a ' H. barker i I 1 T I? . ill1 m SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN M1FFLINTOWN : tTEIWESDAT, JUJfE 9, 1897. - TESKS. Subscription, $1.69 par unam If paid in tdruic; 92.00 If not paid in advance. t raastent atW6rtts;nenta Inserted at SO cents par Inch for each Insertion. Transient buelaess notice In local eol naia, 10 cents per line for each insarttoa. IWcctioai will fee made to 'toca desiring to advfirtiso by tba year, na'f cr nnartrr year. SHORT LOCALS. Brick of glasa are made in Ger many. John Bapp ia seriously ill with dropsy. There wer3 three summer days lasi TVefK. There are houses ia town several unoccupied Lawyer Uttley of Lewistown, was in town on Monday. Thomns Patterson is home from Dental College studies. The Republican Primary Election will be held next Saturday. The Populists held a State Con mention at Altoona. last week. Joe Patton caught a four pound bass in tee river the other day. Starck Mills seamless bas for sale at Panneb'iker's hardware store. Prof. A. A. Kill; an has been elect ed principal of Airy View Academy. Amain county people nre prepar ing to noia a lair the coming season. Ex Senator Woods of Lawistown was in town on business last Friday Mia? Fox of Philadelphia, visited several days last week at Mrs. Dock's. vnarics a. uinm is visiting in Maryland c number of day3 this week. Ex-Sheriff Noble is laying" the pipe to supply the new Academy with wa t9r. The next Democratic State Con vention will be held at Reading, Aug ust 31. Harry Ellis is engaged in citcliin bait for bass fishing. Ho sells what ho catches. McCl'iitic is having the tin roof of his mammoth hardware store build ing repainted. xlu3 t lama Uil stoves at various prices far sale at the Pannebik9r hardware store. Edgar R. Musser is home from the position of watchman in the Capitol at Washington Tho Huntingdon high school com mencement graduates were robed in - caps and gowns. A nic9 r.i -kei f jaia has been nHc ed along tho north side of tho Lutk ran parsonage lot. rKr 3 Drainer Kev. A. Mifflm county. '. Kipline lacks eallantry toward the i'bir sex. fie calls woman "a rag" rul "a bene and a hank of hair." ' The lOfK annual convention of the K'a,ional lltepublieoii fjej;ue. will bo held at Ciarl etroit, Mich., July 13th. s Shoerer and family of near Tnynpst ntown, Juniata county, have Matawana, Mifflin county. Frank Warner evacfht a three and a quarter pound black basa from the wnTi of tho Juniata river last week. The Orisk3?iy sand grit, or flint M ns it is common lv av tea makes ront, bnt cunhed limestone maji.s a better rood. Grant Swartz caasht a thrfe and a balf pound bnas in tho river at the lope wall Jbelow town early oa the morning 61 the 3rd inst. BaEs fishinr com-s f ally one month too early Most of tho fish caught now ex full of eggs. A month later nd thiy will have spawned. Jlisfc Jenaie Moraran died at Iier Timof two miles north of town in Fer-Aanasrh townihio. of a fever. last Thfcredav nicht. afred 25 years. r - " Mr. Joseph Rithrock has returned ora the Commencement exercises at 'ennsylvania Collecre, Getttvsburcr, here a grend-daughter graduated. Squire A. H. Weidman attended e- Dppartmnt E!)C'mnmont at ohnstown. Cambria county as G. A. Post delegate from this town last week. Eight to ton thousand people are expected ti visit Willianmport when tho Christian Alliance of Pennsylva nia holds in Convention there from July 8 to 18. Rsv. Isaae Fleck man has been among his relatives acd friends in this county within the past week. He is the owner of n good farm in Tuscnrora Valley. Richard in the Democrat and Sen tinel says, that Edward Peffer at Mc- Veytown, one night recently, gigged. 1124 pounds of carp. IUeven of the carp weighed 77J pounds. Biilroad men say there is no foun dation in fact for the rumour that the Middle Railroad Division is to be abolished and head-quartejs for the Eastern and Western Divisions estab lished at Bliffl'n. V Hsrry S. Cogley of Huntingdon, aged 20 years had his right leg crush d under the wheels of a freight train that be attempted to jump. Every town has its percentage of boys that lose limbs in that way. sberin Uttinoun round 15 rats in in bis trap on Thursday morning. They were Dice, aleek, w!l. kept jail rats, end Wil'iain Murray's trap the came morning contained 9 rats that had been capering around tho Mur ray Houss. One hundred and hftesn men were put to work at removing the ruins of the burnt Capitol on the first of June at Hernsburg. The contract price is $4,750 The contractor is a Phila. deipb'an and he has 35 days to re move the stuff. T hi ) becaT53s?.-Ttin P i if iss Wallace of WilliamsDorfc is visiting her sister Mrs. Thomas Hoi lobaugh. Miss Anna Beashor is spending a number of days in Maryland this week. Teacher Ed. K. StumD of Lack township is oat of health with throat trouble. Door screens- and window screens of all deacriptions for sale at Panne. baker s hardware. Miss ivlinnie Walls, daughter of ex-Sheriff Walls, spent several days in town last week. i. kj. uurns oi IjacIc townsbm. is happy over the advent of a nice boy baby in his family. Lottie Bsrger after a five weeks visit to Philadelphia, returned to her homo in this town. Fiy nets, summer lap robes, whips. and all kinds of hardware at McClin tic's hardware store. James J. We'M.ullin of Water ford, spent part of .Monday in town, look ing to business interests A Mifflin county man predicts cool weather for wheat harvest time so cool that men will work with overcoats on. Tho Misses Nellie and Naomi Kes ler of Altoona, after visiting in Phila adelphia, stopped off a day among friends in this place. Cranks from different parts of the country write threatening letters to Speaker Keed ca'ung him a tyrant and d9spot, and threatening to kill him. Isaac Aucker of Walker township died last Friday, aged aoout u'o Kfi years. Intermeut on Monday in the Mennonite cemetery north of Oak land. Miss Keely Clark of Ohio aft' spending tho pa3t year in Now York, m attending school and teaching, will spend a week among friends at Mifllintown. Harvesting v. heat is vigorously go ing on in Mexico, and in another month it will all bo over in the United States and Canadians will then be busy cutting. Allegheny wants a law to fine men for spitting in public halls. It would be a good thing if Mifllintown had a law to fine men for spitting tobacco in the Court House. A medical journal says that "paper can bs used effectively for keeping a person warm." True, a three line item has been known to make a poli tician "hot" for a month. Mrs. Sarah R. Bartley of this town and her daughter Mrs. Flora Kauff maa of Harrisburg, are visiting the family of George Bartley in Pitts burg, who is a son of Mrs. Bartley. Tho MifUinfown School Board last Monday selected the old corps of riinor 3.o- Hencb. who X re election. Prof. " WT E. -v'n was elected in the place of tienco. The spring freshets in tte river have widened the break in the Lsw- istown dam. Th dam will soon ba numbered with things of the past, like the canal for which it was made for a feeder. Two hundred and twenty-five snits have bsen begun st Hollidaysbnrg, to recover three hundred thousacd dolla deposits ia tho Gardner, Mor row & Co's bank of Ho'iidayaburg, when the concern failed. Newport Ledger, June 3. Mon iiay evening, ex-county peer dir:tir John Swartz, dropped dead nt his home ia Jnniita township, just after feeding his stock. He was a mun with a wida acquaintanceship. His ago was 75 years. Schlatter, th9 healer, died in the State of Chihuahua, Mexiao, of etar vatioB, last wefck. Several hundred thousand people visited him when ha was in Ci'l rado two years ago, snd his blessed h;ndk9rchirfs are in ev ery State of tbe United States. .Wrs. Warmheart "My good man, why do you let jonr children go bare foot?7 Pat O'hoolihan "For de raison, ma'am, dat I have in iny family more feet than ehsr 3." Harper's Rouud Table. Governor Hastings has signed a bill that prevents corporations from discharging mn because tl;ey belong to labor organizations. The bill also provides against labor organizatior.s, using the'r efforts for tli9 discharge cf men who ere not members of labor organizations. . Wm. E. Lonr, aged 22 yers, died of heart failure at Buffalo, New York State, on the 31st 01 5!ay. ile wn a son of Osic Long, who at one time lived at MilHmtown. ilia remains were brought to this place at noon on June 3 and buried iu Union cem etery south of town. George Gushard cf this place while riding through tbe liswistown nar rows spied a snake a short distance ahead of his bicycle wheel. He stop ped suddenly, dismounted and killed the reptile, which proved to be a large rattlesnake, 12 years old. It had 10 rattles and was a dangerous snake. Last week it was mentioned in these columns that Dr. Ackley fell from bed on a certain night. The Dr. says this is a mis-statement, that he had arisen from bed and was on his feet when lis was atficked with vrrtigo, which was so severe an at tack that ho fell rid injured his f ace. Editors as a rule are kind-hearted and liberal. An exchange telU of a subscriber to a certain paper who died and left a fourteen year's sub scription unpaid. The editor ap peared at tho grave n3 the lid was be ing screwed down for the last time, aad put in a linen dnster, a thermom eter, a palm leaf fan and a receipt for making ice. A man with a wagon appeared on Main street on Saturday. At first it was believed io be Dr. Spengler, who has become a great healer by the faith prccesa of curing disease" but when he opened his wagon and be gs n to ti'k, it w-3 seen that he was not Spangler. He had a show in the wagon some kind of an animal and a wax figure of Sitting Bu'l, the de eesed Indian chief. Children's Day exercises at the Presbyterian church on Sunday, June 13, at 2 o'clock. Those having chil dren to baptize will present them at that time. Squire James Hamilton received a car-load of stone-coal from the Scran- ton region last week. He housed what he needed for himself and sold the balance. Prolhonotary Zeiders is back to his office, with health considerably improved. James Mathers efficient ly discharged the duties of the office during the absence of Mr. Zeiders. Subscribe for the SExnxEi. and Republican, a paper that contains choice reading matter, fall of inform tion that does the reader good, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing 5nd p!aces in its columns. tf. A new game law has bien passed by the Legislature: "The bill limits the amount of game to be killed by one person in one day to 10 wood cocks, 10 pheasants, 15 quail and 2 wild turkeys. But 2 deer may bo killed in a season by one person. No game can bo killed for shipment out side the State. No msectiverous birds can be killed for millinery pur poses, but oniy for scientiuc pur poses. Buy your hunting dog and have them acquainted before the hunting season opens. I havo the following to offer, guaranteed thoroughly brok en on their came and reliable. Fox hounds, rabbit hounds, beagles, set ters and painters; also some fine Newfoundlands, spaniels, collies, fox and bull terriers; fancy poultry and pigeons; Belgium and German hares; prices low. J. Howard Taylor, Ang.27,ly. West Chester, Pa. Both Patterson and Mifllintown councils ore having certain places in tho middle of the streets filled. The former with flint material from Stonf fer's ridge. The latter with crashed limestone from the quarry along the ravine on the south side of town. I ermanagh township snpernsors are having the low places in tho middle J of the roads in many places raised. The ouly way to keep a road is to keep the middle raised so that water does not Uy on it. The Perry County Democrat was 61 years old oa the 2nd day of Juno, and has been under the editorial man agement of Hon. J. A. Mageel3 con secutive years. The career of Mr. Magee needs no recommendation, for forty years as owner and editor of a country newspaper is recommenda ti in enough. He must stand among the head managers, and if he had di rected his attention to making m n ey instead of journalism, he would be among the very rich men of the State. Last Friday, Judge Hanna of Pbil adelphia rendered a 1 (pinion thtt the direct inheritance tax law pass ed by the Legislature is un-constitu- fiocai, bscauvfjt is not uniform in its scope, that it taos onTy certeia. amounts of personal estate and leaves all amounts below that certain amount nt'taxabie. Ho also incidentally de clares the collateral inheritance law of 1887 un-constitutional tor the same reason. The case wiil b9 appealod to the SupremeCourt for ' deciiipn and tho Legislature will m amvhilo be turned into another cHannel to hunt up something to tsx. A nice shower of rain fell here last Thursday, tho 3rd diy of Juno, and was a great goad tD loosen and moist en the ground for tho corn that had not. then come out of the gronod. According to Colonel Shower's weath er indicator, there can be but little rain this month. His indicator in sists on if, that tii9 first three diys t-f every month governs the balauce cf the month for moisture. If the first three daja of a month are wot the month must nreds produce a great deal of roia. If the first three days are rainless the month must needs be rainless. By concurrent rr solution the Sen ate asked Governor Hastings, wheth er tbere will be enough money at the end of tho year, and whether the es ti mated incorao of the S'nte will meet tho expected expenses, and whit properly in his judgment shall be taxt d to make up tho money wanted. To the two first points the Governor refers to his message of 5 months ago, and to the third point cf wbat new taxes shall bo levied, he says in substance, you are tho parties to know. Don't ak me, bnt the burd ens of the tax-payer thould not ba increased by more tax. Stop extrav agances, economize, der-rsse existing salaries from tbe highest to I ho low est. Perry County Advocate: Early JVfonday morning, Engineer Weleoni er, at his farm in Center township, beard his eheppnrd dog give a pecu liar bark, and going out to investi gate found the dog standing guard at the outside entrance to the cellar. He tried to make the dog go down tbe inside entrance, but did not suc ceed, so coins' back he pushed him into tho cellar from the outside. There was a furious oombat for a few minutes, and r.ftcr it was over, ho could hear the dog panting. Going into the cellar, he found the dog had killed a wildcat. The dog being heavily coated with hair could with stand the attacks of the cat, and waa comparatively unhurt. On the 30th of June, Click Mitch ell, committed an unmentionable as sault upon Mrs. Eliza Gaumer, living in Urbuna, C'lio. Oa the 2nd of June he was arrested and bo great was the clamor for his life, he wss immediately put on trial, plead, goil ty and was sentenced to 20 years in the penitent iary. The authorities could not get him out of town. The people surrounded the jail and d mandad his life. A military Com pany was put upon guard. The mcb made a rcsh on the jail at 2 o'clock on Saturday morning, Juno 5. The military fired 20 volleys, killing 4 citizens and wounding 10 others. The people fell back, but seemed more determined than ever. They pulled off their mnpks and when the military was withdrawn to give place or another company, a rush was made for the jail. The sheriff sur rendered the keys. The negro was taken oat and hung on the limb of a tree in the yrd of the Court House. There have been over one hundred assau'ts upon women and girls in Ohio within the past year, and if the Legislature of that Slate and other States, do not see the necceasity of passing a law to hang the fiends, who thus aaasu't women, they must be stupid indeed. PE R F ECT and permanent are the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, life and health-giving BLOOD. FOR TOUR EYES. Those with defective cyo sight, will do well to consult J. H Sweger, a graduate of Spencer's Optical Col lege, of New York City, who will give you the best service at the low est possible rates. Frames in gold silver, nickle and stebl. No charge for examining tho eves. Main Street, Mifllintown, Fa. 4w. By Its Record of remarkable cures Hood's Sursapurilla has become the one true blood purifier prominently in the public eye."" Get only Hood's. Hood's Pills arc the best family cathartic and liver medicine. 25c. Care for Sick Headache. Thousands of ladies suffer from sick hcadaobe causpd undoubtedly by disordered liver or stomache. The best remedy that can be obtained for this distressing complaint is found in Hood's Pills. These pills are so mild and gentle in action, yet so thorough, that they give perfect satisfaction. They cure sick headache, jaundice, sour stomach and all liver ills. They br,eak up co'ds and ft vers and pre vent tho (:rip. Flue Manic rr Backsell ConiDieaccmcBt- The famous First Brigade Band of Reading, better known as the Ringsrold, consisting1 of forty .men with Lient. Joseph Winters ns leader, will furnish the music at the com mencement 'of "Bucknell University at L'.wisburg, June 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Two twi light concerts have been planned on the 21st and 22nd, for which a stand wi'l be erected on tho college campus. Tbe music this commencement promises to be one of the leading features and will un doubtedly draw large crowds. Communicated. Born in Fayette township and all his lif.j a citizen of Juuiata county Henry S. Brown of Cocolamus, any nounces himself as a candidate for the office of sheriff of Juriata conntt. Mr. Brown is well known in this end of the county and has for many years ben one cf Fayette township's le;ld ing millers. He possesses high bus iness ability, unquestionable charac ter and in addition tar his well-known philanthropy, ia a Republican of tbe most magnificent pattern. In no sense a practical politician, without greed for gain, his candidacy ia in tipired by no motives of cupidiy. A R9puiica"n" TFl-ias never fal'i redin his support of tho partTi -.Yi o,ha3 been a. quiet and unostentatious worker. Mr. Brown's claims upon tbe support of the party, for which he has valiontlv battled for years may MrRa: considered. Personally affs-bie,- kindly, generous and approaob 2Vbl, a mau whose unsullied charac ter commands universal respect, wherever he is known. If chosen by the people, w:ll fill the office with fi delity and honor. Scores of our cit izens here who hvo known him from childhood, who know the rocky road to success that ho has trodden, will be glnd to have nn opportunity to givs him thei vote at the primaiies, and if nominated to elect him by a handsome majority. FennNTlvania Railroad Sum mer Excursion Ueeh. TBE MOST COli PI ETE PUBLICATION OF iTS Oa Juno 1, the Passenger Depart ment of the Pennsylvania Riilroad Company issued the 1897 edition of its rammer excursion route book This work is designed to provide the public with short descriptive notes of the principal Summer resorts of Eastern America, wiih the route3 for reachicg teem, end tho rates of fare. There are over four hundred resorts in tho book to which rate are qaot ed, nud over fifteen hundred routes or combinations of routes- It is compiled witb tbe utmost csre, and altogether is tbe most complete and comprehensive hand-book of Summer travel ever offered to tuo pub'.i'J. Its 219 pages arc inclosed in a handsome and striking cover, in col ors. Several maps, presenting the exict routes over wuieli tickets are sold, are bound in the book. It is al so profusely illustrated with fine half tone cuts 01 scenery along tbe lines of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad and elsewhere. Anv doubt as to where the Sum mer snonld be passed, will bo dis pelled alter a careful examination of the contents of this publication. On and after June 1, it may be procured at any Pennsylvania Rai' roid tivkct office at the nominal price of ten ccuts, or, upon application to tho general offic?, Broad Street Sta tion, by mail for twenty cents. 2t. jurrLi&zowN makkkt3. Hifflistowh, Jone 9, 1S97. UJFFLJSTOWfr GBAIf MAKKK1S Vi'hf.H f 0 rn in ear. ........ . .... ..... 30 0,r 18 R'C 35 CIovTirOxl ....... .. .... .... Buittir..... 12 Eres 9 Ham VI Sboaldar.. 12 Lard 7 Fidos Timothy seed $2.G! 1 F feil.... GO Bran 9 Chop SI. CO hundred Middling 1.10 Ground lu-i Salt 1.U0 American Salt.... ...... ."6c to SCj The Yale lock manufacturers have proved that in a patent loi k having six "steps," each capable of being reduced In height 20 times, the number of changes or combinations will be 66,400. To salute with the lefts deadly insnlt to Mohammc last. band ia BARGAIN BARGAIN DAYS! AT SCHOTT'S ooaneneioe Tburidaj, Jun 10 and eantinne until Saturday evening, July 3rd. ( Bargains of progress, leadership and aioai of leadership. The paopUi' appropriation is instituted saeeesa, eoUog as bnaiaeas eeadnat ad justly, caadidly tad bravely, prosperity will remain itaalh . So long as it remains dutiful to its principles, the people will continue ite friends. GREAT BARGAIN OFFERINGS. 5000 yds ofcarpets at specially recuoed frioes. 20o etripedoarpets for 12e a yard. 38o Ingrain Corpeta for 25o a yard. ' 25o atair oarpet at 16o. 65a wool ingrain earpet for 50oT $1.00 Brnssel Carpet for 75o. 20o ttble oil elotb for 14o. 25o tarkey red table oloth for 18o. 25e best 4 ply oil color, orpet chain for 17io a pound. 75o lao curtains for 45e; $1. lace enrtains for 65o: $150 lace curtains fer$100. ' $2.0Q laoe enrtains for $1 50. 80 curtain goods fur 5o a jard. 15o curtain goods fr 10c a yard. 75o Indies' kid clove-), short wrist, to dope out at 25o A 75 aad 50o corset to close oat at 25o. Big reductions in wall paper, qo ladies' bla-k 1 ose at 5 a pa?r l2clad;i fc-'aacue's black hour, 3 pair tor 23o. lOcicMidreri'a biack hose, 4 pair for 25o. Men's bose for 5, 8 and 10c. ' lCjds pood calico, 9o. ; 60c unlaundried men's white sliirU at S9o. All oar summer dresj goods at specially reduced prince. Fancy novelty dresa good, mohair, serges snd Heariettae, silks , and trisnungs ot specially reduced pnocs. , Ginghams 3.c, 4c, 41s asd 5o. 1 Ladies' eilk'and velvet cape 'it specially reduced prices. 7 yards of toweling for 2oo. 50000 pair cf mea'n. ladies' snd ohiidreu'f sboes at specially reduced Pr109!-. loo hne zephyr ginghams tor io a 20 and 25o pants roods fur 12&o, ! and 18o a yard. 8 and 10c men's shirting for 5o and 7ic a yard 12o chaff for 9e Pillow easing and reamless sheeting at extra low prices. No premium tickets with malin caliooes and towclings 25o men's fine hemisdorf black 40 50o Table Linen for SSo. 40 eent fine white bleached Table cloth for 25c. ' 10c maobins oil for 5o a bottle. 15c wertb of pins, 42 rows for 5c. 3 cakes of soap for Co: 2 c Brown's belt buttermilk soap, 3 cakes for 25o All enr goods at epeoially redacep prioea. j Don't fail to come. f Washed or unwashed wool bought for coat or merchandise. Bargain Days commencing Jane 10 and contioae until July 4th. SCHOTT'S STORE - - . . 103 to 109 Bridge Street, Miffiitown, Pa. 1865, KSTAB Jj Special Invitation To attend the Attractive Sals of from OF D. W. HAELE It yvill be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who fiave money to invest to examine the Stock ol Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN t is truly marveloua to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoate at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, bo don't iiil to give him a call if in need of Clothing, D. W. HARLEY IIIFLIlSITOWISr PA. We warn tbe readers of this jourcai thai we do not authorize Uic ose of our name in advertisements of so-ciHed traveling optica specialists. Oar advice to all persona who Lave uefectiv. eyesight: Ar.-,i traveling sfdalicix mi J pedlars oi SitL-c:accs. OUEEN & CO.. Tbe Opticians, lGIO Chestnut St., Pb 'la Jelphia. aUaufccturer ond Importer of Accurate Our Eye sifilat ?IojiiSor :nt co THE ONLY Trne Blood Purifier I prominently in the public cyo to day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefore get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. FREFI Tamable nook en TVervtrr Isenso; teut free to anr ad;irv- and poor patients can sIto ofHji: lHeuictno nee or eiiance. Thia mrnulT hi been creoared brtbs Rrver"sn.' GCONIC MED. CO.. Chicago, S!t. rW lr Orucsrfts at 1 per Bottle. Ofcr?", A THOF.OUCIa COMMEflClAU ..tc CKORTHAW? A Ttoc. Per.lt,. T" DAYS! - ST0BES, moceti. Oar Bargains are axprai . .. ( yara. 1 guage half hodc, 2 pair fo? 25o IS H-E-JX lr48B7 To rFhc Mnhlir Clothing that goes on daily T0GK and Btamtlfttl ttaclesanf ruaupt of ttvo cot nostago at -.pa. 5- 3 YOi-v5-;. TS betsttneice?. Therearetnonsandaofladi' 1 Tvbo liavs regular I.at-irt3 ard would l ae tordeU tbo ;aliu of bt-auiy cm it not lor a prtr co!iiTjl:x'ior). T"! fi-.ih wo fjC-njuicnd . KEtMA Si VOLA CREAM oa i.jssossing to noiiitiej that qui"Uiy ciiace Uie most sallow in.l florid complftiioa to ono of notoral hoaii.1! end ur.bleir.ishctl tcaTity. It rnrcsOH t"lt)a. lrcci.lt, Uluck Hcwls. Bluti bes, SunNnu. Isa, I'implca, and ail Impciiectiona ct tio. Klu. It if. n t acoemetio bat s care, yei 1 fcEl ;r lor tho t lie. tahlo thaiiow4i. Scl.i ' y nristt. ortirit rwt Tfftift unon reoofot oi C O i-rVweH 4 CO., Tcl!o, Vj7 n r7 BEST 1ST THE WCSLB. Sl8Wertn8 qiuUitttsnrotirsr'rwiSCfKl. actniT!y Oatlaatinfr two bosca of anro'er brucd. Noi Ctfavtadbr beat. I' IJUUiJllUit. FOB 8ALS BY DEALERS GE'EE AIXT. Ivt i amm folia to cure HAN NICKS dontato extract 8AK8 A PAKII.T .A. Me. verwbera teifi-rn a; 1 ' . I ' L IPRlnl) VFESK IO OP MEW'S, M . CLOTUIHU AT ' HOLiiLOB A UGH & SON'S CLOTHING W here you can biy th best ready made clothing or have your Bearar taken and a fit guaranteed a strictly merchant tailor made suit sewed wttk silk throughout and made in any etyle you may wish. . All the latest plat to eelect from Oer 500 samples. HOttOBAUGH a SON'S . PK1CESKOK SPRING OF 1897. ; Men's Suiti, siso 34 to 42; 200 men s mits, trown and gray mixed 8.75, men s euits, MtTotiy all wool, neat p attern 4 75; men's all wool plaid suit., 5.00 a.d 5'50men'. all wool plaids better tf''0' fiuer, 9 75, 10 00 and 12.00; men's clay worsteds, 5.00, 6.50, 8 00, W.Wtl&. CO, 15.00 and 18 00, men's extra eize suit?, 42 loch to 46 mob, dark rJ.UU to CO, 15.00 and 18 00, men's extra eize 10.00; bo,V80it8, Orroy mixed, 90c 15 ' 200 in 1 00- hovs' all wool Doys' ligtitand darlf plaias, nnesi, u.vu, v, ' y' children's suits, nobby patterns, 50e, 75o, 1.00, 1.25, I 50; ODiiaren s ftuits, noDDy pattern, vo, - suits, 1.00, 2,00, 3.00 and 3 75; children's double breasted all wool 1.60 to enr. '. n. nithnnt wcta 2 XO tn 4 50: Hats CadT. i'v cuudreo's junior suns wim u -- v- 50c, 75o.: 1 00, 1.50, I 75, 2.00, 2 25, 2.-5; ctush hats 25c, 50c, 75c, l.OO, 1.25 1 CO 1 75 and 2 00; bats, all tbs latest blocks in stiff or soft Over 1BO BtfL iftLtot t" 2,00, 2.24. 2.50, 3,00 4 00, 5 00, 6.00; va. lei88S,5c, 50o, 75c, 1.00, 1.50, 2 00, 3.00, 4.00; Telescopes 50c 6c, 1.00; nmbrell.s, 50c, 75o, 1 00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 3 50, 3.00, 4X0; Men'. Russet latest toe, 150,2.25, 3.C0: men's underwear, 25e,50o, 75o and 1 00, per cale Shirts, 50 styles, 25c,' 50c, 75c, 1.00; working shirty 25o, 50o, 75c, and 1.00 for Sweet rrs, Sw. et Orrs Overalls, all sizes i0o 75o and 80; ititf stvle neck-wear, 5,10, 15, 25 and 50cU; collars, celluloid, linen and paper 2,"B. 10 snd 15c; ci,ff celluloid, lineu and rarer 5, 15, 25c; merrs dre.spaDta lofns, 1.50, 2 , 2.50, 3., 3 50. 4 00, men's okir.r pantaloons, 60o, 5o, 1.0V, i h i. .. . c ir 1 fi. On mil fil'.cr hoa' nan tMlona. OOC io.j: ail ma latCEt in chip o, iu. 7c and 1.00; boys' fioo dress pantaloons i.uu i.w, , .u- SO. TRnta and 1 .f:0: Bovs' and children's shoes 2o, 50 5o, 1.00, 1 OU, 5 00 and 2.50. We advertise nothirg yourselves. Hollobaug'h & Son, Leaders in Clothing, 110 MAIN STREET, GRANITE ENAMELED- WARE is a 3 far ahead of other Enameled ware as china is ahead of clay. THIS WEEK REDUCED prices have given a fresh impetus- to the sale of this uncqualed ware and placed it within reach of the smallest purse. I . - , 1 -rm . s v T 1 Xi T v rt IT IS CHEAPER THAN TIN WARE Eleven and or.e.half inch wash basin, 20c; reduced from 30c. Twelve and one-half inch " " 25c, reduced from 40c. Two quart Cofi'ee boiler, 40c reduced from 00c. Fourteen quart dish pan 60t; reduced from 90c. One Pint Drinking cups 10c; reduced from 15c vrr- .M'OIjINTIO'S imm MOEYTOMOSIT? ARE YOU A B0RB0WGK? C.tL3i AT T88 WEST 111? BAI MIFFLIN 1'OWK, T4. KOXJR PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME CEllTIFlCATF-b, Money Loaned at Lowest Hates. Oarflelfl To a tm. 5 iuiwhhCvJ .i.SC COPYRiCKTS &c. AnTone sonilni; a nketcli mil tfcwjipLion may qnickly nncertain. free wlieth'.r na iuvertion u ootlttenlial. Oldeet areuoy frbec'jrin; patccta Id Aruprica. We have a W.-stih.?ir.a oftice. Patents tnken through. Muim A &. receive epecuai notice in the SCIEHTIFIO AHSEP.IGAN, bssatlfoIlT tllasrrated, lirreft dmlstion rt anr Hcttsuttiio Journal, wecLlr. tnn! WAjil a yea t -i:x moiithb. ttjeotmeii copies 'ind Haxi Voon on TATrxTs Bout free. AdOreaa M'JNN & CO., 361 Broadway, Mew Yvrk. Consumption Surely Curod, To Thb Eonon: Please Inform your readr-.s that 1 hAY a poaitiva remedy for the aboTo-natut:'! dlacaae. - By iu ttraely use tliouaanda of hopolsrj rr.v ltara boon permanently cared. I aball b? u'. ' io ts-ifii Kbotties of my remedy FHZI? V at. T?!ujra:tra xriio Lyi con.uraptinn tt ta-y -- their Frpr and P. O. addreca. .Apu X. i yiwiy i. a. u.( ut rempi aw. ?t m mm B8TB',i Ck. STORE.- suit?, 42 iooh to 46 mob, dark 6.UU J to 1.00; boy. ' suits, neat patterns, 1. plaid suits, 3 50, 4.00, 4 50 and 9.1 .00 9.00 and 10.00; children's Reefer ' " ' r --- bnt wbat we have. Call and see for PATTERSON, PENNA. FENKSYLVANIA COLLEGE, GETTTSBfRC, PA. Fouiided 9n Largo Faculty Two iu i conrres or study Classical an t Scientittc, Fpccial couraea in all depart meats. Obsfrvalory, Laboratories and uc-w iinino8ium. Scam heat. Libraries, i."J,0(0 volr.mos. Expenses low. Depart, mt-nt of Hygiene and Physical Culture in chareo or nn experinncel physician. Ac cessible by irffjiient railroad trains. Loca tion on tho BATTLEKIELD orGMtvsburg most pleasant and iieaithy. PRBPAR ATORT DEPARTMENT, in sepot ote tniWinps, l;r boys and yo'iog men pre paring f or hnsipess or College, undor spec ial care of the Principal and three assist ants, residing with students in the building. -Fall term opens Septcmlrer 5th, 1895. For Catalognes, address H. W. MCKNIGHT, D. D., President, or KEV. O. G. KLINGER, A. M., Principal Octttysburg, P. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. OF M 1FFI.MTOWS, PA. Stookholders Individoallj Liable- JOSEPH BOTHHOCK, PrtHdenl. T. VAN IRWIN, CuAm CIBECTOBS. W. C. Poroeroy,, Joseph Rothrock, John Hcrtvrler, - Josiah L. Barton, Robert K. Partor, Lonis B. Atkinsor, T. V. Iwin. SfOCKHOLECSS : George A. Kppner, Annio M. Shelley. Joseph Kotbrocb, p. r, ?anbeck, L. A.hi-.on. , R. E. Parker, - V. L. fo-Marcy, J. Holmes Irwin jolin TTir:ler. Jerome N. Chnr!rf re S aydor, m r. . ' T. V. lr.n. John 71. BUir, F. U. H. P:-nt.(!!l, Faniuol 8. Kotlj.-ck, M. If . Sterrett, Jatne? f. Heading, S. W. Hn.r.M. Josieh L, Barton, Robert U. Patterson, Levi Llcbt, Wm. Swarts. . H. J . SnoHenbernir M. E. Scblegol. Samuel SchlegeL Th-er erd Konr per cent, ir.rereat wi, pi.il on rM iMcatcs of dep,ait. . WANTED-AN IDEAtum tbJnK to patent 7 Protect yon TlHt'f bring you wenlth. Wrr JOHV AKSfrr' BfJi&J & CO., Patent Attorneylfw2S22SSr U. C. for their $1,B00 jjriao ofler. f"ntoO. -J.y ( - ... J ; t 1 "4