SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : WP.JWE3DVT, APniL 7, 1S97. TRHMS. Snbscriptfoc, ?1.50 f aanatn tf psH In rfTanca; $2.00 If not tM in J"2"-' Transient advertisements t n cecti er Inch for each lnsortion. Transient bnavneaa notices In local to xmn, 13 eeata line for ln.wtion. Dedectiona win be made to those desiring to advertise by the year, biUf or quart -r SHORT LOCALS. Ciiicken pox 'afll;cts children in town. Tj whitei rfo'hes put a little bor ax'io tbe'wiish. There in a worn -in liorse thief in jail at Wilkoebarre. John F. Sehweier is on n few days trip to "Philadelphia. Mr. Frank Murray, of Washington, D. C, is visiting his parents. Revival services am being conduc ted in the Port Royal If. E. church. Merchant Pavid Rickenbaugh of Millerstown was iu town on Monday. Th best of clothing in the latest styles at Hollobangh's clothing store. Victor Ii. Sliowers, of Altoons, spent several days in town the past week. Robert McMeen, Eaq., had oats sown on bis farm in the last week in March. Four yonng men in York, Pa., will have to answer in court for stealing 150 pigeons. Miss Annie McCullocli of Lewis town spent Tb-iraday with Mrs. Wil berforce Schweyer. Mrs. Southard Parker and daugh ter Helen, of Washington, D. C, Boent Sunday in town. Mr. John G. Pannebiker and Euepho Lewis, of this place, sp.ut last Friday in Huntingdon. The letter from Walnut on the road question cams too late for this issns. It will appear in next issue. Cjptain McClellan wss suddenly and severely prostrated on Saturday evening by the passage of gall ston63. The rain came in time to extin. guish the hundreds of forest fires that sprung into existance last Sat urday. The Greek situation cannot exist long as it is, peace or war must soon tako place as a solvent of the strained conditions. Mrs Kepaer. who is making her home with her daughter Mrs. H!lo biugh Jr , been quite ill within th"a past week. Mrs. James McCullocb, wifa of James JWcCfiHoeb, docsased, died at her hune near Honey Grove, las Sun day,; aged 70 years. Charier Mitchell and George Bn non nf Lcwistown engogad iu a priz fiht Isst week, which 13aunon won in the sixth round. S-nator Quay at Harriaburg, in the interest cf reform legislation, has directed ths attention of many per sons lo Harrisburg this week. The Dingley Tariff bill passed the Lower House of Congress on the 31t of March by 205 votes to 122. Ro pnolicans all voted for the bill. Clocseb Oa the 2Gth day of March at her residence near East Salem, Mrs. Mary E. Clouser, aged 49 vears, 9 months end 20 days. Th9 funaral of the nine months old'son of Southard Robioon and wife took p'.ae on Saturday. Inter ment in the Presbyterian cemetery. J. K. Rr-no, formerly of this coun ty, but for n Dumber of years a resi dent of Mifflin county, moved from that connty to North Dakota on Mon day, The li'.tlo 14 months old son of John Emery and wifj, was consigned to iU last earthly resting place in the Presbyterian cemetery on Mon day. Dr. Swallow, before the State Sen ate investigating comittee on tho subject of the State Capitol fire, and high jinks generally at Harrisburg, attracts attention this week. wants the State Fair next full. The inhabitants of Middle Pennsylvania should have a chance to se the State Fair without travel ing to the end of the Stato to see ' it. Hold the fair at Altoona. Six elephants were recently sold in London, England, at anction. The lowest price paid was fonr hundred and seventy dollars for an elephant, and ihe highest price paid was seven hundred and fifty dollars. J" The dnslv roads on Saturday were made wet and mnddy by rain on Sun- Aa, n.l Snndav mcrht. Ihe rain was just the thing to freshen the wheat that failed to get a good start last fall on account r.f late siwing wv. t irmV her what's the use of buying tin ware when you can buy Granit Enameled ware for tho same of K H. McClintic's hardware oinre Next is'je prices will le given but don't wait for the quotations, drop in ioir. Lewistown Gazette: We learn that notatoes have been sold at some Bublic sales in our neighboring countv this spring low as two and one.half cents per bushel, while choice apples sold" for twentyflve cents per bushel. Samuel Itotbrock. who has been at electric light nlant work, recently, in the state of Indiana, spent several davs last week wUh his parents, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Rothrock, and then went tr Lancaster, Pa , where he is iatorestod in patting in a large plant One dav recently, at dinner time, '"fire was discovered in the second story of the house nt J. O. Bnms, in Lack township. -Wost of the honse bold goods were gotten ont of r-ach of the flame Some provisions in the cellar could not be taken out on account of the rapid work of the No insurance. The house is said to have been worth hundred dollars. eight ; Funeral Director (to 'gentleman en- j tering the denr) "Are you one of the mourners, sir?" Gentleman "Yes; he owed me five hundred dollars." Boston Tran script. . The lady reader of the Sentinel, are invitedg to call at my store to in spect my spring and summer milln ery. It is an undisputed fact that I have the largest and most complete stock ever opnned in the county, and prico3 lower than the lowest Ella M. Pajcnibakm, March 7, '97 Patterson. Subscribe for the Sshtinkl awd Republican, a paper that contains choice reading matter, full of inform Hon that does the reader good, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing find places in ts columns. tf. Last Friday Harrison K. '"cner and Tristain Coluot, of Philadelphia, rode a horseback from New York to Philadelphia, one hundred miles in 6 hours and 53 minute, with three relays of horses; It is the best time ever made between the cities on horseback cr bicycle. The men were none the worse for the ride on Friday evening. Mrs. Schofield, wife of Lieutenant General John M. Schofield TJ. S. A., presented her hu3band with a girl baby last Sundav- The General is 66 years old and Mrs. Schofisld is 32 years old. Military men of the regu lar army from all parts of tha coun try are sending congratulations to St. Augustina, Florida, where the General now is. Fob Sale. A thriving Millinery Business established 14 years in a good location. A fine chanc9 for an ensrgetic person to extend the trade. Good reasons for selling. For terms and particulars address Mes. j,M. A. Diehl, JlilHiotown, Ira. Apply for one mouth. m24. Aitoona Tribune, April 5th. The five tramps who made up the chain gang were released on Saturday on condition that they leave town and never come back. The; irons were knocked off them in the evening al lowance of bologna and bread they were told to "get." The quintette immediately made a "streak" for the city limit, and when last seen ware waiting on a west bemed freight at Twenty-fourth street. We are indebted to the kindness of Superintendent A. L. E Croat er for the annual report of the Bjard of Directors of the Pennsylvania Iasti tutien for the deaf and dumb at ML Airy. There are a number of Juni ata puples in tho ' institution. , The report is a pamphlet of ninety -two pages, giving valuable information to all who desire to ba informed on the aubjbet of this bc'aool for the dif and dumb. Buy your hunting dogs and hava theaa acquainted bpfore the hunting season opens. I have the following to offer, guaranteed thoroughly brok en on their game aud reliable. Fox hounds, rabbit hounds, beagies, Ban tcrs and pointers; also some tine Newfoundland?, spaniels, coliiee, fox and bull terriers; fancy poultry and pigeons; Balgium and German hares: prices low. J. Howard Taylor, Aug.27,ly. West Chester, Pa. Mrs. Merrywit: Tve joined the 'birdlass bonnet' movement, you know, and whea I had my new hat made I wcg creful not to have a suj picion of feathers about it. But when I sot it Lome Mr. .Merry wit broke me all np." Sympathetic Chorus '-iSroko you up, dear? Mrs. JUerrvwit "les. 1 atk3d mm how he likad it, and he looked it all over and said, 'It's n bird.' " Cleve land Plain Dealer. The Universe is a greaf. electric machiae. Tesla and otiier electric ian's have gotten fo far on with the work of managing electricity, that they expect soon to be able to send messages to any part of laDd or sea without the use of wires, and ale in view of the great facts and powers of electricity that are looking people iu the faee, there are electricians who hopo to see tho day when communi cations with otner worlds ' will have been fully established. Altoona has determined that the tramps that infest that, town ia droves shall have comfortable quar ters.'enough to eat and plenty of work. The town council has provided ac commodationWor fifty hobos. Fifty :1)alls, each with a chain have been provided aBd fifty hammers have been bought. When a tramp puts in an appearance and wants work and and victuals. He wiil be taken charge of and sentenced to 10 days lodging and boarding and work. A ball and chain 'will be attached to his leg and he will be given a hammer with which to break stones for tho streets. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Robison took place from her homo in P;itter bod, on Friday April 2, 189G. Mk. Robison's maden name was Marr McCrum, she was a daughter of Joseph and Jane McCrum, of Mi!f ;rd township long sinca deceased. She 'was twice married, first to Jami s Marley, wao diea young. J uiy io1 :i, 1846, aged 36 years. They had one son James Burns Marley, who suvivi-s his mother and lives iu Port Royal. Her second husband was John Robi son to whom she had a son who died when about 10 years of age. She survived her second husband some nice or ten years. She was an esem plory christian woman and devoted memsinber of the Presbyterian church. A Hollidaysbarg man saya it isn't long since the Pennsylvania , canal was in operation, aul yet he says it ia a difficult thing to get information on the follDwing points: "The priucipat things we wish to know are: When was the Juniata canal commenced When finished? What year did the first boats run on itf What was its last year in opera tion? What year did the packets cease running into Hollidaytburg? Which was in operation rfirsttbe Ju niata or the canal west of the. moan tains? What year was the first through freight carried over both ca nal and railroad? Did they have lo comotives on the Portage road from the time it was completed? What is the distance bv wav of the Jnnintn. Canal from Hollidaysbarg to Colum bia! TTnat ia the distance irou Col urnbia ti Philadelphia by the old State railroad? Uncle "And how are you getting on with geography?" Willie "O, I've given up geog raphy!'' Uncle ."Given up geography! What for?" Willie "Well, you see, Hncle, it occurred to me that I was only wast ing time in studying the stupid old geography, when all the papers say that the trouble in Creta will change the whole map of Europe before long." List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Patterson, Pa., uncall ed for at the close of business, on Wednesday evening, March 31st, 1887: D.ivid Kent, Wellington Kent, C C. Rsiney, Thomas Finan, La Ros ea Carmine, Fred Bcret'ja. Persons asking f or any tao above list will please say they are advertised. Lait Wednsaday, Jtfarch 31st, Thomas Banner, who lives a short diatanca east of Beers' foundsry, in Fayette township, came home in the evening in a melancholy frame of mind. li s wife tried to arouse him from his gloomy feelings, but failed, lis seemed to be on the alort as if in dread of s rn;i men coming for him. When niht cams he would not re tire, but lay on the bed with his clothes oa. Mrs. Benner was anxious for him and could not sleep, bnt tired nature gave way and at 3 o'clock on Thursday morning she fell into a Bleep from which she did not waken until 5 o'clock in the morning She had slepttwo hours. Hr hus band had disappeared while she slept The family serened the prem ises all over and not fiiding him' they enlarged their circle of search till it comprehended a few neighbors and they in turn got others into the hunt for the missing mm, and by after noon of Thursday between fifty and one hundred persons were rearching for Tnomas Bnner. The search was kept up on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and through all that dili gent hunt no tidings of the missing men was heard and on this Monday morning, April 5tb, his disappearance and whereabouts is as much a mys tery as mystsry itself. Squire C. B. Horning, was startled the other day when at his farm near Denholm station, a man was standing in a line of fishermen along this fiile 'of the river at the broad water. He was shouting for a boat and every oana in a while swinging an arm as if to hurry the coining of a boat, and occasionally between his calls otuor fishers walked close to tho water's tdo and looked out into the river with anxie'y It was Peter Clemins who who was calling for tho boat. Ha was more interested than any one els? on the shore. Squire Horning was an interested spectator from his side of lue shore but just what the matter was ho c juM not tell. He ciuldsee no object ia the river. Certainly no one was drowning but he becama anxious ai t':e cills bo came more frequent and urgaant. Tiie boat was seat iu a hurry, and when it was yet many feet from this frbore tho boat man could restrain him3olf no longer, but shouted "what h the matter," "Hurry, hurrv," ex claimed Clemins; "A mighty fish has ran away with my line and rod The boat touched tho shore. Clo&iins sprang in and then begaa the chase. The rod ws out in tha stream and g ing down the river. Afier a chase of over a qu .rter of a roilo the rod wa3 e-rain gra3pod by its owner Clemics pnllod and it was a good strong pull he had to make, and when ho landed tho game it was a 10 pound G?rmnn carp. Long before day light, last Friday morning, JJerch-mt Eimer Graybill, of Richfield, and his brother, were on ihair way ia a biirgy to Sunbury, to take a train to Williamsport, to make arrangement for the transportation of produce to that town. Suddenly sprang up a great flash of light as if the sun had been shot up from be yond the horizen a second or two aud then dropped whence it came leaving a light lemon color above the horizan a fe minutes aud then all again was dark. During all that drive to Sun bury they wondered what it could have been that cauped the bright sunlike flash. When they arrived at Sanbury all was explained to thorn. It was the 6xp!otion of one of the mills of Shamokin Powder Company, whereby the dwellings of David Hann Emanuel Klinger and Daniel Oaraan, together with tho barns and other outbuiMings and their contents, were totally wrecked, and the in mates had narrow cscapas, as huge boulders were hurled through the houses like bombshells and several of the victims wero imprisoned in their houses by masses of debris and raft ers. Jtfrs. Hann sustained severe cuts about the head and body and is nrostrated as the result of the shock. The explosion occured shortly be fore midnight aaa its cause is a mys tery a3 all of the mill buildings were .leeertfid nt the tim. The entiro sides of Mr. Hanu's, Mr- Klinger s and Mr Oaman's houstf were blown iu snd the formei's barn was burned down. The barn of the powder mill was reduced to kindliug wood and several head of cattle were killed out right and Mr. Klinger's barn was to tally wrecked. Thirty five hundred kegs of powder exploded. Eay to Take, Easy to Operate You will find a true friond in Hood's Pills. When yon take them, you will not be disagreeably remind ed of the fact by griping and agon izing pains. They contain none of the drabtic drugs formerly so exten sively employed. Every ingredient used in Hood's Pills is selected with care. They will break up a cold, prevent the grip, and aro especially valuable to regulate the liver. They cure eick bead-acbe and indigestion. EAST SALEM MOTES. Joseph Long and eon David, were in Mifflictown on Monday the 29th alt. .T.pK Rjnard and George Rey nolds, of near Oakland. I have been informed killed five snakes on Sun day March 28th, above Mifflin on the ridge. The smallest replilo meas ured 1 foot 9 inches; the largest 2 feet 7 inches. . That's right boys kill; all the snakes you come across. John George, of Stony Run, is Winegardner this i On Thursday James Louden slager moved to the Lyons farm, near Thompsontown; and Ed Hubbert moved into the house vacated by Loudenslager. w On Monday Grant Shreffler moved into the honse bought of John Peiffer Oa Tuesday Rev. Blackburn moved into the house vacated by Grant Sobreffler and bought by U. B. Church of Peter Forry. On account of her sister Lizzie being sick Maria Frontz who had been working for A. K. Markel, had to go home last week. Emanda Latdis is now working for Mr. Mar kel; Samuel Hoffcnan died on Monday a week. Interment on last Saturday in the graveyard on his farm. Aged 74 years, 7 months, and 23 days. Mjlisa Conrad, colored, died" on the second inst. Interment at Lost Creek on the 5th inst. Samuel HearalJs' infant child died on Friday the 2ad inst. Miss IIo8tett!cr of Williamsport is visiting at David Gnyer's. Mr. H. N. Martin, and wife and little girl, of Lancaster Co., visited Mr. Martin's sisters, married to Sam uel aud Joseph Weaver near Good ville. Ollie Kurtz of Reading is visiting friends here. j Ben Ford, movad into the Vanor inr house at Cocolamus creek. April 6, .1897- Samuel Hailstone. Many Sulfa. One hundred and ninety suits, in volving over 100,000; have been brought against the partners in tho suspended bank of Gardner, Morrow & Co., of Hollidaysburg. The Blair county courts decided that these suits should be tried at a specified term, beginning the first Monday in next June. Many intricate questions arising under the partnership laws of tho State are at stake in tho deter mination of the suits. In a test case Justice Lowery de cided that the estates of the deceas ed partners in the bank were liable for the payment of the bank's debts. Another Bargain In graphs. Photo- Until April 31st, I will reduce the price of ray Cabinet Photographs to $1.00 per doz., duriog which time tickets will be sold, entitling the holder to 1 doz. fine Cabinet Photo graphs, good for the sitting until June 31st, 18D7. Also during this reduction, I will sell tickets for those beautiful 7oc Photographs at 60cts per doz. Sittirg good cnyiime un til the abovo d;te. All s'zes and styles as well as family groups will ba reduced during this date. Re member the time. No tickets sold after April 3lst. Respectfully, Joseph Hess, Mifilintown, Par Reduced Rate to Sew York, via PennsylvuDla Railroad, accouat dedication of Grant Monument. For tho dedication of the Grant Monumental Tomb, April 27, the Pennsylvania Railrosd Company will sell tickets from all points on its line to Now York, April 26 (and from points within one hundred an.1 fifty mi'es of New York, April 26 and 27), good to return until April ;29, inclu sive, at rata of a fare and a third for tii9 round trip. Tickets for military companies in uniform, numbering fif ty or more, traveling in a body on one ticket, will be sold at rate of sin gle faro per cipita for the round trip. The psrada on this occasion will be the grandest military demonstration since the war. Thousands of veter an?, United -States regulars, and State militiamen will be in line. Tesla's Xew World- A few hundred feet in the air, just above what is known as the mag netic disturbance of tho earth's sur face, the electric waves run iu long, straight lines. They are called the Hertzian waves, after young Hertz thoir discoverer. Tha waves are, i:i fact, found everywhere in the air, but up there they can ba used without the dang. r of local disturbance, and Mr. Tetla has, by a long series of sxpe-ri-ments, learned to take hold of - tbem and flash a light precisely as a sun beam is flashed from a mirror. He has learned to thaow the electric en ergy of those waves into a battery and torn a distant machine connect ed with this battery 'by wire. Mr. Ttsla has a machine in his laboratory that he calls an oscillator, that gen erates these waves and projects them into the atmosphere just as nature does. With this oscillator he has succeeded in making every calcula tion necessary to flHsh a message without a wire to any part of the earth or to take the electric waves generated by the great poer of Niagara and grind wheat in Argen tine, or run the trolley cars in Syd ney. This is no longer speculation, but science, and with time and Cap ital such a gigantic ecalo will be real ized. The Washington D. C. Nation al Reorder. Subscribe for the Juniata Sektdjel. ilkBlaoche Wright has had ht-r uwelling house repainted. Mosts Pannebaker doco the work. IT. C. Pierc3 has g no to Reeds ville to work in a coach shop. Mf- ItomhnrfTAr who has moved on The North farm, recently vacated by Mr. Middcrlicg, lost a valuable horse yesterday from distemper. L Twa Tuscarora Yalley railroad, re elected toe eld board of omcers on Monday. L Alter passing at home the week of C t . .. . u- ! u - wintr term, and tho opening of the spring term, Miss Annie E Schweier aud her siefr Isabella returned to Bucknell Institute. WANTED Toe11narh!h Trade inijprd Nurw?ry Ptor. Mjuiy new npminliie offrrMl this yir for U.o fri tim. m w-il mm thm standard varietifti cf tmit and ornamentals Hq prevln expwlrare renary Write for terms, stating age, etc. Kooprs, Bro. Thoaiaw. laple Areaa I retries, WMtCbe.ic.Yi'n. working for John summer. ii SCHOTT'S TRAVEL FAST. The large purchase of goods we made the first week in March, in Baltimore, and another, and larger pnrobase of geedi, we made ia New York, the latter part of March, at less than market value; and we' are selling all these goods to yen, our enfctomers below their market value, wbieh has brought a Loom to oar stores. Patrons case, bought, and told tbetr friends, with the result; that we were as busy as we never were before, at the opening of a Spring Season. TO KEEP THINGS MOVING, we are going to offer greater bargains equaled in other stores. bOO yards of Cliirpsc matting, good nneest mattiDgs, st lowest bargain prices. Domestic heavy chain Carpet af 22o worth 30o. Other striped carpets for 12e a yard. Good rag carpet for 25c a yard. Stair carpet at 17e, 20o, 25e a yard. 45 cent Ingrain carpets for 25c. A LARGE SELECTION OF, TAPESTE Y", BRUSSELS AKD VELVET CARPETS, at lowest bargain prices. Lace curtain Srtuft for 6c and 10c a yard; Cnemicle curtains and tabic covers at bargain prices. 2 felt Window shades, spring rollers at 25c; 1 oiUhade and bast spring roller at 25c; 1 fine lace end, oil shade spring roller al 49c. THOUSANDS WALLSlrVUEB OF ROLLS OF Ceiling and borders to match 15c paper at 7c a double roll, borders to match. 100 Ladies eilk VELVET AND CLOTH capes, very pretty at bargain prices. FancyNovelty dress goods at 25c worth 38c; they are sellling rapidly. $5000 dollars worth of S 3rH I 1ST G :ST T3 S TJ Nt ZSE JC IX foot wear in all the new shapes and colors, at bargain prices. Do not mi?s our stores You gain money. SCH0TTS STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Pa. 18G5, ESTABLISHED. 1?8J). Special Invitation To The i'ublie To attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing that got on daHy from TH ' IMMENSE STOCK OF W it be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL . BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Good? for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE J of Smts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. Uie prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fiil to give hiia a call if in need of Clothinsr W. H A R L E Y MIFFLINTOWN I. We vrarn the readers of this journal that v. e do cot authorize tie use of oar name in advertisemeuts of so-called traveling optical specialists. Our advice to all persons who have defectivi eyesight : AvoM traveling specialists and pedlars 0 Spectacles. QUEEN & CO.,Tne Opticians, IOIO Chestnut St., Pbftadefphia. Manufacturers and Importer of Accurate and Beitnttftil Spectacles m: 'ye f ' I Our Eye Sight JSXomilor sunt on receipt of live ient x&Uigo it .ipa. 'A --.iabl Rook ec ticvvixJ utV'HvcM cant iree to tvnrtd i.-o-- i 11 s ST mid poor p'tUentt can also chts..: 3 b 4 tiiis medicine free of charge. Thin reruedrha. heen prepared by the Revorcn Pfcaicr Koeuiji. of Port Wayne, Ind since ISi fca la 110 iv prepjxed under his direction by the KCXiC MED. CO.. Chicago, Hi. SclSbrnroKKists at SI per Bottle. OSc Sr CnvroSiM. SI.75. S Bottle for 53- MirFLiKTOWw. April 7, 1S7. TVheat . ..... Corn in car... rwts Kve Clovor.-o d ... Butter . EgRS 30 18 33 16 8 12 TJ 7 Han . Should er Lard Side Timothy seed..... Faxeeed. ........ Bran Chop Middlings.... Ground - Iu Salt American Sa't.... 2.'0 60 0 ..$1.20 hundred 1.10 l.uo " 6e to 80c PHrtADKLPmA Markets, Matcb 6tb, 1897. Wbat 83 to 85e; oats 23 to 24c; corn 27 to 28c; live chickens 9 to 10c; butter 9 (o 29c; eggs 9c; duck eggs 19 to 21c; gooso eggs 50c; ap pies 75c to $1.50 a barrel; potato s 25 to 35c a bushel; southern cabbag-e per barrel $1 50; Cucumbers $4 to $6 lettas per barrel $1.50; tomatoes per box to 94; Pennsylvania tobftc co fillers 10 to 14; broad leaf 10 to 14; havana running low 12 to 15c. STORES." tban ever, Bargains tbat cannot be .styles an lOo a yard. And all' our PRETTY DESIGNS, 'x THUBsrars pWJ EUHEEP.RT Hkilili! fs u. Lafe m! prompt rfsccir t1 VV niery, coiae. cvcicrn cv mi &im t-ti xorrr3 ci PIJERVOUS Tronblca are due to I isupovL'ris'iicd Mood. Hood's Sar sapariila is the One True Blood Purifier and NERVE TONIC. People Believe what they read about Hood's Sarsapnrilla. They know it is an honest medicine, and that it cures. Oct Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, re lieve constipation asoist digestion. 2oc. PIso'i TLcme&r for Catarrh ia the Heat, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. ftold by Diuauta or sent by mall. MARRIED: l Chessey Wfixr O thi 28th ult., at M ffl:nfo'.vn, ty Rtv. W. H Y&h", Albert C. Ctwsnev, and Emma Wnler. Kebstbtter Stkoup Oa tLe 31st 'ulr-., by Jacob Forry, J. P.. in his nfliw, ia Orfienwooii townalup. tlenry ;W. Kersteter, and Annie A. Stroup. I I 513 a SPRINOOPEIVINe OF MEN'S. B6T8' aad CHILDREN'S CLOTMINCi AT HOLiLOB A UGH & SOJV'S -CLOTHING STORE - vVbere yea ean buy tba best ready made elotbiog or have your rneannr talen and a fit gnranteed a strictly merchant tailor made cuit, sewed with silk throughout and made in any style jin may wish. Ail the latest plat to ielect from Over 500 samples. HOttOBAUGH & SOWS PRICES FOR SPR1NU OK 1897. Men's Suits, piae Si to 42; 200 men's mit", brown and gray mixed $3 75, men s euitft strictly ail wool, nsat rattern 4 75; men's all wool plaid suits, 5 00 and 5 50; men'g an woo plaids, better grade, 6.00 to 8 00; men's still finer, 9 75, 10 00 and 12.00-,'uien'a elay worsted?, 5.00, 6.50, 8 00, 10.00, 12.. CO, 15.00 and 18.00, uieu's extra size suits, 42 inch to 46 inch, dark 6 00 ta 10 00; boy's suits, Orrey mixed, 90a to 1.00; b js' euits, neat patterns. 1 25 1.52, 2.00, 2 50, 3 00; boys' all wool plaid suits, 3 50, 4.00, 4 50 and fc.00 boys' light and dark plaids, finest, 6.00, 6 50, 7 00, 8.00, 9.00 and 10 00; children's suits, nobby patterns, 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50: children's Reefer suits1.00, 2,00, 3 00 and 3 75; children's double breasted all wool 1.50 to 5.00; children's Jan or suits with or without vests 2.80 to 4 50; Hats Cady, 50o, 75o, 1 00.1.50, 1 75, 2 00, 2 25, 2.75; crush hats 25c, 50c, 75e, 1.00, 1.25, 1 50, 1.75 snd 2.00; hate, all the latest blocks in stifl or soft Over 150 styles to select from; Trniiks, 2,00, 2 24, 2.50, 3,00, 4 00, 5,00, G OO; va le's, 35o, 50o, 75o, 1.00, 1.50, 2 00, 3.00, 4 00; Telescopes 50c, 76o, 1.00; umbrellas, 50c, 75c, I 00, 1.2i, 1.50, 2.00, 3.59, 3 0", 4.00; Men'a Russet in latest toe, 150, 2 25, 3 00: men's underwear, 25c, 50c, 75o end 1 00, Per cale shirts, 50 styles, 25c, 50c, 75c, 1.0C; working Bbirts, 25o, 50o, 75f, and 1.00 Tor Sweet Wrrs, Sw. et Oris Overalls, all eizes 70o 75o and 80; Latcstr style neck-wear, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50ct.-; collars, celluloid, linen and paper 2, 5. 10 and 15c; cuff celluloid, liccn and roper 5, 15, 25c; men's dress panta loons, 1.50, 2 , 2.50, 3.. S.50, 4 CO. mni's wcikicje pmitaloons, fiOc, 75i, 1.00, 1.50; all the;!a;rn ir rrjs 5, 10. 15. 20. 25 and 50c; boys' pautalot.Bs, 50c, 75c and 1 00; boys' fine dress pantaloons 1.00 1.50, 2. 2.50, 300; knee pants 25, 50, 75cts and 1.C0; Hoys' aud children's t-boe 25, .50 75c, 1.00, 150, 2.00 and 2.50. We advertise nothing but what we bavo. Call and see for yourselves. Hollobaugh & Son, Leaders in Clothing, 11C MAIN STREET, PATTERSON, VENN A. Established 1880. 1880. 119 MAIN STREET, MIFFLIN TOWN, PA. DO YOU Keep House? JFV are making a Speciality of Housckerping Ileps. SILVKR. N1CKLE, GRANITE. TIN, WOOD and WILLOW-WAUE A FEW SPECIALITIES. 21RS. TOTTS' SAD IRONS, HENNIS FRUIT PRESSES. Marylnncl Ilotistcrs, filefricraiors. Tbcse are some of the things that fcHp the Queens of tho kitchen, bo tbey maids or matrons COOK STOVES We make extra efforts to ooenre the best Cook Stoves and Ranges and guarantee theoi to bake snd cook satisfactorily or money refunded. Call in and see tbem. VOIT CAM ALWAYS FIXO SPECIAL HARDWARE1 B A KG AINS IN OUR HARDWARE STOCK department. Our j.urcbasinjr roirer enables 11s to buy in tuch quantities as to ass-ure the very lowest prices on the best Goods. HAVE YOU KONBYTC DEPOSIT? A BK Y01' A BORROWER) CALL. AT- ths met rg? Sl A iL ST. ii. A KIFFLINIOWN, )' A. FOUR IPX r cent INTEREST I'AID ON 'TIME CERTIFICATES Money Leaned at Lowest Rates TRASS MARKS Anyone randm? a sketch and desCTlntinn quickly ascertain, free, whet i; Br an invention la prr,bnt..y ).te.-itnhlo. Coinrcimlfartoni slriH' coufl.teutlnl. Ol'l'vt aeencyforsecarintTpatenta "America. W liave a VashinKton oiIict". Patents tnkRn tbronicb Munn X Co. receiTO special uotics In tlie SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, besnflfullT ll!aTrated, lnnrest ctrmlntion of cnr sciontiflc Journal, weekly, terms $3.QH a yeert lUsix montlis. cipeclmen ooplwi and li.' NO Book o I-atests ,at tree. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Broadway, Kaw York. Consumption Sural Cured, To Tua Editor: Please Inform your rearer that I hare a poeitive remedj frjr the r:.Lie. By ita timely tue thonsands of -t .-. l.sre he.n permanently-ccred. Isfcaiic : - i':id two botiles of my remedy FBK. irtj... t-.-.;r readers who heve consomptton if liiev v. me tbei.- trr.r-w and V. O. ad drew. :tcj.!.. taUt X..iuoi;M, M. 3.. Wl Perl H'.. N ; rrn j?v;c;it;s PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, GETTTSRI RC, PA. Founded iu l:it2. Larpu Faculty Two til l coiirtes ol b'.U'iy CUsical an 1 ScK-Dtilic, Special courses in all depart, mriitfl. .'Observatory, Laboratories and new UvmnaMiim. .Seam beat. i,iiraries, 22,000 Tolnmcs. Expensss low. Depart, nient of llvgieno and Pliysicul Culture in charge ot an experienred physician. Ac cessible by frequent railroad trains. Loca ti.,r. cn n, BATTLKFIELD of fJettvNbnrir, mi. ht pleesanr and liealthy. I'REP lll ATOIiV UEPIRTMEIi'. m sipar ute l.mdincs. tor boys and )o'ing men pre paring tor bnine(tfl or College, under spec ial earn of the Principal and three assist ants, residing with students in the building. Fall term opens September 6tb, 1805. For Catalogues, address II. W. MCKNKJHT, D. D., President, or REV. O. G. KLINGEK, A. M., Principal (ietttjBburg, Pa. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. OF5JIFFMHTOWS, PI, Stockholders Individually Liable- JORHPH ROTHROCK. Prtudent. T. VAN' IRWIN, C'asntet V. C. Pomcroy, Joseph Rothrock, icM-.n Hertiior, Jost.ih L. Bartot-, Kotit-rt K. Parker, Louis B. Atkinsoti T. V. Irwin. sTociuoLDEaa : Georee A. Kepner, Annie M. Sheller. .'oseph Koi'intk, P. W. Mrmfcech, I . E. AMMnMia, R. E. Parker, W. C Po'Doroy, J. H;!nics Ir'n JoVn nertT.lpr, Joror.-.e N. Thomps'.ti. ('b.irlu'lcr-i'Yde', T. V. Irwin. Jolm M. Biair- Joi:ib Li Barton, Robert II. Pjtterx.n. Levi Light, Wm. Swsrtt. n. J. Sbelienberger. M. K. Schl. gel. P. M. V PcmiKlt. Samuel H. Kothicck, M.N. Sterrett, James G. (leading, S. W. Heaps. Samuel Scblegnl. Th.-ei: ai'1 Four pur ceuf. imurest wi:i :, jaid on coi .iSVates of depisit. fHn 2:. lR-7 t WANTEQ-AN IDEA&etS thins to patent t Protect your ideas ; they ma bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKHDEH BUHN & CO., .Patent Attorneys, Waahinstoi D. C for their ilJO prize offer. a