PARTED m THEIR WEDDING DAY. TTattle Furoian wan a great ravortte Willi tlie gentlemen, and ber partiality for tbe sterner sex was as great at their for ber. She was engaged to young Dr. Hartley, but he had on year more at the university before hli studies were completed, and bia flan cee seemed nowise Inclined to mourn his absence. There were admirers In plenty ready to take his place, and she never lacked an escort to any of the elgbborhood festivities, where aba was always tbe life and mischief of the party. Then she would write a fall history each affair to her absent lorer, never forgetting to tell him how much she had enjoyed herself, bow agreeable Mr. So-aud-So had been, what pretty speeches Mr. Sucb-a-one bad made wbeu she accepted his escort for tbe next dance at tbe ball, "and he's such an elegant waltzer, you know," she added, tantalizlngly. Tbe young doc tors blood fairly bulled when be read these missives and Imagined some Other man's arms where he considered none but bis bad any right to be. Yet be dared not protest. He venture J once to assert bis rights, on his last va cation home, and his ring had been of fered him with such promptness that st fairly took bis breath away. "I don't want It. I won't take It," he gasped. "Ju.t as you like," replied llattle, coldly. "I thought you were tired of me. If you are. Just take back your old rltg. Fred Fox offered me a nicer oue last week.'' -Oh, Hattie!" was all the Doctot could say. His grieved tone and white face touched the girl's heart, and she burst out with: "Oh. Frank! I didn't moan It. I'd rather have your ugly old ring than nil the other rina In the world, aud I'd rather have you than all" lure she threw her arms around his neck i Impulsively, hid her face on his shoul der and burst Into tears. Then, of course, he begged her par don aud called himself a brute, nn.l the forgave hiui, and whru he went awuy flirted more than ever. She was usually very prompt In ful Olling their compact of writing week ly letters to each other, but on two oc casions the weeks had made a mouth before the longed-for letter came to the absent lover, nuil then she made no ex cuse but that she had been having so much fuu she had quite forgotten to write. Tile young doctor really believed she only meant to tease hiui, yet he felt in dignant and mutually vowed that if the reins were ever In his bauds she should repent her seeming heartless ness. It is a wonder the poor fellow could study at all. but he did at last gruduate witli honor. Hattie seemed proud as he of the hard-earued diploma, aud the young couple spent u delightful fortnight mak ing plans for the future aud trying to decide upon the most desirable locution for a young physician to gain a lucra tive practice and a home for his Iwniiiie tirlrtu. ire was rar too ninnly to usb llattle to link her fate with his until he could otTcr her a home that would iu some degree approach the comfortable one she would leave, even If her par ents had beeu willing for such a pro feeding. While still undecided a position offered his as physician and surgeon with an exploring aud aurveyiug party that were making a tour to the fat Northwest. There was money in it and tlie needed practice without feat of competition or failure. It teemed tbe chance of a lifetime and had been tendered Mm through the Influence of one of the university professors, yet It would involve a three years' separa tion from llattle, and what assonance had he that some of those other fellow would not win her from him? Even :f they did not he felt as If he nevei could endure three such years of tor ture as that Inst oue at the university had beeu. Still he could not refuse, especially when her parents urged him o strongly to accept. Hattie seemed very sorry to have him go and promised very faithfully to be true to her troth. "But you can't expect me to le an old woman. Frank," she said. "Why, If I couldn't have any fun for three years I'd be wrinkled and gray-haired when you came back, and then you wouldn't wont me at all." Frank laughed aud said he'd run tbo risk, and if she'd only wait for hiui 'twas all he'd ask, but It was with aching heart he kissed her a last fare well, and a torturing fear of what that long three years might bring forth. It was twelve miles from tbe pretty little village, where their childhood days hnd been spent, to the nearest rail way statiou. and he arrived there at It o'clock oue beautiful June night. He found that schedules had been changed and that he could make better time In reaching his party to wait for the morning express. He felt aggravated to think of waiting six long hours that he might have been spending with llat tle, who he knew was almost crying her pretty eyes out over his departure. The more he thought of it the more tortur ing it been nil- ami with a sudden re solve he bought hU ticket, checked his baggage, visile:! the nearest livery barn and in fifteen minutes a horse and Our I's and Other Eyes. Our I's are just as strong as they were fifty years ago, when we have cause to use them. Lut we have less and less cause to praise ourselves, since others do the praising, and we are more than willing for you to see us through ether eyes. This is how we look to S. F. Boyce, whole silo and retail druggist, Duluth, Minn., who after a quarter of a century of observation writes : " I have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla for more than i$ years, lioth st wholesale and retail, and have never heard any thing iut words of praise from my customers ; not a single complaint has ever reached me. I Lclieve Ayer's Sar saj..r;IU to be the best blood purifier that has been intro duced to the general public." This, from a man who has sold thousands of dozens of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is strong testimony. B'it it only echoes popular sentiment the world over, which has " Nothing but words of praise for Ayer's Sarsaparilla." Any doubt about If Send for trie Coreboofc."" It kills doubt aud cures dbubiers. Addrc&s: J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Maw. . buggy was making tbe beat possible time over tbe home road. He could hardly -tell Just when the nonientous thought did occur to him, but as be rode along, dwelling upon Hattle's earnest assurance that she would marry him "this minute," if be could only take her along, a possibility Bashed across his mind that made him urge the borse to still greater speed. He could not take ber with bim. . but His heart seemed lighter already and the borse fairly lew along the smooth turnpike. Within a mile of Mr. For ma n's there lived a Justice of the peace. Dr. Hartley paused long enough to rouse this worthy functionary and held a hurried consultation with him; then he drove on. Hattle's parents were somewhat sur prised at beiug disturbed In their sluni 1 ber, but not so much surprised as when. ifter a short conference between tbe young doctor and his fiancee, who had I needed no waking, they were sum- uioned to give their consent to an im- mediate marriage. They could think ' of uo valid objection if tbe young folks ' vt'l c ! i It a tiit mn tirftiir la f JiiatlnA Eraus pronounced the couple man and I It was then 3 o'clock and the young husband had only time to leave his wife In ber parents' care again, bid ber another loving farewell and hasten to . reach the train that was to bear him so J far away from his native Pennsylvania village aud ber whom he bad loved since bis earliest recollection. His three years' trip was one of min gled barlsblp, excitement and pleas ure; In all a very enjoyable one to Dr. Hartley. A part of every Sabbath day was spent In writing long, loving let ters to Hattie. And although he often longed for a eight of the dear face he felt no anxiety on her account, know ing that when he did return she would be watching for bim. I For the young wife tbe time did not pa.-s so pleasantly. Poor girl! Her j "fun" was spoiled. She conld not ao ! ?cpt other escorts now, and as she had j do brother to act as such she was ! forced to remain at home, and there she j uioped aud pined for Frank until her I parents bitterly repenaed the hasty ' I iep they bad allowed her to take. Aud i it is doubtful If In that first long, lonely I year she did not herself regret It, but 1. ' so none were tbe wiser, least of all the absent husband. I She had never really meant to grieve her faithful lover as she had lu that last year, and now that she realized what heartache meant she would not have him suffer as she did, and so she exerted herself to write cheerful, con tented letters. Frank almost believed she did not miss him and wished she might feci Jukt a little of what he had once oil accouut of her thoughtless Qirtiug, yet be was too honorable to give ber any reason for distrust aud too true for deception of any kind. Home did not seem home to Hattie tny more. She herself was so changed that unconsciously ber parent' de meanor changed toward her. (lenero'is checks from Frank much more tliun iupplied her wants, and wait slia did not positively need was carefully hoarded to furnish the lovely home that seemed yet so far away, and many hours were passed in making pretty t rillcs for the same purpose. Much of ber time was spent at Frank's home. His mother was dead, but with bis !utiier, auut and cousin she seemed, best ?OllirIlt. Oue day a gossipy neighbor bantered licr about ber strange widowhood aud remarked that likely Dr. Hartley was having a fine time playing agreeable to other ladies, for of course no oue would suppose him to be a married man. The shot struck borne, for only that very week he had mentloaed In his letter a lady that reminded bim of her. To be sure, how did she know in wbat manner be was spending his time. Aud could she blame him If he did sometimes forget his loyalty to her? And then she thought with shame of ber own promiscuous flirting of the v pust. That night she hunted op the piece f paper that was legal evidence tbat rhe twaiu was one. la that last year :hat little paper was one of her great est comforts, and thankful she was :liat she was bound to Dr. Hartley, for :hat same contract made him hen. "He's mine. He will be true to me. He will come back," she often sobbed to herself In the wee small hoars vfuen haunting thoughts would not let hef sleep. And thus tbat last cummer ap proached its zenith. If Frank bad dreamed of the torture she was under going he would never bave planned the little revenge that was so foreign to his nature. Ho wrote that be hoped to be home to celebrate their anniversary, but the party was unavoidably detain ed, and he yielded to tbe Impulse to re pay her for her old tormeitlpg tricki aud "forgot to write." Her letters of late bad been brief and unsatisfac tory, but little he imagined that it was because tbe poor girl could not write cheerfully and would not write any other way. She seemed to care so lit tle that he thought a little anxiety would moke his welcome the warmer. The wedding day was a fair counter part of that other one, and Hattie was feverish with alternating nope and fear. She started with every sound ind listened, at every footfall, but ths lay and night came and went and no Frank come. Won yet. the wees went by and did not bring the mlariVe Ibat never before bad failed bsr. An other week went by and still no tidings. Poor Hattie waa almost wild with de spair. She waa fully convinced that some terrible accident had happened on tbe homeward Journey, and sue Wat 'ndeed a widow. "Hut he's mine he's ml no," ah moaned, clasping that piece of precious paper to her heart. She was at Frank's father's. The other Inmates of the house were sound asleep tint lovely July night, but poor heart-broken Hat tie sat by her bedside, with ber face buried In the pretty coverssome cf ber own handiwork brooding over her desolate life and wondering how many years she would have to live before death would reunite them. And, won dering, she fell asleep only to dream of an ominous yellow envelope being placed In her hand. It waa a telegram, and her nervous fingers refused to open It. for she knew but too well what It contained. . A sharp rap at tbe door roused ber from her half stupor, and Instinctively she rose and started to open It, think ing of naught but the dreaded messen ger boy with tbo yellow envelope. "Who's there?" demanded the old gentleman, wakening from bis slumber by a second rap. Her hand was on tbe knob when an eager, living voice from the outside ex claimed: "Frank Hartley. Is Hattie here?" The door opened, and after three long, weary years of waiting husband and wife were reunited. It needed the clasp of loving arms to assure Hattie that she had not slept her last sleep and waked In heaven.- Philadelphia Times. Clothing for Milch Cows. A few days ago the residents of the jouthern portion of the county bad their attention -directed to a herd of thirty-live cows which were being driv en out Mission road to San Mateo Coun ty. On !acb of the animals waa a cov ering consisting of four ordinary bar ley sacks sewed together. Tbe blanket was fastened by cords to the legs of the cows and tied about tbe neck. The cows belonged to Koostrl Brothers of the Holsteln dairy, near the Five-Mile house. They were being driven to a ranch in San Mateo County, about five miles south of Col ma, near tbe ocean shore. George Koostrl, one of tbe own ers of the cows, said tbe Idea was com mon In the cold countries of Northern Europe. "The ranch we own in Sau Mateo County," he said, "Is situated very close to the ocean. Tbe climate Is cold. Tbe breezes which blow from the sea are very penetrating. Our cows would be chilled and we would be un able to allow them to pasture If we did not provide them with some covering to resist the cold. In some of the Eu ropean countries the cows are blanket ed In the winter months and kept In a large luclosure. They are not allowed out. but art fed in a stable. This lasts In some places from Nov. 1 to May 1. We have thirty-five cows out ou the ranch. Every one wears a blanket, which will not be removed until they return to tbe city, about three uioulhs from now. The climate here is much warmer In comparison to what It is along tbe seashore In San Mateo. The people who watched us driving the herd to the ranch thought that tbe cows were sick. They were very healthy, I can assure you." San Francisco Ka aminer. Former Slave Market. On benches so placed as to command a good view were the buyers, coarse looking Turks, whose calm, searching gaze seemed to take In every detail. The merchant conducting the sale stood before them, talking and gesticu lating with great vehemence. He turn ed to one of the pens, which was filled with young Circassian women, most of whom were very handsome. They were seated close together on the ground. In an attitude of listless de spondency, their white garments flow- lug around them, and as they gazed up at me with their sad, dark eyes, I feit painfully bow tbey must envy tbe free and bappy stranger wbo came to look on them In their Infamy and" misery. The slave trader came forward, fol lowed by a phlegmatic-looking Turk, and, seizing one of the women by the arm, forced her to stand up before this man, who, it appeared, wished to buy her. He proceeded to Inspect her, very mucn la tbe same manner as be might have e.vamlned a horse or a dog, and Ids decision was unfavorable; be turn ed with a contemptuous movement of the head, and the slave merchant, in a mge, thrust back tbe unfortunate girl. who sank down trembling among her companions In activity. This scene was much as we could stand, and we left the place hurriedly at once; It Is well. mdeed, that such sights can be wit nessed no more, at least In Europe. Blackwood's Magazine. More Pie for tbe Honey, a rnnrh tonrnal tells a storv of a lady wbo with a maid went to purchase a Still-lire picture lor oer uiuiug-ruoiu. Dku -..liu-tAw! a r-anvaa on which were hnnrh of flowers, a Die cut in two and a half -penny roll, and was paying 600 francs for It when the maid approached to wh taper In her ear: "Madam, saia ine servant, you are . k1 Imrirain: I saw a picture liiu nii - , - very much like this sold the other day IU1 -'- "And was It aa good as tnisr "Yes, madam. It was better; there aras a good deal more pie in It." Perpetual Motion? Perpetual motion has been the dream of the Inventor almost ever alnce the first Invention of any kind was per fected. Pliny says that In his time there were machines which the inven tors claimed would work, without stop ping, for an Indefinite length of time, and In the patent office of every gov ernment of the world there are hun dreds of devices for securing this end. One authority states that in the patent office at Washington there are over 1,000 sucb apllances, for each of which the Inventor hoped success. The per petual motion machines, however, have never succeeded, and never will until men succeed In overcoming friction, the inertia of matter and gravitation and also in finding material that will never wear out. "I often wonder Just what abe thinks of me," said the young married man. "It Is easy to find out." said the elderly married man. "Just sit down on he? bat and she will tell you what aba thinks of you In less than a mlnuts." Indianapolis Journal. First Concessioner "What do you do on the Plaisance?" Second Concessioner 'The pub lic." Chicago Record. MUSIC OF ST. PETER'S. r Choir Bler It at Blent Witkoat Opposite tbe Chapel of tbe Sacrament tbe Chapel of the Choir. St. Peter's at a cathedral, and Is managed by a chapter of canons, each of whom baa lis seat in the cbolr, and his vote in the lisposal of the cathedral's income, ivhlen Is considerable. Tbe chapter maintains tbe cbolr of St. Peter's, a body of musicians quite independent of tbe so-called "Pope's cbolr," which is properly termed tbe "cbolr of the 8ia- tiue Chapel," and which la paid by the ?ope. No musical Instruments are ever used in the Sis tine. In tbe cbolr, on the con trary, there are two large organs. The tue on tbe west side Is employed on all rdluary occasions; It Is over two buu- lired years old, and Is tuned about two Whole tones below the modern pitch. It la so worn out that an organ-builder la In attendance during every service to make repairs at a moment's notice. The bellows leak, the stops stick., some notes have a chronic tendency to "cy pher," and tbe pedal "trackers" un hook themselves unexpectedly. But the canons would certainly not think of building a new organ. - Should tbey ever do so, and tune tbe Instrument to the modern pitch, the consternation of the singers would lie great; for the music is all written for the existing organ, and could not be performed two notes higher, not to men tion the confusion that would arise where all the music is sung at sight. This Is a fact not generally known, but worthy of notice. Tbe music sung lu St. Peter's, and. Indeed. In most Itoman churches. Is never rehearsed or prac ticed. The music Itself Is entirely in manuscript, and is tbe property of the choirmaster, or, as hi tbe ease lu St. Pe ter's, of the chapter, and there Is no copyright In it beyond this fact of ac tual possession, protected by the simple plan of never allowing any musician to bave his part In his hands except while he is actually performing It. lu the course-of a year the same piece may be sung several times, and tbe old choristers may become acquainted with a good deal of the music In this way, but never otherwise. Mozart is reported to have learned Allegrl's Mis erere by ear, and to bave written It down from memory. The other famous Misereres, which are now published, were pirated In a similar way. The choirmaster of that day was very un popular. Some of tbe leading aiugen who had sung the Misereres during many years lu succession, aud bad thus lenrued their several parts, met '.ml put together what they knew Into a whole, which was at once published, to the uo small annoyance and discomfi ture of their euemy. But much good music is quite beyond the reach of the public Palestrina's best motet, airs by Alcssaudro Stradelln. the famous hymn of Itaiuioudl, lu short, a great musical library, au arcbivlo, as tbe Romans call such a collection, all of which is practi cally lost to the world. It is wonderful that under such cir cumstances the choir of St. Peter's should obtain even sucb creditable re sults. At a moment's notice an organ ist and about a hundred singers are called upon to execute a florid piece of music which many of them have uever seeu or heard; the accompaniment is played at sight from a mere figured bass, on a. tumble-do wo Instrument two bunured years old. aud the slugers, both the soloists aud tbe chorus, slug from thumbed bits of manuscript parts writ teu In old-fashioned characters on pa per often green with age. No one baa ever denied the extraordinary musical facility of Italians, but If the general musical world knew bow Italian church music Is performed It would tie very much astonished. It is uo wouder that sucb music Is sometimes bad. But sometimes It is very good; for there are splendid voices au.oug the singers and the Maestro Kenzi. tbe chief organist. Is a man of real talent as well as of amazing facil ity. His modernizing Influence Is coun terbalanced by that of the okl choir master. Maestro Meluzzi, a first-rate musician, who would not for bis life change a hair of the old-fashioned tra ditions. Yet there are moments, on certain days, when the effect of the great old organ, with the rich voices blending In some good harmony. Is very solemn and stirring. Tbe outward per suasive force of religion lies largely in 1U music, and the religions tbat have no songs make few proselytes. Ceu tury. When Sovereigns Confer. Tbe Innumerable banquets which are offered to the royal persona on every occasion are exact emblems of the many valuable and pleasant days which are, at their Instigation and by their command, wasted la senseless formula. Once, when costume was beautiful, pageantry was so also, and ceremonial was so also; but now both are unsightly and grotesque. Two bearded men in helmets, or caps, kiss each vot her on a railway footboard; old ladies In paterproof cloak toddle through two lines of policemen; a fat gentleman. In a round bat, with a cigar In his mouth, walks over a piece of red carpet, nodding to a bending human hedge of supple spines; faces beant Inanely, throngs outside the station .doer cjieer they know not why, troops ire massed In readiness, for nowhere are these personages safe from at tempts upon their lives; the whole thing Is unlovely, absurd, anomalous, a caricature of what was once both In telligible and respectable, but In which there Is no longer either prestige or symbolism. Without dignity In Its ob ject loyalty la a mere boneless bundle of wornout robes, and dignity perishes at tbe scream of the railway whistle. Oulda In tbe Forum. Imports Most Japan Teas. Chicago Is the largest Importing cen ter of Japan tea in tbe United States. Up to thU year tbe record was held by New York. The annual report of Appraiser Hoyne shows that Chicago has run ahead of New York. There were last year, ending with June 30, 275,353 packages of teas Invoiced at tin port of Chicago, weighing 31,145,593 pounds, or 15,573 tons. In addition to the direct importation there passed through the Chicago office over 2,00U,ln, pounds of teas imported at other places and sent to Chicago for examination and classification. The four merchan dise examiners report 2(1,824 cases ex nmined, and 2,133 seized and detained for explanations. There were 844 cases of cigars imported and 12,685 bales of obacco. There was a heavy Increase of Havana tobacco, owing to the de pletion of Cuban warehouses on ac count of the Insurrection. There were 781 bales of Sumatra wrappers Import ed by Chicago dealers. During the yeat CIS protests against classifications were made by Importers, and 600 of them aa wered. Chicago Tribune. Tbe people who bare seen yon In an embarrassing situation never die or mora out of tbo neighborhood. IF Ipse last and always advertised as a true blood puri fier, the meat wonderful eures on record are ssade and the greatest tales aa won by Hood's Be sure to . Sarsaparilla get Hood s, ouiy hoou Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, biliousness. Intoxicated Bees. It is believed that bees possess an Im munity against the poisonous effects of certaiu flowers from which tbey obtain nectar. But while this may be so. It Is certain that bees are .not proof against tbe narcotic and Intoxicating properties of plants, for they bave fre quently been seen to fall out of gladi olus blossoms In a state of helpless in toxlcatlon. The Benaea of Inaecta. With reference to a recent paragraph (n the Nature and Science column, a correspondent writes to us that the brilliant color of a wall paper in bis house attracted bees, which found tbat they had been fooled when they tried to get the honey from tbe flowers pic tured on the paper. This docs not con tradict the paragraph referred to, which enly asserted that the odor Is eveu more owerfnl than the sense of color In attracting Insects. Probably1 botr senses play their part lu the case. A Ptranne Kxptcaton. A singular accident, the cause ct Which Is somewhat obscure, occurred recently In Brooklyn, New York. Two men were busy In a steam eugiue fac tory breaking 'up an old brass "plun ger" from the water cylinder of a steamship. The plunger was two feet long and six Inches In diameter, and Its walls were five-eighths of an lucli Ihtck. It was first placed In a red-hot oven to soften the metal. Then oue of the men struck It a violent blow with a sledge hammer. It exploded with a noise like the discharge of a cannon. The workmen were so badly mangled that both were compelled to undergo amputation, oue losing both legs and the other oue leg. The accident wis ascribed to the absorption of moisture lu the iKires of the brass, and tbe sub sequent turning of the moisture Into steam by the sudden beating In the oven. The blow of the hammer, it was thought, released the pent-np force of tlie steam, and thus caused the explo sion. A New Metal In Hrlek Demand. Kreuch luventlons frequently call (uto .use natural products which bad previously possessed "no practical value. Ibis is Illustrated by the rare metal, thorium, discovered by the great chem ist, Berzellus, early In the present cen tury. When burned, the metal emits a l.ght more brilliant than that of burn ing magucsluin, but until the recent In vention of Incandescent gasburuers. iu which the flame Is encased In a metal lic mantle, no use was discovered for it Vpou experimenting with various sul stances It was found tbat the oxide of thorium, called thorln, makes tbe best mantle for such burners, and a demand being thus created for It, the value of thorla Suddenly sprang from almost nothing up to $2.r0 per pound. Then a Bearch began for new sources from which thoria could be obtained, and this search Is not yet finished. Orig inally the new metal was found only In certain rare minerals In Norway. Re cently It has beeu discovered that the mineral "monazlte" contains a liberal quantity of thorla. and monazito is found In North Carolina, Canada and Brazil. Tbe price of thorla Is now much lower than it was at first, al though It still commands $15 or $20, and even more, per pound, the pricf fluctuating with the supply. Welcoming: a River. v In the long coastal desert of Peru, which Is some 2,000 miles In length, but only 120 miles broad at its widest part, tbe rivers, Major A. F. Sears says, dis appear in tbe dry season and begin to flow again In February or March when tain falls in the Cordilleras. One of the most Important of these rivers is tbe Plura, tbe return of whose waters Is welcomed with great rejoicings by tbe Inhabitants of Its banks. About tbe time when "tbo coming of the liver" Is expected, eager inquiries as to the progress of the water are put to all ersons who chance to come from the head of the valley, and when the water approaches the town of Plura proces sions go out to meet it, and escort Its first trickling stream down the dry river bed with music and fireworks. At tbe outskirts of the city thousands of people greet Its arrival. The valley of the Plura Is said by Major Sears to pro duce excellent cotton, although Its pos sibilities In this respect are not well de veloped for lack of systematic litiga tion. Once In a period of from five to seven years rain falls upon the coastal plain, whereupon, with magic quick ness, grass and flowers cover It, and cattle browse In Its pastures, but In a few weeks everything withers, and des olation reigns once more upon the bar ren sands. Take the First Rank:. A certain Alabama register In chan cery takes first rank as a lover of ab stract Justice. Recently In stating .in account as master when the evidence bowed tbat a large quantity of corn bargained to plaintiff had been lost by the defendant's agent, whose duty It was tc deliver It to plaintiff, the Regis ter anuounccd bis decision as follows: "While, perhaps, the law and the evidence are on the side of the plaintiff, I think it would be unjust tbat tbe de fendant should lose all this corn. I, therefore, charge the plaintiff with tbv corn." Wouldn't you rather take a whipping than go to a party? And why do you feeLso badly when you are not Invited? . OlMMt OmmIImL Googooly Try one of these cigarettes, I tniaa tney re oettsr tnan yours. Booboolv You do! In wbat wavT Ooogoly Tbey kill slower Roxbur, Odd, bait Bather" Klos. Readers will perhaps be amused by a bit of "society" gossip overheard at some "function," and reported by tbe Few York Tribune. Two young ladies were talking. "Fancy what a shock I bad last week," said vivacious Miss &, whs bad been visiting In a large Western city; "and yet It was rather nice, yon know. ' "Tbo people I was stopping with are ' railroad kings always travel In a pri vate car, step over to Europe with leas effort than New-xoraers maze in going . to Brooklyn, and all that. "Well, tbe day after my arrival tbey ' gave me a tea. and the prettiest girt in ' the room was a red-haired ' creature, ' with a ravishing figure, and a gown wbicb fitted worlds better than mine. ' I was Immensely taken with ber, and we ' chatted, and she was Jolly and clever ' and moat fascinating. Finally, aa we , were drinking tea together, the butler j offered me some cake a blow-away, melt-in-your-mouth concoction of sugar . and chocolate, utterly delicious. - "I said at once I bad never tasted anything so delicate, whereupon th beauty calmly remarked: - -I'm glad you like It; I made It.' "I thought she was Joking. "'Why, you are not a relation, are you? I asked.' " 'No,' she said, with a little Iigh; 1 must have looked bewildered. .'No. I am a professional cook. I make almost all tbe fancy desserts and cake for tbe swell set here.' And It was true. "She belonged to a poor family, good enough as to birth, tbe father incapable of earning much, and as she grew up It' became necessary to do something. She liked cooking, and began with this sugar cake, making It occasionally for a few friends. When I met ber she waa on the top round, bad two rooms at the back of tbe house, with a telephone, an assistant cook and errand boy, and bought her flour and sugar and thing! at wholesale. The remarkable thing was tbat she remained the Intimate friend of these rich girls with whom she bad gone to school, dressed better than a good many of them, and after making the cakes and creams for a big reception, would dress and go and eat her own wares. " 'It used to sound very droll,' she said, 'when my hostess would call through the telephone: "O Betty, dearj can you send me two quarts of blseuilj Tortonl for dinner to-morrow night T" And "Betty, If you are going to the dance Friday. I'll take you up In tbe carriage." But, you know. It seemed rather nice, too.' " He Was Disappointed. She opened tbe door to her father's den. but hesitated on the threshold. 'Well?" he growled Inquiringly. Then, aa he saw ber indecision, he said In a more kindly way: "Come In. What's tbe trouble?" She entered and stood before bim ivith downcast eyes and cheeks suf fused with blushes. "I have a confession to make." ant' said slowly. 'Fire away!" he returned cheerily. bis whole manner having undergone a change when be aaw she was perturb ed. "I gueea It's nothing very serious." 'Oh, but It is," she protested; "it's very serious, indeed. You know Bar old " "Well, what about Harold?" " has been coming to sec me foi quite a long time," she continued, pay ing no attention to tbe Interruption, and lost night " "Well?" "Last night he proposed that we we should run away together, and and bs married." The old gentleman frowned. "And what did you say?" "I refused," she replied promptly and proudly. "I refused absolutely, and told him that he must go to you and ask for my hand properly if he wished me to be his wife." Tbe old gentleman still frowned. "I recalled all tbat you said about our aristocratic ancestry," she went on. and insisted " "Um yes," Interrupted the old gen tleman, musingly, "that's all very pret ty and very creditable, but far from business-like. It seems to me you might bave given your poor old father the best of It once, and saved him the cost of a wedding when times are so hard. If he brings the subject a tin, Just bave. your bonnet handy so that you can make a quick trip to Milwaukee aud let the old man down saay." Chicago Evening Post. A curiously old-fashioned military caricature appeared in a recent number of 1'uncb, and the artist wrote to ex plain that it bad been drawn, accepted and paid for 225 years before. To gmmw tlie syataaa Effectually. jrt gently, when costive or Mltoua, or when the blood la lmpare or alaggtoh. to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and livar to a healthy activity, without irrltntlns or weakonlns theaa, to d la pel headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of Figs. Mary Keiffer. of Buffalo, N. Y., has been eleven years suing the Grand Trunk Railway for $5,000 for killing her snn. The case is now before tbe Supreme Court for the second time. SKNDTEN CENTS, Silver, for cample box -r. Bailey's Celebrated Uver Pill. Fifty Fill! for 26c. Agenn wanted. KxccLaioa chzhicai Co., Lock Box 608. Rochester, N. Y. It is figured that the London news papers take in over $20,000,000 a year for advertisements. Ever since 18M there have been women (moit each pear) who claim that there la no KMp hall aa Ooa, or as economical aa tfODoiaa- r-ieciriu. There mutt be some truth In tbeir claim. Try It, see how much. Your grocer haa It. In the mountains ol Italy there is a superstition that young, vipers -eat up their mothers. Plan's Cure ia a wonderful Cough medicine- Mux. W. I'i.hket. VanMiclen and Blake Aver., Brooklyn, N. V..Oct. 26. '9L A woman in N'rway, Mich., Ok'igtted so hard that she broke oue of her r.os. Merit Wlai and that la why Hood' Sarsa parilla holds the abiding confidence of tbe public Hood's oarsaparUla la known by the cares It has made. It la tbo One True Blood Purifier. Hoaxl's Pllle cure liver ills constipation. jaundice, lick headache, biliousness. 25c. The London census lias been some what of a disappointment to Eng land, inasmuch as the rate of growth lias slightly fallen off in the last live years. JlaSllcled with sore eyes oaa Ur. IsaaeThomn-loa'ahTa-wattr. bruslsu tell at 'Jd. peruoltle There are patents for scrubbing brushes and brooms to the numtar of 3184. St. Vltwa' Dance. On bottto Dr. Wnner'a ensetas enraa. Circa lax, rreaonla. N. I. Lotta, the actress, is living in abso lute retirement in northern flew Jer ey. Though she. is ia ber fiftie i year, she looks only about forty, ant is aa eneerful and meirr as aver. if x acre is no luy-j v .IIIIIIVIII & if town I Bt Bw sr sn it is simply a clear, pure, honest soap for laundry and household use, made by the most approved processes, and bein-c the best, it has the largest salo iu the world. It is made in a twin bar for con venience sake. This shows The Twin Bar TTa will reveal Tha Twin Benefits : Less tabor T, BML.Ua. OrtUrcorfort & UoatmaHaRiaaaiSta, IfawTerk. X Man wants but little here below. As someone said before. But when he gets it, don't you know. He wants a little more. -Truth. He I fear the worst. She What's happened, George? "Your father has paid back that S10 he borrowed." Life. Muggins Is your son in business? Buggins He's a contractor. Muggins What line? Buggins Debts. Phila delphia Record. Homekeep Ever drink any of these substitutes for coffee? Dayboard I haven't drank anything else for seven years. Cincinnati Enquirer. Hedges Sappy Is continually falling off bis wheeL Kose Wbat can you expect from a fellow who Isn't well balanced. Philadelphia North Ameri can. "Summer Is a tough season on us par ents." "Why so?" "Our daughters who bave been graduated try to make us talk grammatically." Chicago Rec ord. "Fame," said Uncle Eben, "am Jos' like swlngln' iu er hammick. Hit am mighty good fun ef somebody doan' cut de string an' drap yer." Washington Star. "Does your family sympathize witX you when you have insoniuiu?" "Yes. When I can't sleep I sit up all night and practice on my aceordiou." Chi cago Record. Though you may not take vacatioa On your very slender pny. There la rest and recreation In the bores that go away. Chicago Record. Willie Grandpa, tell me a story. Grandpa Once upon a time, before people thought of marrying for mon ey Willie Oh, I don't mean a fairy Btory. Norrlstown Herald. "Ellen," said old Borderkeep, "here, comes them York, folk?. Give the chil dren a little more snuff an' get 'em ter sneezin. We've got ter make 'em think It's cool hero somehow." Judge. One bitter drop spoils rapture's cup; When Ice sells by the splinter We cannot can the hot waves up To use them In the winter. -Chicago Record. "I suppose you're fond of Shnks. pea re," said one legitimate actor to an other. "Of course I am." "Then why In the name of humanity do you insist on acting his player' Washington Star. too Raward. BIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleaaeS to Mm that there la at least one dreaded dtaeaM that science haa been able to cure in all iu lagos. and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia tha only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beiiiKacoostl tuUonal disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's t 'atarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly "upon the blood and mu eooa sarfaoea of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation ot the disease, and iiiv'iig the patient strenxth by building up the con stitution nud amlHtinK nature In doing its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith In Ita curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fnila to cure. Uend tor list ot teetimoniala. Addresa F. i. Oh knkt & Co., Toledo, O. Sold hr OruKKlaU, 75c. Hall's Family fill are the lest. Mrs. John M. Clay, who owns the Henry Clay farm in Kentucky, has willed $50 to each of the animals on her farm, to provide for their comfort in tbeir declining years. Personal. A NY ONE who haa been benefited by the use of lr. WllllauiV Fink rills, will rec.-lve Inlor tnatlon ol much value and Interest by wrltiug lo rink PUla. V. O. box VJjrz. I'hlla.. I a. Compressed air has beeu success fully applied to the signals of the lightship in Vineyard souud, off Cape Cod. Hitherto tbe tignals have been blown by steam. Cure Guaranteed by lR. J. R. MATER, lou Arch M., I'HILA-.PA. opera tion or delay Irom business. Consul tation tree. J-ndoneroents ol physicians, ladies and promi nent cltliena. Keud lor circular. Office hours A M- loSf. U. Beinald Renault, tbe French scien tist, bas discovered fossil microbs in the earliest geological formations. lira. Wlns.ow's Sooinln Fyrnp for rhllilra teething, soltetta the rum, reduces lnflamm Uon. allays paiu. cures wind colic ac a miu The members of the Boston Aeron autical Society h ive decided that the kite is an instrument of value. FITS stopped tree by oa. Ki.ixir okkat Kiava RavioREa. No fits alter first day's use Marrelouscures. Treatise and riOO trial bottle Itee. lr. Kline. 831 Aich St.. fbila .. A gallon was originally a pitcher or jar, regardless of the me. ("VERY FARMER r CAN MAKE MORE MONEY I B emu afiavk t W a moch . H cn ef tbem Mo droafhls. Welt her too hot nor too roM sjasjaassi mosses osi wn rresw. sacii itDiruasi i set arm Try weK. if you ar nitriaa writ lor rc s.r. t pteMon to tM to mamwr ihui. it The Cleaner fTis. V s What is Home Without SAPOLIO . -- von noticed ths pipe? teIf Hveu playing the the cause-has he tutu i ' races or getting euSaSed?-lnaiaua?ou. pournaL. Just bke our hopes, Which oft vanish la vapoj. Xrw the candidate' promisssi Strong on paper. -Philadelphia North American. Salvation Army Apoatle-K yea .wear at those horses, my good man. S never go to heaven. Teaaut.r humblvV-I know U. mum: but If X Ion I'll never get to Tonaw.nd. Buffalo Times. - . . Mechanic-"! have Just been married and would like a raise In my Employer-'! am sorry, but tbe com pany Is only responsible ceMeaU that happen to the men while la the factory-Brooklyn Life. WigKip-"There's one good thing about Hicks. He Is always willing to admit It when he Is in the wrong. Waggles-"I don't think It Is a good thing! It doesn't seem to trouble him a bit" Somervllle Journal. I summered on the Jersey coast. And I am puwied stilL As twixt the akeetera and hotels. Which has the longest bilL Louisville Truth. - "It seems to me, Blr. Stlllson. that your new bouse is lacking in a Judicious use of fretwork." "Well, my wife will fill tbat dellclency Just as soon as she gets her eye on those measly closets." Clevelaud Plain Dealer. He "I am going to pay you the highest compliment a man can pay A woman." She "This Is so sudden." He"I know It, but I came away with out my pocketbook can you lend me a dollar until to-morrow?" New York World. "And how la your papa, Eddie?" Tapa is feeling ever bo much better to-day." "I suppose It's the change In tbe weather?" "No, ma'am, 'taint the weather. Mamma has decided to start for the seaside to-morrow." Cleve land Putin Dealer. "No," said Dismal Dawson, In answet to his benefactor's question, "hard times Is not the best for our business. Nor yet good times. Tbe times that suits me best Is about medium when the work ain't too plenty, nor money too scarce.'" Indianapolis Journal. A little 4-year-old occupied an upper berth In the sleeping-car. Awakening once in the middle of the night his mother asked him If he knew where he was. "Tourse I do," he replied. "I'm lu the top drawer." Youth's Com pa 0 Ion. MY SICK SISTERS. ' " I want to tell you what Lydia B.' Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound has done for me. For twenty years I had suffered with loss of appetite, nausea. constipation, palpi tatiou of ache and the heart, head- pains in nearly , all parts of my body, fcii ian said it indigestion, medicine did help me any. I My phy was only but his not began the use of the , 1'inkham Remedies, particularly Lvdia K. l'ink JLmmJL. ' ham's Vegetable Compound. I have taken four bottles, aud now those troubles are cured. "I cannot praise it enough, and our druggist says the medicine is doing a world of good among his customers." I'.ki.i.k S. Tuoursox, New Bedford, Mass. HDWAY'S PILLS AlwaysReliablc.PurelyVegetable IVrfoi-Cy tastelt-, elegantly coated, purse, leKiiltite, purilv. cleanse and strengthen. KD VVAV'S l-Il.l.s for Hie cure of all disorders of tbe Moiiiarb, Hmvels. Kidn.ya. bladder. Nervous I israscs. Dizziness Vertigo. CostlvenesB, Flies, Sick Headache Female Complaints Biliousness, Indigestion Dyspepsia Constipation All Disorders of the Liver Observe the following; symp oms, resulting from diseases of the digestive organs: Coostlps lion, inward piles, lullnesa of lilood in the bead, aeldltv ol Hie MomuL'h, nausea, hearlburu. dla ciislof ftxal, tulluesa of weight ol tbe stomach, sour eructations. Hnkitig or fluttering of lbs heart, choking or Millocsilng sensations when la a Ivliia iHMture, diuineas of vision dotaor webs l.eioie the alelit. l. ver and dull palu In the head, delieleney of perspiration, yellowness of the skin aud even, pain iu the side, i-liest. Him, and sud den flu-dies of heat, burniiiK lu tbe flesh. A lew doses of liAUWAVS 11.1.3 will Ires the system t l all of the above named disorders. Trice 25 eta. a box. Sold by druggists or sent by mail. Send to OK. It A I) WAV CO., lock bo Sao, New York, for txaik ol Advice. lairi I Drilling Maclta VwCLL for any W l.itfe lmwrffiT(mtfife All M ftT Mftkafii LOO MIS V HTYIWAH. Tiffin. Qhla, CARPLES' CORN CREAM. Guaranteed to remove C. rna tn 2 applications. No pain, perfectly harmless. All Druggists, lnc per box. or sent bv mail on receipt of price. CAKI-LKS' A CO.. ItU and lot Fulton St. N. X. TEI.I.S YOUR FORTUNE, with plctureof yout future liust.and or wife. !-eiid 10c, date of blr lav AS'l KOLOOtK. Box 177, Boston, Mass. FOR FIFTY YEARS I MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP haa hewn used by Mil lllllejaa ef Hstksfa rhlle Teething tot owwt isa the efalld. aoftaaa ta) Tor tnsir cmiarea w Fifty Yeu-s. It trotht eums. altars a: . a Id. ia the bast rwmeu for dlarawgua. Tweatr-uve Cent a at M arras, i aMrr"Ts?waTaTa7s1S' CflUU nm? ala lMMax'awas'ea? 3 hrl ctisis h(1 ali us? I BeetCouuh WHIM ALL USE laltS. I tiyrup. TaalesOood. Usa I Hold pt dmialsts. in time. IN THE NORTH IN THE MIDDLE SOUTH. NrthTn farro and twit ma mmtiy nm tM & iui is mm arrr. riraij bi i wtinkt jii.t richt. Kurtbern frmtn ra ou: ;auuttiiei aua ui lis quMttru joa the Cosier 'Tia.1 a? "a. i W "OlsaV 1 'A. m ft i CM 'WWW