Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 10, 1897, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY. FEB. 19, lt7.
Heading wants tha State Capital.
Fhhadewhj wants the State Capi
tal The Grace Methodist Episcopal
church congregation cf Harrisbnrfr.
tendered tbeir church building to
the .Legislature to hold its meetings
The State Capital shall remain
where it is at Harrisbarg. The State
constitution says in section 28, arti
c'.e 3. "No law changing the location
of the Capital of the St-.te shall be
valid unless the same shall have been
submitted to the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at a general elec
tion and ratified sad approved bj
Governor Hastings has refused to
(riant a requisition for the person of
11. II. Dt!cbtel for the prosecutors of
the oSicers of the defunct Newport
deposit b.iiik. Bechlel liV3s in Ohio,
and the Governor refuses to frign pa
pers bj which a demand can be ma le
or JJechtel'B arrest and return to
Perry couity for trial under the m
dictment of the Perry county grand
jury for cmbezzlemeut acid receiving
monev in the b&rjk ou deposit when
the officers knew the bank was itisol
vent. The Governor refuses the req
uisition on the ground that Bechtel
was not in Peary county at the time
of the alleged crime.
Govebxor HastinOs is reported ns
being against the taking of the Capi
tal from Uarrisburg. Agi'atora for
the purpose cf promoting locil
schemes may urge the taking of the
Capital to this or that p'ace, but the
thinking people of the Common
wealth who have no axes to grind,
will bo with the Governor most heart
ily to keep the Capital where it is.
Not one tiingle good reason can be
urged for the change of the seat cf
the State Government. Now if the
Governor will do ono other thing, he
can entLrice himself in the minds
and hearts of the common sense peo
ple of the State. If he will annouLce
that five hundred thousand dollars is
a btifiicient sum with the i ran rni.ee
money of the destroyed building to
erect a building where the former
one stood for tho Legislature to
meet and trans-act its business in, he
will be looked upon as the biggest
man iu public life in Pennsylvania
The Legislative Hail is only one of
tour buildings on Capital Hill, and a
house after the fashion of the new
executive chamber and library will
be ample for all business purposes
and be more in keeniD with the
dignity of the great Commonwealth
than if some gaudy architectural pile
of mortar and stone and brick be
built as a show and not! ing more.
Governor Hastings was elected by an
uoprecedeutly large majority, bt
cause he was believed to be fully in
accord with the readjustment of the
tariff laws thrt will ( put the ,mana
facturing industries in abetter shape
aiad enable them to go on with their
business and paring their workmen
American wages. Now if be places
himself id accord with the common
sense pec pie of the State in the mat
ter of the erection of a Legislative
Hall at a pi ice befitting the diguitv
of the Ctmiuonwealth and befitting
the time?, Le will do the people just
ice and make himself strong with the
best interests of Pennsylvania.
Tue destruction of the main Capi
tal building at Uarrisburg has chub
d a number of towns to come for
ward and offer ground sites on which
to build a new Cipital. The question
tion of a ground site is of no cocsid
era'iou for the State has a location as
lesirab!o at Uarrisburg as cm btob
lamea-anywuere. iiarrisourg is as
easy to get to as auy other place in
the Commonwealth and it is a .town
large enough for State government
buildings. To take tbe Capital to
Philadelphia would be to place it in
such a community that it would lose
its Individuality. When it comes to
raising money to bui'.d a new set of
Legislative cbamb T9 that is another
question and might have some in
liuence upon tee election, H ever an
flection is held to determine where
the new buildings f-hall be located
The seat of Government caunot be
taken away from Harrisburg without
the sanction of a majority of tbe peo
pie of the State t spressed bv a vote
at a general election. The people cf
the Commonwealth will not move tbe
Capital uuless some town should
agree to put np new buildings with
out cost to the State. An offer of
that kind might have great weight.
among the voters of the State. To
be relieved of tho cost of erecting
new buildings might 1'iduce the peo
pie to vote it to anv place where the
erection of the buildings without cost
to the Staie would bo gasianteed.
But who would have interest enough
in it to obligate themselves to such
a cost. What business conlu afford
it. The Legislature convening at
Philadelphia, Pittsburg or Reading,
wouiit not bring money enouirh into
tbe pockets of the business of cny c f
those places to justify them in erect
ing new Capital buildings. If it would
pay the business people of Philadel
pnia to erect the Capital buildings
there, it would pay the people of
Uarrisburg to put up the new build
tugs and present them to the State.
The only thing more that Philadel
phia would get that it does not get
now. wonld be the money that mem
bers spend for board and hotel bills.
After the wind is all out of the ques
tion, it will be narrowed down to the
fact, that the State has to foot the
bill for tho erection of new buildings,
and the location that it owns at fHar
risburg is not excelled by any other
place iu the Commonwealth and
therefore Harrisbarg is destined
to remain the Capital town of the
A Fighting Woman
Every community has ita fightJcg
men, bat it Lot every community
that can turo-out a savage fighting
woman si? a as was encountered by
Constable Eiiaa rutUhal at Stiam-jl
kin, Pa., cu the 3rd cf the pretext
tnna'h. Tbe constable bJ gone to
serve a tench warrant on her. De
found the house barricaded. He at
tempted to enter the bouse. ilrm.
Klamiski pound hot water over him.
The constable fell 1 , whiah to .
coaraged her that sue went at him
with an axe and laid bim low wilh
one blow . cutting a fearful gash in
his head. She then' aimed another
sweeping stroke at bim and buried
the axe in the floor by hi neck. In
terror of his life, Gottsha l screamed
for heh. and drawing hu arms
around the woman's anklep, mai g
ed to pull her to the fkoi.
1 he constable and tbe w.-man
struggled and fought together ou
the floor, and the opportune arrival
of a man who had beard Gottt-hall's
cries for help probably only saved
the constable from utter defeat. Af
ter a desperate struggle t ie woman
w s taken ic to court b.-fore Juk'e
Savidge. The judge fined her $100
for contempt of court and i strutted
the grand jury to find a bill agiinst
her fi-.r ass-tun and bittery with in
tent to kill.
Sheriffs Proclamation-
"T Deputy General El kirn 1 as a 'vis
ed the ecrttary of ti; Common
wealth that the sheriffs electi n
proclamation r.eed not b.i a fac eim;!e
of the official tlertion ballot, but may
re printed in tbe form agreed npt.n
by tha county office:, providing all
the nominations are given.
A Time to Drink- . .
Judge Biddle at Carlisle hist week,
emu ted thirty six liquor licenses un
der tbe following conditions:
Retailers shall close arid lock their
ba --rcoms not later than 10:30 o'cl.- ek
at night and shall not sell or fnrn'sh
any liquor t night nfier that hour.
Cottiers and wholesalers i-lia'I close
and lock their places of businens not
later than 9 o'clock on tho nights of
Mond-iy, Tuesday and Wednesday,
Tl jrsday and Fiiday and not latr
than 10 o'cl ek on Saturday right,
and t-ba!l not sell, furnish or dnliver
any liquor at niyht after said Lours.
Reduced Rate to 'alilnjrjai
ouHtteuot of I lie; Inaugu
ration via iPennsyivaula
For the benefit of tlicse who de
sire to ntt nd the ceremoni 3 inci
dent to tl e in uguration of Pre ident
elect -Vi-Kinley, the Pennsylvania
Kailroad Company will sell excursion
tickets to Washington. March 1, 2,
3 and 4. valid to return from A' arch
i to 8, at tbe following raiet-: Prom
New Yoik $3 00; Philadelphia J5.40;
lialtiiijore 1 6(1; Uarrisburg S5.IM5;
Wiiliainsport $8.79: Buffalo $11.20;
Rochester $10 48; Altoona and Pitts
burg $10.00; and from all other tit a
tions ou tho Pennsylvania sj stem at
r-duced rates.
This inauguration will be a ia st
interesting event, and will undoubt
edly attract a large number of peeple
from every section of ILe country. -
The magnificent facilities of the
Pennsylvahia Railroad make this hue
tho favorite route to the National
Capital i-t all times, and its cnornieus
equipment aid spiendid terminal ad
vantxgta at Washington make it es
pecially popuh-r on such oeca
siors. ml.'
Th Independent Stage Sriver.
Eastern tourists who cannot differen
tiate betweej a California stage driver
and an eas'iru coachman meet with
many a race shock in tbe wild and
woolly west, and they soon learn that
tho Californian is a knight of tbe reins
several grades higher in tbe social scale
than the menial of the east.
There is an old driver at Monterey
who is determined that his patrons shall
make no mistake concerning bis exact
statu", and in a quiet way he checks all
attempts to make a servant of him. A
short time ago he was driving a party
of tourists about, when one querulous old
lady who bad annoyed him not a little
by her air of superiority asked :
"My man, do you know the name of
that wild flower?"
"Yep," ho replied and flicked one of
his leaders with his whip.
She paused a moment for him to give
the name, bat he merely clacked to .the
"Driver, do yoa know tho namo of
that flower?" sho repeated in an imperi
ous to?io.
"Yep. Git up there. Bally I"
Again she waited and again demand
ed: "Man, don't you know the name of
that flower?"
"Yep. G'long there, Pete t"
"Then why don't you tell me?"
"Oh, you want to know, too, do you?
That's a wild rose." San Francisco
The Meaaare Will be Fnahed to
Passage Im the Senate.
Washinotox, . . . . The senate yee
terday voted to tnica np tho Nicaragua
canal bill. This gives the measure the
parliamentary advantage of being the un
finished business of the senate, so that is
will be coutUderod from day to day until
final action is secured. The prospect la
that a final vote will be reached at an
early day. Senator Morgan, of Alabama,
opened the debate with a lengthy sposch
In favor of tho mcasape. Mr. Morgan
said it should le determined whether
American control of tho canal or tho up
holding of the Monroe doctrine was to
be included among the ditTorenccs to be
submitted to arbitration under the Anglo
American treaty.
The canal bill provides for an Issue of
9100,000,(100 of maritime canal company
atock, of which tho United States is to
subscribe for $70,000,000 worth of shares.
The company is to issue bond up to I00,-
0011,000, these to be guaranteed by the
United States. It is substantially- the
measure passed by the senate in the last
congress. Mr. Chandler introduced the
Republican raincus bill for an interna
tional monetury conference, and also a
bill providing for a pormanont census
bureau, with a superintendent attti.UOj
1 he house passed throe bills of pnblio
importance and devoted the remainder of
the day to District of Columbia bu-nnoss.
One prohibited the sale of intoxicating
liquors to tbe Indians, one amended the
existing patent laws in conformity with
the recommendations of the American
Bar association, and another provided for
the nse by the government of patents se
cured by naval officers, at compensation
to be fixed bv a board of three officers.
Fairbanks Klerted Senator.
I-VOIAXAPOLIS, Jan. li. Charles W.
Fairbanks was olected United Statos sena
tor at noou today. The seDate and bouse
voted separately, and tomorrow will meet
in joint session to canvass the vote aad
proclaim, formally, tho election- of the
new senator. Tho Democratic senator
and representatives nominated Daniel W.
Voorheea in caucus last night, and cast
their votes for him today. The six Popu
lists voted for Leroy Teinplo ton, of Indianapolis.
From January 1, 1896, to January
3, 1897. Inclusive.
T Hit Honor ablt, th Judge of Ik Court of
Ckmmou Pita of Juniata County;
We tbe nndrrlfned Auditors elected
and sworn according te law, to examine,
audit and aattle the account of the Com
missioners, Sheriff and Treasurer, of the
County or Juniata, for the year ending De
cember 81,1899, mat for that purpose in tbe
Auditors' Office, in M ifflintown, on Monday,
twins; the fourth day of January, 1897, and
lonnd tbe same account as follows:
1898. W S.Nosth TaiAsuaas. si .cm
Jan. 1. To bil itnce from
laat Tear. f)3,0P8 80
To outatand'g tax coun'v 15,98157
To outstanding tax Stat 1,082 49
Taxes levied iu 96 countT 28,962 62
. state 2,211 71'
To additional assessment
county 92 66
To 6 p'reent added, Coun
tr .. 82 10
To 6 per C' nt added state (101
To over pio tsx 1899... 1 47
Tocash fr"00 of bonds 13.580 0
To cash frra bancaVr Co.
burial .f Dr- Brown.... 16 00
To cash fiom Committee
or Chas. Ramsey 91 99
To cash Favrftto township
krepiFg Msod Oill .... 79 88
To cash from Walker town
ship, keepi'g Susan Kanf
mn 23 00
To cash from S. B. Loudon
purchase monev. 29 50
To cash from Sheriff Cal
houn, flnvs 115 00
To cash from county share
of I'qnor licenses 156 75
To cash from miscellan
eoes sources........... 41 50
Total $35,910 95
Dee. 31, by overpaid tsxea
J.nnur 1. IHM 91 61
By error outstanding tax
- nn wv
audit lt5 w to
By ordrra piid 1891 - 17 86
Bv orders nald 1895 864 S'
By orders pnid 1896 41 765 28
. , f oeft in
By ou'Stand g lax conniy u,oj
By outstanding tax atate 1099 23
Total 59,7!6 88
January 4. balance due
connty 6 91 07
1H J. 1'. Calhois, SBCairr ca ca.
January 1st, flm-s collect
ed 115 00
December 81 , to cash paU
Treasurer 11500
1895 w7sTS'oeth taiAsoaxa, or duo tax
Da ca.
January 1, To biUnce last
year 247 62
To outstanding dog tax .. 68156
To 5 per cent, added and
additional sscament.. 18 70
To tax levied, 189S 637 60
To overpaid tax. 47
To additional assessment. 13 00
I Total 9 1493 74
December 81st, By orders
piid sheep damage. 1895
By O'deiK paid sheep dam
'ape 1H95
By tsx outstanding
By error 6 per cent, added
each account...... ...
6 60
221 82
677 63
$905 10
1897. Jsn. 1, By balance
dm County 9'S8 61
Collectors. Districts. County.
II F Crouse, Tuscarora, 858 65
J. O. Brown, Beale, . . 682 93
Jacob Forry, Greenwood, " 226 67
Johd K. Trego, Lack. 838 02
S. II. Kol man, Suifflintowni 221 88
W, B.'McCahaa. Milford. 81661
W. 8. Neimohd, Monroe. 49 92
f. If. Isenberg, Patterson. 420 49
. F. Lytle, Port Royal. ' 23
A D Kerstotler, fosquehan'a ' 65 70
11. 8. Ksh.8ruce Hill; . 291 64
W. B. Brubaker, Thotnpsontown, 99 32
L. C. Calhono, Turban. 23 78
J. B. Barton, Tuscarora. 639 69
B. A. Smith, Walker. 380 04
J. O. Brown, Beale. 946 64
J. V. Sprecce, Delaware. 61187
J. M. Musser, Fayette. 1018 19
Jacob ForrVi Greenwood. 425 64
C. E Bower, Fermonagb. 9f?5 6
John K. Trego, Lock. 572 66
S. H. Rollmn, alifliintown. 424 04
! W. B. UcCahan, Millotd. 1300 22
! W. S. Neimond. Monroe. 269 49
j H. M. Isenberg, Patterson. 685 62
B. F. Lytle, Port Koval. 248 18
M. S. Kh, Sprdce Hill. 898 83
A. D. Kersteiler, Sn'quenanna. 646 87
IK. d. Brubaker, Thonipiootown. 113 45
Ii. C. Calhoun, l'n-hlt. 696 83
J R Rartnn. Tnic.lrori Sv RO
' E. A. Smiih, Valuer. ' . 1230 20
Collector. Districts. Stat-. Dog.
H. F. Crouse, Tuscarora. $93 75
J. O. Brown, Beale. 2$ 52 28 09
Jacob Forrv. Ureenwood. 9 80 18 34
John E. Tri-go, Lack. 'M 36 20 84
J S. H- Rollman, Mifflintown. 49 82 8 41
W. B. McCahati, Milford. 86 33 7 00
W 8. Neimocd. Monroe. 6 26 1189
H. M. I.-o bt-rg, P tterson. 43 43 1 1-9
B. V. Lytle. Port Royal.
A. D Ke-sttler. Sn.q'lhii'.14 06
M. S. Esh, Spruce Hil . 62 16 23 27
W. B. Brubakes, Thompsont'n. 1 36 2 89
L. C. Ca houn, Turbt-tt. 4 91 8 00
J B. Barioo, Tuscarora. 70 8i) 28 H3
E. A, Smith, W.ig r. 28 07 31 72
J. O. Brown Belle. - 34 63 80 00
J. F. Spreece, Delaware, 68 68 14 75
J. M. Master, Fayntto. 22 25 27 29
Jacob Forry, Greenwood 17 00 25 25
C. E. Hower, Fermanagh. 68 12 37 00
John E. Trego, Lack. 85 35 36 90
S. II. Bollroao, llilliintown. 93 81 7 00
W. B. McCahan, jlfiltoid. 14 63 .1600
W. i. JKeimond, M-nree. 19 46 15 25
H. M. Iscnherg, Patt mod. 42 23 2136
B. F. Lytle, Port Rotal. 25 16 6 88
H. S. h, Spruce Hill. 14 95221)0
A. D. Kerstetler, Susqithaa"a.42 51 23 26
W. H. Brubaker. 1 homp'ot'n. 17 95 6 R3
L. C. Calhoun, Tiirb.-U. 4 61 13 36
J. B. B.rton. Tuscsrora. 84 U8 86 77
E. A. Smith, Walker. 85 78 82 88
All 't which is respectfully suba tied.
W. W. DIMM, County Auditors.
' U. U. HAKTMAV, )
MitiliutowK, Pa.. Janosry 12, 1897.
STATEM EHT rr dera drawn
by tbe Commisicners of tbe County ot
Juniata, on tbe Treasurer thereof from tbe
1st d.y of Janu rv, 1896, to tbe Z I at day
bt December, 1896. as taken from the
records iu the Commissioners' Office.
Justice and Conttable, Commonwealth
3. Frank Patterson, J. P., and otherf)66 03
Joseph Yobn, Constable, aad otbera 8 60
9 74 68
Commoatao'i Wiintun.
February Term, le96 f
April Term, 1896
September Term, 1896
December Term, 1896
874 62
105 14
18 25
88 tO
9 681 61
Exoneration, Mattment and Percentage.
lo93. II. F. Crouse and others... 9 12 84
1894. J. O. Brown and others.... 655 81
1895. It. S. Esh and others 1017 41
1896. J. F. Barton an others 1224 10
92909 66
Court and Juror' Pay.
H. K. Koite!r, court crhtr 9 77 60
E. O. VanBanm, stenographer 65 00
Joseph Cummings, stenographer .. 140 00
R. B. Nixon, boarding jurors 22 76
John Bergy, hauling jarara 2 00
Shelly Grayblll and other, grand
jurors 292 08
Samuel A. Gallaher at.d other petit
jurer 1670 45
Total $2159 78
Public Building.
Jacob Browand, December 189$...$ 12 0oj
6 40
40 49
6 12
100 00
89 99
18 27
1 UO
2 75
71 59
9 18
19 00
10 63
8 16
40 45
86 97
10 CO
1 00
19 80
Totl i S 450 28
Road and Bridge View and Damage.
R L. Unas, damages S 60 00
Wm. A. StocO'er.dsBiages.... .... 75 00
S. A. Grabsm, acd oihir viewers.. 11 40
Total 9 146 400
Constable Return..
Samuel Gray bill, and others, Feb-
rnary terra $ 95 64
Philip Pan Debater r, and others,
April term 74 86
B- G. Dobbs, and otliers, September C6 20
Wm. Nankivel.and others, Decem
ber term 72 78
Total $ 809 48
Jlttetting and Registering.
W, J. Ze deis, and other assessorsf 13C9 55
Total $1309 t5
Tramp under Jet of 1885.
Dr. L. Banks, medical attention
tramps..... .......... 2 60
W. S. North, railroad tickets tramps 8 69
J ulins Drrr, preparing tramps tot
burial 4 U0
W.F. Snyder, burial of tramps.... 20 00
H. S. Scholl, lor burial ground
cemetery 9 CO
J. P. Calhoun, at Jail 21 73
Totl S 69 92
Connty Prison.
J. P. Calhoun Sheriff, taking pris
oners to Penitentiary. 158 06
J. P. Calhoun, Sheriff, serving jur
ors noticec..... . ....... 2560
J. P. Calhoun, tramps boarding
prisoners, laundry official
I sea fcc J67 26
D. H. Crawford & Son, medical at
tention sod mediciae.... 30 89
Total 9 890 91
Bonds Paid,
Lobn McNitt, and others bonds.. 9191X 00
Total 918100 00
Interest Paid on Bond.
B. P. Schweierand o:htrs interest $5425 84
Total ...$6428 84
Printing and Stationery.
J. C. Dimn printing $ 177 76
W. J. Jtctruan, printing 83 00
H. E. Boosall, printing 172 60
B. F. chweier, printing 203 50
Wm. Al'ison, printing 293 75
Mary J. Hunt, stationery and book
binding 21 85
W. H. Rollman stationery..' 4 67
J. H. Wright av Co., school registry
blank 5 CO
Wm. G. Johnston, printing letter
beads 4 15
W. F. Murphy, legal cap paper.... 2 6t)
J. W. Speddy, advertising 6 OH
Total 9 975 07
Commiionr Office.
Jacob Browand, janitor 1896 $ 144 00
N. N. Stewart's service as commis
sioner 854 60
W. H. JHoore, srrvice aa commie- ;
aioner 407 60
Williamson VanOrmer service as
couroissioner. ....... .... 388 00
W. H. Groninger clerk to commis
sioner. ... .... 650 00
Felix T. Davis, Draughtsman 4 05
AtkinMm As. Pennri, attorneys..... 40 CO
W. H- Gro.inger, clerk 2 days in
1897 5 00
Total $ 1993 06
Jonathan Swarts plauk Mifflin
bridg.... 19 86
Jcceb Browand, work Mifflin and
Cubs bridge.. 9 60
D. S. Sieber, work Cuba bridge ... 2 00
H. C. Howrr, material Cubt bridge 38 42
James Horning, material and work
Cuba bridge 23 05
W. F. Slagle, Paint, Cuba and oth
er bridges.... .......... . 15 50
S. F. Wagner, painting Cuba and
other bridges. .......... 14 50
W. B. Horning, work Cuba bridge. 4 0t
David Charters, work Hoffman
bridge 10 38
S. E. Panntbiiker, Old Port and
JHcClu re bridges 85 89
J. L. Roup, work Old Port bridge. 8 47
W. O. Mugill, work Bealetown
bridge 11 CO
Jobn Bergy. borsebire Jerico bridge 4 00
S . T. Bench, and others work Jeri
co bridge 140 16
E. O. E'lis, material Jerico bntge. 8 00
K. H. McClintic.;msterial Jericho
bridge 6 00
P. S. Mummah, maUrial Jericho
bridge 1141
A. W. S fiber, Thonipsoutown
bridge 108 01
TJ A. Meyers, Ttompa-Htown
bridge 64 19
J. B. Musser, work and Link
Tbompsontown bnege.... 6 60
W. G. Smi'b, Tboiupson'owo, and
other bridges 82 20
R. M. Cunningham. Licking Creek
and Hawn's bridg 13 25
J. M. Groninger, Port Royal bridge 211 00
J. C. Bowers, till Port Royal bridge 4 60
Edward Gill, work Mexico bridge. 6 76
James B. Ole-, lumber, Jfexico
bridge 2 66
8. G. McCullocb, plank McCullocbs
bridge. 2 16
S. H. Leacb, hauling gravel Horn
ing bridge 1 00
B. W. Page, work and material
Cross Road a bridge...... 8U 75
D.'B. ReiU, bauling plauk and
gravel 8 25
Repairs to joint bridge Snyder
County... 6 25
Miscellaneous small orders 2 96
Total $
Pub'ic Office.
W. B. Hollman, supplies for Pub ie
W. H. Zekiers, supplies foi office
W. H. Zeiders, official fees
J. Y. Shelly, and others, auditor's
W. U. Allison, auditing public of
fice Ansoa B. Will, official fees
W. S. North, Treasurer's salary'..
W. S. North, commissions oa licen
se .......... ..........
8nn printing and binding Co. book
Protbooatary ' office. ....
Denuisoo tr. Brown, books Record
ers office. ........... ....
Mary J. Hunt, supplies Recorder's
office .......... ........
Miscellan sous amaU orders
908 96
11 80
6 80
214 46
120 00
20 00
66 95
650 00
8 26
12 00
18 CO
Total $ 1024 96
General and Spring Election.
J. P. Barton snd other, Election
officers, Fsbruary $ 472 86
J. P. Wilson, November 427 88
E. L Rmebolt. Part piy, 8 steel
election houses 225 00
Constable's pay February election.. 66 42
Wm. M. Allison, printing ballots . 90 00
J. C.'Dimm, " 48 42
OilCity Derrick Ce., election blsnks 8 66
J. P. Hefflettngor, keeping booths.. 6 00
Louis Manet, " 4.00
I. N. Blstline, 8 00
Robert Hsmmond " 6 00
Leo Shallenberger, " 2 00
1. G. Felmlee. 2 60
C. A. Thompson, rent election house 40 00
E. O. Illia, work on fence fcc. ....
laanea Horning, eorpeater, coart
hmuum and jail .
George J. Btntta, work oa gas au-
ehina and fence
Jfrfflintown -water eomptny, water
rant ......
Emil Schott, boating (or court
bouse....... ...........
H. D. Funk, plumbing
Maat e k . Nslaon, coal and lumber
B W. Calhoun, moving ahea....
W. IU Maal, grass seed for court
- yard
J. U. Gross, pointing jail windows
W. 8. Arbogast, nails, lock and
court bouse supplies.....
O. P. Robiaon, printing jail porch -FsraO.
Doty, draft for supplies...
Lewis Emery, moving ashes......
Harry Horning, hauliag ssbea ...
Jacob Btka Av Son, work on j and
court bocse. . .........
Jacob Brewacd work on Mitflin
Dan iel Peanebaker, work at jail..
C. Seegor, matting for court bona
H- C. McClel'an, material and ie.
pairs jail and court housa
Mifflintown Hom company........
Samuel Lapp selling county hooso
Guss at Seiber, gasoline..........
, V M
2o 00
6 00
10 00
12 00
10 00
4 00
4 00
12 00
j.B.cik, ;; i
wy. a. Jackson, "
0.1t. B-ackbi". "
Jno. W- Paanebsker
David Keller
D. K. Sulouff "
J. H.Troutmon "
W. A. Kinser, cleaning election
house... ..........
A. B. Evans - "
David Keller '..".
S. H.Tnrbett "
M B P-Clark "
Mary J. Hunt, eleetioa blanks
Peunell at BurcbHeld, clerking elec
tion retarns
v7s G. Johnston at Co., voters guide
16 00
4 50
Total..... ..$142 98
JMWi'a)aea PafmeuJ.
H E Boosall. postage and post of
fice box rent $ 21 84
H. E. Bonsall, inscription to Juui-
ate Tribune sou
Wm Fry. burrial or George Bitting
r, so'dier 26 00
Geo. S. Conn, burial of veteran... 85 00
Josevh Brown, burial ol veteran .. 34 00
Henry Lauver. burial of veteran... 3 011
W. E. Wolf, Pnrdon's digest 13 00
Western Penitentiary, expense in-
mstes 830 09
Huntingdon Reformatory, expense
inmates 840 60
J. P. Calbonn. taking Mrs. Caveny
to asylum 27 13
J. P. Calhoun, taking Mrs. Susan
nah Kauifiuan to asylum.. 20 09
S. E. Kinser. express charges..... 6 15
Mar.bi rk 4. Nelson, coal 86 75
W. N. S"errett; cosl, for court house
and jail 110 21
C. W.Gross, for SUte lunaticasylum 65 60
W. H. Zoidera, protbonotery, Ram
Fey case 21 60
D. M. Crawford it Sou, medical at
tention 4610
A. C. Harris and other, scalps.... 7 00
J. O. Brown, overpaid tax..... ... 4 95
T. W. Anker, tombstone tor vet
erans "70 00
Pennsylvania Lunatic Hospital ... 90 25
T. A. Aul Treasurer Stste asylum 191 25
Tbomcs P. Merri't, Worn ersv illy
asylum, Maud Gill 18 14
W. S. North, SUte tax on bonded
indebtedneas 407 41
W. S. North, commission on state
tax snd loans 2141
Joe. W. Slimmr I, Agricultural So
ciety 100 00
Bond supplies 6 CO
D. M. Marshall, county institute.. 1E3 83
W. H. Moore, and others, expense
commissioner's contention 29 45
W. H. Groringer, State tax work.. 200 CO
W. H. Groninger, cleik, Jury Com
n.iastoners 40 00
W. H. Groninger, incidentlals.... 10 76
Lewis Dcgen, jury commissioner.. 40 00
Samuel Watts, jury commissioner. 0 00
B. F. Crorler, and others, clerk jury
commissioner ...... ... 7 00
Small order 5 64
Total $3176 98
Jc'iees and constables, common
wealth esses ............ 7453
Commonwealth and witnesses..... 681 61
Exonerations abatements and per
centages. ..... 2909.66
Conrtssnd jurats pay 2169 78
Public buildings 450 28
Road and bridge viaws and damage 146 40
Constable's returns 809 48
Assessing snd registering........ 1309:55
Trsmps under act of 1885 &9 92
County prison 890 91
Bond paid 18100 00
Interest paid on bonds.. .......... 5125 84
Printing and stationery. 975 07
Commissioners office....... ...... 1993 05
Br-'dges 908 96
Public offices A 1024 95
General and spring elections...... 1542 93
Miscellaneous orders.... 8175 98
Total $42041 90
LxaMine of County.
Outstanding Bonds $ 135,529 00
Outstaudiug county orders..... 276 62
Total .. $135805 62
Jsstt of Cosmry.
Onfstandlng concty tax.. $16859 10
Outstanding state tax...... 1099 28
Cnh in hacda of Treasurer. 6191 07
Bills collectable
l'arment to State Asylum on so
count ol Fanny B. Caveny 83 50
Payments to State Asylum on ae
count or Wm. Bratton .... 221 25
Pavmeotato 8 tale .Asylum on ac
coant of Philip Rank.... 25 25
Total $23982 40
Liabilities over Jssets.
Liibilitiea over assets. .. . .... 9111,23 22
Valuation of Real Estate tor tax
stion purposes...
Valuation of Personsl Property
for taxation purposes....
We the Commissioners of Juniata Connty
in compliance with the law do publish the
foregoing statement of the receipts and ex
penditures of the connty aforesaid for the
jeir enriing January 8," 1897, aa found on
the boot ot this office.
County Commissioners .
Attest HconC Rhb, Clerk..
Cot-missionsb's Orrics, )
. Miflli town, Pa., Jan., 12, 1897. $
. stir r LIN' OWN WAKKKTS.
MifrtiSTOwa Feb. 10, 187
Wbeat r6
I'm in ear. ... ...... .... ..... 80
n-iti., 18
Rto i.- JSS
Clovweed ....... .. .... .... .
Butter 14
Eggs 12
Ham 12
Shoulder 12
La'd 7
Sides. ..........................
Timotbv seed t2.0
Fax seed 60
. Bran 9
Chop $1.20 a hundred
Middling 110
Ground Imi Salt l.uO
American Salt.... 6c to 80c
Philadelphia! JVarkets, Feb'y 9,
1897. Wheat 88c; oats 25c; corn 30c;
butter 12 to 32c: ejnrs 14 to 15c: live
chickc-Ds 8 to 9c; ducks 10 to 11c;
geeis 9 io 10c: tutkeja 10c; tallow,
Sets a pound in cakes; potatoes 28 to
30c; sweet potutoea 8 to 20c a basket;
onions at 90c to $1.10 a bushel; Penn
sylvania toba oo fillers 6 to 12c-,
broad leaf 10 to 14c and 12 to 15c;
beef cottle at $3 to $4 90; Fat cows
and bulls at 3 to $3 50; hegs $2.75
to $3.75; Fresh cows, $15 to $45;
Sheep at $3 to !L20; veal calves at
$5 to $7.
Much in Little
Is especially true ol Hood's Pills, for no medi
cine ever contained so great curative power In
so small space. Tbey are a whole medicine
chest, always ready, al-
ways efficient, always sat- O 1 I
(factory; prevent a cold Vr IMS
or fever, cure an liver ills,
sick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c.
The only Fills to take with Hood's Barsaparilla.
a TMcaoucM
PtttCnCAw, ncsvLTtv
it reoc7i ch.u ek
if ay-..c
.ST?" "VTT a!
Vr;u..A'.:: c r.&acR3.
rocHiSTia, N.
Hoasnia York. On the 41b
inst., at McAIisterville hj Rev. J. C
Keigbarrt, Marry Horning ana
Han M. Yorka. ' .
m nntJ"rw?X3
TUB TIMES ia the most extensive
ly circulated and widely read newspaper
published in Pennsylvania. Its diecus
' slon of public men and public f measures
Is in tbe interest of public integrity, hon
est government and prosperous industry,
ard it knows no party or personal alleg
iance ia treating public iasuea. In tbe
broadest and beat se se a fau Hy and gen
eral newemDer.
TUB TIMES aims to hare the 'argest
cireuUtion bv deserving it, and claims
it is unsurpassed in all the esaentiala of a
groat metropolitan newspaper. Speci
men copies ot any edition will be sent
' tree to anyone send ng tbeir addrtsi.
TERMS Datlu t3 CO per ann m;$'.00fo.-
tour months; 80 oenta per month; deliv
ered by curriora for 6 cents per wee.
Sunday Edition. 82 la ge, handsome pages
224 columns, elegantly illustrated,
beautiful colored supplement, $2.00 per
ann ni; 6 cents per cory. Daily and Sun
day $5.00 per annum; 60centaper mourn,
Address all letters to -
Notice 's hereby given f'st tbe following
account has been filed in the Prothon tary's
Omce of Juniata county, snd tbe same will
benresentel for conOrma.ion and allow.
ance to tbe Conrt of Common Plcaa of said
county, oo Tuesday tbe 23rd day of Febru
arv A. D.. 1897. when and where all per
sods interested may attend, if tbey think
Tbe first and final account of George L.
Hower. Sequestrator of Harriet and Sam
uel B. Kickenbaugh's estates.
W. H. Zeides.
Prothnnotary's Office, Proth'y
Mifflintown, Pa., Jan. 25, 1897.
Notice is hereby given that tbe follow
ing named persons have filed their accounts
in tbe Register's Office or Juniata county,
Pennsylvania, and t e same wM be pre
seated for confirmation air. allowance at an
Orphan's Court io be held at Mifflintown,
Pa., on Toes-lav, the 23rd dav of ebruary,
A. D., 189 at 9 o'clock A. M.
1st. The first and psrtial account of Jos
eph G. Long, admiuiktratur of Jacob lead
er, late or Fayette township, Juniata coun
ty, Pa . dece seJ. Barch!iol i. A't'f .
2nd. First and final account,' of Daniel G.
tjarman, executor or the lu-t win ana tes
tament of Elizabeth Brugter, late of Sua
qnehanna township. Junitt county, dee'd.-
Atkinson It PenneM, Att'ys.
3rd Tbe First and Final aeeouot ot F.
M. M. Psnnell, adm ioistrator cum testa,
mento annexo de bonis nou, of Samuel M.
Knstt, late of Delaware township, Juniata
county, deceased .
Atkinson A Pennell, Att'ys.
Rgisters Office, )
MitHintown, Pa , Assoa B. Will,
Jan'y 25, 1F97. 5 Register.
We the underslgnrd Citizens of Juniata
connty will apply to tbe General Assembly
or Pennsylvania tor a special fence law.
Thomas Abbcckik,
R. E. Dobbs, ,
8. H. Randolph,
Jabks Kidd,
Nsac U. Stcast
Letters testamentary on tbe estate of
Serah T. Jamison, late or Fayette town,
ship. Juniata county. Ft., deceased, bsv.
ing been granted io dne form of law to tbe
nnderaigned residing in Mifflintown. AH
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said decedent will please make immediate
payment, and those having elairus will pre
sent them prop'rly authenticated for settle
ment to Louis E. Aikinsor,
Decmber 23, 1896. Executor.
Letters tes'amentary on the estate ef
Edward A. Smith, late of Mexico, Walker
township, Juniata county, Pa., having
been granted in due form of law to the un
dersigned residing in Mexico. All per
sons knowing iberase res indebted to said
decedent wid please mike in.mediato pay
ment, and those havirg claims will present
them properl) authent cated for settlement
to Matilda Suits,
Katk V. Smith,
Estate of Samuel A. Thomas, decensed.
Wbeieas letters of administrarin on tbe
est. to of Samuel A.Thoiuas, late of Fer
managh township, J uniata Co., Pa., deceaa
ed. bare been iss ed out of the Orphans'
Court to tbe undersigned, notice is hereby
given to al! p-isons indebted to t'e si,id es.
tste to n.tke immediate payment, and
those having claims to present then prop
erly authenticated for settlement.
Chablcs W. Book,
Mexico, Juniata Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1896.
The nrdtr Fined having been restored to
health by simple means, after suffering sev
eral yearn with severe lung affection, and
that dread disease consumption is anxiona
to make known to his fellow sufferers the
tnesns of cure. To those who desire It, be
will cheerfully send (frt-e of chargs) a copy
ot the prescription used, which they will
find a sure cure tor Consumption, Asthma,
Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung
Maladies. He hopes all sufiorera will try
his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those de
siring the prescription, which will cost them
nothing, and may prote a blessing, will
please address,
New York. Sep. 9, '98.
Tbe undersigned persons bsve Associated
themselves together for tbe protection of
Willow Run Trout stream in Lack town,
ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are
strickly forbidden not to trespass noon the
land or stream of the said parties to fish
aa the stream hss been stocked with trout
Persons violating this noice, will be pros
ecuted according to law.
R. H. Patterson,
T. H. Caruthers, J. P.
Rob't A. Woodside,
W. D. Wslls,
Frank Yawn,
Dyson Vawn.
April 23, 1896.
Tbe undersigned persons have formed an
Association for tbe protection of tbeir re.
spective properties. All persons are here
by notified not to trespass on tbe lands of
tbe undersigned lor the purpose of hunting
gathering nuts, cbiping timber or throwing
down fences or tiring timber in any way
whatever. Any violation ot tbe above no
tice will be dealt with according to law.
Jobn Michasl,
William Puffenberger,
Gideon Sieber,
" Besshor Jr. Zook,
Mary A. Brubaker,
' Joseph Roth rock,
Jobn Byler,
8 annuel Bell.
September 6 1896.
I I Best Cuueb byrup. Tfcotc joa. TJaal I
1 to tuna. g'drnsyBta, 1
. ta. nf tK
Omos On Mata street," p- " 'ot
as, I aaawwlia T atJrlsi
rjoavavyaaetag proat-
XXW v- '
17 attended to.
.4r A .1! loral DU81
Bbp uouecuuuD o
neas promptly attended to.
Or r Ion in -
DaJ).xaAwroBD,ia.DABW axaawFOBO
,R. D. M. CRAWFOBD at sun, .
Siva formed a partnership for
...... j .u-i. .nii.ttarat branches.
or aleaicine ua --- - .
Office at old stand, corner of Third and Or
snge atreets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or boft
otthem will be found at their office at at.
times, jinless otherwise professionally en
April 1st, 1896.
Graduate of the Philadelphia Deotal
College. Office at old established lo
cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court
House, .Mifflin town, Fa.
Q" Crown aad Bridge work;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
T war aav offer or sale a Talusble prop
ertv, situated in Fermsnagb township, 2)
milVs north-east of Mifflintown, containing
25 Acr. s, more or less. 4 acres of wood
land. Tbe balance cleared and in good
state of cultivation.' Buildings ordinary,
but in good repair. A good spring of never
railing gravel water nearby. This property
also contains 250 patch trees and 2000 ber
ry plants; 30 apple tress, beside other
fruit. Tbe above property is situated near
While Hall school house in said township.
For further information address.
8-29-'96. Mifflintown, Pa.
Tuscarora Valley Railroad,
No.l No.3
A. M- P. M.
Biair's Mills Iv 7 45 2 00
Waterloo. 7 51 2 06
Leonard's Grove 7 58 2 13
Rofs Farm 8 05 2 20
Perulack 8 12 2 27
East Waterford 8 25 2 40
Heckman.. 8 35 2 50
Honey Grove 8 47 2 57
Fort Bigbam...- 8 48 3 03
Warble 8 55 3 10
Pleasant View 9 00 3 15
Seven Pines 9 06 3 21
Spruce Hill 9 10 3 25
Graham's 9 14 3 29
Stewart 9 16 3 31
Freedom 9 18 3 33
Turbett 9 20 3 35
Old Port 9 25 3 40
Port Royal Ar. 9 30 3 45
Trains Nos. I and 2 connect at Port Royal
with Way Passeneer and Seashore Express,
on P. B. K., and Nos. 8 and 4 with Mail east
5 No.2 No.4'
A. SI. P. M.
Port Koyal 0.010 30 5 20
Old Port 1.318 355 25
Turbett .2.810 40 5 30
Freedom 3.7:10 42i5 32
Stewart 4.4ilO 44 5 34
Graham's 5.0 10 465 36
Spruce Hill 6 310 50 5 40
Seven Pines 7.210 C4!o 44
Pleasant View 9.0 11 03jo 50
Warble 10.011 05j5 55
Fort Biph.tm 12.011 ll!c 01
Honey Grove 14.011 18 6 08
Heckman 15.1 U 25(6 15
East Waterford 17.511 35;6 25
Perulack 20.5 11 48 16 36
Ross Farm 22 012 556 45
Leonard's Grove... 24.012 026 52
Waterloo 25.512 09 !6 59
Blair's Mills Ar. 27.0l2 15 j7 05
Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect with Stage
Line at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doyles.
burg snd Dry Run.
The following schedule went Into effect
Nov. 16, 1896, and tbe trains will be run as
p. m a. m Leave Arrive a. m p. m
4 80 9 00 Duncannon 7 64 2 28
4 86 9 C6 'King's Mill 7 49 2 23
4 89 9 09 Sulphur Springs 7 46 2 20
8 41 911 Corman Siding 7 41 8 18
4 45 9 14 Itontebello Park 7 41 2 15
4 4S 915 'Weaver 7 40 2 18
4 61 9 19 'Roddy 7 86 2 08
4 64 9 22 Hoffman 7X3 2 65
4 66 9 24 "Royer 7 81 2 08
4 59 9 2T Mabanoy 7 28 2 00
6 10 10 43 Bloomfleld 7 28 1 41
6 16 9 49 Tresaler 7 09 1 86
6 21 9 64 Nellson 7 04 1 81
6 24 9 67 Duni's 7 01 1 28
6 27 10 05 Elliotsburg 6 68 1 26
6 82 10 1-7 Bernheisl's 6 61 1 20
6 84 10 17 'Groen Prk S 48 1 18
6 87 10 30 Montour Juno 83 1 16
6 02 10 86 Laodisburg 6 28 2 60
p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p ui
Train leaves Bloomfleld at 5.68 a. m.
and arrives at Landisburg at 6.28 a. ni'
Train leaves Landisburg at 6.08 p. m and
amvea at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p. nt.
AH stations marked () are flag stations,
at which trains will come to a full stop on
isTnaL .
Cbas. H. Samart,
8. H. Bsc,
8 apt.
ft anr? after Sunday Novem! i e
18DG, traiLB will rna as folio f:
Passenger, lesves Pbiladolpi.j, lt
4 80 a. m; HarrlNburg 8 0 a. m; Dnncsn.
non8 85a. m; New Port 9 06 a. m;
lerstown 9 16 a. bs; Durword 9 21 s. m.
Thotnrsontown 9 24 a. m; Van Dyke 9 88
a. ro; Tucarora 9 36 a. m; Kpsico 9 40 a.
m; Port Royal 44 a. m: Siifrlin 9 05 a.
m- Denholm 9 66 a. m; Lewistown ie j
m. mi McVytowa 10 38 a. m; New;
Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union Hot
a m; Hantingdon 11 88 p. in; Tyrone 12 2
p. ro; Altoona 1 0 p. m; Pittsbarg6 05 p. m.
Niagara snd Pittsburg Express leaves
Philadelphia at 8.30 a. 'm Harrisbn; ct
11.46 a. m. MifBm 12.67 p m., I.ewi,l0BU
I 18 p. ns.( Huntingdon 2.06 p. m.; Tfroaa
2.45 p. I Altoona 8.15 p. m.; Pittsburg
7 00 p. m. . .
Altoona Accommodation leaves H uris
bnrg at 6 00 p. m; D"tcannon 5 84 r. m.
Newport 6 02 p. m; Jlfillerstown 6 II p. m)
Tbontpsnntown 6 21 p m; Tuscarora 6 3)
p. mi avexice 6 33 p. ni; Port Koyal C 38
p. ni; Mifflin 6 43 p. ra; Denholm f. 49 t-.
Lewistowo 7 7 p. m; JfcVeytown 7 311 p
m; Newton Hamilton 7 60 p. m; IIuti.n
don 8 20 p. u; Tyrone 9 62 p. m; Altoona
9 85 p. m-
Pacific Ex cress leaves Philadelphia at
; 20 p. m; Oarrisbunr 8 10 . ui;'Mars.
v Ie8 24a. m; Duncannon 8 38 s. m; New.
pt't 8 69 a. mi Port Roval 4 31 a. ni; ilif.
rlio 4 87 a. m; Lewistown 4 68 a. ro; Uc
Ve town 6 20 a. m; Htintiogrlon 6 0:.
vn; Tyrone 6 65 a. ra; Altoona 7 40 a. m;
Pittsburg 12 10 p. m.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4
85 p.m; Hsnisbarg st 10 20 p. m; Newport
II 06 p. m; Mifflin 11 0 p. m; Lawinion
12 68 a. mj Huntiogdon;i2 65 a. ni.; Tiona
1 32 a ro; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 SO
a- m.
Fsst Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 2$ p.
m; Hsrrrisbnrg 3 50 p. m; Duncanon 4 15
n. m: Newport 4 86 p. ro; Mifflin 6 07 p. ra.
I Lewistown 5 27 p. ia; Mount Union 6 OS p.
; re; Huntingdon 6 27 p. n; Tyrone 7 A j
m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 11 s0
p. m.
Huntingdon Accommodation leaves Al
toona at 6 0 a. m; Tyrone 3 i:j 1 in; l,'r
ingdon 6 40 a. m; Newton Hamilton 1' 05
a. m; McVeylown 6 22 a. m; Lewi.s.vwa
6 42 a. m; Mifflin 7 01 a. ro; Port Boyr.l
7 06 a- ro; Mexico 7 09 s. m; Thompson
town 7 22 a. m; Millerstown 7 HI a. m
Newport 7 40 a. m; Duncannon 8 07 a ro;
Uarrisburg 8 40 a. ru.
8ea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 3 10 a ni;
Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 48 a m; iinni
ingdon 8 80 a m; McVcvtown 9 15 a rr;
Lewistown 9 35 a m: Mifflin 9 65 a 105
Port Royal 9 69 a m; Thompvntown 10 14;
Millerstown 10 22 a 10; Newport 10 22 a m;
Duncannon 10 54 a ni; Marrsvilla 1107
m; Harrisbarg 11 2i a m; Fhiladei;.hia 3 00
p m.
Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at
8 00 a. m; Altoona 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12-
03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 35 p. re; Lewis
town 1 33 p. m; Mifflin 1 60 p. rn; Harris
burg 8 10 p. 10; Baltimore 6 00 p. ra; Wash
ington 7 15 p. ni; Pbiia.le'phia 6 23 p. ro,
New York 9 23 p. ra
MsJl leaves Altoona at 2 10 p. ru, Tyrone
2 46 p. in, Huntingdon 8 28 p m; Newtjn
Hamilton 8 68 p. ni; McVeytowti 4 2C. p. ra;
1-ewistown 4 45 p. ai; Mifflin 5 10 p. m.
Port Royal 5 15 p. m; M.'iico 6 20 p. a;
Tbompsontown 5 33 p ni; Millersto vn 53
p. m; Newport 6 61 p. m; Duncannon 6 .'3
p. m; Harrisburg 7 00 p. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg st 1 00 p.
to; Altoona 6 05 p. m; Tyrone 6 37 p. .m;
Huntingdon 7 20 p.m; McVevtown 8 04 p.
m; Lewistown 8 26 p m; AfiHlin 8 47 p m;
Port Royal 8 62 p. m; Millerstown 9 16 p.
m; Newport 9 26 p. ni; PrjDcauiiOu 9 60 p.
ro; Harrisbur 10 20 p. m.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg a
4 80 p m; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tyrone 9 33
p. m; Huntingdon JO 12 p. ru; Mount Un
ion 10 82 p. m; Lewistown 1 1 16 p. ra; Mif
flin 11 87 p. m; Uarrisburg 1 00 a. m; Phil
adelphia 4 80 New York 7 33 a. m.
Trains for sunbnrr at 7 3'.' a. in. and 8 15
p. m., leave Snnhury for Lewistown 10 06
p. mand 2 26-p. m ; for Milrov G 20 a. m. -lP.2d
a.ui. snci 3 15 p. m.. week Jays.
Trains leava for Bellef-nte and Lock
Haven at 8 10 a. m., 8 31 and 7 25 p ,d .
leave Lock Haven lor Tyrone 4 30, 9 10 p
m. and 4 15 p. ro.
Trains leave Tyrone for Clearfield an!
CurvensviUd at 8 10 a. m.. 12.30 and 7 3'J
p in., leave Curwensviile tor Tyrone at 4 3t
a. m , 9 16 and 8 61 p ro.
For, rates, maps, ete., call on Ticket
Agent, or addresn, Tbos. E. Watt, P.
A. W. D., 360 Fifth Avenue, Pttta.
burw, !'a.
8. Zl. Pbevost, J. R. Wood,
Geo'l Manacer. Gen'l Pas. Agt
I v ley Railroad Company. Time table
of passenger trains, in effect on Monday.
May 18tb, 1896. . -
ward. East
ward. 8
r m
4 O i)
3 57
3 63
3 60
8 46
8 41
8 88
8 82
3 15
3 lo
2 56
2 49
2 46
2 40
2 88
Newr-- rt
Enflalo Bridge
Juniata Furuace ...
W ahneta .........
Sylvaa ...... ....
WaW Plug
Bloomfleld Junct'n,
Va'lev Road
Green Park
Fort Robeson
Cisna's Rnn
B'ain .. . ........
Mount Pleasant . .,
New German t'n . ..
6 06 W
6 oam
6 12 10
6 15 Hi
6 25; 10
6 2i;ll
6 81 11
6 39!ll
6 5111
6 64 11
7 05! 11
7 Illll
7 15!1
7 21ll
7 27jll
7 85: Vi
7 41 12
8 80
8 27
8 23
8 201
8 16
8 11
8 Cfc
8 00!
7 45i
7 40
7 34
7 26
7 1
7 15
7 10
7 03
8 58
7 45:12
15 6 60
D. GKING. President nd Manager
C. K. Mru.SK, General Agent.
Blck Headache and relieve all the troubles inci
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Xaueea. DrowslDesa. Distress after
eating. Pain In the SMe, &e. While their most
remarkable success haa been shown in curing
Headache, yet Ci stir's Lima Ijtrj Vnxm
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Aebe tbey would be almost priceless to thee
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Bat after all sick bead
av Hvm t
we make our great boast,
while others tlo n
Our pins cure is
Cartes s Livtls Lrvaa Piua are very sinaQ
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