SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN 35: MIFFLrTOWN : WHWWBATt APRIL ft, MM. TKKKS. BeBeerlptloa, f jtQ mt annana w TtaaiMM Bmsiaess BBtleeS la Iml ,i tojdTrtto ky the yr, klf o Mt4 SHORT LOCALS. Mum trees are bloBsomina;. The ojsUr season closes aext week. Peach trees in gardens ere bloom ia. -4 There are 1200 differeat makes of bicycles. the 20thPriI h ,pe11 W" brokn on leetweekhU PBt " aPPrnc Decoration Day speakers are beiae looked up. " All above $30 for a bicycle is prof -it for some one. W. H. McNitl had m. fa f AW tats la an A to di last week. The thermometer ran up to 94 Ust Saturday nooH. The Hisses Diehl hare a variety of the nicest millinery goods. Jerome N. Thompson, Jr., .is visit ing relatives in the county. vine mmcueburg (Snyder ceanty) coal exeitement has started. Dr. Banks has planted a new peach rchand of a thousand trees. The Rpublioan State Convention will meet on Thursday at noon. Wm. J. Hark of Chicago visited his mother in Patterson last week. Mrs. E. C. Doty is visiting in Greensburg, Westmoreland couniy. Huntingdon Presbytery will meet at Stats College on the 2nd of June. Some of the wheat and grass fields have,been plowed and sowed to oats. Stop, look and listen before ven turing to drive on a railroad cross ing. Peach growers in this county re port the prospect for a crop promis ing. The thermometer registered 85 degrees in the shade on the 16th of ApriJ. Lightning played havoc among tke b Bros in Eastern Pennsylvania last Friday. The shovel factories have formed a combination and up wiii go the price of shovels. Peach growers in Juniata county, report ths out look for a large pcac'u crop, good. The base ball boys led by the band indulged ia a jolly p&rado last Thurs day evening. The outlook for a large peach crop in the South Mountain, Pa., peach belt, is good. Wilii&ra Shelly, son of Christian hart, Indiana. H. C. Ihlseng, Professor ef Mining Engineering at State College was in town on Tuesday. Special services for the Odd Fel lows will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening next. Rev. A. N. Raven will lecture in the Lutheran church at McAIister ville on Saturday evening, May 2nd. j Improvements -ere being made in the Manbeek & Nelson steam mill te correspond with the increasing trade, Ths Pope is trying to bring the Cuban war to a close and is said to favor President Cleveland as a med iator. The great heat of last week while y. it did not sicken people made them feel far from being at their best phys -ically. Despatches from cities and large . m J ..J urdav, reported many cases oi Bun stroke. Wm. Bnrehfisld of Patterson, caught 4 German carp and 22 other fish of various kinds while fishing on Thursday. Mr. William Leseh a life leng eiti zen ef Tuscarora Valley, died on the 12th inst, aged 72 years, 8 months and 29 etays. The moon lies on its back and the pale face says the Indian said, that when the moon lies on its back it M.ani Arv weather. Mrs. Pennock of Pittsburg, 5s spending a week or so at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. M. Todd in Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Pannebaker and little daughter of Coalport are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pannebaker. The place to buy the latest styles of millinery at the most advantag eous prices is at the Misses Diehl's place en front street. . The typical April shower pat in appearance on Monday evening. It was timely and all vegetation looks correspondingly better. The Commissioners will receive sealed proposals for the repair of Jericho bridge across Lost Creek till 12 o'cleck noon on Monday, April 27. Delaware State peach orchards are ia full bloom. It will soon be the time for the peach orchards of this mountaia girt connty of Juniata to bloom. The swell eating saloon m Hew York is Delmonico's. Fifty years aro when the feunder of the saloon landed in America, he had only two dollars in money. The Huntingdon Journal of April vf shut in other Darts if the country does not look belter than in Huntingdon eeunty, there is v, probability of a short crop. At the recent meeting of Honting , pnabvterv, an earnest plea was SueKKueaat 25 cent, be given l,v each saember of the Presbyterian ,J u .u.tenatioa purposes. inxsj w - Earlv t Harrv "... d from d.lphia on Friday"" " The thermoKafar -;.t - M ,, , . - --a-iu so de grees in tha aVa. u . day afternoo;;iVrii 17. ' A good misr HiIim... j - .- uaoounee carp, because they say, it deetroya the spawn of ether fish. "lro7 A common notion ;n k. WUanj (Jf w-u paper reads: "Excessive stoking killed so and so. The mas was sown last summer stood the drougth, but -w ifiuivr jrze KUifKl It. The Rs,rmHlian Kf.te. nA..Avt;A. , 47 a."-. WalT-JUUUB tnat is to convene on Thursday, will ha a V - : - 4-i . - - - "umuuiuui convention. Samuel H. Rollman caught a string of nice fish in the river last Friday; suckers, catties and carp. Landlord Wm. Zaifrlar attanA1 the funeral of his step-father Mr. Flickinger in Bloomfield last week. T. V. Irwin and Robert Parker have planted Maple trees along their lot at the intersection of Bridge and Main streets. The German carp has few friends. It is not a Dalatabia fink. pU do not know how to cook it so at j. . maKe it paiataoie. It will taka all nt tliia wuV and all of next week to put many far mere tnrouga witn tneir oats sowing, and by that time the oats sowing will be late. James McCaulev breaks tha ranrd in corn planting. To be up with tha summer weather of last week, he planted corn on the 17th day of April. The owners of land suitable for a ten day national encampment of the National Guard, at Lewistown, asked $7,000 cash and additional cost for fences. The average women when they get together these spring days, have to taix about bouse cleanini?. earden making, spring clothes and bonnets and their neighbors. The reception of the First Defend ers on their pleasure trip to Wash ington last week was different from that of volunteer soldier boys against rebellion made 3a years ago in 1861 A Ksnlactj man has invented a cuurn that is run bv a rockicsr chair, It is a popular churn. One rnav r?ad, sew, gossio or esgage in sensible telk and at tho same time' rock and churn the butter. If Easter had been timed t'uis year to follow the April full moon, it wou'd be late and people would t ay Easter croverna tlia weather, but l came after the March full moon and that made it early. Ev. A. N. IUven will bo installed pastor of the Presbyterian church on the 23tb ia;4. Rpv. R. M. Campbell wal preside; Rev. W. H. Decker will preach the sermon; Rev. H. G. Fur bay will give ths charge to ihe pas tor. Tho 107th birth day of Mrs. Han Dah C'aara of Forrell, N. J., was cel ebrated lat .Monday. Her youngest son ie GG year old. She" has 32 grand children; 92 great grand chil dren and 16 great, great grand chil dren. Someone writes and csks: "What is your definition of a banker?" Well a banker may be properly call ed a dsaler or trader in money, one who secures msney at a lower rate and disposes of it at a higher rate of interest. The letters uncallod for in the Mifflintown post office for the week closing April 18, were for, Wm. Kep ler, Aba Kline, H. Pierce. Herman Tierce, B. F. Richards & Bros., Mrs. Sallie Meissr, Mely Phillips, Miss Mary Kippler. Mies Bessie Ronsh. The McVeytown Journal, of April 16th mentions, this: A patent for 130 acres of improved land in Brown township, this county, was issued last Thursday by the department of internal affairs to Williamson D. Taylor and John W. Taylor, of Reeds ville. The mountains that girt Juniata county are about 1000 feet above the Pennsylvania Railroad and the rail road here at Mifflin is about 441 feet above sea level, so that makes Tusca rora and Shade mountains between 14 and 15 hundred feet above sea level. Not much general interest is taken in the State political conventions this year. Outside of the circle of dele gates, there are few people concern ed enough about tha conventions to talk about them. Politics will as sume a livlier aspect after the Nation al Conventions have made their nom inations A strip of country in the Rocky Mountain?, and Montana and Dakota, were the only sections of the country that escaped the hot wave last we?k. Some of the city papers report the weather of last week, the warmest April weather in 40 years. Tha ther mometer here at Mifflintown regis tered among the nineties. This is the beginning of the season in the year when the carelets man; the ignorant man or the bad man, goes t the woods and sets fire to the leaves for a purpose known to him self, and the rtsult ia, woods and mountain fires destroy more young timber than the people who fired the woods could pay for in a century. "A rate of one fare for the round trip has been fixed for veterans and their friends whe may wish to attend the G. A. R. encampment to be held in Chambersburg June 1st to June 6th. There will be cheap excursions from that place to Gettysburg, An tietam and Harper's Ferry, enabling the old soldiers to revisit the battle fields at those places." A daughter of Jefferson Middab ran her bicycle into Sheriff Calhoun's buggy as he was driving through Patterson on Monday. The collision as might be expected was one sided. The bieycle was upset and the young lady was run over by the Sheriff's buggy, but fortunately she was not hurt. It has not yet been deterain-! ; ed who was the most frightened, the ! Sheriff er the young lady. Subscribe for the 8nram an RKrUBUCA. a nanao tV.f choice reading matter, full ef inform mwh um aoes tne reader good, and in addition to that all local newethat are worth nahliaKiaa mm : its columns. if. In Snokane eonat. Rtafa kf Wash ington, the County Commissioners pay a county of 1 cant for trrnunA squirrel tails. The squirrels are nu merous enougn to be destructive to the crops, hence the bonntv Kina thousand squirrels were killed on a turn tea aays ago. The warm weather of teat .uv resulted in comparison of warn weather of eaat Anril Tha Phila delphia Times, ia speaking of the neai, says: ine weather bureau wae established in lSoS and inrt Hi.. the heat has on few Aprils equalled the heat of last week. In 1888. the heat on the 30th of April was 91 degrees. On April 8, 1871, it was 85 degrees, one degree- higher than yesteraay. ine next highest was April 22. 1885. when it wan 87 degrees. It requires a great deal of pre- snmption for anyone to compare the Cleveland Administration with the Harrison Administration. Under Harrison every' department of busi ness flourished and ths National debt was decreased two hundred and fifty million dollars. Under the Cleve land Administration the business of the country has gone to pieces, and no debte were paid, but instead of paying debts Cleveland has srone in debt one hundred and aixtv million dollars, and nothing to shew for the new debts. H. H. Holmes has been baptized by a Catholic priest. He has made a scapegoat ef some holv father and bv thus as he believes loading hie Bins upon a priest, has received a passport to the better world to come. But how is Holmes to square ao counts with the two score and more people that he murdered when he meets them in the next world. How will the priest make good the murder of innocent chiidren and confiding children. All the bad aot of bad men cannot belittle the church so much as for priest or preacher to take a stand on the scaffold by the side oi murderers and claim that thev are fit aod ready to sit down in ileaven with the saints and be for ever at rest. Holmes never listened to tho prayers for mercy of tho vic tims that he smothered is his csslle in Chicago. "As vo measure out to others so shall it be measured out to you." Some of the Juaiata trout fishers came in last week, at the beginning of tho trout billing seaaon with httlo trout and big stories, but Peter Ben nott, of Pi&tt township. Lvceicis2 county, beat them all with a story. It was on the first day of the seaaon, April 15th, that he was fishieg on Otier Run, when a lack female bear gut night of him. Bennett took to tbe mountains, with Bruin in close pursuit. Tho uaherman'n prores was retaraed br tlie weight of an eijjht pound basketful of trout. Thi9 he cropped at the foot of the tree up which he clamored to escape the bear. J. hen ISruin turned her at ten lion to tho basket of fish and by a peculiar noise summoned two half- grown cubs, out of the thicket to partake of the feast. Bennett watched the trout disappear after which the bears shambl&d t.Q. Earner in the day ho saw a big catamount cross tec cresk w.thiu 30 leet of him Last Friday the barn of Henry Ma- gea near bharaokm, r" a., wss destroy ed by lightnice; lose $2,500. On the samo dvy the bars of Harrison Stoat near Ceuterport, Berks county, was struck and destroyed by lightning. Among the contents of the barn con sumed by the fire, were 8 cows, 2 mulea, a colt and 200 chiokens. On the same day A. P. Tardnell's drug store in Norristown was struck by lightning. Several of the people in the store were dazed, but not serious ly injured. The fire was put out with garden hose. On the same day the winter garden building at Allentewn, Pa., was struck by lightning and burned; loss S10.000; insured On the same day Christ Union Church at Hellertown. Pa., was struck by lightning and burned; loss $12,000; insurance $9,000. On the same day lightning si ruck the house of John Piggott in Phillipsburg, N. J. The corner of the house was knocked off. A number of people in the house were stanned. Mr. Piggott's sister Annie, who was about to be married, was rendored unconscious and suf fered from ssvere shock. Attention. Being a trained nurse and a prac tical midwife I am prepared to serve in either capacity on demand, at reasonable rates. 51rs. Flobewcb Hubbard, Patterson Street, Mifflintown, Pa. Perfect Wisdom would give as perfect health. Be- can so men and women are not per fectly wise, they mast take medicines to keep themselves perfectly bealhy. Pure, rich blood is the basis of good health. Hood's Same par ilia is the one true Blood Purifier. It gives good health because it builds upon the true foundation pnre blood. Hood't Pills are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, alwayB reliable and beneficial. Opening f the Pennsylvania Kallread Company's- Hew Delaware River Bridge. Inauguration er All-Kali Train Service te the leaihere. TT,a now TW... u: j " ---l ",l 01 IUI Qi ths Ponnsvlvanin Rai!ravl rnmn.w ef rf WU.fTC.UJ will be opened to travel by the in anguration of through passenger train service from Broad Street Sta tion to Atlantic City, commencing Sunday, April 19, 1896. A msrnicg express train will leave Broad Street Station daily at 9.05 A. M . after arrival nf tha niVf amr-i trains from all portions of the Penn sylvania Railroad system, and arrive at Atlantic City at 10:55 A. M. An afternoon express train will leave Broad Street Station daily at 7.00 P. M , and arrive at Atlantic City at 8:50 P. M. This train will con nect with the Day Express and Maia Lice Express from all points inPenn sylvania and the West and North, and the train leaving Washington at 3.15 P. M. and Baltimore at 4.20 P. M. Returning a morning train will leave Atlantic City daily at 10.10 A. M., arriving at Broad Street Station at 11.57 A. M., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Limited and the Fast Line to the West and North, and the 12.09 noon train for Balti- j more and Washington and the even ing trains for all points on the Pena sylvania System All of these trains will carry par lor cars. An extra fare ef twenty-five cents will be charged ia sack direction on trains via the Delaware river Bridge, in connection with tickets good via Market Street Jferrv, Philadelphia. By the opening of this new all-rail route to the seashore the transfer of passengere and baggage through Philadelphia will be avoided, and, as will be ssen by the connections given above, the territory from which pas sengers can reach Atlantic City in a daylight journey has beea extended in every direction to Pittsburg, jsusaio, Danville an t Norfolk, Va. Lost. Some days ago Miss Fiorl ence Uarman lost a double shaw from a buggy en the street seme where between East Point and Front Street, Mifflintown. Anything rela tive thereto will be thankfully reeeiv ed. Address, W. B. Haxmak, McAlistsrville. $33 will pay for six weeks, board and thorough instruction in music at the Musical College, Freeburg, Pa. Spseial instruction will be giv en to these desiring to teach vocal music in the Public Schools. Spring ir rm begins, May 4. Dor catalogues address. Hssbt B. Hoteh. March 4, 9S. BXUHmnCJ SORES CUBED. Latiraore. Pa. Feb. 19. 1896. few years sgo I had running sores on mv limbs for which I triad various medicines without benefit, and than I began takisg Hood's Sarsaparilla. After I had taken this medicine for a while the sores healed and I have had no trouble with then siace. recommend Hocd's Sornaparilla to all W. H. Haybergtr. Hood's pills act harmoniously with Hood s Saraapanha. Wirf-UJJTOTTN bAKKFTS. Vii-Ji.-Wfowir, April 22, 18f6. "teat 72 . prn in ear. Si 23 60 is ie . is 12 Rw. lu:tjr , 1. i .......(.. Sides, Titr.otLy need. Fl:;r Bt)t .... , $2.ce 6J 'J .Sl.'.'O a huuJrcC .. 'S to 0 .. ....... Middlings t-!ro.:iid Aluui ti-itt... uk!i:cbii Silt Philadelphia JIarkets, April 21, 1S96. Wheat 70 to 79c; Corn 35 to 3Sc; Oats 25 to 2Ce; butter 13 to 21c; eggs 10c- LEGAL. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Kttatt f JJam Shope, late Suiquthanna township, iectasti. No-ice i berrby jirea tbt latttrt of Ad miBiatraties upsn tbe entste cf Adam Shope, late of Susquebasna township, Jss iat ceanly, Pa , deceased, bave bees ejraat d to tbe uedtrgned. Allperieus iadibt rrt to aaid estate will pleaae nike paymeet, asd all bavicf claisis will arcaeat tbem prcperir antbsaticatcd lor settlement. Edwabd C. Sdofb. ' jSiminiflrator. April 7th, 1896. UDITOR'S NOTICE. Ettutt cf Uurgmrtl J. JlUn, dte'd. Tbe andersifned Aadltor appoistod bj tbe Orphan's Court of Juniata county to distribute the funds is tbe haed of Janes He. AlUn, admisiatrator of Marearot J. Allen late of the borough of Mifflintown. deceased, as appears bj hia Brit end final account, will attesd to the duties of bis ap pointment at bis office in tbe beroufh of Mimintowo, on TBuraoa.r, Mar 14. 18!6. at 10 o'clock a. an., when snd where all per sona bsvinf claims will present tbe ssrao or slue be debarred from coming In os tbe fund . Wu.BEaroBCi cbwbtkb, Auditsr. April 4th, 1806. a CDITOR'S NOTICE. -ca. Ettatt tfUmme S. Mien, dee'd. . - .IVIUIOU J the Ornhanft' Cnnrf af Juniata distribute the funds in tbe hands ot James Mc. Allru, administrator of Iaaae N. Allen, late oi tbe beroof h or Afiffliatews, deceas ed, a appears by hia accesat, will attend ta tbe duties ot bis appointment at his of fice in lbs borough ef Mifflintown oa Tbars dae, liay 141b, US6 at IS o'clock A. M., whea and whore all Mnm, havi., .1..;.. will present the same or else be debarred iiviu vuaing ia vu me mail. UILBCRrOEOB SCHWBTEB, Auditor. April 4tb, 1306. A TTniTflR'a SflTirs A Estatt of Sybilla Ltitttll, latt of Dtlmwan J L." J Tbo nndersirned Audi tnr BV T.l.-kir.airl few the OrpkacV Court of Juniata cousty. Pa to audit, settle asd adjest tbo balance re maining in tbe bands of David E. Leitzell, Administrstcr of the eatateof Sybi'la Leitz ell. late of Delaware towmhin riaM i - r, " - u, auu to resort distribution of aaid balance will ot lor the parpose of hia appointment at mim uuice in me oorongo or atiBlistowa n Wednesday, Hay 18th, A. D., 1896, between the heura of IB o'cWk- A u .. a .i 1. - - vut. . v tiwa t . H when and where all persons interest- appear ana present their claims or be forever barred from coming in apan said fend. r. H. H ..Fmiitt.. 0) April 21, UN. MUt. Heod's Sana Barilla. PyxjeTox. Pa.. Anril fi. 189ft T wo. treubUd wiih sick headache and have been taking Hood s Sarsaparilla with satisfactory resuFts. I have intro. duced it to my neighbors and tbf,y nave taken it lor headache, and it has done them a great deel of good." MOST BSBBT. HmxTt Pilh are easv to take, easv to operate. GatKAT AatCAlH. For a limited time only. Don't miss it: 1 Doz. Cabinet Photograph and one 16x20 Crayon Portrait made by one ef the finest Artists ia Philadelphia, all for $3.75 at Hess rheto Studio, Miffliatown, Pa. The Tine for .Building np the system is at this season. Ths cold weather has made unusual drains upon the vital forces. The blood has become impoverished and impure, " i-ncuons of tbe body suf fer in COnsauani Un.j'.' o parilla is the e-reat hmM k..,D. it is tbe Oce True Blood Purifier end nerve tome. Hood's PiKs bacon Id. f cathartic with all wkn III. All druggists. 25c. &Egata Bays! CemaieDcloe on next Thnradaw Anril JVfey 2nd. . "KIlSTGr OF 3LOW PRICES." Near' j oae fcilf tbs priee of others sre these Bargain Inducements. Don t pay one third more for goods at other Stores. Doo't pay one-third mere beeanse they rive you credit. MONEY SAVED is ... .a- ' 3 75 eases of newest, freshest snd I lnee Vwtnmm " Stair Oil Cloth, 15 inoh wide at 5a a yard Best Tablo Oil Cloth, 46 inch wide at 14e. 2 pair W indow Sbadee on Spring Rollers at 25o. 1 Pair Spring Roller Oil Shades at 25o. 150 Pair Largo Soissors at 10c te 25e; worth 50e. Carpet tasks at 1 oent a package. .' tabIe 'Poon ,nd i dM- t9 POont iiWer Albstts platsd for 83s Both Sets. 1 1 doz. Steel knives sad forks, best quality at 50 cents. 12 sheets of writing paper for Is snd 25 envelopes for 2o. Box paper for 5 and lOe a box. Fine Seleetioas Wssh Silks for VTaists at 35 cents a yard. - paig ui uiwiia ior lvo. 50 pieces Fine Zephr Oinghara, 10yds for 89a. Real value $1 80 Fancy Scotoh Lawns at 5o. Faney Henriettas, Serges, Novelties of Dress, Goods, all at extra low and specially reduced prices. 8(5 inch Hill, beat bleached muslin, 10 yds for 69o. 36 inoh good unbleaehed nnslia, 10yds for 50o. 40 inch, heavy yellow muslin, 10 yarde for 60o. 42 inch pillow ease muslin at 9ic 7-4, 8-4, 9-4 end 10-4 in bleached and yellow sheeting at specially re duced puoee. . Best Lancaster Ginghams at 5o. Fancy Dreas Ginaliams, 10yds for 56o 1000 Shirt Waists of Latest Styles and Design,, large Bihep sleeves, laonened eollars and onffs for 25, 85, 38, 45 and 50o ', , L;dl,BjB!ok R"dy ni,d faBy finrd Mohair Dress Skirts in various styles for $1.25 snd np. Ladies Fancy Cepee in cloth silk and velvetat special and extra low prices. Ladies' and Aliases' Summer Vests at 5o Ladies' and Children's blaek hose at 5, 8 and 14e 5000 dollars worth of newest and latest styles in Men's. Ladies' and Children s footw ar at speoially reducej prioes. i o"di,e8' Xfrd Ti S!iPPers iu bl t-- Ladies dress shoes forfl, $1.25 and ud. ' Baby Shoes for 25s. Pants goods for 12c, 14o, 15o snd fancy Suitings for Men's wear at spee tal low price.. r 10,000 yards of newest designs of carpets to seleot from, brussel, velvet, tapestry, ingrain and home made Carpets at specially reduced prices Striped Carpets at 12o and 15e a y.r.l; fane, Ingrains at 25e; Brussel tapestry at oOo end up. . Table L'men in White Turkey Red for 20e and 25e iS en's heavy shirtiBg, 10yds for 70o. " " Men's white unlaudried Pbirts for 39o. Vanilla, Lemon and Strawberry extract.-, 3 bottles for lOo. 5 lb. Dre.s JOoda Reml-t. fur $1.50, near 35 yards in a bunele. (Jutiug Flannel, 10 yards for 59o. PPri of Rolls to select from as low as 7e a doble roll and borders to match cd all pattern, at proportionate low prieee. 12lc; wor?h doub1o "4 Wai,t" " Md Wli for 6o' 9 "d Ladies skirts for 25e; towelins per yard for 25o. Good Linen Crost, 4ydj for 25o. Don't mi8s your chance.. Commencing April 16 and continues until A, fly . Gold Alluminiuui Prize Tickets given away with every purcbs.e. SCHOTT'S STORES, 1Q3 1Q9 BRIDGK STREET,: MIFFLINTOWN. 1865, ESTABLISHED. Special Invitation To attend the Attractive Sals from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HAKLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERb Who Have raewey to invent to examiue the Steek of Gsoete for MEN, BOTS AND CHILDREN It k truly marvelous to Se THE BEAUTIFUL STYLliJ f Suits atid OveroeaU at the His prices leave all CoiBpetitor. in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in j&eetl of Clothing D. W. HAKLE T, MIFFLIN TOWN S. S. Ruble, Practical Embalmer and Funer- al Director. s C1LLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR MGHT. SATISFACTION G I AEAATED IS ALL CASES. 'Bridge Kifflintoirn, Po. Your Opportunity. Yenr opportunity to secure one ef the best magazines in America is found ia the subscription offered by the SKsmrax 'aw Rzpublicah. We will send you the Juxiata Skstotl Ann BxrvsuctM and Tab Ceesnyetfsn Magazine to any address in Juniata county for $1.84 in advance. Dur ing 1896 Tkt CetstopeiMie will pub lish between one end two thousand pages, and one thousand illustrations, alaay of the ablest writers and art ists of the times are employed on the magazina. The magazine will sur prise you in its completeness. It will prove itself to be one of the most satisfactory publications that you ever secured Jfor yourself and family. Smd oae doll or and eighty four cents and secure both the Jom ata SxsTrnEL aid REPUBLICAN and Cosmopolitan one year. Doysf 1ftk .nJ a.. j o.mraey, stylishest Goods bought at my last trip Je To The iubli ef Clethisg Utat gats on daily Wonderfully Low Prices. Bollobaugh Son have received their e stirs line ef Spring Unr Baeeial effort for Spring of 1896 area's 7.60 Cnt Units. Lsst year this ideatieal quality of goads sold for ten dollars. Tbsse Suits in sver tweaty stjles ef goods have bo equal fer the aaeaey. The eloth is absolutely all woel and fast eelor. The bedy trimsoings leatherine a very beavy Btatian Georee Armitaje Brand. Vest dye in the world. Tbe sleeve lining is a splendid three lesf twill. Count 80 by 84 te Um square inen; the buttons best mettled Ivory net elay or rubber nobby effects; reamed bole. These Garments bave in addition to tbe above, all tbs inside vitals eosw plete, making the Eaves Dollar sad fifty oent Suit eemplete ss durable as any that rstails st $25.00. WE JUSTLY NAME IT "Ths Best Trsdo sad Profit Maker ia America." 8pring Clothing, latest stjles. Spring Hats, latest styles. Sprtag Shirt.-, nobbiest pattern. Onr prices are tbe lswest. ' Our goods sre the best. Our stjles ais ths latest. All we ssk is a test, and be who asserts be can tell eletbing lower, must sell inferior Goods or else he is a "Blower." A Fine Life Size WATER COLERED PORTRAIT givsa'away free to eaeb customer whote easb purchases amount to TEN DOLLARS. We are Agents for tbe celebrated Douglass Shoe. Sweet Orr Overalls sad folding Umbrellas. HOLLOBAUGH & SON, 116 MAIN STREET, PATTERSON, PA. ESTABLISHED 1880. The JticCliniic Hardware QTf.PT? NO. 119 MAIN STREET, 0 1 MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Hardware, the mnmr wav fossibie to get along in the world is to buy 'real cheap things. As a rule, the lets ycu pay, the id or: it costs in the long run. VTe don't bcatt of "cheap" prices at tbi s if . u t" Mil quality considered, we sell at prices tbat cill 'l'ues careful buyers. COOK STOVES- We contro1 tte Sale of Ti A YvIOs D afc CAMPBELL cook stoves tn this eeunty. We have nevir heard a woman complain "who bought ene f these ttoves. Every buyer ha agreed on four things: The Stoves Cook better, they bake better, they areeaest to regulate, and are less trouble than any other stove. We have them in four sizes. Prices range from $15 00 to$28.G0. ;EVERX WOMAN KNOWS how easily things get "scratched up" around tie Lcuse. it's a chair or a table or a dcor. More than half the time, the scratches are neglected, because it teems hardly worth while to send for a pttinter. Why notdo the work yourself. You can Get Prepared Paints nil Ready te use at a trifling cost. Yu can brighten r.p furniture, door.', flower pet-, buggies and lots .f otbsr th'ogs. We koep these prepared paints in all the colore. And we ie!i pui-.', bruthe, too goad Tbe paints come in tin bnekets, holding i P. The price ia 15o. 1 ... -IILl J .'JAll- 1 jRsSif War taronaaUoa si S fra Kasd Sooc wnt. to KLii.K ft 1A Sl IleaiEWAT. tlrx Tojtc. OldMt buraaa for accnrlnic piuru ;u imcci Br.ry ttt Lxksa oat tt i b.-CB(ht trc. tb. ;.!Jii ay a aoUao (lraa ir otuuii ia gtuntifiz mmm Jaiy-trilijHoaor uiy MtanBRs paj7 at fcs 2omS'L "' ! Waty .ce & Addra. iib-VM! rvmmitBBM. SB 1 Broadway, x.w ;n Ollj. " Barf ieid Tsa htt- IWat frutt. 'tutjnmj T ji t jmiUM JTsVMbb f niJircs Sick Hs-3-dacne UTS OT MOITOEEPOSIT? ARC 0U A B0RR0TTER ? -CALL AT- MIFFLIN iOWK, PA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST l'AId OS TIME CERTIFICATES, Monsy Loaned at Lcwssi Bates. CnsHimptien cHirol Ourexf. I Tan Emcm. Tiaaae infiana toot tewlau IbatI kara a poaaira wxAj tot tba aboro-name Br Ma timely ne Oioaavoda of hop-.:s-s hm teaa penoumitfy eonl. I i)uU h 7. to caa twahottiu mt ai mudr MafcB u aa7 : ' f'lSina who aara oouwuBptlan if ttfr v : ma Ottr Mzpntm aa3 P. O. addr-ae. 1- -foUy X. V BLOCSA. U. a. lot Ftarl et.. Clothing and Gents furnishing Qcoda cOlintic. FEMSEVAm COLLEGE, CETTTSBCRC. PA. Founded In 1832. Ltrpo Faculty. Two tu I cvurces ol Huily Ciasiira! trd Sofotide, Fpecial csursts ia all dj!.;:. fctestR. Obttrralorr, Laboratories jaa nw Q-asiun:. Scam kat. Lil-ranci, S'J,e0O Ts!i!in8. Espesirs law. Dep:rL wct of Dygiena ad rhrricul Cu!!ur is ciiarj. of in ex)'riDCd phvsician. 4 cesil!e ay renuot railroad trains. L. 4. t:e an tha BATTLEKJELD ef Grltml.-i j, piraiao and bralthr. PRKPAJ; ATORT DEPARTMEHT. in arp -ata kuidiae, tar dots anl veuf ma p. s -paricx for bu.iacsi or Collf, nsc.r tal cara ef tha triacipnl asd thrts r.;u; Rta, rasidisg with kiudrats in tha kiiil:-y-;, Full tra ep.u Suptanaber cth, 1395. J o.-C-talcgeii, atidrts- . W. actSIGHT, X). 0., Tresideet, or REV. O. G. KLIKGER, A. 4! , PriEOivi.), Getttjiburp, '), a j JUNIATA VALLEY EA1WI, rjIIFrLIJITOWS, PA. Sto6kklr8 Indiyiisally Lirile JOSI-H BOTHROCJf . Prt.idtnl. T. VAN IRWIX, CmKi OIBICTesi. W. C. Potnarey, Jo-eph Kothw, Jobn Hortfier, Jaamb L. Bart Robert K. Partsr, Lents E. Atklr.awi. T. V. Irwin. BTOCKsui.iBsa : Geeipe A. Kepner, Annie M. Slietlcy Josoph Botlirock, P. W. Ilanter-k, L. E. Atkineon, R. E. ParkT, YV. C. Pomirov. J. Ifolnies Irwn Kiry Knrtz, Jerome N. Thorni noi'. -'' In Hortr!or. T. V. Irwin. n.ario'teSnyier, J"! r v. Eiair, K. K. M. I'fcnnel!, S. P.olbicok, K f,'. RtPrretl. . J.:at-ft G. flBaSinp, S. W. Heaps. Joitnb L BirtnD, Robtrt V. lV.tff n.'., Levi Liri.t, W. Swurtj!. P. J. SfcHlfnti rgvr, M E. Scblrgei, Tbrco and Foor por cint. t,e pair! on cprtiCcrites nf tSfj-oi-V. fan a. 1895 tt WANTED-AN IDEAS thing to patent? ProtactyonrMaaa; tbi y miv bril.Jo wealth. Write JOHN BUONet CO., Patant Attornajs, Waakiu:ca. D.C., for their tMUO prlae offer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers