Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 04, 1896, Image 1

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NO. 47.
CT-IAirrillt It. ttJontlnne-o.
- Edith Grace beard the sound of Sin
Leigh's Invalid chair moving towards the
dining room door, the door open and the
thalr pass down the ball and into Mrs.
Iigh's bedroom; and then the dragging,
lame footsteps of the hunchback on the
tiles of the bark ball.
Sudden! j- she beard a sound that made
ber heart stand still, her breath cease to
come. She grew rigid with terror. She
heard a something soft sliding over the
outside of her door. A hand! It touched j
and rattled tue handle, A he cancue torn
td, and with a low, dull sound the door
Leigh entered the room with slow, de
liberate, limping step. She could bear
the footfall of his left foot and the slight,
brushing touch of b!s right foot aa he
drew It after the left.
"Hah!" he muttered, "how cool and re
freshing the rain is. What is It I came
Into tills room for? Star- Let me think.
Oh, yes! my mother asked me to put the
window down before I went upstairs. I
will. There!"
He let the window down without any
regard to the noise. It smote harshly
upon the sill. Edith did not move, Aid
not make a sound. Leigh turned awny
from the window, and began slowly re
tracing his sti-ps to tho door, mattering:
"Yp9. he has run away; ran away
from this house a few honrs after enter
ing it. Hun away, frightened, terrified
by my Dullness. We shall see, Edith
(race. We shall see. I did not tell my
mother the name of the girl I mean to
marry. She shall know It soon enough,
and not all the wiles or force of man shall
keep me f.otn my purpose, keep Edith
Urace from me!"
Oscar Leigh turneJ, fumbled for the
4oor handle, and, having found it, went
aut of the room, closing and latching tb
door qnietly after him. Then she heard
him toilfuliy, ponderously, going upstairs.
Presently a dour above was closed, and
complete silt-tire fell npon the honse. The
pell lifted from the girl, and she sank
back In the chair with a tremulous, heavy
algh of relief.
Edith did not know how long she sat
with her face covered with her bands.
When she took them from before her
face and looked at the window it was
light. Oscar Leigh had lowered the win
dow. She cangbt the sash and raised It
very gently. In a mlnnte she was ontsidu
the gate Oil tbe r.pen road. She closed the
gate noiselessly behind her, and hastened
In five minutes she located the village,
and in an hour she was at the railroad
depot. Tbe city-bound train was wait
ing. She bought a ticket and went into
the rear coach. No one else was yet
aboard, and entering the last seat, she
sat far back In Its dim corner. Now the
full effect of ber long walk,, the reaction
from the excitement of the night and
want of sleep fell npon her with leaden
weight of drowsiness. Other passengers
began to arrive, but she did not even open
her eyes to observe them. One of the
newcomers paused as he saw her, stared
vaguely, end qnietly sat down in the
eat opposite across tbe aisle. In less
than a mlnnte the train steamed ont of
the station. The girl slept on with a
mile of relief and deliverance around her
fresh yoong month.
Tbe traveler was a short, deformed
man, and carried a heavy, crooked walk
ing stick. Fot a few minutes after the
train began to move he remained with
out moving. The girl slept bavlly, sway
ing slightly from side to side with the mo
tion of tbe train; ber two gloved hands
lay placidly on her lap. Between the
thumb and forefinger of her right hand
was the ticket she had bought, represent
ing all the money she had had.
When the trala had been live minutes
on its way and bad gained its full speed
the man leaned toward the sleeping girl,
and, with infinite gentleness and care,
drew the ticket out of her band, keeping
his eyes on ber eyelids the whole time.
Without taking bis eyes off her face he
raised his right hand, tbrnst it, holding
the ticket between his thumb and finger,
out of the carriage window, and dropped
the ticket into the rushing air. Then he
sat back In his corner opposite Edith, and
sighed and smiled.
It was early in the afternoon the same
day. The rain of the night before had
been general. It had fallen heavily in
the city and washed and freshened the
dusty, parched streets. Even Ohetwynd
street, a third-rate thoroughfare, looked
- gay In comparison with its usual squalor,
for it had been scoured clean and sweet
ined by the waters of heaven.
The two most prosperous shopkeepers
In the place were Mr. Williams, landlord
.of the public bouse, and Mr. Forbes,
baker, at the opposite corner. Mr. Wil
liams' house was all glitter and bright
ness on the ground floor, it had two
large plate glass windows, divided only
by a green and gilt iron pillar. Mr.
Torbes was not so lavish of glass or gas
light as his neighbor. His only window
on the shop floor was composed of panes
of moderate si2. Beyond the shop door,
was another door belonging to him; the
door to the staircase and dwelling part of
the house above the shop
For the second floor he had a most re
spectable tenant, who paid his rent with
punctuality, and gave no trouble at all.
There were three rooms on the second or
top floor. A sitting room, a bed room and
a K ork shop.
Tbe tennnt of the top floor of the
bakery was Mr. Oscar Leigh. The room
over the hall wjis bis bedroom; to- room
aver the store was nis sirring room; roe
loom looking into the street was his
a-ork shop.
That Thursday afternoon he walked
ilowly along Chetwynd street, nodding
pleasantly to those he knew slightly, and
exchanging cheerfnl greetings with those
he knew better. When he came to the
public house be entered.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Williams,". said
the newcomer, wriggling up on a high,
sane-seated stooL
,. "Good afternoon. Mr. Leigh," e'd the
landlord In a gracious and pleasant voice.
"Very hot walking out of doors."
"Very. Wil' yon have a brandy"
"It's almost too hot. But 1 will, as
rou are kind enough to ask me."
The landlord busied himself getting the
drinks, and then set them on the counter.
The hunchback drained his glass at one
draught, the landlord sipped him.
j "I wanted that badly," said Leigh,
j "What's the matter, Mr. Leigh? Any
' thing wrong down in. the country?"
"No, no. 1 feel better already. Give
me another. I'm tired. I've had such
s morning.
t'p to this point of the conversation it
had been obvious the two men were not
ipeaking freely. Now suddenly. Leigh
leaned over the counter and spoke In a
"Did you watch?" he asked, keenly
and anxiously.
"I did."
"At between twelve and one?"
"And did yon see anything?" tremu
lously. "I did," stolidly.
"You told me a man was to come and
wind up yonr clock, as near to twelve as
could be, and you asked me to watch him
and see that he was sharp to his hour and
that he wound up the machinery by the
left-hand lever close to the window."
"Quite right. I wanted to find out If
the fellow would be punctual and do my
work for me while 1 was away in tbe
"I saw a man sitting In your place, and
in a few seconds be began to wind up
tho machinery."
"I am most desirous to know all facta,
nil you saw. Yon know how well I have
guarded the eorets of my great clock.
I am most anxious that no one but this
man who wound the clock for me last
night should learn anything about It."
"And can't he tell everybody if he cores
to betray you?"
"Not very well. He cannot. He is deaf
and dumb, and can't write," with a tri
umphant smile.
"We were shut a minute before half
pnst twelve by my own watch. 1 kept
my eyes on him until half-past twelve.
He mait have turned out the light before
he got up. fur the gus went out at bait
past twelve. Just as he stopped working
tiae lever."
"Well, rou have dune me a good turn
in keeping your eye on that fellow for
me, and you're going to do me another
good turn by saying nothing about it.
Hare you ever heard auything of Al
berttis Magnus?"
"Albortus Magnus was a man who
studied niagio, one if tbe greatest of tbe
magicians of eld. He attributed wonder
ful powers to the powdered aspbaltum oi
mummies, the old pitch which tbe ancient
Egyptians poured hot over the dead. It
was used by the Egyptians to prevent
the ravages of time upon the faces of th
dead. Now, 1 am going to paint the
dials of my clock with mummy pitch te
prevent time ravaging the faces of my
"I always said, Mr. Leigh, that you
were a wonderful, a most wonderful
"And to-day I bought a mummy, the
mummy of a- great Egyptian prince, fot
I mast have good mummy aspbaltum to
preserve the faces of my clock from the
influence of time.
When Oscar Leigh emerged from the
door of the public house he moved rap
idly along tbe front of Forbes' bakery
until be reached the private entrance tc
that bouse. Then be 'opened the dooi
with a latch key ana entered. He as
cended the stairs, found himself oppo
site the door of his flat, opened that door
with another latch key, and went In.
The little man slammed the door behlsd
him, came to the sitting room, passed
through it, then through tbe sleeping
chamber beyond and thence Into the
workshop or clock room. The latter door
he unlocked with a small patent key. He
pushed tbe door open very cautiously.
Some small object placed on the Inside
against theaiocr, fell with a slight noise.
It was caused by the overturning of a
small metal egg-cup on the floor. It had
been so placed that the door could not
be pushed open from the passage without
upsetting it:
"Here is conclusive proof thst my sanc
tuary has been inviolate wbile I hav
been from home," be muttered. "Pool
Williams! A useful man in bis way.
very. A worthy soul 1 have succeeded
in my first great experiment. I wondet
bow it goes with my dnmb deputy ul
last night? Ha-ha-ha!"
He turned away from tbe door and
confronted a thicket of shafts and rodi
and struts and girders and pipes aut
pulleys and wheels and drums and chaini
and levers and cranks and weights anc
springs and ennes and cubes and bnmnier
and cords and bands and bells and hel
lows and gongs and reeds, through all oi
which moved a strange weird tremulous
ness and plaintive perpetual low sounds
and little whispers of air aid motion, at
though some being, feltherto uncreated,
were about to take visible life out of in
ertia, and movv in the form of a vast har
monious entity in which ail this distract
ing detail of movement would emerge
Into homogeneous life.
The framework of tbe clock consisted
of four upright polished steel pillars,
which touched the celling of the room
about nine feet from the floor. One side
of the parallelogram measured twelve
feet the other ten. The sole window In
the room was in the middle of one of the
larger sides of the parallelogram, and
could be approached only through tbe
body of the clock Itself. The body of the
clock close by the window was not fully
filled op with mechanism, and this free
space, combined with tbe embrasure of
the window, made a small Interior cham
ber, in which were a stout bigh-b.icked
easy chair, and an oak watchmaker's
bench. The framework of the clock was
secured to the floor by screws.
After a long and searching look through
the metallic network of the machine.
Oscar Leigh sat down on the chair, and
gar kteMif ip to theaght. . ..
"Ay," be said, crossing one of his short
legs over the other. - "I have succeeded
so far in my labors here. 1 began my
rlork as an excuse, aa a cloak to cover
any other matter that might come my
way. It has grown on me from day to
day, from week to week, from mouth to
month, from year to year, until it has
welled in size and effiescy altogether be
yond my original designs or desires.- I
wished to have a slave that might be used
as an excuse for solitariness and eccen
tricity in dealing quietly in precious met
als and precious stones, and now I Und
myself face to face with a master. Whith
er will this master lead me? I do not
know. I do nol care. 1 first intended this
room as a chamber of mystery; it has be
come a cave of magic. My heart ought
to be drank with Joy. My heart would be
drunk with Joy only for " He paused
and waved his band before his eyes as if
to clear tbe air before him. . "Only for
that girl. This mere girl, this mere
Edith Urace, this mere Edith Grace whom
I have seen. What noise Is that in the
street? Something out of the common."
He canght bold of one of tbe polished
steel pillars that formed the framework
of the breathing machine and dropped
his chin on his misshapen chest. "With
care I could now become rich no matter
how. A fortnight ago I brought all my
arrangements to perfection. 1 have hit
upon a plan for transcending the won
ders of mystery gold with its tin and
platinum and copper Imposture. I have
hit npon a plan of making miracle gold)
A fortnight ago 1 had made up my mind
to go on with its manufacture. I am but
a weak, fickle creature. 1 who had been
so firm and strong, and whole hearted!
I advertise for a companion for my pool
old mother and I see this girl, this Edits
Grace, with her airs and graces and high
notions. And now she will not hare me,
she will not r;st under the roof to whlcb
I am free, she flies from me as from vllt
contagion, and I am driven back upon
this miracle gald. Timmona will be her
with some of it to-night. That is the
first step on the way down. Ah, there's
that noise again below. Let me see what
It Is." ;
(To be continued.)
The Merchant's Bluff Indicated Bis
Traa Standing- to Hi. Creditors.
" 'Tls truo as the book," says a Mains
lawyer, "that more crimes are discov
ered through the efforts made to pre
vent discovery than In any other way.
Tbe mind of the wrongdoer is not sat
lsfled with simply keeping still. It li
nneasy and overcautious, and leads Its
owner pretty surely to do some act h
would not hare done if Innocent In
Just the same way shrewd business
men read the minds of their debtors,
Let an apparently prosperous man be
come seriously Involved, and very
often he will try to screen his real situ
ation by doing things that Imply a
solvent condition, all for the purposs i
of deceiving bis creditors.
"A quarter of a century ago I was j
practicing in a western Maine village,
and among my Intimate frlenda was t
young merchant who had apparently
been doing a very successful businesi
for several years. His credit was a
good as almost anybody's In the town.
To my great surprise one evening there
came to me the principals of two largs
Portland firms, to whom my friend was
Indebted, and they requested an Imme
diate attachment of his stock of goods
I protested that such a course was un
just and unnecessary. Then one ot
the merchants explained that a day
or two previous he had received a let
tcr from their debtor in whlcb be ca
sually mentioned some proposed actios
of his which would involve a consider
able outlay of money. He didn't be
lieve tbe man really Intended any such
outlay, and be asked himself. 'Why hat
he mentioned this?' Conferring with
his neighbor, he found the young man
bad at the tame time written bim an
exactly similar letter.. That was
enough, and they decided to sue. Feel
ing almost sure they were wrong,, I
bad the attachment made, so aecretl)
that none knew of It except those im
mediately concerned. The young mer
chant was Immensely surprised, and.
at once got friends to become his se
curity on the Portland debts. . But the
developments of the next few months
showed conclusively that the merchants
bad rightly read the meaning of tha
unusual letter and that their debtor's
affairs were at that time rotten to tbe
core. Only their prompt action saved
their claims which together amounted
to something more than a thousand dol
lars." Lewlston Journal.
The formation of good hablt9 early II
life becomes the imperative duty of
every person. The business man real
izes Its priceless value In business hab
its; the educationalist recognizes Its'
essentials Jo. good scholars ii'.p. Out"
proper life depends more jupon common
sense habits than anything e!sv In-all
departments of life 'audirctivlty man. Is
a creature of habit. The rmtverte-is
timed to good habits. '. The law of
habit makes all things asy. IJabtf'
makes good deeds easy.and baj'oiie
difficult. Key. Rcnen Thomas.'
We should manage our fortuue like
our constitution; eujoy it when good,
have patience when bad, aod never ap
ply violent remedies- but in cases of
Tbe i-eats in one of the city perks of
Memphis, Tend., are upholstered, sou
th vagabonds of the city .find them
Ojmfm table lounging places.
A man has no more right to say an
uncivil thing than to act one: fio
more right to say a rude thing to
another than to knock him down.
The man who hesitates-' before lie
makes a promise ia tbe one who is
most apt to keep it.
We want no time, but diligence, far
great performances.
A flowering plant ia said -to abstract
from the soil two hundred .times its
own weight in water. .
history is a mighty drama, enacted
upon tbe theatre of Time, with suns
for lamps and Eternity for a back
ground. It ia very rare that a man at sixty
begins any new habits, or gets ..rid of
any old ones.
A moment is room wide enough for
loyal and mean desire, for the oatlaah
of a murderous thought and the
sbarp backward stroke of repentance
Many a man owes the success be ha
achieved in this life, not only in having
lived correctly, but in having died in
good season.
Wecoattorta of Os Who Deeea't Take)
a Sleeper.
Not many days ago I had occasion
to go from New York to Chicago. I
slipped Into an ordinary coach and
sat down, placing my satchel and over
coat beside me.
Across the aisle two hulking fellows
sattogetberand swapped lies In strident
tones about some brummagem festivity
they bad recently trended. Behind
me another fellow o the same class
sat alone and c-ewed tobacco with a
degree of Industry worthy a better
cause. Ia front, a quiet, modest-looking
little woman sat with a restless
child ef perhaps, 2 years of age. Her
garment were ef good material and
rather stylish pattern, but I was close
enough to sea that they showed long
wear, aad scrupulous care could not
hide the darns. The wearer bad seen
better days, without doubt Her face
looked tired already, and she glanced
about now and then la a deprecatory
way, aa if she would much prefer te
be elsewhere. She was painfully con
scious of the fact Three er four ap
parently commercial travelers were
sccattered about; half a dozen farmer-like
men occupied, each of them,
a doable seat, far the most part stack
ed full ef hand baggage of the most
heterogeneous description, ar Utter
which often overflowed onto the floor
and sometimes) half blockaded the
The others for the coach was more
than half Oiled were of the type so
often sees In ordinary coaches.
The afteraooa wore away, with the
usual tramping back and forth through
the aisle by the restless passengers,
who can never be content to sit still.
While tho twilight was yet strong the
brakemaa lighted the lamps, there wait
a rustling of paper tn various parts of
the car, and then the air was perme
ated with a mast aggressive odor ot
bread aad cold meat, much of It In an
advanced stage of stateness. The de
bris of tbstse feasts attracted and sUm
slated into activity a swarm.. of .$es
with a habit of late hours highly rep
rehensible in flies. As darkness set
tled outside, some of the men removed
their shoes aad some pulled down
strarskjaxo vie) saoax.
their windows, with the effect of start
ing ' a trala of wondering thought
beginning la my nose aa to how Ions
It would take to smother aa average
man la each aa atmosphere.and wheth
er tbe odor would actually hasten as
phyxiation. -. By aad by the windows were all
closed except mine. The baby slept
quietly, and the mother dozed, the
struggling lamplight emphasizing tb
Hoes. of care Jn ber prematnrelv o)d
Pace. The man behind doubled him
self In his seat, and now and then
tmitted a snort like that of a surprised
pig. The two bulking fellows across
the way lapsed Into silence, nodded till
they bumped each other's head, and
then twisted about and; resumed nod
Sing. Overcome by 'the drowsy ex
ample, ' I laid my overcoat smoothly
ver my satchel In the aisle end of
the seat, and, doubling myself us, as
was' easy In my youth, I lay down
ildewlse, aad calmly went to sleep.
The city of Zanzibar, which- Is tbe
rapital of the territory also called by
that name, aits behind a rather pretty
1 arbor on the roast of the Island near
est the mainland. It has a population
of about 100,000 and greatly resembles),
other cities of tbe Orient, which the '
Arabs rule in architecture and general '
rppearance. Ia this towo of Zansiba
live some 10,000 Arabs, the masters of
the people, 7.000 Hindus and East In-'
dians, fifty English, fifty Germans and
c few Americans, Greeks, Armenians, :
Frenchmen. Italians and Roumanians. '
Tbe remaining city population la made
up of negroes, most ot them slaves.
aje) lew aad teaa-MlDe la a
How long I slept I don't know. Prob
ably about an hour. ' vaen I dreamed
that a hideous monster was trying to
extract a rib from my aids) with a gi
gantic corkscrew, while a leering imp
was smothering me with an old horse
blanket dipped la a aewer by way of
anaesthetic I woke with a groan at
tbe : njeuretic pang I suffered, and
awore with disgust at finding tbe dirty
socks incasing dirtier feet, If smell la
any indication of the man behind me,
hanging over the back of my seat,
within six Inches of my nose. The
feet went back to their ewa side of
the fence suddenly, bat their owner
evidently did not understand what pro
pelled them.
All night tbe noise of tho train was
insafflclent to drown the chorus of ca
rtons sounds made by the sleepers, or
those trying to sleep. The osaa be
hind me. at about every fifth breath,
Jerked oat tbe curioas, surprised pig
snort. Another would begin quietly
with something like ft moaa, which
would grow lender aad deeper with
eaJ. breath, till further continuance
without asphyxiation waa impossible,
aad then It would explode in a tumul
tuous volley of splutter, and then da
capo ad Infinitum. If, among fairly
sober people, there Is to be found any
assemblage mora Ump, forlorn, bod-
mmmmA mnA twtnAlMA-tnnlrtR tAlB S)
' MMiU. A fwiAnl wan h.v vual
peat a night la this way, I do not
know where It Is. to be found. Ex
change. .
Sorry Ho Spoke.
Think before you speak, aad ovoa
then dcu't be too sure. This common
place, old-fashioned advice, kept al
ways in mind, would aave us many a
mortification. Here, for example, ia a
story related la tha Magaalae of Art:
Almost the last work that Sir Edwin
Landseer waa engaged on waa a life
sized picture of Neil Owya passing
through an archway on a wblte pair
frey. This picture, in which tbe horse
alone was finished, was brought by
one of tho Rothschild family, aad giv
en to Sir John MUlale to complete.
One morning a celebrated art crttla
called, and was much Impressed by
this work.
"Ah. to rm sure." he said, eoinr on
eose -end ' examining a deer ho nod.
which almost - bfeatbed, in the fore
grnnd of the picture, "bow easily on
can recognize Lands ear's dogar Won
derful, lent ltr
"Yes, It Is wonderful." remarked Sit.
John, lighting another pipe. "I finish
ed painting that dog yesterday morn
ing, and have done the whole ef II
Depeade. "
Mrs. Cook They say a man caa live
for a long time on nothing but bread
and wat'erl
Mr. Cook It depends a good deal ex
srho makes the bread. Yonkera State
nan. -
"Here," said the. clerk, "1 a novej
that .would be .-.very! suitable "
"What I'm looking for," said the New
Woman, blandly, la something- un
suitable!" Puck.
'Stranded. ' -
"I wonder," said the aonbrette, "If
we will be able to fly I
"We are able to .fly right now," aald
the pessimistic manager, "but the ques
tion la whether we caa take our bag
gage along." Cincinnati Enquirer. -
- The THffioaltjr.
, "He la very gifted,' said' Mies Gush
lngton. "Why, he can alt down and
write poetry by the yard." .'
"Yes," replied the envious rival "The
only difficulty Is that the public read
it by the inch." Washington Star.
.' fame Effect.
Mother of the Only Boy on Earth
Aren't you going to kiss him. George?
Brother of the Mother, etc. Why not
stick a pin In him? He'll howl Just as
loud" for that as -be would for me klae
tng him. Indianapolis Journal.
rearanee. The ' streets are narrow,
crooked, ill-emelllng and filthy. Zanzi
bar is anything but European. Here,
in this capital, dwelt the Sultanaa of
the land, and it waa here that tbe late
Pultan was killed, as is now believed,
by the usurper. Said Kballd, whose re
sistance to the English protectorate
waa at the bottom of the bombard
ment. The palace I shown In the ac
companying Illustration. It la the large,
square building to the right ef the
tower at the left of the picrura, Tnls
talace was blown to atoms by the shot
aad shell of the British war ship, aad
almost all the people who were guard.
tng It, soldiers, slaves aad attendant
(wen hfflsdV
rata xaji with i-cooAan.
ia Aswflcsa
Fabllc Life.
When Hale took his seat la the Sen
ate he waa the only member of that
body who defied the discipline of both
tbe old parties, and dared assert hit
absolute political Independence. H
stood alone until 1840, when he was
Joined by Chase and Seward, who wen
re-enforced la 18C1 by Sumner. Then
was something dramatic la bis solltarj
appearance la the Senate as aa avowed
sntl-slavery man. That body then con
talned more able aad eminent met
tha a It had had for more than a genera
tea, aad It was completely under th
domination of tbe slave interest. That
interest dictated the policy of the Gov
eminent at home aad abroad, as it had
Aeae from its beginning, aad made anr
unmade politicians. Hale knew thai
his single-handed warfare against H
would invito ridicule, sneers, Insulti
and threats. He knew that be must
face the acera aad contempt of th
South aad tho chilling neglect ef thf
North. BuS he bravely stood In tlx
breach. He took ao counsel of hM
fears, aad weald not be bullied Intc
silence. When be waa dented a place
ra Senatorial committees oa the pre
text that he "did not belong to a healthy
political organisation" he ridiculed th
proceeding aad made It tell la bis favor
One ef the finest exhibitions of bit
courage was given soon after be took
his. seat la the Senate, when he cast
the only vote against a raaolutloc
tkaaklng Generals Scott aad Taylor foi
their victories la Mexico. This vott
was sure te be misunderstood aad mis
represented, aad all parties regarded 11
as suicidal; bat It was sufficient fot
him te know that ao ether honest aad
consistent coarse was possible for tboss
who had condemned the Mexican wai
la all its stage. He would aot bells
bis convictions to avoid any personal
consequences of his act; and when hi
pleaded the high authority ef Chatham.
Burke and Fox. who refused to vot
thanks te the commanders of the Brit
ish army for their services In Americs
la eur revolutionary struggle a strict
ly aaalagoua case ao Senator success
lully answered him. .
Mr. Hale'a humanity waa equal U
his courage. While a member of tht
House he moved an amendment to tht
naval appropriation bill, abolishing thi
spirit ration and prohibiting flogging
a the nary. The amendment prevailed,
but failed ia the Senate. This motion
waa renewed la the Senate la 1849, and
In 1830, after an Impassioned appeal
by Mr. Hale, flogging waa abolished,
but the spirit ration continued until
1S62. He was Justly proud of thest
achievements, and they are appropr!
Blely commemorated on the pedestal
it the sutue recently erected in the
Ptate house yard at Concord.
Aa aa anti-slavery leader. Hale fol
lowed his own methods of warfare.
While Seward, Sumner and Chase were
i urging their anti-slavery thunderbolts,
and .firing them at the enemy at long
range through tbe press of the North
cm States, Mr. Hale was using his
l'gbter artillery on the skirmish line,
end In well-executed flank movements
In 1850 he was prompted by the pres
ence ef a pro-slavery mob In Washing
ton to Introduce a resolution for the re
imbursement of persons whose prop
erty should be destroyed by riotous as
semblage. Foot of Mississippi de
ueoaced this resolution as intended to
protect "aegro-stealing." Addressing
Mr. Hale, he ealdr "I Invite aim to visit
tne good Stat, of Mississippi, la whlcb
1 have the honor to reside, and will tell
him beforehand la all honesty that h
could aot te ten miles into the lnteiioi
before he would grace one ot the tallest
trass ef the forest with a rope around
kia neck, with the approbation of every
virtuous and patriotic dttsea; and that,
if necessary, I should myself assist la
the operation. "
, Ui. Hale answered: "The Senator in
vite me to visit the State of Miaale-a'-ppl.
aad kindly laforma me that he
would be eae of those who would ad
the aseaasln and put an end to my
career. Well. In return for bis
hospitable Invitation, I can only ex
press the desire that he should pea
a at Into one of the dark corners of
New Hampshire; aad If he do, I am
much mistaken If he would not find ths
leopl in that 'benighted region' would
be very happy to listen to his argu
ments and engage In an intellectual
conflict with him. In which the trots
might be elicited." The popular Instinct
at once labeled the Mississippi Senatoi
aa "Hangman Foote," and the epithel
is still Instantly recalled by the men
rlon of his name. Century.-
Eaailr Explained.
'Sam, bow is it that here we have two
legs, presumably off tbe same chicken
and yet oae la about 100 per cent
tougher than the other?'
Sam-Sal waye the case with chicken;
one leg has 100 per cent more work te
do dan de Oder and de miscles conse
quently git tougher.
"Why, I never heard of that. Which
oae Is itr
Sam De one de chicken aleeps on,
sab. Harper's Magazina.
Savage Warfare.
"My voice," said the one in whost
heart the fires of patriotism burned,
"my voice Is for war."
"And I suppose that m case of actual
hostilities It would be your voice yon
would send," said the desiccated cynic.
"No. In such a contingency I would
end the voice of my wife."
The other was also married to a mu
sical woman, and his sympathy, though
not outspoken, was expressed by an elo
quent glance. Indianapolis Journal.
"My family," said Miss Antique,
"came over with the Pilgrims on tb
"Did they, really?" explained Hicks.
"How very interest! kg! And were yov
seasick?" Harper's Bazar.
, r
- Woman la Politic.
"Laura never seemed to me particu
larly strong-minded. I wonder why she
baa become such a suffragist?"
She waa converted last fall. Her
ft-a ran for the Legislature and was
oaf aa ted, aad bow Laura Is sure that
woman is needed la politics." New
gerk World.
Wnoeer his mj habit has a mag
Tbe Eminent Divine's SanJay
... Discourse.
ub(ect: "Gospel Farming."
Tsxt: -'My Father is the husbandman, r
John xv... 1. . , . ,
This last summer, having (tone In dtfferen',
directions over bot ween u ve and six thousand
miles of harvest fields, I ean harJIy opan my
Bible witbont smbinir tan broath of new
mown nav and seeing the gohien light of the
wheat field. And when I open my Bible to
talc- my text, tha Seripiura leaf rustles like
the tassels of the oorn.
We wero neariv all of u born In the ooan
ar. We drouDOd cora In the hill, and went
on Saturday to the Jnlll. tyina- the grist in
the centre of the sack so that tbe oootents on
either side the hors balanced each other;
and drove the cattle afield, our bare feet wet
with the dew, and rod tb horsea with the
halter to the b.-ook until we fell off, and
hunted the mow lor nests until the feathered
oocapants went cacklio? away. Wo were
nearly all of us born in the coautry, ani all
Would have stayed there had not some mi
venturous lad on his vaenfion come back
with better clothes an1 softer hands and set
tbe whole village oa Are with ambition lot
city life. Ho we all understand rustic allus
ions. The Bible is full of thena. In Christ's
Sermon on the Mount you could sea tbe full
blown lilies anlthaglcwy hack of the crow's
wlnua aa it flies over Mount Oil vet. David
and John, Paul and Isaiah find tn country
life a source of frequent Illustration, while .
Christ in tbe text takes the responsibility of .
ealtlnfcGod a farmer, declaring: -'ily Father
Is tne husbandman.
Nosh was the first farmer. We say nothin?
about Cain, the tiller of the soil. A lam was
a gardener on a large scale, bat to Voah whs.
given all the acres ot the earth. Elisha was
an agriculturist, not cultivating a ten-acre
lot, for we find htm plowing with twelve
yoke of oxen. In Bible times the laud was
so plenty and the inhabitants so few that
Noah was right when be gave to every In
habitant a certain portion of land, that land
if cultivated ever after to be his own posses
sion. They ware not small orops raised in those
times, for though tbe arts were rule, tbe
plow turned up v--ry rich soil, an 1 barley
and cotton and flax and all kinds of grain
oa-ne up at the eali of the harvesters. Pliny
tells of one gtulk of grain that had on it be
tween three and four hundred ears. Tha
riven and tbe brooks, through artificial
channels, were brought down to the roots ot
the com. and to this babit ot turning a river
wherever it was wanted, Solomon ref-ra
whan he says: "Tbe king's heart is in the
hand of the Lord, and He turneth it as the
rivers ot water are turned, whithersoever H
The wil t beasts-were caught, ani then a
nook was put into their nose, and then thay
were led over the field, and to that God re
fers when He says to wicked Sennacherib!
'l will put a hook in thy nose and I will
Dring thee back by the way wbioh thou
earnest " And God has a hook In every bad
man's nose, whether it be Nebuchadnezzar or
Ahab or Herod. Ha may think himseif v--ry
lndepenrtenr, but some time m his life, or la
the hour of his death, be will And that tne
Lor I Almighty has a book in his nose.
This was the rule in regard to the ealturs
of the irrnnnd: "I'hoU shalt not Dlow With
an ox and an ass together," illustrating tha
folly of ever putting intelligent and useful
and pliable men in association with- tbe
stubborn and unmanageable. Tbe vast ma
jority of troubles in the churches and in re
formatory Institution? aomt-s from tbediare
gard ot this command of the Lord, Thou
Shalt not plow with an ox and aa ass to
gether." Tbc.-e were large amounts of property In
rested in cattle. Tha Moabltea pal l 100,000
oheep aa ira anneal tax. Job aad TU00 sheep,
3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen. The time of
vintage was ushered In with mirth and
music, roe clusters of the vine were put
into the wine press, and then five men would
get Into the prees and tr.imple out the juioe
from the grape until Iheir garments wers
saturated with the wine and bad become the
emblems of slaughter. Christ Himself,
wounded until covered with the blood oi
crucifixion, making nse of this allusion when
the question was asked: "Wherefore art
Tboa r d ia Thine apparel and Thy garments
like one who treadeth the wine vatr" He re
sponded: "I have trodlen tbe wine press
In all ages there has been great honor paf&
to agriculture. Seven-eights of the people
In every country are disciples of the plow
A government is strong In proportion as it is
supported by an athletic and industrious
yeomanry. So long ago as before the fall of
Carthage, Strnbo wrote twenty-eignt books
on agriculture-: Hesiod wrote a poem on t he
same subject"! he Weeks and Pays." Cato
wai prouder of his work on husbandry than
of all bis military conquests. Bat I must
not be tempted into a disoussion of agricul
tural conquests. Standings mid tbe harvests
and orchards and vineyards of the Bible, and
standing amid the harvests and orchards and
vineyards of oar own country larger har
vests than have ever before been gathered I
want to ran out the analogy between the
production of crops and thegrowth of grace
In the soul all these saored writers making,
tue of that analogy.
In the first place, I remark, in grace as In
the fields, there must be a plow. That whicn
theologians call conviction is only the plow
share turning up tbe sins that have been
tooted end matted In the soul. A farmer
said to Ms- indolent son: -'There are a
hundred dollars buried deep In that field."
The son went to work and flowed the field
irom fence to fence, and he plowed It very
deep, and then complained that be had not
found the money: but when the crop had
been gatdered and sold for a hundred dollars
more than any previous rear, then the young
man took the bint as to what his father
meant when be said there were a hundred
dollars buried down in that field. Deep
plowing for a crop. Deep plowing for a
son). He who makes light of sin will never
amount to anything in the church or In tbe
world. If a man speaks of sin as though It
were an inaccuracy or a mistake, instead of
the loathsome, abominable, consuming and
damning thing that God hates, that man
Will never yield a harvest of usefulness.
Wnen I was a boy I plowed a field witt
a team of spirited horses. I plowed it very
quickly. Once in a while I passed over
some of the sod -without turning it, but I did
not ierk back the plow with its rattling de-
vlcea. I thought it made no difference, .
After awhile my father came along and sald,
"Why, this will never do; this isn't plowed
deep enough; there you have missel this
and you have missed that." Ana he plowed
It over again. The difficulty with a great
many people is that they are only scratched
with conviction when the subsoil plow of
God's truth ought to be put in up to tbe
ily word is to all Sabbath-school teachers,
to all parents, to all Christian workers
Plow deepl Plowdeep!
But what means all this crooked plowing,
these crooked furrows, the repentance that
amounts to nothing? Men groan over their
sins but get no better. They weep, but their
tears are not counted. They get convicted,
but not c inverted. Wbat ia the reason? 1
remember that on the lannweset a stand
ard with a red flag at the other end of the
Held. We kept our eye on that. We aimed
at tha'. Ws plowed qp to that. Losing
sight-of that we made a crooked farrow.
Keeping our eye en that we made a straight
furrow. Now In this matter ot conviction
we must have some standard to guide u. It
Is a red standard that God has set at the
other end. of the field. It is tbe Cross.
Keeping your eye on that 'you will make a
straight furrow. Lo-img sight of If you
will make a crooked furrow. Plow up to
the Crow. Aim not at either end of the
horizontal piece of the Crpss, but at the up
right piece, at the centre of itrthe heart of
the Son of God who bore your sios and
made satisfaction. Crying and weeping will
not bring you through. . "Him hath God
exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour to give
repentance." Ob, plow up to the Cross!
Again, I remark, In grace as In the field,
there must be a sowing, Ia the autumnal
weather tou-find the farmer going across
the field at' a stride of about twenty-three
Inches, and at everv stride he puts his han I
into the saokot grain and be aprinklesthe
seed-oorn over the field. It looks silly to a
man who does aot know what be Is doing,
Ke is doing very Important jroirfc H.U
scattering the winter gram, and inoucu 'no
snow may oome. tha next year there will be
a great crop. Now. that ia what we are do
ing when we nre preaohiotr the GogDel we
are scatt-n-ltig the seed. It is the toonsnnesa
of prvachlne, but It I the w nter grain; and
though tbe snows of worl illness tnnv roue
down upon It, it will yield n'teratvhile glori
ous harvest. Let us be sare we saw the
right kind of seed. Sotv mtill-n stalk and
mul en stalk will come up. 8 w Canada
thistles and Can la thirties will co ne no.
Sow wheat and wheat will come up. Let us
distinguish between trutU ant erroe. Let
us know the d.ff ra;e btitwesa waeat and
he lehore, oat aud henbane.
Again, I remark, in grace as In the farm
there must he a barroin. I rifer no v not
to a harrow that goes over the flat I in order
to prepare the ground for the need, but a har
row which goes over after the see 1 Is sown,
lest the birds pick ud the semi, siokini; it
ilowu into the earth so th it It can tnke root,
Vou know a harrow. It is mile of bars of
woo l nalle I across each other, aad the un
derside of each bar Is furnished with sharp
teeth, and the horses are hltohe 1 lo it. It
goes tearing ani ie ipm across t in ItnM,
driving the seed dotru into the ear.h until It
springs up in the harvest. B rwiveraent.
sorrow, persecution are the Lord's harrows
to sink the Gospel truth ia your heart.
These were truths that yon heard thirty
years agoj they have not alteole t you until
roontly. 8in gre it trouble came over you,
and the truth was harrows! in. and it has
come up. What did God moan In tiiisooon
try in 1H57? Fora century tbre was the Gos
pel preached, but a great deal of It produced
no result. lhea God harnessei a wild
panic to a harrow of commercial disaster,
and that harrow went down Wail strest, and
uo Wall street, down Third street, an I up
Third street, .town -tate street, and up State
street,-down Pennsylvania avenu", and up
Pennsylvania avenue,- untd the whole land
was torn to u'etteg as it h I never been be
fore. What followed the harrow? A great
awakening in which there wer- 60,000
sou s brought into tbe Klsglom oi
our Lord. No barrow, no crop.
Again, I remark, in -rtxzs as In the farm
there must be a waning. Many Christian
speak of religion as though it wre a mutter
of economies or Insurance. Thoy expect to
reap In the next world. Oil no! Now is the
time to reap. Gather up the Joy ot the
Christian religion this nwrutng, this after
noon, this night. If you have not as muoh
grace as you would like to have, thank God
for what you have, and pra- lor more. You
are no worse ent aved t ban Jos ph, no worsa
troubled thaa was David, no worse scourged
than was Paul. Yet, amid the rattling of
fetters and amid this gloom of daa'reons, and
amid the horror of shlpjrreclc, they
triumphed in the grac-of Gai. The weakest
man in tbe bouse to-rtny has fiOO acres of
spiritual joy all ripe. Why do you not go
and reap it? You have bnea grOHning over
your Infirmities for thirty years. N w give
one toza 1 shout over vour emancipxtion.
You say yon have It so hard; ynu might have
It wors. You won er why this great cold
trouble keeps revolving through your soul,
turning and turning with a blaelr naud on
the man';. Ah, that trouble ia the grind
stuns on which vou are to sharpen your
sickle. To the fields'. Wake uol Tate oit
your green spectacles, your blae spectacles,
your black S!eatac:s. Pull op tbe corners
of yonr mouth as far as you pull tnatn down.
To the fields! B-apl reap!
Again, I remark, to grace as lu farming,
there ts a time fortbreshlug, I tell you
bluutly that Is death. Jast as the farmer
with a Ball beats the wheat out Of the straw,
so death beats the soul out of tha body.
Every sickness is a stoke of th - Bull, an 1 the
sick-bed la the threebing floor. Wbat, say
you, Is death to a good men only taking tbe
Wheat out of the strati? Ibat is all. An
aged man has fallen asiaep. Only yesterday
you saw bim lu the sunny pocuU playing
With bis grandchildren. Calmly he received
the mess axe to leave this world. He bade a
pleasant guod-bye to his old frieu . The
telegraph carries the tidtuga, an 1 on Sffifc
rail trains the kin iraj cjme. wanting once
more to look on tha face of d-ar old grand
father. Brunh back the gray hairs (com bis
brow) it will never ache att'n. Pot tutu
away In tbe slumber of the tomb. He will
not be afraid of that night. Grandfather was
never afraid Of anything. He will rise in
tbe morning Of tbe resurrection. Grandfath
er was always the first to rise.' His voice has
already mingled in the doxology of Heaven.
Grandfather always did siu in church.
Anything ghastly in that? Ko. The thron
ing ot tbe wheat OQt ol the -straw. That fs
all. - -
Tbe Saviour folds a lamb ia His bosom.
Tbe little child tilled all the sous with her
music, and ber toys are scattered ail up ani
down the stairs just as she left them. What
if the hand that plucked four-o'clocks out
of the meadow is stilly It will wave in the
eternal triumph. What if the voice that
made musio lnthe home isstf'IV It wiUsing
the eternal bosnnmii Put a wtiite ro?e In one
band, a red ro?e in tbe ot ant band, and a
wreath ot orange blos3ums on the brow; the
white flower for the vlntory, the red Cower
for the Saviour s sacrifice, the oranjte blos
soms for her marriage day. Anything goast
ly about that i1 Ob, no! The sua went down
and the flower shut. The wheat threshed
out of the straw. "Dear Lord, give me
sleep," said a dying boy, the sou ot one ot
my e ders, "dear Lord, give me sleep."
And he closed his eyes and awoke in glory.
Henry W. Longfellow, writing a letter Of
condolence to those. parents, said, "Those
last words were beautifully poe.to." And
Mr. Lonjffellow knew wbat ts poetic. "Dear
Lord, give me sleep."
Twaa not in cruelty, not in wrath
That the reaper came that day;
'Twits au angel that visited the. earth
And took the flower away.
So it may be with us when our work is all
done. "Dear Lord, give ma sleep."
' 1 have one more thought to present. I
have spoken of' the plowing of the sowing,
of the harrowing, of the reaping, of tbe
threshing. I must now speak a mom 'it of
t ie garnering.
Wnere is lbs garner? Nee I I fell your
0b, no. . So many have gone om fr j a your
own circles yea, from your owa family,
that you have ha 1 your eyes on that garaer
for many a year. ' What a hard time some
ot them had! Ia Getbsem&aes ot suffering,
they sweat greit drops of B!ood. They
took tbe "cup of trembling" and they put
It to their hot lips and they cred, "II it be
possible, let this cup pass from me." With
tongues of burning agony they cried, "O
Lord, deliver my soul!" lot they got over
It. They all got over it. Garnered! Their
tears wiped away; their battles all endea,
thelr burdens lilted. Garnered! The Lord
of the harvest will not allow tnosesbav
to perish in tbe equinox. Garnered! Some
of us remember, on tbe farm, that tbe
sheaves were put on tbe top of the rack
wbicb surmounted the wa;on, and these
sheaves were piled higher and higaer, and
after a while the hors-5 started lor the barn;
and these sheaves swayed to and fro in the
wind, and the old waon cranked, and the
horses made a strug.-le. and palled so bard
tbe harness came up in loops of leather oa
oa their baots, and when tho front wheel
struck the elevated door of the barn it
seemed as if the load would go no faither,
until the workmen gave a great ahout, and
then with one last tremendous attain, the
horses pulled in the load; they were unhar
nessed, and forkful after forkful of grain
fell into the mow. Ob, my friends, our get
ting to heaven may be a pull, a hard pall, a
very hard pull; but these sheaves nre bound
to go In, The Lord of the harvest has prom
ise! it. I see i ho loa 1 at last coming to
the door of the heavenly garner. The
ueaves of the Christian soul sway to and fro
in the wind of death, and tbe old body creaks
under the load, and as the load strlk-s tbe
floor of Ike ce'.ustiitl garner, it seems as If It
can go no further. It is the last straggle,
until the voices of angeis and the voices of
our departed kindred aiid the welcoming
voice uf God shall s-nd the harvest rolling
intothe eternal triumph, while all up ana
down the sky th cry Is heard: "Harvest
home! harvest home!"
Hope awaktus cuurage. lie who can
implaut courage in the human a jul is
tbe best physician. "
Great souls attract sorrows as moun
tains do storms. But the thunder
clouds break upon Iheui, and tbe
thus form a fc belter for the plains
around. -
. Ine highest idealhaa sfrtinsfsj, at
traction and icfluencej J; .ni any are
content with secondary idea's of mind
or tu a Iter.
... J:' 1 i' s'.';v', V'
i .4.'W. -O 1et i