i t t r I ! t i j 1 r UBLICAN Y15TMNTOWN. ULittrSlJAT. MiTG. I8E6. B. P. SCII WEI BR, furu Atsr roritriiTO. REPUBLIC 43 COUNTY TICKET. Congress, Toad. V. Manon of Franklin Co. Senate, William Hebtzler. legislature, Carl F. Esperschide. Associate Judges, W. North Sterrett. Leokard B. Mabcir. Frothonetary, W. U. Zeiders. District AttorBey, Wilber Scbwbtir. Co. CoaamfssioDcrs.VicH ael B. BAsnoaE. J. LciBIRSLiOER. Co. Treasurer, William W. Lahdis. Co. Auditors, T. K. Beater. 13. U. Hartmar. Tee new kicg of Persia comes from pricesly Btcck ma to sed. Ex Kr-o Mllax of Servia is coming to ibo United Statc-a to secure a wealthy wife for his sn King AI6X an-.ler of Servia. A r.EsrATca from Germany states ihit poverurnont census returns show tiist iu Bulgaria there are 3,883 peo p'e who are over 100 years old. SnsiTOR Hill and Senator Tillman, both Democrats bad a lively debate iu the Senate last week. Tillman wa against President Cleveland's Dolicv and Hill tried to defend tha Presidont and bis work. Tun Church in Russia taken a tobacco reform. ha? under The Bishop has d? noancad the habit of smokin g as a disgustingly bad habit, which is unbefitting for those who eerve the altar and a great temptation to the laity." A nELicioua fanatical man disguii d as a woman, shot the Shall of Persia, while he was worshipping in the inner sanctuary of a church near tho city of Taheran, Persia. A no-sv kin wag immediately installed in of ca by rijbt of inherited succession. The Millenial Dawn must ba a long distancs in tha future, if c good etato of ecciaty is the necessary state, for statistics prove that there is aore depravity manifesting itself among tba piople now than in a nam ber of generations past. When the Repubhcans were in power, every month the statement went forth, "tho national debt was decreased so nm?li last month." Now tbo Democratic administration has to i3eua the EratemPtt, 'the nat ioaal debt was incrc ared so much laot moatk. Sexatob Tillmax of South Carolk-a made a fi?ry epesch iu the United fstates Senate last Friday nainst the policy cf the Preei-eut, tho Secretary cf the Treasury and the bankers and moroy lenders cf Well Urcst. On his sek-lie he wore a Cinill pitch fork breast pi a, aad tbrcalsntd to withdraw tho Democratic psriy of South Carolina from the Democratic camp, if the Dsmoc-ratic National Con Tcr.tioa at Chicago declares asaisst biTsr. The couTitry will not elect a Presi dent from thfl racks of a party that b?s so broken down the business of tbo country that it costs 5 to 8 m:l lion dollars a month mora to run tbo government than the povernpust gsts. To go out on a dark right in town or const ry and catsh as many as 15 to 17 year old boys aa would be necessary to give the requisite num ber to the Washington government, and install theia in office at Washing. tor, they could cot mismanage affairs more than has the Cleveland alroiu letraiion. The Democratic Sta'.o Convention at Allentown, that declared for Ex Governor Pattison for President, do cl : -d against the greenback most vehemently ia its resolutions, but that is only going back to its action lnrin? the days of rebellion. Tho srreeuback whsu first issued had no crealfrr enemv. unlses it. was Jeff Davis & Co., than the leaders of the Democracy of Pennsylvania and olh r northern states. So then when x Governor Pattieon's AUentown Convention denounces the greenback, it goes beck to the argument of the Democracy, duriDg the days of the rebellion. A Smart Mason- The Chambersburg Ne"w of May 1st Bays: Meson Conrad Whitmann of IJamiltcn fovnsbip, laid all the Lrick in a two story building, 28 fet long by 20 fret v.ide, recently, for Mr. Philip Crist along the Green castle road in Guiliford township in the short time f 10.J days. Consid ering that Mr. Whitmann is 69 years old, it was certainly fast work, and be would like to know if any mason of the 6ame age can equal it. Harrison's Will- ExPresident Harrison while be was President, made a will leavieg L-is property in equal divisions to his wife who was then living; to bis dixiicrhter Mrs. McKee, and his son rvussell Harrison. After Jlfrs. Harri sou's death be made anclhs-r will, di vidirg the property squally between his son tmd daughter. To this hs recently added a codicil providing that His shall apply only to the prop crty cf wliicie be was pc-esesscJ at ti. time cf bis rece-ct murrisgc, sr.d that bis home in Ir.diar.&j:olis and what ever jiropcrty bn my accurnmulate from this time on shall go to his wid ow in case she survives him. , A Swindle. A Beat swindle is being worked with succees ia many towns. A woman book agent appears in town and goes from bouse to home leav ing books for examination. Next day a rc-m c.tlls to seo if they are wastbd, and if they ara not be takes them away with Lim. Usually they v.re not wanted. A few days later, the woman agent appears again, and on beinsr told that the mau has taken awav the book, weeps copiously, says tl.e viilian has been collecting uer books ail over town, pleads poverty and jiceepts the proffered compensa tion. Ex.- Don't allow anyone to Wv hook or anv other article at your house on approval. R UNXISG SORES CURED. Latimore, Pa. Fob. 19, 1896. A fw ynra ago I bad running sores on my limbs for which I tried various raslicines without benr-fit, acd tbeo I bean takioij Hood' Sarsaparilla. After I b&-l tken Ibis mslicin for a tfhil? the Korea healed o;id I have had no tronbla with thssa iuca. I recommend Hood's SoisapariHa to all. W. IT. Hsybcrger. Ilvjod's pills act harmoniously with Hood's Saranprill.i. Roedluni Anaojaace. The -editor cf the Greeacistle E 'ho spoka in his paper of the row J v elemcct runnibg lb town, which caused tba boadinrns of the place to in ike it unpleasant for bim when he appcred on th etreeta by passing side remarks about bin waen he pissed 'or. He- took .. tut.ir insults quite awhile, but last we k he drew the meshes of the Isfcr cu soma uf tMn by making information against thom for annoyance. They wore ar rested, taken before a jastica and eacu nned one aoiiar ana coais, which tfcey ptid ratber than go to jtil. They have reformed their street manners. Election of County Superintend ent - Tho Sc'aool Directors of Jutiiata county met in the Court Hoass at Mifllintown on Tuesday, the 5th inst., to elect a Superintendent of pnblic fichools. The candidates were Miss Kate Dipple, Miss Mary McCullocb, Miss Maud Robison, D. SI. Marshall, W. E. Auman, O. B. Sulouff, J. W. Towsey, H. C. Clinger. I. N. Grubb was made Chairman of the Convention; J. S. Gray bill and S. A. Sulouff,' Secretaries. The salary of the Superintendent was fixed at ono thousand dollars. Before the balloting; was b6un, the names of O- B Sulouff and W. K Auman ware witbdrawu. The first ballot stood, 50 votes for D. M. Uarahall; thirteen votes for Miss Miry McCulloch; one vote for Miss Maud Itobiaoe; four teen votes for H. C. Clinger; eight vote a for J. W. Towsey; fourteen votes for Miss Kate Dipple. The second ballot stood, fifty-four votes for Air. Marsuaii; ten votes lor Miss McCullocb; one vote for Miss R?b:son; fourteen votes for Mr. Clinger; seven votes for Mr. Towsty; fourteen votes for Miss Dipple. Court Pro:eedIaa;a. Court was presided over by Hon. Ii. W. Doty of Westmoreland county, J udge Lyons baing coefined to his room by na attnek of rheumatism. The civil trial list was a small one, but two cases being tried as follows: John D. Eizweiler vs. Paul T. Ccx Vtrdict for the defendant, and the case of Charles B Koass vs. Louis AraoM. Verdict also for the defen dant. IL-.sienplug and T..-crii3 vs. Porciv al Robert, ontinued. Miohasl Lauvftr vs. Jeese W. Bry nr, settled. Tobias W. Auker vs. Mary A. Ank er. Divorce. Continued for the reason s material witness was absent. J. N. Ponierov for use V3. D. D. Stone, continued. Bat one (V-mruonweolib esse waa tried, that of the Commonwealth vs. Janif s Kearnes r,nd Jams McDer 'tt. ' Charge, highway robbery. Verdict, not guilty. Charles Hughe3 pled guilt to stealing a pair of pants from hia step father Henry White and was sen tenced to 30 days in the county jii!. Com. V3. J. P. Mcl'herjg. Form cat icn and bastardy. Prosecutrix, Nsomi Hagie. A true bill. Bench warrant iseued Common wealth va. Austin Straus er. Fornication, &c., with Cora M Fol'z. Recognizance renewed for nexo tfirm. Commonwealth vs. Orie Marshal!. Fornication, &c, wilh Sua XJ. Tohn. Rf-copnizancj renewed for r.fext terra. Commonwenltn vs. John Gilliford. Fortiicalion, &c, with Amy M. Fish er. R6cogniz2nc4 renewed for nxt term. Coinraonwealth vs. Thomas Brow- and. Fornication, &a , with Mario Row. Settled by the parties. Commonwealth va. Charles W. Ramsey Charge, murder of his wife. i'iUi8 itams&y. a true Dili, dus tue case continued until the September Comuoonwealth vs. Brady C. Kftll. Fornication and bastardy with Liz zie I. Boyer. Settled by the parties. Commonwealth vs. James Moyr. Assault and battery on Calvin D. K-pner. Settled by the parties and not. pros entered. Tne jury empannelled to try the lunacy of Uuarles W. lumsey, iound bim to have been a lunatic for eigb teen months past and R. M. Gray waa appointed committee. A writ of waste - was awarded Chorles Allen Thompson va. Jane Thompson to stay the cutting of timber. David A. Landia vs. EUie Landia in divorce. Answer of respondent filed. Also in same case application for connsel fees and alimony hied. B. F. Burchfield, Esq., filed his re port as Anoitor in estate of Jacob Frank, decensed. Rule on Emory Patterssn to show cause way justice suouiu not be marked sath-iicd astj W. W. Whart on and execution staved. A deeree cf specific performance of contract between John Gingrich, dee'd, end Joseph Dysiager waa made and it was ordered that Sam uel H. Hoffman. excutor cf John Executor of John Gingrich, make deed of the land to Mr. Dysingcr. The eale of the interest of Francis E. Campbell, minor child of Sarah Ellen Campbell, dee'd, in real estate in Beal township, was confirmed by the Court. The Sheriff's dee ds were aeknowl edged on Wednesdav afternoon at P. M. Hope Jnmpins;. Young girls are once more indulg icg in the practice of rope jumping to an alarming extent, limid moth ers who fully realize tbo dangers of the foot- ball field for their tone, rare ly appreciate the perils of the appar cntly harmless jumping rope for their daughters. And yet tne latter baa its victims every year, and though 1 f i;y are not so numerous as thes of foot ball it would probibly be found if compute- statistics were available, that the mean to'al reachra a total frufG iently ttortlicg. .One of the first dfcatha cccarred in Brooklyn, N. T , last week, where a little girl 0 years old died from the effects of too I rolon jred inda'gecce ia the xerc:se. tompicg may or may not ba goedtx 6rclse for girls wben taken in mnd erition, bat it is vc-ry esy to over do it, and when rapid and protracted it is a severe si rain on the children whose b art8 are week or who rny be ctberwisa delicate. There are mr-re women now enflViicg the pangs of inward dieeaec, from the efftcU of rcpe jumping than 13 ganorslly ,be lieved. Dectors could tell the cause. Exchange. Punishment of School Pupils- Ou the 29th of April, the question of the right of a ichool teacher to in flict bodily punishment on a dieor. derly school pnpil w.13 before Jad?e Stewart at Cbsmbersburpv Franklin connty. It. was in a case in which Jacob K-ller, a teacbtr cf St. Thom-u tewcehip, Franklin connty was tried before Judge Stewart for assault and baifety upon David Mull ona of tbo pupils. The boy hud kickod a little girl on the play ground during re ceie. Afttr school was dismissed the boy was called forward for pun ishment, but bo refused to go. When ti e ttasLer went for him, the bo wks prepared for bim with a drawn knife. Tho teacher conqu.-red biia how. ever, and gave bim a thrashing which drew blood on bis body Tho boy's father had Keller arrest ed and tho trial attracted much at tention, many directors and tenohi-rs beicg present. Judge Stewart re viewed the relation of parent and cbild, acd teacher and pupil f.s ta correction and punithmsnt. Ua tsid that the boy's net was f no of insub ordiration and that it. 1 ad to be de cided then and there who was to be the Lead of the school the boy or the teecher. The biy hud thrt-stsn ed the teacher and in the opicion t i the Court, the whipping was not i.n bit too cevere. The jury agreed wn h tbo Court and promptly scqnitud the teacher and placed the coets t-n tho biy's father. Repository. .... a THE PAWN3ROKER. HU Ufe Not a Happy One From Hia Own Feint of View. "Yes," said the pawnbroker, "the pnblic has on idea that we are a hard hearted lot, but that is culy one side of the story. A man in this business who had tears to shrd wonWn't have a roof over Lis head iaeido of a year. " "Yon mean you can't afford to pity the misfortunes of others on a cash basis?" I queried. "Very few people come hero on ac count of misfortune. You saw tho young man who went cnt as you caiuo in?" "Yes an ccter, ch?" "Very likely. Here's a watch ho brought, Tho worka arc second clasa and the cases filled. I can bay a carload at $15 r.piecc. Ho wes hard up and came hero to make a raise. He said Lis wife was dying, and he wanted $25 ou the watch. When 1 offered him $5, he wept, but if ycu'll follow him two blocks you'll find him in a saloon, spending pert of the money. Nine out cf ten customers don't hesitate to lie, and ten out of ten would beet your Un cle Isaac if tlipy conld." "Bnt people pawn their clothes to get focd," I said. "Perhaps so. Here o a dress a woman broucht in an hocr ego. She also vrcpt, J She had a story about sickness and hun ger, and sfco declared this was her wed-! ding dress. From certain earmarks 1 know sho boccht this dress secondhand. I know she paid 1 for it. I strainod a j point when I offered hr if 2, but sho'll i go out and call me a liigaway roniier. "But yon never get taken in and done for?" "Don't I? WelL I'd liko to see the pawnbroker -who hasn't been done up!. It's a cold mcaith when I don't get beat, j and by tho very people whom yon would ' sympathize with most, Seo these shin ers?" " Yes 4ino diamonds. " "Want 'em for a dollar apiece?" "You don't mean it!" "Glad to get it, sir. They wero left by a woman who wanted to raise money to bury her husband. I was half sick and very busy and gave her $00 on them. They arc paste omy puste. She came in here to beat me of coarse, and no doubt had a good laugh over it Here's a locket Eet with pearls, which my clerk advanced $30 cn. The veeping man who brought it wanted to bury his dead wife with the money. I can buy 'em at wholesale for $3 apiece. Don't you believe ail yon hear about your un cle having a heart of stone. There are plenty of people who wouldn't beat- a street car, but we are considered lair game fcr them, and they'll lio like smoke to take us in. It s a great place for tears, sighs and tales of sorrow, but the main idea is to give your Uncle Isaac the cold drop, and it's dono often er than I care to acknowledge, " De troit Free Press. MYSTERIES OF THE LOUVRE. Walls That Are Believed to Hide tha Bones of Murdered Men. Everyone who has "done" the Louvre will remember the low pitched and somewhat gloomy halls in which are stored the treasures cf Egypt, Beneath these lie yet more darkly mysterious vaults, inaccessible to tho public, thouirh approached by a wido and hand some staircase, such as would lead one to imagine that it communicated with apartments of some importance. Yet ... , . . - - , . ono lln at tno DoiTom noi-nug bread passages disposed iu the form of a cross, and without any sign whatever of door or window. A recent examination, however, of the solid stone walls gives experts rea son to believe that the inno:uy is more recent than the rest of the Etiucture in this, the oldest portion of tho fortress Tialace. M. Vanimeux. a veil known critic believes that many cf tho bodies of victims killed in the revolution of 18S0wero immured here, and that the government was afraid to reveal the fact when tbo remains cf their comrade were collected beneath the Colcnue de JuiUet On tho other hand, M. Blondel, tbo architect of tho buildJng, and M. Nor- mand, the secretary of the Society For Protecting Parisian Monuments, hold the opinion that these subterranean pas sages led to tho oubliettes, into which Catherine do Mfcdici cast those who were unfortunate enough to bicurhcr hate or fear. . A judicious exploration would clear np the matter and settle. too, several doubtful points as to the foundations of Lescot's original citadel. Unfortunately, the annual grant does not provide for any such archaeological research, and it would be necessary to appeal for funds to the generosity of the chamber. London Chronicle. TWO SNAKE STOlilES. TOLD CY A GENTLEMAN WHO IS AWAY UP IN CERPCNTOLOGY. Ecofcrs Tbmt ShoclU Not Be Killed Boxr tha Black Pnsko Bants and Captures Its . Facd Rescuing- n Snip Tract a Fytkoa Who Cad Calmly Taken Possession. "Sit down and sharpen your pencil, wfcilo I overhaul my mental shelves," remarked Mr. Thcmpson, curator of the coological collection in the park, in an swer to a request for some snako storks. "Crfore giving you some of my experi t eccs I want to enter a pretest against tho indiscriminate slaughter cf cur com mon harmless snakes, suoh as tbo black nako, garter sn:ike and the liko. Every farmer should protect them, for they are beneficial, indeed of being harmful, aa in generally supposed l.y n bvrge major ity of humanity. Auy naturalist will tell you that the food cf the black snake consists largely cf rats, mice, etc, while th:it e.f the gertci sn.iko is principally insects, such as grasshoppers, caterpil lars, etc "Now for some cf my experiences. In my younger days I waa crossing Ashby's gap, over thi B!uo Ridge, Virginia, in company with an uncle, e.f tho famous Black Horse Cavalry Ashby. . Wc were making a portion of tho aEcer-t through quite a deep cat, when our attention was attracted by a toad, which rolled instead cf hepped down tho sido slope, Ashliy pulled up the hr.rso arid said, "There's a black snake after that fi How. An instant after tho snako thrust' his hend through the fence, imd on observ ing cs drew back. In tho meanwhile tho toad had gathered himself together, and was hopping at a lively gait up the road. Ashby remarked, 'Now I will show you something, and rprang cut of the buggy aud caught the toad, which he carried a short distance and released. Returning, ho ruined the. buggy and drove back down the road sonio 0 steps, when wo alighted and tied tho horse. Climbing over tl:c fenco on the opposite side of tho road to that on which the snake had made his appearance we stealthily work ed our way up until v:o came iu sight of tho point where he was first soon. Lying down ' in the loi'g gra;:fl and peering tlirongh tho rails, wo did not havo to wait long before tiio snake reappeared. "Ee locked about far a few seconds and thru descended the slope down which the toad had rolled, and followed his trail up tho road. Ou ccming to the spot where it bad been "picked up, ho began to circle, precisely as a dag would act on losing the scent. Ho gradually in creased the size cf bis circles until he struck the rpot where the toad hnd been put down, when he mado a bco line after it. We leaped itto the road and hurried after his snakeship, who as soc.u as he discovered that ho was being fol lowed tamed up the slope and squirmed cut cf sight through the fence Ashby said, I am sine you ere satiscd now that a black snake hunts by scent. ' "New I shall have to t:ike yon out to South Africa. I lived in Durban, Natal, which is abc.r.t 1,000 mile6 around the Cape of Good Hope, up toward I tae.a goscar. One morning I received a nc.tc from tho port captain, asl:ii-g mo to come down to tbo barberwith all pr pi ble dispatch, pn a python had taken pos session cf a Gcmian brig nr.d I v.i 2 wanted to capture it. Taking one of iny keepers with ir.e. I hurried down, and found cjuita a crowd cn the j-3rty, among which, As cs the crcv.' cf the brig. On in-quii-y I learned that there tail been a shewer during tho night, and iu tho morning tho mate had ordered cue cf the men t o g3 aloft and shake out the E&il3, iu order to dry them. He Ftartcd up, acd on reaching tho r.miu top turned and came down cn the clc rei mn. The tar was instantly ordered to hades and numerous o !:er places, while the valiant marc started aloft to attend to mr.tters c-u his own hoolr. No sooner did his Lead got on a level with the top than ho camo down at a pv.it which far ex celled that of the disobedient sailor. II im-tantly rairod tho alann, and the en tiro crew lost no time in getting on shore and spreading the report that the rigging waa fall cf tho biercst kind of snakes. "With the osaistanco of the port cap tain's binoculars I bud no diHieulty in I making n critical examination of tl-'s entire upper works of the vcstcL which was audiortd about ICO yards from the shore Tho result was ono liU-feo pythoi:, ooiled around tho laps of the main ai-d topmast. Borrowing a sack, I managed, i after much persuasion, to get two c f the crew to pull myself and keeper off to tho brig, where they left us and turned back to the jot'.y. I unrovo tho flag hal yards, loado a ucose in cue end of them ijid bunted urcuiid until I found a stout piece of rued some six or eight feet in length. Climbing up tho shrouds, I make my attack through the lubber's hole by punohtng his snakeship with tee reed, to the end of which 1 had tied tho tiocsc He put his head down through the hole for the purpose of fighting me, when he wai instantly noosed around tho neck oral the halverda made fast to the ratlines. Iu his violent efforts to ef fect a roleaso ho drew back wiih nuoh force as rapidly to choke himself into insensibility. Cidling to' ths keeper to hold tho mouth of tho sack cpeu, I watched until I thought ho was nearly at his last gasp, when I squirmed up on tho top, loosened his coils around the masts, lowered bim Into the sack, when the keeper immediately cut the noose. By tho time that I reached tho deck he had nearly recovered from his severe wind stoppage. I gently opened the mouth of the sack to have a good look at him and discovered from bis bloated appearance that be had recently par taken of a hearty nieaL On the arrival of the crew ou board it was discovered that the captain's fox terrier was miss ing. I therefore concluded that the python, in swimming across the harbor. Lad struck the vessel's hawser, up which he had crawled on to the deck, swallow ed the dog and gone aloft to digest hia meal. Buffalo Commercial. Ono Way of Catching Fiddler Crabs. There are various ways of catching fiddler crabs. One way of catching tho black or mud fiddler, the one that bores Into meadow banks along salt creeks, is with two boards so placed as to form a deep sided letter V. The fisherman seeks a spot where there is a little strip of sand at low water, between the base of the mud bank and tho water's edge. The crabs como out of their holes and go down to tho edge of tho water, often in great numbers. The fisherman comes over tho meadow with his boards, which toe aoti tip on edge as quietly as he can vn the sand, with the opening of the V toward the water. Then ho alarms the crabs, and they come scurrying up the little beach in multitudes, bound for their holes. As they como they carry their big claw aloft, somewhat as the soldier carries his gun. It is f rem this habit that the fiddler crab gets the name of soldier crtb, by which it is uIjo known. Thoso crabs that arc opposite the opening in the V hnstlo with the rest of the lino, but when thc-y strike the board sides they are thrown more and more together, until they converge In a mass at the point The fisherman, sitting outside, takes them oat by the handful New York Sun. . Heed's Sarsapariila. PtlkToit, Pa., April 6, 189G. I was troubled wiih a-ck fceadeb and have beea taking Hood's Sarsapariila with satisfactory results. . I have intro duced it to my neighbors and thr.y have taken it for headache, and it has done them a great deal ot good." Most Bebbt. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. 33 will pay for six weeks, board and thorough instruction in music at the Musical College, Fraeburg, Pa. Special instruction will be giv en to tbeso desiring to teach vocal niusis in the Public Schools. Spring Term begins, May 4. For catalognes address. Hxxkt O. Uoteb Mareb4,'96. Subscribe for the SEjrrnrsL Ann RepubtJcaw. a paper that contains choice reading ma'ttr. fuil ef inform Hon that does the roader good, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing find places iu its columns- tf. LEGAL. DMIXHTRATOK'S NOTICE, Ettalt of JSnna Maria Patterson, late ot Grtenteood townihip, Jtctastd. Notice Is hcrrbby given tbst letters ef Administration upon tbo estate of Anna Maria Patterson, lite of Oreenwood town ship, JonUta county, Pa., dcceissd. bare bren g ranted to tho nadersigDed. All pcr ssns laaebtrd to said estate will please mske lvment, nod ali b.iricg ctalos will present tbcm prop?rlr aalhsnticatcd for settlement. William B. Jacksoh, Mmtnittralor. Mit 4:h, 1996. DMINISTRATOa'S NOTICE. - Ettate ef JSiam Shope, lale of Stuguthannm lawnakip, deceased. Notice is hereby givon tbst letters of Ad niiBisirJtisD ud the estate cf Adsm Sfccpe, late of Susquehanna towaship, Jao ials county, P , deceased, bave been grant ed to the usdiinigned. Allprrssos indebt ed to ksld estate will plecse make payment, sad all hsvirs; claiics wit) nrctant them propsriv antbopticst'd lor s. tMrmcot. Edward C. Siiopr. Jldminletrator. ArriUin, 1890. UDITOR'3 NOTICE. Ettate of Margaret J. Mien, dee'd. The undersigned Auditor appointed br the Orphan's Court el Jnniata countv to distribute tbo funds ia Ibe baads of James Vc. Allen, administrator of Uargaret J. Alloa lata of the borough of Hiffliotown, deceasrd, as appears br bis first and final account, will sttsad to (be duties of his op- poininisnt st nis omce to iLe boroufb of fifBintbwn, en Tbursdar, May 14, 18U6. at 10 o'clock a. tn., when and where all per sons bavins; claims will present tbe sirae or ele be debarred freniroinlDK in on Ike fund. WlLBERrORCB CCIWETRB, Auditor. April 4ih, 1896. CDITOU'S NOTICE. Ettate ofHaae A'. e, dee'd. The andar'ined An-litcr arpointrd br the Orphan' Court of Jnniata c&usty to distribute tbs fnnds in tbe bauds el Jasnss iic. Allen, sdrainistrator cf luaae N. Allan, late ot the borough of Jtfilflinlewa. deceas ed, as appesrs by bis acceuat, will attend te tbe dunes ol bis appotntuant at bis of fice in tbe borough ef W ifll in to w o on Tbnrs dse, May 14th. at 10 o'clock a. ., when and where all persons bavin; claims will presect the same r else be debarred from coming la on tbe focd. Y ILBSnroBCB SCRWBTCB, Anditor. April 4:b, lotHS. TJDITOU'3 NOTICE. Instate of Sybil la Leitxell, lale of Di law are township, dictated Tbe nndersicned Auditor appointed by the Orptans' Court of Janlata ronty. Pa., to audit, selilo akd adjust the bnl.mce re maining in tbe bands of Dav'd E. Leitzell, Adwinistra'or of the otiteof SybilU Leitz ell, late of I)e!arar3 lonrnsbip, rice'd, sod to report dittrihn'ioa of said balaace will set lor the parposaof bis appointment at his oflice in the brnu;b of M Qlintowu Con Wednesday, 13th, A. P., 186, between the hears ot 10 o'clock A. M. and i o'clock P. M., when and wbvre ail persons interest ed must appear -tod presulit their claims or be forever barred from coming in upon said faod. t U. U. Peskell, Auditor. April 21, ISDG. Saves many a dollar. It will wear six times as long as a linen col lar and never has to be launder ed for it's waterproof. Saves annoyance and discomfort, also. It never gets limp, never chafes the neck, and when soiled is quickly and easily cleaned with a wet cloth or sponge, iwery collar is stamped thus larraiisrn Tho onlv (renolne Interlined collars and, ctitrs with a "tUuloid" snrfuco. Ask your dealer for them. If be does not sell them .?cnd direct to us statins size and style wanted. Collars 30c each. Cuffs 40c pair, Losttutid. TUB CElXCTiOTO COMPANY, New Vark. SAPOLIO "Ee'tZZZZSr CAUTION- TRESSPASS SOTICR. The undrrsigrted persons bave associated themseves togetbor tor tbe protection ot Willow Knn Trout stream in Lack town, ship, Janiata Co. , Pa. AU persons are strictly forbidden not to trespass upon the land or stream of the said parties te flak ss the stream bas been stocked with trout Persons violating this noice, will be pros ecuted according to law. K. M. Patterson, T. H. Carnthera, J. P. Bob't A. Woodside, W.D. Walla, ......... ' Frank Vawn, Dyson Vawa. April 23, 1896. ' ' " WO OH la tbe season for purifying, cleansing, and renewing. Tbe accumulations ot waste everywhere are being removed. Winter's icy grasp la broken and on all aides are indications of nature's returning life, renewed force, and awakening power. Ia tbe time for purifying the blood, cleansing the system and renewing the physical powers. Owing to close con finement, diminished perspiration and other causes, in the winter, impurities have not passed out ot the system as they ebould but have accumulated in the blood. Is therefore the best time to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, because the system ia now most in need of medicine. That Hood's Sarsaparilla is tbe beet blood purifier and Bpring medicine ia proved by its wonder ful cures. A course ol Hood's Sarsaparilla now may prevent great suffering later on. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood ruriOer. AH drugidsts. II. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. u i-fn cure Liver Ills; easy to rlOOU S PlllS take, easy to operate. 25c. Levis X. Atxirios. T. K. M. Fsaaci L. ATRISSOS & FKHEIL, ATTORNEYS - A.T -LAY', MIKFLINTUWN, 1A. gy Co'.lectiDg aaa Ceaveyaaclng preaij:t ly sttonded to. ernes jra Main ttrect, in cl;cr. ef isl dence of Louis E- Atkisrea. Ko., swv:ir ridgostret. fOctZv.iana VIl.RaiRBr'ORCE SC5IWC. ER, Attorney -a t-Law District Attorney. NIFFLIWTOW.V, PA. OFF1CJE IN COURT HOUSE. na.D.M.caAwroBa, sr, An wis s.csiTrjuc JK. V. M. CRAWFORD &. SOM, have formed a partnerrbip for the prt-1 c of Medicine and tbeir collattcriil branches. Oatce at o!d stand, corner of Third and Or ange s.'rcets, Mi!B:ntttws, P. Onsor boti! of them will be found at tburr oilicw at '' times, unless other if e profew ;oi-:i!".y en gsecd. April 1st, 1S1'5. J P.DE8B, PRACTICAL. DENTIST. Graduate of (be Philadelphia Dental College. Uraoe at old established lo cation, Bridge Htreet. opposite Court Heuse, .VitniDiown, Pa. ft3 Crcvn and Bridge werk; Paialexi Extraction All work guaranteed. LUGJlL. JVXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Ettate f Vavid Weaver, dee'd. Letters tcaUaisatsrv on tbe estate ef David TTeavur, deceased, 1st or Walker township, Jaclata ceuaty, Pa., baling L-era granted to the BadersRcd. All persons indebted to said astate are rvqnasted to make iosnwdiatu paymrnt, and those har. ing claims to present ihe came without de lay. H JorEPH KllTtB, Jacob Weivkr, April 15, 189e. xcafors THE MAr.mRtTES.Ll. HRAttl. Bright-'s Purdon's Digest OF THS LAWS OF PEXSSTI.VAjrlA 1700 to 1894 2 vols. Royal 8 vo. Pilce $18.00. Con tinned br s supplemental volnma ot 1895. Pnce$t00. By F2ANK. Ff BRIGHTLY, Eq. Binn'a Justice, 10th Edilion. (Iasned in War, 1995.) Being tboronghly revised, with rof.rraces to the 12th sdittoa ef Turdoa'd Digest. I vol. Sto. By F. F. BRIGHTLY, Itq. Price $5.00 . Dunlap'a Forma. Cth Edition. (Issued in January, 8'J(J.) Eevised to date, with refarrncs to the 12th Edition ef Purdon's Dices'. I vel 8ve. By EDWD. V. PUGH, E.q. Price $5.00. Marsh's Constablts' Guides. Containiag forms, and full dii-rctioas aa te their duties, with the Fee Bill, under tbe Art of 1893. 1 vel. By 3. F. II A US H Price $1.5. Savidge on the Law of Boroughs showing their ruannr of incorporation, reg ulation, rights, and liafcilitirs. end the powers and duties o? thrfr officers. 1 vol. By F. K. SAVIDGE, Esq. Price $2.0, Tht above books .tent prepaid on pries. KAY & BROTHER, Publishebs, Philadelphia ic s cs rn k 3 z ff 2 SaOP "1 1 I? 5. IS 3a B a 8g 5S t 3. rn 5s lio g- All aav l-a i " 13 A E W. n t If BEST IK THS WOK!..' SIsraarleRqRalitlaeereevraasaflaeteariw esKlastiaa two twxaa cf tcy 01 "v.t brand. Has seta in I by kea. t3ri mZ'S 1K- ar.S L'LKB. FOg 8 ALU BT ngALgr.8 G r;NSJ.IXY. Jfajsa Subscribe for tbe Sxvtukv are BEr-VBXr-OAR, a good paper. Moodls EL ee S3 ( W) ICDfl7CD .III. S S MSLJtSW MS BorXii-wina. I PAf.Sf Tenth Teat ladiTicKul MS1L I 17U C'hxtnui Si, ibi B PUnaawPDia. fT.--Wta.-l-K-aai BR.KakTa.3l ' - Cr- rFfillaJ a S e.-K lWa t. O- A 1 iV- J sliouid crow : uik.!c Co-u -Z: row !t:r inan any LT- filLtsr known- rorivl f jr Tnsoarora Vall.j Bailroadr SCHEDVLZ IX ZTTECT MOXDAT SEPTEHBEB 30, 1895. EASTWARD. I I' B Ijwwnicwo.- I - BitDationt Jaliualo PAIJae.PaM. 2f I 's25'- Mat Uatiiasn ia .-55.S.r,SS?!? M'nyWbrelolbemarktt. I , i";.. 2t: ereat w;r A FOTATOSSK Bkivt y. aanaua,aa u - - j r i STATIONS. NolNo3 DAILT, EXCEPT 6U1CDAT. A. M- P. It. Blair's Mills... ..Iv. 3 00 2 00 Waterleo 8 05 2 05 Leoaard'e Grove 8 10 2 10 RosFrm S 15 2 15 Perulaek 8 20 2 20 East Watarford S 30 2 30 Heckman 8 37 2 37 Honey Grove 8 42 2 42 Fort Bighsm 8 48 2 48 Warble 8 55 2 55 Pleasant View. .. 0 00 3 CO Savan Pinas 9 06 3 06 Spruce Hill 9 10 3 10 Graham's 9 14 3 14 Stewart.... 9 16 3 16 Freedom 19 18 3 18 Turbett 9 0 3 20 OldPwrt 9 25 3 25 Port Boyal Ar. 9 30 3 30 Trains Kos. I aad 2 connect at Port Eoya with Way Passenger oed Soashore Express as P. K. X., and Kos. 8 and 4 wilb Mail east WESTWARD. STATIONS. No.2lNo.4 DAILT, EXCSrT SU3DAT, ft" Port Itoyal 0.0 19 45I5 15 1.318 5fl!a 20 2 8 10 55 5 25 Old Port Tnrbett Freedom 3.7110 57!o Stewart Graham's Spruce Kill Seven Pines Pleasant View 4.4 10 59.5 9 5.P 11 0l!5 31 G.3 11 05 5 35 7.2jll 09'5 39 9 0;ll 15 5 45 Warble. 19.011 20 5 50 Fort Bipham 12.0111 26 5 56 14.011 33 6 03 15.1 11 38 6 OS 17.5 11 45 8 15 Honey Grove Heckmna Eabt Waterford.... Perulact 20.5111 556 22.0112 00 6 24.0:12 05 6 Boss Farm. , Leonard's Grove Waterloo. Blair'e Mills.. . . . Ar. Ho 25.512 10:6 40 27.0;12 15,6 45 Trains Nos. 2 and 3 connect with Stage Line at Blair's M His for Concord, Doyles Burg and Dry Ran. J. a MOORHEAD, Superintendent. T. S. MOORHEAD, President, RAILROAD TIME TABLE. JJERRT COUNTY RAILROAD. T-v.. rli.: i i . t . . . . lusiuumiui; Koi-uius wenc into otlect Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be ran as follows; p.rn a. m Leave Arrive a. n p.ra 4 80 9 16 Duncannon 8 49 3 50 4 86 9 21 'King's Milt 8 34 3 44 4 89 9 24 'Sulphur Springs 8 81 3 41 8 41 9 28 Corman Siding 29 3 39 4 45 9 29 Montebello Park 8 26 8 36 4 48 9 81 'Weaver 8 24 8 34 4 51 9 86 . 'Roddy 8 19 8 29 4 64 9 89 'Hoffman 8 16 3 26 4 66 9 41 'Royer 8 14 8 24 4 69 9 44 'Jfabanoy 8 118 21 & 10 10 00 Bloomfleld 8 05 3 15 6 17 10 07 'Long's Road 7 52 2 45 6 22 10 13 'Nellson 7 46 2 89 6 26 10 16 'Datn'a 7 43 2 88 6 28 10 19 EIHoteburg 7 4t 2 83 6 24 10 25 'Bernheisl's 7 84 2 27 6 86 10 27 'Green Pwk 7 82 2 25 6 41 10 82 "Montour Juno 7 27 2 20 6 09 11 20 Landisburg 6 65 1 60 p. at a. at Arrive Leave a. m p ra Train leaves BloomHeld at 6.10 a. m. and arrives at Landisburg at 6.47 a. m. Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and arrives at Bleomfield at 6. 60 p. m. Trains leave Loysville t'er Dancsonoa at 7. 220 a. m., and 2. 15 p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 37 a. m.. and 4.60 p. m. Between Landisburg and Loysville trains raa as fellows: Leave Landisburg for Loys ville 6 66 a. m., and 1 60 p m., Loysvilla for Landisburg 11 10 a. as., and 5 09 p. m. All stations marked () are Hspr stations, at which trains will como to a full stop on signal. - . TRESPASS NOTICE. The undersigned persons have forsaed an Association for the protection of their re. spectiva properties. AU persons are here by aotiSed aet to trespass on tbe lands of the aaeersignea ter the purpose of huntinr gathering anta, chiping timber er throwing dewn fences er firing" timber in any way whatever. Any violation et tbe above no tice will be dealt with according te law. jean Michel, William Puffenberger, Gideon Sieber, Beaahor at Zoek, Mary A. Srabaker, : - Joseph Rothrock, - John Byhsr, Pamael Bell. Befttetaber 6, 1806. PENNSYLVANIA EAILE0AD- On and after f exe'ev 'i y 20 1805 trains will mn foHown . War PasRsr-fer. leaves Fbilsde'pMa at " . . U ia m, Dr.Mr.an. j an a nis HarnsDurp o , 7. New Port 9 24 a. in: JJil- lST .oa.owa Ti 47 a. ms Tea Dvke 0 65 i'riJt R oral 10 07 a. : MltHia 10 14 ! n..ha!aa 10 21 a, LewLitewn ! 40 11 C8 a. ro; Nawtow nanTi ton l a. m; Uie. II 4 . . Mnntiaedoa 12 10 p. ; Tyreae 1 02 ilfeMVl 45 p t FittsbRrgS 60 a. m. . liarriabure 11 20 a. w; DuBcaaooa 1 1 60 a7.TewiroCl 12p.i cTyfow- 183 ? Mount Union 1 14 p ; HuattBgdoa SUP. m; Petersbarg 2 Z9 p. ! Tyr-ae Ulp. mi Al'-oea. 40 P. Ss, FitUbnrg Alte'oM AccmaaodatJea leares arri nurg at . 0 p. Dc- F- '- r . . i w.-.rl a na p.-"i' r f.nviatoWB I 13 P. m: Newton Hamllten 8 0 p. m; UBRtiag. dca S 82 p. Tyreae f 16 p. m; Alteeaa fcO ji. ra, ;n. Cts'mi leaves Fiiitaddlphia at 20 p. m; liarrisburg S 10 e. n v U 8 24 a. cm DuacannoB 8 88 a. .... to . mi Port Rorat 4 81 a. HarTa- m; Near. as; Mif- 7. a 7 a. n: LewUtown 4 68 a. as: Me- VetowB 6 80 a. aa; Haatiagdea 6 OS a. b; i yrene 66 s. sb; Alteeaa 7 40 a. as; Fiitsbarg 13 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 40 p.ao; Hanifcbnrg at It 29 p. as; Kewpart 11 05 p. m; MififiB 11 40 p. m; Lewistewa 12 68 a. ia; HuatisgdeB 12 65 a. ns.; Tjrese 1 42 a ut; Alteeaa S 00 a. as; Pittgsnrg 6 80 a. rs. Fart Lice lt-aras Philadelphia at 12 28 p. m; Harrrisburg 3 60 p. m; Dascaaea 4 13 p. n; Newport 4 87 p. m; If iCBia 6 10 p. rn. Lewistewa 6 29 as; Meuat Uaiea 09 p. aa; liuatinedoB 28 p. rsj Tyreae 7 p . . . . . re .... i , a n; Atioeaa i ss, riirj . m. XASTVTAK0. Harrisbnrg Accosasaodation leaves Al teon at 6 00 a. as; Tyrone 8 23 a. m; aot it:j loa 0 05 a. aa; Newtea Hamilton G 83 a m; McVeylowa C 63 a. as; Lewistewa 7 1a. ra; VSSS 7 88 a. ra; Port Kysl 7 44 a- ro; Mexico 7 43 a. m; Thempsea. town 8 02 a. m; Hillsrstowa S li a. m tfewport 8 22 a. as; Duacaunoa 8 49 a m; Karriaburg 9 20 a. as. Sea Share loaves Fitttibsrg S 10 4 va; Altooua 7 16 a ra; Tyreae 7 4S a Hnnt inidOB liUan; UcVevtewB 8 15 i Bj . mm. Tu-3rara S aa TlierspaeBtewR r , - -- 1.1; JKexico5 87 p. t Pert Beral (42 I. mi Kifflia S 47 p. m; Deakelm 0 66 a. as; as; aciriwn. - r LewisUwn 9 Si a ra; Uifflia 9 i) I Bj - Pert Reyal 9 69 a w; Taeaspsentown 18 14; MillcrstowB 10 22 ass; Newport lOS-iam; Puacunaoa 19 84 a m; atarvsrillo 11 07 a as; Harrisburg 11 25 a bs; Philadslaia 8 00 Maia Line Kx press laarcs Pittabarg at S 00 a. m; A'.teeaa 11 a. ss; Tyreae 12- 03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 85 p. in; Lewis-. town 1 83 p. as; Uimtn 1 80 p. bs; Harris, burg 8 10 v- as; EaHiasere 4 IS p. as; Vf ash iegton 7 80 p. ss; Pbi.'adelphia 6 23 p. aa; New Terk 9 23 p. m Mail leaves Altooua at 2 00 p. oi, Tyrone 2 35 p. as, HuBtiugdon 3 20 p. at; Newtom Uarniltoa 8 51 p. aa; UeVcvtewB 4 12 p. so; l.twistfcwa 4 IS p. si; Viffl'a 6 03 p. at. Pert Koyal 6 09 p. m; it ;xic 6 13 p. aa; Thempsontown 6 p. m; Uillerstewa 6 8fj p. ra; Newport 6 43 p. ra; Daacaaaea 9 20 p. m; Harrisbnrg 7 00 p. ra. iitil Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 60 p. re; Altooua 6 05 p. bs; Tyroae C 37 p. taj Huatingdea 7 20 p.m; HcVeytewa 8 04 p. m; Levru-towa 8 24 p as; ttiia I 47 El; Part Royal 8 62 p. m; Uillerstewa 9 07 p. ts; N awport 9 2G p. ra; DuEcanaea 9 50 p. m; Harr;burj 10 25 p. m. Pbiladclphia Express leaves ntubarg at 4 0 p. .; Ai:ooL 9 s5 p. m; Tyreae 9 83 p. rn; Duaticgdon 10 12 p. ra; Jt'euut TJn. ion 10 82 p. nr.; Lswietown 11 14 p. in; Mif. Bin 11 37 p. m; Hsrrburg 1 09 a. as; Phil adelphia. 4 30 New York 7 83 a. m. LEWISTOVTN DIVISION. Trains fur Sao Jury at 7 SS a. ra.aadl 10 ' a. na., U-evs Snnbury let Lcwistowa 10 65 p. ra, at.d 2 25 p. ra. TYEor2 DIVISOX. Trains leave for BWlfuBta and Le : Haven at 8 20 a. u., 8 34 and 7 25 p. m. leave Lock Haven cr Tyrone 4 30, 9 19 p ui. slid 4 15 p. m. TTK'JNE AND CLEAKi'IELD R. K. Tratns leave Tyrone for Clcarfisid and Cu.-wcnsvill st 8 S'J a. ra.. 3 15 and 7 30 p k., h-ava Curwensville for Tyroae at 4 89 a. ra , 9 15 and 8 51 p m. Fcr, rates, maps, eto., call oa Ticket Agcntf, or address, Thos. E. Watt, P. A. W. D., 360 Fifth Aveaue, Pitts, burg, Pa. 8. li. Pkevost, J. R. VTood, Gea'l Manager. Gea'l Pass. Agt NEWPORT A?!D SHERMAN'S VAL ley Railroad Company. Time table of passenger trains, ia eject oa alonday, October 1st, 1S94. STATIONS. West ward. East ward. 1 77 r at a Newp rt , Bnflalo Bridge...., Jnniata Furnace .., Vv'abncta ......... Svlvai Wat-r Ping BloomHeld Junct'n, Valley Road Iilliotttjcir Green Park Lojsville ......... Fort Robeson Center Ciena's Bun ....... Andersonburg ..... Bhiin .. . ........ Mount Pleasant ... New Germant'n ... A at 6 05 10 00 r at 6 16 4 () 67 8 R8 50 46 41 88 82 15 8 10 04 t68 3 49 2 48 2 40 2 88 224 220 6 63 10 03 6 12 10 07 6 19 6 28 8 15 10 10 6 35 6 25 10 17 6 22 10 20 6 81 1026 6 89 10 84 6 6110 46 6 46 6 44 61 6 69 7 It) 6 54 10 49 7 20 7 5 7 83 7 15,11 00 7 12 11 07 7 17 II 12 7 2311 18 7 27 11 22 7 41 7 36 7 46 7 48 7 62 7 85U 80 41 11 86 7 4511 40 7 651 n vD'aFPJNGA Presidont and Hagor C. .. Miller, General Ageut. LtCQAL. "E'XECUTOK'S NOTICE. Whereas Letters Testamentarr h been issued in duo form by the HeuuiT!? Jdmata conuty. .n the estate mt BJZ App, late of Sasqaohaana township, dZ. ed, to tbe UBderalgned, this i, netUV, persons ind.bted to aaid estate toi.!? tmraediata payment. ,nd thoaa cla-ms to present tba same prenerlv- ...T? enticated tor settlemrat to Josepb Sit aaa, McAtisterville, January 2, lagsT"0' pUBLIO NOTICE. In order ta change tbe bended deh Juniata county from 4 per cent i?W bearing bonds' b.. SJ'. cent tbe Commissioners will ,el ConST! bonds, running from 2 to It vears iMt lha mini,.... i - ' OarB tO Hnla " !. interest csssaa, payable te bearer and are bm V""4 bank n, . . m ld by holder. "Boiadi can be purehaeed'V tiase. Pwtie. wUhlBg bond. jj Tu.!f future will pieaaa ?!, . " J? ear theywiabV.UiBedT.;,h:0,,CaU - Addreea all communications ia mMsioBera' Offlce, Muintewn p.tteCa Dene. Janaar. a Pen- Jj. a. iou, - Atteat, ' 'A"8o",T0aB, w. H. Gbohuskr, v,e"aaB), Clark. Mifflmtewa, P... j,D. 2 1 . ' Get a good paper I, srt f SnriRKt, Ajra IUrosaAa. ."T - ;1. r i -4j L - 4 - c