Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 21, 1897, Image 4

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    I -
f d
It was easy to u; I love r
Under a summer sky,
When the boiirs went slow and the hast
hummed low.
Am the wiuils went whispering by.
Kor we were young and happy,
Nutliiu of life koew we;
And what more sweet than with careless
To wander in A ready T
To-day, in a book forjtotten.
1 found a rose you bad kissed.
Do you reiuembiT the moonlight?
The path to the lover's tryst?
And do you sometimes, 1 wondea
Think of the past and me?
And wish some day we could ateal away
And wander in A ready?
Ab. no. 'tis a foolish fancy.
The dream is dreamed and over.
And you hare forgotten the dear.
When I was your royal loTer;
For we were two weary worldlings.
Seldom from care set free,
4nd never again can we find tbe path
That lends through Arcadyl
Detroit Free Press,
Inspector Hookyer had served hts
twenly-nve years Id tbe detective force,
and bis colleagues were entertaining
him at a little farewell dinner. In an
ticipation of his forthcoming retirement.
The chairman bavlujj eulogized the
gumt of the evening to an extent that
brought a blush to the face of that case
bardcoed officer, the Inspector rose to
reply, aud at the finish he said:
"The chairman bus said that I never
let a man slip through my Angers after
1 bad om-e got ou his track, but I am
sorry to say lie Is wrong. 1 am bound
to acknowledge that once an offender
Aas too clever for me."
Tell us about It," arose apontaneous
ly from almost every throat, and In-epec-tor
Hookyer, In response to tbe re
quest, gave the story.
"It was a good niariy years ago now
when I had intrusted to me a case of a
younji woman named Eliza Tlilck
brooin, who had been found dead (evi
dently murdered by having her throat
cut) lu some Ileitis adjoining a canal
near a town lu Lancashire. She bad
been a domestic servant, and was of a
very retiring, staid disposition, and bore
an Irreproachable character. Her
friends lived !u quite another part of
the country, and her mistress bad no
knowledge of her keeping company or
anything of that kind. Kor some time
I bad considerable dllTiculty lu fixing
the crime or any reason for It upon
anyone, but at lust, after a lot of In
quiry, I ascertained that she bad been
out walking with a man named Lam
prey, who lived near Stockport. In Che
Kblre, some thirty miles from where
Elizk Tbickbroom resided.
"It seemed that the girl bad been In
the habit of spending her holiday, when
she had a day off. lu going to Stockport.
where I-aniprey met her, and that she
Lad become engaged to him, but that,
bearing something to his discredit, she
had refused to have anything more to
do with him, and. so far, nothing fur
ther was known to Implicate Lam prey
in the crime, but I, of course, at once
took the train to Stockport and proceed
ed to hunt up Lamprey, aud to make
Inquiries in the town where be resided.
"I kuew nothing about him except bis
nauie, but from the local police aud
cautious iiuesttoud of one and another.
I ascertained that he had been a sailor
and was then a steeplejack,' aud one
of the best climbers known.
" Mack Lamprej:' cried one man to
whom 1 b:id spoken. 'Ah, he can climb,
for sure, can .lack! Why. he climbed to
the very top of yon steeple," pointing to
tbe church hard by, which had a spire
remarkably tall and slender, and very
hard to mount. 'After the storm had
damaged the weather cock Jack climo
ed and fixed it all alone for the parson,
and he refused to be paid for it.'
"The man seemed to look upon l.nra
prey'a refusing payment as more won
derful than his climbing the steeple, and
peruupM be was right. Well, bit by bit,
I found little tilings which, when pieced
together, pointed unmistakably to Jack
Lamprey as the murderer. He bail, un
til recently, been seen frequently In and
about Stockport with the girl, but for
the last two or three months she bud
not been oliserved in his company. He
bad been a Jolly sort of fellow, but since
the girl had censed her visits It bad
been noticed that he bad become
moody aud silent, and he hud taken to
drink a good deal, although be had pre
viously beeu a most abstemious man.
"He was away from his lodgings ou
the night of the murder, and on his re
turn early the next day he was travel
ctaltied, us If he hud walked a long way.
His landlady remembered that be told
her he had fallen down lu some chem
ical works where he had been on a Job,
and had stained his clothes, and she
recollected Immediately after hla ar
rival home hp had busied himself brush
ing and sponging his garments.
"There was sufficient to Justify me In
obtaining a warrant: but he was away
on a Job no one knew where exactly,
except that It was somewhere near Liv
erpool and It was useless for me te
leave Stockport, where I had the best
chance of catching blm, on a wild goose
chase to Liverpool without better In
formation. My only course was to wait
and keep quiet till he came back, wbicb
be wait expected to do tbe following
"I took every precaution to prevent
anyone knowing that be was 'wanted,'
but some 'pal must have got to suspect
It and given hlin warning. The police
In Liverpool had been wired to, and bad
kept watch of all trains In the direction
of Stockport, and toward evening of
tbe second day I received the Intimation
that a man resembling his description
had taken the train and was on bis
way. Assisted by a local detective whe
knew the man, 1 watched every pas
senger out of the train on Its arrival at
Stockport, but no Jack Lamprey alight
Pistols and
The ducking pistol now occupies its proper
place, ia the museum cf the collector of relics
of barbarism. The piatol ought to havo Lcsido
it the postlo that turned out pill3 like bullets,
to be shot like bulieta tt the target cf the
liver. But the pestle 13 still ia evidence, end
will bo, probublj, until everybody has tested
tho virtue cf Ayer'3 eugr.r couted pills. They
tre?.t t::o liver C3 a friend, Lot til an enemy.
Instead cf driving it, they coax it. They aro
compounded on the theory that the liver does
it3 work thoroughly f.nd faithfully under
obstructing' conditions, end if the obstructions
nro roruoved, the liver will do it3 daily duty.
When your liver wants help, get "tha pill
that will." ...
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
Iefi. alia, on inquiring or the guard. It
seemed pretty certain that be bad got
oat at Cbeadle. a station a few miles
outside of Stockport.
"It was tbe beginning of winter and
nigbt had set In, t j that It was extreme
ly doubtful If we could follow the man.
but we took a train wbicb was just go
hug out of tbe station, and in a few
minutes were at Cbeadle. I there made
certain that my man bad got out. He
had booked for Stockport and bad given
up bis ticket, but do all we could we
could get no trace of blm. He bad left
the station Immediately on leaving the
train; do on knew blm and we could
find no one to tell us anything more. So.
hoping perhaps to pick up a rlew on tbe
road, we walked back to Stockport and
on to the town where be lived, wbicb
waa a few miles tbe other aide, but our
tranin was In vain.
"We bad left Instructions at Stockport
for Lamprey's lodgings to be watched,
but by some blunder a man bad not
been sent there for some time, and.
much to my anger and disgust, when I
arrived at bis bouse I found that be had
been there, Just for Ave minutes, hla
landlady aald, and bad left again with
bag ef clothes.
"I waa mighty savage, you can guess.
Vth with myself and with the police of
tbe place for not keeping a better look
out, but it was no use losing my head
over It, and I at once set to work dog
gins bis footsteps after be had left his
lodgings. lu tbe public nouse which be
frequented I came across a man to
whom I had previously spoken, who
seemed to know Lamprey In a very dis
tant sort of way. and I turned tbe con
versation on the man I wanted.
"'Ah! I've Just seen blm.' said tbe
fellow. 'About an hour ago or mayhap
a little more. He waa going to Macclee
lleld. be said, to catch the early train
in the morning Into Staffordshire, when
he's got another Job. He seemed In a
mighty hurry, too.'
"I had reason afterward to think that
this man was the one who bad given
Laniprey warning, but whether that
was so or not bis information that night
appeared to be correct, for I met several
people who had seen Jack going across
the fields toward Marple, which was
his best way of getting to Macclesfield
from the place be lived In; but when I
arrived at Marple station I was at fault
again, for no train bad been out for
quite two hours, aud although I waited
till the last train to Macclesfield had
left Lamprey did not show up.
"Tried and vexed beyond description
I tramped back and got what rest 1
could, hoping that something might
turn up In the morning to assist me in
recovering the ground 1 bad lost, but
afraid that for once I had let my quarry
slip, and that 1 might never catch blm.
now that he was aware be was being
"Sure enongh, something did turn u
In the morning, and something which
confirmed my fears, though I felt that
I hud got my man dead if I had missed
him alive. The postman came around
soon after 7, before it was quite light
and I had only Just got up when a boy
came running In wltb a letter, which
bud been delivered at the police station
It bore the Marple postmark, and wn
addressed to The Detective from Lou
"Tearing It open. I read something
like this:
' "From John Lamprey. I know you
are after me, and I know what for. I
managed to keep out of your way to
night and I meant to try aud get down
south, but you are sure to have me.
sooner or later, so I've determined to
make an end of it. Look at the church
steeple when you get this to-morrow
"The church steeple was a tall and
pri'ninent feature whichever way you
turned, snd I had only to go to tbe end
of the street to get a full view of it.
When I got there and looked up I saw
something that gave me a start. In the
uncertain light of the early morning 1
r-ould discern against the gray sky.
hanging by the neck to one of the Iron
loops which serve for a ladder on the
side of the spire, the figure of a man!
" 'So much for Jack Lamprcyr I said
to myself, as I hurried to the police
stntlon. 'He has saved me any more
"Hy the time I had been to the station
And back to the church It was broad
daylight, and of course tbe body hang
ing aloft bad been seen and a crowd
had already collected, every one recog
nizing It as that of Jack Lamprey.
" A strange freak,' I remarked to the
sergeant who was wltb me.
" 'I don't think so,' he replied. 'Jack
bad made himself a sort of hero over
tolng up the spire to repair tbe vane and
there was nothing more likely to occur
to bis mind than to finish bis career at
the same place.
"There was no one round Stockport
who would venture up tbe spire and a
telegram bad to be sent to Stalybrldge
for a man to come and get the body
down. It was past midday before the
steeplejack arrived and by that time
half Stockport had heard of tbe affair.
Work waa discarded and an Immense
crowd collected to witness the sight.
Every foot was watched by thonsands
of eyes, and when at last he approached
the swaying body of Jack Lamprey the
tongues which had been loudly wag
ging were hushed as by common con
sent. "I shall never forget the few minutes
that followed, while tbe steeplejack
;now looking the size of a little child)
made his way very cautiously close up
to the body, and, fixing a rope to It,
made his preparations for lowering it
to bis assistant, who was waiting on tbe
top of the square tower to receive It.
There was something awfully sad and
solemn about It all!
"In due course tbe assistant received
the corpse, which he let down to the
ground and everyone around me re
marked that he swung it roughly to tbe
earth, without showing tbe respect
which might hare been looked for. In
(act some actually called out "Sunnier
"But all at once tbe bush which had
fallen Upon tbe crowd was broken by
storm of jeers and laughter! Tbe thlnj
which had given us all trouble wai
nothing but a guyt And I never fel
such a fool In all my life.
"So that he might get nearly a day's
tart Lamprey had cleverly mialed me
the night before. While I had been
wasting my time at Marple he had been
employed In stuffing tbe suit of clothe
which he bad taken from hla lodging
with straw, making a very passable rep
resentation of himself, and In tbe mid
dle of the night he had climbed tbe
steeple (which was child's play to blm)
and left bis efflgj to deceive me and lull
me Into Inaction.
"I need not dwell npon the chaff I re
reived. It Is too. painful, even now. foi
oie to recall without annoyance, but you
may be sura that I quickly made myself
scarce, "
"Did the fellow get clear?" asked
someone. "Yes. He took the train to
the east coast and succeeded in getting
to Holland unnoticed," replied Hookyer.
"But be hanged himself In earnest some
considerable time afterward, leaving
a letter behind admitting hla guilt and
stating that his conscience troubled blm
so that he could not bear to live." Tit.
A Cass Succe'slullv TraMtad la Madlaoa
Con at?, M. Y.
From tlte Prtts, VHca, Jf. Y.
Oa the recommendation of Mr. William
Woodman, of South Hamilton, New York,
that Mr. Amos Jnqimys, a resident of Colum
bus Centra, New York, ba ioterviewod re
garding bis extraordinary recovery from ad
vanced kidney trouble, embracing diabetes
la its worst form, Mr. Jaqunys was visited
aod willingly made the accompanying state'
"I am fifty years of age, and five years ago
began to suffer with pains in the back and
weakness in tbe region of ton kidneys, and I
had a tremendous flow of urine. Bi range t
aav. my appetite tncrraiwal to an extraorilin
ary degree, but instead of giving mesirenirtt
my food seemed to make, me weaker and
thinner, and I was terribly constipated. My
mourn was pasty, 1 bad continuous neart-
buru and pain across the lower part of my
stomach and frequent vomiting. Indeed,
all, or nearly a I, my functions became
Impaired, my sight was dim. memory de-
iwrtuu me, ami Ilia became Irksome, 1 con
suited the best med eal talent in the count v.
uu l they all dlnguosed my case as sugar dia
betes In lis most aggravated form, but gave
me no relief whatever. At last I was in such
a d. si-erate condition that a council of phy
sicians a-as called, but their good offioea did
me no good, and I looked forward to deal h
vith satisfaction as tbe only relief 1 oould
My old friend, William Woodman, about
litis time came to visit me, and from him I
!lrt heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, whlc j
he declared bad cured him of rheumnti'su,
with which he bad suffered all bis life, an I
bu believed they would do me good, as he
had r-ad of a case of diabetes being mi red by
their nte. I believe it was next day after
Mr. Woodman's visit that Mr. P. Hy le. of
South Han. Hon, New York, called on me
in 1 was told Vy him that P.nk Pills had
lived bis life aud lie advised me by all means
lo try them.
"lilts seitlet the question, an 1 I at once
N-i;iiu a course of home treatment with lr.
tViliianis' I'uilc Pills. Within a week tin
lie deiuo lieL-an to do Its work, the coustlpa
ion was relieved, my skin, which bat In
iry au l bard, ui-iimwl Its normal feel mid
io- arance, 1 no longer had that insiiffer
ibly tin. I ta-te lu my mouth, and though still
teiL und almost helpiesi, the pain in my
'iti'k aud kidneys beirau to abate aud tbe
I1-mt uf urine decreased, liut 1 was tar from
'leilth, and built very tew hope on perman
ent cure, though 1 continued to take the
Ills couiluutly tor the uext year n.l a half,
;rowliiir slowly but surely during thai time
Miter aud belter. Tlieu I be-an to re uce
the daily dof-e, and kept meudlng until iix
-nontbs ago. when 1 discontinued tbem, and
I was entirely cured.
'1 am still HUbject to cold, which I? apt to
ettle iu my ki.'aieys, and always keep 1'iuk
Pills by me, a" they bring me rouo I very
iiili-kiy. In all, 1 have, I heliev . taken
ItyboxfS of Ir. Williams' Pink Pd's, mi l
ihuli never Oe without tbem a loug as 1 have
half a dollar. I have re.-omnvn.lud them to
.11 my sullering fr.euils, aud Ibey seem to be
roo! or iiuv disorder of tbe system, as Ibey
iuv.i uevt-r failed to do their work in any
-ase tbut 1 know of, aud some wete pretty
I certify the above statement to be true
n every paitieulur, aud if 1 commanded
stronger language, I would use it iu praising
i;r. Williams' Pink Pills.
"Alios Jaqdats."
Mr. Jaquays Is a highly respectable anl
weli-to-ito farmer and builder, and highly
connected In Madison County.
The proprietors oi Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills
state Unit they are not a patent medicine, bul
i prescription used tor many years bv au cm
iu nt pra -lltiouer, who pioduoed the most
wonderful results with them, curing all forms
of weakness arisiag from a watery con III ion
of the blood or shattered n' rves, two fruitful
eaus s of almost every ill to which flesh is
heir The pills are also a speuifln tor tbe
roubl-s peculiar to females, such as suppres
sions, r II forms of weakness, ohroulo cousti
patto; baailng-down pains, etc., aud In the
case ot men will give speedy relief and effect
a permanent cure In all cases arising from
mental worry, overwork, orexcesses of what
ever nat ure. Tbev are entirely harmless and
can be given to weak and sickly oblldr. n
wltb the greatest good and without the
slightest danger. Piuk Pills are sold by all
dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt
of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
2.50 (they are never sold in bulk or by the
100), by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. X.
The Best Apple Sauce.
"And we had tbe best apple sauce,"
said a young girl, when telling of a
visit to a dear old aunt.
"Wherein did it differ from all other
apple sauce?" the mother queried quiz
zically. For tbe mother thought sbe
knew all there was to know about apple
"Well, I don't know," said the younf
person, "but it was tne neat, ana sne
put the sugar in it before she cooked It,
and it waa so different from any other."
It so happened that tbe mother bad
occasion to make some apple sauce for
tea, and not to be outdone by any
auntie, however worthy sbe might be.
tbe mother also put the sugar tn bofore
she cooked the apple, but tbe young
person said it wasn't a bit like auntie's.
Now I happened to know Just bow
this auntie really did make ber apple
sauce, and will tell you, besides giving
you another way, too.
Peel tart apples and quarter them; if
very large cut the quarters once In two.
Have two quarts when peeled, and put
tbem Into a granite kettle; pour over
them two cups of sugar aud set on tbe
back part of tbe range, when there la
a fire in It Let tbem rook slowly until
perfectly clear. Cover them closely.
I didn't say anything about the wa
ter? No. and that Is Just where tbe dif
ference comes In; the apples are cook
ed in tbelr owu Juice, and this, combin
ed with the sugar, makes a rich and
mos: delicious syrup, which will almost
Jell when cold.
Don't he afraid of their burning to
the kettle, though tbey will If put over
tbe hot fire at tirst; It will not take lous
for enough Juice to exude to cook them,
and they may lie stirred until smooth
or the pieces nmy be left whole. Tliej
must lie cooked until tbey look cle.i:
ami irjusiiiffut.
For the othi-r recipe, use red ap;il
If you can. Cut uj u -oiip!e of qiian.
of apples, or have a couple of quarts
when they are cut. Do not pare tbem
Put tbem Into a squill stone Jar, p"'
over them two big cups of sugar ami
covrr closely, place in the oveu au l
let tiieiu remalu for four hours at h-.mt
The oven should not be very hot. The
apples will come out looking as red
rubies clear through, aud tasting so de
licious they would tempt even a non
apple ftauee lover to try them. Tt
Thank a "man ror an unexpected J
it lf a.area ths F:arn
Ab Dppam tuts has been dlvlted fo.
Measuring the duration of a flash of
lightning. Inside a camera there is a
.lujill carrier, wbicb holds the sensl-
Ive l-lnle. I bis Is caused to revolve
very rapidly. When the Cash Is photo
irspbeil thereon it will describe a
curve, making a certain number of rev
olutions round the renter of tbe plate.
As the number of revolutions per sec
ond is accurately known, the number
if revolutions on the plate will give
the exact part of a second tbe lightning
1.i ab has laated.
' Who
opened that
a a
Dome or
The popping of a
cork from a bottle of
Hires is a signal of
rand health and nlesv
sure. A sound the
old folks like to hear
the children can't
resist it.
la composed of the
very inured. eot tbe
system reouireo. Aiding
lie aigeniiou, sooi n ing
the nerves, purify Ids;
thA bltmd. A tniDer-
ance drink for temper
svuee Deoile.
suice people.
Ths) Clwrlsai B. UUas C.. PbttS,
A paKkSfV BMfeM ft ISllSM.
IpTJTTIT I W ,lirrt iimcI! attea.
f XvJCjJCi 1 """ h" ullowlna' ry.
uwrkabl ateinata :
Dar Madame:
Y01114 to hand. I recom
mend the Moore treatment
lcaue I have tried It. aad
know It to lie June what be
rays it is. 1 was cured by
It. and hare remained so
eiyht yr: have known of
many winero being cuqed
of tha very worst cabfct.
j all means get it.
Yours truly. W. K. Vkkh
The above Is letier
written by the late Ke. W.
K. tVnn. tbe notd Kvaujre
Hot. to Mrs. W. II. IVaUun.
New Albion, N. V.
Restored His Hearing in 5 Minutes.
Mv nee Is 63. I puC
fere'il from -'uUrrh 10
yean. Had lnUnie head
Ht'he. continuttl rottrinfr
and .nirinif In eura, took
i".t ettslly. My hearing
tir.n to foil, and for
three year wim ttltnotit
entirely dear, and cou
tiiiUHliy grew worse.
Kverjthiny 1 had tried
foiled. In despair I com
menced to nm Aeria
Modie-ition In 14bH, and
tin (-fieet of the tlntt
Hi'i'lt. attoii was simply wonderful. In lea
t tut ti tlvtt minutes my heariiiit wai fully re
oUred, and has been perfect ever uno , id In
a tuttf muuthj wa en fl rely uiirl of Cntarrb.
Ki.i liuoWN, Jacluboro, Teuu
"WhsreisJ was deaf, mw I bsar."
At the one of (W, after hav
intf suUVi-ed Intro CaUrrl.a
Iea f net t w-n ty yearn, am
truly thankful lo Mat that 1
am entirely cured hy Aerial
Medication ; uiv h e a r i n pr .
which had tecoiue so had thai
I could not hear a wairh licit,
or conversation, i tuily re
stoied. 1 will verify tbi
Wm. Hit hie,
lerny Center, V
Medietas for 3 Months' Treatment Fre
To in'roduce this treatmi-nt am) prove b
youJ luult that Aerial Medication will cur
U.-Hine9i. Catarrh. Thront and l.unir liea&!.
1 will, for a sn rt time, sen'l Me.iiomej lor
thrtfO months' treatment tree. A t.iress,
i. H. Moore, M. 0.. Dept. K. 7, Cincinnati, 0.
WSBWBB I ...... .
FOR 14 TEASS this shoe, hy merit aloae.
has distanced all competitors.
ss THE BEST Jo style, lit ssd durability of
say shoe ever ottered at $1.00.
aad STYLES and of every variety of leather.
OIIE PEALER IH A TOW gives exclusive
ale aad advertised la local ssper oa receipt
of reasonable order. Write for catalocae to
W. L. DOUGLAS. Brocktoa. Mass.
FOB 1897.
New Plavlaa Rales. Schedule,
v......... 1 -. .1 Ulmir 1 riiiiml and
LeauuM and
Culltue Statuttcs. Portraits o( all
Loading JPlaven.
iYfc, lu ctntt, pt mi paid.
all aswiCALias oa aav sau
ivo aosaov.
4 ennrta
PnbUshiu? Company,;
9 At Rn,Jw,T. N. Y.
baa been nsed by millions of mothers for their
children while Teethlns for over Firry Years,
It aouthes tbe child, softens the game, allays
all pain, cures wind colic, and Is tna best
remedy for dlarrhcea.
Twentr-sWe Ceats st Battle.
Lata Prlaasal tviwlser 0. a. taila feareaa.
ym la SMS war. lasnjnsinsrati slums, atty. saws.
PTRRCT front
tbs MIIXS and
Manufacturer to wearer. Innarrsted catalogue free.
lindfrwear department. Address
1 .tIEItw' SUPPLIES CO., .Tray, N. Y.
RELIEVES 2 DAYS 11.00. I00 SOUTH ST. Phils
Wanted," Bba
"Ssa lnTealloaa
MsB'war. W.l.
Sead !0o. la Msaiss far
Right off, to any, eveft
' the worst of
wsv grastawy
t mi Story of Bcflawd Woman aod
Her Wretched End.
The romances of tbe London work
bousea would form a thrilling- and pa
thetic record, and for sad vicissitudes
and 111 luck few cases could surpass
that of an Inmate of one of these pool
bouan who haa recently passed away.
A lady visiting tbe Institution wan
struck by the evident reflneuieut of an
elderly woman in tbe Infirmary, who
waa a Norwegian by birth, but who
spoke English and other languages flu
eutly. She had all tbe beaux restea of
a very lovely woman, which years of
poverty and 111 health could not de
stroy. She waa very reticent as regarl
ed lier past, but was so evidently a gen
tlewoman that tbe sj-in pathetic visitor
exerted herself to obtain admlsal m for
tbe invalid into a home for the dying.
In which she might pass her last days
lu peace and amid congenial siinur.d
lnga. Hefore ber death the stranger told
her story, and a strange and romantic
one It proved to he. At 17 she was In
formed by her parents that she was to
lie married, aud although she had no
voice lu tbe matter nothing could have
been more satisfactory. Her husband
waa handsome, cultured aud devoted.
They lived in a charming country
house, surrounded by every luxury,
and four children were torn to the
couple. Tbe only drawback to tbe per
fect happiness of tbe yov.ig wife were
the long and frequent absences of her
husband, which he attributed to busi
ness, but would explain no further.
At last there came a i.iy wheu til's
man returned no more from his accus
tomed Journey, but sent bis lawyer In
stead, from whom tbe bewildered nod
heartbroken woman learned hat her
nupposed husband was the king of
and that, owing to pressing reasons,
the liaison should terminate. An ade
quate sum was settled on her and tbe
children, and, wishing to break entire
ly with the past, she cam? to live In
I-omlon. After some years she married
an Englishman and shortly after the
king died, leaving a lump sum to her.
This money the husband got frotu ber
to Invest and ran off with the entire
amount, leaving his unfortunate wife
penniless. She bad never been trained
to do any sort of work, and tul.igs n-ent
from bad to worse until, utterly desti
tute and dying, she became an Inmate
of tbe workhouse.
Try Grain.Ot Try drain.'
Ask your grocer t-j-d to shor yoa t 1 vet"
re-' of ;r.ir.-0. the new ful drink t'iat : ikei
tliu jil. ice of cifTe. TUi ciiUrsn m- drink
t without njury m well hs tht adult. Alt
Wi.u try it iiKe it. tir.tin-O li in tltt rich seal
hrowu of Mo'Iih orJ.tv-, ut it U tuaie Ir J u
luro -'nun-'. :m I t lie m hi deltr tte tiinc i r
revet 't wttli. ut ilmlre. O ie-quirter tlw
lr ce ol v 'it K ft i and i cti. ix?r p icktte
olil uy nil grocer.
Hie Rnentif -n riya have a new
spheie of u-tefu'nett. By their ai I
tialk cm be Ui leclei iu tt tur, brick
ilu-t ia Cayenue 'ie' Baud ia spicei
and many other familiar sopbietica
l.ons. ttatk or Onto, fiTv or Toledo, t
I.LCA4 CutlMit",
Thank .1. i hin, make: nntU tuat lie Nibs
a -m.-r partner of tha firm of r J. hsncv ,w
O .doing bliMui-KS mi thnt'it of l ol. dn.l nutily
ad .state atoreaaiil, ami Hint said llrm will pay
the sunt of out HUNOHSu itolXAR f..r enci
and every civi ot catahhk that cannot be
cuied ty the usd Hall's Catakkh Lurk.
Khans: J. t hen sr.
Sworn to before nv snd suiiacribed in inr
I i lir-iT, this Si l ilay of lleeembar,
A. ll.llW. A. W.til.EASOK,
xVoliiri; Public.
Italia Catarrh Cure is tRken interna Iv. and
scls dirertlyou the o.ood und mucom surfaces
of the syeteuL rVnii for teatinionlals, f r.-e.
K. J. Ciikncv & Co., 'i'uledo, (X
cold by Druit.t4, i5c.
Hull's Family i'iiu aro tho Lest.
A new harness atlaebmeut does away
with the bold-backs, a cuiveJ metal
band attache I to tbe thills taking
their place. Thi ctn be lengthened -or
shortened to fit the horse.
Just try 10a. box of Caarareta. the finest
liver and bowel regulator ever made.
The forked tongue of tbe serpent is
one cf ils most striking characteristic'.
Unless as it may seem, serpents have
been observed to Up water with tbe
tongue like a dog.
tVa.Tw.Bae for Firty Cants.
Ow4rt),0UOcurel. Why not let N.-To-B:io
regulate or remove your il.sire for tobacco!
Btrea money, make health and manhood
I'ure guaranteed. Ut cents aud tLUU, at all
It is stated that Lieutenant Bersier,
of the French navy, has invented a
compass which steers vessels auto
matically in a course set by the navi
gator. Citrurn stimulate liver, kidney aod
tniwela Never ilcken, weaken or gripe: 10a
Some of the coal used tor gas in
San Francisco, Cal., ccmea from
FITS stopped tree ana permanently en red. Mo
Bin after first day's use of lis. Kline's Great
Nkkve Kkstorer. Free ti trial bottle and treat
be tend lo lir. Kline. IM1 Arch at. fntla-. I'a.
Shakespeare's longest play ia "Ham
let"; it contains 4,058 lines; tbe short
est is tbe "Comedy of Errors," with
1,807 lines.
Plw's Cure for Consumption Is an No 1 Aitbma
medlcine.-F. K. Williams. Antloc-h. Ills., April
11, 1894.
Tesia says that tbe sunburn effects
produced by the Roentgen rays are
due to the ozone generated by the raya
in contact with the skin.
Care Guaranteed bv DR. J. B. MATER, ion
AHCH ST.. PHlLA PA. Ease at once: no
operation or delay frum business. Consultation
tree. Endorsements of physicians, ladles and
prominent citizens. Send tor circular. Office
hours y A. si. to S P. M
An "automatic singer" baa been ex
hibited in Paris. Tne voice can be
heard 220 yards off. Ihe apparatus is
said to be simple.
Mrs WlDSloWs Eootblns Syrup for children
teethlns, softens tbe rums, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cores wind colic. 26a a bonis
A recently patented solder for
aluminum consists of thirty parts of
tin alloy, four parts aluminum, and
three parte fine.
When billons or cost lye, est a Cascarst, candy
cathartic; cure guaranteed; 10c., 25c.
The captain of an Atlantic liuer
bates that the average aize of a fog
in the Atlantic ia about thirty miles in
Sksaka lata Yam Sasw
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for tha feet. It
cores painful, swollen, s martini? feet, and in
stantly takes the all ox oat of coma and ban
ions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the ace. Allen a Foot-Ease makes tieht-'lt-titur,
or aswr shoes feel easy. It is a certain
core for swoatina;. cal Ions and hot, tired, sen-
iac feet. Try it to-day. sola by au araitgisu
and shows
a. njr man tor sac. in stamps.
FREE. Address, Allen 8. 0io
Br mall
Trial packasra FREE.
Lm Boy. . y
Qennany haa a paper
Hstfd rubbing i
the sleight of hand. X
A prompt cure is 2
1 he Magic.
orrtetkdn- that Will latere tka Jw
vaiiile Maaabera aaf Kvery HowaehoU
-Qsusiat Actioaa auad Brla;- sterlaca
of afstavv Cat asvd Csuaatlaa; Caildrea.
WrT sMsle Las(h la Thetr Meewesv
"Papa," said a boy, I know wtiM
nakes people laugh In tbelr sleeve."
"Wen, my eon, what makea them?"
" 'Cause that' where their funny
bone la.
Playlaw Hoase.
Emily (playing "house") Now, II be
mamma and you'll play papa, and little
Ben and Beaale will be our babies.
Willy (after a moment, anxlouely)
Atn't tt about time to whip the chil
dren? Way down I net he wood in the deep, dark
In a quiet, safe retreat.
There dwelt a growlcry grizzly bear.
And her dear cub, Nimblefeet.
And often she told her baby bear
Of the dangers of the wood,
A nd warned him ever to stay at home,
Jaat as a little bear should.
In a cottage small, beyond the wood.
With his mother, kind and troe, .
There lived a frolicsome, laughing boy,
.Inst about as big as J on.
And often this mother told her child
Of the dangers of the wood.
And warned him ever to stay at home.
Just as a little boy should.
But it chanced one day, when from her
Mrs. Bear was forced to go,
PliHt the baby bear crept slyly out,
For a little walk, you know;
But the sights were all so strange and
That before he hardly knew.
He had wandered far into the wood.
And his borne was lost to view.
.Vow it also chanced that afternoon
That another runaway
Tbe little boy, from his cottage home
Came into the wood to play;
Aud just when the shadows longer grew.
In a dark and gloomy place.
The timid bear and tbe frightened boy
Came together, face to face.
With a snort and squeal and whine of feat
The little bear turned and fled;'
While with screams and cries, with equal
The little boy homeward sped.
4. ml now, it is said, the little bear
Sm j s at home, just as he should;
And the hoy no more desires to play
In tbe sliadow-hauuted wood.
Urcle Ned's Uueer Crop.
"Well. Willie," sold his mother, en
couragingly, "what does e-h-e-p-h-e-r-d
spell T
"Sheep-pen!" thoughtlessly exclaimed
Willie, as he turned abruptly to see who
opened tbe ball door.
There stood Uncle Ned wltb a small
coll of wire and a little tin box which
contained something that rattled.
"O, Uncle Ned, going to make the
canes this morning?" Inquired Willie
anxiously, at the same time glancing
down to tbe lesson before blm.
"I'm going to start them, my boy, but
It will take tbe sun and rain months to
make them. I think mamma will ex
cuse you this morning from your les
son, so you can go with me," turning
to his sister Inquiringly, "If you prom
ise to have an extra good lesson to-morrow."
"The best I ever had, mamma, really
and truly," was Willie's eager promise,
as be ran to the bookcase with hla
Third Reader. Then be hurried to the
closet for his cap.
"Don't forget your rubbers," called
nianm a.
WUen they reached tbe edge of the
woods. Uncle Ned carefully examined
many of the baby trees. Finally he se
lected a few straight saplings about
oue-half-tnch In diameter.
"These," he said to Willie, "will make
excellent caues."
"Are they large enough for a big man
like papa?"
"Not now; but by fall they'll thicken
enough so they'll be Just about the
right size," and Uncle Ned took from
his pocket the little tin box and coil of
"Going to make them all for your
self?" asked Willie.
"Oh, no; I shall give them away," re
plied Uncle Ned, at the same time re
moving the cover from the mysterious
What do you supose was In It? Let
ters cut out of thin ebeets of tin. Uncle
Ned selected three F, A, I
"Why, those are papa's lsJtlalar ex
claimed WiUle with delight. -What
are you going to do with them?
"Be patient, my boy, and watch, and
Uncle Ned uncoiled a roll of wire aa he
spoke. "Now hold this F there,' aald
he aa he placed tbe letter well down to
ward tbe basa of the aapllng. Then
with the fine wire that he held In hla
band, he bound the letter firmly in
place. Soon the A and tne L were fast
ened to the bark In tbe same way.
"Will these stay there always?" ques
tioned Willie, curiously.
"No. indeed f The wire-will bold them
la place during the summer," explained
Uncle Ned. "and all the while the bark
will be growing np around the edgee of
tbe letters and In the open spaces be
tween the lines, so that by fall tbe tin
letters can be removed, leaving In tbe
wood perfectly formed letters of a light
color which will be surrounded by a
raised border."
"Wouldn't I like oner exclaimed
From the box Uncle Ned selected
three more letters W. J, L.
Willie clapped his hands gleefully,
for they were tbe initials of bis own
name, Willie J. Lorlng.
What an interesting morning It was,
helping Uncle Ned start bis funny crop
of canes.
"In the fall, we'll come ont and gather
them," laughed Willie, aa they started
for tbe house. A. F. Caldwell. In
Tooth's Companion.
Baying? of CatlaVeit.
"Papa, don't say must to
me; b
makes me feel won't ail over."
' Gladys What are "ths srUeat watctt
es of the night," Btfaet? EXJoel I don't
know, unless tfs those they've forgot
ten to wind np.
piled the boy, "cmn t yw sw
a ttoaMe chin?-
Johnnie Cbaffleocne, Mamie, let ui
play Adam and Ere. Mamie How will
we play K? "Ton tempt me with an
apple and 111 eat It."
Teacher What Is that letter? Pup".
I don't now. -Teacher What Is It
that makes honey? Small boy (son of
a tnanufactnrerr Glucose.
Mother What's die matter, my dear?
Why are yon crying? Harry (between
sobs) I left my m'lasses candy on tha
chair, and the deacon's a-slttlng on It.
"I hate to bother jo. fioe; but, real
ly, I'd like to know " "Well, what T
"How It happena that baby fish don't
get drowned before they've learned to
Bobble (the day after Christmas)
Papa, Is It really true that sbeeps snd
goats have four stomachs? Papa Tea,
my son. Robbie-Gracious me! And
de tbey sll ache at once?
rood Parent Don't yon know better,
Bobby, than to leave your chewing
gam on s cfcslr, where people will sit
down oa H? Bobby It's all right,
father; Tve got another piece.
An astute little boy was asked the
other day wbat waa meant by "sins
of omission," and be responded, with
out any pause or hesitation, "the sins
we have forgotten to commit"
Mamma (explaining spiritual truths
to her Httle boy) Tommy, when you
die. you leave your body behind; only
your soul goes to heaven. Tommy
Well, mamma, wbat will I button my
pants to?
That's the way things always go!"
exclaimed tbe man who la never pleas
ed about anything. "The manner In
which things are laid out In this life Is
all wrong. You always find what you
don't want In unlimited abundance,
and what yon care for yon can't have."
"What are yon talking about?" aaked
bin wife.
"What am I talking about? What's
everybody talking about? Inaugura
tion day; that occasion when you can't
escape tbe most trivial remarks of tbe
badge-peddler and porcorn man, and
won't be able to hear three words of
the President's address." Washington
Decline In Pearls.
A curloua effect of the plague In In
dia has been a sudden Increase in the
number of pearls reaching the Iondon
market, and a consequent marked fall
In prices. This is not due to unusual
industry on tbe part of the divers, but
to the fact that the native dealera at
rouibay have been In such haste to
quit the stricken city that they have
eagerly disposed of their wares at far
below tbe customary market value.
One English firm of Importers of In
dian pearls has accumulated a stock
which, if placed suddenly on the mar
ket, it is estimated, would send down
quotations fully 25 per cent.
Aa gyptian Advertisement.
The story of tbe proposed trolley lin
from Cairo to the pyramids recalls an
other instance of modern enterprise. A
certain tenet society commissioned a
pal Lier to place religious texts on all
available objects in Egypt. He traced
this question on one of the pyramids:
"Do you want to be saved'.'"
"Another paiuter, tn tbe interest of a
quack medicine concern, came along
and added beneath:
"If you do. take Blank's Pills." At
lanta Constitution. i
stand np
erable. One
thrown into my
I then arot some
pound and Liver 1
feel like a newVM
of the past. I
for what it has -
Ml T. Sk, I
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured me of painful men
atrnation and backache. The pain in my back was dreadful, and the agonv
I suffered during menstruation nearly drove me wild.
Now this is all over, thanks to Mrs. Pinkham's medicine and advice -Mis.
Carric V. Williams, South Mills, N. C. J
The great volume of testimony proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is a safe, sura and almost infallible remedy in cases of
irregularity, suppressed, excessive or painful monthly periods.
Am hmiM, im.. i . .
paper Is bad enourb. you bava
r Imis cannot thrlva."
av ai mm
i - i
innnr nmnr tj nninimnnn .
flDOULUl&bl ttUannlUMiU 7r, ,Vr
leamptikK. "SnaTiresuona for Extortor Decoration
Aa. Heeaa,. Build... felt.. P,kinir. -vZZtZZ S.'I'
w. uunaa man U JfACTTJBIMG CC
87 Maiden Lane. New York '
CKIOAOO: tip A 342 KaiUolph 81. FHILAIUXPHIA: 170 k l:S St'st. BQ8TOK; Tt A 7S Prt
'Tbe best is, Ays, tbe Cheapest" Avoid Imitations or
and Substitutes for
HAM'S H0N i-AtTa.
Rotas Csllla ths Wlefced fa
HE sin that looks
tbe safest la ths
JL surest to kill.
It takes very lis.
tie money to maka
God's man rleb.
TheraHgroa that
has no Joy la tt
haa no power la It.
Wins la ths
horns and club
house helps ths
trios rsotn.
Ths wider ths
Bible Is opened the harder It strikes at
If ths dsrll didn't teach men how te
make ram, who did?
It la more Important to bear good
fruit than much fruit.
There Is no each thing as committing
one sin and stopping there.
Tbe deTil Is seldom a loser whsn ths
preacher gets an easy place.
If the gossip would think more, her
tongue would get more rest.
When tbe home is wbat It should be,
the brothel will be Impossible.
When the devil goes to church, hs
doesn't always take a back seat.
If some women did not drink wins,
some men would not drink whisky.
The way to be happy to-day Is to
trust God to take care of to-morrow.
There are many people who under
take to be religious without the help of
The shiftless man la always away
from home when a good opportunity
knocks. .
Having Inaugural and charity balls
makes It the more easy to have dance
..An hour spent in bad company w
give the devil a grip on you all the rest
of your life.
The shine In the saloon Is made from
roses taken out of the faces of women
and children.
Unless praying Is done on praying
ground, It Is folly to expect that It will
be answered.
The man who can pay his debts and
won't stands recorded as a thief on tbe
books kept "aljove. -'
Tbe Christian has no business In any
business that makes him take a step
away from Christ.
Without the power to deceive, the
devil would never have been able to get
a foothold In this world.
Whenever the sons of God come to
gether, the devil has urgent bualness
close to where they meet.
If no gaming were done In social and
family circles. It may bo that there
would be no gambling bells.
It Is because the devil haa an angel's
robe to masquerade In, that he gets
Into so many people through tbe eyes.
What do you suppose angels think ot
the man who belongs to church, and
yet who never draws tha devil's firs?
DM Him a Favor.
Pedestrian (to footpad) Money or my
life, is it? 1 was wondering how I was
going to live through this week. Now
1 won't have to. Very kind of you.
Shoot away. Boston Transcript.
Character Is measured by the d la
ta noe traveled from the starting point,
and everything depends upon whether
the progress haa been up stream or
Each Relieved cf Periodic Pain 'and Back
ache. A Trio of Fervent Letters.
Before using- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, my health was gradually being under
mined. I Buffered untold agony from painful
menstruation, backache, pain on top of my
and ovarian trouble. I concluded to
I try Mrs. Pinkham's Compound, and found
'Jtj that it was all any woman needs who Buffers
W with painful monthly periods. It entirely
, cured me. Mrs. Gf.oroik Wass.
923 Bank St., Cincinnati, O.
For years I had suffered with painful men
struation every month. At the beginning of
menstruation it was impossible for me to
iormore man nve minutes, I felt so mis
day a little book of Mrs. Pinkham's waa
house, and I sat right down and read it. -of
Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
Pills. I can heartily say that to-day I
woman: mv month! u Riifrntv f -
always praise the Vece table Camnnnail
uuiits tur me.
Maroakkt Andgrsox, 363 Lisbon St.,'Lewiston, Ms.
IT" tafStfvift- naan
nun i nuro Urr.
For sale by Paint Dealers Everywhere.
FREE &J!SisijJ. Aw-.
aw. ViT v.;.' '"pniioninff: ion mdm
.. """asiasaa
rno V., ar. ta. Idl Laxs-A
8nnni. r..-,T IT. . . T runrWOtO
favvor. and than watch. .
. "DTV aaal
"aV"t aaata-v -