feNTlNEL & REPUBLICAN KIlTLINTOWN : wraaiSDiY, JULY I, 18M. i ra TEBir Bubacrlptlon, $1 JtO per mn if edraeeei $3.00 If MmH taTa5r UEL 10 (Mil M 001 SHORT LOCALS. Cut Canada thistles. Tha inmmer ig half gone. -Tha banks will be closed on the 4th of July. Fishermen say there is a scarcity of cat-fish in the riyer. Miss Betty Mayer is visitinc rela tins in i tv ....... iiTOiajLini, 1. (J. The Delaware peach crop is report Art aa tVAn.i.n l . . ivwiujjg a large yield. Miss Willa McNitt is the guest of .io awry xvaome in Uarnsburg, Liwistiwn wHl have a big circus - uu menagerie on trie Iltu of July, McKeesporf, Pa., taxes the electric iuicB in mat town one ao.'iar a piece. There is an arir?em nt T.r.v; feer in -Werktosburg, Huntingdon cwuaij. John Etka ho retirad frnm fha grocery business. Jesse Howe suc- a cetsas aim. Dickinson Showers employed at printing in Aiioona is Tisitmg rela -4ives in this place. Charles Adams photographer at , xinniingoon is visit ng mends m this place. Walter Harley of lining is visit ing his uncle and aunt llr. and Mrs. Daniel Harley. Mrs. Diener, nife of Kiv. J. F. Dicner of Watsrloo was a visitor in town among friends on Monday. Miss Beckia Trin ble has retained home from visiting relatives in Lai' caster last week. During the past week Misa Nell Musser has been visiting relative! in Newport. Lewis MUliken, a student at Piinre ton, while returning ti bis home in Warble, stopped off a day in town. There was a considerable rise in t'ao river last week, but it was, com paratively speaking, an insignificant June flood. Miss Florence Auker of Cedar Grove, went last Thursday to Harris burg, to accept a position in the Stata Hospital. R 3 v. H. S. Gilbert of SeliBbgrovc, has accepted a ca'l from the Port Riyat end St. Paul Lutheran congre gation to preaah for them. "An alcoholic bath often cures cholera infantum when nothing else v.ilL Saturate a flannell cloth with alcohol and bJnd it around the child's bowels." - The visitors at McKinley's home at Canton, have been so numerous that they have tramped the life out of ev ery blade of grsss in the lawn about the house. The funercl of Mrs John Strayer of near McA'istervHtp, took plare on Saturday. Mrs. Strayer weJ the mother of Mis. Reuben Reynolds of this town. It is said that a napkin wet with ice water and liid across the eyes will ' induce sk ep even in the most aggra--f vating cas.a of insomnia during these warm n'ght?.' The Huntingdon Globo of June 25, Baye: As soon e? John W. Mai tern, Esq., heard oi Jtcniniey s nomiua tion he got well. He had beau laid np since Januiry. Exchange papots report the usual mid-snmmer cherry trre accidents. They take place every summer and are serious mishaps to all who are overtaken by them. Fanners bad an enforced rest last week, just when they least want 3d rest. It was a time in wh'ch they wanted to work corn and make hay, but the weather waits for no man. Horse3 are doing a little better in price and horse raising is not so ex tensively engaged in. There are fow er colts in the country, and in three years from now that will be felt in the market place. It gives ns pleasure to acknowl edge the favor of an invitation tt the commencement cxerci .rs of the Cum berland valley stata norma, ucuwi at Shippensburg, from Miss Anna Bollinger of Millerstown, Pa., who is one of the graduating class this Wed nesday, July 1st, I89S. aA couple of ladies recently fought a duel with pistols in the out skirts ofH (a little town in Hungary)- Both fired at the word of command. One sent her ball int a a sma'l boy, who was perched on a tree; the other sent ners raw n "".' , , was grazing in a neishbonng field. a s V.v Brunswick. New Jersey, wss arrested last week by a neighbor for aisturDing m "j norin The defendant plead that bnnwledsre of his snoring, and if he snored, he himself was not j:....vaj Kv if Tha court could find no law against snoring and tne ' nnrincr man was relefCO. The Bloomfield Democrat of the 24th of June says: A Jittletnree ana nt Charles Hohen- shiedt of Cantre township, wasbitien twira in the left bare foot by a op- perhead snake on Monday while play TTia Urr swelled UD t:i cVin wan broken. Dr. Moors mAminiataTeA and atDlied and ap plied the remedies necessary to coun tered the poison of this venomous rant.iln "Evening C3urierr' is the title of an evening dai'y paper, is-ui iha22nd of June by Hoch& Meyer. It is a five column folio, brisk end newsy, and if fs'8- v Aa ...ffimanl nnmbM OI daily .i. ;t ;n Ym a nncceei The nture iu so limited Held indicates i : - v.;r.v nWir no the part 3U ttTI 1 VI m of the projectors, wnicn ji engag some large center oi pf i - itocp .on. oam;;rjmeroof Noh iMtThnAu. r "on-ptWBtown, winursday. Interment on Satur- Mr. miA If T-r j. Tha fnnap.1 1 ., uv M xnierment in Lickmg Creek Lutheran ra. J Aik.en8.tf Altoona, formerly of this place, is ni;., 1.1 , J , -. ou "'was in "" "- nccooipaniea tbitner by MWS Belle Martin, who had been uB ju aB ii7 a tens. Auctioneer H. H. Snyder wrs over tO tVntflr Mnnlw f TLrr-ll-i . ju..:iUJuia, ana sold a car-load of horses there last pnuaj, ior Anaerson & Brothers of Iowa. Tha borsM A ai o- The Woman's Temperance Union uuiu a seiies oi mcefngs in the Pres byteiian church, during the closing days of last week. The meet'ngs speakers. It is believad that, it sill (.t. t.. days or two weeks to rescue the bodies of the 100 enl minwi are entombed in a coal m;ne not far irom Jfittston, Pa. There is no hope c - J : . i .. i uuiiiu tue man anve. The Gronineer snd Herlzlpr store in Port Bxyal was robbed lr-t fi-iasy nignt or severe 1 hundred I xes of cigars. The boxes had nnf bepn stamped and government of- ucib's ae at worK on tne cose. The thieves effected on entrance through r.ne cellar. Recently a man was found in the re-'road yard at Altoona. dad. H- had been killed by the cirs. His body was taken to the morgue. A woman named Mrs. Heider went t the morcue. looked at the rinurl man and claimed the body cs the body of hor husbaud, but before the funral took phce, her husband turned nn alive. One day lest week five men at work on the L :nsille road in Somerset c ronty took shelter from a shower of rain under a large oek tree by the road side. A bolt of lightning struck the tree and a'l the men were more or lc-9 hurt. The clothes and boots were torn from tbe body of one man, but strange to Eay at last report he st'H lived. The Pennsylvania Chautauqua, lo cated at ML Gretna, i?l open July 8 and e'e-e August 6. It is one of the plerrant aid instinctive places in Pennsvlvania to visit. Lectures and educational e&tertainaients eyery day. The grounds are 50 acre t in extent There ere some sixty pubMc end pri va3 cottages, and a large auditorium capable of seating 2000 person. An awful mice dirster took piece about 3 o'clock on Si'iday morning in the m'ne of the Newton coal com pany at Pittstan, Luzeia coot)ty bv a cave-in and explosion, by which 100 men were shut np in the mine. The g.eatcct distress prevails in that c immunity among tbo people over the disaster. Great effoi ts are beiug put forth to rescue the cnt imbed miners. Wben the f,.600-" c was issued to tide the finan ce of tbe rountiy through ret ;'on, the Democrats dc nonn cd it as unconstitutional money. Next the Democrat-; were for tbe groenba k- nest they were for gold and Cleveland and only one short year ao issued go'd bonds. Nxt, that is next week at Chicago tbey will be for silver. What next? The political delude in November. The sbowthat exhibited a'ong tbe river in Patterson lrt weak was in bord luck. A number of their bnd music dropped out for v rious rea ons and they were c impelled t i makt up tbe loci by '.he employment of Mifll'n :wn musicians as volno- tcers for the occasion. One of tbe perloimers had bis co'Iar bone brok en by a fall during tho Saturday ev. ecing per "oi msn- e and minor sundry other misfortunes a(Pict;d the con- arn while it was here. Hfra. Philio Metier of Rush town-1 ship, Northumbeiland county, had trinleta f :tnrdv mo.ninsr. There ai.ivel one girl, fo'lowed by two boys. The thrra little onr ? weighed eighteen pounds and ere all doing well, as is the mother. The new ar rivals crc-.ted qrrte a sensation and on Sunday hundreds of people from the ui rounding countiy drcve'to the Metier mansion t see the triple?". Mrs. Metier naa nvecnuaren previous - tha errivpl of the tiiolets. Sny der county Tribune, June 26. Th She&kesDecro Bcadinsr Club of Csdar Grove, met last Tuesday evening at the home of Daniel Auker, instead of Wednesday evening, tneir nsnc! evening of m'etinc The club finiefced rea.tV.Tifr their 2nd one of Shakcrpeare's plays Love's Labors List rna nave very mucn enjojeu iiom AtttiArlor-e of the readinsr for tbe evening, the club gathered round tbe t-Me ana enjoyea some very fine straw-berries "smothered in cream." The club has suspended further readings for the present- On Saturday lait, Jamai rarreii, ainsed of the mnrder of Henry B jn necka, an sed AUcona miser, was found guilty ot muraer in lao uro Ar r-,.a in th HbVidsysborsr court. The jury were out for five hours in the case. , . - The murder crcurrea on Apm , icqc alined nerDotratirs wereJomes Farrell, Frank Wi'son j Wi'linm Dorao. liJnnecsa strangled ta death. Wilson was hied and convicted of murder last Janua y. William lran nas yet been apprehende-1 by the detcj tives. r Ttn;i V flramer died at his Lome in this place at noon last Fi dav of a complication of diseases, a- ed about ra years. eu railroader, having entered the ser i, r!.-mranv 45 years ago in 1851. He we-J not in service at this place during an wuj", spent part of the time at Conemaugh, and part of the time at Kane. He is !mvived by bis wife and daughters Mrs. M.ry Anghey and Misses Jessie . r;.mr and four sons, ana rronm ,rr . Dsvid and Wflson of this place end Wi'lirm of A'toona Pti'adelphia. Interment m ine Presbyterian cemetery at th place at 10 1 i Q ri7 Jon.29- Oa TaMJiv ftKAnf. 11 'iu.v : j wwmw w IW IU turn forenoon. Aimnai .4 F - ""ww WkMjw WM M bis form, a mile snd a half from town, saving driven there by horse and EPrinj? SCOn. Tha lnra -kil. nn tied became frightened and ran to town leaving air. Strayer, who fol lowed in a conveyance driven by Dr. D. M. Crawford. Near East Point, the runaway horse in passing the wag on of AL Weidman turned out of the road and ran both herself and wagon Against a rVl whinh was mntA nn) of the giound. From there the ani- mai ran down Washington and Bridge streets and across the river blidge into Patter;, on and there ran against another post. Ex post-master W. EL McNitt made a narrow escape as the wagon attached to the runaway, graz ed a hind wheel of his conveyance The boras wmf-il'o l-rki t standstill and th wagon being brok en in several places was taken to Scboll's coach sboD for neceaaarr rn- pir8. REDUCES RATES TO WASH INGTON, D. G. B.GLE FARE FOB tZ& KOtiD TRIP VIA PENXSILVAKIA SAILBOAT), AO COtXT Y. P. 8. C F COK VEXVIOX. The verv Inw ratA nfFornA k tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the CbiisKa a Eadeavor Convention presents an cnexcelled opportunity for a v.'sit to Washington. The tickets will be sold on July 6, 7, and 8, and will be irood for nlnm sage until J uly 15 inclusive, or if de-fM-ited with the Joint Agent at Washington prior to 6 P. M , July 14, may be extended to Ju'y 31, inclusive. Excursion t ir kefs far fia frina tn , - - w bSIt) W points of interest io the vicinity will be sold from Washington f. o-oatio reduced rates. Full irforraat.inn in rorar1 fn nfu and time of trains can be obtained upon application to nearest ticket a-;ent. Jaly Laeliw Bosae) Jearaal. MATIOHAL. EDFCATIOIIAL. AbSOCIATIOS. uwr'.T.-STO ntk'yiT.o Kew tobk. vh PFS.VSLVAV 1 BATIKOAO. For the Prsommodation of namnnn who desire to visit Ecffa'o, N. T., on tbe occasion of tbe mcetin'r f the National Educational Association, to be be held in tbat city irom July 7 to 11, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com. ppny will sell on July 5 and 6, excur sion tickets through to Buffalo and retain at s'.nglt fart for ike round trip, plus 82 00 fthe latter amount for membership fee.) Tickets are good or'.y for continuous psage in both d'rectione. gonff ra:Ea-: e to be commenced on date of iusue, and re qu-'re la be validated by Joint Aent at Junus'o before they w'l bo re ept ed for rfu!n psseage. They wiU be good returning Ju'y 11 to 15 only, unless deposited with Joint Asent not later than Ju'y 10, when return limit msy b i extended not later than July 31, 1896. Tickets will not be cood for ns- sage on New York and Chicago L;m i'.e 1 Epn r:s, nor oa liooited exprcs lia'cs of New York Central and Hud son River Ri'road. Inforiualioa in leard to exact rat - and time of trains can bo ob tained on appli nation to the nearest ticket agent. DETECT1YE BIRR. In Spruce Hill townsh'p this coun- tv, a good deal of sleal:ng h?i been done, running back through the past yea'. Wheat, meat and other prod uc! : of tho f.j'm are the things that weie stolen, nd si a consequents a great de..I of talk has been inde'ged in by p ople in that CDtnmuuity. Wh'le the t' Ik was goJug on alter the la' ist theft of wheat, a man appeared among the people In Spruce Hill and professed to be detoctive Barr. He wrs a,qu:inted with all the talk that was aloat in tue Vd'ley, end said he had C3me to sift tho matter, and therefore certain parties would htvo to go ta Miffl ntown on Friday, June 26 for a hearing. He weni among the people snd summoned a number of men ta appear here at the county seat for a preliminary hearing. His summons was verbal, but no one suspected bim of b9ing a bogus de tective, and ox course accptea tne summons in good faith and without a thonht of suspicion, and appeared herein M:fflintown promptly last Fiiday, to begin a movement that it wao h'opad would open the door to a clue to lead to tbe arrest of the per. sons that have been doing the steal ing in Spruce Hi'l township. Tathe surprise of everyone detective Barr did not put in appearancs, and now there iB fi much desire in the valley t know who detective Bair is, as there is to know who the thieves are. Fertoaally-Caaducted Tar via reaMTlvanla Railroad. The Ladies' Home Journal for Ja ly an artistically attractive and in teresting issue opens with a sump tously illustrated article on Joan of Arc and her home, by Emma Ash brand Hopkins, who entartaimly writes of the childhood and religions life of the Maid. Apropos of tbe ap proaching centenary of Burns Arthur Warren presents "The Other Side of Robert Burns,' reveeling the better side of the poet. Hezekiah Batter worth tells in his engaging way, a Brook Farm stsry, "Tbe Wife of Ben Bow," aad Alice Wellinsrton Rollins humorously romances of a Town Bi cycle. A trio of poems of tbe field, framed in a drawing by W. Hamilton Gibson, and a musical composition "Tbe Lyndon Polka" by Mrs. Fran cis J. Moore, are page features. Ed ward W. Bak wiites co'itoijally of the girl between sixteen and twenty, and enters a plea for people who go to tbe countty in the summer time to live as near to nature as possible HiX-President Harrison discuses the D?p?--tmeat of State, bringing into review, also, our diplomatic and con sular service, and the great seal of the United States. In "Feeding a City like New York" John Gilmer Sped makes some astonishing state. ments, presents surprising figures, and asserts that New Yorkers could live comfortably for four months in case of a siege cutting off all their food supplies. Dr. Parkhurst speaks forcibly to young men in bis paper, "A Young Man b Religious Life," and Mrs. A.D. T. Whitney, with equal di rectness and vigor writes to girls con cerning Deauty. Vi'ram Martin Johnson s Souvenirs of Summer Days" is an artistic practical article f'mely also, being directed to those who will enjoy part of the summer amid new scenes. "People Who Live in the Moon," A $3500 House," articles on seasonable dresses, upon mi'iinery, neeaio and various topics of general and household interest. and the usual departments are also included in the July Journal which is unusually complete. No feature of it will appeel to lovers of tbe beaut iful more strongly than the cover by Maxwell Pdrrish printed in rich tones of brown and green, on bluff papjr. By the Curtis Publishing Campany, Philadelphia: one dollar per year, ten cents per copy. Tbe Peanaylvania Railroad's v Popular Excursions to the Seashore. $10 FOB TWELVE DAYS. No other summer outing appeals so BtroBgly to the people of Western Pennsylvania as the Pennsylvania Railroad's popular excursions to the sea coast of Naw Ja;sey. For years tney nave been looked forward to as the holiday event of each summer. and every season has seen them grow more popular. The reason of the great favor in which they are held is easy to see. The rate of $10 for the round trip is phenomenally low, con sidering the distance and the high character of the service; the limit of twelve days just fits the time set apart for tbe average vacation, and tue dates of the excursions are most conveniently adjusted. There is also tbe widest field for choice in tbe se lection of the resort Atlantic Citv, Cape Mav, Sea Islo Citv and Ocean City are the choicest of the Atlantic coast resorts, and anyone of them may be visited under these arrangements. The dates of the excursions are J u ly 9 and 23, August 6 and 20, and tbe rates will be as follows. Pitts burg, Uniontown, Connellsville, Scott" dale, Oreensburg, Butler and J-ia trobe, $10; Johnstown, $9.25; Cres son, $S.50; Altoona, $8; Tyrone, $7.- 65; Ulcarfield, $8 .90; Bed ford, $8.50; Huntingdon, $7.10; Mifflin, $5.65; proportionate rates from other points. A special train of parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pittsburg on each of the above mentioned dates at 8.55 A. M., and connect at Philadel phia with special train via the new Delaware River Bridge route, land ing passengers at Atlantic City in 12 hours from Pittsburg; or passen gers may spend the night in Phila delphia and proceed to the shore by regular trains from Market Street Wharf tbe following day. Tickets will also be good on regu lar trains leaving Pittsburg at 4.30 and 8.10 P. M., arriving in Philadel phia next morning, whence passen gers may proceed to toe snore on any regular train from Market Street Wharf that day. For detailed information in regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket agents or Mr. Thomas E. Watt, District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. That the public has come to recog n'ze the faot tbat the best and most eonvenient method of pleasure travel is t a participate in the Pennsylvania Railroad Campany's personally-con ducted tours, is evidenced by their ieerer fed popularity with each sue ceeding year and the number of in qu:ries in regard to thorn. Under this system the lowest rates are oblnioed, both for transportation and hotel accommodation, and none but the best hotels are used. An ex perienced t jurist agent and chaper on accompany eacn tour to iook aiter the comfort ofthe passenger. Tbe following tours have been ar ranged for the season of 1896: To the north (including Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousad Islands, Montreal, Quebec, An Sable Chasm, Lakes Cbamplain aad George, Sara toga, and a daylight ride down through the Highlands of the Hud son), July 21 and August 18. Rate, $100 for the Round trip from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, covering all expenses of a two weeks' trip. To Yellowstone Park, covering a period of seventeen days, on a special train of Pullman sleeping, compartment and observa tion cars and dining car, Augast 27. Rste, $200 from New York, Philadel phia, Baltimore and Washington. Two t mrs to Gettysburg. Luray j Caverns, Natural Bridge, Ricbnnnd and Wrsh-ngton w;ll be run in the early autumn. Hoot's Sarsapariila. Ptleton, Pa., April 6, 1896. I was troubled with sick headache and have been taking Hood's Sarsapariila with satisfactory results. I nave intro duced it to my neighbors and they have tahan it for headache, and it has done them a great deal oi good.'' Mont Bebbt. Hood' i Ptlls are easy to take, easy ti operate. Subscribe for the Sentinel and Republican, a paper that contains choice reading matter, full ef inform tion that does tbe reader good, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing find places in its columns. . tf. MIFrXINTOW"N XAKKRTS. Knn,iToww, Jaly 1, 1896. Mirr LUS TOW K CHAIN . Corn in ear.......... .... Data, Rye Cloerseed ....... .. .... Batter , Efffo Ham...... Shoulder, ................. Law! .. .... Sides, .................... Timotby seed.............. Flax teed.... ............. Bran.................. ... Chop. ... $1.20 Mid-iUngd .. Ground Alum Salt......... Araurican Salt.... MA B KPT 65 87 22 60 18 10 18 12 7 .....C2.G0 6J .... 9 a hundred 1.10 l.oo 6e to 80 .t33 wilt pay for a term of six weoks summer board and thorough instruo tion in music at the Musical College, Freeborg, Snyder county, Pa. Term begins July 20. For cafalognes ad. dress, Hekbt B. Mover. CREAT BARSA1S j For a limited time only. Don't misa it: 1 Doz. Cabinet Photographs and one 16x20 Crayon Portrait made by one of tbe finest Artists in Philadelphia, all for $3.75 at Hess rhoto Studio, Mifllmtown, TL V. ffiEiamlnoV 7 Vt Examino Tear Ens. We warn the readers of this journal that we do not authorize the use of our name in advertisements of so-called traveling optical apcuaiiais. unr aavice to all persons who have defectiw eyesight t TCE21VT e-rV-A spccuuixs ana peaiars ol Spectacles. yUfcfclN & CO., The Opticians, IOIO Chestnut St., Pb iidelohla. Our Accnrmi BeaMtiriil Spectacles oiu e G "t u. uu nKip os live z-ctini, poauige ui ps. SCH0TT' S STORES. BARGAIN DAYS! - BARGAIN DATS! Continue until Saturday evening July 4th. A Never ending procession of the latest and Best in Fabrics and garments, is constantly entering our doors, and goods are taking position on the shelves. From our counters they pass out to the hundreds of our Customers and Friends at prices never heard of before. 200 Ladies' wrap- ers and Tea gowns received here for us, specially. House Dress Wrappers, some embroidery trimmed in fine Lawns, Percales and organdies, Bishop sleeves and extra full 6kirts. You cannot bother with dress making and pay more for . making than you bay it ready made, unr rriees for wrappers, ready to wesr for 59c, 68c 75c, 96 $1.00 $1.25 to $1.50. Don't miss it aod buy a stylish wrapper or tea eown mo uuuureus jroia soo, aoc, 43c to oOo. A new line of Ladies Drena Skirts wi!l bs on cxhibiucu this week Latest Novelty iu Ladies' and Men's neckwear at Low price. Spring and mid-summer diess goods at extra low acd special reduced prices. r . 6000 yards of carpets and mauiug ml lowest bargain P'ices Ul ?di?'' Men'8 aBd CMd"" s Footwear Tie lcrefet snd best Shoe btook in the county at specially lowaud extra reduced prices. Remember Premium Tickets for Gold Aluminum ware, given awav with all purchases. J Schott's Stores, 103 to 109 BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN, P. 1865, ESTABLISHED, 1889 Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEM It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF . ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overeoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all ComDetitors in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY, I8CG. Hollobaugh Son have received their entire line of Spring Clothing and Gents famishing " im opnug oi ioo jsen s fi.ou unt Baits. ye this identioal quality of goods sold for ten dollars. These Suits in over twnntv sfvina r uuta .1. . , . J -J fcWl-W MMVV HW KUUM WS Ul J Iheelnth in tianlnlii .11 .. itl. . . - j " wuvi "UU M UU1UI . x Uf douv ulBSJ leathenne a verv beavv Statian GnroA Amiia Rr.4 J : worj - - 1- . -jo mm The sleeve lining is a splendid three leaf twill. Count 80 by 84 to tkv square inch; tbe buttons best mottled Ivnr. nt .1.. . ..ll.. .. reamed hole. These Garments have in addition to the above, all the inside vitals eosa plete, making tbe Seven Dollar and fifty eent Suit complete as durable as aav that retails at $25.00. v ' WE JUSTLY NAME IT "The Best Trade and Profit Maker in America." Spring Clothing, latest styles. Spring Hats, latest styles. Spring Shirt?, nobbiest pattern. Our prioes are the lowest. Our goods are the best. Our styles are the latest. AH we ask is a tesL and tin whn iBoarla k. 1 1 I - il: i ..11 :r n 1 ' : " . u vu ini uiuiiiiDrr lower, muss sell inferior Goods or else be is a "Blower." A Fine Life Size WATER COLERED PORTRAIT DOLLARS cuswmer wbose oash purchases amount to TEN We are Aeents for the celebrated Douglass Shoe. Sweet Orr Overalls and Folding Umbrellas H0LL0BAUGH & SON. 116 MAIN STREET, PATTERSON, RA. ESTABLISHED 1880. The McClintic Hardware- QTH R 17 N0-119 MAIN STREET, J- VlillJ. MIFFLINTOWN. PA. Hardware, the mnmr wav possibie to get along in the world is to buy ''real cheap tbirgs. As a ruie, me ittn jeu pay, ine more it costs m tee long run. We con't batt of "cheap" prices at this Store, and still quality considered, we tell at 1 rices that oucht to interest careful buyers. COOK STOVES- 'e control the Sale of RAYMOND & CAMPBELL cook etoves tn this county. We have never heard a woman complain who bcuefct cne of these stoves. Everv buver ha agreed on four things: The Stoves Cook better, thev hakfi iWtAr tli to regulate, and are lees trouble than any other stove. We have them in lour sizes. Pricoa ramre from SlrVOft to $28 00. EVERY WOMAN KNOWS how easily things pet "feratefced upM siciud tie home. Sometimes it's a chair or a table cr a dcor. More than half the time, the Kralchce are rfglcckd, leecuse it tetms hardly worth while to send for a painter. Why not do the work yourself. You can Get Prepared Paints all Ready to use atajrifl:ng coet. You can brighten up furniture, doors, flower pots, buggies and lots of other things. We keep these prepared paints in all ih -n'nr, And oii n.tr.. . as ( . n ..uu n u l.ii u,iu. brushes, too good ones. Ine paints come in tin bnekets, holding 4 P. The price is 16e K. H. McClintic. S. S. Ruble, Practical Embalmcr and Funer al Director. CiLLS TB0MPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. Bridge &t, ftliffl intern n, Pa. jk 5olcr;tino American , TRana aaanire. DESIGN PATCKTS, GOPTHKlHTB. ot.J for laformsttoa aa1 free Hanl buk writo to Kl.vi & Co, 301 Bp.odway. New Yu&r. Oldest burena for securliMf pat-ntln Amerl."; Every rn-n( taktHl out by us Is brought br the public by Butlca given tres of charge in u. Sf. ticttfific Qmtlmt Irratctrcn)ittoii of any artonUrV psiwr In t1-:" world. Splouduliy llliutraud. No Uit.'llntm. man should bo without It. Werkly. a.l.oor rear; (UU tx moutha. Addrem, KUNN CO. nana 3S1 Broadwaj, ew York CIV. Garfield Teas. Council CoiLstiiotmn, Ktaor.- Ci'ci-ou. utoh iXicl.'t WW- OMMfHC ITcQ. UnaLJ 1 1 &W " cures Sick riead acne PEMSILVANU COLLEGE, GETTSni!RC PA. Founded In Large Faculty Two lu I ceunea ol atudt- ri.muii .nil ScientiHc, P pecial courses in all depart. meDiH. vosrrvaiorr, Laboratories and new G5 aanoB.um. Seam beat. Librariea, 2'J,C00 volumtg. Expenses low. Depart, inent of Hygiene and Fbyaical Culture in cbarge of an experienced physician. Ac ceeaiblo ty frcqnect railroad train. Loca tion on thn BATTLEFIELD ol Gettvslinrg, moHt pieaiar and healthy. PREPAR ATORY DEPARTMENT, in it'par ate buidings, tor boys and young men pre paring for business or College, nnaer spec ial care of tbe f rincipal and three assist ant, residing with studerts in tbe building. Fall term opoas September 6th, 1895. For Catalogues, address H. W. MCKNIGHT, D. D., President, or BET. O. Q. KUHGEK, A. Principal, Qotttysbarg, Pa. 1. , SAVE IGU MONEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARB YOU A BORROWER ? -CALL. AT- THE FIRST MIFFLINTOWN, PA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. JUNIATA VALLEY BAKK OF MIFFLIHTOW", PA. Stockholders Individually Liable JOSEPH BOTBROCK. Pruidnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Cutui OIKECTOBS. W. C. Pomoroy, Joseph Bothroek, Julio Hertaler, Robert B. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Josiah L. Barton, Locis B. Atkinson, Consumption Surely Cured. To Thb bmK-Plata infoan joar nadett aiatXhaya a posUiy laaedy for the abore-naraet! diacam. By 1U ttmelynae ttionaaixla of hnpcln., cmm have been paraunentlr ennd. lahaUbepIc-: to aoad two buttlea of my remedy FBBK to auy c ronr readers who have ootimmption if tbey wil Ma juetbeirEzprMandP.OLaddnaa. lutt tuilT. X.aVaUXXJtl.aLCiairaaclijL.ji. K STOCKBOLDCas : George A. K-pner, Annlf ?'. St.elley, Joseph atotbrock, P. W. Manbeck,' L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, VV. c. Potneroy, J. Uolmea Irw-n Mary Karti Jerome N. Thompdon, John Hertr.lor. T. V. Irwin. Charlotto Snyder, Joiah L Biri'ii, John V. Blair, Robert H. Patterson. F. M. M. Penn.;U, Levi LI?M, Jamnr P. Sothrock, Wm. Swart M.N. Sterrett, It. J. Sbellenberger, James (i. Heading, M. B. Scblrgel, S. W. Hesps. Three nd Four pr cent, interest will De paid 03 certifestea ol dp(Htit. fian 2:. Irt'-o WANTED-AN IDEAoiSS. thine to patent t Protect your ideas; the may brine too wealth. Write JOHN WKDDBr BURMA CO., Patent Attorneys, Waabinctoo. U. C, tor their SlOO prize offer. " raauiL in success
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers