 'Twiw 4Vn--tsnr rt-nifi!'. e'illeo." A strong east wind at last by, A wind tli:;t Uew fiu:u -T :t. ie!u It tore the "1" iroai tho sicn Ttu-it wbh Hi", n Iho mil. And r tw f.u-ulty rosre,yl In viscti.M cad ia kuovll: '' They toik tho t a.iile-' :f the spoons As well cs o.T tliu I 'lllvvre. Tru. Li, In. l:i! Tra la, la, hi! It now ts "Vaiwai" Ci.!i'-'.." New York Times. The SaiTiMtui M of I'raytT It'ia. Verses from the Koran and othi r pas sages considered sacred are generally stamped 011 tbe fabrics csed as prayer rugs by tho MtJianimcdcns, and it is criminal in oriental law to export such pieces. This is don bt loss nso Li the occidentals iua:is the treadiug c tbo sacred words under i:-.;idtl feet, and wbeu you think it over it is not to bo wondered at A few years ago an Amer ican succeeded in getting two such pieces as near home as Paris, but the inducements offered to him to return them to tho oriental dealer were pote.ut enough to effect their parjioso. Lismoro castle, tho Irish seat of the Duke of Devonshire, is beautifully situ ated cn the Blaekwatcr. Tbe town i.; or great antiquity aud was once famous for its university aad its monasteries. India's pearl fisheries have been fa mous from the remotest time. Iu the Persian gnlf tho industry has existed from the days of the Macedonians. Tbe Scaly Ant Eater. An animal mado of tin plate, of the shape 01 an elongated nr cone, nrxmt three feet in length, wbich crackles aud rustles with every movement, is ono of the latest acquisitions of the Zitolcgicid society of London. Its name is the pan golin, or scaly ant eater, and it belongs to tho same family group as the arma dillo and platypus. It has excited great atteutiou at the zoo, for it is if we are correctly informed the first tmirnal ol the kiud which has been exhibited there. Its home is wbere the termites, or white ants, are found, for the animal feeds on these destructive creatures and possesses claws wbich are designed ta break down their strongholds. The claws are also necessary for burrowing in the ground, for the pangolin exca vates a cave for himself and bis mate eight feet or so below the surface of tlie earth, and in this strango home one or two young aro produced every year. The pangolin at present at tbe too is fed npon outs and their eggs, and also exhibits a partiality for cockroaches scalded in milk. Tbe scales with which its body is covered aro hard and sharp as steel, cud it can give a terribly cnt-i ting blow with its powerful tail. It rm roll its body up into a bull bke aVdge- when it so wills. Public Opinion. aud the fair prrservatiou of "its buiid- i as if not greater than., tbe real silk. that money may b mndo i.ti, .nn,,...; i(fi.,in9 n.irlniiT1 I Althnn-.h thn snHice lends itsslf to ' boy beg a a to cv.g on t riday w . . . . . " . 1 . .A j ..ll.. . . i . . - . 1 u . Ik Ei I J a nwul I in nwTT uon.l Kner.imeu of tbesa fifteenth the Drocess better tbaSu most woods, oth- i first th-t they dug this weel Oratit tu-:iel to i-'iao v. i,:i - r '-lu tcsf remedy that ca bo cltiocd for shriffles oft this mcitKi co:I. ilns elui a':U said 1 3 was sorry that t'.o gem :al j ;prf Rs,jr is found in acteristic bus bno appeared iu President had pl-.eod !ik hejt on any beanq :u - j 'Tlwse nil's aro eo xaild I Kroger, who h leemtly imported a Intti!: in action, yet co thorough, ! comn, uutntuy. too, ot im vi.-tr-i. sw-ci::! . xe..ii!:'i.:n to I'.; '.: 1 that tl'.ev pivn rc'-'iect ntiffitctte.l). pecutltnary .,, T ,, . , . . f U I . . f m .vtm , I.J ,uv vivbu v. I ,11 V J yrt-w :R DMI I TOT" - ll". mwyvwr .,- a. jMta.r,.-r 11 mirn . -Ik-ftll--- i . all Albany DocKed to tne '. . . . .. . HIT 'J ur-maii. uw:- " iU( t -,.1 .111" , 1 111 says H- "V1 , Thi -JaduateSpPyjP a Optical Vol- , t c;x : ;: ,,011 who wm raosHiTiv.tns-xTtcd that Giant had i. Give you the ..est servico at tu0 low- I veu- the crrtditiwm to set sid of too st possiblo rates. Il ramcs ia g?ld j quu,"-.!, br.t they reco-: ir.-d tho fro ' Miver, Dickie arid steel. No chfij-ge ;DB, , n RSE CRITICISM. Wb&t flowm It had in one fair knot botind, And so I laid , . - ra on a public stsU, " I i anr ono take noto at ail. Wondering to Or, taking nott I.raisetheai would be found. A ks eyed crtt turned the nospgay round. Then cried, "N' true flowora eh&iel" and lot it tall ' "Mere vreeds t wall! ; prow against tho clmrch's And whn.t coarse thread abont tho stalks ia wouno. Tis trup, I feur m dandellonn and I cnlU-d, mtakW them for trorden bloom And bull bciieTing that they so might pass, And now ray criti ' lau pronounced my doom. Knlf anCBwivea. I ill not ercilse my lot If friocUj may find ins true forycuncnot. -L in Loudon bcctator. SILK FROM i THE SPRUCE. Palp Fiber Is Fcfcud to Make Very Good stubstitote. Silk of excellent quality is being made from the spVuce tree ia Europe, and a movement ii on foot to establish the industry in thi-i country. It is said j that tbo cost of fng silk by this proc- ess is one-fifth tb from tbo silkworm of tbe epinning Icoooon. The Lber takes dve as readily as the animal prod- net aud can be wov en as securely anu It is ah(o claimeel that tbo rr forma or cum c;u no iuuu, iau in ventor oven declaring! that old newspa pers. the printer into the subject a study fo 20 years, based his experimental work on tho fact that ! tho silkworm, in eating and assimi lating tho leaf of the mmlberry tree, ob ! tained the foundation cf the silk from j vegetable fiber. In trying to bit npon i tha particular chemical process that the I original fiber went through before it w:is spun us silk by the loom ho found that after the fiber bud teen separated J it needed the chemical aetion of a cer tain form of glucose. Ia tho new treat ment tho treo i3 crushed, and tho result ing fiber mixed with1 glucose and then pbiced ia deep metal tubs. A disk, somewhat liko a steam p'istcu, is then forced down on ibc mass by hydraulic r.ressnre until it is coiur;resi:ed into a -"-"L' I very heavy gum. At tbo bottom ot iho ....-L . .if.. i ti,.v nipiilcs, with exceedingly 'puia!. aper tiinvs. Under tho bydrauiio pressure the mixture is forced cut of gbi ninnies in filklikc fiber.-, vtl.ieh are to fine that the girls who aro employed in tbi-i portion of tho process are obliged j to wear highly lmiguifying gl issea in order to sec when any cf tbo fibers break. Tho material is jtbeu c.u- ried ever electrically heat;-! orums, which t'ry tbo ether tr.e ::!eo.:'..i I out cf it. Is U tbon rlon,-ed' :: !o iced water, dried atid spooled for tye l'.ioms. Bulalo Expres i Cure for Sick Heartache! iousands of Indies Buffer hesdaciie caused uniloii! from i SICK y 1 ! v disordered liver or Kaimaclie. 1 ho iftcd for j They cure s.'ck headache, jaunoice, i s' ur storocch and all liver iil3. I They j break up ca'ds and ftvers antl pre crip. , uy the doren or ADV' I na ranidlr. after they have 1 been cleaned of rAoed uP in conspicuous places that ! t:e entitled thereto, wiii oo nis .u a ink. readily made uo one it! r.liowed on lha rauna but 1" tsa'Vi "iUi. A If.. ellk. Tbe invontr, who has mane c(--.-t-Krtlr1r.r r.l .r..,.r.M ! " J. . "V " r i I - . ... . I. .. n.wult rv. I w . .. hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for (3.50, and may be had of all druggists or plctely Alice for f xatntiiins tlie ees. Main Street, Mifflintown, Pa. 4w, PE r; F ECT and permanent arc the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, life and health-giving BLOOL?. MILLHGRY. Good uera for you. 10, 13, 17, 19 and 25c, grades also, Trimmed Hits for 5, Some better Hats for 35, -10. 50, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $i .50 All goods reduced at 4t. M. A. Diekl's. i'erenalir Conducted Tours via IenaNj Svaxil Kail road. That the public have come to rec cgcizo the fct that the bst anel most convenient method of plcisure trirol is that presented by the Penn sylvania Ii.'tiiroal Company's perron R!:y-cono"nctiel tours, is evidenced by tbe increasing popularity cf t' .-so tonre. Und- r lo:s system ihe lowest rates are obtained, V r both trans portation and bote fiecoieniodf.tioo. Al experienced tuuiist age-nt and cbapcron cccompar-y ouch tour to '.it.ii alter too cotutorr 01 the passen gers. The following tours bav been nr rarged for the season of 1397: To the r.orth (including Walking Glm, Niagara Palls, Thousand Is lands, Montreal, Quebec, A11 Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlnin and Geeirge, Saratoga, and a elavlight ride down through tbe highlands of the Hud son), July 27 and August 17. Kate, ?100 for tne rouud trip from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, covering all expenses of a two weeks trip. To Yel'owstono Park on a train of Pullman f-lceplng, compart ment, and observation cars ncel din ing car, allowing eight das in "Won t'trland," September 2. llato $233 from New York, Philadelphia, Balti more and Washinglor; $230 from Pittsburg. To Niagara Falls, excursion tickets rood t a return within ton days will bo sold on July 22, August 5 and 19, September 4 and 16, nt rate of $10 from Philadelphis, Ba'.Umora and Washington. These tickets include transportation only, and will permit oi stop-over within limit at Buff.elo, Rocbester, and Watkius on tbe re turn trip. Two ten day tours to Gettysburg, Luray Caverna, Natural Briilge, Vir giria Hot SpriDgs, Richmond, and Washington, September 28 and Octo ber 12. Rate, SG5 from New York, $(33 from Philadelphia. 2t. Reduced Rates via Pennsylva nia Railroad on Account of Fourth or July. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany announces that for tho bent-fit of persons desiring to take advantage of the National Holiday on the Fourth of July, it will sell excursion tickets . N j between all stations on its lice east of 'and including I'tttaburg and Erie;e-x cept Ibat tieke ta.wnl not be sold to - x .i L vl-i. or from points north or east ofrhila- ( lpbi3 nor tO and from points north of t're line from Harrisbtarg to Erie. Ties ) tickets will ba sold and wid be good goicg on Ju'y 2, 3, 4, and 5, ii n 1 will be good to retnrn until July 6, 1897, inclusive. 2t. What Old TUey Find. B?aver Herald, June 7. Have we cofd e-r h'tve we not, is the question that is puzzling the minds of ths peo pie of this neighborhood at present. Ft r some lirao Mr. StafHe of Hnnt- t ,Z a A T.'..r P,;.. ti, ,', - ... , , , ." , I Gazette correspondent.told last week of oc ir.terfS;iep-find of coal wbica had boon tested and f ound to be gen ! u'ne. lint the question that our cit-' . . 1 . . ... i izene ure unable to solve is whether ! hey really did si r ike. a 7 foot vein of coal r s reported or whether coal had 1 tea thrown in tho well for the pur- cf creating an tx -uement ra or. bv it. for the r, but the I pr. trreR" tutrv made, we are unaulrt becauso notices have been j t::ow)cdge is kept a Fecrt. Isut we hope tho rumour of the fiaeling of cocl may bo well founded cs wo de serve something at the hands cf na ture. Home Dctlea of Indian Children. There aro home duties as well as pleasures for tbo children. Eoys aro re quired to look after tbo ponies, to lend a band in planting, to help in the har vest, and they aro often mado to do ac tive doty as scarecrows in the newly planted field, where, liko Iittlo Bopeen, they fall fust nsleep. Tho girls help to gather ve,t;d, being water and look after ... ., , ,., ,., nl.ln- ""-"' , thsv aro tantfht to out, sew aud make gunnents. in te.inier ii;;ys, mooiu ucu ha.i say, no j;irl was couside-rail mar riageable until s'.:c. bad learned to tan skills, iiiiiko tout" and, prej-ar.i meat tVr drjiiig i:ud coald euhi.ato com liiid beans, while youtig laauwho had not learned to make liis u;vii wea pons and to he a rkiliiuJ henrr-r we.s i:;t cousiueied ht'od to tui the rcsrc.:iKi'eiii'.i: s of tb Hoe;:r of a family. "iIoi:.e Iiife A ibo I-a- dians," by AUeo U. l'h tury. '. lur, i:i Ccii- A XvruIliiT l)nt.-li 'nloi3. A peculiarity among Dutch farmers who livo at n distance from a town is to have a c.rin i:i leai'.ii.i es li.r the ir buriab It is by no means uncommon to eeo a still sturdy old putriurch going to an outhouse uvil pravcly e-outemplating that wbith is to hold bis bw'.y wiien h Patient Isn't it a little dangerous to administer aimsthi-tier.? Must 1.0 terri ble to have ono die in your chair after you havo giyen him ether. UtuiU&sfYcu. it was lor t;iat reason uiara s otn. rulo that wber.; an spoiled. How? "Cu'tbtt patient iiuvance. --Boston Traa l -- MARRIED: 3ooxs McMumjx. On tb 21st Squire J. F. Boone ?Jifflintown, by Frank Patterson, Divid and Rhcttie C. McMclhn. Bailor Dowi.ikg. On tbe 12t! inst.. at. Rt-eds by Justteo Thorn - as Crvighton, George W. Bailer nnd J Martha Dowbng Arnold On the llt.h inst , at the homo of Rev. Isaac B.;ok, in Spruce Hill towrti-hip, by Rev. Isanc Bonk, Harrv F. Arnold and Marsha R. Mills. DIED: Wixfoaroxer. On the ltth inst-, at his homo tt E '.st Salc-m, John Winegardnor, aged 50 years antl 29 days. Naylor On the 17th inst., at the home of her parents in Thompson -town, Nora Adah'ne Naylor, aged 12 years, 8 months and 17 days. VrrI,'?i'OWN fcAKKXTS. MirrLMTOWH, Jone 23, 1H97. MTTPL1KTOWN GRAIW KAKSJ-TS h-t . .... .............. .orn in r,,.,, It'e CloV-reoe-i Butter E(t?s Ham.... Shoulder. . . . . Lard Sides Timothy seed. F aj seed.... . Bran.... Chop 28 20 35 12 9 )2 12 7 60 9 ...$1.20 a hundred 1 10 .Middling.... .. ... Gronnd lu Salt. American Sa't.... .... l.oo 6c to 80c Philadelphia Markets, Juno 21, 1897. Wheat 77 to 79c; corn 29c; cats 20c; livu cbickens 7c ; spring chickens 10 to 15c a pound; butter 9 to 19"; eggd 10c; milch cows $25 to $40; thin cows $10 to $15; sheep 21 to Go a lb; hogs 4 to 5c; cattle 4 to 5 Jc. if Cosisispati Causes fully half the s!i:kiiPS3 in the world. It retains the digested food tuo limR in tiio bowels and prolines bi!:ousncss, torpid liver. in-U- geti.ja, ba t last;, coutcd jj5S2i 3 n tongnf, si;-k beailai-lic, t:v- FJgl p E 3 pt, mnnia, etc. Hood's Fills j?j y a g eiu-ecoustipatieii and all its 433 OHO reniiits, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All dmpsrir.ts. Preparcil by C. I. Hood & Co.. lyiwcIL Mass. Tl 3 only Fills to Udca v.ith Hood's Sarsaparilia. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersized hivm; been - restored to health by simpge means, after suflering sev eral years withs severe lung affection, and that dread disease consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow- sufferers tbe means nf cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of chargs) a copy o! the prescription used, wbich they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Jsthma. Catarrh, Bronchitit and all throat and long Matadiu. Ho hopes all safTeren will try his remedy, as it is invalusble. Those de siring tbe prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prate a blessing, will please address, REV. EDWAED A. WILSON, Breoklya, New York. Sep. f, H6. I to s v. i .... ------ - " -1 ... . . tl. ua. ii ttii'ii'i I'm uiii. v. 51 4-" LEOJL. jtOTICE. We the nndc-rstgned Cltii-jn of Jnn'ata connty will apply to ths General Assembly of Pennsylrania tor a special fence law. Thomas Abbuck!.", K. E. Dobbs, J. LOITDKS9LAOKB, 8. H. Bahdolfh, . Jahei Kidd, Neal M. Stoabt IS OTICE. Kntic.a ia hereby riven tblt tbe under ninid will aonlv to tbe Senate and House ot Rcrresantatives of Pennsylvania for the nml of an act entitled. An act reamriag the owners and renters of lands in Lack inwnshm. Jnniata county, to keep nu 1 ! maintain iirri"icnt funct'a around their en Icleanrcs. Approvd. the Twenty-Hfth day of fy jlno Domini one thousand hn-Vd and seventy-one. e tght t s Moorfcbead. T. N. Csmthers J. J. CUrkson, Jno. II. lllair, B. W. Parens, J. B. 'nrgeson others. J- M- I : d ridli Irvio P. Clark. and April 21-lt. 4 TJDITOR'3 NOTICE, Aliened estate of Allen L. KoppenhdlTer. Notice ia hereby given that th nnacr siRned appointed an Auditor by tha Court of Coinmaa Fleas of Janijta county. Fa., to distribute tbe ba anco remaining in the bands of F. M. M. Pennell, Esq.. Assignee of Atli-n L. Koppenhaff -r, miobi tbe par- appoiutinnnt, when and where pirtl-s mier ested must present their claims or he for ever debarred from comine in on said land. WllBliroBCB SCUWKTER, 8:h, 1S97. Auditor. if 1 t'I'.f friti. CA5TTIOS. TBRSSrASS NOTICE. The nndersic-ied j ersons have associitcd t'ieni3Cives torether for the protection ol V,'iIlow I'.nn Trent s'r.ara ia Lack town, nl.ip, Jr.niati '"., i'a. AH persons are stiicEly forbiddco aot fo trespass upon the land or (stream of t'3 saM pirtiivj to fish as tho stream li:is b.n stocks 1 with Persons vioiitin neiro. will b eectod aceord'Ej; '... V. H. I'fitter-.on, T. II. Crmh-TJ. J K!'e't A W'orrt-i'i.- w. ;. t'st:s, V n. Dyson Viiwti. April 23. ib'.:. tront pros- P. Tbo nndefi ijrn- r! prrfris have tormnl an A?sto.i:ition lio 'roo.;li-ia er tlietr ro fpectivo propi-ri ii?. All vcrsnn nre bpro- i liv i.e-tineu not lo :ropo em tn iaoaa 01 i :li- li'Miersipncd (;r lae p-.irp-.'i- ot hai.tiag j jrirherir-e nn. ft. f;n tiaiti- r nr throwin!; dorn 0.-neos ' i:'.ng t'mti-r in n::v v.-ay at:are.vr. Moiatiori ot ttij bve no tice win e? oi'4-r win acc'irnni m kh. Jnba IiIirlisM, William I'sffimhetger, . (iideor. Ricln-r, B'-wbor & Zoc.k, Mary A. hraiiakr.r, .'ow'.j r,t:-.rocir, Jol-a f Irr, Harocol Eell. Pel terabe.r ft 1BS5. I hereby offer or sjlo s vatusb'e prop erty, situ it'ed in Fern-.anazh tewnsbip. "j mil.s r.01 ih.eart i f Mifl!i!ito n, rontaiiaiui; 26 Aeri s, mora or em. i seres of wood land. The hidance cleared gnd in eeod ! '' rf cuitivaticn. i:U'irtin orciini.y i.ui. 1.1 pi'.'w ..ii. auiojiiiiijiu' ..v,.i failir.g ffi-avi.l ua'.er nrhy. 1'Ik vrPwrty also ccctains 250 jn- ch trees 1 d 20U0 ber ly plaetjj 80 treca, tc-ilei other irair. Tlie above j rrperty i.: Fi u i'-e i i'ar While Hall sehooi Ikiusc in -&'il tu'.vus'aip. Jtvt further itiforma:i'!i a l.'-es. I'haklk.h CoaztNs. 8-23-'LG. Mitliiutonn, Pa. 0r. GENERATION AFTER GENZRATtftry 7roppmt on Sugar, Chitdrrn Xorfl 9-ttrj Truvtii- r retuMtbi hTe a bttlo of it in hin sotctv. Every Sufferer TXE AMhma, Cholera, Worln, linrrhcK, I Atnnew, Survm In lifKiT or Linths, Htitf Joints or Rtrainit, will lami itt this via Anolyn r'iif and frrwMly cure. Iawjipf JC bvflt Soli) I'verywhfto. Pr.e ."ft ct., by mall, bJtt tet. Criruts ixtul, J-,'. .i.. s. JOHNSON Ci iwTutt. Hi a. Infests the blood tf huiuanity. It appears in varied forms, but is forced to yield to Hood's iNirsaparilla, which purines ami vitalizes the blood and cures all such iliseases. Read this: "In September, 139 1, 1 made a misstep and Injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, two inches across formed and in walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. Tbe sore became worse; I could not put my boot on and I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not get any relief and had to stop work. I read of a cure of a similar case by Hood's Sarsaparilla and concluded to try it. Before I bad taken all of two bottles tbe sore had healed and the swelling had gone down. My is now well aud I have been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased in weight and am in better health. I cannot aay enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Mrs. H. Blake, So. Berwick, Me. This and other similar cures prove that nodn Sarsaparilla lathe Oni True Flood Fnrifior. All druggists. Fli-puri;-! i,,.;,- I,r f. I. H.m! .V O.i.. In?!l, Mitu. , , , iv 11 tbe Iwst family cathartic IIUUU a fills uud uvcr sluuulaut S - ess S3 P3 SJ3 F fee's Itemedy for Catarrh ta tSs HO R53 BfuL Easlrflt 10 Cse, and Cheapest. fcebJ K Sold by &rnctf sts or acut by mall. p. 3 ife i too. . ?. llazeitlce. Warren. Pa. m 1 iiiHraY VCEany CjSK Eis. g'SS ra o o & , jr. V.. FFSlt. t 17. ArrrNFOS. r uvv.. . ATTORN EYS - AT - LA Vt , VJIFrMNTOWN, PA. OFHC.-OH Mam street, la Flce of resi dence of Juis E. Vfrf-iw Bridge street. lltA1 rry-Collecting and OonTeyaocing premn.- ly attended to. fTILBERrORCE SCOWETER, Attorney-at-Law. BSrOollectionsandall legal busi ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSfc.. BR.B.M.CB AWroED, DS. DARWI5 M .CBAWTOBB -TH. D. M. CBAWFOED & SON, -a--' . ,h nraettce O.Uce at o'd stand, corner of Third .nm atreta. Mif3intown, l'a. One and Or oor DO!i . tn tw. tnnnd at tbeir otuco at ah Ol LII f 111 Kill " times, unless otherwise professionally gsei.'d. April 1st, 18SS. en- J P. DEER, PRlflTICAL OESTIST PbiladelDhia Dental old established lo cation, Bridge Street, opposite House. .Wifflin'.owB, Pa. Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. BJUIlVCb Vfcww Court Tuscarora Valley Railroad. ar-rrr-ni-T r rv lrrrrCT MONDAY. MAT 18 1806. JSiSTWtRB. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT STJSIDAY. No.1 No.3 A. M.iP. M. Blairs Mills Waterloo Leonard's Grove. . Rof f Farm Peru! nek East Wttc-rford... Ucckmttn .Lv. 7 45,2 00 .... 7 512 CG . . . . 7 5S;2 13 8 0512 20 . . . . 8 122 27 S 252 40 . . . . 8 35-2 50 Horey Grove Fort Bigham . . Warble Pleasant View. . . . Seven Pines Spruce IliH Graham's. Stowart Freedom Turi.ett Old Port Port Roval 8 4712 8 4813 57 03 10 15 21 25 29 31 33 35 40 45 S 55 3 00 9 0G 9 10! 14 1G 18 20 25 30 Ar Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Roy al with Way Passenger and Seashoru Express on P. II. K., and Nos. 3 and 4 with Mil cast WESTWARD. STATIONS. No.2No.4 DAILY, EXCEPTSO ND AY . a. 11. 'p. Jt- Port Royal Old Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill Seven Pinr-s Pleasant View Warble Fort. Bipham Honey Grcve Heckman East Waterford.. Perulack Ross Farm Leonard's Grove. Waterloo 0.0 10 30.5 20 1.3,10 355 25 2.8 10 40,5 30 3.7l0 4215 32 4.4,10 44 5 34 5.0lo 46 5 36 6.3 10 50 5 40 7.2;10 54 5 4-1 9.0,11 03 5 50 10.011 05,5 55 12.0111 116 01 14.0'll 18 6 OS 15.1 11 256 17.511 35 6 20.511 48 6 22.0 12 55 6 24.0,12 02 6 25.512 09 6 59 27.0112 157 05 Blair's Mills. Ar Trains Nos. 2 and 3 connect with Stage Lido at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doyle., burg and Dry Run. J. C. MOORHEAD, Superintendent. MOORHEAD, PrttidtTit. T. S. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pERRT COFNTT RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into Nov. 16, 189G, and the trains will be follows.- effect run as p. m 4 30 4 86 4 39 3 41 4 45 4 4; 4 61 4 64 4 66 4 59 a. ra 900 9 t'6 9 C9 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 Leave Arrive a. ra Duncannon 7 64 King's Mill 7 49 Snlphur Springs 7 46 ""Corman Siding 7 44 p.m 2 28 2 23 2 20 8 18 2 15 2 13 2 08 2 65 2 03 2 00 1 41 I 36 181 1 28 1 25 1 20 1 18 1 15 2 50 montehello Park 7 41 "Weaver 7 40 7 86 7 A3 7 81 7 28 7 23 7 09 7 04 7 01 8 68 6 51 6 48 6 83 "Roddy "Hoffman "Royer "Mahanoy Bloomfleld "Tresslet "Nellson "Dum's Elllotsbnra; "Bernbeisl's "Groen Pk "Montour Juno 9 2' 6 10 10 43 5 16 9 49 5 21 9 64 5 24 9 57 5 27 10 05 5 32 10 07 6 84 10 17 5 87 10 80 6 02 10 35 p. m a. m Landisburg 6 28 ui,t Aieave a, m p m Train leaves BloomHeld at 6.68 a. m una arrives at ianaisbnrg at 6.28 a. m. Train leaves Landisburg at 6.08 p. m.j and" arrives at BloomHeld at 6.40 p. in. All stations marked () are Hag stations at wbicb trains will come to a full stop on signal. Cbas. H. Smilbt, S. H. Bbcx, President. Supt. Sl'&fcl U tiiV-- f' L caul val ic hy fciie ue mm 2o 1 Ulrtl 3.. F&OSDil . ; 1 r.!,n. a - -i r- ik 7'lt mnkfifl the poorest noi! rH.h 9 ;:- L o'iu iwr.a for rrico Usi? YORK CHHA1! I 1UHK, IA. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD. On t;rd affr Monday, May 17. 1897f trains will rnn as follows: WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. in; HarrisDnrp o uv a. m; unncan non 8 85 a. ro; New Port 9 65 a. m; Mil- Icrsfown lf a. in; uora w zi a. m; Tbompsontown 9 2S a. m; Van Dyke 9 83 riv Tuscarora oo a. ni; Mexico a 40 a. Port Royal 9 44 a. m: Miftlin 9 06 a. m- Denholm 9 55 a. m; Lewistown 10 13 ' 11.V..IAVH 10 m. XT . IDS m:,v - -- '"i m Hamilton 1 1 w u" ii ug a n: tiuniiuf;ii "i iji.-ud ij. v'.m; Aitoonal00p.ini Pittaburj5 60 p. m. Pittsburg up"" caves raila delpbiiBt 8.80 a. tn.t Harrisbnrn at 11. 45 ta ' f imm i."" r A-cwisrown 1.10 p. m.; Hnnlingdon 2 01 p. m.; Tyrone 2.40 p. m ; AHoooa 8.10 p. m.; Pittsburg 7!o0 f. m. Altpona Accommodation leaves IJtrris- bare at 6 w p. ni; u-intmnniu .j ot p. m: burjf at 6 00 p. m; u'mcannon a B4 p. m; Thomrsontown 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 80 n. m: itfexico 6 83 p. m; Port Koral fl 88 n. m; Minim V 1' v - p. in; Lewistown 7 07 p. n; JHcVcytown 7 80 p m; Newton Hamilton 7 60 p. m; HnBticg. don 8 20 p. ro; Tyrone 9 02 p. mf Alteona 9 85 p. m' Pacific Erpross leaves Philadelphia at Jl 20 p. m; HarrisbnM 8 10 a. m; Marrs v" le 8 24 a. m; Duncannon 3 SH a. ni; New pe it 8 59 a. m; Port Royal 4 81 a. m; Mif. Hit) 4 87 m; Lewistown 4 5 a., m; Mc Yetown5 20 a. m; Huntingdon 6 OS a. ro; Tyrono 6 55 a.Tn; Altoona 7 40 a. m; Pi'ttsburg 12 10 p. ra. Oystr Expreps leaves Philadelphia at 4 35 p.m; n&rriHbnrg at 10 29 p. m; Newport 11 08 p. rn; MiSlin 11 4V p. ni; Lewistown 12 65 m; HuntirgdonJ12 55 a. m.; Tyrone 1 82 a m; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 30 a. rn. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m; Harrrisbnrg 3 50 p. m; Daucsnon 4 15 p. ro; Newport 4 35 p. m; Mifflin 5 07 p. ro. Lewistown 6 27 p. ui; Mount Union 8 08 p. m; Hnntingdon 6 27 p. ro; Tyrone 7 04 p m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 11 80 . . , n o a jin p. ra. EASTWARD. HnutiDgdon Accommodation leaves Al toona at 10 50 p. m; Tyrono It 17 p. m.; arrives at Huntingdon 11.55 p.m. BDd be. comes Hirriibnrg Accommodation, leav. big Huntingdon at 5 30 a. nr; Newton Ham ilton & 55 a. hi; McVeytown 6 12 a. m; Lewistown fi 32 a. m; N its in 6 61 a. m; Pert Kaysl 8 66 a. m; Mexico 6 59 a. ra; Thonipviitown 7 12 a. nt; Millerstown 7 21 a. m: Newport 7 SO a. m; Duncannon 7,57 X a Hi a m; H iirisburg 8 80 a. ia. Sea Shore leaves Pitttshnrg 3 30 7 16 a m; Tyrone 7 49 a m; Hunt ingdon 8 SO a m; acVevtown 9 15 a m; Lewistown 9 35 a m: MitRhi 9 55 a m; Port Royal 9 59 a ni; Tbompsontown 10 14; Millerstowa 10 22 a m; Newparl 10 32 a mj Dnneannnn 10 64 a ni; Marysvillo 11 07 a - . . . 1, . 1 1 e : 1 . 1 . u: . mv Di; llsrrlsourg 11 to a nt, ruiiuuoipuia w p m. Vain Lin Express leaves Pittsburg at I' U: a. re; Altowna 11 40 a. w; Tyrone 12 03 r. m; Huntingdon 12 85 p. ta; Lewis town 1 33 p. m; Hirnia 1 60 p. m; Harris burg 3 10 f. ni; Baltimore 6 00 p. m; Wash ington 7 15 p. ra; Phiiade'phia G 23 p. m; JTew Tork 9 SO p. ni loaves Altoona at 2 10 p.m, Tyrone 2 45 p. 10, Hnntingdon 3 28 p. nr; Newton liaiuiltnn 8 58 p. m; McVeytown 4; l-ewist'swa 4 45 p. ai; Milllin 6 10 p. na. Port Royal 5 15 p. m; Mexico 5 20 p. m; Tbompsontown 5 33 p. ni; Uillerstawn 54S p. nt; Newport 5 51 p. m; Daucianon S 23 p. ni; Uarrishurg 7 00 p. m. Mail Express loaves Pittshuri at 1 CO p. re; Altoona 6 05 p. rr.; Tyrone 0 37 p. m; linntipgdcn 7 20 p. m; McVeytown 8 04 p, re; Lewistown 8 26 p rn; Afifliin 8 47 p. m; 1'ort Koyal 8 52 p. Jn; Milleretc-wn 9 16 p. m; Newport 9 20 p. rr.j Duncannon 9 60 p. m; Harrisbnrg 10 20 i. m. Philadelphia Express' leaves Pittsburg at 4 80 p. m; Aitoona 9 0 p. ni; Tyrone 9 33 p. ra; Hnntingdon 19 12 p. m; Mount TJn- ' ion 10 32 p. m; Lwintown 11 10 p. m; Mif tlin 11 37 p. m; Harrisburg 1 00 a. m; Phil adeq-bia 4 30 IMew i0rS 7 5 kJ. m. 1 1 WriyiiiS rfig' Traii.s for rjnnbarv 1 p. ni., leave Snr.bury a. m, scd 2 45 p. rr.. 10.20 a. m. and 3 10 p. m..1 TYRONE DiVl! IOJf. Trains leave fi r Eelletcnte aid Lock iU'-'a-MiDdttt lor I.ew-s'tem UW : lor f-Iilrov-1. fle , WK Bl 1 Havtis ot b 10 a. ta., 12 SO at. 7 16 p. leave beck Hsven lor Tyrono 8.55 p, m. and 4 15 p. m. TTRONE AND CLEARFIELD E. R. Trams leave Tyrone for Clearfield and Curwensvitle at 8 20 a. m.. 8.15 and 7 20; p. m., leav. Cnrwensville tor Tyrone at 9.15 a. m., 3 45 p. n., and 7 W p. m. For, rates, maps, ete., rail cnTieket Agent , or addresM. TLcs E. Watt, P. A. W. 1., 3C0 Fifth Avtnno, rVtta. bursr, l'a. ' J. B. Hutchison, J. R. Wco, Gen': Manager. Gen'J Pass.Agt. .VE.YFOUT AND SHERMAN'S VAL ' ' ley P.silroait tympany. Tiran table of passenger triiius, in eiToot on Monday, May 18tb, 18S6. "HAM Newp'it Bufialo Bridge Juniata 1'iiruace ... W ahneta Svlvaa Watr Plug BlooD.ticld JuDtt'n. A X r 4 00 3 67 ( 63 8 50 846 8 41 t 38 182 8 It 8 10 804 268 S49 2 46 2 40 6 06 10 85 8 30 6 OS 10 38 8 27 6 12 10 42j 8 23 6 15 10 45; 8 20 6 25 10 621 6 22 11 0l 6 31 11 09 6 3911 091 8 16 8 11 8 88 8 00 7 45 7 40 7 34 7 26 7 1 alley Koid Eilioltkbur?. 6 61 11 21 6 54 11 !4 7 0 1 1 35 7 1HI1 41 Green Park .... Loysvihe Fort Robeson .. Center , Cisna's kan . . . . Andersonbnrg Blnin Mount Pleasant New Germant'n 7 15: 11 45 7 21 11 5! 7 27ill 67 7 35 12 05 7 41:12 11 7 lai 7 10! 7 031 68 2 24 4512 15j 6 60' 2 29 D-GKING, President aJ Manager C. K.. MtLLSR, General Agent. CARTER'S PlLiaS. f."i Hp-Mla-ro w .-rKTil tlt rouble, tae TH?i' bv'oa" sU,B of syatem. auchaa eatine. fain In tho Rids, Ate. While their remariable su-x hu. Thon trTcn2 Hcadacbo, yet Carter's Lrtlk Uvat PnXB are equally valuable ia Coaattpation. mrlsS and proventini; Uii? annoying complaint. whiS . ., ' V- ' """"era at mm mt aWinulate the liver and regalata the I u. wa.-jr mi.jj cured Ache they would ba almost prfcelaaa to wno aimer rrom una dlatreaainr eomBlaint; mn rominaieiy inc.r goodness daas abt cod here, and thoae who oaea try them will find "i iiv. .iim wdui, iii ao many win k .11 ... b llll . . . . 1 ' . Bat after ail sick bead " it Uvea here I we make our great coast, while others T not. uur pUla Carter's Lie-rui Livkb Piua are and very easy to take. One or t o a dose. Tliev are strictly w,fvil not gripe or pnnra, but by tbair rrntie please all who use them. In riala at K fire for $1 . Sold everywhere, or aaa by STATIONS. -West- East wara. ward. 3 j 1 2 ( 4 I 1 ACHIS ie of so many lives loaf . CA3TZ2 KESiesn eo, Kr Tork. MR UIcv tdf 't t': i i I A M OT'T 2 88 r TV no J' v-TIrTiiaWBSj aaLVfca&sL..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers