Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 15, 1896, Image 4

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Tm glad that Spring-timVs eecainf
When the days are warm.
When the Winter-time U ore
With its now and atom:
Canse papa haa promiaed
That he will make for me
The cutest little garden
That ever you did see.
'And when papa haa made It
I'll give it lota of care.
And raise the mostest flowers
And give them everywhere,
ril aend yon all a violet,
A pansy and a rose.
And buttercup and daisy.
And every kind that grows.
'And we must plant some other thingf
The kind that's good to eat.
So we can help the poor folks
Who live on our back street.
And when my garden's finished.
Von all must come and see
It growing in the little box
I'apa has made for me."
THREE is a cardinal number, and if
the sum of two and one, or Is on
more than two. The name of thit
number in the Sanscrit language la Tri
The Polish, Russian, Bohemian, Welsh,
Irish and Gaelic language all have thil
form Tri, probably from the Sanscrit. ant
this form serves as a prefix in hundredi
of English words. The word three in Did
Baxon is Thria; in Anglo-Saxon and Old
Persian it is Thri; in Old Friesic, Thre; in
Gothic, Tbreis; in Swedish, Danish and
Italian it is Tre; in Icelandic, Thir; in
Dutch Drie, and in low German, Dre. In
words of the same origin, but in different
languages, we often find the letter t used
In one language and the letter d substi
tuted fur it in another. Foreigners, too,
In learning our language, often make a
similar substitution, saying dis and dal
for this and that. In Latin we have Tres
as the name of number three, and from
this comes the French Trois, the Spanish
Tres, and the Portuguese Tres. Three in
Greek is Treis. In tongues where th
name of the number admits of decleusior
we give only one form of it.
There are many features of interest in
the word and many curious uses to which
It is put. The principal parts of a bird
are its two wings and its central body.
Ancient historians always speak of an
army in line of battle as having right and
left wings and a center, and we use th
same terms to-day, and, further, the lead
ing divisions of an army are infantry,
cavalry, and artillery. The trinity in re
ligion consists of Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost. The trinitarian thought is seeu
again in the Brahma, Vishnu and Siva oi
the Hindoos, ami in another form in the
divine triad of Thebes. Amen, Not
and Kohusu. In Eden we find
Adam. Eve and the serpent. The
names Abraham, Isaac and Jneot
re almost always mentioned togeth
er. The chief bodies of the heaveiu
re the sun, moon and stars. The triangle
is the basis of the branch of mathematics
known as trigonometry. In the domain
of treaties we have tripartite agreements,
as between Gerniuny, Austria and Italy
to-dny, those nations constituting a triple
alliance for offensive and defensive pur
poses. Trifuliun (three-leaved) is the name
of a genus of leguminous plants number
ing over three hundred. All are familial
with the trilogy and the expressions:
"When shall we three meet again'" "Thr
three tailors of Tooley street," authors ol
a petition beginning with the words: "V
the people of Great Britain," "Three
black crows sat on a tree" and the Horatii
at the briilge, in "the brave daya of old."
It tukes three persons to make a family,
a mnu, wife and child. An insect's body
is divided into three parts or lubes, the
head, thorax and stomach, and, attached
to each side of the central lobe there are
three legs.
We speak of man's life as extending
ver three score years and ten, and a
youth reaches bis majority in three times
seven yi-nrs, and his whole life is divided
into childhood, youth and age. Fruit haa
skin, pulp and seed. There are three
witches in "Macbeth" who " 'round about
the cauldron go." There are three funda
mental or primary colors and the prism
has three sides.
"Three times and out." a three-leaved
clover," "a three months' bank note,"
"tri-color flags." "two out of three, "three
out of five," "red, white and blue," are
phrases heard every day. The knife, fork
and simon are used in taking food. The
soldiers of the revolutionary war wore
three-cornered hats. The earth has two
poles and the equator Irom which we
reckon latitude and longitude. Early in
the century it was customary to print
nearly nil novels in three volumes. The
triangular form of buckwheat kernels,
Im'im liiirt. Brazil nuts and of cocoanuta
before the outer covering is removed, is
well kiiown. The Prince of Wales haa
three daughters. President Grover Cleve-
l:tnd hns three; he has been nominated
for the presidency three times and would
like much to have a third term. A bank'k
three ilny of grace, Cerberus, the watch
dog of Hndes. with his three heads, the
tr.rce roots of the tricuspid molar teeth,
tripods, thrce-mnstcd ships, are further
liir.s'ra'ioiis of the use of number three.
In logic we have the major and minor
pre:ii'K s and the conclusion. Man has a
physical, intellectual and moral nature.
A government hns three branches, the
legislative, the judicial and the executive,
and nature has three kingdoms, the min
er:! I. the vegetable and the animal.
The day is subdivided into morning,
noon and night, the seasons have three
months each, th ini three gives u
the number of the muses. All are famill&i
with the three bright stars in the belt ol
Orion The story of man's life on earth
Is comprised in his birth, life and death.
U oitu years are ordinarily consumed ia
r a 1 1 enrino-timfi nf ths ar T
always take your Sarsaparills as I
fin.l the blood requires it, and as a
blood purifier it is unequalled. Your
vnu are the best to the world, i
used to be annoyed with "
;F j
'if j TBruMjif,
poets, pay tribute to the
season in the same wny. The difference ia that the
poet breaks out in about the same spot annually,
while more prosaio people break out in various parts
of the body. It's natural. Bprinc is the breaking-out
season. It is the time when impurities of the blood
work to the surface. It is the time, therefore, to
tsiio the purest and most powerful blood purifier.
Ayer's SarsapariUa.
i iii testimonial will be found
hundred others. Free. Address: J.
preparing for college, and three for s
course of professional study; a fisherman'
ontft is a rod, line and hook, and th
dud 4 ia fully equipped when he haa an ill
fittiag suit of clothes, an eyeglass and a
cane. A journal has three departments,
the editorial, mechanical and business.
Judas betrayed the Saviour for thro
time tea pieces of ailver. The national
flag and the barber s pole have three col
ors each, three-story houses are most
numerous, lemons, sugar and water ar
the ingredients of a refreshing drink. A
pretty objection to' three ia found ia thr
happy could I be with either.
Were t'other dear charmer away.
A major general's coat has two rows of
buttons arranged in groups of three each,
and th shoulder strap of lieutenant
genera has three star Tri-weekly pa
pers are common, the solar system has thi
sun, the planets and their attendant
moons. Matter exiata in three states, th
solid, the liquid and the gaseous. Twi
malefactors wets crucified with Christ
pen, ink and paper are needed for writing,
and Methodist Church ministers may
serve three years in one church. Ws hare
triple expansion engines, there are thre
series of strata in geology called the
Trias. Ia a trice, or while yon count
three, and one, two, three, fir or go, are
common expressions. The three ships ol
Columbus, the ancient trireme, a craft
with three banks of oars, ths thre barley
corns which maks ths Inch, ths thre feel
In a yard and th three miles making a
lea go ar familiar matters. Triglyph,
tri graph, triclinic, tridaetylous, trien
nial, trifal lowing, trimester, tripetaloua
triphthong, triplet, tripod, trisyllable, tri
umvir are only a few of the one thousand
worda in the English language whicl
have tri as a first syllable. In mathemat
lea we have three dimensions of extension,
length, breadth and thickness. Tare
compounded with such words as leaved,
bodied, coated, legged, toed, stringed,
makes many worda. Trilobite, trilobate,
tri-lemma and trihedral are much used
words. A speech has a beginning, a mid
die and an end. Triumvirs and the tri
umvirate are mentioned' many times in
ancient history. - England, Ireland and
Scotland constitute Great Britain, gall'
nacious birds have three toes. Europe,
Asia and Africa constitute the Eastern
hemisphere, or the old world, and North,
Central and South America conetituU
the new world. In the philosophy ol
Comt th assumption la that the devel
opment of mind haa three stages, the theo
logical, or supernatural, then the meta
physical and lastly the positive, in which
the mind rests in the observation and
classification of phenomena. This is call
ed the law of the thre stages. The "eons
of the three children" is an addition to
the Apocrypha purporting to be the prayei
and song of the three Hebrews in the fiery
furnace. Certain fevers run three weeks,
the tricycle and the three horses attached
to Hussian vehicles and the three wicket
of the cricket game are well known. Tin
Pythian sat on a three-legged stool. W
usually have three meals a day, and on
public work and in mines a day's work it
usually done in three shifts of eight
hours each. The sun is Sol, Apollo and
I.iher, and the moon is Luna, Diana and
Hecate. The Sabinea prayed three times
a day, aad Mohammedans do likewise.
Three years is a common term of service
for members of municipal boards. Old
medical books tell of remedies to be shak
en three times, to be filtered three times
into three dishes or bottles, and to be
taken or applied three times to effect a
cure. At the surface of the earth we
have air. land and water. Two eyes and
one mouth make the three flat openings
of the face, and the ears and nose make
the projecting features of the head. Yes
terday, to-dar and forever, or the past,
present and future, constitute the three
common divisions of duration. Bread,
meat and potatoes comprise the leading
articles of our food, and water, tea ami
coffee are our common drinks. The prom
inent features of a meeting of an aid ol
sewing society are giggle, gabble and gob
ble, and a circle may be made to past
through any three points not in the sam
straight line, and a Masonic blue lodgi
confers three degrees.
The three L's, "Lead, latitude and look-
jut, is a phrase used by seamen and
comprises a t-arefnl use or tne first in
sounding, a knowledge of the second
and a vigilant performance of the
third, for in this way accidents
at sea can largely be avoided. "The
three sisters" is a name merely for
the three fates, Clotbo, Lachesis ami
Atropos; the three furies were Tisiphone,
Alec to and Megaera. We also have
what la known as the "three-field sys
tem," and "the three estates" were orig
inally a division of the population into
nobility, clergy and the people, but now in
Great Britain into lords temporal, lords
spiritual and commons. We have "the
three wire system" of distributing con
ductors to economize the cost of copper.
The phrase "three trees' was long used
for the gallows, consisting as It did of two
uprights and a cross piec. All are famil
iar with three coat work ia painting and
plastering, also with th rule of three in
arithmetic, three per cents, three deckel
ships and brains snd) three ply carpets.
"Three hours" service, three hours'
agony, ia a church service held on Good
Friday in Roman Catholic and in many
Anglican churches in commemoration of
Christ s sufferings on' the cross from noon
to three o'clock, the time answering to
that recorded in the gospel of fit. Mat
thew. We have the harmonic triads, and
the three kings of Cologne, a name given
to the "three wise 'men from the East,"
Gaspar, Balthasar and Melchlor. "Three
sheets in the wind" is a common expres
sion for "drunk" or very tipsy. Th Tri
sagion ia a hymn of th early oriental
churches. The anthem used la the An
glican burial service beginning: "Yet,
O Lord, God, Moat Holy," represents a
form of th "trisagion." Th triads of
Hegel were supposed to have Introduced
a harmony into his transcendental philo
sophy. The Trivlum, a term once much
used, consisted of three parts, grammar,
rhetoric and logic. Gunpowder Is made
of sulphur, charcoal and saltpeter. The
three graces, the tricycle, triplets, triceps
muscles, trio, trinitarian ism are examples
of the common use of the number three.
The thunderbolts of Joys, the trident of
Neptune, the tisala of Siva and the hay
forks used by farmers have three prongs
or tines. Man has a thorax and two arms
bowing a triple arrangement of fans, The
expression, "th three chapters," has ref
erence to fin edict of Justinian, A. D. M5,
which condemned the writings of TJsSO
toret, Theodore and Cyril. The "thru
FT' refer to the demands of the Irish
Land League for fair reat, tree sale and
Ixity of tenure. All an wits
vhat ia known as the tares BTe Beadta',
Uitin' and Kithmetic. Than, thar la threi
card monte, the three M brae and tht
three mile water line from the snore oi
teas which a country, bounded by a sea,
controls, the waters beyond this threi
mile limit being open sea. The triassic ii
the lower of three geologic formations ol
fossiliferous rocks above the Permian and
" he Jurasgic - (tnnnjng through
w aft K aTS fl at
I "0610 D63K UllT
. . .
J m springtime. And a
ft great many who btb not
ia full in Ayer's "Co re book." with a
C Ayer at Co., Lowell, msss.
tcenffary Ion and Mlstory no --
of 3. or 0, is often encountered. In Scan
; tnvthnlna-v vro Bud cronns of
discs, 9 walkyries, 0 giant mermaids, a
mothers of the god Heindell, 9 virgin of
the Menglod Freyja and 9 dwarf. On a (
i"Dl'in.Jd'TJa. ?m?"ZJ TZ.
The same number can
on the Hanse salon oi tne uoiosim
City Halt Nine judges are mentioned la
Icelandic and Germanic law. Nine chil
dren have long been looked upon aa tlx
deal number for a family.
aw Btraiajkt C aad Dm
sum of
Ccrtatsi City sCa
"All aboard seventh floor first atop.'
This cry greeted a reporter yesterday J
as be stepped into a down-town office
building and faced a half dosen eleva
tors. He wished to go to the ninth
floor. He stepped Into an elevator over
which waa the sign: "Express first
top, seventh floor."
In It there were three men and a middle-aged
woman. The starter said "All
right," and the elevator man grasped
the throttle of the "express." It waa
the usual cable rope, and aa the man
pulled It began it Journey upward.
The lone woman pasaenger gavs rent
to a aigh "Ohr and held her breath.
Floor after floor was passed at
peed of about eight miles an hour.
When the sixth floor waa reached the
woman wanted to get off, but waa In
formed that ahe waa on an express,
and It waa against the rules to stop aa
express until Its destination waa reach
ed. The elevator arrived at the seventh
floor on time. It took exactly eight
seconds to make the upward journey of
eiguty-flve feet. The elevator man
then announced that the next atop
would be the top floor. 100 feet above.
The top floor, according to the direc
tory, was the fourteenth, and the eleva
tor flew upward once more, arriving
near the roof a few seconds later.
"We can make a round trip In forty
Are seconds. Including short stops,"
aid the engineer of the express, "but
we have made It in about forty with
out stops. There are two express ele
vators and four regulars, that we call
way trains. They stop at every floor
and for everybody who shouts. Often
I get passengers who want to get out
at the sixth or tenth floors. They get
mad, too, when they are told they must
go up and take another elevator down.
The other express makes no Inter
mediate stops at all during the busy
hours." New York Press.
Kature of the Elder Dumas.
I did not meet the elder Dumas until
lie was ou the wane, but waa acquaint
ed with him before be fell under the
Influence of Adah Isaacs Menken.
When young, his hair was fair, then
dark, but when I saw him It was gray.
, and in texture less woolly than the
negro's. Ills lips were thick, and ex-
tended from ear to ear when be laugu-
ed, and his teeth were uneven and set
' apart from each other. He flattered
himself that his nose was straight. It
was, however, lumpy, with wide,
strongly marked, and quiverirg nos
trils. To the pride of life he was In
sensible. But he was a slave of the
flesh, though in a fitful way; and the
never-ending pressure of creditors
obliged him to react against his con
viviality. One saw that he was a
force of nature and a child of nature.
His small bands and feet, and his
singular acute though good-natured
blue eyes, alone Indicated blood de
rived from a long line of civilized
Northern ancestors. There were trace
of Africa in his sieech. His laugl a, vat
a guffaw, but its hilarity was conta
gious. When a case of suffering wai
made known to him his face at onc
fell, and if be knew the sufferer th
broad face contracted, and be how let
until he bad spent Ms grief. Mine
Dorval, whom he and Victor Hug
thought the greatest actress of hei
time, for emotional parts, used to cal
blm her "bon chlen" and her "grot
cuien." In the hour of death she dlt
not lay aside this term of endearment
which any one else would have re
stilted. He was doggish in many re
spects, but of the generous, impulslvi
Newfoundland type. Century.
Saved by a Glove Button.
How much may depend upon a glov
fastening was Illustrated at one of th
Monson, Maine, slate quarries n ai
adventure which the person concerned
would not care to repeat. He was i
derrick-man, who stood on th
brink of one of the grea
chasms from which the slab
rock la hoisted. His duty was to catcl
hold of the big book depending fro a
the end of the boom aa it swung ovei
the bank and attach to It the crate U
be sent back Into the pit.
Standing upon the very edge hi
reached out to catch the hook whicl
dangled near him. It was winter and
he wore thick buckskin gloves. The;
hook slipped from him as be leaned
out, but caught Into the fastening '
the glove. The swing of the greai
boom took him off his feet in an In
stant and carried him out Into gidd;
space with hla life depending on tlu
glove's holding fast.
Hla whole weight was hung on tbn
button, and there was a clear 175 fee
of space between him and the floor o
rock below. The moments that passe
before the boom could be swung bacl
over the bank seemed like hours to bin?
but he got there at last safe and sound
Supported by Hawks.
A group of men at an uptown hot
the other night were talking about la
people, when one told an auacdote th
broke up the meeting. The relator sai
that a family of his acquaintance UvIl
In Southern Indiana subsist upon tit
otlraly. A stream runs through tl
UtO farm upon which they reside, an
fish hawks are plentiful. The boys .
the Iwoeehold keep close watch for flsl
hawk nests, and catch the birds befiw
they are abbs to fly. Then these chick
are raised In a happy-go-lucky sort
way until the older birds of the tlovl
train tbem bow to fish.
The hawks are then let loose and tli.
boys lay In the grass by the able of th.
stream watching them. When a bawl
catches a fish, the prey Is taken fron
the bird, which, however, is allows:
to eat all It wants when the day's AkIi
Ing hi over. They have enough hawk
to keep fish on hand sufficient to supply
them with food, and to sell a few, b.t
which their scant clothing can be r
plenished. Not one of the family evt
attempts work of any kind, and the;
are supported entirely by the hawks.
Washington Star.
"Some folks think this Venezuelan af
fair will be settled without trouble,
but I'm dogon If I do, said Mr. Jan
son, as the crowd about the grocer;
stove made room for the old man. "1
never see one of these here line fenc
qunrrels ylt that didn't wind up In
fie) tf' Iu(liannpoli8 Journal.
Some people seem to ihiuk that a mr.i
cannot behave himself unlesj he Ik
longs to a church.
If a girl is built right, she doesn't
eed a garter to keep her stockiiuw uu
GIVES TO WOMEN. m. of beauty as there are men. This
'truism al applies to other things.
It tTiflflu That ! Tiauli Turtl
Moat female diseases manifest their
P enos by a headache.
Whan a dull heavy ache in the head
ia accompanied by disordered stomach,
bad taste In the
month, dull
in back and
groins, laasi
tnde, nervous?
dency and ir-
it Is time
to locate the
trouble and
remove it.
Wo will tell
yoa right
now that the
indicate posi
tively that
serious womb
trouble ia Imminent.
Dont let this fearful disease get
you in its power. If you are uncertain,
write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass.,
giving full symptoms. Your letter will
be read, acted upon and answered by
one of your own aez, and without
Note Mrs. Snyder's letter to Mrs.
" Before taking your remedies, day
after day I would read the testimonials
of women who had been cured by the
use of your Vegetable Compound.
" At last I decided to write and tell
you my condition.
" I bad been examined by physicians
who told me that my womb waa
very large and prolapsed, and also
said there was a growth on the
" , " .fci I
out; menstruations were so painful
. i . t . jr , . 1. .l.i. A I
., . , !, .i.i I
month, and
it waa impossible
o get any
mouths I
E. Pink
rest. For two
used Lydia
ham's Veg
Blood Puri
fier and
Wash, and
now lam
cured. I had
suffered nine
years, thinking
there was no
cure for me, and it only
too!t five bottles of your remedies to
dire me." Mas. L. Bsydkb. Trenton
Junction, N. J. -
Klni- of Them All.
Kcpreseutntive Cralu comes from a
iirict iii wLsch there are quite a uuni-t-r
of c:eru.aus. In the Klf ty-flist Con
gress a prominent tiernian came to
tl"ush!nton with his son, a boy of
:recoc-ious tendencies of mind, to ol
orve the workings of Congress. He
quite a frientl of the Texas member
!iil Cralu took a seat In the gallery
y taeir UJe to point out the notabYs
'Jio lloue. It was the time . when
iiiiio was a great deal of talk about
Jper.kiT UeeU au.l his rulings. Tut
words "Cc:(r" and "Tyraut" were on
verj bcxly's tonjrue when discussing
,'on;;riTisiual affairs. After the boy
tad fe.isteil his eyes on the scene in
course of development ou the floor for
.oine time, he turned to his father:
l'apa. who are all those men down
(here in the seats, talking and readiu
iU-1 laugliiuK?"
The German looked at the members
on the tloor whom the boy had indl
cated, ami replied:
"My poy, detu isu de shpeakers of de
House of Itebresentatlves."
"And who Is that large man on the
platform with the hammer In hir
band?" Indicating Mr. Reed.
"Dot big, fat man dcre? Oh, dot
vos de king of all de shpeakers, my
son," said the Cernian. Washiugtoi
He Wanted to Know.
Mr. Vest, of Missouri, was making
. speech in the Senate, when first Mr.
I -'er arose and began to speak, and
then Mr. Sherman, all three address
ing the chair at the same time. Mr.
Vest looked amazed, and after a min
ute' hesitation, called out:
"Mr. President, Mr. President."
The president paid no attention to
Mr. Vest, however, when the Missouri
mcuber suddenly changed his tactics
by declaring his desire to make a par
liamentary inquiry. This appeal was
not lost on the president.
"The gentleman from Missouri wih
state it," be said. Ignoring Mr. Peffer
and Mr. Sherman.
"I believe I wae addressing the Set.
ate, and bad the floor," said Mx. Yea!,
"but It seems that I have no longer
got It. If I can't get It any other way,
t rise to a parliamentary Inquiry to
find out how 1 lost It."
There was a ripple of laughter lb
the chamber. Mr. Sherman apologized
for his Interruption, and Mr. Vest con
tinued to hold the fort. Washington
One of Philadelphia's moit worthy tnstltii
tt Da la the "Harber school" which recaocty
moved Into Its new tHtUdlDg at Arch sr.. af.
er three years of eunstant growth under tue
fame management. About two Months are re
quired to learn ths trade at IbU achiol, and ow
ing to the liberal t. rnis to student and the
wccmII haa In placing them in good pat-In;
Buaillona when finished, lb-re are always "stu
dents waiting to be admitted, ai fast as vac
oiea occur. A larpre number of letters are daily
received from young men wishing to attend this
Strip Satan of the fine robe that hides
nia cloven foot, and he would not be
Our great sins do not consist so much
In the things we do as In those we ne
glect to do.
Whenever God gives a cross to bear,
t Is a prophecy that he will also give
is strength.
If.ainictrd with tore eves ns Or. Iwae Thome.
en t tva-ttau j. linutKlata kU at 2nc per bo Ills
No matter what appearances may be.
he road God tells us to take Is always
te best
Whc-never the clock ticks. It brings
he time nearer when the door of mercy
vlll abut
There are not mint millionaires allva
o-d iy whom augela do not consider
jour tutu.
pen rtr - Jia
1 w -v-
i n I
In I l II
Bass Bzasastloa la Beerat Flctl
Baatlasesital Asia Paaaiaaf
which la well, otherwise we should be
bored. Suppose every lover proposed
In precisely the same way! One effect
,m h the demnliahlnr ol the hmd-
atm of gtocj writer. December
Batbors gallantly vary the Interesting
moment in their tales. Her is the way
tb(,7 gt around the difficulty:
Mr. Howeus young laay in Harpers,
after flatly telling the young man that
ahe guesses she dont care for him. and
he can go away, says: "Thank yon. I ! by consumption in early years that
my wunea to know the worst. And , there is real cause for anxiety. In
you're not going away bating nr the early stages, when not beyond
"No; loving you more than ever." I the reach of medicine, Hood s Sarsa
Sbe turns her face and averts her ' P" will restore the quality and
eyes. "Why what ar yoo-golng quantity of the blood and thus give
forr j good health. Bead the following letter:
"Phllllppar He throws. his arms! "It Is bat Just to write about my
about her and clasp herto him. I
Mr. Ho wells offers no explanation for
aer turnabout propensities. His silence
adds weight to his acorn for vacillating
Kate Douglass Wlgjrin strings oat the
sToposal In her story to a column, which
Is bad at least for the article. But the
lovers are forty and thirty-el x, so It
does not much matter. And they baa
been engaged before.
In truth, Madge Robertson has a pret
ty story of a wealthy young medical
student, who so pities a deformed little
child at a clinic that he finally allows
her to keep the coveted exquisite silver
box of bon bons he was about to carry
aa a birthday gift to the girl of his
heart. He explains to the young lady
the absence of any gift from him. When
be had finished there were tears In the
girl's eyes, and she extended her bands.
"Ton will go and see the little thing
again,' she said, sof tly,"and I I shouM
like to go with you."
iow. his heart beating painfully.
He kissed her hand. Then he kissed
her arm. Then be looked up into bet
eyes, and then he kissed her Hps. All
this goes to prove that the way to win a
girl la to find an object of charity antf
bestow on It something Intended fo
In Llpplncott's, Mary E. Stlckney'a
novel, "The Old Silver Trail,'' has a
double-barreled proposal. The first does j
not connt, because the silver mine
blows up and kills the girl's father In
the midst of It. and the girl breaks with
her lover, whom her father haled, be
cause he has Ideas about Providence
1 and Its Interference. Here is the seo
ond proposal
"la it vnadlv vnnT" ho infrodulnnKlv
whispered, with trembline touch carets
Ing the little hands. "You here? Why
are you here. Dorothy?"
The doctor wrote me that you were
sick," she faltered, her fingers tighten.
Ing on his with a sort of shuddering
tenderness as at a remembered terror.
"And you came for that. Dorothy,
sweetheart? The last time I saw you
you told me that you hated me. It was
not true?"
"I think I think more of you than
thought I did," she murmured.
"Ah, the happy thought! God bless
you for It, sweetheart mine.' -
This Is essentially a Western methoa
of patching up affairs. There is nothing
so efficacious In the welding together
of two severed hearts as a case of braio
fever and an understanding doctor.
Itobert Barr's hero is frightfully pro.
sale in "The Understudy," in the Cos
mopolitan. "OU," answered the girl. "I have no
putleuce with you."
"I'm sorry for that, Mary," said Or
ootid, "for If I could bare made a liv
ing I intended to oak you to be mj
"Oh!" cried the girl, breathlessly,
turning her bead away. After the usual
demurrer she says "Yes."
Further search reveals the amazing
fact that the proposal In literature at
leant is becoming obsolete. Stories
there are of a plenty, but In the English
publications they mostly relate to mys
terious disappearance of diamonds, or
tre tales of conspiracy or intrigue, and
in the American product the proposal is
ill done behind the scenes the reader
Is introduced to the engaged couple or
to the married pair. The sentimental
ge Is passing, evidently, and we con
temptuously hurry over the romantJa
episode to reach those dramatla crises
in life which seems to occupy the atten
tion of both writers and readers Chi
cago Newa
Par Bld is the safeguard ot health. KP
vour blool pure, rich and full of vitality by tak
log Hood's Ssrsapsrilla, and yoa will not need
to fear the attacks of disease.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, aonstlpaUoa
jsuudlce, sick headache. btlloaneas. 2&c
There's heaps of men who'll cheer
fully spend two hours any day teachin'
a dog to jump over a stick, bat if their
grown-up children don t know tne
slrtbabet they never worry over the
FITS stopped Ireo by la- Kuicri Obkav
Kekvs lla-Tosia. No tits alter first day's use.
Mai telous cure treatise and S2.00 trial bottle
Iree. lr. Kline, 31 Aich St.. rnlla.. ra,
For his method of photographing
colors Professor Lippraann has re
ceived the prize of $2400 awarded by
the French Government every six
vears to the author of the most useful
discovery to French industry.
Dr. Kilmers ewaxp-KuoT cures all
Kidney and Bladder trouble.
1 amplilt-l and Consultation Iree.
Laboratory Bingbaiuiou, N. V.
The new type of passenger locomo
tives jucl turned out of the A I toon a
Penn.) shops of the Pennsylvania,
styled c sss L, are ea d to combine the
latest improvements both in design
and arts.
Via. Wlnsiuw'a r-ooiniu tyrun lor ctilMraa
UMblng, sullen 'be guim, led.ice luilm.ui
llfeli. allaya 1-ain. cured W1U 1 euilc. fc3 a JJIU
Emperor Wi ham rises at 5, the
Queen Kegeut of Spaiu at 7. King
Humbert and Omar of Sweden at t.
Victoria at 8.
Brown's Bronchi l Tuocura are unrivalled
lo leiieviug oubI, linarae.ieaiaud all 'Ibroat
Tioule. &oid only in btts.
The Illinois supervisors have started
a fund with which to b.ild a monu
ment to ueoeral Clarke, the hero of
fort Gage.
I e tuH not get alnn? without Fein's Cure for
t'oiii-uin tlon It i Iway cure mrs. a. c.
MoULTOS, .Nv eatiam niaaa.. uci.
Berlin's famous Jbiergmen is to be
adorned with thirty-two statues of
sovereigns of the house of tiohen
ijllern. Core Ou..rante. d by lR. J B. MAKR, MIS
Arh ., fHlLA.. FA. rase at once: no opera
lion or delay Irom bus! i ex Consultation free.
rDdur-emems ol phy.l law., 1 .dies and prouii
iciit citizen, .-end lor circular, olice buur 9
A.M. MS f. m.
It took the old man Parker tei. years
to make up bis mind that it only rained
birtv-nine days and nights instead of
I forty, and just as he had it all settled
!,.., n u r . b. I 1 1, u BrUrkfA fami tf nff trk
they earned the whole famiy off
the i'worhoiue as paupers.
I it lieu eve trie pKaAet cans too tlevTl
by his right name, somebody In the con
Is gregatJon haa his feelings hurt.
I Christ went about doing- good. Too
many of his proressed followers alt
down in a warm room and talk about it.
Christ did not come into the world to
bo admired for bis knowledge, bat to
abed his blood to make atonement for
Anxiously watch declining health of
their daughters. So many are cut off
daughter Cora, aged IB. Bhe was com
pletely ran down, declining, had tnat urea
feeling, and friends said ahe would not
live over three months. Bhe had a bad
nag Gi
and nothing seemed to do her any good.
I happened to read about Hood's Baraapa
rilla and had her give It a trial. From ths
very first dose she began to get better.
After taking a few bottles she was com
pletely cured and her health has been the
bast ever since." Mas. Ad&ik Pxcx,
12 Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y.
"I will ssy that my mother has not
stated my case in as strong words aa I
would have done. Hood's Sarsaparills
has truly cured me and I am now welL'
Cora Pick, Amsterdam, N. Y. "
Be sure to get Hood's, because
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $L
Prepared only by C. I. Hood a Co., Lowell, Mass.
mm . , ar purely vegetable. re-
1IUUU S fills liable and beuenelsx a
"tira'adma Stowe."
At Hartford, Conn., where the aged
Harriet Beecher Stowe lives, they
tell a good story, which the Boston
Commonwealth reports, of her preco
rlous prnndson.
A neighbor found him swinging rath-
r too vigorously an another neighbor's
front irute. and warned him that Mr.
Smith might not like It. Whereupon
! the Independent young gentleman re-
narked that "I don't care for Mr.
Smtt h. or his ox, or his ass, or anything
bnt is his.
"Do you know who wrote those
n-onto?" asked the friend, deeply
ibocked. "Oh," was the nonchalant
-eply, "I d'no Grandma Stowe, I sup
Times Have Changed.
A Maine paper notes as evidence of
iie change that has come over methods
ind men that whereas In old times the
jajmaster on the Kennebec Ice fields
lever used anything but cash and
brotherly love In making payments, he
iow keeps a loaded revolver on his
able as a precaution against the possi
Sllity of bold thieves trying to snatch
lis pile of greenbacks
The Illustration shown herewith Is small la
slae. but really Urge when we consider that
tho " Wooden Hen" is no larger than a live
hen, yet haa double the capacity. It weighs
only fifteen pounds, hasa capacity of tweuty-
kui eggs, ana wniis not a toy, is Just aa
amiuung, ueuaes Doing instructive as well.
We suinrest that everv reader of this writ
Mr. Geo. H. Stahl, Quinsy, Ills., aad ask for
a copy of hiahandsom little booklet "A,"
describing the "Wooden Hen;" also his bug
catalogue oi ine atoaei jsxneislor laoubator.
AH sent Ireo. Mention this papec -
I may be mistaken about it, but
has always seemed to me that the prin
cipal object in makin' campaign
speeches was to give a few hundred
men opportunity to lie about those who
could not agree with 'em on matters in
Seeaess CaaaaC a Car4
by local application , aa they cannot reach the
llaeaaed portion of the ear. There la only one
mr to oars Dsafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Ueatnea Is caused by an in
tatned condition of the mucous lining of the
'.ustacnian -rurje. nnen ima iuh get in
lamed vou have a rumblino- sound or imner.
rct hearing, and when it ia entirely clueed
ueainem is tne remit, ana unless ine innam
nationoan be taken out and this tnbe re
stored to ita normal condition, hearing will be
lent roved forever; nine cases out tea are
auxed by catarrh, which ia nothing but an in-
namea oonaiuon or the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Ullar for anv
sa-w of ileaf neaa caused bv catarrh! 1 hat can.
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for
circulars, iree.
P. 3. rHSW T A Co., Toledo, O.
EsVSold by Drtuoista. 7So.
A man makes a fool of himself
about once a month durin' his natural
life, and yet because his horse balks
once a year he jumps on his bat and
wants to shoot somebody or sometnin
right off quick.
Ever since IW there have been women (store
cue yeu" whoelalm that I here h no soa? half
as nood. or as economical ai uwumu, unuw.
There mutt be -omi truth In their claim. Try
it, see how much. Year grocer has It.
Dalline; on Horses' Hoof.
There Is a well-known Detroit physi
cian who has been looking for yea
for some plan to prevent snow "balling"
on the hoofs of his horses. Recently he
discovered what he has been IffOaliig
for. For years he haa tried every sort
of device that he could conceive of or
that had been brought to hla attention
by other people, but the snow was al
ways "balling" up in the hoofs, Just the
same, much to the danger of the horse
and his own discomfiture. The other
day he was coming down Woodward
avenus and the same old trouble was
wearing on his patience. Getting out
of his buggy, he went Into a drug store,
and, asking for some drug he wanted,
incidentally remarked that he would
like something, too, that would prevent
snow "balling" up on his horse.
Well," said the druggist, "I should
think you ought to know how to stop
that" Giving the doctor two ounces of
glycerin, he told him to divide it evenly
on the four hoofs of his horse. The
physician took the prescription and ap
plied it as told. He drove on downtown,
snd, getting out, looked at the horse,
to find that there was no snow what
ever on any roof. It seemed a complete
cure. Oil and lard have often been
tried, but opposed by veterinarians, on
the ground that they keep the moisture
i away from the hoof, thereby doing it
Injury. This falls of application to gly
cerin, for' It will mix with water. It
will not injure the hoof, and, It seems,
will keep the hoof free from snow.
Detroit Free Press.
QOLOcyrnoi, t t i imnff!
Such ills as
A meteor which fell in Australia re
cently had a large mass of pure cop
per imbedded In one side.
France hi the only European country
which has to-day fewer able-bocuet'
men than It had thirty years ago.
An infant weighing seven pounds at
birth will weigh seven and a half on
the tenth day and eleven on the thir
teenth. I
A sponge having a circumference of
five feet six Inches has been taken
from the waters of Biscay ne Bay,
Workmen excavating for a bouse in
Portland. Ore., unearthed a large two-'
handed sword, such as was used In the
early centuries.
In Germany the butchers have lately
been raising the price of horse meat.
owing to the exhaustion of the supply
of cheap horses.
A new set of natural teeth are push-
big through the long, smootn gums
of 84-year-old Uncle Jake Lawrence,
of Unlontown, Ky.
Hair dye Is considered so detrimental
to long life that a Paris Insurance com
pany refuses to Insure the lives of per
sons who use It
Italy is more celebrated for Its thea
ters than any other nation In Europe.
The theaters at Naples, Parma and
Milan are the largest In Europe.
In Hebrew marriages the woman is
placed te the right of her mate. With
every other nation In the world her
place In the ceremony Is on the left
Five generations of one family are
living on a homestead at Bardstown,
Ga. The bead of the family, W. O
Cherry, has 186 living descendants.
In Rnalnn Poland all trains must
stop at every station until the chief o?
police (or gendarmerie) of the place
gives permission for their departure.
The city of San Salvador, capital of
the Central American republic of the
same name. Is called the swinging mat,
on account of Its numerous earth
quakes. It Is stated that the copper used In
coining pennies at the Philadelphia
mint costs 17 cents a pound nnder a
contract made in 1890, while the pres
ent price is less than 10 cents a pound.
Statistics show that during the year
1805 no fewer than twenty-two period
icals dealing with the science and art
of medicine have been added to the al
ready ample supply produced in Paris.
One of the results of a visit of a
party of scientists to Alaska la the
demonstrated fact that coal abounds
In our northwesternmost territory and
may be mined In close proximity to the
best and most accessible harbors lu
that region.
Bishop Butler, the author of the "An
alogy," walking in bis garden one
night with his chaplain, asked him
whether "public bodies might not go
mad as well as Individuals," adding
that "nothing else could account for
most of the transactions in history."
Odds against horses were set forth
and candidates asked how they could
win a certain amount in any event, iu
a problem of a recent London univers
ity examination paper. The religious
newspapers have protested since
against the question as Improper.
The wheat-growing lands of Texas
are in the region northwest of Fort
Worth, and the average crop about 8,
000,000 bushels. It Is said that the fre
quent and abundant rains that have
fallen since . the growing crop was
seeded give excellent promise for the
yield of 1896.
The city of Washington, which was
barely able to keep one theater going
twenty years ago, Will have seven hand,
some theaters next season. This shows
a gratifying growth of the federal cap
ital, which was little more than a com
fortless southern village prior to the
war period.
A young man In Hunterdon County,
New York, has succeeded In winning
the hlckorynut-eatlng championship by
devouring a peck of nuts at one sitting.
Fortunately the doctors saved hla life,
after several hours of hard labor, so
that he stands ready now to defend
hla title against all comers.
The great profits of street car busi
ness is shown by the report of the rapid
transit company of Minneapolis and St
Paul for the year ending Dec. 81, 1805.
The gross earnings on the 22S miles of
line In St Paul and Minneapolis were
$1.988,803.44,andthenet earnings $258,
170.09, an Increase of $38,809.37.
Warns Tavllaa
Whether oa pi sure bant, or basins, ak
oa every trip a bottle ot Syrap of alas, as it
acts most pleasantly aad effiSaally oa th
kidneys, liver aad bowels, preventing fevers,
head aches aad other forms of slot For
sal In 50 cant aad Si botttaa by all laadlag
drum lata, sfaanfactared by th California
Fig 8yrnp CXaaapaay only.
Visitor (hearing the piano la the next
room) Is that your daughter? She
appears to be playing with only one
hand. Gentleman of the House Yes:
her fallow ts probably playing with the
Colorado reduced its yield of silver
last year by $2,500,000 and increased
its gold Output by $6,200,000.
o nod th. like,
in 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 ii mnrx , j
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Cocoa is Pure it's all
Cocoa no filling no
chemicals. waiter
Was Before
Thei Osei to Su "I7aan's Work Is Refer Done."
Wipes out
au.vi.a at f .tandfali.
Having secured his pilot. It Is the
Mptaln's next aim to make a -land-
.. nr-har la to aav. ne wisnew w
IBU. - .
iv.- nf onmA well-known OD
comv im ws v
lect on shore which, being marked
jets " . . . ,, vim tiut
down on nis cnan, w. """ -
w- I. and how be must steer te
find the entrance to the harbor.
A special Hghtnouse is usuau
bject sought, and in approaching New
l'ork harbor it is customary for steam
ers from Europe to first find, or "sight
Fire Island Lighthouse. This to on a
little sandy Island near the coast , of
Long Island.- Besides the lighthouse
there Is on this Island a signal and
telegraph station. When, therefore,
the liner steams In sight of Fire Island
Light she hoists two signals, one of
which tells her name and the other the
welfare of those on board. The opera
tor then telegraphs to the ship's agent
In New York that she has been sighted
tnd that all on board are well or at
otherwise. .
The ship's course Is then laid to reaco
the most prominent object at the har
bor entrance. In this case Sandy Hook
Lightship. She Is easily recognized: a
big, cradle-shaped hulk painted red,
with two stumpy masts having black
ball-shaped cages on top of them. If
It were night she would be found by a
light at her masthead flashing brightly
white for twelve seconds and Invisible
for three. St Nicholas.
Intantlv stops the mot excrnclsttng pain, al
lays inflammation ant cures oiiiKesllons.wuetbet
ot the l.unit. .Stomach, Bowels, or other glaada
or mucous membrane.
Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza,
Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Bheuma
matism. Neuralgia, Headache,
Toothache, Asthma, Dif
ficult Breathing.
CUHES THE WoltST I'AI.N'3 In from one to
twenty minutes. Not one hour after reading thl
a-lvertinement need unyone bL'FrEK WITH
For headache (whetner sick or nervous) tooth
ache, ueumlgia, rhematioin. lumbago, pains aad
exk liens iu the baelt. spine or kidneys, pain
around the liv-r. pleurl-y, swelling ol the JolnM
Slid pains ol all kiluK the appllcuU m or Kal
aay's Kadway's Ueady Kelief will afford Imme
diate ease, and lis contiuueu use iur a lew uara
ellect a permanent cure,
TAKEN INWAHliLV A half to a teaspoonfol
in hall a tumbler of water lor stomach trouble.
Colic, Wind in the bowels. Cold chllls.Feveraod
Aguu. Iiiarrhoea, Sick Ucojache, and all uitsr
r,al pains.
P lee doc per bottle.Sold by all Druggists
A limited amount of stock of the JUSTIIIB
GuUiMIMNU CO. (property near the celebra-U-d
1m t-. nik-nce mid I'urtland mines), will be
sold at 3 cent per share par I.U By request
ol correi-p udent we extend lime for purchase
to ebruarv 'lh. Wnte lur proipectus.
We hnndle no "wild rat" l.ut only the most
conservative investments. f!-t In bt-fore the rise
that is sure to come. Highest references given.
C. VV. HOYT & CO.,
Bankers and Brokers.
Jacebson Bldg.. Denver, Colo.
Would b dearer than ALARASTIVB,
which does not require to be takes off tm
reoew. does not harbor terns. bt diatrajj.
them, and any one can brush it on.
Sold by oil paint dealers. Write tor card
with samples.
ALABASTINE CO., Grani Rapids. Mid.
If you haveaoytbingyoii wish to advertise,
write me for rat?s. I insert advertise
ments in all pablicatinnsin the U.S., aad
niy effort ia to make your investment pay
Advertisement written and attrMteljr
put in type, iet tr of advice written to in
tending advertisers. (Jorrospradence io-r
B. I.. CRAWS, ntrlftewood, W. ?
The Mutual GolJ Mlnlnz an J Investment Cana-t
pany, Co oradu.
Incorporated for the purpose of enabling mall
investor by pooling iuteresu to achieve the re
sult ot mtwed capita; Capital Mock only
iw prtgnbte in monthly instalments of 0
cents ptK share. Non forleitnble after 10 par
cent, ha-4 been paid, with monthly income ol
JU00, choice property can be purchased and
thoroughly deve oped. Ulcers, repreeolallTe
men. ii nt New York and leaver Bank relet
eiict). address for prospectus
8 JacoU on block, Denver, Colo,
caused bv faal water than by anv other eauIT
Our Wiu Dhiixiko MacHiaaav obviates the dlffll
eulty and drills well. blow anrface MntamlMOaaa
'a, ' 1 w -'.- 1'ir", uur. in.re la num.. wmt
LOOMIS t N YM AN. Tiffin. Ohio.
riaryland Farms 'ff &
logue Iree. GEO. F. MCK.EUSON.Eastoa.lld.
Nornhln. Il.uir.n.
to Sod.ye. ! par III! eared.
nPIIIII WHISKY habits cut.d. Book seat
UrlUM ran. w. a. a. woou.nr, sTLasra, as.
lL-J '-Jll-S J I m aa.
b "8"' ki a wit 1
In time. KM h,
i is a..
I II 1 1
Fs Pure
baker r,..
the Day of