Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 03, 1897, Image 4

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Circles aid bubbles atop of tfca wwa
Where -larky plunged tbrooffc t
darkest of eravra.
Down, duwu, Uetp (Ijwd, far ato tha
Makiuz a splash that the ennllfbt dancel
tli ron nh.
And it's marked Id the tog-book, the feolo
In thr s".
"Lat. South. 10..10: Loo. Wert. 83.
Frock coat, and bloa eblrta, so clean aad
so neat.
And Jack dressed in
ranraa from hi
Iw.nl to bis feet.
Reived up tijrht with caniater. arapa. Bard
l.!;i k shot.
To rnrrv him straight to the banal lot
Tht' li.mn. deep down, in the deep ol
the !ea.
Where m:iny a sailor and lubber there be!
"Many flying-jib down haul!" "Royal
-IruLnes stand by!"
"Clew tMnwts and buntlines; all hands
pull away!"
"Weather uia'.n and lee cro'jack-bracee
ni w ha. til!"
S;.aae a Us there, my heartlea, don't
; lit ;u- t!:e pipe's rail?"
Now ti.e ;i p'a ail aback with tf wind
h, her head.
And r. :i.,y fur quarters to bury tbs "d.
Frock ronra on the weather, blue ihirtt
on the Ice.
Marin. .1 on the poop deck, brare show
t.. -...
And t:
dressed la bit Sao-
Ar:d .1 i. k
' 1:1
hia canvas, there, sewed
t 1'lllIlS
the gay aunlijht
ln:!ili!t'9 nnd circles atop of the
II. IlMwiand, in New York Sua.
hi . ..i-u.uss, as Jaca Delafleld waa
break f:i -. ni." on board the cruiser
Mai,.. ;i ;r,,-i,i!ii was banded bliu
w liicii l,, i .jiiiilv proceeded to open; but
after ul.i.-.ciii over its contents, the
I'laci i : i::.v of liirt countenance gave
way i ) a ! i. cf excitcuaent. Jumping
uy. he . , .:t ,i ;u L.s lazier m estimate
wi;.i I,.:. I u-.t yet eu.erged from their
aiati-i. m:i. .. ncys, the war la on!"
In .-.::J, heads were thrust out,
Finue . i fo.-.'iL'Saoiti even, veiiturinic
lm. tii.' war I room considerably more
eu iU I.iiic tiiau custom or regula
tion., ; ri:,i ti ,1. But LH'laheld'a tele
Kra.'n nf fo much interest and iin-porian.-e
that such triUing convention
alities v.i re forgotten, and bis curious
br.:Ur oiik-.-rs crowded round bim,
clanio: iii loitdiy for the news.
' List, ii," said the lieutenant. Til
read it t you:
" -Washington. D. C, Oct. 20, 188.
' ' J o Lieutenant John Delafleld, V. S.
N., L'. s. s. I l-i ho, Saa Francisco Har
bor: iii-.-ard yourself detached from
Ma hi. rro'.-ccii immediately to the
Mare I-ian l Navy Yard. Take coiu
manil t,T tiie Raiubridse, and prepare
for active service at earliest possible
iiiou.:i!. Commandant ordered to
place :u your disposal every available
ujcaiia to hasten wort.
" 'HL LBURT, Secretary.'
"What ilj ycu fellows think of that?"
said Jack.
"I.ti'-ky doz'."
''Wi-'i I were In your place.''
Tin-y a!i se,-,ied plciAed at DeUfield's
Btr-Kc ' : ii::k. Fortune was truly sm!!
liiir o-i l.i.n. for be bad been selected
for t!i hazardous and Important duty
om of half a hundred other officers of
hi A ii i-.:;ik. each one aa eager as blm
eclf " .ininaiul the little craft, the
;c, of which woLders were ex-
lie had been chosen by tbe Secretary
of the Navy and had received bis pre
paratory onlcr. which were to the ef-ff-t
tl ::r In- ivuuiil be retained on board
ti e I !.: !i i iinril hostilities were Immi
nent. v.-:,,-n in. uouid be given his new
conm-ar.-I. .Meanwhile the work of fit-
tin 'Vr -. .i li-d been pushed at the
navy yard with a:i dispatch. The Baln-
briil?.' was tup Erst of our new semi
submarine magnetic torpedo boats.
those marvels of American Ingenuity
and skill.
Jack f.t.irtr'1 for the navy yard at
once, and on arriving reported to the
cotutiK.ti.iast. Admiral Daaa, who told
him lu l.i 1. Tuff, kindly way to go ahead
and tit our his craft as rapidly as pos
sible, tak.ti-j whatever waa necessary
for her era incut without the usual
formal! tics, adding cheerily: ,rW can
atreini to all that after you come back,
As Lie sund tiiere before the admiral
rcelv-i.g his instructions, let us glance
at th otiiccr upon whom, perhaps, will
bant: the n :!t of the battle very soon
to bo f.r.e.-.'-t outside the Heads. Tall,
erect, .md fim'ly formed. Lieutenant
Delafleld impresses one Instantly as a
nian of no mean physical strength. His
face wives e idence of courage, firm
ness and ure.-.t will power Just the at
triliuti s, iu i let, which should most
properiy b - if iu to the man ordered to
command ti:i uukuown quantity like
the liiiin! t ie. yet to be tried by the
test of actual battle. When be leaves
the otiice of the admiral, bis elastic
step and oa.y carriage show that his
task has not overburdened him with
anxiety, hat, on the contrary, indicate
continence la himself and assurance of
his ability to entry tbe work before him
to a silt-nssful Issue.
On iiis way down to the wharf where
the liaiu'uide. lay, be passed groups
of ot'i 'liy'.!;- jrIui tbe latest
news. i u:.-i r -lenuij or con-grarul-iTory
. r:.mrk for him; but,
scar.v.'y stopping to reply, he hurried
on ! i:d his new command. Tbe Bain
bridge w.is one of the latest additions
to our !!-. '. and while It was anticipat
ed th.n she wouid accomplish great
tbin-'. th cniy real test bad come
6ooner than any one would have pro
phesied. Workrr.cn were swarming
over her i:i numbers that she re-err.b!-.-'!
a !:-;:i;an bee hive. Her lengtli
w ?.s i r
ens ht:
iy the neighborhood of
i rv.il llfty feet, but her
i ; nd sharply sloping sides
; ear like a needle floating
. hv was painted an olive
ctne invisibility at night.
narrow !..::
matic hcr .
on the wati
green, to
Ihe m,
vn I'. r :.
I ; o:,.;p., nt objects In Sight
: were a low conning tower
and tv. - eio'jatcd hatches, one for
ward "irnart. There were for tbe di-
Bppeai in,; magnetic torpedo guns, and
were sirr.-ns.vd to protect the torpedoes
until they were needed, at which time
the gu::s were elevated by electricity.
trained on the enemy and fired, the
whole operation requiring but few
secoad?. The motive power f the
craft v.a.i also electricity, obtained
from improved Tesla storage batteries
of the latest type, giving the boml a
rctd of forty knots an hour.
Witiim two days Lieutenant Delafleld
had completed the outflt of the Bain-liriuj-e.
and had stored on board four et
those terrible engines of destruction,
the C!.anet!c torpedoes, which were ef
the ordiuary cigar shape, having the en
ergy for propulsion stored in a heavy
fly-wheel revolving In a longitudinal,
vertical plane at a rate of ten thou
ftiid reTulatiQM minute, ThJj fnjjj.ll-
ctM of the prloclple of the trysseep
aparo them an almost anerrloa- dlrect
mmm of path under water, bat. besides
thia, within the secret chambers were
concealed maa-neta of great strength.
which drew the torpedoes stralrbt on
ward toward their prey. No manoeurv
erlnat. however skillful, on the part of
the commander of a ship attacked could
avail ajalnst the relentless power of
tbeae mac-nets, snd once a torpedo was
launched fairly In the direction of au
enemy s vessel, ner doom was only a
matter of seconds. When the Intended
target was struck, the explosion of one
hundred and fifty pounds of irun cotton
would fulfill tbe mission of the torpedo,
and cause the proud battle ship, strict
en In some rltsl part, to reel back on
aer tne shock, then perhaps make a
feeble effort to escape, but in rain. In
a moment only a seething, bubbling
spot covered with wreckage In thj
midst of the ocean would mark tbe
grave of a Goliath of the deep, done to
death by this marine David.
Little wonder then that Delafleld bad
every confidence In tbe Bo In bridge. But
his spirits fell wbeu be read In the
newspapers, a few mornings after, that
large fleet of the enemy bad left Its
rendezvous and was proceeding lnthe
direction of San Francisco. This fleet
consisted of eight first-class battle
ships, ten armored cruisers, together
with twenty protected cruisers and
smaller vessels. Agaiuet this array the
United States could only bring the bat
tle ehlru Oregon (flag), Iowa, Massa
chusetts, Indiana and Texas; the ar
mored cruisers Idaho, New York, Maine
and Erooklyn; the protected cruisers
Olympla, Charleston, Columbia, New
ark, Minneapolis, 1'biladelphia and San
Francisco, aa well as several gunboats.
This fleet was anchored In the bay.
cleared for action and ready to proceed
to sea as soon as carrier pigeons from
tbe scouts should bring the news of tbe
approach of the hostile vessels. Near
by were tbe coast defense monitor
Monterey. Furltan, Terror, Amphitrite
Mlantonouioh. and also Delafield's tor
pedo boat, tbe Bainbridge. Jack bad
gone on board tbe flagship Oregon as
soon as be bad anchored after his run
down from the navy yard. In order to
report to Admiral Woodbrldge and to
receive bis orders. Tbe admiral told
him that It was bis intention to go out
side, meet the enemy, and. If possible,
cripple him to such an extent as to pre
vent tbe bombardment of tbe city, and
that the Baiubrldge and coast defense
vessels were to be held In readiness to
guard the entrance to tbe harbor and
cover tbe retreat of tbe fleet In case It
might be compelled to withdraw. -When
Jack left the admiral's cabin
he was confident be would have an op
portunity to add fame to bis own name
and fresh laurels to the long list of dar
ing naval achievements accomplished
by John Paul Jones. Decatur, Preble.
Bainbridge (for whom his little vessel
was oamMl, Blddle, Rodgers. Farra-
gut. Curbing and a host of others.
Throughout the fleet that day there
was an expectant bush as of a gladiator
resting previous to some mighty effort.
All preparations were completed, final
letters written, and farewells said, for,
though each officer and man hoped for
favorable outcome, every one, even
to the meanest powder by, knew that
the morrow would most probably bring
a struggle s terrible and deadly that
many of them would never return.
During the early morning twilight of
tbe next diy a pigeon fluttered wearily
down to the cote on tbe flagship, Anil
In alighting set shrill electric bell to
ringing. Thl faithful little messenger
bad arrived w!ti Its momentous tiding
in the shape of a tiny note in a quiil
secured Brmly under Its wing. This
was soon detached a-nd conveyed to the
admiral. In less time than It takes to
tell it. the red and white signal lights
were flashing out the order to get under
way. Soon tbe rattle of chains was
heard as the anchors were hove up; nnd
when daylight broke the fleet was 6een
steaming majestically out through the
Golden Oate, the Oregon leading. Ev
erything was ready for action except
opening tbe magazines, getting out tbe
ammunition, and loading the guns. All
hands were Intently scanning tbe hori
zon ahead and on each bow to catch tbe
first glimpee of the smoke of tbe ene
niv'i fleet. The silence, punctuated only
by tbe rhythmic throb of tbe engines
was at last broken by "Sail bo!" from
the upper fighting top.
Where away 7" replied tbe officer on
Ihe deck.
"One point and a half on the port
bow, sir smoke!"
"Beat to general quarters" Is instant
ly ordered. Tbe men spring to the guns
which were at once loaded: the turrer
are trained from side to side and the
guns elevated and depressed to see that
everything Is working smoothly. The
alarm proves to be a false one, for the
vessel is made out to be tbe San Fran
cisco, one of tbe scouts, steaming In at
full speed. She runs close to the flag
ship while the admiral questions her
commanding officer regarding the num
bers and course of tbe enemy, for tbe
purpose of verifying the' pigeon mes
sage. Tbe hostile Beet w not more than
twenty miles ahead! Again the watch
ing Is resumed, and within an hour the
smokes of a large number of vessels are
made out. The fires are forced by pow
erful fans, and the increased speed of
the fleet rapidly lessens the Intervening
distance. The supreme struggle Is at
band. Our ships steam on In column,
ready for the bloody fray.
To recount In detail thw action or that
day would be to chronicle daring deeds,
heroic acts and bravery akin to rash
ness, but all of no avail against such
overwhelming odds.
As nlgbt fell, Delafleld. from the
Bainbridge, and the officers on the
coast defense vessels, inside tbe bar.
sighted the remnant of our fleet stand
ing In, still stubbornly fighting and pro
tecting tbe weaker or mere disabled
ships. Shortly the enemy waa uncov
ered, and the monitors opened Sre, com
pelling an abandonment of the harass
ing pursuit. The enemy remained just
out of range, while the fearful wreck
of what remained of Admiral 'Wood
bridge's forces crawled slowly into tbe
As the Oregon, guarding the rear,
passed the Bainbridge, the admiral Big
nailed briefly but significantly : "Dc
your duty."
The night Is dark ana windy. At
ominous stillness In the air presagei
as on-coming gale. No moon or start
are shining to aid. the enemy, but In
stead, tiie iy Is covered with hard,
leaden-gray clouds, and a low bank of
tog is sweeping In from the westward.
The conditions are propitious, and
Delafleld prepares for his dash. He
takes the Bainbridge close inshore
through Bonlta Channel, and barely
escapee being caught by one of the
enemy's gunboats; but, turning on more
current, he rushes silently ahead and
clear of danger. When almost within
hearing of the breakers on Duxbury
Beef, be makes a wide detour In ordei
to approach from seaward, for from
direction aa attack Is hardly to bo
out to reach
favorable potman-
He tea bis station at a quartet
past eleven o'clock, and In another
quarter of an hour the monitors will
open Are toward that flank of the ene
my opposite to which is Delafleld. They
will keep up this cannonade for ten
minutes, to effect a diversion. As soon
as this firing has ceased. Jack's work
will begin.
Boom! bang! go the great 10-inch and
12-lneh guns. It Is a trying time for
Jack, but he seea tbe effect of tbe ruse,
and hi again congratulating himself on
his luck. Tbe searchlights are all play
ing inshore of him, the enemy entirely
oblivious of tbe fact that danger Is
lurking in their rear. Half past eleven!
As suddenly aa It began, tbe firing
ceases, and Delafleld, taking his stand
In the little conning tower, orders tbe
crew to their stations.
Slowly the Bainbridge starts ahead,
then faster and faster she goes, until,
fairly flying, she brings into view the
weaker vessels forming the outer line.
But Jack disdains such pigmy prey.
Safely be flies past tbe gunboats, but
not quickly enough to avoid discovery.
On he goes, fearlessly taking the Bain
bridge straight toward the battle ships.
"Stand by." he slugs out down the
voice tubes to the torpedo compart
ments, and back comes the hearty an
swer: "All ready, sir."
' Now he Is but a short distance from
the nearest ship. He turns two electric
switches and sees tbe torpedo guns ele
vated and trained. Then amid a show
er of shells be presses a firing key, and
tbe forward torpedo is launched and
speeds on Its errand of destruction. No
need to watch the effect; the magnet is
as sure as fate.
Meantime, tbe Bainbridge's course Is
changed, so that she may run parallel
to the column of battle ships, and tbe
empty gun is lowered. A second later
the after-torpedo Is on its way for the
next battle ship, and Delafleld has done
half his work.
Long ere this the brave little craft has
been tbe center o a smother of foam
ing water, lashed into impotent fury
by tbe crashing, bursting shells. But
her great speed saves her from annihi
lation. She tears along with search
lights flashing on bcr like nn aurora '
and with the waves dashing wildly
over her.
Two more of the enemy's most power
ful ships sent to the bottom complete
her errand. Tbe only damage on the
Bainbridge has happened to Delafleld
himself. A piece of shell has Indicted
an uzly wound In bis shoulder, and
though exhausted by the intense strain
and weak from loss of blood, he steers
bis victorious vessel Into the protection
of the harbor, then falls senseless or
Not long after, while reeoverlng his
strength. Jack received n very ollicial
looking document covered with formid
able seals. It contained the Informa
tion that he had received the thanks of
Congress and that he had been promot
ed to the rank of captain for his gal
lantry In sinking four of the enemy's
ships, thereby pausing a withdrawal of
their fleet and preventing the bombard
ment of tbe city of San Francisco. Sag
Francisco Argonaut.
For Falling Hair.
r:. S. E." writes as follows to the
New York Suti:
About ten years ago the Sun publish
ed a letter from Aiabauia, In which it
was stated that an old colored barber
bad the only remedy to stop hair from
falling out. It happened that my hair
was fulling out at that time, and 1 test
ed the remedy. In a foitnight my hair
was as lirmly rooted as In boyhood.
Five years later, when again threatened
with baldness, I tried it with tbe same
result. A well-known gentleman In
Wall street was In such dread of bald
ness that be tcld me he bad tried every
known remedy without any benefit
whatever. I prepared and presented
him with a bottle, and have received
word from him that It has wrought a
perfect cure. When a man's head Is
bald so that his pate shines, tbe roots
are dead, and they can no more be re
stored to vigor tban a man who is dead
and buried can be brought back to life;
but when bis hair begins to fall out,
the roots are ill or weak, and It Is pos
sible to cure and restore them to their
old-time vigor. This U all that can be
done, and any one threatened with
baldness has tbe remedy in bis own
hands. Here U tbe recipe: Fill a pint
bottle not quite full with alcohol: then
shove Into the bottle all the fresh pine
shavlng9 that It will hold. A great
many can be thus Introduced, since they
absorb tbe alcohol. Let it stand several
days, shaking now and then to help the
process of absorption. Tbe prepara
tion is tten ready. Saturate the hair
with it morning and nlzht, rubbing It
Into the scalp with the ends of the fin
gers. It Is well to filtrate the fluid
through porous paper. 90 as to free It
from particles of the dust of the wood.
It will come out as clear aa crystal. A
few drops of glycerine should be added.
as otherwise tbe mixture Is apt to make
the hair slightly harsh, and If desired,
any kind of perfume may be given. It
is the pine shavings and alcohol, how
ever, which do the work, and there is
no wash ever made for tbe hair that can
surpass or equal the virtue of this one,
which Is within the reach of every per
son. I ?a-n't Pafe. -
Henypeck (to the gang in the store)
Gentlemen, I have been married four
teen years last grass, and during that
time have not spoken a single cross
word to my wife. I
Mrs. Henypeck (poking her bead In at
the door) Henry, why in the name of
kings, don't yon bring that molasses
home? I've been needing It these two
hours. Just wait till I get you home,
Henypeck (flying out) Yes. my dear,
I'm coining: Harlem Life.
A Means to an Fnd.
Servant (from next door) Please,
mum. missus sends her comnlimpnu.
and win ye let your daughter sing and ! ProPe'" size the shell sinks with a gurg
play the piano this afternoon? ' lia sound that serves the same pur-
Lady why, certainly. Tell your mi j
tress I'm glad she likes It
Servant Oh, It Isn't that, mum; she's
expecting a visit from the landlord and
she wants some excuse for asking for a
reduction of the rent New York Trib
une. Her Rraaon.
"Maria," said Mr. Dawson, "why do
you always keep the window shades
down? The bouse looks like a dungeon
to cie."
"I want to be able to say," his wife
replied, "that my neighbors have called
on me. Yon don't suppose that any of
them would come if they could see from
the outside what we've got, do you?"
Cleveland Leader.
Electric buttons on trolley cars, so
that one can worn Ibo conductor to
stop without shouting at or poking
him with au umbrella, hare been in
trodaced in Breokujrsu
Wondrt-al ;-:citasical Effect, of sU
comotive Ranoiaca Mile Minsitc.
At sixty miles an hour the resistance
of, a train is four times as great as it Is
athirty miles-that is. the fuel must
ue iunr times as great in the one case as
in the other. But at sixty miles an hour
this fuel must be exerted for a given
distance In half tbe time that It l at
thirty miles, so that the amount of
power exerted and steam generated In
a given period of time must be eight
times as great at the faster speed. This
means that the capacity of the boiler,
cylinders and the other parts must be
greater with a corresponding addition
to the weight of the machine. Obvi
ously, therefore. If the weight per
wheel, on account of the limit of
weight that tbe rails will carry. Is limit
ed, we soon reach a point where the
driving wheels and other parts cannot
be further enlarged, and then we reach
tbe maximum speed. The nice adjust
ment necessary of the various parts of
these immense engines may be Indicat
ed by some figures as to the work per
formed by these parts when the loco
motive Is working at high speed. Take
a passenger engine on any of the btg
railroads. At sixty miles an hour a
driving wheel Ave and one-half feet In
diameter revolves Ave times every sec
ond. Now, the reciprocating parts of
r.tch cylinder, including one Diston.
piston rod. cross bead and connecting
rod, weighing about KO rounds, must
move back and forth a distance equal
tr the stroke, usually two feet, every
time the wheel revolves, or In a fifth
of a second. It 6 tarts rrom a state of
rest at the end of each stroke of the pis
ton, and must acquire a Telocity of
thirty-two feet per second In one-twentieth
of a second, and niu-st be brought
to a state of rest in tbe same period of
A piston eighteen inches In diameter
has an area of 254i square inches.
Steam of 150 pounds pressure per
square inch would, therefore, exert it
Torce on the piston equal to 38,175
pounds. This force is applied alter
nately on each side of the piston ten
imes in a sccond.Troy Budget
I'.roke the Law.
By conferring tbe Order of the Gold
en Fleece upon the Duke of Orleans
on tbe occasion of his marrla):e Em
peror Francis Joseph has caused much
commotion In Vienna nnd Madrid, as
tne appointment is contrary to tha sta
tutes of the order. A Knight of the
Golden Fleece must prove that he Is
the legitimate offspring of eight xen
eratioiiH of ancestors, all noble and ail
Catholics. The Duke's grandmother,
the mother of the Comte de Paris,
was Frlnccss Helene, of Meeklenburg
Schwerin. who was born and died a
Protestant, w hile three of bis ancestors
the Regent Orleans, Philippe Egalite's
father, and Egallte himself, married Il
legitimate descendants of I.ouis XIV.
Had Met the Grcaieat of Them.
Grigsby When you were abroad did
you go to see any c tbe autocrats or
Straudby No; I wem. abroad in
search of novelties. You know that I
have bad a long experience with Janl
tora on this side of the water. Boston
"l"li Oiil Y.iioot Almanac.'
When E'la TVht-eler Wtlrox wrot tu.
poem, naving for titl th same lieadtog ns
this Btt;c .c, the toU'.-hM chord that vi
ur:ilCTl .U IIHH1M1
! Alirana", Idh
1 u.e forir. Is liitlt
brated iu tnnncands of hearts. For AVer's
Old lellow Almanac" of
imaiely nvsoci&Leri with the
Chvs and dee!s of a large pact of the world's
1 ro tiition. now large a part 01 tbe popu-
l.-it'on iti.s general ntHiemmt may include,
i can t gathered from lbe fact that ili
year!y i-suu of Ayer's Almanso is from
17. W0, 00 10 25.000,000 copie. It Js printml
lu 1 winty-eigut editions and in fome
eighteen language, Ir.eludiDg, besides Eug-It.-h
tfraninh, rortugnese, Dutch, German,
Hwedish, DauisM, Korwegian, iioliemian,
WhI.1i, Italian, i reach, ate. ibo old stylo
aiuiamic Is looke i npn ly many as a relic
ot antiquity. epfelally the "patent medi
cine almanac," whose Jokes are the buit
often of the very papers la whose columns
Ibey flrat appeared. But there are almnnac-s
.n i almanac" Ever since Dr. Ayer's
Aimanac Hat teen put out it has employed
us high a class of mathematical and astro
nomical talent as is available In the country.
Tha rtsult is that It stands on a par, in
teypect of the reliability of Its data and the
Accuracy of its calculations with tbe U. S.
Ruuiical Aimauac, and testimony to this fact
la lonnd yt-ar after year In the letters, re
ferred to the Rimanao depanment of the
company, iroro students and mathematicians
in various parts of the world. In 1'S per
manence and re.lat.tiity Ayer's Almanac
stands as a very titling type of the Aver
Eemedirs Indispensible in the family and
reliable every a ay in the year. The 1897
ed tlon of this usefnl almanao ta now in
course of distribution through the druggists
of tbe country.
If All the Clock Bhoald 8too.
Supposing all the clocks and watches
In the werld should suddenly run down
with a click and a burr and a clatter
to-night at 1 o'clock. How many boys
and girls are there who would be abl
to tell the right time to go to school to
morrow morning? It wouldn't be an
easy matter, would It, even if the sun
was shining ont warm and bright? But
that's all because there are so many
timepieces everywhere that we get to
depending on them. Over in China,
where the people are very poor and
can't afford to own watches, how do
yon suppose any one knows when to
go to dinner, especially If It's a cloudy
Why, by looking at the cat. For In
China a cat is not only a mouser and a
pet, but a clock. When a Chinaman
wants to know the time he runs to the
household tabby, opens her .ryes snd
at once teiis what time It is. This he
does by looking at tbe pupils of tha
eye, which he has discovered to be of
varying sizes at different hours of tbe
day, being affected by the position of
tbe sun, oven when the day Is cloudy.
Another curious clock, which any of
our boys and girls could easily make,
Is used by the natives of the Pacific
slands. It is made of the half ot a
-ocoannt shell, cut smooth at the edges,
.nd having a very small bole bored In
,he bottom of It. Thia shell is placed in
.1 pail of water and a small stream
spurts up through the hole in a tiny
fountain. In Just one hour so care
fully has the hole been bored to the
P05 a tne striking of a clock. The
native promptly lifts it out and sets it
afloat again to measure the next hour,
No donbt the native mother may be
heard calling to her little son Joey
,Conch-ShelL who likes to lit abed In
tbe morning:
"Joey, Joey, Jump up; it 2 whole
shells after sunrise, and time that yon
,went ont aad saddled tha giraffe for
Slater Sua to take a rids."
1 0CA"SJi'?1t Wdneys an
owela. Kevat stake, weaken or gripe; 10c
Joet to.
Little Boy (writing composition) I
want to use that saying that's in our
'copybooks, but I can't remember It all
"Man glories in his strength, Woman
glorias In " What's tbe rest, I won
der? Little Girt Let as see. "Woman
a j
winter comes.
A9l sure
Boston Sia-ns.
There Is no end to the literature of
Arousing signs, even In Boston, where
erudition undoubtedly extends to the
commercial classes. There is a "homn
made bakery" on a certain street which
cntinually excites the listener's Inter
est as to what a factory made bakery
may be. But thia establishment Is no
funnier than the "painless dental par
lor" on another street, which makes ns
feel glad that the "parlor" suffers no
pain, no matter what the dentist's pa
tients may have to endure. But per
haps the climax is capped by the sign
of tbe Cambridge cobbler, who announ
ces, "Tap your boots while you wait
or 60 cents."
Blood Purified
Sarsapari la.
by Hood's
It often happens that w.ioie families
though Afflicted with difleient diseases,
find relief and cure in Hood's Sarea
pariiU. Thi great medicine builds up
lbe elrentli and hetltli on the mre
foundation t f puriiitd blood. There
fore it has power .to cure all diseases
which have their origin in impure
blood or are promoted by an impover
ished condition of tbe blood. Rid
the fo. lowing:
"Several years ago my father was
working in a tannery in Williamsp rt
and wa- oblige I to be in the w iur a
great deal. His Lloo 1 became piiso.-ied.
and for several weeks he was un ible to
attend to his work. He
on bis arms and on hU bacc. Some
one advised bim to try Hood's Sir.-a-parilla
and be did so, and i 1 a few
d.iys after he began taking it, he was
able to resume lna work, and from that '
day to this ho has nevf r had any boils, j
3Iy brother has buen troubled with
bold hivts ever since he w.is a child
an I lie was continually growing w T e.
He begati tak ng Hood's fcviroapanila
and it cured him. Sly husband has
had a stomach ditliculty for some
time, but he derived wondeifjl benefit
from Hood's SarsapirilU. Ottier mem
ber? of our family have also been
helped by this medicine. I have taken
It myself for nervousness cjused by the
grip and it has cured me.'
Mrs. tf. B. kN-.ss.ft,
Box 25C, Milton, Pa.
Very Obedient.
A little girl was overheard talking to
her doll, whose arm bad come off, ex
posing the sawdust stuffing. "You dear,
good, obedient dolly. I knew I had told
you to chew your food fine, but I didn't
think you would chew it so fine as
The longest commercial distance at
which tbe long distance telephone is
now Operated is from Boston to SL
Louis, a distance cf UCO miles. This
line is more than twice is long as any
Europe.ui telephone line.
Catarrh Cannot bs Cnred
Villi liicul application', as they- cannot re.ich
tue ix-a. of I lie il.se. iSf. C.itnrru i a kiuud or
coiivilutiofmi tfieue, ant in order to curn
ic you lnUC tttke interiml Temtxlie?. Halt'
Cui'irrh Care is mkeii interu.idy, and acta di
rectlyon Uieo'nod nnl miicuuasurrace. Hall s
I Kf:irrii l.'ure 14 not a quick me-ticine. it was
prescribed byoneol the bent physician in this
CMCilry tor y. ar , and is a reu'ar nrescrittion.
it w .omiK?:l L tiie bet toni s known, com
bined Willi till brit hi o I t'nrilier. acting di
rectly on I ho mucna turtai r. 'J h prrftct
coimna'io i nf t e t-.vn uizrcdienta is what
p ol!;r-ea sncrH wonderful icnlla in curing
catarrh. Send for testimonial', ire".
r'. J. t'lir.vrr &.. I'rope ioico, O.
FoM ;.v Drueyim". price 7.';C
Uall's Family Kills are tUa best.
OrnithologUla have discovered that
crows have no less t-.an twenty-seven
different cries, each dinincty refer
r ble to a different action.
Core Guaranteed by DR. J. U. MATER 1013
AKCH sr., J'HILa.. FA. K at once: no
oi eratlou or di-lay ir. m business. Contaliatl n
liee. i.ndorbtraents of pbymclai: ladies an4
I tumlnem cituens. Scad lor circular. Office
noun v A. M. to 3 F. U
A distinctive peculiarity between
sharks and whales lies in the fact
tbat the former have eyelids and the
latter noue.
Jcst tryalOc. box of rascareta, candy ca
tbarilu, Unest uvtsr and botvei regulator made.
Reporter It beggared description, sir.
Editor So I should Imagine. Your
description Is verv poor, at least.
Omaha Bee.
Mrs. Wlnslow j Footbtn Syrup for children
t ethins oftn ihe gums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, curt wind colic. 23a. boiUs
The average walking pace of a
healthy man or woman is said to be
seve.ity-five steps a minute.
I ate Plso's Cure fnt Consumption botn In my
family and prsc.ice.-Ur. O. V. Partsason
Inkstsr, Mica, -Nov. 6, 18.
In raiload building across snndy
deserts the French engineers in be
ginning to employ iron ties.
FITSstoDpea tree na pirmanenflr cured. ?lo
fit? after first day's u e of ln. Kux E's Griat
Kebve Restorer. Fre ; trial bottle and treat
he fcenU io Ur. Xllna, Kit Arch at., FaUsv i-s.
An album contaniug the photo
graphs of 20,000,000 stars is being
prepared by a French astronomer.
If afflicted with son erei ase Or. Juc Ttaomp-ton-s
tye w .ter. Drug.-ts sell at 25c. per bottle
A flowering plant is said to abstract
from the soil two h-indred times its
own weight in water during its life.
Wrot billons nr r-o-t t . a.M.
candy cathartic-; cure gjar-inteoJ; 10c., . '
A shepherd's body was recenilv car
bonized by electricitv at Roche la Mol
liere in France. During a thunder
storm tbe telegraph wires were blown
down and curled around the roan, who
was standing under thetn.
ldtt other articles, tostnotmng. Reaaeuroffsr
snrrik&Jrc ,00 BaroWiBfcip-M oTTca. ui benu
I IU.U WTf tlr.1 to 1 hh k donb: cTlim. a W.
m .ei ii or H cm. T Bermver, i sctiu,
Bl kl t srtm ;i,.t and inm set Watc,
lunguiiriiiiturc,!,! vntcbuu.ftilpw
iiTer paiM Tan pporma wwnn tl,
pair en! J t 'ated 11 CuB Bnrtriia.irola
pianM atca charm irorra Ttr., 1
fan. dlamonl rnllu Rold 12 Softrf Pie,
1C0S. Coar Cotton. lObEnvelonaa.
1 Lva1 r.r.rfl Snaranar. 1 roc-
Mamaracdnm aud 1 Prp-
wu OllllOO MOW JKTOQUet.
All ak, to order io Is
troduc our dsaxa, ta tkxl
yoa ajow s u send la
im Dackac K ol our
fln W ClBtra, ralnad
at at IT. Fall HtnlnattPD
aTkrwad. Bmambar. yon enly r7 K r end axrna lor tha
elffara. aad fba lw artktea Hamad abova a-a nva. liTrmden't
conalder ifca Int wonh s tlmaa what wa aik. dont pay 1 cant.
Address lSSTUl .Urt.t,., w ftaa, Jf. C.
WtS MUxHfc ill HSt FA.LS.
lougn rirrup. TaatesCood. Vm
in timg. fcoHi p.y arugf ;.ts.
As sure as
St. Jcsct3 Oil
comes, it comes to
The ailment goes.
JPetrtfled Bodies.
Three bodies, all of which were more
or less petrified, were taken from St.
Philomeaa's cemetery, on Tray Bill, Al
legheny, yesterday, by the workmen
who are transferring the bodies to the
new cemetery at Homewood. One of
the bodies waa that of a girl, about 10
years of age. AH of them had been
buried about thirty years. The bodies
of the man and woman were petrified
from the thighs down.
The best specimen of the three waa
that of the girl, which was In a com
plete state of petrification. A peculiar
ity about the body, however, was that
the limbs were hollow, a condition that
Is very seldom found. In removing the
remains from the grave the workmen,
who were careless, broke the body In
two. All three were placed In a box
and taken to the new cemetery, where
they were relnterred.
The body of a maa was also found
upon which there was a superfluous
growth of hair. That of tbe head was
almost nine Inches long, while the beard
was fully a foot In length. The hair
had a vigorous and lifelike appearance
and had undoubtedly attained its
growth after the body bad been dead.
On account of so many sight-seers
congregating in the cemetery, a rule
has been rassed to exclude all persons
except those who have first secured a
permit entitling them to watch the
work. The undertakers of Allegheny
are now the principal spectators. Pitts
burg Times.
Fill a bottle or common water glass with
arine and let It stand twenty-lour hours; a
ailment or settling indicates a diseased oon-ditl-.ii
of the kidneys. Wlin urine stains
linen tt is positive evidence of kidney trouble.
T'jo frequent desire to urinate or pain in the
back is also convincing proof that tbe kid
neys and bladder are out of orjer.
There is comfort In the knowle lee so often
expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer's Swamo-Boot,
the great kidney remedy, fulfills evety wish
in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, livor,
bladder and every part of the urinary pas
sages. It corrects inability to hold arine
and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects
following use ot liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necesaitv ot beinx
compelled to get np many times during the
nigut to urinate. The mild and the extraor
dinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized.
It stands tbe highest for Its wonderful cures
ot the most distressing cases. Bold by drug
gists, price fifty cents and one dollar, for
a (ample bottle and pamphlet, both seat free
by mail, mention this paper and send yoar
fall postofflce address to Dr. Kilmer Co.,
Blngnamton, N. Y. Tbe proprietors of this
papergaaranteethe genuineness of this offer.
A Great Pitr.
"It's a great pity," said Mrs. Hunni
mune. aa she turned from the door .with
a sigh. "Things do not seem o be
evenly regulated In this world."
"What's the matter?" Inquired her
"I was thinking of how nice it would
be if the berries we get were as fresh
as the men who sell them." Washing
ton Star.
Wo.To.Bac for Fifty Cants.
OwaOnoiOcurTH. Why not lot N .-To-Bc
reituiute or remove yoar d.sire for tolnccrl
tt.vremoner. m.ke- hexlth and mannooJ.
cure truarautred. 60 etuts and St(. at all
To Recall Itla Tenth.
The old man sighed as he took the
golden-haired, laughing little boy on
his knee, and stroking his shining tress
es, said:
"Ah, how much I should like to feel
like a child again."
Little Johnny ceased his laughter,
and looking up in his grandfather's
face, remarked:
"Then w hy don't you get mamma to
spank you?"
A Cat with an Odd Appetite.
An ordinary cat's bill of fare is quite
complete when it contains in the first
course a saucer of milk, in the second
a nice, tender mouse, and In the third
a piece of custard pie. But Frances
Holden, of Omaha, bad a high-toned
cat that bore the odd name of Okobojl,
which insisted on having an extra
course of crab salad. Last summer,
when she and her brothers and sisters
were out camping, they gathered a bas
ket of lively little crabs and poured
them out on the tent floor. Okobojl,
being near at hand, came sniffing up,
like the dainty cat ebe was, and all the
boys and girls were surprised to see
her walk right into the midst of the
wriggling mass. Some of the crabs
caught hold of her tail, of her whis
kers and of her fur, until she was fairly
alive with them. Okobojl seemed to en
Joy It first rate, and played with them
as If they were mice. Presently, when
she was tired of the fun, she sat down
and calmly ate all the crabs up, one
after another. Whoever heard of a cat
with such an odd appetite 1
A Snowball.
Teddy never meant to do It. Bat
when Tom threw a snowball, what
could he do but squeeze np another
and toss it back? And how could be
know that naughty ball would bop
right over Tom's head and go smash!
right through the window of Miss
Priscilla Prim's millinery shop! But
there was the broken pans, and the
glass scattered all over the ladles' bon
nets. Tom dodged around one corner, and
Teddy around the other. When Miss
Priscilla looked out, tbe street was as
empty and still as if there was not one
little boy In town.
"I got off pretty well thought Ted
dy. ' "If she caught me, she'd make me
pay the whole eighty-seven cents."
Nobody bat Teddy knew how many
errands he had run and how many
paths he had swept and how much can
dy and popcorn and butterscotch he
had not eaten to get together those
eighty-seven cents. As soon as he could
earn just thirteen cents more they were
all to go for the little steam-engine in
the toy-shop window.
Just five minutes later Teddy stepped
into Miss Priscilla's shop with his littla
red savings-bank in his hand. He emp
tied it on the counter, and out came
rolling such a swarm of dimes and nick
els and pennies! Miss Priscilla waa so
surprised that her eyebrows went right
up to her little gray curia.
"Say, I fired that snowball,' said
Teddy, bravely. "So I ought to pay for
It, 'course, you know."
-Well, you are an honest boy I" said
Miss Priscilla. "Bet you are dreadful
Teddy went past the toy-shop win.
dow on his way hosie, and he could not
help Just looking at the little engine.
But he was not sorry for being honest,
net a M. aiossys
a. w.-at SoBatda a Warnias
to tha Urodcawed.
a HE devil changes
I his coa t every day.
The truly great
are those who con
quer themselves.
In what we can
do best, only God
can be our teach
er. When' duty Is
hard, remember
that Jesus never
If there Is good in
us, it will bring out good In others.
Every saloon-keeper has the devil for
bis business partner.
Some people look happiest when they
have bad news to tell.
The man who controls himself may
hope to reform other men.
We will always find good when we
look for it with a good heart.
We have done too little, when we
nave not done our prayerful best.
Self-righteousness never lias any
mercy on Itself or anybody else.
The hotter the fire, tbe sooner the
enemy will be out of ammunition.
It Is a step toward heaven to come
under the Influence of good people.
The man who would be wise must
sit at tbe feet of those who are wise.
Many children go to tbe bad, mainly j
because God is misrepresented to them. '
There are no emergencies with God.
No surprises for wbicb be is not pre- j
The devils Jesus cast out always
made the most fuss just as they were
The Christian should not become dis
couraged because the devil is still work
ing at bis trade.
Do all you can find totlo for the Lord
at home, and you will soon believe in
foreign missions.
How many . fathers and mothers
make religion such a cruel thing tbat
their children hate it. -
Every good man is a lamp which God
spares from heaven for a while, to help
give light to the world.
God has declared that tbe man who
brings wicked devices to pass will sood
be out of tbat business.
If you are poor, It may be that the
Lord wants to show you how rich he
can make you without money.
No matter what happens, the Chris
tian should insist on believing that
God is still doing all things well.
Tli devil has never been able to
make any man dissatisfied with bis lot,
who bad perfect trust In Christ.
Tbe man has a bard place who has
so much religious work on hand he
never has time to pray In secret.
One reason why tbe world gains
knowledge so slowly Is that every child
must find out for itself tbat fire is hot.
The tim- is flying this way on rapid
wings, when the only thing that can
prosper in this world is righteousness.
The man of faith will not be cast
down because there are some people
who seem to be making the devil's ser
vice pay. j
The chariot of God's purpose la still
thundering straight on, in pplte of . the
indifference and worldliness,. Jn. the
Many a face we consider homely
would be radiant with beauty. If we
could see it without looking through
darkened windows.
The Heliograph.
Tbe new heliograph recently com
pleted (or Portland Heights, Oregon,
will make a flash tbat at 100 miles will
appear like a blazing star. With a
three-inch glass it raay be seen 7 CO
No. of
dj .
Name or District.
lyn. Lone ajid Sta
ten Islands and New
New York State (out
side of N. Y. City.
Brooklyn, Lcne nd
Staten Islands'.
Pennsylvania. Dela
ware, Maryland.
West Virginia and
District of Coiumtia
The New
RULES. I. Every month durlrj 1897 In eich cf the 4 distress prizes will ba awarded as follows! .
The 1 competitor who sends In the Largest Number of coupons from the district in which he or
she resides will receive $100 Cash. The 5 competitors who send In the Next Largest Humtil '
of coupons from the district In which they reside will Each receive at winner's option a lady's I
or eentleman's Pierce Special Bicycle, price S 1 00. The 1 0 competitors who send in the Narr ,
Largest Numbers of coupons frcm the district In which they reside will bach receive at winners
o.icna lady'sor gentleman's Coa Watch, prire S25. 2. The competitions will Close the Last Day '
or Each Month durir.j 1897. Coupons received too late for one month's competition will ba But I
Into the next. 3. Cnmpeiit jrs who obtain wrappers from unsold soap in dealer's stock will be dl- .
qualified. Employees of Lever Brothers, Ltd.. ind their families, are debarred from compatlnr.
4. A printed list of Winners in Competitor's dlsirct will be forwarded to Competitors In about 31 '
days after each competition doses. S. Lever Brothers. Ltd., will endeivor to award the prtias i
fairly to the best cf their ability and Juifmem. but It Is under-toed that all who compete acres to
accent tha sward of Lever Brothers. Ltd.. as final. f-FVPR RPr.c T mb, va
The Bicycles are the celebrated Pierce Special. 1897 Pattern. mTd by Geo. N. PlercatCo.. ft
of Butfalo. Boston and New York. Fitted with hrtford Tires, First-class Nickel Lamp, Naw
Departure Bell. Standard Cyclometer, and Hunt Lace Saddle. mi
6aa a a a jJLa afta.AAJURifi.AA ft&j&JLa.AuuuMUU
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Breakfast Cocoa.
"a. ' mit a
Because it is absolutely pure.
Because it is not made by the so-called Dutch Process In
which chemicals are used.
Because beans of the finest quality are used.
Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired
the exquisite natural flavor and ooor of the beans.
Because It is the most economical, costine less than one cent
a cup.
Ba aura that yoa get the genuine article made by WALTER
BAKER CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Maw. Established 1780.
nuuuuui jjiu UUflli&IULEiU u
ale aad booklet rn. .i.
. STFRirvB VvVcrivVA
a a i"a m la i iT u imn,
Say Aye No and Ye'll Hs'cr be Barriod." Doa'i n
fuse til Cur f dvicaf o U.o
Scientists declare tbat the p,.-
turtlo is in danger of extermination.
All women work.
Some in the homes.
Some in church, and some in
whirl of society.
Many in the stores and shops, sod
tens of thousands are on the never-ceaa.
ing treadmill earning their daily food.
All are subject to the same physical
laws; au sut
ler alike
from the
same phy
sical dis
turbances; there is
ment in
tho womb.
Lvdia E. Pink-
ham's " Veg-etabre Compound" is tha
j nnfailing- cure for- this trouble. It
j strengthens the proper muscles, and
; displacement with all its horrors, will
j no more crush you.
j Backache, dizziness, fainting, " bear
, ing-dotvn," disordered stomach, inoodi
! ness, dislike of friends and society all
i symptoms of the one cause will ba
quickly dispelled, and you w'll again
be free.
Savannah Line
I wls Wharf.
rlavs and Saturdays! 8 p.m. from Haw FtsrM, N.B.
tiajii 3 p. ui. frjin Il?r Is, fco. Elwrtt Avt.
Ii. (.'. Han.iiKul, -Vr. ciofie connection t Svji
ti:ih ?"(! i iK.-ln-s Soath. lh
qLH'Ki;T, CTilEAl'EVr, SAFEST, beht.
l'iifaiurrn'a4'l CHit.ii ArcommotlatloM
Sa p.ny J.MCliS, Kit: trie Ligii!!, all oonvnlenc.
tMinrl two cent stump for c prof "tSunDti Ion
fYr' mnd map aiiowtnp lfgnt-botUM &nl other
:?rari. ns the Atlantic Coast.
O. t. SuKfaKL. Mgr, Nex FUr U. N. It.. Ww Yorit
there's HONEY,'?.
No Lti-ir-s pava aa wU ou amount lnvawed aa
1 l( 1 1. t.lStJ v E l.l.! with our mortrni maciiii -try.
IVM CCaKDKt THAT'S tb liaaa.i,!
LOOMIS A. NYMAN, Tiffin, Ohio.
hns Nvn by million of mothers fortbelr
p!iiiarpn wniie 'leetnintrrorover Jr irty Yeut
It soothes (he child, sofrpui the (rum. aJlnv
ail pain, cures wind colic, and la Horn best
reineo v jnr amrrnnpa.
Twenty-five cents a Botuv
mall. StoanUaOat
UiuraHl. Oft. J.t,.5TCOMA.ljBAaiOvi'l
F'aMle I Ilia. Grmrantfo Rll'f In S daya.
.Ma l, SI, S3. Ult . p. BEAD, 10O9 South
SI. fhliH.
r.cu AMll Competitors to tare as many
ddVtcc30","'0" Sm' Wrapper.
PRIZE lis they can collect Cutoff
per, that portion comalnlnf
the heading; "Sohuoht
Soap." These (called "Cat.
pons") ara to be sent. past.
igc fully paid, crtcloaad wltn
i sheet of paper aKatfnf
competitor's fuii name aaa
coupons sent ta, to Lrm 9t
oros., no., new I ora,
-narked on outside Wrapper
top left hand corner) with
Number of tha Duracv
competitor uvea in.
Wti 1 w
T 1 Vt I 11
5rrweoarnii m
""""" ""'Pi. visraretn are the Idoai Iaia A
ri- raumwraij netnraireraltB. tiim-4
a j T :"t'Tr'1- r:in- w Tort. tivj