Jab i J 1 K m ( i i I SENTINEL REPUBLICAN ,TK!KMMY. JUKE 16, 1897. TERM'S. .?h"crtT'n, P onaza tf paid wmta per inch for each Insertion. .l,f,r "ST for Insertion, to adTertlse by th. yew, half or qw,? SHORT LOCALS. The tariff dabata C The plum crop promises to be Hay making has been cammeaced in clover. Zr- Atkinson's residence has been repiintMl. Misa Grace London is visitiner in Philidslpliia. The prospects for a large corn crop are not good. Newspapers report a great deal of - corn rc planted. . T!l3 growing o&U presents a prom ising appearance. MiKs Lottie Hacknnberger is visit' . g fiiends in Philadelphia. , Heavy thunder aroused people from Weir Kltep on Friday night. Im work of excavation for the Ac who -y buildings are well on. At v Atkinson has returned from to friends in the west. IhoV seMDS to bo a in the -- an """k80 qnestion. at worms have almost ruined corn li , ia ihigh county. A. number of peope attended the show Wt LeWiBtWD, yesterday. , 7 first P'cnic of the season was neM last Friday at Rhom's dam. Starck Mills seamless bags for eale at Pannebaker's hardware store. Jacob Ef.ka St Son Burt, are doing the plaetering at the Court House. Tne themometcr stood at 86 de- fees in the shade on Tuesday noon. 'f'resbvterifinq nf ihm fifota will YmA ft re-nnion at Mount Alto Park, July ' It was children's day in the even- r in tue lettiodist cuurch oa Sun- he vote at the Republican Prim ary on Saturday, was not near a full vote. Wiliiara J. Bryan has announced his intontion of making a trip around tho world. U . Blue Flame Oil Stoves at various prices for sole at the PanDebaker hardware store. v ",'Door screens and window screens v-5iall descriptions for snle at Panne, ler'a hardware. t To, average price for anthracite coal at the mines in 1896, was $1.51 a ton. Q od coal. Fly nets, summer lap robes, whips, -x and all kinds of hardware at McClia- i-tinelHfrv3wT store. The flies coming and the Leg isI&taajgytygnarrjsguJgBnntmg for something to tax. An Allentown poultry dealer was sent to four years in jail for stealing one hundred chickens. It was children's day in the Pres byterian church on Sunday afternoon. Six babies were baptized. . A company of youn; people indul ged in fishing in Licking Creek, at Bhome's dam last Friday. Bryan is swinging around the cir jfa.oi the States, feeling the pulse of d e Democracy for a re-nomination. Larner and family have come rotuWaahingt in to their farm, four miles east of town to spend the sum mer. Tha wheat in Tus sarora Valley this year, is promising. Last year the wheat crop in the fertile vauey was poor.' A treat deal of timotnv nay in bales has been shipped from Lost Creek valley within the past four weeks. Since Westley Haller's encounter with the great snake on Tuscarora mountain, be has not worked on the mountain. Tom Lowery caught a 9 pound carp from the Juniata river in the narrows north west of this place not long since. It is amusing to see tne gossips of the town standing about watching people so they may have something to talk about. Miss Jean Trimbell after a pro mracted stay in Pittsburg in a ladies' ale-room, is home to visit her mother and other friends. Rev. A. N. Raven and Rev. Mr Laurie of Belief nte, will exchange pulpits next Sunday. Mr. Raven will irive to BoUefonte over the old pike. The State Br Association law yers will meet ia twj days C3nven- tion at Cressou on the 30th of June. About 350 members are expected to be present. Taa JLiawisburij jul doors are in need of new locks; recently thiee theives picked all the locks between their cell door and the outside door and escaped. A mosquito four inches long has been found in Mifflin county, but this in not up to tho Thompsontown snake for size. What a prod that mosquito would give a man. If your corn stalk stands a foot high on the fourth of July, there is a chanee for a corn crop, if it is less -. than that height, ycu'll not have much -vork in handling the corn crop. M?he following party of young men wr.5p8ri a camping out party at JaX? 'Dunn's Eddy n number of days last week: Will Gushard, Harry Ellis, George Gushard and Win. Ellis. A.storm north west of Lyle, Minn., at half past 6 p. m., on the 10th, iust. - 1 tore up houses and other buildings killing six persons and injuring many others. The storm was a half mile wide. Twenty bouses were demol- l ished at Lyle, Mrs. Robert Nixon Jr., and little danhHr, are visiting relatives in town. H iraru Wileman caucrht a 14 Dound carp in the river at EsDenschade's farm on Tuesday. - j -j a, icumuu at the home of Peoras Neely in Tus- carora vauey last XlinrBday. Miss May and Miss Edith Burch field of Altoona, are visiting their an cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fasig and family. Mr. George Curns and sister An nie of Mifflin county spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. Jo seph Rothroek and family. Attorney Schweyer and Recorder Wills in a drive to Lewistown on Tues day, killed a copper-head and rattle snake. The latter had seven rattles. Miss Ball Jackman is home from Pittsbnrg where she was engaged in a store one of the large stores that was destroyed by the great fire some weeks ago. Mrs. Ezra a Doty, after a protract ed visit through the western pirt of the state among friendd and rcla tives has returned to her horns in this place. Druggist Charles Mussina and wife and child of Washington, D. C, are visiting Professor Gortner. Mrs. Gortuer and Mr. Mussina aro broth er and sister. Mcs. Dock is visiting friends in Phil-idlphi'i, and her mother Mrs. Fisher, wifu of Dr. Fisusr of McAl istervilie has charge of her housa during her absaaco. J adgj Thomas Cappett, of Oakland Md., was in his cornfield with a sou and two daughters when a storm came up and a bolt of lightning knocked all st-nsek-ss. Harry Eilis and G90. Gusbard aro getting sand out of the river bed be low tho paint of the island for Pro fessor Dysinger's new Academy build ings now in tha course of construc tion. Almost every trace of the canal waste way or sluice at this place, has beoa washed into the river, and a deep eullv through the can il hr1 marks the foundation place of the sluice. W -1 ... . f nan stones almost as large as lienr, i egg, vcre hard on grain fields and wiudow glass in and around Cald well, Oaio, on Sunday. The wind was high and many buildings were unroofed. The Christian Endeavor S ciety of the Lutheran church, MifHintjwn, Pa., will hold a flower Festival on the church lawn, Saturday evening, June 19,1897. Proceeds for the benefit of tha church. An office and studio buil ling 59 stories high is to be built in New York City, at a cost of twelve million dollars. The building will be 700 feet high and cover thres hundred feet of ground. Someone who i-j iv miili-af. fn nn cloee their name, has senf, ua Mans- fieU. Ohiii nanpra. contnininrr nrn. , J ceedings of tha General Synod of the Lutheran church in session in that town. Thanks. A.n attempt to shoot . FjlixTTiu'e, Preidnt ct France was made last Sunday while he was driving in Par is. 1 he would ne assassin was a orack-brained Frenchman, who had imagined grievances. Subscribe for the Skntinel and Republican-, a paper that contains choice reading matter, full of inform tion tuat does the reader good, and in addition to that all loeal news that are worth publishing Cud places iu its columns. tf. Henry Closs of Walker township, had clover cut for hay last week, on the 10th of May, which is the earliest hay-making reported in this county, this year, and the earliest reported in a good many years past. Tbe young man who catches on to the truth that industry, honesty, economy and sobriety lead to success, cannot fail of making a success of life. There is no such thing as fail for the man who lives up to those standards. Persons who do not have work, persons who do not want work, peo ple who nave means, and do not need to work, people who need work, and people who are tired resting, which all told numbers quite an assortment of people have already looked out places in the narrows to camp. The Republican primary was well attended on Saturday. Election days bring all the Fermanagh township men to town as the polling place ia here. Two generations of Ferman agh township men have been so used to voting in town, that it has become a second nature for them to coma to town to vote. The most of them stay in town all day. At the session of the Jnniata con' ference, held at New Bloomfield, it was resolved to effect a union of nil Lutheran young people's societies within the bounds of the conferncf, which includes Mifflin, Snyder, Juni ata and Perry counties. To this ccd a grand rally of tbe Lutheran young people from the counties named will be hold in the Lutheran church of Lewistown, September 7 and 8, at which time they will permanently organize. The painting of the Court House was begun at noon on the lltb, inst., at the top of the rod on the dome. Haflley and Strayer have the job. Wm. Luck helped to put up tbe scaffolding around tbe dome. Tbe work of scaffolding looked easy to a spectator standing on the ground, but to one on the scaffold it was not an easy piece of work. One working there was required to be constantly on tbe balance, to be constantly on the alert so as not to make a misstep in any direction. The snake stories now come from the mountains and hill countries where reapers and mowers are not used. Since the introduction of rea pers aud mowers snakes are berom ing scarce, on the farms. There is nothing so nice to clip a snake's head off as a reaper or mower. The clat ter of the maohine causes the reptile to put up its head in attention and that insures its beheadment by the mower or reaper. The extermina- ! lion of snakes is not a source of re gret to any one. W. M. Bender lost a $10 bill on Saturday evening between the gate on the south side of the Court House yard, aod his mother's home on Cross street. Editor-in-Chief. What's the latest in the Turkish situationf News Editor Looks as though there'll be war among the peace com missioners. Philip Weber of McAlisterville, mide the scaffold hooks for Messrs. Haflley and Strayer, from which to swing their paint platform at the Court House. The letters uncalled for in the Mif. fliutown post office for tho week end ing Juno 14, were for Miss M. E. Carner, J. B. Otto, Frank D- Gross, and for Maty J. Andrews, a package. It is claimed thtt stone coal has been found at l'aintville along the Sunbury & Selinsgrove railroad. Their chances for coal ore as good as Isaac Etka's chance at Tan Wert, Juniata county. Tbe peach June drop is now on. It ia too ear'y to tell to what degree it may aCkct ths crop, but from the present appearance of the drop, it is reasonable to expect a considerable amount of paaches for markat. Electric light manager Trosel and Mr. Rhine, clerk to County Commis sioners, fished last Saturday in the streams of Upper Tuscarora Valley, and the stock of fish in the Jacobs House refrigerator testifies to their success. The tough 8 who threw eggs in toivn at night, will hare their laugh come out on the other side of their mouth some of these fine days when scooped in the meshes of the law. There is a good deal of evidence stor ed up for their case. Taffy don't always win as is illus trated by the out-cry of a woman whoo house was invaded by a burg lar. Tho burglar called her dearie, cud other soft uam s, telling her she should not be hurt, but she shouted the louder, and the thief became scared and ran out of the housa. R. S. Mercer, Supervisor of the Mifflintown sab-division of tho Mid dle Division of th9 P. R. R , resign ed on the 15th inst. Peoplo hero who mot Mr. Meroor, all speak in the highrsi terms of him, and it is a re gret that he did not remain here longer so as to becomo mora gener ally acquaicted. The Frcnklin Repository of June 9, says Clerk Prather of the Com missioners' office, has 'counted the number of scalps paid for from 1885 to 18D7. Here is tha large list: Wild cats, 19(5; foxes, 2912; minks, 834. In the four years after 1893 (before the law as to these animals was repcah-d) thtre were killed 102 weasels; SS6 ba.vk and 128 ow's. For the scaipii of u.l these the c juaty paid S4183.23. If the free traders and jobbers had their wav. the norts of the TTnit.pd States would be open to the trade of j ail the woriii. ana that wouid !-o cheapsn ev?rrthing, that wages and prices would be leveled down to the rates that prevail in tie eld world. ; The reason that so many peoplo j from tbe old world desire to como to America, is bacaus the rates of wa ges and pric9s generally ara bolter here thai there. A farmer writes "Every " year I hear of caterpillars destroying whole orchards, and there is nothing to dis pose of more easily. I bore a hole in the tree deep enough to reach the sap, fill it with sulphur and then plug it uo. The result is migical. The sap talies up tuo suipuur to every branch and twig, and tho caterpillar at onco dies. I have never koown of a tree beinsr injstod by it, and I hav8 pursued this course for years. William Eilis and William Brow- and, saw an animal run into a water drain under the road iu the Narrows. A long pole was cut, and while one pushed the pole through, tbe other stood at the far end with a club, and when the animal came out, killed it. It was a twelve pound ground hog which they gave to an inhabitant of the lower end of tho Narrows. . It was a nice gift and made several savory meals for tho family to whom it was given. The direct inheritance tax bill hav ing been declared unconstitutional by a Philadelphia Judge, the Legisla ture last Friday, passed another bill, that is believed will correct the de fects of the first bill. The first bill exempted inheritances below a cer- trin amount, which simply was a sop for tbe men who inherit nothing, to turn in and shout for a tax on people who inherit something. That is the k'nd of a Legislature that is now in session at Harrisbnrg. Wednesday, 2d inst., Daniel A. To- der, of Reading, died suddenly in his ski ft, near tho Millerstown dam. Everv spring for several years past Mr. Yoder and wife occupied a house near tho old Rope Ferry during fish ing season where tuey would do vis ited by friends from Reading. He w is fishing in the river at the time of his death and was accompanied by his wife. The body of the lifeless man fell luto the water, but Mrs Yoder succeeded in dragging it back into tho boat. Yoder was 50 years of age and was a wholesale liquor dealer. His remains were taken to Readiuff for burial. The death is attributed to heart failure IJlooru field Freeman. Lewistown Gazette: A man named Julius was sleeping on some hay one night lately in the entry of the barn of Sol. Z. Hertzler near . Belleville and in the night some sneak thief that had been up in the barn looking after something to appropriate to his own use camo down the steps in to the entry and stepped on Julius head, waking him up, who demanded who he was and what he wanted there that time of night, when the thief said he wanted some bay for his horse. Julius told him tbe horses were fed long ago and he could not fool him with that kind of talk, when he took to his heels and ran out of the entry door and Julius after him but be made his escape. Julius says he wants no more chicken thieves coming around and tramping his head or there will be trouble. Our Alfarata correspondent tells of I an interesting find of coal near Paint -l traville, which has been tested and said to be genuine. Henry Miller, of Decatur, claims to know the location of coal on the mountain, near Honey Cretk, and demonstrated the truth of his claim a few years ago by par celing out samples that would burn and make a hot fire, but he was un able to make a satisfactory arrange ment with the owners of tbe land and as consequence belds his knowl edge aa a secret. He is said to have kept a family near Reedaville in coal curing an entire winter, packing it from the mountain on his back. We have not tested the Paintersville sam ple sent us by fire, but it has the ap pearance of coal and we hope the diecovery may prove very profitable to those directly interested in it. Miller's location and the Paintersville find are within a few miles of each othes. Both may be in the same for mation and if one is coal the other must be. One of our neighbors says ho say a batch of tramps one day last week having a ham along Jacks mountain acd says they cut out the best part and had a roval feast and threw the rest away. Re thinks it was some of Yoder 's meat that had ben stolen tho night before. H1LL1SERV. Good news for vou. 10, 15, 17, 19 and 25.-- Hats for 5, Some bet tar grades also, Trimmed Hats for 35, 40. 60, 75a, $100, $1.25, fl.50. All goods reduced at 4t. M. A. Diehx's. Single Fare For the Rsand Trip to Philadelphia via Pennsylvania Railroad on Account fine Ra tional Saengerfest. The Pennsplvauia Railroad an nounces that for the eighteenth Na tional Saojigeafcst, to be held in Philadelphia, June 21st to 24th, 1897 it will sell exenrsion tickets to Phila delphia from all points on its line June 19t'i to 23d inclusive, good to return until June 2uin, l&yi, inclu sive, at a single fare for the round trip. No rate, however, will be re duced to lo8 than fifty cents. . Reduced Rates to Milwaukee via PesnsTtvanla Railroad on Account of I lie Ra tional Educational Association. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany announces tl at on account of tho meeting of th?. National Educa tional Aisoeiui-ioD, at Milwaukee, Wis. July G to 9, it will sell continous pas sage tickets from nil points on its line eist of Pkthburg end Erie to Milwaukee at rate of a single fare for the round trip, plus $2.00 mem bership free Tickets will b sold and will be good goirg only on July 2, 3, and 4, and will bo goo 1 to re turn, leaving Milwaukee July 10, 11, and 12, 1897, oniy, except by depos iting ticket with joint ngent at Mil. waukee on or before July 12, and on payment cf fifty cents, an excursion cf return limit may be obtained to leave 2Iilwaukeo until August 31, 1897, inclusive. . RocxFOKP, I:L, June -11. JuCves French was hanged to-day for, the murd' r of his wife. French fainted as the black c ip was placed over his head. Sheriff Oliver suffered ner vous prostration, and the execution had to be postponed an hour to al low him to perform it. Bay your hunting dogs and hivo them acquainted before the hunting season opens, l nsvo tne xonowing to oner, guaranteed tnorougniy Kron en on their game and reliable. Fox hounds, rnbbit hounJs, beagles, set ters and pointers; also some nue Newfoundland-;, spaniels, collies, fox and bull terriers; fancy poultry and pigeoui;; Belgium and Gerraen hares; prices low. J. Howard xaylor. Ang.27,iy. west uueeter, jra. FOR TOlR EYES. Those with defectivo c-vo bi-jbt. mill A wpII t.- rnnsnlt .1. H. Sweser, a graduate of Spencer's Optical Col lege, of .New lorK jity, wno wm crive vou the best service at the low est possible rates. Frames in gold silver, nickle and steel. N charge for examining tee eea. Main Street, Mifnintown, Pa. 4w. RICH RED BLOOD is the foun dation of trood healtii. That is why Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood Turiner, gives HEALTH. Cure for Sick Headache. Thousands of ladies suffer from sick headache caused undoubtedly by disordered liver or stomacho. The best remedy that can be obtained for this distressing complaint is found in Hood's Pills. These pills are so mild and gentle in actioo, yet so thorough, that thc-y give perfect satisfaction. Tbay cure sick headache, jaundice, sour stomnch and all liver ills. They break up colds and fevers and pre vent the cno. Every rose ranst bave its thorn; Every moment sorrow'a born. How can anyone be merry? Thete's a worm in every cherry! MARRIED: Kamp Corp On the 1st inst., by W. S. Neiuiond, J. P., H. A. Kamp to Sue Copp, both of Monroe township. Brackbill Maugeb On the 3rd inst., by Rev. J. B. Brenneman. L. Irvin Brackbill to M. Etta Mauger, both of Spruce Hill township DIED: Yeioh. Oa the 6th inst., near Maze, Juniata county, Mrs. Susanna Yeigh, aged 77 years, 8 months and 8 days. A mother dear from as has goae A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in or borne Which never can be filled. God in his wisdom hat recalled Tbe boon bis love bad given And though tbe body moulders bere The soul is safe in Heaven. Katib Fair. Valewtise. On the 9th inst., near KAKt rSiiIeiYI. Juniata conntv. lboniD I son Vallentine, aged 83 years, 1 mo i and 21 days. BARGAIJN BRGrA.IISr DAYS! . AT SCHOTT'S STORES, esrameneiog Thursday, June 10 and continue until Saturday evening, July 3rd. Bargains of progress, leadership and snocess. Oar Bargains are expres sions of leadership. Tbe peopltt' appropriation is instituted aaocess, so long as busiasso eeadnot- ed jnstly, eaididly sad bravoly, prosperity will remain its ally. So long as it remains dutiful to its friends. GREAT BARGAIN OFFERINGS. 6000 yds of carpets at specially redueed prioss. 20o striped carpets for 12a a yard. 38a Ingrain Carpets for 25o a yard. 25o stair oarpet at ICo. 65o wool ingrain earpet for 50o. 81.00 Brussel Carpet for 75a. 20c table oil cloth for 14o. 25o turksy red Ubls olutb for 18o. 25o best 4 ply oil eolor, oirpc: obain for 174o a pound. 75o lace onrtains for 45c; $1. laee curtains for 76c; $1.50 lace ourtains for $1 00. $2.00 lace curtains for $1.50. 8o onrtain goods for 5c a yard. 15a curtain goods far 10c a jrl. 75o ladies' kid gloves, short wrist, to close out at 25o. A 75 acd 50 o corset to close oat at 25o. Big reiluotioas in wa.l papers. m ladips' H k Lose t fto a pair I2u lediesT eaualess black bo'e, 3 ptiir ir 25o. lOo cUildren's black bone, 4 pair for 25u. Men's hose for 5, 8 and 10c. 10; ds guod calico, 49c. 60o uolaandried men's white shirts at 39o. All our summer dress goods at speoialiy rednocd prises. Fancy novelty drees goods, mohair, serges and Henriettas, silks and trimmings at specially reduced prices. Ginghams 3?, 4c, 4lo ar.d 5c Ladies' silk and velvet capes at specially reduced prioes. 7 yards of toweling for 25o. 50000 pair of men's, ladies' aod children's shoes at specially reduoed price?. 15o fine sephyr ginghams for 74s a yard. 20 and 25o pants pouds for 12 Jc, ISa and 18a a yard. 8 and lOe men's shirting for 5e and 7ie a yard. 12o chaff for do. Pillow casing and reamlesa sbcetiog at extra low prices. No premium tickets with muslin calicoes and towelings 25s men's fine bemisdorf black 40 guage half hose, 2 pair for 25o. 50c Table Linen for 33c. 40 cent fine white bleached Table oloth for 25o. lOo machine oil for 5c a bottle, loo werth of pins, 42 rows for 5o. 3 cakes of soap for 5o; 25a Brown's best buttermilk soap, 3 cakes for 25o. All our goods at specially reduced prices. Don't fail to come. Washed or unwashed wool bought for cost or merchandise. Bargain Pays commencing June 10 and continue until July 4tb. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa. 1865, Egji Special Invitation To attend the Attractive Sale of from HE IMMENSE ST0GK OF D. W. H It will TO THE ADVANTAGE Who nave money to invent to MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL ST Y LEI? of Suits and Overcoats at the Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail to give nun a call it in need ot D. W. HARLEY MIFFLIN TOWN PA'. We warn the readers cf this journal tiisi '.ve do not authorize tlie ose of our name iu advertisements of Lo-cail;J traveUug optical specialists. Oar advice to all persons who have defectivi eyesight: Av.ra traveling speciausis t7i... QUEEN & CO.,T!lC Opticians, I OIO Chestnut St., Philadelphia lt..Tlir:.!iinrafl.ni1 Importers or Accurule iur tr.-rn M"ltt Monitor sent on FREE DiteaMM cent ire to any a-.:r; trntl poor ration to can aia this meJiciisO n ee of chaise. Thi mmMlThu been Drcnared tor tbe Revfr': P&stor KoeniK. ot Fort Wayne, lnd4 since air Unow prepared under his direction by tne KCfctNIG MED. CO., Chicago, Ilk Sold by Omfffiirta at 81 per Bottle. 6fcrCr. trceSicS1.75. A Bottles for S9 A wonderful improvement it: Fi?ct:ou S-t'ei! nrd (iff-Hnck Bucic motion of ;rr;t?: tinv. ; r.i,! MMunyotberinU)eiiiuTiit. Frlrii.n: t lu't h r i vt'$ cnusliig all Uieffct-d gtttring to siui:l w l ii ins: rent ravin in iiower ni we:;-, t .nl 4cents iu 5taxui8 fur !arr OrtniG;rnt :uid r: - nrinv Harrow, Hay Kakrc ('uisvatrt wrn tMnnrrs SheUr, etc. Afit-; ; DAYS! principles, the people will continue its ish E-D. 2S7. lo Tlie lublie Clothing that goes on daily AH. LEY. be OF ALL BUYERS examine the Stock of Good for Wonderfully Low Prices. Clotnmg. receipt of nvo-tt:iit iotiUie st ps. ana kmo"" - mm S bat Viin deep. There are thousands of lid iM 1 who Lave regular features and would be io oorded the palm of beauty were it not for a jrr eomi lexioB. To all such We recommend OR. MEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM as possessing tisesu rnaiitita that quickly change the most sal low florid complexion to one of nnturai bealtn anu unblcmlsiiea beauty, u raravu) l.ul.-l.i Rlark TTmiIs. Blotches. Sa3r'jrj, Tan, Pimples, and all Imperfections J tha ir for tho t- ilet tablo than powder. Sold by Or WIT rx.Fl tuuu upon rvii G.C SinaSBiCO.. Tolado. 3 ml BEST 15 THE WOULD. eutlut EecxM rOK 9 ALK BY DEAIXBS GEXKBALLY. fs.'f it newer fMls) ts nn MANNERS doubts xtMM """"' - tOe. (nrfwan mm ItS' 2 fay Ei Mis 1 UtiLn SPRING OPENING OF MEN'S, BOYS'tfansl f UILDREM'9 CLOTHING AT HOLLOB A UGH & SON'S -CLOTHING STORE- Where you can buy tbe best ready made clothing or bave your measare taken and a fit guaranteed a strictly merchant tailor made suit, sewed with silk throughout and made in any style jou may wish. All tbe latest plate to eelect from Over 500 samples. HQttOBWGH & SON'S PRICES FOR SPRING OK 1897. Men's Suits, size 'Si to 42; 200 men's suits, brown and gray mixed $3.75, men's soils, strictly all wool, nsat pattern 4 75; men's all wool plaid suit, 5.00 aad 5 50; men's all wool plaids, butter grade, 6.00 to 8.00; men's still finer, 9 75, 10 00 and 12.00; men's clay worsteds, 5.00, 6.50, 8 00, 10.00, 12. CO, 15.00 and 18.00; men's extra size suits, 42 inch to 46 inch, dark 6.00 to 10.00; boy's suits, Orrey mixed, 90c to 1.00; bjys' suits, neat patterns, 1.26 1.53, 2.00, 2 50, 3 00; boys' all wool plaid boys' light and dark plaids, finest, G OO, 6 children's suits, nobby patterns, 50o, 75o, suits, i.uu, 2,UU, 3.UU and 3 75; children's double breasted all wool 1.60 to 5.00; children's Junior suits with or without vests 2.80 to 4.50; Hats Cady, 50c, 75c, 1 00, 1.50, I 75, 2.00, 2 25, 2.75; crush hats 25o, 50c, 75o, 1.00, 1.25, 1.E0, 1.75 and 2.00; bats, all tbo latest blocks in stiff or soft Over 150 styles to select from; Trunks, 2,00, 2 24, 2.50, 3,00, 4 00, 5,00, 6.00; ra leises, 35o, 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00; Telescopes 50o, 76o, 1.00; umbrellas, 50n, 75e, 1 00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 3 50, 3.00, 4.00; Men's Russet in latest tee, 150, 2.25, 3.00; men's undcrweer, 25c, 50c, 75o and $1.00, Per cale shirts, 50 styles, 25o, 50o, 75c, 1.00; working shirts, 25o, 50o, 75o, and 1.00 for Sweet Wrrs, Sweet Orrs Overalls, all sizes' 70c 75o and 80; Latestr style neck-wear, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50ct: collars, celluloid, linen and paper 2, 5 10 and I5c; cnS celluloid, linen rml rFer 5, 15, 25c; men'a dress panta loons, 1.50, 2., 2.50, 3.. 8.50, 4 00, men's woikice pantaloons, COo, 75o, 1.00, 1.50; all tb latest ic caps 5, 10, 15, 20,25 and 50c; boys' pantaleoas, 50o, 75c and 1 .00; boys' fine dress pantaloons 1.00 1.50, 2, 2.50, 300; knee pant 25, 50, 75cls and 1.C0; Boys' and children's shoes 25, 50 75o, 1.00, 1 50, 2.00 and 2.50. We advertise nothing but what we have. Call and see for yourselves. Hollobaugh & Son, Lenders in Clothing, 116 MAIN STREET, PATTERSON, PENNA. GRANITE ENAMELED- WARE is as far Enameled ware as of clay. THIS WEEK prices have given to the sale of this and placed it within reach of jhe smallest purse. AT OU IT IS CHEAPER THAN TIN WARE Eleven and one.half inch wash basin, 20c; reduced from 30c. Twelve and cne-half inch " " 25c, reduced from 40c. Two quart Cofl'ee boiler, 40c reduced from COc. Fourteen quart dish pan COc; reduced from 90c. One Pint Drinking cups 10c; reduced from 15c. AJF- ELH. M'CLINTICTS HAVE IQH MGM TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER -CArL AT TBE FIRST V L, MIFFLIN TOWN, 1'A. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST i'AlD ON TIME CERTIFICATED, Mousy Loaned at Lowest Rates. 1 Garfish ti m spo. Bills Samuie tro. il.-.krua-ftTnv W-,5W V. ..tdb. a-i ?f CtPEnltLKC... DiESICPw-S, OOPYRIOHTS 6.7. Anyone wnrTfng a sketch and descripthm mcy quickly nM.ertttin, free, wlitbnr an inrention is lrotofthly riitontii!)ie. Communications etriclK contklentlal. OMest siceucy f-irseounij jmtenta In Ainerica. We havo a Wavhintrton oilic. Patents taken through Uuiin sk Co. iecelT3 special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully H lust rated, lartreet drcnlatfon of anr scienttflc journal, weekly, term? 9&W a yet-! fl.:V)six months. Specimen copies and H , yr Blmjk ox sent free. Address IMUNN A. CO., 301 liroadwuy. New Yrk Consumption Surely Cured, to Ths Editob: Please inform jour rtCiV-: lhat 1 hare a positive remedy for the above-name ; cis wa Br its timaly use thousands of hopc ' Lar been permanently cured. I shall l.u t; evd ij lot:lca of my reioedy FBRK u a" - . -ir readers who have consumption iX Ihuj I, p tbeir t;pren and P. O. address. IUm;. t falls I. St.iiCCiI. St. a. 1141 IW1 St.. "i V I 5:i ' TfiADs MA? suits, 3.50, 4.00, 4 50 and 5.00 50, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 and 10.00 1.00, 1.25, 1.50; children's Reefer ahead of other china is ahead REDUCED a fresh impetus unequaled ware PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, r.ETTTSBrnc, pa. Founded In 133. I-arfto Faculty Two !u 1 counes ol study Classical an I SciPDtilic, Special courses in all depart, merits. Observatory, Laboratories and new Gymnasium. Seam beat. Libraries, 22,000 volumes. Expenses low. Depart, ment of Hygiene and Physical Culture in charge of an experienced physician. Ac cessible by frequent railroad trains. Loca tion on tbo BATTLEFIELD ofGettvuburg most pleasan and healthy. PREPAR ATORY DEPARTMENT, in at pa ate buidinps, tor boys and young men pre paring for busiresa or College, under spec ial care of the Principal and three assist, ants, residing with students in tbe building. Fall term opens September 6th, 1895. For Catalogues, address H. W. MCKNIGHT, D. D., President, or REV. O. G. KLINGER, A. M., Principal Gettysburg, Pa. JUNIATA VALLEY BAK OFHIFFU1VTOWII, PA. Stockholders Individuallj Liable- JOSKPH ROTH ROCK, Prtndnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Cosaw DIBRCTOIS. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothroch, John Uertsler, Josiah L. Barton, Robert B. Parker, Louis E. Atkinson. T. V. Irwin. sroccHOLBEas : Geo'ge A. Kepner, Ann'e M. Shelliy Joseph Rotbrock, P. W. Manbeck, L. K. A'kluson, R. E. Parker, W. C. 'Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin John Forfzler, Jeroras N. ThompMn, t.'harlotfe Snyder, T. V. Irwin. John M. Blair, F. M. M. Pennell, PamriclS. Rothroek, M.N. Sterrett, James G. Heading, 8. W. Xeaps. gamut 1 Schlegel. Josiah L Barton, Robert II. Pattirs:o Levi Llpbt, Wm. Hwartr. H. J. Shellentiergtr M. E. Schl-gel. '"'i:rt: iird Fonr per cent. Intcrost will be ;d on cm ;roti s oi deposit. f an 23. 1817M WANTED-AN IDEAaSSS thing to patent ? Protect yonr ideas; they may bririK you wealth. Write JOHN WBDDSH. BUttN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Waaliingtoo. D. C.. for their $1,0U prize offer. 1 is. X r: Si h hi