Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 18, 1896, Image 4
V.'HZN I HAVE TIME. tTliea I hrtve time. so many things m do To make life happier eod more fair For those whose live are crowded oow with care. I'll help to lift them from their lew de Jair, Wbn I hare time. When I hare time, the friend I lore a well Shall know n mora these wear, toiling daye; IH lead her feet la pleasant paths always. And cheer her heart with words of sweet, est praise. When I hare time. When yon hare timet The friend yon hujd so dear May be beyond the reach of all your sweet intent; May never know that yon a kindly meant To fill her life with sweet content. When yon had time, i Now la the timet Ah, friend, a longer wait To scatter loving smiles and words of cheer To those aronnd whoa Uvea M mow so dear. They may not meet yon la the year Now la the time. Indianapolis News. THE HELMET. "But. nnele, I lor my cotin." "Get out!" "Give her to me!" "Don't bother me!" "It will be my death r "Nonsense! Too'll console yourself with tome other girl." Tray " My uncle, whose back had beea to ward me, whirled around, hla face was red to bursting, and brought hla closed flat down upon the counter with a heavy thump. "Xeverl he cried; "never! Do you bear what I say7' And a I looked at him beseechingly and with Joined hands be went on: A pretty husband you look like! Without a sou and dreaming of going fntA hnnlwlrMnlnpf A n 1 rimj T aholllrt ' make of It by giving you my daughter! It'a no use your insisting. You know that when I bare aald 'No nothing ua der the sun can make me say 'Tea!' " I ceased to make any further appeal. I knew my uncle about as headstrong an old fellow aa could be found In a day'a search. I contented myself with giving rent to a deep sigh, and then went on with the furbishing of a big double-handed sword, rusty from point to hilt. This memorable conversation took place. In fact. In the shop of my ma ternal uncle, a well-known dealer in an tiquities and objeta d'art, 53 Rue des Claquettes, at tbe sign of the "Maltese Cross" a perfect museum of curiosi ties. The walls were hung with Marseilles and old Rouen china, facing aoclent cuirasses, sabers and muskets and pic ture frames; below tbese were arranged old cabinets, coffers of all sorts aud statues of saints, one-armed or one legged for the most part and dilapidat ed as to their gliding; then, here and there, la glass cases, hermetically clos ed and locked, there were knlckknacks la Infinite variety lachrymatories, tiny Urns, rings, precious atones, fragments of marble, bracelets, crosses, neck laces, medals and miniature Ivory stat uettes, tbe yellow tints of which In the un took momentarily a flashlike trans parency. Time oat of mind the shop had be longed to the Coduberts. It passed reg ularly from father to son, and my un clehis neighbors said could not but be the possessor of a nice little fortune, field In esteem by all, a municipal coun cillor, impressed by the Importance and gravity of his office, short, fat, highly choleric and headstrong, but at bottom j not In tbe least degree an unkind sort of man such was my uncle Corubert, my only living male relative, who as soon as I left school bad elevated me tc the dignity of chief and only clerk and shopman of the "Maltese Cross." But my uncle was not only a dealer i In antiquities and a municipal council lor, be was yet more, and above all, tbe father of my cousin Rose, with whom I was naturally In love. To come back to the point at which I digressed Without paying any attention to the Ighs which exhaled from my bosom while scourlug the rust from my long, two-banded sword, my uncle, magni fying gists in hand, was engaged In the examination of a lot of medals which be bad purchased that morning. Sud denly be raised his bead; 6 o'clock was striking. "The council !" he cried. j When my uncle pronounced that an-j gust word It made a mouthful; for a ; pin he would hare saluted It barebead- j d. But this time, after a moment's j consideration, he tapped his forehead I and added, In a tone of supreme relief: ! "No, the sirtlDs does not take placs before to-morrow and I am forzettlna that I have to go to the railway station to get tbe consignment of which I was ' advised this morning." Rising from his seat and lying down , his glass, he called out: i "Rose, give me my cane and hat!" ( Then, turning toward me, be added, ; In a lower tone and speaking very i quickly: j "As to you don't forget our conver- j nation. If you think you can make me j say 'Yes,' try it! but don't think you'll ' succeed. Meaawhlle, not a word to Rose, or, by SL Barthelemy, my patron 1 of happy memory, I'll instantly kick ; you out of doors T' j At that moment Rose appeared with ' my uncle's cane and hat, which she handed to him. He kissed her on the rorebead; then, giving me a last but eloquent look, hurried from the ahop, i went ou scouring my double-handed sword. Rose came quietly toward me. "What is the matter with my fath er?" she asted. "He seems to be an gry with you." I looked at her her eyes were so black, her look so kind, her mouth sc rosy and her teeth so whit that I told her all my love, my suit to her father and his rough refusal. I could not help It after all. It was his fault. He was not there; I determined to brave his an ger. Besides, there is nobody like timid persons for displaying couregs under certain circumstances. My cousin said nothing; she only held down her eyes while her cheeks were j cs red as those of cherries la May. I checked myself. "Are you angry with meT I aeltted tremblingly. "Are you angry with me, Koser She held out to me her hand. On that, my heart seething with audacity, my h"'1 on flr. I cried: "Eose I swear ltt I win be yoar huauaiidl" And m she shook her head and looked at me sadly I added: "Oh, I well know that my uncls 1 self-willed, but I will be more self-willed still; and, sjnet most be forced w ear es I will force tim to say l- "But howl" asked Ecee. Ah! how? Tbct was exactly rte dlf Acuity. But. no matter: 1 wou-d tad a way to surmount it. At that moment a beavy step resound ed In the street. Instinctively we mov ed away from each other; 1 returned to my double-banded sword and Rose, to keep herself In countenance, set to dusting with a corner of her apron a little statuette In Its faded red velvet ease. My uncle entered. Surprised at find ing us together, he stopped short and looked sharply from one to the other. Wo each of us went on rubbing with out raising our beads. "Here, take this," said my uncle, handing me a bulky parcel from under his arm. "A splendid purchase, you'll see." Tbe subject did not Interest me In tbe least. I opened tbe parcel and from the en veloping paper emerged a steel helmet bat not an ordinary helmet, oh, no superb, a monumental morion, with gorget and pointed visor of strange form. The visor was raised and I tried to discover what prevented It from be ing lowered. "It will not go down the binges have cot out of order," said my uncle, "but It's a superb piece, and when it has been thoroughly cleaned and touched up will look well that shall be your to-morrow's Job." "Very good, uncle." I murmured, not daring to raise my eyes to bis. That night, on returning to my room, I at once went to bed. I was eager to be alone and able to think at my ease. Night brings counsel. It is said, and I bad great need that the proverb should prove true. But after lying awake for an hour without receiving any as sistance I fell to sleep and till next morning did nothing but dream the odd est dreams. 1 saw Rose on her way to church In a strange bridal costume, a fourteenth century cap three feet high on her head, but looking prettier than ever. Then suddenly the scene chang ed to moonlight. In which innumerable helmets and pieces of old china were dancing a wild farandole, while my uncle, clad In complete armor and with a formidable halberd In his band, con ducted tbe bewildering whirl. The next day ah! the next day! I was no nearer. In vain, with clenched teeth. I scoured tbe Immense helmet brought by my uncle the previous even ingscoured It with such fury as al most to break the Iron; not an Idea came to me. Tbe helmet shone like a sun.- My uncle sat stnokln? his pipe tuid watching me, but I could think of nothing of no way of forcing him to glre me bis daughter. At 3 o'clock Rose went Into tbe coun try, whence she was not to return until dinner time. In the evening. On the threshold she could only make a sign to me with her band; my uncle had not left us alone for a single Instant. He was not easy in his mind: I could see that by his face. No doubt he had not forgotten our conversation of tbe previ ous eveulng. 1 went on rubbing at my helmet. "You have made It quite bright enough put It down," said my uncle. 1 put It down. The storm was gath-! erlng; I could not do better than allow It to blow over. But suddenly, as If overtaken by a strange fancy, my uncle took up tbe enormous morion and turned and ex amined it on all sides. "A handsome piece of armor, there Is no doubt about it; but it must have weighed pretty heavily on its wearer's shoulders." be muttered; and, urged by I know not what demon, he clapped it on his head and latched the gorget piece about his neck. Struck almost speechless, I watched what he was doing thinking only how ugly he looked. Suddenly there was a sharp sound as If a spring had snapped and crack! down fell the visor; and there was my uncle, with bis head In an iron cage, gesticulating and swearing like a pa gan. I could contalu myself no longer, and burst Into a roar of laughter; for my uncle, stumpy, fat and rubicund, pre sented an irresistibly comic appear ance. Threateningly be came toward me. "Tbe binges! the hinges, fool!" he yelled. I could not see his face, but I felt that It waa red to bursting. "When you have dona laughing, Idiot V he cried. But the helmet swayed so oddly on bis shoulders, his voice came from out It In such strange tones, that the more he gesticulated, the more be yelled and threatened me, tbe louder I laughed. At that moment the clock of tbe Hotel de Vllle striking 5 o'clock was beard. "The municipal council!" murmured my uncle. In a stifled voice. "Quick, help me off with this beast of a ma chine! We'll settle our business after ward!" But, suddenly likewise, an Idea a wild, extraordinary idea came into my bead; but then, whoever is madder than a lover? Besides, I had no choice of means. "Xo!" I replied. My ancle fell back two paces In ter rorand again the enormous helmet wabbled on hia shoulders. "Xo," I repeated firmly; "I'll not help you out unless you give me the band of my cousin Rose!" From the depths of the strangely elongated visor came, not an angry ex clamation, but a veritable roar. I had ; "done It." I bad burned my ships. I "If you do not consent to do what 1 1 ask of you," I added, "not only will 1 1 not help you off with your helmet, but j I will call In all your neighbors, and ; then go and find the municipal court-j cil!" j "You'll end your days on the scaf- t fold!" cried my uncle. "The hand of Rose!" I repeated. "You told me that It would only be by force ' that you would be made to say yes' I say It, or I will call In the neighbors." The clock was still striking; my uncle ! raised his arms as if to curse me. "Decide at once," I cried, "somebody la coming!" "Well, thenyes!" murmured my no-: tie. "But make haste!" "On your word of honor?" "On my word of honor." The visor gave way, tbe gorge plec also, and my uncle's head Issued from durance, red as a poppy. Just In time. The chemist at the cor ner, a colie&gue in the municipal coun cil, entered the shop. "Are you coming?" he asked; "they will be beginning the business without us." "I'm coming," replied my uncle. And, without looking at me, he took tip his hat and cane and hurried out. Tbe next moment all my hopes had vanished. My uncle would surely not forgive me. At dinner time I took my place et ta bu on his right hand, In low spirits, ate iltr'.e and said nothing. "It will coiaa with the dessert," thought. Rose looked at me. and I avolflet meeting her eyes. As I had expected the dessert over, my uncle lit bis pipe, raised his head and then Rose went to him. "Do you know what that fellow then asked me to do yesterday?" I trembled like a leaf and Rose die the same. "To give him your hand," be added. "Do you love bun?" Rce cast down her eyes. "Very well," continued my uncle, "on this side the case Is complete. Com here, you." I approached. "Here lam, uncle." and. In a whisper. I sdded quickly, "Forgive me!" He burst into a hearty laugh. "Marry her, then, donkey since yon love her and I give her to your "Ahl uncle!" "Ah! dear papa!" And Rose and I threw ourselves Into his arms. "Very good! very good!" he cried, wip ing his eyes. "Be happy; that'a all I ask." And, In turn, he whispered In my ear; "I should have given her to yon, all the same, yon big goose; but keep the story of the helmet between ns two!" I give my word that I have never told It but to Rose, my dear little wife. And If ever you pass along the Rue des Cla quettes, S, at the place of honor In the old shop, I'll show you my uncle's heV met, which we would never sell.- Strand Magazine. Closing Boars la Londob. Mr. Albert Larking, assistant secre tary of the Early Closing Association, writes that traders to whom legislation In this matter Is distasteful are mainly responsible for the introduction of any bill to redux-e the long hours of shop assistants generally, through their un willingness to fall In with the volun tary proposals made to them from time to time. Mr. lurking gives a number of examples of this kind of opposition. rtnd adds: "One would have thought a tj o'clock closing on four nights of the week perfectly reasonable, but In all parts of London our efforts to secure even this reasonable hour In place of 9:30 and 10 o'clock have failed. That our legislative policy Is generally ap proved Is evidenced by tbe steady in crease yenr after year of our Income from employers and assistants, tbe in crease for the first seven months of this year alone Iteing no less than 330. While waiting for leg'.slatlon, however. which we are certain will come, we have not abandoned our voluntary work, and It U hoped that when ws opeu our autumn aud winter campaign on the retutn of our secretary (from his enforced absence through 111 health) we may receive a more ready co-operation from the Loudon traders to se cure some reasonable Improvement In the present late hour of closing. One of the sad sights of London at the pres ent time Is to see shops of every thor oughfare crowded with well-dressed women, who ought to know better, as late as 9 o'clock at night, and who could, with a little self-sacrlflee, ahop earlier, and thus help to make the lives of the overworked shop assistants a little brighter and happier. We despair, however, of thoughtless women ever elving up their cruel and bad habit of late shopplDg until compelled to do so by finding the shop doors closed against them at S o'clock." London Telegraph, Indian Corn. A correspondent inquires on what authority the Youth's Companion re cently spoke of Indian corn as not a native of North America. Indian corn is one of tbe plants the origin of which is unknown. Many botanists have believed that it came from the East, but the weight of pres ent opinion Is opposed to that view. Alpbonse de Candolle, in his work on "The Origin of Cultivated Plants," con cludes that maize probably originated somewhere between Mexico and Peru, perhaps In Granada. The writer of tbe article "Maize" in the "Encyclopedia Britannlca" says that the plant "is most probably Indigenous to tropical America." Neither Candolle nor the Britannica Intimates that any one has ever suspected Indian corn of being a native of tbe United States. Tbe Companion's reference to the natter was In connection with the ques tion of a national flower, and It would have been sufficient for tbe writer's purpose to aay that Indian corn was not a native of the United States. That, Indeed, was what he really had lu mind. lie used the words North Amer ica as It is the custom of botanists and zoologists to use them, meaning tbe North American continent north of Mexico. See, for example, Gray's "Synoptical Flora of North America" and tbe American Ornithologists' Un ion's "Check List of North American Birds," neither of which Includes MexV can species. .An Introonctlon. Lutnpty Miss Goldle, suppose a man about my size and age should ask you to marry him Miss Goldie Gracious, Mr. Lumptyl Do please Introduce me to the man.- Philadelphia North American. Bad. "Don't you get awfully tired doln nothing all the time?" asked the young man who thought himself Interested in sociology. "Mister," answered Perry PatetOc, "I git so tired doin' nothln' that I can'l to nothin' else." Cincinnati Enquires i Revised Version. "Well, father," exclaimed the prod igal eon, as he made his appearance again at the family fireside, "are yon ready to kill the fatted calf?" "No," replied the old man grimly, "J : think I'll let you live." Exchange. Saved by Plan. "Be mine," he urged. "N'lt," she answered. Crushed utterly In bis fondest hope, he would have left- her forever had she not relented. "I mean no," she faltered. He was thereupon transported with Joy and gathered her to his bosom.- Detroit Tribune. One Thlnr. HeThere is one thing I like about you, MUs Daisy. Miss Daisy And what Is that? He My arm. Tit-Bits. A Hospital's Growth. The Milwaukee Lutheran hospital In ISC3 began with $200. Now Its proper ty is worth $223,000. There are two things men don't en Joy kissing a girl through her veil, or the visits of kin. People are very lenient with ectvn tricity until It takes the form of long finger nails. Carrie . aourfcm meat to every .-. (tan, nerve muselt Blood nd tissue In your body. Those who are afflicted with wasting diseases, scrorula, salt rhem. rheumatism, neoralf la. are tbe victims of Impure and impoverished blood.. To be well your blood Must Be Pure The great popularity of Hood's Ssrsapsrilla is dut to Its power to mske 'be blood rich and I nre. It oures a great variety of diseases by Its bloc 4 purifying and blood enriching quali ties snd thus It builds np the whole system. "I have been taking Hood's BaraaparlUa for eatanb of tbe throat, and It baa helped tbla trouble and given me a good appetite. I ree Mnmend Hnod's 8eraapar!lla to all my friends as an excellent medicine." J. C Ivusu, Ad Heoo, Ohio. Remember IrfloodTs Sarsaparilla J the best in fact the One Trae Blood Parlfle-. Hnni1' Pill eay to buy. easy to take. IIUUU r 1119 easy to operate. S6c OUR BOYS AND GIRLS THIS IS THEIR DEPARTMENT OF THE PAPER. QnaJnt Bayiaes ead Cats Dotage ef tbe Little Folks Everywhere, Gathered and Printed Here for All Other US tie Uses te Bead How the Monkey Woa. A race was proposed between a mon tey and foxhound. As the hound claim ed tbe selection of the ground, the monkey stipulated that any method of arriving at the goal should be deemed fair. "This," said the monkey, "Is neces sary, as It is well known that I cannot maintain one steady gait, like a dog." The judges said that the monkey should be allowed hit way, and that any method of arriving at the end of li.e race should be allowed. When all was ready, and the signal given, the monkey sprung nimbly upon the dog's i hack, clasping him tightly around the. uei.-s, at the same time spurring him on. When near the end of tbe racing ground Hits- monkey suddenly Jumped to the ' ground, and with one bound reached the goal and won tbe price. Wit often Is more than a match for muscle. A ITnalneea Kooater. Boh" is a rooster which drums up trale for his owner. He belongs to a Sun Francisco poultry dealer, and besides being a business bird Is a great fUhter. He will attack a man, horse, i iiog or cat with equnl disregard of the . odds against him, and be Is particular- ly combative when a stray dog hap-, pens akug. j Bob came to his master with a num ber of other chickens to be sold, but! there was something about Bob which j attracted the poultry dealer and he bob at none. was spared. One day when the door of his coop had been left open acci dentally Kob walked out Instead of trying to escape he walk-; ed calmly down the aisles of the mar-) koL stot)iin!T pverv few fppt to nrour ! lustily. A dog came along, and Bob at once attacked him, and to the great delight of the market men drove him away. Then Bob returned to his coop, and. Jumping up on top of It, flapped bis wings and crowed again and again. From that moment he has been per mitted to go and do as he pleases. When business Is dull Bob steps out dii the sidewalk and attracts attention to his master's stall by crowing at the top of his voice. But tbe cleverest thing Bob does la to take one of his master's cards In his beak and strut up and down the mar bet with It. In this way he draws many customers to his owner, for scores of people follow Bob out of purs curiosity. A Maelc Letter. Did you ever think what a strange let tor S is? It Is a serpent In disguise. Listen you can her it hiss. It la the wizard of the alphabet. It gives pos session and multiplies Indefinitely by Its touch. It changes a tree Into trees and a house Into houses. Sometimes It Is very spiteful and will change a pet Into a pest, a pear Into a spear, a word Into a sword and laughter Into slaugh ter, and It will make hot shot at any time. Fanners have to watch It closely. It 1 will make scorn of his corn and reduce ' every peck to a speck. Sometimes he , finds It useful. If he needs more room for his stock It will change a table Into a stable for him, and If he Is abort of hay he can set out a row of tacks. It will turn them Into stacks. He must be careful, however, not to let his nails lie around loose. The serpent's breath will turn them into snails. If be wishes to use an engine about bis farm work he need not buy any coal or have water to run it. Let the serpent glide before bi3 horses. The team will torn to steam. If ever you get hurt call the serpent to your aid. Instantly your pain will be in Spain. Be sure to take It with you the next time you climb a mountain if ycu desire to witness a marvel. It will make the peak speak. Bnt don't let It come around while yon are reading now. It will make this tale stale. How the Pis Got tbe Please. tonce lived on a farm In the west era part of Illinois. My father owned a great many fruit trees, bnt the finest fruit on tbe farm grew on a plum tree which stood. In the center of a small meadow, in which a few of the hogs were wont to run. There were a few other trees In the meadow, and alto gether it made a very nice place to be In on a warm day. One morning when the plums were it their beet my mother gave me a small basket and asked me to go dowa to the tree and fill It The tree waa Ua4ed with the bright ref plums, and 1 soon filled my basket, and then sat down on the grass under a large ahady tree to eat some of tbe delicious fruit. Scon I beard a gruff "Ugh! ugh!" fol lowed by the falling of a perfect shower of plums from the tree. Quickly turn ing, I saw six large hogs standing un der the tree quietly munching the fruit and cracking the pits between their Having consumed all the plums on the ground, one old hog that seemed to be the leader went up to the tree, and giving another "Ugh! ugh!" rubbed hla body against the trunk of the tree, and shook down another supply. I watched this performance for some time, and then Informed my father about It. It la needless to say the pigs were promptly turned out of the meadow. Chicago Record. Usefal Black-eed-Tanw Black-and-tan dogs are not expected to earn their own living, any more than dolls and other such pets; but the Indianapolis Sentinel reports an Interesting exception to the rule. As the story goes, the mistress of the dog Is also a keeper of hens. One of these was aittlng upon a "clutch" of thir teen eggs, and Don, the black-and-tan. soon bacame very curious to know why she stayed in the barn so closely. Tbe dog, as It appears, had formerly been given to teasing tbe hen, snatch ing her food away from her. and other wise making himself a torment; but this Intercourse had gradually turned Into friendship, and tbe two would sometimes be seen lying and squat ting side by side In the sun, on a bit of carpet in the back porch. During the three weeks that the hen sat on her eggs, Don used to pay daily visits to the barn, and sometimes would stay with ber by the half-hour. Then the chicks came out of their sheila. Don was Intensely Interested. All day long he scarcely left the barn. The next morning, when the hen step ped off the nest and with a cluck call ed her brood after her, Don followed. The ben fell to scratching, and the fluffy chicks darted hither and thith er, picking up tbe tidbits which the mother had uncovered. "Good"' said Don to himself; "I can help In this business," and to the ter ror of the chickens he ran In among them and began turning up the soil at a lively rate. Then he sat down and waited. The mother ben called back the chicks to the newly scratched earth, and soon they picked It clean. Then the dog took another turn. And so the good work proceeded, to the great delight of all the parties. SILK NEABLY THIBTY YEARS. BUJIXfAWT SEKVICK 13C THE WAB FOLLOWKO BY PROLONGED SUFFERING, Ulch rrlvate Urtcae firings Ills War. Iiibs Valor lata s Lire and Death Combat U gpaske of His Scrasalce Since the War. From th Tribunt, BbrnellsciJle, A'. T. There Is no man In Oneida County, Kw fork, who stands blghnr In the community than Mr. William II. Bnggs, a wea tbv fannor, and msldeut of Bridgewater, and a prominent member of the Q. A. R. Ills statement will not be news to his friends, as tbt-y all know whereof he writes, but It is oommi-n led to the consideration of the pub 11a, Mr. Briiren writes as follows: "It gives me great pleasure and satl.fao tlon to b atilo to give honor where honor is due, and to thnt end I make this eertillcats, hoping it may be the means of others heinj benefited as I have been. "I am a farmer residing nearBridKewater, Oneida County, Mew York; my name is 'William H. Brings, and I am 66 years old. I a:a an old soldier, and mcmlier of the Q. A. B., having served as Mk& private In Co A 1-4 Now Xork Anlll -ry, duriuir the whole tour Venn of the Rebellion. Thouph not a pensiouer, an 1 never an appllcaut for pension. I contracted through malarial ell mate, disease of liver and stomaub, from which 1 sutr-red continuonslr, iu various form. In 1S33 I had the juuudice, and it continued for year?, to a Rre&ter or lesser debtee. I never wns free from dyspepsia, fcrnl palpitation or the heart, and su ff ore! from uervom dVblli'y to such an extent that I could neither rest by nigQt nor work Dy day. Night after night 1 walked the floor tormented bv Vague fears, which 1 knew were purely Imaginary, and yet I eould not skaka them off. 1 came home In June, 13CS, and from then until 1891 I was constantly attended by physioians, having employed three at different times during that period. These good doolors gave me eeaaaioaally temporary relief, but the good effects of tbeir treatment quickly disap peared, and left me more despondent and Wretehedthaa ever. "I did not bf 1 eve in giving up, and was about toend to Dtica for another physi cian, when Mr. H. Si-ifert, tbe blacksmith who attends to my horses, recommended me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as he assured Be they bad done wonderful things for him. I bad read of these pills before and felt somewhat Inclined to try tnetr., before Set ter! spoke of them, but his recommendation settled the matter, and I became Dr. Will lama' pat lent. I took Pick Pills steadily un til I have consumed four boxes, growing better and better every day, my liver work ing freely, my kidneys actlna; normally. My heart no longer troubled me, and I eould di gest my food. All thai water brash, heart burn, bunting In tne bead, as if there were a great empty space In my cranium, disap peared, and life began to be worth living, whtch it ba 1 not been sinee my army ser vice. I was eared in less than one year from the time I began to take Pink Pills in 1894. and have been in fair health ever since. Of course, I have to be careful, as 1 sully eatoh eold, and it is apt to settle lu my right slde,.but a dose or two of the Pink Pills soon set me to rights again, and I shall never be without them, naiuss something Very unforeseen occurs. "I do not want It understood that t am easting any stress against those who are pen sioners. If 1 were needy 1 should certainly ask for what I am entitled to, bnt being am ply provided with this world's goods, I lo not require It. My old comrades can testify that 1 bave holped many a one of them to get a pension. "The above statement Is true In every par ticular, I certify on honor. "(Slimed) Wat. H. Bkioos." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in con densed form, ail the elements necessary to give new life aud richness to tbe blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions. Irregularities and all forma of wraknem. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from men tal worry, overwork or excesses of what ever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never In loose bulk) at 60 cents a box or six boxes for 4X50, and may be bad of all drug glxts, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. X. 'Whittler's Large Fortune. Whlttler left 1250,000, though for hla earlier poems he received nothing. Lowell, on the other hand, published his first poems at bis own expense, and to the end his income from them was small; and it was only in the closing ten or fifteen years of his life that Brown ing, who bad a similar experience with hla first volume, received anything from hia poems. BtrictlT. Hungry HIgglns What are you read In nor:? Weary Watkins Marklts. "What's de quotations ou sbirtVn "Unchanged.'' Indianapolis Journal. EbaTtasi Down. Cbollle Say, barber, are you shaving acwnt Barber (wearily, very wearily) Tea, air, I anv Texas Sifting. Goae Forever. Tvs lost my penknlfaT "On, yonll find It again." "No, never; I dropped It among the nepers on my desk." New Xork World. tr. - iJ Flowers lore the Sunlight rS3 and always turn to it. The modern housewife learns to love Sunlight Soap and always turns to it to help her out on "wash day" or any other day when she needs a pure, honest soap which cleanses everything it touches and doesn't in jure anything, either fab rie or bands. Oreater comfort Gettlnsr Bis tad la Trouble. Georgle Say, ma; typewriting aln' like handwriting. Is It? Gt-orgle's Mamma No, Georgia. Why do you ask? Georgie 'Cause I heard papa down to his office say to the typewriter girl: "What a bountiful hand!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. French Army Museum. Gen. Billot, the French Minister of War, has Jast fuuuded an Army Mu seum, to ba situated in the Hotel des Invalldes, Paris, and to contain an his torical collection of arms, flags and pic tures dating back to the sixteenth cen tury, when tbe first regular army was established in Franca. , Feed the erves upou pur rl.-n bl od and you wilt not be cervonv rurc b: o t comes by taking Hoo l'i Sar aparlila wbica thus tne grestdst acd but nerve tonic Rood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache, In digestion, biliousness. All druggists. .5 -. A despatch from Lowell Observa tory, Flagstaff, Arizona, antioiuicfs that the pilar snow of Mara has been observed in latitude 75, longitude 36, about two degrees in diameter. FITS stopped tree and permanently eured. No fit. alter flirt duy i use of Ua. Kusc's Great N'EkVK KtSTOREa. Fre SJ trl&l bottle and treat ise, tcnl -o lr. Kline. 931 Aich ft.. Fnlla, fa. A parly of four, under tbe direc tion of Mr. T. A. Mobley. will start from Lacotnb, Alberta, to explore northern Canada f r ;ni Edmonton to the Arctic Sea. The trip ia to occupy two venrs. How's This We oiTer One Hundred Dollars Reward fot any ca of Catarrh tuat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. . , f J. CHCifKT A Co., Toledo, O. ' VVe. the nnders-irneu. bava known kJ.n. Tisy for tue istt 15 years, and believe bim par. fu'tly honorable in all bu-inena transarttons and financially able to carry out any obliga tion mule by their firm. iw at ibuax, w aoieaau Druggists, Toledo, Vjuuiso, Eim.ha.v & Marvis, WhoUeals Urujirtsts, Toledo, Ohio. Kail's Catarrh Curs ix taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and uiucout sur faces t tbe .yiUin. 'ioiliuiunia1 sent free, rrice, 7'o. per l)ltij. Hnd by ail LlniKk'ista. nail's F.iui,Iy J'iils are the best. The tiJ.tl waves that wrought such destruction ia Japan are s. ;a to Hare traveled at the rate of 500 miles a i hour. t'n. Vi throw's fcootmn? tfyrun for chtldrsi ttethlnit. toliens ihs kuiih, leducea lulsinini tHru. allay, pam. t urei wmi eulia. Ma a mw Robber blew open tbe safe in the ban' at Cassville, Mo., and a c neider uLli) sum of money was secured. Cascsts stimulate liver, k'dneyssnd bow 1. javmr sioken, weaken or gripe. lUo. Tbaokery Among Friends. One of the prettiest of the many charming anecdotes of Thackeray was told by Douglas Jerrold. He was one morning at tbe chambers of Mr. Hor ace Mayhew, In Regent street, when Thackeray knocked at the door and cried, "It's no uae, Horry Mayhew, open the door!" "It's dear old Thackeray," said Mr. Mayhew, Joyfully, aa he opened tbe door. "Well, young gentlemen," said Thack eray, cheerily, as he entered, "you'll admit an old fogy." He took up the papers lying about the room, and talked with the two young men of varloua matters of the day. Then he took up his hat to go, but as If he suddenly remembered something he paused at the door. "I was going away," he said, "with out doing part of the business of my visit You spoke the other day at the dinner," referring to the Punch week ly meeting "of poor George. Some body most unaccountably has re turned me a five-pound note I lent him a long time ago. I didn't expect It; ao Just hand It to George, and tell htm when his pocket will bear It Just to pass It on to some poor fellow of his acquaintance." With a nod the tall, genial-faced author went hastily out of tbe room. Thackeray was a constant attend ant of the Punch dinners, and an Im portant member of the council which discussed and decided upon the con tents of the forthcoming numbers. It Is hinted that he and Douglas Jerrold, who always sat next him. sometimes squabbled a little, but nothing ever came of It. "There la no use of our quarreling,' Thackeray would say with Irresistible good humor and logic, "for we must meet again next week!" His Intimate Friends. It hi related of Father Darcy, one of the celebrated wits of Ireland, that be once visited the palatial mansion of a man newly become rich. He was shown over the home, his pompons host taking great pains to Inform his guest as to the cost of all the beautiful objects he saw. Finally, after making the tour of the rooms the library waa reached. Its helves groaning under the weight of thousands upon thousands of volumes, resplendent in the most magnificent bindings. Here they seated themselves, and the host said, with a sigh of snob bish exultation: "Weil, father, I have brought yon here lost, because this Is my favorite room. The other rooms, maybe, give pleasure to my wife and my daughters, but this Is my place right here among thess books, who are my friends. And these here on the desk (pointing to a core of ultra-looking volumes) are what I may call my Ultimate friends." Father Darcy got up and examined one of them, when a broad grin spread over his good-natured face, aa he no ticed that the leaves had never been cat "Wen. If glad I an to set that yea never ut your Intimate Meads," he exclaimed. ' UlmlTai tit. FT TRUMPET CALLS. fta-e Bore Bonnde a Wemla Rote to tae Unrod- eased. f I l HE3 moment a lie IS Bern, u glna to run. Isn't It about as wrong to be wrong, as It la to do wrong T Every convert ed man Is a liv ing proof that the Bible is true. A lie la always an enemy, no matter how friendly It may look. We would all love God more. If we would only trust him more. How much praying Is done In public that God Isn't expected to hear. Bringing prayers closer together Is very apt to put sins farther apart The devil has a good start In every home where there Is a moderate drink er. The children of a millionaire can only be slightly acquainted with their fa ther. The man who would be strong In the Lord always must not feed bis soul on moldy bread. Ther are preachers who do not claim acquaintance with Christ out side of the pulpit It Is doubtful If the church loafer weighs any more for good than a loaf er anywhere else. The man who Is holding on to a few favorite sons Is playing hide and seek with the devil. If the Bible In your home Is simply a parlor ornament the devil may walk In and alt down on It If some men would get nearer to the Lord, they wouldn't have to talk so loud whan they pray. The Bible says that Job sinned not with his tongue, but It falls to say the same about his wife. Isn't It strange that so many men think they can do most for the Lord where the pay Is best? The woman who marries a man to reform him has no time to take proper care of her complexion. It Is better to believe that there Is some good In everybody than that there Is no good In anybody. Look at it this way: The world and everything In It la yours to help you make a true man of yourself. Tbe real Christian will not shut up his Bible and quit, because things fall to go a he wants them to go. Find a man who loves God with all bis heart, and he will be found work ing for him with all his might Call tbe devil by any name that sounds well, and how quick he will pull In his claws and shake hands with you. One week a year of self-denial from every Christian in the world would soon raise money enough to bury the devil, horns and hoof. Waal billons or contlve, eat a Cs-aret candy cathartic cure guaranteed. 10o o. Zoologists ay that all known spe cies of wild animals are gradually di minishing in size. CoieGcarpntetd by IK. J. It. MAYKK, 1013 Arch U, 1 U1I.A..I'A. hole at once, iiu opera tion or delay from business Consulta:ton Iree. 1 nucReniei.ts olphyaKlaii. ladles aua promt ntut cluzeus. buu lor circular Oibue bouri j A iU W it'. M. Street sprinkling and the benefits to be derived from it are being urge-J upon the city of San Antonio, Texe, where the dust is such thct hou'ei have largely to be kept closed and clothing is spoiled sometimes after a few days' wear. MEN and Ladies" In tmall ton wishing to earn fl a week easily, write us: we will i- ?laln. Exckuiob ChkxicaL to., Kocbuster, ". . Lock Box 60S. Striking miners in several of the larger mines in the Hocking valley in Ohio voted to return to work at tbe re duced wages of 45 cents per too. An incendiary fire destroyed the First Baptist church and the Masomo tempel at Laurel, Md. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of tbe many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge thct so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value Rood health. Ita beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, Lnd sold by ail rep Utable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, then one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely Used and gives most general satisfaction. i I VIM )mVJ T CTTID IITVVIt ears say esse of conitipntfon. runnis are th Idl Ioxa-e AfiaiMJUlMjI UfUUUIlltive.aevermasrrrirbstnoseuTustDralres ta.-2 ale sad baas let free. 14. STFILTKO HfBTEDT a Good Wiveo Craw Fair in the Light ol Their Works." Especially if They Use APOLIO ; ssssssssssssssssas-a- ' , Jl T The air i-fter a heavy snowfall or hoeer is u-Ital y very cle't. because the ei.oa or r.un in fulling bnoga down witr it nvsn-f the du-t all I im purities, and Jeavea the atruosphera exceedingly clear. Jest; try a We. be ef Cssesrets, In and bowel regulator ever i Having taken bis bride'r name upon marriage, a Topeka man who is suing for divorce wants now to regain th. un tarnished name of his hey day Dent Tobacco Spit an Smoke Veear Use Away. If yon want to on loouorO nsilii easily ju forever, rernin ios. nianuood, be nadejmU, atrong. m en-tie, fall ot new liljjjd viear, take No-lo-Bic, the wonder-worker tba makes weak men stronjr. Many gala seal pounds in ten days, over 400,'XO eared. Boy Vo-To-Hao from yonr own itm(t?tat. DBder aNOiu!e U'rnte to cure. Book and sample tree. Aftiirens sterling rtenutdy C.Cnl S er Kew York, The entire population of the. state of New York (6,513,344; could I find standing room on a tract of only one square mile ia extent We have not b e i without P1v" Cure se tJouiuupMon for a) years Lizzia Fibbei uaaa st, Harrisbun;, I'a., May . Thirty years ago, Ihere were only two dozen explosive compounds known to chemists; now there are over a thousand. Lydia. E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound. It speedily relieves irregu larity, suppressed or painful men etrnations, weakness of the stomach. Indigestion, bloating', leuoorrhoaa, womb trouble, flooding, nervous pros tration. headache, ceneral debility. j etc. Symptoms of Womb Troubles) ' are dlzzmes9, famtness, extreme laasi i tude, "don't care" and "want-io-be-left-alone" feelings, excitability, irri j tability, nervouspess, sleeplessness," j flatulency, melancholy, or the "blues," i and backache Lydia E. Pinkham'a I Vegetable Compound will correct all ! this trouble as sure as the sun .hice3. That Bearing-sown Feeling, carsinjr pain, weight, and backache, is instantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. " It is wonderful foe Kidney Complaints in either sex. j. Mr. A. W. Bareh, an attache of the Rome, N. Y.p Sentinel, writes September 51b, 1395: "la eonver-e-tlon with one of our merchants a fee d:iy3 ago, I lenrucl tbnt his wife, who had buen ia very pjor health, its reirninins I;er health aud etr-ntb, tind thtt she attributed has recovery to lti i ana Tabnlee. I re quested an Interview, whioh was granted, sal tho lady oheerfully (rave me tbe Inclosed testimonial: For a long tiiuel have been Inter ested in the advert isemeots cf iiipan Tnbulef, whieti I have seen in the Rome Se-itixel nn-i tito li-a ling mag azines. Tho advertisements seemed to bo hont-st and I grew to believe them. I tried to obtaiu some of the Tabuing, bat found that none of the druggists in this elty kept them. I was determine to glvethem atrial, and at Inst procured a box by send ing to Utli'O. I had suffered from ln.iiK&ition, sour stomach, heartburn and distress iu my stomach after eatln?. I began Dy taking a Tabttle after my breakfast and rapper and experienced immeJinte relief, and la a few daystbe distressing symptoms had eatlroly disappeared. Kow when I cat anything that usually disagrees with me I take one Tabale and avoid unpleasant consequences. I have also found lu them a very agreeable relief for constipation. (Signed), Mas. O. B. Euoo, M Liberty St., Borne, N. X.' " Rlpvi. Tubules are sold 07 drusvlsts, er by nual If me nrlee (5'1 on! a bj) is s-at to fas sUpaas Chemical cuany. No. lUSpruos st, Msw York. Sample vial, to cents. State and Local Agents, Mile and Pessale, Tboe hnvin? na-1 suftieient experience te warrant their taklnir ciinre of luree territory will do well to address us at once. We are in a position to suit Hliiimt everybody, boto as to territory and tt-rai- A modern and taking plan. Mck and lieat-i i enefiis. Write fir terms. CHIOH BENEFICIAL AS3OCIATI0H, It IKS AM ltl'ILMSli, Trenton, N. J. FOR FIFTY YEARS 1 MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP bas ben used tT millions of mother for thtr children while Teethinsr for over Fifty Year It soothes ttiecliild, softeus the gums, mUy all pain, cure wind colic, and is thm bm romedv for fltrtrrhcpo. Twcntylive Cents a Bottle. e lenis a uottie. m MONEY COl.O, SILVKU.... ....book rstsK. Iaw Danehr, C'elussbae, O. GPIU Maand whisky hnbits cured. Book tent 'i tree Dr. u. M oLLEV,ArLaTa,ua 3 Rnrs rettaf 1 eenjwa , - - . . iu,,'rtMa aafonai R'DUr.Bo PAS 1 itUSruaaa, P FNSinNR PATENTS. CLAIMS. 'jOH N W MOh V iS, WASHWSmOJ. Itsm arlnclal xaounsr XS. S. P U iMS WeWs UletjUUlCwUUi sU-IIBBS. aswaws CUUtS WriUH ALL U; Uf.iiLt an ti ii 1 Cough ttyrup. Tastes Good. C8 in limp. rvn ny cnicoisrs. DRUGGISTS I CO.. Chiraro. Sontreul. Can. . or Svm Tors. Sll.i J1fTpS? jbj Best