Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 09, 1896, Image 3

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    ?!inm& REPUBLICAN
WEnstSOAT. SEP. 10, WW.
Subscription, pr mnom tf
M, 10 cent pr linn for iih faltW
JTertta by to. yeWf q
Tha potato crop ia a large one.
Both academy and public schools
are open.
The Hun tingdon Institute will be
gia November 9.
Herman N. Howe isyisitinghispax
tun putce.
. The cloTeeed crop in Juniata this
j win nut oa targe.
Ererjone come to the republican
meeting on Thursday evening.
Remember the republican meeting
tins coming Thursday evening.
Squire Loudanslager of Delaware
ha a lot of young cattle to selL
The re-union will be held in . this
plaie on tho 20th day of October.
Misa Ida 8ecbler of Danville is a
guest at the Methodist parsonage.
-Miss Emily McMuKin of Lancas
ter is the guest of Miss Nellie Musser.
James Loudon of Waterford visit
ed the county seat one day last week.
Miss Hertzler of Philadelphia is
visiting relatives in Milford township.
The work hours of railroad track'
men has been reduced to eight hours'
The drougth was broken on Satur
day about noon when rain began to
W m Wharton of Harrisburg re
cently visited Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Gil
on. D-ra't forget the republican meet
ing in town on the 10th. Everyone
Miss Kate Hayes and Miss Harriet
Nixon are visiting Lebanon and Lan
caster. Miae Jeannetle Kepner of Harris
burg is visiting relatives in the two
Bart Thomas, a Washington, D. C.
cadet, is a visitor at tho National
Miss Emma Scott of Richmond,
Virginia, is visiting Miss Marion
Metaphor candidate Bryan keeps
his free trade doctrinoa in tho back
Mrs. Charles Valentine of N. Y.
State, has been visiting among friends
in town.
Tl onus McClellan of Altoona paid
his brother Captain McCiellan a visit
last week.
Between the years 1778 and 1895
in Pennsylvania .308 persons have
been hung.
Miss An mo Howe of Tyrone is vis
iting her grand-parents, Mr and Mrs.
Jessie Howe.
The corn crop will not bo as large
in this county as expected on account
of the drougth.
On last Thursday Win. and Dorf
Ellis caught 20 bass in tho river
north of this place.
This is centennial week in Hunt
ingdon. The jubilee will close on
Thursday evening.
Professor John Hamilton of the
State Agricultural department was in
town last Thursday.
Miss Harriet Parker of Lewistown,
spent Sunday with the Misses Parker
at their summer homo.
It was cold enough in Iowa on Sat
urday to form ice. Tho thermome
ter raa down to 20 degrees
The Sheriff sold the Bedford
Springs property to Bancroft & Hil
lis of Baltimore for $280,000.
George Rodgers has received an
appointment as a clerk at republican
state quarters in Philadelphia
Li Hung Chang, the Chinese Em
bassador, expresses himself of highly
pleased with the United States.
K. M. Waple, the well known horse
man and hotel man of Tyrone, was at
the National House on Sunday.
Mr. Charles Hower of Selinsgrove,
was a visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Hower on Monday.
Miss Esther -McKinley visited her
cousins, the Misses Green in Lewis
town, Wednesday and Thursday.
Bee hunters in Huntingdon county
have been rewarded for their labor
by the finding of many bee trees.
Mr. and Mrs. Lither Stoner of
Earnsbnre, Center Cv. -n visiting
the Stoner family on Front street.
Miss Bess Hefenck of Mexico,
spent a day last week with David
Rickenbaugh's family in Patterson.
Colonel Robison and wife have re
turned from an excursion with the
State Factory inspectors to Canada.
Mrs. George Sieber or Walker
township, died of consumption, on
the night of the 2nd, present month.
Rev. Mr. Mortimer of this place
and Rev. Mr. Coffmau of Thompson
ton exchanged pulpits last Sunday.
The rain on Saturday did good but
did not penetrate the ground deep
enough to make plowing satisfactory.
Mrs. Eearns of Mifflin countv, was
a guest of her sister Mrs. Joseph
Rothrock, a couple of days this week.
Miss Willa McNitt returned to her
borne in Patterson last week after a
lengthy visit to friends in Lewistown.
Monday afternoon James Adams
started for Philadelphia where he
will continue working in his old posi
tion. Frank Marry and Edgar R. Mus
ser of Washington, D. C, are spend
ing their vacation with their paren's
in town.
Miss Kate Thomas of Norrietown,
who is visiting her parents near Mc
.AlistervUle, spent Thursday in town
among old friends and acquaintances-
"The Pennsylvania State Oramm.
of nSSr lM
sJfe?e!lr ?d gWer Jennie.
5?"" Neb-as!
-on WnL Nelfy"111 "
JEdward Fleming of Perry county,
has invented a machine that aaUsfail
tonlycuUoff two row. of "rn
u nurses can walk.
Amateur fishermen are talkine
about putting fish dams in the
e tne constitutionality
of the present fish law.
Forty one states were represented
in the anti-Brvan nrnv.r.f... v.
nominated a true demooraiie ticket at
Auuuuiapous last week.
Georce Pftrlror
, ""! returned
to Media to resume the practice of
Buort vacation here among
his parents and friends.
' The Rockland Sunday School will
m me grove near
the sohool house on September 12th.
All are invited to attend."
Four head of horses perished in
the fire of the barn on the Dixon
farm near Lockport, .Mifflin county,
on Sunday night, August 80.
Squirrels are said tn v.-
the proof of which is made manifest
Dy me strings of game that are
brought in by the sportsmen.
The Lewiatown &n1 M;m;niv
foot ball teams will play a game of
foot-bftll at Pnl Rnwal ;.. T:
- j ... . .... VM
day, September 18 at 10 A. M.
Ex-Senator Rmi!v an A
Janltin and ex-Judge Barnett of
Bloomfield, were all here attending
court on Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Sarah Derr of Milton
visitiner Miss Cu-ria TWr faw A
- mm v t4BJ O
of last week, started for TT -.-;.
oa Saturday where she will visit.
John Harman a oIavap nalmn
the Newton Hamilton Watchman,
presented editor Morrison a cabbage
head that weighed 17 pounds.
Miss Eleanor dimnhell f Pw
Royal and cousin Miss Campbell of
nuuuuuon uo, were tne guests of
ansa jsess uroninger on Friday.
WlQ, KartZ of MtZTtiVl la a luaii.n
pointed tax collector for Watin.
township, to fill the vaeancy caused
by the death of tax-collector Smith.
AvDles are food for nnxra nnl.
they get too many apples, in which
case like all other kind of over-feed
ing the now of milk will be lessened.
The familv offinnrra Wilann Fen
c - ..-w-,..,
who have been residing for the sum
mer, a few miles west of town, left
for their home ia Pittsburg on Thurs
day. Sweet corn is Baid Id be frond m
bait. As the sweet corn time ia over
for this year one can clip this item
and paste it in their hat for next
The Misses Minnie Gross, Daisy
Meyers and Messrs. Marshall Toi!
and Corbet Singer of Tbompsontown,
spent last xiiursday - evening in
Colonel Moorehead has completed
the tram way from the .Tuscarora
Valley Railroad to one of the phos
phate mines, and is shipping phos
phate. A French doctor says ne can cure
consumption, if the patient is not too
far gone, by tha use of a strong anti
sceptic by inhalation. He uses
Mr. Adolph Oppla of Black Log,
spent Sunday in town and listened
to a suraion in the Presbyterian
church by Rev. Jlfr. R ven on Sun
day evening.
The Bryan and two tailed Vice
Presidential ticket party will bold a
State convention on the 10th to re
construct their platform to suit the
Bryan revolutionists,
On last Wednesday, .Mrs. Eliza
beth Kepner, accompanied her little
grand-daughter Elizabeth Crull to
her home in Harrisburg, where she
will remain some time.
Squiro William H. Groninger has
bought what is known as the Hi eke t
farm of 5G acres in Tuscarora Valley
from the Dr. Graham heirs for twenty-four
hundred dollars.
What a sight, the democratic State
Convention called to meet in Harris
burg on Thursday to repudiate the
platform that the democratic State
Convention adopted last April.
Ex-Sheriff Samuel Lapp has been
elected delegate to represent the Mif
flin town bose company at a Fireman's
State Convention to bis held at Johns
town on October 8th, 9th and 10th.
All the sheriff sales property were
continued last Friday excepting the
McKinley mill property in Spruce
Hill township, which was sold to Wm.
G. Graham for five hundred dollars.
Republican cound monsv tripsin H
100 cent dollar good everywhere
tnrougn tne world, vote the repub
lican ticket from beginning to end
and thereby help to keep the money
Fifteen persons were baptized at
the residence of I. G. Brunner, near
Bloomfield, on Saturday, the 29th
ins!.., by the Rsv. D. Barnhart, pas
tor of the U. B. church. Bloomfield
Bryan has gone west with the
echoes of the great republican victory
in Vermont ringing in hia ears, and
the nomination of Jefferson demo
crats telling him of sure djfeat in
The rain on Saturday started eels
en a run down stream in a search for
winter quarters. The slippery snake
like things have a hard time dodging
the many fish baskets that axe in the
river to catch them.
The coming winter promises to be
fruitful in revival meetings, if early
autumn revival meetings are an indi
cation Exchange papers report the
opening of revival meetings in this
first week of September.
Prcf. O. C Gortner and family
have returned from a prolonged visit
to relatives in Cowen, Selinsgrove
and other places, and have moved
from Main street to Third street.
The professor has again taken charge
of the public schools.
PnmnVin. tA - v .
f . "OK are aaacrer-
are ouod for ko.
5 wj uiu ismcuA. IDI
. ""HMua u tne stomacneof
An avaa11.a m
noi lurnitnre polish mav
. 7 J .""vugmj i auxin? one
vmn oi raw unseed oil with two of
; . - - -Miuei aiter tne lurni-
ture .has been carefully dusted. Sep
tember Ladies' Rnmo.T oi
Mm. TknmK . .
"tu who oi James
Thompson .residing near McCullochs
Mills, died ut Rn.J.. - : ,
about tVJ
, j - mrs. i. no m peon
was a daughter of Wm. Van Swer
lnsren of Hnn.. mi . .
. , , x lie iunerai
.m. xuumpson were mar
ried last winter.
Four Tounty MfMA a., t
Singer Sauth, of Miller township.
nave oiea within the past few days
from some vegetable or mineral
r-umoo, iate Veterinarian Dr. Leon.
rrl . .
. . , not saving decided
wm mm wiiiiim m
iw minutes after the first symptoms
uiuuiuuaia &avocate.
Auepiowm r for wheat has not
been as Well ilnn in..
account Of drnntrli an A t
--oi u ouun uuiu-
ers say that if a soakinsr rain does
uui, come Darnr. mimAm t; n
Will DOC bow m..:
-. nunii. xueir exper
ience last fail in Tuscarora Valley in
MVinv nnJA H a. . , . - .
uiununois cir-
oumstancea has led them to that do-
T Ba4 TL... TTT-H - n
Wasnington, Mew Jersey veteran on
crutches, drawing a pension and ar-
ea 11 years, was married to Miss
Hannah Lozaw aged 17. The bride
if she lives to be old will be one of
the pension widows long after the
pensioners au nave passed into the
future world, and many will be the
inquiries now she came to be a pen
An insane man set fire to the Le
high county poor house last Thurs
day. There are 200 inmates in the
place, The fire was extinernished with
great difficulty and it requirod " the
umtea enorts oi lour men to subdue
the insane incendiary. The riroba-
i m r 1 1 - -i - .
viuiy ia au lucenaiary people are in
sane; insane on the subject of insur
ance money gain or insane with mal
ice or jealousy.
General John M. Palmer of Illi
nois, the nominee of the Simon-pure
nomocracy ior tne Presidency was a
major ueneral m the Union armr:
was Governor of Illinois and is now
the United States Senator from Illi
nois. The candidate for the Vice
Presidency on the ticket with Gener
al Palmer is Simon Bolivar Buckner
of Kentucky. He was a general in
the confederate rmy. .
Fill a deep, yiiow pie-dish with
pared apples sliced very thin; then
cover with a substantial crust and
bake; when browned to a torn, slit)
a knife around the inner edge, take
of! the cover and turn bottom up
ward on a plate; then add a generous
supply of sugar, ciunamon and cloves
to the apples; mash altogether and
spread evenly on the inverted crust.
After grating nutmeg over it the dish
is served cold with cream. Septem
ber Lidies' Home Journal.
On Friday morning about 1 o'clock
a fire broke out in the barn of C A.
Rippman in Millerstown. The struc
ture was destroyed with three horses,
carriages, buggies, harness and hay
and oals and corn. The Rippman
tannery took nre from the barn, but
the fire in the tannery was put out
A stable owned by Jtfrs. Jane Secrist
and a stable owned by J. D. Taylor
was destroyed by fire from the Ripp
man barn reaching them. The loss is
estimated at 8,000. There is a par
tul insurance.
Merchant John D. Love and Luth
eran minister Thomas F. Recser,
while fishing in a 15 feet pool of wa
ter near Hollidaysburg last Thurs
day, were drowned. From the fact
that Love's fishing rod and line were
found in a field some distance from
the stream, it is believed that the
preacher fell into the pool from a log
that projected over the stream, and
his call brought Love from the field,
where he was looking for bugs for
bait, and in trying to get tho preach
er out, he was pulled into the water,
and both drowned together.
Just to think how we are getting
along at learning how to take care of
ourselves, and rid our bodies of ail
ments for example. -Major General
Drayton of the British army tells us
that by rapid breathing in pure air,
we may relieve ourselves of coughs,
colds, sore throat, heart-ache and ev
en tooth-ache, if there is not an ulcer
at the root of the tooth, and another
writer tells us the quickest way to
get warm is to hold our breath as
long as we can, then breath a minute
and then bold our breath repeating
that till warm.
A stone was thrown by some un
known person through a window of
Captaiu McCiellnn's harness room in
Odd Fellow's Hall. The mischief
was probably don9 on Saturday night.
The stoao passed through the glass
that was struck. The hole made in
the glass is not large. The pane was
a good deal cracked, and a pane in
the lower part of the sash was crack
ed. The stone that did the work
was a limestone from the street. Oth
er stones lay on the sidewalk as if
considerable stone throwing had been
engaged in. The Captain would like
to know who did it. If tho stoco
thrower will present himself and pay
for the glass, and hare it put iu at
his expense, there will bo no more
of it
E D. Wells, of Watts townbhip,
who farms for Sheriff Johnson, had a
narrow escape from' death last Wed
neBday. He was in Duncannon with
a load of melons and drove down the
alley, above Brown's store aad at
tempted to cross the store just as a
fast East bound passenger train was
due. The horse just got across the
track when the wagon was struck by
the train. Mr. Wells was thrown up
in the air about 15 feet and landed
30 feet west of tho alley in a garden.
He was considerably bruised and
badly shaken up, but was not sor
iously injured. The horse escaped
without any injuries, but the wagon
was made into kindling wood, and
the melons were arnHcrfA in
direction. The railronil
paid Mr. W. $30 for his wagon.
It ia feared thai John rwr
eon of W. Power DaLanoey, of New!
Crt, was lolled in tha terrible At
itio City railroad accident Borne
weeks ago. He started to the sec
shore on that day and he hai net
been heard from since. His trunk
has been sent to hia father in New
port The young man was attend
ing a business college in Philadel
phia. Bryan's free trade and free silver
depressing shadow, struck Philadel
phia bard last week when ten thous
and men were thrown out of employ
ment. There will be worse times in
Philadelphia than in the winter of
1893 following the start of the tariff
panic. If you vote for Bryan and
the democratic ticket times will grow
Worse. Be wise aad vote tha rannh.
Iican ticket.
Bucknell University, John Harris,
LL. D President - College with
four courses of study leading to de
grees; Academy for boys and young
men; Ladies' Institute, and Sohool of
Music Thirty acre campus; ten
buildngs including gymnasium, lab
oratory and observatory. For cata
logue and other information address
Wm. C Gretzinger, Registrar, Lewis
burg. Pa. 29july-4t
Buy your hunting dogt and have
them acquainted before the bunting
season opens. I have the following
to offer, guaranteed thoroughly brok
en on their game and reliable. Fox
hounds, rabbit hounds, beagles, set
ters and pointers; also some fine
Newfoundlands, spaniels, collies, fox
and bull terriers; fancy poultry and
pigeons; Belgium and German baree;
prices low. J. Howard Taylor,
Ang.27,ly. West Chester, Pa.
James Hollinger, of Campbells
town, while walking down a street in
Lebanon, fell over unconscious.
After he recovered he said he had
looked through the window cf a
bouse occupied by a hypnotist, Prof.
Held, and had seen a sharp steel rod
run into a man's cheek. At the hos
pital, where Hollinger was taken,
the physicians could not agree
whether he had been hypnotized or
had collapsed at the sight of a fel
low-being in pain.
Upon information made by C. S.
Albright, of Montgomery's Ferry,
Daniel C Banner, of tho same sec
tion has been arrested and held in
$100 bail to answer the charge of
cruelty to animals. A warrant has
alio been issued for the arrest cf
Henry E. Benner for the same crime.
but he has not as yet been appre
hended. The latter, it is alleged,
cruelly beat his horses on the 25th
of May last, and the former one
week later. Liverpool Sun.
One of tho leadintr attractions at
the Huntingdon Centennial is the
Standing Stone monument. It stands
at Third and Penn streets where it is
supposed it stood when the In
dians inhabited the Juniata Valley. A
poem was written some years ago, in
which the name of an Indian maiden
named Alfurata figured prominently,
and the water of the river Juniata is
described as being blue, and from
that poem an erroneous belief hss
gone abroad that the Indian name
Juniata, means Standing Stone. Jun
iata river tceacs Blue River.
John DcLancey, son of W. Power
DeLancoy, of this place, was attend.
ing a business college in Philadelphia
and his boarding house keeper has
not heard of him since he left his
temporary home to make a trip to
Atlantio City in search of employ
ment July 30, and his friends fear
he was in that terrible railroad wreck
which blotted out 40 or more lives at
that time, that his was among the
number of unrecognizable bodies
iounu alter tne disaster, la any
event, his trunk has been sent home
by his former landlady, who said she
needed the room in her house he for
merly occupied. Newport News.
The 36th annual Fair of the Juni
ata Agricultural Societywill be held
at Port Royal, Pa , on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, September 16,
if and it, yt.
$2,000 in premiums. The prem
ium list has been thoroughly revised
and enlarged. The farm and dairy
and the household end mechanical
arts will be represented, A ladies'
department filled with useful and or
namental articles. The program of
amusements will include many of the
latest novelties and attractions of the
day. A fine poultry exhibit contain
ing many choice specimens of all the
noted strains- Game of Foot Ball on
Friday at 10.30: New Bloomfield vs.
Mifflintown. Trotting, running and
pacing races. A parade of premium
stock will be one of the many fea
tures of the fair. Fruit, Floral and
Vegetable displays. Excursion rates
on ail railroads.
James N. Gbokdtoeb,
W. R. WhAbtow, Prw'f.
The Newport Ledger of Sectem-
ber 3rd, says : On Thursday of last
woek the residence of Charley Frank,
in Howe township, near the Red Hill
church, was entered by some prowler
and robbed. There was no one in
the Louse at tha time, MrB. Frank
having gone to the Grangers' picnic,
&'r. Frank at his work on the rail
road, and the other members of the
family were out in the fields plowing
and clearing out fence corners. All
drawers were opened and the con
tents thrown about Wm. Frank, a
son, missed $20 in cash and a certi
ficate of deposit, on a Harrisburg
bank for $50 ; Charley missed $27 in
cash, and $16 in silver was taken
that belonged to the father, Jacob
Frank. In the same box that the
silver was there was an old fashioned
pocket book that contained $70 in
currency that the thief failed to find.
Mr. Jacob Frank s money was in a
desk, the lock of which was broken.
It is supposed that a tramp who
wanted to sell a itlegraph lineman a
kit, was the thief.
Wabd Ulsh. In Patterson h
Rev. J. D. Shorlcse, Mr. Elijah T.
ward ana .wise Alaggie (Jlsh.
Si'IcHkr BaRxeb. At Mifflin
by Rev John H. Mortimer, Mr. Ed
ward bpicner and Miss Millie Burner:
Sheer. On the 2nd inst. Rt ML
Pleasant Walker township, Mrs. Eliz
abeth Sicbcr, aged 24 years and 14
Subscribe for the SES-nirei. " ajto
BxpcBLicAx, a paper that contains
choice reading matter, full of inform
tion that does the reader good, and
in addit ion to that all local news that
are worth publishing find places in
its columns tf.
Oaegain Bays
Commencing next Thursday, August 27th, and continue until Saturday
cveuiug, oepiemncr itu.
Returned from New York where
Fall and Winter Goods, the latest and
mostly Duplexed.
You will find ereat surprises wherever vonr eves can leaah.
Black figured Brillian tines, glossy
just fits yorr ideas for the separate skirt
ooo ana ouo.
Black and eolored, all-wool Henriettas and Ssrges. 36 inch wide at 25o;
worth 40o
Flannel DeLaine for Fall Dresses
ibbi we ioidj; ior a nice aress at oc; worm 7Ce.
Ladies Blaek fine broad elutfa, suitable for early Fall oapas, 54 inches
wide at 75o and 88c; worth $1.00 ond $1.25
Fine Black Clay Worate 1 and Diagonal English Goods, 56 inches wide
for wraps and capes at $1.38 to $2 00, will give you immense service, and
make up pretty..
Also good wide silk lining for capes at 50c a yard.
Ladies Flannel Skirts for 50c; worth 75o.
Blankets: White & gray for 50 and 75o and $1 and up.
Fanoy Novelty Sailing at 25o; worth 40o.
10-4 unbleached .Bed Sboeting for 121e; worth 18o.
104 bleaobcd sheeting for 15c; worth 25e.
10 yards Canton Flannel for 49c, 59c, 69o.
10 yards of the best yellow Canton Flannel for 75o, worth $1.00.
10yds of fiae bleaohed mnalin at 49a and 69o.
10yds of yard wide best bleached Hill muslin at 69o.
10yds of unbleaohed muslin at 45o, 55c and 65o.
800 Ladies' heavy Fall vests, long sleeves at 18o. and 20o, and 25o.
Fine Silk Embroideried suspenders at 10c; worth 25o.
Amonia at 5o a bottle.
Asnre Silk. A Cotton Fabrio, but very pretty.
Silk effect at 124o makes a very pretty all dress.
Men s and Boy's Cheviot Shirts at 25e.
Linen crasb, 3yda for 25o and 4 yds for 25e.
Heavy toweling 4o a yd or 7ds for 25o.
Good Ladies' hose in black at 5c a pair; worth lOo.
Fine Herinsdorf black Ladioshose for 18a and 25o.
Men's heavj shirtings at 6o, 7o and 8o.
Best Bine Demms for overalls for 9Jo, 124o and 14o; very heavy goods. '
House Clearing Sale of Summer Goods. In every space of our stores the
weeding out process of summer goods is going oa, and in order to close it out
at once, prices are eut right and left, utterly regardless of cost and valne.
Every Monday forenoon during Bargain Days, we will sell you Ladies'
Shirt waists atlOo a piece.
Our great Sl.oc Store prices are moved away down. Values not considered.
Men's Boy's and Ladies' and Children's Shoes at specially reduced prices, car
pets, mattings, oil olatb. All at reduced prices.
Don't misa your tirao. Don't Forget It.
Stores closed Tuesday, Sep. Stli and Thursday Sep. 17th.
103 to 109 BRIDGE STKEET,
Schott's Stores,
1865, ESTABLISHED. 188V.
Special Invitation To The lublie
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goee on dattj
It will be
Who nave money to invest to examine the Stook of Good for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
D. W. H Alt LEY,
S. S. Ruble,
Practical JEmbalmcr and Funer
al Iflrcctor.
Bridge $t, Mifflintown, Pa.
We warn the readers of this
use of our name ia advertisements cf so-called traveling optica!
specialists. Our advice to all persons who have defeetivr ayesir'.::. :
Avoid tnvellcg spseizHiis and tcSSzrs ft f?.:r.7rer. "
QLEEN & CO., The Opticians, lOIO Chestnut St., ; f .ly.hix,'
Manufacturer? snd Iinpo'tois of Aci.nr.it-e ud iitmUtol Spretacia autt ' Giaacb
Our Eye iaht MoMlter mtm cu rsstipt I five w.-fit postage atupa,
For a limited time only. Don't
miss it: 1 Dos. Cabinet Photographs
and one 16x20 Crayon Portrait
made by one of the finest Artists in
Philadelphia, all for $3.75 at Hess'
Photo Studio, Mifflintown, Pa.
Bargain Uoyof
I nurehated a ?reat variatv of earl
newest at lowest oash priees, and are
as Raven's wings; a half dozen designs,
and at very little eost Prioes 25o.
at 10c, fancy novelty, brocade effect
ioornal that we do tint nnthnri7 the
YcnrEvss. Ig
Summer Goods
All the Fall styles
in stiff and crush
The silver hat.
The gold hat.
Also an entirely new line of Shir fa and Neckwear.
The Latest in Collars Several sew stjka just out.
The celebrated Douglas Shoe io 12 different Styles.
Hollobaugh fc Bon.
Hie JflciJlmiic Hardware
THE HamE8TWlY WesiBtE-
to (et along in the rorId is to tuy ''real lif.p tl h gp. As a
rule, the lees ycu pay, the more it cofrts in tie locg run.
We don't . bca&t of "cher.p" prices at this Store, and etill
quality ccusidercd, ne tell at j rices ti nt ought to interest
careful buyers.
COOK STOVES- We control the Sale of
cook etoves tn this comity. We have nevtr Leard a woman
coioplain who bought cne of these ftoves. Every bujer has
agreed on four things:
The Stoves Cook better, they bake better, they are easiest
to regulate, and ere lefs trouble than any other stove.
to 928.00.
bow et-tily tbirg.s tt "f-cratefced up" eicund the Ltute.
Sen-.et5ii.es it's a chair or a table cr a door. More then half
the lime, the KisM.t? ne r.tgltcttd, lecauee it teems hardly
worth while to send for a painter.
by not do the work j'ourself. You can
Get Prepared Paints all Heady
to use at a trifling cost. You can brighten up furniture, 'door?, flower pota,
baggies and lots of ether things.
We keep these prepared paints in all tho colors. And wo sell paint
bioirhcs, too good ones.
The paints como in tin buckets, holding I P. Tbo price is 15o.
K. McOlintic.
Founded In Large Faculty
Two fn'.l cenreR of ttody Classical and
Scientific, S pecial conrsps in all depart.
mentR. Obserralorr, Laboratories anl
new Gymnasium. Steam heat. Libraries,
22,000 volumes. Expenses low. Depart
ment of Hygiene an l Physical Culture in
charge of an experienced jihysxian. Ac
cessible by frequent railroad trains. Loca
tion on the BATTLEKIKLD orGeit sbur.
motit pleasant an.1 healthy. PREPAR
ate btiidins, for boys and young men pre
paring for bnslnes? or College, under spec
ial care of the Principal and three assist,
ants, residing with students in tbo building.
Fall term opens September 6lh, 1805. For
Catalogues, address
or KEV. O. G. KLINGEK, A. .,
Gctttyeburg, Pa.
Stockholders Individually Liable
W. C. Peine roy,
John Hertsler,
Robert 8. Parkor,
T. V. trwiu.
Joii'.tpi) Eoihrcpk,
Josiah I. Barter,
Louis K. Atkinson
8TocanoLTsi a :
George A. Kepner, Ar.Die M. Simlif-T,
Joseph Bothrocfe, P. fr. Mai.bect,
L. E. Atkinecn, H. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irscn
Mary Knrte, Jerome N. Thf.nii-.f.on,
John Hertzlor,
T. V. Irwin.
John M. Blair,
F. . V. Pennell,
8amnelS. Kolhiock,
11. N. Sterrett.
Jmre G. fletd.'cp,
6. W. Eer. .
Josiah L Earu:!,
Robert H. I ' ixflpwu
Lptt Mtht,
Wll!. Swjrtf.
H. J. Shellei hi r?cr,
M. JC. Schlrptl,
Samuel Schlcgel.
Thrto and Four p-;r r.t-nt. iriteres! wi: :.
paid on csrtvTates of dc-ponit.
f;ar 3.
; thing to patent? Protect yonr ideas ; i hey ny
! t7rn 'ou wealth. Writo JOiAN nrKDt.iJrt.
' BUKN 4c CO., Patent Attornoys, Wauliiiiglou.
D, C. tor Ueir i.gv priae ctfer? ZZZ
Garfield Tees
fi 5?r y-c. -if irtg
Scn-USo American
Agency for
- r-2 tsS- Rssion fATPh-s s.
WJ7 a
M'T',. a CO., J:t IMiAUWAT. NidW Vnr.K.
Ol.-t'-st l.itrp&it for pr;riis ti'HU In Amvrlctt.
Ki'ry i-.Tii:t takfa out hy lie is lirnat, b-r-im
tnp pcUic by a nii.- jiTt.nrrou(uh&ro la tha
lAivfnst ctrfmlatfoTi of any selpiitlflo P3Vr ?n the
worid. Bvltmaidly illu4rateU. o iut;!Urvul
turn liKuiiX ba wltiiout It Weekly, Krt.cua
jeati t,U2t six moniha. AJOrew, MUNN" i OX
ruubliua, 361 Bxuadway, A'onr Vurk City.
xm FIRST ,
Imti at Lowost Pries.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Taa HmTom PIoam inform your t4er
l',vxt I hswn pitUv rainly tor tha abuv-nmed
l'.'tLo. lij its Umoly use thonwud of hoaflcMi
tx3 Uiirc boeo pcrmouenUj enrod. I ahit! I.h
u, wnrt two bottle of my tvmnAf FBEfi (o ai:cl
i'-i i r;Atfrii wbc l.dv cnUHiiaiptljn li xly will
Mux I; 5 tiu ir tspsva :ad t. O. juldru. Kcpcot
fully b X. JMJCv tf, U, a. St, J ,