Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 06, 1897, Image 1

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    fc. F. SOHWEiER,
NO. 4.
V f
7 V
- -.-i.
oiiaptkk xxii c
"Mr. 'l'i in m i ii: -i." he tniti,
fust ri-lit to be angry with
'lianamtitr our j.nat r.fui
iisve not t..!.l j u quite the ir..'ii. I del
not i Ik Milwaukee by tin I .vo-thii :
resterdny. 1 was at tin? pul.lU.' house last
ni;.-)it just before twelve, and I S:J g int.:
I-Y-rle-s' bakery as you say. l?ut 1 sweat
to you I left the city last nUlit by tlit
t-.v.ive fifteen, and I sivrar to yo:i I ii!
not wind uj) my clock last nijrht. It win
"Ins it.. . mini; between four nnil five o'clock
I fouinl out in Milwaukee that the man
was not to be trusted."
"Hut who wound the clock? I saw yuc
do it, Mr. I.eih I saw you do it, sir, and
ill this Milwaukee tale is gammon."
"Aaiii you are wroiiir. Ami now, to
show you how far you are wrong, 1 will
fell you a secret. 1 have a deputy. One
I told William., about, lie is ill-formed
as I am, and so like ine when we sit that
you would not know the difference neross
four .n store. Hut our voices are dif
ferent, very different, nnd he is m r
than a foot taller than I. You did inn
see the winder last night standing ui.
He always takes his stat before raising
the t-as."
A lij;:it broke in on Timmons. Tli's
would explain ail. This would make S'a
iner s story consistent with his own exi-ri--
ne; of the flight before. This w...u'.l
. 'count for this man, whom Stamer sai.I
he had nhot, bring here now, uninjured.
This would moke tlie later version of the
tale about Milwaukee possible, credible.
I'.i.t- a'.vi.il b.i:! it would mean that the
unfoi tunate, nflli.-teil deputy had b.'OL'
sacrifice.): Yes, most of what th.s ma I!
had s.iid was true.
"What's the unfortunate deputy's
r:mnp'r': he asked, with a shudder.
"That I will not tell."
"I'.'.it it must come out on the inquest,
fo-dny '..r to-morrow, or whenever thej
find tiie remain?."
"Tlie remains of what?" asked Lei-h,
frou iiinj; !ica vily.
"Of juur deputy. Thry say In the pa
per that it v. us you that lost your life iu
the fire."
"I' irei Fire! Fire where?" thundered
. the dwarf, in a voi.-e which shook the
t.ac-iip.! j iis.-. z'.. jry'.iwi'DHt--?
made the thinner of i?W!dl vrale.
ntinued.) '
"yuil h::ve a
me f . -r Mils
n:! ! i.-.vn
, l . - "clock, sir, was nil I lfad in this whole
pipe.-? . hy. I- orbes bakery was bu-ued u WU3-tbe saving bank of mv
out last n,sht. and the papers say ybvi , he.u C1. gouli aIJ(1 nw th(J b;nik -a
.okt youv life m ihefire. ' Sroken and 1 am beggared."
"i'vi ho -v did you cac;i;-i, .'r. Liv'li?"
CIIAPTKIl XXIII. "Safan take care of his own. Mr. llan-
The moruiii,- follov. ing llanbury's visit bury." he said, speakin f..r tiie first t.me
fo Grimsby sU-jet saw the order of ar- to the young man. "Whatever way you
rival of tiie ladies in the fitting-room re- J irP g,.i:v, I should like to go, if you
versed. Mrs. Grace was there first. Edith , womJ have no objection! I have no way
had been too excited when she went to j af my own now except the way comuioii
bed afier the younj man's disclosures ; to us all."
to sleep, and It was not until the small
hours were growing bis that the girl could
close her ey es. As a consequence she
was late.
Neither grandmother nor granddaughter
(rii in humor to talk. Edith was occu
pied with her own thoughts. They had
jiothing to do that day, for Edith had
made up her mind to do nothing about a
.new oituation until Monday. It being
now Saturday, there was uo time to take
any steps thai -week.
Thev hfcu'not sat down to breakfast
until half-past nine, and by ten they had j
net finished.. As the little clo;k on thej
mantel piece stnics ine nour tne lanu
lady's daughter entcrid to say n lady was
t.eluw who desired to see Mrs. and Mis?
"I have tnk -n the liberty of coming up
without porm.ssion," said a voice at the
door, and a tall, stately lady, with white
huir and dressed in black, appeared at
the threshold of the door left open by the
.Mrs. Grace invited her to enter and hi
'I need not introduce myself further."
Vie visitor aid with a smile, as she sat
down, after shaking hands with the two.
"than to say I am the mother of Mr.
Ilanbury. who had the pleasure of callin,"
upon you yesterday eening. I am afraid
my visit this moruius is as inconvenient
ly early as his last nigiit was late. Hut
the discovery tf my dead husband's
knowledge of your family affairs, is so
..Ttr.mroiimrr that I could not der.v niv-
i.!f the hattfiiness of calling at the very i
earliest momert i could get away. You ;
lm vi not even finished breakfast. I fi ar 1
von will find it hard ta forgive rue.
wors and smile and manner were so
friendly and unassuming that grandmoth
er and granddaughter felt at ease imme
diately. That morning John Hanleiry awoke to
the most unpleasant thoughts about l.)ora.
What ought he to do in the matter? Had
he not neted badly to her in not writing
the next morning after the scene in thf
drawing-room? the very ni?ht?
He was wrestlir? and groaning in spir
it when the servant brought a letter to
iiis door. lie rei-ognized her writing :i
ouce, and tore the envelope open hastily.
He read the letter slowly and with de
caying spirit. When he had finished he
folded it up deliberately and put it back
into the envelope. Kis face was pale,
his lips were apart, his eyes dull, expres
sionless. "Be it so." he said at length. "She Is
'rigVt," he added bitterly. "She is always
right. She would always be right, and I
when I differed from her always wrong.
That is not the position a husband should
occupy in a wife's esteem."
He went out with no definite object ex
cept to be free of interruption. His mind
ran on Iora. Now he thought of her
with anger, now with affection, now with
sorrow, lie had no fhousrht of trying to
undo h"r reodve. He acquiesced in it.
fie was glad It eame from her and oui
from him.
lie passed In review the pleasant hours
they bad spent together. He took a
melancholy delignt in conjuring up the
things they had said, the places they had
gone to, the balls, and theaters, anr. gal
leries and meetings they had been t i with
sue another. He thought of the list walk
they took, the walk which led to the pres
ent breach between them. It was in this
neighborhood somewhere. Ah, he remem
bered. He would go and see the place
wee "nor.
:..a a.- the slreel. V. i.a; -.v.l the
meaning of the crowd? When she and he
wr. irnre last there had been a crowd
too. Was there always a cro.wl hic.
I'iicre had been a tire. I'oitcimen weie
seeping ptople back !!:. i tile front of
Forbes' bakery, wl'.i vi wns coi.ii'h tciy
gutteil, standing a m re siiell, with it a
Dare, roolb-ss walls open io the lihtof
heaven. All the floors had fallen, and a
tireman with a hose was pi;iy i:i on the
imokius rubbisa within.
"An unlucky place," thought Hannury.
and at that momeut tlu re was a cry of
iismay from the crowd. ii::iibury lirc.v
back, lie thought the walls were fai!
iiiif. Presently the cry of dismay channel
to a cheer, and the T-f,d swayed unl
DpeiK'd, an-1 through it. ir.-ni a cab which
iiad just drawn up. wa'kcj hastily to
wanls the smoking p.!. Ms :ir Lei.'i.
"All guiicl All jr. :k-: '1 lie work of
seven years! The result of a lifctiiae!
Lione! j;onc! L',,j;e;"
He reel, d are! would have fallen bu.
jut. Ilaubury caujlit hi.u and suiipoitcl
Williams appeared, and between Will
iams and Ilan'oury the dwarf was led into
the private bar iu which h.s learning and
ccult knowledge had brought hiui dis
tinction and respect.
A chair was fetched and I.elh was
et 'ipon it wilh his baek to the window,
so fnat his eyes might not look upon the
grave of his labor.
"All gone! All pine! Nothing left!
Nothing left! The work of seven yei.rs.
day and nhjht! 1 : y and night! l;iy
and niKht! (ione, all gone!"
"Hut, Mr. Leigh," said the pr.'.e f i.-ed
Williams, iu a low and very kindly voice,
"it might have been ever so much worse."
"Worse! How eouid it be worse? T.ier:
In nothing saved."
"Why, thank heaven, Mr. Leigh, you
are saved. It was said in some of the pa
pers and we believed it that you were
burned in the tire."
"Ami what if I was?"
"Well, your friends are very glad, any
way. Didn't you hear how the peopi-1
cried out with fear first, for they thought
you were a ghost, and didn't you hear
how they cheered when they saw it was
"yours-;2. i !'. ,c ou'lf ".'.! ''
I! YVho am V What am I? Mv
"I .shall be very glad to have your com
pany." said Haubnry. who wa.t sincerely
moved at the loss and grief of the little
And leaning on the arm of John Han
bury, Oncnr Leigh limped out of the pri
."Ale bar of the public house.
When the two men gained the open air
no cab was in sight.
"If you will rest awhile here," said Ilan
bnrv. "I'll fetch a cab. I cannot see one
p or down the street"
"No." said Leigh, a s
hudder passing
through his frame. "Let us walk, if you
do not mind. I could not bear to stay
near this place any longer. Is it not
strange that you should have wanted a
: cab in this spot torty-eight hours ago,
! and I should want it here now?"
j "It is strange," said Ilanbury, "but the
j world is very small, nnd our absolute
j wants in it are very closely circumscrib
ed." The manner of Leigh had changed
; in a marked manner. His steps had be
j come slow and more dragged, his breath
i ing more labored, and he had lost all
1 swagger and bounce, and self-assertive-!
"Sir," said Leigh, "this slow pace beCts
a funeral. This is my funeral."
"Oh, you. mustn't say so. I am sure
your clock must have been a terrible loss,
but not irreparable."
j "I shall begin no other clock. Thf
sands in my own hour-glass are running
low ulrendv. When a man of tnr ni:ik
endures a great shock and a great disap
poiutment he does not eudure much more.
"? 1 luu ' w yo"
tiemy, and l am nt only to tie your triend.
You will not spurn nie?" He paused in
their walk and looked up anxiously into
li anbury's face.
"Assuredly cot. I will do anything I
can for you."
"You wi'.I be astonished to hear that 1
was tf.tlrrcttd towardu you from the mo
nient 1 saw yon the attraction of re
pulsion, no doubt. 1 have had so long
a l'fe of loneliness and repression, I warn
a few hours of companionship and frie
sieaking before I die."
"Anything you may tell me to reliev
rour mind, I shall treat as a secret of mv
"1 know. 1 wish I were as sure of any
thing else as I am of you. 1 lied to you
very considerably. I lied because I hnt
imagination; because I Sad vanity; be
cause people are such id.ots."
"What I said about Miracle Gold tas
mostly a lie also."
"I knew that."
"All right. Most of What I told yon
about Miracle Gold was a lie. All I told
you about making it was a life . I was
about to enter into a league with thieves
to take stolen gold, and pretend to make
it. I was going to do this for the sake
of the fame, not the profit.
"A very dangerous kind of alchemy,
"Anywjy I have told you what my
scheme was. I told Mrs. Ashton that
my clock was independent of my hands
for winding up. You heard Williams,
the publican, say they saw me wind up
my clock lasl night Well, I was not near
tny clock last night."
"I'.ut he said he saw you."
"He did. N.ov you can understand how
necessary it was for me to lie."
"I candidly confess I cannot."
"Well, when I conceived the notion of
making Miracle Gold I knew I ran a
great risk. I thought it might become nec
esfcan tc erove alrinaUvea at all ejeuts.
The proposition or an alibi is an affirma
tive, tbe deduction a negative. I told you
my clock was my friend. Well, I made
! help me in this. I gave out in the pub
lic house that my clock had now become
so complicated that I bad arranged to
connect all the movements. The clock
was to be wound up by a lever fixed near
the window, at which I sat when at work,
the only window in the room. NiglK after
night 1 worked at this lever for half an
hour, turning round exactly nt a quarter
past twelve to nod nt the people. Mean
while, I was busy constructing a life-sized
figure the body of a man every way as
like me as possible. I have skill, a good
deal of skill, in modeling. It was made to
be moved by tbe lever, not to move it. I
easily timed the head so as to turn at a
quarter-past. I inserted iu the neek of
the figure like myself a movement which
would make the head nod before turning
away to go on with the winding. You
now see my idea?"
"Not quite clearly. But I suspect it."
"Suppose I had to meet one of my cli
ents about the gold, 1 should make an
appointment with him at a quarter past
twelve elsewhere. My clock, at twelve
o'clock, slowly raised the figure from the
rloor to the place in which I sat in my
chair, turned up the gas, which had been
dimmed to the last glimmer that would
live, and then released the weight in the
chimney and set the figure moving as if
working the lever, instead o.? the lever
working it. Thus you see 1 should have
a dozen to swear they saw me in my room,
if nnything went wrong iu my interviews
with my clients, or if from any other cause
it became necessary for me to prove 1
was in my workshop between twelve and
half-past twelve at night."
"Very ingenious indeed."
"There is not much more to tell. Ow
ing to a reason I need not mention, I
made up my mind ou Thursday morning
to go on with the production of Miracle
1ioi-l. 1 resolved against my better judg
ment, mil) gave tlie word for the first lot
of the cold to be delivered at my place at
midnight exactly. You know how my
afternoon was spent. AYhile at Mrs.
Ashtou's my better judgment and my
worse one had a scutlie, and I made up
my mind to decide upon nothing that
night, and certainly to commit myself to
nothing tiiat night. What you would call
the higher influence was at work." .
"1 'alias-Athena V"
"Yes, if you think that a good name.
Any way, I made up my mind to do noth
ing definite in the interest of Miracle Gold
that night. 1 set my dummy figure that
figure was burned up; not 1. 1 am goiug
fast. I there no cab? I can hardly
breathe. Have you seen Miss Ashton
"1 have."
"Since yesterday af.ernoon?"
They were standing at a doorstep.
Leigh had leaned his side against the
urea railings for support. His breathing
was terrible, and every now and then
he gasped, and clutched his hands to
gether. "if yon come to see me to-morrow, per
haps you may not come alone?"
1 l&tibury Unshed. He did not want to
make his confession just now.
"Perhaps I may not," he said. "Good
by now."
"lood-by: and thank yon for your good
ness, i'ou know whom I hope to see witb
you ':"
YoV .
"lViiias-Athena, of course."
"Of course."
(To be continued.) .
3!.-c!el of an English Speech.
In rising In reply to the noble lord,
he hoped'tbat the noble lord would do
Justice to the sentiments of respect
which bo cherished for the noble lord.
He also begged that the noble lord
would. In that spirit of liberality which
distinguished the uotile' lord, under
stand that he was prompted by no de
sire to think diil'crently from the noble
He believed that the nelde lord and
himself had always hitherto agreed on
all matters which concerned the com
monweal; and if the noble lord would
bo pleased to remember, he had stood
6ide by side in many a, well-fought bat
tle for ancient privilege with the noble
As to the present subject, he woald'j
inform the noble lord that if there
a diversity of opinion betwixt himself,
he meaut to say betwixt the noble
lord and himself, and there undoubt
edly was a diversity (hear, hear), tht
difference was no more than the differ
ence betwixt tweedledum and tweedle
dea. (Cheers.)
Bnt he would assure the noble lord
that If the noble lord would search the
records to . satisfy any doubt which
might remain in the mind of the noble
lord, the noble lord would find that
the facts which he should present .
ought to have some weight on the
miud of the noble lord.
A few of these had already been
presented by the committee for the
consideration of the noble lord, and be
would ask the noble lord to go with
him wliilj he should make other state
ments to the noble lord. If he might
presume to claim, for a few moments
the attention of the noMe lord.
An electric railroad from Xew
York to Philadelphia is projected.
When water freezes it expands
with a force of 80,000 pounds a Square
inch. i substance has been found
which will withstand such a pressure
M. Highi, of Bolognt, has suc
cf pdel in reproducing artificially the
g fibular form of lightning.
1'aris policemen have been sup
pli d with eletric dark lanterns, by
m- bus of which they can see une hun
dred and fifty fpet away.
l'i rsia's elmh,. recollecting tlie
ehirioiie tune his bite father had in
Europe, has notified the Russian,
llntis'r, German and French govero
mei fs t. at lie purposes to visit their
capital Lefore long.
The classical Leander was the
n( no i . ic hero of the ancients and the
modtrn Leanders ou the Thames
seem to be the acquatic heroes of the
present day. - - -;'
1' is fai l tluit lecs caii fly 20 per
c nt fuoter than pi-r -ons
The on'y fur-covered, fur-footei
member (f the animal kingdom which
lays engs like a fowl is the native beaver
i.f Au-uraliii.
Compressed air has l-een . success
fully applied to ths eigmls of the
lightship in Vineyard sound, off Cape
Cod. Hitherto the signals have been
blown by - team. . ' .
Tlie bicycle is the evangelist'of the
most progressive era ever known. A
new name for
it is "the farmer'!
i Labor Notes.
Cincinnati newspaper carries will
oig.uize. They claim that newsboye
hurt them by selling on their routes.
Brooklyn Ontral Labor Union will
try to prevent the establishment oi
I tinting and other plants in tbe peni
temiary. j The New York Central Labor Union
has referred the plan of the Machinists'
A-8i ciation for an inter-oceanic canal
to the Secretary of the Treasury in
. Washington.
( The ex-foreman of the composing
room of the Sujienor (Wis.) Tt lerjram
has sued the union for not accepting;
him as a member Binca the ollice has
b'-en unionized. He places damages
t $2,000.
i Amalgamated Steel Metal Workers
of Chicago not only won a strike for
t e discharge of m n union men, hut
ti-v. manager of the building advanced
?25 to the workmen to pay their dues,
to tbe organization.
Milwaukee is to have a labor ex
change. A person producing an arti
cle of value to others can deposit and
get a warehouse receipt, with which he
can secure some other article of equal
value that has been deposited by some
other producer.
The regular tariff lor Maine barber
hops, excepting hotel shops, is as fol
lows; Shaving, 10 cents; hair trimming,
:15 or 20 cents; hair cutting 25 cents;
I shampooing, 25 cents. The baibers
are now organizing to do away with
o-cent shop, etc.
I The factory laws of Massachusetts
Uniting the employment of woman
and minors to 53 hours per week and
preventing the employment of such
isons more than 10 hours in any one
day are being violate 1 in many work
shops in Boston. Central Labor Un on
wants the Chief of Police to enforce
the law.
I The Federation of Labor of the
.State of Minnesota calls upon the
'working people of that to fetate organize
both on eco oniical and independent
political lines for t e purpose of es
tiblishtng the co-operative common
wraith based on the collective owner
ship of the means of production and
their operatiou for the beuetit of the
, oplo.
j The State Labor Bureau of Minne
sota will seek amendments in the in
; terest of child labor. Eight-hour laws,
amendments to the arbitration law and
the repeal of the strtck jury law will
be asked for. Miners want mine in
spectors eiectei by popular vote and
the corporation to take out b . dies of
eutombed miners. Broommakers and
shoemakers want convict work la
sted. 1
Patent Notes
A recently designed ink-stand has a
portion of its cover hinged to the Bide
of tlie bo.tt.e"in snfrr iimuu.;r s to Le
easily depressed oj th pen, returning
to position by itsautn we:ght and clos
ing tbe aperture a ti is the pen ie
removed. .
To deposit Band on tV rails lh iront
of a street car v.cea'-'i'vention has
sand reservoir, at the bottom of which
is a horizontal pipe in which a screw is
operated by crank on the platform
ot the car, thus forcing tbe Baud into a
Wanting tube, from which it runs to
the track. ,
. A combined wire stretcher and do
mestic scale has just been patented. It
consists of a central bar having teeth
to eazf&w thtjthrtTi, end of a lever for
use aa stretcher, ind a coiled spring,
for .use as a cUv,surrounding the bar,
an which, i 'placed a series of figures
indicating different weights. '
An automatic grain-measuring de
vice consists of an e'evator with a chain
3f buckets and. a counterpoised recep
tacle, into which the grain falls. When
the right quantity is obtained the recep
tacle drops downward, stopping the
elevator and emptying the train
through an opening in the bottom,
when it returns to its position ond
automatically starts the elevator again. 1
Health Hints.
Itfch puddings are suitable only in
winter; in summer their place on the
table should be supplied with some of
the varieties of cream or fruit
Water, with sufficient sugar to make
it sweet, .is a common beverage in
France, and there considered very
wholesome and refreshing. Ladies
generally take it before bed time for
their complexion.
For the healthy m-ijority the old
custom of early rest and early w tking
is certain to prove in future, as returns
of longevity nd common experience
alike show that it has proved in the
past, moat conducive to healthy and
active life.
Rooms devoted to sleeping purposes
should above all things be light, cheer
ful and thoroughly ventilated. No
room should be slept in in winter that
has not had a fire in it at least three
times a week, and it is all tbe more
wholesome if it havjne every day.
All vegetarians, it is said, disapprove
of artificial Beasoninetigh many of
them still continue Vt" of common
salt. Those who dieoi with it alto
gether, we are informed soon experi
ence an improvement in the" sense of
taste which adds greatly to the enjoy
ment of food
A windrow of salt around a field
has bfien found to be a protection
against the army worm. A field thus
protected will not be invaded by this
A new hypnotic lias probably been
found in the Jamaica dogwood. The
fluid extract has been fouud ellicacious
in dentistry.
Tbe members of the Boston Aeron
autical Society have decided that the
kite is an instrument of value.
Baron Eosmead, of Kosmead, in
tlie county of Westmeath, 'and of
afelberg in South Africa,, is the title
th.-vt Sir Hercules Robinson selected on
his elevation to the peerage.
How fewtthere are who had rathe?
be hurt by the truth than tickled by
fla'tery. j
Journalistic Wit.
Unless Queen Lil, who has arrived
in fan Kranc.sco, can play polker bet
ter than her illustrious sire, ehe had
better go back home, or the 'Frisco
sports will have more of the Royal as
ets. 1'itieburg Xews.
When Scott Jackson, the murderei
of l'earl Bryan, received notice that
the Courts had declined to interfere in
his case and that he must go to the
gl!ows, he refused to be interviewed,
saying that he "had n't vet made any
plans for the future." He'd l Iter d
do so without a moment's delay. Chi
cago Times-llerald.
Marquis C'abriatiai, of Madrid, says
that in case of war between Spain and
the United .States, the former wouid
so n land 500,000 troops in our lary,e
cities. What does the M irquis sup
pose we should be doing ll that time,
and if such a bo ly of men were lauded,
how long would they last? Indianap
olis News.
There are some people who really
believe that Spain could give the United
States a right smart tussle. The truth
is, that a declaration of war by Spain
-ut an end to the p:esent monarchy,
aud throw the Spaniards iuto a state of
hopeless bankruptcy. Atlanta Coueti
tutiou. A young man in Kentucky, who has
paid !or a marriage lie 'ns-, but whose
best girl is kept out of his reach by his
mother, has sued out a writ of habeas
corpus. If this works satisfactorily,
parents whose children elope may be
expected to try the ellicay of a writ of
repleviu. Chicago News.
The colleges have dropped foot-ball,
but they are uow holding class b.tn-quet-i,
and the attempts of rival c'.asies
to prevent each other from iudulging
their appetites iu concert are leading
to scrimm iges that are as lively as
those on the gridiron and as produc
tive of a market for arnica. l'ltlibiirg
Whiskey distillers report increased
onsumption as a result of the business
revival. And yet it iiad been supposed
that it was wheu business was dull that
men took to drink. Boston Tran
script. General Weyler would find his vain
hunting for the Cuban insurgents less
harassing if he could only know how
long a tune will puss before tin y I egin
to hunt for him. Newurk Ne.vs.
Now we he.ir that the hatch-t with
which (ieorge Washington cut dowo
tiie cherry tree has been found, and it
is probable that before many years
some one will unearth the -thrashin.'
tiint George's father didn't give him
Chicago News.
Bismarck never iiad any use for a
Cabinet. When he had decided how
to act, he once explained, he didn't
want to waste his time and strength
trying to persuade other "men to agree
with him. And that is one reason why
t5" Emperor .oyGera'jjjrtaaiv-tf
no Imperial Cabinet. --Spriutieid Re
publican. . y- V 1
tarns of Interest.
The valuation of Utah for taxation
purposes is $106,743,082.
St. Louis is the largest tobacco manu
facturing center in the world.
The gifts to the New York University
last year amounted to $457,173.
This year's mustard crop in Cali
fornia amottnts to 16,000,000 pounds.
Philadelphia was tbe first city to
issue a directory, its first edition coming
out in 1783.
Every citizen is bound to assist a
sheriff in making an arrest when called
Tbe first religious journal in this
country was the Recorder, at Chilli
cothe, O., in 1814.
There are now no survivors of the
battle of Watterloo, which was fought
81 years ago.
The first patent was isued to Samuel
Hopkins in 1790 for making "pot or
pearl ashes."
The cost of a well bred pack of fox
hounds is about $5,000, and the annual
bill for keep about as much.
It is stated in a fashionable journal
that 1,000.000 bonnets were sold in
London during one week recently.
The speed of he fastest Atlantic
steamer is now greater than that of the
express trains on Italian railways.
Prof. Huxley oays that an oyster is a
for more complicated piece of machin
ery than the finest Swiss watch.
The greatest taxpayer is tobacco. In
the last 27 years this product has paid
a tribute of $1,000,000,000 to Uncle
Sam a' one.
A Boston physician carries a storage
battery in his gig to light the gig
lamps, and also an electric light on the
horse's head.
If a strip of webbing two inches wide
is sewed tightly ou the underside of a
rug close to the edge it will prevent the
The United States Military Academy
at West Point was established by act of
Congress in 1802, Cadets receive $340
a ye-tr.
There are 5,609 distilleries in tbe
United States. North Caroliua leads,
with 1,824, and Virginia is nex', . with
1,332. Pennsylvania has 1 9.
Beef is the most nutritious of all
animal foods can re eaten l(ng(i
continuously than any other kirf of
meat, resembling rice and brepd in
that respect. Fresh beef is almost
completely digested, more completely
than milk is by an nilnlt.
The traction engine is growing in
popularity among English farmers,
not alone for threshing, but for haui
mg loads and plowing. The modern
machines are handsome and almost
noiseless, and draw thirty to fifty t-ns
on fairly good roads.
A'l the street railways of Mcnterey
have been bought up by a local capi
talist, who will equip them with elec
tricity and give the city what, it is
said, will be the first electric roads in
-He is the prince of onwards who
knows he is m the wrong aud is afraid
to say so.
"He Eminent Divine's Sunday
Sunject: "A Practical Religion.
Tbxt: ''Faith without works is dead."
James if., 2D.
The Ro nan Catholic! Church baa beei
charged with putting too much stress upon
vood works and not enouirb upon faith. 1
charge Protestantism witn putting not
enough stress upon good works is connected
with salvation. Good works will never sav
a man, but if a man have not xood works h
has no real faith and no genuine religion
There are I hose who depend upon the faoi
that they are all right inside while toeir con
duct is wrong outside. Their religion foi
the most part is made up of talk vigorouf
talk, tlueci t ta'k, boastful talk, perpetual
talk. Ti ey will entertain you by the houi
in telling you how good they are. Thej
come up to such a higher life that they hav
no patience, with or.tlnarv Christians inth
plain discharge of their duty. As near as
can tell, this ocean craft is mostly sail and
vary little tunniv-ra. Foretopmast staysail,
tor-top nitst stuibling sail, main topsail, mil
zn topsail everything from fllng jib tc
m zz-Mi spanker, but making no useful voy
age. N jw, the world has got tired of this
an I it wants a re.igion that will work intc
all the cirou instances of lite. We do not wan!
a uht religion, but the old religion applied
in ail possible directions.
luD ler is a river with steep and rocky
hanks, and it roars like a young Niagara as
it roll on nvnr its rough oh1. It does noth
i s but talk about itself all the way from Us
source in the mountain to tbe place wnere it
euipties into the sea. The banks are so steep
that thu cattle cannot come down to drink.
It does not run ont fertilizing rill iuto the
adjoining Del '. It has not one gristmill or
fa. t TV on either side. It sulks in wet
weaiber with chilling fogs. No on cares
wueu that river is born anion? the rocks.nnd
no one cares when it dies Iuto the sea. But
yonder is nnother river, and It mouses its
oanlfs with the warm tides, aud it rocks witb
llor.il lullaby the water lilies asleep on Hi
bosom. It invito herds of cattle and flock?
of shep and coveys of birds to come thers
nil I drink. It has three gristmills on one
side and six cotton factor! js on the other. It
is th wealth of 200 miles of luxuriant farms.
The. hir.is of heaven chanted when it was
born in the mountains, and the ocean ship
piug will press in from the sea to hail it as it
comes down from th Atlantic Coo.it. The
ne river is a man who lives for himself.
Ths other river is a man who lives foi
Do you know how the site of the ancien.
city of Jerusalem was chosen? There were
two brothers who had adjoining farms. Tbe
one biot her had a large family, the otbei
ha I no family. Tim brother with a large
family said: 'There Is my brother with no
family. He must be lonely, and I will try
to cheer him up. and I will take some of the
sheaves from my field in the night time and
set them over on his farm and say nothing
about it." The other brother said: "My
brother has a large family ana it is very
difficult for him to support thnm, and I will
help him aong, and I will take some ol
the s'leaves from my farm in the night time
nn 1 set tbom over on his farm and say noth
ing about it.1' So the work of transference
went on night after ni.-ht and night after
night, but every morning things seemed to
be just as they were, for, though sheaves
ha 1 b ren subtracted from each farm,
sheaves had also bfmn added, and the broth
ers wer perplexed and could not under
stand. But one night the brothers hap
pened to meet while making this generous
transference, and the spot where they met
wan so sacra 1 that it was chosen as the site
nfthoetiv f,f Jerusa era. It that tradition
;c.cali. prry j-iir.fui'uded, 3 will nve-he-
es st.iu.i r. s a-OTjmiui allegory, anting
forth tnn ij -a that wbetaver kindly and
generous ..nil loving acr Is performed that la
tbe spot lit for some temple of oommeav
oratiou. 1 have offin spoken to yon about faith,
but this moi 1 speak to you about works,
or "faith without works is dead." I think
you will agree with me in the statement that
the great want In this world is morn praotl
eal religion. We want practical religion to
go into all merchandise. It will supervise
the labeling of goods. It will not allow a
man to Kay that a thing was made in one
fact or v when it was made in another. It
will not ailowthe merchant to say that watch
was manufactured in Geneva when it was
ito du fact u red in Massachusetts. It will not
ndow the merchant to say that wine eame
from Madeira when it came from Ca'lfornia.
Practical religion will walk along by the
store shelves and tear off all the tags that
make misrepresentation. It will not allow
the merchant lo say that is pure eoffee when
dandelion root and chieory and other ingred
ients go into it It will not allow hiru to say
that is pure sugar when there are in it sand
anil ground glass.
When practical religion gets its full swing
In the w rid, it wid go down the street and
it will come to that shoe store and rip off the
fictitious soles of uiay a One looking pair of
slioss and show that it is pasteboard sand
wiche 1 between tbe sound leather. Aod this
practical religion will go right Into a gro
cery store and it will pull out tbe plugs of all
the adulterated sirups, and it will dump into
the ash barrel in front of the store tho cassia
bark lhat is sold forcinnamon atidthe brick
dust that is sold for cayenne pepper, and it
will shako out tb Prussian blue from the tea
leaves, an I It will sift irora tbe flour plasier
of parts and bone dust and soapstone. and it
will by ehemical aualysis separate the one
quart of water from the few honat drops of
cow's milk, and It will throw out tne live
animalcules from the brown sugar.
There tas been'so mucu a tulteration of
articles of food that it is an amazement to
me that th'-r" is a healthy man or woman lc
America. H"aven only knows wuat they
put into the spices nnd iuto the sugars and
uto the butter and into tbe apothoearv drug.
But chemical analysis and the microscope
have made won lerful revelations. Theboard
of health in Massachusetts analyzed a great
amount of what was called pure coffee and
loun l it notoue particle of ooffee. Iu Eng-
and there is a law that forbids the putting
of alum in bread. Tbe publio authorities
examined lifty-oce packages of bread and
found them all guilty. The honest physi
oian, writing a prescription, does not know
bm that it may bring death instead of health
to hi- patient, because there may be one of
i lie drugs weakened by a che .per art cle,
and another drug may be in full force, and
so the prescription may have just the oppo
site effect intended. Oil of wormwood war
ranted pure from Boston was found to have
iony-oue per cent, of rosin and alcohol and
chloroform. Scammony is one of the most
valuable medical drugs. It is very rare,
ery precious. It is tbe sap of the gum of a
ree or a bush in Syria. Ihe root of tbe tree
is exposed, an incision is made into the root,
aod then shells are placed at this incision to
catch the sap or tn gum as it exudes. It is
very precious, this scammony. But the
peasant mixes it with a cheaper material;
. hen it is t:iken to Aleppo, and the merchant
i here mixes it with a cheaper material; thon
it comes on to the wholesale druggist iu Lon
don or New York, and be mixes it with a
cheaper material: then it comes to the retail
druggist, and he mixes it with a cbeapet
material, and by tne time the poor sick man
gels it Into kis bottle it la ashes and chalk
and sand, and some of what has been called
pure scaim.iony after analysis has been
lound to be l o scammony at all.
Now, practi -al religion will yet rectify all
this. It will co to those hypocritical pro
fessors or religion who got a "corner in
corn and wheat in Chicago and New York,
sending pi ices up and up until they were
beyond the reach ot the poor, keeping these
breanstuns in tneir own nanus, or control
ling them until tne prices going np and up
ami up, tnev were, alter awnile, reaav to
sell, and they fold out, making themselves
millionaires in one or two years, trying to
fix the matter up wilh the Lord by building
a church or a university or a bospttal. lelud-
iD't themselves with theldei that the Lord
would be so pleased with tbs gift He would
forget thi niriudie. Now, as such a man
may not have auy liturgy in which to say
bis prayers, I will compose for him one
wh'ch he practically is making "Oh, Lord,
we, ny getting a 'corner in Drea stuns,
swindled the people of tbe United States oul
of 4 10,0:. 0.000 and made suffering all up and
down tbe laud, and we won d like to com
promise this matter With Theel Thou know
est it was a scaly job, but then It was smart.
aiiv, here we compromise it. Take one pel
cent, or the profits, an t with that one pel
cent, you can build an asylum for these pool
m serab'.e rag muffins of the street, and 1
will take a yacht and go to Europe, forevei
and ever. Amen."
A'i, my fr en .s, if a mm hath gotten bli
' state wrong u'ly and he build a Hue ol
hospita's aud universities Jrom here to
Alaska, lie cannot atone for it. After awhile
ih-s r.an who has been getting a "corner"1 in
wheat dies, and then satan gets a 'corner"
in him. He goes into a great, long Back
Frl 'ay. There is a "break" in the market.
According to Wall street parlance, he wiped
others our. and now he is himself wiped out.
So po' I a era Is ou which to make a spiritual
'o'in. Eteru il defa cation.
But this practical--religion will not only
revtilyali merchandise, it will alo rectify
ail mecimnism ami all toil. A time w It come
when a mau will work as faithtully by the
job as he does by the day. You say w ten a
thing is slighting. y tlone, "Oh, that was
one by the job!'' You can tell by the swift
ness or s!ovvniaS witu wnich a haokinan
Irives whether he is hired by the hour or by
c e excursiou. If he is hired by the hour, he
irives very slowly, o as to make as many
.lours as po-siol I: he is hired by the ex
cursion, he wuips up the horses so as to get
aroun I and get another custom -r. All
-iixlesuf work have to be inspected ship
n-pecied, hor-es inspected, machinery in
... cte l, boss to watch the jourueym'iu; capl
. t list coaiiug dowu uuexpeuedly to waich
t e bos, con ;ucior of a city car souu ling
i lie punch bell to prove his honesty as a pas--ner
nan s tc him a clipped nickel. Ail
Mine's must bu watelied acd inspected. I:n
n.'r.ections in the wood covere 1 with putty,
Mr:neots warranto 1 to last until you put
loein ou the third time, sho-ldy in all kiuds
of cloth'uir, ehr-rnos, pinchbeck, diamonds
.or t'.DO. bookbinilery that holds on until
vou read ths third chapter; sp.tvined horses,
y skillful do3M of joeys, tor several days
iad to look spry; wairon tires poor. y put
on, horses poorly shod, plastering tnat
crack without any provocation and falls off,
plumbing that ne-ds to ba plumbed, imper
fect ear wheel that baits the whole train with
a hot box so tittle practical religion in the
mechanism of the world. I telt you, my
rieu-Js, Ihe law of man will never rectify
ihcse thing-'. It wid be the all pervading in
fluence of the practical religion of Jesus
Ciu-ist that will make the change for the but
ler. l e. this practical religion will also go in
to agriculture, which is proverbially honest,
but n e ls to be r -ctitled, and it will keep the
fnrmer trom sending to the city market veal
hat is too young to kill, and when ths
fnrjier fu'ins on snnres it will keep the mnn
who does tnu work from making his hall
Ihree-'ourths, iui-1 it will keep tbe farmer
from building his post and rail fence on his
neighbor's preniscs. and it wili make him
shel'er his cailie n the winter storm, and it
w d kep the old el ler from working on
Min l-iy a'ternoon in the n-w ground wnere
uobody tees h'm. And this practical re'ig
io'i will hov.;r over thi house, and ovr the
barn, nn I over the field, and over the or
char '.
Yos, this praclica" raligion of which 1
sp -a'i will c i ne into the learned professions,
file bivvvr will feel his responsibility iu de
fending iiiBoceuce aad arraigning evil and
exp-iun ling the law, and it will kep him
from c.iargiug for briefs he never wrote. and
tor pleas he n ;vr made, and for percent
age no ti-ver earned, and from robbing
w.diiw and orphan because they are de
fensel tiiis practical relig on will
come iuto tht physician's hie, and he will
feel his renonsioility as t he conservator of
t ie puMic nea th, a profession honored by
the la-:t tcit C'iri-t himself was a physiciau.
An t it will u:a';e hi-n nonest, an I wheu he
does not understand a ease he will say so,
no: try in : to cmvi up lack of di ignosis with
pond -ro:i technicalities, or send the patient
to a recko ss drug store because the apothe
cary liaopi-us to pay a percentage on the
ores'-ripn 014 sent. And this practical re
ligion will eoine to the schoolteacher, mak
ing her f'-el her responsibility in preparing
our youth lor us fu ness and for happiness
11 keen her frrVm giv- I
aud for hnncvr, aad- win
for wa it he cannot ne'o ana sending dls
nourngofkenl all Ihrouga ine atter years 01 a
Tnis practical religion will also come to
the newspaper men, and it w II help then Id
he gr.'henng of the nes, and it will help
them in setting forth the oest interests of so
cio y, and it will keep them from putting
the sins of the world In larger tvpa than its
virtues, and its mistakes than its achieve-nv-nts,
and it will kep them from misrepre
senting inicrviews with public- men, and
irom starting u-.pioiuus iuiii uovur can tin j
hi aycJ, an win roaice mem stanca menus
of the oppressed instead of the oppressor.
Yes, this religion, this practical religion,
will come aud put its. hand on what is oilled
good society, elevated society, successful so
ciety, so that people will have their expendi
tures wdh'.u their income, and they w II ex
change the nypooritical "not at home" far
for the honest explanation ".00 tired" or
too busy to see you" and will keep innocent
rt-ceptiou from becoming intoxicated con
Yea. there is great opportunity for mis
sionary work iu what are called tne puc
esiul classes of society. In some of the
cities is Is no rare thing now to see afasblon-
!! woman intoxicated in the street, or the
rail ear, or the restaurant. The number of
Huh .adies who dhn " too much is increas-
nr. Perhaps you may find her at the recep-
tu n in moscexaliel company, but she has
made too many visits to the winroom, and
now her eye is glassy, an 1 aftor awhile her
heek is unnaturally flushed, and then she
fads into fits of excruciating lacghter about
nothing, aud then she offers sickening
llatteries, tellingfome homely man how weli
he looks, an I then she is helped Into the
-(image, nnd by the time t -.e carriage gets
10 ner nome k taxes tne nusDana ana tue
toachmnn to get her un the stairs. The re-
oort is she was ta'ten suddenly ill at a ger
msn. Ah, n! Shu took toomueh champagne
and mixed liquors and got drunk. That
vi as an.
Yes. this practical religion will have to
come in and fix up the marriago relation in
A ncrica. there are members or enure nes
who have too many wives and too manv hus
bands. Society o-e Is to ba expurgated and
ash"d an I fumigated ant Christianized.
We want this practical religion not only to
I ike hold of wuat are called the lawerc nsse9,
l-nl to take h- - i- - M-op
classes. Tbe trouble is that people have an
i lea they can do al! their re icion on Sun
day with hymn-"ook and prayer book nnd
liturgy, and some of them sit in church roll
lug uu their eyes as though they were rea ly
for translation, when their Sabbath is
bounded ou all sides by an inconsistent life,
:ind while you are expecting to come out
from unler their arms the wings of an ange1
there come out from their forehead the born!
of a beast.
There has got to be a new departure in re
ligion. I do not say a new religion. Oh,
do, but tbe oi l religion brought to new ap
pliances. In our time we have bad the
daguerreotype aud the ambrotvpe and tlie
photograph, but It is tho same old sun, and
these aits are only new appliances of the old
sunlight. So this glorious gospel is just
what we want to photograph the image ot
God on one soul and daguerreotype it on an
other scut. Not a new gospel, but tne old
gospel put o new work. In our time we
1 ave bad thi telegraphic Invention, and the
telephonic in-en i n, and the electric light
inveui ion, but they are all children of old
iwtric'ty, an element that the philosopher
:oive a Ion wiil:e known much ab-iut. So
. his e eclriu gospel neeos to fl ish its light on
1 he ey.s an I enrs and sou's of men and to
'eco-ne a telephonic medium to make the
af hen-, a telegraphic medium to dart in
vi'a inn and warning to all Nations, nn el c
r e .-H( to ilhinVne tbe e'ri nn i western
Hemispheres. Not a new go3p )t, bnt the old
gosoel doing a new work.
Now yon say, "That is a very beautiful
theory, but Is tt posMble to take one's relig
ion into all the avocations and businesses of
life?" Yes. and I will give you some soeci
mens. Medical doctors who took their relig
ion into everyday life: Dr. John Abercrom
bie. of Aberdeen, the greatest Scottish phy
slo an of his dny, his book on "Diseases of
the Brain and Spinal Cord" no more won
derful than his book on "The Phtlosonhy of
the Moral Feelings. " and often kneeling at
the bedside of his narients to commend them
to Gd In prayer; Dr. John Brown, of Edin
burgh, immortal as na anthor, dving under
the benediction of the sick of Edinburgh,
myself remembering htm as he sat in his
study in Edinburgh, talking to me about
Christ and his hope of heaven, and a score of
Christian family physicians in Washington
lust aa oood as they were.
Lawyers who carried their religion Into
their profession: Lord Cairns, the Queen's
adv er for many years, the highest legal an-
tuority in Or at Unrain Lord Calras, every
unmer in his vacation preaching as an
evangelist a-noivg tbe poor of his country;
John WcT.ean, Ju.lg of th Sun -e-ne Court
of the United State and Pre-ident of the
A-nerican Sunday School Union, feeling
more satisfaction in the latter ofticn than in
the firmer, and senres "i Christian lawers
as eminent in the ctiur -h of (i t I as they are
eminent at the ! ar.
Merchants who took their religion tn'o
sverv.lav life: Arthur Tann-in, derid -d In
hisdnvhecausB he eatablishe 1 that system by
which we pm to fin I out the conmerclal
standing of bu-incss m n. starting lhat en
tire system, dcri ted for tt then. hbnseK, a t
knew him we'l. in moral eharartter A 1.
Monday mornings inviting to a room in the
top of his "ton noiwe'he cWs of b's estab
lishment, asking tuem about their worldly
inter-'sts an I their soir lual interests, then
g.vingout a hymn, leading in praver, giv
ing them a few worts of good advice, asking
I 'ie:n w:iar i-hnr -h they a'tende 1 on the Sab-
atb, what t'10 text was, whether they had
any socci'il tr mbV-i of their own. Arthur
Ta ipin. 1 never hcarl his eulogy pro
nounce I. I pronounce it now. And o' her
rncreli ints ju-t as goo I. William E. Dodge
in tie' iron bint ii, M--c If. (irinnell In
the sMiming bu -incs, IVior Cooper in the
giuo busings. Scores of men just as good
as they v r .
Farriers w'-io take their religion into their
occupation Woy, 'Ins minute th" r horses
aud wagon? stand around all the meeting
hous'-s in A-nericn. They began this day by
a nr-iyer to God, and when thev eel home at
noon, a'leri'iey h-ivc nut their horses up,
will offer a prayer to f!od at the fable, vcek
ing a bie-iiig. and n xt summer there will
lie in their ticl Is not ono dishonest ear of
corn, not one di-hone.-t apple. Worshiping
Go I to-lay away 11 p among the B -rkshtre
hills, or away down amid the lagoons of
Florida, or away out amid the nin s of Col
ora io, or a'ong the banks of tho l'otomao
aad the Itariian. where I knew them better
because 1 went to school with them.
Mechanics who to'.k their religion into
their occupation: James Ilrindley. the fa
mous millwright; Nathaniel Bowditeh, the
famous ship chnndler; Elihu Burritt, tho fa
mous blaci-mith, and hun lreis an-1 thou
sands of strong arms which have ma le the
hammer, and the saw, and the adz, and the
drill, and the nx sound in tbe gruud march
of our na- ional industries.
Give your heart to Go I and thn fill your
life with good works. Coniecrate to Him
your store, your shop, your banking house,
your factory and your home. They sny no
one will hear it. God will hear it. that is
euouch. You hardly kuow of anv one else
than Wellington ns connected with th vic
tory at Waterloo, but ho did not do the hard
fighting. Tiie bard lighting was done by
the Somerset cavalry, and tho Ityland regi
ments, anj Kemp's infantry, and the Scotch
grays, and the Life guards. Who cares, it
only the day w;is won?
In the latter p:irt of the last century a girl
In England became a kitchen maid In a
furm house. She had niany-styles of work
and much hir.l work. Time roiled on, and
she marrie 1 the son of a weaver of Halifax.
They were industrious; they saved money
enousu after awhile to build them a home.
Oa the morning of the day when they were
to enter that home the vouug wife arose at
4 o'clock, entere I the front dooryard, knelt
down, consoerated the place to God.
and there ma le this solemn vow: "O
Lord, if Thon wilt bless me in
tnls place, the poor shall have a s!ure In it."
Time rollel on and a f.irtuno rolled In.
Children crew up around them, and they all
became uflluent. On", a Member of Parlia
ment, in a public pla.-e declared that his suc
cess came Iron that praver of his mother In
thedoorvar i. All of them were affluent.
Fonrthousau l h inds in the factor es. They
built dwelling houses for laborers at cheap
rents, and where they were invalid and could
not pay they had the houses for nothing.
One of thesesons ca ne to this country, ad
mired our purks, went back, bought land,
opened a g." at public park, and made it a
present to the city of Halifax. England.
V' -3 owei aa orphanage; they endr o-od
the generosity and the ;ood works 01 the
Crossleys. Moral: Consecrate to Gd your
small means and yonr humble surroundings,
and you will nave larger means and grander
surroundings. "Godliness is profitable nnto
all t ings. having promise of the life that
now is and of lhat which is to come " "Have
faith in God by ail means, but remember
that aiih Without works is dead."
She was dressed so showily that
every liody's attention was arrested by
her the moment she entered the car.
She was very thin, very pale, aud
hervuice was weak and high-pit bed.
She sank into a seat with a siph and
a murmur of discontent, and at once
took fro rv her a sai-hel a lemon and
began eatin it. By this time it was
discovered that she was a young girl.
She ate the lemon, and announced to
her companion that It was the third
she had eateu that day. Uer com
plexion siiKtfested paste, she was so
nervous as to arouse sympathy, so
irrital le as to p oduce a fee lint; of
pity for anyone who h id to live with
her. A few years will Hnd her a
physical wreck. Mie quoted from
"mamma" so loudly as to make one
familiar with that unwise person's
views on every subject, and at the
end of two hours one knew the con
dition of her wa drybe. The Journey
began early in the niornin, and for
the lover of letuuns ended about four
In the afternoon, and she never
stopped talking for longer than five
minutes, and she ate lemons in that '
Interval. Temper, volee, manners
appetite, all were left untrained by
unwisely indulgent parents. One
shuddered wheu one tlicuuht of the
kind of woman that must nsult
from such a method, or lack of
method, of rearing. Shame on the
mothers who allow their children to
develop so unnaturally. The end of
each child's training should not only
be the developing of that child, but
should look forward to the educating
of the fathers and mothers of the
next generation. The benefit con
ferred on po-terity is not confined to
Gracious Acta Pay.
And these things "pay." Let no girl
juterlng life deceive herself Into be
lieving that they do not. If she even
does not want to be gracious and at
tentive to her fellow-kind, because of
any moral beauty she may see In It, let
her be so because of the policy of It.
She may contend successfully that It
does not "pay" In the short run. Other
girls, just as popular, are self-absorbed,
cold, egotistical. Indifferent to others
to tbe point of brutlshness, she may
claim. But she cannot prove her case
for the long run. There the thoughtful
disposition tells Invariably. It Is not
guah that makes the genuinely papular
woman. It Is not beauty, nor money,
nor brains alone, nor even a good heart
ind a sunny, good-tempered disposition;
not as measured by tbe long span.
At Richmond, Mo., a thorn from
a hedge he was trimming Hew into the
eye of a gardener, and the point break
ing off in the eyeball, sight was deB
The hutning bird, in protecting
its nest, always Hies at aud pecks the
eyes of its adversary. Crows have
been found totally bhnd from the
humming bird's bill.
Tuic er than arguments, tenipta-
' loas mrouB-
y. !
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