Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 23, 1896, Image 2
ENTINEL& REPUBLICAN MiyFLINTOWN. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 8 186. 8 B. F. SCHWEIER tmroi abb rsorsiiTOK. IJfPORTiHT RAIajROAD ROVTa . 2 J. bare bat never been a more op- re , t port une time to baud tbe railroad 'from this place to Selinsgrova than the present time. It is the best nat- -' .ural route in middle Pennsylvania to i ' connect with tbe through westward , bound trunk lines, the Baltimore A Ohio and the Pennsylvania Central ' Railroad. It is the best natural -j route through Central Pennsylvania from the New England Statesto Vir- ginia and southward. A railroad run ;. by this route would open new fields - . of profitable work and prove itself I the connecting link between import ant distant business centers. It is a rou t of easy grades, shallow cats ; and sliurt bridges, and what ia of " great importunes on this route is the fact that about midway from the " Susquehanna and Potomac, twenty seven miles of railroad has been built . and is in running order Jjing a nice ' business between Port Itojal and ; Blair's Mills. Tho construction of .' this stretch of railroad is the work of 'i one man.. Thomas S. Moorehead s conceived and executed the work sin : gle banded. lie has had the foro ' aifht to see the importance of this route, and ha has had the business : ability to execute tha work, and there ' is no watered stock in the enterprise. ; If the possibilities of this route were ; understood or a jpreciated, it would . not be long till the road would be ex I tended to the Susquehanna and the ; xoiumnc. n win require only a ; lateral extension of 5 miles to ; reach tbo Broid Top S9nii-bitumin-ous coal field. With extensions east and west the anthracite coal can be brought west and tbe semi bitamin ; ous coal sent east. When opened ' from the Susquehanna to the Poto mac, it would lose its local character- istics and become a great highway between the richer eastern states and the rapidly developing southern : states. Locally considered it passes throngh a beautiful and fertile and .!T.i -r. mi - . thickly populated valley the railroad traffic of which itself will be of im portance on either or both sides of the villey all along the line of the route are fossiliftroua and hematite iron ores. The possibilities in these particulars have been overlooked by men, who beve a hand in the mining Of such ores. "Prof. Lesley, the chief of the New Geological Survey of Pennsylvania in his excellent volume "The Iron Man ufacturer's Guide" on page C21, in quoting from Prof. Itoger's valuable report oo Geology of Pennsylvania, Bay- 'Assuming tbe average thick ness of the lower bed of the Foasilif erona ore to be from sixteen to eigh- j teen inches", each square yard of the stratum will contain one ton; and if the average width of the breast of soft ore be taken at tb.iriy.five yards, then one mile of (he continuous cut crop must furnish the amount of sixty-one thousand and six hundred tots.'" A more recent writer than Rogers and Lssley says of this route in the heart of which Colonel Moorehead has already constructed 27 miles of railroad, doing a Iiveiy business every day. "The inducements to carry the railroad from the Juniata further sonth to the Baltimore A Ohio rail road on the Potomac is very great. It will furnish an avenue of Western communnication between tho chief rivers near southern and central Pennsylvania, the Potomac, Juniata and Susquehanna, connecting with fin von band over which can be ex- cuant! the various products of tbe several sections of the countrv. an thracite and bituminous coal, lumber, grain, merchandise and more espec ially tho large areas of f jSsil and hematite iron ores which are laid down profitably near to tbe route, re quiring only man's skill and energy to unite them in economic develop mont." But that it not all. Im portant as are the things above en umerated, there has within the past eighteen months been discovered along the routo along the Moore head road, that which from other districts commands au annual trade of between five and six million dol lars in Pennsylvania alone. It is the phosphate- trade. The phosphate business in Penn.jylv.iuia annually amounts to between five and Fix mil lion dolkr, and the phosphit9 is brought from outside tbe state. Great deposits of phcsphat9 have been found along the Moorehead rouJ. Phosphate enough to supply tho Pennsylvania demand and phos phate enough to enpply the growing demand in other btates where the im portant material has not been depos ited by tho hand of nature. With nn outk-t to the eastern states by way of the Suscjuebanna Valley and the Srhuylkill Valley, and an outlet to thi! west by way of the Pennsylvania and tho Baltimore A Ohio routes, what great possibilities are in store for the enterprising people who viil turn a helping hand and purse to ward the completion of the road that MuoreheaJ has in successful 'opera tion in the heart of this undeveloped va'nabla region of country. As stat ed in the opening of this article, this is the opportune time. -Moorehead is a practical man; an engineer, a geologist, and has opened the phosphate deposits in Tnsearora Valley and is mining tbe valuable ujaiermi. ins developments are a surpnso. The most searching and scientific tt-sta have been applied and are satisfactory as to quantity and quality. There is no higher scien tifis authority in this Commonwealth tcau that emanating from the Penn sylvania State College agricultural experiment station. About one year ago the College sent M. C Ihlseng, - . rroitssor oi aiming engineering in to the Valley to examine and report on the phosphate deposits in Juniata county. It was a revelation to the Professor. He was well acquainted w:tu the geological, formation of this part of the state, but up to that time had no knowledge that the particular tun.l of rocks that triverse.the valley, bear deposits of rich phosphate. At the time of big professional visit, ex tensive openings had not been made. Since then Colonel .Moorehead has enlarged greatly upon the opening of one of tbe phosphate veins and has run a railroad from bis main una the mine. Ia the State College Bui lei in, Professor Ihlseng say: "Three clashes of phospatic material have thus far been discovered. Tbe first is a friable'white rock locally known as "white vein," containing in typical specimens from twenty nine to Mty four per cent of bone phosphate The second consists of red nodules eimi lar in appearance to tbe so-called clay iron stone but containing from forto to fiftw-itoo per cent, of bone phosphate along with a conaid erable percentage of iron and alum' ina. The third class of material con gists of blocks of what appears to be dense blue limestone, but which ap pears on analysis to contain in tbe neighborhood of forty per cent, of bone phosphate of lime. Professor Ihlseng paid a second visit to the Tuscarora Valley phos phate beds, and in that visit be con firmed what he had previously learn ed of the great and valuable deposit h In a letter to Hon. J. J. Crawford. dated S:ate College, Centre county, Pa., December 14. 1896, he sayF: "The facts sained at my lost visit were perfectly in harmony with my early report and views expressed therein, ad5- there was nothing new to re8nt I confirmed my pre vious analysis and reported aceord- ly to the director. I am still of the opinion that yea have a very promis ing prospect for the developing of I good bed of phosphate and the sup port of a profitable industry. It is now a question of pick and shovel Active work should give you an oat- put that will furnish a fair margin of profit, and the formers of the central counties a cheaper material of high fertilizing energy than they now get from tho sonth. I trust that Mr. Moorehead will mike it possible to ship the material at competitive prices with tho various goods now on the market. It ia thus shown by the highest scientific authority in the state that the phosphatic malerial is of a high percentage! high as animal bone. Professor Lebig the world wida rec ognized Agricultural chemist siys that the best animal bone doe not contain a higher per cent, of phos phato than fifty-live per cent A great deal cf what is considered good ani mal bone falls a long distance below that percentage. By other tests than State College tests some of the l us- carora Valley phosphates run above the highest animal bone percentage. In this brief summary of the unde veloped resources lying along tbe Tuscarora Valley Railroad and its proposed extension, a glimpse may be had through the gates oiar of the rich field for railroad and mining en terprise. Colonel Moo .-e head has been doing much to bring into pub lic recognition the richness of this territory. His enterprise speaks for itself and will be of inestimable val ue to those who contemplate an ex tension of the railroad. He ia a practical engineer and has the sur- j vey of every foot of the route from the Susquehanna to the Potomac I He is a practical geologist and min eoloisi and when be sees a new stone or new rock, he is not content till it Las passed the crucial test of his laboratory. His practical turn of mind ha3 served him well in making his text book learning available in turning rocks and mineral into mon ey, and if thos who are interested in railroad lines that most from the na ture of their location and the valua bles that parallel their routes will turn in with the Colonel, it will not be many years till he will have the road working on a paying basis from Virginia to the Valley of the Susque hanna with octlcts to the markets of New York and New England and the west. Tours 19 California. California has been most fittingly termed the "Italy of America." All tbe delicious balm, the cloudless sky, and the rich verdure of the great Eu ropean peninsula are duplicated in thia Bunny land of the Pacific. Here Dature basks in the sunshine of her own beauty; and here she has estab lished her own sanitarium, where eternal spring inspires everlasting youth. Y ith the snow mantled ptaks of the Sierras upon the one hand, the calm 1'acihc with its son breezes up on tbe other, and a veritable paradise of flowers, fruits and plants between, man can find and needs no lovlier land. To visit such a country is privilege, a blessing. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, recognizing the need of a more comfortable and pheasant way of cross ing tbe continent, inaugurated series of annual tours to California, running a through train of Pullman palace cars from New Tork to the Pacific Coast, and stopping at the principal points of interest tn route. The great popularity of these tours demonstrates the wisdom of the movement. For the season of 1897 three tours have been arranged to leave New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, January 27. February 2i and Mareh 27. The first tonr will run direct to San Diejja via St. Louis and the Santa Fe Route, and return from San Fran cisco via Salt Lake City, Denver and Chicago, allowing five weeks in Call fornia. The third tonr will run via Chica go, Denver and Salt Lake City, al lowing passengers to return by reg ular trains via different routes within nine months. All of these tours, either going or returning, will pass through the fa mous Colorado region, Glenwood Springs, Leadville, and the Garden ef the Gods. Rates from all points on the Penn sylvania Railroad System east of Pittsburg: First tour, $310; seeond tour, $350; third tour, $210 round trip, and $150 one way. For detailed itineraries and other information, apply at ticket agencies, special booking offices or address George W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Sta tion, Philadelphia. j23, EVERY DAT EXCCRSIOSS. To all parts of tbe world can be arranged for any day in the year, for one or more persons upon appliea MM 3j For Daily P work 1 STANDARD AMfcRltAJN fcflUULUm)lA - - 5fE For a Umitsd Ttaa Just to tnfrodus tta Yon thus SEE HOW LATE IT IS 1 gives biop ol tfte " uisinconiy c,ra.yuirou im.u ii iuu. ...w. . . . lt is the One Great, Farmer, Artisan and MAGNIFICENTLY ILLUSTRATED THROUGHOUT! Our Great Introductory Offer To secure widespread and favorable publicity for THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDI A, we have decided to nlace a fen- introductory sets in each community' throughout the country for comparison with all other reference works as to plan, scope, lateness of treatment and general practical and educational value. AVe feel that every set will create a demand for others. While the distribution will be general in extent, it will last for- limited time only, after which our regular subscription sale will begin, at prices ranging from $LiS to $73 a set, according to style of biitr ing. Now, however, to quickly and thoroughly introduce the work, as above stated we make the price merely nominal (about the 'fist of paper and printing!, the distribution being limited to a very few weeks, reserving the privilege of withdrawing the offer at iny time when we consider a sufficient number of these introductory sets, at the special r.rux', has been distributed. 1 i tn. the vvrvn.(WPTiTl PTTtT.TRTITNfl TO . i6 F fth Avenue. New York City, and afull HOW TO SECURE ONE OF THESE SPLENDID SETS money will be promptly refunded. Our confidence that the volumes will be cheerfully paid for is shown by sending a 54s set ot DookS on payment of only $1. AVe also feel that you will thoroughly appreciate the superb new work and speak .favorably ot it to others. Sample pages, with specimen illustrations, will also be sent on application until the offer is withdrawn. We. refer you to the publisher of this newspaper. Always mention name of paper you see this oiler in. Address The ENCYCLOPEDIA PUBLISHING CO., 158 IXTr. tion to any principal tickft agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. P uil railway. Itineraries carefully pr pared for excursions to i;iiiiorn:ii, Florida, .Mexico, China, Japan, sntl to any part of Europe. Ed .i mates furnished, including all expenses. Tickets furnished for the compete journey. It is not necessary to wait tor any so-calied "r-rrionauy ducted Excursions." In these days of progressive enlightenment, with the English language spoken ia ev ery land under the sun, one does not need to depend upon the services of guides for sight sating, but can go if alone or in sonatl family parties wiu great comfort and f-ecurity, and at ones own convenience, nnw i" John It Pott, District Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukte & St. Paul railway, 'VVilliamsport, Pa., f r detailB if you are contemplating a trip Hevnmclkful. "I haven't auythicg now to sing to you tonight, George." "Weil, give me something old thea. Khn broke into a refrain that waa song of the day" 17 years before. "That's very, very old, Clara," he remarked nt the close. I "Yes. George, I sang that to you tbf ' night we became engaged. " Boeto ' Globe. In the fifteenth century the beer gal lon measure of Bugland was a fotnrth larger than tbe wino gallon, to ullof for the froth. Tho present legal ruA waa instituted in England in 1768. The largest egg is that of the ostrieK It weighs 8 pounds and is consident equal in amount to 24 bens' eggs. Then Is no better dollar Id the voria than tba one we have. What most people need Is a better chance to get it, and that will come with the Improvement of baai nesK. Indianapolis Journal. Piousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevent U!p3 tlon and permits food to ferment anil purrh'y in tlie stomach. Then follow dizziues, kcaJ?h', E3ood bi9omina, nervousness, and, Pills if not relieved, Mlious fever or blood poisoning. Hood'i Fills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. si cents, suia ny an ornggms. The only fills to take with J JWIMI t Sarsapsrilla. RE'S m Positively the Greatest Use in Your Home or Office iS&3tfrilL2& in the world equals that matchless Reference Library, the New I ARPiF Nearly 4.000 paes. Over 300 hll Colored Maps, Charts and Diagrams. VOLUMES Every Volume Mechanically Perfect sSIZE The Only Encyclopedia - " Strictly I'p to Date." OY TTTT tr.T Work 1 l sLr secure tliis Splendid Reference Lfrrary at once for continued use and ecjoyment. TS!E NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA is ths LAThST Ol- AL-l. general reierence nMs. AH others are from ! to 10 years old, and are silent regarding RKCENT topics of universal interest. THE "STANDARD AMERICA" contains hundreds of NEW ARTICLES on sheets not treated in anv other encvclopcaia, s;icii. tor instance, as -ix-ic -v-iv. , RIAfiES," "THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION,' iioirrai.hies of hundred of people who have LATELY become famous, such, for instance, as PkOF. ROENTG1 "X-RAY" IN SiACLAREN, DR. NANSEX. the ernlorer: RUDY ARD KIPLING, the celebrated writer, c onlv Encyclopedia which presents all the LATFST STATISTICS State, Territorial and National, and of t h Prcctical Reference Library for tae professional cnu uusiness man, 1.1c Mechanic. . ,, ,.,:,...,: V sin over3,5ooenirraviniis, ot superDquauty ana v.-onuenui vsi ik.-Ly.uw.iu.u imui. of distinguished Poets, Authors, ARD AflERICAN is the best illustrated - . . . . ... . 11 anri set of eight volumes of THE NEW STANDARD AMEKlCAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, in cloth binding. wiU be forwarded to you at once. The balance is payable at the rate of $1.50 monthly for one year, or about 5 cents a day. If you prefer the half-Morocco binding, the monthly payment will be $2. and for full sheep, $1.50 per month for the year. We recommend the Half-Morocco sty le, which is particularly elegant and serviceable, and will last a lifetime. If not as represented any set may be returned within ten days and CHECKING THE WITNESS. testimony of a Careful Old Shrewd Young Attorney. The young lawyer waa determined that if vigilance could accomplish any ning the case should be decided in fa vor of his client, and so when the care ful eld man went upon the stand for the defense the attorney leaned forward, prepared to fight every inch of the way. "Nr. Johnson, the plaintiff," said tbe oareful old man, "said that if I wonld buy tho houso he would get Mr. Giinpsou to relinquish his lease. He said he thought Mr. Gimpsou would agree to go. I guess" "Never mind what yon gnoss. We don't want any hearsay or guessing. Your honor to the court, I object to this witness' testimony. Ho is guessing at what he says. We want facta. " "Excuse me," said the old man. "I was about to say I guess at nothing and insisted on the understanding being es tablished in my presence. So the two men got together, with me on hand,to listen to what they said. I under stand" "Objected to aa incompetent. Tour honor, we don't want to know wha( this man understands was done. We want what ho knows waa done. We want" "One moment," said the careful old man. "I was about to say that I under stand ordinary conversation with some difficulty, and so that there might be no error I insisted that they yell out their propositions in loud tones, which they did until you could hear them in the middle of the town. I am inform ed" 'Tour honor," cried the young attor ney, "is our time to be taken up listen ing to hearsay evidence? He does not know. He was Informed that suoh and inch waa so and no. What we must have is what he knows about the trade and whether or not he" "I am informed on real estate values, having been a real estate agent all my life," the old man said, "and I knew what the worth of that lease waa to the holder of it. Knowing the facts, I would fix his damagba at 978.88. I believe" "Objected to as a conclusion and as incompetent. What any man believes ia not necessori ly good proof, I don't want to know what you believe, but what you know. We must insist on your tell ing what you know and not what you surmise or what you conjecture or what you trunk or what you imagine. A courtroom is not a place for exploiting what a man believes, but what he la sure of. I think tbe court will support me in saying that we don't want to know what thia man believes." And tbe young lawyer looked confidently mi the justice. "I waa going to say." said the wit neea, "that I believe that ia all." Chi cago Record. Bargain Ever Offered! Prepared under editorial supervision c John Clark Ridpath, LL.D. anlhor of Ridpath' s Histories, eti, assis'ed by a large corps of editors nn'l overxoo eminent scholars and specialist. A SUPERB REFERENCE WORK treating over 60,000 topics (ro.ooo more than any other encyclopedia) covering the entire fieM of human knowledge, thought and endeavor, including The Arts, Sciences, Philosophy, History, Bior raphy, Geography, Astronomy, Geology, Heteorology, Navigation, Exploration, Dis covery, Agriculture, Horticulture, Com merceInance.Ethnologyoologyotany, Chemistry, Physiology, Mineralogy, Elec tricity, Theology, Law, Medicine, Politic! Economy, Statistics, etc., etc FRESH FROM THE PRESS COST $800,090 TO PRODUCE The NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ' ENCYCLOPEDIA is brought down to the present time, and contains hundreds of articles on subjects not treated in any other reference work. Another impor tant feature in which it stands absolutely alone is its very full appendixes which embrace over 100 subdivisions, including a Biograrhical Dictionary, a Dictionary of Technical Terms, a Gazeteer cf the United States, Statistics of Presidential Elections, State and Territorial Elections, Religious Summaries. Statistics of the Population of the World, and a Veritable Mine of Other Information on thousands of subjects of universal interest and Importance. IT IS NOV THE STANDARD Every school, college, court and public library, where the work lnis been thus far introduced, has immediately given it the preference over all others. OF VOLUME 2 ins. Thick y2 Wide 1 1 Long J 1L 'COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY," etc.. eta It also .. s. 1 hvsicians, cticmists, i-n-.tosopiiers anu EK.-icui.ii.a, "- jw J ........ . ...... r. ... T.lT An ITUtVL' 1 L' 1 I 17 T? 'C J.lin- tnrwitiirii 1 iiniiii-Ti" .tiiti i in ir xi .1 1 1 1 in " i iiiv- and the best mapped Encyclopedia in PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPART. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUKS. Matchless in every feature. CALIFORNIA. Three tours to California and the Pacific coast, will leave Harrisburg, Altoona and Pittsburg, January 27, February 24 and March 27. 1897. Five weeks in California on the first tonr and four weeks on the second. Passengers on the third tonr may re turn on regular trains within nine months. Stop will be mad at New Orleans for -Mardi-Gras festivities on the second tour. Bates from all points on tbe Peona. R.R. System; First tour $310 00; second tour 8350.00; third tour $210. 00. From Pittsburg J5.00 less for each tour. FLORIDA. Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks is Floiida, will leave New York and Philadelphia, January 26, February 9 and 23 and March 9, 1S97. Rate covering expenses en route in both directions $53.00 from Pittsburg, and proportionate rates from other points. For detailed itineraries and other information, apply at ticket sgsncies or address Thos. E. Watt, Pass. Agent Western District, 360 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. LEGJL. JTJXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Ssrah T. Jamison, late of Fsyetto town, hip, Juniata county, Fa., deceased, hav ing been granted in dne form of law to the nderaicned residing in Jtifflintown. All persons knowing themselves indebted te aid decedent will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will pre sent thea properly aathenticated for settle ment te Louis E. AvKmson, Oeember 23, 186. Exmter. JgXECUTRlXKS' NOTICE. - Letters testamentary oa tbe estate of Edward A. Smith, late of Mexico, Walker township, JanUta county, Pa., having been granted m dne form of law to tbe on dersigaed residing ia Mexico. All per sons knowing tbemse 'ee indebted te said decedent will please make immediate pay secures IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Of the entire set of 8 volumes. Balance payable $1.50 monthly for one year. " T , ROENTGEN, discoverer Besides this he whole world. .1 .fe cii , u. A r,rit 1 tary Svstems.and I'HRSTlMl. the English Language ..-'-. . w .... - ment, snd those havtrg claims will present them properly authenticated fer settlement to Jsatiida snn, Katb Y. Sum, Executrixes. DM IN IS TRATOB'd NOTICE. Etlalt efSamutl J. Thomas, decttued. Whereas letters of ad minis trarion on tbe estate of Samuel A.Thomas, late of Fer managh township, Juniata Co., Pa., deceas ed, have been Us jed oat of tbe Orphans' Court to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persona indebted te the Slid es tate to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them prop erly authenticated tor settlement. Chaelbs W. Book, Mexico, Jnniata Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 18M.; TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersined having been restored to health by sitnpte means, after snSering sev eral years witha severe inng affection, and that dread disease eorummplie, is anxiont to make known to bis fellow anOerers the means of cure. To thos who desire It, be will cheerfully send (free of cbargs) a copy ol the prescription used, which they will Dnd a sure core for Centmmptien, Jtttkwtm, Cmlarrk, BronchilU and all threat and Inng Mmlmdut. He hopes all sufferers will try bis remedy, aa it is invaluable. Those de siring the prescription, which wiU cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York. Sep. 9, '96. CAPTION. TRESSPASS HOTlOE. Tbe nnderalned persons have associated themeeives together for the protection of Willow Ran Treat stream in Lack town ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are strickly forbidden not to trespass npon the land or stream of tbe said parties to flah as the stream has been stocked with trout Persons violating this noiee, will be pros ecuted according to law. R. H. Patterson, T. H. Oarntbera, J. P. Robt A. Woodside, W. D. Walls, Frank Vawn, Dyson Yawn. ' April 2a, 1696. TRESPASS NOTICE. The undersigned persons have formed an Association for the protection of their re. spective properties. All persons are here by notified not to trespass on tbe lands of the undersigned for the purpose of banting gathering nuts, chiping timber or throwing down fences or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation ot the above no tice will be dealt with accord ing to law. John Michsl, William Puffenberger, , Utdeon Steber, Beaabor A Zook, Mary A. Srubaker, Joseph Roth rock, John By lor, BmbmI BelL September 6 1896. Loen S. AraiMoa-. F. . FaaM. ATKHMM tt TPEHmEfLl., ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, KtFFLIKTOWH, PA. f-...i. r if aim street, im nlmce of rl- dMsa of Lonia K- Atkinson, Baq., aonth Bridge street. rOct26,1892 v-Callaetinr aaa CoBvevaacinc vroaat- ly attendee to. triLBERFORCE ICHWETER, Attorney-at-Law District Attorney. mrFLTHTOWW, FA. OFFICE IN COUBT HOUSE. Da.D.HXBAWVOKD, DK. nABWTJI VXaAWtOBB D1 tB. D. M. CRAWFORD fc SOS, have formed a partnenbip for the practice of Medicine and their coUatteral branches. Office at old stand, corner of Third and Or anc streets, MifBintown, Pa. One or botb el them will be Toond at their office at all time, unless otherwise profesaiocitlly en- April 1st, 1895. JJP.DERR, PRACTICAL. DENTIST. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College. Office at old established lo cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court House, Jtifflintown, Pa. Crown and Bridge work; Painless extraction. All work guaranteed. I as i cbt offer for sale a talnab'e prop erty, sitnaled in Fermanagh township, 'l miles norlb.east of MiSlintown, containing 21 Acne, more or lets. 4 acres of wood land. The balance cleared and in good state of cnltivatien. Buildings ordinary, hot in good repair. A food spring of never fsiling gravel water nearby. This property also contains 259 peach trees and 2000 ber ry plants; 10 apple trees, beatdes other fruit, me slove property Is sltnated near White Hall school Dense in said township. Fer further Information address. Chablbs Cobkics. 8-29-6. Mifllintown, Pa. Taioarora Valley Railroad. CBXnUU IX EFFECT HOTTDkX, HAT 18, 1895. EASTWARD. STATIONS. No.l No.3 DAILY, EXCEPT SUHDAY. K. It. P. M. Blair's Mills Lv. 7 45 2 00 Waterloo 7 50 2 05 Leonard's Grove 8 00 2 10 RofcsFarm 8 05 2 15 Perulack 8 15 2 20 East Waterford.... 8 20 2 30 Heckman. 8 30 2 37 Honey Grove 8 35 2 42 FortBigham 8 48 2 48 Wsrble 8 55 2 55 Pleasant View 9 00 3 00 Seven Pines 9 06 3 06 Spruce Hill 9 10 3 10 Graham's 9 14 3 14 Stewart 9 1C 3 16 Freedom 9 18 3 18 Turbett 9 20 3 20 Old Port 9 25 3 25 ;Pert Royal Ar. 9 30 3 30 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port R ova with Way Passenger and Seashore Express on P. R. K., and Nos. 3 and 4 with Miil east WESTWARD. STATIONS. I 3 No.2 No 4 DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. .3 Q A. II. P. M Port Koyal 0.019 30 5 20 Old Port 1.319 355 25 Turbett 2.8 10 40 5 30 Freedom 3.7 10 42'5 32 Stewart 4.4110 44 5 34 Graham's 5.ol0 46'5 36 Spruce Hiil 6.3110 505 40 Seven Pines 7.2110 54 5 44 Pleasant View 9.011 03l5 50 Warble 10.011 05 3 55 FortBigham 12.011 116 01 Honey Grove 14.011 18:6 08 Heckman 15.1 11 25,6 15 East Waterford 17.511 3o6 25 Perulack 20.5 11 48 6 35 Boss Farm. 22.012 55 6 45 Leonard'o Grove... 24.012 02 6 52 Waterloo 25.512 09,6 59 Blair's Mflls Ar. 27.0 12 15 7 05 Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect with Stage Line at Blair's Mills Tor Concord, Doylea. burg and Dry Run. J. a MOORHEAD, Superintendent. T. S. MOORHEAD, President. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. jpERRT COUNTT RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Nov. 16, 1896, and the trains will be run as follows; p. m a. m Leave Arrive a. m p. m 4 80 9 00 Dnncannon 7 64 2 28 4 86 9 06 "King's Hill 7 49 2 23 4 89 9 09 "Sulphur Springs 7 46 2 20 8 41 911 Gorman Siding 7 4 8 18 4 46 9 14 Hontebello Park 7 41 .2 15 4 46 916 -Weaver 7 40 2 13 4 61 919 -Roddy 7 86 2 08 4 64 9 22 Hoffman 7 83 2 65 4 66 9 24 Royor 7 81 2 08 4 69 9 V Mahanoy 7 28 2 00 6 10 10 43 BloomBeld 7 28 141 6 16 9 49 Tresslst 7 09 186 6 21 9 64 -NeWson 7 04 181 6 24 9 67 'Dua's 7 01 1 28 6 27 10 06 Blllotsbnrg 6 8 1 25 6 82 10 C7 Bernheial's 6 61 1 20 8 84 10 17 VSneaPvk S 1 5" 10 80 -Montour June 6 88 1 16 6 0X10 86 LandUbnrg 6 28 2 50 p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m Trait leaves BloomSsld at 6.68 a. m.. and arrives at LandUbnrg. at 6.28 a. m. Train laavea Landiahnn - a am w . w u. ill. Hll arrives at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p. m. An stations marked () are lag stations, at which trains will eoma tn a fnii signal. Caaa. H. 8mm, PreaideaL H. Saps. PENNSYLVANIA 'KA1U0A1V Ob i nd aft r Sunday November 15, 1896, trains will rum as fellows: WEST ARD. , . Wav Passeater. leaves Philadelphia at 4 80 a. ra; Harrisbnrg 8 06 a. m; Duncan Bon 8 So a. m; New Port 9 86 a. m; Mil lerstewn 9 16 a. m; Durword 9 21 a. ) Tbompsontown 9 26 a. m; Van Dyke 9 18 a. m; Tuscarora 9 86 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 s. m: Mifflin 9 Ot a. m; Denholm 9 66 a. nt; Lewistewu 10 II m; McVeytown 10 88 a. m; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Monnt Union II OS . a m; HSDUDraoB it so p. in, . jruao p. m; Altoona 1 00 p. m; Pittsburgh St p. m. Niarara and Pittsburg Express leaves Pbi'adelphia at 8.30 a. m f Barriaburg at 11.46 a. m. Mifflin 12.6 p m., L6iws 1.13 p. m.; Huntingdon 2.06 p. m.; Tyrone x.45 p. an ; Altoona 8.16 p. id.; Pittsburg 7.00 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves Hvris- burg at 6 00 p. m; Dnncannon S SI p. en; Newport S 02 p. m; Afillerstown 6 11 p.sm Tbompsontown 4 21 p. m; Tuscarora S 80 p. m; Afoxico 6 83 p. m; Port Koyal 0 88 p. m; Midi in 6 43 p. m; Denholm 6 49 p. an; Lewistowo 7 07 p. to; 4cVeytown 7 80 p id; Newton Hamilton 7 60 p. m; Hunting, don 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 85 p. m- Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. m; Harrisburc 10 a. m; Marrs. v ! le 8 24 a. m; Dnncannon 8 88 s. ni; .New put 8 69 a. mi Port Royal 4 31 s. tn; Mif flin 4 87 a. m; Lewistown 4 68 a. m; Me- Yetown5 20 a. m; Huntingdon 6 09 a. tn; Tyrone 6 66 a. m; Altoona 7 49 a. m; Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 86 p m: Haniitbarg at 10 20 p. m; Newport 11 06 p. m; MifMin 11 4 p. ra; Lewistown 12 68 a. m; Huntingdon 12 6. a. m.; Tjrone 1 82 a m; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 80 m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 26 p. tn; Harrriabnrg 8 60 p. m; Dancanen 4 16 p. m; Newport 4 86 p. ra; Mifflin 6 07 p. m. Lewiatown 6 27 p. n; Mount Union S 08 p. m; Huntingdon 0 27 p. m; Tyrone 7 04 p m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 11 80 IASTWAK9. Huntingdon Accommodation leaves Al toona at 6 00 a. aa; Tyrone 6 28 a m; Hunt ingdon 6 40 a. m; Newton Hamilton 0 OS a. m; McVeylown 6 22 a. m; Lewistown 8 42 a. m; Mifflin 7 01 a. m; Pert Royal 7 08 a. m; Mexico 7 09 a. m; ThnmpsoB. town 7 22 a. m; Millerstown 7 31 a. an Newport 7 40 a. m; Duncaanon 8 07 m; Harrisbnrg 8 40 a. m. Sea S hore leaves Pitttsbnrg 8 10 a m; Altoona 7 15 s m; Tyrone 7 48 a m; Hunt ingdon 8 80 a m; McVevtewn 9 15 a m; Lewistown 9 35 a m; Mifflin 9 66 a ia; Port Roval 9 69 a m; Thompsontown 10 14; M illeratown 10 22 a m; Newport 10 82 a m; Dnncannon 10 64 a m; Marysville 1 1 07 a m; Harrisbnrg 11 26 a m; Philadelphia S 00 p m. Main Line Expresa leaves Pittsbarg at 8 00 a. m; Altoena 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12- 03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 85 p. m; Lewis town 1 33 p. m; Mifflin 1 69 p. m; Harris burg 8 10 p. n; Baltimore 6 00 p. m; Wash ington 7 16 p. m; Philadelphia 6 23 p. m; New Tork 9 23 p. ra Mail leaves Altoona at 2 10 p. m, Tyrone 2 45 p. tn, Huntingdon 3 28 p. m; Newten Hamilton 3 5s p. m; Ncveytown 4 28 p. m; I.ewintown 4 45 p. an; MifHin 5 10 p. m. Port Royal 5 15 p. tn; .Mexico 6 20 p. m; Thompsontown 5 33 p. m; Villsrttown 543 p. m; Newport 5 51 p. m; Dnncannon 8 23 p. in; Harrisbnrg 7 00 p. m. Mail Express leavea Pittsburg at 1 00 p. m; Altoona 6 05 p. m; Tyrone 8 37 p. m; Huntingdon 7 20 p. m; UcVeytown 8 04 p. no; Lewistown 8 26 p m; Aflfflin 8 47 p. so; Port Royal 8 52 p. tp; Millerstown 9 IS p. in; Newport 9 26 p. m; Dnncannon 9 60 p. tn; Harrisbnrg 10 20 p. m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg at 4 30 p. ra; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tvrone 9 88 p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p. m; Monnt Un ion 10 32 p. m; Lewistown 11 16 p. m; Mif flin 11 87 p. in; Harrisbnrg 1 00 a. m; Phil adelphia 4 30 New York 7 33 a. m. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Trains for Snuburv at 7 3'.l a. m. an 1 9 16 p. n., leave Sunbur? for Lewistown 19 06 p. ni. and 2 25 p. no ; tor Mi'rov 6 ze s. a. 10.20 a. m. and 3 15 p. m.. wea k days. TYRONE DIVHON. Traios leave for Bellefonte and Lock Haven at 8 10 a. tn., 3 34 aad 7 25 p. m. leave Lock Haven for Tyrone 4 30, 9 10 p m. and 4 15 p. ni. TYRONE AND CLEAKKIELD R. R. Trains leave Tyrone for Clearfield and CurweriKville at 8 10 a. m.. 12.30 and 7 36 p. m., leavf Curwensvillo lor Tyrone at 4 89 a. in., 9 15 and 3 61 p to. . For, rates, rasps, etc, call on Ticket Agent?, or address, Tbos. E. Watt, P. A. W. D., S60 Fifth Avenue, Pitta, burg, Pa. S. M. Prevost, J. R. Wood, Gen'l Manr.ger. Gen'l Pass. Agt VIEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S TAL 1 1 ley Railtoad Company. Timo table of passenger trains, in efTcct on Monday, May 18th, 18SC. STATION3. West ward. ' East ward. JL r 1 9 If A It a w r a 400 3 67 868 869 8 46 8 41 8-88 8 82 816 810 804 266 249 2 46 240 2 88 224 220 Newport , Bnffalo Bridge...., Juniata Inrnace .., Wahneta , Sylvan Watr Plug Bloomfield Jnncl'n, Valley Road Etliottaburg Green Park Loysville Port Robeson Center Cisna's Rnn Andereonburg ..... Bluin .. . ........ Mount Pleasant ... New Germant'n ... 6 06' 10 S5 8 80i 6 0810 38 6 12 10 42 8 27 S 23 6 15110 45 S 20 C 25:10 62 6 22!ll 01 6 81111 09 C 3911 C9 6 61,11 21 6 64 11 24 S 16 8 II 8 08 8 80 7 45 7 40 7 06! 11 85 7 84 7 26 7 16 7 11 11 41 11 45 11 61 11 67 12 G6 7 15 7 21 7 27 7 35 7 41 7 10 7 03 12 11 5 68 6 60 7 46112 15 D. GRING, Presidont and Manager C. K.. Millbb, General Agent. CARTER'S 1 1 c n PIU J CURS Siok Readaehe and rWler at! the troublac lawl dent to a bilious state of the system, suoh as Vustaums. Kaiuea. Drowsiness, Diatres eatuiff Pia la the Side. ie. While Uwir must remarKable success baa bean ahowo ia caring Headaebe. yet Cartcr's I.rmJt Lnrmt TlUM are equally valualile in Conetipatioa. eurloar and praventioic Uiis annoying complaint. whUe they also corivut all disorders of toe tlrmarh. sthnnlate the lirer and regulate the bowels. Cvea K they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless so tSMae who suffer from this dJatressuig eomatamt: but forrunateljr their goodness does mot bare, aad thoas who once try then will find these little pills valuable in so man? wars tba ' ' . 1 it . ; j . . 1 J.. WH. DVJ u wiimiik W9 HI 1 But after all sick bead be ef so many lives (bat here . r" wur svi sjswi irmn. uur while others do not. p Our pills oure a a uttlb uvbb Fills aswserj rjT'S:'""- ntm or ro puis f f"8- strictly veveuOAeai pais tr.fl and da toe 91 Sold eeiywbie, er seat by maSV euro jroicm oo, tw yt. hmk uaa