Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 03, 1897, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8, 1897.
r TEBM8.
Subscription, SIM per annum If paid
, ad ranee $2.00 If not paid In adrance.
Tiuiirat adTerttaementa Inserted at 60
4iU par lneh for each insertion.
Transient business notices in local ool
nau, 10 eeats pgr line for each Insertion.
Deductions will be made to those desiring
to adTartise by the year, half or quarter
Binksr T. V. Irwin is housed with
a eold.
A spook haunts the Big Spring at
Mrs. Beaben Anker is ill with
Lewistown has thirty cases of ty
phoid fever.
The Ute cold snap mala work for
the plumbers.
Mrs. J. H Simons is threatened
with pneumonia.
Mrs. John Hollobaugh, Jr, is in
bed with rheumatism.
An infant child of D. H. Craig,
died on'the 26th inst.
Commissioners' elerk Rhine was ill
several days last week.
About fifty of the Indians in Car.
Chief J ustice Sterrett was in town
several hours last ThorsJay.
Bank Teller Robert Parker has
'bsen ill within the past week.
The entire population of the world
is considered to bo l,400,tK)0,000.
Rav. Mr. Fahs added fifteen more
membars to bis church on Sunday.
Miss May L m.loa is on a visit to
her friend Mrs. Sidney Lewis at Ber
wick. Miss Jennie Banks has fully recov
ered from a ssvere attack of rheuma
tism. Newport has a spook that haunts
Third and Fourth streets of that
The late cold weather did great
The Newport Methodist congrega
tion reioifld over tha canvaraioa of
sixty people.
Ed Parker has returned to Jan
iata, after several months sojourn in
There is a panic among the build
ing and loan associations of Knox
ville, Tennessee.
Corbett the fist fighter is 6 feet
tall. His trainer William Ruhliss is
"7 ftt-t, 6 inchps.
The January freshet did not ma
terialize. Instead of a "break up, it
was a freeze-up."
James McCauley has been ill with
severe cold. He has been threat
ened with pneumonia.
Mrs. Etka, wife of Bert E'.ka was
stricken with lung trouble, something
like pneumonia, on Monday morniag.
"Somo of the papers are calling at
tention to the fact that pensions have
-cost tbis country $2,000,000,000 since
Ferdinand Rbom, aesthetic farm
er around the Capital at Harrisburg
spent Sunday with his relatives in
thia place.
A ramp may get a night's lodg
ing alongside, of tho boilur of the
Bellefonte glas works for wheeling
twelve loads of coal.
In our report of tho nominations
-of the Democracy for borough offices
last week, the name of George W.
Bergor for inspector was missed.
lira. Parker and daughter Isabel
la, were severely injured last week,
by the upsetting of their carriage, by
a runaway horse at Washington, D. C.
J. n longest terra lor muraer in
the second degree is 20 years iic
prisonment. it Jonnatnn tee mur
derer of Henry gets that number of
years, it will be equal to life sentence.
Her. A."SUpleton, A. M., ol Lsw
isburg, assisted Rev. Mc. Suortess in
tha minis' rati-m of the communion
services in ths Trinity Evangelical
eh arch on Sunday.
Rev. A. N. Raven, preaclied ou
Sunday in the Presbytrian church
in Tyrone for Rev. Albert Wisely.
Rer. R. F. Wilson of Lewistown, Cit
ed Mr.Raven's pulpit here.
Mrs. Sunaol A. Tyson, die 1 at the
homo of ber husband in Walker Twp.
on the 27th inst, aged about 40
years. Interment in the Secuder
cemetery at David Diven's place.
Assemblyman Keller is a member
of two legislative committees. He is
a member of lLa committee on mun
icipal corporations and a member on
tho cornmitte of retrenchment and
The ice that has ben put up has
been of the best tiiat can be obtain
ed. . The streams were t.lear when
frozen over. The ice is the best
that can be obtained from the
The first ballot of the jurors, who
tried murderer Johnston of Dan
eannon was equally divided as to
guilt of the firat and second degree.
The jury was five hours in coming to
tha verdict in tha second degree.
Robert Ionis of Tuecarora Valley
-died of pneumonia last Thursday.
He was one of the Trominnfc mn in
the valley and the owner of a large
farm that was warranted by the first
In dm, who came to Tuscarora before
the revolutionary war.
Senator Hertzler is a member of
seven Senate committees- On the
committee of public health and sani
tation; on agriculture; on centennial
affairs; on corporations; on federal
relations; on game and fisheries; on
judicial apportionment
The failure of Kaoxville, Tennes
see Loan Asssociations, has awaken
ed inquiry among the Juniata eoun.
ty people who have invested with
those smitten institutions. It is
hoped that onr people mav not lose
their investments in thouo far away
Gas has been struck in a well 1000
feet deep at Lockbaven, on the west
Branch of tho Susquehanna.
Asking (meditatively) After all, is
life really worth living?
Grimahaw. That depends on the
liver. New Tork Sunday Journal.
The Duncannon Johnson Henry J
muraer csee came to an end on Sat
urday by the jury finaing verdict of
guilty of murder in the second de
gree. On Friday Wra. Oushard and Mil
lard Kirk went to Cotter's Hole in
the river north west of town, cut
a hole in the ice and caught a large
string of nsa such as suckers and
New Man. What shall I say about
Mr. uonctman projects .
Able Editor. See what the miser
able sheet across the way says about
it, and then take the other side. N.
T. Weekly.
Southern California has 3,000,000
oronge trees, 1,700,000 apncot trees,
1,009,000 peach trees, 1,050,000
prune trees, 1200 lemon trees and
740,000 olive trees, most of them not
yet at their bearing age.
The barbers of Mordhausen, Sax
ony, are compelled by law to cleanse
and disinfect their brushes, combs
and razors immediately after use, and
before they are applied to the hair or
beard of another customer.
Subscribe for the Sesttxel and
RErrBLlCA, a paper that contains
choice reading matter, full of inform
tion that does the reader good, and
in addition to that all local news that
are worth publishing find places in
its columns- tf.
Tho Beaver Springs Herald of lst
week says: n. A. Luck of Mifliin
town, salesman for T. W. Auker &
Sou's marble acd granite monu
ments and head-?tonep, spent a week
in tbis section in the interest of his
firm and reports a successful c :nvass.
Fire was discovered in the Metho
dist church at Port Roval on Ttmrs
day afterneen by Porter Burns of
that place. The alarm was given and
the fl imes were outer.ed before much
damage was done. Tho fire origin
ated from a large heater in the build
ing. Last Fri'ay Harry ilusser and
Wm. Miyer hi'.9 driving in tho
country some miles from this place
attempted to pass a toam ahead
when MusEcr's horse got c n to a
iuwj iwuga oy u o.u C-llKX Has cut j
i i i i i i a . .
in a lore leg suvereiy. Xlie
is on the mend.
aiiimal !
List of letters remaining iD the
Post OiHce at Patterson, Pa., uocall.
ea xor aj tne close of business, oa
Saturday eveuitig, Janmrv 30th,
1807: L W. Williams, A. W. Miller,
F. F. Dcrmount, Jacob Howard, Me.
Drorman, Wm. Linn Allen & Co.,
Anuie K. Neidicb.
Fifteen coasters an a sled sliding
down a street in Bellefonte about 11
P. M., on Saturday night, rau into a
trso at the ride of the street. Fre 1
Tbompscn, colored, who wag guioing
tha sled was badiy bruised about t'uu
neaa ana nal liis teftii knocked .our,
three fingers, jaw bono and ankle
" Sir," sho cried, '-you hava drop
ped your ovi-rs'joes."
He turned and picked them up
without a word of tbanke. .
Tho next monnnt she, was astoun
ded to see him drawing them over
his oars.
They were his onr nsviSs. Cleve
land Plain-Dealer.
There wili bo an extra session of
vougrea caueu Dy rresians Mciva-j
ley ;moied; uciy after hs hn been in -
augurated, for the purpose of
tling upon some kiad of a revenua bid
mat iu:i put me mar.urariurmg iu-!
cereals on its reei, at a save tcccouu
try from tho wrecking .Irasiness com
petition w:ih th: old w-nld across I
the seaa.
A live o-rl on the figure of the
blind g-.ddess of justice in the rear of
Judge Lyoa's seat ia Bloornfisld
court roota last Saturday at the con
clusion of the trial cf lauid-rtr
T i . , , . 1 t'.i civ:i tuw .iiiaotjt-ijitii hi,ju oi urea
Johnson, awaited a great deal of cr.ra -. . T, . , ,. . AlJ ..
, ...r . iitecturo. It 13 be.ieved the lire was
mnt and superstitious expression.! , , i i
H,x, i , it. started by cn irarropri!y prctee cd
ow the owl got there ia not k.;oi!. , . - ,i 1 ,J .. ,
Tf , , . i electnc wire tuftt furnishes light for
It whs rpruovPtl son-.e tirao tluriv-.i' i , . y, , , .
hiituraav before the o mi umn rf t hat
Buy your hunting doi and
tnem acqutunted befora tue liuutiRg
Reason opens I hnva tho following
to offer, guaraoteed thorenghly brok
en on their crams and reliable. Fox
houjxl3, rabbit hounds, beagles, set
ters and pointers; also soma fiue
Newfoundlands, spaniels, collies, fox
and bull terriers; fancy poultry and
pigeons; Belgium and German hires;
prices low. J. Howard Tatlob.
Antr.7,ly. Wast Chester, Pa.
Merchant Wannamakt-r ai, tbo
great fire ia Philadelphia last tvef.-k,
manifested as great efficiency at cx
tinguishirg the lire as ha has mani
fested in every department of life'
that he ha3 been pi:c&d in, aed the
smoke of the ruins had scarcely goao
till his store was ga;n open for nil
who were seeking FMt goods at
prices profitabla to tha buyer.
Wannamaker is an extraordinary n,an
tase nun any way you will m
higher and best waiks cf life.
Lr.Ft Thursdaj', Simon Krcider of
FerraudJville, Clinton couity, walk
ed a mile to the mountain and was
greatly surprised tj sea four bears in
a hole nnder a rock icto which hs
oked. He is a young man olIv 20
-a:s old; but he had courag-e enough
to stii.nt the biggest bear end then
the three smaller ones. He return
ed to Farrandoville and tscured help.
The wholo town turned out to help
bring in the game. Tho old bear
weighed 150 pounds aud thre cubs,
weighed each about 55 pounds.
The Chicago newspapers report
that there are many people in that
town who own property, who have
no money with which to buy the nec
essities of life. They are business
people, some of them stcrs-keepers,
and in other lines of public business
that was dependent on employees in
manufacturing establishments, and
as tbe manufacturing establishments
closed, the employees Lad no money
to buy with and that estranged many
business people, and left them as bsd-
i ly fixed financially as the workmen.
In some eases worse.
Mice nibbling at matches set fire
to an insurance agent's office in Se
lins grove one night last week.
,J Who was Ananias, pa?"
"I believe he was the leader of the
opposition to George Washington."
Harry Ellis and Van Pannebaker
caught 31 &ah from a hole in the ice
in the river on Monday. They used
bait, hook and line.
There are over 10 million men in
the United States fit for military du
ty. So the Secretary of war told the
Senate of the United States on Mon
The Houss at Harrisburg unani
mously passed the resolution provid
ing for an investigation ef the offices
ot Auditor General and State Treas
urer. The' Christian Endeavor Society
was 16 years old uu I'ue 2nd of Feb
ruary and numbers a membership of
over two million people.
Tuesday was ground hog day and
the animal did not see its shadow in
this part of the country. Now see
how the weather will turn out in" the
six weeks t j c )Oi3-
A marriage license was issued
from the Recorder's office in the
Court Houss on Monday, the pros
pective groom of which is 70 years
old -and the prospective biide 60
years old.
About 3 o'clock A. M., on Tuesday
an attempt was made to wreck the
Gardner, Morrow & Co. bank build
ing in Hollida3-sburg. An explosive
material of sme kind was put
nnder the door. The remit did
c insiderable damage, smashing doors
breaking winlovs and shattering,
windows in neighboring houses.
Windows were shattered in the
houses of Charles Vowinekle, Frank
Glessner, Mre. Gertrude Christy, S.
S. Barr, Miss Eiizabeth Stiffier, B.
Goldman, J. R. Hums, E Ae'vin &
Co., John T. Leet.
The Republican ticket nominated
by a popular vote for the Ftbruary
election and the Dtnioeratic ticket
nominated by a Democratic caucus
for Fermanagh township, did not sat
isfy all the citizens in the township,
and a number thought they could
best further their dcsire3 and inter
ests of friends by putting another
ticket, in tbo field by nomination ra
i..ers, which they did on Saturday,
iJauuary SO, 1S07. Tho citizens who
signed and filed the nomination pa
pers ticket are: Samuel Warner, B.
Usller, Joun isaliectmc, W.
W. Tf.
T.r-.ier .Tnnica T,r.nrrnfro i 1 J!
Diffnderier, E. J. Warner.. Tbe
ticket they nominated is: For jnde
of election, Geo. W. Horning; inspec
tor, Charles Du3i; school directors,
J. C. Hower, David Wolfgang; road
supervisors, Wm. B. Lirtver, H. C.
Penny; oversL-er of poor, Jacob B.
Stoner; auditor, Jul, n B. Bl!ectine;
towaahip cltrk, E;u.r J. Warner.
Ths funeral of 3eorgo B. Robeits
of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Gjiu- ;
pacy, took place on Tuesday after- j
tiGor,. February 2, 1807. Interment j
in the Wet L-.un-l Hill Cemetery ati
I Philadelphia, and thus passed awsy ,
lir. Roberts, President of otie oi the :
greatest transposition lines in the
world. Ho w.ss a roan of great exc
utivn ability and immca?ureable is
the diff-jrence excepting in form, be
tween such a man and the man who
cannot manage- or cortrol himself,
but ow dust to uust just as the in
capable pauper dust to dust, and we
artj all alike so we cro toid, but who
ever explained the phenomena of the
moral, business and intellectual dif
ferences of ruoa here, and who can
explain the greater mvstery of their
being made equal in the world lo
1 ct);ue. The man who ' can explain
sct-U, cm explain the phecomrra t-f
jjfy as,i death, acd that man has not
Tet, been bom. The funeral of Mr.
j Robeits was attended by people fram
I every pursuit in life.
Tli main Capital Building erected
in 1S10 st Harrisburg, was destroy
ed by fire on Tuesday in the middle
of the day. It was a brick building
180 feet by 80, two btoiies hib.
built in what architects are r leased
. . .. . . ' v
iruvut iinovo tae aanate cuamucr aud
I for ths Public School department
jim across the liail from the L;eu
tenant Givernors room. But as far
i as positive information goes it is not
known just when aad w'uero th9 fire
stnrted fir the first infurmstioa that
the occupants of the building had of
fire was a smell that, diffased itself
through conid -rs npstairs ia tho de
partments mrtioried. - S:me of tba
Seiiators smelt flro tu e arly as 10
o'clock in the forenoon. Ssareh up
s:-.:m was rot oegua for the cauce of
the fire smelt till about noan and
when a w.ish-board in the- Lieuten
ant G jvrrnor's ro. m wan pried off
fire showed iistlf. It was qaicklyre
alizod that hie whs ragTg between
rtuddiug vl the wall; between floor
and cei'iing over a oo.csidt.-r.ible por
tion of tbo upst iirs of .hat pare of
tbo building. Tt-o School Dparl-
&C i ho hos.i ia that r.art of the
j effort:J R, - a.
j. . ti,., ......i ,,f fi, fi. f
more cocsequenca than if thev had
bfen squirting waier from a tea ktt
ti. However, thtir work showed
thfeir good iuteution toward tho pro
tection of public property. The Sen
ate w:'S not in sessiou. The prog
ress of tha firo iu the Senate wing of
toe building was rapid. Fira ap
peared everywhere and fuw Senators
were abla to got their personal af
fects out of their tIaFks. Whila the
fira was goiu; on ia that aids cf .the
building, the Hons i was in session in
tho other side end bad so nearly fin
ished the days work that i nly two
bills remaired unfinished on the cal
ender. Speaker Boyer had by some
mo ids been made acquainted with
what was going on in tho Senate side
of tho building, but to prevent a pan
ic among -the members remained
calm and unconcerned and quietly
had the doors leading to the rotunda
biriicad'd aad by the time the
House was awakening to the fact cf
the siluatiou a mat ion to adjourn
had been made and curried and the
members escaped by the bck door.
When the law-makers of the House
got out they were amazed, . almost
dumb-founded to see thousands of
people collected at the other ide of
the bmldinsr and thousands more
coming running. A great blazing
fire was cracking and devouring tne
very pinnacle of the dome aad a
great column of smoke as black as
sight was rolling away in an inex
haustible column before a brisk
breeze from the east Jnst then the
dome came down with a mighty
crash into the rotunda and a great
puff came oat from nnder the tin
roof as if some mighty giant was
struggling to get out and thousands
of tongues of fire darted throughout
the House Chamber where the mem
bers sat only a few minutes before.
The fire department of the City had
been summoned and when they ar
rived a half hour after the discovery
of the fire they were to late. The
water pressure was lacking and so
amidst it all little was left of the
place except the imperishable
walls. Many valuable records were
destroyed. The building was
insured for two hundred .thousand
dollars. The Legislature was con
vened in other public buildings on
Wednesday, but much of the busi
ness that bad been done before ithas
to be begun anew.
WONDERFUL, are the cures by
Hood's txu-saparilla, and yet they
are simple and natural . I lood's Sarsa
parilla makes PURE BLOOD.
Sherlfr (Hale.
At the Sheriff's pale last Friday,
W. C. Pomeroy bought tho 86 acre
farm of Charles N. Sherlock in Beale
township for sixteen hundred dollars
and the 19 acre tract of woodland of
the same for five dollars. Dr. Banks
bought the 35 acre tract of Robert
Crozier in Milford township for one
hundred and sixty seven dollars and
fifty cente.
The Best after Dinner Pill -
Hood's Pi'.ls aid digestion, pre
vent that feeling of fullness or dis
tress and gently, yet effectively, as
sist in tho as8imlatioa and digestion
of food. They do not gripe or pain,
and they do not weaken the body.
On the contrary, they have a strength
ening end stimulating effect They
rouse the liver, prevent sickness and
cure sick headache. Hocd's Pills are
pun.ly vegetable, perfectly harmless
and may bo used safely by delicate
women and children.
A Rich Harvest.
It costs no more to sow good seeds
than it dees to sow old and worthless
stock. Hiw foolish is tho person
who fails to get tho beet to start
with. No doubt yon nave often
thought of this, when ycui garden
has not done very well.
Will yon jog along in tho same eld
way tbis jear, or use a litt'o fore
thought and send to Jam?.s Vick's
Sons, Rochester, N. T., for their Cat
alogue which contains a list of all
that's new and good?
Their seeds are always reliable
sure to grow and never disappoint.
Sead 10 cents for Catalogue and de
duct this ami.ur.t from first order.
Reallv coats nothing.
Vff Ua Floral Guide, 17.
For nearly half a century this Cat
algua of Flower and Vegetable
Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Ross, Grains,
Potato s, etc , has come as regnlarly
as spring time. Hero it is again to
remind us that it's time to ;hink
about, onr garden. This issue con
fairs hrdf a dozen fuU page half tone
illustrations cf Roses, Aster. Gobi
Flower?, Carnations and Ton:atots
It sssms full of the noces88ry in
formation for either amateur i r pro
fessions!: Send 15 cents to James
Tick's Son?, Rochestt-r. N. Y.. for a
packet of either Vicks' Bi weening
Aster, Now Japan Morning Giory cf
extra choice Pansy and a copy cf
Vick3 Floral Guide. If you state
where vou saw this nctico you will
reoeivs a package cf fiowtr steds
Thuesdat, March 17tb, (St. Tat
rick's day,) Reuheu Mslterilsg resid
ing ou the.North farm titar MifiVn
town, will soli at 10 o'clock, A. II., 7
good horses, 7 milch cows, bull, lot
cf fine yoacg cattle, 3 brood sows, 12
r.ics shotcs, two 2-h.rs wagons,
binder, mower and a full complement
of farming machinery and imple
ments, horse gears and harness and
an sssoi tnacct of otb-r j -erson-il prop-
pert y. See bibs. H. ii Snvder, Auct.
WkP.nesdat, Uaech 24, Charles
Bock, adminirlrator of tho estate of
S.muel Thorn ap. Ute of Fermanagh
toaxship, deceased, will cell nt the
lste ifiEi't-nce o? t;dd decedent,
horse?, cowe, young cattlf, sheep,
hog'i, Witjnns, form niichinery cf all
kinds, gc-ara, some l.onseho'd goods
and other articles. Side at 10 A. M.
H. H Snyder, AuctJ-.
ThtrSdat, Mabct 4, Jesse Beal,
near MeCoysvillo, t.orsei, cattle, farm
Thctisday, Feebi -rt 18, L. G. Ubil,
Sprnce Hill towns np, horses, cows,
hof, farm implen nts.
Tukkhat, FEuauAnr 23, N. H. Esh,
Sprnsfl Hill, horse-:, cos, hogs, farm
Tue3dat, Masch 9, K'uben Moist,
Walker township, horeps. cows, sheep
farm lmplemmetit?.
Maech 2G. Edwin PaDnebakcr,
Unrward, norses, cows, young cattl",
larming' implements.
Tuesday, March, 9, Thomas Ar
buckle, near MeCultoeh .Wills, horses,
cattle, lurai implements.
March 16, '.T. M. Thompson, Wil
low Kun, nor s, cattle, sheep, hogs,
iarm impiem its.
March 10. V, H. Paf.tron, Beale
township, borf)p, cattle, hoge, sheep,
iarm implements.
March 18. 1 nac Book, Spruce Hill,
horsea, cattl, hogs, sheep, farm im
plements. March 18, Clem Ijeach, Johnstown,
farm lmplemnats, horses, cattle.
March 20, E. J. Kurtz, Walker
township, cattle, sheep, hogs, form
March 23. Stewart Leyder, Dela
ware township, horses, cattle, colts.
' farm implements-
Be on the look
out for E. Schott's
new ad,
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1889.
Special Invitation To Tlie Public
To attend the Attractive Kala of Clothing that goes on dailv
ft will be
Who nave money to invest to
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't i jil
to give him a call if m need of
. . xi u Die,
Practical Embahncr and Funcr
al Hircctor.
Bridge &t., Mifilintown, Pa.
mSMM Ymt
Wc tvttttj ths readers of tais journal tlia': we do uct authorize the
use cf oar Hj.mz in Givcrtisemeuts of st-caled traveling optical
specialists. Our advice to all persons who have defect! o e3-e?i.ht :
Arr.H trarcling specialists and pcxVirs o Spectacles.
QUEEN & CO., Tie Opticians, IC JO Chestnut St., P?;.;aJ5lphia.
jiaaowci'irs am l r.i W!fr' or AOTratt
t-"E'iy" A siuable nook n Kervim
V f fa m Hot free to any adtlreo
f HI f ind poor pttteDU ran alao obt&.a
1 1 1 hm mm tills mocUclua fro of charge.
Thi. nnwdfku bwn prepared by the BOTereii
Putor EoeoK. ot Fort wurna Lid. riacelSu
tbsowprftparvd undnrhia dlractloa by tbe
KONIC MED. CO.. Chicago, lit.
Bold by Drnicirts lat SI per Hottle. 6tbr C
barc8iM.1.7ua ISottaeKfarC9.
examine the Stock ot Good? for
Wonderfully Low Prices.
Eyes, i
and Bun j Ifd Kprctaclm art: V Ulmi
fr 473 I. a Kifo ana prompt resell
inSPOe;'. aierr.eoHcchcKri'
Is a safo ana pronrt rerre'ly
wm! una VU rorc.3 ot
Sir irer Cmclalni8 en
C ASA .i 7 TO TAU.fi AK!"
winter clothing
Clothing' Store,
It has bten our invariable custom to Reduce tbe price of Overooata aa4
Heavy Clothing after thedst of January to close ont onr Winter line.
Onr line 'if Overcoats will ba sold at oost and when we aay cost we do m
mean to mark them up before catting tbe prioe.
'Men's Good Substantial Overooats 2 50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00,7.00
and 8 00 dollars,' both in storm and dress.
Boys' Black,' B!ue and Gray Storm and Dress Overcoats at 1.75, 200
3.00, 4.00 np to 6 00.
Children's Overcoats from 90cts to 4.50.
Mn'a Heavy Winter Suits 2.45, 3.75, 4.00, 5.00, 6 00, 7.00, 8.00, 9
nd 10,00. .
Boys audchildron?8 heavy Miits reduced in same proportion. These goods
areal.' worth more money, but ate being cleared ont to make room for our Spring
atock. These Good's must be clssedout as wo won't carry' over goods from
year to, year.
Hollobaugh & Son,
K. H. JUeClintic.
1880. 1880.
Keep House?
JJe are making a Speciality of
liousfkerping Helps,
Itlaryhuu flotation Refrigerators.
Tbcsc are some of tbe things that help tbe Qoesns of kltohen, be they
maids or uiatronr.
Wc uiske extra efforts to seoure tbe best Cook Stoves and Ranges and
guarantee ibcra to bake and cook satisfactorily or money refundrd. Call ia
and see them.
hardware stock
department. Our purchasing power eoablaa ua to bay in iuoh quantities a
to assnre tbe very lowest prices oa the beat Goods.
Founded ID lt;fi. Large Faculty
Two (u 1 courses ot .study Classical an I
Scientific, Special courts in all depart.
tDcnts. '.Obei-rvaldry, Laboratories arid
new OvBiuasinra. Seam heat. Libraries,
2J,()00 T;lnmes. ExrenaM low. Depirl.
ment of Hygiene and i't)yiic:il Cnllnre in
chorjeofan experienced physiciau.- Ac
ci'fsilie by frequent railroad trains. Loci
tion on tb PATTLEFXKLD of Upttr'abur?.
ciffct plcfloar apr! teal'.hv. PUCP.iH
ate tuiJinf s, lor hnya and jounft men pre
paring for busircsa or College, unfltr spec
ie! care cf Ibc- rrincipn! and tLree assist
ants, re-',u:ng itb studrnlH in tbebnilfiing.
Tlii ten.. usr.toxer ith, IK95... . Kor
Cattiojrues, address
fl. W. MCKNIGHT, D. D.,
or KEV. O. G. KLISGER, A. ii.,
(lettfysbnrg, i'a.
Stonkholdsrs Indivi dually Lhh
JOSKI'H ROTiiROCIC. Pretidrr.t.
T. VAN IBWIN, Cashim
W. r. Pomotoy,
Jubu H'Ttaler,
Robert 5. Ps.kor.
T. V. Jrin.
Jviseph RnthrocS,
Josiah L. Barton, .
I.oai3 E. Atkiosu'.
George A. Kt j ner, Arn'e St. Shtillov,
Jostt.h Kothroclf, P. W. IJar.l.eci.
L. E. tkinon, R. E. Parkv, .
U". C. 1'nminroy, - J. Holmwt Irwrn-
John !ert?.ier. Js-rome fi. Thompwjii.
T. V. Irwin
Jonn .!. Blair.
Josiati L Barton,
Robert Ii. Patter.
Ivi Light,
Wm. Bwnrta.
H. J. Sbeller.herger,
il. E. Schlrgel.
V.M. M. PenDfil,
SArai;(,lS. kcthtock,
M. N. Sterrett,
James G. Reading,
. W. Heaps.
Saiutit-1 Schlcgel.
Three and Fonr j.-r ofnt. ir.tarest wilt v
paid ou cei lipeates of deivisit.
fjlin 'Z-, 18i6 tt
thing to patent? Protect your ideaa ; they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN rVDDElt.
bUifti & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington.
U. C. for their S1.8U0 prijse offer.
Ctl.t. AT
li A, IS K t
MIrTWvyy"-, i'A.
four 1: c a oknt .
Mousy Lcasd at Lnwsst Bates.
. J. 1.
Anrcne sending .aketch and descrtpfion may
quicKlj-ancrt.iln. free, whethur an tfienlinn Is
probihly patentable. Communlnatlnns atiictiy
coDf)detitlal. Cl.Ieat airency f'se:urji)ir pnteata
In America. Wo hare a WaihtnKton niioa.
ratenta tilu-a throuah llkio & Co. recolm
pecjat untice iu the
beanflfullr tllaatrnted. hrra! clrcnlatlon of
apy aceiiritlc journal, waekly, terms f3.it) a reari
fl-.iOsif months. ppeHmen cuplia ana aLuiiS
Boon, o.-f PATa.NTra aeatfreo. Address
3J1 Urondwny, New Y.rk.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Thb Eonna: Plsar.s inform your resdcis
it I hare a poettive remedy for the aboro-namr't
1. 1-:' aif, Hy it. timely use thooMtnd. of hap..,l(
r.u have be-a permanently cared. I shnll b :t. i
- j !! two botUe. of my remedy FKlife' ;. '
rnr reader, who hav. consumption tt thry v : t
me tl.ol Hipreee snd P. O. tddnaa.
s:ii . T.eVBLOCCil. M. 0.. 181 Ptavri Hi,. N. 4,