Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 22, 1896, Image 3

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iac, t AO If not p.!d IB
esats per lach for ch inicrtion. 60
Tieaehmt business notices la local col
saa, J 0 conf. jht line for each Inaertton?
iB,.m to thcnXng
Ii?ta na only lOcta a dozen at Jtfo
- -ecu's.
I he elephant has been known to
live 350 years
Frel Espanscliade, Jr., spent last
" io i miaueipuia.
S CRAW HATS. Below Cost at
Meifcta's, Patterson.
A number of people visited the en
eaiQnaeut on Sutday.
Hon. L. E. Atkinson Las been ciuita
i i oiiice last js&iurday.
Jiargain Days every day at J7c
2l-.z b. ratterson, Pa.
Crp bave been known to live
years and eels 60 years.
Mies Maude Burchfield visited
Thompson town recently.
It xras almost cool enough on the
roorcing of the 18th for frost
Protbouotary Zaiders and family
are vi3iting mends in Aitoona.
Bov. Lemuel Sieber preached
tue Liutberan church on snnday.
Join Gross of Bellefonte is tbv.
ui? his aunts the Hisses Laird a visit.
5 nnd lOct counters in the basement
Win. Ellis, Jr., is recovering from
- . XI L t i .
a io or taut uougeu mm a weeic or
Mis Kuth Burchfield of Aitoona,
is visiting her cousin 3Iigs Martha
oqoire Thomas has been trying the
Hooid in Tuscarora creek near Wat-
Ricson Mussina of Co wen stopped
c:i at me xaiionai iotise Saturday
aim oanaay.
J. he MifHia county EerbJicaa
primary election will ba held on the
lat of August.
The Lawistown encampmflnt had a
gooi many visitors Iroai this com-
rauiiity on Sunday.
a t .
a. recant writer savs it is no won
der crows are numerous. They live
to be 100 years old.
A bufr a beetle has been found
in Brazil with lvars hard and strooj;
enough to cut metal.
The Tuao&rora Valley harvest home
will be held on Farmnebuker's Island,
on baturuay, August S.
Jlisa Catharine Doty of Greens
burg is visitiDjr her uncle and aunt
-Mr. and Mrs. Ezra C. Doty.
Andrew Banks, Esq., is one of the
soldier boys in camp with a Greens
barg company at Lewistown.
The Misses Bright of Eircsbnrsr.
are visiting et tho home of Mr. aad
Mrs. S'uover on Front street. .
Nineteen policemen havo been add
ed to the Lewistown police force dur
ing soldier encampment time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warner of this
place aro visiting the family of their
son George at LogaDsport, lad.
On Monday George Gusbaxd- shot
a six foot tall, blue Heron fish crane
at the lower point of the Island.
The New York Times is not in the
bBt condition financially. - Tho re
ceiver will put it up at public sale.
Via. Jacob Sieber and daughter
Annie sf Aitoona, are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sieber.
"Ho! for Camp John Gibbon," is
the watch word with many, who are
going to the N. G. P , at Lewistown.
The platform of the Democratic
National Convention is a mill-stone
around the necks of Bryan and Saw
all. Bon. Joseph Martin and Thad
Parker of Pittsburg, spent several
days in the beginning of the week is
August 11 to August 21, will be
camp -meeting time at Newton Ham
ilton. Grand Army day will be Aug
ust 20.
Mrs. Harry Kauffraan of Harris
burg, spent the lattar part of this
waek with her mother Mrs Sarah R.
Frank Warner of this place has
charge of a number of horses at the
Encampment at Lewistown during
the week.
JUra. Sheffer of Hummelstown,
Dauphin county with two children, is
visiting her sister Mrs. George How-
er in town.
F. M. M. Pennell, Esq., is in the
.alWof the West Branch of tho
Susquehanna, on a combined trip of
business and pleasure.
Thfl neonle of the United Stato8
Ivxisl that thsv have no standing
firm v but everv state has what it
salls "a National Guard."
The Lutheran Sibbath School' pic
niced at Schmittle's grove last Thurs-
day. The day was a delightful one.
nd the School had a pleasant time.
The tramp generals, "Keep Off the
Orass Coxie" and Brown are enthus
iasf.i.i boomers of the so called Chica
go Democratic Convention plalfornuJ
Harry Tyson of this place on r n
day while fishing in the river, caught
the largest bass hooked in the streams
of the county this year. It weighed
6 pounds.,
Andrew Banks, Esq., when off sol
dier duty at Lewistown camp, visited
his old home here, and took a day at
hunting. He was successful aad shot
two red foxes.
George W. Gutbrie, one of the
Democratic candidates for Presiden
tial elector-at large from the State of
Pennsylvania, has withdrawn his
name fiom Jhe ticket, bocaoee of dis
satisfaction with tue -oiiicago in
form. Other with-drawals
unats the-use of sending waT for
fertilizer when hotter q.aUty of it
"?J.ob at lheq vtfJren.ad
mine. Tuscarora Valley at a W
. . t"""'iu wno mis year iaU
". "'."wuary piatiorm should
frt, iu " ever as out
A crood deal nf rir.,.- ,
done in this montfof JTy
sowing. H ia Baid that tt Y?' Z,
dm July for wheat almost every
time produces a satisfactory crop.
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! A bi bar
Ba for" $1.00 don't you "tAink.
When ,n regular sale, they brought
from $1.50 to $3.00. The are Odd
Sizes. May fit you. Mclleen, Pat
he camP'aoat at Lowistown is
at flood tide now, aad a visit there,
revems to beholders the fact that in
lennsjlvaaia an armv of men is
rea.Jyto toko the field within 24
hours notice.
Lieutenant A. H. Martin of the U.
. . " u"o us uome on a vaca
tion frr.ro n.,Vt . . .
' . "umia, nuere nis rei-
moui, is, nas gone to the Lewistown
encampment, where quarters have
been assigned him as an officei of the
United States Army.
Mr." and Mrs Frank M M. Pennell
and son Edward and John McCau
ley, started on Thuraday for a trip to
Berwick, where they will visit Mrs
Peuneil's fister, Mrs. Sydnev Lewis
and other relatives. They will also
visit Sunbury and Wilkesbarrie.
Misses Annie and Mary Hoopes of
Milroy, Mifflin county, paid their un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Lyons
and brother Wm. Hoopes, Esq., a
visir, last week. The young ladies
were on their way home from the
Christian Endeavor Convention at
Washington, D. C.
At Santiago, Minn., lemonade was
made in a tin bucket by a fuiily
named Allen. The family consisted
of Mr. and Mrs. Allen and nine chil
dren. The children all died, and the
parents were not expected to live last
Friday. Moral: Don't make lemon
ade in a tin bucket
One of the peculiar features at the
Encampmsnt at Lewistown on Mon
day, was that Battery C, went to the
river and fired over thu stream to
raise the body of John A. Brennan, a
stableiaas, who had just drowned
while bathing. But the cannonad
ing did not bi-ing the body to the top
of tho water.
Democratic newripapers by the
score, and Democratic baeintss men
by the hundred throughout the
United States, are out plainly against
the platform of the late Democratic
National Convention held at Chicago.
TLey will not support the candidates
of Ui3t Convention because of its rev
olutionary platform.
Many people gathered on Main
street la3t tnUay afternoon with the
expectation of eeemg Lebanon and
Harrifcburg cavalry on tbo march to
Lf-wistown encampment, but the cav
alry did not cosne, aad some of cur
citizens who have nothing to do but
loaf tho time away, wore on the look
out all day for the "soldiers." The cav
alry were slr.pped by rail to tho camp.
. i , it 1,1 .
voioaei mosreneaa nas a numbt r
George W. Heck in a number t
caterer, and was on hand to supply
the good things to eat for the daoc- Th Ju iata Valley Camp meeting
ing party in Floral Hall on tho a;r will open Augut 11 and close Aug
ground lust Thursday rvtting. I Pn8t -l 1896 The grounds will be
Among the other substami .l thinis i "fei for oocupency for tent holders
to eat was a boiled ham, which vas August 1st.
laid away till wanted on a tab'e at a 1 beugiocs services.
convenient place in the kitchen. 1 l8t- Ice religious xtemses will be
Someone who had a better nose than ! 'n cnftrgB ' Rev. A. R. Lambert of
heart smellel the ham fiom the out-1 Hairibbarg.
side and reached throurh a window I The revival sf-rviccs will be in
and made off with the eavoiy piece of charge of Leotard Weaver, tho not
F"'. iiu me is iltct v. OUIU
like to know.
will fob
of mfin nt work in his phosphate
mines near lioes elation on the T. V.
R R. A tram way ia about to bo
constructed from tho mines to the
will The phosphate will not be
adulterated with chemical material,
and for that reason will bo of a qual
ity greatly superior to the phosphates
that are so largely made up of chemicals.
Bloomfield Times, July 21: Tues
day, John W. Rice cut over nine
acres of land, which was put out in
rye on John Shull's farms, and he
claimed that he only could tell whers
ho had cut by the rag weeds being
topped, and as he was alone he pnt
part ot toe day in counting, and to
the best of his knowledge there were
nine stalks to the acre, a grand total
of about 81. After he had finished.
he collected together six sheaves in a
shock, or 72 sheaves oil" of 9 acres of
A paper in McClure's .Xfaprazine for
August will tell, for the first time,
the true story of Lincoln's first meet
ing with Stanton. They met in the
trial of th9 famous McOrmick-reap-r
patent right cas, uuder circum
stances that were very humiliating to
Lincoln, and many wild talcs have
been tol d of their mpeticg. The ex
aet facts of it are now given by two
men who were associated with them
in the tr'al, and who are probably the
only persons now living who know
all about the matter.
Senator Tillman of South Carolina
who made himself conspicuous in the
late Democratic National Convention
at Chicago, by wearing a large silver
watch chain, and by wearing a Cu
ban flag on cue lapel of his coat and
on the other lapel a pitchfork, and
by making a fiery speech, met with a
sad bereavement on the loth of J uly.
A bolt of lightning on that day killed
bis eldest daughter near Dievard,
North Carolina. Another young
lady and Rsv. Robert Lee wore killed
by the same bolt of lightning.
Four years after this in 1900, the
planets of this solar system, it is said,
will be in conjunction, which will so
effect and disturb this planet the
earth, that a general deluge or flood
will tke place. If you believe that,
and don t want to be drowned there
is only one way to escape and that
way is by no means a certain way of
tsscape, is to engage a place on an
ooean steamer. If anything can sur
vive a general iloo f it is tho staunch
ocean steamer. It was the big boat
or ship, ark as it is called that saved
Noah and his family.
Domocrats by the hundred express
themselves against the platform of
the Bryan and Sawall democracy.
They will vote the Republican ticket
in preference to helping men to of
fice, who are expected to carry out
the principals of such arevolutionary
platform. A platform that declares
in favor of the old doctrines of
states' rights and agaiast the further
issue of bonds and iu favor of going
buck of contracts is more than the
honest Democrats can stand. Here
and there an honest Democrat who
does not understand the dangers of
such a platform will support it, but
the honest portion of the party is
against ' .
The Sewall Dc-mccrtic Convention
at Chicago complained about the
mortgages on western farms, but the
truth is the eastern state farmers are
carrying a heavier p.?iC3utge of
mortgages than the western farmers.
If thero is any complaints to muke, it
is the eastern farmers. Ifrre their
lands are assessed at a hiuh valua
tion, and tht-ir taxes ore high, nnd
they can get but a fraction more for
their grain than the western farmer
gets for his grain that he raised on
low priced land, and he can ship his
grain to tho railroad and foreign
co ua tries for tho same price per hen
drad that the east rn man pays. If
there is bowling to Ims dona it bhould
be tho eastern mau and not the west
ern man. Bjt Bryan is a wind bag,
and ho blows for himself, no matter
whether his statements fit or do not
fit the facta. ,
People, that is some psop'e in this
world are bard to please. Indeed
they are determined no', to bo pleas
ed with anything and anyone, and
they seem to be in a chronic stp.lo of
criticism of their neighbors. If their
neighbors who can a-T.rd to Live
their work done, employ people to
work for them, thsy are denounced
a3 being stuck up' ami li-zy. If thej
do their own work, they aro called
sthigy. If they ari fjnict people and
do rot take pit iu th;j general rotot
iD.a and parties, they urs nailed self
ish. If they go to everything thtt is
goiDg on, thoy tro denounced bs
wanting to mike iherusaives popular.
If they don't contribute to everyon?
that solicits aid, they are denounced
as being micerly. If -the3' give to
everything that comes" alone, they
are compared to the fool and his mor
ey that are soon parted. If they go
to church, thev are hypocritical, and
if they don't go to church they are
unbelievers. The chronic critic has
a hard time in this world. What will
he have in the next
It was the repeal of the protective
tariff that cut down the income of
the government below its expenses,
and the tariff will have to be increas
ed or the pensions cnt down to meet
the expenses of government
Reader, which will you vote for: If
you vote for tha Republican party,
and if it comes into power, and it
will the tariff will be increased and
an income sufficiently large to run
the government will be obtained. If
you vote the Democratic t:cket, the
tariff will be stilt further red ucedand
and the income will be less than it ig
now, and the pensions will be cut off
to make up for tho loss of incoms. If
you have any friends in the west who
are falling down and worshiping the
false gods nominated, write to them
and tell tbem what will happen if the
iiryaa ana S3 wall ticket be elected.
If you help to defeat the Republican
ticket and the day of adversity comes
upon you by a withdrawal of your
pension, you need not pome around
to Republicans to ask them to turn in
and labor that the pensions be not
knocked off.
1 he Newport BankTroablea
.New Uiooskteld, Pa., Julv 20
The Newport Deposit Bank closed its
doora in March, 1895, owing its de
positors about S2.')0.000. Efforts' to
compromise with depositors having
failed, on information of Jacob S.
Super, a warrant was issued to-day
for the arrest of Thomas H. Milligan,
the President; J. Holmes Irwin, the
cashier, and Henry B. Bechte!, Dr.
William R. Cisna, Dr. Henry O.'Or
ris, Silas Wright and Charles Trout
man, directors. They are charged
with embezzlement ia having receiv
ed deposits from Milton B. Eshel-
man, Charles T. Rice and David
Prothero at a time when thev knAw
the bank to be insolvent. Constable
Ben Clouscr went to Newport t.hi
evening to make the arrests. Bech-
tel and Cisna, two of tho directors,
are at present residing in Cincinnati
and Chicago, respectively.
When the Deposit Bank closed its
doors, it caused a decided shock in
Perry county. It had not been lon
since another Perry county bank had
failed, owing depositors many thou
sands of dollars. The President of
that institution was conTicted of em
bezzlement and sentenced to a term
in prinon.
ed Canadian evarprl;6t
2nd. The Chihtr n's Meeting will
ba in charge of Rev W. Perry Eve-
lmd, cno of the preachers of the
Central Pennsylvania Conference,
stationed at Trinity, Danville.
These meetings will be held each
day as usual at 3 o'clock P. M.
3rd The Youog Ptople's Meetings
wiu be taken care of by Rev. F. W,
Curiy of Wiliiamsport, Pa.
The Y mug People's Meetings will
bo held eac'j dy during Camp at
o'clock P. M.
4th. Epworih Li8ui Day on Wed'
nc-sday, Auirst 19ih.
5;h. Tho Grand Array Day willoc
cur on Thursday, August 20, 1896
A prominent speaker will ba on hatd
to address the G. A. R. boys.
Gih. Friday, August 14, 1S96, will
ba devoted tj the Woman's Home
and Fortign Missionary Societies.
ru. oaupam XJay. xne services
on Sabbath, August 16, will beci
with a Consecration Service in charge
ci r.vaugej.et Wt-aver ut S o clock
M. Preaching at 10 A. M., also at
o'clock and 7.30 P. M. It will be
great day.
Tuesday, Acgust 18, 1896, will be
Communion Dav. Lovd feast at 8
o clock, led by Evangelist Weaver,
Preaching at 10 A. M , followed by
the auuiimst ration of the Lord
Srb. Prof. J M. Black of Williams
port, Pa., vt ill have charge of the mu
sic this yenr.
Dr. G. D. Pecnepacker of Central
Pennsylvania C-mference; President
i'j. J. Grav of Dickinson Seminarv
Dr. Thompson cf Pittsburg, Pa.; Dr.
JiiUiott or bpnng Garden, Philadel
phis, Pa ; Dr Jub Price oi Martius-
barg, W. Va., B. F. Dimmick of Har
nsburg, Pa.; L. A. Banks of Brook
lyo, and a number of other leading
oivmes wiu be present and will dis
pense the word from time to time
duiinu the Camp.
8:30 o clock a u Prayer Meeting.
10:00 " Preaching
z:uu p. m., (Jiuldren s Meetin
0:00 ' Y People's Meeting.
o-vv " Preaching.
'To our friends and patrons "
naving spared neither time nor mon
ey to make up this program for this
year s Camp, may we not expect
larger attendance than ever before.
. e extend a cordial invitation to
all the friends of Christianity to
come and unite with us in dhr effort
to promote the cause of Christ in the
conversion of the unsaved, and the
edification of believers in Christ
J. K. Rhodes, J. K. M. Krso,
Secretary. President
$33 will pay for a term of six weeks
f-nmmer board and thorough instruc
tion in music at the Musical College,
Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa. Term
begins Jnly 20. For catalogues ad.
drees, Hknby B. Mover.
For a limited time only. Don't
miss it: 1 Doz. Cabinet Photographs
and one 16x20 Crayon Portrait
made by one of the finest Artists in
Philadelphia, all for $3.75 at Hess'
Photo Studio, Mifflin town, Pa.
fuly liar gain Days
Angn,tI8TningSatUrd,y,July 18 "d 60n,inoin8 "tit Saturday evening,
High Grade
Dry Goods at Lowest Prices yet reached.
A Harrow Escape.
T . , IT, " - m
.nasi r naay a numoer of yoonw
people visited the dome of the Court
House to view and enjoy the beauti
lot surrounding scenery. To get to
the dome stairway it is necessary to
pass through the garret of the Court
tlouae. ihe garret is not floored,
but a narrow walk of boards is laid
from joist to joist from the-gam t
ooor io tne dome stairway. The
party had come down from the dome,
ana were crossing the garret board
walk, which is a dark walk at best.
Suddenly they were startled bv
crash. One of the partv had minKP.1
tue walk and dropped through the
ceiling. His arms, shoulders and
head were all that were visible of him,
and he was rapidly loosing tha nrea-
sure of his arms on the joists, which
alone saved him fr6m dropping into
me vxmn room, 3U feet below.
Dr. tlarry r. Derr sprang to his res
cue just as he was sinking through,
i ue uoctor caught him by the coat
collar. It was the only place he
could get a hold on him and aftor
steady and vigorous effort pulled
him up, a saved youns man. Jama
btrayer never before made sufh a nar
row escape from great injury, if not
juuraiiuo lur me OEJCTTHEL- AMD
itipcBiJcAN, a paper that contains
cnoice reading matter, full of inform
tion that does the reader good, and
in addition to that all local news that
are worth publishing find places in
its columns. tf.
HonsoJf Embt. On the 13th inst.,
at Black Log, by T. H. Caruthers,
J. P., Mr. James A. Hudson and Miss
Gertie M. Emry.
and SHIBT8.
Fine Siika at half value,
and 25o.
Fine India silks and wash silks at 21
800 shirt waists, entire balanoe of production of a lar e nana
fsotnrtr, at 21, 39, 49 and 79c. - v ,
1,000 yards of fine lephyr cloth at 8io, worth 15o. Sootch
lwnsat4ie. Cballies, 10 yards for 25o. Jaoonet lawns at
K"e. Bainite,, were 17o, now 10 to 12o. 25o dotUd
owibses at izj snd loo.
Corsets for 25, 29, 39 and 49c,
Men's negiigoe Shirts st 49c. Mfln's Percale shirts at 49e.
Men s Uwn ties at 25o a dozen. Men's cheviot shirts at 25o,
value 40c. '
Hollobangh Son
all parasols and
Silk umbrellas, $1.50 quality, at 99oj and
Umbrellas at extra low prices.
Men's; ladies' and children's shoes at Extra Low Prices.
Ladies' slippers at 50e, worth 80o.
Mattings, 25o quality, at 14e. Striped carpets, 20o quality at
liio. Ingrain carpets, 4Cc quality, at 25o. Ingrain earpots,
65oqaahty, at 40c. Brawl carpets, 75c quality, at 49o.
Krussel carpets, $1 00 quality at 75c.
Several styles of dress goods ar now marked at less than one
half of their value. Silk and wool novelties of various de
signs 10 pieces of black and colored serges and heurieitas
5 ' 300 Jrdi f 'J Wo1 creP,!De 10 worth
Turkey red table oloth, 30c quality, at 190 Turkav red
table clotb, 50o quality at 25o. Damask ULIe linnen at 25e
to 3yo.
Toweling, 7 yards for 25c. Linen orasbe?, 4 yards for 25e.
Prices M'D'8 UndetWW tnd hosie Extra Reduced
Hill best, ard wide, bbached muslin, 10c quality, 10 yard
for69o. lellow yard wide mnslin, at 44o.
Pillow cases and bed sheets, ready for use
stitched, at Reduced Prices. '
hemmed and bem-
10 yards of indigo-llue calico st 44c. Best Lancaster and
other fancy ginghams at 6c. Fancy Windsor dark cslicors
Best quality cloth made, 7o quality, 10 yards for 49c Rem
lots at half and quarter value.
Don't miss this great sale. Commencing July IS, aad continuing
August 1. Premium Tickets given away with all purchases.
Schott's Stores,
103 to 109 BRIDGE STREET
have reoeived their entire line of Spring Clothing and Gents furnishing Good
Our Special effort for Spring of- 1896Men's $7.50 Cut Suits.
Last year this identical quality of goods sold for ten dollars. ,
These Suits in over twenty styles of goods bave no equal for the cnoawy.
The cloth is absolutely all wool and fast color. The body trinawga
leatberine a very beavy Statian George Armitage Brand. Best dye in the
The sleeve lining is a splendid tbreo leaf twill. Count 80 by 94 to ta
square ineb; the buttons best mottled Ivory not clay or rubber nobby eleeta;
reamed bole
' These Garments bave in addition to the above, all tbe inside vitals eoa
plete, making the Seven Dollar and fifty cent Suit ocmDlf te as dnrable
that retails at $25.00.
"Tho Best Trade and Profit Maker in America."
Spring Clothing, latest styles.
Spring Hats, latest styles.
Spring ShirtF, nobbiest pattern.
Our prioes are the lowest.
Our goods are tbo best.
Our stylos are tbe latest
All we ask is a test, and be who asserts he can sel 1 clothinor lowpr. mutt
sell inferior Goods or else be is a "Blower."
A Fine Life Size
given away free to each customer who?o cash purchases amount to
We are Agents for the oelebrated Douglass Shoe.
Sweet Orr Overalls and Folding Umbrellas.
The McCHntic Hardtcare
o 1 yj ixej. mifpltntown, pa.
to get along in the wcrld is to buy ''real chenp thirgs. As
rule, Ihe lees you pay, the more it costs in tbe long run.
on daily
To attend tbe Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes
it will be
muuey io mvesi io examine the Stock ot Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, an ;i
, ' ... "
w give nun a can u in neea oljUuthing
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embahncr and JFuner
al Director. ,
Bridge St, ftliffiintown, Pa.
. tf.EitnilneV y
We warn the readers of this journal that we do not authorize the'
use of our name in advertisements of so-called traveling oDtical
specialists. Our advice to all persons who have defectiw evesiVht
At old trmreling mpecUlistt and pedlars ot Spectacles.
QUEEN & CO., The Opticians, lOIO Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
itnolactnrrs and Importer olActnrnte and Rcanltfal flpertar!. ant . "I.ina
vm ju v cifoi iwnuivr sent oa (etejpi vi uvea-cenl pusUi0 KU.aipd
We don't boast of "cheop" prices at this Store, and still
qualitv considered, we tell at prices that ought to interest
careful buyers.
COOK STOVES- We control the Sale of
cook etoves tn this county. We have never beard a woman
ccir.pla in who t ought one of these f-loves. Every buyer has
I agreed on four things:
The Stoves Cook better, they bake better, they are easiest
to regulate-, and are !e?s trouble than any other stove.
We have them in four sizes. Trices range from $15.00
to $28.00.
how easily things get "scratched up' niciiiid ihe l.oui-e.
Sometimes it's a chair cr a table or a dcor. More than half
the time, the scratches are negkcUd, lecause it feems hardly
worth while to send for a painter.
Why not do the work yoursel. You can
Get Prepared Paints all Ready
to use at a trifling cost. Yon can brighten up furniture, doors, flower potg,
buggies and lots ofotber tbiDgs.
We keep these prepared paints in all the colors. And we sell paint
brashes, too good ones.
Tbe paintg come io tip bpcketg, holding F. The price is 15c,
K. H. McOlintic.
Garfield Teas.
run! Cor-rttitfitioe, litatmv Cni pevyicm, wrm Dortoi-a
bill tktnupie fr-o. 4Aiifc:KiiTkAU.,-uw.,tiiSt.,Si. V
P.ures Sick Hear! chc
SVir Informalfnn an-I froo H-mdhoolc m-rtfa to
Jii:.' t X).. 4il Broadway. Nsv Iuu.
OIJi-t l-ilrnu for wurlnp lwiits la A0oro
Every patent taken out hy Iu lio-lht b.l.v.
the ubUe by a not tut given free or vbargc iu U.t
Large etoralrrlon of any wtntlflc paper In Q
world. Bplendidly Illustrated. No InKllit-.-n
man (hould be without It. Weekly. fi3.KI
reart $uu ax montha. Address, HUM It ft CO.
rnauuuaa, St iiwadway, lew Sork City.
Founded In ltt;t-2. i.mon f..ii.
Two fn:l cfciirtps o: ttuUy Classical and
ScientiHc, Special courm-s in all depart.
BDCBtg. Obserralory, Laboratoriea and
new (iyBinan.um. Seaio heat. Libraries,
22,000 volumes. Expetiiea low. Depart,
ment of Hygiene and l'hysica) Culture in
charge or an experienced physician. Ac
ceible by frequeut railroad trains. Loca
tioa on tha BATTLKFiELD of Gettvaburg,
mobt pleasant and healthy. PREPAR
ale buiWings, (or boys and young men pre
paring for buainca or College, under spec
ial care of the principal and three assist,
snta, rcaidiDg with atudeniB in the building.
Fall term opens September 6th, 1895. For
Catalogues, address
or REV. O. G. KLINGER, A. II.,
Getttysburg, Pa.
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates,
Consumption Surety Cured.
To Tan Enrroa: Plaaas inform mu .t...
ihatlbam a poeirlre ranedT for tba ihnrn.nu
diaraas. By lto ttmalyaae thonaanHa of hopefcwr
ae hare been permanently puled. laaaU he glC
to send two bottles of my remedy TBKR to air c:
vonr readers who aaT eonsompMosi It they ;i
i dm unr Exprm and F. O. address. Btvwx
foUr. f. W SLOCUil. at. C.. lei Fsarl 8t.. N
Stockholders Indiyidnallj Liable
T. VAN IHWIN,'r.Jlia
Porooroy, jogepn Botbk-
Josiah L. Barton,
Lonia E. Atkiosoa
W. C,
John Hertzler,
Robert K. Parker,
T. V. IrwiD.
George A. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley.
Joseph -Sotbrock, p. w. Mnheek,'
t. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parkti,
W. C. romeroy, J. Uolraes Irwin
Mary Kartx. Jerome. N. Thompson,
John Hertzler. T. V. Irwin.
ChsrlotteSnyder, Josiah L Barton,
John M. Blair, Robert H. Pxttrrson,
F. V. M. Pf nnell, Levi Llht,
Psronel S. Bothtock, ?m. B warts.
M. N. Sterret', H. J. Shellenbrrger,
James G. Heading, H. B. Schlrgel,
S. W. Heaps.
Three and Fonr per cent. Interest will be
paid on CHrtiflcstti of deposit.
fjsn 28, 18! 6 M
thing to pa tent Protect yoiir ideaa : they nxaw
WnjuweaJth. Write JOHN WXODXrt.
BURN CO., Patent Attorneys, Waafainctaa.
IX C, for their f 1.SU0 priae offer? " W