- , r v J! . . .. - . i'.iyFLIxVTOWN. '. B. F. S C ITW EISR tnrot asd ricrtuiot. i a.. . -.- - - -- Still After a Receivership. The Pennsylvania Traction Com-i has recently been crea 2y ia evidence ! belore Judge Da. I as in tho (Jotted States Court in Philadelphia i r the : appointment of a receiver. It i-i a ! concern in which Juniata cuaaty pe-j pie are interested to te r stent of . many thousand dollars, and a good : deal of the mocay nut into it was borrowed upon the r sia e aasurane ' I was unconscious at times, but throngh that it would eoan orov to ba a prof- s it all the idea was firmly rcotcd in my itable corcera for "all investor?! Simind tha "there is more life for mo, far it has been a delusive pbanturo.l cannot. I will net go." now raising them upon tha tip toe of ' . followed four days of complete . , 1 it - darkness, and when a little natural Mpectancy.nowdropp.ngthe.n ia., ifc accoIcr&nicd each the depths of 3. spondency, till a. night for threo wks by a drCiUa of mtr last they hava been led to tho brink encounter with -some vicious animal o: a r a!izit:.3 that the profits are ' beginning with a bull, then a boar and liito t'-n baseless fa'-rica of a dr6Boi, next a largo mastiff. This order never and that taeeuji l fads locking them in tho fsico tells them, that if tbey can got out what they put into the concern they will be doiag very wt-il. Th suits id the Uaicsd bt-ia r enetle luVhrr ' Court, knocks the n than a kite The concern is in such a shtpe that the United States Court has been called upon to appoint someone to take charge of the road an man age it or settle or rworgaa-za it to the satisfaction of complainants, ltoeb ling's S cs uiidpr tlif claim of cvr twenty-six th jusand dollars first ask- i ed tho said court to appoint a re ceiver, because they said the com- I pany had defatiit-d in thn payment J of interest, and bestu? of tho mis-' application of bonds, &c. Two dajs hiter the concern was ( again bsforo (ho court on an applies-! In the nest dream I saw a blue and tioa of Geo. A. Lse, represvutiu tho j white light growing iuto a crown, in Patterson maiagooient, praying fr ! which tbo word "Power" in bright lct the appointment of a r-ceiver. T;.e I tors was inclofcd. Tnis rrmod to give Lee party claim that- thev have the ! 'P' rirtiwifjtl. audcourage, and J . , I felt somewhat better, most paper against the concern . Tnwe a!gJllli ,h,CP X drcoircaof bSing They p!end that they represent about joa ,h Ji;ko GaIiloe lu lbo boat SO per cent, of the bonds The j vUh Christ and his disciples, and snch amount of the stock is nut slated, j a picture as lay bofcro mo is hard to lo Tbey represent that the KoebIing ! ficri bo. The disciples seemed cgitateel. Sons' iatert3t is email compared t j 1 the sea was rough, and the boat frail; their interest, and therefore tho re yet I was calm. The disciples looked r.t raiverabip should be handed down o I me utid then at the sleeping Christ, bat thc Lee combine. The I.se Bvndi cate claim a bond holdiog iut&rcst of ovt-r Feven hundred thousand dollars Tivo d-ys after the Lee p.ea for tha appaintmeut of a receiver a'ai;. came Koeblicg's Sons v. ith an addi tional plea of bond holders, represent ing over nine thousand do.iars, as-k-ing fjr leave to filo an atnon.iiDHnt lo their former bill cr suit for a rec liv er. Tae iaJre refused thir epplica- tion for the liling of an aromdaie'.t! to their former action acd that ru t-d thtm out on that line of action. The Lee application, Judge Da las bolus under ndvisf meet till tin's week His opinion is looked for tvery day. The interest of tho 'Juniati people seems to bo tied up with the Len movement, and it ia earnestly hoped that enr people maj' bo far enoug'i froLt v.ita the piipers tbey hold in the concern that in "the grand round up," as tLe cow bojs ssy, which seems eocn to take place, they may coice in eecuroly with the firft obligaiitn?, branded number oi.e. How ur.foti'i nate it would be if their traction pa per i hou'd come in the erand vim l up with two or three brands ahead cf their.;'. It would be a burning, blis tering shame if for orsr -psoplo's mon ey, they had been givtn wat-red bonds and stock bo fcr behind in the issue of paper that in the rcorgaciza tion tfcat now socma inevitable, they will be so far cut vith their hcldii-gs as to come in tmong the losers. Just how tho Leo combice Tvill reorgat iza the con.ps.Dy if they get the receiver shij , does not appear upon tho face of tho revealed state of affiirs. Nothitig now is clearly in eight, cx cepting that bilh parties are asking for, namoly, a receiver, lo save some thing for someone frcm the wreck that has overtaken the concern. Who will come out of the wrecked etneeru financially whole with a pocketful of money fleeced from the lambs thnt basked in the hopeful sunshine e-f ex pectancy the future wll tell. The 1rv was when bank cashiers and oth er bank oilicers could with a bol l and audacious front take money from con tiding patrons f.;r sfe keeping ou de posit, when they knew their brnkiiig concern could never rut urn tho ruon ej, bat that d:iy l as passed. Peni tentif v doors staL tl invitinctv opeu for bii.k f flioers who do sue-h tricks, acd tho day ia dangerously near, if not immediately prestnt, when meu who blink on a railroad plant tJ oveT isinc or water bonds acd steek to confiding people for the selfish pur pose of enriching tUemselves1, will be sent to prison as common criminals end confidence men. Sicco the above wa3 put in type the couit appointed a receiver: On Monday, November 30th court ap pointed William Given of Colombia, receiver. Mr. Given was Chaiiman of the Ponnyivania J effersoniuu dem ocracy during tho late Presidential ciinpa;gn. TWO VIEWS OF PENSIONS. Not Msny Ktch In Our Wan, Write Ex Pr,!!lut llnrrison. "Tliero rjay be fair differences of opinion as to the extent and conditions of pension relief, hut there is no room for doubts as to pensions, " writes ex President Harrisroi in Tho Ladies' IIo:ue Journal. "Eleven dollars a month for wur serv.ioo implies at least relief in caso of wounds or sickjiess for the soldier and that the public will caro for his widow and minor children. When the law of pillage prevailed, it was otherwise, and when our rich men tako to fighting our wars wo can abol ish the pension system, but thus far it is as historically true of the armies that won our independence, delivered us from tho Indians pud the British and saved tho nation iu tho great civil war as of the kingdom of heaven, 'Not many rich. ' 'There aro two views of the pension question one from the Little Bound Top at Gettysburg, looking out over a field sown thickly with the dead and around npoa bloody, blackened and maimed men cheering the shot torn banner of their country; tbo other from an cilice desk on a busy street or from an endowed chair in a nniversity, look ing only upon a tutiical table. " SINGULAR DIIEAMS. MAN WHO HAD THEM ASKS FOR THEIR INTERPRETATION. Though. Very 111 lie Loomed From Yiriaaa That lie Would Xleeover Dreams of Straggle smd th Next Day Ho Wu Very gore On the Sea of Galilee. Dreams are not with oat significance, especially to (hose who have a high sot purpose in life. And aa this subject is of interest to many I will relate a eeriea of dreams in my own experience to which possibly some one can give clearer interpretation than L Having been taken very ill in winter and this being my second attack, al; my friends and associate physicians said I was at death's door and it was no possible for mo to recover. It meant but a few hours, or days at tho most. varied. When the boll tamo toward me, I easily cud quickly vaulted the fence as he pinned it below mo. In my en counter with tho boar I grabbed him by the throat und threw him on his back. ,hns getting safely away. (Next morn-. 1" """" ,,....0 J were so sore that they had to be rub bed). Next the mastiff approached. I quickly gratied him by the Iarnyx till J could gt-t hold cf his tongue. This grip seemed to affect the muscles of my wrist and l:r.:id alone, which were just as sore and Etiil as formerly. After the cipiratiou of the threo weeks I had no dreams whatever for a few nights. When tbty returned, I be came more and more worried, until, after the last one, scmctiiiiig said to me: "This is good, not evil. You arc surely a conqueror." However, not much physical improvement was visl- bis. : but why to calm I knew net. PrcE?atly tho spokesmaa of tho grocp arose and whispered to tbo rest, and as th?y all pot up ho touched Christ and said, "Waster, cr.rest ifccu uot that we per ish?" Christ 'a fnco, as he arce and ro buked thcci, were aa expression of min gled gpallentsJ, Eterrnes3 and pit7. I was thrilled ns he held out his hand, with a graceful covenieiit mid siid, "Peace, be Mill." Then ccio a re markable calm a beaetiful sunset on a sea of ;;3ai!?. I eweko fsoling much hotter nnd with strong hope. iTy ixprcvei-tent was very j coticeablo from tlm timo forward. Then came a lull, which was follosrcd ! by drc;.ms cf a ciCe rent character for I another period cf three weeka. I heard ; glorious rnaru; ry a fall voiced cbojr, j commoticii: rt-gulariy at sunset and j eontiuuin until I was soothed asleep,' ! I felt mor3 vicreus after this expe rience. Th'.M!, fcr tho next throe weeks, I saw only a bcautifal bice acd whita light, just r.s I feil asleep. Aa I weut nho&t, rbiiged to ningio iu tho effairs cf dnily life-, I had no dreanjs for qaito cwhilo, being soine whiit worried by baiincss arid other cures. t ir.aJlT my v.-ni again ass&rcoa iteelf. Then began, lupins for threo weeks, a cerits of wonderful tests and sayings, which verc given to mo by a voice sufficiently ancible to arouse mo iu the morning. They would frequent ly ring iu my ears all day. This soemed to give mo power ever rsyself aud oth ers. Then I began to fret nieagos and impressions from friends ut a distance. Lastly, approaching rcy ofllce ouo morning after le-aving the cur, I seemed overwhelmed by a condition in which I was very happy aud uncoa.Tcions of my surroundings. When I reached tho cfBce, I felt a desire to be alone for a few minutes. I sat down, aud ruy eyes jlosed, when I saw a beautiful, largo star, and while I was locking at it a voice said audibly, seven times, "Let the light of life shino forth in you." Next morning the same condition came at precisely the same place, lasting until tho oftieo was reached. This time I saw a beautiful moon and heard a voice- speak tho words seven timop, 'This light of lifo, so free, ia yours. " The moon disappeared, as the- star had lone, after tho seventh time. I felt rory sleepy and dozed for about three aiinntes. It wonld seem that in these occur rents the regularity of the appearances md of tho number of times iu each case is worthy of note. Metaphysical If aga- iluo. Chinese Way The Chinese ura said to bo very skill ful in telling the time of day by looking Into a cat's eyes. When they want to mow what o'clock it ia, the-y will run lo the nearest cat, open her eyes, and at Jnce tell what timo it ia. This thoy do &y observing the size of tho aperture of the pupil of tho eye, which they have discovered is of varying size at different Hoars of the day, being affected by the position of the sun and tho character of tight, even when tho day Is cloudy. Now York Times. Crime and Cruelty. Crime 13 nothing but cruelty, nnd all sruoltv is criminal iu its tendencies. hurch Union. ' A VALEDICTION, For music Tart falls tho niht. bat r.ct for thoe Twill fade like thot of ycturduy. VThfin on co cieatn nlooB tho lea Tho tiicorous glints of rooming stray, " Tbra wilt have jiasscd to fields, unaoen. To meadows of perennial May. Where never vuors tbo vernnl preen Nor fleet the vernul flowers oway. If e'er I thin of thee as sons. If o"er I divrtim of theo an sped. Twill only bo in winter wan. When leaves He lorn and flower ban fled. But when anew tho sun has shone Its welcome to tho world of spring Btill by my side thou 'It wander on Aa though thou no'er hadst token wtng. Still beneath day'j dilnting beams Greet each new flower that lluy unfurls, Bttll mix thy monnur with tho stream's And blend thy uotdc with the merle's. Toen, as In vespertlnal dreams. The sun's tired rays receding slant, Bcvk, as of old. the wood where teems The nit-'htingale'B awaking chant. Fast falls tho nlffht. I will nnt weep. Ah. nol Not t ara shell be thy dower To carry throat h tho folds of slo-p leaf and flowcrl Fist fzl the nipht. More dark, inore deep, Each iastar.t grvfsrs its eerie swny. Farewell, farewell. I will not wcop, Bnt s.-ntle thee on thy journey's way! TSiliiain Toynlx.-e in Gentle-man's Magazine mi 9Zi tr e . r t. ir . .T " 0 Tor 5 Ustfad 1- You lias Sli LATE IT irivcs Won-aphits cf hundred; cf people who Jie LATTLY hecomo famoas, s;:c:i, for jjis'.anee, as fAyt. j-UA.e-n... '" of tie "X-UAY." IAN -MACLAUKN, DH. KANMvN. tho explorer: RUDYAUD KIPLIKO, the cU?bratc writer. 1 cs.aes th.s it i.-. the o-i: .- E:.c-c!o:ied:a which r.reseats all tho LAT"6T KTATii-.TlCS State, Territorial nnd National, r.vd ci : the woolo world it iis thw- 6;;o Grcrt, Pmci Reference Library for toe r'rof-jssionrl and Duress Ksa.Ue T eather, tue Svuocnt, tna Fa. !rt.., 1., i.ss.. ant. . .e.3. ..c. . - .,!.. j v.-nrderfnl varictv. incladintrntunerous engraved portra-ts JVIAQNIFICUNTLY ILLUSTRATED THROUGHOUT I fi V J i-. tl" To secure widespread and favorable publicity for THE NEV STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, we have dcriScd to tlace a few ir.rc-VV:inry sets In each commun-tv thror.'-hotit the ceuntry-for comparison with all other reference works as to pian, scope l-tei'c5 t'OPtmc-r.t aid general practical! and educational value. We f-t thr.t even' set will create a demand for others. Whi'o th- dis- -iba' :ou will be e'enSra! i a extent, it will last for i limited time only, after which our re-ular subscr.ption sale wnl begin, at urices -arr'-'" f von f. iS to 672 a set, according to style of biu ng. Now, however, to Ciuickly and thoroughly in troduce the work, as above sUt'dwe rjakc the price merelv uor.-iul (about the .it of paper and printing), the distribution ijein.'r limited to a very rew weelo, reservin;; the privilege cf withdrawing the offer at 'ny time when wc consider a sufficient number of these introductory sets, at the special pnV-, hr.s been .distributed. r)T,T,T , OTTrT TCTVf, fi v.r.y, xv VorV Citv. and a full HOYYTO SfXURii ONE OF THESE SPLENDiD SETS moncv will be promptly refunded.' Our confidence that the volumes wdl be cheerf ullv paid for is shown ty sending; a 543 set 01 dooks on payment of only $1. We also feel that you will thoroughly appreciate the superb new work and speak: favorably of it to others. Sample pages, with specimen illustrations, will also be sent on application unlU the offer 13 withdrawn. Wo refer you to tho ,v.ifcriprof this neffsnaner. Alwavs mention came of pacer vou see this offer in. Address ' Clerical Donee. It is to be feared that clergymen who have entered tho church through theolo gical colleges are wretched soholars aa a rule. The bishops have lately found it necessary to insist on an entrance exam ination on general subjects before ad mission to a theological colle-ge can be grunted, and tho results have been de cidedly startling. Tho requirements are almost ridiculously elementary a cou ple of books of Xcnophou'a "Anaba sis, some quite easy ljarm, iwu uound of Enclid and bo forth. Nevertheless, it is stated that a htrge cumber of candi dates for orders are so grossly ignorant that -they hitvo been enable to get through this exceedingly easy ordeal. London Truth. Craoping; at a Straw. Doctor Don't be alarmed. I was sicker than you are a year ego, and with the same trouble. Today I am woll and hearty. Patient (anxiously) Oh, doctor, tell mo, who was your physician? Water bury. Gun Accidents- John llowery living near New- bar$, Cumberland county, was in stantly killed on That ksgivicgr Day. Young Jlowerv was taming to a friend and had the bait of his gtra resting on the ground, tha barrels rrrainst bis chest. In swinging bis foot, it struck the tripge-r, ari l the hsromers being cocked, the gun was discharged, and tbecontenio of both barrels entered his cbest bdcI stom ach making a frightful wound, and before assistance could be given bim bo was dead. On th morning of tho 23th of November, David Holly t-f Center township, Per ry county, got his enn and prepared to shoot a hog. When he pulled the trigger, the breech pia blew out and the barrel burst. The pin passed through Lis lip and through Lis jaw, tiiak ntr a terrible wound, while a piece of tbe stock struck bis face and plowed up over the forehead, cutting a severe gash, bnt fortunately not fracturing the skull. H. was able to come to town, and Dr. Moore dres ed his wounds. ' Cut Le killed the hog. At JUoysviile, .Ferry connty, Ed. Ad&ms shot himself in the foreaim while bunting. Ho was resting bis arm on the muzzle of bis gun and cne foot on tbe fence, when bis foot slipped off the fence and struck tbe hammer of bis gun caus icg it to go off Tbe Dr. does - not know vt-t whether he can save the arm. One bone is badly shattered. w ip c. v' w r var w w Positiycly tlie Greatest Bargain Eyer Offered ! For Daily Use in Your Home or Office fSKlSl work in the vorld equals that matchless' Rffercnce Library, the New AME1ICAH ffl Kcsrly 4.000 nsres. Over 300 rniored iflans. Charts ani Dhierams. J$ VOLUr'irfS EreryVoInmsMec&snicaliy Perfect. The Ocly Encyclopedia Strictly "t'p to Date." secure this SpleaJid Reference Library ct oace lor continued use ana esjeymenu T'r" NEW STANDARD Ai'iCAN v- k.-,. Ail others arc from 5 to 1 avoirs 'i-iTir .s-r.'i)AtJ AillRICAN "contains hundreds 01 .i.v.' aiuietno na r-'.ner cncvcioRtdin. svrh. for instance, as "Till? X RAY." KIAr.I-S" "VilK AVI.AKTA EXPOSITION. "LO AK i'LlVlV of d-stiu-uishc-d l'oets, ?.utiiorS, Phyaicians. Ch-.-mir-ts. Philosophers and Scicr-.usts and withover 300 r.ewmaps. dia-rams and charts irom thcVKRY LATKST KXI'LORAT-iOI-.fa and STj R E o. dehae-.-:i:?Cor,tincnts,Kmr.ires,Countries,Statc3,Cit;os,Tov.ns.CitadclD,Sc0arJ cvfy p,i-ti-n of the known w Id. and forminer a Complete and Indexed Alias o, the (lobe. IHe a 1 A!L AliD AfiLiRlCAN U the best illustrated aud the test mapped Encyclopedia in the Lnzlish Lanjuage 55 IT se- of eight volumes of THE NEW STANDARD A M Eft CAN ENCYCLOPEl!A, m cloth bindisg, will be fonvr.rdcd to j-ou ci orre. The balance is pvab!e at the rate of $1.50 monthly for one year, or about 5 certs a day. If you prefer the half-Morocco binding, the- monthly pavmcnt will be $2. and for full sheep, ft- so'wr month for the year. We recommend the tlalf-Morocco 5tyie, which is particularly elegant and serviceable, and will last a lifetime. If not as represented any set may be returned within ten days and LEGJL. DMIJCISTRATOR'J NOTICE. Ettattof Samuel jt.Tkoma; dtctiutd. Wbeieas lftters of administrarir n on tbe rst.te of Samuel A. Thomas, late or Fer managh township, Jnnlats Co., Pa., decsaa cd. bave been issued out or tbe Orphans' Court to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons inilebte'l te ti e rdd es. tnt-i to n rko ininitdijte pa meut, and those having claims to present them prop erly authenticted for settleraeiit. Charles YT. Bcok. Mexico, Juniata Co., Pa., Nov. 21, lfSfi. CXECUTOK'S NOTICE. JLLi Letters Testamtntiry on thn estto rf Eva Auktr, la'e of Walker township, Juni ata county. Pa., having been granted In dne rorra nf law to the undersigned resid ing in Walker township. All person knowing themselves indebted to said dece. dent will pleasa make immediate payment, and those bating claims will present them troperly authenticatud for aettletnent. to Josiab GlIOBICH, Sep'r 22nd, 1836. Executor. -jgXECUTRIXBS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on tte estate of Edward A. Smith, late of Mexico, walker township, Juniata county, Pa., havine been granted in due form of law to tbe on dersiened residinu in Mexico. All pr- eons knowing ihemso 'es indebted to said decedent will please mihe irrmediato pay ment, and those navirg Claims win urosnm tht.ni properlj authunt catcd for settlement to XATILOa SMITH, Kat V. Smith, Executrixes ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estatt of Christi&M Brtggs, deceased. Whereas letters of administration oa the estate or Christiana Brijrgs, late of Walker township, Juniata Co., Pa., deceased, have been issued out of tbe Orphans' Court to lbo nndersigned, notice is hereby given te alt rxrtoni indebted to the said estate to make immediate payment, aad those having; claims to present tbem propeily authenticat ed lor (uttlement. Jacksoh Bbioos, Walker t ownship, Pa.. Angnst 16,1891). UDITOR'S NOTICE. In the estate of Mary McAllister, late of tbe Borough ot Mtmmtown, ra., deceased. Tbe andersiirned appointed bv tbe Or phans' Court ot Jnniata county. Auditor to a" lit, settle and adjust tbo first and final account or Jeremiah Lyons, Executor of the last will aod testament of Mary McAlU ter. ! tie of Mifflintown, Juniata county, Pennsylvania, deceased, aod to make dis tribution of the balance in tbe bandi of said Executor to and among creditors and oth ers having claims against said estate and ' Jt'm JCS, TITh CYCLOP. Prepared trader editorial supervisioa ct John Clark Ridpath, LL.D. arlhor e,f "Ridpath's Histories," eti, t isis'cd by a large corps of editors fn'l f -ver ' oo eminent scholars aud spcc:a'.ist. A SUPERB REFERENCE YORK treatirg over 60.000 topics (io.oo more than any other encyclopedia) covering . tho entire rieJi of human knowledge, thouglit and eudcavor. including The Art?, Science, PhilosopUr, Eistory, Bioj raphy. Geography, Aslrouomy, Geolcjy, Mcisorcle'ffj, fiavijat'en, Exploration, Dis covery, Ajricrdture, Horticulture, Com-merce,Fiaancc,Eihnolog-y,Zoo!o!ry,Eotariy, Chevaistry, Pfcyslolcffy, Mineralogy. Elec tricity, 1 tcolccy, Law, Kediclne, I'oUtic Ecouoniv, statistics, etc, etc FRESH FROM THE PRESS COST $300,000 TO PRODUCE The NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA is brought down to the prc-scnt time, and contains hundreds of articles on subjtL'. not treateil ia any other reference oil. Another impor tant fealu:c in wh'ch it stands absolutely alone is its very full appendixes which embrace ovar icosr.bdivisions. incsudinjr a Cicrrarhical EUt'onaiy, a l-ictlonary cf Technical Torres, a Gazetcsr cf fee United Slates, Srail!;ics of Presidential E eciicns, St?t; cni Territorial Elections, Re!i5:i3us Saaiarles Srailstics cf the Population of tse W.'i V. and a VeritatU Kine of OtScr Infonaai'c n on thcusan is of sttrjects cf universal interest and iif.pcrucce. IT IS MOW THE STANDARD Every school, college, court and public library, wl'.crc the work has been thus far introduced, has imnieeiiately given it tho. prefereace over all others. SiZH OF YCL'JME 2 ins. Thick 85 Wide 1 1 yt " Lbnj: -Lii ITS) f-ccsres 1KMEKATE F0SSE5SI0H of the entire set of 8 volumes. Balance paysh:c 51.50 nionihly for 02c year. r.MCYCLOFEDIA is the LATt.M' Uf ali- gcncriu rKiuiciiw old, and are silent regarding leECKMT topics of universal interest. ON." O against tbe said funds ic the bandg of the Executor, will meet all parties interested lor tbe purposes of bis appointment on Friday. December 18th, A. V., 1896, be tween the banrs of 1U o'clock A. M. and 5 o'clock P. M., at bis office No. 24, Main street in the borengb of Mifflintown, Juni ata cousty. Pennsylvania, when and where all parting interested as claimants, credi tors, legatees or devisees, heirs at law or in any other reepect are required lo make and prove their claims or be fercver debarred from coming in en said fund. r. M. M. Fennell. Nov. 12th '98. Auditor. 10TJRT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the lion. JEREMIAH LYONS, President Judge of tho Court or Common Pleas, for the Forty-First Judicial District, composed of the counties of Juniata and Perry, and tbe Honorable JOS1AU L. 15AK TON and J. P. WICKEKSHAM, Associate Judges of the said court of Common Pleas Of Juniata county, by precept dnlv issued and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Geneial Jail Deliv ery, and General Quarter sessions 01 toe Peace at Mifliintown, on the FIRST MONDAY OP DECEMBER 1S96. BEING THE SEVENTH DAY OP THE MONTH. Notice is herkbt oivbr, to tbe Coronor Justices of the Peace and Constables of the County of JnnHta, that they be then and there in their proper prsons, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon of said day, with their rec ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer rcmembernces, to do those things that to their offices respectfully appertain, and those that are bound by recognisance to prosecute ngainst tbo prisoners that are or tncy be in tbe Jail of raid county, be then and there to prosecute against tbem aa shall bo just. Bv an Act of the Assemblv, passed the 6th dav of May, 1834. it made the duty of Justices of tho Peace of the several coun ties of this Commonwealth, lo return lo the Cletk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the respective counties, all the recogniz ances entered into before them by any per son or persons charged with tbe Commis sion of any crime, except auch cases as mi, be ended before a Justice of tbe Peace, under existing laws, at least ten davs before the commencement cf the ses sion or tbe Court to which tbey are made returnable respectively, and in all cases where recognisances are entered into less than ten days before tbe commencement of the session to which they are made, return. able, tbe said Justices are to return tbe same in tbe same manner aa if said Act bad not been passed. Dated at Mifflintown, Ibe 2nd day of No vember in the year of our Lord, one tbouaaud eight hundred and ninety .six. Jam ca P. Caxhoosj, Sheriff. SberifTa OfHce, Mifliintown, Pa., November 2, 1896. JJEOISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given Ibat the following namrd persons have Sled their aecoants in the Register's Offiee of Juniata connty, Pennsylvania, and the same will be present ed for continuation an J allowance at an Or phans' Court to be held at Mifflintown, Pa., - m. a. aa oa, tw a- aft if aa. k m a aP A f S r" MA fBk WTkfZ O C. td Vu bwl t r ca-ijww u,,.l.""''J "HORSELESS CAR- IITW Mil EBIA RAt'Iiy," etc., etc. It also on Tuesday tbe 22nd dsy of December, D.. 1896, at 9 o'etook A. M. 1st. Tbe First arceuct ot Samuel A. 0.8'rutn. execa tor ef tbe last will and tes tament of John Gingrich, late of Sprnce hill township, deceased, Keller, Att'y, 2nd. The First and Final account et H. F. Smith, executor of tbe last will and tea tament of Anthony Hockenberry, late of Tuscaro ra township, deceased. Atkinson Av Penncll, Att'y 3rd. Tbe snpplcmeutai account of Daniel Kloss, executor or tbe last will and teste, incnt ot Irwin D. Wallia, late of Walker township, deceased. Keller, Att'y. Register's Oibce, 1 Anson B. Will, Mifliintown, Pa., Register. Nov. 23rd, 1896. J - -, TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tbe nndersined b avtng been restored te bealtb by simpfe means, after snnering seV' eral years with serere lung affection, and that dread disease consumption, ie anxiona to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of core. To tbose who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of chargs) a copy ol the prescription used, which they will find a sure core for Contumptiou, Jttihma, Catarrh, Mrtnekitu and all throat and lung Malaam. He hopes all suuerera will try bis remedy, aa it is invaluable. Those de- airing tbe prescription, which will cost tbem nothing, and may prote a blessing, wlfl please address, KEV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn New York. Sep. 9, DO. CAVTI03. TRESSPASS NOTICE. The nndersigned persons bave associated themseres together for the protection of Willow Run Trout stream In Lack town ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persona are strickly forbidden not to trespass npon the land or stream of tbe said parties to flsh aa the stream has been stocked with trout Persons violating this noice, will be pros. rented according to law. R. B. Patterson, T. H. Carnthers, J. P. Robt A. Woodside, W. D. Walls, Frank Vawn, Dyson Vawn. April 23, 1896. TRESPASS NOTICE. The nndersigned persons have formed an Association for the protection of tbeir re apective properties. All persons are here by notified not to trespass on the lands of the nndersigned for the purpose of huntinr gathering nuts, cbiping timber or throwing down fences or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation ot tbe above no tice will be dealt witb according to law. John MkshsBl, William Puffenberger, Gideon Sieber, Beaahor It Zook, x Mary A. Srabaker, Joseph Roth rock, John Byler, Samuel Bell. September 6 1896. Lona K. Amnw. F. M. Kmtu.. ATBIISOI Sk PEMSEI'l.i ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW. MirriONTOWN, PA. KColleetiac aad Ooaveyaaetag PP tv attended to. Orruia On Main street, ia place 01 resi dence of Lonia B. Atkinwin, Baq., ioptli Bridge street. . . Ootat,iow fTlXBERFORCK ICHWETEB, Attorney-at-Law District Attorney. MIFFLfflTOWir, PA OFF1CE IN COURT HOUSE. a.D.M.CBAWTOD,ra. BABWIM MXAwTO D1 B. D. M. CRAWFORD It SOU, bave formed a partnertbip for tbo practice of Medicine and tbctr collatteral branches. Office at old stand, comer or i nira mna ui mnpe streets, Mifflintowo, P. One or both of them will be foaDd at their office at ali times, anlcea otherwise professionally eo rar;el. April lit, 1886. P.DERR, PRACTICAL. DEHTI8X. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College. Omoe at old established lo cation, Bridge Street,' opposite Court House, fifflintowu, Pa. iTF" Crown aad Bridge work; Painless Eztraotion. All work guaranteed. I iiint oB"er for sale a ralnabie prop erty, situated in Ferroanagh townsDlp, x miles corlb.eist of Himtntown, contaioing 26 Acn . more or less. 1 acres or wood land. The balance cleared and ia geod atats of cnttivation. Buildings ordinary. but la good repair. A good spring of never failing gravel water nearby. Tbis property also contains 250 poach trees and 2000 ber- rr olants: 80 BDDle trees, besides other fruit. Tbe above property is si;aaiea near White Halt school bouse ia said townsDlp. For farther information address. COABLIS CORKIKS, 8-23-'3C. Mifnintown, Fa. Tuscarora Valley Eailroad. SCHEDULE lit EFFECT MONDAY, MAY 1895. 18, EASTWARD. STATIONS. v , , Xo.l No.3 DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Blairs Mills Lv. 7 2 00 Waterloo. 7 50 2 05 Leonard's Grove 8 00 2 10 Roes Farm 8 05 2 15 Perulock 8 15 2 20 East Wattrford 8 20 2 30 Heckman 8 SO 2 37 Honer Grove 8-35 2 42 Fort Bighftm 8 48 2 48 Warble 8 55 2 55 Pleasant View 9 00 3 00 Seven Pines 9 06 3 06 Spruce Hill . 9 10 3 10 Graham's 9 14 3 14 Stewart 9 16 3 16 Freedom 9 183 18" Turbett 9 20 3 20 Old Port 9 25 3 25 Port Koyal Ar.9 30 3 30 Trains No. I and 2 connec t at Port R oy a with Way Passenger and Seashore Express on P. R. &., and Nos. 8 and 4 with Mui east WESTWARD. STATIONS. . No.2No,4 nATl-V, EXCEPT SUNDAY. A. M. 10 30 Port Koyal Old Port 0.0 1.319 35 Turbett... Freedom Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill. . . . . . . . 2.8 3.7 4.4 5.fl 63 7.2 9.0 10.0 12.0 10 40 10 42 10 44 10 46 5 36 10 50 5 40 10 54 5 44 beven PineB. Pleasant View 11 03 5 Warble 11 U 05 11 5 55 Fort Bighftm 6 01 Honey Grove ...... 14.0 11 1816 08 11 25 6 15 11 35 6 25 Heckman East Waterford... 15.1 1 ! mr 11.01 20.5 22.0 Perulack ............ Ross Farm Leonard's Grove. . . Waterloo Blair's Mills Ar 11 4S'C 35 12 556 45 24.0 12 02 6 52 25.5 12 09,6 59 27.012 15 7 05 Trains Nos. 2 and ft connect witb Slaf Line at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doyle burg and Dry Rnn. J. a MOORHEAD, Superintendent. a MOORHEAD, President. . RAILROAD TINE TABLE. 3ERRY COtTNTY RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect May 18, 1896, and the trains will be rnn as follows: - p. m 4 30 4 86 4 39 8 41 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 4 66 4 69 a.m. 9 15 9 21 9 24 9 26 9 29 9 81 9 86 9 89 9 41 9 44 Leave Arrive a. m Duncannon 7 26 King's Mill 7.21 'Sulphur Springs 7 18 Corman Siding 7 16 Montebello Park 7 13 p. ra 2 28 2 23 2 20 8 18 2 15 2 13 2 08 2 65 2 03 200 1 41 181 Weaver 7 12 Roddy 7 08 Hoffman 7 05 Royer 7 03 Mahanoy 7 00 6 10 10 00 Bloomfleld 6 46 A 21 10 11 Nellaon 6 86 6 24 10 14 Dors'i 6 83 6 27 10 17 Elliotsbnrg 6 80 6 82 10 22 Bcrubeisl's 6 25 6 84 10 24 Groen Pk 6 23 6 87 10 27 'Montour June 6 20 6 0210 62 Landisburg 6 W0 1 28 1 25 1 20 1 18 1 16 8 60 p. m a. in Arrive Leave a. m p m Train leaves Bloomfleld. at 6.10 a am arriTOT mi uauaisourg at 0.47 a. m. Train leaver Landisbarg at 6.14 p. m., and arrives at nioomueld at 6. 50 p. ra. 1 rains mare ajoysviiie ror Unneannon at i. i a. m., ana t. 16 p. ns. Returning, arma hiviii, m., ana .oo p. ns. Between Landisbunr and Lovsvilla trains run aa follows: Leave Landisburg for Loys- tuio v 00 u. m., ana 1 ov p. m., Loysville for Land U burg 11 10 a. m and 6 09 d. m. All stations marked () are Sac stations at which trains will come to a full stopl on 1 signal, "I Om indft r Sunday November 15, 1896, .tains will ran as fellows: - ... WESTARD. War Passenger. leaves Philadelphia at 4 80 a. m; Harrisburg 8 04 a. IB Drjcean- non8 8.Se. n; New Port w C& a. sat Mil- lerstown 9 16 a. aat Dnrwerd " 21 -a. aa: ThompaoDtowa 26 a. m; Yan Dyke t 88 a. m; Tnaeerora 8Q a. m; Mexico lo a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a. mt Miflfia IN t. m; Denholm 1 66 a. n; Lewiatowa 10 18 ; Mcveytowa ivis a. M nrwtoa Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Uoioa II M m; Hantwgdon II IS p. m; Tyrene 12 2V m; Altoona 1 00 p. m; PitUburgO 9i p. ns. . Niagara and Pittsburg Rx press learea . Philadelphia at 8.80 a. f Harrisburg at rT-46 a. m.i Miffl 12.67 p. Lewis tewa ' 18 p. m.i Huntingdon 2.06 p. n.; Tyreia S.46 p. m 1 Alteena 8.1S p. n.s f ittabnrf . v p. m. Altoona Aceowmaodatioa, learea irris- burg at 6 00 p. at Daneaanoa 6 84 p. Newport 8 02 p. m; Jliilratwa II w.mat Tbompsnntowa 6 21 p. m; Tnaearora 6 80 m; JVexico 81 p. m; rort Koyal 0 w ra; MiUJin 6 48 . tm Denbolia 49 p. m; Lewiatown 7 07 p. m; JbfcYeytowa 7 80 p Newton Hamilton 7 6U p. as; Hnating. don 8 20 p. mj Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 85 p. m Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. m; Harrisbarc S 10 a. aai Marys. w lie 8 24 a. mi Duncannen 8 88 a. aa; Nesr- Pit 8 r9 a. m. Port Ksval 4 81 a. aat Mif MiB 4 87 a. m; Lewiatown 4 68 a. ; Me Ye town 6 20 a. n; Huntingdon SIS a, Tyrone 6 66 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. mi; Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 86 p m; Han tubers; at 10 20 p. w: Newport 11 06 p. mi Mifllin 11 49 p. m; Lewiatown 12 68 a. m; Mnntingdon 12 66 a. at.; Tyrone 1 82 a aa; Altooaa t 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 80 at. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 26 p. m; Hsrrrlsonrg 6 b p. a; uartcaaoa 4 16 p. n; Newport p. as; MittllB V7 p. n. ' Lwistown 6 27 p. m; Mount Union 6 08 p. m; Huntingdon 27 p. a; Tyrone 7 01 p Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 11 30 p.m. KAsrvasu. Huntingdon Accommodation leaves Al toona at 6 00 a. m; Tyrone 6 28 a ra; Hunt ingdon 6 40 a.' m; Newton Hamilton OS 1; Mcveylown o Z3 a. m; Lewiatown 6 42 a. m; M iff in 7 01 a. la; Port Royal 7 l6 a. ro; Mexico 7 09 a. m; Thompson town 7 22 a. mt Mtllerstown 7 81 a. m Newport 7 40 a. m; Duncaanon 8 07 m; Harrisburg 40 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg ' t 10 a i Altoona 7 15 am; Tyrone 7 48 n; Hunt ingdon 8 80 a ro: McVevtewn (15 1 ik Lewiatown 9 86 a m: Mifflin I ii 1 u; Pert Royal 9 59 a m; Thompsontown 10 I i; Millers town 10 22 ant; Newport 10 87 a U Duncannon 10 64 a m; Maryaville 1107 m; Harrisburg 11 2i a m; Philadelphia 800 p m. Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg nt 8 00 a. m; Alteena 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12- 03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 85 p. na; Lewfa- town 1 33 p. m; MiKtin 1M p. m; tl arris burg 3 10 p. m; Baltimore 0 Ou p. n; Wash iugton 7 15 p. ra; Philadelphia 6 23 p. m; New York 923 p. m Mtil leaves Altoona at 2 10 p. m, Tyrone 2 45 p. m, Huntingdon 8 28 p. m; Newton Hamilton 8 68 p. ni; Me vrytown 4 20 p. m; Lowistown 4 46 p. n; MhUin 6 10 p. m. Port Royal 6 16 p. m; JUexico 5 20 p. mt Thompsontown 5 33 p. m; MiltnrMown 643 p. m; Newport 5 64 p. m; Dancsnaen 6 28 p. m; Harrisburg 7 00 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at I 00 p. m; Altoona 6 05 p. m; Tyrone 6 87 p. ant Huntingdon 7 20 p. m; WcVcvtown 8 04 p. m; Lewiatown 8 26 p m; ifiHlin 8 47 p. mt Port Royal 8 62 p. ra; Millerst6wn 9 16 p. m; Newport 9 26 p. m; Duncannon 9 60 p. m; Harrisburg 10 20 p. m. ' Philadelphia Express leavea Pittsburg at 4 80 p m; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tvrona 9 88 p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p. m; Mount Uu- ion 10 82 p. ro; Lewietown 11 16 p. m; Mif. Bin 11 87 p. m; Harrisburg 1 00 a. m; Phil adelphia 4 30 New York 7 83 a. m. . LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Trains for Kunbnrv at 7 30 a. m. and 8 IS p. ru., leave Sunbury for Lewiatown 10 06 p. m. and 2 25 p. m.; for Uilrov 6 20 a. m. 10.20 a. in. and 3 15 p. m.. week days. ' TYRONE IMVl-'ON.. Trains leave fi Pelleronte aad Lock Haven at tl 10 a. m., 8 34 nd 7 25 p m leave Lock Haven for Tyrone 4 St), 9 10 p ni. end 4 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. K. Trains leave Tyrone fur Clearfield and CnrwensviHe at 8 10 n. m.. I2.S0 and 7 90 p. m.. k-ave CnrwensviHe for Tyrone at 4 89 a. m., 9 15 and 3 51 p ra. - For, rates, maps, etc., call onTioket Agents, or addrest, Thos. . Watt, P; A. W. D., 3G0 Fifth Avenue, Pitta, berg. Fa. S. 11. Pbkvost, J. K. Wood, Gen 'I Slansjer. Gen'l Pass. Agt jWEWPORT AND 5HEKMAW8 VAL ti ley Railroad Company. Time table of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, May 18th, 18. STATIONS. West- ' East ward, ward. , a I t " 2 4 fm'am am ru Newport' 6 05'l0 35 8 80 4 OA BnSalo Bridge S 0 10 88 8 27 8 67 Juniata Furnace ... 6 12.10 42 8 23 8 68 VVhneta 6 15,1' 45 2 8 60 riyivau 6 2') 10 52 16 8 46 Wat-r Ping 6 2S!ll 1 8 H 8 41 Bloomtield Junct'u. 6 31 11 09 8 0S 8 88 Valley Road 6 89:1 1 OS 8 00 8 82 Elliottaburg 6 51 II 21 7 46 8 16 Green Park 6 64 11 24 7 4t 8 10 Loysville 7 05 11 35 7 84 8 04 Fort Robenon 7 1111 41 7 26 tH Center 7 15 1145 Tip (49 Cisoa's Ron 7 21 11 61 7 16 2 46 Andersonbnrg ..... 7 27 11 57 7 16 40 Bluin 7S5 1J1.U 7 03,2 88 Mount Pleasant ... 7 4112 11 6 68 1 24 New German t'n ... 7 45 12 15 6 60' 2 20 D. GKING, President and Manager , K. Mules, General Agent. Pick Headache and relievo all the troubles sad dent to a bilious state of the system, such aa Dirziness, Nausea. Drowsiness,' Diktnsa attar eatine. Pain in the Side, arc. While their mod remarkable success haa been shown in curing Headache, yot Caktcs's Littlb Ltrn hu are equally valuable in Constipation, coring and preventing; this annorinft eomplaint, while Uiey also correct ail disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Kvem if mey only cured Ache they would be almost prioeless to tkeae who sutlar from this diatreaatea; complaint; but fortunately their goodnir doea not end hare, aad thosa who ooce try tbm will And these little pu la rateable iu so many ways that. tney win not be waling to oo wnaonx 1 MUarteraUaloKtuaa AO ss tne oaaa or so nun v nves t .we make our great boast. Our puis can it wnw wu, s no Boa. riwTVn T it 1 1 a Tuan Tin sen mj siisiS ad very easy to take. One er ro pills maka a does. Tbey ar strictly vagvuble and da net artpe or puree, but by their gentle actios pnunuivnom un. lavMuaatssf Bverer for $1. Sold ei j whete, or at by CARTER'S! f m in hat here f wusin) 0A8SIS nsicm OO, Vrw Tork. fclE SaUta .kJIfo 5 f . 1 ' 5