Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 06, 1897, Image 3

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    m i
BBtaniption, fio per annum if paid
2.00 If not paid In advance.
JITT-TIL "erUsnont buerteO. at 5a
"eh tor each Insertion.
J?!rmt bulnc notice In local co'
WM, 19 Beats p-r line for each Insertion.
tojTtla by tho year, half or qoart4
The Legislature convened on Tues-
Th Auditors are at work on " the
. oounty accounts.
Wm. Stutts has been appointed
Cjurt House Janitor.
Daniel Bitz is building a new sta
; bio on bis lot in town.
Robert Nixon, Jr, sojourned in
this place on Christmas.
Mias Mabel Wickerskam Tisited in
xuompsontown, recently.
GsOrcro Doyle is viHitinor roiof;?
atul friends in the boroughs-
f irissLonieMeClellanofljewiatown.
is visiting her parents in town.
Dental student Albert V. Lewis
spent the holidays in this place.
Ilcrry Ellis visited relatives in Per
ry coucty abont Christmas time..
Henry Berber's bluest hog when
befchered, weighed 510 pounds.
D. L. Detrs, Esq., I.as opened a
law office in Xewport, Perry county.
Col. John J. Patterson and wife
viaited in this ploeo during the past
Win. Molson has removed to Clear
field, Pa., to accept employment in a
Andrew C. Allison of Tyrone is
sending a two weeks vacation at,
O. C. Oortner and family spent
the Christmas holidays in Union
I 1 ws Mary North spent a day or
1 -swo in Harrisburg last weok among
i rVicntla.
Robert McMeeD, Esq., is attorney
T for the Board of County Commis
- "'ionrs.
Mrs. Benjamin Wagner gave her
huqhard a Christmas gift. A nice
Chas. E. and Herman N. Howe so
journed in this place peveral days
last week.
Mias Gertrude Jaakinan returned
on Sunday from Pittsburg to her
home in this place.
. Marius and Grubb Garman, broth
ers of Nanticoke, Pa , vieiUd EJgar
Carcb field last week.
Miss Pidpe Patton of Lewistown
spent Nuw Tears with her sister Mrs.
Tilberforce Schweyer.
Peter Ccnnon aped 118 years died
at his home io Belfast, N. X , oa the
24th of December 1S96.
-Andrew Banks and George J
Parker, epent last week visiting their
former homes in this place.
Jaaies Adams of Philadelphia,
spent last wsek at the home of his
parents in Walker'towcship.
Ths fame of tho great revival meet
ing Laid in the Methodist church has
spread throughout the ceunty.
Miss Emma Robison of Danville,
visited friends and relatives in town
a few days during the holidays.
. Percy Burchfieid, who is employed
in Williauisport spent a week with
his parents during tho holidays.
' The County Cototaiesiozara ap-
J pointed Dr. Urawforii county pbysic
4 n at salary of $1 per year.
PifRav. Nevin Fishor of Philadelphia
? .sent several days last webk with his
Jt rother Dr. Fisher at McAlisterville.
Several car loads of phosphate from
the Tuf.carora Valley Phosphate
, mines have been shipped to York,
- Pa.
Mrs. Wilbsr'orce SoUweyer and
daughter Elizabeth, epent part of
j the holidays with her parenle in Lew-
Tho democratic caucus of the Leg
islatura on Tuesday evening nomi
nated CLaucey F. Black for United
States Senator.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crull and
children of Harrisburg, spent several
days of last week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Hollobaugb, Jr.
Charles Berger has been working
quite awhile on the farm of Assist
ant Railroad Supervisor Wells in the
Cove between Duncnnnon and Marvs
ville, Perry Co. Mr. Wells bought
the farm last fall from the Wister
Dogs killed 52 and wounded 27
abopn in Juniata nmintv dnrin.r fia
Vyear 1896, and the damage and of
fleers foes paid to the county for the
killed and wounded sheep was $228.
32. The bill of damages was largest
in Beale township.
- Last week Judge Terkes of Phila
delphia said his court is burdened
with bicycle cases in which almost
every phase of human cheatery is
brought out in suits against men and
women, who have bought bicycles on
falsa representation and never paid
for the wheels.
The remains of Wm. Davis, aged
about 19 yean, son of T. T. Davis of
McAJisterrille were brought home to
McAlisterville for interment en New
Year's Day. The young man was
employed in a merchantile house in
Philadelphia when he took ill with
pneumonia from which he died. In
terment on the 4th inst.
Col. R. H. Thomas of . Mechanics--burg.
Pa., is mentioned in connection
.Viih the appointment of .Government
' printer at Washington. The Colonel
is a newspaper man and a capable
business man of affairs and doubt
less would make one of the most ef
ficient officers that department of
Government has had. His manage
ment of the Williamsgrove Grangers'
Exhibition proves bis executive abil
7 ty.
Mrs. Grav. son and dano-htar. of
Philadelphia, are visiting the family
of Dr. Crawfora, Sr.
The teachers elected Martyn P.
Crawford, superintendent of the
Presbyterian Sabbatk School.
Miss Isabella Schweier after spend
ing the holidays at home returned to
her studies at Bucknell University on
The out-going Board of County
Commissioners appointed Robert
Moore of Fayette township mercan
tile appraiser.
Mias Belle Doyle who has been in
Baltimore since last April visited her
parents in Patterson from Xmas un
til New Year.
John F. Ehrenzeller of Fayette
township, killed the largest hog yet
reported. The hog when dressed
weighed 53 libs.
Miss Bessie Miller stopped off a few
hours with Mies Ellis Paonebakeron
her way home from Lancaster, to her
home in Huntingdon.
Mies .Wary Robison, daughter of
conductor Robison of Harrisburg,
spent a few days recently with Mr.
and Mrs. John Horning.
Samnal Wagner bas gone to Reeds
ville, Mifflin county, to engage ia the
carriage making business with his
brother George Wagcer.
Mr. and Mm. Fred Bishop of
Washington, D. C, spent Christmas
visiting Mrs. Bishop's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. M. Allison.
John Fisher, second son cf Dr.
Fisher of McAlisterville, has secured
an appointment in the government
mail service on the railroad.
After spending a few of the holi
days at home, Leslie Allison return
ed to Washington, D. C, to continue
his dutit s as teller in the Columbia
National Bank.
The Board cf County Commission
ers fixed the County Treasurer's sal
ary at four hundred dollars, and the
County Clerk's salary at five hundred
and fifty duliars.
A big ball in the Opera Hou6e and
a Masonic banquet in Lewistown on
the evening of the 29 th of December,
claimed the attention of a number of
Miffliotown ppople.
Mrs. Robert Nixon, Jr., end little
dangbter after having visited rela
tives in town for several weeks re
tuined shortly after Christmas to her
home in Haddonfie'd.
'The aaaunl election of officers for
the Juniata Ayrieultural Society will
bo beld at the Odd Fellows' Hall in
Port Royal. Pa, on Fridav, January
8, 1897, at 1 o'clock P. II.
According to 'a statement given
out atHollidaysburg on the last day
of tbo old yoar tha broken banks of
ihat. town will be able to pay deposi
tors 17 per cent, on the dollar.
Rev. David T Neely of Milroy and
.'Viss Sarah H , daughter of Dr. A. W.
Shelly of Port Royal, were married
in the Port Royal Presbyterian
church last Thursday afternoon.
One hundred and seventeen eon
versions is th result of the great re
vival tnetiag in the Methodist church
in Mifflintown. Of that Dumber,
sokiv ssrenty Vdd have joined the
Judge Lyons and Frank Penn.!!,
Esq., attended the State ConvonMon
of Judges in Philadelphia last week,
forthe purpose of fixintr a sot of uni
form rules for the courts cf the Com
monwealth. Henry Deurer a former citizen of
Altoona has discovered a ledge of
precious metal bearing rock in Wy
oming, 150 miles from Denver re
cently. Tbo find consists of platin..
um, tin and nickle.
The letters uncalled for in tho Pat
terson post office at the close of bnsi
new, Thursday, December 31, 1896,
were for Linnio Marks, A. S. Dodda,
Tudorim .Afichele, Stooani Franja
Hoelics, James Maller.J?
There is an old artiste going the
rounds of the newspapers to prove
that people dream every ntght.
Dream when they don't know it. It
seems about as funny to ' say that a
man dreams and don't know it as to
say a man eats and don't know it.
The letters reraa'niug uncalled for
ia tbo MiflTictown post office on the
4h cf January 1897, were five for
Mr. Harry Meyers, one for li iss Edith
Hayes, cna for Al Signor Domenico
Ruzzo, one for AI Signor Suhotins
Fragillo, one for John L. Benner.
The funeral of Geoi go McCullooh,
took place on Monday afternoon at
McCulIoch Mills. The deceased was
a native of Juniata and a prominent
citizen, and lived beyond the Bibli
cal time of two score years and ten,
having died in his eighty -third year.
Mr. E. J. Cleve, railroad super
visor of sub-division No. 6, with
headquarteas at .W.ffltn, has been
promoted to assistant engineer at
Williamsport- His place here will
be filled by .Vr. R. S. Mercer, of
Huntingdon, cf-t-ub division No. 7,
and Mr. -Wercers place at Huntin"
don, will be fille.d by W. L. Cooper,
of sub-division No. 3, near Lancas
Gentlemen who imbibe privately
and break tneir nasks and drop them
out of the way and out of sight in
to tbe e.osets in the Court House,
bve been the cause of trouble and
expense. The broken flasks choke
the closest pipes and the Court
House management is req aired to
get a plumber to put the closet pipes
in working order almost every time
a bibulous character visits the Court
House, empties his flask and dropi it
into the closet.
Joseph Maus and his four grown
daughters operate a coal mine several
miles southwest of Shamokin, Pa.
The girls are capable, prompt and
willing at their work and the mine is
a auccees in every way. The girls
are aged 22, 20 and 18 years- One
daughter is foreman of the outside
work, runs tbe coal breaker and sells
the coal. Another daughter has
charge of the mule and car that hauls
the coal cut of the mine; another
daughter runs the pump and keeps
the mice free of water; another
daughter manages the alate picking,
picks the rocks and slate from tho
coal as it slides along the ohute.
Darin? the earlv rvart of thia mtmlt
the following students returned to
their respective schools : Ed. Derr,
Tom Patterson, Philo Banks, to Phil
adelphia. Harry Martin, Edgar
Borchfiold and Louib MiU&en, to
Subscribe for .the Sertikel asd
Republican, a paper that contains
choice reading matter, full of inform
tion that does tbe reader good, and
in addition to that all local news that
are worth publishing find places in
its columns- tf.
Buy your hunting dog and have
them acquainted before the hunting
season opens. I have tbe following
to offer, guaranteed thoroughly brok
en on their game and reliable. Fox
hounds, rabbit hounds, beagles, set
ters and pointeib; also some, fine
Newfoundland-, ppaniels, collies, fox
and bull terriers; fancy poultry and
pigeons; Belgium and German hares;
prices low. J. Howabd Tatxob,
AnS.27,ly. West Chester, Pa.
The Gypsy Carnival, beld last
Thursday sad Friday evening's in
the Court House, were pleasant en
tertainments. Evarv on wu nln.a.
ed with tbe orchestra ; the carnival ;
the singing ; tho piano playing; and
tho two-faced drill by eighteen ladies.
Mrs. Raven furnished plan of man
euvering and Dr. Rodgers trained
the ladies in the evolutions of the
drill. The receipts were $117,
which, after deducting expenses, will
leave a considerable sum for the
Presbyterian Sabbath School to pur
chase books with.
The county government changed
hands on Monday. The nast hoard
of County Commissioners consisting
oi v. a. inoore. JNeai Jl. Kteuart,
Williamson VanOrmer and clerk,
Wm. H. Groninper and thu nasi r;.
triot Attorney Wilberforce Schweyer,
surrendered tncir portfolios, and the
present Board of County Commis
sioners William Puffenberger, Jere
miah Loudenslager and D. D. Rhine
smith and their clerk TTnrrb Rhfn.
and present District Attorney Charles
B. Crawford, assumed the manage
ment oi tnc public affairs of the
The contest at Harrisburg for th9
republican legislative caucus nomi
nation for Unitod States Senator to
fill tbe place that Senator Cameron
wiil vacate, was a spirited contest,
between State Senator Penrose and
ex-Secretary Wanamnker. It was
like a county nomination on a large
sc-le. Tbe caucus was beld on Tues.
day evening and resulted in the nom
ination of Penrose. The vote was
133 for Penrose and 7G for Wana
maker. Tho damocrats havo not yet
made a nomination. The election cf
Senator by the L.-gislatura will take
place on Tuesday, J anuary 19.
Wonderful nsa have been discov
ered for tho coin stalk. A chemist
says, corn stalks can bn made into
eelluloee, which when u.;el to line
shies of war makes them practically
water proof. Corn stalks can be ns-
ed to make a smokeless powder; can
be made into tbe best of feed for cat
tle; can be nsed in the production of
alcohol, matting, carpttt.paper. A
plant, savs the chemist, to Droduce
all the above things, can be put up
and put in running order for one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
The plant wouid consume all tho corn
stalks in a circle of 25 miles, paying
1 a ton for the stalks.
Mrs. Walley wife of Dr. L. P.
Wailey, died on tho night of tbe 23rd
of Dycembe--, aged 32 years. She
leaves a husband and three young
children, who eadly mourn fur her
unexpected death She was stricken
with a complication of diseases. She
was a kind mother, an affectionate
wife and an exemplary woman in all
relations of life. If there were more
like her, there would be infinitely
less of the debasing tittle, tattle, that
is the poison of Vcu social lifo of
most of womankind. She was an ex
emplary member of the Lutheran
church, and all who knew her speak
of her in the Lighcst praise. Inter
ment in the Presbyterian cemetery.
Levi Goshen is in jail filling a sen
tence of court by Judge Bell of Blair
county. Goshen was made adminis
trator of the estate of Lis father,
Henry Goshen, deceased. Squire
C. B. Horning and Mr. Frederick E
penschade, two prominent and wor
thy citizens becuins bis bondmen.
He failed to pay the co-heirs the mon
ey due them from their father's es
tate a&d disappeared from bis home
and family many mouths. Meanwhile
he had tho repot t circulated that he
bad been robbed of the estate money
and could not pay. lha court order
ed him to pay and default of a pay
ment at a stated time Judge Bell
sentenced him to jail till pay
ment is made. Horning and Espen-
scbade paid tbe bail money and Levi
looks as it jailed for a loner term
The heirs could release him by pay
ing dick me money tbat was taken
out of the pockets of Horning and
B-tweeu the hours of 2 and 3
o'clock last Saturday morning a fire
was started in Spangler s stable in
the al.ey between tbo lots of Third
and Market streets in Lewistown.
The ailey has au outlet on the west
on Brows street and on the east on
Dorcas street, aud before the fire was
extinguished all the stables along the
alley between Brown and Dorcas
street were destroyed. A number of
horses, cows and bogs and chickens,
were consumed in tbe conflagration.
A couple of houses north of the Felix
livery stable wre destroyed. The
Felix wholesale grocery store that ex
tended from Market back to the
alley in which the fire was started,
took fire in the rear and that aerved
to bring the fire with alarming ra
pidity to Market street, involving in
its devouring progress the Miller
House and the Dwver dwelling house
and barber shop. The one engine
in the town did not work well. The
other fcsgino did first rale work and
the front part of the Miller House
was not entirely consumed. The bar
was not entirely destroyed, and busi
ness was conducted there all day on
Saturday. Some 18 or 20 stables
were consumed and almost all the
outbuildings in the rear of the
dwelling houses and business houses.
Iho loss is some 25 or 30. thousand
dollars. Most of the property was
The funeral of the wife of Thomas
Arbuckle took place on Monday, in
terment in the Ceceder cemetery,
one mile east of McVeytown. . Mrs.
Arbuckle was 74 years old, how
much her husband, Mr. Thomas Ar.
buckle, will miss her. His many
friends express the deepest sympathy
for him in this hour of bereavement.
At eight o'clock in the evening of
the 30th of December last, a pretty
home wedding was enacted at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Howe
on Cherry street. The parties join,
ed in wedlock were Mr. Martyn
Payne Crawford and Miss Mary Ely
Howe. As the clock struck eight,
the bridesmaides, Misses Katherine
Mathers, Grace London, Marion
Seholl, Blla Howe and the grooms
man Charles Howe. Druitt Crawford,
Herman Howe and Carl F. Espen
schade entered the front parlor fol
lowed by the eontraetinff parties.
Rev. J. II. Mortimer of the M. E.
Cbureh. assisted by Rav A. N. Raven
of tho Presbyterian church quickly
tied the matrimonial knot and pro
nounced them man and wife.
Miss Lula Hartley of Bedford play
ed the wedding march. The bride
was dressed in white satin trimmed
with flowers and a beautiful veil, and
carried a handsome boquet of roses
The bridesmaids were gowned in
white and buff and also carried white
roses. The house was tastefully dec
orated in spruce and laurel. With
tho decorations and costly presents,
handsome gowns of those participat
ing and with all the happy faces of
the parties, it was one of tbe prettiest
weddings ever performed in this
place. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford left
on Philadelphia Express for a visit to
Eastern cities and arrived home on
Tuesday evening for a reception in
their honor that evening at OoL J. K.
Golden Weddias;.
On December 24tb, Joseph Bea
sor, a resident of Walker township
and his estimable wife, reached the
fiftieth mile stone in their wedded
In honor of this their two sons
Irvin and Howard, who reside in
Harrisburg and who are both well
known engineers on the P. R. R ,
came home accompanied by their
The place was a scene of good
cheer made doubly eo by the ap
proach of Christinas-tide.
As the table ladened with a sump
tous repast was surrounded, there
were represented three generations
of tbe family.
After all present had partaken of
the bounties prepared for tbe occa
sion to the full extent of their appe
tites, the grand children Carl C. and
Louisa E. Beasor, aged respectively
seven and six yeats, gave their gifts
io gold to the aged couple, each one
making a special presentation speech
in honor of the Golden Anniversary.
The grand-son presenting the grand
father with a pair of gold glasses.
Tbe grand daughter presenting the
grand-mother with a gold pen and
The season of enjoyment will ever
be remembered by all who were
After having wished them still
many returns of their anniversary,
the friends took their depaiture on
Christmas evening going to their re
spective homes.
Baetlet McKiklet. On the 22d
of December, 1S96, at Mifflintown,
by Rev. W. C. Adair, Mr. Edward C.
Bartley and Miss Jfalinda C. Mo
Kin ley.
Tklfee MrixiKsx. On tbe 17th
of December 1S06, at McCoysville,
by Rev. W. C. Adair, Crawford S.
Teller and Bertha E. Milliken.
Gkooe Frte. On the 22nd ult.,
at the bride's home in Delaware
township, by Rev. Solomon Sieber,
William Groce and Martha E. Frye.
Watts Lakois. On the 24th of
Df-ember, at the home of the bride's
parents, George S. Watts and Mag
gie L. Landis.
Lauveb Beale. On tbe 23rd of
December at Mifflintown, by Rev. A.
N. Ruven, W. A. Laaver and A. A.
Coawford Howe. On the 30th
of December, at tho home of the
bride's parents, in Mifflintown, by
Rev. John H Mortimer, Martyn P.
Crawford and Mary Ely Howe.
Kexhedx Wallace. On the 31st
of December, 1896, near McCoys-
villa, by Squire Thomas Creighton,
Frank W. Kennedy and Mary A.
Wagill Bossekt. Oa the 1st of
January, 1897, at Port Royal, by
Rev. H. S. Gilbert, Charles E. Magill
nk h,. Aliiud llossart.
Hack Bittinoek. In Patterson,
by Re v. J. D. Sbortess. Alvin M.
Hack and Alice S. Bittinger.
Lack McCbum. On the 9th ult.:
in Patterson, by Rev. J. D. Sbortess ,
John B. Ltach sod Sue E McCrum
-SiiMELrjio. On the 18th of Decern
her 1896, near St. James' Chureh, at
the hem? of Lis parents, George E.,
son of Mr and Mrs. Srimehng, aged
5 yearn. 10 months and 1 day.
PERFECT sd permanent are the
cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be
cause it makes pure, rich, healthy,
life and health-giving BLOOD.
WirrtlN'.ilWN WAKKKTS.
, Mtrraarowa, Jan. , If 97.
Corn in oar.......... ....
.... 30
.... 18
..... 85
Clo--vrset .
Lard .
Timutby seed.... ....$2.00
F at d. 60
Bran 9
Chop $1.20 a hundred
Middling 1.10
Groaad Io n Salt l.uO
Americas Sa;t.... ; 6c to 80c
Great Cure nmvwl hv ihnnannAa
of testimonials show that Hood's Sar
saDarilla nossestwa nnwur tn unrifir.
vitalize and enrich the blood.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to
be taken with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
This Space is for
E. Schott's new Ad.
1865, ESTABLISHED, 1889.
Special Invitation To The Publh
' i
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing fliat goes on daily
It will be,
Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Good? for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the
Bis priees leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a call 11 in need of Clothing
S. S. Ruble,
Practical JEmbalmer and Funer
al Director.
Bridge t, Riiffiintown, Pa.
V7e warn tlie readers of this journal that we do not authorize the
usa of our name in advertisements of so-called traveling optical
specialists. Our advice to all persons wlio have defectivi eyesight :
A void trmvcling mpecialists and pedfars of Spectacles.
QUEEN & CO., The Opticians, IOIO Chestnut St., Ph.iadajphia.
Mauataciiiren and Iinpnrlr! of Accarate ami Beaatlfnl Spectacles mm V" Glaaaaa
Our SZyc Slxht Muultor seat an receipt of live 2-ccxu postage a: uh.
A lHU.hl ftAAlT AM WaMk
UieguMKnt fre to anyaddrtais
and poor patienta caa alo ebiu
tliia medic in five of taarac
m pwiwjwI. ha. Imot nmiunj kv Ohm BMmn
Factor Koenis. of Fort wayna, IndU aiaaa IK, act
UBOwaaapareaaoaaroisaiiaoaoa ay Ota
SoIdbrDraaJeteaaSlpcrBottla. 6teSS
baraIHail.7a. BotUeefor
Wonderfully Low Prices.
I'or b enr of atmrrferaa. ?
T try, aalle, clr it ;
a mm and all forma ci I
M aer Conptelnta csC
I xx . neraof tbo rowel. It
BsraciAu.T oasroii ro
ran unan. .
raSSy J
EOLLOBAUBH & SON, the Clothieis, 116 llain St, f atterson,
Let ttf giro yoo s Pointer.
irsf: Wtcn jen e told tlat j u can toj a mit at $8.50, tbat otkers
ell st I12.C0. Csll n as rd ire nil! faroiib jcu with tb Fine nit as wall
if not batter made sad dimmed for $7 50, and bate a living profit en it b
aidea. Sfctmd:Aa to Tailor asade Clothing, we will famish you with sn sll-weol
8it for $12; a faoev on fort 16, and on p to 18.00, 20.00, 25.00 acd 80.00,
and gnaranteed a fit.
Tailor made Pantaloon, all-wool 4.50, 5.G0, 6 00, 7.00 and 8.00 dolJara.
Faney Tailor Made Vesta $5 00, $6 00, $7.00 and $8.50.
7Atrrf:Ve never pnt tbe odd cent to our price.. Instead of markice aa
article $1.79, 58, &o., we timply knock off tbe edd eta and cali it $1.76
$3 50. We will lellyon knee r.ar.ts toite tbat j on cannot duplicate for one
fourth more mcney at $1.35 $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $3 00 , and jour choice ef
our entire lice for $4.00.
Youths' and Boys' Soils, we bsve made a tpet ialit) of this aeason. W
have anils from 2 00, 3.00, 4 00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9 00 dollars aud .
to 10.00 dollara for tbe finest Icnng Men's Snit in onr stock.
Fourth: la onr hat department you will find all tbe latest blocks' in enter
rnsh or derby. Our competitors in tLis line have nothing to say. We Mend
second to none in tbe bat line.
Fifth: Our Kail line of enderwear comprises Six Complete Varieties a
Fair Grey Winter Weight, 50c; A camel's hair for 75c; Fine all-wool $1;
still ficer $1.50; fine fleece lioed extra finish, f2, and the finest lamb's wool,
soft aa Eider-down $3. No anch line of underwear io Juniata oounty.
Sixth: We are sole agents for tLe Celebrated Douglas Shoe. We carry
tbem in 12 different styles.
Seventh: Wo are also Agents for the Sweet Orr Overalls, and have tbtni te
fit the smallest boy or the Largest JUan.
Etghth: Our line of neck-wear is in touch with the latest fashions. Tht
same e an be t aid of our line of collars, outs and dress thirls.
AtnM: The day has gene by when vou oan sell old fogy furnishing goods
to voung men nho.want to be fathionablj dressed.
Heavy Wioi.r Boots only $1.35.
Mackintoshes in all stjles and at ell pi ices.
Tenth; And Jaat but net least, we desire to call special attention to out
line of Meo'ri, Bove' and Childrens' Overcoats. Men's all wool overeoats from
$3 to $12; Boys' $2.50 to $6; child ren's $1 to $4. VY e carry torin and fiy
overeoats ic Chinchilla, Sbetltnd, Irish Friese sod Rui&bo Beaver.
Dress Overeoats in Melton, Beaver and Fine all wool Kerseys; black and
blues are tbe prevailing styirs for this season. We oourt a comparison cf cut
goods and prices As cxaminatiou or our line will oonvinoe the' ifsf, skepti
cs! tbat we sell goods at s closer margin and give better value for the money
tban jou on get elsewhere.
Finally we ask you to see onr line of Gloves, tho finestdriving gloves ic tbe
county See tbem and be convinced.
The McClinlic liar (he are
the nmm way possibie
to get along in tho world is to buy ''real cheap things. As a
rule, the less yu pay, the mora it costs in the long run.
W e don't boatt of "cheap" prices at this Store, and .'Ml
quality considered, we sell at prices that ought to intret-ta
careful buyers.
COOK STOVES- "e control the Sale of
cook stoves tn this county. We have never beard a woman
complain who bought on" of these ttoves. Every bu)er Las
agreed on four things:s
The Stores Ccjok better, they bake better, they are easiest
to regulate, and are less trouble than any other s:ove.
We have them in four sizes. Prices range from i 1 1 .00
to $28.00.
how easily things pet' "scratched up" arcuml the 1 me.
Fometirjces it's a chair r a table or a doer. Me re than half
the time, tbe scratches are neglected, lecause it tec ins hardly
worth while to send for a painter.
Why not do the work yourself. You can
Get Prepared Paints aS! StU nciy
io use at a trifling coft. You can brighten vp furniture. door, flowir pots,
buggies and lots of ether things.
We keep these prepared paints in all the coloig. And wo sell paint
brushes, too good ones.
The paintg ccme in tin hnebets, holding I P. The price u he.
K. H. MeOIintic.
Founded ill 1833. Large Faculty
Two lu:l caones or study Classical an I
Scientific, Special courses in all depart,
ments. Observatory, Laboratories aod
new ttTmoasiuro. Steam beat. Libraries,
22,000 volumes. Expenses low. Depart
rornt of Hygiene ant Physical CuUnre in
cbirpe of an experienced physician. Ac
cessible by frequent railroad trains. Ijoca
tion on tbe BATTLEFIELD of Oeitvcl.unr.
HicM p'eanapf and hlthv. PREPAR
ite t uiMiopn, fur boys and young men pre
paring ior uosiness or uoiirpe, under spec
ial care of tba Principal abd three assist,
ants, residing with students in thehujMjng.
Fail term opens September 6th, 1895. For
Catalogues, addrecB
or BET. G. KLINGER, A. M.,
Gettysburg, Pa.
Stookholders Individually Liable
T. VAN lKWtS,.Cathi
W. C. Pomeror,
John Uerttler,
Joseph Rothroeit,
Josiah L. Barton,
Louis B. Atkinsn;.
Robert K. Parker.
T. V. Irwin.
8TocaRrti.rKtt !
George A. Krpner, , Annio V. Sheli. i
Josept Kothrock, P. W. Mar.bect,
L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Pnnwror. T II, r
John Hor trier. Jmn K nnmui..
Charlotte 8 nyder, T. V. Irwin.
John M. Blair, Josiab L Barton,
F. U. M. Pennell, Robert D. Pattc rfoT
BamaelS. Rotbrock, Lavi LiRbt,
M. N. Sterrett, Wm. Pwrt.
James G. Heading, H. J. Sbellenberger,
8. W. Heaps. M. B. Schlrgel.
Samuel Schlegel.
Three and Four rer c-nt. Ir.tert.Mt wi"i n-
paid on certificate, of deposit.
rj" 23, 18P9 it
thing to patent? Protect Tourldeaa; thej may
briTOT wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKK,
BUliN CO., Patent Attorneya, WaaUoaton.
IX C for tlielr 1U0 prie offer? ".
have m mm to befgsit ?
a ia-; vou a uoftstou'r.H I
S'al.E, AT-
fy, JLOi
Mrri.iN OV. JV, J A.
Money LoimJ at Lowest Sates.
&SSg&&U ii tic:;
SlTiIcrt,,'.a-.(reo'"hth' n ItiTsotion 5
probbl, patentable. Commantcat Ions trt tl
Patents taknn throuRh Hunn A Co. nniii
special notice in the rceie
anr cientlfle journal, weekly, ternin j.ui a jt-mr,
SLiO six months. Specimen copies aifaitAJ
Book on Paticnts sent free. Adoress
3)1 llrondnny. Raw York.
Consumption Sural Cyrer
V'IS Rnrnn- fijipo ti:'.-r:n rnrr .
! v? a uitt7 Tf tic.ly fr i"ie tin.-. .
j. i.v ii lilii'-lj 1I:ut Ui,1jkc is
s... i...n ,,i-'iui.n:;iv .-.inrl v; j
-. ...i iw.i .( i.. ..j'r r-'yl'iil.K . ,
TUi :v vi.u UQ :ii!ip.inilitin U l:.yu;
auc a;-. -Jxiu tiiircjk icU P. O. adilreaa. Uoepo-t-
tauj. IvasuKal.lI.a.UireaUeb.lI.