Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 06, 1897, Image 2

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fi EOS EN DAT. J.IS. e, 1S?7-
li. F. S U 11 W F. I E R
iniroi aid riora:iToi.
If tier front an Old Jaeksoalan D-mo-ciat
of Green wooil Township-
Near Seven Ktaii Tavebx, )
Jan y, 1st, 1S97 j"
JVy Dear .Vr. Editor;
S's oi l Jactsoa ilemocrafs are got
tifjr scarce down litre. Wo Aon't
number n Corporal's Urd cow,
wLiio in Via pot wo couil almost
tun-.li'T a f till Cjripa:iy, and as we
talked sari talked the old yiar out.
our l.earln yrow t-a 1 owr the t ilk of
the company that ul to meet Lore
with uk, and thi.-;i we talked of the
old de.-r dp-irt.:d Andy Jackson, and
felt like t.l l ting William, who said:
"My olil cronies have almost all died:
a ftu b!m.; hIoqp; I feel hke crying.''
Th- hi tie company nil felt lika
1 kin;.' Duck ward to-niht. One of
tho ulJ b;jya quoted Shakespeare and
In vouth iv!;.j:i I did love, did loe,
MftbuJ;! it W3n very sweef.
I o conlrc !, ), !.;.) imi-.-, tor, at, tuy bo.
O, iiikH.i.d?!,!, thrra wn nothing m-j.t.
iJut spe, -.vi:h hi.i stealing si. l.
Haiti clawed ma in hj. dutch
Ami hath fhi;.p.:d n:e into tin Unit
A II fand ni-'ir bi-i-n such.
A picK ax and a r-p-id.-, a vp.;de,
fur a.ii a strouding srnct.
, a fit of c'a f.-r to bo au.l-,;
r'or ,.uch a g ::rt is m!.
liut when the clock struck the
hour -f niidiiigi.t a cow f-pirit came
over our draui. We felt belter, ws
felt tint v.ehud lamed a new Ibaf,
wi felt youthful udia mid begau to
telk -.ut celbhrsliuy "Andy Jack
son day" cu tLe Sth of January 1S'J7.
That s tha hiy of the itosiu you
ka jv that be clcuued up tho Biitiah
at Now Oilcans 13 1S15. He Lad
oc'y 40lK troops w:ih whicb to fiLt
he d'U theni up froHi behind brctst
Vcikn of coiloa baits. Hia report
of the battle wis Hi lulled, 39 wound
ed a.l 1; missiu. 01 the British
20!; sMi killed: 1,126 wounded ad
J niching. Ja-.kaon Day will bi a
big day ia
V, u-iliia-tou Ci'v, aud
SlL'a cioui'js sjiiid l.ka to go to
Waehk-gton for tLat day, but I
' WL-'rc it'll too poor for such a
trip.. Ti;--.'ve g-ii ? m.'iily hicrh ft
latin csi;kVga,if ub.-:it 'hi vitifS
now thut us 1. id fti.l-.v.-.s f(ol i.j.:rr in
nuch i.luroc. If fid Hickory c;uM
cumd Ij ii'o ijo.v, l.o'd be -sarprised,
au j-.ju cs;. bt hi.'b si 11. fco'd sail
cut zu:,:; !. e vtravj-tuots cf tho
tiin.-si. If Old Andy could bo resur
l'.CiV.l he'd talk to them of ths econ-
oinii-.rd haOiU cf the people vhen
luwy li.id iu ti-e l,i.r l.iu-
For ho
vs.. outLi heard to buy.
..(. u-a h;. : a wcrti.v i.eor.
1 ....
l-it 4 ro.n.
.1- t'.'-.l tiiftm
VI to dear,
tii" tailor down."
'- a if,'Ul ci'nigli roi.oild
Acd IV.-!iit uw .i.'fre,
;Ti. pride A it .uli tbo i.junty down.
TtrcB :Jf tiiine old t'.-.hi oi. .'it t'Jef.
Ito the vri stt.1 Lours r.o talked
f.t (ho ciiauge i f Iho timta from Jack
soss dijs t- ths.- d.iys. 11 grew
U nj.ioh'.Ld wi.eu the nation wiia a
tA!;..a ..f inJividiials. That's ths
rt-j i-,.: t.'-i so tnach icdiv-du
aiiiy ab..-i. him: thst's the reason
lit. in'i al::,obt a Jaw unlo himself in
v'.'. r 'l-:i' that i-'J utidert?ok; that's
tl.c i-a... i.e i..-k r.uoiht r man's
: i.h.ii.'.s tl.. reason hti took the
cvt' .oi bakp v.iilu iit k-i;va or liccr.se
t- 1 t brtast-woiks N- vr Orleans;
r!.:t - t:ie K-i.n he bjitcd the!
L nit., I f.acik: thut's
S ili In: put !-,V!I KbSOMioD.
lite .ca-1
" i
: r.r"- 1JU,,M;,ua,KJ
ivri-r,. t-jt the fun cf th
i of iud;..lii..;s wa3 "fiin'
is nn
down I
,i.lv. ,'Ti'; '' Puf SI
pimiHt !
.!;.. , , : i"ac!can be centered wherever wanted,
rn m , " " r fU"l' La? b"? rld i How tbnt knccVg cur prices of grain
?..--a.-:t,V:"f.::.0,V!d,m:s tj a. Ci - Gram that is raised Ly men in inaia,
: - . - - - eo.p.. rat 10ns.
VJJ;:l,4v . ti- K-----t:oa iLi:aJ of
11 lis! e, c.i
rpralions were
. . 1 1 .- 1 r. ... .1
1. i t.u;. idcuC ir. or.'v c reAiiiZ'i
tk'th I L111 1 tiivored of a corporation
v.oi- tl.? li 1. 1 comnani-.s, and vou
rri,i-:,:b-.r l,"t (io-.-.r- Washington
.: . , v..-reh- iidf mntd for being a
n.embtr t a 1 u.d company that t-p
err.fcd in Westf.in Poun-ylvaaia aud
Oi.i. Novy wo his cli'in ";m frcin
a r.'iiion f individuals iiito a aiion
if iiis:.tuiioi.a, tttistt;, corj-oralifUd,
Citn i-t-r g.t back to a stHlc of
it; iivitlu:.! gw-vtrbiiieiit. Some of the
t.i.i Ja.-kvt.n democrats tell us thit to
have the v--i-;.itnt run everything,
railroads ( o giuphf. innnufactarkd,
.Vc, v.fu: 1 remedy tho complaint,
but d- t: tyou aee th:tt would ba gct
t Lg b;n L tu iLc old government
j-ti.ucipk i-fcoin.kK control cf ail
tbo t-ilai:.-, ci tho ptoplg and that
reitdy vvjuld bt. v.-ise thuu the dis
t.i -e I' ji 1 u ti;.'l. i;oing to write
v, :i u !. r this Nc-w Vcui's night cu
smuJ'-l;;, 01 iliStHlltiolJS, iriiSt,S
nod corjK.ratir.ns. I'll that for an
i:ti;r lot:c- after cor r.tx; meeting I
it iLf d ;:rs. J'm jujt going to i
vi ite ii Ica- hoes about thefi:aTigi'd j
; ooiii'oio ir.-iu that of :i nation of
i- 1 na:io:i;f in.-stitr.fii.as,
.'..1 1 r.uoiv 11u.1t M!c,-(.ry.were hen-,
l p;it. mo oil th.-.- brick and
h!'-v :
.1 ioo know tiijg Gyvefu
xj.let. bjyjornwv, too ,
.0. u.r i)usxe to 1
1 ut
rcrd i.:i
1 , Ul,e's j
..v. -u
-.1- ' '
li i
the enaio tljiny for a
Pernvvlvanm. Tiiey
' :::. . Eiiropa ani ut
r-il'iiot, Scotland and
.;... 11,1;,? -i-.,.
pr;e.-!!: and
j . 1 ;ri3
i . . !.-r Vu v wv-re com-c i-i their ! 6i,:'3 WB of hl9 80ns- "is the Dew wo
iKl-.vd t2;-l;rat:.;n I .'.mt nre- mf4S"" '"Ah 1 sse'" 8ai,i the fth6r
..i :o iav, ... oiw iVu" is ci'ar i"1 has pants on." "Well, my boy
i v ;.r-j fsw 1 f th'ir
re- in I'ti" godiv lend who
. ,,i i 1
!;.;.,'- thy iiaui-i the products of
.1 1: : c ; iaS.igi to the public Idlld-1
f.i..; v.e- t to fst'ibiinh a home. How
iv'iinf '.vti aro wrieu we com
o, !.' ves with our fits; Auieri-
. i -.t..i-. V, lh:it ft.v diri..d
was a cb&ocs each oo ct them to
carve out a home for himself, a log
cabin t live in ami a plot of ground
from which to raise enough to eat.
When a man was fixed in that wy
and had a wife, a pig or two a ad a
cow, he felt more independent that)
any kiDg upon bis throne. As time
rolled on the moet c the homes! oadi
enlarge! info large farms on which
everything for the raaintfficance of
tha family and its help was predac
cd even to the eugar wbuVu wa3 pro
duced from maple trees. All kinds
of tradesmen settled at conveaitnt
distances among tho land owners:
Blackenuirbs, coopers, Khoe-ruukeri?,
clock-iaitkers,- furnitnre-makerp, dis
tillers, hht makers, farnace and forge
tueii, graiD cycle and grain crudfl
oiakers. The iron makers Kld their
iron to the blacksmiths and they
inad e toob, implements and ail the
hardware that waa ths-u required.
Now corporations furnish almost ev
f rytbiog in the way of iron things,
and the occupation of t!;e blacksmith
isalmfist eotirfily gone, except to
shoe horse?, and the smith uo longer
wakes horse shc?s and cails. Tua
carpenter nw bays ulujost every
thing, 6isb, foorp, worked flooring,
and if ho chnoars morticed frame
work, and ail be has to do is to put
tho lioi-eo together. Tho farmer
slaughtered bis own cattlf; the local
lancer tanned th hide?; tbrj local
shf-erDakerrrtade the shoes. Now he
bjys his shoes readv made. The
! flaece from his sheep and the tiax
from hi-t farm was span into yarn hy
his family and woven into cloth for
clolhing and bed clothing, &c, by the
local weaver. Now he buys his
clothing ready made. The pewipg
used to be done with a penny needle.
Now it ia done by an expensive co-operation
sowing machine The ecylhe
aDd grain scycle and cradel have giv
en away to the corporation grass
mower andgr.ua binder. Tho grain
threihiag by tramping horses and by
flailing has given way to expensive
steam-tnreshing machinery famished
by corporations. Every fiirarjer was
his own transportation lino. Ha had
ii:s a.fgQ Tsgon on which he ban'ed
raiii lo FbL.idelpLia, Baltimore and
New York. Now ho pays a corpora
lion to haul hia grain. So it is with
himself. When Le gos to a distance
no nays a corporation to taut bim in
fiae car
and if ho travels abonfc
h-me it tuast bo in fine bn.-rrrv nr ir.
rkge, made by a syndicate or corpor
at;oD, lCBtcaa ol traviog on a horse
raisaa :n his farm or afoot. All the
wilderness of machinery I have men
Uoned and manv other thiDgg not
"utio.T?'' ar? ts t 'I d by trust! c
corporations thai havo Liken the
, H
cup ition from the peopla Dlongsida
of the farms, ami the pnople are dow
t mploy.'-d by tresis and corpora ions
and icftitutions instead cf running
tiie business themselves. Even the
Lor.se trade h broken up by trusts
and corporations that arc making
and usiccr rnachinerv. The fann.?r
used to bare a stable full of colts and
every year seli a horse or two ct a
profi able price. Now the more colts
aud horses he has, tho poorer he is,
for they cat all tho oats and corn
that he raises. Tfau mechanical in
ventions Lave taken the places of the
horses, !r""y cnr, bieyleeaad horse
-- ' -" - o " r ,
Lcrso raiding bas:ncs3 and hes effect
ed the price cf corn ayd oats, for
since hundreds of thousands of horses
tire no longer used there is jast that
unnrh les'oats and corn r.eedod, and
that mskes enough of a surplus of
that kind cf grain to lower the prica
of oats and corn. 60 you seo we are
chacgiug cur syttem of government
so quietly t Jat the most of us don't
seo it. We ull feel that something
that nid cot uetd to be is going on,
but few of us know that wa are
changing from a govcrnmeLt of in
disiduala to a government of kstitu
tics Haii iruaij,.
The railroad and
steamshir.H and lelecianh nomora
two drao as it were the ends
l O I L
almost together, li?
; the telegraph prices can be made and
ieiit to any clim? within tbo tima of
a few minutes and by railroad and
steamships the products of all climbs
h0 w?rk witb a doat aroand thfir
tJ;t!8 Iof iwo Mj three c.nts a do.v
and board themselves, can be brought
into competition with tho grain ruis
ed by intelligent Aniuricrs. Tb
same is tins with the grain ra'sd in
Australia and South America. In
those countries they are going to
r.iiwo American corn with the same
cheap ltbjr. Several hundred thou.
sand bushels f American seed corn
has been shipped tti3 fall to India.
Tbo same thing is going on with the
manufacture of cotton and woolen
goods. Bri; ih lounufactarcrs are tsk
ing thoir plants from E-Jgland to In
dia where the b;s.of skilled wcrku:ei
at the m:king of sncb goods can Le had
for eight cents and sixteen cents a
day, aud tbay board themselves.
Within the ntxi half century the
busiest British corporation men and
manufacturers will be centered in In
dia, unless tbo coming generation of
Englishmen 6hould fail to size up in
bnstuess with thsir fathers of to day.
From India with railroads and sUam
ships;, they will control the price of
tho markets of ths world. I wish old
Hickory w;ts here to m.e the change
I wish Le could bo with ur to point
out a reiaeay tor tins gnnaicg com
petition thai is coming upon us
H'.juld'nt Andy be surprised. I cn
iiuugiBe him putning at bis ccrn cob
pipe aud saying "wonderful! wonder
have cbaogoJ. Now (be women are
fcnr.lre.i iQ ..it )ie nnrsnits that mn
thfmstfivas to houao keepifg, snd if
tl.vy couM SiVap sox witb the
tijey d do it, and tuak us keep boast,
atid they'd try to run tho institutions
and corporations.
One of our old Jacksoa club men
j said: "He was calling on a neighbor
Juet summer when a woman in bioom-
numcu uy uu u nuci.
your mother and me hare lived to-
getner a.iuoac nity years nna 1 nave
wi rn ir.e panes an me 11 me, ana 1 ex
pect to do so to the nd, yoa bet.1
At the next meeting of t'io Jaek
sonian democrata at the Stars, we'll
discuss the new woman. I don't
1 1, 1 1.
Know wjiwmvr we ran au agree wuu ;
dear old departed Andy in iais
'aration of women, whiob was.-
The ulk abool a wonv'a aphera :
A though it had limit.
There ( not a place in earth or hftaven,
Tbere'a aot, artaate f Bankind given,
Tberc'a not a bleating or a woe,
TJiere'a mo: a whi-por. yea or no,
- Tnwe'a no' a lire or death or birtb.
That has a feather' weight of worth,
Tithoot a woman in it.
Good night and a happy New Year.
Toura truly,
Babtoh Speak.
The year 189G closed with more
bank failures and business house
failures than nt any time since 1893.
The failures were chiefly in the west,
and were among such financial con
earns that wtro overloaded. The
general outlook i not worse ihau it
baa been the past three years. The
truth is the general outlook ia betier,
for in ali probability the new Admin
istration wiil raise the tariff on for
eign importations, asd that will slim
ulate industries that employ men and
women. It 13 work that people need.
A Picture of Grant aa
Polut Cadet.
a West
(McCluret Magazine for January.)
I remember Grant well." sa
"oui'mi u. ai. irroau "no was a
small fellow, active and muscular
His hair was a redJish brown and
his eyes gray-blue. We all liked him.
and be took rank boo a as a good
mathematician and engineer acd as a
capital horsemaj. He had no bad
habits whatever, and was a great fa
vori'.e, though not a brilliant fellow.
"He couldn't or wouldn't dance,
lie bad no facility in conversation
with the ladies, a total abssnee of
elegance, and naturally showed off
badly in contrast with the young
Southern men, who prided them
selves on being finished in the wavs
of the world. Socially the Southern
men led. At tho parties which were
given occasionally in the dining hall,
Grant Lad enwll part. I never knew
Grant to attend a party. I don't
Bcpposo in all his tirst year he enter
ed a private house."
K. li- C. E. RILLT.
Tho first Keystono Loiigua of
Christian Endeavor Rally, of Juniata
county, was held in the United Evan-!
gelical church, at Mexico. Thursday,
A'ticemDer 3ia 18U6, and Friday,
January 1, 1837. Acoording to pro
gram the first session met at 7:30, p.
m , at which time; Raw John D.
Shortens delivered a very able and
inspiring sermon. The organization
r O " "-" v iuai.awavM
followed and the elect;on of officers
, Vtosulttd thus : President, Rsv. John
bhorttsa ; Viae President, Nelson G.
Smith ; Secretary, D. L. Detra ;
Treasurer, J. Milton Barn's.
The "Address of Welcome" which
was a very hearty and exotdlent one,
was delivered by Miss E. Blanche
Frey, of Mexico K. L. C. E. It wae
very well responded to by Misa May
E Frank of Patterson.
The first regular topic '"Our K.
L. C. E. work of '93" was well dis
cussed by Rev. W. C. Bierly,cf
Thompson. Tho general topic tf'as
then taken up by general remarks.
"Our Hopes and Prc-soects for
'97," was takfcn up bv W. Frank
T-aotSjf Esihk-bcra K L. C. E.,
eLo read aa os.jslleat paper on the
subject, followed by general discus
tion which showed much progress in
'9G and great hop : for aivincsnient
in Christian Endeavor work for'97.
This was followed by a Pentecostal
Watch meeting, led by Rev. Saortscs,
which lsstcd until '97 cama in.
Fiiday morning session openad by
devotional exercises led by J. E.
For tier.
Nekoii G. Smith then opened tho
first topic of the morning. "How
can our JL L. C. E prayer meetings
be made more spiritual." It was a
a live topie and inny spoke on the
subject. 'How can the K. L. C. E.
be most helpful to the pastor and
congregation," was well opened by
J. Milton liurris, of Mexico. The
subject was well bandied.
W. Frank Castles opened the last
topic of this session. "Oar Com
mittees, Prayor meeting, Lookot,
Social, Ac." Some miecellaneon
work followed.
ArTtdtso s? session'
Called at 1:30. Devoiional exercises
load by J. Lloyd Arei.tz.
"Amusements," was opened by D.
L Dstra, followed by general dis
cussion. Mrs. A. F. Raffeasbarer, of East
Waterford, superintendent of Mis
sion Work, of' Juniata county, waa
introduced and spoko in behalf of
the Armenian missions. Action was
taken then toward assisting in their
relief J. B. Meloy opened and gave
excellent reasons on Our .Pledge
and why we shonld sign it, which
was the topic assigned him.
An excellent paper was read by
Mrs. Effie Parker on "The Christian
Endeavors and their Bible."
Called at 7.-30. Devotional exer
cised lad by J. It. Meley.
Committee on Resolutions report
ed and repoit adopted. One of
these jesolutions reading as follows :
'That as Keystone League of
Christian Endeavorers in convention
assembled, we hereby express our
abhorrence of tho colloseal and bar
barons massacres in Armenia, that
have left an ihdellible stain upon the
Nintecntb century, and that we show
our sympathy for the survivors by
liberally supporting the noble relief
work cow being carried on by
American missionaries and nnder the
direction of our distingushed country
(foiairj, Clara Barton, pre3"iden of
tho American Rsd Croiss.''
Of eourne a reeolutiaa was passed
thanking the good peaple of Mexico
for their kind hospitality.
"The K. L. C. E. and- Revival
Work" was well opened by S. L.
Areatz. Several reports folio weS
Rev. Shortest on the topic, "Are
our Consecration Meetings what
they Should be t" convinced the con
vention that they were not.
Consecration service leid by C.
a. Webster, of Patterion K. L. C. E.
Considering the threatening weath
er, and it being the first meeting, the
sessions were well attended. -
Jurors far February Ten
Andrews, John
growD j
4ec-r!arh" '1
Carru there, W. H.
- Tascarora.
Spruce Hill.
' Greenwood.
Port Royal.
Stuck, Westlty
Wiekersbam, H. W. Thompsontown.
Woodward, Stewart M. Tuscarora
Adams, Joseph
Adams, James
Beale, J. C.
Bowerscx, Jackson
Sprnco Hill.
Sprnce Hill.
Port Royal.
. Milford.
Port Royal.
Sprace HilL
Port Royal.
Spi-uce Hill.
Mifflin town.
Spruce Hill.
lirackbiil, James
lirackbiil, John
Campbell, Levi H.
Crozier, Jr., B. F,
Cuslles, Jerome
n,i f a
Duffield, li. B.
Guss, Martin L.
Heck man, G. W.
Heisbaugh, W. H.
Hubert, George
Keister, W. N.
Kissinger, Jjineg
Lr.udeoslagcr, I bra
Lauver, JVficbael
MeCaban, Wm. B.
McCulloch, D. B. '
McKnight, Wm.
Moist, Abram J.
Moist, Reubsn
Moore, Robert
Oves, Thomas J.
Orr, Wilson
PatUrson, J. H.
Rjynolds, R?uben
Rine, B S.
Sheuffer, K G.
Shcllsy, Jacob Y.
Showers, Frederiok
Showers, Wm.
Smith, Wm. G.
SitrroU, S. C.
Stouffer, John
Swabb, J. P.
Swart,L Gearo-a R
&wartz UeorSe
nLht d
k New Eight-volume En
cyclopaedia At Aljcat Your Own Price,
Every one who ha.? had occasion to
consult the cumbersome old encyclo
paedias for Borne needed information,
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will he glad to know of tho appearance
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!t ' ' r
Such a work is The 2ew Standard
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the substance of all the other encyclo
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vention!1, methods and developments.
It treats, In all, over C0.0O0 topics,
vhich ii from 0,000 to 10,000 more thaa
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over 3,500 illustrations, which over
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Interest to tho descriptions, and forming
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This feature will be found of the highest
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The professional or business mp.n,
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erenre books which wo; VI cot n.a.y
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O Another feature in whkh the new
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Statistics of the population of the world,
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But it is in its treatment of recent
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other encyclopedias are from five to ten
years old, and aro silent regarding hun
dreds of topics that every reference work
should contain. Such, for Instance, aa
"The X-Ray," "Argon," "Horseless
Carriages," "Tho Atlanta Exposition,"
"Color Photography," etc., etc. It also
gives biographies of hundreds of people
who have lately become famous, such as
Trof. Roentgen, discoverer of the "X
Bay," Ian Uacl&ren, Dr. Nansen, the
cspiorer, Rudyard Kipling, etc., etc.,
On account of its lateness in all these
matters, as well as its accuracy, it has
become the standard in Schools, Col
leges, 1 Courts, Public Libraries, and
wherever important questions come np
for discussion.
It would therefore seem that no pro
fessional man, artisan, mechanic, teacher,
pupil, or farmer, can well afford to be
without this most useful, practical and
latest of all encyclopaedias, especially as
its price has been so arranged as to
make the work a great bargain, and
render its possession possible to almost
any one who earnestly desires to own it.
Detailed particulars regarding the
work and hoTtr to seenra it at practically
your own price, may be found in au
advertisement on another page of this
issue. j
Crawford, John
Doughton. . James
Eagler, 'William
Esb, David B.
Ferguson, John
Frazier, John
Goodman, W. W.
Gray, Jesse
Leach, W. Seott
Limbert, A. S.
Melov, John B.
MiUiken, D. B.
Pry, John D.
Quay, Samuel
Rice, Lemuel
Sellers, William
Sheesley, Joseph
Sieber, William
Rodaced Rate te Wuhlnlei
mm accMnt r the Iaaara
rattan via reaaajiraala
For the benefit of those who de
sire to attend the ceremonies- inci
dent to the in nguration of President
elect -WeKinley, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell excursion
tickets to Washington. March 1, 2,
3 and 4. yalid to return from March
4 to 8, at the following rates: From
New York $8.00; Philadelphia $5.40;
Baltimoie $1.60; Harriaburg $5.06;
Williamsport $8.79; Buffalo $11.20;
Rochester $10.48; Altoona acd Pitts
burg $10.00; and from all other eta
tioiis on tho Penctylvania system at
rsdaced rates.
This inauguration will be s mcst
interesting event, and will undoubt
edly attract a large number of people
from every section of the country.
Tha magnificent facilities of the
Pennsylvania Railroad make this line
the favorite route to the National
Capital at all times, and its enormous
equipment sod splendid terminal ad
vantages at Washington make it cs.
pecialiy . popular on such occa
sions, ml.
Toars ta Callfarala.
California has been most fittingly
termed the "Italy of America." All
the delicious balm, the cloudless sky,
and the lich verdure of the great Eu
ropean peninsula are duplicated in
this sunny land of the Pacific. Here
nature basks in the sunshine of her
own beauty; and here she has estab
lished her own sanitarium, where
eternal spring inspires everlasting
youth. With the snow mantled peaks
of the Sierras upou the cne hand, the
calm Pacific witb its soft breezes no
on the other, snd a veritable paradise
ci nowers, fruits and plants between,
man can find and needs no lovlier
land. To visit such a country is a
privilege, a blessing.
The Pennsylvania Railroad-Company,
recognizing the need of a more
comfortable end pleasant way of cross
ing the continent, inaugurated a
series of annual tours to California,
running a through train of Pullman
palace cars from New York to the
Pacific Coast, and stopping at the
principal points cf inter eat en route.
The greit popularity of these tours
demonstrates the witdora of the
movtment. :
For the season of 1897 three tours
havo been arranged to leave New
101k, Philadelphia and Pittsburg,
January 27, February 24 and March
The first tcur will run direct to San
Diego via St. Louis and the Sauti
Fe Route, and return from San Fran
cisco via Salt Lake City, Denver and
Chicago, allowing five weeks in Cali
fornia. The third tonr will run via Chica
go, Denver and Salt Lake City, al
lowing passengers to return by reg
ular trains via different routes within
nice months.
All of these tours, either going or
returning, wiil pass through the fa
mous Colorado region, Glenwood
gpriegs, Lsadville, snd tho Garden
ef the Gods.
jeRales from all poin.scji the Penn
sylvania Railroad System east of
Pittsburg: First tour, $310; second
tcur, $350; third ' tour, $210 round
trip, and $150 one way.
For detailed itineraries and other
infsimation, apply at ticket agencies,
special booking offices or address
George W. Boyd, Assistant . General
Passenger Agent, Broad Street Sta
tion, Philadelphia. j23,
Whcrees, the Hon. JEREM.IA.H fONiv,
President Judge of the Coir. -of "Common
Pleas, for the Forty-First Judicial District,
composed of the counties of JGuMiata and
Perry, and the Honorable JOSIAB L. BAR
TON and J. P. WICKEKSHAM, Aasociate
Judges of the said court of Common Pleas
of Juniata county, hy precept duly ismei
and to me directed for holding a Conrt of
Oyer and Terminer and Gnneial Jail Deliv
ery, and General Quarter Session of tho
Peace at MiHHntown, on tho '
Notice is bcbkbt oitii, to tbeCoronor
Justice of tbe Peace and Constables of the
County of Juniata, that they be then and
there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock
id the forenoon of aaid day, witbtheir rec
ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer
rememberancea, to do thoae things that to
their offices respectfully appertain, and
thoae that are bound by recognizance to
prosecute against the prisoners that are or
may be In the Jaii of said county, be then
acd there to prosecute against tbcm aa
shall be Jast.
By an Act of tbe Assembly J pisssi ths
6th day of May, 1834, it made tbe duly of
Justices of tho Peace of the several coun
ties of this Commonwealth, to return to the
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of
the respective counties, all the recognis
ances entered into before them by any per
son or persons charged with the Commis
sion of any crime, except anch cases aa
may be ended before a Justice of the
Peace, under existing laws, at least ton
days before the commencement cf tha ses
sion of the Conrt to which they are made
returnable respectively, and m all cases
where recognizances are entered into less
than len days before the commencement of
the session to which they axe made return
able, tbe said Justices are to return the
same in tbe aamo manner as if aaid Act
had not been paused.
Dated at MifUintown, the 6tb day of Jan
uary" in tbe year of onr Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven.
iT" Jams P. Calhoch, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Mifflintown, Pa., January 7th 1897.
wuVa Ptlla Tha til,. feti
TV-hen yon take Hood's Pills. The big, old-fashioned,
sugnr-coated pills, which tear you all to
pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take
and easy to operate, is true
of Hood's Pills, which are
up to date in every respect.
Safe, certain'and sure. All
druggists. 25c C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
piuctkai nctviTs.
IT Kt J Sw?rlar Ctv af A Tast- Ftf(f Tl
Best Cie ef SaJta.
IT C QUOTE 3 Urlt CwUHa TaWMKKJh TafttaWfaL Cr.
CVrs win iaiia-jycifrirux. .aira.i X- Cu.-.
B.-rr.4l i vXvi-.
Ta ratal drawers
I bava a limited quantity of extra
varieties ef potatoes raised from seed
costing $6.00 from regular seedsmen
which I will sell io persons wishing
to improve their seed at a much leas
price, if applied for soon.
. B. F. BrBcnrraXD.
Mifflintown, Pa.. Dec. 22nd, 1S96
Matchless in eveiy feature.
Three tours to California and the
Pacific ccast, will leave Harrisburg,
Altoona and Pittsburg, January 27,
February 24 and March 27. 1897.
Five weeks in California on the first
tour and fonr weeks on the second.
Psssecgers on the third tonr may re
turn on regular trains within nine
months- . Stop will be made at New
Orleans for -Vtrdi-Gras festivities on
the second te ar.
Rales frou all points on the Penna;
R. R. System: First tour $310 00.
sreond tour $350.00; third tour $210.
00. From Pittsburg $5.00 less for
each tour.
Jacksonville tours, allowing two
weeks in Floiida,- will leave New
York and Philadelphia, January 26,
February 9 and 23 and March 9,
1897. Rate covering expenses en
route in both directions $53.00 from
Pittsburg, and proportionate rates
from ether points. - .
For detailed itineraries .and other
information, apply at ticket agencies
or address Thos. E. Watt, Pass.
Agent Western District, 360 Fifth
A venue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the tstate of
Sarah T. Jamison, late of Fayette town,
ship, Juniata county, Pa., deceased, hav.
ing been granted in due form of law to the
undersigned residing ia Mifflintown. All
persona knowiog tbemaelves indebted to
aid decedent will please make immediate
payment, and tbose having elaiuia will pre
sent tbcm properly authenticated for settle,
meat to Louis E. Ateinsob, '
Decmbcr 22, 1896. Extattar.
Letter testamentary on tLe estate if
Edward A. Smith, late of Mexico, Walker
township, Juniata couuty, Pa., having
been granted in due form of law to tho nn-
dersigned residing in Mexico. All p:r
sons knowicg tboiuse 's indebted to said
decedent wi.l please mate immediate pay
ment, and tbose bavirg claims wiM present
them properly autheut cated for settlement
to maiilua Minn,
Kate V. Smith,
Eslvle of Samutl J. Thomas, deceuttd.
Wheieas letters of ad ministrarion on the
astute of Samuel A. Thomas, Iato of Fer
managh township, Juniats Co., Pa., deceas
ed, have been iss ed out of the Orphans'
Court to tbe undersigned, notice is hereby
givan to all ptruoas indebted to t&e s lid es.
tate to mcke imnudiate pa. ment, and
tbose having claims to preeBt them prop
erly authenticated lor settlement.
Mexico, Janiuta Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1896.
In the tstatt ef Jerome A'. Thompson, late of
the iotetuhip of Walker, county of Jnni
ata Pa., deceased.
The undtrsig ed appoint 1 by the Or
phans' Court oi Juniata ceunty, Auditor to
ascertain the debt against said estate; mar.
abal assets, apportion debts againat same
and make a schedule of distribution amongst
tbe respective creditors as against the re
spective legatees and devise.- in the estate
ot Jerome N. Tltotupson, late ol W lker
town' bip, decease 1, will meet allpir Us in.
fruited f. r tha purpose of hit appointment
on Tuesday, J nr.ary 2(5, A. D., 1897, be
tween tbe hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 6
o'c'ock P. M.,at hi etbee in tbo borough
of MifKintown, Jnniata county, PenBS)lva
nia, wbea and where all parties interested
aa claimant, creditors, legatees or devisees,
heirs at law or in any other respect, are re
quired to maka and provo tbeir claim or be
forever debarred f rorn coming in on said
lend. WiiBiaroKCa Schwsvck,
January 4th 1897. Auditor.
To John A. Campbell, late of the city of
Pittsburg, County of Allegheny, Stat'
of Pennsylvania.
Whereas Annie E. Campbell, your wife
ha tiled a libel in tbe Court of Common
Plets of Juniata county, No. 10 , Scptem.
ber Term, 1896, praying a divorce agalcst
you, now you are hereby notified aud re
quire to appear in aaid Court on or before
Monday, the 1st day of February, A. D.
1897, next, to answer the complaint ol tbe
aaid Annie K- Campbell, and ia default ol
anch appearance you will be liable to have
a divorce granted in your absence.
James P. Calhouk,
Sherifl' Office, IShoiitT.
Mitflictown. Dec. 28, 189C. y
The understood having been restored to
health by aimpce mean, after suffering sev
eral years witba severe lung affection, and
that dread disease consumption, is anxious
to make known to hia fellow sufferers the
means of cure. To tbose who desire it, he
will cheerfully send (free of chargs) a copy
ot the prescription used, which they will
Bud a aure cure for Consumption, Asthma,
Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung
Ualadus. He hopes all sufferer will try
bis remedy, as it ia invaluable. Tbose de
siring the presc.iption, which will cost tbem
nothing, and may proe a blessing, will
please address,
New York. Sep. 9, '96.
Tbe undersigned persons have associated
themselves together for tbe protection ot
Willow Run Trout stream in Lack town,
ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are
strickly forbidden not to trespass npon the
land or stream of the said parties to . fish
as the stream has been stocked with trout
Persons violating this nofice, wi'l bo pros
ecuted according to law.
R. H. Patterson,
T. H. Caruthers, J. P.
Rob't A. Woodside,
W. D. Walls,
Frank Yawn,
Dyaon Vawn.
April 28, 1896.
Tbe undersigned persons havo formed an
Association for tho protection of .their re.
spec live properties. All persons are here
by notified not to trespass on the lands of
the undersigned for tho purpose of bunting
gathering nuts, chiping timber or throwing
down fences or Bring timber in any way
whatever. Any violation ot tbe above no
tice will be dealt with according to law.
John Mtchasl,
William Pcffenberger,
Gideon Sieber,
Beasbora. Zook.
Mary A. Bru baker,
Joseph Rothrock,
John Byler,
fanMi Bell.
Septouiberfo F186. ,
Lours B. Arasaos. ?
OrrtOB On Main street, ia place of resi
dence of Louia B. Atkinaon, Esq., soot
Bridge street. 2h, 1892
fry Collecting sad Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to. .
sass-ftrillpntioris and all leeral busi
ness promptly attended to.
have formed a partnership for tbe praetict
of Medicine and tbeir eollatteral branches.
Office at old atand, corner of Third and Or
ange streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or bott
ef tbem will be round at tbeir office at a)
times, unless otherwise professionally en
gaged. . Aptjl 1st, 1896.
Graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental
College. Offioe at old established lo
cation, Br id Street, opposite Court
House, JifitBintowB, Fa.
iEJ Crown and Bridge work;
Painless Extraction.
All work guaranteed.
I hkmbt effor tor sale a valuable prop
erty, situated in F rmanagh township, 2)
miles north-east of Mifflintown, containing
25 Acn a, more or lets. 4 acres of wood
land. Tbe balance cleared and ia good
state of cultivation. Bulldinga ordinary,
but in good repair. A good spring of never
failing gravel water nearby. Thia property
also contains 259 peicb trees and 2000 ber
ry plants; 80 apple trees, besidej otber
fruit. Tbe above property is situated near
White Hall school bouse in taid township.
For further information address.
Cbaiui Cor buss.
8-29-'9G. Mifflintown, Pa.
Tascarora Valley Eailroad. .
A. M. P. M.'
Blair's Mills Lv. 7 45 2 00
Waterloo 7 51 2 06
Leonard's Grove 7 58 2 13
Hots Farm 8 05 2 20
Perulack 8 12 2 7
East Waterford. . .' 8 25 2 40
Hcckman 8 35 2 50
Honey Grove 8 47 2 57
Fort Bigham 8 48 3 03
Warble 8 55 3 10
Pleapant View 9 00 3 15
Seven Pines... 9 06 3 21
Spruca Hill 9 10 3 25
Graham's 9 14 3 29
Stewart 9 16 3 31
Freedom .. 9 18 3 33
Turbett 9 20 3 35
Old Port 9 25 3 40
Port Royal Ar. 9 30 3 45
' Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal
with Wayasscnjter and Seashore Express,
on P. R. K., and Nos. 8 and 4 witb Msil east'
No. 2 No. 4
A. M P. M.
Port Royal 0.0 10 30-5 20
Old Port 1.3 10 35 5 25
Turbett 2.8 10 40 5 30
Freedom 3.7 10 42 5 32
Stewart 4.4 10 44 5 34
Graham's S.ojlo 46:5 36
Spruce Hill 6 3; 10 50 5 40
Seven Pines 7.2110 54'5 44
Pleasant View 9.011 03s 50
Warble lO.Olll 055 55
FortBighnm 12.011 ll'6 01
Honey Grove 14.0 11 18 6 08
Heckman 15.1 11 25 6 15
East Waterford 17.511 35 6 25
Peruinck 20.511 48!6 36
Ross Farm 22.0,12 556 45
Leonard's Grove... 24.0.12 026 52
Waterloo 25.5112 09 6 59
Blair's Mills Ar. 27.012 15i7 05
Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect witb Stage
Line at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doylos.
burg and Dry Run.
Tbe following schedule went Into effect
Nov. 16, 1896, and the trains will be run aa
p. m
4 30
4 6
4 89
4 45
4 46
4 51
4 64
4 66
4 69
a. m
9 00
S 06
9 11
9 14
9 la
9 19
9 22
9 24
9 2T
Leave Arrive a. m p. rc
Duncannon 7 64 2 28
'King's Mill 7 49 2 23
Sulphur Springs 7 46 2 20
"Corman S id ing 7 4 1 818
Montebello Park 7 41 2 15
Weaver 7 40 2 13
Roddy 7 86 2 OH
Hoffman 7 88 2 65
'Royer 7 81 2 0 J
Mahanoy 7 28 2 00
Bloomfield 7 2 141
Tresslei 7 09 1 36
Nellson 7 04 1 81
Dam's 7 01 1 28
Elliotsburg 6 68 1 25
Bernbeisl's 6 61 120
Groen Ptrk 8 48 1 18
Montour June 6 S3 1 16
Landisburg 6 28 2 60
Arrive Leave a. m p ro
5 10 10 43
6 16 9 49
6 21 9 64
6 24 9 57
6 27 10 05
5 82 10 17
6 84 10 17
6 87 10 30
6 02 10 35
p. m a. m
Train leaves Bloomfield at 6. 68 a. m.,
and arrives at Landisbnrg at C.28 a. m.
Train leaves Landiaburg at 6.08 p. m., and
arrives at Bloomfield at 6.40 p. m.
All stations marked () are flag stations,
at wbick trains will conuLto a full stop on
Cbas. H. Smclet, 8. H. Bsc:,
President- Supt.
Om and aft r Sunday Novea-b rlfiy
1896. trains will run as follows:
Way Passenger, leave. Philadelphia at
4 SO V. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m, Duncan
a bv . m- New Port 9 05 a. ro; Mil
non 8 85n.m, e VnrWnrd 2i ,
xTomn'own'om; Y. Dyk. 9
I m; Tuscarora 9 36 a- m; fcextet. t 4t a.
1B:"7. . H MP. m Tyren. 12 2
p ; Alna 1 CO p. m; P.ttsburge 05 p.
Niagara and Pittsburg Exprew leave.
2 UU p. IBi .
Altoona Accommodation !?T
burg at 5 00 P- i Dcann ?'
rt 6 02 p. m; Af.lUrstown 6 11 p-nv,
Tbonpsnntown 6 21 p JUKsrora 6 8
0 ra ixico6 3Sp. m; Port Koyal 6 8
1 ml Mifflii. 6 P-i IBh,," 4lp:a"M
Lewistown 7 C7 m; icVeyto-n 7 M p-
m- Newton Hamiiton 7 60 p. m; Hentlng.
don 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; AlUKma
9 85 p. m- ,
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at
1) 20 p. m; Harrisbur 8 10 a. m; '.
v : le 8 24 a. m; Duncannon 3 81 a. nn New
pet t 8 69 a. bi, Fort Royal 4 81 a. m; Mif.
Bin 4 87 a. m; Lewistewn 4 51. m; Mc
Yetwa6 20 a. m; Hwntingdon 6 08 a.
m; Tyrone 6 65 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. ;
Pittsburg 12 10 p. m.
Oyster Expresa leave Philadelphia at 4
85 p.m; Harrial.urg at 10 28 p. n; Newport
11 06 p. m; Mifflin 11 0 p. m; Lewiatewa
12 68 a. m; Huntingdon 12 65 a. m.; Trone
1 82 a m; Altoona Si 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 80-
a. m.
Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia at 12 2 p.
m; Barrrisbnrg 3 60 p. m; Duncanou 15
p. m; Newport 4 85 p. m; Mifflin 6 07 p. m.
Lewistown 6 27 p. m; Mount Unien 03 p.
m: Huntingdon 6 27 p. m; Tyrone 7 04
m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburj II
p. m.
Huntingdon Accommodation leaves Al
toona at 6" 00 a. m; Tyrone 5 28 a wu Hunt
ingdon 6 40 a. m; Newton Hamilton 6 05-
b. m; McVeylown 8 22 a, m; Lewistewn
6 42 a. m; Mifflin 7 01a. us Port Royal
7 06 a. m; Mexico 7 09 a. ra; Thompson,
town 7 22 a. sr.; Milierstown 7 81 a. as. -Newport
7 40 a. bi; Duncannon 8 07 s m;
Harrisburg 8 40 a. a.
Sea Sbore leave Pitttsbnrg 8 10 a m;
Altoona 7 15 am; Tyreno 7 48 a to; Hunt
ingdon 8 80 a m; MeVevtown 9 15 a in;
Lewistown9 35 a m; MiOlia 9 65 a m;
Port Roval 9 69 a m; Thompwntewa 10 14;
Milleratown 10 22 am; Newport 10 82 a m;
Duncannon 10 64 a m; Maryaville 11 07 a
m; Harriabnrg II 26 a m; Philadelphia 8 0
p m.
Main Lino Express leavea Pittsburg at
8 00 a. ni; Altoona II 40 a. m; Tyrone 12-
03 p. ra; Hutitiuifdon 12 85 p. m; Low I-,
town 1 83 p. ni; Milt! in 1 60 p. m; Harris
burg 3 10 p. rc; Baltimore 6 00 . m; Wash
ington 7 15 p. m; Philadelphia 6 23 p. mi
New York 9 21 p. ra
. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 10 p. ni.
1 45 p. IA, :nnnirniu. n zr n -jff ff;11rf
Pmlr-!f!rE McVeytown 4 29 p. ut
Lewistewn 4 45 p. m; Mifflin 5 10 p. m..
Port Royal 5 16 p. m; Mexico 6 20 p. m;
Thompaontown 5 .'li p. ni; Millemtewn 513
p. ni; Nen port 5 6t p. m; Duucaanon 6 23
p. m; Darrishurg 7 00 p. m.
Mail Express leavea Pittsburg at 1 00 p.
in; Altoona 6 05 p. m; Tyrone 6 37 p mj
Ilunttngdnn 7 20 p. m; McVevtown 8 04 p.
nr.; Lewistown 8 26 p ni; Afiflliu 8 47 p mt
Port Royal 8 52 p. in; Milloretown 9 1 p..
id; Newport 0 2 p. ui; Duocannon 9 60 p..
in; HurrUburg 10 20 p. m.
Pbil:idelph;a Express leaves Pittsburg at
4 CO p. m; Altnoaa 9 05 p. in; Tyrone 9 88
p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p. id; Mount Un.
ion 10 H2 p. ni; Lewistowo 11 16 p. ra; Mlf.
Ilin 11 37 p. m; Harrisburg 1 00 a. m; Phil
adelphia 4 80 New York 7 83 a. a.
Trainc for buiibarv at 7 . a. ra.andS It.
p. ni., leave Sunbury for Lewiatown 10 0.
p. i". and 2 25 p. ni ; for Milrny 6 20 a. aa..
10.2U a. in. end 3 15 p. in., week iays.
Traius leave f.r Bellcf-jnte and Lock
Haven at e 10 a. la., 8 34 asd 7 25 p.m.
leave Lock Haven lor Tyrone 4 80, 9 10 f .
m. and 4 15 p. ra.
Trains leave Tyrone for Clearfield and
Curnensville at 8 10 a. m.. 12.0 and 7 30
p m.. leave Curwensviile tor Tyrone at 4 88
a. m., 9 15 and 8 61pm.
For, rates, maps, etc., call on Tioket
-3grnt-,or &ddrea, Thos. E. Watt, P.
A. W. P., 360 Fifth Avenue, Pitts-,
burg, Pa.
S. Jj. Prkvo8t, J. R. Wood,
Qeu'l Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agt:
I 1 ley Railroad Company.--. Time table
of passenger trains, in effect on 1don4aX.
May 18ib, 18&0.
f M ' A W
Newp- t ....
Bnfi&lo Bridare.....
Juniata frurnac ...
fl ahncla
Wat"r Plug
Bloomfield Junct'n.
Valley Road
Elliottabnrg. ......
Green Park
Fort Kabeson .....
Center .,
Cisna's ftnu .......
Andcriiocburg .....
Mount Pleasant
New Gcrruaat'n ...
r K
4 00
3 67
3 63
8 60-
5 46
8 41
8 88.
8 82:
8 16
8 10
2 49
2 46
2 88
2 24
2 80
6 05 10 85
6 OS 10 8S
6 12 10 42
C IV I 45
8 50
8 23
t 20
6 25!10 62,
6 22,11'!
6 8111 &'
8 16
8 II
8 0ft
8 CO
7 45
7 40
7 84
0 89; 11 09!
6 61.11 21
6 64 11 2t
7 05,11 85
7 11 11 41
7 151 1 45
7 21 11 61
7 27,11 67
7. S-lj 12 05
7 41H2 11
7 26
7 15
7 1
7 03
C 68;
6 eu
7 45-12 l'!
D. GRIN'S, President ind Manager
C. K.. Miusi, General Agent.
Eick Hea-J.-wheand mlievc all tbe troubles inet
dnt to a bilious state of tbo system, such aa
Dtzzinoss, Nausea. iTowsiiiess, Distrexa a tee
eautig. Pain lu tbe bide, Ac While tlielr moat
reuiarkable success baa been ahOTn in curiug
Realaa!w. yot Chter' Littlb Littb Pnxa
are ftqiiallv valuable in Con&tirtion, curtnar
and prevention Uiis annovincoini.laint. while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate tbe bowelai
Even If they only cured
Ache they would bn Almost pricelsea te 1
who suRsr from tni dwtressinf tn.l.inf
but fortunately their1 goodness does not end
here, and those who once try tbem wiU flud
these little pills valuably in so icany ways that
tney win not oe wuuua to ao wubou
But after all aiuk bead
la the bane of o many Uvea tt,Kt he's can"
while others i In not. -ffmaA
Cartkr's L: mx J.ivrra Pills m veruaaa
and Tery easy to take. On or fo riuitC
a dose. They are stHetly TerjKl.Z!5i
not eriDe or tmrpa. but llw. 7 m
(e for $1 . Sold everywhere, or aenth.
an who uso uwm. In vteu o. . i
uua, tw Jsa.
STATION3. Wct- I East-
ward. J wri.
- inrz.
MR ksllv& bflftb