Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 28, 1896, Image 1

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NO. 46
r"a ! ivw. ni rA n ii
"The 8:43 for Chicago? Jutt gen. If -the
last train this evening. FirM tn the
moraine at 6:15, mlu."
"Uone!" cried the girl In despair. She
reached out her hand and caught on of
the wooden pillar supporting the toot ot
the little atatlon at Millway.
It was almost dark. Nine o'clock had
. struck. The straight warm rain was
falling through the dusky, windless air.
It was an evening towards the end ot
Jane the las' Wednesday of that month.
There was not sound but the dull muf
fing beat of the rain upon the roof. Not
soul visible but the girl and station
She took her band a way from the wood
en pillar, and gathered her cloak round
her, In preparation for going.
"Can I do anything for you, miss? Have
you far to wa!k?" asked the man.
She did not answer bis ajuestlon; she
asked Instead: "Do you think the rain
will stop soon?"
He glanced at the thin line ot dull,
dark leaden sky. "No, miss, I don't think
it will. It looks as if 'twould rain all
She sighed, moved her shoulders under
the cloak to settle it, and saying "Thank
you," In a listless way, moved with droop
ing head slowly out of the atatlon, raised
her umbrella and walked nnder the bug.
beeches of a broad, deserted road leading
Although her pare bad not been quick,
she felt ber breath come short. The mild,
moist, scent-laden air seemed too rich for
freshening life and cooling the blood. She
was tired, and would have liked to sit
down and rest, but neither time nor place
allowed of pause. She must get on she
must get back as quickly as possible, or
she might be iqo late, too late to regain
Kltbani House aud steal uuperceived to
ber room there. To that hateful Eltham
House, under which to night rested that
odious Oscar Leigh. Oscar Leigh, the
grinning, bold, audacious man.
Owing to the loss of the little money
left ber by ber father, Edith Grace had
been obliged to try and get something to
do, as she could not consent to encroach
n the slender income of her grandmoth
er, Mrs. Urace, the only relative she had
In the world. As she had been so long
with Mrs. Grace, she thought the thing
to suit her best would be a companion
ship to an elderly or invalid lady. She
advertised In the daily papers, and the
most promising looking reply came from
Mr. Oscar Leigh, of Eltham Honse, Mill
way, who wanted a companion for his in
firm mother. Mr. Ieigh could not give
mnch salary, but if advertiser took the
situation, she would have a thoroughly
comfortable and highly respectable home.
Mr. Leigh could make an appointment for
meeting in Chicago.
The meeting took place at Mrs. Grace's
lodgings, and although Miss Grace shrank
from the appearance and manners of Mr.
Leigh, sbe accepted the situation.
Mr. Oscar Leigh was very short, and
had ahoulders of nuequol height, and a
light hunch on his back. His face was
long and hollow cheeked. The eyes small
nd black, and piercingly bright. His ex
pression was saturnine, sinister, cruel.
His teeth were fang-like and yellow. His
voice hollow when he spoke low, and harsh
when be raised It. His breath came in
short gasps now and then. He drooped
towards the right side, and carried a
abort and unusually thick stick, with
huge rugged and battered crook. Miss
4Jrace would have pitied him only for bis
impudent glances. Sbe would have loath--ed
him only she could not forget that his
.deformities were deserving of pity. Tbe
bargain was there and then completed,
and It bad been arranged that she shonld
go to Eltham House that day week.
This night that was now upon her and
round ber, this doll, dark, hearr-perfnm-ed,
rain-drowned midsummer night, was
the night of that day week. Only one
week lay between the visit of this hunch
back and this day. This morning she
had left Chicago and seen Mlllway for
the first time in ber life. She had got
there at noon and driven straight to El
tham House. The hire of the cab bad
made considerable inroad on tbe money
la her pocket Tbe sum waa now reduced
to only a few cents more than ber mere
train fare to Chicago. When she got
there she would have to walk home. Oh!
walking home through the familiar streets
thronged with everyday folk, woald be
so delightful compared with this bleak,
solitary Eltham Honse. this hideous, in
solent, monstrous, deformed dwarf.
Jt waa impossible for her to stay at El
tham House, utterly Impossible. This
sun Leigh had told her he shonld see lit
tle or nothing of her at the place, and
yet when she reached the house his was
tbe first face and figure ahe laid eyes on.
He had opened the door for her and wel
comed her to Eltham House, and on tbe
very threshold he had attempted to kiss
her! Great heavens! it waa Incredibly
horrible, but it was true! Tbe first man
who had ever dared to try to kiss her was
this odious beast, this misshapen fiend,
this scented monster!
And yet she was on her way back to
Eltham House! There was no alterna
tive. She bad nowhere else to go. For
lack of courage and money ahe could not
venture upon an hotel Sbe had never
been from home alone before, and she felt
as if she were in new planet. She was
not desperate, bat she was awkward,
timid, afraid.
Wet and lonely as tbe night was: -he
would have preferred walking about till
morning rather than return to that house,
jsjl the time she was in the house Leigh
fcad forced his odious. Insolent attentions
opoe ber. lis had Inin in wait for ber
with expostulation for her prudery In not
Bowing him to welcome ner in parriar
thal fashion to bis bouse! Patriarchal
fashion, indeed! He had himself said he
gnew he wss not an Adonis, bat that fat
was not a -Methuselah either, and his
rr, simple, paralysed mother told hei
was thirty-live years old. She would
ot take all the money Is the world to
Stay in honse to which he waa free. At
tight o'clock that evening she had plead
ed fatigue and retired to her own room
for the night. When she found herself
aloe with thy door locked, be th.jght
ever the events of the day and ber posU
tion, and in tbe end made np ber mind
to escape and return to town at once. Sbs
wrote a line to the effect that she was
going, and placed it on the dressing table
by tbe window.
Her room, was on the ground floor, and
the window wide open. She could crasf
In and change ber wet boots and clothe
ind sit np in the easy chatr till morning.
Tben sbe could stesl away again, walk t
the railway station and take the first
train for the city.
From the time tbe girl cleared th
straggling outskirts of tbe tows until
sbe gained the high hedge and gateway
f her destination ahe did not meet ot
overtake a soul. With serious trepida
tion, she pushed the gate open and enter
rd the grounds. She emerged from ths
cover of the trees and hastened across
the open drive. Thank heaven, the win
Jow was open! After a severe struggle
sbe found herself in tbe room.
With great caution she searched where
she knew Ler trunk lay open, found ths
garments she needed, aud replaced bet
tret clothing with dry. She resolved ta
sit still. It was eleven o'clock. It would
be bright daylight In a few hours. As
soon as the sun rose she should, if ths
rain had ceaied, leave the bouse and
wander about in the bright open daylight
until time to ak tbe first train for Chi
men Mhe sat with her back to the nartV
lion between ber and the dining room.
She bad not dared to move the heavy
chair for fear of making noise.
"Have you done, Oscar f"
"Yes, mother. I have finished for tb
Edith Grace sat up in her chair and
gasped with terror. The words seemed
spoken at ber ear. The voices were those
of Oscar 1-elgh, tbe hunchback dwarf,
and his mother, Mrs. I.eigh. the paralyzed
old woman!
"Yes." the v..lce ot the man said, "1
J have made the drawings and calculations.
It lias taken me time a great deal ol
time, mother. Hut I am right. 1 have
triumphed, i generally am right, moth
er. 1 generally do triumph, mother." Hi
spoke in a tone of elation. "But you art
tired. It baa been a long day for you."
"No, Oscar. I am feellug quite well
nd lively and strong to-night. For an old
woman, who has lost tbe use of ber limbs,
I keep very well. When you are with me,
I do not seem so old, my son."
"Old! Old!" be cried, with harsh, em
phatic gayety. "You are not old, mother!
You are a young woman. You are a girl,
compared with the old women I know. l"
to sixty-five a woman ages faster than s
man, but once over sixty-fire, womei
grow young again. Mother, I mean to as
tonish you soon. I mean to marry a very
handsome wife. 1 have one in my ey
already. You know I never make up my
mind to do anything that In the end docs
not come off. But before 1 marry I must
finish my great work. When I have put
the last touches to It I shall sell It for S
large sum, and retire from business, sod
live here with you, mother, at my ease."
"And when, my dear, do you think thi
great clock will be finished? It is ths
only thing in tha world I am jealous ot
Have you added any new wonders to It?"
Tbe fright bad by this time died out ol
Edith's heart She now understood wht
the owners of tbe voices were, why ths
speakers seemed so near. Oscar Leigh
was talking to his mother In the dining
room. They both believed she waa la
deep sleep and could not hear, or they for
got the thinness of ths substance separat
ing them. Between the dining room and
where ahe sat was oniy the slight pans!
of a folding door.
"Soon, soon, mother. It shall be finish
ed soon. I cannot tell exactly when, but
not very far off. 1 see the end of my la
bors, tbe reward of all my study, the troll
of all my life," aald the voice of th
hunchbacked dwarf.
"About the clock," said Mrs. Leigh.
"You were going to tell me what new
wonders you have added to it, and when,
the crowning wonder of all was to bt
"Oh, ay, the clock. Ot course. Moth
er, when I sell my unrivaled clock, IT
give up living in the city and come dowt
here to you and become a private gentle
"But why can't you come down ana
stop bers always, my Oscar? Surely
your clock could be brought to Mlllway."
"Dear, dear mother, I cannot move tb
clock. You forget how large it Is. I bav
told you over and over again it would
half fill this room. Besides, I have othei
business in the city I cannot leave Jus:
now. I will come as soon as ever I cam
Yon may take my word for that I wai
going to explain to you about my marvel
ons clock. Let me see. What have !
already told you?"
"Oh, it was too wonderfdl to remember.
Tell me over again."
"Very welL To begin with, it will, ol
course, measure time first of all. Tha
is the principal and easiest thing to con
trive. It will show the year, the month
tbe day of the month, the day ot thi
week, tbe boor or tbe day. the in!ni;te ot
tbe hour, the second of the minite tbt
tenth ot the second. AO these win bo
shown oa on dial" .
"That much alone pussies and aston
ishes me. It will bo- tha most useful
clock In ths world."
"So far that Is all easy, and would not
make It even a very remarkable clock,
mother. It will take account ot leap
years, and be constructed to ran till the
year tea thousand of the Christian era."
"When once wound np?"
"Oh, no, you simple mother. It will
have to bo wound up ovary week."
"But will not the machinery wear out?"
"Yes, the metal and the atones will
wear out and rust out before eight thou
sand years. But the principle will have
eight thousand years of vitality In It
Steel and brass and rubles yield to fric
tion and time, but a principle Uvea for
ever if it la a true principle
"And a good principle," interrupted the
voice of the eld woman piously.
"Good or bad. If it Is trua It win last"
said the Tttleo of the hunchback harshly.
tones: "On another lace it wi'.l uii Ij.i
tlme of high water in fifty great mari
time cities. There will be four thousand
figures of time, figures of all the great
men of the past, each bearing a aymlml of
his greatest work, or thought, or achieve
ment, and each appearing on tbe anni
versary of his death; thus there will be
from eight to twenty figures visible e.-tcu
day, and that 'lay will be the. anniversary
of the one on which each of tbe men died
years ago."
"Four thousand fignres! Why, it will
cost a fortune!"
"Four thousand historic figures caeh
presented on tbe snnivetsnry of death!
I am at work on the figures of those who
died on the 22d pf August Just now. Thi-r
are very interesting to me, nnd one ot
them is the most interesting of a'.l the
four thousand figures. Richard I'lanta
genet of Gloucester, commonly called
Richard the Third of England, and nick
named the Hunchback Tyrant," mali
ciously. "Oscar!" In a tone of protest and mis
ery. "Yes. Hump and all, I am now making
the figure ot ths most famous hunchback
In history. 1 take delight In moilelhis
the flgore of my Hunchback Tyrant. In
body and soul I can sympathize with
him." Hs spoke furiously, and there u
a sound In tbe room as if he rose.
"Oh, you break my heart, my boy, my
boy, my son! Don't, dou't. Yon cut on
to the soul! You frighten me when you
look In that way." She spoke in terror
and anguish.
"Break your heart, mother!" went on
Leigh, in a tone of excitement. "What
hurt can words do? Look at me! Mcl
If I were to say my heart was broken,
no one would wonder. I am not reproach
ing you. Heaven knows, if I turned upon
you, I should have no friend left in n!l
the world. Not one who would care for
me care whether I lived or died, whether
I prospered or wns banged by the common
hangman on a gibbet!"
"Oh, Oscar! What has soured you so?
You never talked in this way until now.
What has changed you?" The woman
was weeping through ber words.
"A girl's face. A girl's face lias chang
ed me. I, who bad a heart to the core of
adamant befitting the crooked carenn in
which It la penned and warped. Hut there!
I have been vaporing, mother. Ix-t my
words pass. I am myself again. I know
your advice is good. I mean to follow it.
I will marry a wife. I will uiurry a
pretty, shapely wife. You shall have
grandchildren at your knee, mother, be
fore long, before yon go."
"Who la she? Do 1 know her? Do
I know even her name?"
"All that Is my secret, mother. 1 will
not say any more of bur Imt that I am
accustomed to succeed, and I will succeed
here. I will keep the secret of her inline
In my heart to goad me on. I am accus
tomed to succeed. Rest assured I will
succeed in this. We will say no more of
It. Let it be s forbidden subject between
us until I speak of it again: until, per
haps, 1 bring her to you. Ah! that ntorm
has cleared the air. I was excited. I
have reason to be excited to-dny. At this
moment It Is now just twelve o'clock at
this moment I am either succeeding or
falling In one of my most importnut
"Just now, Oscar. Do you mean here?"
"No, not here. In Chicago. You iln
not believe in magic, mother V"
"Surely not. What do you mean?"
"Or In clairvoyance or specters?"
"No, my child. Nor you, I hope."
"And yet not everything not Imlf ev
erythingis understood even now."
"Will you not tell me of this, either?"
"Not to-night, mother. You kuow 1
had a week ago no intention of eot.iins
here to-day. 1 did not come to welcome
Miss Grace. I had another reason for
coming. I am trying an experiment to
night At this moment 1 am putting the
result of many anxious hours to the touch.
If my experiment turns out well I shall
Come Into a strange power. And now,
mother. It la very late for you. We must
go to bed. That patent couch still en
ables you to do without aid in dressing."
(To be continued.)
Quickly Over.
An amusing little story Is told of the
summary way In which President Hop
kins of Wmiamstown once disposed
of the case of a student at tbe college.
The young man had been married a
short time previous to entering tbe col
lege, and was led to fear that this fact
might debar him from enjoying some of
the privileges of the Institution, Ac
cordingly, In a great state of perturba
tion, he called to see President Hop
kins, Who received him with much cor
diality. ,
After some conversation, during
which the young man suffered agonies
of suspense, knowing what be must
say, he at last managed to stammer,
with a crimson face, apropos of some
thing entirely irrelevant:
"I I am a married man!"
"Ah," aald President Hopkins, smil
ing at him with great benignity, "sc
am I."
And there the student's trouble and
perplexity ended. Save that the presl
dent sometimes Inquired for his wife,
his much dreaded statement had no con
sequences whatever.
All tkaV Reetralaed Him.
"Do yes know that you're hindering
fifty people that want to get down town
to their business?" yelled the motor
ban c a Wantwerth avenue car tbe
aMr ntenlng ts the driver of a coal
wagvn Just abseil.
TOastfe all right," cheerfully respond
ed the drirr. There's a lot of people
walUa' tor this coal."
"YenTl got there Just as quick If yon
turn eut.
"I cant turn out"
-That's a tier
Tea wouldn't tell me that if I was
whan I eeoM reach yon."
Tea can rsaah ma any time you
want to, and yoa know ft, yon dirty
faeed Algerine! You're a monopolist
and a hoc aad I can a mash the mouth
est ywu the heat day yon ever saw!"
"If it want tor leaving my horses
Nt yea wouldn't, you smutty
faced whelp I" shouted the motorman.
Teatf a mean, low, gum-dasted
weak! Tea havent get ths decency of
a newer rati Tatfre a gol-dlnged, lnslg
atteaat, pnaUhutaeua, ragged, alrty,
cheap skate of a tenth assistant barn
yard Oeroral "
"Say," latarfeaed a passenger on the
ear, "thef horrible language you're
ragag. For the cake ot ordinary pro
priety let up, will your
At tMa sasaaaat the driver of the eoal
turned Maurely dewa a side
aad the angry
T aave talked a darned eight woree
that s aim If ft badat been that
fc.- Fl.y ost tk. Pisuse aad Pcrfbrsn
Msar Aaim.i.K Trick.
Their names are Chuff y and SvengalU
They are members of tbe cat family,
and both are gentlemen. In addition
they are two of the prettiest and best
educated cats that ever aspired to his
trionic fame. With this brief tntro
luctlon as to their names and character.
It Is not meet that the tale should end.
The marked ability displayed by these
feline gentlemen la such that none can
fall to be interested. "Chuff" and
"Sven." as they are familiarly called,
are the pride and especial pets of Mrs.
L. D. Adam, wife of a San Francises
editor. Though Mrs. Adam la not de
sirous of posing as an animal trainer,
sbe has succeeded In teaching her two
beautiful black cats to do a few tricks
that are perfectly wonderful.
To begin with, Chuffy. the larger, his
mistress will call blm to ber and say:
"Now, Chuff, r vepare for your dinner."
Chuffy will immediately rear upon bis
haunches, lick bla paws clean and
smooth down his glossy fur. A cbalr Is
then placed with Its back to the table
and a plate of meat cut tn small pieces
placed near It After tying a napkin
around his neck, Chuffy Is ordered to
take his place at the table and eat hi
meaL Standing upon his haunches In
tbe chair, the Intelligent animal will
lean over the back of the chair, take a
piece of meat In hlc paw and convey It
to bk mouth. This Is continued until
the meat has disappeared.
Next Svengall Is given a chance to
display his talent A stick about three
feet In length Is held vertically, with
one end resting on the floor. At the
command to show bis claws "Sven"
will stand on his hind feet and, dis
tending his claws as far as be can,
reach up and get a firm clutch on the
tick. Then he will slowly lift his
hind feet off tbe floor and bang at arm's
length from the stick.
When It comes to an Instrumental
solo Chuffy Is an expert He will climb
upon the stool and hammer tbe keys
of tbe plsno until tbe whole room re
sounds with the strains of what, from
Its lack of melody, approaches very
nearly to some conception of opera.
"Sven" cannot be Induced to play the
piano alone, but after a deal of coaxing
and a bit of meat will climb upon the
tool beside Chuffy and assist In a
It la Los; Cabin Pttll Standing tn
Old Kentucky.
Tbe old log cabin tn which John M.
Palmer was born is still standing. It
Is situated twelve miles north of
Georgetown, Ky., about 400 yards to
the right of the Lexington and Cov
ington pike. The original bouse was
a story and a half high, and was a
square log pen. Many years ago tbe
wing, which U lower than the original
structure, was added, and an "L" ex
tends back about thirty feet Tbe
bouse waa built more than 100 years
ago by a man named Slaughter, who
old It about tbe beginning of this
century to William Palmer, father of
the Presidential candidate. On Sept
13, 1817, John M. Palmer first saw tbe
light of day in thla store-and-a-balf
log bouse. He lived here until about
14 years old.
Bla Portllneaa tha Prince of Wales
Said to Have Sat the Fashion.
Late news from London Indicates
that men of tbe smart set there are
going In for corsets on a scale not
even approached by tbe dandles of
1S35. The haberdashers patronized
by tbe swells carry an extensive stock
of men's corsets, and. while the sale
of them Is limited to a comparatively
email number the dfmand Is steadily
Increasing, and the Indications are
that a large proportion of the men in
swelldom will soon be wearing them.
People who make a business of study
ing the motives of change in tbe fash
Ions say that the wearing of corsets
by men. Is the natural consequence of
the edict which went forth a couple
of months ago, to the effect that wom
en's waists were to be larger by sever
al Inches. A sudden jump from twenty-three
Inches waist measurement to
the more mellow figure of twenty
eight inches on the feminine aide of
fashion required a complete change
In the apparel of the other sex.
It only requires a glance at old fash
Ion plates to note the fact that the
styles of men and of women have al
ways gone In opposite directions. Thirty-five
years ago, when women wore
Immensely large hoop skirts and an
endless variety of bulging frills and
furbelows, the attire of men waa sleek
and dose-fitting. At an earlier pe
riod, when masculine fashion required
very wide trousers, gaudy waistcoats
and loose coats, the mode for women
was excessively plain. So, It women
are to glory In the freedom and health
fulness of large aad ample welsta the
curious laws of taehlea eaaad (hat
I ,
men must gird on the burdensome
yoke of the corset and endure the new
agony of pinching In their waists to
the minimum figure.
. The fashion has not yet progressed
sufficiently for any standard to be set
regarding the proper waist measure
ment for men. And It Is not very prob-
able that such a thing will happen, fot
the reason that some people attribute
, . . JT . . ttt.i.
the new style to the Prince of Wales
and his growing corpulency. If the
nraiol maant-A nf tha nrlnCA WSrS
. . . .
taken as the correct thing most men
could face the fanblon with an easy ships of the invader. As when Plzarroovdr
grace, as the girth of his royal high- came Peru. Ah whea Philip the Second
ness ,s said to b. forty tWo crtU
There Is little doubt that the prince , 9parUns sacrificed themselves at Thermo
has taken up the corset habit not fot ; pylae. As when the Canhagenians took As
the purpose of setting a new style, rhrentum A when Alexander headed the
. ... " . it. .- Macedonian phalanx. As when Hannibal in-
but as a matter of necessity. He , v.. Ita.T Battle of Hastings! Battle of
very vain of his appearance, and with- j Valmy! Battle of Arbela! Battle of Tours!
In the last year bis rapid tendency to Bottle of Borodino! Battle of Luoknow! Bat
Increased wcleht has s;l ven him a world " of 8olferino! Battle ot Fontenoy where
increaea weignt nas given mm a worm 100000 WWj) s,ain! g,,, of Chalons where
of trouble. 300.000 were massacred! Battle of Herat
True Btory of a One-Tim. BcrTtal at
a Cnmsner Reeort,
Great lessons of life lie hid In the
homely Incidents which occur In ahops
and kitchens, as well In the loftiest
. I,. .1. kink
poems. Here is a true Uttle story trhlch
may be a word In season to some of our
4 nmoni? tha waiters
A tew years ajo, among tne waiters
at a summer hotel In New Jersey was
a girl whom we shall call Jane. Sbs
was strong, neat and quick-witted, but
the had spent all of her life In a kitchen,
acrubblng aud waahlng dishes, and waa
impatient to do different and as aha
thought better, work In the world. She
could barely read and write, and oh
was poor. When the hotel closed, and
tbe lonely coast vas deserted by tbe
summer boarders, there was no way
by which she could earn a dollar.
She did her work In tbe hotel thor
oughly, and was quick and attentive,
but her discontent showed In her face
and manner. There were tlmee when
she hated the ldle.richly dressed women
whom sbe served, and sbe took no trou
ble to hide her dislike.
There was one young girl whose eyes
often rested thoughtfully on her face.
Jane resented her "curiosity," as eb
called It and one day left ber unserv
ed. When she waa mildly reproved,
sbe answered Insolently, and left th
room trembling with rage.
"I will have her discharged," aald the
young girl's father, angrily.
"No, father, no. Leave her to me,"
his daughter entreated.
Tbe next morning Jane was standing
by her chair when Miss B. appeared.
She waa very pale, but her voice waa
steady. "I -wish to beg your pardon
before these ladies. I Insulted you be-
fore them yesterday. . You might have
reported me, but you aid not I will
leave the hotel. I am not fit to be here."
"Go on with your work, Jane," aald
Hiss B., gently, "and favor me by com
ing to my room fnls afternoon."
When she eaw her alone, she said.
"There Is good stuff In you, or you
could not have conquered yourself as
you did to-day. Ton are fit for higher
work than that you are doing. I have
watched you for some time. Ton are
Intelligent neat, and have warm sym
pathies. You would, I think, succeed as
a trained nurse."
"I have thought of that!" cried the
girt. "But I have no education. How
can I get the training?'
Miss B. used ber Influence to give ber
a year's schooling, and then procured
her admittance to the New York train-1 ments inndei. woa gave out one revelation
n iuu.i j to the human race, and these men have been
JL . . . . ! trying to destroy it. Many of the books,
This woman is now tbe head or a pri- j magazines and newspapers, through ner
vate hospital In New York, to Which I petual scoff at Christianity, nnil soma of th.
surgeon, send patients who require un- j VtT0,
usual care and Skill In treatment She
herself told this story,
How few apparently among the many
unhappy, poor girls give such faithful
work aa to attract notice! How few
also among the many happy, rich girls
give notice or help to those who serve
The Agile xonng Crocodile.
The moment that a young crocodile
breaks Its shell It Is to all Intents and
purposes as active as It la at any time
during Its life. It will make straight
for the water, even if it be out of eight
and a good distance off, and It will pur
sue its prey with eagerness and agility
during tbe first hour of Its free exist
ence. How He "Made Himself Solid.
Here Is a story of the English lord
chief Justice: When be was still known
as Sir Charles Russell be went to Scot
land to help the Liberals In a certain
campaign. He purposely began his
speech with some very badly pro
nounced Scotch. After the confusion
caused by hla apparent blunder had
subsided Sir Charles said:
"Gentlemen, I de not speak Scotch,
but I vote Scotch."
Tremendous applause followed.
Eight Hundred Barrels of Sliver.
The cellar of tbe Bank of France re
sembles a large warehouse. Silver
coin la stored there In 800 large bar
Heroines wltb Fair Hair.
Many of the most lovable heroines
of history have been represented with
fair hair.
a old man never knows how spright
ly he can be until his hat blows uS his
head, aad skips off la the direction ef
Tbe Eminent Divine's Sunday
SnrJeet: "Armageddon.
Text: "And h gathered them together Is
s place calld in tha Hebrew tongue, Arma
ge idon." Uev. xvi.. 16.
MegMdoia the oawi of a mountain tha
looks down upon Esdnelon, tbe greatest
hatth-fielii that the world bas ever seen.
There Barak fouirht tbe Cuaanitee; then
JjZULean foneht the Mi linnitea; there Josiab
ougni me in vnaing taypnaiis. i a. wnon
region stands for battle, and ths Armaged
don ot my text borrows i'.s name from U,
aad is her. used, not geographically, but
figuratively, while setting forth the Ider
that there Is to be a world's closing battle,
the greatest of alt battles, compared with
which tbe oooflicts of this oentury and all
other centuries were lasignlncent, becauat
ot tbe greater number ot combatants en
gaged, tbe greater victory and the greater
defeat. The exact date of that battle we do
not know, an 1 the exact locality is uncer
tain. I mar be in Ala, Europe, Africa, ot
America; but the fact that such a battle will
take place is as certain as Ood's eternal
truth. When I use the superlative degree is
regard tothat coming conflict, I do not forget
that there have tx-eo wars all alons; on
e nTe Tenrfxt S
I stupendous scale. As when at Marathon Mil-
; linai bromrht on his men. not In ordinary
mnrob, but In full run, upon the horse
men of Persia aud tbe black ambers ol
I Ethiopia, and scattered them, and crying,
B . , B , . ... ' tnJ
'RHiio-Aral RtHni, flrrtl mtvt Intn flam. th.
where Genghis Khan destroyed 1,600,000
lives! Battle of Nnishar where 1.747,000
went down to death! 1,816,000 slain at Troyl
And American battles, too near us now to
allow us to appreciate their awful grandeur
and significance, except you who were there.
! facing the North or faoing the South! But
' ill the battles I have named put together
j will not equal in numbers enlisted, or flerce-
! new, or grandeur, or triumph, or rout, the
TOm;nsAtll)llBedl0Il whether It
shall be fought with printers' type or keen
steel, whether by brain or muscle, whether
"y v " "" J
. h d
not know, and you may take what 1 say as
figurative or literal, but take as certain what
St. John, in his vision on the rocks of tbe
Grecian archipelago, is pleased to call "Ar
My sermon will first mention the regiment
that will be engHged in the conflict; tben
will say something ot tbe commanders on
both sides: and then speak of tbe battle
itself an t the tremendous issues. Begin
ning with those who will ng'-t oa the wrong
I first mention the Regiment Dia
bolic. In tula very chapter from which my
IKXt is taken we are told that ths spirits ot
devils will be there. How many millions
ot them no one can tell, for tht statistics ot
the aataolo dominions bsve never been re
ported and the mil of that host has never
on i-ar'.h been called: but v from the direful,
and continental, and planetary work they
have already doue, aad the fact that every
man and woman ind child on earth bas a
leuiptor. there must be at least sixteen bun
drej millions of evil spirits familiar with
our world. Perhaps as many more are en
gaged on especial enterprises of abomina
tion among the Nations and empires of tbe
earth. Beside that there must be an incon
ceivable ii a in ber of Inhabitants in realms
paudemoniao, staying there to keep the
(treat capitals ot sin going from age to age,
Many of them once lived in heaven, but
engaging in conspiracy to put Satan on th.
throne, they were hurled out ami down, ana
Ibey are now among th. worst thugs of the
uui verse. Having been in three worlds,
Heaven, earth and hell, tbey have all th.
advantages of great experience. Their power,
their speed, their cunning, their hostility
wonderful beyond all statementl In the Ar
mageddon they will, I doubt not, bo present
In foil array. They will have no reserve
soxps, but all will be at the front. There will
not only be soldiers in that battle who can
be seen and aimed at, but trocns Intangible
without corporeity, and weapons may
itrikeclarthrough them without giving them
hurt. With what shout of deflanoe will they
ollmb up th. ladders Of Are and leap from
tn. battlements of asbestos into ths last cam
paign ot bell! Paul, the bravest of all men,
was impressed with their might for evil when
he said, "We wrestle not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities,and against
power?, and against the rulers of tbe dark
ness In this world, against spiritual wicked
ness iu bigh places." Ob, wnat an agitating
moment, when the ranks diabolic move up
and take their p'aces for conflicts In the Ar
mageddon! Other regiments who will march into the
fight will be the Regiment Alcoholic. They
will be made of tbe brewers' companies, dis
tillery owners and liquor dealers' aasocia-
; Hods, and th. hundreds of millions of their
t natrons.
inese minions oi victims ot aioo-
: hoi joined by tne millions of th. victims ot
arrack, tn. spirituous liquor oi unina ana
."f'f Arnbi"' Hna Egypt' "nd C"rloD'
Other regiments who will march Into the
flght on the wrong side will be the Begi-
j of n those regiments. Voltaire, who closed
his life of assault upon Christianity by writ
ing: "Happiness is a dream, and only pain Is
real. I have thought so lor eighty-tour
years, and 1 know no better p'.an than to re
sign myself to the inevitable and to reflect
that flies ate boru to be devoured by spider
and man to be consumed by care. I wish
I had never been born." Oh. tb. Qod-foi
saken regiments of infidels, who, after hav
ing spent their life antagonizing the only in
fluence that could make tbe earth better,
gather with their low wit and their vile sneet
and tbeir learned idiocy and their horrible
blasphemy to take part against uoa ana
righteousness in the great Armnged-lont
Other regiments who will maroh in oa the
tbe wrong side in tb. battle will b. tb. Kegl
ments Mohammedan. At tha present tlin.
there are about one hundred and seventy
live mill.on Moslems. Tbeir plain mission
Is to kill Christians, demean womanhood,
and take possession of the earth in tb inter
ml ot ienorance. suDerstition. and moral
flltb. The massacre of fifty thousand Ar
menians in tbe last two or three years is only
one chapter In their effort to devastate tha
earth ot everything but themselves. Bo
determined are tbev in tbeir bad work
that nil the Nations of the earth put together
dare not say to tbero, ".Stop or we will make
you jtop." My hope is that long before that
last battle of which I speak, th. Turkish
Government, and with it Mohammedanism,
may be wioed out of existence. The TurkUh
power of tbe last four hunlred years baa
been tbe tnirhtiest hindrance on earth to re
ligious liberty and moral improvement. Het
extermination is nroDheied in th. Book ol
Bevelation in tb. Sgure ot the drying up ol
the Blver Euphrates, and she is going rapid-
ly, thank Godl But if the Bibl. prophecy
concerning th. drying up ot th. Euphrates
is not fulfilled before tbe battle mentioned
in my text, Mohammedanism will march is
with sword, and poison, and torch to tak
her part in tbe great Armageddon.
l'ea! to show tbe magnitude of tbs forest
on th. wrong side, I have to tall yoa what if
left of heathenism at that time will maroi
into tbe conflict Then sr. on hundred
and fifty million fetish Idolaters, two hnn
dred and twenty million Brahmins, fom
hundred million Buddhists. Through thi
rubitmest movement ot this century, thi
missionary movement, ail th tlm gather
tog in momentum, I believe all, or nearlj
ail. of thM savsn hundred and swvanty mill
ions of heathendom will be converted to
God. But tost which u not oonvjrtsjj ry
edtne Into thi AjmagMdon on tn. wrong
Jde. o- .
Other regiments on that wrong aid. will
b mad. np ot offenders of all sorts th. d
franders, the libert nes, the dynamiters, tht
Anarchists, th. oppressors and the foes ol
sooiety, th. criminals ot all Nations, bj
whatever nam. they are now called, oi
shall then be called. They mav not before
that hav. openly taken aides, but tben they
will M compelled to take sides. Wltn wnat
venom, with what violence, with what des
peration they will fall into line at the great
Armageddon) I it not appalling, these
naeonnted regiments ot the earth, to be
Joined by th. uncounted regiments from
per Jltlon? Can any power oope with them?
Especially when I tell you who their com
mander U, for so mnch in all wars depends
upon the ohieftaln. Their leader will not
be a political aomdoat or a military "hap
pen so." By talent, and adroitness and
courage, and unceasing Industry he has
some to th bad eminence. He disputed the
throne ot heaven with th. Almighty, but
no one has ever disputed the throne of eter
nal night with this monarch who will In the
last battle take the field In person. Miitoa
nails him Lucifer, Goethe calls him Mephls
topb.les, tbe Hebrew call) blm Abaddon, th
Greek calls him Apollyon. He 1 the imper
sonation of all malevolence, of all oppres
sion, of all cruelly. The summing up of all
falsehood. In his makeup nothing bad was
left out aad nothing good was pat In, and
b. is to be th. General, the Commander-in-Chief
of all the forces on the wrong side ot
th great Armageddon. He has bean in
more battles than you have ever read about,
and h. has gained more victories than have
ever been celebrated In thU world. But I
guess this old warrior of Pandemonium
will not have an undisputed field. I guess
there will be an army to dispute with his
forces. I hav. mentioned the supremacy ot
this world. I guess our troops will not
have to run when, on tha day mentloued
in my text, all tb. Infernal batteries shall be
unlimbered. We bav. been reviewing the
troops diabolic. W. have been measuring
the calibre of tbeir guns. We bav. been ex
amining tbeir ammunition wagons. Kov
let us look at th forces to be marshalled In
the Armageddon on the right side.
First of all. I mention tbe Regiments
Angelic Alas! that th. subject of demon
ology seems better understood than th.
subject ot angelology. But the glorious
spirits around the throne and all the bright
immortals that UU the galleries and levels
of the universe are to take part in that last
great flght, and the Resri ments Angelio are
tbe only regiments capable of meeting th.
Beglments Plutonic To show you some
thing ot an angel's power, I ask you to
consider that just one ot them slew one
hundred and eighty-five thousand of Sen
nacherib's hosts in a night, and it is not a
tough arithmetical question to solve, if one
angel can slay on hundred and eigbty-flv.
thousand troops in a night, how many can
Ave hundred millions of them slay' The
old Book says that "They excel in
strength." It is not a celestial mob, but a
discipted host, and tbey know their rank.
Onerabim, seraphim, thrones, principali
ties and powers! And tne leader of those
regiments In Michael tha Archangel. David
aw just on. group of angels sweep past,
and tbey war. twenty thousand charioted,
Paul, who in th. Oamaliun college bad bis
faculties so wonderfully developed, con
fesses bis incapacity to count tnom by say
ing, "Ye ar. come to Mount Zion and. an
Innumerable company ot angels." It each
out on earth has a guardian angel, then
there must be sixteen hundred million
angels oa earth to-day. Beside that,
heaven must be full of angels, those who
Nay there; not only the twelve angt-ls who,
we are told, guard the twelve gates, but
those angels who help in tbe worship, aud go
on mission from mansion to mansion, and
help to build th hosannas and enthrone the
hallelujahs and roll the doxologlesof tha
twice that never ends. But they all, if re
quired, will be In the last tight between
holiness and sin. rleavtn could afford to
adjourn, just on. day, and empty all its
temples, and mansions, and palaces, and
boulevards into that one battle.
Tbe next regiments that I see marching
Into the flght will be the Regiments Ecclesi
astic According to the last accounts, and
practically only la the beginning- of the gos
pel movoment which proposes to take the
whole e&rtnioruoa, there are lour million
six hundred thousand Methodists, three
million seven nunored ana twenty-nve thou
sand Baptists, one million two hundred and
eighty thousand three hundred and thirty
three Presbyterians, one million two hundred
and thirty thousand Lutherans, and six
hundred ana forty thousand fcpihcopallans.
But the present statistics of churches will be
utterly swamped when, after all the great
denominations have done their best work,
the slowest ol au tn. sects win nave more
numbers than lb present enrollment of all
denominations throughout Christendom. I
i them moving Into th. ranks, carrying a
Standard striped and starred; striped as sug
gesting Him by whose stripes we are hea e 1.
and starred as with the promise that those
who turn many to righteousness shall shine as
tb. stars, forever and ever. Into that battle
oa our side will roll those mighty engines ot
Kwar, tne printing presses ot unnstendom.
to that battle will also mov. th. mightest
telasoopes. that shall bring th stars in their
courses to fight for our God.
Again, th. Kegiments Elemental will rami
Into that battle on the right side. Tha
winds! God showed what He oould do wii n
them when the splintered timbers of ths
ships of the Spanish Armada were strewn
on tbe rocks of Scotland, Norway and the
Hebrides. Tbe waters! He showed what He
oould do with them when He put the whole
earth under them, leaving it subaqueous one
hundred and flrty days. The earthquakes!
He showed what He coil id do with them
when He let Caracas drop into the open
mouth of horror and the islands of tbe sea
went into entombment The lightnings! He
showed what He oould d- with them when
He wrapped Mount Sinai in flame, and we
hav. all seen their flashing lanterns moving
with tbe chariots ot tbe midnight hurricane.
All th. BsgimentsElemental will come in our
side in th. great Armageddon. Come and let
as mount and ride along the line, and review
the troops of Emanuel, and find that the
Begiments Terrestrial and Celestial that coins
into that battle oa th. right side are, as com
parad with those on the wrong si te, two to
one, a hundred to one, a thousand to one.
But Wh9 is the Command.r-in-Chirif on
this side? Splendid arm es have been
ruined, caught in traps, flung over precinices.
and annihilated through tb. inoompeteno.
or treachery of tbeir general. Who com
mands on our side' Jebov ih-Jlrh' so
called in one placa. "Captain of Salvation,"
so-called In another place King ot king.
Lord of lords. Conqueror of conquerors.
His eye omniscient His arm omnipotent.
He will taks the lead. Ha will draw tbe
sword. He will give the comman 1. And
when He plants His foot for the combat, th.
foundations ot th. earth will quake, and
When He shall give tbe battle shout, all tha
gates of bell will tremble.
Bat do not let ns shout until after w have
seen the two armies clash In th. last strug
gle. Ob, my soul! Th. battle of all time and
all eternity opens. "Forward!" For
ward!" Is tbe command on both sides given.
Th. long lines of Doth armies waver, r. d
swing to and fro. Swords of truth ogalu-i
engines Infernal. Black horse cavalry ot per
dition against white horse cavalry oi heaven.
Tbe redemption of this world and the honor
of tbe throu. of God to vindicate, h w tre
mendous is th. battle! The army of rigbt
ousneM seems giving away; but nn It is
only a part of th. maootuvra of I be infinite
fight. It (s a dep.oy of the host c--lctial.
What a meeting In tbls n-l-l ot ap'endor
and wrath, ot the aug-ls, un i of the
Siabolic, of hosanna and blasphemy, of
song and cone, of thediviu and the samnii-.
Tbe thunderbolts ot the Almigiily bur t
and blaze upon the foe. Boom! Boi-id'
By the torches of lightning Ibat illuminated
tha soens I see that the crisis ot tha Arma
geddon has com. It Is the turning point j
Ol fniB Jfisc Dattie. X un ukjlv jji-jjm--ui mil
deci-te nil. Ave! th. 1on of Apollyon
ar breaking ranks. See' 8ae! Tliey fly!
Some on foot, some on wing; they fly.
Back over the battlements of perdition tbi-y
go down with Infinite crash, all tha Regi
ments Diabolic! Back to th mountain:
and caves the armed hosts ot earth, crying
as ihey retreat to the rocks and mountains,
"Fall on us and hide as from the face of Him
that sittetb upon th throne, and from
tb wrath of th Lamb, for tbe great day
of His wrath ha com, and who shall be
able to stand." And while Apollyon. the
prisoner of war, I being dragged in chains
to his dungeon, and oar Conqueror Is r
moaottng His throne, I look off upon th
battlefield, end among the slain I aad th
of Mohammedanism, and Par-an-
lsm, and Atheism, and inndeuiy. and i-Hs-sipatioo,
aud Fraud, and muliitn-linous
Wrong, screwing the plnin, aud I hear the
angel that standeth in the sun crviug iu the
words ot Bevelation, to all the fowl that
fly In the midst of heaven the eagles, and
the vultures, and the hawks, and the a-ba-trosses
"Come and gather yourselves to
gether unto the supper ot the preitt God.
that ye mav eat the flesh of kiu4, au-1 the
flesh ot captains, and the flesh ot mighty
men, and tbe fleah ot horses, an 1 ol them
that sit on thorn."
The prophesiet Armaceddon of the text
has been fougnt, aud Christ and His follow
ers have won tbe day. The kingJons of
this world have become tht kingdoms ol
our Lord and His Christ. All the Christian
workers of our time, yoa, my bearers, an t
you. my readers, and all the C'hr-stian work
ers of all tbe ages, have helped ou the
magnificent result, and the victory is ours -as
much as theirs. This moment inviting
all outsiders, through the ransomed blood of
tho everlasting Covenant, to get into the
ranks of tb. conquerors, aud undur the ban
ner ot our Leader, I shall not close the
ervloa with prayer, as we usually lo, but
immediately give out the Moravian Hymn,
by James Montgomery, approprnl wliuu
written in 1819, but more appropriate in
1896, and ask you, with full voices, as wel'
as with grateful hearts, to chaul It.
Bee Jehovah's banner furl'd,
Sheathed Hissword; lie speaks 'tis dons
And tbe kingdoms of this world
Ar th kingdoms of His Son.
Remains of Prehistoric Quadruped.
from the Kocklea.
Prof. Henry Fairfield Osborn, curator
f Vertebrate Paleontology In the
American Museum of Natural Ulster,
contributes a paper on "Prehistoric
(Quadrupeds of the Rockies" to the Cen
tury. The article is Illustrated by
drawings by Charles Knight, giving
careful reconstructions of these strange
beasts. Prof. Osborn says: Before de
scribing the animals themselves, w
may stop to note what our present'
knowledge of them has cost In human
skill and endurance. Every one of
these pictures la drawn from a com
plete skeleton hewn out of tbe solid
rock, and each of these skeletons repre
sents years and years of arduous ex
ploration in which Wortman, Hatcher,
Peterson and others sent out by tha
American Museum, by Princeton, or by
Yale, have become famous. Our party
found tho Tltanothcre In a broiling
alkali canyon of South Dakota. Its
head was protruding from a hard Hand
tone cliff, and the chest, limbs ana
trunk were chiseled out by the men
under a rude shelter which lowered tho
noon temperature to 108 degrees. They
were encouraged to think that tho
whole beast had been mired In a stand
ing position. This was probably the
cass originally, but suddenly they came
across a fault; It appeared that the bin 1
limbs had been swept away; nod It re
quired two years' more searching be
fore bones of an animal of u corre
sponding size were secured. Every
other skeleton has Its own story of de
termination, disappointment and sur
prise. The old lake basins, once on sea level,
and enriched by the moist, balmy winds
of the Pacific, are now elevated from
four to live thousand feet. The. only
redeeming feature of their present as
pect of absolute barrenness is that the
absence of vegetation leaves the old
graves and burying grounds bare. Fos
sil bones and skeletons are not plentiful
far from It; but a train h! eye sees it
(Teat distance alon; tbe bare gullies,
cliffs and canyons, and yonr dally
scramble of fifteen to twenty miles en
ables yon to prospect over a vast
stretch. You are off in tbe morning,
stiffened by a frosty night. You know
by sad experience that the ice In the.
basin does not promise a conl day.
Yonr backbone is still freezing while
the aun begins to broil and blister your
skin, and you are the living embodi
ment of the famous dessert sc-rved by
the Japanese a hot crust without, an
Ice within. Yonr trail begins on tbe
upland, which may be the actual level
ot the old lake bottom; and as If walk
ing1 through a graveyard, you never
look for bones until tbe land breaks
away by erosion.
When you reach the edge of this up
land, you look off Into a sea of rock,
sometimes wild beyond description, and
you plunge down tbe slope to a certain
level. Then you follow this level round
and round and In and out. Here you
are on a seam which bears fossils.
Above and below It are other similar
fosslliferous seams, and between llieui
are barren seams where you wi'l not
find a bone If you search till doomsday.
This level, perhapa, reiireseiita the
delta of a great mountain river which
swept the animals out with coarse
sand, pebbles and debris. Sometimes
you walk miles and miles, up and down,
day after day, and see nothlDg-hut com
mon turtle bones, which are so decep
tive and tempting at a distance that
the fossil hunter profanely kicks them
aside. Turtles are found everywhere
because they swam out, basked In tha
sunshine in the mldlakes, and occasion
ally eank to tbe bottom, while the car
casses of land animals were buried in
th deltas or nearer shore.
In such a fossil-barren land the heut
seems twice as torrid, ou the buttes
your muscles and back ache doubly,
your tongue Ilea parched from the last
gulp of alkali water, your soul abhors
a fossil, and longs for the green shnd'j
of the East, and the watermelon, when,
all of a sudden, a little projecting bonu
strikes your wearied eye. You fall on
your knees, and breathe gently on the
loose sand; a little scraping, and you
tee the signs of a skull perhaps of
some missing link. The thrill of discov
ery spreads like an elixir through your
frame, and two or three 'boors later,
after carefully cutting out' the prize,
you walk vigorously back to-camp, ev
ery Inch a man.
Thus fossil hunting Is a life of vicissi
tudes and emotions. Tbe fossil hunter
is predestined to his work, like the
sportsman. He returns East lu the au
tumn, vowing he will never go back to
the Bad Lands; but as the favorable
months of spring come around be be
comes more and more restless until bo
Is off. The country that Is as hot as
Hades, watered by stagnant alkali
pools. Is almost Invariably tbe richest
tn fossils. Here, In fact, as you fin I
the greatest variety and number of
bones, yon enjoy tbe most delightful .
flights of the scientific Imagination;
when parched and burned, you conjure
before you the glories of these ancient