) t r k t: SENTINEL & RE If WZJT?..,kV FEB f4. IS97. Vl7FWMOK. B. P. SCHWEIER Diroa ano raorsixToa. The United Stten in etill on its Btilts, discusM.' r, publio questions, behind barred doors. If Governor Hastings and hi" i ministration provide for the butUiog of a three million Capita luildmg, they pave the way for Republican defeat in PeDnajIvaaia. JXs. IJarkisox presented her hus band, ex-President lLirrUon with a girl baby weigtriLjr eight pounds about 5 o'o'.ock List Sjadiy morning, at their honi3 ia Indianapolis, In diana. Pbesident McKlvley will bd inaag urated ntxt week, and if Congress properly supports hi3 suggestions business affairs will improved before comes around. ba considerably another pointer Twf.sty-fiv years ago Joseph Murdock of Scott county, Virginia, disappeared. Bud L;ndsay was ent to the penitentiary on circumstantial evidence for having Li! to dr with Murdock'a disapnearaoca. It was believed he was murdered. On tha 21st of February Murdock came home all right. Lindsay served bis term in the penitentiary and died re cently. The Christians on the Island cf Crete Lave been killicg scores of Mohammedans. There does not seem to bo much religious toleration on ei thsr side in that country. When the Christians have the power of the State they kill the Mohammedans and when the Mohammedans have the power they kill the Christians, all of which is a modern day proof that Church and state should not be united. What's the trouble between Greek and Turk? Well, it is about the is land of Crete. The Turkish govern ent holds Crela by the power of Conquest, but tuere are many Christ ian people native to the bland and tuoj made overtures to G-efce to eome and tako possess! oil ftfir! save the Christ-'ans from the barbarities of the Turks, who want to force the MDbamrnedan religion on the Christ ians. Greece accepted the call and put her troops and n ivy in motion and would soon have" settled the Cretan question had it not been for France, England, Italy and Iligsia. Those powers stepped to the front between Turkey and Gre ce and eaid to Greece, hands off. Tii it 13 the question between the Greek and Turk in a nut-shell. Home for German Baptists- The Lancaster, Pa., Court laet Thursday granted a charter for the establishment of a Home for the homeless of the German Baptist Brethren. The objeci of the newly chartered organization is for tha eupport and ""nce of theaged and icjrruj poor and homeless niesibers.of the German Baptist Brethren of the Eastern district cf Pennsylvania. A farm has been purchased for 3,000 in Rapahoe township near SJanbeim boroug!-, and paid for by t'jo mem- ttrsof the Church advancing the moztj. Th'-n yrill be repaid their iaats svithout iutcibst, that beiiifj v'1? condition upon wLicbt bey tdvaaced toe mcny. FEBSDARY ELECTION. FEBRUARY 16, 1897. BEALE. Judijeof E'.ection William Cro z cr, 83; W. S. Leaa'u, 94; Inspector of Eleciions W. It. Harris:, 90; John Itessinger, 83; Supervisors J. C. Beale, 98; O. P. Bart, 103; S imuel Aurand, 49; Henry Strnsbarsrer, 84; Oarseer of the Poor S. H. Kell, 80; William Honry, 94; Tax Collectors J. H. Deen, 94; W. A. Beaver, 79; School Director a J. C. Harris, 91; G. W. Wilson, 76; A. L. Kmsloe, 98; D. aniel Mover 1(fi- if R. Tt..,.. c. Township Clert -B. F. Crozier, J. V. Keplocle, BLACK LOG. Judge of Election Samuel Emery 19; Inspector of Elections Samuel Yoeum, 17; Supervisors-Dysou Vawn, 33; Samuel Diverj, 1; William Yohn, 20; H. U. Burns, 2; Overseers of the Poor J. 31. Rhine, 19; Tax Collector John Brant, 1C; Geo. Thompson, 4; School Directors Ellis Rhiuc, 12; W. P. Reeder, 20; D. C. Swainer. 20; Henry Diveu, 4; Auditor Jacob Al lison, 15; J. P. Wilson, 11; Township Clerk W. A. Lothers, 27; Charles J. lIcLiughlin, 7; Township Treas urer G. W. Campbell, 8; Justice of the Peace John Shinneloff; T H Carruthers, 31; Register Herman Opple, 16; James BucbanaD, 16. DELAWARE. J udge of Elf ction-P. R. Longacre, 28; Thomas Forsythe, 122; Inspector A. P. Dimm, 28; J. B. Frey, 121; Supervisor David Martin, Sr., 16; C. D. Kauffman, 11; B. F. Oliver, 125; HeDrySwab, 53; Oveiseer of the Poor Rev. Johu Landis, 3J; AruoM Varnes, 112; Tax Collector J. JJ. Meridith, 37; Samuel Spieber, llfi; School Director David Humberger, 36; George S. Hibbs, 28; D. S. Leou nrd, 120; J. B. Wuser, 116; Auditor B. W. l'B.'e, 22; J. S. Harler. 127: Township Treasurer D. B. Dimm, 40; Philip Hurley, 113. EVAJiDALE ISDEPEXDMT SCHOOL DISTRICT. School Directors C- S. Dunn. 23; Francix Lauver, 21: Auditor J3. K. Forster, 31. FAYETTE. Judge of Elections Philip Shirk, 2)3: Inspector of Ejections James JJcNight, SO; William Kramer, 225; Supervisors Frank Reynolds, 175; Jacob Shelly, 205; Johu Vanart, 152; Overseer of Poor Jacob Kramer, 298; T: x Collectors Peter Eichmar, 136; Fred Allbaugb, 178; School Di rectorsAndrew Stner, 129; Joaeph Sieber, 189; D. G. Shellenberger 211. Auditor Christian Benner. 294. FERHAVA3H Juda;o of E ec'.ion Georo-a M. Hormnff, 48s Jea E. Davis, 107; TruM.ir Charlea Dunn. 87: Will iam Shields, 95: Supervisor J. A Sulouff, 68; C. N. Micbao', 67; H. C. Penny, 71; L- A. Benninger, 83; W. B. Louver. 61; Overseer of the Poor T.nh Ktontr. 97: Evan Davia, Hi; T. Collector E. . SI." Margritz, 83; John Stoner 104; School Director David Wolfgang, SiS; . li Holder, Ll; J. Clarance Mower, 01; nus u. Williams, 71; Auditor John Calen- tine, 81; wiliiam A. btoufer, 9a; Township Clerk Elmer J. Warner. C5; E. F. Brent, 113. GXEEXWOOD. Judge of Election a D. A. W. Zeiders, 67; Henry Stimslias, 27; I Ilarrv Clemens. 15: Tax f'ollector Jacob Forrv. S7z Sh ;1 Ti v-tt ra G. . Dcilz, 65; DdLitl Aupp, 86; Newton II. Cox, 30; Auditor F. A. Wilt, 67; J. M. Light, 22; Township Treasurer JacobCupp, 88 IJICK Judge of E ection It A. Wood side, 122; J. H. Wallace, 63; Issp.'C tor of Elections EJ. L jtiierp, 80; G. A. Taylor, G9; SuDPrrisors Dvson Vawn; 100; Samuel D.vas, 87; Will iam Yohn, 43; H. W. Barne, 34; Over seer of th Poor J. if. Rhinp, 124; Tax Collector J.u-i Brnt. 67; Sam uel L'sonard, 86; School Directors Ellis Rhiae, 111; W. P. Reader, 37; D. C Swaoner, 95; Honry Diven 67; Auditors Jacob Allison, 6o; J. P. Wilson, 108. Township Clerk W. A. Esthers, 103; Charles J. McL lugh lin, 67; Township Treasurer G W. Campbell, 113; Justice of the Peace John Shinnelcff, 21, T. U. Carruihers. 140. MILFOBD Judge of Electixu H. C. Horning 9li; David Taylor, 107. Inspector B. L. McCahan, 95; Charles ifcCahan, 104; Supervisor J. B. Powell, 113; Jerome Kerchner. 124: Johu Wood ward, 73; Stowait Ksuffxai?, 92; Overseer of the Poor D. Zimmer man, 89; John Lindsay, Ii4, Tai Col lector J. A. Leacb, 71; Jesse Gron ioger, 127; School Diractor Howard L ach, 87; E O. JJeloy, 95; Jicob Lauver, 113; Gsorgo Grouingf-r, 97; Auditor J A. Rbison, 100; Will jora Lor-ard, 99. ViFftlsTows. Judge of Election Isrcal Ytakley, 109; Cornelius McClellan, 93; Inspec tor George Bt rger, 113; iloaes Pan nebaker, 75; Chief Bargess John Swger, 118: Hiram Smith, 81; Town Couucil S. B. Man ay, 101; W. H. Rolmar1, 107; James SIcGau'ey 95. Da-jiei R.-iiz, 93; Tax Cjileclj; S. H. Itollmin, 133; Reubea L- Auier, 74; Oeerseer cf the Poor William Hawk, 102; Daniel Panntbik-r, 103: Auditor Divi-1 Watt, 97; J jsep. II ilcCaulsy, 107; School Direclor B. F. Burcbfi?ld, 103; C F. Hinkle, 86; Chsrlea W. IJay-r, li9; F. M. 21. Pennell, 97. monros. J udge of E ecticn Divid Crater, 99; J. G. Sheiley, 84; Inspector E E. Sayd9r, 115; H. K Keislin?, 70; Supervisor J. F. George, 91; W. A Ziders, 118; Freder:ck Lauvtr, 98; Oberseer of the Poor W. H. Nei mond. 111; J. M. Basom, 72; Tax Collector W. S.Neimond, 113; John Bjoiti.iatSchoo! Dircctct J- W. Deckard, 115V-J- P. Swrtz, 102; Henry Pagf, 77; Sbslly Graybill, 70; Auditors-William K?Uer, 103, J. G. Shellenbergcr, 73. . . . - FATT5.RSOK. Judge of Election Jl. E Powell, 6; William Pence!!, G3; C. M. fit 92: IuFnecior II. E. Powell. nc!', 84: ' Janies A, Cftsncr, 70; Charles j Webster, 20; Ciuief 3a-goJ Jao i. Wise, 105; Johu I. Hawk, 79; Town Council Philip Bishop, 94; Ed M. Gas3, 80. H. M. Groniu-er, 83; George Wvb!.', S7; John B. Meloy, 18; Tax ColUotor W. W. Ciimm-U, 116; H. -W.Isenberj, 70; Oversscr of tbe Pocr;-Divid T. Cramar, 70; 11. W. Kaisely, 102; Auditor W. F. Burohfield, 112; S. B. Cramtr, 67; School Directors Dr. S. A. . Sulouff, 93; W. J. Zeiders, 109; J. D. Short ess, 83; W. H. Hcnders jc, 76. POET EOYAL. Judge of Elections D. B. McCull ocb, 75; H. C. Book, 48; Inspector H. S. Hubler, 69; D. Not man SollerP, 53; Chief Burgass T. J. Ores, 80; George C. Runkle 42; Town Cjunci.1, I TT Mf sh PJ?or S7' b" A" joim. W. Frazer, 57; T Colhctor G. T. Kepntr, 72; James T. Alter. 56; Orcr saer of Poor, Ira T. Kepler, 56; John Underwood, Sr , 67; An litor G. H. Towsey, 68; A. W. Shelly, M. D, 53; School Directors J. S. Sartain, 69; G. F. Wagner, 74: H. H. Sovder, 52; F. M. McEaughliu, 50. SI'BUCE HILL. J udge of Elections T. N. Heckeu dorn, 62; W. J. iMagill, 79; Inspector of Elections J. H. Ard, 63; M. B. Miller, 80; Supervisors James Cas ner, 86; Thomas Hockenbjrry, 82; George Briuer, 6J; S. A. Blank; 57; Overseer of the Poor William .Wc Night, 98; W. P. Graham, 46; Tax Collector J . M. Ard. 68; Silas Boers 76; School Directors W. B. Coun, 68; Robert Brackbill, 61; S H. Mem inger, 77; J. A. McLaughlin, 76; Au ditor E. B. Gdson. 54; J. M. Evaae, 88; TowuaLip Cleik C. G. ilemin ger, 79; Township Treasurer Henry lvpple, 58; Juittea of the Peace William Walls. 58; 31. S. Esh, 78. SUSgUHHAXNA. Judge of Elections Lewis Wilt, 36; S. W. Strawser, 63; Inspector of Elections Collinsou Barter, 31; Johu Kain, 64; Supervisors Henry B.iruer, 36: George Klioger,52! Etias Crawford, 43; Fred Bohner55; Over seer of the Poor William Chopp, 37; E. C. Shope 6-j; Tax Collector Honry Hay, 22; Aaron Karstetter, 80; School Directors B. S. Roine, 25; H. R Beale, 28; A. G. Spicuer, 69; M. S. Brubaker, 59; Auditor A M. Earner, 30; K G. Shaffer, 69 THOMrSOJfTOWN. J udge of Elections W. O. Kepler, 41; Inspector of Elections Wm. Hall, 36; J. H. bittinger, 33; Chief Burgess Luke Davis, 41; Town Council, I. N. Grubb, 11; M. E. Scblegel, 40; Tax Collector W. H; Brubaker 40; Ovarar of the Poor, M. E. Schlejel, 38; Auditor J. A. Kauffman, 38; School Directors A. G. Haldeman, 40; E. L. Stroub, 39. TTBBETT. J udge of Election-J. S. McLiugh lie, 71; J. It. Roup, 38; Inspector C. ii Hench 70: S A. McLain. 41: Supervisor H. P. Clart ss- w P. Shearei, 46; J. B. Bitzmen , 75 Over spector of Elections C. O. Clemens, v on aeyce, ao, o&a. . " inu, G9;LowisA. Woodward, 24; Super- Oversser of the Poor J ohn Harry, vieors- John r.boadef, 77; L. A. H5; Tbe.id--.re Sehmittle, 120; Tax Dimm 89; Samuel Fry. 18; Overseer ! CV.iocUir J. 15. Carton, 2o3; Taom nf tl. P.r.r i.r.. i,.,i,i -ra. : Cie;L'h'oP. 59. School DirctorF p.r X V. Foltz, 71; Law Towv, 69 TX ColUctor G. ttr R .r. 103: Sehool Director . ri -a ier a t twt - Robert Render, 105; S. B. Weimer 7 W. E. McMeen, 40; Auditor J A. KoMrtr. 70; C. A. HafflT, 39; Town ,: Cltrk J. T. Turbett 102: Town : ship Treasurer L. L. Ko, 105; ' r.,at;a ? .- pfiac, n. M. Gas?. 62 W. A. Tatton, 47. ' TUSCAB0BA. Judge of Elections J. M. Beale, 169. S. F, Price, 59; Inspector of Elections J. 5T. Mffet, 147: ' ' Harry on; oupervisors o. xvjurer 9; Supervisors S. Q 132; W. R. Woodw.:r 1, 132; Ji. Jj ! " H. Fattrirsou, 2U; Jo'in roi.ip; i 133: Jjv s Thomson. 9 ; Auditor- A. C. IIarr.s. 138; Willi im Smith 115; H. L-McMeen, 104; James Kidd, 93: . TownsbiD Clerk Jos Maffot, 220; ToA-ns'iip Treasurer J. P. Hef fieri: -g-r, 144-, C C McCu'tloch, 69. WALKER. Judg- of Elections L E. Miller, 104: O D. Thompson, 183; Inspector of Election W H.Toeum, 92; Jaa-M-ig.uler, 196; Supervisorr Henry Hos'eter, 145; Jomes O.B3, 90; James Smith, 134; H. O. Sieber, 159; Over seer of the Poor W. M. Linver, 129; Michnel Coldron. 159; Tax Col lector Blair Hc-trick, 183; D. G. Dot ra, 110; School Directors Elmer D.mm, 129; C. W. Bjok, 8S; A. J. Parker 208; B. S. Gravbill, 122; Au ditor Josiah Gingrich, 285; Justice of tbo Peace .Matthew Rodgtr , 144; Frederick Showers, 171. Glban'4 Hew English Girl. Carries Dana G:bsin in illustrat ing a short story that ncrrates the romance of a Princess, for the March Ladies' Home Journal, has created wlint he regards as bis typical Eog iith girl. She ia said to bo aa dis tinctive HDd sinking aa his famous American girl, and whil essentially different she is quitt interesting. The drawing wi'l illuslrate Robert C. V. Meytra' fctory, "Tbe Momir.g J Arter the Soma Uot in. ' Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stemacu, Uuiigestion are promptly cured by IliJi's rills. They do tho!r v.svk ea.sily ami thoioniily. Best aftt-r !'nnt r pil'?. SJcenti. A!i ur'-.-rg fto. 13 t. L su V rreprired t-y C. I. Ilood & Co., I.o-c!l The only Pi!l to t:'.i:e v. i'.li Hood's Siirsri;-; :n.t. A TMOHCCli MO SHORTK-.rr VlCLDS PTJIZTICAL RiCJLTS. TAX D A SID only is possibla, whether as a t-st of excel Ifcco in journalism or for the m:asuro roeni 0r q'lan'ities, liice or Vilu?s; a.1 TflE PHILADELPHIA RECORD after a career cf nearly twenty years of un lnierriipt'rd Rruwth is juMiiied tn claiai-ng that the Ma:idard lirsi eslahli.hjd by lis founders is the olc tiuc !cs: o! A PERFECT NF.'.V3PAPr.K. To publish bII -ho news 'promptly - and mccii.ctlr an4 ia tho moat readab'.i! form, trithout -l sion or partisan biai to discuss its sigiiillcanc with frankness, to keep an open eye for public abuses, to givo besides a complex recor I of current thought, fmcies acd ditcuTcries in all departments of hu. nun activity in its daily editions of from lt to 14 paves, and to provide the whole for its pa. rons at the nominal 'price of one cent that was Irjm tho ouiaot, and will continue to bj the nim of '-THE RECORD" TnE PIONEER one cont morninj newapipcr in the United S'atej. "The Record" eti'l leids where others follow. Witness its unrivaled average daily cir culation exceeding 100,000 copiis, and an average rxceedinj 120 f 00 coaies for its Sunday editions, whilo imitations of its plan ot 'publication in every important city of lbs country tertity o the truth of tbe assertion that In the quantity and quality of its contents, and at tbe price at which it is sold "-THE KEOORD" has established tho standard by which excellence in jourhalism Dinst be measurad The Daily Edition. of 'TA Record'' will be sent by mail to any address for $3.00 per yeir or 25 eents per month. 7'Ae Datly and Sunday editions, which will giv j its readers the best and freshest information ot all that Is going o l in tha world every d iv tn th vr including bclidays, will be sent for $1.0? n year or 35 cents per month. TUe'rECORD PUBLISHING COMPANY", Record Building, Philadelphia, Pa. LEG.iL. JN OTICE. We the undersigned Citizens of JnnUta county will apply to thj General Assembly of Pennsylvania tor a special lence law. Tbomas Asddckle, R. E. Dobbs, J. Loudesmlaokk, S. H. Rakdolpb, Jabes Kids, Nkal M. Stuabt. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES or THE COUNTY OF. JUNIATA From January 1, 1896, to January 3, 1897, Inclusive. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Chmmon Pleas of Juniata County; We tbo undersigned Auditors elected and sworn according to law, to examine, audit and settle the account or the Com missioners, Sheriff and Treasurer, of the County of Juniata, for the year ending De cember 31, 1896, met for that purpose in the Anrlitnra' Olhrta in U ,ftl IX a being the fourth day of January, 1897, and found tbe samo account as follows: 1893. W. S.NoTH.TRZASrjRE. Dt ct Jan. 1. To balance from last rear $3,088 80 15,981 57 1,032 49 28,962 52 2,211 71 To outstand'g tax county (outstanding tax state Taxes levied in 9r3 count y ' To alditional assessment UverlESs Hoods A ) F 1 - J - I county -92 66 S72 10 -To ep'rceni added, ceuo lZ i ft per c nt added state SI Oil ; To ovyr paid tax I8w7 . 1 47 1 T"cah tro:naleorborida 13 680 00 To cash from Lancas'rCo. ' burial , 16 OJ 91 99 79 88 ' 23 00 29 50 115 00 156 75 44 CO To eah from Committee orCbaa. Ramsev.. To cfh Favette township kacping Hand Gill To cash from Walker town abit, kerr.i'g S mao Kauf J I IroniS. B. Loudon I T fmmU f.nm t 1 tX n . hwn, flne To cash (roin county share of liquor !'.CBii8e To cash from miscellan cot a ourr:fS........... Tofal , $65,910 05 Dec. 21, by overpaid Uzaa jHtiuary 1, 189 By error nuts'toding tx audit lt9i By ordviapjid 1894 By orders paid 1895 By orders piiil 189G ." By cntstui.d'g tax county By outsisndinj tux state Total January 4. Bibiico duo cocnty 91 61 20 CO 17 36 SGi 81 41.765 28 16,359 10 1099 23 o9,7!6 f8 6 9107 1896 J. V. Caihock, SHiBirr pa January 1st, firms collect- k . 115 00 December SI, to cash paid Treasurer. ............ CB. 113 00 189 W. s. KoBrii-TBK3iREB, or dog tax OB CB. January 1, To bil.mce last year. 247 62 To outstandinft dog tax .. C81 55 To 5 per cent, added and additional aseRment.. 1X70 To tsx.ltivied, 1896 637 50 I To overpaid tax. ......... 47 To additional assessment. 13 00 f Tola! $1493.74 189)1 December 31sf, By orders p;id sheep damage 189-3 5 50 221 82 577 53 25 By cilcu paid sheep dam epe 1890 By tsx outstanding By error 5 per cent, added each account 98U5 10 9688 64 81, 1896. County. 1F97. Jan. 1. By balance dua County oi'TsTAsnma taxes dec Collectors. District". 1893. H. Is Crouse, Tuscsrora, $ 858 55 1S95. J. O. Brown, Bole, 682 93 Jacob Forry, Oreenwood, 226 57 John K. Trego, Lack. 838 02 S. II. JRol man, MitMintown. 221 3 3 W, B. McCat.an. Uilford. 815 61 W. S. Neimdhil, Monroe. 49 92 H. M. Isenberg, Patterson. 420 49 B. F. Lytic, Port Royal. 23 A D Kers'etlcr, upquehan'a 65 70 M, 8. Ksh.S truce Hill; 291 6-1 V. B. Brubaker. ThompsontOTn, 99 32 L. C. Calhoun, Turbett. 23t 78 J. B. Barton, Tuecarora. 639 69 V. . . Suulh, Walker. 3S0 0-1 1696. ; J O. Uron-n.Bpaln. v 946 64 J r. Bfrrece, ueiawarc, oi i oi J. M. Mnssor, Fayette. 1018 19 Jacob Fcrrv, Greenwood. 425 54 C. E. Howcr, Fermonagb. ' 935 60 John E. Trego, Met. 672 56 S. II. Bollinan, Mifliintown. 424 04 W. B. KcCshaa, Milloid. ?3!t 22 W. S. Neimond, Monroe. 259 49 H. SI. Ieenberg, Patterson. fiia 62 B. F. Lytic, Port ltoyal. 248 18 M. S. Ksb, Sprdco Hill. 80S 83 A. D. Kerdtttler, Susquehanna. 540 S7 W. ll. Brnbaker, Thompsontown. 113 45 L. C. Calhoun, Tu-belt. G'M 83 J. B. Barton, Tuicaroro. 6S2 60 E. A. Smilb, falser. 1230 20 ouTgrAsnwo taxes dko Colleciors. Districts. 188.1. , H. r7. Vtoki-, Tuceaftr. - 1995. JT. O. BrowD, Bale. Jacob Forry, Greenwood. John E. Trego, Lack. S. H- Roilman, Uifflintown. W. B. McCahau, Stilford. W. S. Neimond, Monroe. H. M. Iso berg, P tterson. 81, 1896. Stat .' Dog. 25 52 28 09 9 39 18 84 20 36 20 84 49 82 8 41 36 33 7 CO 6 2S 1 1 39 46 43 16 t-9 B. F. Lytle, Fort Royal. A. D. Ket-tler, Sniqiii-hsn'a. 14 06 SI. S. Eb, Spruce Hit , 62 10 W. B. iirubuken, Tbompsoot'n. 1 3-i 1 27 2 89 8 00 2i 83 31 72 L. C. Ca'boiin, Turbett. 4 91 J. B. Banon, Tuiearor. "0 30 ' E. A , Smith, Walkor. 29 07 I69-1. J. O. Bronn. Benin. 81 63 30 03 J. F. Sprut-ce, Delaware, 63 6S 14 75 J. M. Musser, Fayclto. 22 25 27 21 Jacob Foiry, Greenwood 17 00 26 25 C. E. Hower, Fermanagh. S3 12 37 00 John E. Trego, Lack. 35 35 35 90 S. II. P.ol!man, Mifliintown. 93 81 7 00 W. B. McCahan, JWWoid. 11 63 16 00 W. h. Neimond, Monroe. 10 4J 15 25 11. H. lsenherg, Patterson. 42 23 21 85 B. F. Lyt'e, Port Rojl. 25 16 6 88 K. S. Enli, Spruco Hill. 14 95 22 00 A. D. Kerstetler, SiiMniehaa'a.42 61 23 25 W. H. Bmb-ker. Thoaip'nt'p. 17 95 6 83 L. C. Calhoun, Tnrbot'. 4 54 13 86 J. B.-B rt'-n, Tusciror?. 4 08 36 77 E. A. Smith, Walker. . 35 78 82 88 All ot which is respectfully subni tied. T. K. BEAVEtt, ) W. W. DIMM, iCoun.tr Auditor?. n. U. HARTHAN', MiftlintoWD, Pa., Jjnosry 12, 1897. STATED EST of orlert4 drawn by the Coniroissicoers ot His Cau iiy of Juniata, on the Treasurer thereof from the 1st d y of JaDiiiry. 18-.)0, to tho 31st day c-f December, li90. ss tskt-n from ..ihe records In the Commis-aoaers' OlKo-". Justices and Constables, Commonwealth Cases. J. Frtnk Paltrrson, J. P., and otherc$G6 03 Joseph Tobn, Constable, and others 8 50 74 53 Commonfeu'lh Witnesses. t eoruary I erm, IsUb ., April Term, 1896.. , September 7crm, 1896 Decenib-.-r Term, 1896 .9 374 62 . '165 14 13 25 88 60 S 581 61 Exonerations, jlbattments and Percentage. 1893. 11. F. Cronseand others.. .9 1?94. J. O. Brown snd others 1895. ii. S. Esb and o.hars - 1896. J. F. Barton an others 12 ?4 655 31 1017 41 1224 10 92909 66 . 77 50 55 00 . 140 CO . 22 75 Courts and Jurors' Pay. H. K. Knihely, court crir........1 E.G. VanBaum, stt-nographer.... . Joseph Curamings. stenographer .. R. B. Nixon, boarding jurors..... John Bergy, hanlicg jurors Shelly Graybill and others, grand jurors... Samuel A. Gallaberaod other petit jurors....... ............ 2 00 292 OR 1570 45 Total $2159 78 Public Buildings. Jacob Browand, December 1895...$ 12 00 E. O. Ellis, work on fence &c. .... 5 40 James Horning, corpenter, eourt bouse and jail.. ......... 14049 George J. Sintls, work on gas ma chine and fence 6 12 Af tHihtown water company , water rent 100 00 Emil . Schott, bunting for court house 2 00 H. D. Funk, plummng 39 99 Man beck & Nelson, coal and lumber 13 27 B. W. Calhoun, moving ashes.... . 100 W. H. Maul, grass seed for court -yard 125 J. M. Gross, painting jail windows 2 76 Yt. S. Arbogast, nails, locks and eourt nonsa supplies..... 71 58 O. P. Robison, piinting jail porch 75 f.zra C. Doty, draft for supplies... 9 18 Lewis Emery, moving ashes - 60 Harry Horning, hauling ashes ... 3 00 Jaceb Etka It Son, work on ja'.l and court house. . 19 00 Jacob Browand work on MiUlin bridge 10 68 Daniel Ponaebaker, work at jail.. 3 15 C. Seegor, matting for court bouse 40 45 H- C. McClallan, material and re- pstro Jsil and court bona . 86 97 Miffltntowa Hoe company........ 10 00 Saruoel Lapp lellinf county bouse 1 00 Gin it Beiber, gaaoline. ......... 19 80 $ 460 28 Roud m4 Bridge View and Damagtt. R. L.Uasa, dainagca $ eo 00 Win. A. Stoufler, damages 76 00 8. A. Graham, iud oihr viwera.. 11 40 Total 146 400 Coa ReturmM.. Samuel Graybill, and others, Fob- rcary term $ 95 64 Philip Pannebaker, and others, April form. ............ 74 88 R. fr.Dobba, and othora, September 66 20 "". xaoKivi, ana otters, Decem ber term 72 78 l!al $ 809 48 Juesnag and Registering. W, J. Zeidcn, and other assessors? 1 3 C9 55 Tatai.. $1309 5 Trampe under Jet of 1885 Dr.' L. Banks, medical attention "imp 5 2 go W. S. North, railroad tickets tramps 3 69 Julius JJerr, preparing tramps for bnrial 4 00 T. Snyder, burial of tramps.... 20 00 II. S. Scboil, for burial ground cemetery 8 f0 J. P. Calhoun, at Jail z 73 Tot' I $ 5'j 92 County Prison. J. P. Calhoun SberiS', taking ptis- ooers ti Penitentiary. ...$ 158 66 J. P. Caiboun, Sheriff, serving jur ors noncc...... ....... 25 60 Calhoun, tramps boarding P. prisoners, laundry olncial lees tc 667 26 Crawford & Sod, medical at tention and medicine.... 80 39 D. M. Tota' $ c90 91 Bonds Paid, . Lohn SJcNitt, end others bonds.. $18100 00 Total $18100 00 Interest Paid on Bonds. B. F. Scbvrcier and ot hers interest $5428 84 Total $6428 84 Printing and Stationery. 3. C. Dimm, printing .....$ 177 75 W. J. Jtcknian, printing, 83 00 H. . Bonaall, printing 172 50 B. F. Schweier. rrintinr 203 50 Wm. Al'ison, rintinc 293 75 Mary J. Hunt, stationery and book. binding 21 85 W. H. Roilman stationery.... 4 67 J. II. Wright it Co., school registry b:anks 5 50 Wm. G. Johnston, printing letter heads 4 15 W. F. Murphy, legal cap paper.... " 2 50 J. W. Speddy, advertising 6 CO Total $ 975 07 I Commissioners Office. I Jsccb Browaud, janitor 189d $ 144 00 j N. N. Stewart's service as com:u:s- ! sioaer 354 50 W. H. Afoore, etrvice as commis- I sioner... '407 50 Williamson TanOruier seivico as commissioner........ .... 388 00 j W. II. Gruninger clerk tocommis- I sionrr 6"0 00 j Felix T. Davis, Draughtsman 4 05 Atkinson Sl IMint7, attoraeys. . ... - 40 CO W. II- Gro.inger, clerk 2 dajs in 1M'7 5 00 Total $ 1993 1 5 Bridges. Jonathan Swartz plank Mifflin bridg.... Jacob Browand, work Uittliu and Cuba bridge.... D. S. Sieber, work Cuba bridge ... H. C. Kowit, material Cuba bridge James Horning, material and work Cuba bridge W. F. Single, Paint, Cuba and oth er bridges..., ..... S. F. Wrtgner, painting Cuba and other bridges. .'. W. B. Hornisg, work Cnba bridge. - David Charters, work Ucflman britlgr)... S. E. Panntbaker, Old Port and 11-C! ure biiitges. ........ J. L. Roop, work Old Port bridg. Jr. C. Mugill, wcri Bealotown bridge John Bergy. borsebire Jericabrldga S . T. J3fci'.eh, and others work Jori m bridge 19 36 9 50 2 00 33 42 23 05 15 50 14 50 400 10 88 85 89 8 47 11 CO 4 CO no 16 3 00 G 0J 11 41 108 01 54 19 6 50 82 20 13 25 211 00 4 60 6 75 2 f6 2 16 1 00 8 ) 75 3 25 6 25 2.95 j E. O. Ellis, material Jerico bridge. h.. ii. Kcnniic, material jencco briuge P. S. Miimniab, material Jeriubo lir (1c? A. W. ib;r, Tho j2).30DtoQ bridge.... H A. Meyers, Thompsop'own bridge J. B. Jliiset-r, work ard f lank Tlioa.jsonlowa lcis-je.... W. G. Smith. Thomj.jon'own, sad other briices. .......... R. 1!. Cunninghiiu, Licking Creek and llawn's bridg J. U. Gn.nicger, Tort Royal bridge J. C. Bowers, fill Port Royal brtdgo Edward Gill, work Mexico bridge. James B. 0!e, lumber, JUVxico bridg" G. G. McCullocb, plank McCullocbs bridge S. II. Leach, hauling gravel llorn- ing biidge.... B. W. l'ap;c, ' work and material Cross Koj'ls bridge D. B. Rtitr, hauling plank and gravel Sepair to joint bridge Snyder County.. .. , Hibcelancous small orders Total..: $ ,908 96 Pub ic Offices. W. H. Kollman, supplies for Pub ic Oflkes 11 30 W. H. Zeiders, supplies tot then' ' 6 30 W. U. Zeiders, ofKcial fees 214 45 J. T. Shelly, and othersauditor's pay 1 1 120 00 Wr M. Aliison, auditing publio of- flce......... ... t!0.00 Anson B. Will, official fees 65 95 W. S. North, Treasurer's salary .. 650 00 W. S. North, commissions on licen se 8 25 Sun printing and binding Co. books Prothonatary's office 1 2 00 Dennison &. Brown, books Record ers office IS CO Mary J. Hnnt, supplies Recorder's office 2 20 Miscellaneous small orders 2 50 Total $ 1021 95 General and SpringlElectians. J. r. Burton and others, Election officers, February $ 472 86 J. P. Wilson, November " 427 86 E. L Rincholt. Part pay, 3 steel election honcs 225 00 Constable's far February election.. 66 42 Wm. M. Allison, printing ballots . 90 00 J. C. Dimm, 43 42 OilCity Derrick C., election blanks 8 66 J. P. Heffiefinger, keeping booths.. 6 00 Louis Mafl'et, 4 00 I. N. BUtline, " 00 Robert Hammond ." 6 00 Leo Shellenberger, " 2 00 J. G. Felralee. " 2 50 C. A. Thompson, rent election house 40 00 H. C. Bu..k " 20 00 J. B. Clark, ' 4 00 C. C. Aumbaugb, 6 W.B.Jackson, -6 00 C. M. Brackbill, " 9 00 Jno. M. Paunebaker " .10 00 David Keller 12 0 D. K. Sulouff c 10 00 J. H.Troutmon " 6 00 W. A. Kinzer, cleaning election house.......... 4 00 A. B. Evsns 4 00 David Keller " 12 00 S. H. Turbett 4 00 M. B. P. Clark 4 00 Mary i. Hunt, election blanks 28 80 Penned ic Burchfield, clerking elec tion returns 16 00 W. G. Johnston 4l Co., voters guide 4 50 Total $1142 93 Miseellaneout Payments. H. E. Boneall, postags and post of fice box rent... ........$ H. E. Bonsai!, subscription to Juni ata Tribune .... . 24 84 1 50 25 00 I n m. r ry, oumai oi uuorge niiimg 1 1 er, soiuiw.... Geo. 8. Coan, burial of veteran....' , Joaeph Brows, burial ol veteran .. 4 00 Hearr Laurer. burial of veteraa... ' 9 00 W. E. Wolf, Pardon's digest U 00 Western Penitentiary, expense in mates .......... Huntingdon Roformatory, expense inrnates. ... ............. J. P. Calhonn. taking Mrs. Csveny to asylnm J. P. Caiboun. taking Mrs. Susan nah Kauffinsn t asylum.. S. E. Kinzer. express charges Msnbcck fc Nelson, coal W. N. Slerre't, coal, for court house and jail C. IK.Grosa, for 8 fate lunaticaey lum W. H. Zeiders. pro thonotary, Bam sey esse...... .... 830 99 840 60 27 13 20 09 e is 96 76 110 21 66 60 21 50 46 HO 7 00 4 95 70 00 90 25 191 25 IS 14 407 41 21 41 100 00 6 CO .183 83 D. II. Crawford i. Son, medical at - tention. ....... A. C. Harris and others, scalps.... J. O. Brown, overpaid tax..... .. T. W. Aukor, tombstones or vet erans.............. Pennsylvania Lunatic Hospital ... T. A. Anl Treasurer State asylnm Thomiis p. Merritt, Womersville asylnm, Maud Gill....... W. S. North, State tax on bonded indebtedness .......... .. W. S. Nortb, commission on state tsx and loans........ Joe. W. Stimmrl, Agricultural So ciety ... Bond supplies? D.'M. SfarsriaU, countylinstitutn W. 11. Uoorn, and otht-rs, expense commissioner's convention 29 45 W. H. Grorioeer. State tax work.. i:20d CO W. H. Groninger, clerk, Jury Com miesioners. ...... ...... 40 00 W. H. Groninger, inoidentials.... Lewis Degrn, inrv commissioner.. 10 75 ,40 00 40 00 Samuel Ifatts, jury commissioner. B.F. Crrzir, and others, cle:kjnry cemmissioneri ... 7 00 564 Small orders Total $3176'98 Recapitulation-' Justices and constables, common wealth ci8os T 74 63 Commonwealth and witnesses..... J 681 gl Exonerations abatements and per centages 2909 66 Courts and jurois pay... i 2169 78 Public buildings 450 28 Road and bridge views and damage 146 40 Cosst bte's rotan .............. Asses lag end registering ........ 809 48 1809 55 69 92 890 91 18100 00 542 84 975 07 1993 05 908 96 1024 95 1542 93 817a 98 Tr.nips uader act of 1885. County prison ....... Bond ps;d ..... .......... Interest paid onbinds. ..... Printing and stationery Commissioners office. ...... Bridges Publiccffices..; General and spring elections Miscellaneous orders Total $42041 90 4.ta6it7tes of County. Outstanding Bonds ....$135,529 00 Octstasdiug couniy orders 276 62 Total $135 8f5 62 Assets of Couatv. Ontstand irg county tax $IC859 10 , . 1099 28 6191 07 Outstanding state tax Cash in huLds of Treasurer.... .. Bills collectable Payment toStata Asylum on ac ccunt ol Fanny B. Caveny Payments to State Asylum oa ac count of Wm. Bratton.... Payments to State Asylum on ac count of Philip Rank.... S3 50 221 25 25 25 Tola' $239S2 40 Liabilities over missels. Liabilities over assets. .. . .....$111,X23 22 Valuation of Real Estate fur tax al ion purposes Valuation of Personal Property for taxation purposes.... We the Commissioners of Juniata Countv in compliance with the law do publish tbe foregoiflg stxtument of the receipts and ex penditures of the county aforesaid tor tho year ending January 3, 1897, as found on ina doors ol ibis clhcc. WILLIAM PL'FFENBERGER, DAVID D. RHINESUITH, JEKEM1AH LOUDENSLAGER, County Commissioners. Jttest High C. Uuisk, Clerk.. Commissioner's OrncE, MiUlintown, Pa., Jan., 12, 1897. $ HAVE YOU READ TrrrT inn ditt TBIS MORNING. THE TIMES is tho most extensive ly circulated snd widely read newspaper published in Pennsylvania. Its discus sion of public men and public measures Is in tbo iiitercst of jublic integrity, hon est government and prosperous inrluMry, and it knows no party or personal alleg iai ce in treating public issus. In the broadeit and b 'st so se a I jjiily and gen eral newspaper. THE TIMES aims to have- the argest cire-.itatiou by deserving it, snd claims it is unsurpassed in al! tha essentials of a great metropolitan nowspsp-r. Speci men cop.ej ot any edition will be sent fre to anyone send ng their address. ERUS. Daily f 3 00 perann m; $t.00 for lour months; 30 cents per month; deliv ered by carrier for 6 cents per week. Sunday Edition, 32 la ge, handsome pages 2-4 columns, elegantly illustrated, beautiful colored tupplanient, $2.00 psr san in; 5 cents per cor v. Daily and Sun day $5.00 per annum; 50 cents per month. Addrtss all letters to THETIMES, Philadelphia. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The nidrrsined having been restored to health by simpce means, after suRering sev eral years wi'hj severe lung afTection, and that dread disease coruninpftoa, is anxions to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, be will cheerfully send (free of cbargs) a copy ot the prescription used, which they will Ond a sure cure for Coatamplisa, Jtsthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all snfTcren will try b's remedy, as it is invaluable. Those de siring the presc.iption, which will cost them nothing, and may proie a blessing,' will pies so address, KEV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York. Sep. 9, '96. CAIJTIOH. TRESSPASS NOTICE. The nndcrsigued persons have associated themselves together for the protection of Willow Run Trout stream in Lack town ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are stricEly forbidden not to trespass npon the land or stream ef the said parties to fish as the stream has been stocked with front Persona violating this noice, will be pros ecuted according to law. R. H. Patterson, T. H. Caruthers, J. P. Rob't A. Woodside, " W. D. Walls, frank Vawn, Dyson Vswn. April 23, 1605. TRESPASS NOTICE. The nndersirned persons have formed an Association for tho protection of tbeir re. spective properties. All persons are here by notified not to trespass on tbe lands of the undersigned for tbe purpose of bunting gathering nuts, chiping timber or throwing down fences or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation ot tbe above no tice will be dealt with according to law. John Michael, . William Pnffenberger, Gideon Sieber, Be ash or fc Zook, Mary A. Brubaker, Joseph Roth rock, John Byler, Samuel Bell. September 6 1896. Tla CUM WHtKFAii tlSi 1AHS- GT jjJBest Cousrb byrur. T .uw Good. Uaafr4 IT lntima, Boid by -druiglsu. ri Leva B. Arxraaon. T.M.U. F"" ATKIHS01t sV riSTfSIKMs, : ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, . MIFFLINTOWH, PA. Orrma-On Main street, I. place of resi dence of Loni. B. Atkinson, w Bridge itreet. rOct26,189a uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. fTILBER FORCE SCBWETEB, Attorney-at-Law. arCo!lections and all legal basi ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DB.D.MXBAWVOBJ, KB. BAnWW .OaAWFOn D1 R. D. M. CBAWrORD fc SUM, i. . r a nartnArahio for the practtct . ... . -1 ..n.Hu.1 hrannna. Office at old atand, corner oi ini m. .. -i . i- rlna A, I Or- bott ange streets, stiminvowu, ia. than, will tut found at their office at 11 en- times, nnlesa otherwise professionally gaged. April 1st, low. j P.DEBB, PRACTICAL ;DEMTI8T. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College. Office at old established lo cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court House, Jtfifflintown, Pa. XF Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. ass Qtf fcai W A wondrrful tniprovt'rrwat t-'. Frleti4 Fvrtx GiaT-Brl.BaLlcnitifUoIHrru(ea, jm-.ii-t'. MiKinyGtlirrliitlieiiiarkaC Frieriaa ( lu:i;--, catUGills H the f wxl gvurinc to :ai:iV still Ir.: sreat aavina ia power aaa w?:r, t-ri.l 1cenUirjtuni for larc Catalogue and prit i Sorluw liarrevra, Uar Kasrs t'ultivutars. t'i.rti I'laHtcrK, "ihrllirs. etc MsnUM this p-i-- 11aCiloH031CiUU.2Irs l eris, I'm. Tascarora Valley Railroads SCHEDULE Dt EFFECT MONDAY, MAT 18, 189G. EASTWARD. STATIONS. No.lNo.3 DAILY, EXCEPT BUMDAY. A. IT. P. M. Blair b Mills L v. 7 45 2 00 Waterloo w. . 7 51 2 06 Leonard's Grove 7 58 2 13 Rofs Farm 8 05 2 20 PeruJack- 8 12 2 27 East Waterford. 8 25 2 40 Ileckman 8 35 2 50 Honey Grove 18 47 2 57 Fort Eighata.- 8 48 3 03 Warble 8 55 3 10 Pleasant View 9 00 3 15 Seven Pines 9 CG 3 21 Spruco Hill 9 10 3 25 Graham's 9 14 3 29 Stewart 9 16 3 31 Freedom 9 18 3 33 Tnrbett 9 20 3 35 Old Port 9 25 i 40 Port Royal Ar. 9 30 3 45 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal with Way Passenger and Seashore Express, on P. K. K., and Nos. 3 and 4 with Mail east WESTWARD. O a a STATIONS. No.2tfo.4 DAILY, EXCEPT SCKDAY. A. M Port Koval 0.019 30 Old Port i.3,ie 2.810 3.7,10 4.410 5.H 10 C.310 7.2 10 9.011 10.011 35 40 Turbett.. i'reedom 42:5 445 465 505 545 Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill Seven Pines rieasact View 03 5 50 Warble 55 Fort Bighnm 12.0 14.0 15.1 17.5 20.5 22.0 116 186 25,6 3516 486 55 6 Honey Grove Heckmin East Yuterford Perulnck Ross Farm. ........ 12 12 12 Leonard's Grove... Waterloo. Blair's Mills..... Ar, 24.0 25.5i 02 6 52 09 6 59 1517 05 27.0.12 Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect with Stave Line at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doylea. burg and Dry Run. J. C. MOORHEAD, Superintendent. T. S. MOORHEAD, President. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pEEBT COUVTr RAILROAD. Tbe following schedule went Into effect Nov. 16, 1896, and the trains will be ran as follows. d. m 4 80 4 86 4 39 8 41 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 4 56 4 69 a. m 900 9 06 9C9 911 9 14 915 9 19 9 22 9 24 9 2 Leave "Arrive a. m p. ro Duncannon 7 54 2 28 King's Mill 7 49 2 23 Sulphur Springs 7 46 2 20 Corman Siding 7 41 3 18 Montebello Park 7 41 ,2 15 "Weaver 7 40 2 13 Roddy nofTman Royer Mabanoy Bloomtleld Tressler Nellson Dudj'b Elliotsburg 7 86 7 83 7 81 7 28 7 23 709 7 04 7 01 . . 6 68 6 61 208 2 65 2 03 200 5 10 10 43 5 16 9 49 5 21 9 54 5 24 9 57 5 27 10 05 6 82 10 7 6 84 10 17 6 87 10 80 6 02 10 86 p. m a. ru I 41 1 86 181 J 28 1 25 1 20 1 18 1 16 2 60 p m m., "Bernheisl's Groen Pwk Montour Juno 48 6 38 Landisburg 6 28 Arrive Leave a. u Train leaves BloomHeld at 6.68 a and arrives at Landisbnra- at a.28 i Train leaves Laudiaborg at 6.08 p. m.. and . w. , - 1 I a t j a ... m. ijoiunem at o.ie p. no. All stations marked () are flag stations, at whict trains will eome to a full atopl on signal. Cbas. H. Smixet, Preaiaent. 8. H. Bscs, Sapi. PEBUSYLVABU fRAIUOAD. : On and afttr Suad'ay Noyeab:r 15, 1896, Irains will run as fellows; WEST ARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 80 a. m; Harrisbnrg 8 00 a. sa; Duneaa. non 8 35 a. m; New Pert 9 05 a. re; Mil. lerstown 9 15 a. tn; Dnrword 21 a. ait Thompanntowo fl 26 a. mj Van Dyke 9 33 a. m; Tnscarora 9 36 a. mj Kexico 49 a. m; Port Royal 44a. m: Mifilin 9 06 B. sai Denholm 9 66 . n-; Lewistown 16 la r . inn . m. XD, ar,iri"" " "w tn; newtOB Hamilton 11 uv a. m; atouoi union I g Uunlin.dnn II IS n. m. Tvran. in p! to; Altoona 1 00 p. m; PitUburg 6 6 p. H. Niagara and nnsnnrg tsx press leaves Phi'sdelpbia at 8.80 a. m Uarrisburg at 11.46 a. m.; Milll n 12.01 p. tn., Lewlstow, 1.18 n. m.! Huntingaeo a.ot p. m.: Tvraa. 2.46 p. m ; Altoona 8.16 p. is.; Pittsburg 7.00 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves Hirris. burg at 6 00 p. m; Dnncannen 5 84 p. m. Newport 02 p. m; Jlfillcrstown 6 11 p.n,'. Tnotxpsontown 6 21 p. ra; Tnscarora ( 30 p. m; Jfcxice 6 33 p. m; Port Royal 6 88 p. m; Mifflin 6 43 p. ra; Denhelui 6 49 p. m; Lewistown 7 07 p. tn; AfcYeytewn 7 80 p to; Newton Hamilton 7 50 p. a; Homing. don 8 20 p. oi; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Alteoaa 9 85 p. in Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. tn; Harrisbur 3 10 a. m; Marts. vile 8 21 a. m; Dnncannen S (S a. m; New- pti t V 59 a. mj Port Royal 4 81 a. m; Mif. Uin 4 87 a. m; Lewistown 4 68 a. m; Mc- Tevtown5 20 a. no; Huntingdon 6 08 a. m; Tyrone 6 65 a. ra; Altoona 7 40 a. 31; Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 85 p ro; Hanicbnrp at 10 20 p. m; Newport 11 06 p. m; MitUin 11 its p. m; Lewistown 12 68 a. m; Hnntingdonjl2 65 a. m.j Trone 132s m; Altoeaa 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 80 a.m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 26 p. m; Harrrisbnrg S 6V p. m; Duncanan 4 15 p. m; Nawport 4 86 p. m; Mifflin 5 07 p. to. Lewistown 6 27 p. m; Mount Union 6 08 p. m; Huntingdon 6 27 p. as; Tyrone 7 04 p m; Altoona 7 49 p. m; Pittsburg 11 80 p. m. EAST V ARD. . Huntingdon Accommodation leaves Al toona at 5 0 a. m; Tyrone 5 28 a m; Hunt ingdon 6 40 a. m; Newton Hamilton 6 05 a. m; WcVeylowrj- 6 22 a. m; Lewistown 6 42 a. m; Mifilin 7 01 a. ra; Port Koysl 7 06 a. ro; Mexico 7 09 a. ra; Thompson, town 7 22 a. m; Mtllerstown 7 81 a. m Newport 7 40 a. ra; Duncannon 8 07 a m; Harrisbnrg 8 40 a. ra. Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 3 10 a m; Altoona 7 15 a ra; Tyrone 7 48 a ro; Hunt ingdon 8 80 a ra; McVevtown 9 15 am; Lewistown 9 35 a m: Mifilin 9 65 a m; Port Royal 9 59 a m; Thompsontown 10 14; Millers town 10 22 am; Newport 10 82 a m: Duncannon 10 64 a tn; Marvsville 11 07 a m; Harrisburg 11 25 a m; Fbiladalphia 3 60 p m. Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. ro; Altoona 11 40 a. ro; Tyrone 12 03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 35 p. m; Lewis town 1 33 p. m; Mifflin 150 a. m; Harris burg 3 10 p. m; Baltimora 6 00 9. m; Wash ington 7 15 p. m; Philadelphia 6 S3 p. m; New York 9 23 p. m Mil leaves Altoona at 2 10 p.m. Tyrone 2 45 p. m, Huntisgdon 3 28 p m; Newton Hamilton 3 58 p. in; McVevtown 4 20 p. in; Lewistown 4 46 p. an; Mifilin 5 10 p. m. Port Royal 5 15 p. m; Aex ice 6 20 p. m; Tbonipsontown 5 33 p. m; Milterstown 513 p. ra; Newport 6 51 p. m; Duncannon 6 23 p. m; Harrisburg 7 00 p m. Mail Express loaves Pittsburg at 1 00 n. m; Altoona 6 05 p. m; Tyrone (37 p m Huntingdon 1 20 p. m; McVevtown 8 04 p. n; Lewistown 8 26 p tn; Afirliin 8 47 p m; Port Royal 8 52 p. in; Millerxtews- 9 !S p. m; Newport 9 26 p. m; Duncannon 9 50 p. m; Harrisburg 10 20 p. m. Philadelphia Express lesves Pittsburg at 4 30 p. m; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tyrone 9 33 p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p. m; Mount Un. ion 1U 82 p. m; lewistown 11 16 p. ni; Mif flin 11 37 p. m; Harrisburg 1 00 a. m; Phil adelphia 4 30 New York 7 33 a. m. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Trains for Munbcrr at 7 8'. a. ra. and 8 15 p. m., leave bnnunry for Lewistown 10 05 p. m. and Z 25 p. m ; lor Hiiro y 6 20 a. m. 10.20 a. m. and 3 15 p. m.. week days. TYRONE DIV1SON. Trains leave for Bollefonte and Lock Haven at ti 10 a. ia'., 8 34 aisd 7 25 p. m . leave Lock Haven tor Tyrone 4 30, 9 10 p in. snd 4 15 p. ra. TYRONE AND CLEAKKIELD R. R. Trnins leave Tjrone far Clearfield and Curwensville at 8 10 a. ra.. 12. 0 and 7 30 p ra., leav, Curwensville lor Tyrone at 4 89 a. 111., 9 15 and 3 51pm. For, rates, maps, ete., call en Ticket Agent-, or address, Thos. K. Watt, Y. A. W. D.. 360 Fifth Avenue, Fitta. bura, l'a. J. K. Hl'TCHISCN, Ge&'l Manager. J. F. Wood, Oen'l Pass. Agt JVEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL 1 1 ley Railroad ('orapany. Time table of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, May 18tb, 18SG. STATION3. West- East ward, ward. 8 I 12 4 ph'ahaiipm Newr it C 05 10 85 8 80 4 00 Buffalo Brirlpe 0 010 8 8 27 8 fi7 Juniata Furnace ... 6 12 10 42 8 ?3 8 53 Wahneta 6 15 IU 45 8 20 8 50 Bylvao 6 25 10 52 8 lb a 46 Wat-r Ping 6 22 II 01 8 11 8 41 Bloomtleld Jnact'n. 6 811109 8 0S 8 38 Valley Road 6 30 11 09 8 011 8 82 Elliottahnrg 6 6tjll 21 7 45 8 16 Green Park .....v. 6 64 11 24 7 411 3 10 Lojsville 7 05 11 85 7 84 8 04 Fort Robeson 7 11111 41 7 26! 2 66 Center 7 15! 1 1 45 7 lfl 2 49 Cisna's Rnn 7 21 111 51 7 16 2 4$ Aodqrsonburg 7 2111 67 7 10 40 Blain 7 85; 12 06 7 03 2 88 Mount Pleasant ... 7 41 12 11 6 68 2 24 New Germam'n ... 7 45jl2 15 6 50 2 80 D. GRING, President aai Manager . K. Mixleb, General A;eit. CARTERS) n pius. CUR Sick Readaeho and relieve all tbe trouble inot. dent to a bilious state of the system, such aa Dizziness, Nausea. Drowslnesa, Distress after eatinK. Pain in the Side. Ac. While their moat remarkable success baa been shown in curias Headache, jet CaRraa'a Lotus Utkr Pills are equally valuable in Constijiation. curing and preventing this annoying; complaint, while they also correct all disorders ef the stomach, stfmulato the liver mod regulate tne bowass. 'Even it they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness aoea not end here, and those who once try them will And these little pills valuable in so many ways that wwy ui not oe wiiung to an witnout I siwr au isKn aema SICK ROME Is the bane of so many Irres that here Is wheat we make our great boas. Our pills cars SI while others do not. Cabtbr's Lima Livn Pills are very stnal and very easy to take. One or to pills make doae. Tbay are strictly veaaubleand ds not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at ts centat five (or SI . Sold everywbem, er sent by snass CASTES KSBICIHl eo, r Ta. blU bllbi sH&h r 8nt adi Tra sata Tra Dsy s ad Pc Tb tion V Sao i B cutoe TI F iO.,i C, basi ill w Ic Ui ""11 dt 1 ,11 M iait ; tow: tin M ' Ykil ingi C 0T hia 11 Yiail . Thi - A llifl tbe 'U .fJect img tra . ia f apt aui aei h Tb r lea cot Uc Co P. tie on las goi ebi i toi cat Ca ( pc ITi th tis Bi ael cb Oi it eh tb pe to M P fo m U in j la -I ? U a: ; 1 - a " Hai IM 1 anc aln : iS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers