MIFFLINTOWN. JUNIATA COUNTY. PENNA.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 23 1S9U. VOL. LI t .- ... ic,V v. nen Burner came iu .u i v house next but one to the public house. I and the wall of which formed one half of J the northern boundary of the yard, he' n .m i;uunu.i tta WnM hoar no .... j np him h- xond the anort or cough of a horse now a:-d then. i After a pause of two or three minutes, ate stooped, slipped off his boots, slung them round his neck, and having hitched the crook of his heavy stick to a belt be wore nnder his waistcoat, he laid hold of the waterpipe that descended from the gut- t of the double roof to the yard, and be- . ran ascending the gable of the house with surprising agility and speed. In less than two minutes from i the time t. first ce.ied the waterp.pe he d .sap- ,ered in the gutter He crawled in a few yards from tie edge and then reclined against the sloping slates of the roof to rest. The ascent 1 ti.d taken only couple of minutes, but the exertion had teen very great, and he was tired and out of breath. Then he unscrewed his ferrule and withdrew the tampion and unscrewed the handle of his stick, and was busy in the darkness for awhile with the weapon he carried. He particularly wished to have a steady hand and arm that night, so he made up his mind that he would rest until five min- ates to 12. Then he should get into position. He should creep down the gutter until he came to the gable wall standing up over the roofs of the houses n which he now was lying. He should then be almost opposite the window at which he last night saw the dwarf wind nn his clock. He should be a little out of the direct line, but not much. The width of the street was no more from house to house than fifty feet. The dis- tance from the wall of the house he should be on then, and the wall of Forbes' bakery could not be more than sixty feet. Vhe weapon he carried was perfectly trustworthy at a hundred and fifty yards, or more. He had been practicing that . SRaiBUs nl waning- at as old hat forty yards, and he had never missed It once. Fortv varda was just double the distance h should be from that window if he were i on a parapet instead of being at the coping tile, lying on the inside slope ol the root. I of last night but was witnout trie wnis Aiiw, nMkati ton foot fnr that. Th ia L an Ap henrd. All the time he cowered would bring the distance up to seventy j fi-et at the very outside, and he had never missed once at a hundred and twenty feet. He had given himself now and then a good deal of practice with the gun, for he enjoyed peculiar facilities; because the factory wall by which the lane at the tack of his place ran, prevented any one seeing what he was doing, and the noise of thrt factory drowned the whir of the gun and the whli of the bullet. At half-riast 11 that night the private bar of the public house held about half , a dozen customers, but it lacked the ele- I vatinir nresence of Oscar Leigh, who al-' ways gave the assembly a distinctly in tellectual air. A few minutes later, however, the spir its of those present rose, for Mr. Oscar Leigh came in, rubbing his forehead and complaining of the heat. "I have only a minute or two. I must be off to wind up," said Leigh. "Ten minutes to 12 by your clock, Mr. Will lams; that means a quarter to right time. "It is, I have heard, the most wonder ful clock in Chicago," spoke an acquaint ance. "In Chicagol In Chicago! In the world, air. It is the most wonderful clock ever conceived by man. Well, my time Is up. Good-night, gentlemen." He scrambled off his high stool and was quickly out of the bar. It was now five minutes to 12 o'clock, right time. He crossed the street, and opening the pri vate door of Forbes', went in, closing the door after him. As he came out John Timmons turned Into the street. He went on until he came opposite the window of the clock-room. Here he stood still, thrust his hands deep down in his trousers pockets, and leaning his back against the wall, prepared to watch with his own eyes the winding of the clock. In less than five minutes the window of the top room, which had been dark, grad ually grew illumined until the light came full through the transparent oiled muslin cortain. Timmons could see for all prac tical purposes as plainly as through glass. There Leigh is, anyway," thought Timmons, "working away at his lever. Can it be he was doing the same thing at this hour last night? Nonsense. He was waiting away from this place with me at this hoar last night as sure as I am here now. I mast be going mad. There, he is turning round now and nod ding to the men at the bar. They said he did the same last night, and, as I live, there's the clock we were under striking the quarter past aain! I must be going rmA I begin to think last night must kav. been all a dream with me. I don't think he's all right. I don't believe in witchcraft, bnt there's something wrong here; I'll watch this out anyway." Whir whis! "Why, what's that otst head!" Timmons looked up, but saw nothing. , "It's some young fellows larking." He glanced back at the window. ' "What a funny way he's nodding his head now. And there's a hole In the car tain and there seems to be a noise in the room. " There goes the gas out. I suppose the doek is wonnd up now. Strange I didn't hear the clock strike the hour, and yet Leigh's light is out" - And John Timmons walked out of Chet wynd street and took his way eastward. CHAPTER XXI. On Saturday morning about 9 o'clock Timmons was ri'iios:ii oi tlie hign owk. at his doorway, lie hud bought a morn ing paper on his way to business, and he Bow glanced over it casually. Finally bo came upon the place where local newt was given. His eye caught a large head ing, "Fire and Loss of Life in Chet wynd Street." The paragraph was, ow ing to the late hour at which the event look place, brief. It ran as follows: "Last night, between balf-past 12 and 1 o'clock, a disastrous and fatal fire broke at la the bakery establishment of Mr. la lahetwra Street, xae cea pled b7 Mr. Oscar Leigh, who hu lost bis life In the burning. Mr. Leigh WM , , . , . engaged in the manufacture of a very wonderful clock which .occupied fully halt 'he room, and which Mr. Leigh invariably wound up every night between 12 aad half-paat 12. "It ia generally supposed that the eccen- trie movements of Mr. Leigh were the tesult of a fit or sudden seizure of some ether kind, and that in his straggle some Inflammable substance was brought in contact with the gas before it was turned out.' Timmona flung down the paper with a ,, ..ryinu. "Dead! Dead! Leigh ia dead" , moment the figure of a man d at the thre.hold of the .tore. .cowl and a stare, d furtiTelTi ;.,,,,,. ,.j .houtin. b5utr cried q . menace, dead, cr,ed Timmons in ex. . cuemenr. "I now all about that, I suppose, said Stamer, and you shut up, if you don t want to follow him. I'm in no humor for ' rour noise and antics. Do you want to the coppers down on us? do you, you idiot!" i "Who are you calling an idiot? cried , Timmons. catching up an iron bar and , taking a few steps towards the burglar, "You. if you want to know. Put that , down. Put that bar down, I say. Can you , toll me who killed htm? If you can t I can." He pointed to himself, "What!" cried Tfmmons, starting back, .vnd not unite understanding the other's gesture. "Now are you satisfied? I thought you i cuessed. I would n t have told you if I didn't think you knew or guessed. I thought you knew, and that, instead of saying a good word to me, .you were going to down me and give me up." Timmons stepped slowly back in horror. "l"oa!" he whispered, bending his head forward and beginning to tremble In every limb. "Tout You did it! You did this! You, Stamer!" Stamer merely nodded, and looked Ike a hunted wild beast. He wore the clothes in the shelter of the shutters, he kept his right hand behind bis back, lie looked towards the opening and then his round, bloodshot eyes went back to the rigid figure of Timmons. "I don't mind what you eay, if you'll only speak to me, only not too loud. No one can hear OS. I know that, and no one can listen at the door, without our seeing him. You don't know what I have gone through. I have not been home. I am afraid to-go home. I am afraid of everything." "You murderous villian" "It's enough to drive any man mad. I've been wandering about all night. I am more afraid of my wife than of any one else. I don't know why, but I trem ble when I think of her, more than of the police, or or or " Tho hangman?" "Yes. Y'ou don't know all. When you do, you'll pity me " "The poor, foolish dwarf!" "Yes. I was afraid he would betray us " "Oh, villain V "And I got on a roof opposite the win dow, and when ho was working at the lever, I fired, and his head went so and then so and then so " "Stop it, you murderer!" "Yes. And I knew It was done. The neck! Yea. I knew the neck was broken, und .t was all right" "If you don't stop It, I'll brain you!" "Yes. And I got down off the roof and tan. I couldn't help running, and all the time I was running I heard him running after me. I heard him running after me, and I saw his head wagging so so so, as he ran. Every step he took, his head wagged, so and so and so" "If you don't stop that " "Yes. I will. I'U stop it But I could not stop him last night All the time I tan I couldn't stop him. His head kept wagging and his lame feet kept running after me, and I couldn't atop the feet or the head. I don't know how long I ran, or where I ran, but I could run no more, and I fell up against a wall, and then it overtook me! I saw it as plainly as I see you plainer, I saw It " Thu man paused a moment to wipe his forehead. "Do you hear?" he yelled, suddenly flinging his arms up in the air. - "Do you hear? Will yon believe me now? The steps again! The lame steps again. Do you hear them?" Mad!" "Mad! I told you. Look!" The figure of a low-sis ed, deformed dwarf came into the opening and crossed the threshold of the store. With a groan Stamer fall forward In sensible. CHAPTER XXII. Timmons uttered a wild yefL aad springing away from the wall lad to the extreme end of the store, and then faced round panting and livid. "Habt" said the shrill voice of the man in the tnresaold. -rrivate ineaincais, I see. I did not know, Mr. Timmons, that you went in for such entertainments. I)on't you think, Mr. Timmons, that yon ought to ring down the curtain, and that this gentleman, who no doubt represents the villain of the piece confronted witn his intended victim, had better get up and look after his breakfast?' He pointed to the prostrate Stamer, who lay mo tion'enn unon the sandy floor. Timmons did not move or speak. The shock had, for the moment, completely bereft him of his senses. 1 bava lust come back from the coun try," said the dwarf, "and I thought I'd rail on you at once. I should like to have a few moments' conversation with you. If your friend and very able supporter would have the kindness to consider him self alive and fully pardoned by his in tended victim." The prostrate man did not move. Tim mons shuddered. He made a prodigious effeea. td tried to move forward, but had :o put his hand against the wall to steady himself. Leigh approached Stamer and touched him with his stick. Stamer Old not stir. "Is there anything the matter with the man? I think there must be, llmmona. What do you meanpy running away to . . a ,. i.ln-? Why, this lUe LUrr r T J. hm fated man Is unconscious, to meet fainting men. Stamer did not speak, hntif! slowly to his feet, and. assisted by Tim mons, walked to the opening nd " helped a few yards down the street. There the two parted wunoui a time Timmons got back he was compara tively composed. .... ,: !Are we alone?" asked Leigh Impatient ly, ou Timmons' return. "We are." , , , "Hah! I am glad we are- Wrw Wtnd were connected with racing I ehouM call blm a stayer. I came to tell you that I have just got hack from Milwaukee. 1 thought it best to go there and see again the man I had been in treaty with. I not only saw him. but heard a great ,desl about him, and I am sorry to say I heard nothing good. He is, it appears, a very poor man, and he deliberately misled me as to fais position and his ability to pay. I am now quite certain that if I had opened business with him I should have lost any thing I Intrusted to him, or if not all, a good part." - . Then I am not to meet you at the same place next Thursday night?" aaked Tim mona. He had not at this moment any Interest in the mere business about which they had been negotiating. He was curi ous about other matters. . His mind was now tolerably clear, but flabby and in active still. v There is no use in your giving me the alloy until I see my way to doing m..thin with It. and I feel bound to say that after this great disappointment I fed greatly discouraged altogether." "Then, Mr. Leigh, I suppose we are at a standstill?" "Precisely." "What you mean, I suppose, Mr. Leigh, is that you do not see your way to going any further?" "Well, yes. At present I do not see my wav to going any further." "You went to Milwaukee yesterday. May I ask you by what train yon went down?" ' "Two-thirty in the afternoon. "And you came back this morning?" "Yes. Just arrived. I drove straight here, as I told you." "And yon were away from half-past two yesterday until now. You were out of Chicago yesterday from 2:30 until early this morning?" "Yes; until six this morning. Why are you so curious? You do not, I hope, sus pect me of saying anything that is not structly true?" said Leigh, throwing his head back and striking the sandy floor fiercely with is stick. "I mean, sir," said Timmons, shaking his minatory finger at him and frowning heavily, "not that I suspact you of lying. hnt that I am sure you are lying. I was ! at the public house last night; you were there, too. Leigh started and drew back, lie looked down ad said nothing. He could not tell how much this man knew. Timmons went on: I was in the public bar when you came Yon called for rum hot, and you went away at close to twelve o'clock to wind up your clock. 1 was out men ana saw you at the window winding up the clock. I was there when the light went out just at half-past twelve. Now, sir, are you lying or am I?" Leigh burst into a loud, long, narsn roar of laughter that made Timmons start, it was so weird and unexpected. (To be continued.! laoandeacent Lights. - Incandescent electric lights are used to illuminate the eyes of mounted ani mals, bears, tigers and lions, shown by furriers. Here, obviously, a light with a flame would not do, while the Incan descent light answers the purpose well and conveniently. The wire is run from the head down through the ani mal's body and out through one of Its feet to a connection with the service wire of the store. Incandescent lights are used in re frigerators, such as the Ice boxes of the wholesale dealer In cut flowers and the butcher. Their use In sidewalk showcases Is familiar; In dressing show windows the flexible connection ad mits of placing the light where it is wanted with each new trimming of the window. - They are used In electric signs, soma of which are permanent, while others are formed of letters that are mova ble, like types, so that the sign may be readily changed as often its may bo desired. Electric numbers are made In the same way. One may see a painter at work at night In a store, paint brush In one band and electric light with the wire trailing away back of him in the other, to enable him to see the better In some nook or cranny that he is painting. The Incandescent lamp la used to light sidewalk awnings. The lamps are strung along a wire hung under the ridgepole Inside the awning; tho wire and lamps are simply taken In when the awning la. Movable bill boards are illuminated In the same manner. Pleasure must first hare the warrant that It Is without sin: then the measur without excess. lie nlcicnim test ss applied lo 139 cons tLe other diyatdaine sup plying tho northern part of New York City. It was found that twenty seven oi the animals bad tabercnlo 813. A trong point inn of washing sorts -o!inm carbonate in hot water will be icunu vo ue excellent as a cieansius; agent for dirty lamps. A company bos been lormed to lay spipe line from the Indiana oil field to Chicago. The distance is 17 miles, and six inch pipe is to be nseiL -A Biltimore man has invented a device tor locating tunken wrecks, it is a bell busy, which launolte itself as the ship goes down and imains anchored to it Hie recent storms in i'lornla are said to hnve completely destroyed about 1,010,000 acres of timber and the niometary loj to the state will reach $1,600,003. At the annual convention of the National Sanitarv Association held in New York City Dr. Thomas C. Craig, physienn at the Brooklyn INavy Yard, dvoeated tnai eonumpuoa uuumu be treated like I: prosy by isolation. To attack a man with any weapon is a serious matter in Madag iscar. It is punishable by death. America has forty Hebrew week- ies. . - m. BILL'S RACE FOR over a week it had been threatening great things. For a week nobody on the "Lazy II." ranch had caught more than a niomeu rary glimpse of the sun. Chill winds n histled and roared over the bleak and lesolate prairies on the range and nt 'ul whirls of rain made it all the more lisagreeable to the weary boys who rere at work niht and day to keep the lncnsy herd from rushing away to the lesert of the south. Although It was :irly for wintry manifestations, yet li.U a serious storm was imminent was realized by all the men employed on the : rnn eh. Great bunches of cattle milled ', it various points on the range, but little ' ;(Tort was made to break the mills, for Tear they would be followed by tiie aiore serious danger of a general st.mi ede. Riders constantly watched the fretful animals when they, became ' weary from hunger as they rushed : i round In that ceaseless grind. Noth-' jig but a wall of horns was to be seen, ; is the steers presented an unbroken front to all comers. With the mutter-1 jig of the thunder came lo wings and tossings of the horns with added en-' ergy in the tramp, tramp of the fright ned animals. It was bard and weary work to kepp . the herd from starving as well as rush ing wildly towards the gulf. All ovt-r the Panhandle country the same con ditions existed, and that gloomy week In November was probably the most , xclting tour of duty the ranchmen ; ever put in in a region where hard work ; abounds and the rewards are small. I Ten thousands pairs of horns were enough to keep a small army of "Lazy II." cowboys fairly busy when every thing was pleasant Now there was need for double their number. They were scattered In groups under sub bosses, so that every man was doing two men's work and that, too, without an opportunity for rest excepting such , as could be snatched when the milling bunches were quiet for a few minutes. "If this thing keeps up much longer," said "Curley" Brock, as the week was almost gone, "I allow I'll Jump the game. I'm almost all cashed in now and kalnt stand it much longer. Just look at them bulls, a-mlllln and a-mill-ln' there. Ever see anything so mean? Why, they ain't done nothln' fer a whole week but tramp about and go off their feed. I allow there ain't no use f trying to break 'em, whatever." "They'll break pretty soon, or I lose my guess," said the boss. Bill Martin. "I figure that them clouds'll bust some where hereabouts, and then look out WIsht I had some more ponies, or least ways some that were fresh. We got to ride conslderble hard to keep up ef they stampede, which I allow they will." As he spoke a long tongue of brilliant light left the clouds and, winding a de vious and uncertain way across the black skies, plunged Into the earth at no great distance from where the ranch men stood. Instantly It was followed by a roar and rumble of thunder as if a park of artillery bad suddenly gone into action. The sound was deafening, the thunder in that country often being sufficiently severe to shake the nerves of the strongest man. Following this came a roar as of some mighty catar act, as the wind took sudden volume and that huge bank of clouds bore rap Idly down upon the milling beasts. Just ss suddenly the animals halted ic their march and turned frightened eye hi the direction of the advancing storm. Then they moved uneasily, tossed their horns and dug up the turf as the first spattering raindrops fell ail about and upon them. - "Here, yen fellers,' yelled Martin. "Get busy there an' head off them blamed steer". Don't ye see they are goln' to stampede? Hurry, and p'im 'in at that gulch over ther. Ride, you devils, as you never rid before." Suiting the action to the word tht boss put his pony Into a violent gallop and raced off toward the bunch, shout ing out his orders aa he rode. He was mounted on a strong broncho, and li was well for him that the pony was comparatively fresh, for he soon found himself in a position of serious danger, and there he stuck for a long time, lie was caught In that stampede and hur ried off toward the gulf at a terrifl.: peed, his pony straining every . nerve to keep ahead and the steers rac'n; furiously behind In their efforts to gei away from the storm. As Bill dashed off to turn the flank oi the buncb. Just as the animals com menced to change their revolving mo tlon for a etralght-away run, "Curley lifted up his Toice and quirt and madt a furious onslaught on the nearest steer He swunz his deadly Quirt anc thwacked that bull with great vigor oinmuclcatlns a audden Impetus to tht ..iaial s movements. This had th effect of starting many others In thi 6ame direction, and a couple of bun dred bore rapidly down on Martin, cut ting him off and putting him In the di rect pathway of the stampede. "Whatever are ye doin', ye blamec fooL" roared Bill as he saw what had happened. "Come around on the othei side, ye cayote, an' head them bulli offen me. Durn yer akin, think I'm art of this 0004011" j. j. .-v .-a. - FOR HIS LIFE "Curley" saw the mischief and at tempted to divert the enemy, but it was too late. The other man had followed his lead and the steers instead of bead ins; for the guh-li were racing in a wild scrimmage straight away to the south, hunting solitude. Bill went with them. He bad to. It was his duty, anyway, a thought that nfforded hl-n little conso lation, for It was a race for life, with the chances about fifty to one on the bulls, with the same odds against hint. Still, bclns a man of family, he gy his pony free rein and raced as he nevei did before or since, as he has frequently said hlaisf If. It was all "Curley's" do ing, as that astute cowboy charged with undue impetuosity at an angle calculated to produce the result ho had brought about. As the cattle raced constant additions were nindo. until It semed that the en tire herd was clinsing Bill. He reflect ed as he ran that he had this advan tS". that when the ride was over, if he survived, he could locate all of the herd without much trouble. Just how Ions It would take b terminate the drift was tiie problem, as the herd was mostly made up of yot ng sters, full of life nn.1 Ceet of foot. Bill was busy particularly In bis straining effort to avoid being inclosed In the rushing herd. 11a ha J a little the start of them; could he maintain it until a chance offered to quarter the drive and escape to one side? He (lug his rowels Into his nony's flanks and swore vengeance on "Curley" as soon as the fun was over. On rushed Bill, and on rushed the cat- tie. Behind them, with yells and shouts spurring them to great efforts, raced the boys. They were all pretty evenly matched, so that there was little change In their relative positions for a long time. How long Bill does not know. It seemed a week to him, buo nobody In his might could measure time with any degree of accuracy. The rain fell in torrents and the plains, now, darkened by the fading day and the heavy green black clouds, was fitfully lighted by the constant flashes of light ning, which mockingly illuminated the pathway In front of Bill, likewise the steers. At ev-ry flash snd every" roar of thunder the bulls took on more steam, and after a short time Bill saw with apprehension that they were gain ing on him. Would tiuy trample him In the mud? It began to look as If they might, for his pony's wind was about gone and bis panting was becoming short, sobbiDg gasps. On tTiey plunged, rider and pursued, making record-breaking time in a coun try where hard riding and plenty of it Is the da!ly portion of nil. Over shelv ing, broken land, down into small aiToyos and out again up the steep crades clunged and seethed that maea of siru.'k'lii:s cattle. Some of the bojij behind noticed here ana there tne taiien fiprnre of an exhausted steer as he fell from sheer weariness. They yelled en couragement to Bill, for this was a good sign, and Indicated that the herd was rapidly reaching the point when It would be compelled to stop. On they ran, however, without wavering, pur sued by the storm and chasing the fly ing figure of the boss. Would he es cape death? Nobody could telL As the beaten pony struggled up a steep incline after a mad dash down Into a gulch, Bill felt the hot breath of the advance guard of the cattle, furious as a furnace at his back. He cast a de spairing glance backwards urged bis pony with foot and voice, and was tossed headlong to the ground. He fell from the stirrup, rolled about fer an In stant, and then lay still as be saw that mighty.. kerd leaping the spot MmS& m rmltW hf'm MW1- iwWJ n iwnere ne went down. Bruised and shaken by the tumble, half conscious from the shock, be lay there and with " " the curious Inconsistency of him in im- cheek, and in a subdued tone he broke mlnent peril, commenced a desultory . the pause: counting of the black forms .whicnl "Do you know what I told them? I plunged over him. Where his pony said, 'If you'll add the rest of the verse, was he did not know, and he fell to "and was carried by the angels to Abra specuUting concerning him. On ran ham's bosom," I wouldn't care.' " the steers and still Bill lay there, his! The effect was electric; money rained dazed mind going" through all kinds of Into the treasury, and shouts made the arithmetical problems. roof tremble. Fn.fy,i!!e l It henI PMSh Kort Blonder, and the boss, one of the most expert- recently recom- f1" hmenof th.e wlld ? r mended the fortifying of a number of to his elbow and sent a careful glance . .,, ..,,.,. . . . " . our seaports and the enlargement or to he rear He saw his men racing Pthe a, our frontler furiously after the cattle and suddenly , of Fort Montjfomery uu ultra Kaiu a uvjo y.uugcu his position. Then It dawned on him wheV. he was. He had fallen into a natural ditch too deep to wade over and ! just the right width to leap easily. This' fact had saved his life, for the first steer leaped the ditch and all of the' others blindly followed suit Bill wa, safe and he crawled out of his hole not . , v. full of wrath against "Curley," the cause of his downfall. The ditch had also saved the pony. The little broecho fell when he threw his rider, and being deadbeat lay where he fell. As he had as much sense as his master, he kept quiet and when Bill 1 arose he saw that broncho quietly j ririnkinc at a small dooI. hia flanks still rising with undue rapidity, for he was very weak. Bill arose and Intro-. duceU himself by taking the bridle and , giving the unoffending brute a savage ' kick. He then remounted and followed nicknamed "Fort Blunder." Work was after the herd slowly, knowing that by stopped on the old post at the breaking this time, the storm having broken, the out of the late war, and since that time teera were willing to quit, and that t has been under charge of an ord with plenty of hard work they woul? nance sergeant Soon work will be re all be collected. ! turned, and if the recommendations of Well, It was as he expected. He final-' General Miles are carried out the old ly found the herd scattered about on the poet wm be converted Into the largest plans, some lying down and some graz- tn(j ,u0St strongly armed post In the Ing, but all showing evidences of that pantry, as it is the intention of the wild flight from the driving storm. He General to have a large number of the also found those cowboys, lying about (aj-geat guns made by our ordnance de on the wet grass, too tired and too sav-; partment to protect the entrance of the age to care what became of him. He on wnlchi a few mUe below. Is advanced on the party and swung down looted piattsburg Barracks, one of from the saddle and etood scowling at the important posts on our Cans- tne men as ne noDDiea nis pony auc prepared to arrange tor tne ntgnt. "I allow yer about the best bunch of skunks I ever see," was his greeting. - wnatever ao ye mean m ( nampeom . that herd? Get up an' get busy, all of ye. Scatter and see that them bulls don't drift to where we all kain't find, m. Hear me?" "Which we do, Bill," drawled "Cur- j ley" from where he lay all sprawled out j in the ground. "An' we all ain't goin'j to do nothln' of the sort I allow them ; bulls is all right where they be, andj they ain't no use in stirrin' of 'em. non , whatever." "Who's boss of this gang, me or yon. ye wuthless cayote? Ye done all the,menU and appllanceB. mlnhlaf varl ti was ifiifnnil in! a- Ha lift I out of this or I'll sink my boot into ye." "Which ye won't do nothln' of the kind. Bill," was the growling answer, as "Curley" half rose and returned the scowl of the boss with interest "I al low they ain't goln' to be no bootin' yere. I also allow I'm goln' to stay ON RUSHFD BILL. AND ON RUSHEO THE right yere. Ef they's goln' to be any bootin' I hereby declares myself into the game, and so I tells you plain." "Kin ye shoot?" roared Bill, unlimber Ing as be spoke. "A leetle," said "Curley.2 rising to his feet with a Jerk and pulling his gun as the other men scattered. The two men gazed wrathfully at each other for a moment and then the pistols blazed out, shot following shot until all were empty. When the action was over "Curley" was lying 6till on i the ground with a hole in his lungs and Bill was nursing a badly wounded shoulder. Well, it was a bad business, but thea none of the others felt any call to in terfere, and the combatants were hast ened back to the ranchhouse and med ical aid summoned. Fortunately neither was fatally hurt, but "Curley" did hospital duty for the rest of the season and BUI took charge of the sta bles. He was scarcely "fitten," as he said, for duty with the herd. Aa Effective RctorC. Few things are more useful to a pub lic speaker than readiness In turning an interruption to his own advantage. Even the preacher can profit by It, as hi shown In a story told of the late Rev. Dr. John B. McFerran in the Western! Christian Advocate. In closing a speech at a missionary anniversary at Jacksonport, Arkansas, 1850, he stated that once he was shrink lngly timid when called upon to take a collection, but that be had learned to take the shirk by the throat and say, "Pay me that thou owest!" Jnst then a man suns out Tea. 1 heard It said that they would put on your tombstone, 'And the beggar . v i. inl crvltu " u"1 l"c .1 11. A ju! a. aOnlA S n.nr nla , ru, afd ' the ' this tnT Pln - ZLJr ? torg0ttliuu ZXfflZZ ton. connected with it. begtnntag. and fcng K rgot en. I1""t! to build large post at the entrance to Lake Champ 1-In, and work was begun n Fort Montgomery as It was callei After a good deal of work had been done It was found that the walls of tho fort were over the lines dividing the United States from Canada. Work was stopped and a surrey made and part of the work was torn down.' Later on It was ascertained that part of the walls of the post were still over the dividing line. An agreement was made with the English Government which gave to the United States that part built upon. and the outline of the old fort was corn- pleted, but as these mistakes had caused so much trouble the post was frontier Cincinnati Enquirer. Paying Inventions. The idea of copper-toed shoes wa9 ten,ed Jan. 6t 18GSf by a Maine gen. f who male 100 000 out of it An. naf ,nvenUon whlch made fl . . . mQ OQ ! button fastener for shoes. Invented and Introduced by Heaton, of Providence, R. I. At the time it was considered a fine Invention, for the old sewed but ton was continually coming off. It has popularity 'since its f "... ' vprv in 1803, until now very few shoes with buttons on are manufac tured without the Heaton Improve No man is so worthless that a candi date will not treat him with great re spect No woman is competent to handle the kin question; she is too sympa thetic. CATTLE." Garuenlng on a Small Scale. The Japanese have the art of dwarf ing trees to mere shrubs, and of culti vating plants in a similar way. The people take great delight in their mini ature gardens, which require a special gardener to keep them down to desired limits. The author of "On Short Leave to Japan" writes: A Japanese garden la generally about ten yards square, and In this small space Is found a park and demesne. with lake, summer-houses, temples, trees, all complete, and all In keeping with tbj dimensions available. The lake ia four feet long, and full of small goldfish. On the border stands a pine tree, exactly eighteen inches high au:l fifty years old; beneath its shud is a temple carved out of one piece of atom the size of a brick. un a iorty crag or some two and a .half feet stands a fine maplo-troe, per fect In form and shape, fifteen year; old and twelve Inches high. We bought three of these miniature trees later; a maple, a pine and a bum boo clump, each about fifteen years old and eighteen Inches to two feet high, growing In shallow dishes. We were told of a complete garden contained In a shallow two-dozen wine-case. Everything was complete, down tc the fish in the lake, a Cheet of watei only a few Inches square, and the foot bridges over the watercourses. Tea houses there were, and numerous trees of various kinds, each about six inche; Ugh. Old ss the hills these, but full of 'vttalKy, and yet never growing bigger ! People are never too old to tall love or to fight over polltKa, In Housewives neips. BdoUj and dirt may be removed from . ' naintinn and chromot by using a cup i ' of warm water to which a few drops of I , ammonia have been added. A good broom bolder may be made t , by putting two large screws nails will j answer into thewal about two inches J I apart. Drop the broom between them, handle downward. t ' Anv woman doing her own work may so systematize it that it will be the j easiest possible for her. sue neeu nm , follow aay other person's methods, un- lei they are the Tery best lor ner owu . . conditions. : Polished oak furniture may bo beau- j titully cleaned with a soft woolen vug -i dipped in turpentine. It must then bo 1 rubbed off with a dry cloin. Hot vinegar and salt will clean cop- i per like magic? If washed off then with hot water and soap and polished with a dry flannel it will retain its brilliancy for a long time. An easy way to clean the horrid, sticky oatmeal kettle in which the breakfast porridge was copkeJ ia to drop a lump of washing soda in a quart of water and soakr ip the kettle on the back of the stove for half an hour. The glutinous crust can then easily be removed. j Rich cooky dough may be prevented from sticking to the bakine board, by taking a piece i f uniileacned muslin, stretch it over the btvking board so there will be no wrinkleij dust it we.l with flour and roll out the dough, lry this method, and making cookies will not try the patience half as much. It pays well to do the mending be fore the article goes into the wash, since the processes to which it is there subjected materially enlarge the holes, and it is better and more agreeable to wear if the washing follows the mend ing. A bread cloth should always be sweet and clean, and never used for any other purpose. I RECITES. Chicken Croquette, Cut the chicken off the bones, mmce bne, i moisten with the gravy in which it was ; stewed, season with pepper snd salt, ' make into small forms with a jelly j glass, dip in egg and tine bread ' crumbs, and try in hot lard or butter, j Baked Apples. Wash the apple, j remove cores, set in baking dish, till ! the apples with sugar, put a little spice , and a piece of butjer on each apple, J pour halt a cup of hot water into the pan, and bake the applts till tender. ' , Apple Show. Six large apples, two j cupluls pondered sugar, one lemon, juice and half the grated peel, one pint milk, four eggs. Make a cus- ' tard of the milk, the yolks and one ; cupful of sugar; bake the apples with the skins on (taking out the cores) I until tender; take off the ekins and scrape out the pulp; mix in remainder of sugar and lemon; whip the whites of the eggs light, and beat in the pulp , by degrees until very white and firm. Put the custard, when cold, into a I glass dish and pile the snow upon it i Popovers. One cupful of milk, oue . heaping cupful of Hour, one eitg, a j little salt and sugar, butter size of a ', hickory nut. Bake in gem pans in a ' quick oven for 20 minutes aud serve immediately. Sponge Cake. One pound of sujar, , one pound of flour, 10 eggfl, the yolks . J beaten up with the sugar; the whites . beaten well and added last; flavor to teste. i Fringed Celery This is a lovely dec- i orated dish. Cut celery into two-inch , pieces. Cut down into both ends of j the celery in many slits to reeo.uble i fringe. Put into ice water, where it ' will curl out in blosaomy fashion. Serve ou a cut glass dish, or on a dainty 1 napkin, Velvet Sponge Cake. Two cutis of ' sugar, two cups of flour, four eggt, two teaspoonfuls of baking powdor, three- ! quarters of a cup of hot water, grated i rind of lemon. Stir together until 1 creamy the sugar and the yolks of the eggs; add the flour and the baking powder. Then add the hot water; stir well beaten whites. Do not havo them curdled, but stiff. Flavor. The butter - may seem too tbin, but will prove all ' right, and you msy bake it a you , would any other sponge cake. 1 j ART NOTES. Julian Story has taken a studio in New York and will devote the winter ; to portrait painting. One of the most popular pictures at , the New York Water Color Exhibition is a pastel of an old woman drawu by a young American artist. Miss Clara Mc- Chesuey, who is now an art student in' Paris and whose work shows great j promise for the future. J A large bronze memorial statue of, Samuel Hahnemann, founder of, homoeopathy, which with its ledestal, is to cost $76. 000, will soon teerected in Washington by the homcspathic; physicians of the United States, Charles: N. Niehaus, of Philadelphia, Pa. is the, sculptor, and the design consists of a monument of granite, with statue and baa relief of standard bronze. Paul Helleu, the French artist ami engraver, does work on copper that U o delicate that only ten or twenty per-' fact impressions can be made from tiio! plate. As s on as the pictures are made the plate is destroyed. The high prices paid for Helleu'e engravings are dud, to the limited number struck off as well as to the great beauty aud equibite finish of his work. 1 The Gazette de France, which wa founded in 1631, is the oldest news paper in the world. When yon have done a kindoes',: and your neighbor is the belter 1-t it, why need yon be so fooli'u .n to look any further and gapo for rqmtatioc; and rrqmtat. When a man has n enoajrouicnf to have a tooth pulle.l ho ii al way polite encugh to give his .place H another man. Though reading and converatior may furnish us with mauy ideas o : men and things, yet it n our owi meditation that must form our judg f ment.