Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 16, 1896, Image 2

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BOirom abp raorBiatoa.
Court Prceea1lrB.
Court convened on Monday A. M.
the 7th, with Judges Lyons, Wicker-
sham and Barton upon the bench.
The grand jury was called, sworn
and charged by the Court. Bat one
bill was presented to the grand jury.
and they were through with their de
liberations and discharged for the
term before neon.
R. G. Dobbs, James Fry and S. C.
Stoner, constables, were returned to
wait npon the eonrt.
Jtfolle Prosequi were entered by
leave of court by District Attorney
Schweyer in the following fornication
and bastardy case?: Com. vs. Howard
Nai'or; Com. vs. Charles Underwood,
Mu l Com. vs. James O. Ramp.
Iu lung vs. Lang. Divorce. Will
L. Hoopes nras appointed Commis-
biont-r to take testimony.
Ansie E. Campbell vs. John A.
Campbell. Publication in divorce
Win. M. Allison, Kiq., was appoint
ed to audit be public offices' accounts.
In estate of J N. Thompson, dee'd,
answer of James Thompson et al to
rule filed.
Wliberforco Schweyer, Eq., was
appointed an auditor in the estote of
J. N. Thompson, dee'd.
Answer to rule to xhow cause in N.
C. Howers use vs. W. N. Stsrrett et.
si. filed.
An interpleader wit directed upon
petition of the sheriff to try the own
ership ef property' levied on writ
against George Leitzel,- ct. a!., and
claimed by Huldah Leitzel, W. II
Minich being the pl iictiff.
Assigaed estate of Samuel If. Coff
inan. Sale of real estate to Joseph
W. Gingrich, confirmed.
Estate of Jchn Fu'kroad, deceased.
Sale of real estate confirmed.
Estate of Win. Leach, deceased.
Sale of real estate confirmed. .
Estate of Isaac N. Tb.irp. Ap
praisement to widow of $300 con
firmed. Samuel I. Stoner, Esq , was appoint
ed to take testimony in Mifflintown
borough vs. Walker township, ap
peal from order of removal.
B F. BurcLfield, Esq., was ap
pointed to take testimony . in same
berough vs. same township, appeal,
Joseph Seller, Menno S. Graybill
and John G. Gingrich, were appoint
ed viewers of a road from Basler's to
Leister's in Fayette township.
A rule was granted on Overseers of
Mifflintown to show cause why order
of removal of .Mary Dapple to Walk
er township, should not be quashed.
Sale of real estate of A. J. Furgu
son, deceased, by heirs of private
sales, approved and guardian of mi
nors allowed to join in deed.
Charles B. Crawford, Eq., Dis
trict Attorney elect, took the oath of
.Upon application of the District
Attorney, the indictment against
Charles W. Ramsey who nol prossed.
J. Ambros Uartin, Joseph Sieber
and Jacob Killmer, were appointed
to view a site for a bridge over Ma
hontonga creek in Susquehanna
There were but two Commonwealth
cases for trial. The first was that of
the Com. vs. John Gilliford. Charge,
Fornication and bastardy. Prosecu
trix, Amy Fisher. This case was
tried at the September term and then
resulted in a verdict of guilty. A new
trial was granted the defendant at
the September argument court. The
case cime up for second trial on
Monday noon and was a hotly con
tested case. Verdict, guilty. Mo
tion for a new trial filed.
Com. vs. Alfred Campbell, fornica
tion and bastardy. Prosecutrix,
Mary Jane Pannebaker. Tried. Ver
dict guilty and the usual sentence
imposed. The defendant not com
plying with the conditions of the
sentence is now luxuriating in Castle
Calhoun as tbe guest of the Sheriff.
This case closed tbe commonwealth
But two of the cases on tbe civil
list were tried, tbey taking up the
time of the court until adjournment
on Friday evening.
The first case was that of a feign
ed issue framed to test the validity
of the codicil to the will of G. W.
Smith, late of -Villlintown, deceased.
3. W. Smith died in the spring of
18'J5, leaving a wiH to which was at
tached a c-odioil. In that will which
was devised in 1888, he devised a
farm in Delaware township to his son
Wo. G. Smith and the mansion
house in Mifflintown was given to his
son Darwin C. Smith, be having but
two children. On tbo 20th of April
1894, Mr. Smith executed a codicil to
his will, changing bis devise to his
son Darwin C. Smith in this way:
That instead of taking the mansion
house in Mifilintown in fee, he Dar
win C. have a life interest in it, and
at Lis death the property to go to
his children, grand-children of G. W.
Smith, and that the debts of the tes
tator should be chargeable to this
D. C. Smith not being satisfied
with this devise, then began this pro
ceeding to break the codicil to tbe
will of bis father, alleging: l8t, that
his father at the time of the making
of his will was of unsoad mind, that
is, that his mind was not of testa
mentary capacity. 2nd, that undne
inflaence on the part of Wm. G.
Smith bis brother had been used to
have his father make or execute this
codicil which virtually deprived him
and his children of any share in bis
father's estate as the debts amount
almost to tbe value of the mansion
house. 3rd, that the codicil to the
will was not properly executed. The
case was most vigorously contested
on both sides and the evidence was
most conflicting. However the jury
after being out several hours return
ed a verdict for Wm. G. Smith or in
other words sustained the codicil.
The case attracted a great deal of at
tention as many of our prominent
citizens were witnesses on tbo one
side or the other, but the prevailing
opinion now that the case is over is
that t he jury were right in their find
ing. Hon. tfirtia Bell presided dur
ing the trial of this case as Judge
Lyons was one of the witn eases.
' 'Julian H. Haghey and Mary
Brown, adm'x of Mortimer H. Brown J
dec d, vs Tbe Perry County Railroad
Company; No. 126 April term, 1891;
Summons in Assumpsit; plea, "Non
Assumpsit." After being on trial for
a day and a halt tbe case was settled
by each party paying -ene half the
costs and defendant paying plaintiff
Delia H. Daubprram vs. Francis
Hain and Henry Hain; No. 27, Sep
tember term, 1836; Summons in
ejectment; plea 'not guilty." Con
John Fooreman for use of Thomas
G. Pyle, vs. Firo Association of Phil
adelphia; No. 41, September term,
1896; Summons in Assumpsit; plea,
"Non Assumpsit." Settled.
Thomas S. Pyle vs. Farmers' Mu
tual Fire Insurance of Middle Penn
sylvan is; No. 42, September term,
1896, Sjmmons in Assumpsit; plea,
"Non Assumpsit.' Continued.
J. F. Klinger vs. Georgj Klinger
and J. E. Klinger, executors uf E:iz
abeth Klinger, dee'd; No. 108, Sep.
tember term, 1896; appeal; plea, "Nil
dbet." Continued.
Byron L Sbuman vs. Pennsylva
nia Railroad Gimpa-ij; No. 125 Sep
tember term. 1896; Summons in tres
pass; plea, "Not Guilty." Continusd.
In tbe estate of Henry Goshen,
deceased, petition of Frederick E
peoschade and C. B. Horning, bonds
men for an attachment against Levi
H. Goshen, administrator filed and
attachment awarded to issue on tbe
22nd day of December, if by that
time the said administrator has fail
ed to pay over the moneys in his
John W- Speddy was appointed
guardian o" Ccarles W. Rutherford,
minor child oi W. Ii. Rutherford,
Samuel Brant was appointed
guardian of Slinnte iMU Bishop, mi
nor child of Nancy J. Biahop, de
In the estate of George W, Smith,
deceased, Wilberforco Schweyer was
appointed Auditor.
Court adjourned until December
22 at 9 o'clock, A. M .
NERVOUS Troubles are due to
impoverished blood. Hood's Sar
saparilla is the One True Blood
Purifier and NERVE TONIC.
Tours to California.
California has been1 most fittingly
termed the ''Italy of America." . All
tbe delicious balm, the cloudless sky,
and the rich verdure of the great Eu
ropean peninsula are duplicated in
this sunny land of the Pacific. Here
nature basks in the sunshine of her
own beauty; and here she has estab
lished her own sanitarium, where
eternal spring inspires everlasting
youth. With the snow mantled peaks
of the Sierras upon tbe one band, the I
calm Pacific with its soft breezes np-'
on the other, and a veritable paradise 1
of flower?, frmts and plants between, J
man can hed and needs no lovher
land. To visit such a country is a
privilege, a blessing.
The Pennsylvania Itailroad Com
pany, recognizing the need of a more
comfortable and pleasant way of cross
ing the continent, inaugurated a
series of annual tours to California,
running a through train of Pullman
palace cars from New York to the
Pacific Coast, and stopping at the
principal points of interest en route.
Tbe great popularity of these tours
demonstrates the wisdom of the
For the season of 1897 three tours
have been arranged to leave New
York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg,
January 27, February 24 and March
The first tour will run direct to San
Diego via St. Louis and the Santa
Fa Ttoute, and return from San Fran
cisco via Salt Lake City, Denver and
Chicago, allowing five weeks in Cali
Tbe third tour will run via Chica
go, Denver and Salt Lake City, al
lowing paa&engers to return by reg
ular trains via different routes within
nine months.
All of these tours, either going or
returning, will pass through the fa
mous Colorado region, Glenwood
Springs, Laadvillc, and the Garden
ef the Gods.
Rates from all points on the Penn
sylvania Railroad System east of
Pittsburg: First tour, $310; second
tour, $350; third tour, $210 round
trip, and $150 one way.
1'or detailed itineraries and other
infermation, apply at ticket agencies,
special booking offices or address
George W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Broad Street Sta
tion, Philadelphia. j23,
Easy to Take, Eaay tm Operate
Ton will find a true friend in
Hood's Pills. When you take them,
you will not be disagreeably remind
ed of tbe fact by griping and ' agon
izing pains. They contain none of
the drastic drugs formerly so exten
sively employed. Every ingredient
used in Hood's Pills is selected with
care. They will break up a cold,
prevent the grip, and are especially
valuable to regulate the liver. They
cure sick bead-ache and indigestion.
To all parts of the world can be
arranged for any day in the year, for
one or more persons upon applica
tion to any principal ticket agent of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway, itineraries carefully pre
pared for excursions to California,
Florida, .Mexico, China, Japan, and
to any part of Europe. Estimates
furnished, including all expenses.
Tickets furnished for the complete
journey. It is not necee6ary to wait
for any so-called "Personally Con.
ducted Excursions." In these days
of progressive enlightenment, with
tbe English language spoken in ev
ery land under the sun, one does not
need to depend upon the services of
guides for eight-seeing, but can go it
alone or in small family parties with
great comfort and security, and at
one's own convenience. Write " to
John R. Pott, District Passenger
Atrent. Chicasro. Milwaukee & St
Paul railway, Williamsport, Pa., fcrj
details if you are contemplating atrip 1
Positively the Greatest Bargain Ever Offered !
For Daily Use in Your Home or Office t$$t$
Work in the world equals that matchless Reference Library, the New
" pill Mtettg
For a Limited Tiice Cnfy Ty
Just to Inirs&es ths Kcrk
Yon thus
SEE now
gives 1jiofrapliics of hunt
of the "X-RAY," IAN MACLAREN, DR. NANSEN, the explorer: RUDYARD KIPLING, the ecle orated writer, i5esic.es tms
it is the onlv Encyc'.o'x-dia w hich Presents all the LATEST STATISTICS State, Territorial find National, and of the whole werld.
It Is the One Great, Practical Reference Library for the Professional end Business Man, the Tcacfcer, the Student, the
Farmer, Artisan and Alcchnnic. .
TV. .,
to place a few introductory sets in eacn community tnrouRnout me
scope, lateness ot treatment ana general practical ana euucaucuai
While the distribution
at prices ranging from
1 above stated, we make
few weeks, reserving the privilege of withdrawing the offer at iliy
sets, at the special price, has been distributed. '
money will be promptly refunded. Our confidence that the volumes will be cheerfully paid for is shown by sending a $43 set of books
on payment of only $1. We also feel that you will thoroughly appreciate the superb new work and speak favorably of it to others.
Sample pages, with specimen illustrations, will also, be sent on application until the offer is withdrawn. We refer you to the
publisher of this newspaper.- Always mention name of paper you see this offer in. Address
Steps are being taken by republ -oan
members of Congress to s care
such legislation as will enable Pre si
dect AfcKinley iametli&tely after Irs
inauguration to proceed to prepare
the way for the consideration of on
international agreement on silver.
Reduced Rate to Washington
n acceunt of tbe Inauiru
ratlon via Pennsylvania
For the banefit of those wito de
sire to atts-nd the ceremonies inci
dent to the inauguration of President
elect .McKinley, tbe Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will 6ell excursion
tickets to Washington. March 1, 2,
3 and 4, valid to return from March
4 to 8, at tbe following rates: From
New York $8 00; Philadelphia . $5.40;
Baltimore $1 60; Harrisburg $5.06;
Williamsport $8.79; Buffalo $11.20;
Rochester 810.48; Altoona and Pitts
burg $10.00; and from all other sta
tions on tho Pennsylvania system at
reduced rates.
This inauguration will be a most
interesting event, and will undoubt
edly attract a large number of people
from every section of tbe country.
The magnificent facilities of the
Pennsylvania Railroad mke this line
the favorite route to the National
Capital at all times, and its enormous
equipment and splendid terminal ad
vantages at Washington make it es
pecially popular on each occa
sions, ml.
People Believe what they read
about Hood's Sarsaparilla. They know
it is an honest medicine, and that it
cures. Get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, re
lieve constipation assist digestion. 25c.
iDiunoni, Dec. 18, le9G.
Wheat 90
Corn in ear .... ...... 80
U 18
Clo 'erveed ....... ...... .... ..
Batter 14
Egg 12
' Hm 13
Shoulder 12
Lvd 7
Tiawtbv seed S2.C0
Faxieed 9
Bran. '. 9
Philadelphia Hajuibt.', December
14, 1896. Wheat 92c; clrn 28o, oats
26c; butter 10 to 26c; e3gs 18 to 19c-,
Turkeys 8 to 10c a lb; chickens 5 t
I ARfiF ? Nearly 4,000 pa?es. Over 300
r,. Colored Maps, Charts and Diagrams.
VOLUnES Every Volume Mechanically Perfect.
The Only Encyclopedia
Strictly "Vp to Date."
secure this Splendid Reference Library at once for continued use and enjoyment
work. All others are from 5 to 10 years old, and are silent regarding RFCKNT topics of universal interest.
THE "STANDARD AMERICAN" contains hundreds of NEW ARTICLES on subjects not treated in
anv other eucvelooedJa. such, for instance, as "THE X-RAY, "ARGON,
ndrcds of people v'ao have LATELY become
uaover3.5oocn5?raYinES, of superb quality and wonderful variety, including numerous enfrravea portraits
of distinguished Poets, Authors, Physicians, Ch.mists, Philosophers and Scientists, and with over 300
new maps, dia-rams and charts from the VERY LATEST EXPLORATIONS and SURVEYS, deUne-at-ng
Continents, Empjrcs,Countrics,States,Cities,Towns,Citadels,So!ar,Lunar,ar;d Planetary Systems.and
every portion of the known world, and forming a Comrjlete and Indexed Atlas of the Globe. THE STAND
ARD AHERICAN is the best illustrated and the best mapped Encyclopedia in the English Language
Great Introductory Offer
inil favorable rmhlicitv or THEfEW
will be general in extent, it will last tor
$43 to $73 a set, according to style of bitfrmg.
the price merely nominal (about the
7Ril 91 lO i rl lit LilvlV.U'rllilA rtt13'll.VJ l.V., 150 rillll nvcuue. .w v.u-y, nun A a un
set of eight volumes of THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, in cloth binding, will
be forwarded to you at once. The balance is payable at the rate of $1.50 monthly for one year, or about
5 cents a day. If you prefer the half-Morocco binding, the monthly payment will be $2. and for full sheep,
$2. 50 per month for the year. We recommend the Half Morocco style, which is particularly elegant and
serviceable, and will last a lifetime. If not as represented any set may be returned within ten days and
7c a lb; ducks 9 to 10c a lb; geeBe 8
to 9c; fat cattle' 31 to 5c; sheep 2 to
4c; hogs 5c; thin ciws $8 to $15;
much cows fio to $45; veal calves 3
to 6c.
Causes fully ball Uie sickness In the world. It
retains the digested food too long in the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpi liver, Indl-
gestiou, bod taste, coated
tongue, sick headache, in
somnia, etc Hood's IMIls
miiwMWMtinaijon and sll its
results, easily and thoroughly. Sic. All druggists.
Prepared l? C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Matchless-in every feature.
Three tours to California and the
Pacific coast, will leave" Harrisburg,
Altoona and Pittsburg, January 27,
February 24 and March 27, 1897.
Five weeks in California on the first
tour and four weeks on the eecoBd.
Passengers on the third tour may re
turn on regular trains within nine
months. Stop will be made at New
Orleans for .Mardi-Gras festivities on
the second tour.
Bates from all points on the Penna.
R. R. System; First tour $310 00;
second tour $350.30; third tour $210.
00. From Pittsburg $5.00 less' for
each tour.
Jacksonville tours, allowing two
weeks in Floiida, will leave New
York and Philadelphia, January 26,
February 9 and 23 and March 9,
1897. Rate covering expenses en
route in both directions $53.00 from
Pittsburg, and proportionate rates
from other points.
For detailed itineraries and other
information, apply at ticket agencies
or address Thos. . .Watt, Pass.
Agent Western District, 360 Fifth
Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Letters TastssssBtsir oa tbe estate ef
Eva Auker, late of walker tewastaip, Juni
Prepared -rider' editorial supervision c
John Clark Ridpath, LL.D.
anlhor of ' Ridpath's Histories," ctx,
ausis'ed.by a large corps of editors and
over too eminent scholars and specialist.
treating over Co.ooo topics (io.ok) more
than any other encyclopedia) covering
-the entire field of human knowledge,
thought and endeavor, including The
Arts, Sciences, Philosophy, History, Blog-
raphy. Geography, Astronomy, Geology,
Meteorology- Navigation, Exploration, Dls-
covery. Agriculture, Horticulture, Com
merce,Ftnance,Ethnolog7,Zoolory,Bctany, Chemistry, Physiology, Mineralogy, Elec
tricity, Theology, Law, Medicine, Politic!
Economy, Statistics, etc, etc
ENCYCLOPEDIA is brought down to
the present time, and contains hundreds
of articles on subjects not treated in any
other reference work. Another impor
tant feature in which it stands absolutely ,
alone is its very full appendixes which
embrace over ioosubdivisions, including
a Biof-rarl'-lcal Dictionary, a Dictionary of
Technical Terras, a Gsreteer of the United
States, Statistics of Presidential Elections,
State and Territorial Elections, Religious
Summaries. Statistics of the Population of
the World, and a Veritable Mine of Other
Information on thousands of subjects of
universal interest and importance.
Every school, college, court and public
library, where the work has been thus far
introduced, has immediately given it the
preference over all others.
2 ins. Thick
Syi Wide
1 1 Long
famous, such, for instance, as PROF.
country ior comparison wnn an oiner reicreure wums us iu piuu.
raited time only, after which ur regular. subscription sale will begin.
Now, however, to quickly and thoroughly introduce the work.
st of paper and printing!, tne distribution
time when we consider a sufhcient number ot these introauctory
ata county, Pa., having been granted in
dne form of law to the undersigned, resid
ing in Walker township. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to said dec,
dent will please make immediate payment,
and those having clsims will present them
properly authenticated for settlement, to
Josiab Gnoaicn,
Sep'r 22nd, 1896. Extcutar.
Letters testamentary oa the estate of
Edwsrd A. Smith, lste of Mexico, Walker
towDbip, Jnnista connty, Pa., having
been granted in dne form of law to the un
dersigned residing in Hexicd. All per
sons knowing themse 'as Indebted to said
decedent wlil please make itemed late pay
ment, and those havirg claims will present
tbem properly authenticated for settlement
to Satilda Smith,
Kara V. Smith,
EtlaU afSamutl A, Tkomai, dttaued.
Whereas letters of admlnlstrarion on the
estate of Samuel A. Thomas, late of Fer
managh townhhip, Jualats Co., Pa., deceas
ed, have been issued out of the Orphans'
Court to tbe undersigned, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to tbe said es..
tate to make immediate pa ment, and
those having claims to present then prop
erly authenticated for settlement.
Craslks W.-Book,
Mexico, Juniata Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1896.
In the estate of Mary McAllister, lata of the
Borough ol Mifflintown, Pa., deceased.
Tho undersigned appointed by the Or.
phans' Court of Juniata county, Auditor to
audit, settle and adjaat the first and final
account of Jeremiah Lyons, Executor of
tbe last will and testament of Mary MoAlis
ter, late of MiSintoww, Juniata county,
Pennsylvania, dec eased, and to make dis
tribution al tbe balance In the bands of said
Exreutor to and among creditors and oth
ers having claims against said estate and
against tbe said funds in the band of the
Executor, will meet all parties interested
lor the purpose es of bis appointment on
Friday, December 18ih, A. D., 1896, be
tween tbe hours of ln o'clock A. M. and 6
o'clock P. M., at bis office No. 24, Main
street in tbe borough of Mifflintown, Juni.
ata cousty. Pennsylvania, when and where
all parties Interested aa elaimtnts, credi
tors, legatees or devisees, heirs at law or in
any other respect are required to make aad
prove their claims or be forever debarred
from coming in on said fund.
T. M. M. PaasaxL,
Nov. 12th '96. Auditor.
Notice is hereby given that tbo following
named persons have filed their account in
the Register's OfHee of Juniata county,
Pennsylvania, and the same will be present
ed for continuation and allowance at aa Or
phans' Court to be held at Mifflintown, Pa.
the entire set of 8 volumes. Balance
payable $1.50 monthly for one year.
ctc, etc. It also.
ROENT GEN. discoverer
ocmg umiiea 10 a very
on Tuesday tbe 22nd day of December, .
D.. 1896, at S o'eioek A. M.
1st. The First account ot Samuel A.
uffman, execa tor of the last willj and tes
tament of John Gingrich, late of Spruce
bill township, deceased, Keller, Att'y.
2nd. The First and Final account of H.
F. Smith, executor of the last will and tes
tament of Anthony Hockenberry, late of
Tuscarora townsblp, deceased.
Atkinson at Pennell, Att'ys.
8rd. Tbe supplemental account of Daniel
Klos, executor ef the last will and testa
ment of Irwin D.. Wallis, late of Walker
township, deceased. Keller, Att'y.
Register's Omce, Aasoa B. Witt,
Mifflintown, Pa., Register.
Nov. 23rd, 1896. )
The undersined having been restored to
health by aimpre means, after Buffering sev
eral years witha severe lung affection,! and
that dread disease connmptian, is aniions
to make known to bis fellow sufferers tbe
meana of cure. To those who desire it, be
will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy
ol the prescription used, which they will
find a sure euro for Ceuiumptwu, Jiitkmm,
Catarrh, Bronekttit and all throat and lung
awwii m Dopes an suuerara will try
his remedy, as it la Invaluable. Those de
siring the prescription, which win cost tbem
nothing, and may prove a blessing, will
plesse address,
ew xorx. sep. 9, T.
Tbe undersigned persons have associated
themsefvea together for the protection of
Willow Rub Trout stream in Lack town,
hip, Juniata Co., Pa. All persona are
trickly forbidden not fo trespass npon the
laud or stream of the said parties to flsh
as tbe stream has been stocked with trout
Persons violating this noice, will be pros
ecuted according to law.
R. H. Patterson,
T. H. Carnthers, J. P.
Robt A. Woodsido,
W. D. Wails,
Frank Yawn,
Dyson Vawn.
April 28, 1885.
Tbe undersigned persons bare formed an
Association for the protection of their re.
spective properties. All persona are here
by notified Dot to trespass on 'the lands of
tbe undersigned for the purpose of hunting
gathering nuts, chiping timber or throwing
down fences or firing timber in any way
whatever. Any violation ot toe above no
tice will be dealt with according to law.
John Miches!,
William Pnnenberger,
Gideon Sieber,
Beasbor fc Zook,
Mary A. Brubaker,
- Joseph Rothroek,
Joha Byler,
Baarael Be 11.
September i 1896.
Leva B. Atameoa. F. M. V. Fsaaru.
BT-Collecting and Ooaveyaaciag prompt
iy attended to.
Oman Oa Mala street, ia place of res I
donee of Louis B. Atkuaen, Esq., south
Bridge street. fOet26,1892
" District Attorney.
na.D.axaAwroan, aa. DAawra axsawroan
jytL. D. M . CRAWFORD fc SON,
have formed a partnership for tbe practice
of Medicine and their collateral branches.
Office at old stand, corner of Third and Or
ange streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or both
ol tbem will be round at tbeir office at all
times, unless otherwise professionally en
gaged. April 1st, 1896.
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental
College. Office at old established lo
cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court
House, fifflintowa. Pa.
07" Crown aad Bridge work;
Pain lass Attraction.
All work guaranteed.
I bbiibt offer for sale a valuable prop
erty, situated in Ft-rmanagh township, 2
miles nortb.east of Mifflintown, containing
86 Acne, mora or less. 4 acres of wood
land. The balance cleared aad ia good
state of cultivation. Buildings ordinary,
but in good repair. A good spring of never
failing gravel water nearby. This property
also contains 269 poach trees and 2000 ber
ry plants; SO apple trees, besides other
fruit. The above property is situated near
White Hall school bouse in said township.
For further information address.
Cblabxbs Cobkibs,
8-2)-'35. Mifflintown, Pa.
Tnsoarora Valley Railroad.
No.l No.3
A. M. P. M.
Blair's Mills It. 7 45 2 00
Waterloo.. 7 50 2 05
Leonard's Grove 8 00 2 10
Ross Farm 8 05 2 15
Perulack 8 15 2 20
East WaUrford 8 20 2 30
Heckman. 8 30 2 37
Honey Grove 8 35 2 42
Fort Bigham 8 48 2 48
Warble 8 65 2 55
Pleasant View 9 00 3 00
Seven Pines 9 06 3 06
Spruce Hill 9 10 3 10
Graham's 9 143 14
Stewart.. 9 16 3 16
Freedom . . . . , 9 18 3 18
Ttirbett 9 20 3 20
Old Port 9 25 3 25
Port Royal Ar. 9 30 3 30
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Roy a
with Way Passenger and Seashore Express
on P. R. R., and Nos. 8 and 4 with Mail east
at. P.
. M
Port Royal
Old Port
Spruce Hill
Seven Pines
Pleasant View
Fort Bigbam
Honey Grove
East Waterford....
Ross Farm.
Leonard's Grove...
Blair's Mills Ar
18 6 08
256 15
35 6 25
4S 6 35
55 6 45
02 6 52
09 6 59
15 7 05
Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect with Stage
lane at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doylea.
burg and Dry Run.
Tbe following schedule went Into effect
Nov. 16, 1896, and tho trains will bo run aa
p. m a. m Leave Arrive a. m p. m
4 80 9 00 Duncannon 7 64 2 28
. 4 86 9 06 King's Mill 7 49 2 23
4 89 9 09 Snlphur Springs 7 46 2 20
8 41 911 "Gorman Siding 7 44 8 18
4 45 9 14 Montebello Park 7 41 .2 16
4 43 9 15 Weaver . 7 40 2 18
4 61 919 'Roddy 7 86 2 08
4 64 9 22 Hoffman 7 88 2 65
4 66 9 24 Royer 7 81 2 08
4 69 9 2 Mebanoy 7 28 2 00
6 19 10 48 Bloomfleld 7 28 1 41
6 16 9 49 Tressler 7 09 1 86
6 21 9 64 Noluion 7 04 1 81
6 24 9 67 'Dum's 7 01 1 28
6 27 1006 Blllotsburg 6 58 125
6 82 10 07 "Bernbeisl's 6 61 1 20
6 84 10 17 'Green Park 48 1 18
6 87 10 80 'Montour June 6 88 1 16
6 02 10 86 LandUburg 6 28 2 60
p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m
Train leaves Bloomfleld at 6.68 a. m..
and arrivM at T..nHi.Rnu -. . '
. , -"" w.e a. m.
"- g a. v.v. p. m., ana
arrives at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p. m. ,
All stations marked ) are Bag stations,
at which trains will come to a fall atop on
Ckas. H. Shut,
4. R. Buck,
Oat and aft -r Soadav Novemb- r 15,
1896, trains will run as follows:
Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at
4 80 a. as; Harrison rg S 00 a. m Duocaa
non 8 15 a. m; Now Port 9 96 a. a; Mil
krstown 9 16 a, as; Darword 121 s. m
Tbompeontown 9 26 a. aa; Taa Dyke 9 88
a. na; Tuscarora 9 86 a. as; Mexico 9 49 a.
m; Port Royal 9 44 a. aa: MiHia IN t.
m: Denholm 9 66 a. m: Lewis to wa IB II
a m; MeVeytowa 1018 a. m; Newton
Hamilton II 90 a. m; Mount Union II 06
a. m; Huntingdon 11 88 p. m; Tyrone 12 29
p. m; Altoona 1 00 p. Pittsburg 6 96 p. as.
Niagara tad Pittsburg Express loaves
Phi'adelphia at 8.80 a. m ; .Harrisburg st
11.46 a. m.j Miffl'B 12.67 p m., Lewistowa
1.18 p. nr.; Hnolingdon 2.06 p. m.: Tvroae
2.46 p. aa ; Altoona 8.15 p. m.; Pittsburg
7 00 p. m.
Altooaa Accommodation leaves Burls.
burg at 6 00 p. as; Dnncaauoa 6 84 p. aa;
Newport 8 92 p. m; Jfillerstowa 6 11 p.m;
Tbompeontown 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 80
p. m; afuxlco 6 88 p. a; Pert Royal 6 88
p. m; Mifflin 6 48 p. m; Denbolm 6 49 p. mk
Lewistowa 7 67 p. m; KcYeytewa 7 89 p
mi Newtoa Hamilton 7 60 p. an; Hunting,
doa 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. as; Altooaa
V Bo p.
Pscifle Kx Dress leaves Philadelphia at
11 20 p. m; Barrisburc 8 10 a. mi Marvs.
vi le 8 24 a. m; Duncannon 8 88 a. m; New
pit 8 69 a. m, Port Royal 4 81 a. as; Mlf.
flin 4 87 a. m; Lewistowa 4 68 a. aa; Me
Tetowa6 20 a. ; Huntingdon 6 OS a.
m; Tyrone 6 65 a. m; Altoona 7 49 a. a;
Pittsbnrg 12 10 p. m.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4
86 p.m; Hanisbarg at 10 1 p. m; Newport
11 06 p. m"; Mittlin 11 49 p. m; Lewistowa
12 68 a. ; Haatingdon 12 65 a. m.; Tyrone
1 82 a m; Altoona 8 00 a. as; Pittsburg 6 SO
Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p.
m; Harrrisbnrg 8 69 p. m; Duncsaoa 4 16
p. m; Newport 4 86 p. m; Mifflin 6 07 p. ia.
Lwtaiown II p. aa; Hoant Union OS p.
in; nnntingdon 6 27 p. a; Tyrone 7 04 p
m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsbnrg 11 89
p. an.
Huntingdon Accommodation loaves Al
toona at 6 00 a. m; Tyrone 6 28 a ra; Hnnt
ingdon 6 40 a. m; Newton Hamilton 6 06
a. m; McVeylewn 6 22 a. m; Lewistowa
6 42 a. m; Mifflin 7 01 a. m; Port Royal
7 08 a. m; Mexico 7 09 a. m; Thompson,
town 7 22 a. m; Millerstown 7 81 a. m
Newport 7 40 a. m; Duncannon 8 07 a m;
Harrisburg 8 40 a. m.
Sea 8 bore leaves Pitttsbnrg 8 10 a m;
Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 48 a m; Hunt
ingdon 8 80 a m; McTevtowa 9 15 a m;
Lewistowa 9 85 a m; Mifflin 9 66 a k;
Port Royal 9 69 a m; Thempsontown 19 14;
Millaratown 10 22 am; Newport 10 82 a m;
Duncannon 10 64 a m; Marysvilio 1 1 07 a
m; Harrisburg 11 25 a m; Philadelphia 8 00
p m.
Main Line Rxpress leaves Pittsburg at
8 00 a. m; Altoona 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12
08 p. m; Huntingdon 12 85 p. m; Lewis
town 1 83 p. m; Mifflin 1 50 p. m; Harris
burg 8 10 p. m; Baltimore 6 00 p. m; Wash
ington 7 16 p. m; Philadelphia 6 23 p. aa;
New York 9 23 p. ra
Mail leaves Altoona at t 10 p. m, Tyrone
2 46 p. in, Huntingdon 3 28 p. m; Newtoa
Hamilton 8 68 p. m; McVeytown 4 29 p. m;
Lewistowa 4 46 p. m; Mifflin 5 lA p. m.
Port Royal 6 15 p.m; .Mexico 6 20 p. m;
Thonipsontown 6 33 p. m; Millerstown 543
p. m; Newport 6 5( p. in; Dancannoa 6 28
p. m; Harrisburg 7 00 p. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 90 p.
m; Altoona 6 05 p. m; Tyrone 6 87 p. m;
Huntingdon 7 20 p. ra; McVeytown 8 04 p.
m; Lewistown 8 26 p m; ififHin 8 47 p m;
Port Royal 8 62 p. ra; Millerstown 9 16 p.
m; Newport 9 26 p. m; Duncannon 9 69 p
m; Harrisburg 10 20 p. m.
Philadelphia Bxprnas lesves Pittsburg at
4 30 p. m; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tyrone 9 88
p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p. m; Mount Un.
ion 10 82 p. m; Lewistown 11 16 p. ra; Mif.
flin 11 87 p. m; Harrisburg 1 00 a. m; Phil
adelphia 4 80 New York 7 83 a. m.
Trains for sunbnrv at 7 30 a. m. and 8 16
p. m., leave Snnbnry for Lewistown 10 06
tv Tn land 9 n. m b ttr lfilMw S JA m
10.20 a. to. and 8 15 p. in., wurk days,
Trains leavo for Bellefonte and Lock
Hsven at 8 10 a. m., 3 34 and 7 26 p. m.
leave Lock Haven for Tyrone 4 89, 9 19 p
ni. and 4 15 p. ro.
Trains leave Tyrone for Clearfield and
Curwensrille at 8 10 a. m.. 12.80 and 7 90
p. m., leave Cnrwensville lor Tyrone at 4 89
a. m., 9 15 and 8 61 p m.
For, rates, maps, etc., call an Tioket
Agentr, or address, Taos. E. Watt, P.
A. W. D., SCO Fifth Avenue, Pitta,
burg. Pa.
S. JJ. Pbkvost, J. R. Wood,
Geo'l Mansf er. Gen'l Pass. Agt
It ley Railroad Company. Tims table
of passenger trains, ia effect en Monday,
May 18lb, 1896. -
STATION3. West- East
ward, ward.
a l 2 4
Fh'ah All rai
Newport 6 06' 10 85 8 80 4 00
Buffalo Bridge 6 0810 38 8 27 8 67
Juniata furnace ... 6 121042 8 23 8 68
VYahneta 6 15,10 45 8 20 8 69
Sylvan 6 25 10 62 S 16 8 46
Watr Plug 6 2J:11S1 811 141
BloomHeld Jonct'n. 6 8lll9 8 08 8 88
Valley Road 6 39:11 09 8 00 fa
Elliottsburg 6 61 11 21 7 45 8 16
Green Park 6 54ll 24 7 40 8 19
Loyaville 7 05111 35 7 34 8 04
Fort Robe son 7 1 1 II 41 7 26 2 66
Center 7 15 11 45 T 16 2 49
Cisna'sRnn 7 211161 7 16 tit
Andersonburg 7 27 II 67 7 10 249
Blain .'. 7 85 12 06 7 08 2 88
Mount Pleasant ... 7 41 12 II 6 68 2 24
New Germant'n ... 7 45 12 15 6 60 2 20
D. GRING, President jnd Manager
C. K. Miu.es, General Agent.
Blck Rnadaoha anl raliere aB tle troublrs tnd
drat to a bilious state of the srstem. such as
DlzauMas, Kausea. DrowalneBs," Distress after
"""""i " m owe, c Wbile Uwir
minnrsaow success baa been
shown la etulag
Beadaebe. yet CAirrsm's Lima Lrvsa VtuM
are equally vatuabl ia Constipation, carina
and prereating Uim annoying complaint, wbllo
Ihrj also corns all diaordera at the atotnach,
stttnulate the liver and regulate tfae liiiaaal
Evas K they only cured
here, and thoaa who oaee try tbem will find
these Utile puis valaable in so many ways that
tvey win not be willisf to do without taaaa.
Bat after all sick imd
M Van ban of so many lives that hers te what
we make our .great beaj. Our pflla euro
WhilA nthflM rV. ma
. Cawrsa's Lima Una Pius are vary a
a doee. Tby are strictly vevtjblsasd
please all who use the. bvlalaatBBi
aveforgl. Sold overi wheie. or at by saaaV
easn gnicnri eo, w Ts.
MR bUlbL bTa